e e e and will be prepared to excel in a 21st century Society roll call please Mr aan here here Mr here Mr Scott here Mr here Mr W Mrs W here Mr here M here all right we go to committee reports first is instructional counsel sure uh we just met U we focused I would say all completely on the couple of topics in the high school we started our talking about uh attendance specifically started there and talk about chronic absenteeism um and just you know um think of how to tackle that talked a lot about you know what our policy says versus handbook and what's enforcable um I had mentioned that at our County meeting on Friday we had talked about this issue um to the point where one of the local superintendant brought parents up on try charges was actually able to get a court date which he was surprised at and then um the court found in favor of the school district and the parents were fing $25 basically laughed it off and and the kids still didn't come to school um so it's it's a difficult difficult concept we did talk about some of the the numbers might be a little bit skewed skewed especially when it comes to tardiness about kids that coming in because they have study halls and things like that but we did talk about hopefully trying to come up with some good Solutions but um we are wide open to suggestions on that one if anybody has any then we talked about discipline in the high school um I think the main topic was really just enforcement um what's enforcable what can be enforced uh when it's not enforced what does it look like um you know an example was given of a student um who had been spoken to multiple times and teacher just basically gave up speaking to the student because of uh there was didn't seem to be much of a enforcement but um we did talk a little bit about more about maybe really going through the handbook again and then bringing the students in on that as well maybe explaining a little more in detail on some of what the rules are and why they're in place um which I thought was a pretty good idea and and then we just finished up well actually two things we finished up starting to talk about in school suspension and maybe being more rigid with what the guidelines are for in school suspension and then I just mentioned that our uh multiple disabilities Life School class we are applying for the grant it is due the 30th and Miss beg and I are working on that we should have everything set to go hopefully end of this week early next week to get that out and the key word is applying for a grant um doesn't mean we're going to get it but we are applying we're looking to hopefully get about $50,000 to uh build up a life life skills class for our students I think that pretty much covers it yep I have a question sure um what do you find that the main issue is with discipline within the school um I mean we talked about dress code was probably Judy just nod to me if you think I'm if I'm hitting it right um dress code was one of the bigger issues we talked about I think um yeah question of enforcing and what's enforceable yeah what's enforceable what we need to look at yeah um but it seemed like dress codes attendance um kind of hit those attendance and abses together so that was really what we focused on I think in that meeting for the most part how are the bathrooms going I know we opened up that one uh I would say mixed results um you know we had I know Dr mcken had a shut one of the female bathrooms I think it was Thursday last week um because there's some issues in there quick conversation Mr Barto today said there's been some issues with some of the boys bathrooms too so potentially going right back to where we started so seeing how that goes over the next few days is that something that we I I think if I remember we touched upon that a little bit as far as enforcement with that is that something you guys talked about a little bit I mean has there been any changes with that what what do we do when we find them vaping I know we talked a little bit about the scanning and stuff like that yeah I mean the scanning thing we really can't put into place until September we need to get that in board board policy to us we don't have the the wands just yet um I mean I'm I can probably give you a better answer after I talked to Mr BTO about it I didn't really prepare for how we're doing with enforcement so I don't want to talk out of school here so to speak but I can get I can get an answer and bring it back to we didn't get that that far in our Council in our committee meeting we didn't get we only covered what we did before that meeting so got it just to touch on that too it seems like getting from the students feedback from that um because the bathrooms were closed obviously then the vaping and smoking not is happening in the other bathrooms so the children that don't partake in that are the ones that have to suffer then don't have an open nicer cleaner fer bathroom versus and I think that was a spirit why we opened everything up because of that um but it seemed like rather than and again this is me making my own assumptions without really having a conversation about it that it didn't just be confined to one bathroom and seem like it's spread to all the bathrooms so that's probably where the trouble is and how we how we in fix it and enforce it any other questions on any of that no okay did we have no other committees uh just we we met Personnel a couple weeks ago and I know we go into executive wi talk Personnel but otherwise now no committees so that was it yep all right so I need a motion to go into executive session um to do issues of personnel negotiations and Hib motion second any discussions held by the board which need not remain confidential will be made public as soon as practicable minutes of the executive session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists the board will reconvene in public session at the conclusion of the closed session approximately 20 minutes not even 15 15 to 20 minutes all in favor