right ready I [Music] okay should be good in accordance with the open right e all right okay in accordance with the open public meetings act please note the following all Bernardsville burrow planning board meetings will be held in person in the meeting Hall on the second floor of the Bernal Municipal Building at 166 mbrook Road meetings will be live streamed on YouTube with no opportunity for public comment on YouTube members of the public wishing to offer comments or ask questions will be required to attend meetings in person the YouTube live stream access for all meetings is YouTube uh Bernardsville bams this link will also be available on the agenda for each meeting which is posted on the burough website which is bb.org and on the burall public bulletin board at least 48 hours prior to the meeting notice of these changes has also been mailed to the burfield news and The Courier News by posting a copy on the buau website and by filing a copy with the municipal clerk all in January 16th 2024 it is the intention of the board not to continue any matter past 11: p.m. at any regular or special meeting of the board unless a motion is passed by the members then present to extend to a later specified cut off time and same shall be announced at the opening of each meeting in addition the board does not intend to begin a new hearing after 10 P p.m. nor begin testimony of a new witness after 10:30 p.m. any hearing conducted by the board is a quasy Judicial proceeding any questions or comments must be limited to issues that are relevant to what the board May legally consider in reaching a decision the Corum appropriate to judicial hearing must be maintained at all times Well call yes the chairman Mr Demarco is absent miss bner here miss Geller present Mr Graham here Mr horwood here Mr McQueen here Mr simov here Mr Walden here and Mr Zarina y you have a for Mr chairman thank you okay meeting minutes um so be corrected February 8 minutes yes got out M sent me sent me a couple of little nothing was fine okay I did have oh I may of course may need correction on page five and my apologies not the first second full paragraph attorney witha at the end says and the ordinance is adopted that might be any any ordinance as adopted context of that sentence we are complying with etc etc etc and the ordinance yeah I I I think it was in the manner of speaking that I can I can change it I think it was just like he was stating a number of things about the Redevelopment plan and so we'll say and the next thir paragraph pointed out that the development plan specifically as forms no that's not steud perhaps or plan okay that's all I have than you any others okay motion move the minutes the other minutes aren't W ready so we're ready to move minut motion to approve I'll second okay all in favor I any opposed I think Denise has the absent members on the bottom of page one of the so as always those will be the exensions yeah no surprises uh no Communications that's good uh is anyone here to talk about anything that's not related to the agenda tonight this is your first chance to say something if you like none um our old business is we have the resolution for adoption the Angela cetta and Adam W um resolution to be adopted what a sub divion bot line adjustment 99 C drive extansion in 8 12 Spruce plates half dozen dces Associated there with and C's coverage access quarter with set back for existing driveways and Street Frontage as to the various Lots mostly lot 9.01 I think that was one because it was a shared driveway and some disputes that got resolved by way of a lot line adjustment always nice when the board can help uh and uh Fair number of conditions of approval as always uh for mitigating detriment including the obligation of the applicant to install asphalt papers or similar hard statement L gravel hopefully it accurately memorializes the board's decision we'll find out in a moment okay and we haven't received any comments from applicants uhne this went all as always we got all comments from our board professionals uh and and applicant and applicants professionals are Incorporated here in so no I after you to Incorporated all right I'll take a motion Mr s yes you got who is qualified to vote on the resolution I do six of course yes so is oh here we go um gner yes Mr Graham yes Mr har yes Mr s yes Mr baldon yes Mr zazarino yes the motion cares very good okay so now we have the new business which is the bills [Music] looks is motion for that I'll second call mner yes m g yes Mr Graham yes Mr har yes Mr McQueen yes Mr sim yes Mr Walden yes and Mr zaran yes the motion Char okay so we're up to public hearing is the main event um is continuation of AR Berard bille hi good evening chairman good to be back before the board tonight my name is John wcala here tonight on behalf of AR at Bernardsville LLC uh this is our third public hearing with respect to the uh Redevelopment of the Palmer Square Redevelopment area uh we are before you uh on a continuation seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval uh for the Redevelopment of that site in accordance with the Palmer Square Redevelopment plan uh just looking back at my notes that plan was actually approved uh by your Municipal Council exactly a year and one day ago May 2023 um to date you've heard testimony uh from our project engineer Paul mut our traffic engineer John korak uh our architect Uh Kevin Smith from ramza uh and we are continuing this evening uh I can say uh over the course of the hearings we had the date uh we really got a lot of good feedback uh from the board questions comments concerns that were articulated regarding the the project as submitted um and we as as the board is aware we adjourned this hearing uh several times uh over the course of March and April and the reason being we were working on plan revisions to address those comments Mr simoff had raised a very good point in terms of speaking to H the county Somerset County with respect to what their Road requirements would be on Mount ay road we were able to delineate that uh and it resulted in modifications to the plan itself uh widening of of the right of way Etc um the one area we really paid particular attention to uh was was our loading area uh I think we spent a lot of time over the course of those first two hearings talking about the loading the ability of the the su3 truck uh which is a truck that we're required to design for uh and we think we really came up with a great design in terms of our ability to get in not just an s30 but the the the 40 foot uh wheel-based truck actually into the building uh we're able to accommodate uh two of those within the building itself we're able to bring in other delivery vehicles and you're going to see and hear more about that tonight we made a Revis submitt uh a couple weeks ago uh that included uh detailed plans both by our engineers and our architect as well uh in terms of tonight's meeting uh we are only presenting our engineer Paul much he's back he's going to go through the plans Mr Smith is out of town um we do have John korak is here we have received a a traffic report from Mr Troutman uh but Mr corak is also still uh anticipating a revised uh submitt to address some of the some of the additional questions about uh trips associated with delivery vehicles and so forth so our game plan again for tonight we're going to put Mr we're GNA have Mr M come up he's going to run through all the plan changes uh Mr brightley uh submitted an engineering review report uh and we'll go through those comments there are a number of things in Mr brightley report uh that come into uh uh the category of our architect there some questions about Building height and some things uh we're not going to touch on that tonight when our when our architect is here at our next meeting uh he's going to run through all of those calculations what our predevelopment grades were Etc and go through all of those details he's also going to run through the details within the parking garage Etc we have uh delineated within the architectural plans um or I should say better delineated uh trash rooms Etc both for the residential as well as the the commercial component that's associated with the project so um that's where we are at the moment so at this time I'd like to call back up on Mr M and if I may Mr chairman before we do I don't want to lose sight of the fact that the appli did re notice for this particular hearing uh so it's incumbent upon me to and I have viewed the notice I found the content to be sufficient I found it to be timely serving published on April 25th certified mail uh on April 26th both of those dates according to my intricate mathematical computations uh is at least 10 days prior to this evening uh so that the notice was sufficient and finally served the publish so the board does have jurisdiction and continues to have jurisdiction year the application seing thank you thanks thank you Mr Warner so um I'm recalling Mr much I will remind him he still under oath he's previous previously been qualified as an expert in the field of professional engineering I will just ask a question your license is still uh in good standing correct correct okay uh Mr much I I just advised the board we made a revised PL toal uh that was prepared by you in your office and uh I'm just going to turn the floor over to you uh to present that and then you've got uh you've got the link and you can put the plans up uh if there uh as we go through the plans if there just the plans that submitted we do not need to mark them into evidence if there's anything additional that isn't otherwise in the board