##VIDEO ID:a02KTJ0PgoI## good the New Jersey Public's meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the beler board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted With The Star Ledger and express times and submitted to the town clerk of the town of beler on January 19th 2024 the meeting will be live streamed at www.bad est.org flag salute I alleg to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Li justice for all the mission of the beler school district is to celebrate our past and Empower our future while focusing on the four cornerstones of our district tradition Excellence academics and Community we strive to build confidence and promote collaboration we encourage an equal partnership with our students and staff as well as its community members we Empower everyone to develop the best version of themselves the beler school district is committed to shaping Shing students into Global Citizens who take Initiative for their success and contribute to their continued Excellence of the district our students are leaders in the decision-making process of their education and will be prepared to excel in the 21st century Society roll call please Mr Akerman here Mr Blum Dr zeith here Mrs Duckworth here Mr Scott here Mrs stefen here Mr Mrs wter here Mr chiarelli here Mrs Gardella here Mrs robbot here okay so we are going to do our committee reports we had curriculum and personel correct I realize this morning I didn't send out the curriculum notes even though Mrs Duckworth sent them to me sometime late last week so I apologize for that up a lot pull up the notes a lot of it was was off of the Personnel too biggy backed M and then the rest was handbooks yeah you maybe you here we go sorry I'll I'll send these right now to everyone yeah we talked um real quick we did we did talk about the handbook updates um I did send out I think prior week though did send out uh the attachments that Mr carabinas had put together for the elementary school which uh were focused on cell phone usage and also on attendance and tardiness so hopefully all got a chance to see that but I'll resend them if you did not um and his uh handbook will reflect those changes um at at the meeting which was on the 7th the high school was just in the process of finishing up on the he on the handbook um so we'll be sending that out also very shortly either tomorrow or Friday so can take a chance look at that um we talked about uh Mr cariban has talked about go down the list here his um tardiness in attendance he's hoping to have attendance at around 10% this year I think that's sort of a goal and then same thing with tardiness um and there's a lot of flyers and and things that'll be uh given out either in back to school night or uh at his next principal's for too so that'll be that'll be good for everybody so he was good work done with that and he also um was talking more about a reward system for those students that are doing the right thing that are coming to school that are you know doing what they're supposed to rather than just focusing on the the students that were having difficulty getting there um and then cell phone use just um for the Elementary School uh not that I think there's between K to four there's much of cell phone use but we'll say k to8 or prek to 8 um only use will be during lunch um otherwise the cell phone will be in a holder in a classroom in a backpack and again that flyer is going to go home and we'll go home to to parents shortly to and be review at it back to school night um he also is working on a an anacron acronym is a Reset Program which is for K to three students for the most part uh there was a plus there but it's restorative education restorative education support emotional and time um using the morning instruction for the The Chronic behavior issues and hoping to get the students off to a good start and then get their day started with a reset if needed so I like that program a lot Chris went into some good detail on that um also the elementary school will be using for the students the safe schools that we use as staff that's mandatory training for staff but for students um there will be like a certificate program and for the students that are having some difficulty um that'll be sort of a a step in the process of the of the restorative part of the um discipline process um we are happy to say that we are uh will hopefully be approving tonight on the agenda 40% position for wood shop um we are looking to bring wood shop back into beler high school um so that once we get that going we're looking at I think it's h three class periods and uh two intro and then one a little bit more advanced just two okay got it so we're looking forward to that um we just talked about the physics and what we're going to do with physics this year uh we will have three levels the AP level will be completely online um but we'll be in a classroom um I guess by quir of the schedule all the classes are actually scheduled at the same time so we will have um they will be in with the honors students but they'll be working on the online program with themselves and then the honors Pro class will be separate itself and have specific teacher as well as the um CP level and the last thing just to remind everybody we will be starting at 8 o00 this year 7:57 for the 3 minute warning bill in the high in the high school and um passing time in the elementary school is decreased by one minute this year so less hanging out in the halls and hopefully that takes care of some of the discipline issues and then finally uh we talked about the New Renaissance