this meeting is being held in conformance with the open public meeting adequate notice this meeting has been posted on the township website and sent to the newspaper of record the agenda has also been posted on the township website the molon board at the municipal building at least 48 hours prior to the meeting the agenda items will not necessarily be heard in the for listed and the meeting will not continue substantially pass at 30 p.m. Jun can you do a roll call please Mr Johnson here Mr Hall here Mr graciano Mr Poo here Miss po here miss Kingsley Mr mados Mr Monaco Mr Kraut here Mr sternheim here Mr Leo Mr Robertson here okay do I have a motion to adopt the minutes of the January 3rd 2024 re organization meeting second all in favor all opposed do I have a motion to adopt the January 3rd 2024 executive session minutes second all in favor all opposed okay three pieces of Correspondence we received the first was a letter regarding PS and um the extension of their flood Hazard area permit they're uh required to basically post notice to the planning board that's why we receive that piece of Correspondence um the second correspondence was an email from Robert Musa U we had heard from Robert I believe prior of the holidays um requesting I guess a resolution opposing the Green Field Green Brook flood control project uh besides coming to us it also went to the Town Council Susan do you know Town Council is doing anything with that um I have not heard anything the first thing I heard of it was when I saw the letter that came to me on the okay yeah I mean what we had said the last time was you know we would like to hear probably from our experts first before taking a position on it but I guess this is something maybe I can reach out to um the mayor the Town Council and see what that would be great all right and then the third piece of Correspondence is from Remington and bernick uh regarding another freshwater wetlands and flood Hazard area commit for improvements um that the Union County improvements Authority is doing once again that noticed um plans are onile somewhere in the township and uh obviously once again that's just part of the regulations any questions on any of the correspondents okay good applications for review extension request for minor subdivision approval application n-1 d23 County of Union Union Grand Street BL 2011 blot 2 in the l l l ozone um okay we approve this application back last summer I guess it was um they taken care of that all the new off I needed to but Joe Brian and Andrew we're all sworn in we have the signed and ex they are official thank you um back to the county Union basically it was they came in front of us really more of as courtesy review than anything they were just really cleaning up some property lines um they're still in the process getting that and they're really just requesting that grants of the extension of the subdivision approval from February 15 2024 to February 15 2025 anybody have any questions concerns that doesn't restrict the time to anyway right no the uh the subdivision minor subdivision must be perfected by filing a reporting in the clerk's office within 190 days after the resolution granting subdivision approval uh the as I understand and Mr Campbell from the from uni county council's office is here tonight if there are any questions but as I understand that there's been uh some uh the board may recall this really had to do with the a vacated paper Street half of which went to uh a property now owned by Chevron half went to Union County as part of their uh uh Green Acres property they they got approval from the to uh transfer a subdivide off of it uh it's there's a cleanup or remediation involving that little strip but there's also some tital issues uh uh going back trying to find ownership issues which has delayed the their ability to actually record the subdivision deed and that's that's the delay and they're looking for an extension of time an extension of the subdivision approval which is permitted by a section of the municipal land use law uh and that under that section they're asking to extend it for up to a year uh so they can clean up those issues and record the deed Mr Mr I don't know if Mr Campbell has any comments but he's here there we any questions very briefly Le to say I serve on a pting board myself um basically we have uh the problem is that there are like 20 pieces uh different properties that make up this park former properties that make up this park and we've had to go and find all the Deeds going back to establish the chain of title to this property and we have had problems finding six of those deeds to establish the title chain what happened is they were recorded but there's no recording of them being received by the county par commission they did giving us these properties we don't have so we're going to have to do a myar map it's taking time as you can imagine and that's why we're requesting the uh extension okay support okay good so we can just do a motion to extend for one year period of time the minor subdivision approval okay motion thank call V or just it should be roll call okay Mr Johnson yes Mr Hall yes Mr Poo yes po yes Mr K yes Mr starheim yes all right the second extension request is for Wells Fargo Bank application number sp- 4-21 Wells forgo Bank NA 350 Springfield Avenue block 701 lot one uh this resolution the planning board granted Mite plan approval the mill repa and recharge the existing parking lot and add adaa improvements at the entrance of the bank which was adopted January 19 2022 the applicant is now taking a one-year expansion the period earning protection from February 16 2024 February 16 2025 Mr chairman and members this is a somewhat similar type of application this was a minor site plan that was granted in 2022 uh the final site plan grants protection from changes in uh any of the town's ordinances or requirements