[Music] to ww i al to the flag United States of America to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liy andice for all red mine's red we could do the no changes ah there we go now it's all good all right the mission of the beler school district is to celebrate our past and Empower our future while focusing on the four cornerstones of our district tradition Excellence academics and Community we strive to build confidence and promote collaboration we encourage an equal partnership with our students and staff as well as its community members we Empower everyone to develop the best version of themselves the beler school district is committing committed to shaping students into Global Citizens who take initiatives for their success and contribute to the continued Excellence of the district our students are leaders in the decision-making process of their education and will be prepared to excel in the 21st century Society roll call please here here here here here here here all right that would bring us to committee reports but we do not have any for this past month so that'll take us to an executive session I'll need a motion to go into executive session motion nego uh we'll be going into executive session for negotiations instructional councel for personnel CSA evaluation and pending litigation matters and attorney client privilege any discussion held by the board which not need remain confidential will be made public as soon as practicable minutes of the executive session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists the board will reconvene in public session at the conclusion of of this closed session approximately 45 minutes with everything we have going on all in favor of going into exec I any NOS any extensions okay we will go into executive session now I think we should we should go into the other room okay all right good okay so we are on to our first public participation this public participation is for agenda items only do we have anyone for public participation no okay correspondence no okay okay and that's for later y okay so then superintendent report okay sorry I wasn't ready um so just a few uh few things to talk about the end of the year and our are wrapping up um I first of all want to take a moment to to complement um the beler high school and the Belair 8th grade graduation um I did not unfortunately get to preschool or kindergarten because of scheduling issues but um first of all the eighth grade graduation I thought was an outstanding Affair as it usually is uh very positive way to end the year um love the speeches love our two guest speakers uh for those that don't know Mason Scott and Matt ier who are both Bel graduates were guest speakers uh they both did an outstanding job as did Miss Duckworth with her remarks um so kudos to the eighth grade advisers High School graduation although we got a little bit of rain on us um was still I think outstanding I actually thought the rain felt good personally because it was extremely hot especially Under the Tent um but Dr mckenny and and Mr BTO did a great job setting it all that up plus uh Mr Kennedy and the crew um who I thank for just getting everything set up and on and on and on Mr leab I don't think him he gets mad at me but overall it's just a uh outstanding graduation and I was really proud of the students and their their remarks as well and I think M Shone is one of the best uh guest speakers we've had in quite some sometimes she did an outstanding job um we also had our top 10 dinner and this was our first year of just doing it ourselves it is a the countywide one seems to be coming to an end um I do want to thank Miss Stefan she was there to represent the board uh Dr Lamonte and Mike new from the county office were there um that really was in the 14 years I've been associated with top 10 dinners it was the best one that we've had so just to um finish up I just want to say know the end of the year is always tough especially when it gets warm thank God we are not in session this week um it probably we would have to either cancel or go with half days because of the heat especially up in the high school um so I'm just glad that that's not one of our issues but um thanks everybody for a strong ending to the school year and the last thing to mention is we will resume committee meetings after the 4th of July holiday that's pretty much my report okay and we do not have our student Boe representative well she graduated so I think she so she's done she's out here Michaela she gets a great she did an awesome job keeping us informed of everything so good job to her can't wait to see who they send next all right all right so we are on to agenda items reorganization it'll be items 1 through 11 shy we are going to delete numbering working papers can you hear me now we're going to remove item number eight working papers are now done um online and they're no longer done through the guidance office so we can remove that item now from our reorg okay so we will be looking at Agenda items 1 through 11 minus number eight any questions on any of them no questions H can I have a motion on items 1 through 11 motion any questions no okay roll call Mr Akerman yes Dr zeth yes Mrs Duckworth yes Mr Scott yes Mrs Stefan yes Mrs Gardella yes and Mrs ratham yes all right so that brings us to agenda items for personnel it'll be I have a comment for that also 1 through 18 with we are going to change the number of hours on number eight from 10 to 15 we are going to delete item number 17 as it is not required to be approved by the board go through a motion days days Days yeah 10 days to 15 days all right right so can I have a motion for personnel items 1 through 18 with the change to eight and removal of 17 motion any questions on any of them no roll call please Mr Akerman Dr zeith yes Mrs Duckworth yes Mr Scott Mrs Stefan yes Mrs Gardella yes and Mrs ratham yes all right so we are on to education items 19 through 27 I have one more item on number 24 we are going to remove the line for par Professional Services completely these were added from the um child study team director mainly for other um Services okay so can I have a motion for Education items 19 through 27 any questions on any of them anybody no all right all in favor I did you have a question all of these um items 23 24 26 and 27 um they're all put on here by our Charles studies team director in the case that we the Staffing that we have hired inous if we don't have enough um time or somebody's out on a leave or we just need additional Services um