##VIDEO ID:KdPfOb0dB1E## e e he was doing the ch gambling for L and he went in some and come and he was UN oh he's a good guy a little bit thanks for reminding me 's lost something Commissioners that were you know what's his name he's really good the one that's going to retire now good um we'll wait for Monty he still two fingering it like this yeah okay you ready Monty we'll call to order the uh September 3rd beton County Board of commissioning meeting we'll start with the pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice Beth roll call sure commissioner schlangen here commissioner Heinen Heinen is absent and approved perfect um commissioner ginsky here commissioner Johnson here commissioner pop present thank you Monty approve the agenda we don't have to man just roxin has fore a couple more of the uh joint Powers agreements related to cannabis so we simp we're not amending just it's for gram Township in Alberta but nothing to amend motion to approve Mr chair is presented second okay we got a motion and a second all in favor I I post same sign motion carries all right County board meetings are broadcast live and video recorded on YouTube please refrain from speaking from the audience area and come to the podium so that viewers can hear you the the County Board observes Robert's Rules of orders for its meeting so please obtain the board's chair consent before addressing the County Board public comments are generally reserved for the open Forum segment or public hearings however public comment on other agenda items may be allowed at the discretion of the board chair as we begin today please turn off your cell phones or turn them to vibrate thank you open Forum okay okay right Amy I would say your last name but I is it pursu peruse peruse okay peruse good morning members the yeah I'll step aside just give me a second here the normal he still trying to get Ste password was lost he's here so we'll see here give me just a second we're almost there no he's not at all he's sick yeah oh that's sick yeah I that and his wife both might as well that one time okay we're good sorry my name is Amy peruse and I am the teamsters business agent representing the Benton County licensed essential supervisor group and this morning I'd like to address the board in regards to a class and comp study that's going to be coming your way um first of all i' would like to thank the board for approving uh the class and comp study it's important to keep up to date with the wages and job descriptions uh to remain competitive our concern this morning is that the class and comp study that um has been conducted excluded one position from the licensed uh licensed staff in the sheriff's department it excluded the detective uh Lieutenant position from the study also at the time of the study the only female licensed position but by excluding one position from the class and comp study and this portion of the class and comp study there's a potential to create a problem and disrupt the hierarchy um it has potential to put the sergeants and lieutenants on the same pay grade and it just uh it it's disruptive to uh to our job classes that we represent here to have one position out of the whole department excluded from the study we've made requests to have that position included in the study um and have not received response yet we're concerned that this class and comp study may be presented to you as a finished product at the next meeting and it continue to exclude the one position of the detective lieutenant and so we are asking the board uh to reject anything that excludes one position from the licensed staff with the county okay that's Amy from uh from from our standpoint or from my standpoint I think I think I don't think every I know every job wasn't looked at correct and you know and we can't do a a uh maintenance program by doing it doing all the jobs at one time we're doing a third a third a third and that's I I believe where where that Detective position Falls in I understand that doing it in a third makes sense for the for the employer um but when you do a whole department except for one position then that's where you run into problems with the hierarchy um you know the lieutenant position is above the Sergeant's position and to put them on the same grade even if if it's for a year if that position were to be evaluated next year is still um it is disruptive to the hierarchy and disrespectful to the position and um all the knowledge that that advanced ranking comes with it so Monte M so I have I have shared those concerns with Tessa and she's taken under consideration I think the issue of sharing the final recommendations uh to me it's really important for for for me to share those with you first as a County Board and then share those with employees and so on so I I really don't think it's a good good idea for me again to sort of have that out there as final recommendations before you've seen it so again Tessa has has heard the concerns and she's taken under consideration so okay yep yes I have reached out to both Monty and to Tessa with DDA to express our concerns but our concern my concern coming here today was that that would be presented to you as a final product at the next meeting um and still exclude that position so before you receive a final product we wanted the chance to to express our concerns to you I think it's very important that we uh we let you know that the board takes very uh I I'll take we we have a very good stance on making sure employees are taken care of but we got to do them according to what our our uh maintenance person is doing and that's Tessa so but uh we'll definitely if she believes that's the way to go and that's the way we probably go so well once again I think Monty's working with Tess on that y yep y yep all right thank you thank you Amy all right consent agenda items 1 through nine what would the board like to do motion to approve one through nine Mr chair second okay we got a motion and a second any other communication if not I'll call a question all in favor I oppose same sign motion carries I think we're going to move on the dec ation week in front of the introduction new human services so Mr Brenda's here uh on behalf of 4 U an couldn't be here this morning unfortunately she let us know that I think Brenda is going to come and you're going to invite some 4ers to come up and talk about their experiences in 4 and you got Proclamation read and we want to pause when we're done for picture with you all perfect Ann wanted me to say this first and then I'll have the kids up come um she said thank thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today my name is Brenda cashm and I've been involved in Bon County 4 for 20 years I here on behalf of an she is sick after working the past week at the State Fair some of the stats Ann wanted to share with you um Bon County for continues to maintain strong numbers and have had continued increase in participation internally for example 33% increase in overnight camp participation we have approximately 4 50 youth enrolled 140 adult volunteers and Leaders with 14 active clubs and two of them being new 139 youth that were brand new this year um for County Fair we had 308 youth participated 928 livestock exhibits 1,200 General exhibits so that's a total of 2100 exhibits at the County Fair this year State Fair we had 48 livestock exhibitors that went down to State Fair 49 General exhibitors nine llama exhibitors and we're going to have six state horse which is in September and seven State shoot shooting sports and seven state dog which are all in September um Benton County are Nolan hacket got Champion beef breeding steer so he'll get to drive one of those fancy feather light trailers for a year he also got senior beef showman um we had two beef or dairy showcase kids Joseph Ain and Chase daylor um Dairy kids got first place in herdsmanship so that means they get to the front of the barn we had many purple ribbons in swine and dairy and we had of the 49 exhibitors in the general we had five purple ribbons um and then for State llama we had nine kids down there and they got 15 purple ribbons so that's pretty good we had um top shman for the llama and Champion obstacle was Marissa Lind and we had a third place also Bella Peterson so I'll have some of our kids come up and then I'll do the proclamation after that hello my name is Emma C sorry hello my name is Emma cashm I been in 4 for eight years and I a vice president in my club I have for my this is my third year showing cattle at the fair and I have learned a whole lot with that and my family likes to help me a lot with it so I think with 4 I can connect with my family and connect with new people to learn more things and in the future I want to have my own cattle farm so and for each has taught me a lot about cattle and ways to care for them so for has just helped me a lot all right thank you thank you good morning everyone my name is Ry lion and this will be my 12th year in Ben County 4 I am currently president of the M Lakers 4 club and has served as a county Ambassador for the past three years through 4 I've learned many skills such as leadership public speaking perseverance friendships and flexibility I have been pushed to step out of my comfort zone many times and that has made me a better person I am also so grateful to 4 for all of the friendships I have made over the past years through County and state fairs as well as the ambassador program I appreciate the county supporting our program because it spreads the news about 4 I don't think people realize that you don't need to have a cow to be in 4 but that there are countless project areas within the general exhibits 4 which really is for everyone thank you I'm Alison barer I'm the secretary for the St paths Club I've been in 4 for three years I