to flag the United States of America the for stands na indivisible andice for all I'm here Bruce here here Johna here you're blinking sorry get for hartter okay start with the approval of the November meeting well October November meeting and uh I sent to you guys and when I didn't he back I I send it out until like 5 minutes ago okay so everybody's got it on their phone and we've got two PR copies here okay one okay that I fast I do so can I have approval of the minutes for November I'll make that Mo okay Bruce and second should we pass it down couple of other people want a moment to read it real quick I apologize don't second the Dave is going to give a library update okay ready you okay so before we talk about the budget uh ending this year and starting for for next year I just want to go over the calendar for next year uh and the meetings uh one of the things I I did ask Maria and Jerry if they would be interested in maybe changing where the meetings are because they've been coming so much but they said they're fine with the way it is so it doesn't conflict with them it's kind of a back to back day they're fine so I'm just going to go through uh each month right now if you remember I said this this uh month we also talk about the the calendar the future for you to approve so I'll just go month by month real quick and it's pretty much all the same but I just have a few questions for so in January obviously we have off January 1st the F the uh second Monday is the 8th so that would be the meeting January 8th would be closed on the 15th Martin Luther King day I'm assuming we stay open on Saturday and Sunday that that weekend so everyone agree to that okay uh in February it would be the 12th which is again the second Monday and then the 19th we will be closed for President's Day I'm asking the board again we stay open right Saturday and Sunday for that weekend okay uh in March the meeting would be on March 11th that's the second Monday uh Easter is very early this year and uh the town has off on Good Friday and I would think we'd have off on Easter so my recommendation would be to have that whole weekend off since it's Friday and Sunday off is the board okay with that having Saturday off as well so you're talking about the night and the 10th I'm sorry we're talking about March March it would be the 29th 30th and 31st to be be closed um that was my thought since we're already closed on Friday and I would think we've went off on sun it closed on Sunday the whole weekend is that okay no one celebrates I'm not being funny but I just like to be politically correct no one celebrates Ramadan because that's the 11th okay just making sure yeah no no I just didn't want anyone to feel I have um then in April the only thing I have there is the second Monday which is the 8th problem with that right okay then in May the board meeting would be on the 13th that's the second Monday we're usually closed for the entire Memorial Day weekend is the board okay with doing that again okay that's the one that's always been done that way in June the second uh Monday is June 10th and there's nothing you Clos uh June is not a is not a day with the town but open there that okay okay um and then we don't have a meeting in July or August however the fourth is on a Thursday so I was let's just have all Thursday right be open that you want to be open that that weekend or what do you want to do for the 5th 6th and 7th it's a Thursday is the 4th I'm sorry I'm talking about we usually follow the Burrows when they close they be closed at the Thursday they might close on a Friday uh no that's not a day that's listed the town I put the town's in this but we're a little bit different because we're open on weekends now Saturday and Sunday so that's where I thought the the only um weekends that we the whole weekend is um Good Friday and Easter you put the Saturday in there and then we do uh Labor Day and Memorial Day is everyone in agreement to that that's okay all right unless unless like July 4th falls on a Monday if we ever want to do that but we'll bring that up every year just I'll bring it up to you um and then August we don't have a meeting but we would be closed the 31st to the 2 because that's Labor Day September 9th would be the meeting and then in October that's where we get It's tricky because Columbus Day is when we would have our meeting so we would be closed on the 14th and have our meeting on the 21st right 21st and then I have a question mark here for you uh what do you want to do is Veterans Day on the Monday the second Monday do we want to not have it there and have it on the 18th what would you like to do we it is not a day that the town is is closed but you want to just you want to have it on the 18th or what would you like to do in November or you want to have it on the 4th election day is the fth before yeah I think you want to do that so do you want to have it on Veterans Day or maybe I know Mar Jerry yeah do and then as you decided this year we will be closed for the Thanksgiving uh weekend which goes all the way to uh it's really late this year Thanksgiving goes all the way to December 1st the Sunday the board meeting for December would be December 9th that's the um second Monday and then we would have off the 24th and the 25th and then 31st so but those are the dates my only other question is do we like the 6 o' time or do you want to keep the 6:30 I like the six six I like six I'm I like six you like six and y'all has a child uh 6:30 is easier for me but I can make it work so thought there was someone last time we brought this up that else had difficulty with work no okay I had a client at but now I'm able to I will be able to get was that is that okay 6 o00 for 2024 so that put this I'll have it yep put it and and the nice thing is we can put it out last year remember we did the reorg and then we paid more for the we can do it all in one so it saves us some money so the reorg will be January that's correct anybody I'll have to look at the emails to know who's up that has to do the oath again terms I know uh Mar you guys kind of or pretty much organized that so it's all spread out now which is good remember we did that trying to think I hav it though I hav I know ail had given me a list I don't know if anyone is uh I think yeah I'm not sure I'll check on it but I I'll contact that person just well you have to appoint again if it's if it's okay tried to make it three years sure anytime I was not here I found out I was in excuse me okay we can discuss in January so the main purpose of this meeting and the reason we wanted uh Maria and Jerry here was to discuss uh the budget kind of ending this year and starting next year I had uh three items that I wanted to discuss with you one has to be decided tonight and two is something that we could uh decide uh in January and I thought I would bring it up to you see what you think uh first the one we have to decide tonight is we have $200,000 right now in the capital uh line that was going to be used for the windows and um we have to either encumber the money and do that and give that to Lorraine and have a resolution for that so it will be spent in this year or we could uh benefit the town and the taxes and we have enough money in the budget I organize the budget I'll have it for you next time but we can put 230 in for next year if you remember the project was about 222 um and so we were going to use 20 and 200,000 from the line item and we were going to use money from the capital reserves if we use 230,000 and we put that into the budget next year which we can do we have an additional $80,000 by law that's in the budget for next year if you remember uh our budget the town can only go up a certain amount with cap but by law the library goes up based upon