okay second attempt to um start the meeting at 7:49 and David Harris is reporting and Angus just tried to log in working or I made it thank you same thing right all right um purposes of the meeting we're still going to or planning to order tree seconds aror day oril okay uh was there any other thing that I that people wanted to say about the tree sufferings So the plan at this point is to also try to do the giveaways of the tree saplings and and I have to reserve the space and at uh Lower Columbia at Columbia New see you fa comfortly can get trees from another source I'm pretty comt you have before I don't know yeah I have before we have this all right 22 Twin Falls Road uh this so this was a proposal for a two-story addition a level over the garage and a new deck um the existing buildings that are under the maximum allowed the uh proposed buildings are under the maximum allow proposed other coverag is under the maximum allow andos lot coverages under the maximum so uh recommended that the new P walk which the uh applicant is proposing that that use perious Paving which is be approved by the town chief uh engineer and also retaining storm water to runoff on the property with infrastructure um I not personally uh uh look at the property to see whether uh the uh down spouts are connected to the street uh but uh if they were then we would recommend that they be install ring or other kind of bi detention any comments or question no I reviewed I'm on board with your a recommendation so motion to accept a recommendation drafted okay and second you second yeah actually can is they're a neighbor so oh right all right then n do your second um I didn't read it take a moment maybe Angus will be able to log in in the meantime I tried to send him the same link that Steve got so apparently that was successful for Steve so maybe hangus can log in with that meeting ID and passord okay a second all right thank you thank you Scout project okay David no allity Garden you want to say anything the seeds so I think Karen requested just D and the lettuce one of the lettuce um and the d i divided into two since we only had one pack so she's going to get about 100 and the yeah the elementary school um throughout what the teacher's name was but she'll get about a 100 so yeah I think that's it I think I'm saving a few um because I don't know I'm a little surprised that that one was the one that was requested out of all them other was expecting like tomatoes cucumber but so I'll try to grow some of those if if I get some out of like 10 10 seeds or whatever for the block party and then I'll choose a few others probably tomato too um yeah that's all I have for that okay stor word of ordinance we do have to uh uh pass the stor ordinance year I haven't heard back from the township engineer um anything else on water ordinance say is still waiting did you send him the link I sent him the link but may second copy bear with us here it was is trying to get on as well I think might be others as well because know I sent an email to agus so that's what he's looking for oh wait he joined for Less yeah I see that too my God bear with us here all okay now he's got it and I think uh Rene has got it too yeah okay is that the is that the right Zoom I guess it should be right it should be right I mean that's that's what we sent to Steve right exactly I just copied what I sent to Steve all right Dr dra we don't have Kim uh okay SU standable Jersey action so I hope that you all saw that we have to renew our sustainable Jersey status uh that won't affect our application for the grant but next year we could lose it so and there's a webinar which I think is either this week or next week uh that you could attend and I I will send that also to the Green Team uh so that they are aware that uh we want to try to um renew our sustainable Jersey St when do we um apply again we need to start now with our actions so that we can um uh gain approval for those actions so for example the um uh natural resources inventory or environment resources inent U needs to be updated and uh that will probably not happen this year it's possible but probably not simply because it may take a bit of time to to U update it uh but there are other actions that we need to renew uh in order to maintain our status so it's not a one thing doing one thing it means doing several of the actions that are have expired and seeing which ones we want to renew when well when is that um like okay so the proceed process starts now and ends in about uh November oh okay so we can if we've put together enough points to apply for by say June we can submit our application and then they review it and then tell us whether we pass or uh or not and then we have a chance to uh up you know to to uh look at the actions that haven't been approved and try to revise them in time okay so June is the first deadline I think so okay three ordinance I haven't seen anything on the tree ordinance I uh I asked Margaret earlier today she says she's hoping to get some updates this week okay but it's not on tomorrow's agenda did it go to last the two weeks ago Township meeting or not no they pulled it but she was Ill okay but she also didn't have some responses that she was looking for some more updates so we we update dat what we had discussed sent it to her she said she couldn't read what I said and then try it again and then she said it was successful right Recycling and cleanup okay Angus