members or the professionals packet obviously each Mark as a exhibit yes certainly and I intend to speak to the submitted plans this evening and we can introduce exhibits as we go but that is where I will begin and I will start with the submitted site plan set sheet C4 of that submitted site plan set last revised April 26 2024 I'll Zoom it in the to the main show and we can start to talk through some of the changes that we've made we spent the last several weeks trying to make significant positive gains on the design specifically of the loading but the overall site in general based on the feedback from the board and the board's professionals we think we've addressed that we think we've accomplished that this evening and we're we're looking forward to kind of walking through that um and I'll start with and we've specifically looked at how do we accommodate the loading in a way that we felt based on your feedback that would be a positive um Improvement to the overall plan so what we've done here is we've essentially pulled all of the loading operations off of the roadway and off of the public sidewalk so that offers several benefits first and foremost all of your loading everything there's not that strange kurn there's there's no no longer a singular access to that loading area and we've enhanced pedestrian safety so I'll start with first how you get into there we've sized everything here that driveway is now 24 feet and I'll Zoom I'll zoom in on it the loading area is is this 24t opening it's 14 ft clear and designed to accommodate all trucks so that allows us to not only get delivery vehicles trash Vehicles as well as emergency vehicles and and those very the largest residential movein move out trucks that you can get into that space and that 24t opening that 24t driveway accommodates that largest truck the su4 um from both directions on Mount ay road so we've eliminated that condition where it's a singular access where you have to be heading towards the top of the page off Mount Ary you can now make turning movements into that loading area with all designed vehicles coming from both directions which I think is a is a certainly a positive there that curb cut is also about half the size that it was previously and there'll be much less action outside where the pedestrians are traversing so we've eliminated that condition where there's a lot of interaction between deliveries and move in move out with pedestrians moved it under the building and I'll get to that as we move through the I I'll show the architectural plans a little bit um to better understand how it works but now you have that more traditional 24t opening curb ramps on either side side a crosswalk enhancing the safety of that Crossing but also enhancing the overall pedestrian area able to expand The Pedestrian space and sidewalk adjacent to that and towards the top of the page there's just more pedestrian space less interaction with overall vehicle trips associated with this use um and what I'll do is I'll just flip to the architectural plans these are this is also a submitted plan a101 of the submitted architectural package just to give the board an idea of what's going on underneath the building so we've a give us the last devis certainly certainly and if you could just confirm for me that the subed version was colorized I don't have it I believe it was colorized in the submitted version but um it looks from what I'm saying there that it is yesil 26 that's correct yes to give the to give the board of how these operations occur under the building there will be a gate controlled opening there I'll let the architect and our operations team kind of detail that and the hearings that are going to come after me on how that is going to be controlled but there will be a gate that's coordinated with move in move out deliveries and things of the light the trucks pull off of Mount Ary Road enter under the building pull straight forward towards the top of the page next to this retail and then have two dedicated spaces for which can accommodate two 40ft truck TR the Turning movements allow that to happen and there's also substantial space in and around this area for delivery vehicles and other interactions so there's not this kind of small confined space in the public RightWay and view of everyone in town it's all carried under the building there's dedicated spaces um in your worst case scenario you have 240 foot trucks in there there's a lot of other spaces that are provided to accommodate any other vehicles that's a very rare case in most cases at least one of those Bays that's located next to these these trash rooms will be open and available for the various delivery vehicles the various vehicles that we expect it you'll hear more about those trips from our traffic uh expert at at he hearings to come we've also revamped the trash rooms in this location to separate retail and residential our architect will get into that but wanted to highlight that as well as we move through I'll stick with this page in just detail it kind of goes hand in hand what we've accomplished here um is that we also received comments back from the county on what they're going to be looking for for their right of way along Mount Ary Road and what we confirmed with then is that there's going to look for a 33 foot half width on our side of Mount Ary Road for this property now typically you would measure that from the graphical center line or the center line where previous takings were taken off manary road but our conversations with the county they wanted from the physical Center Line line of the pavement so we took crosssections at 10 to 15 ft up that mount ay Road and we set that red line 33 ft from the physical Center Line of the road and this is going to help the county establish a physical Center Line in the center of that pavement so if there's future accommodations needed we're providing the full width that the county is looking actually actually no the county asked you for an extension from 25 ft which was part of the prior easement to 33 ft yeah that's correct so it's it's the same result I'm not having an issue with where the red line is but the reality is there was previously an eement the asement was set at 25 ft off the center line that the county computed with a slight consideration for the building you know they didn't take the outside take the outside wall of the building off and they just extended it from 25 ft to a great Road 33 ft and the end result is the yes the end result is we've had multiple discussions with the county and confirmed that that red line is what the county is looking for provides the 33 foot half width the buildings have been adjusted to accommodate that as well um it's roughly a 9 foot difference in what is there today there's no physical improvements no physical changes the County's not coming to change the roadway and we took it a little bit more conservatively I think there is a gray area at the intersection of where does do and County jurisdiction stop and end and rather than trying to chase that down a rabbit hole we're going to establish that Corridor all the way up um and just make sure that we're compliant no matter where that gray area starts and ends obviously there's a jog existing so that's what we look to do there we've also confirmed with the do there is no right of way taking that is going to be required as part of the dot application they're not asking for any additional width so the only additional width that the project is giving up is to the county and that's been specifically identified with the county give you the meets and Bs of their RightWay did they give you the meets and Bs of their RightWay they they have reviewed the application and the survey submitted agree with the RightWay line have not asked for additional right of way no no no that they Rea so the answer is the survey has a description of the proposed envelope that was there and they have no issue with what your historic surveyor specified was New Jersey DOT is right away that's correct they've taken that's the point they're okay with your survey that's the case so the dark heavy line that was there they're okay with and you got a letter basically that said we're fine yes we yes we've received initial comments and they have accepted that line yes okay great and the county didn't you can you can forget I said the county didn't suggest anything about turning in or turning out of the roadway you you when you discussed it with them like you said you can enter and exit multiple ways they didn't say no no you can only do right hand turns yeah there was no discussion about limiting the Turning movements obviously this is a recent change yeah yeah yeah and they're gonna have to look at it but there was no discussion at the time about okay forget I said certainly we're going to comply with whatever the county wants but this plan was displayed and the line was affirmed and they're obviously going to look at the FL access plan as we move further can you provide the comments for the do we certainly can yes I'll I'll move briefly to the public and Commercial spaces as we as we've upgraded as part of this plan do you want to handle each floor and with feedback or what no the architect will handle all the interior floors yeah so that's that I'm showing this because it shows a really nice loading operation if there's questions about the loading operations I can answer some of them um if we want to get into detail about the internal operations of the building and things like that the AR want to hear about secure bu some storage no that will be we can go into theed with