show goats D or cows and also a lot of General exhibits um porage has really taught me a lot um I used to be very shy so for it really got me out of my comfort zone talking to other people doing doing things that I wasn't really like inure of myself and it really does bring connections to a lot of things and I really love for thank you hi um my name is Eve McKay and I've been in 4 for three years now um I'm part of the St Pats 4 club and my favorite thing about 4 is probably all the opportunities that are available to literally anybody that joins 4 um I went to DC this year and that was really big for me and I know that without 4 I would not have been able to do that um and so I'm excited for next year and all the years to come for 4 thank you thank you hi I'm abriel lion and I'm vice president of the M Lakers 4 Club I've been in 4 for seven years and I joined because my sister was involved in it looked like lots of fun for has taught me many things and it has impacted my life greatly two of the main things that has taught me is to work hard and to work with others to accomplish great things hi I'm Luke V I've been in for hi I'm luk K I'm from the St Pat's 4 Club I've been in 4 for three years years because I was in sixth grade this year I I can go to the State Fair luckily I got a purple ribbon in the county fair and then I with my with my wildlife biology project I went to the state fair and I got a purple ribbon there too through 4 I was able to experience the State Fair thank you congratulations hi my name is Annie Risinger I'm the secretary of the central Minnesota llama Club um as as they said we had nine exhibitors go on the state fair for our llama club and we did exceptionally well um our club as one of the smaller clubs so we are very tight init and I very grateful for the friendships that 4 has gotten me thank you thank you hi my name is Owen McKay I am 10 years old I have been in 4 for three years I from St Pat's 4 Club my favorite thing was showing chickens at the Bon County Fair I didn't get any purple ribbons but it was so funny and I hope to do it next year I learned a lot about chickens this year for new people just starting out I think they should try it it's really fun in my club we do something every month either it's ditch cleaning or going sledy at going sledding at Powder Ridge I I really love that 4 does thank you bet you like the sledding more hi my name is Valerie McKay I've been in 4AGE for 3 years my club is St Pats one thing that I enjoy from 4AGE is working at the lunch stand I would have never had the experience or chance my favorite position is being the order taker and you get to talk to a lot of customers working as an order taker is super fun and I love being a part of 4 AG thank you hi my name is Anna McKay and I'm from St Pat's 4 Club I've been part of 4 for three years what I love about 4 is being part of a 4 camp counselor at the 4 Camp each year I teamed up with a fantastic group of people who went above and beyond to make 4 Camp an amazing experience for kids we worked through challenges and discovered new Solutions like nothing I had ever seen before when Camp was over I became more confident in myself and more aware of the people around me without for AG I wouldn't be the same person as I am today thank you very well organized prepared okay so the proclamation is whereas 4 is America's largest Youth Development organization having supported almost six million youth across the country thus far and whereas 4 has helped 409 youth this past year in Bon county to become confident independent resilient and compassionate leaders and whereas 4 is delivered by Cooperative Extension a community of more than 100 public universities Across the Nation that provides experiences where young people learn by by doing in Hands-On projects in areas including Health Science Agriculture and citizenship whereas National for each week showcases the incredible experiences that 4 offers young people and highlights the remarkable 4 youth in bton County who work each day to make a positive impact on those around them whereas for Network of 600,000 volunteers and 3500 professionals provides caring and supportive mentoring to all four acers helping them to grow into true leaders entrepreneurs and Visionaries now therefore we the board of Benton County Commissioners do hereby Proclaim October 6 to 12 2024 as for each week throughout Bon County and encourage all of our citizens to recognize for H for the significant impact it has made and continues to make by empowering youth with the skills they need to learn for a lifetime very well said with that Mr chair I'm going to move to approve a proclamation declaring the week of October 6th through the 12th is for each week in B County and I'll second that okay we got a motion in a second I just want to say that uh it is very nice to see all the different areas that 4 covers because I I've never really been a part of it I got a question how what when do PE when can people start this and it I I assume it ends at the end of high school you actually go into your 13th year so after your senior you can go for one more year and then you're done wow you can start up to like what kindergarten kindergarten yeah from from somebody that was shy before that really has she piped right up you did great job you great great great job every so I just got a comment that over the years I was a forager from when I was like nine all the way through and my you know ours was livestock that's about all that we we did we didn't do a lot of other things and after I got on the extension committee and we hired an and I started going to the exhibit building when prior to hiring an that exhibit building was pretty empty there wasn't a lot of things in there and if you keep going every year and you go back and you look at it my God it was full this year I mean it was and there was a lot of talented exhibits and then last Tuesday night and Wednesday I spent down at uh AMC uh citizen advisory committee for uh extension and the numbers that beton County have has just gone absolutely Bonkers I mean for AG is growing throughout the whole state but we are by far above and beyond what other counties are doing so and part of that has to do with the volunteers you know like Brenda cashm and them that are there and uh we're just in good shape and you know you go back to the old theory that if we can learn people younger we'll keep them out of other services later on in life I agree and I'm excited to see the future leadership sitting in front of us so that's awesome that's great well with that I'll proudly call the question all in favor I oppose same sign motion carries unanimously thank you all very much now we must we it's it's photo time it's photo time oh that's right not getting out of that one come on up a perfect awesome great job really like that at least my daugh and they don't say they say how many kids are born after Monty I seen Captain duing here and now uh Sheriff heck I know they've had a busy morning so thank you for all your service again yeah thank you I was uh listening to the the scanner sor are everywhere so very very busy morning yeah Oh I thought that was yesterday all right Mr chair are we ready to move on I am very pleased to welcome and introduce Joy Johnson Lyn as our new Human Service director like to invite Joy up to the podium give a little introduction of yourself all right welcome than you good morning good morning good morning that was a tough act to follow so I'm thinking how impressive I grew up in Little Falls and had so many friends in 48 and supported them at county fairs and at the state fair so it's really cool to see and I have to say I love all those girls that's awesome um so yeah I'm Joy Johnson Lind and I'm just thrilled to be a part of the beton county leadership team as the Human Services director this this is day one so I Monty I'd love to stay if that's all right just to stay absolutely just to um appreciate the as long as you can tolerate it yeah I but it's a familiar faces for my interview but it's great to be here in person and to to meet everyone it's been a great you know thus far uh morning okay so do you still have relation in Little Falls I do my mom and dad are still there y my dad uh was a recruiter for the National Guard for many many years Ken Johnson and he covered so this was his area for recruiting Foley Onamia and everything so lots of familiar territory I Wasing commissioner Johnson were you related to um the Johnson that was commissioner up there at one time no okay no well we welcome you aboard thank you thank you really really happy to be here all right looking forward to working with you and I love I was thinking that there's always such Community engagement at these meetings but I guess that's not always the case I love that this wait till you get to the ditch part yeah hang all right Monty uh looks like next thing is just a short administrator's report Mr Sher um the first is the monthly Financial typically that's in your consent packet uh but since I had other issues uh to talk about I I included it in the regular item there's really nothing usual to point out Mr chair about the monthly financial report uh nothing unexpected uh in the financial activity through the end of July so really I'm just happy to answer any questions anything in in there caught your eye you got a question about happy to to answer well does the board have any questions on that on the monthly financial report okay no I think we're good Monty thank you for that so next was the government center update so the board had a committee of the whole about a month ago and there was a direction to GLT and cona to look at some estimates of Renovations expansions on this site so about a couple weeks ago uh Pete and Evan did visit over here and did a