program which we will be launching uh on the first day of school we're going to start launching at um K to 5 um but we are going to integrate at 6 to8 uh quickly it's going to take the place of linkit um Dr mcken Mr carinus myself were actually at a workshop on it today I think there was the first time they had seen and well put words in their mouth that they were both impressed with its capabilities um about the fourth or fifth I've been involved with it and just really looking forward to getting that going I think it's going to be a huge win for our students and we plan to do a presentation at the September board meeting on the program so everybody can see it live and and get in a going that's pretty much everything we have Al sry um go out Chris I have just a few questions um reward system that sounds awesome uh same with the cell phone uh work for K through a and then also um what else the wood shop is really exciting my questions for the handbook updates for the high school do you know if that's going to include an updated cell phone policy yes okay I just don't know what it is at the moment but yeah yes okay and then um another question I has is attendance and tardiness approximately do you know where we stand for the elementary school and the high school in terms of benchmarking ourselves because I heard the goal is what were required to be at below which is the 10% right so um actually the state just changed the goal now is 15% oh okay the state has changed it uh changed that number um which I think they're just recognizing that there's it's been postco a huge issue um so I think while 10% I hope we hit 10% is is is an aggressive number I think if we can come in lower than 15% I think we'd be very happy at this point and same for the high school I don't know what the I don't I think last year it was about 19% for the elementary school I think that was the number I don't remember off top of my head for the high school somewhere in that General range but it was it was about that okay okay um and then my only final question is the AP with honors um just curious how is that going to work with ap taking a virtual class with honors without interruption okay re-evaluate okay all right that's all I have any other questions just I'm just curious on the incentive program what do you what do you think of doing what are the incentives okay that's exciting I think that's great oh nice okay great that's excellent any other questions on that okay just so you all know there was staff and students all involved in that working on that in the elementary school which I thought was pretty cool that that was done and Mr carabina has headed that to get that collaboration that we had been talking about and hoping for So yeah thank you to those students and staff who did that this summer I'm a big fan of incentives I it's great okay so now we will be moving on to the interview of our board candidate Katie delen yep get you hooked up chair yeah everybody should have a copy and You' already got it with email with her letter and her resume is there anything you would like to say to start as offer I've never I've never this is my first time being on a you know going for a board of any kind to be honest and um I'm I'm in it for for the kids I have three children in the school and the school means a lot to me because our children's Futures are the future so anything that I could do to get involved with the school and helping this overall situation you know with involving all grades and just everything I I I want to be involved in that process and I know there's board open board seats open so I've been told for a couple of years now that they're open so I thought why not you know shot any questions from our board members I'm GNA ask the question the first question I always ask do you have any immediate immediate family members who are teachers I do not no I actually watched um a documentary today about New Jersey Board of Education and all the things that could be a problem and couldn't be a problem and I don't have any of the thank God that that's a good start yes question two I'm going to ask is we meet a lot of Wednesday evenings right our board meetings are Wednesday nights and we have a lot of committee meetings on Wednesday evenings is there going to be any daycare issues for you um no okay other questions no that's it okay we have multiple committee um that everybody serves on like we kind of divide it up so everybody tries to do like two or so okay so we have off top my head we have curriculum Personnel Finance negotiations policy policy Sports we have a Sports ad hoc committee we have um an instructional Council where we meet with staff too off of any of those things is there anything that you think one particular or two particular that you would like to know more about or be involved in or that you think that you could bring something to either of any of them um policy maybe I I'm I'm a very big advocate for children in anti-bullying situations and unfortunately from majority of parents that I've spoken to that have kids in the school there's been a bullying incident I know that I've had it to deal with it and it's it's something that shouldn't be happening you know such a severe rate so if I could get involved with an anti-bullying campaign or anything that has to do with that or wherever that is I would love to do something like that okay but otherwise um you can put me wherever you want and I will do you know whatever is asked of me that I need to do any other questions any yeah I Y one unique qualification that uh qualifies you to be on