of the notice of the meeting adequate notice of this meeting of the library Board of Trustees was sent out by email to our official newspapers the as Park Press and the coastar please stand for the pledge of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with Li and justice for all um I do have two excused AB absences that's Johanna Robinson and Maria Rondo Jimmy and Daniel are having a meeting tonight jimy okay first personal call is Jimmy he's not here Jerry buus Bruce here Casey here here me I'm here Maria not here johanna's not here Mike present Sharon and Danielle is thank thank you can I have approval of the minutes from the April meeting motion I'll second thank you all in favor okay the next order I believe is Mr home yes and just uh just say you know the order of the meeting um leis will talk after me about the updates on the program he will then go upstairs while Darlene and Sharon are giving their report and then dead who's covering upstairs they do a switch so that can downstairs to go over hers uh Mike and I met this morning I want to thank uh Mike for coming to meet with the our um engineering firm and the construction firm as you can see in the back all the windows are in they went in on on Friday uh and we went over the procedures um when it's going to start safety concerns and and with Mike's expertise uh he was able to go over some things that I didn't think of so Mike I want to thank you for for being there um and uh just to give you an idea Mike if I miss anything please tell me um starting Thursday uh to the idea is to put the scaffolding off he did say that there's a possibility it could start Monday but the idea is to start start Thursday the order of the windows is to do the back of the building uh first starting at that that corner over there uh there was sent out notice to our patrons that that door will be um closed and not we won't be able to use that um until they move further along the back however ever if we have someone that needs to use that uh door they can contact the library we can stop the you know construction if they need to to come in we also want it for regress if there's an emergency um that it's it's available um as well but again starting with the the small Windows going this way and then once we get to the back uh Ted from MTB said we would discuss then in terms of based on how it's going what would be next in terms of the uh the windows uh the idea is the so when we're starting here obviously we will have that door uh we won be using that door and the back wall of the building we will only be allowing the adults to be using the computers and um looking at the books on this side um of the wall for safety concerns if anything was to fall while they're working uh lisis I didn't tell you yet but you and I are going to be going up on top and moving down all the pictures okay and the and the yes and the um the wireless uh routers and the TVs and whatnot so we'll be uh doing that um we did talk about when we do get to the to the sides and to the front in terms of what bookshelves what um need to be boxed up um mik Michael did also talk talk to them about putting something down to prevent things from falling down behind the bookshelves um trying to remember Mike what else um did we go over those the main items uh you also expressed the particular sensitivity specifically in the children's area over on the adult area um the existing bookshelf provides a nice barrier so we can just kind of partition off that section of the work it's much more open in the children's section and the the children might be harder to Wrangle so we just need to see exactly what their impact is and if we do need to restrict uh children's access while they're working in those areas an Ideal World he's thinking maybe you could do it as quickly as a window a day so it might not be a prolonged activity but nonetheless we want to make sure that it's it's sa and adequate the of moving books are going to be you the two front walls where the books actually protrude a little bit off the shelf you know so Dave dve suggest we just get those out of there so they're not bumping into them or damaging them on the balance of the books they're just going to tarp over and they're going to put a protective sheet just on the top of the bookshelves which should also Bridge the back because the shelves don't go all the way to the wall um I know some of them have blocking in there I sh all um the only other item there there's above the door just need he just needs to figure out his access because that's basically from the outside only unless uh he can get into that little duct area and then that one Outlet by children's area window we should probably get that out of his way y before he gets there or at least get it loose so it can be moved more easily and also covering the computers when he gets to that front window the he said would he said it would tarp the computers working in there we don't expect there to be much damage or debris or anything but getting dust on those things would be a Nuance um we do anticipate that he's going to have some damage to the landscaping and grass and do anticipates doing that some of the work he's going to be doing on scaffold some of the work he's going to be doing off of a boomlift the boomlift will probably be tire prints and ruts and whatnot but he understands that he understands he needs to mitigate that he's done is there any problem with where the generator we went over that as as well in terms of how he would be able to get to that he was initially thinking that he's just going to use scaffold on the whole back of the building and then we pointed out that that corner is kind of tricky so we specifically looked at that while we were walking with him today and