are you available yes sorry I was unmuting myself can you hear me yes so I had a uh nothing for taking a recycling or clean up by itself but uh compost thing I had a call with uh with Javas compost um and so there's three avenues for us to explore um one Avenue uh is Municipal funded composting um so that one is a drop off scenario where we need a site uh that will be hosted by us um we pay uh for it the municipality rather pays for it and it is free for residents um the site will require depending on how much adoption there is um for every 15 to 20 households um it's about 164 gallon container um and then so just multiply that by how many households so it could get you know quite large um there is a fee that we pay them um we don't the the the the residents do not get compost back is not that model where they get a compost in return um but then they you know but it it's but it's basically you know that's that's that's the option that she thought we were going for the other option is the model that um areas like uh Summit have uh the summit house sorry sustainable house Mercantile which is the um sustainable goods store in Summit is a host drop off site that means residents are paying subscribers to Javas compost uh for about I think there's different tiers you bring a compost you and you have to buy compostable bags as well you drop it off with them also you do not getting compost back from it um but that monthly fee covers all drop offs for that you can't drop off unless you're a subscriber um for the residential pickup option which is probably the most desirable for most that will be based on demand um so that requires enough residents in their route or they can expand their route if they get a lot of feedback so say a resident calls and it's very close to the New Providence route as an example um the person who posted on Facebook uh The Forum saying oh yeah they're they they serice Berkeley Heights now and when I talked to them about that they said yeah they probably are very close to the existing route and that's why they recovered but it's not doesn't mean that the whole town is covered um that's why we're not listed um if let's say a certain area they're not um currently covering and then suddenly they get let's say I don't know 15 20 residents I'm just making up a number um and then then they will go back and call the people who weren't on the route before and say hey it's opened up now do you still want to be a customer um and so uh one of the things about the programs overall um speciically the hosting ones that I spoke about before um those we would need to plan out strategize out a launch u meaning you know everyone like for instance the the drop off that's similar to the sustainable house version where the they pay uh the C the residents pay they have to they have to have everyone sign up at the pretty much at the same time and there'll be a launch date of when it will start otherwise it doesn't really work you know they're not going to drive all the way over here for one C um and then so Municipal also requires some stratz um there may be a cost to the township or certain or a host business because it doesn't have to be necessarily municipality for the summit H the summit Style version um that one uh there is the cost for signage um that they will put up at the area for pickup but and then I think there's a couple fees but um we can talk to them more if it sounds like something uh we as a Township uh or you know and I can talk to Liza about this as well but um and maybe and the mayor um but uh you know what does the commission think uh about this uh program they also do uh other composting programs as well so they sell containers like tumblers and stuff like that so you know they have all sweet uh of different types of composting options and they compost more than just vegetable vegetation right yes yes and everything that they can compost is put is on their website so but yes they can they can take more than just vegetable matter what was the first company you mentioned Angus uh oh Java's compost is that what you're talking the company that's doing this is it just one company or is no there's only one company so Javas compost is the company that is doing all of the services all right got it three alter yes and then sustainable house mertile was the one that is doing it in Summit for Javas compost so we can talk to sustainable house if we want to get feedback from them might be a good idea so this this three different modalities yeah three different options the one with the resident pick up go ahead I missed the first one this is say it again I missed the first one that you described the first one is the municipal hosted one that one requires require require Council approval because obviously it's going to be at taxpayer cost so it will require funding yeah I think the not the initial fee is $250 I believe and then there's some fees for the some other things related to it but the the initial Initiation fee is 250 250 a year or just 250 at at the beginning I think that's a onetime fee but you know what I probably need to clarify that so I have an email from them you know what I'll forward the email to the rest of the council I I don't know if I did already but if I didn't I I'll forward it on okay than see thanks um the impression I had was that um people do not get compost back in other words they create the compost but they don't give it back to Residents