##VIDEO ID:2Ry6fzdlY1I## tired I never wouldn't even do that get the old smack back I'll up do I just had to tell my two daughters they'll take care everything like that I'm not worri hope nobody's crime in right now that hope nobody's committing a crime in County right now oh yeah if they do they better be right outside the door excuse me I'm going to go rob one of the [Music] bank that's right to you should get a picture of that just like are you guys good there Mom yeah huh Juni we'll call to order the Betton County board meeting for August 20th we'll start with the pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all all right Beth roll call sure commissioner schlong here commissioner Heinen here commissioner ginsky here commissioner Johnson here commissioner pop presid thank you all right approved the agenda Monty do you got any ads uh Miss shair uh i' like to move item number consent items number five and number six uh to the count administrator items at 9:35 as the second and third items under County Administrator at 9:35 so that's consense items five and six they they need some explanation okay um also Steve would like to add the followup on the fiber install change order if we could please add that one right after Sheriff hex 9005 item again right after the 905 item please and that is it move for approval of the consent agenda excluding items five and six and adding the change order second oh we got we got a motion to approve the agenda all in favor I oppos same sign motion carries County board meetings are broadcast live and video recorded on YouTube please refrain from speaking from the audience area and come to the podium so that viewers can hear you the county boards observes Robert's Rules of orders for its uh meetings so please obtain the board's chair consent before addressing the County Board public comments are generally reserved for the open Forum segment or public hearings however the public count comment on other agenda items may be allowed at the discretion of the board chair as we begin today please turn off your cell phones and turn or turn them vibrate thank you any open Forum no all right we'll move on to consent agenda items 1- 4 and 7 through 11 move for approval Mr chair second okay we got a motion and a second all in favor I I oppos same sign motion carries Sheriff heck it's good to see everybody [Applause] today Commissioners we are here today to celebrate a life saave uh the reason we celebrate these instances is because they are rare and they are remarkable uh statistics will tell you that Nationwide fewer than 10% of people who experience Cardiac Arrest are able to recover from that incident much less uh recover to the extent that Mr a has to to be with us here today on May 20th 2024 Benton County First Responders saved the life of Gilman resident Bradley a at about 5:30 p.m. Bradley's wife wife Joanne called 911 because Bradley was having difficulty breathing as First Responders were on their way to their home Bradley stopped breathing Joanne's 911 call was transferred to Mayo ambulance for CPR instructions male ambulance dispatcher Joel n Newberg provided CPR instructions to Joanne and she began performing CPR on Brad through the incredibly emotional and stressful moments while awaiting First Responders Joanne did an incredible job of giving Brad what he needed most prompt highquality CPR while this was going on Public Safety dispatchers Lindsey Galvin and Katie duing worked to get First Responders to the residents monitor the progress of the CPR being done on Brad and coordinate the response shortly after her 911 call was placed the team of First Responders began arriving arriving first on the scene were Minnesota state patrol Trooper Brian moer and Deputy David Bonfield Trooper moer and Deputy Bonfield worked to attach an AED to Bradley while continuing to perform CPR arriving shortly there after fly police officers Bart kman and Cody P assisted in performing CPR with AED work while the AED worked to bring Bradley's heart back into Rhythm while these officers were working members of the fley fire department arrived on scene they attached a Lucas device to Bradley's chest to take over the work of chest compressions shortly after activating the Lucas device Bradley began to regain Consciousness CPR was discontinued and First Responders worked to support the signs of life that had returned to Bradley miraculously Bradley regained Consciousness to the point of being able to speak to First Responders in the Mayo ambulance crew who had arrived on the scene Bradley was transported to the hospital where he received further care before being released thanks to the early CPR provided by Joanne and the coordinated efforts of the team of first respond ERS on this Call Bradley's life was saved today we honor the efforts of this team and express our gratitude for a life saved so I have several certificates and some life- saving bars for those involved and I think I would like to start with the citizens life saving award for Joan so Joanne if you would come up please without uh without the what you did and without your Brave efforts um this might have been a different outcome so thank you very much for what you did congratulations next we have Ashley dearis from Mayo thank you very much congratulations Sam Welly from Mayo thank you Trooper Ryan moer thank you for being there and assisting us Lindsay Galvin dis thank you dispatcher ktie duing I'm sorry lead dispatcher Katy duing thank you Deputy David Bonfield police officer Cody poish police officer Bart kman from the fley fire department Tyler Palm Rick herbrand thank you Todd Foreman Jason stansky Travis Johnson Mark penus and unable to attend today was Jared Fleck so thank you to everybody round of applause for them [Music] [Applause] [Music] how do we want do can we want to do a picture pictures it's speech seeing how many people responded it is a very proud moment I think of this whole board to see this if we could get a picture off so we're going to have the tallest end up it's quite a crew yeah yeah awesome job hopefully we can get them all in there I mean this this just goes to show from start to finish what you need to have morning got go midle he didn't hear you yeah he's hard hear him too stand as well yeah we can try to stand up want to get up on the podium them were the ones need the picture yeah okay let's see commissioner are you got Commissioners are in the back I can't see you I think I think they're fine right there fine commissioner sit down please yeah there we go okay thanks Tim take control of that situation okay one more okay thank [Applause] [Music] you thank you everyone it's truly amazing from civilian to dispatch to Troopers to all the different first respond hey Jeremiah how are you brother brother my brother Tim should we work to get you names on the pictures too perfect get I've got homework to do I might need that too Troy what a great feeling thank you guys used to work for so on water one time right so no what does he do I wonder mortician I think he is oh FY with GRE W I think all right I think we'll go with Steve next hey Kurt how are you Mr chair if I could maybe we've got two items oh sounds good he wanted to move them he wanted to move those underneath you're right I'm sorry thank you thanks trying to run the show again relax we cleared out here yeah thanks for considering probably because you're talking no h and I'm okay with that uh thanks for considering the late uh agenda ad it it's the only time uh all three of us could be here to revisit and uh bring some additional information regarding the second change order uh for the building fiber project regarding the construction of the Public Works building um got Kurt he's from systematic Technologies uh he's they're the lead uh vendor we worked with and then Wayne star here from Star Electric who did uh was subbed out by Kurt to do the plowing and construction of of the of the fiber and the conduit um I recall one of the questions that from our last discussion was someone how this process unfolded um and i' just like to address that maybe a couple other quick notes here that'll hopefully fill in some of the blanks um and allow time for Kurt and or Wayne an opportunity if need needed to fill in uh the rest um the cost and the reasoning for the change order were communicated uh by the contractors uh we we discussed it and we presented with the situation at hand and the potential Alternatives uh it was decided that we continue with the project to avoid further costs and delays uh to complete uh the boring company was on site as I had said before that the soil conditions North they were trenched all the way up to the corner of I believe the tennis courts there maybe way can fill in a little bit of the detail there and they ran into extremely unusual soil conditions solid clay um I did communicate with the vendors that the board or that the change orders would have to be approved for payment by the board um and as that we finished the project to bring the the any change orders forward at that time because it was kind of unknown going forward as well um there were there was there was uh also a couple uh other additional issues with that even past that Boulevard that they ran into and I can let Wayne kind of explain what unfolded there as well um it sounded like uh they were he worked with another contractor and absorbed some of those costs to get that done um with the conditions there and they ran into some really wet W uh swampy area in front of the where it cuts over just south of the Public Works building um so I guess I can take any questions or I can let Wayne kind of fill in uh how that any gaps there in the can the explain a little bit more detail Bor do you got any questions or do you want to let Wayne yeah just let him explain yeah let him explain yeah thanks so the project the way we bid it was to use a standard machine to plow that depth with that size conduit it so it's a 750 track machine verier um that track machine allows us to travel over top of finished areas grassy areas boulevards without too much damage and still be able to get the job done that's the most reasonable way to do it Directional Boring larger machine are additional cost so when we bid the project we bid it for the machine that we own that is supposed to do that work um we were able to trench some of it already so we knew that they was capable to do it um we got into that area by the tennis courts right there and it got really hard so couple options we can hook another machine on the front and pull on it to get that through there um that didn't work we actually tore the blade right off the back of the machine so over and above standard soil conditions uh part of what we had big did so uh two options we could get a bigger track machine in there that has steel grousers that's going to tear it all up we decided that that is not a good option to tear up that whole Boulevard and do major restoration there um the guy I talked to Anderson underground said that he's going to have a hard time fitting through there um so we decided that Directional Boring was the next best option to keep the project moving my boring guy was on site so basically long and short is we didn't have it figured in our bid to to go you know over and above what we ow and the Machine sitting there so um not that it you know and Anderson seemed how he was there for that I had him plow the rest of it out of town biggest reason is I didn't want to run into another once he moved out of there I didn't want to have him mve back in for another section we couldn't do and then knowing that from the black up over to Maintenance building was wet you know we had a wet spring so I just had him take that through the rest of the way I took care of those costs but I just would like to get the costs covered for that section that we couldn't take care of with the machine that we had figured in the bid how many feet did you have to bore would you say that section was like 1,500 ft okay additional so I had I had downright boring doing other boring up there for road crossing and stuff like that but it was 1,500 ft there okay so typical cost of boring is going to run you about 10 to 12 bucks a foot in there so but I had trenching costs incurred so I'm just trying to make up for what some of the cost that that I had to pay Dave for that so y was it just compacted click or just hard material in there yeah just U it's an odd corner right there and and and it was hard so um grass doesn't hardly grow there we we got comments from the school district that said that grass doesn't grow there well and stuff it's just a you know we didn't Dave really can't tell what the Directional Boring you know he said board well so that means it's probably hard and then the rest of the project I can't answer you know but that corner was tough did you go up the east side of Norman or the east from the tennis cour straight up see and that years ago was all dug up when they put the sewer line in there up to the school yeah and I don't know why you know we're away from the existing fiber you know considerably but so I there's no explanation to it other than just the so conditions in Benton County can vary quite a bit absolutely As you move you know from point to point so from my standpoint in doing this I I think that's uh uh very reasonable um there are also three Betton County businesses absolutely that pulled together to get this done um between Anderson Starry and systemat or yeah systematic so I agree I'm going move for approval to pay it okay I'll second that then okay we got a motion in a second all in favor Mr I was just going to mention