call the meeting to order roll call please americanos here Mr amang here M mcrey here Mr McQueen here Mr Romero here Mr ruse here M here notice of this meeting was provided to the Barnesville news and Courier News file with the municipal clerk and posted on the municipal bulle board on December 14th 2023 please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance n he has the flag I pledge Al to the flag of unit States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right welcome to the February 20th 2024 meeting of the Bernardsville borrow Council this meeting is being conducted in person in the second floor conference room of burrow Hall an audio recording of the meeting will be posted on YouTube the following day members of the public who are attending will be given the opportunity to comment at appropriate times during the meeting in accordance with the following guidelines members of the public will be allowed to speak during the Open Session and during formal public hearings which we don't have on the work session so never mind uh comments will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker which will be monitored and enforced by the burrow clerk comments containing offensive profane or indecent language or language constituting hate speech will not be permitted all speakers shall State their names and addresses before making their comments failure of a governing body to provide an audio recording of this meeting will not invalidate this meeting or any action taken including but not limited to the adoption of any ordinance resolution or motion all right then we go right into an open session so if anyone from the public would like to speak raise your hand seeing none I will close the public session uh we have a number and just you know for everyone's edification this is a format we used to do years ago um Jack's been pushing for it ever since to come back I don't know how it went away it it's kind of faded away yeah um what we tried to do was keep this session is to kind of hash out things that have been on our plate things that have come from committee to the council so that we're setting the agenda for the action meeting so that the next meeting we can take action on things without seeing them for like a lot of times they'd show up on the agenda for the first time we wouldn't have the background we wouldn't have had a discussion about it so we're hoping this format helps us move things along and keep them orderly and then there's enough explanation so no one feels like they haven't learned about what the topic is so for the public and for you guys that's what we're doing all right so the first one is to D designate the Audi property developer and authorize a new RFP for the Audi property uh we have been I'm sorry go ahead um we're going to also be discussing this in close session because we got a new proposal so this is what you talk about now is going dependent on what you decide later in executive okay um I know when we talked about it in the P it's been a while that we've been waiting on this particular developer so I didn't oh that's s right Matt just said something today Matt said something and then he called me and we went over is he going to be here for the no but we went over we went over what he wants to talk about so so if if you decide that you after hearing what you hear in Clos session if you decide that you want to go ahead next week with the D designation of the redeveloper and issue new RFP then that's what we'll do next week if you decide to stick with the old one then we won't do that next week so would it be an RFP for a new redeveloper yes for a new proposal or to purchas because I like same thing kind of well but but in our the original intent we come on in we were uh the original intent we said we were we were just selling it it wasn't an area needed Redevelopment it didn't need a developer no no no like the the first time we went through this it was just we were going to hold on to it and sell it we didn't we didn't name it in area need to Redevelopment I believe until this the current developer but the the person that we were going to sell the property to back in 2000 no I think even The Distillery we had the reeled reeler we hadn't named the redel was still Area Redevelopment okay long ago long okay so so it will right RP for a new developer then right for an area in need of Redevelopment with the same Redevelopment plan that we wrote back in the actually topology Ro for us so it's up the proposal could be to buy or to do another lease thing or whatever but it's up to them to give us that so they would come to us if I understand it correctly with how much we we D desate the current redeveloper which was 65 whatever their name was basically a distiller right wasn't that oh no no El it was a restaurant office that's right so we we D designate that person and then we would essentially open up an RFP and they would give us bids that has a a purchase amount and a use right and then we would sort of look at the purchase amount in the use and decide what we feel is the best interest of the community both and the difference between a bid and the RFP is that we don't have to pick the the best offer like whoever offers us the most money we don't have to take that we can look at what fits with the overall you know our vision for the downtown so that's the beauty of an RFP so we will uh have something for the next agenda either doing it or not doing it based on what you hear from in executive all right um You have the in the packet was the preliminary review by um our planner we were asked by um the developer to consider that property as an area in need of Redevelopment we asked our planner just to do a quick look so you have her report um the next step is if you want to we can ask her to do the indepth study which will cost us about 177,000 yeah um I don't know if we want to go there or if you want to council comments questions is this this is only our decision nothing to do with planning board correct right no they would they actually we ask them to do the review do the study to authorize the study but you have to ask them got it okay so I interpret it correctly what's in front of us is deciding to start the process to look as an area in your development right or telling the individual that we're not going to consider it and they can just proceed as they want to on current zoning correct yeah I think she did a good job of pointing out a lot of the things that from afar you don't really notice until you get it's true get up close and for me when I walk by that area um you know she spot on with her description of what it really looks like from you know The Pedestrian walking by standpoint so now if we ask the planning board to do the study can they use their own planner or they use our planner who how does that last time we recommended John Zabo so we can recommend whoever we want we did but it's ultimately up well we can actually have the study done oh we could I don't think they need to authorize it I think they just need to get it once it's done right they can either agree or disagree with it we say that it's consistent with the master plan or not right oh so we can do I didn't see the council can authorize it yes on our own and send it to the plan board with the study when it's done correct antique St is there a reason we can't put this we can't wait on this for a while and the only reason the reason I bring that up is we're seeing a lot of we're still getting a lot of push on the on the Palmer property we've already got the AI property that we're going to have to make a decision on we've got Quimby and now we're entering into a fourth area in need or area of development I just I think it's I think it's a lot to put on Toto the town right now I mean I I think the decision for me is either we're designating that area with a big brush in area of Redevelopment or we're not cuz I I mean I don't want to take if we take these property by property I think we open ourselves up to I don't know I don't going to use word risk but maybe that's not the right word um choosing which choosing here and there I think we're either deciding it's all in area of Redevelopment so you're saying beyond the scope of what she of what the developer that we currently have like when I'm looking at this because in the in the notes they've got the area which is I think limited by what the develop ER is coming forward or you're saying to go further well or not go further well we're either going to take every single property that's downtown over the next 5 years one by one why think we look at them all that's I guess what I'm saying okay cuz I I mean I know what the the the gun stores asked right the old gun store mhm um they're either all going to ask or we decide the whole area is so maybe that you're talking like that whole block almost well or all the way around the corner I think you're talking about the whole downtown I'm talking about that whole downtown area I don't know but you wouldn't do the the shopping center no no I would from about I wouldn't have probably started there but I would have started the library and gone South well so just taking a step back like I think also a question philosophically have to think about is do we proactive versus reactive in other words it seems like based on that feedback of the former shops and this one are we going to allow ourselves or is it acceptable for um individuals who have projects to come to us and ask us for that or is it more proactive on our mind in other words um shouldn't we be necessarily not reacting to that but actually saying this is our vision for the downtown and therefore the best way to accomplish it is either through current zoning or it's an area need to R development I guess like what I'm saying is philosophically um I guess I have a little bit of a not that anyone suggesting this but just sort of like I don't like to just kind of react to events or do things because people are asking us to do them but actually because we feel like it fits the master plan the best and so this one wasn't this piece of property was not even a question until until we were approached by a developer so that by that you're saying reactionary if that's the case then yes yeah right so if you were to extend I think Chad would you were saying to say from Quimby all the way up to Church Street and kind of everything in between yeah I mean I'm not I'm not necessarily saying I advocate I would say that I want to want to do that but I'd rather do that than have 10 properties and choose these five and not these five yeah right because I think then you risk playing winners and losers versus actually having a we're either making zoning changes like we did in the quinby block or or not right well and the advantage to that is if each even if those you know it's done in pieces each person has to comply which means you get consistency rather than people all doing different and it allows us to if if we just look again I'm not advocating one way or the other you we could consider as a council things beyond that parcel right parking open space but would we would we not just because I mean the the whole point in areas of Redevelopment or it's a it's zoning MH so if we're going to look at that and