here I'll get us another [Music] hour uh I'm sorry you're back back and operating the um I think we were up to five Redevelopment deviations right the last being the primary entrance which is it's under architectural standards on page 31 item two right building shall be generally oriented so that a primary entrance or entrances face the primary Street or public open space any others okay so Council just for reconformation that uh those five items of relief are uh stipulated to as being required uh as deviations from the Redevelopment plan either under the bulk variant standard or in some cases the designed waiver standard uh that is correct and I take it you have no others that we forgot I have not no I do not the let me take a look back no no harm in asking one says the um thect the uh so you have that's the I'll reiterate later when we get to the deliberations so um that's then he hasn't got a chance to do a Sal yet okay which can right that's has absolute right to do so do we want to go through stipulation discussion first maybe for the sorry what would you like us would you like us to go through the stipulation yeah I think so yeah I think so okay it's a long list we can so I'll I'll go through it the the uh and we have from uh the planning memo June 25th comment a fully engineered plans consistent with architectural set to be can you um when you're reading can you list I'm typing it though comment a fully engineered plan consistent with architectural set to be submitted comment B4 engineered site plan comment B6 engineered site plan comment B8 the transparency requirements will be complied with uh and then there was a a reference to the Minimus exception from rsis which is actually relief we've already addressed that the traffic review Memo from Mr trown in May 8th stipulating to comment 10 uh which says applicant agrees to allow the first 15 minutes of access to the parking garage free of charge that's what was stipulated to by the applicants engineering review memo for Mr brightley May 7 comment two and three with respect to the we're agreed to comply with that's with respect to the electric vehicle uh and make ready parking space requirements excuse me comment five the space between Curbing and building comment six cross-section of the entrance uh will be complied with as part of compliance CL comment eight there was a clarification from R sheet C4 a lot of this is plan revision and clarification comment nine curving in sidewalk comment 10 clarification of Building height that's now been uh I guess agreed to that the the applicant will be seeking the deviation uh for five stories versus four not withstanding the alternative interpretations of the Redevelopment plan a site uh comment 11 raing and drainage plans will be complied with all the comments uh utility plan comment 12 the utility plan comments will be complied with comment 13 the lighting PL comments will be complied with comment 15 the landscape plan comments will be complied with comment 16 the construction detail plans will be complied with comment 17 the retaining wall uh comments will be complied with as part of resolution compliance storm water management comments 2 through eight will be complied with architectural drawings comments one two 3 through eight will be uh complied with to the extent not already address and resolved in testimony uh board inquiries comment to the applicant will submit revised survey to confirm the monumentation uh other matters comments 1 through four in Mr brightley report will be complied with uh also to be complied with uh multiple conversations with representatives of the burv fire prevention committee uh the as a result thereof the applicant agrees to full compliance with the state fire code including the incorporation of fire pumps where necessary to ensure adequate flow to all parts of the sprinkler system system in addition the following supplemental measures will be taken by the applicant with respect to fire prevention electric vehicle parking spaces will be located in a position adjacent to the open portion of the parking structure along the exterior envelope four direct means of the egress will be provided you mind P I thought I was going to FAS four ready four direct means of egress will be provided from the main garage level to the exterior of the structure including emergency eress via the primary vehicle driveway which is not enclosed by a garage door the garage will be fully ventilated via a mechanical exhaust system no electrical bicycle no electric bicycle charging will be allowed in the building Lobby or the units and electric bicycle storage will be prohibited in the units at each unit demising wall as well as foror walls drywall will be extended to the bottom of the deck of the level above two levels of drywall will be provided on each side of unit demising walls and fter walls this is all still in connection with fire prevention the project will be 100% sprinkled via an via an NFP a13 System including this is important interstitial one my favorite words interstitial spaces between ceilings and the deck Above This includ includes sprinkler Co coverage of the interstitial space above the top occupied floor I the attic uh steel sprinkler piping will be provided in the pump room as applicable parking garage and S stand pipe system the project will incorporate both mineral wool and fire cing at floor penetrations to provide additional protection against fire and smoke and all egress fire doors will include fire glass to provide increased visibility during an emergency my assumption is that that was all discussed and and requested by the fire convention committee also the applicant agrees to the following General stipulations the applicant will coordinate construction safety and traffic management with the