say yeah he had emailed that he wasn't nak it okay that was yesterday all right might miss that's okay so we're this is everyone that's GNA yes so we're good forever and you you Denise all right okay thanks okay yes I'm sorry in ordance of the open public meetings act please have the following all Burnville plan all Burnville B planning board meetings will be held in person in the meeting Hall on the second floor of the Burnville Municipal Building at 166 mbth Road meetings will be live streamed on YouTube with no opportunity for public comment members of the public wishing to offer comments or ask questions will be required to attend meetings in person the YouTube live stream access for all meetings is is YouTube at Bernardsville bur streams this link will also be available on the agenda for each meeting which is posted on the burrow website at berners and on the burall public bulletin board at least 48 hours prior meetings notice of these changes has also been mailed to the Bernardsville news and The Courier News by posting a copy on the bureau website and by filing a copy with the municipal clarf on January 16 2024 it is intention of the board not to continue any matter past 11: p.m. at any regular or special meeting of the board unless a motion is passed by the members then present to extend to a later specified ped off time and same shall be announced at the open of each meeting in addition the board does not intend to begin a new hearing after 10 p.m. nor begin testimony of a new witness after 10:30 p.m. any hearing conducted by the board is a quasi judicial proceeding any questions or comments must be limited to issues that are IR relevant to what the board May legally consider in reaching a decision theorum appropriate to a Judicial hearing must be maintained at all times roll call please yes Mr DeMarco here miss gner is absent Miss Geller present Mr gr here Mr har just ENT Mr McQueen here Mr Sim is absent Mr Walden here and Mr zazarino here you have a call Mr chairman thank you okay meeting minutes um 25th right yes okay um I I know uh Karen submitted some updates to you but I also wanted to offer a suggestion on page nine about the staff portion of the property I think what we we we had kind of two two ways we were talking about this small scrip of land one was as a Flag Staff okay another one was a panhandle um so you know just reference that reference that okay you know the whole idea is that's that small strip of land uh East yeah and actually that was one of the things Karen mentioned as well okay great and you got it everything prar did anyone else have any comments about the minutes no all right uh motion to accept the minutes eligible numbers are Mr Graham Mr Walden and Mr zarino for the present I'll move in minutes I'll set and it's just the voice yes all in favor I those who can and everyone else isain no no no okay um let's see all right eagerly awake February [Music] 8 so Communications uh John had sent a uh memo about the um item we hear tonight the ordinance for storm water and there were two letters from the somerset Union Conservation District um both no no findings basically but for the um first one was for the proposed restaurant near Walter Walters and the second one was po grounds and we just received the um application for the restaurant as well oh okay last week I listed it right look like it's a sit down restaurant and the plan shows pizza and a bakery area bakery so maybe it's kind of like an Italian the so good good that's good that we're Mak progress is there any um discussion about just for awareness like sewer connections and so forth the council we're talking about the body building yeah h no no this is Walters the former I think they have I think they might as well so there is with AI there's a huge conversation going on about for AI okay um there is a I want to be careful a conversation about W is obviously R next for right yeah yeah there's the public side of that c connection and the private side of that connection PL okay that's enough we don't I can't say a whole lot more yeah exactly everything is up in the air you're right okay are there is anyone here that wants to talk about something that's not on the agenda first first attempt Okay no Okay old business none new business so this is the master plan consistency review um of the uh ordinance U for the storm water and do you want to say anything sure the to section 26 the report has to determine whether or not if the ordinance is not inconsistent with the master plan doesn't have to be consistent not inconsistent I believe there is a resolution that was the board voting tonight um think Mr Z report plays out very suly reasons why not consistent questions I have a suggestion for the council when they do these things and that is when they put fees in there or money or so forth just figure it might make sense got a table or something that's easily in in that's just a thought way you knowy anyway um did the other thing is just did you need to put in anything you know we just handled the uh Town engineer being able to work this do you know if that's been considered or included in this or I'm sure it's a limit but in the ordinance engineer and and the B engineer the B so it's it's mentioned okay great and that's the same thing penalties in a table maybe okay I was I I thought it was fine John's letter was great and of just stated what the requirements for I need any other discussion then no I think the only thing was John left Mr brightley we had any comments I don't think there were any comments from engineer right no we prepared this it's based on the short version there's a long version like answer whatever questions the board has no I just want that was the only thing that was it was ended the SAR rules in july23 year now year otherwise good job yeah I scch up on I one item I think it's clear but on the first page of the ordinance towards the bottom it says ordinance shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health and it just when I read it it just sort of struck me when I see minimum but on what page on the first page uh second paragraph of the bottom it made a reference to the higher standard prevails you can adop stricter standards in the state yeah anyway are minimum [Music] yeah just I think that's the explain that at the state is less this is the is the the higher standard prils is the B you can always be more restrictive so that clearly says don't argue that the state allows should do something okay we don't let you do it you're not allow to do gotta any anything else we did make a couple of changes to the state in terms of facility Maps the state allows 200 Scale map change that to 100 okay and then a 50 scale for your M I don't think you can see much that's compared to the scale so I did actually have a question about that and [Music] um in section 12 298 it it talks about scale it says a scale of 1 in to 50 feet right or or greater and it occurred to me I I didn't know what a greater me um less you know it's opposite than what you think greater means bigger so you can see it so so it's yeah um because I didn't know which side of the equation I think Bob would correct me if I'm wrong but that's common greater means more detail lesser would mean further zoom in zoom in the zoom out is it's in a couple places but one place is 12 298 little A1 seven it's in a couple places 7 C5 we actually put in facili M that's what you were referring to we didn't think you could really see anything on 200 so we said a scale most smaller than one in was 50 and now we added this where the larger the second number the small scale