e I open the Bernard's Township committee meeting for June 25th 2024 please stand for the flag salute flag United States andice I'll read the opening statement adequate notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building one call your lane Basking Ridge on the township website and email to the Bernardsville news whiy The Courier News Bridgewater tap into. net patch.com and filed with the Township Clerk on December 18th 2023 any motion to go into Clos session will include that matters discussed as such closed session will be disclosed to the public when such matters are finally determined and there's no further reason to prohibit the public from disclosure information regarding such matters the meeting rules adopted by Township committee no new business will be introduced after 10:30 p.m. public comment will be accepted at all meetings speakers will be limited to 5 minutes each all meetings will journ no later than 11:30 p.m. that brings us to number four roll call Mr B here MTH here Mr M here here and thank you then taking us to number five executive session Christie do we have one this evening thank you then that brings us to presentations res so we are very honored and very excited to recognize June um and we have a special presentation this evening and so I'd like to thank the leadership of the YMCA for being here and thank our anador McCarthy our committee woman um with her relationship and and leadership as one of their board members and working through and and having these excellent folks to come and receive this resolution let me read just a little bit about it so this resolution is recognizing June AS lgp lgbtq Plus pride month whereas the burners Township is a diverse Community which respects and supports the rights of every citizen to experience equality and freedom from discrimination and whereas the township of Bernards values safety equality expression of independent thoughts and inclusion and inclusion for all of our residents whereas the greater Somerset County YMCA including the Somerset Hills YMC BR YMCA Branch seeks through its mission of Youth Development healthy living and social responsibility to enable everyone regardless of their unique attributes to have an opportunity to reach their full potential with dignity and whereas the greater Somerset County YMCA including the Somerset Hills YMCA Branch joins YMCAs across the country in providing education programming and resources including the lgbtq plus employee Resource Group during June and throughout the year to recognize and celebrate lgbtq plus staff and members of the community whereas all people regardless of age sexual orientation gender identity or expression race color religion marital status national origin or physical challenges have the right to be treated fairly and on the basis of their intrinsic value as human beings therefore lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer plus pride month lgbtq plus pride month is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall uprisings in grenage village so it's with this that this is the basis of the resolution um I would like to invite my colleagues on the Das for any comments yes thank you thank you mayor so first of all I believe this is the sixth year U that we are recognizing June as pride month and it's important to do that in the nearly 30 years I've lived in our community um I have met individuals who identify as gay lesbian bisexual transgender and they like any of us want to thrive and succeed in our community and to that extent uh when we have a resolution such as this it enables people to feel supported valued and respected in burnard's Township differently I have been a longtime volunteer with the Y um I know that some people think of the Y as a gym and a place to swim or learn to swim um and it's much more than that um it's like the kitchen of your home where people come they congregate they feel welcome of all ages U coming with all different uh opportunities and needs and whether it's supporting children of exceptional need through Saturday's in motion or the veterans Outreach or the programs that are conducted for those recovering from cancer it's such a broad gamut and the why in the years I've been there has been intentional in its support of programs and resources for staff and community in support of the LGBT btq Community among others so it is uh with great pride that we identify you as a partner to our community to help make it that inclusive place that we wish for it to be and uh I thank our mayor and members of the township committee that we've continued in this path forward to recognize all of the members of our community and to respect and value all of those in it so thank you mayor thank you anyone else uh yes um the LGBT EQ plus Community is uh certainly an important part of the fabric of Bernard's Township um it uh contributes to our Rich diversity and our wonderful way of life here uh as does the YMCA and I can't thank you enough for helping us uh celebrate this and receiving this resolution tonight so thank you um from a personal perspective uh this past weekend I had the opportunity uh to attend my niece's wedding where she and her wife were married in uh Oregon Salem Oregon and we stood and we listened to the officient who opened up the nupu by recounting her story um and wondering if not just a generation or so ago folks wouldn't be able to experience the American dream would I be able to have a family would I be able to share the rights of those married under the law and she said said as she looked her wife in the eyes I am here today with my children and several of our grandchildren to oversee the blessing of these two getting married and in that moment we celebrated pride month and enjoyed how far we've come but also took a moment to realize we have further to go and so thanks to everyone for making June Pride month and to for keeping in the Forefront of our minds the our our our our brother and Sisterhood with our our uh lgbtq plus