the architect at the next that's F what I'll do is I'll flip now to the Landscaping plan so we can look at that talk about the next couple of items here and just dis identify what sheet we're on same same civil plan set sheet C10 I just want to highlight the street trees we did hear the comments and and we've coordinated to have Street trees installed as part of this application maybe maybe you could just use your mouse fall and go through and just yeah there's Street trees provided throughout the frontage we've tried to locate these Street trees outside of where there's overhead wires we've taken those accommodations with our landscape architect we've also looked to avoid underground utilities and we've also seen the comments in some of the professionals review letters about some additional features of um you know root root blockers and things like that that kind of upgrade those plantings and the applicant is agreeable to working on those and our landscape architect will look to incorporate those to ensure that those trees are healthy and maintain this public space that we're establishing over the long biggest challenge with school trees just recently with there has been either the county or the regarding sight lines and trees there and I only know enough to mention that so I I don't know if that's been resolved or yeah there's assessed there's certainly comments in the review letters about sight line diagrams that we're going to want to look at to to confirm that the Planters the trees all align we're happy to provide that the way we've designed it currently is certainly an improvement and we'll ensure that all the sight lines as you're coming through this intersection comply with do and County standards that some applications they've had trees and they just said sorry you're not going to have trees yeah know so it's it's it's going to be important then I have a question back to the architectural the county RightWay line seems to be close to the building so what are those squares to the left of the retail commercial in the old pal we're talking about these here I'll certainly yeah I'll certainly let the architect speak to that but I believe they're onings awnings but as we get into the architect the architect will go into detail on the exterior features what those are those are not ground level so it's out of my perview I don't want to speak ahead of myself but the architect is going to go into detail on the floors and the exterior features and all of those things the next meeting on this diagram and it's yours um area and maybe you're going to go clockwise um the covering over the driveways no longer there you pric on your list right and I I could certainly get into it so according to your keep going yeah I didn't want to leave the the slide if without covering it that's all yeah absolutely I'll go back to the site plan just we can talk a little bit about that as well um there was the the area that's at the Ingress and egress of the parking on that Eastern side the right side of the page was previously covered it was a challenging area for storm water management because that gets deeper than what our outfall is at that southwest corner of the building so previously we conceived that potentially when it was a little bit deeper that we need to cover that area so you could roof leader out some of that runoff that's coming down before you got to that trench strain which is proposed here we've since reoriented and you'll see this in the revised garage plans we picked up the floor of that entrance to the garage to allow for that area that's sitting outside of there to be positively pitched away from the garage and allow that runoff to flow through our building and out to the F point so we've addressed that um by just removing the covering and elevating that area a little bit more we handled the storm water in a more traditional way in that manner um and there's some comments in the board professionals letters that we're happy to comply with but that's the intention trench strand to capture all the water um no no longer need a covering less of a wall on that side I'll get into the wall that we're proposing but we tried to soften that a little bit at that back corner no clearance issues that's correct no clearance issues it solved a lot of headaches for a storm water solution that we thought was was was better in the long run anyway great what else on yeah there's been some updates overall to just and the architect is going to get into more detail we've reoriented some of the residential features to introduce more commercial storefront along Morristown AB um we did a couple of calculations here just for the board's edification on the parking situation that we see here so just for an example um just looking at the restaurant I know there was a few questions about how can we accommodate restaurants um and then how do we calculate that as far as a board because right now we're showing all retail so our parking complies with the retail component of the Redevelopment Pro but if you go through the iterative process of just picking a building let's say the Palmer building which is 4,351 Square gross Square Fleet were to be a restaurant in this case that would um that would leave the rest of the retail to comply with the Redevelopment plan needing 17 parking spaces and then those leftover parking spaces would then fall to the to the restaurant you can back calculate into they can have a maximum of 60 seats in that space to comply with the Redevelopment plan if there's anything above 60 seats if the Palmer buildings decides to be a restaurant they would have to come back to this board for an SP for four seats is that is that the yeah one for four so that follows iteratively go down if you go out the smaller center retail space you'd have 20 retail spaces left over 48 seats Max in that space and then if you go the eastern most um towards the corner there um you need 26 retail spaces for the other two spaces then 24 seats max if a restaurant were to go there and you can do a lot of different combinations and the point is is that what if they get two retail tenants in a restaurant or two restaurants and a retail or all three restaurants which which would afford 128 seat Max for the Redevelopment plan that's what the marketing be that would be the limit split between if any exceedances or or accommodations were needed above that the board would have jurisdiction over that condition so it's just limited seats based on what tenants they get as we move through and everything is intended to comply with the Redevelopment plans and what about the outside part outside um same thing it's it's all seats count um towards that and how their operations are so as far as the resident um the commercial uh use for restaurant if there's a parking loud underneath how are they going to access those areas yeah I'm going to let the architect the architect knows the intricacies of how the parking garage interacts with those spaces so the next meeting we'll go into details about I me from there do you know if there's any uh pedestrian into that Park from the garage there will the prior iteration of the plans they creatively uh added entrance an entrance at the corner and that's basically how retail Parkers will get to the outside if you show the other you show the first parking level you see right yeah you see where it is there is the entrance and exit so you park and we have to go through this with you where the retail parking is follow the AR yes but if this left hand side of the parking is retail or restaurant they just basically walk to that door and they walk out yeah going to get a lot more detail on how those access points yeah you're you're on it there you guys fix this you know this was an enhancement that you made to allow this capability yeah we heard we heard the concerns of the board on loading on access getting out of there so we're moving the ball forward I know the architect is looking forward to getting sort of through the intricacies of the updates they as well if we have questions about retail storage it's there that's the yeah sure I'll cover some of the other you know smaller features of really those are the the big ticket items that we've addressed as part of this plan um and I'll cover some of the other features there was a request at the previous meeting to add a curb along the ramp heading down into the garage we've Incorporated that reduced the width of that ramp to 22 feet to allow for a little bit more of a turning radius we have truck turning templates as well that will submit to your professionals um we've as I've stated we've softened that wall on the right hand side by raising that elevation a bit what we intend to do is have Incorporated a fence that runs along that wall and that extended curve along that side maintaining that 2T of clearance that's required by the easement along that property line um and that transitions into a guide rail As you move back and towards the back where um where you'll have vehicular access so it's a typical fence um you get to the corner of the building and then it transitions into something that could stop a vehicle if there was something like that because that's where it's kind of exposed to vehicle traffic all that will be incorporated into the wall maintaining the easement that we are required to um we work with your board professionals on and get a design for that wall that can do the need it's a 4 foot out that's what the agreement is okay that's not a 2ot e it's a 4ot out and um frankly the log is ining Into The Alley a lot and if you were to just say well we'll give