walk through they've shared with me some sort of very rough conceptual ideas of what it could look like and they've been working on those and cost estimates for you and I suggested uh could they be ready to meet with you all about September 30th to to share with you the the concept designs and the ANS and so on and and they feel that they would be so when you're ready to set commit the hole perhaps we could do that on September 30th uh but if not we'll find another time yeah that's a I think that's a Monday yeah that's a Monday if it doesn't work we'll find another time I just want you know that they're they're working on what you ask them to do and coming up with some ideas and designs and costess next is employee engagement so uh We've started the leadership training and the culture team there have been two leadership training sessions there were 17 supervisors who are first cohort they've completed two of the three sessions the culture team had about 20 22 people they've completed two sessions as well uh the third session is coming up here in about a week and a half so that will be the final session for leadership the first cohort so what we're going to do is when that cohort is done we're gonna pause and we're going to talk to that group and say hey how was this experience did you get out of it what you felt you should uh did it hit the mark and if it's we're good to go then we'll form our second cohort of about 17 people and they'll go through the training if there were some issues and concerns we want to pause and see if we can fix it before we move on to Cort number two I I've heard good things about the leadership train so far some good feedback so it's positive it's encouraging I think people really like Andy as a presenter as a facilitator and they love the facil over there at Sock Rapids we appreciate we can use it for free so that's worked out really well the culture team I think they're just kind of getting going uh we initially engaged Andy to support us on four culture team meetings I guess what I would like to suggest to you all is that possibly keep open to the idea of maybe Andy going beyond that for session I think we want to see how the culture team is doing are they are they becoming independent the ability to sustain themselves with own leadership or do they really need a little more help from Andy and facilitation I'd like hope we can keep that as someone as an open issue it hate for them to be going really well but still need a little more Andy support and then he he disengages and thingss falter we wouldn't want to see that happen so but they've got two more sessions with Andy and i' just like to see how that goes when as we approach the end of that last session so that's going well uh update on Ben the River Project I this is just really cool if I may I'll just show you a few pictures so uh basically most everything out there is done except for the shelter and we understand that the shelter was being manufactured and the facility experienced a fire were told and the shelter probably won't be delivered until November so uh it's possible it won't be assembled until November but basically most everything else is done at this point pleased to see that anr U approved the final agreement board chair signed we have the new revised agreement with Odessa 2 so those are all good that's all done let me if I may just show you some pictures so um let's see here if I can navigate to my pictures all righty I'll go through these pretty quickly um this is one of the new trails over on the east side in the woods and you can see it's got that class two uh aggate surface I think that's 8 ft wide and there's like uh about 3 4T on each side that was cleared this is one thing it's really different about this year's this project because now you get this experience of walking through the woods which is kind of cool uh more stuff to the woods you know and this this is the area to the if you're familiar with the south end on the east side of 55 this area was thinned out as part of the forestry management project to make sure that you know the forest stayed more healthy so a lot of things were thinned out from that area this is a junction right there there's Canon Ro 55 right here but this is brand new Trail and it kind of follows Canon Road 55 moving on just more kind of Meandering trails to the woods more Meandering trails to the woods one thing that's really neat about this new project is as you may know before the trail uh dead ended down at Ferry Port Road so if you start out by The Farmstead and you walk south along the river it you'd reach a dead end there at fairy Point Road well now you cross fairy Point Road and you Meander through the Prairie that's in that kind of triangular area and then you cross kind of Road 55 and you meet you match up with new Trail so the the point though is that you've got now continuous Loops oh all the way around instead of a dead end so there's nice continuous loops and I was I was thinking I wish I had the trail miles for you at some point Sr is going to going to calculate the trail miles for us but there's substantial amount of trails out there now okay this is the new Crossing of cter Road 55 to the South so this right here is this is new Trail which meanders through the um the the open prairie area and this is headed east then Crossing K Road 55 that's a brand new Crossing this is the area it meanders across this this open prairie area off in the distance would be Fair Point Road again that's just another view of the the crossing that's looking North this is a a trail which goes actually down to the river so uh part of the project was adding class two to the trails going down to the river so there's a couple of different Trails which run down to the river so if you want to walk on down and see the river you can that's kind of neat thing about this whole park as you think about you get the experience of walking through the Prairie walking through the woods walking down to the river that sort of thing so it kind of gives you a little bit of variety in your in your walking around these are pretty steep uh these are old original Trails existed when the county purchased the part um so we were just able to add class to to them make them a little more walkable uh more of this is the new Crossing of fairy Point Road so uh one of the great things is the township reconstructed fairy Point Road and they added a shoulder a small shoulder and uh and they put in these touchdown points on the on either side so see the trail used to end right there where my cursor is that's where you stopped and now you cross Fair Point Road and you continue on across the Prairie across 55 you've got this nice continuous loop just another view of the the crossing at Fair Point Road and now we're getting into the stuff at the farm set so this is this this so-called Natural Area playground and uh no two of these are the same anywhere in the world I'm sure so uh srf came up with a a design and work with Odessa too the contractor and Odessa had their also I believe they use a company called St Cory res s Cy Recreation to design this and um it's just various features you know rocks and boulders and and so on there's a sand pit right there on the left hand side and again the idea there it's it's natural materials gives kids a chance to to climb on Boulders climb on logs build stuff just another view uh srf did an inspection of this and you want to make sure that it's safe it's well built and they did and and they feel comfortable that it's a good design and and it's it's a safe play area the it's got wood chip mulch it's about I believe N9 inches deep is what it is another view of the play area so this is the uh where the shelter is going to go so you can see very large expanse of concrete uh there's going to be a fire pit right here and there's six posts where the shelter will go and I'll show you a closer picture of the serving the serving counter what we got there a little bit closer up picture basic again everything is done except putting up the shelter so there's the these were two um barbecue grills that were built by I believe it was a tech college and we can thank Paul weisenberg for getting those to us I believe we've been holding on those for like I don't know three years with the idea of installing them once this shelter went in so it worked out really well we do have water this is mostly just for used by property managers to wash down whose bike is that H yeah so there's the serving this is the serving counter so uh it it was you may notice it's got the granite so it matches the bathroom building the granite I think Odessa 2 did a really super job you can see a ton of electrical outlets uh stainless still serving counter so lots of crockpots can go there and so on so forth that's the whole idea and I'm not an electrician but I understand that this is wired to make sure that if you had a lot of crockpots piled in they didn't throw the breaker so it's been wired to with cuz we didn't want you know people use it then the breaker throws and it's like well they're upset so really nice serving counter just another view from the other side you can see it's proximity to The Farmstead so we're really close to the bathrooms and you can see it really matches up the granite of the bathrooms that was the whole idea just matching up really well just another view we're really again we're close to The Farmstead and that just an existing view of the river which gives a really cool view of the river that's an existing Overlook so anyways Mr chair that is kind of what's going on again hopefully the the shelter will be installed in November it's possible that it's each of the six supports is supposed to have like a rock a stone Pier around the bottom and if it's too cold to do masonry work that may have to