kind of say okay the whole downtown core then why don't we just look at the whole downtown core zoning again that's sort of what I'm saying yeah okay okay suching it's a pilot right and the pilot the next thing it would be en that we get are looking for in those areas right but if we just change the zoning to the point then Pilots would be off the table yeah I I would look if I was going to do it I would look at it from an area you develop yes or no that's what I would do but that's just my opinion well because then you have the option of the pilot if the developer wants it and you have the advantage of more input in the design and construct you know what they're going to do yeah and the requirements if you want to ask for open space or you want to ask for landscaping specific landscaping or sidewalk extra parking in the park in the library parking lot or some other Improvement to the downtown I I also think like I know I'm complicating with an additional layer but will those areas still be areas in need to development if we thought they were once the current projects go through as Jay was pointing out in other words like we very clearly chose um Jason or J depose Corners to allot which is the exact center of town y right in their commercial hub Quin be on one side Palmer on the other I think Ali was a little bit of a necessity right because of how that had sat for years and the building was very clearly dilapitated so if if you fix that core which we think we're we made an attempt to do we all I think we believe it then I would also say like if you look at the longer time Horizon will will the areas then naturally become economic hubs themselves and redevelop without the push which I think was just extrapolating a little bit more of what you were pointing out about the number of projects are already on our docket I think I mean look if I was just voting on this as an independent I would not be in favor of this one plot being an area of Redevelopment just because I I I'd rather the freak Market correct itself I would in that circumstance I would be willing to reconsider the zoning because I think the emergency provision of what the 34 units per acre I think is too low for that area I would revisit that we would I think disagree I would go up on that if we looked at the zoning so that area is 34 I'm sorry yeah I think so okay you're saying it should be higher I think it should be but that's well the whole all of the zoning was up was updated to specify four units per acre which was very conservative so if anybody wants to redevelop today now after that change now they have to do that I mean I understand why we did it I mean at least why I voted for it cuz at the time you wanted it so say slow the you know what down um I recall in the initial stages of Quimby when we discussed doing Quimby and um not in not wanting to bite off more than we Pikachu per se like make it too large because it was our first kind of designation and we you know wanted to make sure it was a right decision we did discuss putting the train station in and I did think that was an excellent idea but I think in an effort to compromise that was not included so I agree with what Chad is saying especially because the train station could be included in it and I think that really needs some love we since we don't I don't know how that would work with New Jersey Transit is there any they agreed to it last time remember there was that shortlived Redevelopment plan for down there U and the r potential redeveloper went to Transit that it was Kevin sil's uh right yeah so can we ask the planner instead of moving forward with just this to move forward with like her thoughts about like making in a broader scope I mean she's a planner she's an expert she undoubtedly has more experience than any of us to be actually do an area need a development study for that whole Corridor downtown cor we're saying oh cost a lot more yeah and like whether or not we can just accomplish what we yeah CU you do yeah that's exactly kind of like she just did for here what did this one cost us couple thousand 5,000 it was and we just got a bunch of bills from her that were 8 it was $88,000 and I think this one came in um is this one that came in over under um I think this one came in under I want to say this was like four just but this was not a full full on study right right does it make sense to have do we want to go to her and ask I mean Chad you obviously have some thoughts on this I'm just wondering do we want to have a committee look at this and determine what we think the limits the boundaries should be and then come back to to spend the money on having them do a study right like I'm I'm I agree like I'm a little hesitant to take what was is going to be like a acceptance or rejection of something and turn it into something larger quickly without thinking it the reason I bring that up is it wasn't as involved last time this happened but the last time we looked at the master plan and the zoning laws I think it was like a two-year process right so we kicked it off there's discussions publicly public input um I mean I read the document right it was intricate um 48 pages I think so I think um if we take this route I'd be a little bit more comfortable with first having a discussion with Jessica personally on you know some of her thoughts maybe how this has worked in other communities what a longer term process looks like rather than just sort of pivoting from um a like a more acute issue into something larger quickly I'm looking at I'm looking over Jay's Scher I mean if we looked at it essentially is that road by what is it Columbia Bank up to to the library of the church and then left over to Anderson HIll Hill yeah it's which I think the I mean look technically the whole area we qualify just do we want to so can we ask Jessica maybe to attend the next work session and let us run you know see what her input would be where she's done this before if it makes sense if it's a good idea I mean she can just come in on the computer or whatever she doesn't have to show up but maybe for the next work session we could have her dive into it yeah does that so so Christine you were talking about the the train station as well so is that something do we want to I'm just you're saying this area and I know not can see my computer but there over by the library are we also then wanting to look at other areas like the quinby and I guess we have a we have the Redevelopment of quinby but and the the Train Station train station yeah okay did we hear back from them we did not so fig I mean if if I was if I was dreaming this up and I'm looking again over Jay's shoulder I would also include Nancy the what's the street over by the Bolan Terrace by Bo and Terrace yeah where Street yeah that is it the whole way like it's called it's called bowl and Terrace well I think when it turns it's something else it's um no I just that West when it goes tow to West yes cuz we really are thinking of a master Vision one way and then it goes two ways there's the other side of the tracks which is right there that could be part of that Vision I don't know I'm not even sure I want to go that direction but that's I agree because that's like a resour right there could be changed to commercial presumably we're getting the federal money to connect it yep could be commercial could be a lot of different things that it's not now mhm all right so we'll ask Jessica to come to the next work session in the meantime we will tell this developer that we're considering it I think considering it and we're I would say that we're evaluating do do we create a legal problem if we say that we're evaluating a larger portion of the area no no problem I think that that's probably the right yeah yep okay next item sorry if we want to then we can each of the different areas then we name redevelopers for and we create development plans for each of the different areas we don't have could well yeah but that's I think what Jessica can help us with is how how do we do that it doesn't have to be all one right we could have a master we could have a master oversight document and then unlike quinby the way it was originally proposed say we're going to deal with each lot as an individual developer yeah okay good I think they're all pretty unique in the way they came about like it's not the same reason for quinby as it is for AI you know that right but and the other thing too is going back to the zoning zoning in itself if we wouldn't have to do this I guess not that we wouldn't have to do it but if we could accomplish what we want to this is a question for the planner could we accomplish what we want to which is revitalizing downtown without naming everything in need of Redevelopment we could we could amend the zoning globally for that that downt cor so those are kind of our options well I mean look I I hate you know I hate spending money but we need to re-evaluate quinby anyway so is that on here too is that really what we're talking about that's on just doing this one at a time or taking a bigger look at it well and that's kind of what we've ended up with with the Claremont projects because oh they actually in that one but they're not yeah it's been complicated and we appointed a Comm a volunteer committee to take a look at quy um last I think the last meeting but I think Christine it's a great Point like it should be a broader discussion about how we accomplish um downtown and the well our goals downtown in the best way not necessarily just around an area in Redevelopment I think or maybe that is the best way yeah I mean you have to evaluate the pros and the cons I think because there are certain areas of Redevelopment or tools right that were provided by the state for a reason and so there are pros and cons to going well just a question what are the cons of not aiming is an area of Redevelopment like what what would be be a con so some of the things that like Mary Jane talked about earlier is like um you know the the amenities you can negotiate additional things that that's not a con that's a sorry yeah yeah yeah sorry so what is a con I guess I'm not I don't any of them because like we have the option right to have a payment or they would have an option yeah you can look at the pilot as a pro or con depending on which side you stand on that issue I think like we have a um responsibility in my opinion to actually decide if something is an Area Redevelopment or not um and if we believe that based on current zoning the free market provides the best mechanism to accomplish the development of it or if we feel like there is um a specific issue or um problem with the specific area that could only be accomplished using any tool at our disposal right with this being one of them right and like I I I do believe it needs to be used more um selectively and like we have a you know a due diligence responsibility to sort of make sure that it actually fits the intended use of it in a way that otherwise to me like the free market is the best mechanism to do so in my personal opinion right okay I I actually think that like I'd be interested when we talk to the developer or the the planner I'd be interested in asking the question question about how many times she has not found I I honestly