good evening everyone welcome to the township of Berkeley GES this is the board of adjustment meeting and it's Taylor Swift night here Berkeley GES located at 29 Park Avenue this is our public meeting tonight is April 18th 2024 we have 7 o'clock on a calendar and the clock and please note that this meeting is being held in conform with all regulations of the open public meetings act adequate notice for the meeting has been posted on the township website and sent of the newspapers of record the agenda has been posted on the T website and the bullet and board fronting the municipal complex at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting the agenda items will not necessarily be heard in the order listed and the meeting will not continue substantially past 10:30 pm. Regina may I have a roll quote Please Mr Sullivan present Mr Coello here Mr deia here Mr Ringwood send his regrets this evening Mr Sylvester here Mr Pera here M West Austin sendor regrets this evening Mr Dean Mr torus here thank you and we will take care of a few administrative details right now the adoption of the minutes from March 28th for the regular meeting Mr Dean did you have an opportunity to review the minutes from the regular meeting I did have an opportunity to review them I find them in order I make a motion to accept thank you may have a second by Mr Sylvester I accept that all in favor on the minutes for the regular meeting that are eligible all in favor I thank you the adoption of the minutes for March 28 2024 this was the excuse for executive session Mr Coello may have a motion on the ex session minutes make a motion to approve and may I have a second by Mr deia second and all in favor on the minutes I you the adoption of resolutions we have a few application 24002 this is located at 288 Garfield Street block 209 lot six in the r10 zone this was actually a vote to deny the applicant's request Mr coell did you have an opportunity to review the resolution number 24002 I have read the resolution the read was in order and I'll make a motion to accept the denial may I have a second by Mr Sylvester I second that and those eligible to vote Regina Please Mr Sullivan yes Mr kobell yes Mr Sylvester yes Mr Pera yes Mr yes yes car 5 thank you application 24003 this is 314 Washington Street this is right around the corner from The Garfield Street this was in Block 208 lot 17 Again In the r10 Zone this was a patio that was installed and the owners sought out variants for the patio Mr Del did you have an opportunity to review this resolution yes I believe it's in order I make a motion to accept and then a second by Mr Degan please I second that motion and a roll call on 314 Washington Street Mr cvan yes Mr Coello yes Mr deia yes Mr Sylvester yes Mr Pera yes Mr Dean yes motion car 6 thank you very much application 24001 this is the Schuler residence located at 91 Brierwood Drive East block 1404 Lot 21 this is off of Springfield Avenue Mr Sylvester did you have an opportunity to review this resolution I reviewed the resolution I found it to be in order I vot that we accept it and may I have a second by Mr Coello please I'll second the motion and a roll call on 24001 Mr suan yes Mr yes Mr deia yes Mr Sylvester yes Mr Pera yes Mr de yes motion carry 6 thank you very much we will now be moving on to our formal applications for review we will discuss for this evening the first will be carried to May 23rd 2024 with no further notice this is application 2318 this is the Gil Bowski residence located at 20 Overhill way block 351 lot 11 is anyone from the gildy folks if you could just come up for a minute thank you very much for joining us this evening and um there was a bump with the legal notice that was the reason that you you're not being heard this evening and you will be available for the next meeting which is 23rd of May okay that'll be 7 o'clock pm and will you be bringing your professionals with you no okay we'd like to encourage you to at least bring your landscape art architect or your engineer regarding the patio Improvement to offer some board suggestions but that's entirely up to you if you would like to represent yourselves you're absolutely welcome to do so we just are encouraging considering the application that you might want to have your surveying or engineering profession okay thank you very much we look forward to seeing you on the 23 appreciate it [Music] application 24 I'm sorry let me just announce the order we're going to go in uh it'll be the 7even deepdale drive followed by 52 Hampton followed by 230 Princeton we expect each session to be approximately 20 minutes with that said we'd like to introduce application 24004 the cola residence located at 7 deepdale Drive lock 31 L27 this is the R20 Zone West Side of Town off thank you sir and for the record Mr chair I did review the notice it was sufficient as to form in content so we do have Veris to hear this case thank you very much for joining us this evening and would you like to swear in you raise your please you swear tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth s you go yes thank you you you just give us your name and address it's James 7 Drive yeah and uh why don't you tell us a little bit about the Improvement that you would like to add I believe this is an accessory and you met with Tom Bako the zoning official and you discussed um a variance regarding I believe it's a sh you tell us a little bit about your property and your hardship sure first thank for having appreciate you the case and uh Connie Valente was fantastic so she she kind of helped me through the entire process so just wanted to get on record thank we're very happy to hear that we're very happy with the staff that's here and it's people behind the scene that usually are um so I had no idea I was going to even need to variance at first you know I kind of checked all the provisions and didn't realize that there was a corner lot issue so the reason I my wife and I chose not to put the shed in the other corner of yard in first place we have run off we're B 27 so we have run off from 26 2602 and 28 as well um they kind of form like cor up the upper right for looking at the the the drawing of the of the map um a little Gully over there where it RS and fills up and then eventually comes and drains down into my yard you know do you want to use a set of your photographs that explain sure yeah sure here why don't why don't you take this and and we have our set so you could explain the each of the photographs and then we'll just follow along to experience what you're experiencing as far as the uh drainage and impacts on it looks like it's a slope before you start can you just tell us when you took those photographs and I assume you took those photographs when when I took them yes might say about a week ago maybe 10 days and they're an accurate depiction of the property as it currently exists yes perfect thank you um the fence is even still out because I had I had to get had to have some ash trees removed from the area I'm speaking about they were all dead kind of you know I didn't want a big Windstorm or anything doing big damage so if you're looking at the photographs um just to get some perspective if you look at the second page top photo that looks at the house detail drives that perspective where I'm looking at is if you can see the or where I'm speaking of that g you see the swing set to the back and left of that you'll be where that Gully forms um the picture right below it is a picture of the actual Gully itself so if you move back to the first page and picture one on top you can see kind of some thread in the back right corner you can see some fresh mulch back there that's where the ash trees were cut down and the Gully kind of right behind that spot so our plan was to test to see if we create a Raiden Garden back there see if we can kind of capture more of that water too bad Richard Le there's we have our Environmental Specialist this year every meeting with the exception he would he would have really appreciated hearing that one I I also did see some recommendations by them it was part of what we were going to do anyway but you know it it kind of Justified what we were looking at so we to run off from there I I've been able to divert it a little bit it used to come right through the kids swing set um which would ruin that mulch time and time again so what I did was I took if you look at the second picture also you can kind of see where the the swing said ends and the you know the wall kind of fcks up there what happens now is the water travels back down that Gully straight through where I would have put shed um around around that um that patch that looks like it should be you know where where swing set is hits the wall and it comes all the way around the wall down my lower yard now at this point I mean it's still something that does affect the garage at time to time or the basement whatnot but not my concern at this point I figured we could put some you know rain Garden or um more native plants or whatever up there to kind of help soak up that water for that's there maybe build up some more slope to keep it in the gink before it travels into our yard um so that was going to be the first spot that we wanted to put it but due to the water I didn't want to get all the tools to get all you know rust it out or the shed itself to be compromised or any of the bases you know that we could put the shed on to be rotted out so what we did was kind of just put it on the exact opposite side of the yard um where there is none of that there's no flooding issues there would have to be no trees or bushes or anything cut down um it's a bare area right now it's just grass anywhere else along the back some of the tree line would be affected so I was really trying to limit the environmental impact when I put this in place um we had plans to landscape around it just to offset you know I I don't really want the shed to be particularly visible from a side standpoint uh from the street they were going to put up some bushes or whatnot anyway even around the fence itself so um all in all I mean the hardship the hardships were the water first and foremost and then secondly I didn't want to affect any of the back area where the tree line were or existing bushes were um I felt like any more damage to existing mature root bins we're going to create more of a water issue for my property and then properties down you know Downstream as well that's that's about it that's about everything so I just want to review the application I'd like to talk about the survey page that sure and it's it says it's measure the shed that you'd like is of size it's 88 by 12 which is 96 Square fet you're offering a 177 foot side yard or rear yard buffer I should say in that case now you have 25 24t measured from the curve so 24t measured from the curve is actually a request for 12 feet from the property line okay and the difference is and you're you're not alone everyone assumes that the curb is the beginning of their property and there's actually uh a void which is considered the township right of way okay uh deepdale Tanglewood the right of ways are 50 ft right the limits of pavement where your driveway entrance is is approximately 28 feet maybe 30 feet which leaves 10 on each side so 10 or 12 from the curb actually reduces the request for for relief from the property line from 24 to 12 okay and I'll be honest with you and the board's going to chat about that a 12 foot front yard variance is a is a steep slope up just just to let you know I have some ideas but I'm gonna for the members of the board an opportunity to ask more questions of you regarding your hardship and I'd like to start with Mr satures please I don't I'd like to Mr coell um I mean in short I just think that the shed just needs to slide over a little bit more towards the rear of the yard I mean if if you can get the your faing the shed the if the right side of the shed touched that 50 foot line so it's not behind your house but over more I mean it doesn't have to for me the whole 50 fet but if it's over that way you're probably uh setback of 40 plus the right away will give it the appearance of 50 even though it's not a pure 50 I would be I would be okay with that which is I just want to show I'm going to share this to you take take a look I I know where Mr kovell was going I just want the members of the board to see what I drew and then we would like to share this with you we're trying to help remedy a difficult situation you're your hardship is the corner lot so we're trying to figure out what is appropriate my concern is where you originally had and I know it makes sense where the pandra is and everything but coming up Deep D and Tanglewood the first thing the residents of that Community are going to see is is your it's going to benefit you but people are going to be you know we we're trying to avoid the what what's going on here so we're going to try to help you with something I think we've got an idea we're going to run it past you and then hopefully we can reach some type of compromise so we can get your shed for Memorial so he's got steps which is kind of like de Center I was suggesting over um the base that the shed is going to go on are you putting anything down in terms of rock or is it going to be built up a little bit for a leveled surface um you know I in my previous residence I had done um I leveled it off with sand rock you know something that would drain underneath and then put like a platform over over top so that the drainage would be proper