you two feet and that's it there's got to be some discussion with them because they buildings one foot away from that line yeah in one of the corners and they've already built to their property line they've encroached on the Alley they've reached the terms of that agreement already and we haven't looked to create any issues with them we're just honoring that easement whether they whether they've gone over it's two feet off the center line two feet two feet into two two feet is on our property two on the other and Paul correct me if I'm wrong we actually pulled those improvements into our property we're not put on the yeah it's not and look at what's required you know it's it's not just two feet you know it's the 4ot alley so and it's okay and you can say look we're we're clear on this we're we're good guys we're we're going to do our2 feet if that's what it ends up being well they're not they built out their two feet so there's only a two foot if if they use your two feet that's all there is is 2 ft and and one of their buildings I'm sure is not two just is there I I would tell the board uh I actually the the lodge reached out I heard from their councel uh returned to call I told them anytime they want to sit down and meet uh offered up the plans to go through I have not heard back from their Council since well it's probably been a month or so but uh you know that Alley we're just leaving it as is it serves no purpose for as it relates to our project uh but that look at the term I have a question right now there's access between the Palmer property and the in the back of the uh there any no there's no formalized agreement easement that allows that access there's an eement between lot three and lot one and two across lot e which is all part of this there's nothing onl four and we will take a look at that alley my understanding at this point is that with the two ft that we're providing even where the some of that building jumps out there's there's still 88 compliant widths but well we're going to I'll do a deep dive on that we we owe your your professionals a more detailed wall design crosssections and things like that as we move through this process so that will get you know that'll get flushed out for sure yeah I'm just if there's some expectation it's going to be for feet they've already prevented that from happening [Music] so what the E is doesn't go the full length problem I think it's 80t yeah no no I understanding lot I think question oh sorry I was back on the the fork with the all right it just a heads up that's him appreciate it chairman and the last item I wanted to speak to and we do or or owe your board professional some more details on it is we' we've offered some additional I'll just split the sheet while we're looking at it there it is sheet C7 I'm now referring to of that same civil set we've introduced some of the lighting that we anticipate for this site so there's wallmounted lights located along the frontages of this those are architectural accent lights they're not meant to throw a ton of light but make the building and incorporate into the building so the architect will get more into the features there um we've also Incorporated some pedestrian lighting as well that we owe your board professionals some more details on what we're envisioning here is low baller Ty lighting and other pedestrian typee treatments there that keeps that area lit and comfortable at night but doesn't overblow or or cause a glare issue for those units that are that are looking down upon it so that's the intention there um that covers all of the direct question on yeah so Bob and and John do do we need to worry about couryard writing at all because I'm wondering I guess security would be our only concern right we don't care about glare or anything like that that's inside that courtyard right from residents there should be right but that's technically the applicants that's that's there's no requirement no requirement on our I think they're showing from overhead in the courtyard entrance I'm not saying there's any problem I'm just saying kind of out our of our specific standard in terms of do whatever going to be good to sell the one com I like report the one set of stairs that have up that's going to need some oh oh the stairs going up from Mount ARA to the Courtyard yeah there needs to be a bunch of discussion about that yeah yeah certainly just is there a c style there or something I mean you know it's got to be uh blocked yeah it'll be it'll be gate controlled again at the bottom we are showing a gate um and I I also Envision the same as your as your professional is that there'll be some sort of um either handrail lighting or or light lighting in the stairs themselves you come down and make sure that's illuminated in a way that's appropriate so I Envision the same way I agree there needs to be lighting there that was what you meant Bob right that those stairs yeah it's not in the report okay it's in our notes though all right um and then I'll just wrap up by saying we've received the letters from your board professionals I'll let the Traffic Engineers speak to the traffic letter but the other letters we take no objection to we intend to work through the different design elements in there there's some refinement for uh the storm water management there's some refinement for Ada grading very detailed 8 grading is needed now that we've kind of have these entres established and as we work through the Architects testimony um there's a there's a more detailed wall design that's that's requested as well we intend to provide all of this information as we work through the process and there's a lot more testimony to come on the inner workings of that building from the architect and the traffic engineer as well and I know we're going to hear from the architect in part on parking but uh we're going to comply with all the EV comments correct yes we will comply with state law uh and we actually have had discussions with the Fire official regarding location as some of those EV spaces as they are looking to move them away from the heart of the that correct yeah some of the thought process of those EV spaces were discussed um at a meeting with fire officials thank you what else is is there anything else that is in yourand on any of these sheets that that's everything I had for the direct testimony I'm happy to answer questions on any of the Civil related items the review letters things of that nature from an engineer fire right so fire protection no no we're going to get into the Weeds on that next meeting all right and um in terms of I don't know if this is the driveway right the access way right the first floor units are depicted with um balconies I'm sorry what the first floor units are depicted with balconies on there which would theoretically impinged on the driveway and is that something is that for the architect I'll let the architect but I know they were designed to avoid any clearance issues that but I'll I'll let the architect get deep on that they have renderings and elevations that he discuss for sure okay and what about I think as an enhancement you looked at the circulation pattern in the parking garage and you got uh semi- ramps sort of you've got you spread the ramp raids out through the parking lot great I mean just is that yours or that is not mine that's I'll give the credit to the you heard your feedback previously and looked to bring a better plan you're looking at the architectural plan so I think that I think a lot of the questions you're gonna have is going to be for them but I'm happy to answer anything I can is there anything magical about the southeast Corner what with their trees it looks like you've got maybe some pment tables in there or what is there and you mentioned storm water treatment or whatever why didn't that get built on in other words I guess it just it just wasn't needed to be covered um we didn't need it for entrance into the garage we added some plantings in the back there but it's it's a space that you know doesn't offer a ton of value for the operation so we left it gree okay there wasn't any agenda that I nothing we aware of any question so many for the I'm I think that's why you went out of town I saying I'm happy with way yeah we were excited to get that back in because we you know we went back to the drawing board we felt it you know it made a significant Improvement this is going to be architectural too but you can hear it here because you're not fine chairman we'll take it all be here um so this is a premier piece of property on the key intersection in town and you've redesignated a ground level mount Ary space as a trash room and at a minimum and it may be there they'll have to be transparency into the trash room you can't have a wall you've got to have Windows uh in that room we're going to go through that concept um it it seems to me in the sense irrevocable that we're giving up potentially valuable Frontage from retail Frontage for the town and for you using it in a very obscure way now I know you want the track close to the to the trucks that are going to pick it up we need to go through that little we'll talk about it ch okay yeah we'll be are you the generator guy I am not okay the Transformer gues located southwest corner but the generator will speak more to in The Architects here and any anything related to utilities or the location of utilities that's all yeah we just to comment on some of the professionals comments is that we are intending to reuse the Palmer connections as they see fit and then we have public availability on the frontes but as far as gas