you know I'm going to have to back out on yeah you're only going to be three people which is not a forum but I know how to deal with it there we go okay I'd like to call to order the uh planning board meeting for um February 20th 2024 for burnner Township uh please rise for the salute to the flag pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the stands Nation indivisible jice for all in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings law of 1975 notice of this meeting of the planning board of the township of Bernards was posted on the bulletin board in the reception hall of the municipal building at one college Lane Basking Ridge New Jersey was sent to the Bernardsville News whipy New Jersey to The Courier News Bridgewater New Jersey on February 7th 2024 and was electronically mailed to all those people who have requested individual notice the following procedure has been adopted by the Bernards Township planning board there will be no new cases heard after 10 p.m. and no new Witnesses or testimony will be heard after 10:30 p.m. uh well should we do a roll call yeah yeah okay um roll call please miss ke um Mr yoro committee men MCN and Miss Smith have indicated that they aren able to attend this e this evening um chairman deman here Mr Crane here I'm just gonna add I swar in I swar in Mr Crane before the meeting all righty thank you uh Mr kuzo Mr L is here miss manduk here uh Miss Master Angelo here Mr sevil has indicated he'll be late this evening Mr Rabino here uh chairman you have a quorum you may proceed I'd like to move to excuse thees of MCN MCN Smith Smith orio and I believe waiting for that's correct and waiting Miss Smith right yeah we have yorio MCN and Smith I have a second okay um thank you all in favor I opposed abstain thank you okay next item on the agenda is the approval of the minutes for the February 6th 2024 regular and reorganization sessions can I have I will make a motion to approve the minutes for both sessions I'll second that and it's one set of minutes one set of minutes for both the reorganization and the meeting okay and you second it I second thank you okay all right uh next item on the agenda is a wait we have to we have to vote on roll call vote on this roll call yeah I just call the people who were there not anyone who was not there not um Mr kuzo was was not Mr was not there was absence Mr linski yes here uh Miss manduk yes M Master Angelo yes Mr Rino yes Mr V sville was there but he's not present as of yet chairman uh deeran yes thank you okay next next item is completeness hearing for Bank of America National Association block 1802 Lot 25 at 125 South Finley Avenue uh for the preliminary and final site plan applicant number pb24 d001 okay so before we start we have a bunch of board members who are going to be recusing themselves so all board members who are going to be recusing if you wouldn't mind can you just step off the D and just step out into the hall and we'll see what we're left with like to tell the truth now if Mr kuzo were here we'd have three which is still not a quorum we need five for a quorum so this is my suggested way of proceeding we find out what the two board members think about the waiver requests and as I understand it well let's start off Mr Sly could you just read your report yes I issued a completeness review memo dated February 14 2024 uh in that memo there's uh four deficient items listed um all of them have been submitted with the exception of number two the project report SL environmental impact assessment which I believe the applicant is here to request a wa can you ENT your appearance with the record uh happy too uh Tom Leia I'm an attorney the law firm of tropman Pepper Hamilton Sanders and Princeton representing Bank of America National Association and you are requesting the waiver from submission of that report correct that is correct Mr drill now just so you know Mr cevil is not recused so now we're up to three but under the best of circumstances we would have four and we have to borrow a member from the planning board so what I figured is zoning board zoning board sorry so what I figured is the best thing to do let's find out what these three members think about the waiver request because if they feel that it should be granted then all you have to do is take no action that waiver request will be by law granted within 45 days from when you asked for it and the application will be deemed complete by operation of law within 40 days 45 days when you asked for it right so we didn't have to pull out a planning board member I mean a board of adjustment member for this matter for this matter and then we would schedule this for a public hearing on April second 2nd when we would have okay The Borrowed planning board member very creative and I I support that approach that's why he's here that's why he's here right and for the record uh Mr Seville uh joined us at 7:40 correct and Mr Seville were discussing the uh applicant is the uh Bank of America Mr s said they they were deficient in four areas they submitted three and there's so explain why the bank wants the waiver of submitting the project report the right item number two yes so this is a very minor application even though it's considered a plary final site plan the bank is proposing to install a new ATM um an existing uh drive through Lane as well as proposing some new lighting that's the extent of the improvements and the new lighting and the driveway is going to go where the areas are P corre now and it's to meet the statutory requirements for ATM facil so your argument is that since there's already pavement there correct it's not soil there's no need for a project statement environmental impact statement correct that's all that's all very correct about that you have a problem with that I have no problem with that okay when was the uh when does the 45 days expire March 15th okay so on March 15th okay you'll be deemed complete Willem and April 2 is going to be our hearing date right April 2 is going to be the hearing date and we'll have a borrowed member of the board of adjustment so that you