the board okay you just one I think it is it's a really tough question um it's like a unique quality I'm sure you guys have so many qualities I'm sure there's so much you know being offered that I don't really know what would make myself a unique person other than you know like my compassion for students and um my ability to see maybe big pictures as where people might get emotionally involved in certain things I could be like well maybe we shouldn't be as emotionally involved in a little bit more like the whole picture and what would benefit everybody you know like that's my talent I don't know if that's really a talent but that's a good superow yeah that's superpower I Wasing for chling that's I might be able to manage that one I can I can juggle a few but not too many well I think just your passion as a parent that can use you're a parent you want to be involved and that's to me that's a good qualification you're willing to give your time freely to help make it better thank you yeah that's what it's all about making everything better you know y any other questions Okay so so I will need a motion um to go an executive session for personnel Hib board candidate discussion anything else that's it right that's all for tonight there's a lot going on tonight guys um so I need a motion to go into exective for that motion second okay all in favor okay great discussion held by the board which need not remain confidential will be made public as soon as practicable minutes of the executive session will not be disclos disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists the board will reconvene in public session at the conclusion of the Clos session in approximately 20 minutes half hour half hour okay we're gonna go okay we catching on to all the little new is here it's taken me about three years takes a while yeah now I'm getting it we are going to have to add one committee report because there was a committee meeting right before this meeting so that was the finance meeting so we have one thing to go over for that coming back in Maran me no Shelly or Shelly okay whichever one of you okay the finance committee met this evening um and we discussed the jcpnl direct install program this is a program program that um our new operations Chief Andrew Kennedy brought in it's a really great opportunity we think for the school district um the the the project that we're looking at will bring us new stadium lighting it will it will upgrade our FL fluorescent lighting to LED lighting and give us all new lights um it'll redo all the flood lights outside and we'll get two new boilers um to replace our really our only um remaining boilers that are from the 50s um so they're kind of on their last legs and all this Energy Efficiency is why jcpnl um is offering a u a utility program in ctive where they're actually going to contribute 70% of the cost so it's a $585,000 project um we're looking at at a utility program incentive of $414,000 there the remaining cost is $171,000 that amount um they're offering an an option for z% financing over 60 months um so that makes the cost to us $2,850 on top of that because of the Energy savings they're projecting that our utility bills will go down $1,321 a month making a net payment for this entire project around $1,500 and the it's an estimate on the Energy savings there for good chance it could be more which would even decrease our cost so over that 60 months if you go with the estimated um Energy savings of $1,300 a month the $171,000 that we would have to pay would actually be closer to 90,000 over the next five years and could be less than 90,000 depending what the actual Energy savings is so the finance committee as well as myself think this is an amazing opportunity that was brought into us and we would like to get it locked in um because this is a I believe it's like a federal program that goes to the um to the utilities and I think they for example they were saying like PS and is more towards the end of what they're giving out so we want to lock in why jcpnl is still giving out at 70% um so they there's a possibility that if we get this going now they said that jcpnl will come in and do um like an an audit of our our our facility to apply for this within a few weeks so that we potentially could get some lighting and everything going probably not for the first home football game which I uh tried to ask them if we could but at least to get our our Lighting Up Up Out in the fields I think right now it's about 60% working so to get it to 100% should really brighten things up and then you know add in the boilers it's a it's a great deal so we're going to add another motion to the add-on to approve us applying for this program if we for some reason are not approved for the 0% financing over 60 months we can at um at that point back out if we need to but um we do have money in our capital reserve so this is something that we think we should move ahead with okay okay that'll be under the finance ad on under um where we put that you want yeah we can do that okay under business that right because that's we're approving everything else right yeah it's 50 it's 50a under approved bills 50a so that'll be 50a under business when we get there just another one to our list here okay have a growing list yes okay sorry let me get back to the beginning here um okay so now we are going back to our um board candidate so I need a motion to appoint Katie Galino to the open seat on the board motion second all in favor I any nose any extensions no welcome Katie come on up come on up like PR is right come on down right in