uh good evening um this meeting is being held in conformance with the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been posted on the township website and sent to the newspaper of record the agenda has also been posted on the township website and V board at the municipal building at least 48 hours prior to the meeting the agenda items will not necessarily be heard in the order listed and the meeting will not continue subst P 10:30 p.m. uh roll call please Mr Johnson Mr Hall here Mr Graziano here Mr poelo here Miss po here miss Kingsley Mr Maderos Mr monac Mr Kraut here Mr sternheim here Mr Leo Mr Robertson here miss Laney here Mr Saro here the first agenda item is the adoption of the minutes from the May uh 1 meeting any comments from the board with regards to the evence make a motion to adop Second uh roll call forance to a I would normally do a roll call but okay a roll call um only those who were at the last meeting Mr Graziano here uh yes sorry Mr Poo yes Miss po yes Mr Crow yes Mr sternheim yes yeah I think we have one application this evening uh application uh sp-1 d24 HK realy Group LLC 134 CER Avenue box 801 locks 44 yes good evening Mr chairman board members of on behal of the applicate Dennis Francis 37 Liberty Street little fur New Jersey have you presented front of this board before no I have not okay a lot of other boards not your so I'm happy to be before you to see very good if you can present your qualifications my qualifications I'm an attorney at La state of New Jersey as well as New York since 1997 I own my own practice since 19 2001 and I I've spent a lot of time of uh since day one of representing clients both residential commercial before land use boards uh in the state of New Jersey mostly uh I'm from buron County so we have a lot of communities up in buron County so we can hit about 2025 in a matter of a couple miles I know you're a little spread out out here but I probably presented before 40 odd boards before and well versed in the munal luse law Cox luse uh Bible so to speak and uh and I'm here to prepare prepare I prepare tonight and to present this application to meet all of the the required uh requirements of the municipal land use law before your board I reviewed your experts reports and I have an expert here as well as a property owner to testify and present before very good I guess uh we'll accept okay very good um feel free to proceed thank you Mr chairman board members again attorney Dennis Francis representing the applicate AK realy Group LLC that's New Jersey LLC limited liability company which is the title owner of real property know as 134 Snider Avenue also known as block 801 block 44 located in the hb-2 or the housing business Zone the applicate uh this evening is for a preliminary and final major site plan approval with bulk variances uh so as to renovate and expand an existing mixed use building the lot measures 27,32 Square ft and is currently improved with a 1 and a half story frame dwelling with a covered front porch a rear wood deck in off street parking along with a detached garage accessible by way of a paper Street running along the side of the property to the right as you look at it from the street this property uh what I have the stand was used as the old Smith Chiropractic Center which occupied the entire first floor commercial space there was also a second floor and that second floor uh currently has a one bedroom residential dwelling my client has uh presented in the plans before you this evening is rolls up on the easel which the will testify to proposes to demolish the existing wood deck the cover forch and the front concrete sidewalk so as to construct a second twostory addition uh to the existing building and convert that one bedroom resident upstairs into two units one being a one-bedroom the other being a two bedroom Additionally the new use on the first FL the owner octop that's Mr andw is's here this evening he'll be my first witness that I'll call uh he's going to own occupy it uh for his longstanding business in the kitchen and bath business Al known as New Jersey kitchen and bath the applicant will also seek to convert detached a garage into a storage area construct a p patio brick P sidewalk add EV parking space uh and new Landscaping new seal coating and striping of the existing parking lot with enhanced lighting the one and only variance which this appliation seeks from your board this evening is what's called a lot width variance whereas within the zoning ordinance of your municipality The hb-2 Zone requires a lot width of 150 feet while the pre-existing lot width is only 114 ft the proposed uses are all permitted within the Zone many if not all of the your board professionals and committee recommendations have been addressed in the plans this evening or or will be submitted in future plan should the board vote affirmatively for the application as I said I have uh Mr Andrew kudus the property owner and to be the hope the occupant of the FR FLW here I'll call him first and I also have Mr Ken Fox he is the architect and professional planner who's presented the plans which I believe before you this evening up on the easel and we'll go through his testimony related to the variance as well as in detail of the two reports more than two reports but the planers report and the engineers report we'll go over that in detail as well so without further Ado I'd like