all right soate notice of the meeting to be held by the bmore board of education on Thursday no cheese sorry January 4th 2024 at 7.m has been provided in accordance with requirements chapter 231 public weth 1975 notice of the meeting was posted in Bolton board in the principal's office of the bmore elementary school 101 Main Street on January 6 2023 notice that the meeting was transmitted to Asbury Park Press the co-star of the municipal Clerk of the burough of bmar and the lake com School District on January 6 2023 can we all rise for the flag seat to the flag of the United States of americe all right so we have the election results so Kimber check and Rebecca Herbert thank you very much for coming back in and then we have Paul so i' would like to have you guys stand and you guys say I state your name so I state your name do Solly swear or affirm or that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I support theit of the United States of statey and that I will bear truth faith allegiance to the same and I will bear true Faith Al and to the governments established in the United States and this state to the United States and State under the authority of the people so help me go under the authority of the people so help me go and I state your name do somly swear or affirm do swear orir I possessed the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of the Board of Education I possess the qualifications for the office of that I'm not as voter pursu to rs1 1941 notal R nor disqualified due to the conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs ATA 12-1 that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office according to the best of my ability will and all [Applause] congratulations call so M Adams here M here M Che here Mr con here m f here M Herbert here M lus here M Nichol here Mr ol here and Mrs cart here so we have election of officers is next so can I have a nomination for president sh Adams so I can get my seat back any other nominations [Music] so roll call so miss Adams yes uh M yes M chck yes Mr conin yes Mrs Fay yes M Herbert yes M lus yes m n yes Mr yes and M C yes take my sign with me that's okay at this time we will open the floor for nominations for vice president okay second thank you any other nominations okay nomination will close roll call please sounds yes m al yes M Che yes Mr klin yes M Fay yes M Herbert yes Mr lus yes yes okay then we need to sorry no just okay okay um we need nominations for the delegate and alterate sher's the [Laughter] Del my God she lives if I do I make it okay that's fine and is anyone willing to be an timate that's it's twice a year they're meeting the New Jersey school boards Association they develop policy for New Jersey school boards Association um it's they talk about you know what the the what they're doing for the the benefit of all the school boards that they represent and it's pretty much a policymaking organization I I have no problem going I usually try to ask somebody to be an alter I don't think Rebecca when she was Al has never had the go [Laughter] okay oh so M yes M yes yes Mr con yes M yes M Herbert yes M lus yes M Nichol yes thank you that's perfect very f um okay and at this point this year we're going to have a representative to see sit on the manisan board of ed so accept nominations for a representative to sit on the manisan board of ed any other nominations call M Adams yes M yes M sh yes Mr conin yes m f yes M Herbert yes M lus yes m n yes Mr yes M car yes okay we'll move on to the reorganization items we have to go so that members of the Board of Education are reviewed and become familiar with so School ethics ACT code of ethics uh required annually required annually that the board policy and all existing bylaws will the board be approved Mr barley will be the school safety specialist for Board of Education the New Jersey Board Associates Insurance Group ciz um Insurance Group are appointed with the broker of record for all Insurance programs first ocean is design the official depositories for film of Board of Education Asbury Park Press the co-star uh the newspapers of record along with the tap to uh B leomo the electronic news source and then the agenda Workshop sessions for all regular business meetings to be held the following according to the public meeting act and so these would be the dates uh proposed for this upcoming Year's board meetings U no no meeting in July or December as previously previously done I guess yeah 2025 reor meeting would be January 2nd at Thursday uh that the rotation you'll see for seats for the maswan uh board of education is belare this year Lake com next year and Balmar again the following year so we will have representation from this room uh very likely uh for the next three years um and then authorizing myself jimy Alvarez and Michael barsley to app for federal and state funds until the next reorganization meeting of board of educ can someone move the re check second um any questions or comments roll call please M Adams yes M yes M yes Mr yes M yes M Herbert yes M lus yes M Nichol yes m yes Miss and before we move on to our regular business we have a presentation oh just a super oh well first of all um a period of time when we can have comments from the public on agenda items if anyone from the public wishes to agenda it ja okay if not we'll move on to the superintendent report okay so uh we've got a lot to report on have a meeting in December so our high impact tutoring Grant work will start next week we're looking forward to that uh special thanks to our custodial staff for the deep clean over the over the winter recess uh we have a new camera for our outdoor 11th abside which is really excellent we get a great view we had some great donations from the United Way of socks and coats for our needy families in Belmar um PTO has a a daddy someone special daughter dance on January 26th which I think is really great um special thanks to the sons uh friendly sons of the shalele for their generous donations for Thanksgiving baset to many of our families and another special thanks to Abby murn for coordination of that and our staff for helping deliver those baskets to the families in town um again and then during this holiday season we had a lot of community members step up to help our needy families um for Christmas um Mrs Mangan did an incredible job organizing a really great gft Drive um so together with bees staff the Church of St Dennis in Manasquan the burough