now please here M MC here Mr mcen is absent Mr Mr R is absent M here notice of this meeting was provided to the Burnville news and Courier News filed with the municipal clerk and posted on the municipal bulletin board on December 14 2023 please States indivisible all welcome to the June 24th 2024 meeting of the Burnsville Bor Council this meeting is being conducted in person in the council chambers in burrow Hall and it is being broadcast live Live on YouTube and on Zoom to make it as convenient as possible for residents to attend the meeting members of the public who are here in person and those attending remotely on Zoom will be given the opportunity to comment at appropriate times during the meeting in importance with the following guidelines members of the public will be allowed to speak during the open sessions and during formal public hearings on the agenda including public hearings on ordinances comments will be limited to 3 minutes for speaker which will be monitored and enforced by the borrow clerk comments containing offensive profane or indecent language or language constituting hate speech will not be permitted remote participants will be muted unless they are unmuted by the clerk and remote participants will not be able to unmute themselves the clerk will mute remote speakers at the expiration of the three minutes of a lot of time or if they make any inappropriate or offensive comments All speakers whether in person or on Zoom shall State their names and addresses before making their comments speakers on Zoom shall activate the cameras so that they can be seen by members of the governing body and audience failure of the governing body to provide a live forast of this meeting or technological problems encountered during the course of the meeting that affect remote viewing and or participation will not invalidate this meeting or any action taken including but not limited to the adoption of any ordinance resolution or motion all right that being said we do not have any presentations we do have minutes to approve of May 20th and May 28th I to approve the minutes for May 20th and May 28th 2024 a second all in favor oppose same okay uh we do now have an Open session for any item that doesn't already have a public hearing on the agenda so if anyone in the audience would like to speak um if you're here you can come up and stand on the X or if you're on Zoom you can put your little hand s hi ter hazon I've been following with interest the um progress on the path at the polo grounds and I know that it is right now tied up with the monies or the in the really inappropriate bits that we got one that didn't match what we wanted to see and one which was just too high for the combination of the lighting and the Pavilion that you know we all want to have up there but my question is given the fact that the the trails and Gina and I work extensively inota like the last four or five years together always came out in every survey as the number one thing in particular walking paths uh I was wondering if we had given any thought to whether to go for a grant uh to maybe move this process along so that maybe this path isn't doesn't have to wait until we know what's going to be happening with the Pavilion I know the lights are moving forward because I just know that when the thing that we did so quickly and it's gone has been so well receive got those pickable so I was just wondering if any thought has been given to going for a grant to see if we can get this pathway going as quickly as possible we actually have we have one for $70,000 that we'll we have to use before the end of the year so that's um pushing the deadline up and the bids are coming in on the 2 I think July 2nd on the Pavilion so as soon as we know what that costs then we can see which of the three proposals which way we're going to do the path but it will get done before the end of prob in the fall it just depends on which version we're going to do it's going to be all pain it's going to be all St it's be and a grant wouldn't help that process long an additional Grant I don't think there's any out there right now that we could get before like in time to you have to be shovel ready like we were with yeah the Pepple cour and so you that's the county yeah that was the county brand right and I don't know when they are open when the grants are open um can't no I I think Bob did those with the county they could be open I don't know I sit on that we could get another that would be great you know what's this what's the harm in calling and asking and finding out whether we might be eligible for another Grant because we did do a good job of getting our our our project done boom which is one of the things I know the county wanted to see that they would get done so yeah yeah so let's try to find some money and see if we can speed it up even more thank thank you anyone else like to be heard oh public station come on perfect everybody your librarian and I just wanted to invite and welcome everybody summer reading is kicking off on Wednesday we have for our little guys we have a session in the morning and for our older kids we have an afternoon session our community room will probably not carpeted it is starting tomorrow at 7 a.m. so it'll be throughout the library like mini golf and it'll be fun so I hope you can come do you have a a date for when the car that room will be open again I expect that it will be completely carpeted by Thursday yeah but it's just not going to be ready for Wednesday which is our big day yeah but um we've been holding things in the Rotunda in the quiet room in the local history room making sure that we're continuing with everything that we can and then the return on the p good what the times in the ages for Wednesday uh I think Wednesday I'll ask you to check bnw but I think the little guys are in the morning at 10:30 and the bigger kids and little guys are also welcome at 4:30 to um and you can blog your minutes all summer online and enter to prizes and you stop in the library on a weekly basis and get your little um charm any gred thanks all right anyone else um and I will close the public session and we will move on to public hearings on ordinances uh I will open a public hearing on ordinance 2024 1999 an ordinance concerning consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places and amending