and it would save you know really air flow underneath right if it sits flat on the ground it'll it'll rot regardless of where it is in time so that's why I was asking you don't have to do it but yeah that was my some kind of Base you know with with some drainage underneath so it didn't get sloppy I mean if I get water you know if it rains I get regardless if it sits you know the the the property itself gets slushed the air is to keep it'll keep the animals from as well um why don't you take a peek at the item that we we drew in that set 50 feet back it's that void in between a couple of now I don't have my sheet but it's the void in between a couple of the trees it put it centers the shed greater into your lot it eliminates it from the front yard setback there's not an impact to the neighbor whose's driveways to the rear of your property and that looks like it's a better fit all the way around but we'd like to see what your comment is on that because I think we're going to have a tough one with the number one location that ch um my concern is that when I put it there I'm going to compromise those trees the root structures of those two trees are pretty heavy and exposed in that location you can't really see it too well from the photo um but you're also going to raise the shut up a little bit right I mean so like I said I can put it on top of the roots and everything but it's not you know it's not the uh generally not the greatest thing in the world for a tree I mean I could um that's definitely a consideration uh I think the shed would probably come into the yard a little bit uh to my kids play area that would concern me so I mean you do have a size lot considering the corner lot in the R20 Zone you're your 23,000 where 20,000 is is the requirement so it is a generous size lot and I do realize that you you have significant vegetation we appreciate going green I wish Richard leer was here tonight but um I think what we have come up with is a fair medium I I understand I think I in this situation I probably juice to just divert the water um away help it run off further away from my yard and my property um then then compromise those trees um it would probably double help me to be honest well I do appreciate the compromise I think that would probably be the second choice um to push that water even further it may compromise Downstream you know homes Downstream a little bit um you know I do understand the provisions in place that I can't pump it into the street but uh you know I can help it get there which is probably would be my second choice rather than spending the money you know put the rain Gardens in things like that um you know I wouldn't want to I wouldn't want to mess up where my kids play um you know so that that would probably be my choice well I do appreciate your suggestion sure okay um I'm gonna open the meeting up to members of the public that have a question or comment regarding this application I'd like to make a motion Mr Coello make a motion to open the member second by Mr Degan I second that motion the meeting is now open to members of the public that have a question or comments regarding our application at 7 keale Drive seeing no one may have a motion to close the meeting to members of the public Mr Sylvester I make a motion we close this to the public I may have a second by Mr Sylvester I made the first motion I'm sorry um well in faor um I'm leaning towards unfortunately it's it's a no in the first location I'm okay setting it at the 50 Foot Mark in between the trees and I understand if a tree is compromised I'm more concerned with the uh proximity to the front yard setback so I would be in favor of Plan B not plan a Mr Sylvester uh Mr presented it very well I agree with Plan B though I mean all du respect Plan D is within Provisions so I would need a variance for that um that plan just you know that's correct I just you know I wanted to point that out it's not really compromised what you offered it's more just follow M with the rules which which is we're trying to adhere to the that I understand I just this yellow I thought was was fair in bringing a compromise to the table while you know as you presented that it may be a compromise it was in fact just telling me to fall my provision which in the spirit of compromise I I don't really appreciate okay thanks I appreciate the time so absolutely thank you okay so now we're going to vote well Mr Co your comments is there I mean I didn't know so you the the only you want 14 foot front yard set no I I thought we were going to come to the table with compromise and talk about it but but that's that's not what happened Mr coell would you like to comment on something other than the marks that I left on the again my thought was moving it over right to the if the right side of the shed hit the 50 Foot marker line it's a roughly a 38t setback plus the 12T of the RightWay gives it that 50 foot appearance uh on the setback right from from the deepdale drive side um and then you know if kind of the you seemen to be in the spirit of greenery so if there's a shrub or two that gets planted near there to kind of landscape the area so as the chairman said the maybe there people coming up it's not first thing then you know if it's uh something on the side or you know just just kind of masking it so it's it's moved over so it's the right side of the shed is even with the left side of the house again it's a an appearance of a 50ft setback it's probably about 38 or 40 feet you know measurements and then again um some type of landscape to just camouflage a bit of it absolutely that would be okay uh from my perspective that's just so 38 ft from the property line which is approximately 50 ft from the right of way pavement correct and 17 ft from the rear yard right with some kind of screening whether it's a you know it's just something that would make it not be Standalone box in the yard something that you know you see some other things around it I'm going to draw I mean not that it really matters what you're getting but where you where you getting it from you know honestly we haven't very we looked uh down in Greenbrook well they do a nice job at delivery that's why I was yeah which they said they would that's why I left the fence open just in case just in case we had this um you know they were gonna have window boxes you know we planning on doing landscaping anyway I enjoy doing my own landscaping and all that stuff you know like keeping up the appearance in my property definitely not my intention place the shed I would still look at the diverting that water somewhere else rather than your yard yeah no I mean look I don't want to have to divert the water at all I understand I understand the issues with the town and water drainage and all that stuff I'm willing to play that part but you know I I can't I can't in good faith put a shed somewhere that I know it's going to brought out quicker than it should so that's just why I can't Mr Coler what did you think of Mr CO's I thought it was a great confidence you know I I understand the the issue of appearance I understand you know with my property being the first one you see and I I mean it's kind of 50/50 if you look at the math you know correctly um I think it does give the appearance of of putting you know when you put it up against that 50 foot Mark and I'd be more than happy with that you know that decision tonight if that would be the case so and you would like the 12 feet like if I'm sitting on your patio you want to see the 12 and then the eight is the Deep right I would prefer to see the 12 I can see why maybe you want the front door facing deepdale that's that's for me I think it makes more sense in your yard if you're sitting on the deck to look back and see the doors of the shed it I think you will you will appreciate it more than yeah than that side because the view from the street on deepdale would be just the8 foot side and you intend to put some green Giants or whatever in that area you can all right so here is um that's the that's the location that Mr coob yellow and Mr Degan have discussed let's see if that now that offers a 50 foot Mark Benchmark from the curb which is actually 38 ft from the property line which is a few feet in front of the where your garage do are if you were to line it up by site yes okay that works yeah be great apprciate this okay you go all right with that said any other board members I want to move to Mr D um I am in favor of Mr K's suggestion I think it's a a good compromise and I appreciate um you know everything that you said on the bur in the water and uh The Greenery part of it I'm I'm good with it Mr deia yeah I I agree also um just the suggestion I at one point was living in the briard section and it was very wet there constantly uh what I did for my shed is I took a pressure treated 6x6 rro I laid down Ox spiked them into the ground and I filled it with crushed stone okay then I put the shed up on like 2 and 1/2 or 3in patio blocks and I never had an issue with water in the shed okay so I don't know if that works for you um aanda can you chat about or Miss will can you chat about conditions please so I guess management would be subject to the review and approval the board engineer correct we're going to imp con considering it's a Minimus Improvement I don't think he will be asking for anything significant you're welcome to provide any storm waterer management provision that you'd like but you know a shed is not you know a 650 foot addition on a house so I think he will come up with a reasonable solution for you but I think the environmental commission we do appreciate you reading Mr L's notes are opportunities to to help green and hopefully alleviate your your target area which is where your patio last thing we want is water rushing and we also wanted to have landscape screening I'm not sure if the board wants to impose something more specific I know you mentioned Arbor biting I know you mentioned scubs I mean just something bit I'm not going to yeah I I I think let's leave it to the owner to create a space that they'll be happy with them well board members is everyone all right with that as long as it's something so it's just not the Box sitting there but what it is it's going to have to be yard dependent soil dependent you know it's wet can't plan certain things and the exterior of the shed will be consistent with your dwelling right it won't be like some crazy color or anything we're going to redo the house and you match sh okay the same time I think that's all the are you are you putting movement on the house or just painting it or just bring okay because we if you were adding an addition today's the time the former uh the former uh attorney used to say we love your money keep coming back but that's we we'd rather do a one and done so okay so that works um and uh anything I don't think anything else like I said I don't think the storm we Management in your case here is going to be okay so with that said may I have a role may have a motion on this application Mr Degan I make a motion to accept may have a second by Mr Delia oh second and a roll call on seven deail considering the proposed relocation Mr yes Mr coell yes Mr deia yes Mr Sylvester yes Mr Pera yes Mr Dean yes Mr tus yes motion Carri 7 Z and you're all set I think you can go shopping or you know take a ride of it's Route 22 is your target we will memorialize this on May 23rd If You Secure your permits I see no reason why you can't start it on May 24th but uh that's the next time we meet and we assume it'll be a positive resolution thank you very much also thank you for your have a nice evening good Lu good Lu application 24006 the round tree family 52 Hampton Drive block 3204 lot 11 please and for the record I did review the notice of was content so we do have hear this case thank you Miss wolf Mr rol is joining us this evening Mr rre [Music] and if I can swear you both in would you raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth s you God thank you and Mr Paul you just qualify yourself as you go yes um my name is James rol we gr architects in Berkeley Heights New Jersey licensed architect the state New Jersey St I thank you very much we accept Mr R and his experience and Mr ramol and Mr rry why don't you introduce your application and tell us what brings you before the zoning board this evening thank you uh thank you guys uh so my name is Tim rre um so my wife Lauren and I we live at 52 M Drive uh we have two kids uh my son Ryan is nine he's in third graded Hughes my daughter Lucy is six she's in first grade at woodr uh we've lived in Berkeley Heights now for eight years uh we bought the house here uh six years ago so we run um a townhouse CL train station for a couple years the first moved and that was was that Angela okay yeah your application had a Tom's denial had y you know we love the town we love the school district and we really love the neighborhood that we're in um you know so right now you know we're looking to renovate our house for a couple different reasons uh you know it's a little bit of an older house uh it could definitely use some updating it's a bit outdated uh it has you know small living spaces that as the kids have have gotten a little bit bigger they feel a little bit smaller um and so you know we're definitely looking for for a little bit more space um and then my wife and I both work from home multiple days a week uh and right now sort of we don't have spaces for both of us to work at home um and so you know we we' love to renovate we like I said we