uh related to that property for a period of two years uh the applicant is has two years has now come up and the applicant is asking to extend the period of approval as permitted by the statute for in order to continue that protection uh I did speak with Mr salaro and I am aware that the applicant has there were a number of conditions in the application uh they were to meet with uh the the engineer with regard to location of sidewalk Crossing striping ballards lighting plan landscape plan all of that apparently has taken place uh they moved uh uh expeditiously uh I think that they have been trying to comply with all the conditions I think they've met all those conditions and they're about to start on the uh on the improvements uh but because of the time period it's taken they're looking for protection and extending out the approve the subdivision approval for an additional period time so this is Mr lario righto uh good evening chair or members of the board um yeah as was just um mentioned by your solicitor that we are seeking a one-year extension for the period of zoning protection that results from the approval granted in uh January of 2022 um there's been a number of items that we had to accomplish as was pre previously stated um we worked diligently to do so and within short period of time we should be beginning construction but I will let my engineer further testify to that if sworn in if it gets to that point um I didn't know if you had any questions or anything of the sort that was call it as a very I'll say Mill repay you're really putting back a lot not really changing the site much at all and obviously you're working with our professionals everything you know you do do the right thing so I don't have any anybody else have any concern questions I it's my bank there's no Financial game for me so I didn't know if I would be able if I was in a conflict of for voting no I I don't I don't think so you have no uh significant ownership interest in the bank or control over the bank or any uh you know it's it's if if you're I I don't see it as a conflict you have that conflict in general with every person who has uh any deposits in that bank so I don't think it rises to the nature of precluding your boat then I have also a question so it remember this first time it came up there's that little um cutaway between the bank and the post office and we were talking about how it's kind of a dangerous cross people use it all the time and I don't know if it was built that way or if it kind of eroded into this little cutaway so I just didn't know um that was going to be like changed so it's not a cutaway anymore I have my engineer for yes that's can raise your right hand please do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth yes I do right I guess you should probably just go through your credentials so we can accept you as an expert but sure my name is William C Viola Jr VI ol l a uh I'm with the firm Northstar design we had prepared the plans I was the professional engineer who had done the original approval back in 2022 um been practicing civil engineering for 30 years I think we're good so you had a question about that cut through in that was from the bank there's a little crosswalk that goes um if I remember correctly at uh the original hearing they wanted us to add some signage there something the cars come in to go to the drive-thru people are cutting through to the post office I just don't think it was intended to be a cut through there no craw signage it's just like I just think it was a roen really the cut through is still there we're we're putting the crosswalk we are putting additional signage this say yield to pedestrians and on the other side which would be not the bank side but the other side there's a um small sidewalk with a truncated Dome and all that will be handicap accessible so hope that answers your question thank you so much any other questions so is there actually a curb along that edge and there's going to be a cutout in the curb just a cutout it's just a cutout um there's a landscaping on either side it's clearly delineated with a sidewalk uh the truncated uh Dome mat I'm referring to those you know red mats with the little dimples um and then goes into the crosswalk so we feel it's it's uh delineated properly and at the hearing they had asked us to add that that additional signage great okay any I guess we should open it to the public Rich 49 Summit Avenue environmental commissioner I remember reviewing this application and asking about uh storm water management on the site asking whether there could be rain garden and uh I don't remember what I asked this question but um another option is to put in perious pavement not on the whole site but we would to put perious Pavement in parking spaces the that would be kind hopefully you have a better memory than I do so yeah this um this did come up at the original hearing what we ended up doing is in the back there's some angled spaces uh we eliminated some of the impervia surface and we did put a small landscaped area with some flush curb with some plantings and an underd drain uh that drains towards that side road and that will capture some of the uh some of the storm I do remember that coming up and we worked with Tom and and came up with a final solution any other questions comments okay gu do I have a motion to Grant the extension for one year to February 26 February 1625 we move for us to support that EX second Johnson yes Mr B yes Mr Poo yes Mr Po yes Mr KRA yes Mr sternheim yes motion carry 60 thank you okay the last item will be a presentation by Mr ler like uh the chair of the environmental Comm let me but I want to [Music] get oh as to unmute okay so she's got to unmute herself she should be able to Theory no sorry not that kind of theory different approach but it's more personal can you hear us yeah I can hear you thank you it's good for