uh the ratables and it's always one3 of a millage and the number last year was what 786 and next year is 864 574 I think it is um so we have an additional uh $80,000 that could help with the with the capital expenditure um so to that this is kind of your your choice it would slow down the the things that we're doing uh to the to the building possibly if we wanted to do the doors and bathrooms and whatnot but on the other hand um in talking to a few board members this is a lot of money to spend in one year maybe we should spend the 200,000 next year not you know do so much in two years I don't know obviously this is all your decision um but it has to be decided tonight whether you wanted to encumber the money or allow it to roll over and be tax leave to the to the town so is it go ahead I was just going to say are those are the only two options or is there a 50/50 split also well we we could uh I already talked to Lorraine about at least maybe rolling over $20,000 if we have any type of addition downstairs that the insurance is not going to cover that would be my recommendation at least a little bit of money but if you wanted to do um it's yeah you can do whatever you want question so as far as next budget go we're say 500,000 B park for operating expenses and programming and whatnot so we're talking 200 change for the windows so seven in change so we've got the headro between that seven in change and our 860 of about 100 Grand we also have what 125 in capital res 174 74 Capital reserves so above and beyond the capital Improvement for Windows as well as programming that we are currently anticipating we still got a quar million dollars I'll say put aside um okay and then again capit improvements I think we shouldn't rush into those should come up with the better as a component of our strategic plan facilities plan to lay out exactly what we want to accomplish okay so you're saying that you you feel that we don't need to encumber any money my if I were at work I would defer to the accountants I would see whatever made the most accounting sense and whatever was the best prary um decision on books I think from from an operating expense standpoint from a finance standpoint I think we're in a stable position whether it makes more sense tocover it now or cover it later or somehow split it I think that goes to number presses Windows the window the cost of the windows is how much cost 20 224 I believe it is million so you have and we have we have 200 right now in this year's budget that hasn't been spent because obviously the windows didn't that's just in the operating budget operating budget correct and then we have 174 in reserve so the idea was you know whatever we need addition to 200 we could pull out of reserves but with the additional money that we are receiving the 80,000 year well I know but I'm saying if we chose not to encumber any money we would be able to put it everything into next year's but but this year's Surplus in other words is how much well we've spent about 500,000 right now yeah so we're we're looking at I'm sorry around 510 520 books on the year hour, 200 you know 20 uh you know no what's our what's our budget 740 786 786 yeah so if we're it'd be like 270 260 yeah right question is whether whether the question is whether or not it's most advantageous to have the $270,000 Surplus hit this year or whether it would be better to have the windows which are real costs that would Ur hit this year and then more or less we're just going to roll Surplus forward so that's why I said that's why I think that's yeah my thought was why not just take some of that Surplus and put it tort your windows just way you know you know you have enough now we can what what did you tell me I apologize for what did you tell me we can take up to 20% yeah so whatever you spend that's not from uh that you spend on Capital you can save 20% in roll that into more Capital reserves so let's we spent about $500,000 we could roll you know $100,000 into Capital reserves that's another option that we can do as well we we could carry that over so that we would have access to half of the money through that mechanism and then we could reevaluate next year whether it made sense to actually pull those reserves or keep those reserves and pull money out of the budget that there is money set aside for an emergency correct and then then we would have potential tax relief to the town on the order of $170,000 we would have money put aside that we could use for the windows or we could use can carry longer it's it's a greater level of flexibility and then with the extra 80 in the mill we have a Delta what between maybe $40,000 at AAL operating budget if we used Reserve or we take a larger portion out depending on what made the most by exercise so yes so rolling over the the 100,000 into Capital gives you more flexibility yeah you know rather than you know you you you encumber the money you have to you have to spend it on this this project here I after after the week that we've just had in terms of bad weather like I've been like a nervous wreck I was praying like please don't have water downstairs I really was because I saw the video of what it looked like coming over you know coming from the ocean across ocean ab and I was like oh no you know for those of us that have been here during Sandy and stuff you know we know well I remember Gloria Gloria green Sandy I mean all the lady you know but um that's why I was really concerned about you know any money that you know we give up I we've been lucky the roof was the first thing that we fixed thank God a couple of us are still here that we had that done when we did because if not this builing I don't think we'll be standing I just want to see that we if we do decide to give back so that we retain sufficient money in our budget for any type of emergency that could come up and we can't foresee that right right no but it seems as though we have significant headro based on our programming I see us doing about 500,000 like like they saying bug I don't see us as having the capacity to bring on new programming to really expand our budget much past that at this point right you know I think that would take a lot of planning to do so I think we're still going to have significant Headroom in our future budgets so we're going be rolling that forward you know so I I am a little bit more comfortable with the prospect of potentially um digging into that you know I don't like the idea of big hit this year and then big hit next year where you you're going up and down and up and down I kind of like a little bit more even ke on that you know I like the idea of sending it into the capital reserve because then it does give us the flexibility to make that decision and figure out how to best utilize that money in the future you know it's it's it's a set aside for Capital project this is a capital project that gives us the the idea if we want to take it out of our budget next year and that makes the most Financial sense to do we can just take it right out of the budget if not you can offset it with the money that's set aside the capital funding would that include I mean could you use Capital funding for an emergency yes you use anything facilities are there limits to how much can be in the capital fund there there's yeah I know the school district there was and I don't think there's anything I've never seen anything I'll research that but I I know I know there's some that have a half a million dollars in there wanting to you know put a a addition on and whatnot so I know we're no nowhere near that um there that's correct it's got to be on Capital which is we I mean there's a lot of things we need there's a lot right there's a lot right I don't think we have much I don't think we have um a bad