I should have asked awesome thank you um good evening everybody we're g to call to order tonight's meeting of the township of Bernard zoning uh board the first uh item on the agenda is the flag salute so if we can ask everyone to stand please the United States of America for it stands na indivisible andice for all perfect thank you in accordance with the requirement of the open public meeting laws notice of this meeting of the board of adjustment of the township of Bernard was posted on the Bolton board in the reception hall of the municipal building in colier Lane Basking Ridge New Jersey it was also mail to the Bernardsville news and whiy New Jersey The Courier News Bridgewater New Jersey um and it was also filed with the Township Clerk all on January 8th of this year it was also mailed electronically to all those people who had requested individual notice the following procedure has been adopted uh by the zoning board there will be no new cases heard after 10 p.m tonight and there will be no new testimony heard after 10:30 um I think we have an oath of office is that right first that Madam chair just note that the record that I I did swear before the meeting started which is totally accept she's qualified we the witness okay to know we did not good to know okay I didn't witness that I was going to celebrate you I was thank you Miss Herrera okay Miss kefir then can we do the roll call unless you did that already congratulations we didn't do roll call Miss kefir can you do the roll call please okay um Madam chair Mr Camry has indicated he is unable to attend this evening um chair Jers here miss Balman here Mr Krauss here Mr pki here miss poar here Mr tank here Mr hon here m m Herrera here Mr sovety I am president Mr quinnn here Mr slly here Madam chair you have a form you may proceed thank you Miss keeper um next on the agenda is item 6A which is the approval of minutes from our um January 3rd uh meeting both reorganization and regular session and I think those were circulated in advance so if there's any um edits or comments on the minutes otherwise we take a motion to approve motion approve thank you Mr Krauss is there a second Mr pavloski thank you okay um mron and M Herrera are ineligible to vote on this all in favor I opposed and have the two extensions thank you thank you yes thank you um I will entertain a motion if there is one at this time to ex ex um to uh make a motion for the absence of Mr Cambria who I think did let us know in advance that he was conflicted for tonight so move thank you thank you Miss poar Mr tank Miss poar Miss keer do we need to vote on that or no all in favor for the excuse of Mr Cambria oh I'm sorry um I'm already on the first application I apologize no we are moving right along here no no problem so I think we favor I opposed abstain thank you thank you okay um next on the agenda is where Miss Keir is already uh 7A which is the completeness in public hearing for Gaelic if I pronounced that correctly Robert and Teresa which is ZB 23022 Madam chair while at the applicants team is approaching I'll just note for the record that I had an opportunity to review the applicant's notice found both the cont fin of service and such notice to be notice was sent by certified own properties subject property January 26 2024 and notice was also published in the burville news on January 25th 2024 more than 10 days in advance of St law th the Juris this matter my leg opinion thank you excellent thank you all right hi thank you so much good evening good evening uh all right coun yes sure thing uh Nicholas trammy appearing for the applicants uh Robert and Teresa gallik also my in-laws so be [Laughter] kind um very very briefly uh I'm sure everyone's well acquainted but uh just to orient the board uh property is located at 286 South Maple Avenue uh it's on the north side of the street directly next to what is commonly known as crane Farm uh the applicant is proposing a small addition to the existing structure uh it's a two-story addition about 700 Square F feet uh it will assist in uh expanding the kitchen the laundry room uh to relocate a bathroom on the first floor uh and add some better flow to a bathroom and bedroom on the second floor uh in order to accomplish uh the addition the applicant is Seeking a variance for minimum sidey yard setback uh we're looking for 44 feet where 50 feet is permitted uh there is also uh minimum uh minimum lot width uh as the board will note the lot is a flag lot so the front of the lot's very narrow it's just a driveway proceeds Direct ly to the rear um we have one expert this evening uh our architect Mr Keta and without further Ado I'll let him take us through terrific thank you you and I come up to the microone please thank you you toar as as profal stimy yes I yep my name my name is Robert Keta c l TTA architect is your is your license current Mr Keta it is you're a licensed architect in the state of New Jersey I am uh and have you appeared for Boards of this kind in the past not this board but yes many boards uh Madam chair just boards in New Jersey oh yes uh Long Hill Berkeley Heights New Providence randor Feast Handover Hanover uh Stan hope you you know I mean up and down Mars County welcome um thank you so we'll we'll accept him as a as an expert in architecture can I just ask you uh sorry we need to capture it so if you can ask your questions into the microphone and I'll just ask you to put your answers into the microphone if you can so it's right over there if you can try and speak to it all right does that work yeah I'll let you know if it does well we go uh Mr KET I just asked that you uh describe the application for the board or the addition for the board the gag family asked me to expand on their uh kitchen and then to refine other areas Mr interrup see counc holding a set of plans is this an exhibit was this already submitted to the board this is already submitted to the board with the Highlight on it no I I did that for your purposes tonight add it exhibit A1 and that's what a highlighted architectural first floor first floor plan yeah that stated today no wouldn't 11823 thank you very much and it's exactly the same other than the highlights yes okay yeah let's just I I said I did it just so that it was easy there's just a couple of pages it's three pages all right we can mark it we'll mark it all AUM three pages AR thank you same dat yes okay ready well I I know well that's I waited that's okay um so the GS called me to see what I can do to help them with their kitchen expanding it and in the process there's other other areas that we we U moved the entrance a little we did the laundry room area powder room we juggled some of these spaces around for them um and then what followed was the space over there was a bedroom existing bedroom already and we just brought the second floor out to where we are with the first floor um and did a little bit of work upstairs so it's still a bedroom with bathroom closet that kind of thing so it was pretty uh pretty basic um basically just expanding the kitchen that's I mean that's really what you we're talking about you know more than anything so uh the um the variance was where we came out now we have a 40 we're asking for 44 ft and 50 is the uh required number um we also have if you want to flip it I don't know I I have the survey um I highlighted it but it's so small um in all my years I got to say I've never work on a a survey with this kind of scale um but right there it's hatched on your plan um is the addition and I did that to show the overall extent of the addition versus the extent of the property so it's pretty it's pretty insignificant to say the least here um there's not much to you know all we did was we uh we brought the roof out we you know we configured you know the framing you know for this project which doesn't pertain to you but uh it was quite a task to get everything that we needed structurally for this project all right Mr Keta quickly just on the second floor could you just uh identify the changes on the second floor there was a bedroom over that area already with bathroom closet and all we did was expand and reconfigure a little that was all those are those wer new they're not no they're just yeah they were there just reconfigured that's all y yep not I no no not second floor he's not adding add bath expand yeah so the first and second floor are being both expanded equally pretty much equally the roof line makes it a little bit different on the second floor but pretty much one's over the other yes for all intensive purposes yeah you could be using the same materials for the roof I assume same size everything y match cuz we don't where the rest of the house is we don't have to the main part of the house we don't have to touch the roof or anything um so we're we're we're going to redo what we have to do we're not going to patch it in the one area if there was any patching we're not doing that we're going to make the whole new especially facing the driveway facing the street that'll be all new shingles facing out towards the front and we have to do the same thing for the back you know but there's Brakes in the roof line so it makes it a little bit easier it's not a where you have to do the whole back and start trying to figure out how to weave in old to new so it makes a lot easier for us you know side of the house it's actually on the it's actually on the left side of the