don't think I I think you could find the Statute of Liberty in area I don't think there's a property in New Jersey you couldn't find as anat I mean my personal opinion I I don't know I think the law is written it's written that I think you're correct yeah so I yeah I I um to Al's point I think that it's a tool that could be overused sure depending upon your perspective it's also a tool that is kind of helping a lot of suburbs like ours that are so car Centric in the business designs that are along that road it's really been helping in other towns so I I don't want to discount it and say that it's kind of this blanket fix because it is actually a a bad situation that most of the suburbs are in where you know using the public transit that we have is really something that we should do and the ridership on the trains and all that those discussions come into play with this yeah goes back to the transit Village one right like I people are so focused on making sure we have direct trains to Manhattan the best way to do that is have walkability to the train station and sort of thriving downtown right and the bus we do have the bus service yeah took the bus a lot yeah but you have more leverage to go to ngj Transit and say we need more service to Manhattan if you have the rers ship to right definitely that's gone down but it goes both ways you know if you don't if you don't have the ridership you know you can't which came first yeah which comes first exactly so so I think so I guess next meeting we'll have her come and talk about yeah I think it's a good idea okay um moving on to housing advisory committee um we were talking about whether you know I know last year we redid All Our committees to try and maximize the use of our volunteers because we're not getting as many volunteers as we used to um a lot of them are aging out so we combined some committees we got rid of some committees and we never really dealt with um the housing advisory so I think you gave us the it's here yes the um the ordinance that set it up and I think what's uh Jack pointed out is possible get us into future litigation yes is the use of the word monitor monitor monitor um you know if you read that um yeah we really shouldn't have an advisory committee monitoring employees or enforcing yeah ordinances point and that wasn't the intent MH that's really the responsibility of the the zoning office staff um I know Chad you were on it um now it's you know we have four four new people there so it's a very different staff we've had trouble getting people to be on it for one um probably because of the the time they would meet during the the zoning office staff how evaluate or something like that yes that's a problem I think monitor the word in every paragraph It's in is is a problem I I I wonder if it's a committee without a purpose at this point we have an administrator that is overseeing things well I I I I don't want to say the reason why I think the reasons why it was implemented but I was very early on the that group its original purpose was to come up with an ordinance to deal with the stacking problem downt and it became and at that time we did not have a fully staff Z zoning office we had a part-time zoning officer and that was it wasn't it that's correct now we have four people in that office so we kind of fell on people to do it as volunte can we through resolution Jack delegate the powers of monitoring and oversight to the appropriate body which is the administrator oh absolutely I think that's part of the administrator's Duty now but but maybe in it's if we decide to Sunset it the sunsetting of it is you know regning those duties back to the appropriates yes that could certainly be done so how do we do that well if you're going to abolish the housing advisory committee we do that by ordinance and then we can look at the administrator's ordinance and you know add some some more specific duties with respect to housing enforcement yeah and we do have the the um link on the website where if you see something you can report it and it goes right to the zoning office MH so we don't need you know to have a committee doing that because any citizen can do that and I hope they use it because you know they can't possibly see everything in town so it's great that people report things we discussed several problems one is creating a hostile workplace by an advisory committee if they're monitoring employees and the other is enforcement and arbitrary enforcement uh by an advisory committee I I would vote I would push to to abolish the committee and redesignate those authorities so if we have an introduction for the next meeting M of the amendment or whatever you're doing or yeah okay I forgot what plant management was um s yeah just to talk about the presentation at the next meeting yes that's right you want to do that the finance um the finance committee had um raised the issue about looking into looking into in all caps the possibility of selling the sewer plant and so we have a presentation next week by an attorney who is experienced in representing municipalities that will talk uh that have sold um who will talk about the pros and cons and then you can debate it and decide there's a specific timeline if you wanted to do it um I'll just say right up front that one of the conditions in every town I've ever been involved or every town I know of who's done this is you make sure that all the employees are offer jobs with whoever buys them that's in the RFB but I just want to put that out there because we're not looking to put anybody nobody's looking to put anybody out of work um but it's just a preliminary question answer um she'll make a presentation and then you guys can ask whatever questions you want and decide if anything if you want go on from there and maybe we can put that on the next work session as well because I'm guessing it's going to be more in depth yeah we'll have the presentation next week and then we can discuss it further maybe at next work me if I'm correct it's a it's a long process not only is it the bidding but it requires does it require a public referendum or so it requires a referendum so the uh generally speaking what would happen is if you decided to go ahead with it a bid would be um drafted uh request for bids put out probably around May or so um you get them back you decide uh you know you pick the highest one decide if it's worth it um um and then um you would have to do a resolution to put a question on in uh on the ballot by August it there would be question on the ballot in November if it passed then there would be a sale which probably wouldn't take place until a year after by the time everything works out so it's pretty much a two-year process but there's strict guidelines and one of the things that we would not be constrained about is um anything over I believe it's 11 million you have to get permission from the contoller um and it's extremely unlikely this would be $1 million so that takes out New Jersy yeah you just have to notify them and get something back that's a really long process that takes probably six weeks that would not be an issue here because it wouldn't be 11 an1 million plus sale what did um long I was expecting more negotiation already we're already given up$ Million number Hy well what somebody said somebody very wise said it is worth what somebody's willing to pay for it um but based on looking at what others have sold for Long Hills was 11.7 Million so we did have to go to the comp troller yeah but you're much bigger Long Hill was much bigger Long Hill has twice as many rate payers so that makes that's a big part of the equation that they using trying to come up with what the purchase price but but Long Hill had a lot of issues that we don't have like they been on a SE B since 2000 uh oh wow and severe overflow during rainstorms and oops Yeah Yeah so um you know this I'm not going to steal her Thunder she'll make her presentation okay so that'll be next week under presentations we'll have that on the agenda um engineering rate um yes uh so as you know we hir Tony haar is our engineer um but the boards both boards are still using Ferraro or um Boswell now and um Bob brightley who is the engineer from Boswell had uh requested that Tony do the inspections do all the inspections since he's here um I love that idea yeah it's a great idea um so uh this is for both board applications and obviously for non-board applications Tony would do them since he's the board uh the burough engineer so in order to do that we need to set a fee and um there is actually a formula in the municipal land use law that you take um the hourly rate that the engineer makes and you're allowed to charge up to 200% of that so the bulk of the fees would come from escrow and so he doesn't get that we use that to offset his salary so um ultimately if Tony was to be both board engineers then he'd pay for himself probably a couple times over um but anyway doing the math you take his salary divide by 52 35 it comes to like $102 an hour time 2 is $24 an hour you include benefits though I don't think you're allowed to include benefit it's base salary it says matter you will um so we were proposing $190 an hour I know under Boswell's new fees they range from $198 to inspector A 233 for an engineer um we tried to come in a little bit lower than that because even though Tony's more than an inspector he's both combined we wanted I mean part of the reason why we didn't want to go with Boswell was their huge increase in fees so we came up with $190 an hour I mean you can discuss it or debate it it can't go over two 204 I think that's fair I mean look this is the cost of doing business if you're looking to develop and to Y well if they weren't paying Tony they'd be paying they'd be paying does everybody understand that conversation and how we decided to keep Boswell or is it important to anybody why we decided not to keep well no they're staying for 12 months the board is deciding to stay there for 12 months does everybody does it need an explanation be good mainly just to give tony an opportunity to settle in it was a continu continuity issue the number of open applications issue um combination with his knowledge of quinby um to keep him on for 12 months even though it was going to cost may it may even be longer than that but we'll see do you want me to do the ordinance yes please okay so are we okay with 190 I am yeah yeah okay 190 yeah um The somerson Hills law enforcement committee this was just um I wanted to give you an update on that what's happened it's from um what we brought up the car thefts and people in the burglaries that Al kind of spearheaded um the Mayors and police Chiefs got together for Somerset Hills um peac Gladstone Bedminster uh Far Hills Bridgewater Baskin Ridge and myself and we formed a committee and what we're doing is sharing what each of us is doing how it's going to work uh what we want to do next how we can all work together to solve this problem for our neighborhoods um what Bernard's Township has done is um they have been having cars they're police cars at the exits of the highway so as soon as somebody comes off the highway there's a police car sitting there uh I don't know how long they're going to do that but at some point we may ask the