that you know we've had change orders before from the highway department on when they met you know unseen obligations too so Mr chair you know I pulled this just to uh get clarification okay you know as you bid a project I bid projects too you know and you're right there is unknowns it was just the process of how it was done that was my problem with it okay understood yep that's all Mr chair too on on tagging that to commissioner hen's comments I think it's just a matter of making sure we're doing what we should be doing at the Public's dollars so absolutely that's all was nothing yep you know so that was the biggest question than C do you want to say anything no I think it's we covered it pretty good good well I appreciate you guys coming in and explaining it and uh waiting on the the money and everything so uh we got a we got a motion in a second to approve paying $5,775 to systematic I'll call the question all in favor I and all obain opposed and one exstension okay thank you guys appreciate it you for coming in thank Steve y thank you thank you gentlemen have a good day yep now if you don't mind we'll move on to five and six sorry Mr CH no no no no no that's later again I was find delaying those until they oh okay my bad I had it right after both did the same thing I'll help you guys Rox sorry okay if you like I can pull up the map on the screen or do are you comfortable with what you have in your packet I'm comfortable I'm fine okay so for you we have a request for an amendment to ordinance 385 and 351 those ordinances are what establish the plan unit development which is known as oakill Estates oakill Estates in your packet you'll see everything that's in blue is part of the planned unit development it's essentially a zoning District there's a few Lots in pink those are R3 straight R3 zoning um and just to kind of give some background on that that when this project first came forward it was the standard zoning District it was meeting the criteria of the R3 zoning District um their next phase they started to go with smaller lots and considering a community septic and during that time it was discussed that and decided upon that they needed to go forward with a PUD so that they could have smaller Lots lesser setbacks and a little bit more flexibility with that and so that's why you see those two different zoning districts within the oakill states so the request before you is to amend that planned unit development to reduce the setbacks for accessory uh structures sheds um with these smaller Lots it's harder to fit accessory structures on there and we've seen a number of variance requests come forward for that lesser setback so that they aren't B like right up against the houses so they can put them more along uh the side and rear property lines and so the request before you is to reduce that setback um to Excuse me while I'm looking at this it's 5 ft for lots that are AB budding uh Open Spaces um or out lots and 10 ft for lots that are abing other residential lots and so we have a pretty good idea of even where the future Lots would be and you can see on the drawing that I provided for you exhibit B sheet one um the areas in yellow would be that five foot setback and the the areas highlighted in green would be that 10 foot rear setback and then you can see that there is future planning for the rest of the Pug if it stays like that we we don't know at this point that was just a sketch that was provided and planned for back in the early 2000s and it could change um as you all know we we haven't seen any plans to move forward with that development at this time but this request comes to you from the HOA uh to to assist their residents in creating um in having sheds and and different things on their property that would otherwise require variance okay Mr chair so roxan I I know it's just outlined for future development and if this is going forward will these your setbacks follow the new plan too or not they would need to be adopted into that new ordinance because right now it's specifically described as just the lots that are there that's what that PUD ordinance describes is those lots good Mr chair um so roxan on that whole oakill you know Estates development has there been any conversation for them to to to get some kind of a road that they could get out to 78 you know that Highway 10 Corridor is really a dangerous place and if they keep putting more and more houses in there I think it's essentially full right now I don't know if there's their whole development is can yeah and there there's been no conversation of with the uh Property Owners on any expansion at this time okay so until we have that it hasn't been discussed it hasn't been brought up no okay I think uh I think what we'll do is is the applicant here yes anybody that would like to speak on this morning hello if you could state your name and I'm Steve Posh I'm on the board for the uh homeowners association uh my address is 8630 oakill Road Northeast in rice um question that was raised about uh future development I think uh the uh developers waiting until we do have a second Outlet out of that development before they uh add any more lots to that um and most of the lots have been built there's uh one being built right now and I think that there's only one or two lots that have not been developed out of this this uh phase right here okay but one of the concerns we are running into is um with a 30 foot setback is in these smaller Lots is it's so close to their house or close to the neighbors um backyards where they're looking right at the right at the shed and it' be more desirable to have it pushed back and you can see there's a number of lots that don't have anything behind them and and the 30 set 30 foot setback just did not make any sense okay all right than thanks okay hold on what we'll do is we'll uh we'll do the public hearing and then we'll have discussion okay okay thank you thanks Steve all right at this time I think we'll open the public hearing is there anybody that wants to speak on this either online or um in the audience okay I'll do a second call is there anybody online or in the audience that would like to speak on this matter Final Call online or any audience to speak on this matter if not I'm going to close the public hearing okay are there any uh emails or letters to read in to the record no okay uh has any Department received any comments concerns uh state agencies cities townships on this agenda item no okay uh any action by the township anything needed there no okay County Board questions commissioner schan um the 5 foot rear setback is that from the original building or is that from the property proper property line so that's that's pretty close to somebody else's property you want to get that close to somebody else's property are there are there any zoning thing that says how far you should be away from the 30 that's that's what we're yeah we're changing yes for the planned unit development it allows flexibility uh so with this there's reduced setbacks for all of the dwellings if you look at the ordinance uh for example some of the houses are as close as 5T to the side property line where we would generally require 10 or 15 ft but the purpose of the planned unit development is to allow that flexibility and more of a compact development and Mr chair in this case HOA is requesting they soers requesting this okay Mr chair and just to comment roxan touched on a little bit but if we're going to constantly get variance requests to be changing stuff here it takes the onus off of these homeowners because that's an expensive process M yep what are the wishes move for approval Mr chair second it okay we got a motion and a second for approval of this ordinance change any other communication or questions on this from the board seeing none I'm going to call the question all in favor I opposed same sign motion carries thanks Steve all right thank you thank you Steve thank you thanks roxan thanks roxan okay now we're going to move on to Christine I have Brian here with me um so before you have the ratification statement for the Avenue tax and Kama to continue use of tax and cama through 2025 yeah and I guess I can touch on that a little bit so um you know I know we discussed yesterday as well so there was a two-year extension with the Avenue contractor extension that went through December of 2025 uh with us trying to get on the um conversion schedule with Tyler as early as possible we were you know we got into the 24 schedule we weren't sure if we were going to be you know converted fully by 24 or if it was going to run into 25 so last year when we brought this forth uh we just asked for 24 to be ratified and not 25 just in case we were live you know by November December of this year it does look like um it's going to be as as late is Quarter Two of 25 right now is what Christine talked with Tyler yesterday so um again a lot of the counties just ratified both years we were just hoping that maybe we could save that uh if we did go live in in in November December of this year so Mr chair Brian just for clarification again so I understand we're going to go through 25 but you may come on with the new system in the second quarter so we're already starting the conversions we're we're we're in essence paying for both systems right and that was want to run parall you going right for the whole year well as soon as we go as soon as we go live we want to have we want to have you know the the Avenue's you know support in case we need something that you know going forward but once we switch over to Tyler we'll be going into Tyler and using Tyler going forward they're still going to be pulling data out of Avenue for TNT notices or whatever they need to but uh yeah we once we switch over to Tyler we'll be moving that forward but you will run the parallel through 25 for well have we'll have both systems yes paid for through 2025 okay and and and I will kind of note that um there were many counties that were already signed on with Tyler that absolutely did not want to do anything during an election year so when we went to Tyler and signed on that agreement with Tyler we did ask them you know we're willing to go as quickly as possible because we knew that the costs were going to be greater the longer we waited so they did stick Us in the middle of the pack which which now yes we've been pushed back a little bit but the ones that are below us sounds like they may go into 26 or maybe even 27 already wow so the cost of those may be well yeah a lot greater and last year for 24 we kind of did the worst case scenario budgeting about 100,000 for K and tax they ended up being about 65,000 is what we spent and then this year we have a really good understanding because the counties have already ratified so what we're bringing forth is should be what the cost is so it ends up being maybe 125,000 for two years and we budgeted 100 so we're we are over but you know last year could have been 100 if less counties ratified so okay for approval Mr chair second okay we got a motion and second any other uh questions if not I'll call the question all in favor I post same sign motion carries thank you guys on thank you have one more item for you um the election recount joint Powers agreement with the state similar to the one we did a few weeks ago this is just for the general election so just looking for a motion to ratify the joint Powers agreement so move second okay we got a motion in a second to ratify the joint Powers agreement all in favor I oppose same sign motion carries you thank you Christine thank you Christine we need okay now you can go to Chris thank you commissioner uh Heinen now I guess we can go to you Chris we got the pua's blessing there yeah I got Junior and PBA just making sure you stay on track okay all right good morning Commissioners good morning morning morning uh as you we had a recent uh Committee of the whole where we discussed uh the 5-year road construction plan for the years 2025 through 2029 and here is that uh Draft before you on the screen in its current form here's some facts that I pulled out of it uh that you know this plan represents an investment of over $50 million over the next 5 years uh it includes nearly 82 and half miles of road that will be improved or rehabilitated it also includes the replacement of five Bridges um to fund that $50 million investment it includes $12 million of outside money in the form of uh grants mostly federal grants but there's some State Bridge bonding dollars in there as well it includes spending $16.7 million of our sales tax for transportation and about $21 million of our state aid allotment so um I think it's fair to say this is probably the largest investment uh Benton County has made over a 5-year period um in its history so all with 1980 Staffing levels I might add you had to throw that in there didn't you really CH wow um so I don't know if we want to go through it just maybe hit some highlights uh the next couple years as shown on the screen here are big years for us uh uh 25 uh includes over $12 million of construction spending and once again this this shows construction plan uh projects that are let and assumed that they're constructed over that calendar year and we all know in reality especially reconstruction projects they take uh two years sometimes um and this is where where the budgeting discussion we'll get into tomorrow um come into play for example like in the previous version cassa 7 was shown in the 2024 construction project and while we did let it in open bids and award a construction project a lot of those costs will hit the 2025 budget even though it shown as a 2024 uh construction