Community um and and and letting us appreciate how each individual is woven into the fabric of burnard and that rich tapestry exists because of our individuality and our right to be recognized as the whole human being are and to exist as the person we genuinely are happy pride month and if I may add um I'd like to take us down a little uh brief Road of History um as Anna mentioned today is the sixth um time that this committee has recognized June as pride month it started in 2019 under mayor bian and it was first meant it was first included as a consent agenda item in 202 1 with at that point it was mayor Fields banners were hung for the first time at that meeting there were concerns from a resident that was raised and Township committee woman Kate grala pushed back during her comment time and she spoke about her Catholic religious background and she stated no one should live in the shadows since then the resolution and Banners have recognized June as pride month bringing us to today where we will present this resolution to the wonderful organization that continues to represent all and its Endeavors to serve our community I also want to make sure everyone understands that we are doing this on this day um because our wonderful recipient this was what worked with their time and their schedule therefore um I think it's important for people to know we didn't wait to put the banners up they actually went up we knew that June 1st was a Saturday so technically they went up May 31st on the Friday so the banners have been up all month um speaking personally as someone with a family member and I've learned it as lgbtq ai+ um everyone deserves to be recognized and feel included so as a family member um I have dear friends and close work colleagues and um it's truly a time to celebrate and it is an honor and a privilege to work with this wonderful dasas um to make this happen so with that what I would like to do is I would like to ask for so moved second Christy roll call please Mr Balman yes Miss DTE McCarthy yes Mr MCN yes mayor AC yes motion carried thank you so what I'd like to do now is um we would like to do the presentation and take photos and I would also like to ask um David from um leadership from our YMCA perhaps he can make some introductions of who is with him and and to say some brief words thank you uh two I have three of my colleagues with me uh Dan McCully who is the Somerset Hills Branch board chair uh sitting next to him is Donell Hayes our senior vice president and chief operations officer and next to Darnell is Eddie norgard who's our associate branch executive director of the Somerset Hills YMCA Branch uh and I just want to take a moment to just say you know thank you to the township for this really really significant and impactful resolution it really validates the work of the why of of our efforts for diversity and inclusion and it shows how much our values are aligned with the township uh the township has just been such a great partner to us um we greatly appreciate that and I'm going to ask um Eddie norgard to come up and make a couple of remarks i' see would like to say thank you so much for this recognition um you know one of the most beautiful things about the why is that we are for all for all people um and that is regardless of your background your race ethnicity sexual orientation um you name it you're welcome to come to the why as long as you share in our values of caring honesty respect and responsibility um and at the why um our three pillars are uh Youth Development healthy living and social responsibility and really our work within pride month but all year round to recognize all types of people sit in all those different factors we want people to truly be the full human that we've all talked about today right the person that's beautiful inside and out we want them to be healthy we want them to be active members of their community and we want to enrich the lives of Youth um and so through our work in diversity equity and inclusion we ensure that all three of those things happen every single day um and being able to partner with our Township with our local community to make those things happen not only enriches what we do at the Y but outside and what we do in our community as well um we're better for our community and our community is better for the Y so like to thank you so much for the partnership for the recognition we couldn't do it without the town Township um and we are happy to have a place within um Bernard's Township um to call it a home for all of us so thank you we want to do it in front thank you thank you thank you one more thank you thank you for your of we Shar with them the protoc that after the presentation they're free to leave so we give everyone that opportunity so moving on to number seven Public Work session none this evening mayor any reports none this evening then that brings us to correspondence we have a statement by Bernard's Township Attorney John Bardo this was a statement I previously issued for general public release on May 22nd 2024 the reference was signature Acquisitions LLC application to the Zoning Board of adjustment that involves preliminary and final major site plan with d and c variant relief it's block 11201 Lots 2 and 3 150 Allen Road and of course in Vernard Township and the the issue was framed as this our Township committee governing body members permitted to influence intervene communicate about or attend Zoning Board of adjustment applications or hearings B uh the answer is as follows the law prohibits Township committee governing body members from any participation or involvement whatsoever with zoning Board of adjustment applications or hearings a brief discussion of the laws as follows very broadly The Authority delegated to municipalities is of course exercised by three Municipal agencies the planning board the governing body this Township committee and the Zoning Board of adjustment the planning board adopts a master plan with a land use element the