wait until spring um I think that plan is is that we would put the shelter into our reservation system so people can reserve it and at some point this winter the park commission should have a discussion about you know what kind of rental fee if any should be charged for the shelter so that'll happen this winter sometime so any thoughts questions on the whole M how are they coming on the new well as you know when this I don't know I mean I know Jim's so again we got the we we got the DNR contract signed about a week ago okay and I said Jeff go ahead on the well so I I'll ask him I'll let you know what's going on with the well I mean I understand what you know there we're so limited in water that if that shelter goes up we won't have you you know they said if you flush the toilet twice two times in a row you're out of water wow so I I'll I'll find out from Jeff what's going on with the well but yeah that was included in the amended agreement with DNR was well well yep okay any other questions thank you Monty yeah thanks for the pictures you can figure out B that was if you can figure out who bike that was let us snow you think it started out in SV that bik did yeah that bike got a lot of use this past weekend okay started on sock rabbits yeah HR Director recruitment well uh we're we're of course still without an HR Director uh the selection committee have a conversation with with Pat Melvin our ex our from DDA the consensus of the select committee was to to keep the recruitment open and to continue to author Pat to be contacting prospective applicants and and and see what he can find for us so that's kind of where it's at so okay that's all I have that's all you have okay perfect thanks Mony of course we will move on to uh Chris all right good morning Commissioners good morning see if we can uh Dazzle our new Human Services director with Brilliance but if I can't do that you know I'm good at baffling with other Mr chair I was just thinking Joy picked a really good board meeting to come to that has hardly anything on it well well our Chris will get us going till about 11 well the first item I have before you today is to award a Construction contract for this project sap 0055 n902 29 this is the bridge replacement project on that Maywood Township Road if you recall we've been working for several years trying to get this bridge replaced and it's been closed for the last three or four years due to the condition of the Old Timber structure we finally got approval uh for funding and we opened bids on Friday and oh that didn't have that attached to it uh I was pleasantly surprised to see that we received nine bids um for this project that tells me that there's still a lot of uh hungry contractors out there for some late season work we did put in the the bidding packet to have that completed this year um there was one concern from a bidder that may not be able to beig get box covert sections this fall we talked to some suppliers and they said that shouldn't be a problem so uh we got nine bids the lowest responsible bidder was land wear construction um and just under our they were 2% under our estimate uh with a bid of $368,500 been a long time of coming man this road's been closed forever and Mr chair too Chris thank you I know that it takes work on your end from your office to work with the township and this is kind of the second round for sure they went out for funding and so that's right we were rejected before uh and then yeah we had to try a couple times to get the funding so thank you so we shouldn't table this one probably not all right we got a motion in a second uh I'll call the question all in favor I oppose same sign motion carries all right in that same uh theme um uh my next item is to award a Construction contract for annual pavement marking um contract so this is the one we do with maintenance funds the goal is to try to do about 100 miles a year uh this year we're probably less than that we're probably on about 90 miles although we are doing a lot of striping with some hsip funding that we awarded a Construction contract earlier this project though we only received one bid from sir lelot and yes that is the actual name when I get calls about it yes sir lelot um but they did come in under our estimate about 1.3% below our estimate and that is below our budgeted amount uh this year um uh incidentally though sir linot did receive the contract for our um hiip striping project so they're already doing work in our County and that may lead to why they were the only bidder other biders didn't want to compete with them already doing work in here so there's not a lot of other companies that do this either that's correct they all the last time we uh our last project we only received one other bid and they were contacted before the bid opening to make sure that they knew that the bid was out there and they said yes they were aware of it um but obviously chose not to S submit a bid so although we only received one bid it was a valid bid it's below our Engineers estimate I would still recommend awarding a Construction contract to Sir linel lot for our annual maintenance uh striping project Mr chair uh Chris is this that uh the newer higher quality reflective striping that we talked about in the past um or this uh yeah this is not ground in this is just our our maintenance paint okay so this has probably about a two to three year life on it depending on the volume of the road um that HP that we awarded earlier that's like a five to six year life um and probably yeah almost twice the price so that was going to be my next question yeah so um on average you know we have 350 miles of paved road if the average is about three years of life we need to be doing about 100 miles of striping uh every year this contract is about 90 I think um when you when you do the math for the edge lines in the center line plus with what we did with the H zzip we're close to that so we're not going above and beyond by any mean chair I'll move that we award the contract to Sir Lin's lot for $140,600 second okay we got a motion in a second any other questions if not I'll call the question all in favor I oppose same sign motion carries and the next topic we've talked a lot about that's right uh a topic that gets a lot of discussion every year but deservedly so it's it's big number so this is uh consider adopting our five-year uh Road and Bridge construction Improvement plan and so yes we've had a couple Committees of the whole a board meeting um this is something that I shared with you at that Committee of the whole and it was recommended that maybe we put that on our our website so I think that's a good idea but I just wanted to show that uh today as well and this is talking about our sales tax for Transportation uh in Benton County and I'll just hit a couple of the highlights here to date we've collected a little over $15.8 million of sales tax um the cost of construction projects that we've completed to date is just under $13 million although there's a list of projects still yet to be completed and in today's dollars that's a little over $23 million still yet to complete 36 projects on the list we've completed 17 of them 11 of those are on state aid highways 25 of those were on County highways and that resolution that enacted the sales tax Transportation does have a Sunset date of December 31st 20137 um so we've got some time um where the construction project cost will be in uh uh in the future is anybody's guess with inflation uh let's hope sales tax keeps up with inflation ah this is regarding the 5-year plan itself just some uh facts about it that over the next 5 years it's an investment of a little over $50 million nearly 82 A5 miles of roadway will be improved or rehabilitated we'll be replacing five Bridges it includes $12 million in outside money in the form of federal and state grants include spending 16.7 million of our sales tax Transportation so we'll knock out some more of those projects we just talked about um and include spending $21 million of our state aid allotment now the actual plan this will be something that's on our uh website as well following adoption but I just want to uh hit a couple highlights not go through each project line by line one of them I want to point out is this County Road 53 this is in Oak Park that's a County Highway that that uh half a mile that goes through Oak Park uh it's a reclaim uh it's in 2025 but we're going to try to go ahead and knock that out this year due to our workload if we can get that completed still yet this year uh that's one less construction project we we have to inspect next summer so it shows up in 2025 funding uh but with being Advanced constructed in 2024 um another project that's received a lot of discussion was County Road 50 that graville road so right now if adopted it will show up and be a 2027 project we'll let the construction C uh contract to start working on that in 2027 um sitting right now at about $2.3 million is the estimate uh for that work and then as we get closer to that we'll make some determinations whether that's that's paved in that same year or paved in the following year or at least we pave two Ines uh before winter and then pave the next two inches the the following uh spring and summer but that's the the goal right now is that we start working on that in the construction season of 20 27 and the idea of a five-year program each year that we talk about it we add projects to that fifth year um so we'll be looking at doing Norman Avenue here in Foley which is also County State a Highway 32 having a Mill and overlay that surface will be 24 years old in 2029 uh and then County Road 80 projects on here this would be the extension of CA 29 the project that we received the federal funds for in 2026 uh this project will pick up where that one lefts off