Sheriff's Office to help with that piece of it they have purchased 10 of the license plate readers we I believe are going to purchase three and that'll be all worked out with um the other towns so and each can see it's this they share the same software um one of thing I wanted to give you all a copy of this because I thought this was great they Bernard's Township did this and that's the beauty of working together is we're all sharing what worked where who's using what kind of poster um what kind of meetings they're having this is a home security check list that Bernard's Township came up with that they give to their it's on their website which I thought was really detailed you know and if each person goes through this I think it's really useful that if we put our logo on it and that's you know which they've offered that we can use this but I thought it was really pretty good so I just want to let you know that we are on this we are working at it um we actually have a meeting on Thursday Congressman Kane is doing a mayor's meeting on the problem with car thefts and and burglaries in the state so and what in his district so I'll give you an update on that next week hopefully so I just think it's excellent Kudos is like I just think it's great that the Mayors are coordinating I know the Chiefs are too like it can only be beneficial for everything we're trying to accomplish and to make residents feel good and it would be great if we would push the state on Chief Remy articulated that the state was looking at putting a license plate readers on other main corridors and the highways I'm ass7 andly be part of that so the more we can push the I guess the attorney's general office um on a f there because it is it is a Statewide problem it's actually it's a nationwide problem but um we don't want to be the neighborhood that they come to so all right that was that piece um Polo Grounds lighting so this is the proposed plan that we're going to share um so I'm not sure if everybody has seen the plan for the polo ground lights I saw an early one I se yes so it's been through according to Bob it's been through a lot of iterations um so this is the what we anticipate to be the final depending on what you say um I wanted to show it to you I want I assume you want the public to see it um if you're in if you're if you like it then what we would be doing is a resolution at the next meeting to authorize the engineer to go out to bid um but I would think that you would want the public to see it as well um if you be brighter so there's a lot of colors on here but for this phase of it I'll Zoom it in okay for phase one the blue you can move it up the blue lights I want be good behind the so the um this is the field so this light this light all the blue these 1 2 3 4 5 six are 70 ft tall okay um these two are I think it's 20 ft they are TW um sorry 14 and 1/2 these are 14 and2 half and then I'm assuming B directional going towards the just towards the turf or also towards the tennis cours or are they on this is towards the this is right this is so that when people are walking on this path this would light up and I imagine some light would spill over in the tennis courts but then the these blue ones all around here up there that's for the parking lot and they are 20 ft okay um oh I take it back these these two are 60 and these two are 70 okay um and then what the two on the bottom are those 70 as well these are 70 yeah so 7 470 and 472 60s and those two on the side are 14 and2 and then those are 20 I'm assuming that I there's got to be an njssa standard for lighting a field these meat are to that spec I assume I mean it's just Suburban engineering I and then bid still has to go out what is just the plan so that's phase one is the blue so phase one is the blue okay um it also includes the Pavilion here um and includes all the utilities that would come in gas electric and um water phase one also includes can that um just the conduits for lights conduits and conduits and wiring for lights along the entrance way if you decide in phase two that you wanted to do that um phase two is all the red I don't really think we need to talk about phase two right now cuz it would be at least a year away proba two um but just for the blue lights The Pavilion and the utilities is about one and a half million okay has the and we the reason I asked is because we I got an email today but has the has the community on the back end of this or I guess it's I don't know if this this big of a deal but off of um CI extension had they had they if we're going we're going to present the plans has there been any kind of Engagement with that group or the people that have the I forgot the name of the neighborhood behind it but um you know I'm going to say no to that just because we got a call from somebody who lives yeah over here today like Place yeah that oid um and he didn't know really much about it I I assume that on Recreation I mean the meetings were open to the public and they talked about it more than you talked about it here that's why I think it's important for you to talk about it here and then we put this on the website so the public can see it and have input um we're not we don't have to notify by law no no I got it I the only reason I'm bringing it up also is because the high school frankly I I mean I'd like to see I I think having the the generators running doesn't make a lot of sense so I like the idea of lighting and I think what they can do but I I listened to what the school was going through in terms of their process of engaging the neighborhood yeah and so I'm not saying we have to follow the exact same process the school is doing but I think we probably should if ours feels like it was not done in a in a semi similar manner they you know we they they had to the public to yeah yeah yeah let's let's I mean I think this is the first time I mean this could have happened before I got here but I think this is the first time I agree Council have looked at it so I'm going to say the public has definitely not a year and a half ago or a year ago we're see you remember we saw the the publicly like we We R viwed the um phasing of the red PL right and so like accomplishing this was in phase one phase one b of the right plan and so like I think at that point we had that public discussion but this is the first time we're actually seeing the detail around it so yeah I agree we need like a process to make sure Community F feels like they have the ability to Al say is the houses here are set back much further from The Polar grounds than the houses across the street from from the from the High School stadium so it's like there's it's a different there's different level of stakeholders and that type of thing I I mean and this is new type of lighting than MH what it's very impressive how specific B bed went through a lot 10 years ago yeah I'm sure they did well I mean this kind of lighting is specifically you know the leakage is you know it goes down rather than out um but I still think that there are people who live around there who are going to want to hear about it um Can we is there any economy scale Jack and I don't know the what the governing law is here so bunch of polls and $1.5 million of expense the school of board OFA is going to spend a reasonable amount of money probably with the exact same vendor is there any purchasing power that we could exhibit as a town yeah we we could enter into a shared service agreement the only thing I would say is given what I heard about the school district is doing their process is is way ahead off to a oh no I well I would I would actually say they've got a long Runway oh really I thought talking about next year visits to different yeah we got to get this yeah now this would be actually started oh yeah no they're they're like yeah I mean and they had some very vocal you know people who were against it coming out and asking a lot of questions and I think given what they went through 10 years ago the pr or the superintendent seems like he's going to be having like a long process for that so I don't think we need to follow that that process but I but maybe it's Recreation could contact those people and have a meeting with them yeah maybe that's a good um with maybe Suburban a representative from Suburban who can get more into the specifications of what the lights actually do yeah I mean I think that's important I think if people see at least samples and they have they have a a a forum to ask their questions I think that's really important um maybe this a question for Leslie but was this Finance what was this bonded for yes yes okay in fact um that's on the further in the that's not uh that's not that one oh no that's a that's Audi and and burnard Avenue no this so this one this is was not funded my understanding is that so it's $4 million even though the project is estimated to cost three cost three if you do everything in phase two um but my understanding maybe this is more of a finance committee question uh discussion is that you the intent was to basically fund it by borrowing money from the acquisition fund that then um paying back the acquisition fund so for this project for $1.5 million we have about $750,000 cash in the open space trust fund we have we'll bring in$ 450 this year from the open space tax so that leaves 1.2 million so we only need $300,000 to borrow from the acquisition fund and then you as a governing body need to determine this is why I'm not suggesting you do phase two next year you need to determine how much you're going to pay back the acquisition fund per year because if you bring in 450 you know we've got we've got things coming out all the time to ask let's use open space trust for this or that and you kind of don't want to mortgage it for the next like 10 years we've got pool issues we've got athletic fueld um Turf replacement come you know these things coming down the road so I think we need to have a a bigger discussion about the use of open space space trust fund but for right now you're you're good yeah that's how we plan for the first phase at least to cover the cost the other thing talked about this just throw it out there is if there was an opportunity in any of these larger lights to expand cell phone coverage up there we talked about that I'm just reminding that we had discussion get an answer right so um Jack and I talked about this earlier um because I got a call earlier today uh because it it well do you want to explain it Jack yes Green Acres approval would be required because it's considered a diversion under the Green Acres rules which would require their approval and also substitute property to cover the cost but the poll's that that big I'm just a messenger so do we need to find like four square feet someplace you don't we see what we're going through with the the no I know the rosy we would end up losing money I can give them four feet in my backyard we'll be we'll be good it has to be from some other green like I said I'm just the messenger yeah that's the problem with Green Acres stuff gets very complicated explain that we have to trade do like one we' have to find substitute property spot and in dollar value as well so because it's on it's it's on Greener property we're allowed to put the lights up