applicable government agencies including the burough construction Department Burl Police Department New Jersey Department of Transportation and Somerset County planning board and engineering department the applicant has performed geotechnical investigations of the site and the results do not indicate a need for blasting in connection with the progress in Project however in the event any degree of blasting is proposed the applicant will comply with all state regulations and all information filed in connection with the blasting permit will be shared with the buau in the event that soil contamination is discovered at the site including but not limited to any contamination associated with underground fuel tanks or past oil Spiller spills the applicant will comply with all state regulations for removal and Disposal including providing requisite notice to the burrow applicant will provide will serve letters from all utility serving the project site including but not limited to New Jersey American Water confirming the capacity to provide the project with domestic water and Fire Protection Service applicant will agree to identify via signage those parking spaces designed excuse me designated for use by retail tenants during business hours up to a total of 32 spaces for convenient access to The Pedestrian egress to OT Square such spaces shall be located in the western parking Bay of lower level one and nearby locations on the central ramp or along the southern wall of the garage in coordination with the board engineer applicant will agree to install and oil water separator as part of the parking garage drainage system refu and recycling will be removed by way of private waste caller all residential movements and move outs and major retail deliveries will be required to be scheduled via building management major deliveries will be required to be scheduled outside of peak morning and evening periods I assume that's Pig traffic periods counselor amm traff yeah yeah that's correct thank you for that clarification applicant will require no deliveries in a tractor trailer above Su 40 it really should be will not permit will not permit tra deliveries in a tractor trailer sized above an S40 applicant will designate the lower level one as the Uber pickup drop off delivery staging location applicant will screen the Transformer and any potential Hot Box subject to utility access and clear clearance requirements the project standby generator shall be appropriately sized and wired to provide emergency power sufficient for light systems and elevators in the event of a power outage there is more I had others that the applicant has uh concurred the bedroom unit mix will be as proposed as revised and uh uh as proposed as revised by the applicant in the most recent heing uh which is an approximation uh as set forth in the Redevelopment plan uh which approximation of the stated mix is acceptable you remember the Redevelopment PL says approximately certain unit mix uh the applicant will uh satisfy the transparency requirements in the Redevelopment plan the applicant will pay uh the uh affortable Housing Trust Fund payment in blue as well as all other applicable uh fees uh the app fireing construction code uh provision njsa 5 23-6 a little SL slow that sure njsa 5 23- 6.2 pointb regarding emergency erress Windows shall be complied with Mr Warner in that regard we actually looked at that statue and we did not see that specific reference to Windows I think I think you can strike there strike it that's fine we'll comply with all code requirements I don't think you need emergency window thank you there will be lighting along the staircase leading to the Courtyard as uh stipulated by the applicant away from the courtyard that's an exit only stairway correct the courtyard goes down to the street yes that's correct I think we were talked about doing lights down there down down the stair yeah I wrote it down because I remembered it from the meeting the the um no passenger vehicles will be entering or exiting Mount area Sor can I um if you could say that no problem no passenger vehicles will be entering or exiting the mount Ary Road in Grass ESS emergency be emergency activation of the rollup door on Mount on the mount ay road entrance uh and uh well there's M Road exit exit excuse me uh there's a related condition that's forthcoming uh so there's more to that one uh the there'll be a sign at the northeast corner designating the height clearance uh for entering and exiting that entrance subject the review and approval of our engineer they will follow entering entering all that all that's needed not acci entering without that's right that's right if they can make it in they can make it out the L the heat expands the the um request there'll be a the appli will request that the burrow allow emergency vehicles to pull into the archway in front the site uh and that I suspect will be subject not only to I'm sorry I'm sorry that will be I suspect subject to not only burrow counsel permission but also a DT permission yes and I think what Mr quak said J I don't I don't know if you were here the last time uh what what he had indicated was that that needs to be a request from the burrow to the do we we can facilitate it but I think my understanding it had to come from the burrow reality is they're going to do it anyway whether either way but uh to legitimize it I think it has to come from the burrow Mr promise very nice not right yes we get the uh the applicant will uh consider uh uh uh retrofitting the chimneys or or installing them in such a way that they could be utilized for wireless telecommunication facilities I Telecom telecommunication facility ready uh not overlaps um the applicant will uh work uh with the engineer subject to his review and approval to confirm