to call up Mr Andrew cunis hello MERS of the board my name is Andrew kudis I think we have to SAR you went oh sorry okay so if you can uh restate your name and spell your last name for the for the record sure it's Andrew kudus k t u d i s and do you swear to to tell the whole truth and nothing about the truth yes may okay um well know my name already I live in Scotch Plains New Jersey I've been a resident there for for 10 years I have I own NJ kitchens and baths which is a kitchen and bath remodeling showroom in Verona New Jersey I've been there since 2016 and um I found the property for sale a year ago and I wanted to get something closer to home I have two young children and the commute from Scotch Plains to uh Verona you know can be 45 minutes to an hour with the little ones I'm like okay maybe I should you know try to stay closer that was the intention that's been the intention from day one so I could be closer not necessarily have two stores ten I uh I grew I was born and raised in New Jersey went to came got my BS in industrial technology I founded the business in 2010 so it's not something new I've been doing this now for 14 years about my own business um and I'm looking to be closer to home I have a brother who lives in town for a few decades been in town you know often and as you know Scotch Plains is just a 10-minute ride down the hill um and I'm looking forward to taking the old Smith Chiropractic building and renovating it inside and outside you know it's been bacon now for a couple years and uh you know looking forward to beautifying it and making it a you know something nice to look at and of course from my business tell the board a little bit about uh more about kitchen advents what exactly do you do and what's the purpose of the first floor uh of this subject prop sure we uh customers that the work we do is for renovations we don't do new construction so homeowners come looking for a kitchen or looking for a bathroom we design kitchens we design bathrooms and we sell the Cabinetry and the countertops the cabinets we sell are made to order it's I don't store cabinets at my facility so they're they're American made cabinets they're usually six to 10 weeks out we do the design we provide a construction proposal um and then we sell them the construction if they don't have a contractor uh Andor the Cabinetry some customers have their own contractors we'll just Supply the Cabinetry uh most customers need both but they need a you know kind of like a turnkey package um we use outside vendors for tile and plumbing fixtures so I don't I don't I may show some in the showroom but it's not like we don't sell those I don't let stay focused on the on the Cabinetry as far as product and the countertops which a fabricator produces for the C so you hired an architect for the application to even to lay out a floor plan is that correct cor and that's what's presented in the in the plans Your Design as to the layout of the public commercial space want you just go through quickly what your layout of the commercial spaces and why you need what you've placed in on the front floor yeah the the first floor I we we're not changing much of the existing rooms that were in Smith Chiropractic however there is that porch that is you know the forest it's delapidated you can't you have to walk on it gingerly that I'm trying to incorporate into the plan so I can have more space to show more cabinet um the bathrooms an already 8 compliant bathroom which I was told uh the reception area is going to remain the reception area there's an office in the back that I'm going to use for my own and we're going to have two large spaces to show Cabinetry uh kitchen Nets and then one space to show uh back mainly a show in the board an idea of what your hours of operation and your days uh we are open Monday through Saturday 10 to 6 CL Sunday 10 10 to 6 close Sun Sundays cor now was your desire to also expand the upper level to give more uh room for a second unit residential unit correct right now it's it's a one and a half stories there was a was like apartment in there so to say um so I figured why not raise the level and make two apartments one being a two-bedroom one being a one-bedroom and having the store below I'm at the job I'm at this the store every day Monday through Friday sometimes on Saturdays and now that it's closer you know I it's easier to stop in so um I it'll be an owner occupied I'm not I don't have a general manager where he runs the operations and I stop by twice and leave to check the folks and you know play call um what about employees other than yourself other than myself right now I have a part-time designer and I have a part-time administrative assist almost forgot to ask too how do your customers generally come to the site and the frequency of that on tell the board about that um most appointment most customers come by appointment we do get Walkins I'm on Bluefield in Verona so I may get one walk in a day maybe two some days not um it's not a hight traffic business it's I'm not selling um fixtures or tile where you there's all there's many more when people come to our shop is for a major renovation or for Cabinetry so you know at any given time the most customers I would probably have hug to I don't remember it being worn the last eight years so the parking layout is nine parking spaces is that right nine parking spaces in the plane