her too drive to her house paring her driveway help her set this stuff up she's very good though she's like she's and she's a now she's n she so Sheed but where she see you not bar yeah so easy we were good a week really just sleep and then it's like we hit a bur wall s ch um did you that first name okay well thank you very much this um I name is Richard bner I'm commissioner I'm also Master Gardner I first found out about green infrastructure where I'm back into 2008 when I was studying about plants um and then later on I found out that there's this whole program about green infrastructure and it's run by reder agricultural experiment station and this is the advertising part of the presentation um we're promoting ruers uh and also it was sponsored by these other organizations SE Grant Jersey Water Works Foundation um the nominal title is how to identify green infrastructure projecty and actually we did start doing that uh back around 2010 because ruers did an analysis of places in Berkeley Heights where you could uh put in green infrastructure and I got involved in that project along engineer at the time so this is what we're try I'm trying to cover tonight uh the green infrastructure program give you a little bit about storm water Basics a history of storm water management kinds of green infrastructure disconnecting not your children but disconnecting other things calculating the size of uh green infrastructure calculating costs in some examples uh again it's ruer Cooperative Extension but in particular it's Rutter's Water Resources program and their mission is toine is Water Resources issued and they engage communities they go out to communities and help uh them with building uh rain guards they bu all over the state they did it here in Berkley Heights at the high school uh and uh at uh uh Columbia Middle School uh also involved in green infrastructure are certain environmental County agents uh and in our County it's Michelle bakas Very you see agents for other counties Michelle's not the only County agent but she's called the environmental County agent and uh she gets involved in teaching how to build rain Gardens and helping uh uh design them so rers uh puts together training classes they start in October and they run through May that's what I did I went through training classes on various aspects of green infrastructure planning and implementation there's a professional staff from mer that uh does this program and you're meeting a lot of other people from Al a lot of other towns are will become become green infrastructure Champions and when towns want to apply for Grants rris helps them apply for Grants by the way um second part of this advertising is that you're required in Berkeley Heights we are required as part of our ms4 permit to have education about stormor that's what this meeting is tonight will be know and we will tell the state for fulfilling our requirement for Education by holding this uh tonight uh shortterm results and impacts well you got people who are really broadening their knowledge about green infrastructure practices planning and implementation they're gaining a skill set to allow allow them to engage Community leaders schools non-government organizations an advocate for green infrastructure as a storm water man management Solution that's why I got up earlier uh and asked that question identify funding opportunities and secure funding for green infrastructure more long-term results green infrastructure practices are installed in the community green infrastructure becomes a standard and the new storm waterer uh ordinance which we are going to have to pass by June that that mandates green infrastructure localized flooding is hopefully reduced water quality improves Community becomes more resilient to extreme weather RS we don't have to talk about we have flooding I'm sure you're all aware that how many people have sub punts by the way nobody here no okay yeah doesn't run though it doesn't run that's that's that means they're not getting water yeah I'm wonder it be running tonight real Qui stra like good there you go that's what you need to what a storm water I think that's pretty clear to all of us right it's the rain water the melting snow that becomes run off it flows over the ground and returns to lakes and streams and I could certainly witness it tonight so in the bigger picture you have the natural hydrologic cycle where water from lakes and rivers evaporates and then condenses in clouds uh you know about transpiration sublimation do we have an engineer here who can tell us what is sublimation I'm an engineer but I'm not taking so it it's the arrow above the snow so the snow doesn't change to a liquid but it becomes a gas so it doesn't go through solid liquid gas it jumps from solid to gas and then of course precipitation of rain which comes down hits it's the mountains runs down runs off the streams and you have infiltration coming into aquafers now you add to that imperious surfaces so on the left you if you have even 10% impervious surface you're going to have uh some runoff from that you're going to have also water that's uh infiltrating as you add imperious surface 20% more runoff 30% more runoff 55% even more so water to run off that's what is happening as you add in perious service and Well Fargo if you go over to that bank you'll see that there is probably 80% Imperia surface there and notice the trees are decreasing as you're going so they're not looking up the water got to put in the building right and so you have the urban H hydrologic cycle you've got the evaporation happening from the streams and condensation sublimation still from the mountains a little bit of transpiration from trees because there's fewer trees you have on the left you see the down Sprout uh where the run water is running down unfiltered goes into a storm drain you got the storm water run off from whatever