have we have five people for your corner okay very good two ways to skin the cat yes excellent so thank you very much okay okay have a nice night yeah you can't take any action you can you ask other people come back in but we had to have you out here to do this I understood thank you cind you you mark down the dates you and Dave will track it when it becomes complete absolutely and I assume that our chairman is going to ask our board secretary to arrange with the planning board chair sorry I keep on saying the zoning board chair to get a member Bor correct yes we will do that you need me to ask for on the record yeah ask I need you ask on the record well we're still on the record yes yes we are so uh Miss kefir would you please reach out to the zoning board to see if they have a member to support the planning board for the Bank of America application I certainly will thank you okay um the next item on the agenda is a public hearing from for modification of condition of approval uh the applicant is fellowship Senior Living Incorporated block 9801 lot 33 at 8000 Fellowship Road and this is an extension of time for the fitness center and walking TRS and we have a quorum for that we have wonderful okay all right welcome thank you thank you very much for the record my name is Jennifer Phillips Smith I'm an attorney with Gibbons PC and I am here on behalf of Fellowship this evening which is actually now known as Fellowship Village Inc we're going to take you back in time a little bit here if you recall back in June 8th of 2021 this board adopted a resolution granting preliminary and final site plan approval for certain additions and renovations to the fellowship Village uh CCRC your life plan Community that's located at block 9301 lot 33 specifically at that time you granted approval for a new addition for a fitness center and Salon renovations to locker rooms new sports courts and walking trails as part of that approval you imposed what we know is a condition 15 which I'm just going to read briefly for the record yeah read it nice and slowly sure so condition 15 was time to obtain construction permits and commence and complete construction the applicant shall apply for and obtain a construction permit for all components of the proposed development by June 8th 2023 which is within 2 years of the date the within is adopted on June 8th 2021 if during said two-year period or extension thereof as granted by the board the applicant fails to obtain a construction permit the within approval shall automatically expire and become null and void the applicant shall have 18 months from the date of the issuance of each construction permit to commence construction and obtain a permanent certificate of occupancy completion or approval whichever ever is applicable if during said 18-month period or extension thereof is granted by the board work is not commenced and or a permanent certificate of occupancy completion or approval whichever is applicable is not obtained the within approval shall automatically expire and become null and void so we're here to talk about two timing issues that we've come across and to ask for modification related to those two specific timing issues the first has to do with obtaining a permanent certificate of occupancy for the Center so in June of 2022 So within about a year of the resolution my client obtained a building permit for the fitness center the salon the locker rooms the sports courts and then commenced construction so go slowly on when was when were the construction permits issued for those the construction permit was issued in June of 2022 the exact date is June 29th of 2022 and those was it one construction permit or multiple permits for the different buildings it was just one of of all the different aspects of this approval this particular request is for just War raise your right hand you swear that any testim going to give this matter will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes I do okay your name is David SCH David SCH Township planner okay yeah the board may recall that this project involves several different components the main one I guess you could say is the the fitness center Edition uh that we're speaking about now um and that is the one that only one that is this issue with the extension the construction permit was issued June 29th for the fitness center therefore 18 months from June 29th 2022 was when December 29th of 2023 and my client obtained a temporary certificate of occupancy on November uh let's see November 8th of 2023 but did not obtain the permanent certificate of occupancy by the December 29th deadline okay and what's holding what held up if they got a TCO on on November 8th 2023 but not a permanent Co obviously something was holding up the issu was of the perent co so what would that have been I could have Mr Black speak to that but I can tell you that all of it has now been resolved here let's just find out from just for the record they what if they got a temporary Co on November 8 and not a permanent something must have been missing or not done so that only could get a temporary not a permit do you know what it was yeah I don't know specifically there's always a a punch list that the engineering inspector has of all of the um construct related uh Electric and Plumbing and and building and fire and all that stuff was in order uh in order to get to TCO um there there's the punch list of clearing up the site and all that kind of engineering stuff what you're saying is all that stuff's now been done correct so all you're you're saying if the board grants an extension to X date you don't have to submit anything else it's already been all submitted is that correct that's correct we need check with Dave on that's correct that's correct just okay so what date how much time do all you guys need staff to review that stuff the end of March three months would go to March 31st you want an extension or March 29th rather to ify correct me if I'm wrong you want to modify condition number 15 to extend the time to obtain a permanent Co to March 29th of of this year from November from well from December 29th was the deadline yeah okay so that's the request that's the first request yes okay what's your second request the second request has to do with the walking trails and this one's slightly more complicated so the one item we did not commence construction of back in 2022 was the walking trails as part of the approval we' requested permission to build a walking trail that's part Boardwalk part gravel that goes through a wooded area of the site it's about a quarter mile Loop uh in order to build that we needed two other approvals one was a general permit from the DP it's called a GP 17 the other is we need the township committee's approval to to modify an existing conservation easement to allow a walking trail through the conservation areas we wrote to the township committee uh through their attorney on in August of 2021 So within less than two months after getting the approvals uh at that time we requested consent to apply for the D permit and consent to modify the easement we were advised at that time to go ahead and apply to the D and then come back to the township after we had the D permit so the Township committee did consent to the application to the D which ended up being submitted in October of 2021 that permit unfortunately took two entire years to be issued by the DP and was issued on October uh 23rd of 2023 so we just obtain that in the fall uh within a few weeks two three General permit 17 took two years years yes did impact I don't know if it was Co honestly and we were regularly working with them following up with them having meetings with them there were little things that had to be tweaked along the way um there was some confusion over past approvals that were granted back in the 90s and it took two years of D of diligent prosecution on our part gp7 October 23 2023 from the njde correct yes and then on yeah what's the status of the township committee so on November 13th so not that long after we submitted the revised conservation easements to to Mr Mr SCH who reviewed them and then notified us a few weeks later in December hey we have a problem with your timing on your conditions so we applied to you in December to to extend this we did receive comments back from Mr SCH in January we are ready to resubmit next week to address those minor comments assuming the board grants this extension and at that time once Mr schl completes his review of of those materials we hope to then be forwarded to the township committee for review and action so let me ask you do you think that to keep these consistent so we're not running off two different dates that they should ask for March 29 2024 for the extension no no way no I think um yeah another year would get it to June another year from when it expired would get it to June 29th and this year so here's the steps that are left tell us what's entailed with that sound like it's much but it it's not but Mr SL would have to complete his review which hopefully won't be long but obviously we don't expect he's going to turn it around in a day um the township committee has to amend this by ordinance so so that's what that's where the extra time comes in I hope that we'll be on their agenda March April but it could be April May and then we have to submit to get the permit so I we my client would like to be under construction you know March which is not going to happen so it's not an issue of us not wanting to start constru instuction but we do have to let this process run its course so this one the request is again to modify condition 15 but this one is to modify it so you have until fill in the blank but let's say June 29 2024 to get the per the permit permit construction permit for the walking path yeah ask da is a permit is a construction permit needed for the walking path are they going to be constructing any structures they if if it's not a construction permit it would be a zoning permit okay so I know nothing uh it probably does require construction but it's like a Dack cor it's probably a zoning permit so why don't we say modify condition 15 your request would be modify condition 15 to can we respectfully have till September only because I would hate I yeah I would so do you think well I just wanted to add as part of the easement review the easement that's being amended directly related to The Walking path is the wetlands conservation easement to reflect the DP granted the permit the applicant is also at the same time amending their um their stream buffer easement in in accordance with the ordinance that was adopted after this application was approved so the the um if you recall the board we call it now a reparan uh Corridor protection ordinance um which replace our stream buffer ordinance so as part of redoing the wetlands conservation eement we're at the same time redoing the getting rid of the stream buffer conservation easement and granting a reparan Zone conservation easement in accordance with the ordinance that technically didn't apply to this approval so that's really a benefit well to everybody yeah but that kind of doubles the review time um all these lines on the map so put it this way what date do you think is reason so the board doesn't have to see them again for the walking trails for the walking trail construction permit honestly I would just make it to the end of the year December 29th that would be an 18mon extension or at least if you're going to do it to September I mean June would be tight it's just the review time back and forth things got to go out to the town surveyor the town attorney um and then a little back and forth um a lot of it's technical review um what's the Harmon doing end of the year nothing not to me nothing to me just less chance of them coming back some applicant you might not want to given that much time but if you have a motivated applicant maybe you would but that's what you've actually talk about yeah you all they also this extension does apply not only to the walking trails but to the other aspects of the prop project that have not been done yet there was a um pickle ball court um there the Sports Court is done actually done is there anything else that was approved with this one the dog park the dog park the dog park but that's we associate that with the walking trail because it's there was a bird Vie area that was part of the walking trail yeah it was a fence but they there was some parking lot modifications uh the deck overlooking the pond and okay so it's just I I would mention specifically the dog park because that was kind of mentioned okay so the walking trail including but not limited to and the dog park and the do do and there wasn't a fence issue the so the fence is actually part of uh the landscape committee is looking at in connection with the 55 Allen application but not not it's not part of this that is this approval said extend 50 more feet of that fence and my understanding is that you've extended the 50 more feet of Defense am I wrong or am I right you're correct so you don't have to worry about that the way I look at things you agree or not agree yeah no I agree with that you said you're should we swear him say you're correct yeah you know what come let's get you sworn in also I wanted that on the record yeah I did yeah I did can you identify yourself for the record uh Chris black I'm vice president of building projects for Fellowship life can you spell your last name BL a you're vice president of uh building projects building projects raise your right hand you the testimony you're going to give in this matter this truth whole truth I about the truth I do okay everything we said up to now is correct correct yes okay so Mr schai what do you think so TimeWise December 29 2020 just back that up because this date is is is is June 8th this is running from the permit time not the co time it's two years they were given two years or 18 months I think originally from the date of the resolution not the date of the correct permit so the date we're working with is is June 8th is is when it expired last last J I'm I'm not as concerned with how the duration of the extension other I'm interested in the date that the I think December 8th of 2024 would be 18 months so what you're thinking is March 29 2024 for the extension of the time to obtain the permanent Co for the fitness center and you're thinking December 8 2024 for the extension of the time to obtain zoning Andor construction permits for the walking trail and dog park is that correct that's what I'm thinking yes okay what the board members think then uh that sounds fine to me but I did want to ask about the um there were some other projects pickle ball you just just said it's done yeah it's done yeah everything in the project is done the the the remaining is the dog park and the and the walking trail okay and as far as landscaping that's not for this related to this application right is that can we talk about that yeah why let's put it on let's get it on the table what's happening with the Landscaping from the other project the two other projects so from the original approval or the prior approval and from 55 Allen we resubmitted an entire landcaping package hold up one second don't do 55 Allen this report does both of them okay so you have a letter into Mr schide dated January 19 2024 where you've responded to the landscape committee correct that's correct so why don't you summarize oh gosh I don't have that letter in front of me you do thank nothing else to do tonight yeah I didn't bring my Landscaping exhibits but we did submit on January 19th 2024 uh so just kind of backing up we were here even prior to 2021 a few years before that for approvals related to the Health Center and at that time there was objections and as part of that lengthy hearing process and the resolution there was a requirement to be submitting to the landscape committee and that's been happening there's been numerous submissions along the way we were also here last year in connection with the expansion of the the campus to include what's known as 55 Allen which is right up front on Allen Road to be used for employee housing and as part of that there were changes required for the landscape committee um and they kind of go hand inand because we were removing trees to build 55 Allen and then we were going to do the replacement trees both on that lot and the greater campus so January 19th 2024 we resubmitted we' had received comments from the landscape committee and we resubmitted I guess pretty lengthy letter here with a series of plans addressing do you want me to go through each one well we we might get there but let me ask you a question so 55 Allen is that the new housing yes that's the new employee hous so my recollection is that the the landscaping for that was not in any way connected to the list the Landscaping uh committee review of the I guess it goes back to the um the original project from 2016 the health center the the the for which we established the landscape committee right and um luckily the landscape committee for that project is actually here so there we go Lauren this m Duke and Mr Crane so it I'd like to try to move this forward if we can yes you know we need to get these items on the table and get them resolved so we actually requested and I I apologize that I didn't think to do this tonight but we in this letter of January 19th we actually requested an inperson meeting with just the committee you go I I know but we don't have our exhibits I wasn't thinking this is part of the presentation evening but to go through all of the resubmitted exhibits that show the new tree place the fence plac um your concern so there was a question about the significant gaps we submitted photographs that show the fence line so I would say I mean we're familiar with the issues matter fact I think John may have gone out to the site today we're prepared now if you're not I understand we can you know give you time to discuss but I think we feel you know strongly about some of the issues and we reviewed your response so B you know basically the um the vegetation issues our our position Remains the Same that we need to replace the dead trees and address the issues in the letter so we should probably maybe go