of Lake Como Belmar police they're able to donate uh gifts for over 100 families 100 students 45 families sorry U but it was really excellent really well coordinated um and then we also want to thank uh the abdala doyle family and jersey miks for the really generous lunch they offered our staff right before the holiday break that brought subs for everybody um and so that was super very much appreciated uh we have our second round of rship programs which are those really fun after school activities for our students that we'll have this year through the American Rescue plan funds um we're expecting our third bus soon uh it's been lettered and it's awaiting a visit from the DMV so if you imagine going to the DMV as slow imagine them coming to you so I don't know when this thing's going to get here but it's ready uh congrats to our honor roll and high honor roll students they had their assembly this morning um than their families and teachers and everybody in attendance uh really great and then we also have uh another wonderful announcement the teacher of the year for this year is Lori diffley and our education specialist of the year is Susie a they're both outstanding staff members who really put the best foot forward and their hearts out to their students and their families and so we're looking forward to the commissioner's recognition lunch and in the spring and maybe we'll do some uh kind of recognition here in the spring when they have her lunch and to to recognize their efforts hard work and uh and that's something that's voted on by their peers nominated and voted on by their peers so really excellent that's really great good news um can I have a motion to approve the regular minutes and executive session minutes for November 2023 excuse Mr con second uh any questions comments or changes roll call please m al yes Mr yes Mr Che Mr conin yes M yes M Herbert M lus yes Mr nicholay Mr oain and Miss CA yes Personnel items Personnel items to approve Tony Marie nomos as a bus driver they $24 $25 an hour the approve the full uh day substitute par professional rate um give the superintendent person of har staff and new hars uh will report at the next board meeting uh we also have a substitute teacher there for Catherine lions and then also volunteer Robert hotman so these are going to be pending criminal review and employment history can someone move the personal items any questions discussion yes yes Mr Check Yes Mr con yes M Fay yes M Herbert yes M lus yes Mr Nichol yes Mr yes and M C yes and the operation it operations uh Transportation dra for back Regional School District for high school students approved vehicle maintenance agreement between Belmore B ofed and how Township B ofed they have a fleet and um they're able to service our our buses and help us out to approve vehicle shared service agreement between Belmore B and bough Belmore so they're going to be helping us out with um some of our fuel gas for the with the town our ssds which is just the students da student safety data system where we report information regarding the school year twice a year so this is um from July to December and improve the Girl Scouts that have their meetings here and the appointment dates below um that's it can someone move the operations any questions coms question with the Red Bank one the first one that's just regular busing that's not school yeah that's just regular busing y yeah so what right now currently is um when we need gas I have to go and put it on my credit card and so so both a lot of districts uh go out and they work with the townships because they already have their gas pumps or something already set up so they get it fairly cheaper than going to a gas station uh so that's what we're going to be doing so they already proved this uh agreement back in I think December or November so we're just now getting on to our agenda so this way then we can move forward with using their pumps and then we get Bu from the township instead of for whatever we whatever we use yeah so we're going to get like a f and then we key in and then it just it counts makes it a lot easier makes it a lot easier I thought about that how you were supposed to there there's a lot of things with this bu thing that I didn't think about so that's that's the other side with the hell Township like nice though because H has how has a Fleet and they're kind of close to us uh plus that our facility manager Ryan lives in how as well so he's able to bring a bus if we need to over to how just because you got to get quarterly checkups you got to then also get uh twice a year inspections plus any type of Maintenance there's there's a lot that goes on it so I contacted the ba there that does other schools as well so fig try not to which is great and at $100 $100 an hour it's not bad to work on the the F so great you're not going to get all me I don't want that cheeseburger at the end of the year okay any other questions com roll call please yes yes yes Mr con yes Mr yes Mr Herbert M oh Mrs sorry Mrs has changed M yes Mr yes cart yes sorry two different things to go over the fin all right so uh first thing is just the monthly certification as of December 31st that no budgetary line item hasn't been spent and then following the resolutions so the bills uh in amount of 1.5 million for the month of December number two is that uh the resolution to allow me to pay the January bills and report them in the February um board meeting number three is the board secretary and treasures report for the month of October and November uh number four is the monthly transfer report and budget transfer report for the month of November and number five is just the certification the monthly certification of secretary's report okay can someone move the finance chin any questions or comments M yes M yes Mrs CH yes Mr con yes Mrs yes Mrs Herbert yes Mrs Bas yes m n yes Mr yes m I assume we don't have a Mone report yet don't know it's they actually have meeting tonight that's just for this first meeting it's not going to be if I can just ahead for our students here but um we did get a letter at home from Madison High School saying that they've now brought in IB classes which I think is great um red B had them my daughter took advantage of them they've already transfered to our college transcripts it's just it was exciting to see that and Spanish was one of them English literature so oldest but I thought that was great that's I used to teach Spanish about it it's great to any Communications any old business any new business oh I was almost got sign is there is the sign oh yeah you guys missed the last uh if you weren't were you here the last meeting yeah I was uh we we've got a new rendition for the sign above the door is that the talking about yeah it's just it's the one that's going over the AR yeah no it's not up yet so it's still so imminent we'll show above the door in that big white space right yes above the door white space aluminum yeah their recommendation was to go with the aluminum that it would last longer um it and uh yeah so but that's that's being scheduled for install but I think they have to custom make the letters what color it's black she's got them right there sear Michelle was here last it's very class CL looking and then once that goes up then you'll update the picture again yes then we'll update the picture for sunny day we're going to wait for like just the sun to be right at spring time with some flow yeah okay so no one bring it up anymore and then when the signs up you'll us that's right you know you are the queen of old business I know I thought your old business was going to be something different so anything else the water yeah new business anybody you have new okay you know what I'm say curriculum online posting online yes um we just organized all our curriculum for qac we have it in a file good um because and it's digital so we'll have it all up click it yeah we're just going to click it up there we we had to organize it all anyway to make it easy for uh the county superintendent and the director cc to review it all so it's all in one place it's going to be all PDF viewable for them so then we're going to be able to transer them great thank you y any other old business any new business so just underneath new business I sent everybody a email that needs to have training done this year if you didn't get an email from me that means you don't need training um but uh I sent you want to oh I missed it you gotta take you gotta take a governance for but it can be online yeah so um so just let me know I sent you uh also the PDF of like the screenshot from uh School boards kind of showing you there's a couple of dates in there if you want to take those dates if not the self Pace will be coming out sometime January hopefully but last year the government's working up in was July right it was late so December I thought I thought you were saying it was still 23 no no no this this one's for this upcoming year I to that's I thought he was being sarcastic I had to be done by yeah all right any comments from the public on any of them on anything anything um has any thought could you just say your name oh certainly I'm Bart nicolay 316 4th Avenue here in Belmar this is my son jack nicolay he's a boy scout he's uh elected to uh attend the meeting tonight thank you so that he could satisfy his uh Communications badge that he's working so diligently on and this is one of the requirements to attend a public meeting such as this thank you for coming happy to be here right he was ATM Elementary School for 10 years I was just looking at the was a wrestling a baseball player 15 years I was just looking at the dates to remember and was just curious if any consideration had been given to the fact that there's no full week of a of February vacation like so many other schools in the region choose to have um since it doesn't know here in New Jersey anymore you would think that there maybe there that type of uh allocation of days could uh could go towards making that a full week of vacation just curious if that has ever been discussed or deliberated it has been 25 years I've been on the board it's been discussed just about years okay that's how it went from a from one day to two yeah so so what we did in an effort to try and find some balance was um we have Frid off this year and then that Monday and then Monday is a PD day for our staff yeah it's something we always we'll consider again take a look at surpris as state that holiday ar schol oh yeah just Red Bank and mquan calendars are so unique yeah just between those two schools that's what's so nice about the February break though because then nobody else has I was just it's not teachers convention when all of New Jersey is like in Disney JY they have a nickname in Disney Jersey I forget what it is it's a didn't we do a survey to parents or to students or to some we did a survey the one time saying would you prefer the whole week off would you prefer one day off would you prefer didn't we do I think we talked about it but we didn't do I don't know if we ever did a survey but I also know that part of the impact of that would be a longer school year yeah right and I thought we did the survey for some reason I thought it came out that most people did not want from our school did not want the full week I don't know if they did I'm sure it probably was because they didn't want a longer end of the school year because on going away yeah they were just like we're going to be home in the middle of February with the kids stuck in the house right so in terms of people that still have to go to work you have to provide something for that week where they can better the week at the end of the year they do keep it it's part of their I like it we all like it interesting thank you sir well next year thank you because of how where Christmas Falls it it's already extending the the school year if it plans right like how it goes so if if you add that day in you're going to add almost what like three four days it's almost to the end of June next year is definitely a different it's definitely a different yeares so that's why our is on the second it's a Thursday so they'd have whole week and then three days so that's you know eight days plus the weekends so 12 days unless come in like one or two days and two days is so awkward I'm going to put together a couple iterations of the calendar any other public then we do have as M ncol said the stes to remember PTO meeting January 8 schools closed for Martin Luther King Junior Day January 15th the PTO dance uh daddy special daughter of someone dance that um Mr Alvarez mentioned on January 26th the bo next board meeting will be February 8th and then schools will be closed for students um and a PB day for teachers on February 12th schools closed for President Day February 16th and 19th and at this I will entertain a motion to adour the meeting check first usually brush