project on the 5year CIP so just take that um kind of with a grain OFA if you see this so this makes that assumption that the projects are let and constructed all in one year and that's how we get to that that total of $12.6 million in 2025 and moving on to like $16.3 million in 2026 um in the next two years alone though we'll be replacing uh five those five Bridges so when I mentioned those five bridges of the next five years that is scheduled to occur uh in the next two years um big projects uh we're still working on a schedule to construct the roundabout at 1 and 29 in 2025 and that's shown there another big reconstruction project is within Gilman three and five uh within Gilman still trying to coordinate meeting with their designer but it sounds like some things are promising for funding so we still need to work out all that they're going to do as part of our ROW construction project um and then the bridge 22 Bridge Over The Rum River uh and then County Road 51 bridge over the St Francis just southeast of town are scheduled to be uh replaced next year uh and some big projects in 2026 uh the reclaim project in gasa 3 from Sock Rapids out to Papo Creek replacing cat 12 bridge over Little Rock Creek just east of rice 13 bridge over the Elk River um and then our big earmark project uh cassad 29 extension from CA 1 around to ca 3 so we're still working on a design schedule assuming that we'll be constructing that in 2026 and then replacing a small bridge on gravel County Road uh 40 we received from State Bridge bonding uh for that and then mixed in amongst of those are some pavement preservation projects like some reclaims and some Mill and overlays um and then currently reconstruction or reconditioning of County Road 57 from 3 to 29 so that's a a one and a half mile stretch that kind of goes through what looks like a neighborhood so we call it a reconditioning because we think it's going to be more than a reclaim but we don't have the rideway width and don't anticipate purchasing RightWay to reconstruct that to uh building wide shoulders uh and things like that uh later years um I will just point out uh the project in 2026 on casassa 3 the reclaim is using some federal money that doesn't become available to us until later years in two different years so the plan reflects getting a payback of $2 million of federal money in 2027 and then another million 4,000 or million 4,000 in 2028 so that does rely on us using our state aid allotment UPF front uh and getting paid back with Federal money in those later years um yeah uh one topic that's received a lot of discussion in the last uh couple years is Paving of gravel 50 um earlier versions of the plan showed this in 2026 uh with some updated information from the solar developers it's being shown here as a 2028 project and the main impetus behind that was to come through and pave that after they've built out their their solar solar farm um hopefully to avoid conflicts with construction traffic uh while we're trying to pave a road and they've got a lot of construction traffic coming in and out as discussed at the committee of the whole uh Casa or the fifth year of the plan um a recommended projects putting in there is um County State a Highway 32 most people don't realize that a state aid is Norman Avenue here in town um from Highway uh basically Highway 25 up to Dewey Street is a state aid route and has not been touched in 20 plus years so it's starting toate and we're showing that as a Mill overlay $200,000 or so of state aid um we think that CA or County Road 80 once we build that extension down to PO uh Casa 3 I was almost going to say po Creek but CA 3 we're going to see increased pressure to reconstruct that next portion of that alignment that's currently County Road 80 from Casa 3 down to where it intersects with Casa 8 their um west of territory Golf Course so that is a sales tax project and it was recommended that maybe we should consider reconstructing that by 2029 with wide shoulders to accommodate any add additional traffic volumes on there this ADT is current ADT over 600 Vehicles a day currently without that that new alignment built between 29 and3 so um I think from an engineering standpoint we believe it's safe to assume that that that traffic will increase once we construct that and it's shown as a separate project but most likely it would be uh let and combined as one is to replace the bridge over Mayu Creek just north of where it intersects with gassa 8 uh that is a cast in place box covert that would need to be extended to accommodate um The Wider shoulders on that road and the the new road width due to the age of the structure and the fact that it's cast in place and not pre-cast sections that are easily you know extended on uh we would recommend just replacing that with a new box covert structure to the appropriate width needed so those are the added projects uh for the fifth year um that was kind of a quick and dirty summary of everything that's uh in there I didn't hit every project but brought this today to open it up for discussion um in the ideal world it would be adopted today but at least we're continuing the discussion today Chris I got a uh just a few points and and maybe you can h on a couple things I know we as a board we look at this you know on a five-year plan but we look at it every year and we make changes and everything like that but can you from the legal standpoint or from the federal funding standpoint explain for the public why the fiveyear is is needed um yeah so we get this fall we'll get into kind of Grant season where solicitations come open to to apply for federal surface Transportation block grants that's where a lot of our funding for reclaims and reconstructions come from and when you're applying for those it's five years out from this current year so we would be applying for federal money available in 20129 so the the applications would be due this fall are usually right around the um the first of the year and then they award them in the spring so in 2025 we would know if we received any grant money but that money wouldn't not be available until 2029 when you fill out those applications uh a question that gets a lot of weight and consideration is is this project identified any adop any in any adopted plans so that's why we want to show that it's been discussed uh by the governing body and has been agreed upon that yeah this is a project that's needed uh therefore the governing body supports that and that's weighted um a little bit more heavily uh on those that review and approve those there Grant applications that being said even though the money is not available to 2029 it does give me an opportunity to look at any projects before then that say okay this would you know it's in 2027 but maybe it's a good candidate for this this outside funding source could we swing funding that project up front with some local dollars and then repaying ourselves later with that Federal money so that's why it becomes critical to adopt it you know this time uh or setember so that it's approved when those Grant application solicitations start coming open in October and November so so it's I think it's important to be adopted in our local plan if for some reason there was a regional plan adopted that that carries even more weight that doesn't always happen for for local roads but um yeah it's really important for us now to have this adopted in a a plan adopted by you you Commissioners for Mr commissioner Heen sorry about that Mr chair you know through all the years we've always changed roads okay through this five-year process and this also gives us the opportunity to move other roads up that's in this process Mr chair if I could um is I just want to make you aware that I did have conversation with Chris yesterday I had a conversation with Monty this morning um I don't know that we're there yet um I appreciate all of Chris's work on this and his presentation of it I know the importance of passing this 5-year Road plan um I'm not ready to throw it to the side myself I'm just I'm torn because I don't feel we've had the necessary discussion we need to have on our local option sales tax options um there's a big list there I realize it goes out until 2037 I absolutely realize that we can change these plans on a yearly basis um I just I'm not there yet to go ahead and approve this plan I think we need some further discussion on our local option sales tax options uh Chris did I mean he he mentioned today that he'd like to obviously get this done uh but it doesn't sound like it's a drop dead date and I think we've got to get together and have another cow and just make sure that we're all committed uh to the plan before we move ahead on it at this point I'm not uh and that's I I don't want that to be a negative thing on Chris or a negative thing on the sport because this board has had discussion it's not that we haven't I I just I'm not there yet and so I want you to be aware of that um and with that I'm going to make a motion to table this um until we can have some further discussion and hopefully get it on our next board meeting or for sure the one at the end of September I'll second that okay we got a motion and a second to table the CIP 5year Road plan um communication um Mr chair Mr chair if I and I'm sorry but on the on a motion to table there's not any other discussion okay to have you call a question all right that is accurate yeah all right then I'll have my discussion after all right I'm going to call the question all in favor I opposed I what were you I was I was in I was for four all right so it it passes forward to one to table this uh the discussion on my end the reason I I uh supported tabling it was we've got a little time and let's let's make sure everybody's heard and and and get this out there so if I may is it worth um at when we set committees as the whole to put this on an upcoming Committee of the whole for further discussion yes AB I don't think we're going to need a ton of time no we're not we're need a ton of time Chris and thank you for your work on this yes thank you we'll get this done all right Monty Mr chair your next item I bring to you on behalf of the uh Port uh facility Safety Committee and uh we have an opportunity to apply for some State funding to the Minnesota Port there's $500,000 available Statewide what they call their safe and secure Courthouse grant program and the Safety Committee would like to apply for a grant to fund uh what's known as bullet resistant glass uh in two locations that would be the court administration public counter and then the probation public counter I included in your packet photographs of those um you can see in the close-up view uh photo of Court Administration uh there is partial glass but there is a large oh gosh it's at least a foot wide Gap uh in that glass also the same thing exists but to a smaller Gap in probation so there's uh again glass but there it's not complete so uh Jeff Dingman obtained two estimates from eite glass uh to do the administration area and also probation so uh in a bit of strategy I broke those two apart uh in our application uh the first I'm calling project one is the court administration that is a total cost of 42,700 project two is probation that's 14,500 this grant program requires a 50% local match a little bit history so um we received a safe and secureity Court House Grant maybe six years ago for some additional cameras um I actually about three years ago I was invited to be on the Review Committee for these grants and my recollection is in is that they really want to try and give everyone something so I that's why strategy wise I broke it apart because I didn't want to give them this really large one and they said H it's too much so uh it gave them maybe some choices to fund maybe one or one or the other or maybe both who knows we'll see what happens I'm get expecting there will be many applications for that pool of 500,000 so Mr chair what we're seeking to today is your authorization to submit this Grant and then commit the local match of up to 28,600 and those resources can be made available made available from our CIP fund balance that's the request of you all today Bo so moved second okay we got a motion in a second I think it's a no-brainer anytime we can uh take and make our employees safe so absolutely all right any other questions on this if not I'll call the question all in favor I oppose same sign motion carries okay thank you so we're now on consent itms five and six and these are really a package Arrangement here uh so back if I may step back is uh when we did the original bid for the Benton Ben the River project uh uh we came in substantially under the gr award the grant award was in round numbers 800,000 the bid in round numbers was about 670,000 so we had some additional resources that we could spend so the park commission had some discussion about hey what we want to use this these resources on and there was an agreement to basically do uh four things put class to aggregate on the new trails class to aggregate on the existing East Side Trails put in a new well and also then bulk up the footings for the shelter so we submitted those four items to the Greater Minnesota parks and trails commission which had to approve these additions and I included that as essentially the exhibit to this uh contract Amendment for adessa 2 it's labeled as Exhibit 2 Under the contract Amendment for Odessa 2 and you could see on July 24th the Greater Minnesota parks and trails commission then approved these CH these four changes so we consequently now need to amend our agreement with Odessa 2 which was the successful contractor for this project