so what do they do with that compos uh if I from previously it was for different communities in need um from the last conversation like from a while ago that's where I didn't Reas that question this time but I could Reas that question it might also be published on the website so I'll have to look it up actually Ang you did send it to last Monday you sent it to the uh to the EC environmental Commission address okay and I believe she yeah I think she sent there because I've been replying through the EC mailbox so instead of my own so yeah everyone should have a copy of that then okay great so I guess we can think through this maybe and maybe digest it uh until the next DC meeting yeah can you do you know what the roots are already that are close to us do they you know what they weren't very clear about that um my best gu CU she didn't even know who that person was who contacted the to the uh them about that site um you know because she's more she does the person I spoke with deals with the commercial accounts and and and and you know does those kind of Municipal that kind of Rel related stuff none necessar resent pickup she she has knowledge of it but she wasn't the one they the person spoke with and um she said most likely it was probably close to our borders between one of the other towns that supports it which is Mountainside and New Providence so it's probably New Providence is what she guessed it was probably New Providence is most likely where it was bordering okay yeah but they don't they don't publ they don't publish those routes so it's kind of a so on their website people can fill out a form and and you know and then they say oh you want in your area and then if they get enough of those kind of feedback requests then they explore she did say Britany is her name um from K Javas compo she did say if the township did want to strategize the residential pickup somehow General we're not involved as much we're not really involved in that because it's kind of like they call in and they'll try to figure it out but if we want to like launch it to try to see if we can get a lot of people interested so that we can really bring this town forward into the program in full and like will'll be definitely you know listed there we could do that too but we need to tell her about that so that's something we kind of need to discuss and say and and I I don't think there's a municipal involvement fee because we don't really I don't think need to drop off at all like there's no there's no site they need to collect that that's only if we host so that's resident that's on them they're just like they're just picking up in the truck just like how recycling you know when when every two weeks they just pick it up and they don't they don't dump it in our town they just take it to their mrf facility so it's like that okayy thanks very much an all right you're welcome topics for the township newsletter um yeah so Julie and did I send it I think I don't know if you sent it but I remember seeing an email Julian ingred wrot up something um about native plants and pollinators with um sorry I'm trying to look really quickly to make sure that I sent it to Sarah um and yeah that's kind of it and hopefully I sent it to Sarah yes I did February 16th excellent and it's du it's due I think the 20th this month so that's tomorrow should hopefully be there yeah very I also wanted to do something about the compost i g you a chance to look that up not composting mulching sorry mulching I was going to suggest do we want to I guess it may be too soon includ the composting I think we're only I think we we should see what should review that our next meeting see what the River Park and Trails um last I heard from Pat Chanley is that she's trying to get groups together to do some more on St River Park uh and um although this is the Park trails I guess we can include the uh project out over by between Park Avenue and Columbia right do you have any plan there um not until the um go away okay yeah um grants RG Grant guess what we still don't have I was gonna ask you if you had seen anything because you you get yeah but I was away you know for and and when I'm away I I don't get to see the emails the same way it's just follow elizza today but she didn't respond think it's so I know last last week when I followed up she said that she had signed it and they came back and said they didn't see it yeah and W but W's got to sign he apparently has not signed I don't know what's going on yeah so it's very frustrating yeah but nevertheless the state has said once you guys have signed it then we'll let you know when we sign it that's that's my understanding um commun the energy plan Grant that's already sent in right submitted can I take that off for now okay take that off that's applied for R Grant we app for that David did you get an email back from sustainable Jersey saying ah you're I believe so okay great because I didn't see anything I'll take that off from him SE donation do you have anything more there so I got it I'm not sure if I said that last time um like I physically received the seeds Che some time um giving some to a teacher in the elementary school and the community garden and they didn't take that much so I guess I'm going to try to grow some of the seeds probably the dill tomato and maybe cucumber and then the rest we should probably just give away um during the block party n this is Renee thanks for organizing that um I could use some as well and then whatever Surplus I have I could put um to the donation Garden um so I'm not sure how many you have but it seems like it's quite a lot right yeah I have a lot so feel free I can resend you the list if you need um but yeah we had a lot of tomatoes beets um some cucumber can't remember the rest but I can send it to you again okay yep if you can just send me your um your personal number and and we can just communicate via text and organize you know pickup or whatever yes yes yeah okay okay uh Green Brook flip Commission I'm going to take this off at this point we've already know made our comments uh Le lower ordinances and John's not here he did I think know that he was going to do something B City USA resolution Carman George um uh emailed me saying we should talk B City USA resolution asks for a department in the township to be named and I suggested direct Department we don't have a park say um I don't know what the responsibilities of that department would be um but I was expecting that environmental commission and Julie and uh uh Ang might be involved in in this somehow uh that we would uh be doing things uh to promote uh pollinators and planting to pollinators so either the environmental commission and truly and in or maybe they would be more interested in doing this but certainly under the environmental condition I'm expecting that that's the way it would do if we could find a way to to what I want to say either um pass the Master Gardeners of Mion County or or see if there's a Garden Club that would be interested in native plants and pollinators I don't think that there is but that's a question if there is get that involved as far as Carolyn George's involvement I would think that she would basically may be saying oh you want to do a a a garden in in this public park it's okay with us basically that's what happened when we started pollinator Garden in Lower Columbia Park there's a spot there that is at the end of Columbia a uh Avenue where we started a pollinator garden and that will I hope continue uh so I'm not expecting a lot of carollyn George would be spending a lot of time on bcity USA but that's a question I'll ask Z as to why they want a department um should I also talk about trying to get the native plant plugs or later ah yes another xeres thing yes uh this about that this could tie into that because those are native plant plants are important for col so I should okay so I looked at the proposal well I could only see a little bit but I think applying is not that hard um and then what they ask us is also not that hard in return um we would have to they would just give us the plugs we would have to water and take care of them and then like in the fall we would need to write something up I don't remember being that long just about how it went and just so they could you know know that um and so I think the problem for us well I kind of looked at it a little bit late and I didn't realize how big of a project it is but they give out like four different types of kits depending on the soil in the area um and for each one the plugs are like in the hundreds like it's like 800 500 so this is like a lot of plants so I didn't feel ready submit a proposal Sobe inad we do PL well unfortunately they all have to they want them so I asked about like because they kind of want them all in one spot they don't want to yeah they don't want to give it to Residents yeah 800 in like one area so and they and I asked about since I was not sure if we would have the space to put them all in one spot so we could separate it and they said like you know we kind of really want to keep it together but we would be open to like be like one or like having two or so different spots so I'm reminded of what's at the the high school that lar yeah she does have R more room yeah but what I was saying is that that's I don't think that's 800 plugs there you think because that that's that's a sizable piece of land and I don't think it's enough yeah no I mean 800 plugs that's a lot of Ls yeah so I think that would take a little bit more planning and thinking before we do it but she was very encouraging and she said that we should apply anyways but I think now we missed the they do whatever years yeah so I think I'll try to think about it more and talk with people in the town and possibly in Pepper town Park um but also I'm just not really sure if they will have any space there is with their plans they still have a lawn in the middle but I don't know if they would want to keep that lawn and not have anything there know did is the fan still on wa sorry what did you say oh sorry my my apologies didn't realize I wasn't on mute so we just don't know yet what the final planting uh plan is for peppertown but even there 800 plugs would take up a lot of space yeah so we'd have to look at what options would be there you know another way to well we don't need to talk about enough we should talk about how we might be able to do this uh I uh has a master Garten i u talk with the master gers of un County and they turn down this opportunity too so it's it's a big bu it okay um what's in the way side and Dr Trail was still waiting for John to get back with Pat Chanley Bell Labs property I think I sent uh the memo to uh the township Council I will check that I did that I don't getting an answer back and I haven't done the end of report yet so that brings us to the end of the agenda anybody have any comments or questions before we open it up to the public okay Steve corellis there you are by yeah you're getting there no I'm I'm fine you can adjourn yeah I don't know what's going on with the this whole thing with the the uh Zoom meetings but you know the town will not yeah will not do the um uh what do we call it will not put put the uh links up so I have to do that I thought I did it correctly but it looks like the U Zoom application created a new meeting ID and password which I didn't ask it to do so I will go back and try to correct that yeah because yeah I think um go ahead I think it's I think the nature of Zoom is that once the meeting is ended that ID with that that that that special string that's created with that password at that time is void um and it can't be reused um that's my feeling because that was the problem we had last time back in January 8th so that's my inclination is once it's ended we've lost the ability to reuse that meeting ID um and we have to start a new one which obviously creates a problem of itself I'll I'll confirm to see that's the case but having we're two for two on that so that's my guess is well we're using the personal ID of the township which is which is one that's always the same and never changes unless and it's not it's not the ID it's the password the password fails so the password is unique I remember Liza had I was able to well as far as the township official personal meeting room I put in the 3672 password and it re recognized the meeting I was trying to get into and said the host had a meeting in progress which kind of tells me somebody had the the the host at whatever meeting ID um there was another meeting going on exactly that somehow uh when I started the meeting the zoom told me I had to stop my prev meeting and I knew nobody else was in the meeting because it there was nobody showing there's no other individuals showing to be in the meeting so I ended the meeting and then tried to start again the same thing right uh no then I think that new meeting after I ended it came up with a new meeting ID and password we could see that when we looked at the meeting uh so I'm just saying I'll I'll check what you said Angus and see if that's that's an issue or whether we I mean I think from a security point of view it's not a good practice to always be using the same meaning ID and password but I'm not a security expert so yeah that I think that was the worry from before is before when we were using you know the the fear was that you know you had to let people in because there had to be a way to make sure that you know someone wasn't you know the the the the the the term zoombombing in and creating a Ruckus in a meeting and so you couldn't have a password-free meeting but at the same time you had to have some security some security had to be in place and because the personal the open room was the best idea but it was maybe I don't know too much management from like during a meeting trying to let people in and so maybe maybe the you know they converted to the passcode method um but that you know I I have a personal Zoom paid Zoom account so I can do some personal testing on my end just to see you know those scenarios see what actually happens so we know it uh uh you know how how resilient the system might be um for these kind of like technical issues and how many other PE how many other people um who used the the township Zoom as a host know that you guys are using it on your schedule oh there's a general schedule that anybody who's has access to the township Zoom can see so they can environmental Commissioners meeting on February 19th at 7:30 p.m okay so they they they do they they've got a separate master schedule for people who have requested using it for Zoom correct Zoom for their me okay yeah and and I don't know something's weird because I used to all the meetings used to be there already there to sign into but lately I don't think we've seen them in the um lineup because we'll see the planning board meetings we'll see the board of adjustment meetings you know those meetings will already be in the lineup of scheduled meetings in the future but ours don't seem to be listed so I'm not sure how these meetings who's generating the initial meeting is that you Richard are you creating the meeting for that one time when you create the agenda I'm afraid so Angus I asked the town if the town could schedule the meetings but the town said no so I I scheduled the meetings for the next two months I'm going to check what the meeting ID is on those and see if I I can change them back to whatever that standard meeting ID and password okay okay we can talk about this later offline in just a it out make sure I was G to say if if well I learned something by hearing that uh but if there's no if you go there and there's no other meeting scheduled when you want it you ought to be able to as host select the uh uh you know that the personal meeting room and it should work yes yeah it should uh and you well fortunately thank you for what I'll add is thank you for paying attention to the the email for Alias for the EC so that you could know that I was trying to get in and tell me whatever I need to know so that that worked out fine Steve Steve you're the first who we think of we have Tech like all right we gotta email Steve right away Priority One is more important appreciate that anyway very good thank you hey one quick question