Chapter 3 of the B both entitled police regulations and basically what we've done with this ordinance is just made it less conversome for special events for people to have alcohol because it always had to come to us and then a special Pro so now any organiz nonprofit that is a semi quasi organization to the uh burrow can get can have a liquor permit so I think that would help us a lot cutting back on people having to time everything to get to the council before the event and re anyone like to be heard on this ordinance seeing none I will close the public hearing Jay why don't you move there I move to pass ordinance 224-1 1999 on Final reading and adopt is published second roll call please Mr am yes m m yes Mr River yes M yes I will open the public hearing on ordinance 2024 2000 an ordinance vacating a portion of Bernard's Avenue which is outside the paved roadway and sidewalk area which is necessary for the construction of the affordable housing development at 6 three burners have and that is pretty self-explanatory so um anyone in the public wish to be heard on that N I will close the public hearing uh I move to pass ordinance 2024 d2000 on fin meting and adopt as public second call please M yes M Romero yes m m Cy yes Mr AMAC yes I will open the public hearing on ordinance 2024 2001 this is making a procedural change to the notice required to an owner in connection with repairs of sidewalks and amending chapter 14 of the burrow code entitled streets and sidewalks and I believe the only change we made is instead of it having to be the engineer who um approves it it is the code enforcement officer which makes more sense anyone like to be heard on this see none I will close the public here now um I moved past next4 2001 F reading about this PO a second R Please Mr yes M MC yes m r yes M yes we will open the public hearing on ordinance 2024 2002 appropriating 1,271 1200 for Capital Improvement fund for the various equipment and improvements and those have been listed in a budget on the website as well as I think they were in the package so anyone like to be heard on this seeing none I will close the public hearing g i to pass ordinance 2024 d22 on Final reading and adopted as published second all call please M yes Mr R yes M yes m r yes um we do have an introduction I okay I move the ordinance 2024 d203 setting salary and wage ranges for non-contractual employees he introduced by title passed on first reading published according to law and then a public hearing be scheduled for a meeting beginning at 700 p.m. Monday July 8th 2024 second all in favor opposed okay um we have another introduction I know that ordinance 2024 d204 concerning burrow facility naming policies and amending chapter 25 in the burrow code entitled facilities naming program be introduced by title pass on first reading published according to law and that a public hearing be scheduled for a meeting beginning at 7 p.m. Monday July 8th 2024 second right and this was U we just changed the wording to make it clear that the person was responsible for purchasing it said designing yeah which wasn't very clear so I think that would be good somebody doing something um somebody asked about a bench which just without look at yeah we should be getting that later yeah um all in favor post all right um resolutions now we have one that we can't do um it is the um the data 131 131 131 so that one is um a grant for the dam um the way this grant works is you need a nonprofit B 4 to partner with 501 I um to partner with us and we've been having a hard time finding that group because the way it's unusual is that organization has to put the money up front and then we get and then we reimburse them from the grant so it's yeah it's asking a lot of so we uh it will there will be an opening again in the fall so we'll try and work on it by then so that one is off the list so um any comments questions on any of the others I'm pretty sure we should talk about 148 if we Haven 148 oh yes thank you um we're appointing an assistant Public Works director um John McDow will be retiring the end of the year after 30 years 40 wow yeah so um we are have put building in a succession plan so we have um a person coming in to be his assistant so that when he leaves we'll have somebody already knowing hopefully all our facilities and how things be done so yeah we wish him a lot of luck in his retire yeah and there will be part um anything else to discuss anything else new I think we went through all them already um so I can give it a shot question there is like I we're mirroring your personnel manual the 149 um about we we're just taking a lot of your language and put dump again into ours we about to have ited by labor attorney so to match up with the library policies as well um so I was just wondering what the amendment was I can ask you later Department department head to approve okay go all the way up the department head can approve it it used to have to come to the council yeah hard to do anticipating okay so it actually makes it a little easier makes makes it possible exactly and then just I think I can do it in the right order chat I move that resolution 24128 to 24149 minus for excluding 24131 and 24144 be adopted second all right roll call please yes yes yes yes all right so now we need to 24144 I'm move that resolution 24-44 be adopted I'll Sor okay uh roll call Mr Mayor yes Mr yes M yes Mr am yes so first report mayor um we had oh we left the room on May 30th uh Charlie Good Time Charlie DJ uh did a history of music through the years for our seniors uh we did manage to move it over to community and crisis and we had 54 people come which was incredible uh it was a great turnout a really good feedback Charlie did a great job with the music and we had giveaways and some people got up and danced and it was really it was a big hit and we got a number of people yeah we had a number of people sign up to um kind of continue you be on a committee to work on seniors things which was great and we managed to get most of them to fill out our um need survey for the mayor's Wellness committee so that we'll have some data collected did because we're looking at you know what their needs are in terms of Transportation or events or staying in their homes so it was a great event thank you Charlie and uh terrific on the second was the main street uh