meter locations and things that are architectural features we'll leave that for the architect I think there's even a question of gas yeah exactly it's not like where's the location of the gas meter it's like are you going to have gas or not the fire department has some I'm confused a little bit about how the uh pal building is located um so that even with the have even wider sidewalk take down the right right side of the building but in you're drawing the building is now traffic it's not Square anymore I think that's more on a color at least if if you're drawing this ACC yeah now certainly is you know that was definitely a consideration as we went through the county comments so I'll let the architect detail on what we're looking for I think what you're seeing there and I'll try to flip to another sheet is that the lower floors um there is sort of that trapezoidal look to it um but the Upper Floor the ground floor they think you know is more traditional rectangle but again I don't want to overp speake it's it's the architect's world and they'll be able to detail it how steep is the ramp going from Mount Ary down the floor for the deliveries 8% I believe believe that's the yeah six or eight% yeah you looked at [Music] this and the other R the other access that's a little bit steeper off the top I on the number but you might yeah I think you're around 14 yeah I think it's 14% I think that's right yeah going to work to that down the garage or is that exposed to the elements all of it is exposed to the elements yes there's no coverings and then we provided the flat area at the bottom um so this was previously this this ramp was conceived as you know diving down to the point where you turn in um we've now limited that to this line so as you get to the bottom of this ramp and you're turning in your car is fully flat and has has made the slope there is comments in your board professionals letters that we look to work through and refine as we go but um look to make that a little bit less steep a little bit less of an Abrupt turn in introduce the curve all things trying to ref on and the loading zone that what does OTB stand for sorry besides Off Track Betting yeah that's our um it's there you're not developing there you're developing above it but you're not developing there because it's clearance I think for the 14 yeah I think that's what it is open to below I would guess that that that makes sense yes anyway that is covered that so that low z is covered fully covered with 14t clear yeah okay and the main drive down Road it's St 14% pick it up Rev we have to have transition so the yes and part of those details that I was speaking to is the provide that sort of cross-section to ensure that as you come into the site and you go to that ramp and you come to the bottom of the ramp there is not that condition so there's definitely refinements to be made there to ensure and we owe your board professional a more detailed cross-section to prove that you're not going to have that exact condition and we intend middle of the ramp steep oh whatever definitely refund on we have a steep r cross kind of we actually profile break over angle the top and at the bottom I a 14% rate on that car slipping around going down there snows iy have it'll have to be maintained and kept clear of snow and then again we're working through the refinements with your engineer as well as 14 the number that's going to end I'm not sure but certainly going to look to design it safely and efficient in accordance with what your board professionals are are you allowed toat dway legally I mean still allowed to do it you can no heway another to keep it dry the gate to the delivery portal that's going to be a roll up kind of metal thing or we don't know yet we don't know yet but with the architect will get into the operations of that the look of it all of it so your cour process is for deliveries big truck can come in and pull through the Lo those two loading [Music] spots and how will the uh how will the uh um the door dashes the Amazon Tru how how to load and unload the intention is to use the same air we've provided those two larger bays in the bottom there's also parking that's afforded down there and other open space there's going to be more detailed operations on deliveries yeah we're going to cover that between operations architect and our traffic engineer when he comes back stay tuned yeah you're not trash recycling either right no that'll all be the next I'm just the appetizer I guess in summer basically you were the ones that your stomach bu right so you're you sent the report to you sent stuff to Bob and Bob sent stuff back to you and I guess the key thing that we always ask and we're not beating you up like this the thing we always ask is what do you think about Bob's report and except maybe for the tail end where he included some of the things we wanted to optimize was there anything in that report that Bob sent that is causing any anxiety no we did not take any issues with Bob's comments we intend to work with him to to bring satisfaction to all of them okay I that convert all these items or do we need to go through them tonight or with a line by line response in the in between the next meeting by offic I think could probably do that and save time and go and going through you know Bob has anything specifically that he still wants to hear about while while this year um but I think you know I think that's fair because I could go through and say you know we'll stipulate all the STM management comments are acceptable all EV comments are acceptable there were utility comments All acceptable next and that's why some of them cross over into the architect as well so I think we can make an effort to go through that like if there's anything else that we need to call out that isn't otherwise architectural uh we'll do that we'll refine it but which is what we need to do anyway especially to get it into stipulations two things are one nothing alarming really from your perspective we'll work through various things and Bob was there anything like that you know is alarming that you said I mean I guess I have a little bit of concern about the entrance Courtyard bra from the sidewalk up to your courtyard how that's going to comply you know with accessibility standards doesn't now so it heads up there yeah certainly and in that letter Bob's credit he want to gets into the details of ada8 design and we owe him a plan that's zoomed in 10 scale that shows compliance and we intend to show that this will be 8 compliant when it when all is said and done so we intend to comply environment environmental commission raised some issues about storm [Music] water those covered by they are Bob we we introduced what we'll call impervious coverage diagram in response to that comment Bob has also called out some different CN values that we need to use for that Courtyard area we've looked at those before this meeting to ensure they didn't you know raise any any red flags we feel that we can we were compliant we can address them and we'll incorporate that into these refinements that we're talking about and willing to stipulate too so basically it's acting like the green Ro need to be designed that way it's not open space grass impious service right yeah there's soil media that we need to model in more detail which we intended but did you have you covered or discussed anything about the 12in Waterman that's supposed to be coming along that area not well related to this project I know amberman we had some of that but yeah now I think they're moving over to Cent Street in terms of firefighting and provisioning any need that water man there no right basically come into the building no just how does it get to what's the story you know how's the water going to be provided to fight the fires anyway the answer is no you have't you've got plenty to focus on but you haven't explicitly done anything that looked to water supply or fire or that 12 in water okay I'm pretty lock con yeah yeah I know okay I just so it hasn't been covered yet okay well something else will get it um you see these wrapping up basically yeah question any questions from that we haven't already jumped on with okay um I will be opening it to questions from the public for this witness you can ask a question it's not a time to comment you can comment later but if you have a question to this witness please come down and state your name and address whatever's in his I'm sorry yes [Music] okay good for now okay but no we notice carry your question yeah okay no I'm kidding um so i' see here Aaron 51 drive is it DF correct and I so um and I apologize I'll ask the chair indigence there were some um you know some testimony that was said well maybe we'll address it operations maybe will address in architecture um but miss testimony did touch upon some of these things just for procedural perspective you know without waving any opportunity to question this or much is it um appropriate to ask questions now or if I have these questions and say Well they're actually that that's more towards architecture this is more towards um we did just ask just ask respond it's not him you'll hear from he'll be available I don't know if he's be our next meeting yeah okay um so I guess U my first testimony my first question regarding Mr M's testimony um you had testified that the uh interior Courtyard was going to be um private residents only access that right no Public Access that is correct yes okay um would you agree proposal that's the that's the applicants proposal thank you um and uh would you agree with me that um the Redevelopment plan