clear sorry I get that one more time um the applicant will work with the bur engineer uh to confirm Clear Sight lines for Ingress and egress of all vehicles uh at the site and there's more the applicant will ensure that the roll down gate for the mount ay driveway is open prior to any s new 40 delivery truck arriving the applicant must specify how the subsequent closure of the gate will occur and how exiting Vehicles will open the gate it's not dependent on truck it's any any truck that you decide in you're going that's going to use that gate well I think the the real issue is just the sc40 and the potential for it to to block the driveway we're certainly going to have smaller Vehicles whe maybe the Amazon truck we set that door so far back specifically for that reason they're going to come up they're going to have their gate access through the controlled access the Su 40s are going to have to be arranged through building management and we would make sure that it's open when they arrive and the typical means I mean we're going to this is going to be a roll down door that once the vehicle goes through the door closes it it'll have you know some sort of I understand device yeah a longer truck she would run the risk that it couldn't get all the way down the driveway to the gate so you want the gate before the TR arrives it's actually pretty close but we agreed just to do it to avoid any perception of conflict and again just to remind the members of the public uh as with every application ultimately the board votes on relief s together with all stipulated two conditions not in that absence so this is not a determination uh oblate determination by the board this is uh making sure they have the accurate belief and conditions associated with the request of the applicant to determine whether the applicant met it's further approv and is entitled to say or not uh next stipulative condition I have is uh it's currently expected that delivery trucks will be able to turn into the mount area entrance from any direction Ingress and regress movements to and from the loading area onto Mount Ary Road are subject to the ultimate review and approval sorry to the ultimate review and approval of the county of Somerset and the applicant will provide appropriate signage as it relates to any turning turning restrict the applicant will promptly pick up and dispose of construction materials debris uh Etc that in any way escape from the site or the vehicle's servicee the architectural construction permit plans will show that the apartment have sound attenuation as delineated in the planning board's engineer planning board Engineers letter of may7 at page 11 and Mr Warner just in that regard I believe what the Redevelopment plans provide specifically is sound attenuation uh for the units uh facing the railroad and that might actually be a Mr B look back any lay down area will be located on site that's in connection with construction of course applicant will take immediate remedial action if their approved storm water compliance plan fail in any way any adjustments to the lighting plan must be prevented presented and subject to the review and approval of the board engineer and planner in their reasonable discretion the applicant owner will strongly discourage tenants of guest from using off-site parking the African owner will set reasonable parking rates and policies for tenants and guests that will discourage them from using off-site part can I can I so second you back to soundation can I set you back to soundation thing I'm sorry I I didn't hear you soundation thing on page um 37 of the plan I don't see anything that says that that only applies to the apartment fac the protction design [Music] close proximity to the active rail line I'm sorry can I got that one more time we'll comply with the soundproofing provision in the Redevelopment plan as it's written it's the enre [Music] the the hours of exterior construction activity will be limited to 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. isn't that controlled by ordinance it isance I don't know that it would I don't imagine your ordinance actually allows 900 p.m. I was looking at that military subject to ord I think just yeah to your subject to our ordinance yeah applicant will provide mesh screening which may include decorative signage covering during conru struction for the security and safety fencing on the north and west elevations owner will Implement policies and practices regarding the load loading areas so as to guarantee that delivery vehicles do not back up to block Mount Ary road to continuously monitor either in person or remotely the loading area to determine if such blockage is occurring and to take prompt action to alleviate such blockages and to adjust such policies and practi I to avoid any further blockages any bet there are applicant will work collaboratively with the burough Council and the historic preservation advisory committee to design install and maintain on the north wall two distinct historic markers each at least two square feet in size that describe the two buildings that will have been demolished applicant will allow ow the photographic documentation of the existing buildings prior to demolition owner will include and enforce terms the following terms in all residential leases prohibiting the use of living space as additional bedrooms prohibiting the charging of lithium ion batteries for bikes scooters and similar uses in the apartment departments prohibiting gas wood and charcoal grills and fire pits in the units or on the balconies prohibiting the placement of clothing on balconies on the northwest Street side exterior units the driveway roll down gate SL door at the southwest corner will be normally closed it will be remotely opened and closed and will not