right and that would include one EV spot that you're GNA put in there as well as the handicap spot corre that's so do you believe that the uh those spots are adequately address your use as well as the residential upstairs yeah no I feel it is I mean where we are right now it's a little tighter I mean there's parking around back and um but I don't see an issue with I don't have vehicles uh construction vehicles that would be parked there you know there is one van I have and that's you know a lettered white van that we sometimes use to make uh you know jobsite run the delivery of pile things of that nature it's not like I'm a plumber with a fleet of trucks and you know it's going to be public now you've been involved throughout the process with the techical Review Committee leading up to tonight that correct correct and uh you've addressed most if not all of their concerns I feel we have as far as what about did you have any question or the board as to the the front uh talked about the stamping of the the concrete I know you had an issue as not an issue but you're going to remove this sidewalk and they want and they want a pavers so is that right correct the red git pavers and the hering bone pattern I was one one question I had regarding that's if we can use red stamp concrete instead of doing a red U paper in a herring bone pattern to my left I have there's homes to the left to the right there are tow houses it would kind well I know it's going you know it's it's part of the beautification communion it's on the books there but at po St it would be you know I don't know if it would look odd between you know for concrete and Port concrete but you know if that could be done you know that was one of the questions then the signage and the lamp post you're you're going to adhar to all of that yes the board were V favor yeah there apparently two uh posts there they asked me to paint them white and we already submitted the sign in one of the drawings I'm sure according to the what about the that gravel driveway which is located I think to the the right property yeah that gravel driveway is Woodland Avenue it it leads right to the garage and if you continue straight they'll hit a creek so it kind of leads to nowhere looks like it's been there since the beginning that uh I I maintain it um you know there's it's a gravel driveway of course now there's some leing up but I maintain a part of my business is selling image so they're not going I wouldn't want a customers to come and see something that's you know run down or or delated even though technically it's not mine yeah that's a paper Street that's not not yours right correct it's not a part of your property part yeah it's most of it is and you come to find that out throughout this Tech riew process right as far as an easement Etc yeah the prior owner told me hey your property Line's about here then once you saw a survey but you're not using it for either the business or the residential purposes for the proposed application right no there is a garage in the back and you're going to seek to convert that garage into storage for the residential units is that cor there's a two- what about give just one more thing off of the ne report that I think your best test by to recycling a refuge how's that going to be handled well I understand that the town collects recycling uh I will have a company to pick up the garbage just like I do in Scotch planes and you know I'll pull out the garbage can like I do now in Verona twice a week uh we don't do construction we're not a wood shop I'm not going to have band saws Sanders I'm not going to produce a lot we do it's mostly paperwork and U you know recycling of soda cans and things of that nature so Mr chair question so you recycling the strictly for the residential residential yeah kind of business stuff you'd have to have your own contractor for for your business you know about that so why don't you talk about that as far as the municipal waste is concerned well waste yeah that's all separate I'm talking about recycling we have a residential recycling pickup through jordano is our contractor but just the strictly for residential all the businesses have to have their own setup for recycling P okay well then I'll I'll have that set up our recycling from the stores soda cans yeah so it's it's all going to be mainly residential so that's fine and you don't have an association in your building right you don't you you're not going to have your tenants pay an association fee are you no no the garage in the back which will be used by the apartments will that be used by both apartment or is that assigned to one individual apartment well I understand I may be correct if I'm no longer need a certain square footage for storage so it's a two-car garage and I plan on having the one Bay the one car dedicated for storage for the tenants and the other I have a lawn tractor and some yard Tools in that's why I plan on using the other bay for but the answer the question is it be use for both of the tenants not just one yes both yeah we have to partition it so they can have you know lock and key for their storage have nothing further any questions from the bo uh your your sidewalk issue you're asking to put in red stand concrete I was yeah I was wondering if that is a possibility so your sidewalk goes I I'm familiar with the area the town hous is to your right facing your