I should point out Mr chair is we're asking Odessa to to do three of the four projects the shelter footings and the two class two but not the well so we'll do that separately Jeff has been getting estimates on the new well so that's kind of part one of this package the second is and it's Reon really the reason why I pulled this was we also need to amend our grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources so uh the the the amendment was really fairly minor because they'd already awarded us the 800,000 and I'll show you on this uh screen this is essentially the only thing that's going to get amended in the DNR agreement was they initially had these categories design Trails parking shelter kiosk signage nature play areia and you can see we've added the well so the dollar amounts amongst these categories have changed plus we added the well the bottom line total is still 797 555 so uh at the request of DNR I sent them this I also had to send them like a new park map which showed okay these trails are going to get class to you so on so forth sent that to them they're said hey it's all good so I've been waiting and waiting to get the new DNR agreement back from the state they say it looks good they've got everything they need but I didn't have the actual contract for your packet so I I still wanted to bring this to you because I know our contractor he wants to get this stuff done get it done and so he can get paid for it he can get paid so what I'm hoping to ask you all today and this is is very unusual for me is to ask you to approve the DNR agreement side unseen just knowing that this is what's changing the the juggling of the categories but the dollar amount in the bi line is just the same um I also I also want to ask you this one Nuance is I think we don't want to have an effective date on the Odessa 2 until we have the signed DNR agreement so if you're inclined to approve Odessa 2 I would suggest this caveat to say okay the affected date shall be essentially the same date as when we execute the DNR agreement they're going to send it to us electronically and ask the board chair to sign and me to sign so whatever that that execution date is I'd like that to be the same execution date on Odessa 2 because I don't want you know there's there maybe like this little tiny chance there's a hiccup and I don't want to essentially commit to Odessa 2 but we haven't got the final commitment from DNR that would be bad right can we sign Odessa 2 at the same time we do the electronic uh right I think that's fine you know basically those are executed about the same time they have the same effective date I don't want again to be clear I don't want to create a legal obligation to Odesa 2 until we have DNR in the can so you can just sort of sense my apprehensions about the state of Minnesota uh but again what would seem to be simple sometimes isn't so but they have told me they got everything they need it's just working its way through the state chain so to speak so does that any questions on on this Arrangement makes subtle sense to me yeah okay so I would ask you to approve the first of off the DNR uh the motion to amend the a motion to approve an amended contract with Minnesota DNR for the Legacy grant that would be the first one then we'll get to the Odesa one next so moved second okay we got a motion on a second any other questions if not I'll call the question all in favor I oppose same sign that motion carries thank you sir and then in action be approve the amended contract with Odessa two for improvements affected date shall coincide with the execution date of the DNR agreement also move that thank you second okay we got a motion in a second all in favor I I oppose same sign motion carries I just want to just add Mr I want to you know Express a lot of thanks and admiration for Odessa 2 they've done a super job out there and been very flexible with us Jim Janson is a great person a great person to work with I also acknowledge Jeff uh Dingman who's made Vis many visits out to Parks keeping an eye on things I really appreciate that and lastly want to acknowledge um uh Scott zwick He recreated this this project map for us and it's super it looks way better than one srf did so I want to make sure I acknowledge uh Scott Zuck and his talents as a GS person to recreate that map for us so that really was helpful okay I'm done thank you all right I think with the uh uh board's approval we'll move into the the Health Board okay I'll turn it over to commissioner Heinen thank you at this point in time we'll call over the Ben County Community Health Board uh note that all members are present for the roll call approve or amend the agenda I see we have two other additional agenda items correct we do okay which one would you like to take first then let's go ahead and um we can start with the introduction of our new americore members and then I just wanted to add on an IND introduction to our new community health specialist as well 3B okay yep and then I have a request for another Grant opportunity that I wanted to ask about so we could get an application in for that as well that be 3C okay move for approval of the amended agenda second okay we got a motion and a second any further discussion if not I'll call a question all in favor say I I I I oppos motion carries next the consent agenda item one through two what would you like to do with that move for approval second got a motion and a second any further discussion on that if not I'll call the question all in favor say I I I oppos motion carries thank you now I'll wait until until Jacqueline's done two oh we already have these okay yeah we have everything okay Jacqueline introduction of the new Public Health Mar Corps members yes so good morning um thanks for the time on the agenda this morning so we have with us um mayor Corps members we have one individ ual who is returning who served with us last year and we have two individuals who are coming this year full-time um for 40 hours a week throughout this service year whose time will end in June so I thought i' would take some time to just introduce um our members to the board uh if you recall of a couple of years ago we had agreed to partner with the Minnesota Department of Health on signing up for public health core members uh mayor Corp covers the cost of salary and benefits um for the individuals they are partnered with site and then they are partnered with us to expand our Public Health capacity some of them are part-time some full-time we have all full-time members 40 hours a week through their service term so I'll just call them up so you can have a face with a name um so we'll call up Tara Tabitha and Tina they can come on over here and we'll have um we'll just let Tina introduce herself first so Tina is actually going to be with us this summer as a temporary employee and then her americore term again um in September um Tabitha and Tara they are serving from July 3rd 30th to June end of June 28th so excited to have them here go ahead and just introduce yourself Tina uh hi my name is Tina um I'm the americore from the previous year and I'm coming back again this year um and I am working right now under one of the Benson County contract employee during my little break so I do appreciate you guys for giving me that opportunity um but currently right now I'm going to school for Community Health at St Cloud State and I'm a senior this year so I'll be graduating this spring and and um some of the projects I'm working on is the video in the day to see what public health uh professionals do in the day uh help out with the Cent Minnesota Alliance the mental health toolkit along with the ship um substance news and whatnot um community outreach events and whatnot so that's what I do great welcome back welcome thanks for coming back yeah thank you please remember us when you uh graduate too oh absolutely already asked my name is Tabitha um a little bit of background is that I am a registered nurse uh I got my bachelor's degree last September um and that I do have some other education under my belt as a vet tech and um medical assistant previously as well um just got an assignment yesterday on the Cannabis so going to be looking forward to working on that and just doing a lot of training these last couple weeks great welcome welcome welcome thank you especially for being out in the Cannabis ordinance uh I'm Tara wanks kobby I am a senior at St Cloud State University as well I am going for a double b double bachelor's degrees in Psychology and history am also a licensed CNA I work overnight as a CNA uh like taba said we just got the Cannabis project yesterday so we are starting on that and I've been in Minnesota about nine years now so looking forward to learning more great welcome great and thank you once again keep us in mind when you graduate y thank you and then one of our additional agenda items today is we had a new community health specialist filling our open community health specialist position yesterday so I'll call Emma up she started here with us yesterday and was already ready to come get introduced today so let her say a little bit about herself as well hi I'm a Hansen and like she said I'm the new community health specialist I just recently graduated with my MERS of Public Health and last year I was actually a public health corpes member with Sherburn County so I'm excited to be here where I live and work here great welcome welcome to Benton County so Emma will be taking on our planning and Communications coordinator role with our community health specialists um filling our vacant position and we'll working be working primarily in our ship Grant as well with Mariah so happy to have all of them here each of them bring a unique skill set with them which is going to serve our County well so excited to see what the year brings and um continue on with them um the additional agenda item that I had today was just to add on a request so Meda has announced another funding opportunity um I was here at our last board meeting requesting to apply for some funds for Medica as well um through that application process we we were become aware that there was another option for some Innovation funding so would like to ask the board approval to submit a request to receive um up to $5,000 that would be spent um or expended by the end of this year um that we could use towards advancing and addressing Health needs of members in our community so so move Mr chair second we've got a motion and a second if any questions the only question I have is when we're applying for all these grants is there a match or anything the ones from Medica no okay those ones are just from the Medica Foundation or innovation fund Innovation yes no match for that one thank you for finding these thank you thank you yep good question any other questions if not I'll call the question all in favor say I I oppose motion carries anything else Jacqueline that is it great thank you and welcome to all the new members thank you have a good day y we had one member that hasn't even talked yet be in the back oh she's been introduced all right I know we don't want to leave her out that's true thank you everyone at this point I'll adjourn our uh Benton County Community Health Board and turn it over to the board chair all right I think for time let's uh go right through the Committees any meeting updates I can start Mr chair umly on August 6 we did have our call for the fiveyear road and I appreciate all the time into that I really do Chris you want to speak on that no just uh August 8th our Planning Commission meeting of the highlights we talked about that ordinance change here today uh on August 12th they commited the whole with human services um 13th for those that were in attendance the cow for the Foster Care picnic that was well attended and and got a chance to sit down and visit with some people so that was awesome um on the 14th commissioner pop and I met with Chris and Mark ebnet and some officials from Granite ledge and met him out on site on County Road 54 talking about the turn back situation there so that's still in process um commissioner Po and I also were canvasing the primary on August 15th and of course yesterday our budget meeting so brings us up to date Mr chair thank you for uh taking my spot I was not around at that for the cine board I appreciate that that worked out I wasn't on the ballot so it worked [Laughter] yeah any you want um I had about the same ones as as Scott did uh except had Micah we had an executive committee meeting to discuss fees and uh we haven't discussed salaries yet um and then entering into a contract to instead of hiring somebody for to replace Steve um Novac we're going to contract it out and then we're going to look at some other things um instead of we're going to more play the environment and natural resources by ear um you know a lot of the stuff if we do both organizations seem to mirror AMC and Micah seem to mirror what they want so there's no sense for them both trying to take credit for it let's work with them somehow you know AMC's got Brian Martinson who does a lot and knows everybody in that deal so we're going to have some more discussion on that um the other dis the the other discussion that came forth was that U we're really having a hard time getting an NOA County to commit to being a part of Micah um it seems like we take two steps forward and one step back um maybe Chris could talk to their engineer I understand you know him oh yeah that's right he used to be a beton county person um and it just seems like they just I don't know now I think they're waiting for the election because you know they got some contested