he evaluated the conditions that might be also an area he's planning on using the boom lifts in the front of the building because of the trees and the moat it might make it difficult for him to get his scaffolding up he's going to try his scaffolding but he might not he said there he he he would also potentially use the boom left because that's also what power comes into the building so he's got to make sure he's working safely in the vicinity of the power you think that it needs to be talked over also I don't know I'm Does anything go in there I I know it's basically enclosed but I know at one point we had talked about I don't think that has to no it's all closed okay it's just going to be kind of getting the right angle it is a large piece out there so that's the update on ready for the program yes sir okay uh had a pretty eventful last month uh we had uh the big event was the writer blck book forer it was uh a big uh a big success we had over about 30 authors uh come present their books on on display we had about 300 people flow through the events during uh during the hours that we were there uh all the all the authors reported a big success a big satisfaction with with the results of the event and we are now plans are now in development for two additional Book Fairs in October one for adults one for children right before uh uh Halloween and those dates we're looking at is October 12th for the adults and children it will be October 29th uh in the afternoon right after the school hours stuff like that so uh I'll be uh reaching out to the authors including um a lot of Belmar authors that missed the opportunity the first time around to make sure they get in uh first dibs on the spots in there um so we're excited about that uh the this disbility law and Medicare workshops both went well they had light but steady uh steady attendance uh every every month uh new crops that people are finding their they need uh information on Medicare and on uh special needs uh families they're and they're coming to these events uh regularly which is good uh we had an author time event with Morin spataro she had attendance about 13 she spoke about her book and about um um the recovery and uh uh from um uh this the effects of uh abuse uh growing up and that was good uh we had a cryptocurrency event it was lightly attended about four people but they were interested in cryptocurrency and they all learned something new which is great um and the Edgar Allen po event was well attended we had about 30 people we had some mixed reviews on the performance um but uh we'll take that into account going forward as we get additional uh living uh history uh promise for next year so we're looking for that so upcoming events we have an author time coming up uh soon uh Lucille Melina Move On by this is her book right here and um she is a Belmore local she's a member of the historical society and this is a a book on uh team team management uh based on her uh experience as a dog musher on dog saled teams so uh on VI is a particular type of command and and she's going to use those to tell about how you can take your team and bypass the obstacles in your way and move ahead in your projects so this going to be a really cool one to get um we have another off of time on June 15th uh his name is Chris Bogart we've had him before his book is sunflowers it is a book of poetry of the war in Ukraine and uh describing the effects of the war and how it's affecting people there I've seen bits of the book it's actually very good uh Chris has been here before with a very successful author time for his previous book which was a poetry on race relations and that went off very very well so I'm looking forward to having him back um the uh I I did a presentation to the Women's Club on the his on the history of the founding of belmare of the Belmar Public Library um the the presentation was well received the video of the event is now up on the website uh if you're interested in the the story behind the founding of the library it's actually quite interesting it's it's fascinating what the ladies went through so if you're interested please visit the website on the history in the library page and the video will be there um some technology issues uh to update you real quick deep freeze has now been installed on all the public computers so this is a program as you record that will when uh a patron steps away from the computer or after an Ina period of inactivity of 30 minutes or more the system automatically reboots and resets itself to a preconfigured uh locked in configuration and that wipes out any changes to uh anything that the that the Patron made so any personal information the patron Left Behind or personal documents or downloads wiped out clean and brought back to normal so we won't have any uh privacy issues anymore um a new printer to replace the ker printer is on order and it's currently backward it'll be coming soon once you get it we'll have it up and running um also we're getting new uh licenses for all the Microsoft Office applications on the public computers this will allow patrons to easily access those programs without needing their own Microsoft uh accounts and stuff um and finally uh thing I have to point out is um I recently attended a uh by LinkedIn New Jersey a library technology Summit it was an all day seminar on the emerging Technologies for the library the two big themes is artificial intelligence and um and website accessibility for disabled people um I'll be looking into taking what I learned from that and seeing how we can sensibly apply some of these uh AR of Technology possibilities in future technology movements um and as for website accessibility for disabled people um there are opportunities for us to enhance our website