to go in exec I I any nose abstentions okay we'll start executive session way had black in the cheerleading out know remember all right let's get back to the meeting guys back okay we are starting public participation do we have any public participation good evening Chris M Coy Association president it's come to our attention that there is a new position we're concerned as to what that position will entail it's number 17 on tonight's agenda appoint leave of absence assistant I've reached out to Mr kuuba about this sure I reached out to Mr kuuba about this the problem is that job needs a description it does not have one also is stated that it will be paid at sub rate it's not a sub position who's the person subbing for Mrs wouldn't get sub rate what's that Mrs scoo what is Mrs sco's title gu councel what is the position you're hiring for someone to help and guidance then she's not a sub a sub would be a guidance counselor for a guidance counselor does that say that somewhere specifically that a guidance counselor has to fill in for a guidance counselor yeah in your board agenda that you're passing tonight that's not my question Chris my question is is there somewhere where it says I have to hire a guidance coun answering the question it says right here in your board agenda for tonight 2411 if I remember correctly although we're skipping ahead guidance counseling as you're passing this evening shall be entirely shall be conducted entirely by teaching staff members certified as guidance Personnel this job was not the one that was posted anywhere except inhouse the in-house position was posted to those of us employed here on March 2 first but for a guidance counselor leave of absence replacement what was and that's what was also posted online not a leave of absence assistant or whatever the title was I could go back to it was this position guidance counselor not a leave of absence replacement for an assistant posted on njs schools.com says again guidance counselor High School leave of absence replacement from previous experience I've learned the school post to three websites it's only on one of the three nj.com has it I mean uh excuse me NJ schools.com has it nj.com I do not see one and additionally leh High Valley live does not have one only one of the three sites of the school tells me they post to had it posted might be part of the reason why we don't have somebody again adopting policy 2411 tonight that you're considering first off the bat would seem to fly in the face of what you're trying to fulfill here with this position opening without a definition that again you're electing to say that guidance counseling shall be conducted entirely by teaching staff members certified as guidance Personnel thank you any other public participation Joe Roth Bader resident and uh liaison to the school board from Town Council I just wanted to let you know a week ago we had a volunteer fair at the high school uh with the wonderful help of Dr McKinny and I just want to tell you we thought it went very well we had about seven or eight organizations from town uh present meeting with the high school students and talking about uh volunteerism and what they needed and we had almost 35 uh young folks that signed so we thought it was very successful and we hope to do it again thank you very much thank you any other public participation no okay okay yeah we have uh Mrs K is here with I see three fine members of our travel club uh before Mrs Co comes up I I did want to comment um I obviously had the pleasure uh over spring break of attending or chaperoning the Europe trip with our students um we uh we were paired up with the group from two other schools in Virginia and getting to interact with all the kids it just reminds me all the time of how how good our students really are great really is a better word um we were small group we only had eight but our kids just they just to me understand respect and know when to be respectful and understand the situ ation that they're in know when it's time to have fun and know when it's time to be serious um I think as as adults and and Mr K and I talked a lot about um bringing students to aitz and in burken bom and the can concentration camps and what that would be like for the kids um you know we talked about at times it's a generational thing you know my I you know my my uncle's fought in World War II um one of my uncles was killed in Europe so it has a different meeting to me than a student today who's almost a hundred years removed age-wise from from that uh but our kids were great um I was kind of comparing them to the students from the other school at times and I just felt that our our our students are just awesome um just to get to know the kids on a little personal level it's great to see three of them here tonight um so I know she's going to do a presentation but I just want to say how proud I am and how how much I enjoyed the trip and and it was great to be with them so Mrs Koke you could take it away you have a presentation you probably should have given me a little notice on that I shared it Mr is going to come up and help you he'll get it running quicker than I will uh oh just called himself out testing uh I'm Mason Chamberlain I'm Riley pinucci and I'm back all right I'll I'll lead you guys a little bit here Mrs Co put the picture up just why don't you real quick talk about what your experiences were what your favorite parts of it were um and why it was so enjoyable to you guys uh the most enjoyable part for me was Budapest I mean looking at the city walking around and just like the warm air it was very good uh definitely one of the most memorable parts were owitz I'm walking around and just seeing everything in person and experiencing it it really took an effect on me I didn't think I would be like that but I don't know seeing 85,000 pairs of shoes two tons of hair and everything it was just pretty touching my favorite part was probably also a Budapest it was definitely the most memorable place we did a lot of different things that I didn't think I would get to experience we took a cool nigh hike to the top of a hill and that was pretty fun and we took we went to the baths in Budapest which were different from I expected um very memorable uh ostrich was also very impacting to me I didn't think I would be as impacted as I was but it definitely was uh different walking around there knowing what happened I think I'm also going to say my favorite was Budapest I mean like I loved all of it it was my first time leaving the country so I got to like see a bunch of new experiences new things but that hike at Budapest with Mr kruba over there it's probably one of the coolest things I got to see the city from the top of the the mountain we climbed and just everything everything over there was beautiful trying new things seeing new things just a new experience I would also like to thank Mr kruba and Mrs KO for making this possible well she's going I'm good at this so talk a little bit about one of the things that the kids were really good at was trying different foods um the so why why don't you guys talk and I mean I I probably sat with n and Riley more than than the other than than the boys for sure um but I know both you guys were trying different things you tried everything everywhere how about you Mason and maybe what what stood out to you maybe something you would tell people to skip uh I don't remember the a lot of the names for the dishes but I know goulash was like it was probably my favorite definitely we had uh some is it did I butcher the name no I wasn't my favorite oh I I thought it was very good uh but one night we had some it was almost like a macaroni with uh some meat on top of it and then vegetables it wasn't that bad but I mean I probably wouldn't eat it again but but yeah I did I was just talking so they were a little nervous and they're like got do this but so we started we left Bel um our kids we had eight you hear me we had eight kids um we got to go in a van this year it was like a high top van um and we were kind of nervous cuz I kept thinking oh my gosh what if our luggage doesn't fit I had my husband on standby to follow us with all the luggage um but we got in and it was good right was a good ride come on and after our long ride we landed where oh no oh Berlin yeah Berlin um and so as you see here um there are a couple of pictures these are our students in front of the Berlin wall at the Topography of Terror Museum um it was the hottest Museum that we have ever been in ever um and then there's a long part of the wall do you want to talk about that no yeah the art um along the wall in some places there was a bunch of cool murals that a bunch of artists did in Berlin which was another one of my favorite Parts about Berlin was that there was Art like everywhere like all the walls had like cool murals and it was definitely one of my favorite Parts about Berlin god um also where the wall was taken down um we happened to have a tour guide that was from Berlin um she was raised there and um she had an apartment across the river so she could actually see things that happened along the wall um but where they had taken the wall down there you can see the line all the way through the city it's it's everywhere and um and then they have little markers and um I have a problem with taking pictures of markers of weird things and um so of course we have one there but it says 1961 to 1989 um also we went to the cathedral so um this is the cathedral from the bottom and this is the cathedral from the top it's 280 steps um yeah the the going up to the cathedral it was uh it was away I was out of breath a little bit Yeah but the view is you can't beat it I mean seeing stuff like that you don't see it in New Jersey but uh it was definitely me memorable um what was amazing is that some of our Stu students had never seen a cathedral like that before so this was the first one that we saw um they had no idea that we were going to see them everywhere but um they were like oh my gosh we had one student that said Mrs kooch my phone's out of battery can you take pictures and send them to my mom right now and so I was like all right um but anyway wrong wrong Mouse um also we saw you want to talk about that no okay all through um Berlin and actually all through Europe because we saw again in Hungary there's an artist that has um his passion is to find places where um where uh Jewish citizens had been taken from their homes and um they actually or he actually puts markers out with their names and where they were whoops where they were deported to and um doesn't matter um where they were deported to and um and actually where they ended up so on the one there the ones that you saw there were aitz but it was in Hungary it's all throughout Europe so kind of an interesting thing um this is Dresden we went to Dresden after Berlin on our way to Prague um so you see the opera house here and um Dresden is the largest third largest city in Germany after Berlin so um it was very very surprising like I I didn't know what to expect you guys were really surprised with it and we were there on Eastern Monday so a lot of um some things were closed everything was open on Easter but Monday after not um kind of like boxing Day in England I think um anyway this is the Royal Palace um one of the things that we found interesting was that this is all cement even though it looks painted um it was scratched into um the designs were all scratched into the cement so um then we went to Prague do you remember why I have it up there Prague was um mostly saved during the war because Hitler wanted to leave it as like a living Memorial to a civilization so it was kind of like a kind of a very eerie thing but Prague was amazing um this is just a plaque of one of the um synagogues um and here's Drake eating goulash and um he loved it and these are chimney cakes which there's a competition between Czech Republic and um Hungary about chimney cakes um this is a view of the St Charles bridge in the evening we went on what our tour guy called a spooky tour um and so here's our kids on the bridge at night time and um this is just one of the statues the bridge is really famous it has statues all around it and um it was like a really neat time to be there anyway um this is on our way to krackow uh here's the sign we had been driving for about seven hours um so it was a long ride but anyway when we got to Kow um one of the most exciting things for me was that we got to go to the cathedral where Pope John Paul II actually second third second um actually uh preached his first mass and he was the priest there until he became a pope so um it was very very cool and this is the door of his secretary who still lives there um now so I take weird pictures and that's what I took a picture of um then we went to awit and so I have a quote from a student up here that said ashwoods made the biggest impression on me seeing four it was four tons of hair um actually that they found when they freed the camp um just packaged up they would cut the prisoner's hair and then they would sell it and weave it into blankets and all kinds of things so when they went to free the camp they actually um found like that much hair that hadn't been sold yet um it was our estimate that um if they did exterminations cuz it was an extermination camp and they actually used um bug killer to to exterminate um if they did that daily um 800 people per day for four years would have been um what they would have had to do so it was quite uh very I don't even know the words to find to to talk about it but um our kids were were all just phenomenal there um anyway uh I didn't take many pictures in there really none of us did um but I bought postcards that's what those pictures are from actually um and then we went to Budapest which was voted the best destination for a nigh hike um this is the nigh hike and um also the best utility covers in Europe um I I take pictures of all the utility covers because they always say the country you're in and it's kind of a neat thing for me and so they are all very well trained and Budapest had a whole ton so it's very exciting um also we had another superintendent of schools with us um from Virginia and so um so there's a picture of the two guys there together um we learned about St Stephen um and uh how he was like the the like the patron saint of of Budapest um and so this is the cathedral and this is a a big fountain that was dedicated to him um this is the Jewish shoe Memorial want to talk about it I just remember you got lost I did get lost um anyway uh the Nazis would make people take off their shoes um because shoes were really really important like they were um rare to have so they would make people take their shoes off and then take the laces out and tie two or three people together with one lace and um and then they would shoot one of them having them fall into the danu and so the other people would drown so they um have 85 pairs of shoes that are cast here and it it goes along the wall so it's a very um very moving Memorial and now there's actually real shoes there too because of the um the conflict in between Israel and Hamas right now um here's our students at the hero Square um taking in our tour guide we had a really funny tour guide she was good and here's a picture of all of us um this is the palace guard we actually got to watch a Changing of the Guard in Prague um and this is a view from the top of the palace down um here's the baths uh this was quite a new experience for most of our students um they're natural mineral hot springs um we did an evening River Cruise which was really cool so we got some good photos there and um and they got to make a lot of memories and and have a lot of fun um they also made friends with the kids from the other schools right yeah yeah still talk yeah they they're all still talking so um so that's it in a nutshell cool really Co Mrs sco do you want to plug your trip to Greece next year or Mason you're going to be the salesperson until we ready to go to Greece or oh yeah if any if anyone goes to the school it the sh the trip is to gree around you go to Athens I'm not sure about the other places to into depth but yeah it's going to be warm weather uh swimming I know everyone likes that should but it's only for 3,800 for nine days so if anyone wants to come out is it open to board member is it open to board members very good thank you guys for coming and again just from my point of view it's great to to spend time with with with our students and um they just Mrs KO did a great job putting the trip together um you know we had we had excellent tour guides and I just appreciate the way our kids travel and and just who they are when they're in public places and um it was just a it was a great week and thank you guys and thank you both of you thank you we have to step back to did you have any correspondents we missed that we jumped into the trip we were so excited about the trip I have one letter um Dear Mr kruba and Board of Education members please accept this letter as official notice of my retirement from The Valor School District at the end of the current school year my last day of employment will be June 30th 2024 pending the final approval of my eligibility from the New Jersey Division of pension and benefits this decision was made with many mixed emotions I am sincerely grateful for the years of professional growth student contact colleague and administrator support and valued friendships that developed as we all have navigated through the many triumphs changes and challenges and public education I hope to have served our students their families my colleagues in the district well during my tenure sincerely Janine Adler is that it okay you didn't have anything else here I do I got a few things I'll try to keep it a little more brief though um I did want to comment uh few things number one uh this past Friday I had the pleasure of seeing the Middle School play of Cinderella on um Friday night Mr carabus we were in the deck there the cheap seats so to speak but um I I was impressed with a lot of things number one I was impressed with um with the leads and I'm not just saying that cuz Mrs Duckworth is here but her two daughters um you know and their in their various roles and then um um I don't want to just call her by last name Mrs M Miss McHugh's thought her no first name uh Jordan lost her for a second they were just awesome as the leads um I think that Mr carabinas and I were talking about how the mice stole the show quite a bit um they were a lot of fun when they came came running across and and of course most of them are third graders and they knew they were kind of Steal on the show so they continued to to Hamond up a little bit so it was it was a lot of fun it was a great play great production um I saw Mrs kpat afterwards and said just really really enjoyed I thought they did an outstanding job um so congratulations to them great job with that um couple other quick things Third Street update I know that always comes up um we're trying to get the the updated appraisal from our appraiser I believe his latest email said we'll have something by the end of the month on the 30th so we'll be able to really update everybody on this at the 7eventh meeting as to what the what the at least his opinion of the value of the school will be and then we can make decisions from there what's the next step after that um I think we just got to work with our attorney and then it's going to basically go to public auction at that point if we'll set the price okay um just so you don't know our baseball team or vars City baseball team will be traveling next week uh Wednesday Thursday they'll be up in Town New York um playing Warren Hills at the um Hall of Fame baseball field up there so a nice two-day trip for the for the for the team um sounds like a great time Mr Barto will be attending um as an administrator I wish them the best of luck it sounds like a great experience for our kids appreciate Mr Feldman even though he's teacher here but a coach at Moren Hills for really helping to put that together because I think it's going to be a great experience for for all um last Friday we had our teacher of the year luncheon County teacher of the year luncheon um where unfortunately Miss Gomez couldn't make make it because she was traveling but the rest Miss crats miss shobon and miss Hendershot were there uh to celebrate them along with a lot of members folks Mar County uh including Mr Akerman who is from Great Meadows so congratulations to you to Mr Akerman uh as usual a great Affair it was it was we had a really enjoyable afternoon um so just congratulations again to our teachers of the Year reminder that May 7th is our next meeting which is a Tuesday it's also a little bit off because of the budget timeline so just to mention that um on a couple of serious things um the superintendent in the county received a letter from Senator steinhardt about school funding um Mr Chelli is laughing over there because he's I'm sure he saw it um you know just on our behalf that that the senator has been pushing to try to get some changes in the school funding formula um and continues to work for us I thought it was I thought it was a nice letter um obviously we we were lucky this year that we got increased rather than a decrease um so I just wanted to mention that Senator steinhart did send that out and does seem like he's doing some work um Mr Roth mentioned our our volunteer Fair last week well attended uh appreciate Dr mckin for putting that together we also have our Career Fair coming up I mentioned a couple times I'm going to mention a couple more times so if you're interested in in being a part of that please let us know um Spanish National Honor Society induction is next Wednesday so if you're free next Wednesday night you want to come in and see that I think it's at 6 if I remember from the time this this afternoon and then I just want to mention uh lastly Mrs Adler and her retirement um I think you know we we always go under the adage that pretty much everybody's replaceable um I would argue that Miss Adler is probably Irreplaceable um when she has brought to this District in the 14 years that I've known her has been tremendous um I don't know if there's a bigger advocate for our students than than Miss Adler and and that's saying a lot because we have some great folks that work with us and and do that but um Janine is just she just been really one of the one of the people that I really enjoyed working with over the last 14 years and even just seeing her on Friday night and the passion she still had for the Middle School play um she will be greatly missed so I congratulate on on her retirement um but just wanted to know that we do appreciate all that she did and she will be missed so uh good luck to her and that is all that I have okay so we're on to student representative report okay um sad would like to take this opportunity to remind you to practice safe driving habits she bear with me as the weather gets nicer there are more distractions while driving but remember to always keep your eyes on the road um buckle up and obey traffic all traffic laws since every member of our Bader Community is valued by sad we care deeply about everyone's safety so please we urge you whoa we urge you to join us as we spring into spring with safe driving yes Leo club and FFA are planning a trip to the Chelsea to plant flowers on their patio for residents in order to do so however they are currently asking for flower donations the Leo Club is also helping the badier Lions Club on April 23rd at their annual pancake and sausage supper and then on May 5th we are volunteering at the New Jersey Special Olympics track and field meet student government is working on planning our schoolwide activities for Spring Cup week and then FEA is finishing up getting ready for take your child to workday which is next week