governing body works from that plan to enact zoning ordinances once these Municipal regulations are effective the planning board and Zoning Board of adjustment review individual applications to see whether those applications conform to the plan and ordinance or whether consistent with the purpose of that plan an ordinance an exception should or must be made in land use terms such an exception is called a variance the statutory allocation or functions between the municipal governing body and its administrative land use agencies has been Co cogently discussed in a number of cases I'm not going to cite the specific references but an appell division case called vial versus lanti Foods in 1996 that cited in earlier 1978 a pellet division case Township of Dober versus the Board of adjustment of the township of Z of Dover it is the Zoning Board of adjustment and I stress case law has Define this as a quasi judicial body which has primary variance responsibility it is important to understand that once the governing body has enacted land use legislation it is prohibited from infringing on those Powers expressly reserved to either the Planning and Zoning Board that's Municipal land use law section 20 the sites any power expressly authorized by the municipal land use law to be exercised by the planning board or Board of adjustment shall not be exercised by any other body including a governing body or Township committee this was set forth by the New Jersey Supreme Court in the seminal decision of perusi versus Township of ellenboro and 1998 case uh earlier citations were law division case Diller and fiser um which was in 1990 and Cronin versus Township committee appell division 1990 and lastly McDow versus Board of adjustment which was an Appel at division 2000 case that said quote courts have also protected the adjustment powers to rule and Zoning Matters from adulteration or interference by acts of local governing bodies or officials our New Jersey Supreme Court has also consistently held that governing bodies may not attend influence or otherwise participate in applications before the Zoning Board of adjustment the reason in part for this memorandum was that various members of the community have suggested that the governing body members up here should participate otherwise intervene or Express their opinions on the 150 Allen Road application that now for a number of hearings has been before the Zoning Board of adjustment and and quite simply whether these governing bodies have an opinion one way or otherwise they are expressly prohibited from expressing those opinions going to meetings or otherwise intervening it's up to our zoning Board of adjustment CI judicial body to reach a decision on the application based upon on the record presented to and before it at those hearings so that's essentially it Mr Lardo thank you for developing that for issuing it and then reading it here on the record you're welcome mayor and that takes us to public comment public comment at a Township committee meeting comments are welcome during the public comment period during the meeting on any agenda item or other over which the township committee has jurisdiction however if an ordinance is listed for its own public hearing on the agenda please hold your comments for that particular public hearing the public comment portion of the agenda is not structured as a question and answer session but offers an opportunity to share your thoughts with the township committee the committee may or may not address these comments during the meeting however all comments are considered to address this body the speaker must come forward to the microphone and state his or her name and address for the record each speaker is limited to 5 minutes the clerk will keep time please promptly yield the floor when time is called and return to your seat your cooperation adherence to these Rules of Order will ensure an orderly and respectful meeting I open public comment hello uh good evening Nancy Dandrea three Vander Drive um uh thank you so much for recognizing June is pride month again for the sixth year that was excellent um about the banners uh I want to just recognize that it was Joan Bannon who was Joan Harris at the time Joan Bannon who brought those Banners To A burnard's Township I know this because when she wanted to put them up the then uh committee would not uh provide any Financial uh support for them and there was a fundraising drive and the burnard township Progressive women came out and purchased all the banners so we thank you very much for putting them up and we hope you continue to put them up every single year and I just want to recognize Joan for the work she did back in the day when she was on this stus uh and that's about it thank you so much thank you anyone else if not then I will close public comment bringing us to staff reports Township committee comments and board leas on reports Pat would you like to start please uh thank you mayor uh just wanted to acknowledge uh some Personnel appointments this evening um earlier this evening we had a swearing in of our newest officer so I want to welcome uh officer McKenzie Weber and uh I also want to welcome some new uh hires we have Donna Gully Administrative Assistant for the engineering department James R groundskeeper for DPW and Steven Waters fire inspection uh prevention inspector uh per DM uh that we are hiring back uh from uh I believe you went to Burnville so we're hiring back for DM so that's all I have mayor thank you Christine Mr um the only thing I want to say is I I want to thank Mr Monaco and Miss kefir for always assisting me in a very quick and expeditious fashion um in all of my legal Endeavors it's a pleasure to work with both of them they get back to me right away and the township is blessed to have two highly qualified and pleasant employees thank you committee woman McCarthy thank you mayor I want to join Mr Monaco and also welcoming officer McKenzie wber she's our 40th police officer she's also the fourth