car show which uh this year was the Centennial version they gave out a special Centennial trophy I did on the eth we had a ribbon putting for Kuman which moved over to that stuckle building on 202 I never know what the address is 50 I think it's 50 so they have beautiful space there so they had an open house we had the opening of the farmers market which had 500 plus people for which was a record setting and largely I think because of the cousins food truck and lobster rolls so um we did approve that the um farmers Market could have a food truck once a month as a special event so hopefully that will keep keep the numbers up and then there was uh we had the fire Ms on OT which this year we hosted which when we hosted we can't compete in but it was a great turnout um it was a great day it was a beautiful weather and great attendance so and then it was the Little League championships um I attended the coffee in conversation at community and crisis on um the 11th which they do once a month and they have different speakers come in and talk about services that they have throughout the county for uh any substance abuse issues um they have if you need nin they have tons of it to give out so they are a great resource I attended the annual meeting at Robert Johnson Somerset and I just got us today thank you for attending the public annual meeting for rwjuh Somerset last evening we appreciate the opportunity this meeting provides for us to share our programs capabilities plans for the future and progress on current projects with the community it was a pleasure to meet you and discuss the hospitals Community involvement I will be in touch to schedule of time to continue our conversation and discuss our community outreach programs and that is from Jack Morris who's chairman of the board for the hospital so um they're very interested in getting more involved in this side of Somerset County yeah and then we also had that night the suers county governing officials Association mon meeting um Colleen Mar the county what do you call the ba gave an update on the status of the County uh we had a meeting of the Main Street Burnville board um those of you know Olivia took a job in Somerville as their executive director so we are advertising for a part-time person hopefully um the board is working on which events we can keep going and in the meantime will be and advertising so I had an interview with a production manager of business view magazine and it's they're doing different towns on what's going on in terms of revitalization and business you know what businesses are doing well or not so well and we're going to be in their September issue yeah so so um they'll be back in touch to work out the whole schedule and I think he said when we meet with the editor we could have five people there so I don't know if anyone else wants to participate but I'll let you know the details when Happ uh I attended for the first time in six years the graduation at the high school so that was exciting um I even had a reserve parking spot yeah I had a meeting of the New Jersey Conference of Mayors still working on the um our what do you call them the U electric money called the tax that you don't get right St stateum yes yeah so we're still you know they're Clos yeah it's an ET something um but we're working on that still because the budget is in the final stages so they're doing a lot of lobbying we did get a decent payment last year but still not the total amount that they collect that we were supposed to get back so hopefully we'll get keep working on that um and then I met with Stephen tasler who is the director of the jzz band at the High school and they are going to do a big band concert for the Centennial in November so we're working on the details for that so I think that'll be fun at in the pack and they're very excited about doing that so that'll be our next senten B and that's why you report all right questions anybody now we have to approve the report from everybody else so the administrator is not here do I have a motion to accept the department monthly reports I move to accept the department reports second all in favor I I oppos I don't think we had any other correspondence other than this that I just got uh any unfinished business new business all right second chance to speak Open Session if anyone would like to be heard let us Harry H road still thinking about that path and thinking if we would get a grant then regardless of how the bids come in we could do what we exactly what we wanted to do with the path so because I know there's been a back and forth about do we want to go ahead with something that's halfway there halfway to what we want on something that is so important to the people of Burnsville and maybe this is a way to make sure that we don't have to do that yes all right thank you K anyone else nope okay we met since last just sorry just updating about um re we didn't actually have a meeting um this month but Bob sent me a couple notes so I just wanted to um tell everybody that um Bob said that the pool kicked off its fulltime season with an opening Lu out party um and it's had excellent attendance so far this season given the hot weather i' imagine that to be the case um they have an increase in the swim lessons and the new leadership of the swim team um attracted many new participants for this year and the new um Snack Shack U people that are running The Snack Shack um that's all being well received by the members summer camps began they are sold out today they started yeah yeah traffic was backed up on CV this morning with everybody dropping everybody off um and because with the rec Camp the soldout rec Camp then they also have over 20 other vendor options which are out there so um and then the pool and the camp Revenue are slightly up from last year to date which is great um and projecting similar to better numbers despite some full-time staffing issues weing all the replacements for the assistant director that we've got um and the pickle ball courts uh were the cracks were fixed and it's going to go under undergo the last leveling work tomorrow oh great thank any other business or any reports that we didn't hear last week all right then uh I can move toour to session okay we will not be coming back out okay all in favor I I all right well thank you for being here boy that is Rec