house facing right the front is facing South Maple and then when you pull in there's a driveway with a circle there basically and this is off to the left it's not very visible because there's a garage a freestanding garage and a breezeway so we're kind of going on beyond that a little so from the road I mean from the road it's pretty far but even if you if you got a glimpse of it you wouldn't even know that was probably an addition going on there you know because and is that addition affecting that walkway that we see on the pictures I did not readjust the walkway we just used we try to use everything that's there I mean I always say I don't get more money for doing some of these extra things so I I I I leave everything as I could because it just makes more sense to do do that you know okay so the extension only goes how close to that 44 ft no sorry not not to the to the property line to the um to that patio walkway that looks like it curves around back by the pool yeah is's the walkway that goes from the patio to the back yes and that's it's between that walkway and the main part of the house okay so you're not right you're short of that walkway yeah the further I'm confused with the diens frontage you need 125t and opposing 50 and then side yard 50 and you're opposing 44 so it's two variances cor well I I can I can help that explain the frontage the frontage is just it's a flag log so so the frontage along South Maple Avenue is just a small strip of land that accommodates the driveway it's a pre-existing condition house is there it's built the only thing before this board in in essence tonight is a 328 squ foot footprint to the north side of the house that's going to go up two stories right so that North I guess it's a North addition to accommodate a larger kitchen and reconfigured upstairs the footprint is 3 28 sare fet approximately and that carries to the second floor that's it so because it's a flag lot the front yard set doesn't count flag oh okay yeah it's a pre-exist it's there it's not a it's not a new viation yeah the frontage that's what yeah that's okay okay I apologize if I missed this are you taking the Breezeway down is anything changing there no no are you taking any trees down nope um there's one there's one tree that's outside the what is now the window in the kitchen that tree will be removed but in accordance with the uh conditions set forth in one of the letters we're going to be replacing the tree okay yeah it's not a big tree at all it's more like is it the tree pictured in this I'm pulling up the picture thee picture picture where's the rest of it and I trust they represent the current conditions seen today yes they sorry I I don't who's who's answering sorry we do have we do have the applicant available for Testimony if there's any specific questions your architect confirm that that's anur yeah that's fine yes it is it is I've been there enough that's fine that would also be fine and no changes with respect to the deck that's in the back or minimal no no no there's there's no other site changes being proposed where where you outside where the current kitchen is it's just that one tree and grass when you say you're replacing the tree you mean relocating it or removing it completely putting the tree they're going to relocate the tree okay got it's a nice tree it is a nice tree it is a nice looking I have one question have they spoken with any of the neighbors um any comments from anyone yeah yeah they're familiar with the neighbors in the in the front and the rear they've talked to neighbors especially uh they're very familiar with the uh operators uh at the county land which is crane Farm they've talked to them about it um no no conerns concerns were noted yeah okay any exterior lights or anything being added to the house on that side um yeah we usually when I do an addition we'll we'll call out for lights like on the corner you know that kind of thing just typical you know LED lights now spotlights pointing down just for Access around the building nothing you know we're not just because there's a pathway there yeah yeah we that's a normal thing that we would do those lights aren't to they're going to be angled down yeah there yeah there's not going to be yeah yes um Mr Quinn did you have some questions around the lot coverage numbers yeah I just wondered it's a long driveway shap I just wonder surve you no I did all the math myself I I SC it off scaled it off I just said to the Mr Galla tonight if I did it once I did it four times because of the the scale of this was so small yeah and you're not you have L coverage available so exactly and I I break everything down if there's a flare in it I'll take the average in the middle I wonder like yeah well it would it was and I think you also asked about the setback itself the 44 especially since variance yes was I wanted to make sure you were comforable 44 it was apparent that thing hand draw on here so on the side of caution is what I want yeah I you know a lot of times I'll put plus or minus I looked I I had just put the the number down and I know from my experience in the past if you said 44 ft plus or minus that would give me a foot of leeway from what I that's what I understand yeah I don't know what youor how this board works you asking for 43 then this is the time that you want to be careful around what you're asking for because we don't do plus or minus 43 so we it's up to you what you ask for but if you ask for 44 and we give you 44 you can't do 43 I understand well if the if the board feels in their discretion they' give us 43 feet that would be acceptable to the applicant okay is that what you're asking we we don't want to make any we take we can take the additional uh we can take the additional okay so we're going to amend your request to to request of is just under 11 11 it's not to there's there rights like it might be 43 and or something 44 seemed agressive yeah all right I try to be well I try you know again at that scale we're looking at oh just make sure that I would go I mean if you want to go to 40 I'll be very happy to take 40 you know yeah 43 is good 43 is perfect yeah yeah we'll we'll go with that so we'll we'll amend your request for 4 yeah thank you okay can I ask um you have a pool in the backyard so there's a pool fence or is it just wooden kind of the yard is fenced in the yard the whole yard is wood fence that's no I'm not sure I'm sorry on a picture I see a wood F wood not wood fence wood post with metal with a yeah no but the whole yard is fenced in um do you see fence I guess the board is asking if the pool is separately F side the farm side that's what you have okay it's aot it's a four foot high fence that encompasses the entire I guess rear of the property behind the house the pool itself is not separately F in the whole backyard that's a legitimate pool fence yeah it's got in gauge and it just looked like from here L yeah it's it's yeah if you go from the Breezeway wasn't sure if that was the um yeah if you go from the Breezeway there's locks that's self-closing locks that kind of thing yeah so thank you I'm sure they inspect that I'm just yeah yeah yep yep Mr slly um just going through your memo um is there anything that we didn't I guess we didn't um touch maybe on number yeah that that would be great you want to just take us through are do you have a copy of Mr S Memo okay great yes my February comment number two there's a couple exterior do yep yep number oh the wetlands um the uh applicant for their Wetlands investigation Aran Z delineation we show those on two different separate sheets those that needs to be shown on the constru I had a question on this not a sorry I had a question question on this not a not a criticism in my experience typically these are prior to co not prior to permitting it's done prior to going to be prior to permitting permitting the um and you could start that process at any time uh and uh we just need to have the the easement executed on your end in our office it doesn't we won't make you wait for the month of you know red tape and Committee Action actually record it but if we have it signed we'll release the permit if everything else is ready thank yep acceptable thank you that was all I had there was a comment by the environmental commission about construction access see that memo about the 50 ft of uh yeah I have it driveway is gravel it's 100 feet long so it's probably more than double what is normal for soil you know soil erosion uh I think the comment was more about the access to the all the construction access would be to the north side of the house not on the south side where the wetlands are yeah exactly condition there's no yeah there's no way we're going to the to the right side you'll have to show that I mean the township you have to the township has its own SE requirements apart from Soil Conservation District so fine you have to show that yeah that that's fine the the the construction work will be kept to the north side yeah you'll show limit disturbance till fence you'll show all that to the township yeah yeah yeah any uh additional questions from the board do you have any additional questions for your Architect no that concludes direct testimony I just want to ask the public if they have any questions for the architect okay seeing none um anything else that you want to share with the we're okay okay thank you um are there any comments from