property does your sidewalk go all the way to the townhouse property no because I see the papers end at the at the townhouse property and then it starts concrete so whose concrete is that in between that townhouse that's that's the paper right away from oh is that what it is Tom yeah because W yeah Woodland cuts across wood cuts through right from there so that's actually pwn that's Township Tech honestly I've been Public Works director on and off of this town since 2000 and I don't ever it's a smalla it's probably 20 I've never been over there we've never done maintenance over there we've never done anything on the property and I'm not saying we shouldn't but right no I agree just regarding the uh the requested substitution for Brick papers versus stamp concrete I mean that's something really that the DBC should really weigh in on um and my suggestion is not having the board make that decision I agree yeah I think they already waited on your letter right yeah but I mean obviously there's a former request so maybe that request just be submitted um you know from the board to to the DBC and just ask for a response would you Le on that I can certainly do that Mr chairman are there any questions from the the community ask um the main question I have is about the raran Zone how that's going to be protected continue to be protected we noticed that there is uh two uh dry Wells or seage tanks uh and that there's a apparently 100 foot long height that's going into the reparan so and wondering you know whether any vegetation will be disturbed or what is being like to protect thean especially public vegetation there were a couple of other recommendations that we made in there but just recommendations about the kinds of better saying that perhaps you want to avoid a monoculture of the of the arbor V because you may have deer the area de like to eat or commutate um another PL red open maybe you want to avoid red open Plants a different kind of open because there are I've been some problems with red oak disease um trees shrs be native plants it sa to assume that nothing in the application is encroaching on or impacting the repair my impression is that there's a there's a pipe that's going into the repair that's okay I believe it's existing but I believe you any other questions for me good thank you very much thank you call next witness Mr evening um if you could state your name and SP your last name for the reort yes Kenneth box box architectural design I'm in uh Roxbury New Jersey Ledgewood um have you have you presented to this here the AR planner okay have you presented to this board before I have not been in Heist before okay if you can provide the board with your follow case do you swear to tell the whole truth but and nothing about the truth yes I do and fox fox architect we um yes I received my bachelor of architecture from NGIT in 1981 I received my license to practice architecture in state of New Jersey in 1987 I also uh actually before that I believe I received my license to practice professional planning in 1987 I started uh Fox architectural design as a as an architectural practice or and site design practice in uh 1987 so I've been uh testifying before numerous boards I uh done a couple LS I I just looked at my ccum e and realized that this is actually the 99th board that I testified to in one gets a priz was 100 I realiz one was in New York so um yeah so uh so I've testified as an architect and or planner in uh those municipalities for site plan design and uh and various vares okay well we will accept you the exper thank you just generally speak you heard me give the overview uh We've you've been involved in this process through the technal revieww committees as well as the plans which before the board the evening correct yes all pled by your office okay so why don't you take the board through the plans that you laid out may may have to mark them or identify them for identification and then specifically focus on the variance which request okay thank you uh yes I'm going to give a brief overview of the whole development then I'll then I'll touch base on some of the key issues that were brought up and the key issues of Blu report reports um as they slide here we have uh now a already developed already developed site as was testified to by owner Francis so it's already developed site presently there is oh I'm I'm going to utilize a colored version of the site plan so this is the I'm going to have exhibit it's called display board um it's dated St 5:15 I'm the label A1 with is and U it it has a copy of the uh site plan with notes taken off and some coloriz just to make it I think little easier to easier to understand and uh on the on the right side there's an existing conditions proposed conditions outlining uh square footage and square footage of coverages for when we discuss the uh covered areas even though we don't have any variances we do have a slight increase in and discussing discussing that so we have presently a one and a half story uh lab survey is dwelling we have it is kind of it was constructed originally obviously as as a dwelling it is it is a mixed use building there's been a chiropractic office on on the first floor is an open porch on the open porch in the front on the first floor and then there uh on the second level is is a uh small apartment um in the Attic apartment a small apartment in upstairs um coming in the