front of the camera here were the secret documents here here's who shot Kennedy you have a red light okay great red light I Katie Galen do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Alliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God I Katie Galen do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in NJ statute 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties that office according to the best of my ability so help me God sworn And subscribe to so you can just sign off there oh oh okay I don't have a pen thank you I just want to note that the open board seat um it is and through the end of 2024 the election in November will elect um new um new board members that coming in for the 2025 year okay um just sign right here okay welcome to the board thank you thank you very much okay do we have an agenda she can follow I think she has one oh you have an agenda down there it's mine you have a copy of it to follow along participation yep okay so we are on to public participation um referring to agenda items for tonight do we have any public participation come on up hi I'm Kathy ginta I haven't been here for a few years if you don't some of you know me some of you don't um I was listening to the problem that you guys we're trying to like talk about um with the late tardiness and and I have a wonderful idea that I brought to the principal's attention to do a bike bus we are a walking district and if we can figure out what children from K to 8th grade need bicycles and helmets we can look into getting donations to have every child in the town have a bike and we could split the town into three or four Parts get volunteers to be the leader of the bike bus and drive around the whole town to collect all the children for school with music playing like you know they you can even do where the kids put in their favorite song they want to hear on their ride to school and it gets picked out weekly to get them to participate and be a part of the whole thing and I think in our town I think that would get every kid to school on time every day you know and I I was saying I don't know if we can get it started now but maybe for spring when the weather breaks so we can find out who needs bikes who needs helmets and you know and I I I'll help with it all too I'm back I have a middle schooler again I thought I was done with with middle school but I'm here again so you know I I have no problem helping out in anything that anybody needs and as far as high school I know there's a lot of issues and I haven't been here in a while and with budgeting and stuff like that but we really got to try to find some way to not every kid is college kids and we've had this talk many many times in the past um I have a senior in Warren Tech right now and I know for a fact she would not be graduating high school if she was not in that school her shop is what drove her to finish and do what she had to to get by she wants that license when she graduates and if it wasn't for that I like I said I really don't think she would have made it through high I don't know what our graduation rate is here right now but um I know that I have another niece that's coming into starting High School this year and I'm worried about her going to school here because there is no Drive other than academics all the time like we need something more that Sparks these kids' interest and we know now you know college is not for everyone to go through and sometimes it's not the better option you know we shouldn't be pushing all our kids go to college go to college go to college because there's so many trads that are so in need of people and they'll make way more money than if they went to college unless they're going to be a doctor or you know so something that I hope that we'll still work on to push you know for kids so they our graduation rate like I said this is like you know an investment for me this school because I live here in town so if I want to sell my house one day I want people to want to buy my house because of the school district and that's what people look for so I said that from day one my first meeting here we need to make the school like and we're starting with the elementary school if we do this bus bike thing you know people are going to really look into that and like our numbers will totally and the exercise in the morning for these kids would be wonderful too so thank you thank you where I can address the concern I have another portion is it for the an agenda item like for not for a specific agenda item no then there'll be one at the end too you can do yep NOP you can do it for the second one we'll have another one okay anybody else for any of the agenda items tonight no okay so now we need correspondents okay I have several um letters to read I'd like to start with first is one that um we just inadvertently missed reading at the June meeting and it says Dear Mr kruba and Board of Education members it is with mixed emotions I am writing this letter to resign from my position as school psychologist I have spent the past 13 years with Bader I have learned and grown as a professional in so many ways over the last few years the child study team has faced a lot of changes and obstacles that have taken away from the student supports we had offered in the past while I completely understand why these changes happened it certainly stunted my professional growth in Bader I no longer feel like I can give our students my best with the expectations and supports in the district I do not feel like I can effectively do my job as a school Psych ologist here in Bader I