that surface is going down into a pipe going down then into a stream and so what we're talking about is nonpoint source pollution NPS so that you're going to find mainly on driveways and on streets right oil and grease from cars but of course you have uh our favorite uh Goose the Canada Goose uh and animal waste from the Canada Canada Goose you've got grass clippings you've got septic systems if the sewer sewer leaks you've got uh um fertilizers and a you know litter we do litter cleanups in town along paths and you know that stuff is just washing down and it can wash down into a catch Basin what was the ass for in non NPS what was the S stand for nonpoint source source Nono Source than so here's a little history of how we manag storm water uh you've got basically that's showing up how do I get rid of that little thing there block don't worry that's because you're sharing that screen yeah okay sorry uh so it's capturing the first attempt was capture all the runoff pipe it down uh into a sewer and send that sewer to a stream or a river that's the way it was prior to the mid1 1970s second iteration was from the 70s to about 2004 you capture the runoff you slow it down and you release into the river so you're detaining the peak flow during the large downpour you're reducing the downstream flooding during major storms you're using concrete low float channels to minimize erosion reduce the standing water and discharge low flows but if you look at that uh picture down below you can see that there's still some standing water in that concrete Channel and of course you've got a lot of area there that where you've got a lawn and so people have to go in and mow that lawn and finally it directly discharges storm water runoff to a nearby stream or Waterway or a storm storm sewer system the third generation now we're coming after 2004 the idea is to reduce stor storm water runoff volume reduce Peak flows and flooding and maintain infiltration and groundwater return so that lower picture you start seeing places putting in what they called rain Gardens back then uh where there were native plants planted the down spout came in and uh flowed into the rain Garden which captured uh the Runo you're reducing pollution as well of the non NPS non white source pollution and finally basically since 19 2021 and that's when the new uh State the state uh produced a new storm water ordinance which said you know all municipalities have to adopt the storm water ordinance that is at a minimum what the state has and all major development must use green infrastructure so what's green infrastructure uh well it it captures filters absorbs and reuses strong water and you're trying to mimic natural systems you're trying to treat the runoff as a resource so you see uh in the upper uh picture a uh parking lot and the on the right side you see it's wet but on the left side it looks dry because that's pervious pavement the water penetrates pavement and and I can then filter down into the soil lower picture is a rainard middle picture is a sister and another type of rain Garden on the right uh with native plants price differential me perious non yeah it's a bit more expensive the prus is more expensive the mat um I'm I've got another presentation on that and I'm not remembering my numbers but it is more expensive because you have to the subsurface has to be larger and then the aggregate is it has more holes in it if you will so that the water can penetrate the advantage is that it will even act in in cold weather so that instead of the water sitting on top of the surface and turning to ice it will penetrate you won't you won't have ice forming on also you need to uh I'm thinking once a year you need to vacuum it so that any small particles that are getting in there uh can takeen out although there was a test which where they didn't vacuum it for two years and apparently it was still functioning but the recommendation was to got and the last question do most Haven companies know how to install all that or does that require uh yeah there are fewer companies that do that you know have any projects in town that have no I know none in town that do it I I know that the one that we were looking at I think it's either in Cranford or one of the towns uh uh and other towns down by granford right this is if this is changing the law is changing if developers come in and they want to do something they will be required to use um prvious paper well they'll be required to use green infrastructure and then I mean that final decision is you know has to be approved by either the planning word of the the sum so there are options in in what you're doing some kind of green infrastructure yes some kind of because I I will just be honest with you like a lot of times your recommendations we can you do a rainard you can do this and they would stand there and go yeah no we're not going to do that because it cost more money well and that I think is not necessarily the case uh get back to that in so uh basic functions are infiltration filtration storage evaporation and transporation and these are the different types of green infrastructure that uh are possible rain Gardens bioses storm water Planters curb extensions tree filter boxes and you can see from the photos you know uh how these are put into practice uh uh you know it includes these kind on the right in the middle of those kind of uh concrete blocks that have holes in them so they can put rest in them that's common in Europe and what is a v swell is it one of those well it's basically like a a rain Garden but it's it's um uh narrower and is Capt in water from say um off of a narrower area it's basically the same thing as a rainard there may be more stones in it uh so that uh it slows the flow of the the water into the the garden but bios swells are essentially the same as rain Gardens bio retention systems they're just using different