leaves off in 2026 and reconstruct that roadway uh from Golden Spike down to um where Casa 8 intersects with County Road 45 that also includes uh a bridge replacement over mayew Creek so those were the three projects that got added in the fth year in 2029 then we always show some additional potential projects to to show that there we acknowledge that there are more roadways that probably need some attention but uh due to our funding sources and what's allowed all allocated to us each year we just can't do everything so that's the fiveyear Road and Bridge construction program to 2029 as presented uh hoping to get an adoption and guide our our workload and what we need to be focusing our time and efforts on in the next next few years questions Mr chair well Chris I still have questions on paven County Road 50 I think it's a big uptake for the mon traffic and what it's actually going to do for the county I I I know we have it in in the sales tax referendum that we need to pave a County Road you know want a gravel County Road but I think you know we could find one of lesser that takes lesser dollars to satisfy our deal I know we'd have to open up the public hearing and do some the other part that commissioner kinsky brought up was that maybe we need to take some of that sales tax money for maintenance a little bit because otherwise we're going to fall behind on that part um and then the other part is that you know one of the roads I have in mind is I'd like to keep that communication open with a certain person that does a lot of lobbying for us to get more Federal money um them are come kind of my two concerns oh and then the other one was there was an article came out in the bet County news and they omitted they didn't have anything about County Road 2 oh jeez I got three calls like what the heck ain't we ever going to do County Road 2 and it's in the I called one of them back and said it's in the 20 27 year and their comment was does our County engineer ever drive that road yes all the time I drive it all the time yeah they didn't think you did because they said if you been driving it You' have this done already so that and I told him it's expensive it's extremely expensive to redo that road y That's right those are those are all good points and I'll kind of work back to backwards so yeah regarding County Road 2 so it was in 2027 because originally we had applied and received some federal uh grant money and that money wouldn't have been available till 2027 so that's why it got placed in there yes I did not know that wouldn't be available I knew we had the since that time we had worked with uh state aid H to transfer those Federal monies from Cat 2 towards casat 3 so but we just chose to stay with 2027 due to yeah the planning and design that's going to take we do know that we're going to have to acquire additional Road rway for that um a and we're going to have to hire a consultant that we're we got an RFP out now or or yeah we do have an RFP out now to solicit uh an engineering consultant to do that design work for us so it's going to take the next two years probably designing it and then that following year uh well at the end of that year start acquiring right away and have that in place uh before we start construction 2027 so yeah we know we know that uh that needs to be done it is a very busy roadway um and and even doing a millon overlay wasn't going to get it to a 10 ton for that traffic so we have we have a lot of truck traffic on there tremendous amount of you know I mean you like certain things that happen you know like the overpass and rice but all it did is put um Almost 100% of that truck traffic went on that road coming off US 10 yeah and you they they used to use 12 well now they're right there they turn right and they're right on toh and so we got to make sure we get this done right for for a number of things uh in regarding uh County Road 50 um yeah that is a project the the sales tax or Transportation uh required a resolution that listed specific projects um so there wasn't anything in there that said pave gravels as a generic it actually listed County Road 50 between Highway 23 and County Road 62 uh so that's why I think there's an obligation to fulfill what was in that resolution um that specific roadway and as you alluded to commissioner to change that list or add to it or subtract from that list would require a public hearing uh but then the board would adopt a new resolution at the conclusion of a public hearing uh with a modified list so um that's just kind of why why we're we're looking at we're trying to address that in the next five years because it is on on the resolution list and as you know there's been lots of discussion with the development of the solar farm adjacent uh is it going to go north is it not is it going to how far east is it going to go so um yeah the discussions have led to placing it in 2027 and and Paving that four miles of of County Gravel Road Mr chair um Chris is there any obviously we wouldn't do this yearly but is there anything to preclude us from having a couple different public hearings as we move through these projects to potentially you know back to commissioner Pop's Point originally was commissioner kinsky about using some dollars for maintenance I mean we open up a public Hearing in a year and review where we're at and say this one's going and this one's getting added and this one's being changed and I think as Commissioners you fully have that that right to have as many public hearings as you want even if you want to don't want to do a public a formal public hearing maybe consider having an open house just where people come in and provide comments looking at some maps or something uh where it's not as a formal board meeting so you're not obligated to take action but yeah you can have as many public hearings I think uh you want I just recall what I'm recall statute language just says that must have a public hearing uh before adopting a resolution I just think as we're as we've got a good start now on this local op sales tax list it might be a good time step back and review we really we really pushed the for those of you that weren't here we really pushed the sales tax that we're going to move the county forward on on tar a gravel road here and there because I you know some people don't care because they're getting roads are getting fixed and we got are you got a great reputation right now of getting things done in Bon County I mean you can talk to a lot of people and they say we are far better off today than we were five six seven years ago yeah so that's kudos to you and your and your staff thank you but we still need to be wise users of our money and maybe we need more information you know I I know the the two County roads that I see fit to just you know basically slap some overlay over it and satisfy T AC road is 65 and and County Road 40 and we don't know what the traffic count is on either one of those roads besides 50 I mean 50 is low this is low for a County Road it'll probably be our low one of our lowest paved County Roads when we're done and is it going to spe development I don't know yeah we might have to put our boxing gloves on there commissioner pop two roads in your district and none in one yeah I know I thought those gloves came out in our cow but uh but some of the things that came out in our cow was was the numbers were astonishing on the the tax the tax money that came in the projects we were able to complete with these with these dollars it with without these dollars we couldn't do near the amount of work that we've been doing yeah you know what do we estimate 1.9 million and um you talked I just had a conversation with somebody from SII County and theirs is not coming in almost to what they estimated you know they're they're going in the other direction so we feel very fortunate that and I think it's where we're located and what's going through our County that's that's driving that and you know I mean if we're getting an extra $2 million a year you know but you know you tell you put that up on the public so going say okay if you got an extra $2 million a year how come we're not taring more gravel roads yeah well that that that that's the uh I will call it the demon that works both ways because when you look at sturis County doing the tax referendum for yeah um for their new jail you know there's a lot of beton County people going to pay going to be paying for that so there's sturs County people coming over and paying for it it works both ways so it's the gift that'll keep giving as long as we keep doing what we agreed to do you know us in the the transportation industry we like to think of it as investing and not spending so when you think of it though when you invest we're not always expecting a return on investment coming back into the county coffers is that an investment in you know the residents and the people that use our our system so that's just something keep in mind too is and I think Mr chair and not to minimize Chris's work at all his Department I I think it's realistic to say that we have a solid one-year plan here we're going to be revisiting next year for another fiveyear road plan and things po can change and maybe not but yeah you know our real solid one year the big thing is I'll just always caution that um from internal planning and designing it's always easier for us to push it out to a later year than than to move it up so um because we are finding projects to design are getting more and more complicated just navigating the Regulatory Agencies with permitting and stuff um not necessarily the regulations are um more strict those that work at those agencies are just like the rest of us they've got new people or they don't have enough staff so what used to take you know six months four years ago now takes