have truly loved my time in the district especially with our theater arts program over the last 11 years of being involved in both Elementary and high school theater there have been so many positive changes for our space and our students I encourage the board to still support these programs so many of our students have found a home and a safe place in our theater program we just had a Freddy Award winner who started with our program in fourth grade in Little Mermaid Jr and is now going off to college after being a lead on stage for years the benefits of the Arts are unmeasurable students develop confidence reading skills self-awareness public speaking teamwork and break out of their shells our Auditorium still needs a lot of help and upgrading so I also encourage the district to keep supporting that cause these students work very hard to achieve their passions and the space they use matters thank you for the opportunity to work at beler and help impact our students I have loved my time but it is time to move on to continue my professional growth elsewhere sincerely Elizabeth kpat and I have another letter says Dear Mr carabinas and Board of Education I am reaching out to submit my letter of resignation effective today August 11th 2024 I recently accepted a position with the Mansfield school for the upcoming school year the position of a par professional is an important one for our most vulnerable students from the first greeting to the end of the day we are supporting our students long-term success we have we develop strong supportive relationships with our students their families and our great Bader teachers I have enjoyed my students and co-workers in my dective service at Bader early in my time at Bader I traveled out a district with a student to Still Water for 3 years over the years I was able to form a strong consistent and supportive relationship with the student and his family which I believe was important to his development and success during that time I'm proud of the work I have done with all my students and I wish the very best for the students of balader and all my colleagues sincerely Moren Burns the next the next one is from Kyle Benson please accept this letter as as written that I intend to resign from my position as mathematics teacher at beler high school pursuant to the New Jersey statute requiring 60 days notice my final working day will be Friday September 20th after six rewarding years of Bader I have chosen P to pursue a new opportunity elsewhere though this decision was not made lightly I want to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible experience I've had here beler provided me with the foundation for my teaching career and I am deeply appreciative of the support and guidance I've received throughout my time here I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition for my students in the mathematics Department as a whole I have already taken steps to pass along lesson plans and curriculum materials materials that can be shared with my replacement thank you again for the remarkable opportunity to be part of the beler school district I wish you and the entire schools Community continued success in the future the next is from Stephanie goldap porier um Mr K beler Administration and Board of Education members this letter is to confirm that I'm resigning my position my positions as English teacher play director costume manager and senior class adviser at the beler high school at the end of the 2324 school year I've appreciated the opportunities I had to learn and grow here and wish the school every success in the future and this one is from Ashley salano um I'm writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my occupational therapy position with Bader effec of August 26 2024 the decision comes after much consideration and is driven by an offer that presents a significantly better Financial opportunity over the past two years I've had the privilege of working under your leadership and have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of special education your guidance in collaborative environment with in the department Have Been instrumental to my professional growth I'm immensely grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from the entire Special Education team the dedication and passion for providing quality education to all students have truly been expiring been inspiring as I move on to this new opportunity please know that I'm committed to making this transition as smooth as possible I am more than willing to assist in any way during this period thank you again for the opportunity and to be part of such a dedicated and dynamic team and the last one says Dear Board of Education and Mr kuuba I sadden this day has come I am writing to inform you of my resignation as the beler high school assistant principal and athletic director please consider this letter my notice and have held for the entirety of 60 days my last day of work will be o Friday October 18th I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work as an administrator at my alma mater but the time has come to take the next step in my professional journey I want to thank the dedicated coaches faculty and staff for their support throughout my tenure but most importantly I want to thank our students for making my time here at BHS one that I will never take for granted beler school district has and will continue to hold a special place in my heart and I I and I am excited to see my son grow in this great District full of potential I'd like to share a short story that I believe is one of the