is drafted State the primary goal of the Redevelopment area is to promote the Redevelopment of the site to enhance downtown as a Civic Center of that correct I believe that's correct um do you believe that providing public access to the Courtyard would better serve the plan stated goal of creating a downtown I I would defer that question Mr much with your permission the chair if that question's going to be deferred to someone else because Mr is a civil engineer Mr D certainly has right to ask that we'll figure out who the person we'll answer we'll answer the question before I appreciate that that's all my primary goal here honestly I be more than happy to ask ask these questions at the end of your witnesses testony as long as I'm not then going to beud say oh you should have asked that When We're Not Gon we're not going to prud you on it so I don't want to hold up their I don't want to hold up wi testimony so all right now they all it's all it's all good the council may agree that it's good who wants to hear your questions because that edify future Witnesses are going to answer match much match much theam think a mismatch that's okay okay so I'll leave aide the question on the on the cour yard um regarding uh the uh the commercial um layout on on the first floor I I believe you testified and I know there was a r plan submitted um can you clarify can you tell me what the current plan calls for as far as commercial spaceage commercial square footage on Commercial square footage 9,423 square feet okay and that is um what's the uh what's the current sare building in which building are you speaking to the entire I mean I assume the 9400 and change is including the f that's correct yeah Bas the entire footprint of the power building and the building the new building yeah I don't have that number but the architect certainly will and we'll have that prepared the next meeting do you know what the current commercial square footage on the property not off the top my not that um as far as parking I believe your testimony was that there is no uh free public parking at the property of that garage the operations of that garage I think are still to be determined I would anticipate that and from what I've understand there will be some short periods of time we won't have to pay um but we're going to work through that you'll hear from operations and we'll come with that Stern answer yeah thank you um I believe this is the the new fin that's up on the um up on the wall here is that correct F yes okay so as far as the uh sidewalks on the corner what what is the the distance uh between the corner of the tommer building and the nearest bir you may want to go to the site plan yeah may I may have this dimension for you so what I'll start with is that all of the sidewalks fully conform with the Redevelopment plan itself um from well just so uh again for the record what sheet are we looking at this is sheet C4 of the Civil site plan set and what I'll do is I'll just give you an estimation of what that is we currently have 9.2 ft sorry that resistance from the corner the Comm building to to the curve line so we have okay the nearest curve line so I think that's what I got yeah so it's 6.8 ft to the property line and roughly 14t from corner to curve line to the nearest to the nearest curve line that's correct and that Zoom view actually um might ask my second is is that is it visible in um what's up there on the screen right now the um existing traffic light expansion they are yes so if you look at this and we can adjust that Dimension the stanion pole is shown is right here and I can give you another dimension all we got on the screen here it looks like it's roughly 12T 11.85 ft there excellent thank you from the existing condition from the existing St po yes what is the know the I we can certainly get that answer yes it's this there's that St yeah it's roughly [Music] 5 and it's much tighter at the corner obviously not the no that's the St in this the sanitary so I'll zoom out a little bit for some context but yeah essentially doubling that all right next that's all I thank you very much you what you testim to the size space 9,423 believe it's 8,000 gr Fe is it was it eight or nine for this Redevelopment plan it's 8000 the re gross yes so got a question for you to consider as to whether it fall in here the or not it's an unusual question and that is and Bob mentioned it briefly as kind of a supplement to his response but there's a cell tower on the LOD and from what I can tell you're going to build a residential unit adjacent to the cell tower with our radiation is there and I I want to know I think Bob said we should be ready to prepare and speak to cell tower yeah I I would address that we're not planning on bringing an RF expert on this I don't think it's really a jurisdictional issue for this board uh required to to plan for it uh so we do not anticipate that or being any issues with the construction of a multi family project uh this is not the first time that there's been multi family project built in proximity to apart other apartment buildings or other structures that have cell towers so um yeah we're not planning on let me know let me say what I need you to do okay talk to me I need you to create an elevation that shows expand your elevation got it must to do that shows the position of the cell tower against the floors that you're building so I I I need to see well often no issue with cell terrorist because it's a function of the RF Shadow right that's below it but you're I believe because of the exceptional height of this project you are going to be parallel to cell tower antennas and there are number ways to mitigate that but it's a safety concern understood um the other thing this is a heads up and I don't know if this is yours or not but we have to decide whether we're going to put in some kind of stipulation about whether you're allowed to create cell tower Lees for new cell towers that go on the top of the building the way it already is and I don't know legally what can be done you know we're not supposed to interfere with cell tower and so forth but um if we look at all your plans and say okay now let's put for hell Towers blocks like we did across from the hardware store pretty pretty good size 8 by8 foot squares on top of your building because cell tower leases are we need to cover that topic and get it resolved one way or another we'll give it some thought chairman we actually haven't haven't even given this building I thought we're just trying to get the building approved but Dy noted will uh as partners we're worried about profitability and swer releases are lucrative and they contribute to profitability once it's done if there's no stipulation then there is no control that we have basically over rep placement of sellow so I it's I know it's a little it's it's an issue in my mind it's an issue because this is as high as it is right I mean if you were like just three floors then you'd be in the shadow and care so much um but because of the the height and the magnitude of the project I want to be sure we cover it sorry I didn't know if that would be in your it's in nobody's domain because cover okay thanks and we have another 37 M Road yes h s e l o thank you um I was going to ask a question about soor water because you mentioned a change on that but on the zoom in when we were talking about distances and length uh width of sidewalk I had a followup question if we just zoom in some more because it I seem seem like we should ask the question about the distance between the stanion pole and the mark light pole if there's going to be two poles there there's a light pole and expansion F yeah yeah what's the difference between those two things because that's really that looks like the real choke point to me yeah so I'll give you a couple of Dimensions as we work through so the first will be to the curve line because there is a separation there um from that stanion it's kind of on a diagonal so I think your shortest distance if we're looking at it is is to the curb line so there's s and 1 12 ft from that light pole to the curb line and obviously space behind it and then if you go to that light pole to the stanion arm um let's just see what that looks like you get through and obviously these are all approximates it's roughly eight feet so there's there's there's a yeah and that's the beginning of the curve because there's like four inches of curve that you really can't step on because it's not level with the side one is that correct yeah the intention the end of the curve where you fall into the road I think what's going to be a benefit here is we're putting all new curve and those and those curve transitions so the intention is to be the fully ada8 compliant consistent slop hopefully correcting some of those issues that you're seeing right now but just for you know just for conversation stake let's move that and just see what that Dimension is to that edge of that area that you're talking about um about six a little over six feet to that you know that that decorative band along the curve line as well right okay um just as a point of reference I'm a cyclist this area where the pler building comes out into that intersection and you're coming up 202 heading north this is a choke that is there's if someone is driving next to you on your left hand side when you're directly riding across Mount ay Road and going up 202 you literally just take your shoulders and pull them in like this because there is nowhere to go um and so I would ask that you be mindful of that if we're going to be having more cyclist and and people