Races they got an open seat of somebody resigned um couple of them didn't want to commit now because they and in the process they keep going from like 50% to 30% to 20% of what they should have paid when they were going to join last March so we don't know if they're going to be there next year or not um we're using now that you know we start the policy stuff and if you're not at the table in October you really are not going to have a say in what we're going to do in the next legislative session so I don't know it just seems like they're they're really so if you know anybody personally from the Ana County Board tell them to get on board they had one resign there huh yeah um took a different position H so they just left it open they've been running with six okay commissioner schlong or do you need a little time um was at the Foster um care picnic and uh triap meeting I listened in on the Cannabis management from the state of Minnesota on their overview um then we had CER Solutions what else do we have did he call you in Township meeting John and I went to the um um energy at the coyote open house and I think that was audence okay I'll go next Mr chair if that's all right so I did another WJ radio interview on the foster care parents that went very well uh kudos to the two members that were with me on I'm not good with the last names I apologize and then we also had uh foster parent there talking with us on the radio found out when we went to the uh picnic foster care picnic that they already had three or four calls already about it so that was very good very good uh had a shack meeting nothing new there career Solutions everything's going just fine there uh Human Service is I mean just about everything everybody else had but I also spent 3 days in Deluth because I'm on the Minnesota uh Workforce sport with the state and that was probably one of the best ones I've been to very very knowledgeable very interesting uh then of course budget okay I'm done thank you all right I've had pretty much everything everybody else had it's kind of nice going last um I can't say enough about that uh that uh foster care deal uh you know BBE next year I know Tim you cover the Sock Rapids and and you got somebody from Bon County um the uh the Bon County news here but man having that in Sock Rapids might be a a good hit yep uh they really do a great job and the parents are great go ahead to follow up on that we're also looking for foster parents that live in the city of Sock Rapids because of the school district yeah Mr chair are you are you meaning um hold the event there or have it in the socer Rapids Herald having it in the socer Rapids Herald yep yep Tim does a great job and I think uh that would be a Hans was there I think yep he was oh yeah yep so um I did have an EPO meeting that wasn't pretty uneventful um uh we discussed a few things when you know going up to DC and everything like that um we had our Solid Waste meeting last night um that was uh that was pretty uneventful as well um other than that that's really all I had all the committees as the whole and budget and got another day tomorrow so yeah kind of seems like we're living here yeah I did participate with the RSVP um recognition day two in St Cloud and helped out with that and there'll be a couple more coming up to you okay all right I think before we adjourn maybe we turn right over to uh we'll we'll just adjourn this m m you subet cows yep oh yeah we got more we have more yes sir oh yeah big ones all in September great absolutely all right Monty you're up so okay uh the next Township Officers Association fall meeting is Thursday September 19th 7:30 Glend Doro Town Hall that's the 19th at 7:30 Glend dedo Town Hall okay so we need to schedule your your final uh budget discussion on the proposed 2025 I have on here 2025 budget Levy so just a point of reference so you've scheduled your adoption for September 23rd September 23rd so let me suggest you have your budget discussion no less than one week prior no less than one week prior so like Mr chair sorry Monty the date was September 23rd you said that's that's what I have on my calendar here I don't have that on M so I'm sorry uh I um question I thought we that was in the front of the book too yeah the I'm sorry what day did you have I don't um I don't have one so I may have missed yet September 23d but I don't have if I recall correctly you know the board agreed to have a special meeting to adopt the proposed budget L okay so September 23rd at what time nine o'clock um I'm sorry uh Could you um I'm looking it's not the calar yeah it would it wouldn't be on the C calendar right so special board meeting yep could just say it at 9 yeah or 8 9: :00 9 that's when we have all our board meetings Steve you didn't have that either no I did not have that online you even around yes yes I am you Steve you won't be around the 16th No 9 A.M on September that was the agreement I mean of course you can always change that no that's fine that's fine 9: a.m on SE so if you could have this budget discussion again maybe not less than about a week before um so just so you know I am gone the 14th through the 20 2nd that week okay 14th through 22nd so that means maybe the week of the 9th 9th and I fall policy is 11th 12th and 13th looks like correct so it looks like we're down to like the 9th or the 10th I could do either I could do the 10th I can't do the ninth okay yeah that I always schedule meetings on Tuesdays so the 10th 10 in the morning that's that's the followup budget meeting yeah that's what we have to get we get consensus down to get it for the 23rd so September 10th at what time 9 9 8:30 9 8 8:30 8:30 yeah quicker yeah so September 10th at 8:30 final budget discussion um okay I also had on my list a desire to have a committee of the whole on the topic of wetlands ad Administration How We Do Wetlands so um we also heard we need to have a commit the hole on the five-year Road program so perhaps you could package those two together how about putting together the wetlands discussion in the five-year rooll program I see roxan is with us on online help us with dates so obviously 14th through the 22nd is out how Tuesday August 27th how long is that going to take though for the uh for the Wetland deal would you say cuz I can't believe the road one is going to be more than a half an hour them half hour each we can do them together I was just wondering if we couldn't tackle those on the same September 10 10th on the 10th okay but you won't be yeah you'll be here no I'm here the 10th okay so we'll just try and knock it all out on the 10th okay is there is there any way to get this discussed sooner I don't think my discussion will take very long time we've got applicants that are out there um waiting oh so you think in a so in in August still okay well if possible if not we'll manage okay next week you've got to leave tomorrow by noon so how about next week 26th or 27th is open for me 27th would have to be early I got to be got to meet with the AMC extension as early as we want 8:00 you guys August 27th at I don't I don't know if we've got that works for him and I I haven't heard from that's a Tuesday how okay got a question how how long do you think the B that's going to go till noon for sure no I mean we usually get it done in about two hours yeah tomorrow no I'm sorry no no I I'm talking about tomorrow oh since we're here I have things to do in the afternoon yeah I I've got to I got to leave for the airport at noon well we're we're booked your book's solid all morning yeah your book's solid it's the 27th work for you guys anybody works for me I think it'll work for me what's your start time could we do 26 that Monday yeah I can do that let's do that I can okay 8:26 at 8:30 8:30 :30 that's becoming a new standard and and just and commissioner Hein you can join I I know I I might yeah I'll make it work one way or another I might have to yeah remember we can all join virtual four or five time what whatever we just just we'll need your address uh no less than three days prior so we can post that my truck agenda right yeah so this would be wetlands and highway highway road wetlands and Road program right on August 26 at 8:30 that be that'll be good because it'll get us some consensus to get it on the first meeting of September that work Roan roxan you good okay the last thing I had on my list was there was desire and I see sand is with us to schedule a tour of the River Crest facility the River Crest facility tour Sandy are you still with us there I see you up on the screen where's River Crest Cloud did you by chance ID some dates for it tour it's just around the corner from I did not I thought the board probably had a number of dates that were already filled so I did not okay it's going to be the end of September for me end of December you said September September I don't have very good hearing in my left ear I apologize um could we do this after our board meeting on the 23rd on the 23rd of September I don't see why I can't yeah cuz that's going to be a really short meeting um yeah that's going to be a 20 minute meeting yeah we can do that okay Sandy you hear that so roughly let's just say let's see we're starting at 9: you could get there by 10:30 yeah 10 10:30 yeah let's just say 10: you think 10:00 a.m. on Monday the 23rd would work from here I will check it out I would imagine so okay so 10:00 a.m. Monday September 23rd riverquest tour okay and we'll get you details is that the only facility you wish to see or was there a wish to see Lincoln Center or anything else no one's enough for me really commissioner P yeah you should see them all well you know is an option if board members want to see Lincoln how long does it take to go through them well I can set a limit with them I imagine that they could talk quite a while at either facility but I mean depends on what kind of time you have I certainly set a half hour limit at both place you know or a half hour at one and 15 20 minutes at the other 15 minutes 20 maybe we do 15 at uh linol Lincoln half hour at can go can go y okay let's do that all right so rough start time is 10: a.m. on the I can assure you a half hour won't be long enough for the first visit because of questions and everything just to give you guys a heads up warning okay okay we'll work out the details between now and then Mr chair that is all we have here positive okay yes sir positive move for approval of the Cs Mr chair second can't we subtract any of them or okay we got a motion for approval of the cows all in favor I I oppos same sign motion carries County Board is adjourned at 10:21 I'm going to turn it gladly over to commissioner Johnson for the ditch all right we call to order our beton County ditch Authority meeting um roll call we all present approval or amendments to the agenda Chris is any changes I have no changes motion approved second motion a second to approve the agenda is presented all those in favor I oppos is carried our consent agenda approve or amend the meeting minutes from July 16th of 24 move second motion second to approve those minutes any further discussion he none all those in favor I I oppos carried Chris discussion of potential M maintenance assessments for 25 all right so this is a meeting that's been on our uh meeting calendar uh all year and it's this this uh practice that we want to start and become an annual practice where this this time of year every year we discuss potential maintenance assessments for the upcoming year we've made a commitment to when we repair a ditch that we are going to continue maintaining it uh in the future so um those costs to maintain it or perform maintenance on those ditches is a cost to the ditch system and is repaid by assessments so this was in your packet this is a document I created and I took it kind of as a ditch inspector uh point of view of It kind of looking at what the the fund balance is of the current or the current fund balance for each of the ditch systems then look at what we might do for maintenance costs in the upcoming year kind of come up with an estimate or a dollar amount for that and that kind of becomes the basis for the recommendation um for the maintenance assessment this would be a one-time or an annual say an annual this would be a one-time assessment so um if this was approved for each of the ditch systems that dollar amount would get applied to all the benefited land owners on that ditch system a portioned out based on their percent of benefits they they receive from that d to the total benefits provided by that ditch and they would be expected to pay that on their uh property taxes for the upcoming year and then we would do this have the same conversation next year and discuss the same things what's the current fund balance what's the anticipated maintenance next year um what's that cost and then uh assess accordingly admittedly this is their first time doing this so the numbers are not real tight you know you know I'll be honest we're not quite sure what it would come maybe we do some maintenance um on some of the ditches and it's more than what we assessed for then I would anticipate this conversation next year uh surrounding around that I was like well the maintenance cost a little bit more so we have a deficit um we would need to to assess for those costs that we incurred the previous year so this is I want to just preface that by saying that and and then this is kind of a a basis or a base year um we had to start somewhere I believe on this maintenance assessment so this document is something that counties across the state have done something similar at these type of meetings you know you list your ditches and