the public on this application for against okay so I think what's um before the board is an amended uh request for variance for 43 feet for minimum side yard and a preexisting um minimum L that's corre under the condition yeah that would be terrific so right as Madam chair so put 43 varim also understanding allary as so measured requirs engineering department I but then there were three other commissions also stipulated to first one from the environmental commission memo dat November 27 2023 requesting that there be a all construction access red to the north side of the home to avoid 50 Wetland buffer on the south side of the property and then two other conditions one being the exter of the add ex the property IND add any lighting fixtures attached to the addition would be directed down or otherwise shielded so is not the FL surrounding properties Y and that is it as far as conditions go and unless anything I would understand motion to prove to be subject thank you um does anybody have any comments or or uh questions from the boards that we want to discuss internally otherwise a motion no I think it's minimally invasive and I make a motion that we adopt the resolution as amend it we would to 43t and with the conditions stated as a C1 yeah yeah I mean I would add that you know it is a flag shaped lot and we've seen ones um like this before I agree that it's minimally invasive especially with the county property um to the north that that is the one that is closest to where the addition is and it's difficult uh if not impossible I think to see the addition so I'm not worried from a massing um perspective at all also given the of a lot and the wetlands on the one side there's no real Choice than in that one area great so I think we have a a motion from Mr Papi I'll second and a second the application complete as well oh I'm sorry I thought we did that already I'm sorry we need to De it complete yep yep okay so I think we have a motion from Mr pavloski and a second from Miss poar all righty Miss Balman yes Mr Krauss yes Mr pavloski yes Mr poar yes Mr T yes uh mron yes chairwoman Jers yes thank you thank you good luck so much thank youone thank you that's right you get access to the pool now go for Thanksgiving it's great thank you so much okay next up on the agenda is 7B um which is barisha which is case ZB 23023 hi Hi how are you are you we doing well good to see you you too you too Happy New Year same you m chair I'll just make a quick note for jurisdictional purposes I did have an opportunity to review the applicant's notice here I found both the content and the Timeless of service and notice to be sufficient noce was said by certifi mail to owners of property subject property on January 12th 2024 and notice was also published in Bur news on January 25th 2024 hearing my legal opinion Juris this matter we can proceed I'll SAR everybody in we have the property owner here if needed so if you'd like to swear him in now we can do that and he'll be ready to go swear testimony about yes sure oh it's good to get an update Katherine Mueller the engineer for the applicant uh owner and principal of paig Muller Engineering in Warren Township professional engineer in the state of New Jersey and my license is still in good standing excellent we've seen um you in front of this board before Miss Miller so we will um accept you as a engineer thank you thank you so I'm here representing the the owners aphim and and Danielle barisha uh the owners of 20 uh gold Boulevard block 571 Lot 4 um we're here for two variances uh it's after the fact variances to get approved for the conditions that are on the property um today so as Mr Sly had stated in his memo the property owners they bought the the lot and uh 2018 they applied to the township for an addition which was was approved off the rear of the the existing home when they did so that was approved at that time when it was approved the driveway was in the condition that it is today and the shed was also on the property but it wasn't before this board so they got their building permit the proposed lot coverage was um compliant at the time so a little couple facts about the lot it is an undersized lot in the R4 residential Zone One Acres required and they're at 40,500 and also it's undersized for lot width where 200 is required and 150 is pre-existing so during the construction of the addition to the back right corner of the house correct no these are dated 11223 unrevised same as with the application understood so during the construction um they also constructed a patio off the rear of the property the combination of the patio um or the addition of the patio at 995 Square ft brings the proposed coverage for the lot under the existing conditions to 15.8% uh it's 3 24 Square ft over what's allowed 8% so under 1% over what's allowed um if this was on a 1 acre lot that lot coverage that square footage proposed would be under 15% um we did submit some pictures of the rear yard here a permit for the house extension but not for the papers that's correct because when the contractor was there he just kept on going it was in the plan for the addition it was not it was not it was just the house addition that was submitted for a building permit and approved then after that or during that construction it was decided to install a patio the combination of the two brings the property non compliant for the coverage so was an oops we added a forgot to get a per correct correct I actually do have one exhibit uh we submitted four pictures with the application but when I was looking and preparing for the meeting tonight I actually enhanced two of the pictures just to give you a better idea of what the back looks like um I'll mark this A1 it's two pictures one of the rear patio and one of the shed um they were still taken on 32423 by my office but again I I zoomed in and I enhanced them I brightened them up a little bit so the top left I don't we can so what I wanted to show with these two photos the top left is the existing patio so this is not oversized uh they can fit a a picnic table or a dining table with eight chairs and a sitting area and when we calculated the impervious you know the walls are a foot thick so those would cont contribute to the coverage as well and then the lower right hand so that's one variance is the coverage mainly caused by the installation of the patio um again we're over by 324 Square ft the patio is 955 was there any portion of a patio included in the original permit for the um for the addition I did not review those documents I do not know what was there there was a small path which is shown on my plans in the back left corner there was a patio and a little Landing that was reconfigured to be a walkway just to the door and the driveway so there wasn't like a deck proposed versus again I didn't review it um so the applicant could talk possibly we can ask him questions um sure sure so that's the main overage it's the patio 3 124 square ft the shed is also a variance which we are seeking um to have approved with a non-compliance side yard setback accessory setback is required to be 15 and this is 8.2 feet off the property line This was um permitted and installed by the prior owner so this was inherited when they bought the property and in looking at it again planning tonight uh from my testimony I took a closer look at it and the lower right picture shows and also on our plan these two trees so I can understand why they moved it to the left and didn't have it at the complying 15 ft if we move it to the right we're in kind of the mound where all the root system is otherwise we would have to pull it up into the the rear yard more so I think by the picture you could see that it's it's not impacting any of the neighbors we compli with the rear yard and uh moving it directly to the right or back into this corner within the approved setback would be damaging to these trees um so we're asking for the board to grant that variance for it to stay where it is can I just ask the picture that you handed us of the enlarged shed behind that the homes that we see behind the shed is that Lo three I'm just trying to situate that would be lot five it's five yeah that was standing right in front of the shed looking straight back and also just another feature of the the shed that you can't see in the picture the right two I've got lot 13 there there's two fives right okay okay the five starts the back okay I got it oh to the rear to the rear they're both yeah block uh 5503 yes thank you and then just a a feature of the shed on the right side has um a ramped door so also if we moved it to the right it the trees would be in the way of the axis on the right side of the shed so as double doors that you walk in on the front and then one on the side the installation is a 2x4 band around filled with stone and then the shed is sitting on on blocks within that stone so we would have to excavate out an area back here ideally I I wouldn't want to pull it Forward into the usable yard I think it's tucked back there nicely from the photo you can see it's surrounded by vegetation uh behind it and maintain law in front of it so would you say the neighbors behind it can't really see the shed because of the trees uh there's all scrub and vegetation between the shed and the neighbor to the back um and it's actually compliant with the set back to the rear uh it's only non-compliant to the left