small reasons behind my resignation but although small a major concern for the future of our district before the end of the school last year Dr mckin and I met with union leaders to discuss improvements and changes for the UPC upcoming school year at the beginning of the meeting one of the leaders started by saying Bader will never be a great District it can be a good District but it will never be a great one this saddened me more than I care to admit and I realized at that moment that if others felt the same way their leaders felt it truly didn't matter how hard I or anyone else worked to be great the end result would always just be average or not enough it is my opinion although not shared by all but I believe it is shared by many Bel beler School District the town and the community is great we have a special place here in Warren County and although we are small we are Mighty my one request is that you focus your efforts on building our school pride back to a point where people are proud to be working and attending our district and instill confidence in all stakeholders to believe that whenever we step foot on the field we can win once again I'm extremely grateful for the many relationships I built the past 5 years and the opportunity to help lead our school I may be resigning my position but I promise that I will do my best to help help build our school and community so that the future students at Bel high school can be as proud as I am when they talk about it to their future children thank you again and I am sure our paths will cross at some point please let me know if I there's anything I can do to help with the transition sincerely Brad BTO II okay superintendent report glad I didn't have to read all that um I'm going to start out uh I'm I'm going to actually talk about the folks that are resigning um we were remiss with start out with Elizabeth perat that we didn't just just say a few things about Elizabeth the last meeting um you know Elizabeth has actually been here as long as I have because she did two years of um her inservice through school well when I started as principal so go back for almost 15 years with Elizabeth she has made a huge impact on our students 3ek to 12 whether it was uh in the theater whether it was um you know with her work as a school psychologist and she will be greatly and wish her nothing but the best in her new new Endeavor um for the folks that are on the agenda for this meeting um we'll start out with Ashley salano Ashley mostly worked in harmony as an OT um she was excellent at her job um really appreciate getting to observe her a couple of times she she really brought a lot to the child study team um I know she is uh working a lot closer to home and making more money so good for Ashley and we will miss her uh Moren Burns has been here I think 10 years and she has been with one of our students for a while and then has sort of morphed into other positions over the course of the last couple years and um she's done great things for us also she will also be missed as well so good luck to Moren and then the next three you know for me um are folks that just had an opportunity to to get to know on a personal level I'll start with Kyle Benson uh Kyle's been here six years seems like a long time that Kyle's been here but goes quick had an opportunity last year to spend uh 10 days in Europe with Kyle um Kyle's first of all he's an amazing teacher and his connection with the kids is is almost second to none and it was quite evident with I think we had on that trip somewhere in the 20s of kids or maybe even a few more than that and Kyle just spend time with every kid at some point on that trip and it was just amazing to see and getting to see him do that and just spending time with him as a chaperon was excellent so Kyle will definitely be Miss wish him the best of luck as he moves on um Steph porier Steph was here when I first started in a maternity position um always wanted to get her back when she left and she she went to Clifton afterwards um I was so glad when she was here have always held Stephan highest respect I think she's just an amazing teacher she's done amazing things with our our theater program the fact that we've had Freddy winners in two consecutive years is just for a small school like this is just amazing um I wish her the best as she moves on to her back to her La M Mater um I told her jokingly I was going to be mad at her mother for getting her back to Warren Hills but uh we wish step nothing but the best and then lastly Mr BTO Mr BTO and I go back a while now because he you worked for me when I was in harmony as CSA over there and he was a fizzed teacher um we were able to Wrangle him away from Hope and um and then obviously the last five years is an administrator here um I think Brad has done excellent work in every step of his career that I've been able to work with him at um he'll be greatly missed I think his impact um will be felt immediately when he walks out of here uh the first day he's gone he's done done great work um we know we'll see him around probably see him around more because he'll have some time on his hands not doing two jobs but um Brad thank you for all you've done for the district we really appreciate it and for everybody that's leaving and resigning you know we really do appreciate I think I speak for the board um we've had some excellent people walk out I'm sad to see that um but there's a part of me that's excited now for the people that are still here and the folks that want to be here and have been here for a long time and I think um I think Mr BTO is