we love the town we love our neighborhood we love to stay where we are um and so we uh we retain Jim G to assist us with the with the design of our improvements thank you very much Mr rol thank you you take us through the application okay thank you but I'd like to do before we start the application just to summarize the different variances that are required I would like put into the record uh copy of photographs taken recently I'm going to all that A1 correct perfect okay and if you could just confirm that you took the photographs and when you took them I took all the photographs uh if I'm not mistaken just making sure Around the Horn they were done recently within the last week or two because the leaves are not on the tree set how many photographs are you submitting we have uh eight I'm pass the copy out board M so we go through it we'll be able to talk the same the exhibit okay um like to summarize for the record I have all the uh the same images that you have before you we go over them in detail just to summarize the various requirements that we have the first is uh all basically from Pacos denial we have a uh a front yard setback of 50 ft existing house is 40.1 and we're planning to place a new foyer and covered porch in the front which brings the setback required down down to 34.5 the bind side yards are 30 ft where non-or is 6.13 and in actuality since we're removing a a side door we actually are still with within the uh not within the set pack we're still at 29.8 but we're close to the 30 comp uh we are installing a backed up generator on the property and uh we're going to need a variance for that we current the minimum requirement is 12 and we are going to be at 8 ft based on where the generator needs to be by code uh existing nonconforming lock principal side and combin St our setbacks they're all non conforming and the building coverages uh we have 15% is what allowed we're currently at 14.97 uh the existing existing and then we are going to 19.64% for all other coverage uh we're nonconforming currently at 14.12 and we are going we're reducing that down to 11.26 and I'll go into the reasons for that as well total coverage allowed is 25% we're not performing currently at 29.0 and the existing is going to with the primary reason for their for the current 29.8 which is the total coverage currently there and also the other coverage which is 14.12 versus 10 so that sort of driving part of the problem uh for the most part I'm going to walk over to the images that you that you have in front of you and I'll just be able to just talk about it very very generality and just for the record these are the same plans that were submitted within 10 days of the hearing yes yes in this particular we have the existing unform you can see where a large patio that was there was sort of an L-shaped addition that was placed by a prior homeowner a little bit awkward but nonetheless that's what was there it really wasn't usable space was there was a sun room there Etc so what we did was we basically filled in around it made it more rectangular and we did encroach on some of that uh current of coverage so that we kind of wash it C it off and then we also have this just a split level home as you may see from the photographs and uh the master bedroom is in the back right corner we've extended out fourt which again covers some of that in so you may have taken 100 square feet or so off the paper patio in place and the additions going over that 100 square approximately 100 well it's a little more than that it's just an overhang it's it's an overhang but it's still this still doesn't count don't count twice you just count once I'm telling you that it's building so it goes to the building side of the equation opposed to the other side of the they didn't ruce anything they just rob Peter to pay Paul it's same numbers right you just put something over something so you're counting it it's the same calculation it's just counting in a different bucket it's a zero net wash to to your Mr K point you might look at this upper here I'm not sure you can see it on your small drawing but the original patio was 844 s ft the new net patio is 4 and 85 sare ft so you put that patio in that was there or no the the home owners actually did not realizing that they had an issue with the with coverage when I guess whoever did the design I'm not sure who who installed it but there was no never an issue so therefore they just did did without realizing it just for the record so so we're we're kind of here for a few things right we're here for a forgiveness application on a patio that that is not permitted correct it's all part of the process yeah so I just want to make sure we have it all right this so that so the patio is kind of for for we're looking for a forgiveness on the patio that was done which already increased the coverage which may not have been approved so just right as it so 100% my notes that's correct was this a CO era Pao okay you get dispensation for that no just it's on the stats okay so we're the Forgiveness applications have spiked as a result um so what we have basically I don't have the existing conditions here but you can see from the plan that the you enter the house of the split said home and this was uh this is the existing living room SP and they had a small kick in here so what he did was he took out a lot of the peral walls made this a big more open space and converted to the spaces one addition and one Reus of space into basically two home offices SL as Mr rry mentioned U there is no access where there was a small access to go into the uh in from the garage into what was forly a sunro but we wanted to make it a legitimate vable accessible for All Above um the r is pretty much self-explanatory I think on the on the first floor the access now where originally the home owners would walk out towards the rear they have to walk around to get the Pao a lot of that Pao has been eliminated that area there's a light very light line there but you look closely you'll see that dash line that that 4T of additional additional overhang for the exended and then second floor just show demonstrates how what's happening there supported probably a we probably utilize that for storage I'm going to go back same go back to the uh the photographs of I may walk you R I'm not sure how many folks have have been to this site but just for the record the center the center Shot is what you see is the front the the front of the building take shots right and left with the upper right image with the uh pryia is the right side if you look closely you'll see that little side covered uh entry from the lower level that's being eliminated we'll just have a window there and then the left side you you see what your your left side neighbor looking is looking at it in both directions um the middle to right side would be standing near the front of the house looking towards the right so you can see what you know what apprach for there would be because that's primarily where the uh covered porch is and more importantly the left image left Center image that's the one where the where the Shrubbery is that's pretty much where the uh porch the covered porch will be located it's not a raised porch because there's only one or two steps up into maybe one step up into the house so it'll be basically an onr kind of design and then the three at the bottom show the different variations on the rear you can see the middle uh middle lower section what the for design formally looked at like and if you look closely you'll see how this how the paper walkway walked around to get to the to the patio that's being eliminated now just go out to the left uh the right lower right image is just what the what you see from the backyard looking at your neighbor to the to the left of the property and of course the opposite hand is is to the left side and you get a better vision of the patio so uh back to this this to summarize uh while we recognize that there's a the to to answer Mr to mention Mr Kel's Point there's a bit of forgiveness there that was noted in the uh in the zoning in the zoning uh letter of denial that was over to begin with uh in I believe I believe m Bako researched and did not find any any permits or approval so here we are with that same process so uh that that's the application uh the we get Just For What It's Worth doing the math we need about 100 to get to that magic number of 30 that the board I know likes we're looking at about 120 or so square feet a reduction somewhere somehow um that does put a little bit of a hardship on the design layout but I want I'd like let's remember the the magic number is 25% which is the ordinance well that's correct there's no there's no we judge each case on its own Merit so there's no magic number that just says it's below X it it passes and I just want to make that clear as we continue to go forward with all applications because a lot of people stand before us and say 30% is the magic number magic number is 25% which is the town ordinance every case judged under its own Merit to make sure it fits 100% said so with that said uh the the uh I'd like to just open it to the board commentary and I'll be able to respond to that accordingly um can you elaborate on the size of the did that drive some of the well it certainly did because it's an an R20 Zone and at 20,000 ft were 13 5 so doing the math we you're undiz even for the r three or four or four, we probably wouldn't even have those kinds of variances but it is what it is uh are the plans just to really improve the circulation on the main floor is there any discussion of above the G room habitable space above the garages or no there there was an early scheme at that but uh but budgetary restrictions said let's just do what we're doing here so we're we're really improving the flow of the main floor flow of the main floor give us better circulation improve the the uh the VOR Suite to more more up to dat actually the kitchen F room all the above just makes sense to do what was was proposed and of course the the secondary uh back to the plan for both the secondary study there was since since both homeowners work from home they don't like to be in the same room where they're working we created two separate spaces for them not think they'll like to but it just I talk very loud CA a problem so it's two cans and a string around it was it g it gave us what we needed it still allowed for the for the building to have a reasonable Merit for now and for the next person who may want to own it but at least that that was the primary reason because it design okay uh Mr br country uh you're working from home you and your spouse are working from home uh are you operating a business or this is just your home office you're you're not entertaining clients or receiving FedEx packages no this is this is just home office for both of us okay appreciate Mr storus any questions or comments no I think right the road Mr Sylvester no I'm okay with everything Mr pareda uh no no question to this time Mr deia just try to look and see if there's any way to cut the coverage back um I would definitely like to see it cut back a little if possible there there is some potential if I could speak to that uh there would be some potential could probably take some of it out uh we spoke about this earlier um in our discussions and uh if we were to come out of the uh slide let me slide over out of the sliding door onto the patio if we created uh a couple things if we created a small deck that takes out some of the square footage uh or if we carved out a piece of this so the objective is to try to maintain this this rear section of the patio for for use um and with a little bit of compromise for example we kept this hard scape here but I think we could probably take certainly a bu key out of it and still make it a reasonable patio and maybe get it to the I don't want to use that magic number word but get it down to something more palatable as one idea anything you can do to produce it I would be in favor maybe a landscape bed in the back that's a to get it down 1% you need 135 square feet that's a pretty big bed that's a 10 by 13 flower bed right like that's pretty large and I'm trying to look at the patio personally is if this were the first time we were seeing the application for the patio driving it over we would have either recommended a smaller patio or the deck which would be completely just allowing for zero coverage is is a deck option because it's barely level back there is like to switch it to a deck correct rather than the patter um I mean I think we're we're open to sort of whatever we would need to do um and because the patio is already in and installed sort of know if we don't have to switch it as as a better outcome um but sort of open to are you designing a new p wcoy in the front in the front yeah looks uh yes slightly just because the I mean is there is there a p walkway that exists or is one that already exists because to to Mr deia's point I'm thinking of you know sacrificing 100 or 130 square foot from the back using that repurposing that stone for the front walkway saved money but if there's already like do you have to are you planning on buying new pavers for that new front walkway is that a whole new redesign take out concrete so if you were to convert a portion of the rear yard existing P patio to a perious deck feature you can repurpose the the product that's back there and you utilize that towards the paper walkway you save money you know you spend money on the deck but you repurpose and you