left side of the uh the uh property is already uh let's say this is from a previous site plan approval some some number of years ago there a already constructed parking lot curve cut is there the curves are in Pavements in the entire por lot is U is installed as well there as as and approved uh as per previous in after um on in the rear of the property is a two-car two car garage uh it's going to be utilized for storage as was testified to and uh the actual access to that and what has been utilized for the property it's not part of our application because we know the board can't approve uh a development or use off the property so through the TRC meetings we have uh we we've not supped the use but there is a a municipal right way it's Woodland Avenue it's Pap paper Street it doesn't exist probably will never ex will never exist true street but it is a uh it does give us a corner lot so it's a front we have front yard on both Snyder and Woodland uh we do conform with the uh setbacks with our propos with our proposal but there there's a a gravel driveway that comes in here to the back of the property and is is ACC for the garage so just be used for people put I have a question um maybe for Tom Andor um Kevin how are we allowing somebody to use a Township Road for their access to their property they're going to be accessing their driveway using Woodland am have to be easement or something made up use that do we have to maintain it but one I thought the testimony in the beginning of the meeting was that they're proposing this application by uh without using Woodland Avenue to access is that correct because I just I don't know how you access to the garages then it's I'm sorry yeah so we have we have our parking here it's only for residents no which is fine no no I understand that we're not we're not proposing utilization of that that stone driver I don't even know we'll put that in it's um correct me didn't you just suggest that you were going to use that well did suggest but it's obviously not the right thing to do and it wasn't what we did talk about with the TRC as I recall so we we're not going to we're not going to use that um it's just it's a we're going to do our the only thing that's going to be in there is some furniture furniture and paintings and whatever some resident is going to store and the lawn mower in a lawn mower a tractor yeah tractor and that'll be accessed from our driveway okay we're not asking a board for approval to use that thank you and so uh back of the property is then grass to the back and then gets to get to the Woodland the uh talk before about the sidewalk presently with concrete sidewalk in the front ACR Woodland Avenue is a concrete sidewalk existing and uh then it's the townhouse across across here and then concrete sidewalk it does extend to the Northwest towards towards and um so our proposals our proposal is not to increase any anything with regard to the driveways or access our proposal is to take the roof off at a second at a second level uh there to to include two apart two apartments one one-bedroom two two-bedroom we made a change at some point in the past and on my on my submission I do say in the parking calculations two two bedrooms that's incorrect that will be changed uh on on a compliance drawing if the bo see approv the only the increase is that we are building the second we are enclosing the front porch extending it by I think one one or two feet in the front two or three feet on the side extending that a little bit and extending and then building the second floor out over the porch and out over the top of that entry area and that's where we that is where we get part of our increase in prvious coverage we are also caning that second floor on both sides of the existing so the C lever comes over the uh size two feet on each side and that's a significant part of our increase in impervious coverage so actually the rain does go down hit the soil right after Foundation but technically we look from the sky down and that becomes part of our increase inway our increase and the uh drawing we have over here uh outlines all the different areas on the site uh we've been in communication uh with Mr Saro with regard to our increase and we resubmitted to his his office I think shown on this plan that the uh increase was very small because we utilized the removal of the deck in the rear as part of that Mr safarz let me know that uh removal of the deck the deck doesn't count as impervious so that calculation was uh Incorrect and our correct calculation as we is as we had submitted before we will make sure that if the board sees to approve we will uh make sure that it's correct on the submitted drawings but uh we have an increase of about 435 sare ft total of impervious coverage that's including the overhangs the little extension uh around around the uh uh porch the front porch and the second floor over the top of the entry area the uh instr the number of markting spaces we consider the the apartments the professionals working on first floor potential custers coming in there is there has there a calculation been done to determine adey they have provided um the total that's that's consistent with sorry they did they did the total for the non the commercial use and the total for the residential use and added them together and they're providing it and and that number so that number they they are uh required