female police officer and that's a wonderful opportunity to continue to complement our community and the representation of women which I saw in our census is 51% so we're thrilled to have her and it just continues to show that we can attract great talent to our community so we're wishing her all the best and then differently mayor uh the golf committee met we are very pleased to report we've reached 900 members which exceeds uh the number and revenue anticipated in our forecast uh We've also seen an increase in rounds played which means that this is a utility that people are using and that is continuing to provide entertainment and enjoyment to our residents the shade tree commission also met and among the items to discuss was the new shade tree ordinance which we passed at our June 11th meeting we will be meeting with Engineering in the coming month to see how the commission can be helpful to provide education and awareness to our residents um and also in the spirit of protecting our trees the commission has recommended that residents consider that the excessive heat that we're experiencing in our in really across the Northeast can continue to create a significant loss of water to trees and vegetation which can lead up to the death of a tree so the commission says to please consider signs that your trees are in distress including drooping branches and Browning on Leaf tips and they consider that you consider mulching and that you also consider watering trees um in particular in hot weather and droughts such as what we experienced last week and to do so around the base and the drip line of your trees and this is all in the spirit of protecting the beautiful habitat that we have thank you thank you uh mayor I too would like to congratulate uh officer Weber as being our 40th officer here in Bernard's Township uh 40 has a certain magic to it uh we haven't had at least in anyone's memory uh 40 officers before in this town uh and as we've grown this committee has recognized the need to expand the size of our police force and make other investments in our police force in order to keep our town safe um and as a testament to that um just yesterday uh our officers uh made arrests of two individuals uh who are suspected of being part of a known theft ring uh targeting M motor vehicles um and those individuals have been charged um and um are are are uh pending prosecution there will be more to come on this but uh this was made possible by and through the professionalism and and and uh investment in time and dedication of our officers as well as the techn technology that uh we've invested in as a town um so I'd like to take my hat off to the department its leadership and its officers for continuing to keep us safe and combating crime thank you thank you thank you mayor um I also welcome officer McKenzie Weber um 40 is a milestone as Andrew pointed out um it it it shows the continued and expanding partnership uh between our police force and our Township committee uh security is on the Forefront of everybody's Minds these days um the township is being proactive and engaged in um responding to the reality of Life today um and I also want to thank Pat staff Township committee this work began with the negotiation of the Police contract almost a year ago the groundwork was laid for this capacity when that contract was finalized and it was uh an absolute collaborative negotiation so I just I want to recognize the work that was done in really preparing the department to expand and meet the needs of today's residents um so thank you all for that hard work um moving on to Parks and Recreation uh summertime recre ation programs camps started today workshops began and there's limited space available but we have classes coming up in chess science art and multiports um we have tennis clinics for six Age 5 to 14 tennis and pickle ball there is space available um our summer special events kick off on Tuesday July 9th that's family fun night at Dunham Park um if you haven't been to that come it is Absol it really is family fun night it's not just the name it is as advertised um it's free um there's concert um and um U pardon me family fun night I believe uh concludes with a movie in the park um and then as we proceed through the summer we're going to have um concerts and we will have plays in the park coming up um pool commission uh memberships were tallied we're down a few family memberships this year uh we are without a doubt at Pleasant Valley pool the best bang for the buck with a brand newly surfaced pool and an absolutely outstanding experience for both the adult pool facilities and for the the kids facilities um so if anybody knows anyone that's interested in a membership you know the days of waiting lists and the days of of of not being able to get in are are behind us have been for quite some time we truly want to encourage families to take advantage having said that swim team is at 110 members and is at its is and is at at capacity which is just a point of Pride for the pool commission um it's gonna everyone's looking forward to an active successful uh um swim competition year this year and that is it tonight thank you um so I will come to my comments oh if I can just um add to Nancy something that you shared um it wasn't just Progressive women that bought those banners I purchased one of those back in the day so I think it was open to um everyone in the community so I was proud to do that so um going to other updates wanting to make sure everybody knows we are so proud of the work that we've done around film Readiness um and again thank you to christe kefir for all of her work and and her staff we really want to make sure that folks are aware of the Flyers that they' put together around um two particular topics if you have a home or business that you'd like on the big or the small screen um to please submit those pictures it's no charge to the New Jersey motion picture and television commission location photo library um we've already shot 29 