don't have to purchase new paper walkway because you're just going to repurpose what's in the backyard that might be it if you were going to do that take out the entire patio and get the deck so you get the bigger entertaining space otherwise you're going to lose the deck I mean the patio is under 500 square ft yeah one thing that just with that's where they do have a current fire P that step there and i' I'd almost want to maintain that hard portion of that Hardscape for that reason and step down to that where the a table barbecue whatever could be placed up on a deck and that way they utilize the same kind of a footprint which is two different levels that would be one certainly one way to handle it I think the challenge me that's not a very I mean I'm not the homeowner but it's not a very big space to have multi level for right I mean it's 500 square ft so 135 square foot rectangle it's not really going to fit a table and chairs well I I don't have it to mention but for the record the current patio right to left is 25 ft pretty significant and the net it's 20 x 25 it's about a 500t Pao right so if that's the the patio is about 500t now if you were to sacrifice a portion of that to keep the fire pit area Hardscape and make the rest a deck the deck just my opinion would almost be unusable by the time you place patio chairs table and then three- foot buffer be able to walk around it right like that to me would be the challenge if I were the homeowner that you'd be creating U little strips to just try and eliminate where that's why I was saying I know it's an expense but it's the board had said if you repurpose the pavers to the front and if that whole area were a deck could even enlarge it in time if you wanted to because it doesn't count towards any coverage and the debt could be a little bit bigger that's a a budget issue but it's different but now you could have the whole area be flat and usable now we can come back to the patio but U the the front yard setback is that triggered by the new porch like the and how does that line up with the the rest of the household um because we can't see it here but um the setback is currently 40 it looks like the neighbor's house how how does that so your new 6 foot further towards the front property line is that going to be in parallel with the other homes that are there or is it now going to be something that sticks out and the rest of the homes are set back uh well to answer your question if if you look at the two images the one in particular on the left middle left that gives us the best view of uh the property owner to the left uh in that other home that you could see in the upper left hand corner the the properties for the most part align they're all basically 40 ft or even though 50 foots allow but when I guess this this subdivision was built it was probably 40 feet that's why they are where they are uh the the real the the only real solid projection that is being proposed is a is a foyer that is uh 4 feet projected forward and the actual covered with the covered patio or porch if you will is goes out 6 feet so over the bay windows over the bay windows and when when you look down the line it's really only technically a for for projection of not being able to see across the ne to the next door neighbor N Net solid element if you will So currently all the homes have a very similar simar Frontage and this is this is going to be the only one that stick out it's all flat yes there's no curval curvature to the property at that point in that part of the of Hampton um the generator you talked about it's the only place that it can fit due to variants uh it could swing behind the garage from the pictures I don't see any windows or openings um I don't know what size generator you're putting in there well it could it could be relocated there it was it was closer to the to the um uh the the gas no well yes to the electric panel that's the word I was looking for and uh and that's that's for for the reason but it certainly can be placed and then we can eliminate that various to yeah this way if you swung it behind it right then it's not in the side yard and nobody would see it but if it goes behind it and when they measure right usually it's 6t as a pro FES to any open window or door and with no windows or doors kind of in that area may be up high but that would still be below the sure no that that would be certainly a good compromise we we we talk we didn't talk about that but it's certainly something to consider we were more than happy to remove that or relocate and then therefore remove that variance requirement yeah I mean so for me the two things if you relocate the generator that just comes off the two sticking points for me is the um the coverage and I guess get that that you're in a hardship um in terms of lot coverage right you're you're significantly undersized um and I'm trying to look at this uh I know that you've already built the patio but I try to look at these type of applications as what if it wasn't there what would we have done um if there was nothing there we would ask you to put in a deck or or a smaller patio and at that point in time uh it would be up to the homeowner do they want a smaller entertaining area or a larger one that is perious and counts as no coverage uh the challenge is there's already one there um I I think like Mr Glee would like to see some type of reduction in in lot coverage and whether that's shaving off 135 square foot of the patio which brings it down to 350 and very and makes it small and again you're the homeowner you have to if that's okay with you that's okay uh as a homeowner and kids and a family I know that that would be tight for a regular table and shars and I'm looking to see what we can do that fre purpose we don't want you to spend any more money but to repurpose the product since it's already on site is a better move Mr R you're familiar with this area you've provided architectural services to a number of homes in this correct I think uh gy grey one Whitney and SMY SMY and Miller over on around corner so yeah I'm very familiar with this neighbor yeah Mr Dean uh nothing for me Mr thank you Mr satures Mr Sylvester Mr P I'd like to open up the meeting to members of the public that have a question or comment regarding 52 Hampton I have a motion Mr Degan I'm motion open to the public may have a second by Mr Sylvester I second that motion the meeting is now open to members of the public that have a question or comment regarding the application before us at 52 Hampton Drive seeing no one may have a motion to close Mr per make a motion to close second by Mr deia second all in favor meeting is now closed to members of the public Mr ramol Mr Roundtree uh closing comments uh yes uh chman board the one given the fact that we're trying to U reduce coverage and that's really the goal here uh the utilization of the rear yard with a little bit of compromise we could start a little bit but there's calulations there's 160 Square ft of that front porch and and foyer uh while we'd probably like to maintain the foyer and the cover we could eliminate probably 60% of that square footage by eliminating the current porch which takes square footage away from getting us down to that to the magic number or to a lower number excuse me um that plus a little bit of manipulation of the rear yard just so I understand you um the covered porch yes is going to be what now still a flower bed but you're going to have a roof over it no go back to sorry if I'm looking at your your pictures here your top middle picture where the bay window is um there's currently shevy there and the doors to the right of that the foyer is going to be where the front door is currently but it's bumped out and the porch would have been to where the shrubs were that is correct and just for the record let's get it actual square footage so we don't have to worry about that it's 6 by 6 by4 let's do the math on that one just want to make a note to myself anyone 8 if we remove the covered for aspect of the Landscaping as is we still would like to have the poro and some foyer because it makes for a little bit more important access to the house instead of walking right into this sort of No Man's Land if you will now from an architectural standpoint you're the expert here uh having the full front porch right doesn't make it look like a tiny little jut out will you know what I mean and again going back to the frontage of everybody else is this brought uh significant length and balance is removing that covered porch going to make it look unbalanced and just having this small box stick out and I say that because I think again the design is very nice and if what we're trying to do is reduce coverage if we eliminate the patio and put in a deck it reduces it by 4% right bringing you very close to almost Town ordinance gives the homeowner and again it is a budget so I understand but it gives you a larger entertaining surface uh of that still 500 square F feet gives you the ability to reuse that patio as the walkway out front so you save a little bit of money on some material but you get get the size of your patio you reduce your coverage you stipulated moving the generator and I would be okay with the front staying as is in its elongated form I think to me that at least makes it look the right way but it is your house your budget your project U just to respond to the issue of uh You' been in front this board has many many many porticos that you've come cross in and I forgive me for not knowing but did the board also update the ordinance where they're now allowing 36 square square feet yeah so I it it looks like yours is 40 if we eliminate the porch and keep the foyer it's 42 so would still it's not as significant of a front yard setback as as and that went into effect I want to say January of this year yeah but was that off the 50 Foot Mark or is it just off any existing off any existing okay so that said U I believe that the the removal of the front porch would make sense from that perspective and to answer the question of the aesthetic of it it's still going to be uh a it's modest but it gives a little bit of of interest to the front which normally most of these homes and hopefully no balloons on hand to drive but somebody may have houses just like this but reality is that most of these homes that were built in the 50s 60 don't have the benefit of curb appeal so the the objective was to do a little bit of that for the front yard okay the front regarding the rear is concerned I think the the utilization of a patio consider we're not three or four or five feet above a grave when we when we exit uh Pat patios in my mind given the backyard and and the size of the property are a little bit more conducive to utilization when you come off the Pao you go right out onto the lawn children friends family what have you the deck area and reduction of some of the uh of The Hardscape I think would certainly be in reason and I would certainly consider uh compromising to uh the to having a deck off the the sliding glass door here I was doing a little bit map over here earlier and if we eliminate what amounts to this is a if I we pull this back about 3 feet and get a little planting bed here okay and we make this area here I'll give you dimensions in a second if we make this area here approximately let's say 12 feet of deck by 15 so 12 by 15 gives us another 160 square feet or so and we'll do the math to be accurate 180 180 thank you so 180 there we've taken 84 off the front so we're at 264 of reduction all in and we'd like to leave the rest of the patio intact so that we have a combination of upper space Maybe for grilling perhaps small table and the rest we can have lower seating and and maintain the uh uh you're going yeah pull out how much of the patio that's what I also want the home owner to understand what we're losing 180 12 by 15 deck that that means the patio still has to come out because you can't put the deck on the top of the patio because it's then it's still solid surface underneath still counts Sol that we will do that we will do2 180 2956 what we reduced the 180 from the 4172 brings us down to a percent of 2950 well no it's 264 foot take 84 foot off the the C porch so it brings it down to 172 20us 180 28 Minus what's the second number 84 bring it down to like 2878 all things being equal for sure we want to take out the the the porch in the front that gets as 84 ft and uh we could we can also I'm going to highlight and you can use this as as a as an exhibit we take out that portion of the patio and that's another believe it that was 180 no that's not that's not the 180 that's that's the that's actually sorry I do my math one more time to make sure I get it right suggesting a twoot uh front to back by the entire uh 25 ft so that's 50 plus the 18 ft here so that's that's 68 additional feet if we do nothing else to the patio okay one step and not with the de to compromise the deck because in my view in the homeowner's view is this this is this is more it still gives them the type of utilization on a single plane that makes more sense to the design um how big is the overall patio going to be when it's done that will now be 15 by 25 that would be the new net 300 so you're taking 198 Square fed out of what we had5 that is 485 so whatever that Delta is between those two numbers so another 110 ft so that is2 R to of 1.44% reduction 1.44 1.44% total reduction on 30 2945 that would be something that we we would Pro we would consider proceeding with for the board season he is the