and to my knowledge they haven't had any complaints from the neighbor to the left which would be lot three block 5701 the other item which I'll discuss on the property is the pre-existing nonconforming setback for the driveway again this was inherited by the bishes when they bought the property right now it's at point8 required is 5 ft the functionality that how they use the driveway they right now have two adult drivers one uh younger driver and soon to be I think within the next week or month a fourth car hitting the road so it is a side load garage how they utilize this now is they pull three cars forward so that everybody could get in and out um the driveway even at 34 ft isn't sufficient to put a car here and be able to utilize the garages you wouldn't be able to pull out if a car was parked anywhere within this apron so they would like to maintain the width to have the three cars um area to get out onto pavement not onto lawn and not be sandwiched up against the the doors here to to get in and out of the car the plan for the fourth car we discussed that is to double Park in one car so the other ones can get out and two are jockeying instead of all four so I've been here I've also heard other applications for impervious coverage variances for additional parking um we'd like this to remain under the existing conditions so that they could park all their vehicles and lastly I'll talk about the storm water management um when they originally went for the addition it was under 1,000 square fet and no storm water would be required per burnard standards what we've done is we looked at the old aerial photos and and the the township topography we looked at what the increase of the addition and also the the patio um I so we went back to the original um Bernard's Township toppo and took the footprint and then Had A current survey done with all existing conditions and compared preall improvements to today's conditions and we use that for the net difference of 1,75 Square ft or 1,80 squ ft or the increase is 1275 we're collecting 1280 off the roof and sized a dry well for the volume that's equal to 3 in over that complete difference so we're accommodating for not only the house addition but also the patio um addition from existing conditions where where does the water run off right now in the backyard is it go one way or the other uh yeah so it's actually open space behind them over here um the water comes down there's a Swale that directs it around the backyard and there's an existing Inlet that we're proposing to tie the Overflow from the the drywell and then that goes out towards the street um there's an inlet out in the street storm drainage out in the street that it ties into um the environmental commission did note that there's wet lands and an open Surface body water I don't think they were looking at the right lot um this is just all maintained lawn and and some trees I did look at the Geo web and there's no Wetlands noted on the property I drove by that house and it's a very level the house kind of is very much in conformance with the other houses of the neighborhood correct dra problems or no I I just I think there's a lot of there's a good amount of water coming from behind it when I was looking at some of the Town toppo um and it just swells around and they have the the existing Inlet on the side can I just ask you getting back to the shed for a second um if you did move it um if you did I guess you would move it uh forward and to the right a little bit if you moved it forward and to the right a little bit um did you consider that or you just didn't want to do it uh it's not that we don't want to do it uh it's not preferred to to bring it out into the lawn area um if the board feels strongly about it the applicant will relocate it and and reconstruct the base at a complying um location okay and do you know where that would be or no I would assume just to the right and forward as as you were describing right and forward right so it looks like it would be maybe I don't know so I guess it's like seven feet something like that we'd have to move it to the side at seven feet right 6.8 at least and Pull It Forward because we're going to be digging into those root systems or to a completely different part of backyard well if we put it on the back right side in a complying area you can see that there's um a Swale that's graded through there so that wouldn't be ideal and in between those two locations are all the scattered trees we have a 20 a 26 and 88 and8 so I don't want to put it in this corner and cause issues other areas within the property right it could be pulled forward all the way I could put it in the middle too but that's not really desirable I'm not saying that of course moved over has anybody your knowledge complained about the location of the ship no do you know how long it was there before m in uh yes Mr schy indicated in his letter the prior owner went for the shed permit in 2015 so I guess it wasn't inspected or I don't I don't know what the process is in town it's been there almost 10 years correct and nobody's complained not to our knowledge um that's all the the test engineering testimony I have um so again just to recap it's an undersized lot uh we're over by less than 1% of impervious 324 Square ft um we've done a dryw which we'll have soil testing done um and modify it accordingly if needed and that's going to uh compensate not only for the addition which initially did not need storm water management but will included for the addition and then also the patio um and the difference between existing from the town of too and today's conditions thank you thank you um do we have additional questions for the engineer drive as a preexisting Mr Quinn's memo said was a violation need it's definitely in the setback based on what I could tell looking at a an aerial from 1970 look like it's in the same spot okay and I know the driveway setback wasn't uh established until at least 1982 um so if that's um I mean the zoning office would deem that to be good enough to show it's pre-existing okay that's why I'm calling it pre-existing awes thanks clear the I don't have anything else um and I would say the only reason and I understand operationally if the driveway has been there but the only reason I actually suggested it was because I know that that driveway did not have curbing if it was curbing associated with it I I know would be a lot more in filed but um again I've heard the testimony about how long it's been there it's uh it is what it is any other comments Mr Quinn from from your memo especially with respect to the storm water management proposal no no no I I think it's very conservative what they've done is as Kathy indicated they've taken a portion that was under the threshold and added it to the additional portion which would have been a minor so they' they've accounted for everything so I'm I have no problem with the storm water she has the typical notes that you need for for testing so I don't have any issue with the storm water at all okay one more question any reservations about sated complying all all the our professionals I think the one was showing storm water measures on dep lighting down Mr Quin those two Mr SCH The Proposal be subject to requirements and which they might require expand Lim ofur ex yes we agree to those fantastic okay thanks Dave anything in your memo that we didn't uh sufficiently cover in your opinion no that was Mr seski just covered that y so we're good I'm good thank you okay um are there any questions from the public for Miss M any additional questions from the board do you have anything else to add any other questions from the board are there any comments from the public on this application for or against okay thanks very much thank you to hang on my I did sorry I didn't have a question for Miss mher but I have one for Mr barisha now the time it's now the time was the time yeah um I I go back to my question that I did pose um when you made the application for the renovation did you have anything in there for patio no there was a small patio existing but it got larger so there was no plan no there was no plan uh for an additional when you when you first P the permit addition no okay that was what I wanted to know thank you and just for the record your name is Sir a from bisha okay and you live at subject property Boulevard that's great okay absolutely okay any additional questions on this application okay all right thank thank you uh very much sorry that no good no okay back to me okay yes all right applicant here is uh seeking two variances least my understanding lot coverage itos a lot coverage ratio of 15.8% the maximum is 15% and also wer side setback for the shed existing on the property that an 8.2 setback minimum of 15 is required additionally AFC comping with all the conditions in our two board professionals memorandum first one being Mr SCH dated February 1st 2024 the second Mr I just explained this so again and that's it so motion excellent thank you um does anybody want to kick us off here or make a motion thank you Miss poar um I kind of this is I say this is a C1 variance it's an undersized slightly undersized lot you wouldn't be over lot cover if the lot was the correct size um everybody needs an outdoor space I feel like pavers are a good choice for a patio even though they're lock covered they do drain better than a solid concrete slab