what your recommended assessment are so I provide a little bit of additional information and and if it's okay we'll kind of maybe go through uh each of these now um starting with our our our lowest number ditch uh ditch three we have a current fund balance uh from what I could see of about $111,000 um we have some pending assessments for next year if you remember we had a repair project and we did a multi-year assessment on that um anticipated expenses for 2025 I'm estimating maybe about $5,000 and that would be mowing of those buffer strips uh on both sides uh next year so that balance forward you take out the current funding balance what we're already anticipating receiving as pending assessments from the repair project uh that leaves a uh anticipated forward balance of a negative $1,814 C so for County ditch 3 I would recommend having uh an assessment next year of $10,000 to get that close to to being whole Chris can I interrupt you when you're as you're going through this I need some clarification on how you're getting the current fund balance where where are those dollars so that comes from math um yeah that comes from our accounting uh Reporting System um uh that's what it shows as negative based on the cost that we've incurred so far and um yeah so the cost that we've incurred so far minus any assessments that we've already received so just for clarification though none of these ditches had dollar balances in them before we started any of this project corre uh yes that is that is a fair statement it was so assume each balance each ditch had a zero uh fund balance okay some of them actually had some negative fund balances before we even started the repair projects so okay so that's probably where this negative 10,000 is coming in is they started probably with a negative balance well I wouldn't say that I would say um and Christine be feel free to correct me if I'm wrong um that's what's left of that repair project um what I could see it looked like Christina had received most of the assessments if you recall it was a multi-year I don't recall how many years was it seven six seven years seven years so next even 2025 is only year three or four two two oh year two so she's received most of them so you divide that out by seven years anticipating $5,800 of Assessments coming in next year of that seven years leaving some balance still to be paid if if you if track my thinking let me let me back up so the current fund balance of $109 1421 cents is from that repair project and the ret termination of benefits buffer strip payments all that but we're only in year two there's still five more years to collect that um based on the assessment roles and the leans that the auditor's office has put on property tax anticipating $5,800 uh dollar of assessments next year plus $5,000 of additional cost next year we get to a balance a NE anticipated negative balance of $1,814 but when you say a repair project pending assessments that's just that so that tells me there's $5,800 out in assessments yet on the repair project but you've got a negative $10,000 balance coming in oh okay let me clarify that $5,800 would be just for next year year that's what's expected okay so you could you anticipate another $5,800 the following year not exactly because there's interest applied right on that and then County ditch four which you haven't gotten to yet because I interrupted you is um that must have came in with a negative balance because we haven't dealt with CD4 that I'm aware of but if you remember we did a redetermination of benefits on all the ditches yeah so that's where those costs for doing the redetermination of benefits we haven't done any assessment yet but what but if that's the case we're missing some ditches on here then like like 13 I didn't say 13 and 15 listed here correct that's a good point um and that's because when we completed the repair projects and certified the assessments that assessment certification already had a maintenance uh assessment fund component in it okay which they all should have in my book yes I agree so yeah and so some of the anticipation or some of the purpose of this is to maybe start some maintenance assessments on those ditches that we don't have a repair petition and aren't planning on a fullscale repair project yet so these are all ditches that we don't have a repair petition on yeah mostly um I'll throw in here ditch 10 and ditch 12 we do have repair petitions but we do have currently negative fund balances for them quite a bit ditch ditch we'll talk about ditch 10 because this is a large that is a large system a lot of benefit fited Property Owners um so and we've already ordered the the repair report for that so we have a large negative fund balance of you know $139,000 here and that's because of the redetermination of benefits um and the engineering costs that have incurred so far so when we do ditch 10 we should build in can we build in probably Michelle will know this no I'm um can can't we build in like for three years worth of Maintenance after we do the repair potentially because you can't go back after these people paid an assessment to get their ditch clean and then next year you come back and say we want another 5,000 or 10,000 bucks you this is not going to work they will scream at you but what are we what are we going to do on cd10 if the repair estimate comes in higher than the benefits yeah we still got $13 9,000 negative balance because we did a redetermination so yeah we've already incurred costs to the system that we've had to borrow from you know the general fund in our case but so the cost could exceed the benefit of sure but we did the redetermination um if I can just go ahead Michelle yeah um technically the redetermination would be a separate cost from the repair cost yeah so if we could actually separate what that redetermination cost is from engineering costs that we've already incurred with the repair petition I think that would be wise so do I hear you saying we could assess the redetermination of benefits without doing a repair absolutely yep um now if it's part of the repair project like if that's what the impetus was for we had a repair petition and we noticed emitted properties and we did the redetermination then I think we probably assess it all at once although you could probably still separate those costs but for ditch 10 and 12 we did the redetermination before we had petitions yeah so I think we kind of look at those costs separately sure um and in addition it is common practice where we do repairs for a lot of the counties and Christine may be able to speak to this better than me that they do charge like a $5,000 assessment each year even though it was just repaired just because you're trying to keep up with that maintenance cost yeah we're a small County in the ditch system deal and most of the counties have they'll have like ditch 85 they will collect every year on the taxes and then that stays in that fund and when the county needs to make a repair or something like that they just grab it we don't have to have all this but the problem is we haven't done that we haven't done that but we need to move to that eventually is that your point about adding the first three years of Maintenance the repair and and then in that then we have to add on that as we go forward with the ditches and we want to keep them where we're at we're going to assess you $2 per year and build that fund so that when we come on year five and we got to do repair you just grab it and do the repair if we got to do some mowing you just grab it and do it you don't have to have all this ditch meetings to do it you got if if we want a ditch system that's going to be up to par all the time you have to have a maintenance fund right within that ditch itself that is kind of the point of these annual meetings Sher County does it just like you said they charge $2 an acre or whatever they figure out a cost most counties do yep and then other counties choose to do it kind of what Chris is proposing where we' got some estimated costs and we're going to assess that for the year because that's what we believe the cost will be so that we don't have to you know have a negative that's I don't like the second deal because if I come out and tell my constituents we're going to charge you $15 an acre because we're going to do a repair they're going to keep calling every time if you charge them every year a certain amount and it goes into the fund like did seven at one time had some money in the fund you could do a repair and that's where you need to go you don't need because every time you charge somebody and you have a public hearing that you're going to charge them or something like that you're going to get calls and you're going to get people that show up if you do it once and say we're going to charge this much per acre per year on your taxes to maintain this ditch and we're good and if there's if the repair is really big then we have to go that other route how how far do we peel that onion back then is it all benefited Acres or is it is there a tier level well so I don't know we haven't got down to the nitty-gritty but let's we go back to um ditch three so what I was anticipating is if ,000 would be the recommended assessment uh uh for 2025 then a portion that over all the benefited Acres um according to the viewers report you know their percentage of benefits so some people are paying five bucks some people are maybe paying 150 bucks based on their benefited Acres so it's not it wasn't it wouldn't be in my opinion shouldn't be just a flat dollar amount per acre follow the apportionment you got to follow that that MH so when you think about it though with the whole repair project what was that you know that we certified $150,000 over seven years you would never have that much money but we want maintenance we don't want repairs you know we want maintenance on these ditches right yep and so yeah it's we're trying to build up a savings account and the hardest part is always starting is coming up with the money to put into your savings account for all this do we have to have public hearing then if we want to do this so this is the hearing for these annual assessments so because you set it yeah when you set all of your meetings and you announc that you were going to have this meeting okay this acts as that meeting so even in Sherburn County Renville County I believe Christine got some feedback from them they always hold this annual meeting to address okay the amount that's either going to be assessed per acre or doing it like Chris is proposing like a 10,000 assessment and then it's a portioned accordingly just for the record I I don't think people would have got that were actually going to set this today from discussion of potential maintenance assessments I mean we didn't list it as a public hearing yeah so we might have to do that one more time maybe you can come back with the CIP your thoughts on that Michelle it says we may hold a hearing and they use the language hearing so everyone's welcome but you only have to publish notice um that's what was recommended by many counties so you know everyone's free to come discuss yeah and be heard so it was how it was published we didn't not we didn't notice so we published notice that this was happening yeah and it was set up as an annual meeting at the beginning yeah at the first meeting of the Year this was put on the calendar as okay you know I mean if you go back to what Jared said the person that paid say $80,000 to have his ditch cleaned on Ditch six we'll gladly play to have that maintenance a little bit of an assessment for the maintenance every year because he don't want to go back and have to pay 80,000 another 15 years yeah you know Mr chair and some of the farmers that actually talked to me about this you know said the exact same thing commissioner pop assess me $2 an acre per year on our taxes I don't care that's fine they're just example that what they wanted yeah cuz they don't want that $155,000 assesment again I think we got to be careful on because we're mixing a little terminology here about assessing per Acres versus benefits we got to yeah it's benefit correct benit benefited ACR sorry thank you for that clarification yep and two is just an example yes so is if we did this and we set up a you know this on Ditch three a $10,000 this year M uh assessment would it be safe to say that in next year at the annual meeting which would be next at this time we set another $10,000 it could be or it could be less if our anticipated maintenance costs were less than what we anticipated and we had a positive fund balance maybe um I recommend something less or you as a board say well we're okay drawing that fund balance a little bit down closer to zero let's not let's assess for only 5,000 in 2026 I've seen a couple of the ditches that have been done and they have not been like cut no or anything like that mhm and if the County's got to go through and cut those we got to be getting money back for you know the the mowers and everything like that to go down these well I don't I don't think we've had that discussion yet about who's going to be doing this may yeah I I think the original discussion was we were not well well so that's part of his $10,000 is to pay XYZ to go mow the buffer strips on CD3 yeah that's why I in my opinion I think getting townships involved would be great cuz if they had a more maybe they could somebody's got to do it I don't think they'd want to well it might be easier the other part is that you know we haven't even touched on 13 and 15 and if we don't do something on 13 and 15 pretty quick we're going to be in a repair we're