exposure with the kind of numbers we have given the costs to deal with a building like this you know all of a sudden we thought it would get too high and we needed to um make sure it didn't get too high there are very legitimate things that could be done with building for improvements so the bottom line is if we put 100 in the capital um how much would he left that money would he come to the borrow that 100,000 would go into our cap reserves deal about 160 left after that so so five that would put us at six and then we're getting to 760 well if if we spent we've spent 500 yeah so we can put $100,000 what's the Delta to get to our budget be that would go back to the taxpayer oh I see yes yeah and then next you're going to have another 80 in terms of the overall budget you can still roll over the 20,000 20% 20% of what you it's strange it's 20% of what you spent other than Capital expenditures they spend another 500 next year which is likely they could put another 100,000 yeah yeah when I first with that money set aside it doesn't necessarily have to be used next year to be carried right yeah my when I figured it out when I you know after I was here a few months my thought was always you know approximately you know spend um spend a half which it has been a half a million put 100 into uh Capital reserves and then if the if the board wanted to do something more aggressively they could put about 200 in like we did this year for Windows um but um after the windows I I think you know that's the biggest expense you know the lord loves be 200,000 going to say do you foresee any other major you know uh work after the windows or complete anything Maj where we need to reserve more money the short answer is I think in the next year we really need to look at the facilities and figure figure it out so we've had the flooding problem mhm are there are there mechanics that can be put in place to prevent that can backflow preventers be introduced into the system you know what can we do from a resiliency standpoint um thead and the DAV have concern about the St on the outside shell of the building evaluating whether or not that needs to be repaired or replaced or painted or what the story is need to lay out those items and then we'll have a better idea of what our burn is yeah you know the windows are obviously key components that need to be addressed but every so often you see some some I think there some water standing in the back corner there's some water standing behind me where there's potential leaks that we would need to chase down all those can become say burdens the facade has been done are there any problems with the facade of the building like the brick and all that there some there's some there something there's some cracking it doesn't look like it's in terrible condition chimney's in the worst yeah probably the worst yeah with the tree going it's old building so you're always going to have it's not like my house my house they're same needs to need to be done but again I think we're in a safe place with CIT reserve the way it's been I'll say curated just to go a little bit off way back when you mentioned something about strategic plan is somebody working on a Str yeah so actually Deb's meeting with that person right right now yeah Leslie she was she she did the Strategic plan for real and she was the director there and she's uh she did it for Spring Lake and she's going to be doing it for us is that going to look at possible needs for expansion or anything like that is that going to be part of that strategic plan because that would tie into then capital capital fund I'm just throwing it out there I need to pass another referendum schol ref Jerry Jerry's point is in the school if you're capped out of what you there isn't a cap then you can start saving now without having to go for as much in bond or without having yeah true I mean the best thing would be to go are you at one time we looked at that we plan we actually had Dennis Co I yeah he came in and he did a whole plan of putting you know big expanding in the back two floors a lot of a lot of open space it would really it kind like what Bradley did it would pretty much double the size good like that just a thought there's go that direction you will have a mechanism so you're going have you know steps to go but but we could save we could put 100,000 in each year but if you do it every year you know two or three years I don't know you know what what else could be I mean that would be a part of the plan plan it was something that we grants could definitely be a part of the picture because wasn't there a grant potentially available at that time couldn't make it in time the deadline was to to have a we do yes it's just a thought you know will always take the extra money we know about that you can go back and check the records back over half a mil we know that and that's one of the reasons I mean I don't have my vote today um because here um you know but one of the things that we continued to hear was is the library getting enough are they being supported you know and we want to make sure that we're supporting you in the way that you need us to I think that's very much the case yeah I think right now we're topping out of what we're able to manage topping budget Out programs we're in a good position because you know you have that yearly fund that is legisl changes but you know the way it works it's just you know you have a stable income from year to year to year so you know it's something that obv LE you can plan for you know said they always said that you as far as a liary you try not to have to give back you try utilize what you had like year you know exactly and for the for the longest we've been get them back and not utilizing and and that's why the library is where it is right now as far as the things that we planned out 5 years ago that has still never gotten done right I mean yes the windows that are a big thing key um but there were a lot of other things that we had planned for that if we keep our money we can get those things done you know because even opening up the windows we don't know might be behind that you know could be something else but you know I'm I'm definitely not for giving money back you know so that's just my person but on the good side you get more money every year right so it's not like you know the other thing to keep in mind is we have more employees now than we've had before we have more programs that are going to be taking place than we've had before so with the positive things that have been taking place they all encumber money so when you think about you know possibly giving money out you have to really think about okay are we going to continue to go in the same pattern that we've been doing which is increasing more programs and offering more things they all take money right you know so that's what I was saying I didn't want to Short Change us our budget right if we do give back that's why I was talking about you don't know the future what you knows true that's why I was talking about certain amount back and a certain amount hold on to well I think in terms of if we put 100,000 let's say that's that's kind of you know half of what we've talked about is you can't is that that's the max you would be able to keep because you can't we can encumber that 200 and we could put $100,000 intoing close whether we'd have uh no we'd be close to whether we have that amount of money uh that's it so 700 we no we'd be over we yeah marking it yeah so we're just saying that 200 we're just keeping it and we're going to spend it in this year's this year's budget right that 200 and then next year you could put another 200 in and do something else actually our budget set by the by thir Mill right it's not like actually this is how much