sites within our town uh we did that with the photographers that the state provided us um so this is an opportunity for to add to that um additionally business owners can apply to the New Jersey motion picture and television Production service directory again this is an opportunity to support our local businesses when a production to town you have the opportunity to be on the list so they know where to get catering or um where to stay in a hotel so this is also um the easiest way honestly to do this is if you're a member of the brba that is one of the benefits of their membership so please feel free to reach out to the Baskin rench business Alliance I'm going to move to the topic of the Fabrica bur Bernards um related to small business owners again I'm still going door Todo um I haven't gone to every business within in the community but I'm trying um to increase the awareness of those grants that exist at the state level it is for the full business year um so again trying to get that word out and looking forward to um any um lessons learned from folks that are doing it we are also uh we had originally high level planned a business certification Workshop um this is through a collaboration with the state and the county uh we had a planning meeting last week and it is very robust and because of the robustness I spoke to the brba today we're going to give um create a lot of awareness on this topic um so it can truly be a certification Workshop so if you are a women's own business a veterans own business a minority owned business um you can actually come to the workshop and leave with a business certification to be able to do that you have to complete paperwork before you come and that's where we want to give people the opportunity to get that paperwork bring it have that before they get here so um that will be scheduled um Christy is is helping that so we're working through multiple groups to get that to figure out when is the best time to do that for our local business owners um thanks to the Heat wve last week we didn't want to have hot yoga in the park or more likely hot stroke in the park um so we rescheduled um and that is we're still waiting for the date we're working through um our brick Community Reena The Fabulous instructor as well as the availability within our park so as soon as that is able to be done uh we will reissue that I know that folks were really excited and and we're really looking forward to having it so um and hopefully we won't have that type of Heatwave it's always safety first um going next to understanding burners so um just for fun I like to see does anybody pay attention to any of the videos that we put up and I continued to plug affordable housing the the affordable housing presentation that um Miss leely did for us on June the 10th was fabulous this morning there were 2676 views so that's might be the most popular it it it just pushed out our police presentation that's been up for 4 months so um I want to see that number go higher because that means that our residents understand what this threat is to our community and then perhaps you know to make people more aware and then we bring them all along on this journey as we go forth waiting for our numbers that the state will give us in October so um please if you haven't watch that video it is not the 2 and a half hour marathon session that our police chief and his staff did for us in February although that is also an important presentation um but this is please make the time moving on to safety um it has been mentioned that we had the privilege and the honor to swear in our 40th officer um we have always said that priority um our priority number one is Public Safety and tonight capped off one of the most important Investments that our community that that our Township can make within our community so we're very pleased about that and very excited um for her to start her career with us um I also it wasn't hard to come to celebrate her and all the other officers that were present and are swearing in because we get emails we actually get positive emails not just complaints and we had numerous messages related to the self-defense class that Sergeant Bal deseri and other officers held on June 22nd this was something that it was initially designed for those young women that are going to college and you know to give them some safe um self-defense techniques tremendous interest and Sergeant baleri told me that she's got a very long waiting list so they're very excited to do more programs to assist our residents to better understand and what they can do to help to you know um provide their own self-defense so again our Police Department just continues to do amazing work and then what committee men mcnali just mentioned about some really um excellent police work that is resulting in uh less of a threat to our community is just amazing so again we are very grateful to our police and um look forward to those updates nonetheless we continue to meet I continue to meet with the other mayors of the Somerset Hills so the the Public Safety Committee um we met June the 13th and we've got another meeting um the first week of July um because we are still working together to create create communication related to the efforts that we as Somerset Hills has done collectively because we want everyone to know that you know what maybe just keep driving on by don't come into our community um so with that the last thing I just wanted to mention and I'll picky back on to um committee Bowman's comments summer is here and I don't know how Jen Gander and her staff does it but holy cow there is so much going on there is too much I mean Gary would take up the entire hour if he rattled off every single opportunity that there is so if you like music we got music please go on the website see what those free programs are same thing with the plays so I know our community loves theater and we have we're just so grateful for that um I'm at the pool very often my kids are on that swim team so