things and I'm looking here to see if there's a there isn't one here but we may encounter one of one of the other photos and then of course the rain barels to harvest uh rainwater but now uh rain bars are maybe 50 gallons 55 gallons it's useful if you're a gardener if you're not a gardener what are you doing at 55 gallons worth of water uh dry Wells are accepted under this uh and um come back to that rooftop systems are also options where you're actually planting on top of the roof but that means there's much more soil up there that means much more weight on the on the top of the roof so you have to have a stronger roof to do that that's a Blue Roof uh let's see if I I I may be Kidd sorry no it's okay so um here's different examples of Bio retention you you've got uh commercial areas with bio retention on the right on the top you can see that there's a box there that's got a tree in it uh a rain Garden in the middle on the left and on the bottom there's your example of a Swale uh but it's essentially the same as a rain Garden except that it's uh between two areas and the that slope is such that the water is coming in from both sides and um vegetated curve extensions that's uh an interesting concept because when you have a street that uh H is intersecting at a corner often times cars will park right at the corner I know this because I live on Summit Avenue Summit and Springfield Avenue so I come down to the end of suit cars are parked on the corner they've finally put in ball Arts there but if those bards get moved cars will park right to the corner even though it says no parking the solution is you you do a bump out you put in a curve extension with bio retention and then bring it back in So cars can park uh further on okay rain Gardens what are what are rain Gardens and what uh does that involve first of all uh the recommendation is native plants why do native plants because native plants can adapt to uh a location once they have uh settled in and uh they don't need to be watered every day they will take dry periods as well as wet periods uh there's a burm at the edge of the garden so that uh the water can FL in and that's basically the height of the rain there's more information coming uh in later slides but you see a a curve cut that allows the water to flow into the rain garden and there's what's not shown here is an outlet because if you have a heavy rain the rain Garden could fill up and it's possible that uh the water is not infiltrating fast enough so you have to have an outlet that allows that water to flow out but basically it's a ponding area it's it's it's a it's a bowl to to hold the water here you see a cross-section of that bowl you see the Overflow structure you have a bottom width a slope and then uh a burm on the top you have mulch at the on top of the soil and you have an an under drain in case you you know that the water is not able to drain out completely so you're basically regaining the water there allowing it to flow down sometimes there's under grain sometimes there's not uh so it could either be uh a soil mix and uh depending upon how quickly the uh water uh percolates into the ground so do a test to see if the water will percolate into the ground if it doesn't percolate quickly enough you add a bior retention soil mix if it does percolate quickly then you uh are good with native soil here's an example of one in front of a house uh before and after um and a curve cut is done there it's actually capturing some of the runoff from the street lots of rain Gardens uh you can see the the use of rocks to slow the the flow of uh the Water Into The Garden uh and uh of course they're always trying to show them at the best there are lots of varieties of plants to put into rain Gardens rain Gardens can be built in shady areas or in Sunny areas uh I like to show this because here you can see it's it's at work the water is coming off the street through the Rocks into this rain Garden there are grasses there and you see a little pipe in the middle there so if the water gets uh deeper than that the water will flow over and down into that drain that's the Overflow that's the Overflow another one uh and these are all Gardens that are built in New Jersey uh and here you see another one with drain coming off the building and the Overflow in the center with uh grasses and flowers uh another smaller rain Garden that's basically taking the down spout and uh putting it into this area and putting plants and I'm just going to move quickly here because uh I don't want to keep you forever um as it as it's clear here it's still a rain Garden it's called a bios swell because you're getting uh flow from both sides into the garden and it's moving the water through the channel as it infiltrates into the ground so it will be there's a little bit of a slope so that the water can flow down the slope on the that they're saying on the side is the slope from the burm down into the G the maximum slope of 3 to one another example of a bio swell still another and this is something that uh uh uh arterial streets is uh looking at doing for peppertown Park so it's a box basically with special soil the water enters from uh the Street or from the sidewalk and there's a a a large structure below grade right layered with bio retention media a choker course Aggregate and soil separation Fabric and these things are relatively expensive because this is a whole concrete wall but again uh native plants and you can decide what you're putting in there here's an example of one uh that's actually installed another so you can see they're fairly deep so that the water can flow in uh and then uh slowly flow out here's the example of the curb cut out with uh plants a kind of overview of how that curb cutout is done uh you've got a check dam in the middle you've got the existing curve and you do need to have an existing curve because other people you