order I'll start with the uh reading of the notice of the meeting adequate notice of this meeting of the library Board of Trustees was sent by email to our official newspapers the Asbury Park Press and the coast star could we please stand for Ali i al to the flag of the United States of America and to theic stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all Justice okay so we're going to first start with um the appointment of our secretary so then secretary can do the roll call and start keeping track of every everyone do we have any nominations for secretary we have a second second close we have any other nominations seeing that we have none why don't we do um just all those that are in favor opposed okay thanks thank you you that's so if you could do roll call okay see so Jimmy Alvarez is he excused he is excused he's watching the kids okay Jerry here go here Bruce Casey here here Darlene she's not feeling well me I'm here Maria she's not here okay uh Johanna we are but might not we have a okay um Sharon is here here Danielle all right should okay great thank you all right so why don't we start with the uh nominations for president do we have any nominations for president I nominate shair R we have a second that any other nominations okay Michael hello sir okay we just did nominations of president and we had Sharon nominated okay uh no other nominations correct okay all those in favor iOS okay all right Sharon you're on again you want to you want me to just lead it since you're virtual or okay I'll I'll do the um uh the nominations to for vice president president and the treasurer is that okay I'll do that okay okay so for vice president do we have any nominations okay Johanna you accept that yes second okay second Bruce any other nominations for vice president would you like to bece presid sure yes okay withraw the Nom okay all right okay Michael a second for Michael okay any nominations for Johanna she said no thank you and Michael is willing to take that nomination any other nominations okay hearing none we have all in favor of Michael for vice president opposed okay great and now we so we have secretary now we need treasur and Darlene did tell me she she's not here but she well it's up to you you have any nominations for Treasure n okay second for Bruce and she did tell me she would accept that so are there any other nominations heing none those in favor daring okay great for Treasure opposed okay great so we're on to if you don't mind Pat through the approval of the minutes and just a real um could I go over the minutes real quick just to make sure because it's it's important in terms of Michael made a motion to roll over uh $100,000 into Capital reserves and $20,000 to Inc number uh from the line item that had $200,000 in Windows for any additional funds for the uh for the basement right now the only money that I know of and I I met with all risk was the 2500 for the deductible and the um I wanted to talk to everyone about the possibility we can do that in a new business of $1,000 for um a hot water line to the sink so we can do a better job of cleaning uh we don't have that in the sink in the sink room it's very difficult if you've been in the bathroom to do that so I did get a lower price from Belmar Plumbing rather than doing the all risk that it's doing the cost usually that's higher so it's approximately $11,000 um but that that's just an example of that 20,000 but I I don't think you know KN one would that there's a lot of additional cost the total cost is going to be6 5,000 but it's again that the the deductible is only 2500 so it it really worked uh worked out well for our advantage and we had been talking about painting downstairs too and doing some things so although it was it's been terrible not having to downstairs there are some benefits to what happened um so uh I just wanted to make sure in terms of that that resolution that everyone understands that I already sent it to Lorraine but I said that it would need to be officially approved tonight but again 100,000 so just to go over that again if you spend 500,000 you can which we will go over that with the total cost you can you can save 20% as long as it's not in capital expenditures and we didn't spend any Capital expenditures um so that's where that 100 can roll over the 20,000 can be encumbered from the 200,000 so there's 180,000 uh of that line that's going back to the town but it also depends on how much is spent at the end of the year in terms of what the total is that's going back does that make sense okay okay just wanted to make sure everyone had that because that's the most important thing about the minutes everything else in the minutes was kind of just what was happening d i a question with regard to the $220,000 that's actually encumbered against Capital Improvements right yes that so if it's not if it's not used against the bathroom because it comes in under that can be carried based on the window project so that that that money stays in this year yes understood completely understod but but if if if we didn't have another mechanism to encumber that I don't think we would be able to carry it in the 2023 that's correct budget that's correct that's why I want make sure that it's a capital expenditure it that it can be applied to this encumbered cost if any any Delta from what we incur downstairs that's true it does doesn't have yes correct yes okay okay great we can do the roll call did the roll not the roll call the approval of the minutes if you can just go a vote on that okay okay anybody want to um okay just against no all right car great so it's my time for my update and the reason I'm pulling out my phone is I'm going to the architect um engineer I'm sorry here to check exactly what he said about the windows to give you an update the manufacturer says the first shipment of the windows should be by the end of January when I get a firm delivery date I will let you know the contractor should be mobilizing shortly after that so that's the situation with the with the windows um I did meet with um Sharon to go over as long as she was elected president which she was what her ideas with her president report and so I just uh if you don't mind Sharon I'm going to kind of go over some of the things that you were going to bring up to just say what what we're working on um in terms of Sundays is that okay or would you like me to um I know the first one I have a little update on but all the rest you can okay why don't I do this I I'll do what uh there's only one agenda item that I want to talk about in terms of my update and then after your uh report then I'll respond to each one is that okay okay okay great that's better okay pleas all right um the one thing that I wanted to talk to the board about is when I first um came here and I was analyzing the the budget there was uh and I would go to other towns and other libraries to kind of understand how certain towns uh give money to the town for certain services that that are provided and here as you know we have 70,000 that we pay to out of our budget when we say we you know