##VIDEO ID:xqLqZisUHTo## repeat that calling the meeting to order at 7:33 adequate notice of this meeting was provided informing the public of the time and place according to the provisions of the open public meetings Law chapter 231 PL 975 in the [Music] dog was taking minutes I thank you thank all right approving minutes from May 6 June 17 okay May 6 PA wasn't here so I believe [Music] I all right so you anybody else okay and nobody else let's move on to June 17 there was a question that I had on the June 17th meeting because I was quoted and I don't know what I was supposed to be saying I think your correction was correct I think it should said at that okay so if we make that change then I will publish or consider th those minutes approved because we approved the minutes last time but I didn't because I wasn't at the meeting so June 17th so appr we yes we have a motion in the second yes let's do that yeah motion to accept the June 17 correct right no objections August 5th so Al drafted those I've reviewed them okay I have no further comments on them okay so I can make motion to approve the August 5 minutes second okay any [Music] objections not should have been approved August 19th that I think wasen I haven't seen the oh okay hearing on agenda items we have a guest Mr corus I am here it's always video takes longer to come back um now nothing specific other than I noticed that that Kim on an internet connection sounded great for a change thank you miracles never cease right that's right less you than Electronics thanks secret Kim keeping it a secret glad that you have a good connection yeah uh no new business l so we had reviewed 32 Liberty Avenue I attended the meeting uh and uh Mr Sullivan the president of the or the head of the zoning board asked me to provide uh glants for the site uh I visited the site with Tom Bako and you know looked preliminarily we're waiting for the zoning board to issue its resolution so we can uh be in compliance with the resolution um and this the resolution hasn't been issued it will be probably issued at the next meeting of the Z Union County Park I forwarded those lands to you all and uh they are also available at the township all any comments on Union County Park PLS I reviewed as best as I could on on computer screen for FIA um no I thought I think I like the pans it's nice to see they're doing something constructive with that space um I like the fact there's a couple of V going um no no further comments or questions the only comments I have but let me ask give everyone else a chance before you want to say something no no l if you're there yes sorry I missed it what did you say comments on Union County Park one um I didn't have a chance to read it I'm sorry okay can't I I didn't have a chance to read it either okay so the uh what I saw was a uh asphalt path and I would uh like to ask them if possible to put in the perious B uh there's also some sort of stage there in playground area and they're removing trees um I haven't visited the area recently but I think that they're removing trees in order to redesign the park and also there's a parking lck there I would uh ask them if they could use perious surface for the marking is this the Park area that's between New Providence and Berkeley Heights or is this okay where where is this located the between Berkeley Heights and Gillette or Long Hill Township used to be the used to be Berkeley Plaza got it okay holds its Festival right okay thanks comment so if they can if they can just shift the design around in such a way that they can put the parking or something where there there are currently no trees and leave the trees that are currently standing well why wouldn't they try to well I'm sorry I may have Mis Ledger but they are using the parking area where the where the um Berkley Plaza that that parking area there so that's almost uh at the bridge yeah uh so they're using they're redoing that and my suggestion is for the slots where Park where cars park you to use peria surface and for the paths the path is running around in a kind of a circle over the property to use a prvious um like stone dust something like that but my guess is they're going to want it to be longlasting Ada f ah that may be yeah so I supect they want to pay them mean they can't doesn't mean they can't make it per right they could make it 30 just more expensive ex and then you you made a comment about fre yes they are definitely removing trees uh because of other things they're doing yeah they're moving trees down by the river strange um I think there were some trees by the river yes because they were doing the boat launch down I guess I hope they they've tried to design work the design in such a way to minimize treatment and not just put their plan superimpose their plan indri across the the space and just what I get I can ask that question can you minimize they made all attempts to minimize so just to um because I didn't get a chance to write this up for you to summarize what I would write recommend perious surface for The Barking area if possible perious p uh and uh minimize the removal of trees if that's agreeable with everyone uh can I hear a motion move second okay so I will write that up this is not to do I think until September 18th so it out next the next meeting DC 268 spord Avenue they replied to our recommendations they said they were going to plant trees uh or shrubs in the area they were doing something about the lighting uh so at this point the next step after this TRC and uh this was part of the reason I was talking to Kim as I as the lighting and of course the downtown uh development committee uh wants to see these types of lamps uh that you you're find in a wall in the street uh my recommendation would be that if they're using LED lights to use lights that are um uh as Kim says the recommended warmer color and also to not allow the lights to uh be how do we say uh they should be a directed to the ground so they should be properly uh that's that's typically but not all of the some of these lamps that have gone in are don't have covers on them to to keep the light only focused on the ground well it might be a function