using alternative on of Transportation it is very tight because of the location of that F and building out that's not a question so you're saying is you're riding from the intersection toward Mor yes that that curve there is it comes so far out into the travel Lane and there's lack of any shoulder at all very scary marketly scary he is also very scary and I avoid that corner this is where the trees fell off the truck the exactly um chair has an over abundance of with your permission [Laughter] I'll accept chairman can give his personal knowledge without being swor in butwe just gave and [Music] any yes moving on to just the storm water question because I don't have the paperwork that um Bob has in his hands you mentioned that there was a fairly you there was a change to directionality or the St storm water plan and I just from from a Layman's perspective where's the where was the water going to go and where is the water going to go now so basically what we're required to do is maintain and reduce the volumes and the peak rates that head to what we'll call two points of interest there's there's a there's a modest amount of of runoff that goes to the do system located at the top of the page but the vast majority of the site if you stood on it you know is is uncovered pavement that flows to the back of the site there's an inlet that then discharges to the slope that's behind the hill we're maintaining that condition but in the proposed condition there's going to be the planted Courtyard which reduces the overall impact of that and the great benefit here is we're going from what we'll call Dirty pavement to roof and treated um Courtyard runoff and not motor vehicle surface there's going to be a substantial betterment of the effluent quality that's coming off the site and a modest reduction the of the um volumes that are coming off and it all discharges back um to the back of the property on it slope in the same location it does today and a slightly less on but the but the courtyard itself although it won't be a a lawn or or a garden that is really permeable because it has a garage underneath it'll be treated like a green roof as U Mr Brighton said um so follow up question will there be pesticides in that Garden that will then be you don't have pesticides currently what would be the I don't have any knowledge of P of the intention to use pesticides but I can say about the courtyard is that it's going to function probably even better than a planted grass area because we're going to be we're going to be providing 12 to 18 inches of very specific soil media that complies with those those green roof standards that provides volume storage and treatment for the for the storm water that hits that so it's going to function really really well I have no knowledge of any tode use these are not plants that I think you need use that for I can speak to our landscape architect but these are all hearty plants that are intended to thrive in this condition I'd love to see them be native plants yes I mean my landscape architect is is committed to native plants they're native Native all right thank you very much have you considered widening to promote viting to go from mind to Mars down are you talking about the the state highway yeah yeah it hasn't been a consideration there's so much signal equipment there that there's not much that we can do um with that intersection and that curve line you can you can move it I yeah I [Music] mean well the problem I see the problem is that the Marg down Road doesn't l l they offset that's what causes that choke yeah yeah and to to get into moving that stanion pole and moving those dot features it opens up a scope of work in that intersection I think is far and above the the scope that should be enveloped in this project um and you know we have we have not considered that at this time is the kind of thing you would have expected to unfortunately receive from the but you didn't I almost asked the question in that in that communication if they actually the request come from the town to fix that intersection count the number of time um well I was appointed by Charlotte that Institute of southbound left turn advance and I caught the commissioner coil party and I got X Johanna wi WS i n g r thank you um Wasington hor Road and on environmental commissioner um um so I'm concerned about the underground garages uh where that water is going I know you're talking about cleaner car um run off but uh you're doubling the number of cars and these cars are going to be stopping and going down a ramp so what's your plan for filtering or regining the water that will um be down these thetion of these cars be growing off in the underground garages there's not going to be any runoff or rain water that enters that garage will be pollution there will be pollution as far as the cleaning and maintenance of that garage I don't have the specific plans for that um but what I can say in rainstorms and the thing that I look at as a civil engineer of the quality of the runoff that's leaving the site currently we have a Cav parking lot that's flowing directly off into the roadway Network in the proposed Condition it's roof treated Courtyard and a much better condition from what you'll see at the ground level it's as far as the maintenance of the garage not something I'm priv you to as far as a civil engineer we can certainly look into that question and answer it better than future but I'm at ground level and it's a substantial betterment of the runoff Le in the site from a rainwater standpoint I don't have any J do I hear you saying that rain water from a roof that has particles from all the heating and whatever rain whatever water came off of that is better uh now that it may get into Minebrook through the conduit as opposed to the street say that it's not a consur it's a substantial Improvement so roof runoff by the D is considered clean we're not required to treat it for TSS removal um total suspended solids we're not that can go directly into streams and things like that the condition we have right now is basically all of the runoff is motor vehicle surface which is what the D has focused their new regulations on is treating and addressing those and we're basically eliminating any direct runoff for motor vehicle surfaces that are associated with storm event vents to any effluent off the site which is a substantial improvement over what we're seeing in the existing condition are there drains in the garage I'm not privy to how the the garage main take it back if there drains in the consider if there's a way to consolidate them it should be low volume inside the garage but if there's a way to collect them and at least give you the opportunity where you can treat an um but any water dripping off car go down right I can't hear you my when my an freeze bursts in my car and it's going to go you know go somewhere they got to be drains and it's just a possibility of running the way you run the drains that maybe you could and they various treatments or or whatever run them right into the gutter essentially is what maybe I think the major thing would be water from the outside portion of the driveway itself and if there would be a drain let's say like on the door garage door for example to prevent that outside water no no I'm more I think I'm catching the drift here is that there's a number of like nonwater things that are in a garage that are currently outside and that's that's stuff that the B put that they care about all all that stuff is still going to be there the drips the drips from the cars the spills whatever it's going to be there will be a drain system in the garage anyway because you've got open sides and water's going to get in there just think about not running it right into where you're running your clean roof water you know it's an opportunity to this should probably come from B is an opportunity to at least collected and beyond that I don't want to say so so I I hear you saying about storage of rain water on this um but my understanding of and rules they want me charge so you store this rain water water it's to hold to recharge can't recharge some of the places you have I have no import on how you stari it or um certainly over the garage someone else mentioned how what what you doing for recharge so in other words this water is all being cond and know it was done in the past which but any you do um how are you address that in in this specific area for redevelopments like this there is no recharge required um so there is no recharge reported here everything off and it's just it's related to the planning area and the D rules so we're fully complying with all D rules and that does not require a recharge requirement for this property not okay thank you question p there all right so these I'm backtracking a little bit so I don't know if these are forg not or for somebody else um maybe even Chad since you R the council so I'll just according to the historical advisory committee they talked about she talked about the parking for retail and whatnot I'm just there's a discrepancy between what they say was 236 parking spots but you're providing 139 and so I'm wondering what that's about why are they using that number and it's significantly different what see provided they were given an exception instead of following the RS rsis recommendations they were to negotiate agreement with the council they were allowed to do 1.5 spaces per unit which is not what the normal would be so the C gave that except so it was written as as parking standard for this Redevelopment plan wasn't an exception just what the parking standard was