it's still tax dollars of our budget that pays for um about 20% of the cost actually less uh than that of DPW of salary with Benefits um and 5% of Marshall's uh technology of that however when I analyze other towns they really do pay more for things like HR and for accounts payable um some other things um as well well and so I wanted to you know bring that to your attention it's something that we can consider and I have talked to uh Kevin about Jerry and Lorraine just saying that you know it's obviously your decision but should we consider 5% um of salary for for example Bridget does a lot of work for us in terms of uh purchase orders and requisitions and whatnot um instead of the concept that at the end of the year we give it back maybe pay for the services as if we were independent and uh we weren't connected as much as we are it's just a thought the other thought that I have is that we right now pay about $20,000 for our fitness instructors my thought would I think it would be more efficient to take that 20,000 and put it towards uh um Barry's uh salary let him organize the the events and we support support the events couple reasons for that number one by law we're not allowed to pay for a facility um to use if it's a public facility we're using the the tailor fail so we can't really pay the town to use the facility number two is that I think it's reasonable for ad of town residents to pay $5 they always did for the fitness classes it's really a question whether we can do that or not um it depends on your attorney and the law says what a public library can pay for and because it's it's kind of a collaborative effort right now I think it would be better if it was a recreation events supported by the library events that we used to have here and we can't have because they because of our space um and do it that way way it helps us also because of the amount of paperwork that uh is done by part-time uh people Connie doing here we're we're um batter's fulltime and he does that for all the other Fitness instructors so it's just an idea it's not any more money that would be going out it's just doing it in a different way and it might benefit the recreation department too because then they can be receiving for the the events that we have right now that we're not charging for added uh Town residents we could charge the $5 and it could go to Recreation what's our participation in that model though at that point why why wouldn't it be advantageous just to divest of the service and and allow the recreation department to pick it up from that point well I do think the way public libraries are now it is our responsibility to have events like you know um but why um it just seems um as though a shared service approach in this particular realm it makes it a bit convoluted in my opinion I don't if anyone else shares that opinion or not what would you what would you recommend I don't mind if it's a successful program turn it over to to Recreation and and then let them let let let them manage it and handle it and but what about the financial aspect would you would you feel that that we should uh support that because that's what we're doing now we are we're paying for the instructors you know um I mean to me I I think I like the idea that it's a recreation um program supported by the library both in terms yeah oh no I I feel it's consistent with our mission it just it just seems um where we draw a line down the middle and what goals we're trying to achieve isn't is any Cal clear to me on that only concern I have about about not establishing like uh set direction for the board is that in the future it may hurt the libr in the long run for example you know if the Boral takes over the recreation that might be good for one year two years three years then you know at some point who's to say the borrow might not say we're not doing those programs anymore and then then we've lost the momentum that we had here as a library to do those programs you know the same thing with the uh you know donating some dollars for the costs of of you know like Bridge people I think again speaking as a library board member I think I'd like to see that documented so that in future administrations they can't say you know like at the end of the year somebody will say oh we want X thousands of dollars we already gave you this and this and this and be less less money towards the end to I think it's cleaner to say well you know we we're supporting uh we we're using town resources and we're paying for them yeah not like oh we're using Town resources and then at the end of the year well how much we give you know like how much like the discussion we had oh we give him 200 yeah you know I I think it's from the board's perspective I think it would be cleaner to say every year we're going to give this this and this this way we'll have established a a way of doing it rather than to be at the the Burrow's Mercy at the end and say it'll be documented yeah I guess my thought if I'm understanding you correctly my thought is that this board has the right each year to decide what you know they because they can say we're not paying for DPW anymore we don't feel that the services are right you know what I mean we you know uh I'm not saying that I'm just saying that if we're clear to the town and saying that this is what we're we feel that the services that are being done by the town for the library um and if we were separate which a lot of libraries are we're paying for that but it it might go away because the board might decide you know now I know that's not good for the town because the town might then be counting on that money year to year because of the 2% yeah you know cap um I don't know I just was looking at other towns and just considering it um I just wanted to hear everyone's you know thoughts on it if it's something that's too much of a change or doesn't make sense I I mean I think to be one I think if you move things over to Recreation they might not get done always to me Recreation should be done by Recreation but you know because we have a a um predictable amount of money coming in we're more reliable than they are that's true I think we've been re we've been able to I'll say realize more Effectiveness in um building these programs than recreation department has I think that's why it evolved the way it did resident you know um so I'm I'm in favor of continuing the programs um but it it's the the level of I'll say uh div vision of responsibilities I don't know if that's the right word you know I'm not a fan of char ing additional like out of town people fees unless we incur the fee you know unless there's an incremental cost to having someone outside the community come in then absolutely then absolutely but if there's no additional incremental cost if we would have to pay the same amount to service our patrons you know I'm not necessarily a fan of um soliciting payment in that regard so for example I was trying to make it cleaner to right now we have three events down at the Taylor Pavilion that there's no charge for and then there's five I'm sorry there's four