money we need to it's just where you put it yeah just way we book it this year and leave the head space for next year right or whether we take it off the books now right is there is there a crying need in the town the marina is is really struggling when you look at the big picture you know is a drop in the bu yeah but sometimes you got go through the yeah but don't I'm doing but you know in terms of like a tax rate I don't know it could be less than a penny or two you know on a tax rate you know it's not it's not that critical but um I think it's good for the for the perhaps the public perception that you know something's coming back you know and I you that's something I think we need to keep in mind I think the public perception of what the library has achieved and and is doing is is pretty good not a big issue of that depend no but when you do a good thing and there's Surplus that implies your get value for your dollar think some of these some of these things have gone on such a long time and not been addressed these windows for instance to feel like we were actually say want to happen in my lifetime here for so long I think that's the Val of a strategic plan and you can sit and say you know these are the five items or 10 items that we need to do whatever they are and and say you know and this is how we're going to finance years speaking speaking specifically of next year's budget I don't think we'll be in a position to really let out a contract for additional Capital Improvements in 2024 I just don't think it's logistically feasible with one the windows going and then two um you just getting a bid package out on the street you know so with regard to the impact of this project on this budget versus next year budget um again I it just goes to goes to the account F answer is going forward if we're looking at 2025 and we we see uh a plan for those Capital Improvements next year is when I think we should take a good hard look at how best to position ourselves Finance those improvements um whether it be um directly or indirectly you know if we do put money into our Capital reserves which I'm a big fan of that gives us the FIB even can carry that over you know if we use the window money out of our operating budget next year um I don't necessarily see that a tremendous benefit to the library one way or another to encumber this year versus next year because implicitly we'll just have a larger Surplus that we're rolling forward next year without a sound mechanism to spend it if we had in place a very sound mechanism or a plan to spend that money then by all means put it on the books this year keep the war chest full and and roll forward hypothetically what would be the next big Capital project is there any sense if we wanted to have an additional bathroom downstairs because of the plumbing and the way this building is built expens library is supposed to have two bathrooms to the which we don't have we're not offering what supposed to have as far as a library and that's been for the off for quite a few years too so that I can't see waiting until 2025 to think about doing I'm not saying think don't ex it get it designed get the improvements on paper bid within 2024 was the front door included in in this this no no so we have to still look at the front door as well that's that's yeah and that would probably be under a big threshold okay I think we actually had someone come in and give I don't remember if it was someone from DPW but remember at some point probably two years ago where we looked at a second bathroom downstairs yeah we have to quote from all around handy yeah but that that was not following you know ADA compliance they were just throwing in a a toilet right you with we wouldn't be able to do that yeah so with the existing bathroom that we have now if the door was widened couldn't that be the Ada one and say for instance let's just say the closet or whatever you want to say be a half bathroom or the is the the plumbing that would have I mean I think the the way to go about we're doing it now for the T Pavilion we're going to put bathrooms in the uh part of the area that was the cafe the cafe area but I mean you know obviously steps are you need money that pay for an architect that's really the first step and have an architect come in and and dra up plans you know maybe different plans and you got have money for that and engineering and then put it out the bid you know so um I don't know you know how how quickly you want to do that but there is one about the bathroom you should consider is that is the angle at which the drainage is it's currently at a rather shallow angle I remember in earlier discussions they explained to me that if you put two bathrooms in a line on that shallow pitch it could back up if two people flush simultaneously my understanding is it have to be re they would have to they would have to redo it at the Ste so that expensive doing all that you go first not SE rightly so they have to do all that excavation and all that stuff that have to be Factor we've also identify the vulnerability through the sewer system that's that's led us to the flooding down there you so another question would be can improvements be made to the sanitary system to prevent that from happening in the future which can tie into anything that we do that before bom tie some things soon as you start digging out there River because the lake many years ago your property my property where the lake came across exactly so would someone like to make a motion in terms of what they're recommending um because we do have to make a decision or if there's no decision then really what happens is uh the money doesn't get encumbered and that that's we uh but we would have to decide right now also in terms or we should it would be in our best interest right now to decide how much money we want to roll over into um Capital reserves remember if we put this money encumber this money into this year we can't use that amount towards the 20% so we going to stay that because it's capital so what we can put into Capital reserves right now is approximately $100,000 we've spent operating budgets been about and we just have to B at if we wanted to use the money for the windows in23 budget it doesn't actually have the check doesn't actually go to the contractor no no just incumber before the December 31st yeah we could encumber some or move some into that it could be a mixture but whenever we're um encumbering the money needs to be done before December 31st the the moving the money into Capital reserves I believe that can be done after January 1st beond the rain you've done that in the past you don't set your you don't set your expenses that's right expens yes right that's true the money for the Windows though is not is in your regular budget most of it 200,000 yeah we put 200,000 into the actual budget yeah and the budget number given to you yeah make decisions back into it usually you can't I just thought that would have been a capital expense from from the start yeah but oh it is we can roll Capital expenses into the overall budget it's not differentiated between operation and capital understand yeah the problem is you can't if if you don't put it in the budget you know if you if you're going you can't yeah you could roll that money you can only roll 20% do you know what I mean so that's the problem what you spend it's different than what I'm used to in terms of it was always set by not a percentage but the amount of money you could put into an account which I think is similar town right the amount rather than what you spend it's really strange I would put can theal and I'm completely IND with whether or not we encumber any on Windows need someone to uh so Mike could you make a motion to to um to move the maximum