e I think from Minnesota some place out in the midwest wearing a hijab in sharing the post the member commented terrorist 100% he then posted a Fox News article about another Congressman saying my life would complete if they would die finally he shared on his personal Facebook page an image of a doll with a black eye uh with the following text Sharia bar Barbie comes with a hijab bruises in Karan stoning accessor accessories available for additional purchase so this was on his personal Facebook page so it's his personal page and people you know they you do have First Amendment rights but the ethics commission said that because of the disparaging post of social media it was conduct that undermined the Public's trust in the board and compromised the board's ability to engage with the public so that person was censured so the theme of all some of this is emails and social media you have to be careful okay um with emails and this may come up on another slide with emails you have to be really careful about like replying all on things because it's not only the ethics act but the open public meetings act comes into play and as as board members you're only supposed to take action at formal board meetings so for instance if you start if replying all the emails discussing board business not only could you possibly get into ethics trouble but you could get into problems with the open public meetings act because you should only be discussing business among a majority of the board at a public meeting there's obviously there ex there's exceptions where you can go into executive session but it's still at a public meeting and it's isn't only reply all uh like a Serial email chain where instead you know somebody might say well I'm not going to reply all but I'll send an email to board member a who will send one to board member B and send one to board member C and once it gets up to a majority of the board seeing those being involved in that discussion that's a violation of the open public meetings act it's not to say that you can't use email to like just generally share information the superintendent can send out like a weekly report um you you know General stuff but if there's any discussion active discussion of of issues board related issues that that can be a problem what are we up to yes yes if it's not a majority of the board just and and realistically if if the discussion is about the date for a committee meeting it's not going to be yeah as long but the risk is always that once a few people start emailing it will spread to other people but that's as long as it's not a majority of the full board engaged in it it's okay all right F I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups it's interesting I don't remember seeing too many reported decisions on that first part but nowadays I would think that would be coming into play more but or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends South Orange Maplewood case year or two ago board member this was on the news everywhere board member got pulled over by police and it's like on video she said she was a board member cursed at the officer threatened to call the the the village president which is like the mayor in South Orange I guess and this was like broadcast all over on the New York news and everything um is another one of those rare ones where she got a 30-day suspension because she basically when she got pulled over by the police she used the fact that she was a board member and you know threatened to go to the mayor and try and um so she was suspended for 30 days for violating enf okay next one this one confidentiality I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to Theo to schools which could needlessly injure individuals in other matters I will provide accurate information and in concert with my fellow board members inter interpret to the staff the uh aspirations of the community all right so confidentiality frequently comes up with student matters Personnel matters contract negotiations um anything that you're going to talk about in executive you have to maintain confidentiality you can't reveal that information a couple of cases East in New Jersey did they call it grenwich or is it green witch I think it might be green I think it is green witch like in England I think it's Greenwich but in in New Jersey I think it's green witch all right board member replied all to a confidential email from the board president bad enough but they inadvertently included the parent who is a teacher where the maybe it was a parent end the teacher on his response so it was bad enough that he replied all to the superintendent and the other board members but in the email a parent and a teacher were also included in the email so they were found to have violated uh this section section g on confidentiality case out a West Windor Plains buau a board member got a message from a parent and for for instead of foring it to the superintendent in the chain of command forwarded it to his own family members one of his family members then shared it with a whole bunch of other people and eventually reached the student who was the subject of the message and so this was also a violation that for some reason was only censured would have thought that might have been worse so we already talked a little bit about emails in the open public meetings um last one I will vote one of the last I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the school leader so when you're hiring it's always the the superintendent when you're hiring staff members the board can't independently pick who they want the superintendent chooses someone and you have to it doesn't mean you have to vote for the person but you have to follow the standard of the best qualified personnel and it has to be on the recommendation of the superintendent all right I will support and protect School Personnel in the proper performance of their duties um so this is one I forget where this one was out of board members shared a post on her personal Facebook page that alleged that a substitute teacher employed by the district was removed from her position as a result of unspecified misconduct the board member was found to have violated section g for not holding matters confidential and this section for not supporting a uh protecting School Personnel in proper performance of their duties okay all right this is an important one I will refer all complaints to the school leader the superintendent and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after the failure of an administrative solution so this is all about the chain of command uh in that delc case we talked about before the board member also took a parent complaint that he had received instead of bringing it to the superintendent went right to the principal and so that was considered to have violated this section all right the board the board members if you have issues that you receive you should report it to the superintendent there was case out a Wantage board member went into the schools on his own I remember this one this was a while back Bo went went into the schools on his own and basically did his own um investigation took photos of open Windows uh maxi pads I think that's supposed to be in a bathroom then went to reporters and gave them copies of the pictures so instead of working through the administration on an issue and working with the board that the board member like took it on them on themselves to do an investigation and go to the press and so that was found to be a violation okay all right so there was a case out of Randol Township uh couple of years ago board member wrote an OP at endorsing candidates in the board election uh the commission noted board members do have First Amendment rights and you're they've allowed endorsements letters to the editors but usually there should beim noted that social media there's been a lot of so they kind of tightened up the disclaimer um in this one the board member accused a fellow board member who was a candidate of being a poor communicator subject to Al emotion advance so what the board member did is instead of just endorsing the other people they in their Communications on social media said negative things about one of the board members that was running against them that was on the board with them right um now he did write a disclaimer he wrote the author was writing this endorsement on his own personal belief or his own so he was kind of trying to do the SEC the S commission said that wasn't really enough of a disclaimer um and they endorsed the following disclaimer so if you're do feel like you need to do anything on social media or anything like that always a good idea to use a disclaimer to make it clear this is the strongest claimer that they've come up with that the following statements are made in my capacity as a private citizen not in my capacity as a board member statements are also not representative of the board as individual members totally represent my own personal opinion it's a little redundant but just to be safe this is the disclaimer that they recommended um but they did point out that the disclaimer itself even if you use a disclaimer if it's not a get out of jail free not it doesn't mean just because you're used a disclaimer that you're off the hook what even if an appropriate disclaimer is used a board member must never hide behind the claimer discuss or comment on board business or matters in that would still lead a member of the public to believe that speaking on behalf of or representative so in that R if you remember the disclaimer apparently wasn't enough because the board member made multiple references on the board the board matters generally and talked about one of the other board members in a negative way so they said even though he used a disclaimer it's not enough because of the way they wrote their message so it was found to be a violation coup all right a little over 30 minutes sorry does anyone have any questions you can always thanks John you her foot's asleep the one in that big thing there okay so so we're looking at Personnel items 1 through three and 3A is your add-on okay so I need a motion for personnel items one through three motion second um any questions on any of those no that'll be on roll call then akman Dr yes Mrs yes gella yes Mr chiarelli yes Mrs roboam yes Mr Scott yes Mrs Stefan yes Mrs wenner yes Mr wenner yes okay on to education items 4 through eight and there is one add-on on your add-on sheet number seven okay is a changing the date actually yeah okay and so can I have a motion for items four through eight motion second any questions on number seven on the original Seven we're approving workshops that already took place yeah it was a late edition um the information came out after the December meeting after yeah and then consequently got snowed out any other questions I have one question on the law enforcement packet that was many pages yes hopefully everybody looked over it well there's a lot of information there and some of it's repeat but one of my questions is it brings up a lot about um how it's handled if we if if there's a staff member that would seize whether it be a drug or drug paraphernalia or a weapon of multiple sorts that's all laid out in here and it talks specifically about there's criteria for how to handle that um thing that you've seized and how it should be stored and to keep it protected from multiple things things from being stole back and all that is there a training that the staff goes through to know what those steps are um and is there some sort of training that law enforcement does with our staff or should be doing with our staff to kind of review some of that stuff yes it's not our our it's gonna it's going to be one of the administrators that's going to handle all that okay um teaching staff or par professionals are not going to be handling that if there's a situation that's going to be addressed by an administrator um we do go through trainings um we also were because we're a small town we're lucky enough to have the police local yeah it's not going to be hours or days till they within minutes that they're here if not um you know you know we have officer on on staff also so it's not really for us is not really a major issue okay yeah that was my only big question any other questions there really wasn't a whole lot of changes either in that memorandum it's been pretty consistent for the last probably doesen or sale years okay any other questions okay and that's an all in favor I I I any NOS any abstentions no okay so that takes us to business items 9 through 13 and there is the addition 13A and it goes on to the the back page too of that can I have a motion for business items 9 through 13 motion second any questions I don't think there's going to be a lot of discussion on much tonight okay yep all in favor I I any knows any extensions no okay okay so that brings us on to continuing business me jump in on that uh I had spoken with Mrs Duckworth after a curricul meeting last week about my evaluation we didn't really set goals this year like we would normally do in in the uh fall so I suggested maybe doing an 18-month goal said something shortly and then have a year till the the end end of next school year I also talked I've talked to her previously about um in my contract it says that we have to agree upon the evaluation tool um and I no longer agree to use the school board's evaluation tool I don't think it serves its purpose um one of the big issues is um the ability to access all the documents and um whether or not everybody does that in a timely fashion so I'm going to sit with uh Melissa and hopefully maryan and look at a couple of different examples that I think are probably better also gives the the board more of an opportunity to I I want to say like just write a little bit more about the position itself so we'll probably do that shortly and then we'll present everything in March to everyone and then set the goals I think of everybody's in agreement anybody who was in on the evaluation last year and did that we talked a lot about it and about the access of being able to match everything up and there was a lot of discussion where some people weren't happy because you can't you can't just see you know his documentation that's saying this is what we did for number one or number two and a lot of it crosses over and it gets really muddy and when you go back to then and you're doing it now it it it it was we had a lot of discussion about how we would like to try and change things and do things on a more timely manner so I'm hoping that this could be something that we could come up on and it also address as if if there's five goals he has or three goals he has it doesn't address the new things that have come up during the year there's nothing on school boards to address this thing came up and this is something he did really good or really poorly it doesn't give us that flexibility so I'm hoping that it might be something you know to look into and we can always try it and if like this was a disaster we can go back to something different but I think we need to mix it up because it's not giving us enough voice and it's not giving him anything for what's happening between A and D you know there's no room for inet so that's what we want to look at one of the other things that I find frustrating with that is that anytime there's documentation you have to request permission yes and you're doing the report and you say okay well the superintendent's at a seminar he's somewhere else there'll be a couple days before you get permission to look at it it's like well how do I evaluate this has to be done this week and and I don't have permission for it so if we can get a a plan a program that eliminates that we can just access everything without that Mission yeah I agree yeah that's also it's also a safety measure for me so I know that I know who reads it so when my evaluation is done by eight people and only one person has read the documentation I know it's not a fair evaluation it's it was all really not and I spend hours putting that stuff together so and I so I can basically tell you who looked at my stuff last year and who didn't so I think that's just I think that's another reason to eliminate that that part of it and I know you do because you certainly email me constantly about it okay any other continuing business or questions on that anything no okay so new business I know Bob you wanted to talk about what you had learned at the convention this year did you want to share that now okay okay next meeting okay okay thanks Bob so we will put that I I wanted to give you the option I didn't want to be like no okay yes so we'll look at doing that for the next meeting hopefully so he's going to share what he learned at the Schoolboard meeting and anybody who's taken any of the training classes whether it be in purse online if you want to share stuff you've learned please please please do okay because I know we don't all have time to do it all so anytime you want to do that send us a thing we'll try and get you in okay any other new business we should probably introduce her yes new that's great let's do it new so for those of you that didn't get to meet Mrs roboam she is our New Harmony board representative uh she also was the lucky winner of the presidency of the harmony Board of Education uh at our reorganization meeting um she has she has one student that graduated one student currently in the high school and we got a couple more coming so so she's uh been been part of the high school Community for quite some time so officially welcome aboard welcome Chris I think since she's new it's her job to bring snacks next meeting coffee I didn't know these meetings went this way we don't we try us don't I to be quick yes no you did good any other new business no okay so we are on to public participation any public participation out there no okay so can I have a motion to adjourn motion second done all in favor I okay good night everybody