and I I I don't see any reason very so I can anybody else wants to make a comment I would make a quick comment um I actually walked the property today um there was nothing agreed um I know that we don't like it when things are done without pulling the permit first um but I do think that the addition of the storm waterer management is a is definitely a benefit here um so for me and again the patio was in scale with the rest of the neighborhood you know the shed really isn't visible um I could go either way if we pulled it forward if we left it surrounded by trees um I don't think anybody is here to complain about it I don't think anybody has complained about it um that said if if others felt it should be moved you know I I would understand that and support it as well but um having walked the property again nothing was out of scope with the rest of the neighborhood thank you Miss and I think I can agree with that if the storm water is included which it is if it wasn't I would say a wood deck would have been fine versus a stone you know patio and and that would be you know just as acceptable a property but in this case since I was at it I think it's you know you would pull a perm for if you're building a patio unless you know you're over onot coverage I don't believe you get a permit for that yeah I I guess um thank you for those comments I I would add as well obviously it's always challenging for us when it's after the fact it puts us in a difficult position we always like to be asked um first um for me I would also call it C2 variance and while it is an undersized lot it's mildly undersized it's mild and um you know there's a reason we don't do n a nominal number of square feet is the reason we do a percentage so I do think it's relevant so I would call it under C2 as well um you know with respect to the shed uh you know I like to explore it to make it into a conforming location if we can having said that it has been there for a long time we haven't heard any comments from from any neighbors including ones who were notified uh around this application and and therefore I would be comfortable leaving it um in this location I would just add we're only less than 1% over the impervious and if you didn't cut away from the patio you'd have to cut away from from the driveway and then hearing the situation with all the cars I would rather have the cars off the street and have a safer driveway for the cars to coming in out yeah I'm glad you mentioned that too the driveway to me it's always good to look at but but looking at this one and I did go by the property as well I did not feel comfortable stealing 300 square feet from the driveway to create a bigger problem out front Okay uh any other comments and or uh a motion to deit uh complete and make a motion on it officially I'll make thank we're back to the end thank you so much I appreciate it as a C1 and a C2 variant um and I would make a motion to deem a complete I don't believe there were any stipulations just comp comping with the m I think it's in character with the neighborhood um I I um I would make a motion to De and to I I would second that thank you m bucker M Balman M bman yes Mr cruss yes Mr kavosi yes M poar yes yes yes Engineers yes okay thanks thank you have a good night you're out of room though no extras let organiz for next on the agenda uh is case 7c which is conin um Sean and Julia which is ZB 23025 if you're here tonight come on up situated just statement jurisdiction I did I did have an opportunity to review the applicant's notice for this case I found that the content Timeless of service upset notice was sufficient to establish the board's jurisdiction this matter notice was sent certifi property subject property on January 16 2024 and notice was published in Burn news on January 254 th than 10 days in advance tonight th my opinion over this matter that's that's my great welcome thank you do you want to tell us why you're here tonight or remind us why you're here sorry you coulde identify yourself name and address for uh Julia I am Julia cullinan I live 177 woods and drive in Basking Ridge great can I speak microphone yeah just bring it a little lower okay do you want me to repeat do you want me to repeat or did everybody hear me one more time one more time okay I'm Julia in I live at 177 Woods End Drive in Basking Ridge thanks do you want to tell us why you're here ton yes we are proposing to construct a pool um with a patio in the rear of our yard um um we're requiring we're proposing a 23.5 um percentage where the Zone maximum is 20% did you say 23.5 23.5 okay I think we have 23.3 on the application yes you do um this was to do we had to add the percentage because of the stepping stones that were not included in the survey okay so just to be clear you're asking for a 23.5% 23.2 correct because that's that's what's existing with the stepping stones after your pool yes okay um also that includes the air conditioning that was also not included on the um survey and the pictures that we're looking at that are part of your application there's a couple did you take those I did okay you want to tell us what we're looking at and when you took them um I actually don't have copies of those our in my engineer had the flu so wasn't able to come tonight okay so um the first picture where I see the fire pit with the chairs around it yes that is the end of our patio we're proposing to put the pool if you can see the trampoline there somewhere along that part of the the yard um and then I just took the picture so you could see actually there's two pictures of the fire pit so that you can see where the deck is and then it comes onto the patio where the fire pit is and then where the trampoline is yes question when did you take this phot um I must have taken them in the fall or when this past winter very recent pictures I think say they ACC property exists yes okay and you proposing any changes to the p the fire pit area um we're actually not sure yet to be hon um we're we're not we're not going to change the shape or size of the patio um just building onto it from for the pool okay what do you mean by building on to it so that I just want to make sure we're understanding corre so the pool would extend off the end of the patio are you saying would add cers potentially you be adding from the pool to the footprint of the existing Pao yes you're not going to be altering the existing Pao no correct yes so does that show have you shown that anywhere on the plans that we have because the plans that we have they don't connect yeah it doesn't look like let me just see you havely on doing that no we have not you do you have to prob to request yeah anything you add is that's not reflected on the plans is going to make your numbers go higher oh okay well we don't plan on if anything we would reduce the size of the patio to include a walkway okay we're not planning to ask for any more percentage can I ask just a general question David what we see on this plan is that what they're building or we that's what they're if the board approves it as is that's what you're you wouldn't be able to add anything yes I mean if you wanted I notice a note on the plan that says the existing patio to be replaced that would be okay if it's in to replace it in the same exact correct yes correct but not linking the the existing patio to the pool patio because that's not shown here yes if anything we would reduce the size shape of something to add it here or add it there you can't do that you have very minor you know yeah we would reduce the size possibly of the patio to include incorporation of the pool okay well you can't do that either um because the existing patio is is less than 20 feet from the property line and if you connect the existing patio to the pool patio that's all pool patio and it needs to be 20 ft from the property line okay you were going to do that you would need to let the board know and you'd also have to trim back the portion of of the existing patio that's within 205 20 ft of the property line okay so that all of your patio is 20 fet from the property line okay I understand that would be changes that the board would probably want to see or at least know what the your new coverage number is okay the coverage number isn't going to change okay so so you're saying you're asking for 23 and a half% correct you're saying any changes that you make going forward you will be under 20 3 and a half% correct and also that if you connect the patios you the the all of the patio will be at least 20 ft from the property line yes okay if that's the case then there wouldn't be any new variants required it'll just be a little different than what we're looking at yes did you talk to your neighbors about this project at all I have talked to a couple of neighbors about it yes um you hear any concerns from your neighbors I haven't heard anything no no yeah is there any U trees going up or any bushes around it or there's a fence line I guess that's on this plan we have a yes we already there our next door neighbors to both sides have fence line so we plan to just put a fence next to it or does that in so is this dotted line around is that the fence am I correct you have this plan right I do oh that's one yeah the dark line is the limit disturbance okay so there's no fence shown Fen is beyond that there's a fence around the whole property no no no no but just beyond that limited