amount into Capital reserves from the okay but done that's a he made the r um anybody for a second can we just have wording maximum am reses you have a second on that so it's not anything to do with encumbering the money a second I N okay so we have a 100 approximately 100,000 going into Capital reserves now the question is uh encumbering money uh I would recommend that we at least encumber $20,000 for what's going on downstairs just in case there's any additional cost the rain was comfortable uh with that is do we want go with that or we want to go with more someone want to make a motion think 20,000 is low consider I think it is we're downstairs know I think I think we're we're talking about two or three tests that might not be paid for um the asbest on the back wall the second mold test I I really don't think you know based on the information inform I have from the insurance people and from all risk I think that's that will be that will be fine for that but not in terms of you know where you put the money towards some of it towards the windows would help for next year with other things so downstairs the bulk of the cost is being burdened by the insurance company yeah 2500 there are a couple items that we are burdened with it was specifically last time you reported it was with aspects above and beyond what the insurance company correct correct so I'm I'm I'm looking at uh 2500 for the deductible and then each test was you know $1,000 or something like that so I was thinking 5,000 you know um5 Grand test 2500 so 7500t yeah in the libraries burden with regard to the downstairs yeah and Lorraine just said let's just let's just do 10% just to make sure that was her recommendation seems reasonable we need a motion yes the answer is overall amount we're going to encumber for Capital Improvements is $2,000 we already have well no it would be encumber we would be incum the 100,000 is going from our operating budget in Capital reserves and then the from that 200,000 we would encumber 20 because it doesn't say that it's the windows that was just capital in wi we don't have to use it for the windows that we could encumber $20,000 in this year's budget to pay for you know whatever possible situation we have downstairs so you're going another 20, well that's that's that's what lorine recommended yeah and that's what I'm asking if someone would be willing to we do that would then be a net surplus of whatever is $140,000 it'd be 100 yeah because you're taking into account the 20 yes that's 5 plus 100 plus 20 grand so 620 at 140 Grand is the net Surplus correct that we would right because remember the reason you can't look at that 200 separately is I was I know you know that I was just trying to explain that because it's I think it's confusing you know I don't know you know not well I mean am I over simplifying it by saying you know you had you a $60,000 100 of that is going to be moov into Capital so now you have 160,000 left and you're going to take 20 of that and you're going to encumber that for 2023 correct which means you have 14 left which is going to be then given to the B that and I would say when we say it's given to the burrow it's it's remember every Library it's going to the yeah yeah every every Library um does not spend their total budget and it go it automatically you know um goes you're supposed to have it something written from the board but it can't we can't we can't keep it anywhere you know that's right what we spent in the operating budget yeah um so but there's been years in the past where it's not really 500,000 that they gave back if you spent we no no cuz it's been three years one year we gave 300 another year we gave 260 something but remember you have to look at what you could have well help you see what I mean and some of it had to go back so like it you know unless you unless you spent a half a million that year then really what you you didn't keep for yourselves is 100,000 towards Capital reserves you see what I mean you can't roll any money more than that you know it has to go it has to go back yeah I think I think the mechanism that makes this year a little different and allows us to do that is because we have an active contract that's right for the work we not have the active contract for the work then would have to give the Surplus as we beyond the maximum I think we learned our lesson from previous this is this is the mechanism that allows us to accomplish that different from previous years is the fact that we you're legally burdened correct correct so you said we need a motion somebody needs to make about the 20,000 about if that's what the number if that's what and you're sure 20 a good number yes no I'm just I would a motion that I guess in general of the surplus of the library's Surplus $20,000 be retained and encumbered in 2023 yeah motion I I'll make it second first second okay all in favor post all right see I knew that was going to take some time I apologize lot of discussion um and that's really my that's my report next time we will have um for you specific the breakdown of the line items for uh each account you have an example of what it was this year what it was the previous year it's actually it's actually done if you want me to share it with you tomorrow I can share it with you but um I wanted to discuss it at the next meeting Lewis will also be presenting on the programs next year and the costs and then also Deb will be here to go over specifically all the numbers in terms of the resources the books and what's done and um the weeding and the The Ordering of new books and how that will compare to the the upcoming year that will be the next the next year that will be on the 8th if the rest goes quick oh okay okay uh treasur report see I have you on time okay so budget amount is $786,000 spend to D is $448,500 is 8,643 which spent a date and waiting to pay the the Deb um vendor totals 4665 7327 which gives us a balance of the budget of$ 32,234 193 aome does everyone understand I just spoke to D and said okay now it makes more sense to me because I went through the numbers so as she was doing them and she mentioned the 320 now we say 120 is 200 we're putting aside for the windows which that gives us the balance of 120 it just makes more sense to me I just hope makes sense to everybody else to wasn't okay um I don't have a big report today and will be happy about that just a couple of things I noticed with uh my daily visits here with my dog to the library there's a couple of things that um I mentioned today that I wanted to mention to um everyone here the printer we have some problems with the printers so hopefully um I think one of the printers is a burrow um a burrow authorized one least that's the word a burrow least one which we have some problems with double siding and Staples so um as lisis mentioned to me today we need to probably check the contract to make sure that that's updated and so we don't have the problems because that one's a major printer we should probably be using that one the most um I know people using the color ones and so on and so forth but that's the big one so that's the least one from the burrow and I don't know when the contract ends I don't know if you call is that bridg is that part of the service contracts yeah so this is it's a it's a separate number and we have to call whenever we need to order toner things like that for that versus the other machine yeah now the other three I think are sure for business and um I understand that even from the desk they have problems with things that are being sent from the printer to their desk or their desk to the printer so I just think to make things easier we need to probably evaluate the printer issues yeah I think it's also the the computers and how they connect to the printers