know people walk by reading their cell phones and they step into the r and then they sue the town because um uh another view from the side uh Edge treatment I'm not going to go through all the details of what's here but you can see that there is a a lot that goes into the design of of this uh box now on to permeable Pavements uh permeable payment is recommended for parking spaces not for the driving space right it's common uh uh uses in the parking space because in the driving space there's much more or wear a tear on on the road and there is but you can see that it's sloped so that it'll go into the uh parking area and there is a you can see that below grade down at the bottom of of the image you can see that there's a subgrade structure Joker course filter course soil so with permeable pints you have an underlying Stone Reservoir porest asphalt and preious concrete are manufactured with f without fine materials so there's two types of perious Pavements one is porous asphalt and perious concrete and I heard that the porous asphalt is apparently at the moment the better uh option than perus concrete pavers are concrete interlocking blocks you can do that but just don't wear high heels uh permeable Pap systems are concrete pavers with infiltration between the spaces ideal application for p porous p is to treat a low traffic overflow parking herea uh so you're managing stormw to runoff you're minimizing the site disturbance you're promoting groundwater recharge low life cycles costs alternative alternative to costly traditional storm water management methods mitigation of urban heat island effect that's another concern with large paved areas and contaminant removal as water moves through the layers of system so uh you can see you know that that subgrade is fairly uh deep and we saw that before this is an example of perious con perable papers grass papers onto rainwater harvesting systems now if you get if a town buys a sistern for it say it's DPW it could use that c turn to uh wash its vehicles um and there are towns that do that they've gotten the 500 galon tank uh and uh put it in and uh the Scouts use it and have a car wash days uh and the case of this kind of uh storm water harvesting uh the water is coming down a down spout but there's a diverter to catch the first bypass because that's the dirtiest water and that needs to be cleaned out uh uh every once in a while it depends upon how heavily it's raining and then you have an overflow because 500 gallons depends upon the size of the roof the 500 gallons could quickly fill up that tank uh and there's of course a spig spigot near the base of of the tank and sometimes there's a a pump uh because if you're using it to wash Vehicles you want to have a little bit of uh pressure you can have all kinds of colored uh rain barrels and water your flowers with them get into larger sister so the one down lower right that is one that is down again in the Cranford area you can paint them uh different shapes there's grants for these kinds of things who wantes do you can apply for grants for these too DRS uh this is allowed by the new storm water ordinance um my experience has been when these get installed and I know that there was one installed near my house they simply cover it over with soil now you've got a you've got a a dry well that you can't inspect unless you dig up the soil and and open up the top that's uh uh and these are pretty expensive to put in because some of them have to be what 5 6 feet uh in you know you have to have a back come in to put it in and so now we're going back to bios swells with an infiltrations uh trench so this is also an option you've got uh plants on either side and you've got the gravel the water is flooding the trench and then enters the pipe and flows away but it's slowed down and you were asking about roofs here's green roofs I don't know where this is uh but uh you can see that you have the option of doing that with with plants but as I said before the roof needs to be strong to to be able to take the weight of the of the um soil here's how one of the blue roofs are uh built you've got the roof deck above that a membrane above that corrugated plastic geotextile aluminum tray and gra so you don't really have plants you just have a roof that's allowing the water to uh uh drain slower off of it instead of um going into plants one water wetlands are put in like down um what do I want to say U uh Scotch planes and uh greenb identifying sites what goes into that it's about finding where you can put uh green infrastructure in relationship to impervious surfaces uh the simplest thing is to uh not connect your down spout to the street you can see the the lower part of the picture there there's a little uh opening there in the curve and I was going around today citing for uh planting the trees people actually put that pipe into the catch P it's coming directly from the roof into the catch Spas you're asking why there's flooding why because there's lots of water coming off that roof there's some pumps too they run the street oh yes they run out to the street and of course that could be happening in the winter and then that water freezes so simple disconnection let it flow on to the onto your lung uh you know that's you know one thing just cut the cut the down spout put an an elbow on it and let it go to the lawn here's an example of uh simple disconnection the calculation we use uh uh at the moment is a one and A4 inch storm so one and a qu inch storm and I can't read that gives you 3811 Cub feet of runoff that equals 28,500 gall for a total drainage area of 3 acres this is just an example so you've got one acre is imperious cover and two acres are perious cover and the water is running down into a storm water inent so now you change it so that the acre that's uh impervious cover runs into the perious cover so now you've got a quarter one and A4 inch