disturbance it extends past that say here okay it's okay it's around the property line so youer around po um probably around the whole property we're going to do the whole property yes to the to the current easement that correct they've got two easements that occupy good portion of the rear yard is there any screening Shrubbery between Lot 27 your lot lot 27 pictur trees there's trees we can barely see those Neighbors from our property on 27 because we have trees shrubs along the whole fence line and Lot 29 um Lot 29 I mean we we really can't see them from our backyard so much um and with a fence up I don't think that there will be an issue there so you don't think they can see it from their house if they're looking out I don't we cannot see their house from there so I don't imagine yeah so um I walked behind your property thank you for um allowing me um on Lot 27 so as we're standing in the back looking to into your backyard that's the property to the left and you have skip Laurels I think all along that Laurels and then some um Willows so you can see through there a little bit are you are you cutting down those Laurels are they newly planted we're not cutting them down we're not removing them oh sorry have you been trimming them to remain at the size that they are or are you planning to have them grow I mean skip Laurels will grow yes we're hoping they grow in they haven't been there very long okay that that's swear I was going because if the skip Laurels pardon me if the skip Laurels grow in that will create it will block Lo the visibility on that side is that right on the property line it's yeah it's pretty much on the property line fence is sh right on the build a fence with that there yes shs there yes you would put it on the outside of the shrubs correct yeah are you proposing any lighting for the pool yes we will the downward facing lights yes yep so in looking at the plan also I can see I can see why visually you would want the pool to be where it's placed was there any consideration given to moving it 5T over to meet the 25 foot minimum requirement um it's it's okay it's only 20t requir I thought I saw 25 ft uh side right it's if you sell 20 there's that's for the house got it so the 20 ft is okay for the pool right it's just where that existing patio is they're going to connect that yep but the pool equipment the pool equipment yeah that's got to be scooched over closer to the air conditioning units yes or somewhere else because that's in that 20 feet we're talking about yes everything that has anything to do with the pool equipment patio has to be 20 ft yeah yep so you're going to make that change on the pl over to the left of the on the left side of the house where the ACs are yep along the side of the house yeah I'll yes yes so the papers what kind of materials around the pool paper Stone um possibly Stone we're hoping for stone stone payer blocks yes I'm just trying to get a hand do you know what the widths are because it seems like it's larger on one side yes we had done that purposely so that we could have more space on one side for kids to jump in or you know what the footage is of um I don't I I scaled it it's six foot on the wide side and three foot everywhere else it looks to be three foot on the three sides and six on the WID side walkway patio is 564 yeah I scaled it and that's what it came I I I checked that number so it's same yeah you wouldn't consider cutting that back to save on some of the um I mean we'd rather not if we wanted to scale back on the impervious I would cons we would consider removing the stepping stones and putting in um PE gravel which is perious I believe if it's a walkway it's not really oh okay um scrive between and widey wide Drive um I would rather take off from the patio space I think around the pool then do that you have Curb on that driveway too yeah the Cur the driveway was widened before we moved in from the previous owners Cur yes it would be easier to take patio away than drive away M your I had a question your wood deck it's built with gaps between correct okay and there's grass underneath okay good yeah that's fine it doesn't count as impervious when was the ex um around 2020 2021 down there this is easy to and I think Dave you gave us the percentages right what's coming from the pool thank you for doing that two and a quar per basically is coming from the pool right s the surface water okay I would also consider um say just taking up the stepping stones and not and just having grass yes yes you go back yes no that was mine that's yours or I believe if we moved the all of the stepping stones that we have we'd be down to 22.9% going back also to the visibility um the neighbors to your right looking from the back the house at your back yep there they can see everything into your yard I'm sorry the house to the right yes so the house to the right of you so if you're is that 29 so yeah yes correct but if we were to put up a fence and I've actually spoken to those neighbors and they don't seem to mind the pool um but we plan to put up an opaque fence okay any trees shrubs anything yeah yeah we already have existing shrubs there that are growing we only have had those in for a couple of years I don't remember seeing any on the right hand side there are all the way up the fence line okay and in the summertime they are in full bloom got it we weren't giving any information on the pool itself could you just describe the materials it's made of um well it's either going to be gunite or rhinal we have to discuss that with the pool company um it's going to be rectangular shape um nothing did you give any thought to going one size smaller yes we could do that we have we we chose to put in as much as we could with the flexibility of reducing the size if if necessary what is the proposed tracking pad what is that at the end of your driveway the head of your driveway you have a proposed tracking pad what is that at the end of our driveway yeah she's not going to know what that is that's a it's a Sol erosion sediment control measure so it's a it's a soil erosion sediment control measure they put down a big you've probably seen them on construction sit they're big blocky stones that are thrown on the dirt area so that when you transition from pavement to dirt the uh the wheels get cleaned so that's only for Construction Construction only for construction purpos on the drawing it proposed tracking P it's this this but that's going to be part of the soil Eros C control plan that's submitted to Soil Conservation District is their limited disturbance warrants certification by SD so I think that P might get a little lengthened too when they go to SCV I'll accept your testimony yeah I I've designed those hundreds of those reading the drawing I go what's that all right so you're not finished and set on the pool the pool surround because you have a three foot on one side and six foot on the other if you need to save some area correct or we could make the pool smaller for sure well especially the area around the pool yeah MH or you can make the pool smaller around yeah I think yeah I think we would definitely make the pool smaller what would be the next size down I guess from a 20 40 to a 20 I believe it's um 18 by or yeah 18 by 30 or 16 by 36 something like that theze 1836 yes I think so yeah so how much would that reduce let just see where that puts us do you have a hot tub now we do on top of the on the patio yeah on the Pao mhm show SP yes and so is it does it sit squarely on the PA yes the total amount of coverest you're asking for 23 understand be and I'm not speaking for the board I'm just throwing this out there would you want to request 22.5 I think I had I had 22.9 um and yes we would yes is a cut the pool down reduces it by something but then the rock the side will reduce too and The Rock coverage will change too right okay that's I that's at 22.5 correct is it's both I believe yeah 22.9 steing St and the pool would get to 22.5 get down to 22.5 you have to take away about 272 for what you have okay you'll have to just make sure you're aware of that so whatever you do the 22 whatever the percentage is okay we'd be willing to do that yeah we have plenty of space yeah okay um additional questions from the board is the recharge system still required at that number no they're doing it well anything over thous and what they did was indiv here for application debating the very same thing right so I think he's heard and people start to hear that rage is uh a desire for that so if the their overage now is like 1157 I think if they take away 272 there' be less than a th but they're still over cover so at the end of the day they're going ending the system for whatever their over is as long as that's more than whatever they create herey to question for our board experts professionals so do do I understand it correctly that if the existing patio which is non-conforming with the setback requirements but pre-existing and the new pool patio if they were to connect then the entire it would be one patio and it would be non-conforming and an additional variance would be required in that case unless the existing patio were to conform basically be cut back the applicant agreed earlier that if she was going to connect the patios in doing that she would trim off the portion of the existing patio that's within 20 20t of the property line then it would all be conforming