and also I looked into it a little bit early today part of the issue and I I tried to explain earlier I didn't do a good job what it is is when you send a print document to be printed the dialogue screen on the thing asks you know what type of paper you want to send it on and sometimes most people Overlook the paper type setting and they may send the document to that printer in a paper type that that printer does not think it has legal versus letter legal versus letter that kind of thing or sometimes it's set to the British A4 standard for whatever reason so then the thing chirps and you have to go manually tell it use plate paper and then it prints normally after that so it's it's a bit of a pain in the butt especially when you consider where operating off multiple devices people can print directly to that printer through our Wi-Fi from their cell phones so uh it that's part of the issue but uh but when we R out I can take a look to see more about what the uh what else do we CA in that that so I thought maybe one of the things that might um alleviate some of the problems might have the option of possibly getting a an hourly or a Geek Squad or someone that can come in to actually work on the computers and the printer more easily it's difficult for you know the person that we have that's coming from the Burl because that person's very very busy through Beach and right Beach and he's our network administrator you know um so a lot of times yeah it would make more sense to have someone come in the evenings a lot of the the libraries do that they have someone and usually you can find a young um network administrator in a school district that not married doesn't have kids come here in the evenings and do some work yeah so CU there's been issues say for instance I've even come and I know Johanna comes over so often to use the computers and you'll see like everyone's information like still on the screen you like you go to it it opens up and you've got like Social Security numbers and all that kind of stuff so you really not to but you should contact Marshall because he has um will Anon working now the summer I mean for the break Oh Oh I thought he was uh this is the winter break he was one of my students I would reach out Marshall and ask him if he could spare have well that' be great I always thought of that but it seemed like during the summer it was crazy not that involed matter okay setting up we shouldn't be having there should be an automated process to WIP information actually I did research today there is a product out there called Deep Freeze and it's a software package which pretty much does what the staff's been really looking to do that is to immediately wipe out any changes any data anything things that people do to those computers and it's called res uh reboot to restore which if anything goes wrong just reboot it and it automatically resets it back to it original configuration set so it does it by reallocating how data is stored and used so that once you shut the computer down it just reboots to the to the original configuration what it won't do what it won't do is change uh um if someone like forgets to log out of their Google or Yahoo account it does no program can go in there and fix that that's that's really going to be on the patron for them but if someone downloads a software or accidentally download loads of malware or something like that rebooting it will will eliminate that problem is they out and we we U sometimes they're they're busy and then the computer shut down at a particular time so the person that's here is not able to check now we can make sure we do it in the morning I guess but um well that's one thing like say this this um do you could just periodically go through and just go through each one see if there's any lingering uh uh Google account L whatever so you want a network here you have a network like server all who maintains the server Marsh all 5% of his salary so I reach out our will here that's great I always thought because he was in school I thought he would he just asked like last week he sent a memo you know kind for a few weeks we see him here during the summer but it's it's yeah I know during the summer it's crazy so yeah during break for sure E monair I think say a lot of this stuff no he's not fairly oh he is there's a lot of stuff if I'm sure it's Windows uh yeah basis there's a lot of stuff that they can do yeah directly from the Windows operating system yeah to just shut CH down automatically he may know about I know I was just thinking if he has a car us to come he might be on from St I'm more comfortable want to have the first or second he's got to be than that anyway he he no I don't think so I don't think so um how what's our time frame downstairs how does it look I didn't go down because I didn't so I've been out for in and out for a week I just got over the flu Lou spoke to the guy this morning yeah so basically what's happening is they're they now primed up and everything the guys coming tomorrow to finish the trim once the trim is done they'll be pretty much ready to start painting uh they also have to schedule the uh one guy to finish the drop ceilings in the bathroom in the other room and uh the plumber to reassemble the bathroom um and then finally the last thing you'll do will be the carpet on the ramp so ballpark figure and he uh and he he said that two to three weeks is about a fair time to expect that everything should be done not to hold them to it it could there could be any kind of delay that comes up but for the most part two to three weeks he's a fair amount what he says so just work on the bathroom first well they did they actually did and now it's yeah I mean I'll talk to Ken again he talk about the plumber coming in as early as Monday or Tu I well after the holiday yeah but it would just be helpful for me just feel for all so you leave you know it's just cuz they can paint around the bath you know do the the W put so just for to they paint the pipe very Rusty let's just say that we can go down after the meeting if you want to take a look and then um going to try to contact uh Natalie Gallagher we do have um some a landscaper that we looking into to see if possibly we can get the area um on the East Street side near the driveway put aside for um for Lois's memory Lois gher was former uh librarian she's passed now two years so um I would ask Natalie for the verbiage that she'd like to have on the memory flaque just the same way we did for Sharon days um same thing and then um I was talking to Deb and we were talking about open house and they were mentioning maybe National Library week in April which I think is a great time because hopefully everything will be done Windows downstairs you know like everything so yeah I'm kind of glad we held off on doing it in January December January because yeah not the down right and and the windows aren't done really really nice when they do I also mentioned that maybe for National Library week we used to have giveaways you know giveaways remember the sling bags that we used to and the kids love those type of sling bags We Still Still we can get more they were on yeah so I think that that would be a nice thing to think ahead of that would be a nice thing to have for for the open house as well as for National Library I think should we get those uh Library requir socks yes I love these socks can you come here for a second you know how many times I've been given those I have like four pairs blue green oh my God you haven't made up with the library logo on I got can I just say something real quick one of the things um most of you know D one of the things when I first got here was the concern that you know the cleanliness of the building and I've gotten a lot of compliments and so