over a year to get that same permit back and so it just it does take some time um for those beyond our control to to get some of that stuff back to us and I maybe want to clarify that a little bit because a lot of our discussion surrounds the local option sales tax sure right you know I don't think anybody's flipping everything upside down on the normal casar County Road projects as much yeah but when we get into reconstruction some of those same things apply so that's the right you Mill and overlays reclaims those are relatively simple projects to put together but if we're dealing with with grading that's where a lot of those other Regulatory Agencies get to stick their fingers in our projects sure so and once again for the public the the reason that the 5-year Road plan is so huge is is for applying for federal and state grants that are 5 years out that's exactly right I I'll tell you if you if the public ever wants to come to a uh uh we'll talk about a a very communicative uh cow come to a few of these 5-year Road plans because it is very well discussed talked about and and a lot of times we have to go back and forth and we have to have another one sure to think so well I mean I think everybody up here realized that we're The Keeper of the Coffer and we have to spend the money wisely so between our between uh Chris's staff and the board uh there's a lot of lot of dialogue that goes back and forth and we appreciate all the help and and it's showing in the county we're getting things done and that's thanks to the taxpayers that are paying the the the local option sales tax and and uh the the good dialogue between the board and and everybody getting things done well Mr chair you bring up a good point and again I appreciate my fellow Commissioners because you know we we tabled this project last time and for some further discussion I think it was well needed and it was well gone through and I I appreciate that ex inut I learned a few more things so when you think of local option sales tax it's a good plug for local businesses shop local help your local businesses help your local roads absolutely Mr chair yep uh the county road three project for 26 to finish that up it's going to have the paved shoulders and turn lanes for um Crossroads on the cassa 3 project you said yes yes so that yeah today it has gravel shoulders we will PVE uh the shoulders on that one um there'll still be a little gravel wedge at the end of the pave shoulder but yeah we'll pave the turn lanes and shoulders on that one yes thank you for clarifying that any other questions or comments from the board what are your wishes Mr chair I'll move that we adopt the 5-year Road plan with the consideration that we look at within the next year of opening up the public hearing or public hearing part to discuss um Paving gravel roads and maintenance and maintenance you can add that okay second okay you got a motion in a second uh saying that uh we're going to approve the uh 5-year Road plan with adding um in the next year having a public hearing to include Paving other roads or projects and uh and adding potentially maintenance okay all in favor oppose same sign motion carries very good thanks Chris thank you Chris nothing further thanks for everything yep with that being said if the board is fine with it I'd like to move to the uh Community Health Board and C's commissioner Heinen is no is not here I'll turn it over to the vice chair commissioner schlungen okay um I'll call the Community Health Board to uh order and do the roll call we got to do that commissioner Shan here commissioner Heinen commissioner ginsky here commissioner Johnson here commissioner po here and commissioner Heinen is excused uh approve the and or amend the agenda so move Madam chair oh did you have any Chang okay I'll second that Madam chair all right I'll call a question to vote to approve I I I thank um the consent agenda motion for approval Madam chair second and vote um all all in favor say I I I and opposed on and then jacqu and I'm actually here for Jacqueline today she is off so I'm Courtney the public health nurse supervisor good morning good morning Commissioners all right so I'll just be uh presenting on our community health survey and just kind of giving a brief background and a little bit of an update on that all right so we'll start with a little bit of backg so the local public health act uh statute 145a outlines the powers and duties of the community health boards um under the statute the community health boards must complete an assessment of Community Health needs and must also develop a community health Improvement plan uh throughout this process the Community Health Board need to seek Community input on health issues and priorities and establish priorities based on the community needs identified the community health needs assessment identifies and describes factors that affect the health of our community and the factors that determine available resources to address those factors the community health Improvement plan is a long-term systematic effort to address the public health problems in a community it is based on the results of the community health assessment activities and is one step in the process to improving the health in our community the community health Improvement plan is required to to be completed every 5 years for public health and uh for Health Systems it's actually every three years and so you'll see on this slide um kind of who we have involved in this uh in this assessment so Benton County Public Health completes its Community Health assessment and Improvement plan in collaboration with the central Minnesota Alliance so as you can see the uh counties of Betton Sherburn Stern along with centri care have committed to partner in assessing the health needs of the communities while identifying identifying the priorities and developing action plans for improvement so this is the process that we use to complete the required health assessment is called map um it's a framework that the National Association for City and County Health officials use um we are well underway in our efforts in completing this work and are currently in phase two which I'll explain a little bit more here so here's another look at the steps in completing the health assessment the assessment of the community health needs is broken down into three components so you can you can see where we started and where we are currently so there is uh the three different uh kind of Roads or avenues that you can take here that we have to complete so there's a partner assessment which helps all of us identify the organizations uh involved in the community health Improvement um who they serve what they do um and their capacities and skills to support the local community health improvement process so this one as an overall is engaging the partners that's this part of the assessment um the next one is uh context assessment this one focuses more on the qualitative data and personal experience experiences lived experiences and perceptions of the community um so that one is you can kind of think of it as all about like the stories of the community and then actually the one that we're in currently um is called the status assessment this one looks at data um of all kinds of sources that many at many different levels um this also includes a survey that is sent out to the community residents to hear directly from them which is why I'm here today and then on this next slide you'll see this is going to be our Community um Health assessment survey um so here's a QR code you guys all have it in your packets it's also posted on our Public Health site I believe it's on our County site um so we'll talk a little bit more about that so what we want the community to know um the survey is legitimate the survey sponsors are the local public health agencies of Betton Sherburn Sterns uh counties and cental Care the survey is for adults age is 18 and over and 100% voluntary you do not have to live in Betton County to complete the survey you can live work or play here so Sterns beton Sherburn any of those areas too so this is kind of for everyone in those counties um the information you provide is valuable the information will be kept confidential your information will be used to improve the health of the community the survey is being offered in an electric format electron format that uh can be completed on a computer smartphone or tablet um paper formats are also available um it's available in three languages so we have English Spanish and Somali uh there will be a spoken version that they're actually um working on currently so in those three languages they'll also have that option as well um and then the the survey closes September 30th and then let's see at the completion of the community survey data will be available at each of the county levels as well as the regional level uh following the completion of each of those Assessments in phase two um an analysis will be completed for Trends and themes then the trends and themes are compiled into one Collective reports and analyzed the information is then used to inform priority areas to our community health boards uh Community Health Improvement plan and this one here we just have some flyers as well that are kind of posted throughout um please help us spread the word in the community we do have actually our uh Amir Corp members as well going out into all of beton County different local businesses and different organizations throughout um posting these and just educating different um whether it's business owners or gas stations I mean it's all throughout so they've kind of uh divided the counties and are keeping track of all the areas that they posting them um so we have that in Bon County and let's see so on the screen is the direct link to the survey you can