it's conforming right now because it's just a patio once it becomes a pool patio that's the 20 foot kicks in yep that makes sense M yes go 2 they have to do that anyway unless they're going to be gred a variance they trim62 conect we don't know we don't know what they're doing but you understand though connect that there's correct you connect we have to you you would have needed a variance that we're not looking at here T unless the board has a problem with them connecting the patios I would leave it in as they can do it as long as they get down to the magic coverage number don't create any additional variances thank you I agree is there a distance David like if you're not connecting what is footage well or it's it is kind of if you have like a a terrrace patio that's it's ultimately connected to the pool that's really far away then you kind of gota judgment call it but this is close enough where it's all one level even probably I think if you got to jump the kids will jump yeah they will don't put gravel between the two yeah yeah they will I'm confused if we're not starting at 23% we're starting at 23.5 stepping STS yes so by making the pool and Pao smaller we're losing a little more than half% no you're not 56% by making the pool and the surround smaller like unless you're going to three feet on all sides you're keeping the three feet on on three sides and the six foot on one and and you're shrinking everything it goes down 56% including the pool the pool surface as well I I think though we're not going to predefine exactly what they need to do no we're talking about 273 square feet I think with what we think there's a lot of square footage on here could the full shape again if they want sure something what we shoot for 225 or 22 think she suggested she would amend for 22 and a half okay based upon the questions that understand um Mr Sai is there other points here we're just going through them quickly um looking at my February 1 2024 memo um that any trees coming down at all know we talked about those no trees okay um and you agreed about lighting would be downward lit and oh um now comment number seven is just a matter of the the survey that was submitted the board wasn't signed and sealed we're going to need a signed and sealed copy you'll be able to get that yes we'll provide that yes uh number eight is just acknowledging that your as it is right now it's your pool is proposed exactly 20 feet from the property line and that's always discouraged I would revise that to actually show at least 21 feet so your contractors have a little wiggle room there okay since you're reducing the size of it okay um but either way I would have your surveyor stake out where exactly your property line is it looks like it's already defined by your neighbor's fence but yes to be okay you're close enough that I would be concerned that we're close okay and that also um well depending how close it ends up being the engineering department may require you to resurvey it to make sure you have that 20 feet in the end they can't tell okay we'd also be okay with moving it over I would yeah even give yourself two feet idea y number nine just talks about removing the saw from the property unless you provide grading plan that somebody will be removing the soil yep uh number 10 Mr Quinn previously mentioned Soil Conservation District approval number 11 if you had a chance to look at the best manager practices yes we'll be yes incoherent with that to be CLE understand yes correct we will same for quino as well correct yes Mr Quinn do you feel like we covered it enough we talked about the infra system and the soil um yeah we went over a lot of what and and they say reacted to it already with the pur cover your engineer um Mr CH before Gary he'll be in he knows there's some details for him to clean up on his drawings he'll know okay any questions he'll okay great okay the environmental commission had a concern about um run off from the leers did you see that M I did do they go dryw or we plan to put dry well into the property and roof leers would go into the dryw the roof I hold a second I just I did write down about that the uh the plan states that they're going to collect the portion and equivalent portion of the roof and direct it to a drywall because the roof runs off now we're actually having going to put zipper drain uh zipper drains around the pool patio area oh um that will run into the dry Wells rather than into the roof connection because the roof connection already goes out to the street oh it does that was a question I had for him all right yeah that's what the original CL plan showed at going out to the street yeah mean he could intercept the back half of the house he doesn't have to take it all to the front if he doesn't want to you have options okay you have options okay okay thank you um additional questions from the board do you have any questions from the public at this time if you have questions so questions based upon the testimony you heard this is not the time for a comment for or against the application we'll get to that point but if you have a question based upon what you've heard that hasn't been answered come on up if you have a comment we'll get to you in a second um okay I'll wait for the comment you want to wait for a comment okay great well I do have a question okay come on up this is the time for uh questions need you to speak in the micophone my name is right into the microphone please Ward Ward what's your address 174 I'm Lot 12 you're I'm sorry across the street that's right okay and you have a question I said the the question for me was that when I hear who's been approached and who hasn't been approached I wasn't approached and I didn't realize that we were able to give commentary on other neighbors that were approached so if you say 29 says they were okay with it I I don't know that's secondhand I know the people to the left of me are concerned but I'm not here to bring up their concerns so that that was just my commentary on it is that I am across the street uh okay and you weren't notified is that what you're saying I was notified you but she was indicating that you discussed with the neighbors I had discussed with my neighbors on either side okay I I just want to understand your question well that that was just I guess it's a commentary but my question okay so let's save the commentary come back let's save the comment I'm going to have to ask everything you just said you swear affirm that was yes it was just got make a statement it's Tech okay okay any other questions okay other comments sorry yes if if there's any comments on the application please please come on up for or against at this time you you're free to share any comments that you want with the board the mic yes we're going to be right into the microphone please and then Molly Ward okay 174 okay a lot of procedural no worries but you okay and if you could just move the microphone right up so that we make sure that everybody in the public can hear you as well so when I received the letter that there was a variance it was for the pool in the patio my concern as a homeowner is where the driveway is across the street and maybe it was what she was referring to she's fixing the the roof run off is that there's a constant stream of water that comes down that driveway into my front yard where there's two beds with water I'm concerned about runoff on my property because 25 has a pool 28 has a pool 29's going to have a pool where 25 is there's two more pools to the right on that property I have a lot of wetness in my yard so this going into my front yard when we have I'm surrounded by so many pools my yard is wet around the neighborhood has issues with flooding in my basement I'm concerned with that water however the impact is where the water is going to go with the water level being where we are and flooding issues in my neighborhood with basement I just concerned about my basement you know having that water because I don't know where that water from the driveway is coming from I believe it comes from in between our property and number 29 okay um it does run into the sewer because it's downhill from our driveway so it does run into the sewer there um I haven't seen it cross the street now I guess my concern is to have 28 27 25 three I'll be surrounded by a lot of pools and I'm not sure about the ability for my property to absorb if not an engineer there's water that's already our water table in our neighborhood is a little funky and we have a lot of flooding and I just don't want an issue in my basement we do plan on putting the zipper drains in and the dry well in so I actually think putting those in is going to solve that problem of the water coming down our driveway into the street my commentary before wasn't really maybe it was just a question but now we got the question so my commentary is 29 has an issue I I don't know if they have an issue or they're amenable to it but I know we're not here to say what our other neighbors think because right I could say what my other neighbors think that I've spoken to than thank you so I have a big I have a big concern about the variance because of of the water issues in our neighborhood and how many pools we already have around not with the pool well within your rights as a land owner to to build the pool it's more just the variance thank you the applicant stated that she's adding storm water