but not put on top of the Light Tower or cell phone that's correct cuz the regulation specifically mentions Communications equipment oh interesting so we've often talked about the parcel of land north of the soccer fields or is that yeah that's North that's been for sale what we would have to buy that with non-op space money really interesting that well we can use our open space acquisition fund but we don't get reimbursement Jack let me ask question we could not buy the substitute property using open space money buy but could we let's get creative here could we buy the parcel and subdivide it and subdivide essentially a 10x1 parcel of land in that piece like we did the other Park we'd have to get Green Acres approved approved appraisals which we'd have to pay for for which we'd have to pay for which is like I said in the end I think it would cost us money to go through the process other question it's a very long slow process at least with the encroachment on the and that's they came over the cell coverage there is terrible people get hurt all the time and there's no way to use the phone to call911 phone I they've talked about that too uned Park blue blue light funds that you send college campuses yeah put emergency phones you shouldn't be putting sell stuff here but but like I said this is unfunded Parkland which means we didn't buy it with Green Acres funds but it's still subject to Green Acres restrictions once once you get one Green Acres grant or loan all your open space in Parkland is subject to Green Acres restrictions so as part of this the bid specifications how many aspects of the actual bid will there be so um I talked to both our engineer and the Suburban engineer about that and they suggested that we that it's most efficient to bid everything together because um if nothing else when you have multiple things contractors the coordination and the Slowdown and the finger pointing is just not worth it um so uh the only thing that I would even recommend or that they would even recommend looking at would be if anything because the bid would probably say musco or the equivalent of lighting and mus goes in a co-op and so if you wanted to look into a co-op but even then you're still talking about coordinating they're their electrician their light delivery and all that so Accord well well in talking to Suburban they do not recommend parsing it out into pieces but it should be one bit so the I guess the theory then is a general contractor only General Contractors will come in to bid this because we're talking about light fixtures themselves the installation of the lights and then the Pavilion well they subcontract but the Pavilion is a separate bid that's why I'm asking exactly what comb oh I I missed that piece so yeah so the bigger the better B you get I'm okay combining the Pavilion utilities and lights yeah that's it those three aspects yeah okay the only thing that I would be is like obviously a general contractor right you get somebody to build your house if you do it yourself it's cheaper obviously by getting all your own contractors that do their specialization you hire GC they're going to charge you an extra whatever over the top because they're subcontracting right so they're going to get a price from whoever they're subcontracting with and then they're going to add on whatever their normal percentage is so and it's just and it's not because it's not their thing because they do have to subcontract it out so they have to go find the right people who can do utilities do the installation do the Pavilion building so we're going to pay more up front because we're going to be giving these general contractor an extra hit on it so that we don't have to do the coordination that's what they get the extra money for it's their responsibility we're not checking on each separate contractor ourselves or Tony doing that plus every contractor has to pay prevailing wage so you can't get you know Tony Mr electrician down the street who's so much cheaper because we have to pay prevailing wage so it always looks like it costs us so much more to do a project than you could have got you know your brother-in-law to do it but we have that prevailing wage requirement and they said that they the way or the amount that you would save by doing it individually does not even come close to the slowdowns of the project by trying to get everybody in the coordination yeah and if anything goes wrong they all point the finger the other they do they do um so I think that I mean I don't think that we should put a resolution on next week to author is to got to bid because I really think that you need yeah I think you have this presented next week well no we I think we ask Recreation to contact those residents and has set up a meeting with them the neighbors like at the Fieldhouse or something I think you I think you have a public I think you just put on the agenda Lights of the Polar ground and whoever is interested can come but it's more of I don't know I just think Recreation has the bigger picture than we do I don't think this is I don't think this is recreation's job to meet with the public or the recreation committee's job to meet with the public well the re director maybe he could um I think you put it on the agenda and if public is interested they come to council so the only thing I'll say as a Counterpoint is when we've had large projects like the burnard's out project I think we have a good template of now doing these Community focused meetings in the community they're going to effect and that was Doug Walker was in charge of that Doug Walker left it the let it public works committee was there and we had 70 80 people come and it was a really robust good conversation I think made the project better in the end so I I agree like a volunteer committee shouldn't necessarily meeting it but but the rec director Bob maybe with our support I think I think it is a good model that the the residents in that area will feel heard um um and this is going to be a a a long process I do think it's one that we want to get right particularly with your feedback on what's happened at the school board in my opinion yeah I mean I think I think I I don't think you go I don't think we need to go as far as a school board may be going and I'm not an expert on their process but I think it's more than just a council meeting I think you want to have some kind of open form and frankly it should be talking about both sides right that's the that would be the intention is we should be hearing from people who are for and people that are going to be affected that are in the potential neighborhood um you know maybe they present the the plans for informational purposes tomorrow or sorry next week and then we see if maybe it doesn't have to be wreck that does it but maybe it is B you know I wasn't at the the well if we want to have a more informal setting which I think is what you're recommending um what I would propose is we have the formal proposal next meeting we already said that we probably need to bring it back for discussion to the next work session and then invite the public to the work session if they have questions why we bring it back we yeah we needed to come back here but that would give that would give an opportunity for more public conversation if we wanted I I think the public conversation needs to be managed by Council and I wouldn't want to put Bob in the middle of the public that way that's a good point except that like I couldn't answer any of the questions people ask well that's why we'd have our we' have to have our engineer here this I mean I mean so why wouldn't it be run by public works again they're going to be running this they're going to be running the bid they're going running the project it's the same template as we did for burn that was public works with Doug right and the engineer this would be public works with Bob and maybe sub Urban I don't know whoever they could answer questions about it but I think that model worked in my mind we had great Community engagement I do think I've got feedback that it was seen as a more transparent people appreciated even those that like disagreed with the plans in the end appreciated the hour and a half we spent talking about it and I think I think it's a good point on like Council leading it but maybe it's the Public Works committee with the necessary experts at the meeting having engagement one yeah yeah they could meet you sched some ad hoc meeting yeah separate we're separate call work whatever we want to call so is is Bob there too yeah and somebody from Suburban or why couldn't that meeting be the next meeting we could let everybody know that look we have our professionals here if you have questions I don't I think it's it I like J I think the informal informality of it like a focus that's the only reason they're there they come they get their thing done and then they're done and they don't have to sit through all our stuff so can I ask one more question no lights for pickle ball courts they were not on any Planet I don't think cuz the things are there there's just no lights so we'll just keep that for this is this the pick yeah behind the pool yeah they're not in the I was just making sure so then I think the neighbors will complain well there're on the tennis well which I didn't think was a necessary that's phase two yeah and so I think you all need to discuss phase two when that's after phase one yeah I think definitely the conversation that we need to have with the neighbor should be phase one phase two Happ with one of the big things you know for phase two and I said I don't want to talk about it is you know you got the path going all around but there's lights on here for going all the way around the path closes at dusk so you'd have to make a call deis are are you keeping it open at night I would keep it open at night we have that's for next year that's a next year not now well but it's an important discussion because we don't even spend $500,000 running conduit oh yeah we're not running we're not running that yet it's not I thought you were running all the conduit in PH no running the conduit for the yellow just the yellow understood so the the red the red cond OFW doesn't go right the red and pink says so they con so their Suburban is considering all of those lights in its uh load um list and panels so that if you do decide to do it at some point in the future you don't have to put it in a new panel yeah um but the conduits for red and pink which I really can't tell the difference on the which but the pink is by the tennis courts everything else is red right so those uh the conduit and wi wiring will be in the future by others for both of those so but to your point do we need to have that policy discussion anyway even without the lights because we spent four four years proposing the path around nowhere it's in the agenda and I want folks walking around the path at night 26 well I mean I know that you need to have that conversation um now because actually I I took off um anony s it's like 10 separate items oh yeah that is is the walking path in yeah there it is I thought it was part of her not it was taking up there were actually two three two or three more blue lights down here and I took them off out of phase