that's all did to and so when they said that I said I gu someone the school who would probably be willing to do it and uh so thank you because it I'm going to do the reverse um I appreciate having extra money so I got thank the board for letting me do this um if you're ever in the libr have to notice something pointed out to me so I know that I can you make sure something's a little bit better and she not only helps us here but she helps us a tailor Pavilion back and forth and back and yes thank you are you I'm not going to interrup I start okay um yeah and I know I mentioned to Dave but the only last thing was the P of John outside and we're going to make sure that that gets maintained a little bit better um and that at night maybe we lock it yeah we did that for a while but then we've gotten away from that so we're going to have to do that again yeah it's just you put those and just just to keep it safe we had some people sleep I'm just CAU up on that you know that's a problem throughout town construction people stop and they just run into the I see all we talk about amending the ordinance telling them they had to lock them up that think I kind of got lost in the sh so yeah I have one course my house they're building you know every once in a while I see a course get out in the summer it'll get worse 100 times worse just stop they just stop and go in like it's a public toilet small town politics of poy any old business any old business anyone needs to bring up I think we kind the old same time all right new business quick question L you uh the bands that we get you know for the summer and stuff like that do we get any other I have some people that might be interested you know other bands we currently uh are uh looking into and they're already they're already vendors at a Bor the black ties and Ebor Bandits uh we have a we've already secured a date for the black ties uh but we're not we're not sure on that yet because of our budget we just secured the date yeah so we're just lining things up now and then we're waiting to get uh e Bandits to respond to us to give us information is that something have to bring up at the next meeting you know if we want to increase then we're going to have to increase certain line items and decrease others so um I have a recommendation but um and then that's that's there's a couple of things in the programs that you you said that you know if you think hey that's what we want to do we want to do more um concerts that's okay but you know we got to consider cuz we we really drastically increas absolutely yeah we just we talk about a $100,000 Surplus we can spend responsibly I would Advocate spending responsibly to fulfill our mission yeah we don't we don't need we don't need to Rob One account to pay for other account if it's a responsible act zero leftovers right but we do want to consider having leftover to to the absolutely and remember I guess this is not going real quick back to Old business we're talking about the oper series oh well yeah we we few years ago we used to have a Opera in the afternoon program where seniors will come downstairs and watch an opera on the big TV so yeah we can bring that back um and uh we pretty good turnout for them right yeah we had a pry turnout had a good turnout and uh so we can do that and the good news is that that's uh at minimal cost there's no cost to that maybe a few cookies and drinks that's you know but uh we can do that that might be good for the spring because a lot of the seniors might be concerned about coming out with the cold weather so yeah March start March something like that and then it can tie into April be big National Library National Library we make nice to do for the really kind of tress to place up you know um I think it'll be a great way to um highlight some of are uh digital digital resources you know I know HOA has been very very very popular as as liby so but if we can but if we can highlight some of the other cool things that we have uh like the Heritage quest uh and like the um all the uh the the test prep available we now have we now have the ability for people new drivers to practice their their uh driver's test online so when they go take your test were able to pass it and it's free for them it's free to us so uh it's a great addition to that so we be that would be a great opportunity to really highlight are there any programs that I don't notice I'm just throwing this out there that would allow say Spanish speaking people to learn English englishan well that's one that's one of things I know that's one of the things that David and I are going to be talking about regarding the program because that's that's the one thing that we've been kind of struggling with finding the right instructor I did ask one of the teachers that just recently retired she's not interested but I was wondering if there's something even with online there is is there a library account for Rosa that's what I'm Li is there like a library account for Rosetta or something right that's uh there was one that the State Library uh had but they canceled that account but there is a rosetta own library account that we can look at that and U also um and and but if we had uh also iners like English uh English is a second language or Spanish is a second language as well we've had several patrons ask for something like that so we can look into that because I'm thinking if we're not getting the pains that are coming in to use utilize the bable books that we're trying to promote maybe they'll access home I would having a digital option would be that's why I'm thinking that I'll make I'll make enough look at like a resett stone yeah something you know and I know there's easy ones you know there's um du lingoo students have access I was using that to learn Swedish work it did it was just general stuff but yes I could read better than I could speak but that's okay so yeah that and if you know of any others that the school may we could do a shared service just like we did with f too there was something that that's a good idea but we' had no lu finding a teacher for Eng have you advertised it well I wanted to try to talk retired teacher into it and she finally said no to me so now how shot I know she's working at Walgreens I thought for sure she and I said no also CU I was ANL teacher you were oh for 35 years years yeah she said maybe kids but she's like I don't like adults get that don't put that on don't something going that we offered we brought them here use our space and to have it shared those locations they were interested their program seems to be doing really well yeah and Val are they go religiously really the other thing is there are so many YouTube organizations videos on learning language that you know if a person has a computer at home you could spend hours just searching for the one that you feel is you know that you like or whatever I mean basic to advance ational uh it's just remarkable what you can get on YouTube without having to spend a Davis Tau and somebody else but that always that was a that was a big turnout though it would always start off large and then soon as we stop U having food in the evenings you're talking about it's after school it was at like 3:00 was in the library and it was Co I know Terry Davis was one of them one of the teachers I know when we had it in the evening we would start with a large group this when I was there that's what D just shut just turn it all off I can't remember something right after school oh that was because we had the peers that were available to watch the kids right away so more parents maybe that's what I think we switched it to after school but I think I always remember yeah the numbers going down okay it did increase after school but you have to kind of uh you have to have people here to watch the kids and you and if you have food that helps talking about food our next food exursion is uh Patrick's huh St Patrick's Day or St Patrick no no uh Chinese New Year I'm sorry Chinese New Year February 15th you're the dragon okay you're the dragon I apologize yes right so just so you guys know um we got plans for the upcoming holidays that you know Dave and I finalizing and stuff but uh I think I can get for Black History Month har tub living history yeah and Martin Luther K from King who was the woman that you told me about um that works for either Google or Microsoft or whatever she's done work oh Patty milons she's out Califor Seattle Washington girl but I mean a lot of famous bore people like oh yeah yeah I mean they really should be writing a book on it because talk about hidden figures I mean really good stuff the Chinese New Year was February the 15th from here uh refering in the NBA what day is that thday what February 15th no no February February 15th is a THS Thursday thday okay that is that is the last day of the first week of uh Chinese New Year uh cbra so is that right before the long that's good you know why we get a lot we get a lot of kids there just like when we do the Diwali because of the teachers Convent convention we get a ton of kids yeah waiting for you to bring it up Kelsey too can we do it so I've been brainstorming some ideas um I don't know like I guess I really need start from all of you um but I me a date like I don't know the calendar well as you guys do okay um but my thought was to do it like a whole week because I know your goal was to get more kids actually in the physical space and then if you needed to tell a civilian we could use it so I was thinking like doing a um a ton of like golden uh biographies The Golden Book biographies they want for like the little kids doing like story time for to get them in um to get them in the library or to get them in the killer Swift losing topics some other numbers up then doing obviously the bracelet making night which would be open to all ages um and then I thought in housee we could do so I was thinking it would be like a whole week long celebration series events yeah what month you want to do this in that's what I need you guys to we want to make sure the basement is available in case we have really large numbers right so that probably my guess March would be ear February we're pretty much spook solid day been doing a trivia contest for the older kids which I think would definitely get them in here because it's a big contest to see who's the biggest Swifty so if they can actually have the title Bear's biggest could we if we use that what's the uh I should have this but the trivia game that all the teachers use cahoot cahoot thank you we can get cahoot we do something like that there that would be cool right devices or downstairs the large screen or we could have two different groups going on um so I was thinking that and then last would be if we decided that we needed or wanted to use the Pavilion do you can now stream the yeah three hours all three hours all 3 hours and 27 but you could do like part of it or do make like a dance party karaoke night which would fre lyrics I think we should use Taylor for thing that we think is going to be packed you know but but when we can have some small things here to build up here here the Taylor sof story time time the uh caho thing we can do here you can even announce like the trivia winner at the main event so that way like draws them back to comt to and we will promote it as like one week long series of events are you ready for it you Dave will tell you I I'll have an event every day so that's just for sure there got to be at least 10 events right don't even I I'm just say there's 10 there's 10 albums am I right you okay so I I don't know a lot but there's a few things I know just just putting it out there and is it true when renaming the library we're not taking T the guitar what we put on this quarter here big microphone no there'll be there'll be a cut out of her behind the guitar they do have um an impersonator who like to to Revenge you could have hired her no it should be you let's let's talk about this later we'll hook up offline all right so as long as I have a month I like March itri's day and soda bread whatever April the open house any other how are we doing with books well so we so it's we were like 12 I'll have that report Deb will have that for you she actually brought it to me but I thought it would be too much for this meeting but um our goal is to always have about 10,000 books we're about 9,000 right yeah and yeah it was like 12,000 but it really wasn't 12,000 cuz there was some in the system that were lost that said they were here and whatnot but the difference is that we're going to do a great job of rotating both especi not not really the children's book as much young adult maybe a little bit but rotating them more it used to be that they uh kind of stayed and that we didn't take advantage of our lease to keep new books coming in you know and rotating so that's something just talk to De about today is is that um once we um everything is kind of in the system now now there's going to be a double check where everyone has a certain uh area they're going to double check make sure everything is correct with the scanner and everything then now is going to be the goal over there that you're going to see a lot of rotation and it us say about about 10 many people taking out books and and I think they're utilizing the service where they can borrow from other libraries in Ju Ju very long that has grown a lot dramatically people coming in and they don't have a problem with a two week weight they don't have a problem you know they're like yeah take and they're happy where do you borrow from oh any uh over several hundred libraries from New Jersey and occasionally a book will'll get from out of state so that's an example so this is just kind of this is how they ship them back out but they come like that yeah and then there's this whole we that we go to to place the order and then libraries will say okay we'll send it and then they send it to us and again and it's pretty good it's uh it doesn't cost us as much money you we're paying only for a share of the cost for the delivery system and uh people love it they really like so for example if you were reserving a book save for instance through Libby sometimes like it's something that's just come out but another Library had you know more copies than we had and you might have had to wait like I'm number 200 you know waiting for you might be to get it in two weeks through the in library versus waiting and waiting until someone's finished reading it on liby or and it's really good because it really helps if someone's coming in asking for an out of date an older title or something that is just like hard to find you know like maybe three libraries have it then we're able to actually get it that way and they meets their needs that way so I know that a couple of the AP English high school students have come in wanted to have some of those books because a lot of the teachers are now going back to some of the classics per se and using them and if we don't store them all here it's good to be store but one of the biggest benefits of that justst that it has now freed us as a staff from having to tell the patr no can't that for you we can get it for them and that that has such a huge positive impact on a Patron's uh experience here and so it just leads them to okay let me go to the programs they help me have this let me do this let me do that and they take advantage the other stuff we have uh so uh it's definitely worth every py that we put into it so that's good anything else make a motion for the