pleasure to proed I have no objection that deck the uh de build is going to be the same level of the Pao there going to be some steps in this particular solution there is no it's all paper patio as originally designed we just reduced itur we eliminating I'm going to use this as the reference we're going to eliminate this okay and we're going to eliminate area which is 2x 25 plus this little outp there in the corner that gets us to the numbers I the it's six well me for the record 68 ft in the rear patio of removal reduction and it was what did I say this front one was 89 is that the number I used that's what you said8 the front was front was 84 sare ft but you moving 110 from the rear you're removing 110 square feet from the rear patio that's and 84 from the front and that's the net that's the net difference of 15 by 25 is no Mr it's not 100 heads it's 68 square feet from the rear pading so right now the current rear pading was how big 485 ft 485 sare ft at 15 by 25 which is 375 375 from 485 is 110 it's 110 ft from the rear patio that's why I'm saying you're going to lose so much of the rear patio that it becomes just the my calculation is correct on my my site plan at 485 if it's 485 currently we're we're only losing only losing 68 Square ft and it's not 15 by 25 because 15 by 25 is 375 40 you have a portion that's being repurposed as habitable as house not we you you've already lost some on the patio because you're covering the patio you're removing patio and putting house back there you word quick calculation double check something please which leaves the patio I'm looking at a 20 by 25 patio existing that's right a currently 495t P approximately 25 by 20 y That's 5 by reducing it down to 25 by 15 it's 375 so it's roughly 110 or more reduction 375 plus the 84 in the front right no no no would be 375 remaining right off 500 so that's a buck and a quarter yeah plus 849 that's 4172 - 209 I don't see the net according to this drawing to scale the net patio that would remain after removing this area is 375 ft right that and then of course what did I say this was forget about that the net is 375 and it's currently 485 that's 110 square ft coming out I think and I I have to say it's very possible that calculation that I used on the site plan actually Incorporated this whole area and I didn't take I didn't wash one over the other it's probably what the problem is that's why there's a Delta between that but bottom line is we're going to have 375 square fet of patio net left uh in that design so that that's the that's the proposal that that we' going down you want to get to a percentage so we know what we're actually what you're approving naturally correct so 3 if it's 375 net and plus 84 84 here yeah that's 194 com On's and 84 3978 right it's 29 45 right 29 45 don't don't see that shaving where t Mr ran before we vote on any opportunity I want to make sure that you've had a chance to digest any any changes is right before we say yay or nay that you're in 100% agreement with what you're left with you know so yes we're comfortable sort of with uh with removing the porch and if we take the patio that's in the back and sort of make it uh to where it's still usable um because again I would be in favor of that whole patio being a full-size deck that whole size and the front porch remaining and you'd rather lose the front porch and reduce the p Pao use the front porch and reduce the patio that's your preference yes okay TR to get to that number so that we have something for the record that we can put into hopefully the proof resolution it would be 2945 you're looking at the number that I have to you're looking at 62% off the front of the house at 84 Square F feet and 82% off the rear at 110 s ft bringing a reduction of 1.44 to your application 29.4525654 and then if we can I'd like to clean up the application for purposes of filing with Connie of course just so we we have it and when we advance to the construction Department we're clear on the numbers with the reduction and a 2945 all all drawings will be updated properly based on whatever the board chooses to accept with that said I'm going to let the applicant Mr R told digest for a moment I'd like to open it up to members of the public I have a motion by Mr Degan a motion up to the public I have a second by Mr Sylvester I second that motion the meeting is now open to members of the public that have a question or comment regarding the application at 52 Hampton being no one may have a motion to close Mr Degan make a motion to close thank you may have a second by Mr Leah second all in favor meeting is now closed to members of the public and we will afford Mr rol Mr Round Tree a moments for the next application we're going to take a five minute break after this and then we we'll be ready for your application short thank you very much I know that next month is the 23rd and that's the day before the Memorial Day Weekend does anyone have an obligation that they just obligation to be on vacation is there anyone who will not be here or doesn't have or I know John Jack is nice plans but everyone else is is anticipated to be here on the 23rd okay I just want because I know your kids are off the next day my kids are off Mike's kids are off let's see um what we like to do and consider is we're going to we've decided that we're we're going to keep the front porch because that's a part of the aesthetic but we're going to go ahead and eliminate the patio and make it a deck which takes a lot of square footage off the table takes care of all the the above and if we're going to do little fire pit we'll do something on the deck something that so we'll so it'll be 375 ft uh 500t rear yard uh paos being completely REM obviously there won't be The Hardscape underneath it that'll that'll be able to allow uh home to still utilize it as one level take a step down two one or two down uh given the design there's the thought process is we'd rather probably have the cover the front coverage and a little bit of a set forth a curve appeal to the front and uh this C is pretty quiet street us a little bit of a cut through sometimes but it's still a quiet street yeah I cut through that's your car everyone this point so what iss 7.19 [Music] mh% number you concur with that math 27.9 um I'll say yes it's coming off yeah okay it's all deck so it doesn't really matter you'll repurpose the patio portion with your paper walkway in front as much as you can yeah yeah absolutely try to take advantage of as much as possible okay um conditions Miss wolf so the removal of the patio um the relocation of the generator to a conforming location and then I think all just our standards storm water management subject to Mr saaro um any any lighting proposed exterior lighting that we need to be worried about U if we do place it it'll be fored to to the or nothing nothing will be there won't be any blood light or spotlights that will contact for labors and the exterior of the dwelling will be consistent on all four sides yes think that's our and 2719 I I just want to mention one think 27 it was 4172 minus 279 okay right okay with that said a roll call they have a motion Mr I make a motion to accept the application presented okay Mr the amended application and second by Mr Degan I like to second that motion and a roll call Connie long day roll callina please Mr Sullivan yes Mr coell yes Mr deia yes Mr Sylvester yes Mr yes Mr yes mrar yes thank you very much good luck with you build that Mr BR if you could just present Connie with the the revised plan set and application be greatly appr enjoy your evening folks we're going to take a five minute recess and then at 828 we will listen to application 24005 Mr May located at 230 Princeton Avenue block 1709 lot five R15 warning traffical you're ready okay thank you very much welcome back back and it's the Encore at the at Taylor Swift night here in the board of adjustment it's application 24005 Frank May Jr 230 Princeton Avenue block 1709 lot 5 this is the R15 Zone off of Mountain Avenue West on the North side and I did review the notice almost gave me a heart attack one of them was wrong but we fixed it and all is well so we do have jurisdiction here this case thank you very much Mr santor if you can introduce the application and your application team thank you abolutely all the same for um property over at 230 Avenue 16,000 foot addition which I will bring up architect to introduce and go through the plan with um some variances that are listed and I do have a bit of a per request this evening um and speaking with my applic Mr may he had indicated that he had wanted to expand his driveway to make it more than one for with which obviously would change some coverage components took the liberty to run some mathematics and fill out a new application um in we we get to that component in point which we can discuss that you know as part of the ladder things we do but I just wanted to put that on the board's radar the reason for that change is is just that um you know it's it's currently a one car it's a little bit difficult to navigate with jostling you know people Mr May is getting married tomorrow so uh better I'm not gonna say it's going to be 20 minutes because that's two meetings in a row that came back to point yeah but um being said it just is a little bit logical obviously his family is expanding to be able to have you know you know right of way which is there which we'll talk about on the survey um and there's also some drainage which doesn't make it so easy to cut in in the beginning so some different things which I can address some of that but um obiously the real Pro of this application I think is the current positional location of the home and when you add the garage on which there is currently no garage obviously there's a favor for having garages it's ordinance requirement really and now that we're adding one that's going to create a side par which obviously is a little bit close to the neighboring properties but I think we can scream that accordingly and address but um without further ad to get into the weeds why don't we bring up the architect and um have Mr ell and if you if I can just swear everybody in at once if you could all raise your right hand thank you you tell the truth whole truth nothing but the truth you got thank you thank you and if you could just qualify yourself as you go um Tom Ellenberger Walnut design uh for Walnut Avenue in Sterling licensed architect since 2002 um my LIC is currently in good standing and I've appeared in um Prov testimony in front of boards and countless uh municipalities in uni County Somerset County Mars County and middlex County thank you very much and we accept the professional than you can you walk us through the current existing home sure it's laid out on that plan as well as with the proposals absolutely thank the U existing home is a very common 1950s uh ranch home um standard hip roof three small bedrooms one bath kitchen living room so um the application with your is uh trying to accomplish is obviously the garage there is no garage on the property uh they also desire to expand U to make a master suite with an additional bathroom secondary to that would be then expanding and get that additional room for family room further expanded family soon to come um and uh I think that you know it will um what they're requesting really puts the house in Market with what is more common for contemporary ranch right now it's very small the rooms are very small and think this renovation really help them um and then obviously Mr Ur just has a quick question because I've show a little bit of an oversight of mind on the introduction while the lot is a conforming lot at 16,000 Square F feet one of the challenges here especially with the addition of the driveway the garage is the fact that the lot is kind of on the narrower side correct well 80 foot width is that correct correct and 200 foot depth so so the you know the gar by adding the garage obviously creates this um sidey setback is as a result the narrow wi and that the width of garage that you're head is exactly one just so the it's not really it's 135 is an interior Dimension um there is a existing masonry chimney that is there that they use for wood uh fireplace um so you know point that out on the just show that is so as far as a you know width of a garage there's enough room you'll have about 11 11' 8 in clear to get a vehicle the so the the the P the chimney portion is going to remain inside the garage should this application pass okay we're adding a minimum of a 17 by 9 we need 153 square feet to qualify as as a garage which it does considering the bump out for the Chim gives you 11 in change as far as width corre yeah just for that area however the good thing is that you're over if it was nine or less we would have a problem because an automobile would not be able to fit in there the fact that yes you're losing a couple of feet because of the chimney flow but the size of the garage that's proposed will still be meet the minimum of n that qualifies for a garage 17 is a non-it ship considering yeah and I think the purpose of just illustrating that you know we didn't try and make it any bigger than it really ultimately needed to be and it wasn't that it was designed to be some kind of massive oversized one car garage really could figure you're over on the property line no no there's no there's no question but I'm saying it really can't be much smaller essentially it's not like that we we just kind of we didn't try and overdesign it we just try to design it import