to provide nine and they are providing nine but because they have an EV space they get a bonus so they essentially are considered to have 10 spaces you know they get credit for 10 even though there's really only nine physical spaces but they are only required to provide nine why don't you just talk about the the uh ex the coverage even though we are adding 400 OD square feet in the perious coverage that does not push us over any limitation with respect of the Zone correct that's correct we that does not create any variance there's no there's no variance request for building coverage no variance request for import disc coverage we are below that and we think this is a small amount of increase U so what we have I do want to talk about the existing drainage that's on the property we did submit a drawing we did submit a drawing that was part of the submission for the previous site plan application um in um in 199 1998 uh this is part of this is part of the submitt so I'm not going to mark this it showed that the drywalls and the piping and all all that has already being constructed so this is already being is already in there operating since 9899 so that's all in there I think it was mistake mistaken at some point by one or two reports that this was proposed construction so there's nothing on this sheet that was submitted when we went to TRC meeting they asked we were asked to include this sheet so that the board had all the information on the side so typ goes from where to where there's a c there's a catch Basin in the there a catch Bas in the Park Lot raid of the parking lot goes towards the rear W from the street to a cat Bas in the uh end of the parking lot it goes to uh the existing dry Wells and then there's an over overflow pipe that extends to the towards the back of the property the applicant is ining to maintain that yes we um we feel that that existing retention area is efficient can take our propos uh speaking with Mr Sano uh uh it's his feeling that we should propose propose to the board some type of uh some type of mitigation for the increase and uh suggested that maybe we propose a small r r Garden through that and that we would agree to that take some our gutters or leaders to go go to that rain garden and uh small rain garden and we would actually work out the details of that office if with our if the board sees to approve it we would uh have that and I didn't hear you if you said it earlier but is that pipe just the Overflow from those drywalls yes if and when those things ever get to a Max it'll it'll overflow out of that right that's how I understand the design okay Mr chairman can I just jump in one second uh to uh to can just just to tie Mr L's question earlier regarding encroachment in a buffering so what you're proposing with this application you're not decreasing the buffering that's already on the site per the Morgan plan that you just you know showed through testimony correct so pretty much the majority of the construction is front side uh and anything that's in the back is already Disturbed the only the only foot the only footprint um behind the behind the porch only footprint behind the porch that is being increased is uh is the overhangs on the two sides and I think we're actually rebuilding the steps in the back that that I I had but that would that's the only construction that's occurring back behind the porch uh other than on top of the existing building but and areas are already Disturbed and and this this everything everything here is an area that has already been Disturbed was also a question as to shortening down the length of that pipe uh no we right that's correct I think it was because it wasn't understood yeah uh but uh planning leing leaving as it is and maintaining thank you the want you address then the uh the variance that we have requested this evening from perspective I do have one question I'm sorry to interrupt you um chairman um the sidewalks in front of Woodland that's there now in the apron would the owner um uh consider putting in a Belgium Block uh putting in a curb in front of that apron and then uh redoing the sidewalk in front it's the only it's a little bit of a section that's left you have the you have the condos that have it then you have this that'll have either brick favor you know whatever the DBC says would you consider closing that up with a curb and getting rid of the apron and making a sidewalk and uh redoing it for the T so that section you're talking about the apron's probably about 20 feet right and then there's another 20 feet of sidewalk sidewalk that's that attaches to the other other to the town you're probably talking an increase of about 40t probably it's actually a 50 foot right OT it should be a 50 foot right away yeah so I already I got one quote for 17 the red brick caring I didn't know was going to be part of this renovation right and I was notified about that months ago and I got a quote of about $177,000 just to do just to do the front of your property yeah how many square feet was that you know I it's 114 three probably yeah I think there they're probably about four four so it's about 450 yeah so 450 whatever another 100 yeah so you probably yeah maybe let that come to another $4,000 5 Maybe yeah yeah I that was a surprise for me and I was kind of like well you you could say langie you could have just looked it up um you know where does it and I