right we're we're on the precipice of doing great things and it's time for us to really push that forward so thanks to everybody that has worked here and best of luck to them um also want to take a moment to thank our summer help um we have teachers coming back on Monday I know everybody super excited about you know coming back first thing Monday morning um but our custodians our maintenance staff our administrative assistants um have done amazing amazing work this summer our buildings always look great um you know you walk through uh the element school and just how it just looks so much different from the last day of school to today you know Mr Kennedy has done an outstanding job um can honestly say Obviously we just talked about him finding that grant for this work um I think Andrew has done an amazing job in his little over a year here and his impact has been has been tremendous um would be remiss without thinking Mr Lee and his partner Mr cook you know they probably work their hardest in the summer getting everything up and running and and moving some things around so um we do appreciate all your hard work over the summer and you know look forward to starting the school year and it's a lot of a lot of great people did a lot of great work this summer and then the administrative staff um you know a lot of us do tend to work probably almost every day in the summer um and I think this team has done that this summer it's been a little bit of a different summer for us and I just appreciate everybody's efforts so thank you um just want to mention to you know uh we are we have a new art teacher coming in this year who'll be working 40% with us um for the K to8 School pre to 8 sorry um it is worth noting that Jen Jen maata Walter is also the Warren County Teacher of the Year this year too so very proud of that um I know uh Mr carus and I got a chance to meet with Jen last week to go over her schedule and she's excited to be here so just want to formally welcome her amongst the other people that were hiring but just to give her credit for being the Warren County teacher there because it's a it's a good recognition and the last thing to mention because you know I like to continue to talk um Monday this week we had a alization meeting um Mrs wner was there uh representing beler and Mrs Gardella was there representing White Township um Dr Green we probably met for close to an hour and broke down where we stand um couple things worth mentioning Great Meadows is officially out of the discussion at this point um they have issues with their ability to leave hacket town based basically on demographic so that was one of the pieces that was brought um to us so so they're like 99% out meaning that the state could give them a waiver but very unlikely that that'll happen at this point um so we appreciate that they were and it they'll their name will be mentioned in the study at certain points but overall um they really can't continue at this point um but do green will be putting um and his crew will putting on a Public Presentation sometime in October maybe later October early November the steering committee will get a report sometime in early October and the rest of the board will get it later in October to see where it's going um but it was interesting to see one of the most amazing uh things that we saw was they did a 20e snapshot I think it was 20 years right Wier um I think it was beler has seen 41% decline in enrollment Hope was 40 white was 42 and um Harmony was about 44% so everybody was almost exactly the same uh percentage wise it was really interesting to see that so obviously that has the impact on the high school but the other interesting part of it was Dr Green said that he feels that we've bottomed out on the decline and he actually sees down the road probably a little bit of an increase in students since the high school so I thought that was really interesting those are just some highlights I don't know if Miss Gardell or Miss wner want to comment on that further but uh very good meeting so we're looking forward to getting that report and and seeing where it goes so that's my report and by the way Mrs gint it was good to see you again haven't seen you in a long time and I have three bikes I'll donate in in a heartbeat so okay so on to agenda item first we have policy and I think they're all on first reading if I remember yes they're all on first reading so this will be item number one through 10 I have need a motion to look at policy items 1 through 10 motion second okay any questions no questions okay all in favor I I any nose any abstentions you can abstain you can yes yes no absolutely you can just abstain that's fine yep okay now we're on to Personnel items now you have this sheet with all this red everybody needs to look at it we have items one through 31 d right no 31 G through 31 G yeah 11 through 11 personnel items 11 okay starts in here you have all the add-ons here okay onto the back got it okay all right all right so I need a motion to look at items for personnel 11 through 31g motion second any questions on any of the items no okay roll call please Mr Akerman yes Mr Blum yes Dr zapto yes Mrs Dorth yes Mr Scott yes Mr stefen yes Mrs wenner yes Mr Mr chiarelli yes Mrs Gardella yes and Mrs Rath yes okay so now we are on to education items 32 through 41 there's no add-ons for this I need a motion to look at education 32 through 41 motion second any questions on any of the items just on 32 quick I thought this was going to change um we did too um at budget time but unfortunately there wasn't any other options that were available that suited okay there's a lot of money any other questions no okay so all in favor i i i i any nose abstention there we go I'm sorry I didn't even add your name to the Personnel one this Glen you can abstain then I'm gonna abstain okay okay so now we are on to business items 42 through a but this says 52 yeah there a 50a too I believe yeah wait yeah it should be 52a okay oh yeah I missed the approval of the minutes so yes so the apply for the grant is 52a okay that's your add-on so business items 42 through 52a I need a Mo to look at those motion second any questions on any of those items all in favor I any knows abstention good job okay so that brings us to continuing business anybody have continuing business no we didn't get there yet get there yet I do okay um hey Miss Cham I have to jump in a little bit on this but we are in the process now of uh working with our attorney in the state about selling Third Street um and I talked to Mr CR this afternoon and we are definitely uh in the process um we are now remembering sometimes when you're dealing with the state of New Jersey and specifically the Department of Education how things can take a little bit longer than you want them to um so we're in the process of fining the right paperwork we have to get approval from the state which Mr crew does not believe will um be an issue but we had to send some some extra paperwork over just a motion that we had about um that we had voted on and you know how long ago that was but we're in the process so um I think we'll be able to update a little bit better at the September meeting but it we we're working on it but it's not as going as quickly as we want so the biggest thing that he that he explained to me on our call I believe it was yesterday maybe the day before is that when he finally got to the right person that is now taking care of such items in the doe they found that they treat a sale um similar to any other project that we may complete so we actually have to have this project added to our long- range facility plan so we do luckily we do have a longrange long- range facility plan that's been completed in The Last 5 Years so I've reached out to the architect that completed that for us and they're going to give us a proposal by next week to go in and do this it's a it is called a major Amendment but it shouldn't be too lengthy and it should um all the details behind it should support exactly what we're wanting to do but it's just a matter of following through all these steps to finally get approval from the doe to actually do the public sale so as soon as we found out about that I may contact and we'll uh hopefully be working on on that next week any other continuing business no new business no okay well new business I know our sports teams have all been hard at work those coaches and those students good for them in that heat now at least it's cool for them so congratulations on the cool for them um I know all of them are in full mode now our kids have been getting up very early in the morning and going to their practices and the coaches have been coming in very early too so awesome to see them back on the fields that has been great um number two is welcome to all of our incoming staff um and incoming students I can't believe it's already here um so I hope that all goes well and I with our turnover and our um resignations that have come this summer I do want to Echo our two directors of drama that it's been quite a ride with them for a long long time and they have really built the kids especially the little kids this year so many came out so I definitely definitely want to try and keep that you know we always talk about what does beler have what does beler need to add what that's something that has has been big and even in the high school we have so many sending districts that do it so we definitely need to try and keep that going and keep those kids interested because like they said in their letters it it's such an outlet for some of them and something different so um my last thing then is for the board for September meeting goals we need to do those so that we don't let those go by the way any other new business no okay um public participation good evening School Board my name is Glenn Pinger on behalf of my wife Dena we want to address the issue our daughtera has been having the Bor School District sorry there have been numerous complaints and concerns addressed to various teachers the principal and the education staff over the past three years regarding the bullying of our daughter Raina has been receiving which has created severe anxiety and fear for coming to school the school staff has worked with us to accommodate her and her education she has been receiving through resources online and having a teacher come in person to the house unfortunately this has not been a favorable situation we have also tried unsuccessfully to enroll Raina in a few different New Jersey Choice school programs Raina will be entering 8th grade and she has truly wants to attend school in person however every time uh throughout the I'm sorry however every time throughout attending Bel or her anxiety and fear turns up to level 10 so the solution we need to move to do moving forward is to Outsource R to another middle school and another school district um as she is entitled to this and deserves her proper education please try to work with us and get this into a into a motion thank you very much any other public participation no okay that is it motion to adjourn motion second all in favor I any nose any abstentions good okay okay oh no yeah