storm 581 cubic feet runoff giving you 3360 gallons of runoff so just comparing uh the runoff you have a design storm of one and a quar inches it's called water quality storm uh if it if you're connected to the street 28,000 500 gallons versus disconnected 4360 difference of 85% so the recommendation is where possible connect to a Rain Garden Place a rain Garden between two impervious surfaces uh if you can use a rain power that's great you're lowering the run on collect selecting sites what are good sites sites with imperious surfaces that are directly connected sites with a lawn area that can be converted to except storm water runoff sites with high visibility sites un impaired water shed sites on Municipal own land in fact this very building we recommended that there be rain Gardens it didn't happen and sites that provide partnership opportunities where to look first we looked at schools uh libraries the library moved at the time we wanted to put one there and of course the municipal buildings these are all public buildings it's easy to do that and what does it cost okay so that's uh where we're getting to this uh story rain Gardens are more expensive than other ways well here's what we've done uh it depends upon how you're building the rain so it could cost as little as 50 a square foot or $25 square foot all depending upon excavation cost soil removement soil replacement whether it needs an underdrain whether it will need mulch and about what kind of plant you're putting in are you putting in big plants or small plants I put a footnote in on this page a bio retention system must have a maintenance plan and if privately owned must be protected by easement deed restriction ordinance or other legal measures that prevent its neglect adverse alteration or removal that is in these uh State ordinance ordinance coming into into course well we're trying to get that pass by June so we're going to start discussions uh what does maintenance mean when you're looking at these Subterranean pipes and all these things the Subterranean well if you're talking about bio retention right as uh um rain Gardens basically once they get established then it's a garden so you need to do what I would call normal Garden maintenance you need in the fall you might or might not clean it up because if you're putting a native plants native plants go to seed in the fall you want to leave those seeds for the birds so in the spring you would cut those plantss back and clear it out you might need to replace notes uh in the garden Yeah couple of hours depending upon the size let me ask you a question obviously with storm order there is you know an equation that you formula you need to treat X out your you know if your impervious is this you can't allow more more Le your site is there going to be an exact formula with infrastructure that's what I really would like to hear yeah you know exactly exactly most people do not implement this now once it's by ordinance how cookie cut it it can be I mean it's fairly uh you're using a design stort CH in my mind is are we going to still have the design storus one and A4 in if that changes if the state changes that to an inch and a half then you simply have to rerun the calculations but uh basically you're using a the design store and you're you're uh checking how pervious the soil is where where you're putting car and I uh I've got more information on that as we move forward um and I'm going to skip over this one um here's just a you know an engineering drawing so there are engineering drawings for Gardens just showing you uh you know a typical engineering crosssection for a rainu and you see in this particular rain Gard they have a 12 in uh bio retention media area that that depth might change depending upon the rain Cor so here you've got uh we're getting into the calculation of the Rain G you've got the center part of the rain Garden the base 335 Square ft the slope 450 Square fet so we're taking that uh and multiplying it out and getting a total of 335 cubic feet so you're converting the volume to be excav excavated and the volume of soil needed so 335 cubic feet multiplying that out giving you 12.4 cubic yards 294 cubic Fe multiplying that out to give you 10.9 cubic yards I'm not going to try to get you into the all the details here just showing you that there's a calculation that's being done so then you've got a rain Garden of 450 Square ft you've got uh a soil excavation of 23.3 cubic yards approximately 30 to $50 a cubic yard often times what you're doing with that soil is putting it up around the edge making a burn so you're not totally removing it you're moving it to the edge of of the rain on if you do need to replace soil you're calculating uh 33 35 square ft at a foot deep 335 cubic feet 12.4 cubic yards 35 uh dollars per cubic yard uh so about $434 and then laap you're B buying an inlet to go into the garden you're putting in an under drain you're putting in stone for underd drain piping you're putting in milch bottom line is about $1,300 to $1,800 to build that you need to add the plants in uh and this is an example could be any kind of uh plants that uh you're putting in let me see if I can get that back up that's just materials though not Labor uh no that ear one I think was included labeling this this is just materials so um you're talking about 20 so you got soft milk meat purple cone flour soft brush blackeyed Susans the quantity times the price giving you a total of $225 so this is assuming a certain size of container of Court you can change that size of container to a gallon or you could even get 2in plugs in which case you're changing the right I'll give you a second to to take a picture thank you uh so how would you cut costs so if you have a grand total of $1,500 to $2,000 you get somebody to excavate the cost goes down if you use 2in plugs the cost goes down if the soil is okay and you