inste um to make it you know obviously utility okay Mr H what other uh features um in terms of heights roofs material just I'm sorry can you confirm that those are the same plants that were submitted more than okay thank you exh you don't have to the same PL out the uh What's happen at the existing structure front elevation is non-conforming from front yard set back I'm not doing anything as as making the front C rather than being a hip here these actually is a play area where it's actually just creating depth with PR it's not bringing the building out any further the existing front for however there is one minor work that need to be done there existing which supports the existing hitch um which does not align to the structure today so I don't think it needs to be corrected so I'm proposing to bring that post reconstruct it and bring it closer to the house um to align with the structure not making the condition worse I don't know if you saw that if that was understood on the plan or that basically from that uh closest to the front yard portion of the house um that's really the only modification other than new siding new trim um and then making that front roof into a Gable not a the garage um get to the side is Step just a few front crowd of the existing elevation and that's for multiple reasons structurally and to accommodate accommodate a cleaner root condition and store what is the current of it's about 18 17 and a half about 17 half and that's going to stay the same I think the importance behind that a little bit just that inflation is obviously sometimes when you deal with garage additions the massing that can occur on those property lines could be significant but this being kept at the 17 and a half is not creating that shadow casting style that hi is that measured from you should try best to get to average grade average grade to mean or top of bridge I top so so you measured you measured 17t top of Bridge to ground which obviously we only measure to the midline there so I mean but that being said I think that what's important is is in order to not be dominant on the next property you know you start to get up on a twostory here and now you're casting like a you know it's like Block in the Sun and that's is the residence next door twostory or one one because that that you know to the architect's point that that neighborhood we all ranches at one time at one slowly slowly they're becoming the center but it's nice to see a different you know here here's a plan for a sprawling Ranch as opposed to I hate to say a box on top of a box especially when it's an architect but that's what we call them right time to time okay um Mr Ellen is there any other um features that um this point time go through little bit about backyard so um in in the rear yard we um garage Edition defend beyond the existing house um and it would AB but the next room over would be a family room that would um be complemented right off of the existing kitchen and that's in the center of the house and then towards the uh south side of the house is the bedroom expansion um and as you can see this the the existing bedrooms are quite small and for reference uh their existing bedroom is going to become a closet and a bathroom so you know they'll have substantial bedroom a good size bedroom and actually the secondary bedroom will be quite larg so a drastic improvement on bedroom sizes um the rooms on the front of the house and and the kitchen are to remain um no improvement and the back of the garage we going to Pao we would add a patio and that shown in the calculations in the back of the house and you know you would have various entrance points from your family room and just a small walk out with papers down to from the master are you going to speak to the variances or M Mr s be [Music] speaking well Mr santor is looking through his paperwork um members of the board do you have any questions for the archit architect at this point regarding the application Mr Sylvester none at this point Thank you Mr per none right now Mr curus no Mr Dela just the the patio there's no patio existing now there patio existing okay and basically it's where the family room is being proposed okay and then you're going to add on another patio area Mr V none for me Mr K I mean if we're just talking about architect design no so just to pass this around so we have this as part of the discussion Mark these A1 and A2 is it just a a front rear view of the side where the garage is beinged who took these photographs I just about to say Mr May took these photographs I did yep and this is an acccurate depiction of the the side yard where the beinged and you know when they were taken um when they were taken prox last week today so which one was today and which one was last so as we go through some of the U variances obviously been requested here we kind of discussed a little bit about the sidey so I think that the the fact that this lot is exceptionally narrow creates a problem as you bring that garage in it's just the nature of where the the construction is other than and it's not even that you could reorient the home so much it's not an overly wide home you have the 12 on the the one side we're trying to so it's not that there's something that say oh we can do this or that we're kind of pinned in and hemmed in and um I do think the height is an important criteria in this instance given the fact that the height of the neighboring properties are kind of a similar nature if you were with a two-story addition here at that side I that would be a little bit more problematic on that at that distance I do think that's an important part because it could be naturally screened and kind of be buffered in that as well we have no issue with you know buffering inside the garage if that's preference there's obviously landscaping place and I I think there's a house down the block that I I want to say Tom with a significant Juniper Hedge trying to remember his last name there 5T from the edge of the garage to the fence you put a hedro in how would you maintain it you couldn't because you couldn't walk around it and any significant tree would tou the house I'm just making I've got that hedge draw that exists stre I think that obviously there's some plantings there now and then the secondary thing is is that you're not dealing with a privacy scenario where you're talking about there's a it's a garage so there's no one occupying there's no so there's no window inside so it's not like anybody's looking into somebody else's house so I do think that's a crer as well you know from a privacy perspective um as far as the some of the other requests obviously when we come to this Edition it's triggering a few components and the first one being the U you know the coverage so you have well is there a change now in the coverage there is and what we're proposing if we're at 27.9 all in now the proposal is to go to 297 I reverse that by putting on 1.75% um sorry it's 1 Point uh one point look at the change [Music] on it was at uh the new proposal that I'm looking at is 11.4 on the other coverage and the current one sitting 9.6 now you're go to 11.1 11 1.8 and change 29 where where we adding the 300 ft driveway 280t of driveway so it would look kind of like this to be able to you know this is a little bit of an interesting and I'll just put my ramblings of the draft here that isit this is really I mean I can something up here just black just so let me come a little B closer so you have a couple different scenarios here the first issue actually upside down for instance here but you got about 20 right away okay so in that 20 foot problem is there's a drain that comes out right here right almost next to this curb cut as it exists so I would you know in talking with Mr may we want to try and get to have a space but on his property really what we're looking at when you when you go through to putting it up to the not disturbing the sidewalk okay you'd be putting the space up in here and if you're talking about like a 20 foot by roughly 9 foot you need to find a way to get into it a little bit so I was just assuming roughly when I had him measure it's approximately 12 foot from the where the new garage is going to be to the to this um where the existing walkway is and that puts you at a little over 30 ft like 3.83 ft from the existing walkway to the actual property line and at 9t okay that would be about 280 ft so I just put that be less than 280 and that's kind of how it's what is the width of the driveway at Max right now currently no when 19 and we're not doing anything on the ex there's a what is there a Belgian block lead on the North side that that remains right that that setback remain we're not we're not decreasing setback on the side yard over here okay so we're moving true we're moving we're moving more towards to the middle of the correct 2 19 ft correct so it exists today at approximately 12 uh 10 to 12 right I think he I mared out I I consider the Belgian blocks so I'm talk like actual drive you know with but assuming the Belgian block 12 okay so is it is it 20 plus the Belgium blocks or is it 20 including the Belgium blocks I would say that it would be 20 including 20 including the Bel block so that puts the that puts the driveway It Centers the driveway a little bit more on the par for 30 feet correct about 30t because that lines up exactly with the walkway that's there right you're going to have it come into you're gonna have to come in yeah into the front yard yeah I got it and we're not opening up the street any wider correct no because you said there's a drain a dra right there so we're we're we're going to we're use the driveway the apron that exists and then we're just going to widen it i y and we going stop it right here and this is going to be dve drive and I said look it's approxim 180 ft and they'll make it one may less that's can be achievable that's not a problem so let's talk about the since we're talking about the driveway there is I don't think this town has a maximum WID of driveway other towns do but we are not getting any closer to the North side which is about three 3 feet 4 feet wait real quick for clarity is that driveway going all the way to the house or stopping at the sidewalk stopping at the sidewalk and here this I just in order to have it all in writing and correct took the opportunity to actually fill out a brand new application so you guys can have so that all the numbers are on there all all right so then that we have uh should this application Advance Connie will have a copy in the office R going through that exercise tonight yeah I just you know to turn in that application by 8 o' tonight I I got you know we discussed this literally at like five o'clock tonight so I had a quickly pull together and otherwise I would have done this a little bit sooner but I think it was and and I want you to understand this I think that like had some initial conversations he never talked to me about it I would have suggested to come in have it predesigned and mapped accordingly and then deal with it from there but he was given some different advice before he talked to me and you know that's why it landed that way and he talked to me about it I'm like no let's we're here let's talk about it because if you're going to do all this construction and you're going to do all the damage to the driveway and then you're going to repave it all the last thing you want to do is rip it up and then come back again for another application to discuss it I'd rather talk about it globally figure it all out globally and come up with a hopeful you know resolution that seems to work and just for the record I marked the revised application materials ex A3 great now the um the new proposed driveway the wi wide enough where you could open the car doors and one one dve one in and half I I I talked to him about that specifically and we were talking about that today I'm like okay you got two foot for here and two foot for there because that's what you kind of have to do exactly otherwise it was like one guy's closing the door the other guy to pull in or vice versa most this is because sometimes you know when you have these stacked driveways it's just inevitable that you know who's coming home later may be leaving earlier and reverse this and it's just a lot of jostling and shuffling especially for company when people it's it's it's nice to obviously have and if you're going to make the improvements and kind of do a bunch of damage to the driveway and repave it it's a good idea to well do it now got a lot of stuff going on between all this construction getting married wow all wow know the trifecta so then while we we're talking about the driveway we're talking about a width that's 20 feet under the norm for the area I think the house across the street is actually 120 um let's talk about the generator since we're in the front yard y so let me just bring up what I understand happened Mr May hired a contractor and the contractor and go through and follow the procedures to set it where it probably needed to be set and I think that's what happened so obviously we're here to kind of ask for forgiveness um because he thought he had had permission so there were permits pull for that that's what we're saying I don't think that the contractor did it he hired a contractor and just you know that done apparently no permits for pull so and no inspection was done see that needs to happen as part of this are there windows on the side where the air conditioning unit is are there windows on that side or bedroom