of the design because it's that's a that was a challenge with this uh the lights used here the municipal complex that there was actually lights that were designed or intended to be placed along the perimeter and they they were not effective preventing yeah because I mean the thing that happen with all of these lights is um you're getting a lot of light pollution and the light pollution is affecting insects as well um you see it right here in the parking lot at at the township uh where we have it's very bright at night when we leave the building you're recommending the the one War warm LED that and I'll I'll try to check what Kim said to see if we can find out any specifications for that I think since since Alvaro mentioned it I think the name of the place is the design lights Institute or design light.org something along those lines okay but they should have more information on LEDs and just background that you might want to share about it okay thanks sure this is this location that we had questioned the measurements and some of the that the drawing was incomplete and so they clarified some of that right yeah question and after this TRC meeting there still has to be a meeting to to a so we still have time to make any comments all right then I don't think there's any action we need to take on that but um there is a meeting on this coming uh the TRC meeting Scout projects uh nothing nothing okay community garden uh we're still kind of uh working trying to work with the town on having uh uh approval of uh video surveillance at the court um I do not have any news as to whether they able to uh find the person who was leaving the gate open uh or whether they've had any more thefts rade couldn't attend tonight so I see so ordinance and ms4 education status nothing from me and I haven't seen anything from atten of cancer Dr dra and uh that's okay I just want to remind everyone there's an anjac adopted drain presentation at 7 o'clock tomorrow night um I will be one of the speakers I'm going to just speak very briefly about the success of the Berkeley Heights adopted drain program um much of the information is on our website and in the various news articles that have been written about adop a drain and in fact that's where most of the pictures on it are from from various newspaper Publications Etc that we've had had success with uh publicizing our program so um if you're able to attend there's someone from Hamline University that's also going to speak about the national program um so I encourage all of you who would like to attend to do so tomorrow than thank you are you conicting with the presidential debate no it's 9 o' I'm sorry I didn't catch that David what was that I was asking if you were going to be convicting with a presidential debate [Laughter] oh uh what what well I actually teach a class tomorrow night so I they they're allowing me to go first and go early so that um I can teach my class I don't know what time the debate start starts tomorrow what time is it tomorrow 9 o'clock ah o' all right well this program should be wrapped up you know hopefully well in advance of nine o'clock so you w p too much of an audience away from the debate exactly there is a another the township council meeting at 7 tomorrow as well for those who um might otherwise come to your little talk all right sustainable Jersey application no updates on that we won't hear anything until the end of September Recycling and cleanups um usually Angus I don't have anything um except that I did um ask about um the um as the town about uh things like uh pizza boxes a little bit of grease on it but I haven't heard anything back topics for the town before we move on from um so we we did talk in a prior meeting about the notion of planning a fall clean up I was someone who said that yes was that you no I'm just bringing up no I didn't bring it okay it was we had a discussion for a while on that topic um not volunteering to take it on but now will be the time to start planning it we going do it this year it takes four or six weeks to see me times take a get it schedu and October November is about as far as make I'm sorry I can't help yeah take up a lot of time I just finished putting together the Tre list um then I should cover in anybody else can anybody else support a clean up this Falls I have challenge I'd like to help but I might challenge because of the election stuff going that's right the election let let me look into that I'll see if there's interest in um getting Scout GRS and also sh should be back too so I don't know if we can I'm not in direct I'm not I'm not sure if um yeah not sure if John is either yeah so what I'm thinking of is more like one of the cleanups of the part okay not um or the part that you had worked on with the you know by Columbia between colia Avenue and bar yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm sort of differentiating um invasive clean up from okay um we haven't done a trash mon um so there's there's always a good amount of by by this time um so yeah we we could do that in the fall through end of the summer before the lead okay I will see if there's interest from the Scout point of view of getting getting something onion planting this FL but also in the spring so I'd like to put out a notice uh to uh residents to um if they want um I also had something I need to write the article as well but um the the paper shredding event um is in October so and this one would be for October correct come out in the beginning of October yes yes so yeah if that could be added as well dang anything else what's the date that it's usually about mid month so I'm guessing about the 15th or some at the nth now so that me pretty yes so there is an an item that might just fit I wanted to bring it up for awareness at this anyway um so Union County Park system runs a Trail St program yes um the danir is a figurehead to that who runs that um they have Outreach meetings periodically there's one on uh September 17th I think 17 um if I newslet it goes out before that it would be good to put this in the newsletter the newsletter will go out after that after 17 yeah okay we had thought about it last month