understand what you're saying you want to have a little continuity yeah right from all three properties all three from the road yours well I mean from your house to the road or to you know the wood then to the what what I you know um I don't want to say no but at the same time I'm saying well being that it's not my property and I am maintaining the drive that that Woodland Avenue right would the town work with me for that section would we have a so typically since it's a and Tom correct me if I'm wrong since it's a paper road we have no not that we don't use for it we don't use there's no reason for us to maintain it or to even upkeep it we have hundreds or probably hundreds of paper roads in town that aren't maintained if you look on our tax matap you'll see exactly what I'm saying that aren't maintained because there's no access really either way for the public to get in I don't know who constructed that apron or when that was constructed it was clearly constructed for that property that's what it constructed for obviously because it's the only access to it um it's fine the way it sits right now me you yeah um I understand both positions um and I understand the app's position so maybe there's a middle ground somewhere where there's like some sort of fair share contribution and it gets merged in with the town and you know they come to an agreement as to how to satisfy and continue the um streetcape standard to marry into an existing property okay now I that um that be done a later time well if the job if the project was to be considered approved then that can be a part of condition of the approval work on um but you maybe we should talk offline as to what contractor you to include that yeah but it could be could be a fair share with a ratio right so there's no dollar amount it's just a percentage right but but maybe we should talk offline as to who you got a quote from and maybe who you should get a quote from yeah that was that was the first one and he actually is in town we we can talk on that's with with Mr yeah that's thank you very much it was it it was just an ask so I'm hoping we can move through with that thank you Mr chairman uh yes our our variance isn't really a variance it's an existing non-conforming situation uh and uh there's no there's no properties that are ability to be purchased so that's the that's the reason for our barents and nothing further okay um yes Richard any follow questions being the sole resident here the um dry Wells uh can take run off from from the from the building but I get the impression they're not taking the run off from the driveway if I hear correctly the run off from the driveway is going to a catch Basin on the street is that I can I can show you here I can talk into the mic I can show you on the plan and that the drywells are taking the driveway uh the driveway rate EX better see one so I'm referring to S1 as submitted uh driveway slopes away from Snider there is a patch Bas in that rear corner actually well on it's on the we don't show it on our planet it's on the drainage plan would be very clear here and this is probably the plan you noticed it on so this the again referring to the part 1998 and uh p b in the rear that that go that taking this one off goes to the drywells drywells any overflow is in that pipe that's already installed uh back towards the a so this area is brass area and we're not planning to disturb it and that pipe that is going into the uh reparan zone is that a corrugated pipe that's has B in it or a doll5 the design drawing from 1998 what I can testify to and that is is a 6in PVC dryw overflow drain at 0.5% to grave okay so it's a solid pip PVC pipe it's Sol PVC pipe it's not allowing water to seep in to the ground as I I don't know if it has was put in with holes in it okay the question um the other question I have is my understanding is that drive are not raing to take uh a suspended solid so you have a driveway where cars are parking and then you have u oil from the vehicles dripping onto the driveway and that's being washed down into the catch Bas my understanding is drywells are not ready to accept the TSS total suspended sales a correct understanding uh I'm not qualified to as an engineer to testify about the engineering of the drywells that's one of the things I don't do placement of I do uh but we are not proposing any new pavement we're proposing no new driveway construction and uh and this is this is an existing condition it's an existing condition for parking existing condition for dry wheels and our uh anticipation is that we're not going to start digging up the dirt and changing that and to to change it right I mean one of the questions I would have is could you design a rain Garden to accept that runoffs from that's that's well I I can tell you that um I I I believe that in the back of the property we are within the uh Within in the flood Hazard area I did look at the map but I don't have the map here and it comes cross can be back property here so if it's in the flood Hazard area I don't think we can but I can tell you that uh we are going to POS a small rain Garden uh on the property to accept some of our increase and we'll work with Mr sano's office U at the best location for that and Mr Sano has heard you and if it's feasible there that is probably the best solution if it's not feasible there will do something one other question is that I noted