one because if you don't do right the pass stops like here so if you don't if you never do the next phase or if it takes two years you don't want to look somebody said to me don't make it look like it's unfinished like we were stopped in the middle of something so by extending the lights past where the path stops right now it does look unfinished or it looks like we just stopped in the middle so I took out these lights and made them red and so if you do decide at some point in the future you want to do the path and then you want to do the lights then they would be in the future why did we stop the path I the path always stop it's there now no but I mean so we were I I maybe I missed conversation no was taken out right it was taken out of phase one a long time ago by the finance committee because it was $500,000 and that's without detention b or whatever storm water maybe we need to stop calling you phase two and call it like backlog or I'm just thinking like it's because not all of this is going to happen in phase two I I would so for the purposes of the meeting next week I wouldn't even discuss the red lights yeah absolutely the red circles I mean we can take them off for that yeah just to show you because you say well wait I thought we had a bigger plan it' also be great to have some pictures of a incandescent lighted field and an LED lighted field because I think they're Stark different Dr brel has them all we have to do is ask yeah the people are going to be concerned about the quality of the lights especially the neighbors and the neighbors use these fields so you know you don't know without talking to them or listening to them I should say whether or not they're going to be in favor or not I think I've heard from many of those people who want lights they want to you know be able to take a walk to school cuz it's pretty dark in the mornings when the little ones walk and they walk through this path so I don't think you I I don't think you're going to get as much push back yeah I've gotten one person asking question that's all so like it's not I we had the same person yeah so then for next meeting well who's going to head up this neighborhood meeting and when's it going to be I can if it's public who public Christine Christine you so talk to I'm on public works with Christine and Jeff and talk and Jeff so talk to Bob and uh you want to be involved I want to be at the meeting just cuz I'm interested but I don't have we might invite you we can't have a we can't have LED man yeah noce you can you can come but that gets back to having it in here right we could notice it and have it in here and just have it about the lights you could have it here but well we'll discuss it let let Public Works work and so sorry there's no for this bid there's no alternates it's going to be the bid for all three of these things and that's it well there are two alternates but there one I'm sure you're not interested in it's for a grinder um and this near the restrooms and the other one the other one you are interested in the other we asked them to alternate to put in an alternate for night work to come in the the road so that if they do that part at night you don't have to worry about school you don't have to worry closing the pool if it's the summer so we asked for an alternate bid to do the come in the roadway dig up the roadway at night so that it doesn't disturb anybody so that's an alternate okay which reminds me too the yellow just the conduit yeah just the conduit it's just the like this that's getting the electric from it's not getting electric sorry sewer from the street to no the the yellow is just to put conduit in for future lighting because I guess in some iteration of this there were lights coming in I think they're 14 ft High coming in from the street this is over there is a what is that CI yeah to so that's this is CI right here yeah and this is this is school pathway putting the right where you drive in down the road yeah and what so what are we putting conduit in there for then because apparently on some plan somebody wanted to put lights there you know lights at the entrance as you're going in driving in and so the conduit we don't have to put the conduit there that's for you guys to decide um in the in the estimate that's in phase one just the conduit and theing then you have to dig it up twice because you're going to dig up the road later if you do it right right so you're going to do it all of the all of the conduit for the blue lights and the yellow the conduit and fixtures no fixtures here yeah but these fixtures so the I'm sorry not the blue light at the Sports field the other lights and the conduit is $65,000 so I believe when we talked to him I asked him how much the yellow is worth I think it's worth like $10,000 Doug was a pretty big advocate in case you wanted it that yeah like you don't want to you the other thing what are we digging up first what are we digging up for now don't we have to we're just going to run the lines in Cas there you have to run the lines anyway not through a conduit though no right so it's all coming so they're saying if you're digging up the road for that put the conduit Cas youever decide you want to do that just in case down the road that way otherwise then we dig off and put it back to Jay's point I have no interest in engaging the school board however do we need to consider some kind of a junction box for lighting of the playground and or the SCH school facilities if they ever get their together and want to light that playground um not our problem you think but in their own junction box their own panel I mean I don't they're already making these panels you know can we ask the engineer to keep I I look I'm don't know and then you have to and then who pays for the electric then yeah if we put on the the same panel and box then we pay for all their anyway what does it matter h i mean l literally it doesn't matter we pay their bill I see the report of writing that down me they probably wouldn't want I don't think they don't get well you guys tell me what is what do you all think make the engineering clude that or not no okay all right so are you going to do this before the next meeting should I put a resolution on the next meeting should I just we redo this with just the blue lights and we're not going to get this meeting done in a week with the public so just to give you an idea of the timeline um this is a do not shoot the messenger ch um so they anticipated being able to go out to bid by the end of March um which now would get delayed a little bit if we're you know going to add in an extra meeting um they expect the bid to be out for 4 weeks they were hoping to be able to have have the council be able to award on April 22nd um but then construction completion as anticipated for fall of 2024 for the Pavilion because it is a typical 5 to six month construction duration do these things need to be subordinate to one another so I I'm I'm agreeing with you that there needs to be public opportunity for comment but we're going to be waiting for an RFP for weeks we're not going to decide on a contractor until the rfps are not only read but then presented in discuss do we have to do we have to pass a well I guess the question would be do we have to pass it and do we have to open do we have to fund it let's say let's say overwhelmingly which I don't think is going to happen but let's say that we all change our mind during the RFP and say we decide we don't want to do this at all we're not bound to do it right that's right you don't have track it then that's let remove the subordinate let move forward yeah now it's a formal bid so you have to award it to the low bidder it's not an RFP where you choose what just but we do not if we can choose not to to reward anyone yeah all our our notice to biders reserve the right to reject all bids that makes that's great so so then so then on the next agenda we can author do the resolution authorizing them to go out the bed and we can be and you can have the meeting at some point we could be explicit that we're explicit that we're having this public meeting and this is the date MH and bids are helpful cuz then you know how much it's going to cost yeah that's your point and all to your point like we don't want to slow track The Pavilion because we want public commentary the lights well and the bid is important because look you can either get the crappy lights or the good lights those things affect public opinion anyway and the later you get your bids out the less contractors you get and there's always you know the possibility I hope it doesn't happen but you know the engineer was saying that since Co the engineer estimates are always much lower than what the bids actually come in so there's a possibility it's going to come in a lot higher I hope not all right so you know how there's a notice um that goes out like if I'm a homeowner and I'm doing something and it goes out to a certain number can we get that list for this area like a 200 foot list Churchman tax office and then that's who we can invite our um light meeting okay I'll get that and could the light could that lights Mee meeting be on Zoom yeah why not sure yeah then we could do it pretty quickly that would be easier to get somebody from Suburban too and anyone could attend yeah like there's no um do you want block sorry do you want to do like 200 ft like around the whole school too or just just around whatever's blue kind of I'm thinking Chestnut lot further than 200 ft yeah actually I measured from the backyard of of that development to the edge of the thing it's 300 feet it's 300 feet from the that that neighborhood behind to the edge of the track where you put so then we'll do a 300 we'll do we'll just do the surrounding it doesn't matter 200 informally okay get that from the tax at least that's what Google Earth pulling yeah yeah um so Nancy you said the Pavilion construction fall of 2024 completion that's the lights as well or is that only think the lights I I didn't get they didn't get back to me today but cuz I just got this but I think the lights will be done way before that before that would be great okay even more reason not to delay yeah espe unless they're back order yeah yeah that's true yeah all those shipment to that's true but I'll have a better idea of that next week yeah well I think look this if we're going to engage look there's noise pollution from the diesel engines there's all kinds of reasons why that stuff needs to go away yeah they have have they been using the portable lights at Polo they have just for just during the fall football for Mountain years yeah yeah noise pollution and Diesel pollution yeah those are horrible okay um I forgot one thing on the um law enforcement committee their Summit passed a um is it an ordinance yes tightening up some of the penalties and things with um the car thefts and I know we all so all of the Mayors shared it with their attorneys we got different feedback Jack was more conservative and so is the for Hills mayor um so what we're doing is trying to make it because you felt it could be challenged at some point on preemption because what happened is when the state adopted title 2C which is the criminal code it preempted all local ordinances for the