##VIDEO ID:ot1Zybpk0Jk## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay great we're going to call to order tonight's meeting of the township of the zoning Board of uh adjustment uh the first item on the list is the flag salutes please stand flag of the United States of America to the stands godice for all in accordance with the requirements of the open public meeting laws notice of this meeting of the Zone Zoning Board of adjustment of the township of Bernards was posted on the bulletin board in the reception hall of the municipal building colier Lane basting Ridge New Jersey it was also sent to the Bernardsville News whiy New Jersey and The Courier News in Bridgewater New Jersey and it was also filed with the Township Clerk all on January 4th of this year and was electronically m all those people who had requested individual notice the following procedure had been adopted by the Bernards Township Zoning Board of adjustment there will be no new cases heard after 10 o'clock tonight and no new Witnesses heard uh or testim morning heard after 10:30 tonight uh Miss keer can you do a roll call please certainly um let's see Miss Balman and Miss poar are recused Mr Cambria Mr Krauss Mr hson are unable to attend and Mr Quinn is also unable to attend thank you uh chairwoman Jers here miss Pichi here Mr tankr here M herera here Mr Warner here Mr slly here and for the record Miss Keir is present Madam chair you have a quorum you may proceed great thank you and um thank you Miss Pichi for coming in today and helping us with the Quorum on this one um uh at this time I'd ask for a motion to excuse the absences of those that uh Miss keer just just um called out and and they gave us so move Madam chair thank you very much second thank you all in favor I I opposed abstain thank you thank you um next the approval of minutes from our special section on July 11th 20124 and they they had been circulated in advance I believe we have two members who can vote on those great we have um chair Engineers no that's right Mr T you cannot vote and um you're correct and missr Mr Warner as always um Miss Herrera yes motion we would entertain a motion to approve the minutes as drafted or any edits or suggestions second okay that's a motion in a second all in favor I opposed abstain thank you I abstain thank you two okay thank you um I think based upon the um level of attendance here that everyone got uh the message that we did revise our regular meeting agenda and we will not be hearing signature tonight thank you from Miss keeper forgetting the word out it seems like that was um publicized uh efficiently based upon um that and if I may go ahe just to uh further expand upon that uh with the well in mind uh so again that application was carried without further notice to Thursday September 12th 2024 7:30 p.m. uh this same venue the municipal building uh and for the record we did already in writing get an extension of time to act from the applicant attorney through I believe September 13th correct Miss kefir that is correct thank you thank you mad gu I would just add for transparency purposes the reason we carried um that hearing is we did not have a quorum to hear that even though Miss Pichi is here she is not um uh listening or um being a board member for the signature case so that would leave us with only three and therefore we could not hear that case tonight that's correct under the ml we need at least four to proceed and ultimately we will need at least five for a vote Yes and we thank you Miss p for joining us tonight so that we could at least do um number six on our agenda which is the completeness hearing for cig Mount Ary LLC um I believe we have a memo for Mr Sly who has suggested there are many areas of incompleteness is that right Dave that is correct it's my July 10 2024 memo yes to see that um and I saw that they're requesting several waivers on this do we wait on apping on the waivers until the application is complete on some of these plans or are we supposed to app on that tonight well you can act on them at any time but they didn't show up tonight they they actually uh submitted a correspondence from one of their representatives requesting to be adjourned um to September presumably they'll appear to address the waivers and hopefully address some of the items that they're not requesting waivers for uh tonight I just recommended we de it in complete okay so I I think what would make sense is is a motion to deem the application incomplete Absolut but both Dave and I concurred in that uh advice given the fact that they're not here and that I believe the time uh to make that determination is going expire in the interim between this evening and our next meeting when they are apparently going to appear so Prudence would dictate as she often does uh that in my opinion that we uh we deem the application complete right so even though we've pushed it to the next meeting September 4th we needed to meet tonight for the time purpose so um I guess uh if someone's ready to make a motion on that I'll make a motion that we deem the cig Mount Ary LLC application incomplete due to lack of um submission of the required elements thank you second thank you and we we can do a roll I going take that long no it's about the same time Miss pich Miss pich yes Mr tank yes Miss Herrera yes chairwoman Jers yes thank you um okay I think we already did number seven um at this point are there comments from Members I guess the only thing we'd say is again just to remind everyone that our next scheduled meeting is September mber 4th and the next um public uh hearing for Signature will be a special meeting on September 12th um comments from staff no motion to aurn so Move Motion to Y second all in favor