couny meditation um and then there's another four that they do charge five because they were originally Recreation Recreation used to charge five to everyone and then when we got involved they were able to not charge for the residents so you what I'm hearing from you is let's just keep it the way it is and allow the the programs that are originally the library programs continue free to everyone and then the wreck since they were wreck programs they just stay that's their decision okay that the way it is that would be my opinion on it okay and in the event we got to the point I think we discussed this in the past where all of a sudden there's such a demand for a class that we needed to have a new section and that was driven by people other than direct patrons or taxpayers in bmore then there would be an incremental cost and I think we would need to definitely review that in order to be responsible you know but until we get to that threshold um I think it's a service that we need to provide libres no no no I just I was trying to help the re budget right you know in a way that didn't affect our residents um and make it cleaner down there in terms of what classes are charged and you know just all the same for everything you know but uh that is every everybody agree with that just keep it the way it is question we have come four classes that you were mentioning that are sponsored basically by the library are the majority of the patrons bmer residents it's about it's about 5050 um I would say the it depends on the class um and when you say remember sponsored by the library all of the instructors right now are paid by the library so even the recck classes yeah with the idea that you know we couldn't fit them in our facility here and that uh that we were covering uh that so uh but when we're talking about meditation taii Healthy Steps and strength and balance those four we don't have any money coming in um from nonresidents and I I it's about 5050 but some of the classes are a little bit more I would say meditation which is very small meditation is the smallest there's about 10 people that uh come um each time the rest they like today what was 37 I think was that the fitness Fitness class to um the taiichi there's usually like 20 25 so it's all it's all kind of different um I don't know if that answers your question it's it's somewhere between 50 to 75% Belmar but I would say it's more towards 50% depending on each large abity Road you know when our numbers might go the opposite way there's more nonar resents than there are resents we might have to rethink this okay right so just keep it status quo the way we have it I question what are libraries that are around us do they have programs available that Elm more residents go to that know it yeah it depends it depends on each some some libraries are nonprofit organizations some are municipalities some own the property don't own the property so you know uh some for example in manisan they don't have the budget that we have because they're not a municipal liary Bradley does they have the budget uh Avon is one that has a you know the same type of budget um do we know those those Bradley do they offer programs that Bradley does I go to Bradley all the time yeah free right for everyone I had to pay an out of you did P like15 $20 but then I go to all their programs what oh just say their card for the C and we have and we have that too and I take my grandaughters there all the time yeah so really we have the same then is Bradley because they pay for out you know Lake comoo does not pay for a card but all the other towns do pay for a card but um some of the libraries that are nonprofit organizations uh they're not municipalities they do charge even for their residents yeah do they use other fac well some of them just have larger facil if you've been to B's they have their own like yoga room you know children's room yeah Avon doesn't have the classes that that we the fitness classes that we have specifically do they have Fitness classes there um I don't know that they fit well I think the W has Fitness they have like music classes for kids they have uh stem classes for kids they have um puzzle making in their building yeah yeah they have a whole downstairs with a children's room couple they have a children's Library downstairs and an extra room and a children's librarian so that that's really those that was my uh update was the windows we can also go downstairs uh afterwards and see there's been a lot of progress the up the update downstairs is uh two weeks still waiting on the on the carpet but a lot of the painting is finished and so we could go down at the end and take a look at that uh looking forward to that being finished and then also the update I know uh Sharon's going to bring this up in her report but we're waiting for the downstairs to be finished to put out the the email and um using the town to help us as well in terms of our strategic plan the idea of the Strategic plan is is we have a um an email that uh will go out and say Belmar Library listens and the explanation to to everyone will be what are the things three things that we're doing well if they want to give us five or six they can if they want to give us five or six saying the things we need to improve but we're asking for three and three uh things and then um Leslie takes that that data and brings it to you and we need to establish one Ward member that needs to be on the on the committee Sharon as the President should come in and out of that but at least one board member um so if if someone is interested it is a lot of work a lot of writing up action plans um and whatnot um but the idea is when the basement is and the reason we want the basement to be done is we want a lot of different avenues for people to share their their opinion so first they need they can do it digitally second we have on the the front uh desk here they can do it in writing if they'd like to write it to us they can also just come to a meeting and share verbally and that's Lesley's job as a non um employee to take that and then we will also have someone who speaks Spanish for a Spanish speaking Community to take it uh in verbally and give it to Leslie she we put all this data together to to give to the committee and we will establish action plans usually action plans in a strategic plan is you know you have four four committees small committees two of two or three people it would be communication it would be resources um um it' be uh programs and facilities and the facilities is is very important in terms of for the budget um there has been facilities plans before done by the board but it hasn't been really as as official in terms of uh what needs what needs to be done so we can do that through the Strategic plan uh model um but we're just waiting for that to be done and we have the email created and Leslie um and Deb are creating the email and it's ready it will be ready to go out but we want to be able to say on this date we're having this meeting on this day it will be Spanish speaking person to share you know so it's all in one email going out will'll go out through the schools both St Rose uh and Belmar Elementary School and then also I don't know if anybody through the town if there's any way that other than our email and through your email system is there some way one of the things we did at the school we actually walked and you can't put it in your mailboxes but we walk the town and put things indoors you know um I don't know if you have any ideas how we could get it out we started doing a newsletter a short newsletter but again that's still digital send it don't um oh you do you don't mail the news you don't no okay so that's my thought is I mean we could mail something but that's that's that's costly get mailed anything that does get mailed from the town that we can add only only um notices and things like that you I can walk it I volun I love walking whole whole town could we do something like put it on the website and then and Market it out like say take the library survey and here's the link I'm just thinking of the ndigital people as trying to get have database of emails of individuals that live in to reach everybody no I'm saying you you could walk only the people who don't have make it less of a you know it's engaging it's engaging the unengaged too it's finding it's find finding the people in the shadows as part of the Strategic plan that aren otherwise engaged in the library you know I think we can get the message out to the people that we know pretty readily it's getting the other stakeholders yeah engaged you know to to make sure events say them food they come yeah that would be the most events have food so um I mean our events what other events in town I mean we have the Chinese New Year as our biggest event is there anything else in town that we uh I me we have bigger things like seafood festival uh that brings people from out but I mean you know we always have we have AAR I'm just thinking know the idea is to start really you know two weeks you know from now and go for a couple of months but if we if you wanted to extend it to get you know more information and go months and months of receiving I I don't think that's a good idea buts ands but I like the idea setting up at a Town Event whether it's library or what's a Big Town Event in the next three months put a put a put a sign on the library float during the parade there there you go we sod we had the soda bread contest and maybe as would it be bad as we're walking that we hand things to people as we're walking but the problem is we're going to get it to people that are not residents I just put a sign on the FL a sign we're going to do our best we're not going to get everybody we just got make an effort to get as many as we can I think we can I think we can contact people that are already engaged who are going to have probably have the most interest it's just finding some people that otherwise wouldn't be engaged and engaging them that I think would be the benefit and we can only just do our we're going to do our best on that okay do you like I mean do you let's put this way only 50% of people a Good Year good see 25 and 30% and put on every house but the response is going to be very you know I would say minim but it's going to be probably way less than 50% would you be okay if I'm just thinking again I tired of hearing comparison for the school district I'm sorry but would you be okay if I had um director's te's and I went to people's homes like we did for the referendum and explained this the process of how to give their information to us and also how do you feel about walking town I mean do we have anybody I we're not going to get everybody and the problem is we do have to have our attorney agree that it's okay because you do have risks with people walking walking from home to home um not that I'm saying I'm not trying to say but you know you have things that can happen so just asking your you know opinion everybody takes a street does it within a couple months know the other thing to think about too is um and I forget off the top of my head like how many households there are there are in town um because if you're if you're going to let's say mail out something you're only really mailing it into just the households so you could have a household with five people you know um and I'm trying to think about you know doing campaigning you know how many how many households there are I don't remember I want say rough number maybe 3,000 yeah um so you know I I don't know that I would can the mailing idea okay yeah depending upon what what is it does anyone know what that cost3 cents for a stamp you know that and how do you you can get the all the addresses um I mean I'm thinking right I the only way you can get the address yeah we do so that that's just getting a group together in meeting on I mean you can get a service I mean you know we we for example I've gone to um kch you know and you give them a list and you say this is what I want sent out and and they send it out right we would not necessarily an envelope it could be a it could be a flyer you know I thinking postard postcard we have to just design it so that it communicates quickly in in enough information that in the 5 Seconds they'll actually look at it before they toss it they that they actually interact say who I want to do this yeah so we would have to make it very engaging visually right what is that what is that cost if there's 3,000 homes is going to cost 3,000 you think or more I could do I could do that I'm not too sure what it cost but we do that with the fire department okay we have a uh gentleman that handles that we do one we do a first mailing and then we do a second mailing and uh we have our uh Corporation Belmar Inc and we uh meet and we uh split that's when it split between the three companies and the exemp association and re Association but uh I'm not too sure what it is now because I did that years ago when I was uh we we had that we used to do a walk the entire town yeah we used to walk the entire town now we do it through a uh a company that handled that and uh basically uh chip Cav did handles that whole thing pretty far apart we like I said previously we have two na mailing but then you know we do the entire town the marina the boats everything so it's a whole so would would the board like me to look into that um a mailing um we have to okay yes know there's possibility postard if we had aard that was kind of created that had like inst three pros three cons however mentioned it before in strategic areas at strategic times example I know February 1 don't laugh is um you have to pay property taxes so we know that that's the day that a lot of people come in through the lobby of the bur and so I know this is too soon but I'm just saying times that we know that they're specifically locals around you know I know we mentioned the St Patrick's Day Parade um I know we mentioned sod contest and new year but there are some others we have the concerts um residents that are attending you know the outside concerts so we kind of thought about the times that we could kind of capitalize on we have a captive audience instead of sending out like huge mailers that sometimes just get lost I'd rather have someone ask me directly oh what is this about oh you can tell me a few words about it yeah I I want to fill this out just the thought I I I always wor about mailing I pick so many of them well the next the next meeting is um how about if I have a plan to bring to you we're have to like move on it quickly um or do you want so febru sorry February 12th I mean we were thinking we wanted to start before that in terms of getting it out you know in an email and whatnot do you do would you we could still do that and um have a kind of a separate plan in terms of how to get to more people that I could give you on February 12th and I'll give you like how much it will cost for the mailing you know how we would get I wouldn't hold up our initial our initial plan based on this this this is a bit for lack of better term of scope creep and and due diligence okay but I would I would at least le start casting the net on um people okay access mail around after know the continuity of that okay we'll do if you have any questions or thoughts about anything contact chck because he does you know he can give you some information uh like I said he does it for the fire department okay have information about that and I've also to we we've sent out mails campaign mails to every registered voter in the town so we have a good idea of how much course and with the postage I can call I'll call John yeah just call just say you know when we get a mail to all all register voters yeah how much did it cost and that also included the printing of the yeah of the doc whatever it was that was being sent flyer whatever so I you'll have a good bll park it is all right so as soon as the downstairs is done just so you know then the dates and the email will go out with the email for people to communicate with us there will be a sheet out front here the dates will be established and then on the 12th I'll have a a an action plan for you in terms of how to kind of reach the other people okay all right Shar on yeah I know out but she also did contact me and said that since the rain was out that she did not have a budget right so she had one and I said if she sends it to us then we could email to theard MERS all right um okay um I leave a message with Lois gter Natalie as to their wish for the springtime installation of the planting in her mom's hon um and I also asked well then she called me back when I found out that she's living in Florida and speak with her after the day and I was flying and she said you know that she was very happy that they were going to do something we were do something and I did ask her if she could probably within the next month or two put together some words that the family would like to have on her plaque so I'm glad that that's finally we've actually contacted one another she has my number I have hers it's good um second bullet I have on is it's a new year so anyone that hours I need to email me the dates in the workshop titles so I can get them today because he need report and it's a new year anything that people want to sign on feel free we have lots of things that are going on in the state and um there's a lot more information so again you can go to the the New Jersey library Trust website uh the digital Marina should be promoting the libraries activities I heard at least once each month but I haven't seen any for our upcoming I would um let John know about that so so we do we do uh leis did give MLK our presenter and he said it would be on I was supposed to stop and look and see if it was on texting John right now so that just so you know that is um and then the idea is uh strategic plan will be on there as well on that sign so that's the next next oh she back [Applause] on they're not getting any [Music] sympathy yeah so I told leis has it all organized I just want to we're going to go over it next next time like we cut one of the presenters um I just want to make sure budget wise that we're okay based on what we did with the capital expenditures um for this year so he has it all organized and I'll have it for the next meeting because I um uh it's going to be a little tighter this year so I just want to double check that before he presents it next time but just so you know Lis could you go over what is I have organized and yeah I have you what we have we put in for requisitions what we're committed to you know okay so uh I passed out everyone to you a little little double packet there things the first page is the first series of uh living history events that we have going on it's supposed to focus around uh Martin Luther King Day Black History Month uh President's Day and uh women's History Month in there and I got uh three living uh uh historian actors that will be coming portraying uh uh Martin Luther King which is this Saturday the 13th uh he'll be followed by uh pen Sur presenting as president us Grant okay and then here's what I'm looking forward to is U Payton Dixon uh presenting as president Theodore Roosevelt and finally we have on March on Saturday March 2nd uh Harriet Tubman and these are all uh going be professional actors and I'll pass around a little thing and we can see what the uh the main signs are going to be and then we also have um we have those we have the first author time for the year uh is Jennifer C Waters and cynth O Connell uh in their book now the good news about Au the times that they they don't cost us anything we're not paying for anything uh for the authors they come here on their own to promote their books and I have uh already lined up a significant number of authors that I just have to finalize dates with for the rest of the year and the reason I was able to do that was because I partnering with this person uh I forget the name my head but we're going to be having an author uh uh book fair uh at in Taylor Pavilion uh in May and where we're going to have up to 30 authors AR organized by this person and they'll be coming to talk about their books and uh selling the books and things like that and we at the library are partnering with them in terms of providing the um location our our ability to promote and and uh highlight the name and um this person uh came to us asking if we' be interested to partner with them because she had a similar effect late last year over a Neptune with some level of success but she wanted a partner now that had uh uh ability that she said to to get the word out and stuff and apparently she saw our successful things and and uh one of the authors is someone we did the book launch for last a year or two ago for the um uh um life cards okay and so we were recommended by then so we have that program coming up and U I also have upcoming uh a couple of programs that are not on the event roster the programs but are not going to cost us anything these we're having a uh a Caregivers for LGT VQ uh seniors and uh caregivers um program uh author time uh we're going to have another author time um Maria raro had put me in touch with a uh a teenager who wrote a book on homelessness in MTH County in New Jersey and has been published he's a published author now and I'm going to reach out to have him do an author time here in at the library Ocean Township High School Ocean Township yeah Zack Ley is so really looking forward to have that very good kid um we're also going to restart some of our programs uh we have the youth our program just started up the first uh first event was 20 kids which is fantastic um we'll also be restarting once the downstairs is up and running again uh we'll be restarting the smartphones and technology for adults and seniors and we've already uh we're going to restart the disability law for families needs and the Medicare information programs both of which have been quite successful in the past so we'll have them starting up again soon um we do have uh all pretty much all the dates um set for the summer concert series but we haven't nailed everything down finally I just wanted to go over some things with Dave on that issue but we pretty much got all the main bands all lined up for that uh including uh the uh uh the kids rock band and um also for St Patrick's Day Parade we're uh we already have the float lined up and the band The Kids Rock Band perform for us on that well and um I'm currently uh well into planning for Chinese New Year um that um uh was originally slated for Thursday uh February 15th but we may need to move it to a Saturday for a lack of dancers available on Saturdays I'm looking to exposing what dat are available about that for a second how do you feel about that um Saturdays um it's either Thursday with not as many dancers right or Saturday with a with a better show right Saturday with the better show without any increase in Fe yeah what dat uh I'm looking at the 10th right now but I'm Wai for John to get back to me on that because apparently um Mary makers I has it slated for that day but they haven't booked it so if we can steal that day back and not using it otherwise I have to hold it as early as Saturday 3rd or as late as Saturday 28th or whatever the last Saturday is Sunday uh I don't know I don't think having a Sunday would be a good idea in an even on an evening Sunday no don't go do things I think Thursday is good because you only have one more day so people are willing to come out at night right and Saturday that I don't know I'm asking you whether you think could go either way because kid have sports and you know some parties so it could either be really if do if we do a Saturday it would be evening one like Saturday well I I don't think I don't know I mean I don't really I think uh you know our kids are in younger ones are in the high school kids are out but I don't I I never really saw that many of our kids take off that week to go on vacation because their older brothers are off you know what I mean okay um so I don't I don't know if that affects I don't think it would that that's the President right want to stay away from that President we oh yeah yeah I mean I have a president coming on that weekend I don't want I don't want to have two major events so so let's make a decision now if you don't mind because leis has to schedule this uh do you want to go with Thursday or Saturday I think uh Saturday you're going to you're going to have to take into consideration I think you're going to have a higher volume of people during the day so you might planting did I do a midday no were talking you were talking Saturday February 10th from Chinese New Year right right so I think Saturday you know you're going to have more dancers right like you said but I think uh you're going to have more people coming out on during the day I mean you know you like say I have an afternoon type of thing have planned for I think doing in the evening oh Saturday evening well that's what I was thinking I just think people have going on on Saturday I think it's crapshoot yeah I think it's crap shoot to be to be big and just going to be I don't think there's enough I don't think there's enough quantifiable metrics to say accurately one will be more or less Thursday nights I think pretty busy for me cuz I don't have a lot to do on Thursday so I like those events Saturdays we have lot to do so whether or not people come out like I say Point what's the breakdown on dancers like what are they saying well part of it has to be is like the dancers they have their full-time jobs and they have their they go to schools and stuff like that and so they're coming from like the Island area so they have to get there they got to come down if we start our event at like 7:00 they gives some time to get down here okay um and I think last year we started at 6 but they but uh they got there late they got there late and a little we had to wait a few minutes I know same thing happens Mar yeah same thing yeah so and last year they they did good because they had several dancers including that one guy that played the special instruments but um I got a I she just texted me say hey I can't get as many uh it's hard for me to get the answers on a Thursday night so can we do a Saturday so that's what I'm looking into now I'd be jly with Saturday you'd be cool with Saturday I would you would or I would you would okay I'm actually pretty indifferent problem everybody give it a try it a Saturday February 10 well depending on what joh I'll find like that yes Saturday for Chinese the year Okay so so um so that's that and the other thing just to kind of give you uh what we got going on is um we're going to be doing a lot of things this year that it's not going to cost us like money like say we're going to doing things for National Library week we'll be doing things for band books week uh things like that like Library theme um uh events throughout the year um also we'll be repeating our series of live animals wolves reptiles Penguins and the pine Baron animals uh which it would bring an owl so that would be pretty cool uh the kids will like that um and um that's for the moment that's really about it just to give you an idea of what we're working on there are other things but there there could beong and just one quick thing uh leis was talking about the bands uh has anyone seen the black ties Louis said that there was some um in town they played there 600 which is the same as what we pay Pat Rody there was another band it was 12200 so we're not we're saying no to that but um what do you think one more concert I know someone asked me why we always do it on a Thursday because Wednesday There's the concert in the plaza and Friday there's the movies and I call John and it makes I think we have to stay with Thursday yeah so let's just keep it right so so go with another one okay to go with it yeah all right good okay Sharon yes okay may what day the week were you looking at for that um i' got to see if I can pull my calendar um I believe it was a Thursday I tend to like to go with Thursday let me tell you um looking for local artist I me local authors well I don't have to look no no hold on let me let me make something absolutely clear here I don't need to look for authors those are already arranged and the vast majority of those authors are local to the Jersey Shore area um some may be a little farther south South others may be a little like maybe into the the Southern Middle sex County but they're all local to New Jersey so we don't have to worry about finding authors she's already done that I'm just pulling we're pulling in the back end of providing a venue and providing the marketing uh muscle behind them thinking she's she may have a handful uh uh yeah but I don't think she has she has yet to send me the list of could ask we could always ask we could always ask if they want to be involved I'll put them in touch with them you know um let's see [Music] [Music] here yeah yeah we did mention that um well part of once we're able to put in requisitions now once the budget is entered in and we're able to put in requisitions then we can start ordering like Opera DVDs uh and then then we can start putting together the the Opera program again U but we're just waiting for the budget to be uh entered in the system we're able to enter requisitions to place orders so do we have available through I thought we had I know it's not but one of the other ones that we had with music sometimes you know it helps with those that have you know beginning stages of dementia Alzheimer and so on so I was just trying to and the other thing I was going to mention was with the Sunday Open dates that we have you know are there any activities or events that we're trying to use to well one of the things that some of the staff members have been uh talking about that I think would be great would be um a Sunday story time uh for uh kids of uh several ages groups you know not just for the prek like we currently have now but we will be for the slightly older classes like up to third grade um and we can do a Sunday Story Time there and that's something we could Implement without any additional costs and we can use existing staff members and resources for that so that's something we can start up soon yeah Patty as a retired teacher she's uh she's willing to help us out with that and Patty just to give us an idea on Sundays would you you say that the numbers are about the same as Saturdays yes yeah Saturdays and Sundays are way busier than evenings yeah evenings are slow Saturdays and Sundays get a lot of families and the first Sunday we were open we had maybe three or four different families come in with small children and sat down and stay for a while to read and then Joyce said if we had a story time on Sunday we'd probably get a big Crow so think about it Joyce is a retired kindergarten teacher p is a retired what grade first second first second so it's perfect on Sundays we're we're uh do that and that will get people here earlier to stay and then maybe maybe an idea of some type of program too um on Sunday so it's really has turned out to be and I think once the downstairs is done too I think we're going to see people that are going to want to study downstairs like we have people on Fridays that were coming in cuz it was kind of quiet on Friday we've had that on Sunday we' had people sitting table com to work get they get away from their kids to study get away from me GL com every Sunday glor is in here every Sunday is that right when you Sharon to answer your question the local author book fair is currently scheduled for Saturday April [Music] 13 that I'm sorry uh it's a book for Saturday April 13th April that's book and that will be authors that will be there and that will be at at 10: a.m. to 2 p.m. Taylor Pavilion Taylor Pavilion yeah because that's going to be I mean the idea is we want to bring people here but that's going to be pretty large yeah have 30 having 30 authors each at their own table talking about their books and everything uh that's going to be a much SP yeah all right last thing that I wanted to mention was that um Anna and I did deliver the donations to the Humane Society as well as the ASCA yes and I got pictures from Anna on the Facebook page to see if they're there just to let you know it was Aug amount of things that were so they were very appreci and we left them with the belmar's umm libr bus card exactly you know where the donations had come from the res and the library and Sharon I just got a text from John it's on the sign right now M okay and the next thing hopefully will be to either Chinese New Year what's the DAT of Chinese New Year uh well feary I'm hoping that we get something about strategic plan that stays on for a while before that but we'll see okay I think we and one other thing you had in your report you wanted to know about the terms of everyone I have a copy for everyone when their term is done and everything that Jer the mayor did uh last year so everyone knows and um you know what we're going to do is we're going to do both of you at the end if you don't mind we'll do your uh uh swearing in yeah we'll do that at the end after you know public comment okay I think that's it for my report thank you any old business kind of discussed it through both reports correct and new bus was already brought up as well yeah any other new business that was not discussed in the reports you like to talk okay public comment um is it possible that you could get an exan band to uh support the uh the Mexican people in town an idea it's just you know it's just ideas well we we we um we are not going to do the cink of the Mayo event we're going to be doing a summer concert summer series yeah she saying you know you know Mexican music yeah I I know you listed a couple of children's activities but what happened with the uh the clubs that kept going to be started for like the T teens and stuff the um like the Pokémon and and things that were discussed we can't really do that until the till the basement um is done but in terms of some of the things that we planned on doing when we spoke to the superintendent he had asked for us not to do them this year he got a grant from um for clubs and things like that and and we were going to be kind of recruiting some of the teachers to to run some of these programs so he said could you wait to see how the the clubs go with with the school so I said you know we wait on that plus with what was going on with the with the basement but we are we are uh looking into you know the Esports being supportive of of what they're doing over there but um that but that's kind of why I slowed that so when you say the year you mean the school year so till the end of June he got a grant for the whole year yeah and then that's yeah and then his Grant is finished yeah uhuh okay um I know Louis she spoke up a bunch bunch of things but can all this be written out you know Chinese New Year like what other nightly events is the year laid out and can it be actually it's it's it kind of is we're still in the uh development and approval portion of it uh at the next meeting as David outlined I'll be uh this will be pretty much finalized and I'll be presenting it and I'll and I'll be translating this into something that the public can readily access on the website uh and see all the events laid out uh so that will include the the nightly events like the iish show to bread thing and yes and all those things and and there'll be dates attached to them there'll be dates attached to it now some events will not have dates attached because they're so far out I haven't set finalized but uh they'll they'll definitely be up there to know that it's coming and to you know uh so and as as the year goes on and I finalize certain dates for certain events for example like the Latin American month um while I haven't settled on a date on that yet exactly when that will be I want people to at least know that it's coming and so they can be aware of it so as soon as I have uh as much concrete information for each event I'll be plugging online so people can see it on the website and if you feel free that's not finalized but leou has it done actually right now but I just wanted to like you could kind of take a look but the next meeting it will be it will be completed just because of what we did financially at the last meeting I have to double check and meet with Lorraine who's not in right now to double check with our budget situation but that's why I wanted them to talk about like the next two months of what's H definite and then at the next meeting it will be finalized but he has it pretty much all organized and and said to me do you want me to present it tonight and I said I just need to wait in terms of the budget uh what are we paying for the Strategic plan uh we pay that uh we're paying Leslie $35 an hour and an estimate an estimate of how many hours she'll be uh I don't have that if it's anything over $2,000 it has to be approved by the board um so the budget I wasn't here last meeting and um it sounds like a lot happened so in general um over the years the budget has been um I don't know between the municipality and it's just been very um gray area and the library has not used their funds for the library that's why our windows are this old and we're praying that in February we might get a new window I'm still you know praying for that you know we need a new door we need the facade done we need the these things things done the chimney still has um uh Twigs in it I don't know if that's ever really clearly been looked at I don't know if that's clogged I don't know if that's backing up your exhaust or anything I you know and and all this stuff needs to be done and the reason why all this stuff needs to be done is because the budget has been in this gray area for years and it has not been the library has not truly been funded clear completely with the libraries required money and now it sounds like I missed a very important meeting and and everything's getting bright again um I beg you I plead with you I I applaud you please fund the library and use the library funds for the library write things down very specifically what you want to like if you want to pay 5% for you know because of DPW whatever then write that down in a resolution so that this does not repeat itself over and over and over and over again this is a beautiful Library it's a Carnegie Library it's a historic building we we should be looking at an addition we should be Way Beyond an addition a children's room a children's librarian you know this is this is the future and we just keep going backwards I I was so hopeful last year was so good and now it just seems like whatever you guys just all talked about we just took 20,000 step backwards I'm very upset just say that and I will walk the town I have no problem walking the town I'll sign anything that says I will not Sue you you can get me a list of all the emails that you sent out and I'll only go to the houses that don't I do it all the time for the politics I do it all all the time at all I want to get as much information from other people people we can't reach that's who you want to reach you want to reach the people whose email you don't have who don't come to the library who don't even know we have a library who don't you know that's who you want and it's their money too that's it any other public comment yes yes I have a comment okay um my videos are for everyone yeah so anytime anyone wants to go grab one and embed it on your Facebook page on the website any is welcome to the video okay I don't own them they're for everyone okay people may want to see what goes on here what do I uper get all that information about the budget and what you spent and how much you gave 180,000 back to the town where do I get all that where do I get that all written out what do I what was my I've been that to the tent just like you did last year same thing just doing o request for for a budget for the spec as I said last year that um I'll give you the specific report that you would ask for you would ask [Music] for the budget account status transition audit Trail so that that would give you specifically and in terms of uh what you're asking about with the meeting now that the minutes have been been approved I can give you a copy of the resolution and I could sit down with you if you'd like and kind of explain how the the the budget works and where the money how the money goes back to the town and whatnot um the the capital uh line that we were talking about that had the 200 ,000 in it for this year for the windows the board had the choice of either encumbering that that money and have it spent this year or um or not and budgeting it in for next year so they encumbered some of that money but rolled over some of the the uh unspent funds to Capital reserves which then gives more flexibility with things like you're talking about if every year for the next 5 years that the the board decides to roll over $100,000 that's a half a million dollar then you can go for Grants to the state and get where where you get the same you know the grants um where they will match them and then we can talk about a you know an addition I followed the money Trail for the last eight years and there's been um accounts supposedly there's an account with 650,000 in in a capital fund no there there's not I know I know I know I know I know I 174,000 Capital but I'm just saying you know it the the library has funds and the library needs needs help and we should as a as a a unit as a town we should be looking and thinking addition and and really pushing ourselves to the limit of of what really really really what we need here we have a town we have a town that's interested we get we get activity we have activities we're expanding there's people moving in all the time that are interested coming here and we should be pushing ourselves to these to these uh ideas and instead of you know constantly re Reinventing the wheel and Reinventing the budget and and you know talking about the same thing over and over again it should all be laid out your calendar event should be laid out for the Year this is what we cost this is this is how much it's going to cost us this is what we're doing and you know this is how much money we have and this is where we want to go anyway thank you any other comment okay motion for adjournment okay all right next meeting is what did I say 12 12 okay yeah