require any fees for loading space access the applicant will be responsible POS for addressing implementation of waste falling including trash trash and recycling all of which will be handled by way of private waste Bower at applicant sole cost and expense the stairs at the northeast corner of lower level two lower level one and the ground floor shall be exit only except for residents who will have controlled access to same the stairs at the southwest corner serving all floors shall be controlled access for residents only when constructing the decorative chimneys the applicant will consider making same cellular ready that tce yeah because U we had the applicants list and my list so that was a duplication uh those two ster more restrictive one will be enforced if there's an approval po hairways had requested exit only talking the two stairways the one at the northeast corner and southwest corner somehow you're indicating that that tenants will be able to open them from the outside no oh they're saying it's contr yeah we're just we're not sure why CH why resonate because well if it's a controlled access for a resident I'm not sure why there'd be a security concern we're discussing I'm just simple and secure you don't have anybody there you're this so so you're as proposed it was emergency AC I'm only giv you what stipulated you're proposing I'm sorry can I get I'm sorry I didn't the recommendation that was sent to the applicant was that both of those stairwells the emergency exit only the applicant uh I guess modified that to suggest that toen residents basically with key fobs could use those stairs I mean if I was a resident wouldn't I want to be able to get in through those stairs no downstairs you take the freight elevator down if you're on you take the major you take the primary we've had a lot of discussion Prim yeah I would say it's more an issue of it it's there's nobody monitoring that entrance right you can have kids that have it they have friends they have unored area that they can get into and do whatever they want so as e only let's just leave it as a as as as the exit then that's fine so you're stipulating to take out the exceptable residents who will have controlled access to same yep okay as to both northeast corner and southwest corner correct trying to remember how the South southwest corner works because I think has residence only and it would be controlled access why don't we move on and just circle back on that one let me just look at the plan real and again this is just what's STI to W oh I did that my apologies uh burville emergency service services will be able to open any controlled access doors as they may require the stairs down from the courtyard to mount Ary Road will be emergency exit only the freight elevator okay then Freight there times of charm the the freight elevator serving all floors will only be accessible to residents via controlled access yes controlled access uh applicant will reserve two spaces in an appropriate in an appropriate location as determined by the applicant for deliveries such as door Dash GrubHub and the like at least one of The Monuments on the survey needs to be discovered with an update to the survey little bit I think that's redundant what's that did you just say that that's a redundant yeah it's an overlap s again when there's an overlap I'm going if there's an approval I'm going to pick the more restrict uh the um applicant will permit Emergency Services turn in from marown Road into the archway this turn in will have a lowered curb for earlier easier excuse me mounting in an emergency such access is subject to the Bureau of requesting NG do permission for same if approved by the NG do based on the bur's request applicant will continue to show no obstruction between the curb and the archway applicant will ensure emergency erress doorways and clearance in the gate under the archway iea crash board the buau will obtain approval from NJ doot for this Limited use police fire ambulance so that'll supersede the prior more detail more detail applicant will enumerate all Life Safety Systems and building access systems their method of power and their action in the event of utility power loss in accordance with all applicable statutory and Regulatory building codes and requirements I view that as supplemental to the emergency generator stipulation applicant has proposed a standby generator system to provide emergency service for Life Safety Systems within the development including emergency lighting and elevators applicant will ensure that the fully automated sprinklers will have at least a 20 minute capacity due to delayed response of the fire teams since automated sprinklers are deployed throughout the site there is no requirement for the provision of areas of Refuge the sprinkler system will be designed to be capable of replenishment via stand type locations approved by theart burville fire department applicants will install a sign with a height limitation for vehicles entering the main driveway to ensure that they are below the minimum height of the garage levels that's duplication and only entering being they're not going to exit in the can to help ensure privacy and safety the main pedestrian gates in the archway the lobby doors and Main elevators will be accessed via controlled access but can also be unlocked from each unit the applicant will work collaboratively with the buau council to implement enhanced fire safety precautions I'm sorry enhanced safety precautions at The Pedestrian crosswalk east of the site applicant will Implement any reasonable enhancement and or adjustment agreed to buy between the applicant and the Bro Council subject to approval from any applicable outside agencies just continuation what I'm sorry I'm assuming it was continuation the last