windows yeah bedroom so the a generator could not be accommodated there because of window I know there there for the stor water dream so I don't think you'd be able to fit up the generator there should the application Advance would you consider some type of a small lattice or boxwoods or something to hide the can you see the generator from the street put three boxwood looking not sure exactly what they're called but three right in front of it you can't really tell it from the street at all so you cannot see the unit from the street cor you have any photographs of the oh perfect second page there is some shrubbery okay and we're adding a patio on oh yeah we're we're we are repurposing the patio that exists I think it's said back um Mr why be out I was G to say looking at the picture here the generator it right in front of that window so there was told at the time those windows don't open that it has to be 5T away so's 5T away from 5T away from any operating window I mean if it's a block glass window that would be okay they do not operate the window what do you mean they don't operate they're just when they do not open cuz it's just it's a piece of piece of like a PL glass just it's a uh yeah it's just glass they do not open they not crank out they not open it's just glass we ran into that on rywood a couple of years ago this front yeah those what I mean it's just three is it just a so just a light glass window that's it they there's not one part of that window [Music] that we were adding to this on briwood too and the applicant the applicant he he refused what our request was was to block it or make that a nonoperating window as much as we hate to say that because you want to have every means of erress out but he refused and we ended up denying that application because offered him every point in the yard to to install the product and he was insistent upon the one the application was you're okay with it staying non operable PR and if you can continue Mr santor thanks so we obviously have um a decent amount of building coverage that gets added with the garage and everything else which obviously triggered that variance exceeding over the 15% 18.3 now obviously with the addition of the proposed driveway that we're seeking that's going to push it up a little bit as well obviously in terms of the other coverage component um level this particular lot and I know this is not something that counts or really is even realistic but we do have to you know look at the fact that even with this driveway being added there's a probably a plus or minus about 1300 square foot of front yard that's still landscaped with grass that's been unexpand you know RightWay is not going to be expanded I know that doesn't count for measurement numbers but from utility from a drainage perspective it's obviously important in terms of the functionality of how the property Works um relative to drainage or grading or otherwise obviously um my AFC will work closely with board engineer following requirements and you know elements or componen is may be reflected depending upon whether we test bits or whatever has to happen he'll he'll go through and do what needs to be done if if that's where it needs to go so one one of the comments that you made in the beginning was the right of way now in Princeton ruter Yale Cornell on that side of Mountain Avenue the ride of way is offered at 60 feet whereas everywhere else in town is 50 so this is there is a significant amount of lawn that Mr and Mrs May maintain that's really Township property that's um you my house has a 35 foot front yard setback because of the way we don't look at that right we that same application we don't yeah we don't but I'm just saying that you know we we were talking about a 50 foot RightWay and this is a six this is an even greater you know the the the right of pavement is 28 ft there's another 15t probably of right of way that's just grass area and then we start the 39 ft to the house so the the house is really it's probably 59 probably 59 feet to the street but that's not uncommon in that neighbor that's that's neighbor are all different and and Mr K your point it is what it is the ordinance is the ordinance but I do think that when we look at some of these things from a utility perspective obviously it's just something that we say hey look you know there's obviously some other there is some grass here besides it's not just a you know a concrete monster um it's just you know obviously as you start to put in some of these items it starts to spike up the coverage a bit and um you know the driveway once again trying not to be anything too too crazy but as you in order open it up and based upon where the curent Stu is you're you're kind of forced to get deeper into the yard to do that um we didn't want to go all the way through we don't want to disturb anything more than we had to really just be able to nudge a car in there for the most part and be able to get one to pass it um as far as the shed which is one last thing I think that we you know haven't discussed so Mr May bought the property the shed has been there it's always been there clearly it's not in compliance based upon where it's located um and Y yell Avenue even though it's a paper street is considered a front yard this is considered a through lot so the shed is offered at 709 to the Yale Avenue whereas technically 50 feet would be required um the shed is a bit oversized and Mr May when you purchased the property that shed was there yes I believe he might even you two previous owners two previous owners and the reason why the shed is probably the size it was as an accessory was because there wasn't a garage and all of the yeah seasonal items needed to go somewhere and it was all the way in the front the back yeah reminds me of that structure we had on record the old the old the 650 foot horse about the one [Music] by I know which one you're talking about you did your family live at the end of my my uncle lived at 944 which I think they're rehabbing now they've been rehabbing for a very long time right that they connected the Portico the Hickman house I don't know I guess they connected the Portico with the garage because used to be a portico there when I was a kid like you walk up and the garage was to the left you'd walk up the stairs and then walk down into the garage and then walk into the house that might be the house um so you know we have no problem working until we locate the shed I know it's a little bit oversized the shed is probably in the right spot uh there are other sheds that were approved by the zoning board on Princeton Avenue uh there's a house it was uh the gry house a it's a it's a fairly new house that was a ranch a young family and they came and asked we had moved the shed and they asked to move the shed back we did and then Baker Barker there another house down there and then uh yeah I mean you know obviously way put a shed down there at the end of I mean this is obviously felt the way back but it's obviously a little bit short from an accessory perspective if this wasn't considered a through but you know you guys yeah I mean it's considered a th Street and there have been variances granted on the through streets on Princeton and cor out because you know just it's never going to be improved collects water water eventually runs down to so as a home is that really on an angle or just looks like that drone probably pretty ACC that's from the survey that's right from the survey what kind of condition is the shed in is it water or anything no it's good really nice and here's the thing you know obviously a natural kind of conversation would be well you're getting a garage and now you know what do you need to shed for and I think is part of it is they'd really like to be able to park the car they can one of them and uh you can't you know fit the stuff because there's just no way to move around because the the garage isn't just that big enough to be able to it's only 22 feet deep your average car is about 18 16 18 so you're talking about there's only a couple feet on either side so it's nowhere really to put anything at a couple feet to walk around just enough to basically get a car in um and that's why they would really like to keep the shed with the garage uh my my brother has a similar lot on em off of Emerson brookite and on Brook he has the garage in the same location and there is a short distance between the neighboring partel you know you can get the lawnmower back there and he's got the trellis and he gets back what he did since it's it's tough to get the lawn mower out from the front it's a long walk around the house he came up with a door in the back of the house or a rollup so if you do need to get to the seasonal items you just open up the back door and it opens up to grab your stuff as supposed to walking all house might be something to think about there's there's no charge for that um four sides of the house going to match at the end of the day four sides on the everything it'll be new vinyl side point yeah new roof new roof new okay because we're going to redesign some of the roof feature there um Mr storus questions comments for the Apple no Mr goell I'm I in its current condition I can't re feet from on the overhang to the to the property line 5T it's it's just it's just too close um between that the the shed this has zero effect on me but between the generator in the front yard and the 5 foot setback on the house it's too close for me mran nothing for me Mr Del Mr [Music] Sylvester five 10 is it is what it is I mean what are we talk uh Mr um nothing right now I would like to make a motion to open up the meeting to members of the public may have a motion by Mr Degan make a motion open to the public have a second by Mr Pera second the motion the meeting is now open to members of the public that have a question or comment regarding our application at 230 Princeton Avenue seeing no one may I get a motion to close Mr Sylvester I have a motion to close to the public I have a second by Mr Jia second the meeting is now closed to members of the public all in [Music] favor um Mr sentor summation yes you know certainly you understand Mr invitation you know the other side of this spectrum and I do think that really the counterbalancing issue here is the continuity of on that side and then the counterbalance of having a garage which is favored by the ordinance and us do actually more compli at that point in time putting it in and while I recognize that you know maybe my comments a little off B but what one saying I re you know we're not trying to overdesign the garage it's just as pretty much as minimally as you can make it to be able to get a car in and open a door and obviously we couldn't go much more but we also couldn't go much less and I guess I think that's really the purpose of my comment on that issue if we could have gone much less we we would have to be able to do that but um looking at all factors and all those things as we look at the rest of this this is not a massive expansion the house is you know as he's getting married and obviously look to expand and continue to grow his family these are modest improvements it didn't go into a twostory massive addition with a lot of you know maing it this point in time and uh while I recognize the coverage certainly has you know PRT up and submitted de that it's not completely out of power line of work we've seen in the past I recognize what the standards are um part of what happens in this particular circumstances you know the length of the driveway because of the setbacks and the rways obviously open up with you know coverage components there but I wouldn't say that anything singularly is so design where you would say wow there's a 900 this or a 2,000 that that's not this case it's a little bit here it's a little bit there and that and it's kind of an aggregate that's really happening more than just one particular thing that's slamming into you know these coverage numbers and I kind of think that's important I think it was designed pretty well by Mr actually very well I'm not GNA undermine what you did um very well and trying especially with the you know the roof designs in the front to try and make a little bit more interest because obviously without raising the height of of the structure so I would just ask you know um doesn't mean we could never raise the height in the future right by by allowing the the progress to proceed to the property line today six years from now hey we need more space and we're going to go up and now all of a sudden you can go up but as soon as you go up anywhere near that sideline you're immediately before the board I got it because because you can't go up on that you still Shadow now right even if you maintained the setback you'd still be up and close but any house that goes up that's within conformance creates a shadow I mean you can't I mean there's two story houses going up that was that was kind of the argument we're gonna stay level so we don't create a shadow but that doesn't mean it's always going to be level well you have the ability if they ever come back and they wanted to go theoretical box onbox here and come over to this garage this is exacerbation of the pre-existing nonconformity and once that expansion of the pre-existing nonconformity occurs you're back before the board you can't just stack this up so you come back and say absolutely not we're only going to allow you to go within the confines and that would probably be inside of gy or in that instance Jimmy probably has to who knows