through them one at a time now if you're okay with that sure if you don't want to we can reschedule we we can attempt to I will say that we do have a landscape architect who might have more information than we do but we can do our best as we go through so the first uh question was that portions of the fence had significant gaps between between the bottom of the fence and this is your comment I'm going to read your comment in our response had significant gaps between the bottom of the fence and the grading and there was a concern that light and other visual nuances nuisances can be seen um from Mrs pinson's side uh we enclosed photographs of the fence line on the south side of fellowship's property showing that the measurements taking along the fence line of the areas were not exceeding 6 inches from the bottom um when measured from the ground to the bottom and we just noted that there is a sloping grade so the distance between the bottom and the fence bottom is not necessarily consistent as the Fig grade slopes away all right so I'm going to ask John if he wouldn't mind speaking that because he went out today to look at it he said there was some snow on the ground so he may have had some issues verifying the slope and the measurement of the the Gap so John I believe for the most part it's under six in space so I think you met the requirement if not might put a little bit of mulch in the spring if it's check this issue goes away right y I'm okay with okay number two okay number two okay uh this is the West End of the fence um that Mrs Pinson is requesting uh be extended right correct into the into the and I I believe um the landscape committee agrees that we don't need to extend the fence any further that it's as is okay Lauren yes John yes so basically you know Mrs Pinson wanted it extended we went to bat for her but the reality is to really get any benefit you would need to walk out into the woods to to to get any benefit from the screening of an additional 16t defense so number two goes away yeah I just want a clarification I think there was the plan and then you actually extended pass the plan is my understanding AO plan showed the fence and then extended further to the west and that was in relation microphone and and that extension was in relation to the fitness center there was an agreement to extend the fence at that time I tell you what because you're right let's schedule this for another night and tell M Pinon about it so she can have the opportunity to be here and and listen so comment if she want yeah I can comment if she wants I I would show her the plan and how much you extended the plan from the original plan that that you met the agreement I believe you met her agreement that you discussed with her there was my understanding there was agreement to extend that agreed to that you should really show what the original plan was and how far you extended it okay just so she could see it I think there was some some confusion about that and and knowing that of course tonight you're not taking any action on a little louder sorry it's not close enough knowing that you're not taking any action this evening on the Landscaping portion was there action on the extension on the extension right right but not the Landscaping correct I guess my one question is if there was a concern that you had of something you don't think we did adequately if you could let us know that now yeah the rest of the list the rest of the list oh I was and understand understanding will come back but well that was a good way of putting it yeah okay so are we tabling this yeah going to table the discussion of landscaping and my suggestion is to set that I know there's nothing on the agenda I talked to Cindy before the meeting nothing on the agenda for March 5 or March 19 I'm suggesting the schedule is from March 19 to give yourself plenty of time to do what you have to do not March 5 I think you requested a private meeting can we do that it wasn't it was I didn't know if your committee meeting meant public me with Mrs Pinson right okay so what I'm suggesting is even though that's what they requested Lauren is right right okay Lauren is right about this we should have this a public meeting for March 19th March 19th yeah there's nothing on the agenda right now this would be the only thing okay and you to you figure out with Dave and Cindy had the um can't the Landscaping committee meet with Mrs Pinson as as a landscaping committee and then come back to the board on April 2nd when we have a that meeting on Bank of America you what even a better idea yeah and the Landscaping committee you can pick anytime you want but seems to me if you pick either March 5 or March 19 since those would be regular meeting nights in any event yeah but it'll be at night yeah at meet where you here the musical building you already have the rooms you know no he's saying to go over it in clear daylight is better because then they can see the actual whatever the I guess what I'm saying is it doesn't have to be on March 5 or 19 it can be whenever you want exactly so we'll sort it out I mean we'll I'm fairly flexible so I guess so Dave suggestion is good also since the we know we have one public hearing on April 2 m let's list them first there's anything left over that has to be done for the board just get them a an agenda spot and then list Bank of America second on the agenda perfect okay now okay do you guys does someone want to make a motion to modify condition 15 in those two particulars that we've already discussed so move I'm sorry who second Miss Muk I was the primary yeah roll call please miss kefir Al righty Mr Crane yes Mr is not here Mr linski yes M manduk Yes master Angelo yes Mr sevil yes Mr Rino yes chairman deman yes thank you thank you thank you for the extension and we will see you back on April 2nd on the Landscaping matters on the other two applications after Mee I want to talk to you about one issue sure agenda okay next item on the agenda is comments from Members board members any comments um the township last Township committee uh they discussed affordable housing