at least the application that I saw I didn't see the general construction design and grounds land gave considerations and what I saw asking the town to supply them to you so that you thank you want address that yes so I'd like to address that it's something we've skipped over so I do want to address it so the board knows what we're proposing it's a little bit different and part of part of what I'm going to testify to is that we did receive the first environmental commission report that uh talked about the uh non-native non-native species talked about the Ary and we have already made some of those changes uh uh we're not we are going to comply with the species type that was an environmental report that is correct [Music] um and and yeah1 fil proposed proposed vegetation along the left hand side there was a suggestion I believe from uh zoning was from the planner it's a zoning officer zing PL proposal take uh plantings and kind of wrapping wrapping around this way uh we we're proposing that we just put things right in along along the whole park lot so we didn't add them here what we've shown on this uh exhibit uh propos uh propos landscape construction that were that going to come here and it is Our intention to change um to change the species to comply with request of other questions for I have no forther Witnesses Clos your comments yeah I'll be very brief thank you for your consideration this evening I believe the uh client has testified is well vers with your community wants to move in commity has wants to open his his business business been around a while I think it be an added benefit to a property that's seems to be left vacant for some period of time he's not only going to put his owner occupy business but he's going to put a lot of money in effort reifying the property as noted on on the plans and testified to this evening by the architect planner the application is simply for a variance related to a pre-existing non-conforming you uh condition which is the width of the property unfortunately we can't add on to the property therefore that condition has to remain and that's the only variance we have U tweak the plans to make sure that that variance was the only one we did have one prior And We Shrunk down uh certain aspect of the application to uh make this application as easy and straightforward as possible um adding to uh as I said the value in the community certainly all of the unification committee request environment request have been adhere to taking great care we're going address hopefully that paper Street continuing the continuity of the sidewalk as you can see the my client has U taking a lot of time effort and certainly we'll have a lot of money uh placed into this property which will be a beautification for your community going forward and as such we respect request the board to gr the thank you summarize yes the uh the applicant the is requesting approval prary and final site plan approval uh with the one variance I think there were I think there were two design waivers relating to par L mentions as well they weren't mentioned but those are in the uh professional reports uh the conditions that I noted uh involve compliance with the uh engineering report and the planner report to the satisfaction of board professionals um with regards to the environmental commission I believe there was an agreement toly with the the species recommended in in the report and also that the applicant agreed to work with uh Mr Saro with regards to the location of the rain Garden to address some of those concerns uh with regard to the downtown beautification committee uh the app will comply uh but will direct a request with regard to the red stamp papers and will yeah the applicant will work with the board engineer and ultimately that decision will be made by the downtown unification committee uh the applicant will also coordinate with Mr SAR with regard to the possibility of some sort of contribution uh or extension of the Paving and closing off of the uh the apron consistent with the other property so I'll work that in the resolution but I think it was an agreement to work with board professionals on that as some sort of fair share ratio um yeah it's going to maintain the existing drainage plan those are the conditions that I noted that were discussed and what anybody else has anything additional but that's f i you I like the application I think you did a great job with this and I think it's going to look really well um where it's going and I think it's a great addition and so your buiness so I will be willing to thank you I'm excited for the rain Gardens the first time an applicant really has come before us and Mike is excited about a rain Gardens on this side as well thank you uh likewise I'm very supported by the application welcome to the community thank you and we appreciate you working with the uh environmental commission downtown deification the engineering to uh you to address the concerns in the Strategic plan about so I'll vote in favor of this also thank any call a vote pleas Mr Hall yes want to somebody have to make a motion Sor I'll make a motion to accept the uh application as as presented by the board attorney okay Mr Hall yes Mr Graziano yes Miss Poe yes Mr poelo yes Mr Crow yes sternheim yes motion carried six to zero thank you so much welcome speak nothing else on agenda I yeah just information all right Mo all all