estblished so I didn't understand why was still using that [Music] number it should be noted also that they did not take credit for Ev parking spaces in that 132 okay so32 and and Bob kind of explained some of this in some of his documents but I think it was so there a couple of different numbers so there was no credit given in important thing there is we are not there's a there's a 10% reduction we can take we have not taken that as part AS application the important thing to me is the difference between 236 and 134 so and now I understand it understood okay thank you um also with with the um historic advisory not once but twice they talk about um the exceptional height of the building creating a wind and noise Corridor and I'm I'm concerned concerned about that our architect will certainly speak so that's to the AR yeah that's in the okay for assuming the hbac demo you're referring to is the February 7 February 7 yeah thank you um and lastly you a couple times more than a couple at least four times you mentioned that you owe more detail to the professionals so I'm not very Savvy on this but why do you owe it to them instead of already providing it these are these are very specific details for Ada wall design things that could even be conditions of approval to provide with building permit what this plan set and what we proposed this evening what we intend to talk to over the next few meetings is a a pretty substantial redesign a loading area and things like that we're going to dive into the details of B and make sure he's comfortable we go ada8 details and all those things but doors have moved we want to make sure we get through this process here all the comments before we dive into details that could change over time but we intend to comply with it comments we intend to provide those details and everything that he addresses in letter we will satisfy um will satisfy and not have a not have a condition afterwards thank you complely they're also working collaboratively with the fire department or construction guidance D Greenfield 15 oldwood Road uh you testify that you spoke to fire officials on one wondering um in this new design to go underground um is is a truck able to go underground fire truck is there any kind of plan as to how an underground fire would be put out or fire in the a building that goes in the back that backs up to the um the training tracks yes and we've had those discussions with the fire I don't believe that the fire department and I don't want to speak for them want to drive their trucks under this building if it's on fire so this consideration is specific for loading but we have been in direct context and I've had meetings with the fire officials they have seen the design they're going to see the updated design and we're going to comply with all of their comments so there is accommodations for all of that on have the specifics of it but we can't leave this room until the Fire official is comfortable so will we get a plan will the public have access to the plan and know what the plan is in case of a fire we'll make sure it's covered thank you the fire officials have not filed their report uh yet and it's multiac it's not only construction recommendations which they've been aggressively working with you what kind of she blocking and sprinkler systems and so forth but there's also the whole process of emergencies our emergency is going to be handled and fire is a big emergency so I already know some of the answers but um it'll have significant will they testify in this we'll have to decide if we want to bring them as Witnesses frankly like to start with we asked them to report we send out the request which has been sent Den I think we asked yes a couple of the Marshall and they're supposed to respond they're not ready it kind of need regularly essentially you know to try to respond to this and they've been busy on the instruction but they not responded with how they're actually going to try to fight a fire thank you okay nothing more from I do have since that topic came up yep and since I've also informed our professionals I do expect the fire department discussion to include the concept of areas of refuge and that your architect will need to architect areas of Refuge we we saw that comment in Mr bry's report we'll speak to it and so address it when we come I want to be sure the fire department says yes you know because it gets it's basically how do they fight the fire and if they say yes then there there ways to handle it it's your architecture and maybe make the property more Val um so we had the public any any comments that came up from the professionals just one check smth Flor your low lower level is much lower than yeah self extinguishing any any other questions no for the so all right well that that concludes for tonight uh we'd ask to continue on we will have our architect uh and our traffic engineer on uh May 23rd I think so there two things I want to say and I would also I would also add by the way just for the record when we last adjourned I extended the time for Action out to uh May 31st I know we're going to back in on on May 23rd but I'll just consider it uh for the record the time for the board action extended to June 30th uh just in case something were to happen and a meeting were to be cancelled um two things the first thing is I want to say thank you for I know it was kind of driven by the county comment in a way that the fact that be optimized youve adjusted and so forth we appreciate that that you've taken the part the questions about the the U loading zone um so thank you for doing that um the other thing we just don't know and theer is that you as result kind of as a consequence of that you've changed the mix of units and you don't know if you have to go back to the council yeah we're we're aware of that we'll we'll address that and there are a few other comments as well chairman so when we come back here we'll be prepared to discuss it um and it was the consequence of just of course trying to get it done with engineering and architecture Etc uh but we'll talk about it I'll report back to we're here in two we time I'd like to bring Point way to address comments about the realignment of BR because the council was concerned no didn't one other thing is for your architect there is a way to get two of the three bedroom units back I would just assume have singles thank you right but there's something that you really want triples there's an easy change you can make to the plans architecturally that will give you two more triples yep you know Doubles Doubles right I yep I'm single yeah just just check with them and and make sure the other thing that Rob hinted at this he's been my spear carrier for some of us if the end of this document is once again for your architect and that's the issue of um stacking in burfield and these are premium Apartments we know there are two bedroom or one bedroom or three bedroom we know there'll be a lease cause for compliance we are we would like to ask that there be no looms larger than uh 70 ft square fet that have doors on them so a den for instance no no door on it um we don't want to entice the residents to stack by having a ready-made bedroom that's illegal course because there's no exterior window and so I I need you to think think about that I I don't think it's a big deal I think that the value of the apartments can still be maintained but we don't want these full bedrooms in these units across the bathroom no problem the kitchen no problem but the den that kind of thing it should just not have a door and there should be not only lease terms about how many people can being in an apartment and they Reg and so forth but compliance and you guys must have all I'm thinking you guys have it all near today we'll speak we'll speak to it while we're back yeah so we we have a very difficult time enforcing uh stacking because of the regulations for pre-notification right and um we don't want to create the attractive that two bedroom actually with the den is actually the three bedroom anyway anything else thanks y we just need to make a formal announcement is I don't know I could ask John just like the architect no I the formal Ann to do this Chairman's permission and only permission is now will be carried with no further notice May 25th 7:30. on Sunday May 23rd 7:30 p.m same location okay all right thank you very much appreciate it everybody have a good night Ranger might still be on how are you good tomorrow is the big fourth grade graduation you soon thank you so much chairman appreciate it see you later almost [Music] thank you that's great EV over the uh pending application I'm serous about June [Music] 30er gred until 30 but we haven't heard anything from no I know we have till the end of June and I have written and Denise has called them yeah and we've given them a deadline well short of that that if we do not here to the contrary they will asting they will be with without prejudice prior to okay and [Music] zler waiting completeness review okay uh that's it right no surprise okay business visitors anyone visitor wants to talk about anything that's wasn't on the agenda no and we do have an executive session is that tonight we do the court to back in session all right so um thank you very much for comments and I hope comments paper we will enter close the the door kick you in ass yeah turn off yeah turn it off well don't we have to make a motion two all in favor it is a you have resolution that you just adopted by that motion putting us in executive session the general the subject matters to be discussed litigation entitled gway