same offenses and towns have tried to get around it by having you know calling things different things and and they've been challenged they've been so what did Summit do they what that you have like a but hasn't been challenged yet so but what is their what is their penalty it's like they have they have another criminal penalty for no they they have things like if you go up to a car try to open the door uh you know things like that yeah yeah there were weird things sitting in yeah things that aren't covered by tle PC but are ancillary too but what we all thought is we should get together and do some kind of a group ordinance that we all do so if it gets challeng you know we're all we all get we defend it together um so we make her jail L pleasant we we one of the attorneys is trying to to to tweak it so yeah so you may see that show up the next work meeting so I just wanted to give you a heads up on that forgot about that all right in our general business we do have the public hearings on the construction code fees um we also have the affordable housing set aside that was just changing um we introduced it last month um what was that for Jack oh that was so because we keep doing each other an individual basis so we're trying to do them together that's right it was to formalize the process no Jack we've decided we're not participating in M Laurel 2 was that the last decision we made in five was it good luck with that yeah I don't know if you've been following I did send you the the PowerPoint that the league did on very well done yeah explaining what's in this new bill that's rushing through on affordable housing and none of it's good for the municipalities can you send that around please I did she did yeah okay oh you know I might have sent it to your berville that's fine I'll fine okay um um the actually can there something we can post for the public sure I mean we can do a resolution saying we oppose it we certainly can do I think Bernard's Township just did that we've taken a lot of not that anybody pays a lot of stuff as a as a council on what we've had to do with affordable housing I think we make an issue right now that's up you guys um maybe it's a ballot issue at the state level as this continues to go forward so I I would all be in for in favor of having the league presented in our burrow and passing a resolution opposing it does the league have a sample like in other words is this something they're trying to advocate for they've been they've been lobbying forever but nobody's listen they given municipalities like a templated ordinance or resolution no but there are plenty out there if you want to do one yeah asking rich just did one and I think Summit did one too yeah it's uh for the next meeting we can do that we can put a resolution on the next meeting yeah if we're going to do a presentation to the public we have a lot going on next meeting so maybe in a month okay yeah Oh you mean it in person I thought I was just put on the website you actual what you want to go through the whole thing on I was just thinking what and what the changes are I don't think I don't think the going toit from discussing the nuances of the stat it's not going to mean much to most people it's hard to focus on it's really it's it's very detailed yeah and one of the things you know we had a number of meetings um on I was on a league subcommittee on affordable housing and one of the things we were trying to at least get was that um of the number that we get could 25% be given to us for our own people like for people that live here so if you're a senior you sold your house you can't afford the rent at some of these apartments you could move into one of those or you want to move mom back into town CU she's not doing well um you know the teacher that just started right out of college the new new policeman we just hire the new Public Works guy let us have 25% for people that live and work here nothing got nothing which was the idea behind mat one it was because policemen and teachers couldn't live afford to live in town or retirees you know people that want to stay in town it's got so far away from that that it's all regional yeah so if you put in on their website the fair housing website that you need affordable housing you could be sent to I don't know anywhere within the region and it's a big region and that's you take it or leave it which is really not very you know we're not taking care of our own which is hard to live with considering it's paid by the taxpayers I have a problem with that yeah anyway I'm off my Soap Box um police regulations this was for the towing that could changing the standards for disqualifying for prior criminal records and it's much more realistic yeah and then we're oh we're adding doing the qualified purchasing agents responsibilities so that up to 25,000 isn't that that we can be I don't know if we P did we put a number a number I didn't think there was a number I thought we did I thought you were going to pick a number but I didn't see number in there I thought they 25,000 when we find the I'll tell you well how often do you have to renew that the qpa every three years three years I used to be a qpa but it was easier then did we put it in there think it has a 15% of the bid threshold yeah award contracts up to 15% of the bid threshold I think we did that because the it changes all the time we wouldn't have we put it as percentage that's right yes cuz when they redo the bid threshold we would have keep doing it says 15% of the oh so the quote threshold so that's of the big threshold right 15% is the quote threshold right right so that's 6 6600 so that's what it is is that enough up to the quote that's so that's enough yeah so I think may not always be our administrator or a QP then we then we can change it back we can always change it we can always change it I mean the whole purpose 10's a good work T's a good I mean the whole purpose was we don't have to lower help her do her job every day oh so 10,000 but then we have to yeah you could just 25 25% would be 10,000 the bid threshold that's fine but the bid threshold Chang the bid threshold 44,000 yeah it's 44 now how quickly does it change it changes every five years yeah in Zer in zeros and FES plus minus 20 grand plusus 5,000 G from 175 over the years the quot threshold is there for a purpose though correct so if you say if the quote threshold is 6,600 and we say well Nancy can go up to 10,000 then we not sure she's getting the quotes that we it's my license I know that but what happened with our last qpa yeah I know well and we did bring every contract to the council before so anything that's doesn't need quotes we don't have to deal with I don't know wait I don't I already don't bring oh you're saying you're saying saying that I was supposed to bring anything under 6600 to them as well I over a thousand we used to say or something like that but you know we we can change it we won't be able to adopt at this meeting but that's not the end of we can make it 10,000 and if it if the bid change dramtically CH number be next week we'd have to but at next week you'd have to amend it and continue the public hearing which is not 66 and then introduce 10 like in other words we can do that just leave it the way it is for right now and then yeah change it right away like why wait another month and a half you consider that a material change yes yeah yeah all right I take the conservative you know what I mean like get it done but we've all agreed to and then if we want to raise it let's raise it so let's do that let's leave it on for leave it on Miss Ray yeah and we'll do it and then if we want to change it we can do it the next meeting okay um I think we we put these when we had our agenda um meeting with Alan I and Nancy and Anthony we thought these were all pretty much consent agenda unless there's something anybody wants more information on um most of them are pretty standard right so we tried to move a lot of stuff that was requests for a parking lot that we do every year into the consent agenda rather than discussion items because proove them every year or resolutions that we're going to normally see on the agenda was sort of the philosophy behind it but they're all here in case anybody wants to raise them discuss them and pull them out the um agreement through 6bb yeah yeah those are all resolutions but um I have no problem with that we have I mean we we're already doing the payroll for the library just that we have to renew it um the bond anticipation note is just that's for Audi and the burnard AV and burnard AV neighborhood rolling it over rolling it over um um the headwaters uh when they do the cleanup the stream cleanup they just want to park at the park across the street so I don't think anybody has a problem with that um the Green Team I think it is new but we thought that's the first one yeah and the two that are is um Olivia for the car show Y and I think have you heard back from the the New Jersey Transit getting it um counter signs and the permit's done okay how about the S 5K that comes to US every year they didn't ask us did they they did they were here month yeah they came oh was so long ago yeah that's coming up we let Hillary go first but why are we stopping using the high school for the car show for these for and and the green team because they charge us a lot of money for it and we have a parking lot the school charges this money yeah what you $500 it's $1,000 again I'm going to go back to the we pay their bills statement there's another reason for us moving it to it's better to be in I think part of what the Green Team wants to do in train is is the visibility you know if you're not driving past the high school and even if you drive past you don't always see what's going on if you drive past the train station oh look something's happening let me go check it out we talked about one point moving it to the polar grounds as the Pavilion gets done you'll have food and for us we're focusing on the commercial district downtown that's right so if we're off the beaten path it doesn't really make sense which is why 5K doesn't make something on all those events so bringing it into the downtown is yeah um also just uh 6 andf the change order resolution for burnard Avenue and burners Avenue neighborhood I want to know they are Nega negative change orders so they're costing us less oh they're taking money off okay yeah we didn't think any of these were controversial right but we left them on discussion you want which was a new request it's like the weekend after the farmers markets closed in the same exact spot as the farmers market so it's just sort of consistency yeah yeah so those will all be on the on the cons agenda team um yeah other business we don't have correspondence any unfinished business we have anything hanging out I just notice just noticing 7 c.1 should we're not there yet right new business um we have another Eagle Scout court of honor I can't believe how many Eagle Scouts we it's very impressive but uh Max boac so can we put that on the agenda to do a proclamation because his court of honor is March 10th and I want to be able to hand it to him at the event so so we can just put it on to make it official I I'll send you the invitation have his name spell