type that in of course too um let's see the survey asks important questions about health and wellness in our community so some of the questions um in different topics including like Access to Health Care uh mental well-being isolation loneliness food access tobacco and marijuana use Internet Access housing security discrimination Community concerns and also demographics and then if there's any questions anyone can always reach out we have a lot of Staff working on uh the survey and yeah any questions that you guys have for for me at this time thank you for putting this together Courtney appreciate that filling in for jacine yes AES filling in the link works perfectly we should have added how many people use Library that's true yeah otherwise if you have any other um areas or places that you can think of to kind of spread the word we'd appreciate that too thank you thank you very much very well done so um I'll move to adjourn okay okay all right with that I think what we'll do is we'll move right into because we got joy here she really wants to hear ditches take a five minut bre or two minute break huh two-minute break okay we'll do a two-minute break kind of excitement yeah we're going to do a two-minute break for uh commissioner pop and then we'll move right into ditches we're going take a short break okay e e e e we'll call our ditch Authority meeting to to order we've done our roll calls already approve amend the agenda Chris do you have anything in addition I do not all right is there a motion so moved second motion second to approve the agenda is presented all those in favor I opposed it's carried move on to consent agenda approve or amend the meeting minutes from August 20th of 24 so move Mr chair second okay motion second to approve those minutes is there any further discussion hearing none all those in favor I opposed it's carried Chris ratify the order for the 2025 maintenance assessment so as you recall uh last meeting August 20th was our advertised uh annual meeting to discuss maintenance assessments for the upcoming year on the several ditches so we had a lot of discussion on those and we arrived at a dollar amount so uh as with a lot of things with Ditch proceedings there's a fine ings and an order that that needs to be adopted to actually establish that so just kind of recap we discussed ditches 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 and 12 last time and came up with assessment amounts uh for each of those that that we'll see here um before we get into the order I do want to dis bring up something that we didn't discuss last time but became apparent as we were preparing what those assessment amounts would be for each individual um uh our auditor Christine has noticed that there are some on these ditches that at these uh maintenance amounts will receive a very low assessment one of them we were just looking at it's like two pennies uh two cents would be their assessment amount for that particular ditch based on that maintenance assessment so it begs the question um if the drain Authority would consider a minimal amount of an assessment so we talked a lot last time about apportioning that assessment based on the amount of benefit they received but from the auditor standpoint it's going to cost more to put that stamp on that letter than it would be for their assessment to come back for that me that that particular D and I couldn't imagine the comment that's going to come oh which is rightfully so yes and I don't want to speak for Christine but I think you consulted with some other uh drain authorities and some of them have a minimum amount that they set for these kind of things Sherburn county has a minimum of $10 so either the invoice or the assessment is $10 for each property owner that is below that amount which I think is fair similar to our Solid Waste fee then we wouldn't get because we had that problem with County ditch 3 last year when we ended up sending out the bills and then it the bill the final amount came in last and we had to mail the bills out again there was some that were like 12 cents yeah yeah okay so thank you for looking into that sure Mr chair yes I from my standpoint I think 10 bucks is is I would I would never go lower than that um because you look at just said out two three times and trying to and then somebody making one phone call we're already past that wait I mean is it low is that too low yet well the thing is that you start getting into some of the bigger ditches where maybe you got you know 500 people at 10 10 bucks well that could be five grand coming in so that was part of my question so obviously if their assessments 12 cents and they're going to get they're going to send in $10 there's going to be an additional funds potentially in that account that we can just you that's going to stay there in the balance right right okay once again that's the point kind of the purpose of having this annual meeting we'll revisit that balance next year and say okay you know last year we wanted a $10,000 assessment we didn't use all that so maybe we lower that to 7500 or 5,000 whatever it uh um that's kind of the purpose and and you know some of those larger ditches that recommended amount was rather large and as a drainage Authority you decided to go with a lower amount it's still be a one-time assessment that we'll revisit next year and see if we need to to do that same amount again um as the the previous year so um yeah so that I I I admit that that $10 amount does not uh is not reflected in the order um I do believe our attorney Michelle is is connected online is that something that we need to have in the order or or can we just do that administratively say that the minimum is is $10 that's a question for Michelle if she happens to be online so I will add that to order quickly and we'll have you sign that okay all right so the actual process for adopting this order Michelle do you do should I read through it do we need to read through it um just we need a motion in a second um I think it would probably be good to codify just the order portion what you're charging for each one and that you're adding that $10 portion okay uh Mr chair if that pleases you I'll just go to the order section and that up so okay so under the order based on the foregoing findings and the entire record of proceedings before the board the board acting as the drainage Authority for bent County here hereby adopts the following drainage system assessment installment schedules interest rates and maintenance funds and direct certification thereof to the county audit for collection for County ditch number three the total to be assessed in 2025 5 is $10,000 portion of assessment to establish a maintenance fund is $10,000 County ditch number four total to be assessed in 2025 is $155,000 portion of assessment to establish maintenance fund is $115,000 County dit number five total to be assessed in 2025 is $220,000 portion of assessment to be to establish maintenance fund is $20,000 County ditch number six total to be assessed in 2025 is 7,000 $500 and the portion of assessment to establish the maintenance fund is $7,500 County ditch number seven total to be assessed in 2025 is $35,000 and the portion of assessment to be to establish the maintenance fund is $35,000 County ditch number 10 total to be assessed in 2025 is $33,000 and that portion for the maintenance fund is $33,000 County ditch number 11 total to be assessed in 2025 is $36,000 the portion for the maintenance fund is $36,000 County ditch number 12 total to be assessed in 2025 is $25,000 and the portion assessment to establish domains fund is $25,000 uh in add oh go ahead I have added language to the order in the statement a minimum assessment amount of $10 will be charged to each parcel where any assessment is under $10 okay okay okay and before we go into a we're going to need a roll call on this correct we're going to that any other discussion I do have a question just for verification for myself so we have repair orders I believe on CD 10 11 and 12 if I recall we have on 10 and 12 10 and 12 not on 11 correct okay so we're going to establish maintenance accounts on 10 and 12 even though they haven't been repaired correct uh yes okay but likewise on four and five as well we don't have aair petitions um but we do know that we're going to start incurring cost because we're going to have to inspect those buffer strips and pay those buffer strip payments a lot of that is the buffer strip payments if you recall to pay buffer strips on them all right any other discussion on this you've heard a reading of the order and you've seen the findings move approval okay we're going to need a roll call on this you got a motion you got a second second and a second any other discussion before we go into the roll call hearing none roll call please Beth sure commissioner schlangen I commissioner Heinen commissioner ginsky I commissioner Johnson I commissioner Pop I all right passes with the roll call full of four to zero with commissioner Heen being absent orders carry all right very good that's all I had for ditch author today so uh question any update on cd14 yes I did receive a report late on Thursday um with those with the additional Wetland work so I still have not reviewed that report but the next step would be to submit that to the T for concurrence so um Chris would you be willing to reach out to the party that it involves directly through an email and maybe C see it to me and let them know just where we're at okay they've been kind of hanging out on a Clos line the last three months sure and not necessarily that there's an answer but this here's a status of the project and where we're at so they can be kept in the loop sure' be appreciated thank you I can do that anything else ditch Authority right we're adjourned at 1024 that was a very short ditch Authority as in very you can show that's one word for it that is a word for it all right we'll go Comm uh uh commissioner meeting updates all right I can start Mr sherff that's okay yep uh since our last meeting of course we did have an additional budget meeting final meeting day I'm glad it was only half a day because it was getting a little long uh the next day was a busy one for me at be I was able to fill in for commissioner pop that morning appreciate the ask and that was very interesting uh time spent there uh moved down to the Tri County Solid Waste uh commission uh meeting uh had a fley area care board meeting that evening then Planning Commission after that so busy day nothing else that day nothing else that day uh of course on the 6 we did have our C with the road plan and our Wetland position uh discussions uh did attend the Soil and Water Conservation District uh monthly meeting on Wednesday the 28th and then uh myself Roxanne Michelle and I believe there were three Planning Commission members who attended the land uh use conference in weight Park last week and that was good all day event yeah very good good reminders and good discussion and all walked away with some new information so that was good that's all I have thank you uh um had more or less on a larger level um I spent two days up in nisah or not nisah at um madens and we discussed AMC County a lot of it was around County assessments um we need to find more money someplace for our lobby people they're vastly underpaid and we're getting a lot of uh um poaching that they're trying to poach them away from us for X number of dollar so trying to figure that out um a bunch of um scenarios came forth um I think they met last Tuesday the finance committee did to try and discuss how we're going to do that whether it's going to be a percentage increase you know we have the percentage with no County more than x number of dollars large counties some person suggested 5,000 bucks across the county and there wasn't a lot of uptake for that so they're working on that um um and then I had uh the extension committee which I mentioned earlier for AMC um they're working to get all the the Miranda agreements ratified I think there's going to be some push back some staff reduction in some counties because they don't want that kind of an increase um you know and that's up to each individual County if you want to decrease your staff somewhat you know that's that's an option to offset some of that expense I think ours was what 43,000 the increase yeah that sounds familiar yeah I mean that's a large increase for for one you're with I think a percentage going next year and the year after I agree with that but I I will say I seeing everybody in here today and how oh yeah you know what I mean it and what was it 109 new yeah people that was that was astonishing number well we're in we're in really good shape in 39 in beton County as far as 39 um recruitment retention uh ambassadors you know whatever they do um and I know the one of the positions downstairs used to support the crops person um and now that person is not going to be located in Bon County so there'll be less stuff for do I mean does forage need a full-time staff person down there when they're not doing anything else you know they used to when I can't remember her name was there she was there for 40 years oh Darlene Dar um she did a lot of stuff for the crops person now that crops person isn't there so now um they're going to be stationed on a Sherburn County for now El River on Elk River which is another subject scops is it isn't it also uh water or I know the small farms local food groups but crops is with resources Water Resource and something like that that they're going to support that too okay so I mean that may be something we have to look at um and I'm glad to hear that that Wetland stuff in White Park was really good I didn't get back in time to go to that so that's all I had Mr um I had the cows and a couple of rspp appreciation in uh s and Sock Rapids okay nice part about doing the chair is I was at all the ones that you guys were at uh from the county side for the the cows and the budget and Road and all that other than that um I'm uh I didn't have anything else after that so I do want to make one uh comment that I will not be here next meeting I'll be attending uh virtually okay which is could could be issue because commissioner heinan I don't I believe is going to be gone oh well we'll have a quorum if three of us are here you're good yeah as long you have a quorum we're okay just Mak sure because of all of a sudden somebody else is out we're going to have yeah is your plan Mr chair to open the meeting and pass it on to the no and and I'm I'm hoping to attend virtually it all depends on my conference on when we sure yep okay we we'll chat and get your address y but that was the only comment I wanted to make on that side Mr CH if I could before we move into the committee of the hols just one comment I want to thank the full board Monty and Beth I appreciate your effort in recognizing my father-in-law's passing in the funeral I appreciate the plant thank you for that uh family wanted me to extend that to you too so thank you all right all right all right Committees of the whole all right we have none right we have none yep pretend to have none uh the AMC annual conference is coming up December 9th 10th and 11th registration and hotel uh reservations are now open and it as past experience tells us it's good to get those hotel reservations done very quickly because the hotel fills up so uh Beth will be in touch with you all about I presume and um also to uh we will contact an incoming commissioner and invite the incoming commissioner to attend as well actually there's specific statute that allows counties to expend public resources for incoming board members to attend it's a great opportunity for them to learn about County government and network and so on so we'll be doing that perfect we'll extend we'll extend an invitation so yep so as a December 9th 10th and 11th the Double Tree Hotel in Bloomington again so Beth will be in touch about reservations and so on um you are invited by the GSTC to attend what they're describing as an industry innovators Forum that is September 11th from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the clearing in Sock Rapids the Riverside Terrace uh fac facility at the clearing in sou Rapids and Industry innovators forum and just a little bit more information it's about uh a new Talent attraction campaign being launched by gsdc um so again September 11th that's a Wednesday 8 to 9:30 they do ask for RSVPs is it POS any interest at this point in attending where you have AMC conference that they you got ledge conference MC policy fall excuse me fall policy yeah yeah and I I start at 10 so I okay all right you want to mention it you invited to car's touching tables event for seniors that is Friday I'm sorry October 10th October 10th that's a Thursday at noon new live church here in Foley Thursday October 10th at noon new live church here in fulley Touching tables Care events and if I could just add on to that if you could confirm with me please for because I'll be doing the table you're the table host so if you can confirm they do ask for RSVPs have a sense of attendance at this point when is that what day is that Thursday the 10th I believe Thursday the 10th uh so October yes okay I'll be there okay so uh uh commissioner ginsky commissioner pop are you are you good I'm good we'll assum the commission H and well as well me too so you Beth if you could make RSVPs folks that Care thank you very much joy if you'd like to attend that'd be awesome if you'd like to be there you're certainly welcome and we can talk some more about it but let you know what it is it's church lady lunch so it's really good it's not church lady lunch it's actually catered in Bring It's huh it's actually catered and really yeah they make it y it's not church lady lunch but it is at church at church just destroyed my whole you know anticipation it's not bring your bring your own dish no I it's really good I really good yeah and and they do great things I mean they're we I'll let you know more back here later and last you Mr chair again a St in the commit of the whole to meet with Evan uh from GLT and Pete from krity they suggested or I I suggested to them September 30th that's a Monday that works yep that works time you want to go 8:30 8:30 8:30 y 8:30 :30 okay all right what was September 3rd what 30th September 30th y that's a Monday 8:30 a.m. here in the boardroom uh discuss with uh meet with GLT on Space needs issues okay then that's all we have move to set the cows Mr chair second okay with a motion in a second set the cows all in favor I oppose same sign motion carries um did did we let uh Joy know about the D or the uh uh December um AMC conference conference not yet but I certainly can yeah I'll be getting Joy later this week and what is AMC offloading all kinds of information Association well I I would say all because I don't think sure obviously you know I it's good you mention because I remember I I think after the last AMC conference we had some discussion about inviting more department heads to end and and I'll I'll put the word out and and yeah suggest their attendance I'm I'm pretty sure that when I first got on the board Bob attended AMC conference as if they were like when they were in s cloud that yeah that was more hit and miss I think yeah but he has been there usually Bob gazelle Highway engineer and know Chris Chris has been active yeah but I don't know we ever really sort of deliberately you know encourag or invited our to attend so it's a good thing to do yep but I will put the word out great all right any other business in front of the county