time yeah that was yes I had to turn the page had to lick my finger first the um and that is the last stipulated to application that I have received from the applicant thus far at least to that point Council for the applicant use reconfirm that all the forementioned conditions are stipulated to by the Apple um I agree um how do we keep going because we were going to look at that southwest corner just to um I know the chairman uh would prefer that just to be emergency I get on there okay but otherwise all otherwise we stipulate to to all of those I got another one that the the applicant will submit copies of D material has has submitted agree to to to the board to burrow engineer and to the burrow traffic engineer [Music] opportunity I'm sorry I didn't we can't have side conversations so please speak loud have an opportunity to see how it changes with as the B progresses do you still stipulate today well yes we'll we'll submit copies to whever in the town board certainly board professionals it's part of will be part of resolution compliance uh I had an earlier stipulation that the applicant will obtain dot uh approval for the dark line the setback line written approval and that will be added to the survey associated with the application I'm sorry I didn't hear this sorry the the applicants plan shows a dark line which potentially is are the setback lines and it's very explicit I want do to approve that definition what their setback is so that the lines is depicted on the site represent the NJ do official setback line [Music] right it's a RightWay line it's probably right away we have it from the county they have it from the county I I don't know I'm not sure that the do is going to write anything specific in that regard we're going to speak and obtain or have to obtain do approval I don't know to what extent they would be that specific Mr Troutman if you may have I would say under the survey item condition tightening up the survey part of that exercise would be researching do maps to Esta no that won't help you no do needs to see what they've defined on their plot and confirm that is their agreed RightWay line it's not going to be standard it's not X distance from the center line of the road so agre but the point is I don't have an issue with what they' selected they have to get do to in writing agree that their survey accurately reflects the right of way from Do's perspective so the typical exercise would be do has a documents unit that would establish through this area where their RightWay line is and their surveyor would have to use that document as a reference document in establishing that line and would that be part of what bot would do anyway exercising their jurisdiction of over the road connection with this project I think it's on the applicant to establish that line based on documents from do stipulate we will comply with all do requirements I cannot stipulate that we're going to get the do to write in some specific language about a dark line they're going to approve a plan ultimately they're they are going to have I know part of it they have their right of way people look at it uh Etc we're we're going to obtain do approval I cannot there is no way I can get do to alter their procedures and to to write something in that's my only no no they must get do to do this and if you can't then you're going to have to come and say this is why we can't the survey are your building placement is based on an assumption of the do right away with no guarantee from do that thats that are in crush of where their right away is but they're going to approve the plan and if their plan and our plan stipper then we are going to have to come back before the board will we not I think we're saying the same thing eot has a documents unit within them that that establishes that line as long as the applicant gets the document from do right from their Highway plans that establishes that line that that will be theour document for that line and that's why somebody should be prised of what submitted to the do y so Bob if we got that document the dot document that described where that line is their calculation for what line is would be okay I mean if if they're the on if the dot supplies that document to the applicant the applicant then is putting that line on the drawings well that's a separate thing right but I'm saying like if they Supply that document that would be okay it yes it it cannot be applicant survey or saying this is what I determin the do just talk one at the time please the do document that states where that right away would be be sufficient yes does the applicant stipulate for that revised conditions the board doesn't have to impose it yes thank you and hopefully everything's I appreciate the comment those are all theti two conditions can I ask you to just repeat the one stipulation regarding utility control cabs specifically I think mentioned screening oh back flow prevention I'm sorry I couldn't quite hear you asking if that included the back flow prevention device which you call the hot yes my understanding that's inside the building because I don't see any place on this site place it on the I we weren't sure we added Hot Box just to cover it in the event not on the site the expectation it is on the site plan I would think they come back to the board to screen that how you want that to look because that's a big seal Str yeah that was my concern Mr Bradley the utility company asked to move it outside the building and wanted to make sure we didn't have have the same problem that we had up the street um but if you're suggesting that that they make it they would come back instead could we could could it be written such that it would be subject uh to review and approval by the burough planner and engineer and if they are not comfortable