I'll do it for next meeting okay now they come to do they come to they don't Ian I don't know if they need to because I give it to them at the event so and just read it be doing it the same thing twice yeah kind of um 7ca yeah Mark uh has resigned from the environmental commission and then the next thing is and also Brian Wallace resigned from um Board of Health so Mark is going to take Brian's position so I think I need a a motion to conf that's consent right consent to the mayor's appointment I'll move that consent we do itrow or no this we're doing tonight are I didn't know we could actually move stuff tonight yeah CU we adver as a regular meeting we try not to unless it's sensitive yes all in favor okay Mark you're in and I think the think it's a volunteer appointment we don't want to let them drag on and on and have an opening so I think just to move people around that's good are the Board of Health meetings Al you're you're I'm no longer Board of Health on those are long meetings right they're half an hour yeah every other month but we need them no longer have a chiropractor on no you know his dad was on forever too Brian's dad um but he's I think he's going on he's got other things coming up so he was got other commitments um I know we have a closed session I know some of you came in late and we only had the one public meeting of public input at the beginning so I will be very magnanimous and say would anyone else from the public like to be heard we'll have another another public session yeah I got a couple okay go for remember three minutes name and address Mark Walden 40 Liberty Road Bernardsville um with the uh alpr the license plate readers um if you're going out if we're going to install those please don't use packet talk they advertise that they're uh very well respected they're actually under Federal indictment right now and they use all that's they were losing flock uh they're using all Chinese equipment that's on the no buy list and you know whole thing with that M reauthorization act what's that the there's a federal law that prevents them from buying Chinese technology yeah and and like a specific brand that you know putting in yeah brand that Chief wants to use is flock the brand that right it's the it's the company that's buying them is selling it that they're putting in the appropriate equipment and they're getting equipment from other manufacturers and they're rebranding it yeah that's just so just no thank you um packet talk packet talk okay um as far as the uh lighting uh another alternate maybe instead of the uh night would be directional drilling um It's relatively inexpensive it can be done quickly and you have very few points of uh disturbance um and you can directional drill any of that conduit and as far as that I'm sorry no it's not for the conduit it's to bring the sewer line the gas everything can be directional drilled they they can directional drill from the street back to that location and pull everything back through it um without disturbing without disturbing right you would have to dig maybe three pits and that would be it huh okay um so as an option uh good point as is the electrical design done for this is it like is the electric coming from the street and the the water is coming from the street I seee because I mean at the other side of lower Polo there's uh a large Transformer bank that's been installed for years um would be a huge cost savings if we can go from there to the Pavilion instead of from the street to the Pavilion yeah I I mean I you know Doug was with them when they because it's been going on for what like a year and a half and so I assume that ask somebody to look into it because no matter who I talk to in the town about what's actually out there nobody seems to know but we should have plans on all that should that should be shared with the uh where what it's over by the far end it's at the it's between between Polo and lower Evan cow lower Polo lower Evan cow back by the uh the Public Works building a shed there yeah um and there's also a well a well head back there as well um so I mean there's a possibility for water as well that is about it all right right on time thanks Mark anyone else Carrie sorry goe hi hey Carrie coming hey hi than Chad I just had a quick question for name address oh yeah name is Carrie Hazelton uh 397 mine Brook Road Nancy I just wanted to um ask you what I know that you said that the um come in a lot higher but what was the estimate that you gave for the lighting in Phase One around the turfield plus the Pavilion what are we hoping to see or for the whole thing um 1.5 million all right but it could be much higher because of I mean it always could be it's that they caution that um no just well just because of you know postco the cost of construction went up of everything so they just I we just had it with the library roof and the library bathrooms coming in way higher than you know what was estimated so I mean it might come in who knows it might come in where we need to come in but it's always a possibility they wanted to warn about I also wanted to uh just make a comment about the Redevelopment it was appreciated hearing everybody's comments about you know these four other Lots coming in it didn't really surprise me that developers would be looking to see if they could you know get redevelop get qualified as Reed areas in need of Redevelopment um once we've had so many uh and now we have one that's going forward fairly rapidly I like the idea you know as we talk about like an overall plan we really don't have an overall plan especially not one that uh incorporates CU Chad was thinking what could we do with boil and tariffs what could we get up into our little it area and start to think about redeveloping that and could that be commercial I would just strongly urge you if we don't have a plan that we don't move forward with more areas in need of Redevelopment we need to know what we want the vision for that downtown to be that might be more than what we have in our master plan but we should start with the document that we have and make sure that we don't just go and start doing things that we haven't planned out how it's going to be in theend and because these are Big developments and big changes downtown and you know once we get into an area in need of Redevelopment are we going to have four stories right next to our most historic building in town the old library are we going to or are we going to say that 34 is enough uh or something in that neighborhood not 68 which we got on the last you know that's what we're looking at on our last acreage where we felt like we'd have more input but I would assert that maybe we had more input in terms of having our development attorney sitting there and our plan our paid planner sitting there but I think that the sense within town is that among the people that live here we got less input through that Pro process so and now here we sit so I would just caution you to slow down and really think about it because it is a major step to be thinking about Pilots for for essentially everybody at this point because everybody's going to want it now thanks thanks Carrie I'm sorry go ahead hi Mike long 22 Crest Drive good to see all again it's been a while since I've been able to make it to one of these um I'm not going to talk about the technical things and I'm not going to talk about the Redevelopment but I will just say as somebody who is on the uh still on the football board still on the lacrosse board still coaching at multiple levels um just want to commend this this this group of individuals uh all of you for the work that has gone into where we are today I've watched years slip off my kids existence where we have not made progress and you all have grabbed this and have really Advanced it further than I I think we ever thought we would all be so I don't speak for everybody in my organization but I hear their voices and I can tell you that um there's a lot of uh pent up excitement about the steps that we're about to take so you've got a lot of there there there'll be a lot of people I think some of these meetings if we can both hopefully in favor and then voices that if they disagree we can all hear that too so thank you for all your work thanks Mike good to see you again good to see you too U mayor may I U make one more Point sure uh I just wanted to talk about h on Southern l Road uh I'm just thinking ahead about um affordable housing we have done a good job of avoiding uh Builder remedy in town which can be you know can cause real disruption to our our zoning and to our quality of life if we don't think about the few Lots we have remaining some of which are asking for um to have uh you know special dispensation downtown if we don't think about those now and whether we're going to need those as these numbers come up and we know they're coming where are we going to put them they're going to be within a half mile of Transit we only have so much space where we can do the things we do to keep from getting into Builders landing and this is downtown is it basically thanks thank you I love yeah uh hi Manning 13 Orchard Street um obviously here on M business um further to actually what Carrie just mentioned about having a plan um as we talked about at the um last here uh I mentioned that we're doing this strategy planning session which we have close to 300 responses on our survey so far which National's happy about um speaking of national there coming on uh March 6th so if you have concerns about Main Street or what Main Street is this is the national program representative it's a really great opportunity to participate in having some sort of conversation her I know everybody has jobs during the day so we're trying to organize like a a dinner or something that makes sense for timing so that you have an opportunity to be able to talk to her as as well especially with all of this on the table now there could be some discussion because many main streets actually handle the Redevelopment projects in their towns obviously we don't and that's all good I'm totally fine with that but the the fact is it it should be a cohes of planned up process because once the buildings are up whenever that happens then there needs to be programming in place to keep the energy alive so it should be a connected partnership um so Joy is coming she's staying at the burnard in she's only here for the day um she did that last time when she was here in July um so she's going to spend money in town like she did last time uh so it's really great to have her around but hopefully if you are able to come if you can't obviously I get it um but happy to take your questions or any comments you want to make or anything anything that you want to relate to her I can do that as well um if you want to send that to me sooner than later so she has them before she's here that's great too so just heads up she'll be here on March 6 for the whole day I will be with her all day that is all thank you thanks Olivia yeah all right um do you have a motion for Clos session I'll move to close session all in favor thank you all for being here we're not coming back up and we're not coming back out that's right go home thanks for coming this will be this will be presenter next week