what happens but I can't tell you what you know this is what we're obviously doing and obviously I can't tell you what a future applicant's doing it's an excellent point but it's not without its measures of ability for the board to check it it just can't happen from a building uh and construction Department perspective it has to come back in for review and I think at that point in time I can completely understand at that point like well wait a minute why would you want to put a 26 foot high thing 5 foot off the line casting a shadow if something goes up there's houses that go up all the time but you're still talking now about 20 something feet between properties obviously these houses are more Ranch oriented so they're a little more spring in nature with a little less side buffering on both sides of the fence because it kind of cuts both ways St they can't come and put a two-story up either they can come and see gr so you know the idea here is hopefully to avoid some of that and then obviously as their family expands if they really needed for help four kids or five you're going to get a different house than this this is not going to accommodate it because even box on boox is not going to work for a bigger family you know this is more of a a starter kind of thing that worked out well for Mr May when he was a bachelor and now obviously as he's expanding into a married man a little bit more you know room being necessity with having you know someone else so I I I hope that you know the board um use it favorably if there's any particular questions on anything that I've raised certainly here to answer I can just raise one comment question on the I can't read from here which elevation right side elevation does the board want any windows or anything just because that looks like a blank building that's the okay that's [Music] the questions becomes is look into neighbors I mean certainly we can put one for aesthetic purposes if that's what you guys want I don't think there's an issue I mean certainly creates a little light would bring would put natural light into the garage and we just break up that solid do that billboard like probably 306 like like maybe 30 inches width like a 3062 Window M wolf conditions we done on the generators we're not asking in the movie even though it's going to be 6 foot from the garage door so I mean we're condition is this everybody's Ming the generator staying in its current location with windows that don't operate the front the garage door is not going to operate it's going within six foot of the garage door it's not within code at all in the front yard so we're okay just leaving it in the front yard as is and they would still have to be us it's lost the pass inspection because it can't be 6ot of any door and it's going to be 6ot of the garage door if it could move behind the garage the back of the I mean it shouldn't be in the front y judge every case on mer and I say that more than anybody we there's never been a case we've said the generator good in the front yard just because there's a potion fund if you hire a contractor feel bad that the contractor can get a permit but how many forgiveness applications do we see got to be done yeah right there got to be some compromise somewhere uh can we relocate the generator to the rear yard or the 12T side of the house where the HVAC un is can I move closer towards Mountain Avenue from where it is now to get it 6 feet away more than 6 feet away from the garage door then it's coming towards the front door yeah can't stay in the front yard yeah I I I think it makes the most sense the void on the whole parcel is the 12 foot South Side well that's the only place it can go because the right side with the garage if it go you can't go on the garage or or the rear yard the last last the last application relocated from the side yard to the re yard just has to come off the house it can go it can go in the not the side yard where the the not it's not going to fit the garage side of re yard or other other side of the house yard the AC SE side of the yard back that way it's distance off the house doesn't actually have to be 6 ft off the house it has to be 6 ft away from any window so it could be 2 ft from the home could be 18 in 18 it could be 18 inch 18 in is what I've experienced in F right so that's it's not again it doesn't have to be 6 feet off the home it has to be six feet from a window and the accessor setback but the front yard is something I mean at some point yeah I don't know where the windows are why it appears on page A1 the windows in the bedrooms the master closet and the master G master closet which is right where the AC that's what it looks like it would have to right by the AC unit this is is the area but if you had all of your electrical don't reason you can't have all the electricals right next to each other there are many homes with the HVAC unit and the generator on the same gas depends on where his panel elri I mean did this guy put it here because the panel sitting right there exactly so this is going to the issue and and look you you know me enough that I'm willing to comom I just don't know the Practical answer because the gas Line's right here and can trench around the side of the house I mean well it's not the side of the house talking about going up all the way down all around you can do that I had to do that I had to do that for my gas line with my pool heater I had to trench out the front yard all the way over all the way around the back and down it's a 24inch trench they come they inspect a trench they fill it with sand and put the flexible pipe in to get to the back it's not that it's impossible to do something it's impossible to do there a finished basement here I don't know where the like obviously there's some do you know where your pan it wouldn't be here we understand that I understand that here do you have any idea where your panel is and that's where this is count to yeah is there another I think over here in the that might well I guess this is let me just say we're [Music] gonna e spe for for what obviously we don't know this and that's one of the issues and hesitations because that the finished basement isn't exactly how this is oriented on the wiring I have the best to understand it I don't want to be difficult but I also you know don't want to be in a circumstance where you know there's a couple ways to handle this I guess you know one of the ways would be is there anything whatsoever he can do to try and make this work which I know is not in preference which is the existing um kind of non-conforming scenario or the problem is that what happens if you can't make this work like without tearing his entire basement apart I mean you you can make it work there's a simple added expense to it and finance budget is never a hardship we we always we always right so there is is possibility to come out the exact same spot that the utilities came out be trenched underground routed to the side of the house so you don't even have to go through the home because both the electric and the gas can come out the exact same spot where they come out today underground trench across the front and up to the side of the house to be in a conforming location so you don't have to go to the house to do that it's the cost of of having someone come and dig a trench and run the line leave the because you got to go into the walkway because you got to sleeve that because that's going to collapse that's got to be done in a certain distance because obviously if you're coming if you're going to continue the continuity of this electrically or otherwise you have to go under that walkway otherwise you have to tear the whole apart and start again and then you have to rip the basement which is a problem um but it's a problem that was created I I understand there's there's a way to bring the generator Conformity and look you're asking for a lot on a side yard setback that's basically touching over on coverages right so to bring something into Conformity I think is fair and a compromise to get everything else just right bring it under the before you did the addition and put it in a trench under the garage in the mud room and stick it in the backyard six feet off the house and it would be there and you wouldn't have to trench across the front yard under your patio so there are there are ways to do it that as they're Excavating to put that stuff in you would excavate dig the trench lay the pipe under the under the garage and come out the back so if you come out if you come out the current utility where it is now before they build they're going to have to dig anyway so you dig the trench it goes under here so you're not the trench goes here which before the build and then it ends up out here somewhere six feet off the house and this is where it is now right I just ran it through the basement you could do that and then came out back this way sure you could do that too but you would that's you would have window there all I care about is location how you get it there is up to you in your cont so if you put it back here I would recommend further back that you can relocate construction that's fine we'll figure out the details later because my whole thing is I don't like to Route the gas line under the slab personally I prefer to Route is the do you have a basement or is this a slab on gr he said it's finish it is a finish basement yeah is going to go is going to be a slab yeah yeah but I I I see you know Mr kov Yello came out with a great point before the addition you've got ground zero right now take advantage of it right now we're tear so the generator will likely be in the backyard behind the garage at least that's the way my bedroom it's not right next to our bedroom yeah at least it's on the other side that was my biggest thing you got to lay in bed and gener got make sacrifices you have you know nobody else does if you stipulate that it's going to be in a conforming location on the property you can figure out left right but if it's an a conforming location on the property I'm okay but this is also a generator that only kicks on when you lose power right okay so I mean you it's not something you'd be listening to do it nobody else got to I guess right right exactly but I'm saying it's not something 247 that you're going to listen to product needs to be tested once a month or something once a week it pops a minute are you okay with doing the testing during like business hours so you don't disturb anybody on the weekend okay it's n o'clock every Sunday okay so M we've added that as a condition yes can you can we back bed to the conditions again yeah so we're gonna add a window to the garage all new siding everything will match work with the Ford engineer on storm water management inspection of the jerat will have to take place but that's obvious not doing any screening so any lighting will be downward directed keep the property organized and neat while you're doing construction I think that's everything trees uh are there any trees plan to be removed I did plan a few green Giants now where the garage is going but I do plan on adding more but you're the plan there is nothing to be removed during this if anything you're you're over green giants that are being removed four green Giants are being remed y there will be I'm adding more green Giants to the other side of the yard and and green Giants are technically considered a bush and if you have to get any permits for tree removal you'll do that yeah and even though we're allowing the generator to be moved they have fire the appropriate permits to do of course yeah it's part of the construction they and you'll submit revise plans just because of all the changes correct um changes the generator well no the yeah the driveway has a 4 foot side yard setback today so it's it's it's a pre-existing but it's not on these plans though the the setback to the driveway that exists today you only you only change is the addition of the 280 square foot or less thaner so until that's decided on you really can't draw so as long I mean if it's 280 foot and the mouth of the driveway can't get any bigger because it's in the right away which is why it's got to stay as is then get wider I mean I think the 280 square foot were less than stipulation okay I mean takes care it's G to map itself out that way okay works for me I think that was all the conditions that we had then four sides of the house going to right just to be clear the shed just stays as is right it's a tce inherited problem all right and the property is fenced in today right yes okay uh now I got a motion on this application Mr to approve second by Mr deia and a did I open up the meeting yes uh it's been a long night I've been at work since 5:30 this morning says Mr 20 minutes so yeah I'll never say 20 minutes again no more of those emails roll call on 230 Princeton Please Mr yes yes as amended Mr J yes Mr Sylvester yes Mr yes yes yes congratulations everyone good luck with everything Lu thank you Taylor Swift has left the building I get a motion to open up the meeting to members of the public open m have a second by Mr Sylvester meeting is now open to members of the public that have any qu general question or comment seeing no one may I get a motion to close Mr Degan make a motion to close may I got a second by Mr Sylvester I second that all in favor I got a motion to adjourn Mr K to have a second by Mr please second motion all in favor thank you everyone see everyone on fe uh May 23rd 7 o' better yeah right be having a rehearsal dinner you're right