should be so kind of clarify yeah I know you know I know backwards yeah can't scale things off and it's whatever the normal ways of saying it you know I mean it's if you on Google Earth and you hit the plus side get closer in negative sign so greater you see what no no I got no smaller than one she I the map usually know what the intent is just as I was reading it okay well I think I think 28 uh 29.8 three actually adds a definition F information Illustrated map at a scale no smaller than 1 in 50 where the larger the larger the second number the smaller the scale okay we added so there's no confusion yeah know that's I know I saw it somewhere I was trying to figure out where it was all right well whatever good uh any other discuss on this is the motion is the resolution do that provided um the board and uh I can read it does have all the knots and kns yeah I think we all got all right well I'll um this isn't this is just us it's not over the public comment or anything like that it's just our 26 okay just looking at this public I think they like it a motion not not not inconsistent not inconsistent it's not inconsistent okay and someone second what whoever Denise heard is okay you're closer Mr DeMarco yes Miss Gall yes Mr Graham yes Mr McQueen yeah Mr Walden yes and Mr zazar yes the motion carries all right review and approval of the bills oh Karen had a question on the bills if about three qus of the way down the page there's an entry um for Mr Warner's firm where there's an invoice number and a date and no other information I started to put it in there and then realized it was a nons grow so it is up at the top but I in Burly did not delete the entire line okay so our totals are correct because there was nothing in that spot any anyone else oh and another question that Karen hading anyone else was wondering the last three invoices from Ferrero engineering I noted that they are corrected invoices they're older invoices and the correction was due to um what needed to be corrected I should say was the hourly rate the hourly rates were wrong okay they were different did we approve those old invoices and now we're reove yeah they were approved a while back and but now okay they're being reapproved at the correct any comment or motion I move it I'll say Mr DeMarco yes Miss Geller yes Mr Graham yes Mr McQueen Mr Walden yes and Mr Zarina yes the motion Carri and I will confer Den on you the right to sign yes okay there are no publics tonight um then this is the list in in theend there is a list of the pending applications um the um Bernardsville was adjourned to April 25th I heard there may be some discussion about that um we haven't heard anything more from ecinet right after no not after they gave us the extension okay they expire when soon right well they gave us an extension of time until June 30 yeah yeah June 30th right yes okay and um Echo um that's um similar to one we've seen before in that area where people are subdividing was it R five up there and number four which made it is pica that's the walk and there we go you got out sorry the nextage okay U and then Benjamin zagler and cther Connor the [Music] roine adjust no variances no construction okay all right any any visitors who want to say anything about anything not on the agenda oh all right johanah W Washington Corner Road I'm speaking for as an environmentalist um I just have a question about the ordinance uh 25 1998 so that was March 25th that the DP U wanted it and now we consider it today what about all the applications for the um planning board and the board of adustment in between does this still follow or did it matter that you had to have agreement so was it from March 2th or prior to that that would apply app to development requ St rules which were amended last last year okay all cover everything would cover yeah no change to the BS minor standards incorporated into here put the recing schedule that the bar using wasn't in new have recent one that this came up for was the affordable housing a lot of it depends on when 63 Bernard or something before preliminary approvals prior prior to the CH they were guess by yeah the engineer and the attorney will correct to your concern even though you sit there and tell why it take us 10 months to do it we're still covered by prior one right depending on when the what the difference okay good um the other thing is um I wanted someone to explain to me um uh regarding tier a for storm water uh if we're in violation to uh what what happens with our permitting that is a violation of storm water management training of um the council members BS and um boas and you um I know you have different uh training than these people do right yeah good for two more years I know I know I saw you listed um so what happens so I mean I don't know what are the consequences and and what's the practicality of how the D does I mean it sounds like they'll punish but I don't know how they do it and what the consequences are if people are not trained the board hasn't I think it's like 45 minute class have like The Zo yeah and also when you do it if you give me feedback because I get question from like hand say Jersey about what the reaction is are they talking down to you are they talking above you uh is it tedious what because they do want it to work and it's really important for every municipality to do this according to what they're saying for the tier one permit that every municipality gets is that correct yeah I'm not sure but members know what time frame is take CL know old members are probably already yeah it'd be nice to know if there's incremental requirements I mean I know I taken it the older members but I don't know if we're I don't know precisely what we're supposed to do would you do it for the for the board adustment also everyone has to do it is the same one you I think it's the same training you're the only one that's different it it's the same actually the board of adjustment they they were talking about it at the reorg and I think most if not all of them have done I don't want point they have I guess the real key is we don't to roll out the pillar you know we want to for punishment we we do just need to know truly what we're obligated to do I don't think permit can they not permit us I don't know okay thank you thanks um that's it really we have no executive session requirement and is there anything else to needs that um anyone to be aware of not that I'm aware of um the only thing is um if AR is going to uh still come back on the 25th they would have to submit revisions plan revisions by Monday which is a 15 10 days that'll be nice did you ever get anything or is it all pending this we had discussion had two Zoom meetings with technical meetings with professionals from the board and the I I know it was kind of you were it was a prerequisite for you and for John that you needed something in order to be able to do your reports you know and submit them so so they find provide the architecture PL provided the exhibits right haven't provided any rised latest set the process of looking at modifying things did they indicate that they were going to provide a reest engine plan or yes they are going they are going to submit revised plans we tried to how much I can say we tried to incorporate all the various discussion items at the last meeting organize a memo to them you know that they can respond to so wait okay and you've got my emails right they're getting to you correct yes all right I just want something I try to organiz and not getting picked up in some filter that puts Bob stuff go away all right any anything else no I think well I