didn't have to replace it the cost goes down so it's a variable cost depending upon what you have to do calculating runoff volumes from impervious services so this is uh where you're looking at what are the different kinds of storms we're using the 1.25 inch rain over two hours versus a two-year design storm 10e or 100e in Union County our total annual rainfall is about 46 Ines a year so the drainage area take the drainage area on square feet times the rainfall total in feet and you get the volume of water in cubic feet so how much water runs off a th000 square foot driveway so you take 1.25 in that's a tenth of the foot of rain you take the th000 square ft multiply by a tenth of foot you get 100 cubic feet and 7.48 gallons of water on 1 cubic foot so you get 100 cubic foot equals 748 gallons of water so if you have annual total rainfall of 45 in your that's 3.75 ft of rain times 1,000 square ft 3750 cubic feet times 7.48 gallon cubic gallons or cubic feet 28,000 gallon so that's what you're talking about uh with total annual runoff and so that's what you're saving uh when you put in a rainard this is SU examples and I'm just going to uh jump through these because these are uh uh projects that were done uh at various schools you can see uh where all the parking spaces are you then what then they did was Mark out in blue where they could put in uh uh either pervious parking actually the the Orange is the perious parking and then take it advantage of those areas to have uh create runoff the runoff is going into the yellow on the right the yellow area that would be that's creating a rain Garden there and up in the upper left the uh parallelogram that's a rain garden and the other yellow area that looks a little bit like an axe upside down that's a rainard closeup of that here was where the runoff was going there was a drain there but they were able to put a rain Garden there so that they could take advantage of that drain for the Overflow jumping forward another example at a a school where there was all this uh impervious surface they did a design uh where they added the sistern and uh plants which would capture the rain water here's the hard figures for a particular project in fact I still have the hard figures for the Columbia school you have a uh water quality storm uh and the calculation of this is in millions of gallons right 027 for an annual rainfall of 44 in is 94 million gallons what it's doing is it they're putting in a bio retention system they're removing total suspended uh solids of 18 pounds and they see a recharge potential of 107 million gallons per year so that's 100,000 gallons right 107,000 gallons and showing that discharge estimated size estimated cost um and this was the overview of Pittsburgh church that was the current condition and that's what they put in they put in a rain front of the church benefits they can be less expensive than dryw when there was an application of that uh was before the zoning board I think where this um uh resident wanted to put in a long deep dryw and I asked what was the cost for that dryw well I not remembering exactly but I think it was roughly $6,000 to install that and I did a calculation for the area that was drained and came out with about $4,000 of woods for for a a um fire retention as for a a uh rain Gord it's easy to do that calculation if you know what the drainage area you're adding native plants you don't do that with a dry well you just put in lawn on top of it native plants attract beneficial insects you know there's I don't know if you've heard about this but there's always this uh promotion for Monarch butterflies save the monarch butterflies because so plant milk we and that is true monar butterflies they their eggs of mil me but hundred thousands of other native insects lay their eggs on specific plants they have to be native plants if you were not planting native plants the insects don't have a place to lay them so when I first moved into my house I said to myself I don't want to have holes in my leaves on my trees why why why not you know plant these uh plants that don't get holes in them because they're not native and the insects don't M them they don't carry the plant but they don't know J but why do you need to have those insects laying their eggs there it's not just because you like the monomers it's because there's a chain there's a chain and The Next Step Up The Chain are the birds the native birds what about the native birds oh I have the bird bird feeder in my backyard the bird feeder doesn't help the birds feed their young the bird the young need insects they need the bird I have two uh uh house R houses and in the spring they the the house friends come in they establish their house they build the house on the inside and then I see them flying out flying back in flying out flying they're bringing insects to their to their babies how much was your presentation and this is the end uh bio retention helps reduce heat island effect easy to inspect and to maintain sequesters carbon may be designed to convey storm events larger than the water quality design system planting native vegetation minimizes the use of BLS fertilizers and pesticides that's it something post to the website can we post this on the township website is it available for people to look at uh no this is maybe like a little shorter format what can people do like right now stop yeah not put your drain spots to the street would be one thing everyone right but the other thing is of course you know future applications that are coming if we can our Engineers will be experts this we just have to rely on them for similar to storm order not it's not the case that a rain Garden is the solution to every uh uh situation but it's a solution to a lot of situations all right well thank you very much thank you do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all right all in favor that's true