for 10 minutes it might be worth the board members listening to that yeah so that was um I think the was it the February 13th meeting yeah and um so if you go on YouTube and you do a search for Bernard's Township February 13th yeah yeah you can go to the website there should be a link on the website oh was there I I couldn't I have trouble finding it but YouTube's probably easier provide the the board members with a link that would be great yeah yeah and then there's a specific if you're going to send an email you're going to send an email out because there's a specific time to fast forward to that I can let you know once okay once I check my email for Mr Crane thank you I think it's 40 something you want to sit the okay right and um comments from staff none n none uh do we need to we need to open anything for public comment on that hearing though it's a public hearing that was not the extension yes you have do you have any comments you want to make no no okay so before you go into close session just quick yes or we can go into close okay oh wait do we hear from Mr do we need to excuse okay motion to go the close session do we need I'll make a motion to excuse nzo and was there anybody else who was absent there we covered everyone else I'll second that so you're adding K to the list okay so someone asked for a someone a motion to excuse I have did someone vote on it no you have a motion okay all in favor opposed obain now we have refused moving now okay Cindy don't forget that I still have not sworn him in I know so both okay April 2 we got to swear him in before he does anything and can you call him to find out if he has to recuse or not from Bank of America then you'll know if you have to borrow one Board of adjustment member or twoa someone's not here yeah just so you know though you can only borrow to make up for someone who's recused you can't borrow if someone absent but we have four recused I understand have Sitting Wings correct got there is someone who's becoming a land youth expert down on the end send them all okay so I just got schooled okay now next item on the agenda uh next item on the agenda is uh an executive session to discuss Personnel I will make a motion to go into executive session yeah we have a proposed resolution that he's so I have a resolution authorizing closed session whereas uh njsa 10 4-12 the open public meeting act authorizes this board to exclude the public from that portion of a meeting at which this board discusses certain matters whereas the board is about to discuss such matters specifically matters involving the employment in terms and conditions of employment of professionals appointed by the board whereas this board believes the public should be excluded from those discussions now therefore be it resolved by the burner T planning board on February 20th 2024 that the board now go into Clos session and the public be excluded and that the board believes that the matters discussed in closed session will not be disclosed to the public as they will involve confidential information concerning Personnel do I have a motion to go into clst session so moved do I have a second roll call right please we're doing this as a roll call and not a this this is a roll call vote on the adoption of the resolution to go into close session there was a motion and there was a second righty Mr Crane yes Mr linski yes M Mand Mr Angelo no [Laughter] yes Mr sevil yes Mr Rino yes chairman uh deeran yes thank you now you bang it close we're back want to know there's no one out in the hall okay uh so I'd like a motion to close the Clos session and open the Open Session I move second Mr Rina know Mr Crane we need to vote do we want to do a roll call or do a roll call we need a roll call to Mr Crane yes Mr linski yes Miss manduk yes Miss Master Angelo yes Mr sevil yes Mr Rino yes chairman deian yes thank you okay so in the Clos session we discussed some uh personal going to make the of the Clos session part of the public minut we're not going to have CL I think that's a good idea let's uh make the minutes of the closed session part of the um meeting minutes for the Open session for the purposes of simplifying the minutes discussed so during the close session we discussed uh Personnel issues particularly we discussed appointing a board planner and during the close session we decided that you didn't decide you discussed we discussed to we discussed uh the possibility of appointing David SCH our Township planner as the acting board planner if not acting the board planning expert correct a board planning expert not acting right we discussed hiring him as the board planner right to clarify having said that we also discussed um situations where we have large projects that might overwhelm David Sly or where we need the expertise of someone who does Master planning and special projects so therefore we discussed the possibility of hiring or seeking uh a firm that could support special projects and master planning so and you're going to coordinate with someone on that so what I will do is as a chairman of the planning board I will I will reach out to uh the mayor and see if she has any ideas how we should proceed it's great idea thank you you're here what I I also uh invite the input of the rest of the board members to um volunteer uh their ideas of how we might go about uh working with the mayor in the township Council so someone going to make a motion at this point I'd like to make a to adj no how about to appoint Dave sh as the I would love to make a motion to appoint Mr David SCH as our board planner for 2021 second a roll call please Mrs ke sorry we had two seconds here hang on all right Mr Crane yes Mr L zinski yes okay Master Angel yes yes Mr Rino yes okay uh chairman deman yes I think we got everybody right y okay okay thank and with the having said that what I would like to do is ask uh members again if I had any comments I see none um staff no comments no uh with that I'd like to ask for a motion to adjourn the meeting I will do that okay I'll second it second do we need a vot a vote all in favor good job I'm I pass