control measures alleviate your concerns I guess that's the whole point of having this discussion is is there a need for a variance and how are you going to even accommodate the pool that's being built with I mean with the water issues that we're having and having as many pools as we do I don't know there's just a cluster of pools where we are in this around but I there'll be like four or five pools out of seven houses now I'm just concerned about that thank you you're welcome are there additional comments any other comments from the public okay do you have anything else to add before you um turn it over to the board no no I don't okay thank you thank you very much okay Chris I will do my best yeah I think we have some amendments one Vari tonight that's lot coverage as I understand by the requesting variance to 22.5 cover that's correct correct correct yes number of sated two conditions Chief amongst them being the conditions contained in our board planner Mr SCH mandum dated February 1 2024 I run through them I guess Mr um as well as the all the conditions contained in Mr Quinn our board Engineers memorandum dated February 424 and there were a few on top of that as well first being that the all the pool equipment will be moved to a compant location um and the second one had to doal with' be able to connect the patio I'm G need some help on this one as far would be permitted to connect the patio so long as it's not the 20 foot set back is that so long as patio 20 foot set back as required for a pool P yeah in its entirety yes the entire combo yes it's I mean it's not much of the existing P that would have to be cut off just a corner yep so I yeah no you got AES okay and I believe that's it unless I'm anything I no no okay so I would understand the motion will approve to be with all those conditions and also would be a motion to deem complete and to agree so you throw it back to thank you does anybody want to kick us off here volunteers I'll start off can I ask a question before you summarize Dave I just want to ask the applicant is if you're going did you say earlier that you were going to take your existing leaders and put them underground out to the street I'm sorry our addition our what did you ask the the leaders leaders gutters down spouts whatever you yeah roof leaders gutters that drain onto the property did you say earlier you were going to put them underground out to the street I believe the from the roof they already go out to the street they already do yes okay that's just a clarification okay thank you okay just to be fair we had the street they're not they're not at go out to the gutter through a hole in the curb they're tapped into the the the catch Bas that's in the street correct yeah that's what I was going with my question about getting an opening permit to tie them in exactly what I was getting yeah they're already connected you good good okay we had additional testimony so I just want to be very quick is are there any questions based upon the extra testimony that we just had oh any comments okay thank you okay um I think Mr tank was going to kick us off yeah I was going to make a few comments um so I appreciate the concern of the neighbors um with regard to water runoff um but as the board knows you know the pools themselves do act as a detention Basin so they do hold most of the water and it's very rare that they overflow Our concern is always you know the patios around and the impervious areas and I think the applicant has you know gone you know above what's required to mitigate that um so that's that's a positive and I would have no issue with that thank you so I I would I would agree with that um with the water recharge system uh we can't say that it's going to save the neighborhood and all of the runoff in the street but we can certainly say in this particular regard that it is um going to help the water um on this property yes so in fact it should be helping uh with drainage on your property it should actually be an improvement really should be an an improvement um I really appreciate your willingness to work with us to reduce the impervious coverage um I also want to note that your patio is um paper so that in and of itself lends to some drainage not perfect but it's some it's not a solid blue stone um but um regardless I think that um I think once The Laurels growing in and there's it's screened um on both sides i' like to see maybe some more you know I look forward to when the trees grow they come in really big um and I think overall again I don't think that anything here is um egregious and I I think when I look at these things it's really looking at the benefit of the the water uh quality system so I think if you're making improvements to where the water's going I think that's always a benefit yeah we are yep thank you comments from the I I will add a comment as well I um I also you know I always discount the pool um a little bit from from with respect to coverage because it doesn't add to uh as many water problems but we are very focused on the water problems every single application that we look at you know we think a lot about water and I do think the applicant has offered some suggestions here that should help the situation and and uh we appreciate you're offering them even if you did didn't offer them we may have suggested them uh as part of the the application I think that's also why we spent a lot of time talking about the rest of the property it's not just the pool you know we're hoping that we get some um help with some of the other impervious coverage because that is what leads to water problems the patio um you know with respect to uh the change I guess you're asking for 22 and a half% now which is a little bit less than what you came in here asking for it's about 400 square ft um that's not immaterial um and I think the pool in it of itself will end up being about 2% of that overage so I would be comfortable at the 22 and a half uh percentage level I would not have been comfortable um higher than that because even looking at the property from from an overhead perspective we have a lot of coverage on this property it's concentrated in that area but we can see you know how much impervious coverage that that we have there and we don't want to add uh to the problems I do think there's a high likelihood that with the mitigations that you're putting in with a water perspective will end up in a better spot than even you are now even with the changes um and that's why I would be comfortable anything else to add uh otherwise we can maybe move to a motion move to a motion need to complete yeah I move to Dei application complete and avoid oh excuse and advise our board attorney to draft a resolution memorializing our decision to Grant the sought relief subject to the stipulations agreed to this evening by the applicant and I would say C1 and C2 yeah I would second that thank you thank you Miss tank and and uh Miss Balman Miss kefir I'm sorry are you ready for a vote I think we have a a motion in a second yeah uh m b yes Mr yes Mr kavosi yes Miss poar yes Mr tany yes Mr hon yes chairwoman Jers yes thank you so I I think there were a lot of comments that were made and suggestions along the way with respect to how close you are where you are if you connect these things so just be mindful of that because you know 22 and a half% is uh all you get okay thank you so much luck thank you good luck um okay are there comments from uh members I have a question yes or questions uh I have a question about um the uh we were supposed to have a landscape committee for the um I can't even think um down on Valley Road the Assisted Living thank you we did that we did that we when did we do that we did we did who did that Mr CR I yes no we did the one up on did we did the other one when did you do I did both actually okay and one was Landscaping yeah I didn't even see that okay I don't think you were on that landscape committee were you I was not we counted every tree actually but I wasn't I didn't even you know what though I didn't I didn't even hear the opportunity to join that landscape committee oh is that true I would have very much liked to have been a part of that snooze you lose on the landscap where was I I'm at every I'm at all of these meetings where was I did you stop refusing stop refusing many was it at a um one of the yeah we did have three whatever it was an Allen Road meeting probably it was it was wonderful it was amazing Landscaping it was like a it was like a nursery what are you what are you all mad down there bu you can you get your chance you can take a tour you can take a tour inside and out I'm sure every day that I drive by you can tour it anytime you want you can okay any other uh questions there's an overabundance of trees we were very impressed by the Landscaping okay comments from uh staff I I do believe we have a meeting next Thursday that I will be unable to uh attend although Mr tankr is going to be in charge be excellent I know you're looking forward to that which is great so that's a special meeting on February 15 is that a signature that is a signature meeting I'd like to know if I can come back now that the election is over I don't think so that's a no okay it's two NOS for you we'd love to have you back uh on that one anything else um Miss kefir no I have nothing okay so uh a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor thank you