g to be in a repair because that is I mean how many years has it been Chris since we were out there seven we yeah we got a year or two left of those their seven-year assessment so I mean it's you go look at it yeah yeah it's not it's not pretty anymore well cd6 already needs maintenance the buffer got to get M yeah but them are e you know if you do it yearly do now it's easy that's what I'm saying I I I think I think we need to build those up and you know when it gets to a certain amount we got to find out how how much it costs to mow and that's where I'm saying maybe it might be the County's best option is to go M charge it out and then we have a here's here's worst worst case scenario if people take care of it on their own it it won't cost the ditch this but but we have to make sure we have enough in there to cover the maintenance on a yearly basis and then if a tree goes in you know you you factor all that yeah yeah it's the toughest part is getting started where do we start is that 10,000 is that 5,000 is it something higher I I would like to see that 10,000 what that has broke out between the benefited people I knew you would ask that thank you Chris yeah you were just hiding it from us until was so I I tried to find who would be the largest one and and I don't know if you want me to say their names but um I mean that's at uh 10,000 we don't need names we just need it's you know $156 15 next year and they'll gladly pay that right I agree they don't want to come back with $1,500 no way coming from the committee here I like your guys's saying they'll gladly pay that because I think you may have a couple that are going to come back and talk to Christine like why is this on my tax statement how long is this Stitch right here oh three is our shortest one that's the one from behind the Honda House up to Highway 10 yeah so three miles it's not even that is it a mile even so I mean you're going to have some people that probably is going to be the assessment's going to be pretty big on some of them ditches I would think I'm sorry I miss C looks like this is the highest $173 is this person oh no I know who it is yeah it's got to be I know who you're thinking of I I don't know if it is um then remember a lot of these Port these cost got sent to the city and a city of sakur in St Cloud since they they're the parcels within their Municipal Founders received a lot of the benefit so but from a city standpoint um $6,700 or $1,400 doesn't seem like an outrageous am and on that ditch maybe the city of Sock Rapids could use their mowers and go up and down that and charge the ditch yeah I I think for accounting purposes and once again to be able to attest to the people paying this is we have uh an invoice somebody invoiced us to do that actual work I mean that's that's the best documentation to show the actual cost of that cuz if we're not mowing them we're not seeing damages we're not seeing trees and limbs down we're not see because it's all being covered up by the the overgrowth we need to have these mold yearly in order to maintain I guess i' from my perspective is let's have from faith and Chris's projected numbers and like you said it's a starting point we're going to have to find out I I agree what it is and move forward on it with that caveat though to my perspective commission kinsky is I don't know if Highway's in this position to put time and effort into mowing our ditches I I I think we have to what do we have to go up for for proposals on this no we would get quotes we would get get quotes ABC comes in at 8,500 bucks to mow it and you got an invoice and you pay it I'll have the conversation in Alexander with some of the counties that have lots of ditches what they do if the county does it or they hire it out I would bet they hire it out I would think so I don't know that our I mean corre Christiane correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think your guys are looking for more work over there you're you've been staff since 1980 been doing or at 1980 levels yeah yeah um but yeah that's exactly right uh um are are we yeah we're not mowing our even our road ditches at this point so so um like do we have a more on a on a track skid loader that you could use we do not see you I mean that's what you got to have I would bet that you could get a hold of Helman or somebody like that that's why you said go for a quoting Mr chair I I think I I think it's in the best interest of the board to have it hired out for the first year or the first two years so that we have documentation of what it actually costs yep okay and that'd be the fair way of going about I agree and sooner than later y three needs it done six needs it done seven probably needs it done you're right sorry Mr chair I agree if they all need it done you throw them all together in one big proposal keep going on it and and see what we get and I would bet kind of uh you know with Helman knowing the ditches I would bet they could give you off the cuff approximate to mhm to judge these numbers by the only thing that will change is is if you know land owner a makes his hay and B don't and then C and D do you you know you'll have a lot less um lot less to do on one ditch and you would another I guess the next question is are they aware that they can do it did we give them the authority to do it anybody that wants the to do it knows that you can do it and especially once it's maintained a year or two and all the growth is chewed up and you just got grass coming they'll go after that so this is my question and I agree with you if they can do it all the better but at that point in time after they mow it we should have to inspect it though too I mean it's got to be inspected somehow some way right I think that's on probably on Chris's discussion tomorrow on his budget presentation I'm just thr things out somebody has to look at it I would prefer the farmers to have the ability to do it to make hay or whatever they want to do with that but yet at the end of the day when they do it it somebody's got to go out there and inspect it just to make sure it's looking good right I mean truthfully we should be inspecting them all once a year right yeah and you're right that's that's a cost to the system as well to to perform those inspections so so the mechanism to actually approve this um is I think um eventually we'll have to get to an order you know something that's signed and certified and lists each of the ditches so something that'll probably have to be prepared and brought back to the next meeting but at this time I think it's beneficial and warrants you know a specific conversation on each ditch or just go through each ditch and make sure that that's the number that that that we want to use so I'm disappointed we don't have 15 and 13 on there well once again when 13 and 15 yeah we certified we that's it's more of just not being able to to do it okay When the Levy or when the assessment was certified for the repair it had I had an amount in there for a maintenance fund it just it hasn't started been collecting yet because the repair project hasn't been completed uh paid off so to speak so it won't start until the repair project is played off that's that's kind of what I understand when you look at the the certified order the order that certified the assessment only the amount of the repair project has been collected but then once all that repair project costs have been collected that order did establish an amount for a repair fund but in that case it's going to be a seven years too late too late well I mean that's that's the other way of looking at it yeah instead of being this big of a tree we're going to be this big of a tree but I mean it comes back to I mean we've had a lot of conversations about fund balances over over this year and what we've outlaid out it comes back to a comfort level do do we need need to go ahead and order some repair work now and be comfortable with letting that balance go more negative that that's that's the trade-off I guess we could go and start doing that because yeah we haven't collected that repair fund yet but some of the trade-off to that is our maintenance casts are going to go up because we haven't done it mhm yeah in year one it's not too bad in year five it's pretty big right and if we get into a repair position again oh boy well County ditch 3 is the drainage Authority uh agreeable to assessing for 10,000 in 2025 for yes I want to throw one quick caveat in there Chris I know it's on your budget proposal tomorrow but how about ditch inspections do we need to build that into that assessment number is it billable back back uh yes it's billable back and yes I partially kind of accounted for that in some of these costs okay okay perfect uh once again I kind of shooting from the hip here because I don't know actually how much it how much cost it will require just on inspection sure services so um got to start somewhere yeah we need to make sure we document on all yeah okay sorry back to three uh is 10,000 dollars I don't know do we need to vote for each one we just say reach a consensus I would probably vote on each one all right so CD3 the recommended 2025 assessment of 10,000 motion second motion a second on that is there any other discussion hearing none all in favor I opposed okay CD4 um similar along sign same thing uh anticipating we need to pay buffer strip payments out uh those are $200 um that would leave us with a negative balance of 15,247 so I rounded to the nearest ,000 of $155,000 recommended assessment for ditch four next year I'll make that motion okay I'll second motion a second any other discussion he n all those in favor I post it's carried County ditch 5 very similar to four uh we have $7,800 negative fund balance uh due to the redetermination of benefits process we owe those benefited or those land owners $33,000 of buffer strip payments that would give us a negative fund balance of 41,600 or $41,000 assessment uh on County ditch 5 next year do they know that the that the buffer strip payments are coming uh I don't know I mean that was at the public hearings that we've had at Henry's and here to to accept the viewers report I mean I think that was conveyed that they owe it whether they recall that or not um this this year we become aware that we we need to get those paid even though we don't have a repair petition or repair project pending Michelle you also have the option to pull some of these items like these bigger items and hold a separate hearing um so that people have better notice kind of like we've done with repair projects um you can also chop these up so that we're not assessing the entire 41,000 um this year that would be an option as well but uh for some of these things that aren't just you know looking forward at maintenance costs we might want to treat those differently correct me if I'm wrong though just because they're higher price from the 41 to the 10 there might be more acres to assess well you know what I mean well cd5 is bigger than three but it's not that big either it's not really that big cd5 is and but cd5 has got buffer strips that are going to be paid out that's where their biggest fund is coming from we got to pay out them buffer strips yeah and yeah Michelle let you know you don't have to do all that right up front up front if you if you're more comfortable with a lower amount at least we're starting to collect some maintenance well if if I look at it as a land owner I'm going to take it out of my right pocket and put it in my left pocket for some of them yeah where the ditch actually lies yeah um it the way it would work out is they would receive more in buffer than what they paid um in assessment because your your buffer strip payments are cost to the whole system you get all these benefited land owners but only some land owners where the ditch actually lies they get payments yeah thoughts on the sorry add to that as well the other thing is that this may be more appropriate to do a multi-year assessment with interest charged and drainage lean tabular lean so that might be why you might not want to do it as just this onee animal assessment but then does that or does that make any more work for the auditor Treasures it does it does that's what I thought but it depends on how you want to charge she does have elections you know yeah she does yeah I just want to make you aware of your options because some of these may be very costly for the land yeah may I bounce off of that that the sooner this is approved the sooner we can get because we have until the end of November to get it onto the assessment role yeah so if we the November is not a good sure to Michelle's point though the big this big 41,000 Chris do you have the spreadsheet on cd5 to show us what these people are potentially looking at I sure certainly do I mean uh where's my scroll board there you go so some of the bigger ones uh here's you know $1,400 there's a $1,500 one um yeah here's a $4,400 or $6,600 one so oh my see ouch do those big ones happen to have buffer payments coming back to them um i' hope so some of them do I would say yeah um I do I don't remember but I do recall looking at this when I was looking at the buffer strips owed that some of these that have some of the bigger ones do get buffer strip payments back but but if we don't do it all at once we're relying on the general fund to fund this if we split it up for two or three years on then all the county taxpayers are well we're getting interest I I know I can't assess somebody these 1500 bucks, 1600 bucks so did least get start we could do something less than that I do believe we have an obligation to get those buffer strip payments made that's