with what's being proposed it would then come to the board we we've done something similar to that in the past um I assume if it's not a hot box the backl interior which doesn't need to be screened along with some sort of utility room or something yes I'm learning the um but uh but in the event is box we have in the past allowed our administr our our our professional experts uh to handle those things rather than required for uh uh approval for those types of things unless they feel cannot handle it themselves that is sort of a standard operating procedure in land ju flow in the state of New Jersey every resolution compliance item doesn't require trip back to the board to start a Lo I'm okay with it as long as screen so I'm them do if you trust your engineering plan smarter than me this if there's a hot box it's going to be in the front either on mortown road or it's going to be on Mount AR it's going to be in front of the building no other place to put inside or outside I don't know how you going screen it's coming back here well you can you can agree that it goes to the planner and engineer and if they don't feel comfortable making the determination that goes to the board that's what the applicant just stipulated I'm okay with it yeah are you okay that I'm [Music] not um do I need to make a motion to extend the meeting another 30 minutes somebody will soon but I think we're done with the stipulations unless some left out a bunch of n so I know well the board's going to see if they can get some more out of the applicate if not talk about was Bo opposing so iy I I think we've got to um Carry you guys I I'm really not comfortable with not having the police fire problem other stipulations I I'm sorry are we on the record right now sorry I can't hear the people need to speak loud and clear not mumble and one at a time C our judicial proceeding so just strong how do you how do you feel about caring this I'm SP [Music] happy to car I I don't want to do that to the applicant but I am uncomfortable that we don't have I'm sorry I can't I apologize um I don't want to put it on the applicant that we have to carry but I would like to we don't have rep I I think addition additional stations may require conversation some the additional stipulations may require discussion and I think that'd be very rested mind I'm for not voting tonight I'm sorry I'm sorry I couldn't hand i'm for not voting I go with the group anyway you can see where we are no I see where you are I I do have a request I know uh We've scheding conflicts for August the 8th which would be the next meeting date uh and then I know the next one is presumably the uh would that be the 20 22nd uh any chance we could do a special meeting between the 8th and the 22nd I don't know [Music] how yeah why why can't we do it on we've got scheduling I got multiple scheding confs sorry I didn't hear you I said I'm I'm open to a different date I won't on are is every week on the calendar as a potentials no only every other well not every other the second and the fourth it used to be years ago we had every week we had the alternate weeks as scheduled meeting dates were only August 8th and August 22 is not correct I which two days said two meetings but he saying 8 and 22 is that correct it is 8 and 22 second and may the what do we have to do to have a special meeting on the you have to not will I'm sorry um everybody's kind of talking at the same time it'll just keep happening the the um the uh we we have to provide notice Sunshine notice and uh bo meeting uh and then uh we can car we can carry to that date without further notice by the applicants so long as we Sunshine notice the meeting Den will explain to you how that works and how long she needs but I suspect she has plenty of time if it's between August 8th and August 22nd can everyone on the board make it on the 15th have a party for us at our anniversary that's still your preference July July a August 15 would be terrific if thats is that we do yes yes do we need we don't need a mo do we need a motion no well we're going to uh bear with me we know we don't need a motion but we do need to uh well yes let's do a motion second and uh a Voice vote to confirm that we're going to direct the to do the sunshine notice to schedule a meeting a special meeting for August 15th to the extent that the applicant needs to Bear some additional costs the applicant will do so I don't know how special me usually they have to do something maybe not I don't know whatever whatever the whatever the protocols are for a special meeting so I'll make the motion for a special meeting on Thursday um August 15 7:30 ear um can you make it at 7 that was recommendation it's special meeting you can schedule it chairman I prer to keep it at 7 so at 7:30 with appropriate Sunshine notice as directed by Council second all in favor any opposed any extensions see n passes the um so then uh this matter will be carried without further notice through a special meeting to be scheduled on August 15th 7:30 p.m. in the same Municipal Building look forward to seeing everyone chairman the end of the month of a yes stipulate we extend the time to August 31 thank 2024 the one question I do have just before we break uh you know we've obviously had reached out affirmatively to the fire department I don't know that I we can't provide any guarantees that there are going to be any reports that come in from we understand police or fire um that's my only comment no we appreciate your understanding that's it's our problem yeah but if there's anything we can do or any more Reach Out we'll do it it's just what we can thanks everybody appreciate it okay thanks everyone opportunity for any visitors that want to talk about something else no executive session n okay I'll St a Goode for another