then we will contract these different companies to provide them this has been here the last three well I think five years we're working on what the child study team uh shared okay any other questions okay let's go with an all in favor again I I any nose any abstentions no okay so that takes us on to business items 28 through 40 and I don't believe there's any changes nope no changes no add-ons to any of them so can I have a motion on business items 28 through 40 motion any questions on any of them no all right all in favor I any nose any abstentions no all right so that brings us to continuing business so I have two things for continuing business um I'm just going to start out very quickly with talking about the sale of Third Street I know that comes up um now that we have our um latest appraisal uh we will now be working with the Department of Education the Department of Education house to approve our desire to sell the building so we'll be working on that shortly and hopefully by the time we meet August that'll be all approved and then we can really get the pro the process underway so but that's the next step is to reach out and work with with them um I don't know how long that takes hopefully not too long sorry yeah we're just talking about um I just mentioned Third Street sale the next step is to reach out to the Department of Education they have to approve us selling the building so that's the next step and hopefully we'll have that approval uh by the August meeting good okay great thanks okay y um I'm also going to um read a statement just on I know most everybody here tonight is here about the um situation with the with our AIDS so I just put some remarks together and then that way um at least from the board perspective kind of say where we're at so here we go an attempt to make sure that everyone who is here tonight and was openly commented on our potential Outsourcing of our instructional personal AIDS going to read the following statements and try to clear up any rumors or misinformation that has been spread I would like to begin with the facts that are relevant to the situation first it should be noted that the Board of Education will not be taking any actions tonight on potential Outsourcing other than discussing whether we are going out for request for proposals you'll hear me say RFP a couple of times and what should go into the RFP on March the 8th the beler Education Association and the public employees relations commission were given notice that the beler Board of Education was going to explore potential Outsourcing of our AIDS also included in the notice were our custodians but we have determined they would not be included moving forward the beler Education Association immediately filed an unfair labor labor practice claim with perk this data is relevant for a few reasons first the only time by law that the board of education is allowed to explore this option is when a negotiated bargaining agreement is coming to an coming to an end our agreement will end on 6:30 24 though negotiations are ongoing once notice was served the 90-day window for negotiations with the on the impact of Outsourcing of the AIDS began when the 90 days expired which was June the 8th the beler educ Board of Education can then go out for the request for proposals to see which companies would be interested in providing the service again I will note that this process still has not been started and no final action will be taken tonight up to this point the Boe has not made the decision to move forward but did attempt multiple times to negotiate the impact with the Bea in fact all of our AIDS were given contract for the 2425 school year pending a final decision on the Outsourcing I do not know how information was communicated but I understand the public was advised that the Board of Ed intended to take formal action on this tonight I am only making deductions on what was on social media this information is inaccurate as the boa only discuss that we should go out for the request for proposal we will be asking that any proposal includes hiring all of our AIDS into the same positions and if possible making part-time AIDs that would like to be full-time the RFP process will take approximately 20 days and then we will review all if any proposals that we receive and the rest will be and we will review those with the board of education at our next meeting to wrap up we did receive a very well- written email from a Community member who asked about our due diligence once we receive proposals we will then take the time to do our due diligence and ask the questions that were mentioned in the email since we are still in the early in the process we are unable to do that there is no data that can be provided I know that that came up on social media we will do our best once get all of that data so everybody can see it we will also be putting the RFP up on our website as soon as it is complete thank you okay any other continuing business no any new business do we want to talk about changing the board from no okay any other new business okay hi there we go uh while we have so many people here can we also mention that we do have two spaces open uh for the board if anyone's interested um where can they go to if you're interested in serving on the board send your uh resume and letter of interest to miss cha at the at her email thank archa belad sd.org thank you very much any other new business business no did you have any correspondence for the resignation Wonder just a thought I had sorry yeah I I got an email from Mr bar but I don't recall it being okay I was just wondering because a lot of times you do read them so I was just making sure that we weren't missing anybody okay okay all right so no new business for anybody else all right so we are on to the next the second public participation it's limited to five minutes per speaker and 30 minutes for the time frame so public participation now open hi my name is Alis Bry I have a child who is and excuse my voice I'm sorry um is going to be going into kindergarten and then not this next school year but the following another that will be going into preschool I was not planning on speaking tonight but the parts of conversations that I heard prior to the meeting um between two board members does not honestly really sit well with me about um how you don't get paid to be here you're correct you don't get paid to be here um and you don't feel like being told you don't care um and that you're not doing this for the right reasons as a parent as a person who went to the school that's not comforting um and I truthfully hope that you are all here for the right reasons um but honestly hearing that just I didn't feel that that was appropriate and it doesn't sit well with me um and then in regards to the social media I was one of the people who had commented on things and whatever it was never stated that any final decisions were going to be made tonight it was to show support and as a board I would hope that you would appreciate the support from the community I know it's not at every single board meeting but also graduating from beler myself I love the fact that my children also have the same teachers and the same AIDs that I had when I went to school and that's all I have hi I'm Joan mcaffrey I am a teachers's Aid here at badier elementary according to Webster's new world dictionary loyalty is the quality of being faithful and having adherence to a person government job Duty or cause I speak not only for myself but also for my colleagues when I say we have been extremely loyal to this school and to the school district it is well known that we are not making a fortune here yet here we are day after day we show up with a smile and a good attitude we laugh we cry we have each other's backs and we do our job and we do it very well but the most important thing we do each day is show loyalty to our students it isn't just a job to us it's a calling we have genuine relationships with our students we care about them we nurture them and we are far beyond any generic Aid student relationship We Are Family why would you want to break up the family the Board needs to be loyal to us if we have been loyal to badier elementary school you need to take a long hard look at your motives and determined that what you're proposing is wrong and harmful it is most harmful to the students who depend on us each day for stability support love and guidance saving money is not the answer it's the problem here if it ain't broke don't fix it it would do a lot of harm and be a huge disservice to the children we serve they have come to depend on us for stability why would you want to Rob them of that stability We Are Family do not break up the family I for one would not that I for one would not want that on my head thank you uh my name is John Owens I'm speaking on behalf of Mrs gret Marie Scott John I can't hear you so I'm sure they can I don't know is this better just a little closer it's on all right well uh good evening beler Board of Education and community members my name is gret Marie Scott I would like to discuss the importance of keeping the current par professional support staff in the district she has been a special education teacher for 20 years in the beler school district she has worked with numerous power professionals throughout her career here the latter half of her career has been working with this District students who have a very who have a need for a very high level of support to maintain in in the public school setting due to having her master's degree in ABA many of the students have been able to receive behavioral support services within her classroom due to her extensive training experience also due to this she has been able to train and support the par professionals who come into her classroom and work with these students these par professionals and their willingness to learn work and engage with her students is a pivotal part of success of this program she will run her classroom program with a very fluid routine which includes and requires all power professionals to work with every student in the classroom supporting their social emotional and learning needs the community of the same staff makes daily routine seamless and beneficial for the students continuity of these same par professionals also enables her to facilitate a successful learning environment for all students because once she works with and trains the par professionals they can more effectively begin begin to implement behavioral strategies regularly there have been many IEP meetings that she has attended with outside professionals including legal Advocates who have questioned the quality of support that is provided to these students because of the power of professional support in her classro the continuity of their presence she can confident explain that the students are receiving the same support that they would receive as if they were expected of an outside with a district special education setting this is a direct result of having the constant support of the dedicated par professionals working in her classroom program there's been significant growth over the last 5 years of students who are attending beler Elementary School who require behavioral academic life skill and language support each of her students per their IEP require one-on-one support to succeed throughout their school day to carry out needed skills they can depend on the well-trained hardworking familiar par professionals with whom they can trust to help them learn her students in particular also use communication devices AAC devices as a way to communicate not only are there students learning how to use these but staff who work with them need to know how to teach them this includes me knowledge of many different vocabulary words that students could use throughout his or her school day the continuity of the same power professionals working with their students has enabled their students to make further progress in their methods of communication a right that every student should have these are only a few examples of how the important the same well-trained hardworking knowledgeable power professionals are so vital to the success of the students this District especially her students sourcing to an outside agency with no knowledge of who will be placed in the classroom and to our program especially if these AIDS are not consistent will be detrimental to the students and their progress inconsistent and irregular replacement of AIDS will only allow for disruption in learning and the process of students for whose success depends so heavily on the strategic planning and placement of paros who will work with them daily she's been fortunate enough to have extremely hardworking individuals placed into her classroom consistently Mr Carlton Miss gross Miss rush and Mrs vatana have worked with and trained in her classroom program with the same students for many years the students progress can be directly attributed to the consistency with these specific par professionals should they not be employed and continue to work with these students there will definitely be a regression of skills which will include their ability to communicate and socialize with students and their age appropriate peers I strongly recommend you consider the repercussions of Outsourcing support staff and and what it would have on these students and the district as a whole thank you for your time and attention in this matter Mrs gret marce Scott my name is Victoria French Davenport uh the man that just spoke my son happens to be one of those students in her class Melissa has been with my son since the first day of preschool and still continues to be with him Miss Ali has been with him since his second year of preschool and is still in the same class with him um Miss Kathy sorry sweetie miss Kathy has been with him as a substitute and everything else also in his special class with Miss Scott for well two years in Miss Scott's class and then she was a substitute for the two previous years as well my son I don't know you guys may not understand autism but I can tell you right now I am 33 years old and I live my life by such a strict schedule it is actually seriously sad my life is always scheduled out completely imp perfectly for my child for his happiness for his well-being I sent him here to you guys with the confidence I have in Miss Melissa Miss Kathy Miss Michelle Miss Ally Mr Phil I don't know where you are um but I send my kid to the school to a specific classroom with these specific people day in and day out if you start messing with that you will have a complete flop of a school year and I'm already upset by the one fact that my my daughter will be staying back in kindergarten so when I say a flop of a school year I will be seriously mad if I have a second kid that has problems in the school because my daughter could have used an aid it was actually in her IEP my son desperately needs a one-on-one Aid and if he does not get a one-on-one Aid well I'm not sure what the new age thing for a milk back of a milk carton is but that's where his picture might be please when you guys are actually thinking about this realize I send my kid here with confidence I know the people in his classroom and if I don't have that confidence you guys can always be talking about out of school placement for him and I don't really think you want to burn that bridge thank you good evening my name is Tracy Beres I have been in Aid in beler for the past eight years with the last five being in preschool my co-workers and I found out in March that our jobs were in Jeopardy by being outsourced to whichever company wins the bid there is no guarantee if we are hired by said company that we would even work in beler we were given contracts in May for the upcoming school year we signed them why were they given to us if the intention to Outsource was still on the boards and administration's mind we thought we were headed in the right direction until the negotiations meeting last week where negotiations were halted because of the plan to continue with Outsourcing Bader is a small District compared to surrounding districts we are admin heavy with that being the case why does renewing and or extending the superintendent contract tonight a single person take precedence over the contracts of the PT and part-time and full-time AIDS who are Hands-On every day with the youngest and most V vulnerable of the students there are a handful of full-time AIDS myself being one of them the health benefits that four out of five of us partake in does add to the expense but why are we being penalized for something that is offered to us for being full-time employees since the preschool program is a state granted fund State Grant funded program what are the requirements in having a teacher's assistant in class is outsourcing allowed with the grant is the assistant required to be full-time to help with the consistency among the students I invite anyone on the board and the administrators to come and spend some time in the youngest of the classrooms to see firsthand why assistants AIDS are so beneficial badier holds a special place in my heart my family and I have lived here for over 22 years I have two grown daughters who went through the school system my grandson just finished preschool and will start kinder Garden in August this is our home our community I am proud to be able to work with such wonderful people Children and Families please reconsider the Outsourcing and let us continue to do what we love which is helping the children learn and grow with our guidance thank you Reva smickle coord chaos coordinator of the community lunch on Fridays at the Presbyterian Church I want to invite all you board members Administration everybody sitting here please come any Friday and check us out we have students from this school and we have teachers here I can't say enough good about the teachers at the elementary school here they are fantastic our lunch program wouldn't be what it is without them thank you all of you hi I'm Carolyn sbone I have a student in the fifth I guess sixth grade um Mr Scott I'm sorry but where are all of these people boring you you were on your phone the entire time they were speaking no I think that you were being stop let it go let it go let it go Mar Let It Go I'm sorry Mar Let It Go here's the thing every year we do this we talk about cutting the teachers we talk about cutting the AIDS and every year these people who educate our children have to fear for their jobs they have to worry every year about whether or not they're going to get to come back whether whether or not they should be finding jobs and they're distracted from doing what they're supposed to be doing which is teaching our students guiding our future making our children's Futures bright putting their efforts into what we're asking them to do putting our children first my job I'm a business analyst you want to talk about Outsourcing my job all day long you can do that you're going to get a different colored spreadsheet it'll be fine I'll find something else but Miss Sue Miss Lori they're making a difference they're guiding our children all of them are and we can't have a different person in there every single day if there's anything that we learned from covid is that our kids need stability and we have to make sure that we have stability here in beler every single year good evening your mission statement emphasizes your focus on four cornerstones of this District tradition Excellence academics and Community I I know who you are but I believe I'm qualified to speak to you tonight as an example of a beneficiary of those cornerstones no I AG say who you are my name is Frederick skurp valedictorian class of 1991 and proud educator for more than two decades at one of the sending districts to badier high school I've been successful in my careers because of these cornerstones tradition Excellence academics and Community they were instilled in me as a student and I brought them back when I coached here many years ago the choices we're faced with throughout life are often very difficult and when it comes to the unv able position of being on a board of education those choices are made even more difficult because of the significant impact they have on people's lives but I believe if those cornerstones are used as a guide the right choices can be made now there's been some chatter in town about possible choices that are being considered choices that could potentially impact some folks working with the kids in this town if those choices must be made then it's important to emphasize how those cornerstones manifest themselves in the folks that could be imp imped many have lived in this town for more than two decades they have or had children and grandchildren attend this school they bring nearly a hundred years of experience and are trained in things like CPR Crisis Intervention and behavior management they collectively bring more than 600 college credits Advanced degrees and certificates including those in early childhood and autism they exemplify and demonstrate those cornerstones of tradition excellence and academics every single day when they support our kids but more importantly they're dedicated members of this community you see them in church they're volunteers with the fire department they're members of the booster club and they belong to the American Legion so as a graduate who benefited from those cornerstones I implore you to keep them front and center and to use them as a guide when making the decisions people like that can be nearly impossible to find elsewhere fortunately we don't need to look elsewhere they're all right here any other public participation hello I'm Sandy Gonda parent of a high schooler uh on different topic I first want to thank all the teachers ministration my my son had nth grade great year great grades did really well academically socially um so I want to thank you know all the folks and Miss Black I know was here I want to thank her and you know Mr BTO Dr mckin um I do have some concerns though going into 10th grade his IEP is not complete it's the documents not um finished and with Miss kerat not no longer on staff I don't know who's going to pick that up and I don't want to go into the fall in September with that document that we don't agree with and I'm afraid I'm not going to get a resp response um the second thing is is the electives he's not a college-bound child he's a trades child and he's there's no trades to choose from there's not on the curriculum they have a bunch of wood shop and Engineering electronics and he they're not offered here I know there's an issue with trying to get a teacher for woodshaw but I just feel like there's nothing other than like art and cooking and that's not going to get him anywhere in life he needs something stem or Robotics and it doesn't take that much to get it stem teacher or robotics I wouldn't think um and I feel like more and more parents are going to pull their kids to other schools if we can't accommodate the ones that are um you know that can't get into boat Tech that aren't like he was couldn't get in because it's learning disabilities um and then just the third and final thing is get the cell phones out of the classroom the one um and I know it's impossible and I know um a lot of parents disagree with that but if there could be more classroom management around that it would be awesome my son never took his cell phone until it was um requested to bring so to one of the classes and then it was just opening up a can of worms it's so much more difficult now to get them to put it down because all the other kids have them so just you know if you could uh just look at that a little bit so I appreciate it thank you for a good year than any other public participants NOP okay so that's going to end our public participation we are adding another executive hold on one second I just say one thing the common theme tonight was our AIDS will not be our AIDS but I would just like to reiterate for clar for clarification purposes Mr karuba stated our RFP will include will include the new company hiring our AIDs that we already have possibly offering them full-time positions and then sending them back to us we will not lose our that is what our RFP will state will we find a company that agrees with that we don't know but that's what our RFP will state okay so we are going to add an executive session for um CSA contract and evaluation that we didn't get to earlier um so I need a motion to go into executive session motion all in favor I I okay any discussion help by the board which need not remain confidential will be made public as soon as practicable minutes of the executive session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists the board will reconvene in public session at the conclusion of the closed SE session in approximately 45 minutes and um action may be taken at the conclusion of this executive session okay go to executive okay back in public session we have a resolution um for tonight's meeting whereas the Board of Education and Christopher kuuba the superintendent of schools are currently parties to an employment contract for the period of July 1st 20122 through June 30th 2025 and whereas the contract provides for one year's notice of non-renewal and whereas the board and superintendent might negotiate an amended contract now therefore be it resolved by the beler Board of Education as follows the board has determined not to renew Mr kba's current contract and directs that he be provided with a written notice of the same if the board and Mr kuuba reach agreement on an amended contract it will be submitted to the executive County of superintendent for approval and the public hearing will be held at the future meeting prior to formal board approval of any amended contract can I have a motion on this motion second roll call please Mr Akerman yes Dr zeth yes Mrs Duckworth yes Mr Scott yes Mrs Stefan yes Mrs Gardella yes Mrs Rath all right motion to adjourn tonight's meeting motion second all in favor hi any he knows okay have a good night everybody