the majority of it it was like 33 Grand was right that's right yeah mhm and we'll just collect a maintenance assessment and and adjust each year at this meeting uh accordingly so so do we sacrifice our general fund to take the pressure off these land owners for the next three years I mean I think the end of the day it's the county who the that's the problem Monty's brought it up many times I mean we could go backwards on these ditches real quick oh yeah how long are we spreading this out over for them to repay it seven on a on a repair on the repair itself yeah repair yeah not on for a mainess it will be one year for one year we create this spreadsheet and that's what they'd be expected to pay on we split this up we're putting more math on the audited treasurer's office too m is it appropriate to are you when you think split it up two years three years four years thoughts it was your ditch Michelle H would you want to pay it I'll never have a ditch I that's what some of them up some of us up here are saying thoughts on splitting it we could split it and do half this year and half next year but we still got to get in front of the boss right right now we're under right I mean at at some point they're going to have to I mean I hate to say it Pony up I mean it's this is something that has been pushed down the road for years and we we we got the tough job of telling people it's going to cost money if we split this up I assume we have the choice of no interest on it we don't have to charge interest on it do we um I would I probably would because it's interest we could have collected if the money was Yeah in our account invested I know in the past I think the interest we charg was approximating what we were earning right so you a little bit less so what would that number be I'm sorry 5% right now we're yeah we're at about 5.3 and then if you do that then we're going to have to mail out the letter saying you have until X date to pay it without interest and then calculate in the ones you mail a letters out to tell them either way you mail a letter out to tell them they got to pay it or they got to pay it they can pay it over three years with five% interest you're not going to have have campus if if these larger set were cut in half does that give the board a little bit more Comfort if we just say okay yeah regardless of the fund balance we want to start collecting a maintenance assessment and then and for 2025 on County D 5 we want to do $220,000 and that's a one-time assessment and then next year we'll come back and we'll look at it and maybe we say yeah we need another $20,000 because we paid out 33,000 of buffer strips this past year but I just that that's the simplest in statute trying to understand you know Michelle and re Statute in Christine's position the simplest would be to say we're just doing a maintenance assessment of $20,000 there's no Auditors lean required but then there's no interest collected but you collect that whole amount in one year oh yeah I don't know it's a double eded sword no matter how you look at this I guess I on all of these I wasn't prepared to adopt these so that's where I'm frustrated right now I'm inclined to split it in two and not charge them interest and I realized that the general fund could have earned it but at some point the county not us or not even the last board but the County's dropped the ball on this there you go that's the truth and the County May house done pay the price a little bit huh and I don't like it but boy you send them that and then just say by the way you was 5% on it too well the easiest thing to do then as as we're having these conversations is Chris just to split it you know not that I want to personally do it but I also don't want these people coming back that have a $1,700 or whatever you know some of these are six six grand or whatever you know it's not going to be fun it's not going to be fun but if you split 20,000 this year and assess 20,000 next year or sure we have to be next year at least we're we're showing them we're trying to make this work what about the interest that's going to be the next question we do it two years or less I'd say we can afford all the interest if we do it more than two years we got to have interest my thought sh if you just certify 20,000 this year and you don't address 20,00 the other 20,000 and you choose to address it next year then you're not doing a multi-year assessment does that make sense yep so it's just 20 grand that you're certifying this year right got it so then you don't have to have that conversation regarding the interest okay I can live with that next year we do another 20 grand yep just as long as people know okay so what do you want to do on cd5 then you've heard I'll cd5 I make motion to cd5 that we split it to no oh 20,000 we just assess 20,000 yep only at 20,000 we'll assess 20,000 for 20205 second okay motion second to assess 20,000 2025 on CD number five all those in favor all opposed it's carried cd6 cd6 is that's an easy one because this is just assessments or just maintenance right yeah so we already have those pending assessment that's where we should be somewhere that so I'm anticipating you know $7,500 of mowing cost and maybe some inspection cost out there too so that's why I was recommending the maintenance assessment would be $7,500 motion to uh assess 7500 on six second motion is second any other discussion hearing none all those in favor I oppose it's carried move on to cd7 seven this me another large one though because we have uh 61 almost $62,000 of buffer strip payments that that are owed according to the redetermination of benefits so all none of these buffer strip payments went out we haven't done a repair on them right yeah I mean I think part of the thought was like okay we'll be having upcoming repairs but here we are we're already three years out since we've done the redetermination of benefits and I think we've learned that we don't want to sit on those buffer payments because too many things can change and and stuff so okay well that's where I was going like so since we haven't done a repair can we just table them for another year till we get maybe we'll have a repair on them could but we do have to make those payments we have to make the payments yeah like sooner than later even without a repair yes because they're owed that money so you can do a redetermination without a repair and we've determined damages well then you thinking of splitting it I don't know I'm looking at the one on the next one don't we're on seven so control yourself Chris do you have sevens pulled up now um yeah so seven so over to the right um here okay here's seven I didn't get enough time to go through and like combine cuz some of these are multiple um CU they're 40 acre tracks but same owners but um like here's a $1,700 one just for this partial receive benefits there's this is at 69,000 here's a $2,100 assessment i' like to know how many of these are getting a payment so I would bet most of them are getting a payment because they're the highest assessed it's not really cuz you got to realize that the benefited Acres grow as we redetermined them to commissioner gin's point do I think those are receiving the most benefit are the ones that are closer the ditch to the ditch so um so they therefore they have the largest benefit largest assessment but yeah they're getting some of the buffer strip pains so do you think Chris that there will be a very few that have a large assessment that won't get a will have to pay yeah I C um well what I could see happening is somebody's got a get going to get assessed $2,000 we split the baby right now and say we're going to we're going to assess you $11,000 this year they get a $2,000 payment this year and then they come back to them and assess them another th next year and go what the heck why didn't you just keep my 2,000 yeah we're not doing that that gets too muddy I know I I get that yeah but so your point is assess the 69,000 I I hate it but I mean then split all of them then then I think we should go through and SP I was just going to say that and I want to maybe point out okay so similarly to uh ditch six or ditch five I said um this has 2400 benefited Acres it is twice um what ditch five was they only had 1100 Acres so if you follow your kind of train of thought if you split it over cut it in half and we're just going to assess you know 35 Grand 35 Grand this year y it's going to be a similar amount of assessment because of the number of benefited acres is I say we split them all and live with that yeah fine okay is there a motion the split for 35 grand for cd7 oh we got to do each one individually yep okay yeah that's a motion second okay motion a second uh for the maintenance assessment of $35,000 on CD 7 for 2025 any other discussion hear none all those in favor I opposed all right cd1 probably up next this is a big one um and this is one maybe we want to separate these these out um current fund balance of a negative $138,900 the engineering cost uh to date um uh we have $33,000 of buffer strip payments that are ow because this is this is like a seven mile long ditch so a lot of buffer strip payments are owed so uh my line of thought was rounding it to the nearest thousand to make it whole in one year that comes to $172,000 but that's a large assessment go ahead Michelle this is part of a repair petition so those engineering costs are part of that repair project it may make sense to address all the repair costs when we have the final numbers and then assess that in a multi-year assessment like we've done with the rest of them so kind of separate out what is currently owing for the buffer strip and redetermination and keep those costs regarding the repair separate and distinct and we handle that so in this case we'd be looking at $33,000 of buffer payment that we could assess yes and and keep the rest of it in a repair and once that repair is finalized then we assess it the works that makes sense motion to assess the 33,000 okay and cd10 yep there second yes okay any other discussion on that Chris you good with that Mak sense yeah I was going I was trying to scroll down to see the total there's a lot more benefited Acres so I um yeah that's 12,800 benefited acre so once you a portion that out I think the assessment are going to be really small and I think that's a good idea then then they get used to the idea of being assessed knowing that that keeps it clean very good point right okay the part the hard part is when we get the repair completed that assessment is going to jump quite a bit y well and the other hard part is going to be is if we find out that our repair is costing more than the benefit MH then we're going to have to turn around and assess them for those costs anyways even though though it's not going to get repaired we're going to we're going to keep that repair under okay good all right so any other discussion on cd10 assess 33,000 hearing none all those in favor all all oppos it's carried cd11 all right we'll go back to my uh cd11 immediately Downstream of cd10 uh don't have a repair petition uh but quite a bit of buffer strip payments is owed on that one as well um 50,000 or so I was recommending $72,000 assessment but that's once again that's a large assessment if you want to do something I think we treat 11 like we did 10 what um just do you have their 51,000 yeah their um benefited acres oh I skip cd10 to cd2 I do not so but um what do you want to do I that's a fairly large system too isn't it uh it is yeah mhm so because it has multiple branches on as well so um a lot of benefited Acres so do we leave it at the 72 or well but if we're going to follow because we don't have a repair repair on it well we should then we split it and we do but with 10 we just did the buffer strips buffer strip to make it easier but do we got a repair petition on 11 no no no so we wouldn't have anything coming for that so we'd have to take and split that 72 now oh you're saying because 10 has pair petition correct okay so split the 72 split the 72 36 Grand motion 11 okay second motion a second assessment for 36,000 which is splitting proposal any other discussion hear none those in favor I oppose it's carried ncd2 that has a repair petition on it so we have a repair petition and if uh going with Michelle's recommendation we're working on that I anticipate probably another $50,000 25 engineering cost to final that engineering report that's where I got to an assessment of 990,000 but maybe we separate those and just go back to the buffer yep separate them again yep I move to pay the 25,000 okay second motion for 25,000 on cd2 motion a second any other discussion hearing none all those in favor I opposed it's carried we want to make sure we get really good notes about what we do here why Christine is taken hey I kep them don't wash your hand so we will prepare in order um like this that has all these dish systems labeled and we'll bring it back for uh ratification at the next September 3rd meeting okay thank you anything else Michelle Chris um any other updates um heard from hou got I did not get the report from them last week I anticipated got an email late last night that should be getting something today if you can email me I don't know so hopefully in the next day or two I get a repair or a updated report on how to address those wet lands and then we need to schedule a meeting with the T again to prove to them that we can do some things and not drain that wet would it be safe to say we won't be talking about September 3rd either because you've got a schedule T too that's right yeah I doubt we can get a t meeting scheduled before then okay anything else