no came right it was not planned um okay so this this won't fit for the St River Park and trail as I just mentioned back Shany might be back in town be available and she's been working with students of La so um I haven't heard anything but that's possible that they will continue that say yes so she was working mostly with seniors last year yes who will Evol at this point graduated and mov on I know there's one Junior involved um so I hope she'll restart that program with the new C of seniors challenge for for for governor Livingston if they had sophomores you know then you for a couple more an AP program yeah it's connected with the environmental club and people are the environmental um on to Brands the rgi brand um so uh as I said I um made up a list of uh trees for the next planting both for uh the right away in the town and also for the watch on reservation um and then um Alvaro and I had before that had gotone around and identified locations for trees and we've gotten thees back from residents who are willing to uh water trees not everyone with by going I ask Gina to just check that list uh and see if any if any more letters need to go out to people because she's the one who's been sending out the letters uh and we the thing is that the plan originally was for peppertown Park to project to be started by now and I don't know what the status is on that if it is not I have included 10 trees for pepper Town Park if that's not started the we need to find 10 places for the Tre second I thought I'll double check I thought that was that was pushed out because we such to yeah okay that was such we had such little Clarity I know exactly I I just haven't heard anything more and that's why I'm saying we may uh need to just uh find spots for 10 more trees um and then uh Dan verer reviewed the uh three uh the Dre's uh draft bid uh document or what we're calling request for proposal right RFP uh and came back and said uh that ke was not able to clear as much to free from that site as he haded to so we may need to change the configuration of the planting smaller poten potentially make it smaller right um um I could imagine that uh it's something that they may have to do in stages in other words we do a first stage and then at some future date clear the rest of the area and um and I that's in the back and so fening up that's going to be yeah that'll be it so well now or never right I'd like to take a look at that um well we should because um and we should do it with that because if the dimensions of the fence change we need to then uh get a rebid on offence as well as Army irrigation and the number of trees to be planted so so on the lines of your question do we know what what it was that D couldn't get done or why why it couldn't get done he said there was just too much debr at that and on the eastern part of the of the property but he didn't have the equipment or um whatever was there and he's right talking about uh what let me see this wasn't stuff that the school was supposed to remove that stuff that well the school dropped it perhaps and Bar to days of set cutting down days lot of the breed has been dumped out of site over the years yeah but we're not able to go back as far as the site was usually planned du both to more debr and uneven terrain yeah and I I do recall as you look at that we walked it the you can see it Rising toward and and there was a lot of De there was a lot of debris and also there apparently it was soil dumped yeah so there were piles of soil that made the whole area just you know a Dumping Ground does the county have a big back they've got small to mediumsized backb you but that still would take time to clear that out let me know when you're available take a walk through yeah I'll ask asking I was wondering if it was is it something that the county has to do or is it something that's aable to um volunteer efforts cutting back rush I think it's equipment yeah he had he had a couple of his um employees working there okay um BCD USA resolution um I had asked Carolyn George to that she would be the township contact for the resolution she then said that the uh um committee the recission or committee uh she would ask them but I think there was a misunderstanding here the idea of having a Township contact was to allow uh to have someone who can help a volunteer organization uh uh with the bureaucracy this seemed to flip in the eyes of uh uh Debbie vodan who thought that the rep commission should be approving everything that's done through the be resolution so we have a situation where which we have to resolve this that's stands and so there needs to be a meeting with Liana so we can resolve this before and finally Wayside Dr Trail nothing all right he zip through it anyone from the commission have anything else to add just to complete the thoughts I had to thing I was bring up before so the um ders Union County parks uh Trail steart program has a meeting on um September 17 um so if anyone on the commission or Steve are interested in being becoming a trail Ste um that's the meeting to call into and is it is it a zoom meeting um and what time is it yeah generally they're in person um okay it's the Tuesday September 17th 7 to 9900 p.m. oh it's at M bar which is the um in the deserted village the the dog road that runs into yes what time 7:00 7 to 9 7 9 need reg do they need to register or and is there email he did send an email you probably got that yeah I did not for it to the rest of yeah just it around great if I did it's been crazy all right anything else I just wanted to say that I did follow up with the CG Community energy plan yes right and still respond waiting to determ if we been awarded well they said they were going to put the ADV of a new award date the near future near future is mon near future is still coming right and I see Steve is I'm yeah I I just figured i' if I get a called I'll be ready to say no no additional comments tonight good night oh all right thanks Steve glad connection is good too all right you want hear a motion so move at 8:07 p.m. second okay excellent have a nice evening everyone too Ken tomorrow yeah good luck thank you that'll be a good one yeah