like screen readers and other things that can make people with disabilities be able to access and view our website uh more easily so and that's it I have Jun oh yes I'm sorry juneth the next big event my B okay juneth will be Tuesday June 18th at Taylor Pavilion the or Orchestra is set the John luckel Orchestra will be returning to perform for us uh they're doing that as part of a grant that they get every year to perform and they like to perform for us uh when they use that Grant so we're very happy to have them back um speakers are currently to be determined the currently speaker that I normally have is unfortunately unable to make it and she just informed me today and so I'm now uh currently uh looking to see other speakers um the theme of this year's event is the story of K teth and uh we will be having mini red velvet cupcakes to serve everybody and uh we are planning to have a panoramic uh display uh designed by our very own Bruce Vey uh with um images from the story of juneth to illustrate the event as well so we're looking forward to have a really nice uh display for that as well um and with that yes so if you have any ideas for Jun te we just you know we were in contact with the speaker from last year and we were happy with her and it was kind of a debate and she just called us today said she can't make it so we're that's like P number one tomorrow for us so if you have any ideas the time that time 700 p.m. 7 Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday it would have been Wednesday the 19th butress report excuse me thank you for your attention all right our budget amount was $69,000 spend to date was $1,284 188 waiting to pay vendors was $24.97 um so with our spend to date and waiting to pay is $168,300 69015 and that again is still not the the entire only second that's right okay any questions okay my report is actually very short happy um last year last month I think I mentioned that we had a wonderful speaker that was here um uh leis had managed to find this young man called Zach and he came in and he talked about um homelessness in our area and um one of the things that we discussed after he had done his presentation he did a year-long research I mean he visited homes and he visited shelters and he I mean he really is unbelievable 17-year-old but one of the things that was mentioned was that he said that a lot of the homeless people what they really needed were watches they just don't know what time to report what time to be at the shelter what time to go for the job interview if you don't have a watch you never realize you know cell phones is one thing but a watch is is another thing that's really really important so with keeping that in mind um leou and I had a couple of discussions about it and I knew that Bruce our wonderful um helper out upstairs is very good with graphic design and he came up with the beautiful design that I'm sure you've seen it's been on the Facebook page and someone like that and all we were doing all we were doing was have a seat uh we're collecting watches so I picked this up from my mother today I was visiting her she had a Timex watch which was one of hers and one of my dad's old watches um I think that it's just going to be a wonderful thought to be able to I know Deb can probably attest to how many have come in in fact quite a few came in today as I understand from uh Avon was it Avon I think it was Avon Library I think uh leis had mentioned it to me that uh they had had a friends of the library sale and they had leftovers and so they just donated the extra watches to us because they knew that we were doing that so that was it's nice to collaborate with with that kind of thing so hopefully um we'll have a chance to meet with Levi uh Zach and his dad and uh have him come and pick them up and go over some of the watches and see how they want to best use them just leave it at that you mention the is value well that's what I think we'll talk to the father when he comes in I will mention that um the other thing is we have a donor who wants to um donate in memory of a spouse um a memorial bench and so we looked at some options um I think we discussed it back in either December or Fe or January February something like that we come with some ideas uh so this individual has looked at several of them is willing to pay for it themselves um I've actually talk to Pat to see if I could get some ideas of someone that might be interested in doing either illustrations art artwork something like that and I I know Anita is in the back there so she knows a little bit about what I was talking about with the benches remember we talked about benches a while ago in the shape of a book oh yeah okay anyway so that's one of the things that we're looking to um see if the board is in approval um we just need to have an approval from the board in order for her or him to be able to do this um and I think they'll just be a small little plaque in memory of the spouse that passed um it would look a little bit like this I apologize for the terrible picture I couldn't get it printed but here is at least a blank one so you can see now it would be fiberglass so with it being fiberglass instead of cement it will last longer and it's really made for outside and so it should be a great thing for our residents to sit upon the children to enjoy and so on and so forth so so um I guess I have to ask for a motion yes a motion for that to see if uh this would be allowed and we could pick a spot on it and stuff like that that that would be up to us but uh could I have I I guess I would like to make a motion that we accept this donation in honor of uh the spouse that passed and um that this person will be responsible for all of the prices incurred second okay do I have any objection let's vote then all in favor anyone against any obts so moveed um that's it for my president okay I'll be quick not much so I just wanted to first of all tell everyone that we are uh launching the summer reading for this summer I just brought down a flyer if you want to pass it around just to see what we're doing it's Bingo theme we want to play Bingo out on the lawn on the first day of the launch um we're hoping to get a big turnout I I'm hoping so I just want you to know that was launched I think I brow beat your daughter into saying she had to participate um the second thing was mentioned I don't remember who mentioned it to me if it was you or maybe about an open house yes um the ladies upstairs all contributed ideas and they are great they would love to have an open house but they would like to do it with a theme of some kind it could be an author it could be a genre it could be anything but we would do more than one in other words and have the theme and I just wanted to throw that out there because this is something that they would like they felt just having an open house people coming in and out looking around wasn't as as enticing as having some kind of dra to it so something to think about and my last thing is just I just want to tell everyone about the Strategic plan um our next meeting is the 23rd we haven't met since the last time three of the members have been traveling Europe so they all are du back this week and early next week so our meeting will be Wednesday night and then at the next meeting of yours I'll be able to update you on what went on there and that's it just those three things anybody have any questions or good okay so how how would you like submissions to come to you through an email of ideas you were just saying that they email me you can we can chat upstairs you can um tell whoever's working you know well this might be a great idea and uh everyone's open to it they like the idea of of Hosting so I think it would be a nice a nice suggestion that's great okay and if anyone has any questions that are not in reference to the theme that's fine too yeah you know you know there if they come have a question so it's it's an open house with a theme but if there's any anything questions yeah we just figured the theme might be able something throw out there windows are coming I see new things on the horizon through the window through the window I have seeing is believing I'm already writing down ideas and one of the things I was thinking about um that L said I just wanted everyone to know is um he was talking about the the book fair we did check and it doesn't um it's not competing with the trunk Retreat oh perfect heard October 29th I thought well I can get a problem well it's it's good that we have the ability and that was one of the things that I mentioned with DPW sending a calendar the event so that right you know we we all know and the hardest thing is you don't want to compete you don't want to compete with something else so and we check we always I always uh bar or John if we have any question okay than thank you have a good night everyone you tooo thank you okay uh old business anything to bring up regarding old okay I guess I think we talked about most of the things that have already taken place so let's go to new business thing I we had talked about that tpr yes I know you mentioned that there would be one we had it for staff and then we will the problem is is that Rob we have to wait till the fall because he's very busy from now he's doing some other towns and doing some St right so it will be in the fall for the the AG good yeah but he did a great job and and we really had a great turnout with the staff to come on a Friday afternoon and um well do they offer them through um first aid or firehouse or anything like uh instructors I think Rob does ites Rob does it so he does our department and uh a few other towns I think he's an instructor yeah he was doing for I think for seag Manan I saw it on and does he do two two different ones like an adult one and a children's one noive and they incorporate the using the defi def the one though for the patrons will probably be a community one it's not as long you know I'm not sure if it has the um for for the community for the staff we have but I'll I'll I know we offered it at one time in my school district but I I don't know if all the schools I know Belmar does it it should be coming up in September uh it's good it's a two year you're C for two years and and all of the ads now are the same in the town so we had a different one before but we want to make sure that we all same good any other new business this is a record please okay public comments reita pelli First Avenue first the summer concerts um originally roaded this 10 years ago and the continent if you've lived here a long time uh you you remember things like the seafood festival wasn't advertised on Friday that was for the locals and you will get those DJ cards for the party after the season so the concept was Pat Rody would open the season and Pat R would close the season it was like a thank you to the residents it was he's a native he's a he's a rock you know he the musician he's a professional there was never supposed to be a summer Rock series there was never supposed to be six seven concerts it was just a thank you for the residents a beginning to the season and and an end to the season going over your budget you pay $600 for each one of these bands and the Kid Rock Band these students that are students of Danny White are getting $600 when you paid Mr Ray who's a professional children's concert $400 so again I question how these decisions are made and how the how this money is spent um I'm wondering about the wraparound benches that were outside in the trees they're gone those wraparound benches that Miss Sharon we had we had new ones that were putting out because there was some some of the benches we had some people that were getting cut on them so we have new ones and we're waiting for the DPW to put them out they're in they're already in town they are in town so the yoga classes will have at least 50 people and you had to make new new classes you pay these teachers $50 to me that's an insult these are professional people that spent hours and hours and hours on their craft they've created such a craft that they draw 50 people you have to make another class now you have 50 50 more people you should have restaurants and all kinds of information about Belmar and that hallway up there to to let them they all come from different places they could go to lunch and use our businesses and you're paying these teachers $50 and out for the class I think that's despicable and of course my opinion of June juneth I think that is the essence of white privilege for a white man to decide that a white band with white jackets will play for those slaves that the white people had enslaved for years is to me insulting and red Bellic cupcakes did the slaves get cupcakes no the slaves got nothing they just were released and and juneth they were released two years after the Emancipation Proclamation and can we please at least book tele a pavilion for juneth now for next year so we can get that date thank you very much oh can we cover the generator while we're doing all this work because the children that play back there apparently that's a very unsafe spot can we make like a a little fence around that can we put that somewhere in a list of things oh and can the uh open house wouldn't that be a better plan if it was after the Strategic plan was finished and then we could you know show them the Strategic plan as they came through will just my opinion next thank you hi my name is Sam mozarella I live diagonally across from the library and I bought my house 24 years ago um one of the reasons I bought it where I did was because one love looking at the library it's great you guys do a good job keeping it up and I like the benefit of having it here and I like what you guys do I'm a member um but I have to tell you I um have a bit of a problem uh let me just be very brief and to the point uh what you're doing with the concerts and by the way my my colleagues comments were unexpected um she commented a little bit about the summer concerts um what you're doing is not legal according to state law and according to the bmar ordinance I'm a lawyer I've a lawyer for 40 years um and it's not really my nature to complain um but I've been holding my tongue all this time you can't even hear yourself think inside my house um I have for you selected um provisions of the state law that applies as well as the Belmar ordinance not the entire thing but just select and if you have any doubts after reading these and I've highlighted some important portions for you in yellow if you have any doubts uh I can dispel those doubts you're invited to my house we'll sit in the dining room and we'll have a conversation or we will attempt to while the band is playing for some reason the Acoustics are such that the band music bounces off the stone and and it um uh it's it arrays out uh and it's even louder than I've stood in front um and listened to the ev even louder than um than when you stand in front I've held my tongue for all these years uh because I think it's a good thing generally but I can't stand it anymore to be honest with um and it's like as a good neighbor I picked up the phone called the Library asked what could be done about it and Dave was nice enough to invite me here and I've invited uh Jill hearnen and Tom Madigan as well um to speak on it if you want to hear from them um but I picked up the phone and was invited here and so here I am and I hope that you can do something about it um it is although I'm a lawyer uh and and although this is a clear violation of the law um you know I I'm not I'm not looking for you know I'd like I'd like some sort of compromise you've got piano Plaza right down the street here you've got the park uh right down the road um this is a residential neighborhood and uh state law prohibits you from doing what you're doing I don't want to put it in those terms but it is a Prohibition it's not allowed and the ordinance is even stronger than the state law the ordinance I'll just be very very brief here I don't want to beat a dead horse but hopefully you'll read this stuff or if you have any doubts I'll be glad to come back or you can knock on my door during the next concert and you can see for see and hear for yourself what it's like forget about using my porch if I wanted to sit out there uh and relax uh that's not happening inside my house uh is not my house for the time that the band are in any case um I think the most important provision in the Belmar ordinance well first of all me just briefly the state law says that any ordinance for noise has to be more stringent than state law and Belmar belmar's ordinance is more stringent um belmar's ordinance unlike state law which provides for 65 DB at the complainant's property line belmar's ordinance requires 50 DB at the sources property line that would be your property line so let me give you an idea I know I'm not an expert in decb or in noise but let me just tell you what the Center for Disease Control says um about decb and they give examples um so if you've got a normal conversation like we're having right now normal conversation is between 60 and 70 Deb and so you are prohibited from generating noise louder than this uh at your property line not mine um that is in the um New Jersey no noise Control Act which I made copies for you um in order to read this you need to know that New Jersey statute um allows for certain administrative regulations and those are what I've got in here so statute is called an enabling statute and then the enabling statute allows the state agencies to to to promulgate these Administrative Code Provisions so you'll find it in here and then Centered for Disease Control examples of what certain decb are for example piano practice is 70 DB that's proh it would be prohibited um sorry so in any case your bmar ordinance as I said is required to be more stringent than state law and it is in fact Belmar the Belmar ordinance doesn't even talk about in certain portions of it doesn't talk about measurements in decibels it says the following acts are declared to be loud disturbing and unnecessary nors in violation of this section you don't need to measure the sound you just need to know that section c and by the way this is on page three of my present of the statute here the ordinance section uh 16 3.2 section c is one of the acts that are declared to be a nuisance in and of itself no matter what the noise is is the playing or operating of any radio phonograph television musical instrument or other machine or device for the producing or reproducing of sound in such a manner or volume as to cause a noise disturbance to others in the vicinity that's just the ACT don't have to measure this s additionally under Section e nor shall a loudspeaker or mechanical device in a fixed or movable position exterior to any building which you have or mounted upon any aircraft motor vehicle or motorboard such as the sound there from is plainly audible at or beyond the property boundary of the source okay so if it's plainly audible you got a loud speaker outside and it's plainly audible beyond your property line it's prohibited by our ordinance um I don't want to go over all this it's all here I don't think you'll have questions the ordinance is pretty clear um one more real quick observation uh and I I said it before and I'll say it again um the Belmar ordinance is more stringent than state law it's 50 DB in all residential zones and that's how highlighted on page six here in the table so 50 is less than a conversation um if you have any questions I'd be happy to come back or I'm always available um to answer any questions you might have um and I hope this allows you to make a informed decision uh Dave said that he would uh make copies or or scan so when you scan it I do have you know I have yellow highlights so I think those will come okay um uh and and that's all I have and if Tom or or Jill want to say something you know to them um I would emphasize the noise that you really I I'm Jill um I love what you guys say thinkk you for uh serving the community so well um I love music and I'm also not a complainer but I can tell you that uh it's very difficult to have even a phone conversation with Sam um when he's in his house with the windows closed when the concerts are going on um and certainly not outside with the windows open so as an example of how loud it turns out they are um something that you don't really experience until you experience it um and uh I hope that there's a a way that you guys can continue doing what you do without um impeding on the community children really people who are working in the morning thank you I'm John Walsh um I love what you guys do I'm just trying to figure out I'm I like for what's best for the community how many concerts are there five seven seven seven so they're an hour long hour 15 about they're usually about two hours two hours okay so 2 * 7 14 hours 14 hours out of 365 days that brings this community together I think if it was my house I'm not a a lawyer but I play one on TV if it was my house I would be saying you know what listen let's we live here we suck it up just like I suck it up all summer with people parking in front of my house at 9:00 in the morning cuz there's no parking down the street I mean that's for the better of the community I understand where you're coming from decibles I had a psycho living across the street from me with a a hot r rod with his motorcycles and stuff so I know all about desel and we're from the same uh era Woodstock and if you read the album it said must be played loud and I'm not saying it should be played loud but I'm just saying you know what it's 14 hours out of the Year 14 hours and what I used to do in the summertime I go I wouldn't even go down to the beach I would go down all week I'd go somewhere else I think it's great for the community it brings the community together this lawn is packed with people having a good time and you say bring it down the street okay bring it down the street then those people are going to complain that's what happens it's just like the uh Seafood Festival we don't want it down here put it up here they put it up the street it was Concrete Jungle it sucks up here bring it back down bring it back down so it's down the street again I mean I understand where they're coming from but I also think sometimes you know you look what's for the best of the community if that brings the community together that's a good thing can I reply you sure can like I said I'm not a lawyer just I understand that and I don't want to be one in this context either that's why I didn't pick up the phone for 10 years and complain about it but we don't have the option of sucking up something that's not legal it's this is a statute not only state but a local ordinance you can't just suck it up um and ignore the law um that I you don't have to be a lawyer to understand that um and also yeah it's 14 hours at a 365 days and in some of those hours I had my dog passing who had to listen to this so there's real life going on uh going on inside these houses people come home from work be they want to take a nap maybe some people are arguing maybe some people want to have fun we are being our time and space is being uh dominated by um the library concerts and that is why it's illegal this is not a commercial area this is a residential area and that makes all the difference in the world well you said about the law and and ordinances and it's it's illegal to have stuff hanging from your uh mirror it's illegal if you're supposed to have your wheels parked to the uh curb that's all did they go around enforcing it no they don't could I make could I make a suggestion yeah this period is really for you to be to no that's I just don't want an argument to start AR and just give another opport if you wanted to um speak to the my name is Tom Madigan I live next door to Sam and uh I uh I actually I know Pat Rody and I love his music and I also know he's a bit of a ham and uh he just tends to like run late and uh you know when you're just sitting relaxing if it gets into like 8 8:30 9:00 you know if it gets too late it that's when it gets to be like really it can be really it's just you know can be really annoying so I mean if if he could be rained in and I know it's tough because he's he's he's good at what he does and uh but but uh just uh and maybe maybe the buy him could be checked but you know maybe he could be you know when it's time to end just tell him you know that that it's time to go and uh because uh I I mean I've known him for years and he he is he's a uh a great musician but he's also you know a bit of a ham so maybe he could be rained in and that would be cuz you know when you're just you get home you have you know a bad day at work it's just nice to relax watch a little TV and when you hear that blasting you know well past you know the hour that it should be that that's where it gets me so Well normally it's a public comment period and we don't have discussion back and forth but if I could just say you know to to everyone that we're going to take the information that you you've given to us we're going to go to our attorney just to make sure we understand uh the town attorney make sure understand the law and what you're what you're um telling us um and I've heard words like compromise and working together so I'm hoping that um after I we talk to our board attorney and uh we will get back to you in terms of um um talk to the board as the president you agree with that oh yeah no I definitely want I mean this is I think news for most of us I've lived here 28 years and uh was not aware of the decimal number I I have neighbors that are way louder I I think this is all summer long all summer long I have a lot of renters next to me and yeah but uh I also wanted to know and I know we're not discussing it now but if since you do have information is there anything that ties in with like weather conditions and I'm not being funny I'm being very serious about it and we have wind and I know sometimes I can hear far as if it's right next door to me and it's not so I was just wondering if in your information that you have there and it doesn't have to be now I I know you're getting us information so that's what I was just also wondering about too um I I will look although I've looked already and didn't see anything with respect to that a lot of this stuff is it's very technical and I'm not an expert um but um but we know 65 DB when we when we hear uh it's conversation and so um that's what I'm going by um there's all kinds of technical things I'm sure weather has something to do with it but I'm not I'm not expert enough to be able to supply you with those answers but I will look and I'll get back to you if find if I find anything Mike did you want to say something yeah my child's bedroom is less than 200 ft from the steps direct line the site it is loud I live with it because I think it enhances the community I think the bottom line is we take our first concert put a decel meter on the property line there above 65 Deb we pay the fine and cancel the rest of the concerts I think it's that simple makes me terribly sad because I think it's fantastic benefit for the community but we can't be in violation of law so if it's if it exceeds the desal me I think a compromise would be keeping p and counseling the other I think I don't think there is a compromise that exists in this particular instance because we need to abide by what the ordinance says according to the law here and it sounds quite reasonable I just think it's unfortunate because it is such a nice um amenity I think to the community but I think the answer is we we put that's when we on the property line in addition to pay a fine on the first one and then we just cancel the rest of them in addition to the concerts we have here we have daily music I mean I don't want to call out any names of places because I don't know if we're still being taped but there's a lot of restaurants around the area that play music every night outside music I you know I'm sure they're not aware of if because no one wants to be in violation well Sam I think what's you know you've given us the information I'll go to the our attorney and then we get back to you on talking about like a compromise and said okay are you okay with that yeah um who is the attorney um I'm drawing a blank help me out I don't okay George I could call him directly if you want no no yeah I spoke to the mayor about your concern so he told me to say hear the comments and then and then check with the the uh Town attorney okay the library uses the attorney I don't uh talk to the attorney very much in this position I did in my previous position but so uh okay sure great all right any additional comments concerns I have a motion to adjourn a motion