and we are all super excited to spend the day teaching the students of our BHS staff okay thank you very much okay so we are looking at policy items 1 through 15 no additions can I have a motion for policy items 1 through 15 motion second any questions no we can't hear you looking at the um an issue with on the it has the little red X on one of them for thees have that is that a mark to cross it off or a mark to all right yeah yeah so when you see those the red is that's coming out revision to take out any other question no all right so all in all in favor I I any nose any extensions no okay that brings us to Personnel items number 16 and 17 through 17 sorry yes plus your oh to yes and then it's your additions of 17 a b can I have a motion for 16 through 17b motion second any questions okay roll call please Mr Akerman yes Dr zith yes Mrs Duckworth yes Mr Scott yes Mrs Stefan yes Mrs wner yes Mr gelli yes Mrs Gardella yes all right then we are on to education items and it's going to be 18 through 23 there's also an addition uh to number 20 on here can I have a motion motion second any questions no all right all in favor I any nose any extensions okay that brings us on to S okay so that went next page business aha it's right here at the bottom one page and then I have to change okay that'll be business 24 through 28 can I have a motion motion second any questions doc seppi had just emailed me this morning so I just want to um ask his he asked a question just about it was 24 um about the coordinated Transportation so that's just a general um a blanket approval that if we need to bid out runs whether it's special ed or um anything else um we can use them as as one of our backups so no nothing specific no specific contract at the moment um that we're paying them x amount of dollars but just if we need to send out some students any other questions no okay all in favor I any NOS any extensions okay so that brings us to continuing business anybody have any continuing business Chris preempted some of it no new business any new business well I just I I don't know if this is new business but I was just curious I'm sure everybody got the um thing about the Huddle the so what I I somebody asked me why don't we do sponsorships instead of just like the the pop corn or something like that I don't know who's running it or or what but I thought maybe that was a good idea we could get some business sponsorships going and and my other question is somebody said it has to be the um fundraising stops in June is that true I thought the booster clubs the booster clubs are running it um okay to try to supplement what the the board is also putting in um and so basically will then cover so we'll have the the package for the next three years but the the booster clubs were coming up with the fundraising ideas so that was their idea to start with the the popcorn fundraiser okay and we're hoping to have it all implemented um because we want to buy it by June 30th we want to sign the agreement oh okay so that was the the deadline for that reason and that's for like a year or can they do it next year too if that doesn't happen do you know um we've asked of the booster clubs if they can help out to get it implemented then the board is going to take it over okay so it won't be an annual fundraiser that they'll need to do and then my other I saw we had our our report cards come out the school's report cards um so I just had some questions regarding that and I guess what we're doing I I saw in the news the other day that SATs now are coming back and I know that our scores are not reflecting the best so are we doing anything to help students really prepare for that and we know love when you just throw questions at me without any prep um sorry I it just occurred to me I was thinking about it um I would actually argue that our SAT scores are actually not too bad I thought that our math specifically I'm looking at Dr mckin because I know she looks at them better than I do our math score is actually pretty good this year um so we do have an SAT prep class that we try to run um sats are coming back it's still it's still a lot of schools are test optional but um for those of us that are on the back end of that we do know that a lot of times scholarships are based on Sat so we absolutely encourage the kids to take the SATs um I can probably give a little better report in culum um without just talking off top of my head yeah that just because I'm just curious how like what we do for the students to kind of get them prepared and any other questions no all right next public participation hi did you miss me yes who are you can you introduce yourself please I don't know who you are well I was going to Second motion earlier but I thought that would be out of place um I'm Heather wck for those of you that don't know um I'm here tonight to just talk to you about the Education Foundation um since I'm no longer on the board of ed um my lovely husband who is the president of the foundation um appointed me to the head of the grant committee um we met with Administration back at the end of March where we gave them all of the information uh for the teachers and staff here to start applying for Grants um I did speak with Mrs mckenny and that's been passed on to the staff um so we'll be giving away $500 grants um we're not sure how many we like to give away as many as we possibly can um the application process runs May 1st through June 1st um we will let all of the applicants know by the end of July if they've received them um District staff is eligible uh teachers student organization leaders um and other staff as well um so if you're interested please um you know see your administrators um and get those Grant applications in thanks thank you any other public participation no okay motion to adjourn motion second all in favor I any nose any abstentions okay thank you have a good night everybody I don't know but if they do I might come over the table I am coming over not of that