we had our first meet on Saturday wonderful um it was the Dual meet against Bernardsville and I will say our complex is awesome no disrespect to to Bernardsville um well maybe um just a little bit um little friendly rivalry um and again the um the park program so my son went this morning to the the somerset the Parks and Recreation program um for the children he happens to be at Oak Street so there are so many amazing things that the town provides to our residents so please please take advantage of these things so many of them are free are at a very low cost um and I hope to see you at the pool with that we move on to Fire and Rescue appointments resolution 20242 appointment to membership in Township of Bernards volunteer Basking Ridge Fire Company number one Rob and kilo full member may have a motion so move second Christy Roo Please Mr Balman yes Miss DTE McCarthy yes Mr MCN yes mayor AC yes motion carried thank you and welcome aboard next resolution so moved second chrisy roll call please Mr Balman yes Mr DTE McCarthy yes Mr mcnell yes mayor AC yes motion carried thank you and welcome aboard moving on to unfinish business ordinance 2553 an ordinance to amend the revised General ordinances of the township of Bernards chapter 21-3 definitions chapter 2143 landscaping and shade trees chapter 21-45 tree removal and protection chapter 21- 52.3 details for minor subdivisions chapter 21- 54.4 details required for preliminary development plans chapter 21 63.2 construction permits chapter 21 appendix a article 3 checklist chapter 21 appendix a article 10 plot plan checklist and chapter 21 appendix B article 3 checklist this was referred to the planning board and this is a public hearing with that I open the public hearing and welcome comments seeing none I will close the public hearing may I have a motion so moved second to read oh yes I see that mayor I move that ordinance number 2553 having been reviewed by the planning board on June 18th 2024 and found consistent with the township master plan VI adopted and advertised as acquired by law second Christy roll call please Mr Balman yes Miss DTE McCarthy yes Mr MCN yes mayor AC yes motion carried thank you next ordinance 2561 accepting a detention basement dra drainage and access easement on property located at 477 Somerville road block 9301 block 54 from terum SEI and Chu sey to the town Bernards and this is a public hearing I open the public hearing and welcome comments seeing no movement I will close the public hearing may I have a motion mayor I move that ordinance 2561 be adopted and advertised as required by law second chrisy roll call please Mr Balman yes mrte McCarthy yes Mr MCN yes mayor AC yes motion carried thank you moving on to new business the consent agenda the items listed within the consent AG agenda portion of the meeting have been referred to the township committee for reading and study are posted on the agenda on the website are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion of the township committee with no separate discussion if separate discussion is required the item may be removed from the agenda by Township Committee Action and placed on the regular agenda under new business would anyone like an item removed from the consent agenda mayor I understand there's been an update in the qualification of one of our local businesses that would be included in the renewal of liquor licenses resolution 2024 308 and therefore I would like that motion I would like that resolution 2024 308 removed from the consent agenda and listed separately under new business as item e so we may make that inclusion second Christy roll call please Mr Balman yes Miss DTE McCarthy yes Mr MCN yes mayor AC yes motion carried thank you then may I have a motion to approve the remainder of the consent agenda so moved second chrisy roll call please Mr bman yes Miss DTE McCarthy yes Mr MCN yes mayor AC yes motion carried thank you resolution 2020 4-37 compliance with njsa 40a 5-4 2023 annual report of audit may I have a motion so move second Christy roll call please Mr Balman yes mrte McCarthy yes Mr MCN yes mayor AC yes motion carried thank you before we read the next ordinance I'd like to recuse myself Christie can you read the ordinance by title Please ordinance 2562 authorizing the vacation of an emergency access easement on property located at 35 Butternut Lane block 202 lot 13 formally block FL block 4 Lot 29 relating to Crystal Ridge at Bernards and this his introduction maam motion please committee mcnali I move that ordinance 2562 be introduced on first reading advertised as required by law and scheduled for a public hearing on July 9th 2024 second Christie brok call Mr Balman yes Miss dwarte McCarthy yes Mr MCN yes motion carried thank you then moving on to approval of minutes June 11th 2024 Open Session minutes and June Jun 11th 2024 close session minutes we have a motion so move second all in favor I I then that takes us to resolution 2024 d38 authorization of renewal of 2024-25 liquor licenses delar Russo Enterprises Incorporated HGC Basking Ridge LLC Finley Enterprises LLC New Jersey National Golf Club LLC Old Mill in at Basking Ridge Incorporated Chester Moors LLC Harvest Restaurant Group SNM Investments at Basking Ridge LLC trapos LLC a AEK Enterprises LLC BR Wick LLC Bridge Vine wines LLC Courtyard Management Corporation ad Allen V6 JV LLC Verizon BR operating LLC the Fellowship club Incorporated and the fellowship Senior Living Incorporated mayor move that resolution 20243 be amended to include fnh jacova LLC trading as figure3 Pizzeria second chrisy roll call please Mr Balman yes Mr DTE McCarthy yes Mr mcnell yes mayor AC yes motion carried and mayor I move that resolution 20243 be approved as amended second chrisy roll call please Mr Balman yes Mr DTE McCarthy yes Mr MCN yes mayor AC yes motion carried thank you then that takes us to Executive session none this evening mayor and now we're at adjournment may I have a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor