okay this good I will call to order this meeting of the betham city council finance committee I am Grace KY Smith chair of the finance finance committee the other committee members are Hillary quch and richel Leon the clerk will please call a rooll Miss gmy Smith present Miss quch present and Miss Leon present there are eight agenda items for tonight's meeting the first agenda item is to review proposed general fund yearend budget amendments the second agenda item is to review a proposed general fund adjustment resulting from a police Northampton County public safety Grant the third agenda item is to review a proposed amendment to the general fund from electrical street lights repair replacement the fourth agenda item is to review proposed general fund adjustments from a police dced Grant the fifth agenda item is to review proposed budget adjustments resulting from the storm water fund yearend adjustments the sixth agenda item is to review proposed adjustments from the non-utility capital Improvement fund yearend adjustments the seventh agenda item is to review proposed rates for the 2024 Recreation season and finally the eighth agenda item is to review a proposed change method to determine Actuarial value of assets for the fire and police Pension funds YouTube YouTube reminder if you started streaming this meeting after 6 PM please make sure to stroll ahead so that the YouTube stre stream is current rather than a recording of an earlier portion of the meeting we will now take public comment there's no one signed up correct there's no one signed up there's no one signed up for public comment is there anyone from the public who would like to speak on any of the agenda items tonight with the five minute time limit anyone from the public that would like to speak on any agenda items for tonight going ones going twice okay we'll move on agenda item one the first agenda item is to review proposed general fund year in budget adjustments I will call on a representative from the administration to discuss this request I'll take that one um we're um proposing an annual adjustment to the general fund is year and clean um house cleaning um we want to adjust two accounts to the year in balances the two accounts are the community recovery account which we want to reduce by 2,263 and homelessness initiative account we want to reduce that one by 3,267 this is since we do the um we compile the budget in September this was the activity the spend that took place during October through December so we're just Rec reconciling to cash balances okay is there anyone else from Administration that would like to comment do committee members have any comments or questions no okay no other council members are here I will accept the motion and a second to recommend approval of the administration's request and to place appropriate legislation on tonight's Council agenda so moved second the clerk will please call the rooll on the motion miss quch I miss Leon I and Miss kmy Smith I it passes 3 to zero the appropriate legislation will be placed on tonight's Council agenda agenda item two the second agenda item is to review a proposed general fund adjustment resulting from a police North Anon County public safety Grant I will call on a representative from the administration to dis discuss this request hi good evening so this grant was applied for by the Bethlehem police department and we did receive it through Northampton County uh there is a matching funds requirement $1 for every $2 granted uh which will result in the city of Bethlehem contributing $10,000 towards the approv purchase of 20 ballistic shields uh the total cost being $30,000 thank you is there anyone else from Administration comment that the match is built into the budget already so that's it will be an internal budget transfer okay thank you do committee members have any questions or comments just a quick question about how long the expected um how how how long these are expected to last what's the useful life on this kind of thing so depending on it being kept out of the element and and you know being kept in the vehicles that's where we're going to be having them for patrol officers uh I would would guesstimate probably somewhere 5 to 10 years I had a a quick question thanks for saying that this was already built into that that's helpful but um just ballistic shields uh 20 of them I mean I know we have quite a few people within the department is this like only certain times that they're used only certain times but is it like only certain people get these is this in response to something specific I know this isn't a budgetary question it just keep my interest you bul day okay making sure that all of our vehicles have access to the ballistic shields in case God forbid they would need them okay thank you we do have a a handful right now but we want to make sure that they are readily available if we need them okay so this would be enough like if all of our people got called to one response everybody would be okay that's thank you thank you any other questions from Comm members okay I will accept a motion in a second to recommend approval of the administration's request to place appropriate legislation on tonight's Council agenda soone second the clerk will please call the roll in the motion quch I miss Lam I and Miss grmy Smith I it passes three to zero the appropriate legislation will be P placed on tonight's Council agenda agenda item three the third agenda item is to review a proposed adjustment to the general fund from electrical street lights repair replacement I will call on a representative from the administration to discuss this request Mr R is here to discuss the specifics this transaction is a a reimbursement when Tre street lights are wiped out and we receive Insurance funds we place them into returns and allowances account so this increases the returns and allowances by the 66,000 which is allows us to increase the street lighting repair replace accounts those lights can then be repaired Andor replaced I think this was a total of three three lights that were hit over time is there anyone else from Administration that would like to comment do the committee members have comments or questions I just have a question so it was only three lights how much does it cost per light I'm just curious uh this was obviously this was damaged to uh Mass arms for traffic signal at each of these intersections um it could vary I mean uh 30 40,000 per corner to replace Mass arm and Signal dly across to that this was like we said three of them that were damaged by accidents two of them there was Insurance recovered one sometimes they don't have insurance or it's a h run wasn't recovered and that's what we're doing okay so it really depends on the amount of damage as far as the cost okay thank you I'll accept a motion in a second to recommend the appro of the administration's request and to place appropriate legislation at tonight's Council agenda so move second C the clerk will please call the roll on the motion miss quch I miss Leon I and Miss grmy Smith I it passes three to zero the appropriate legislation will will be placed on tonight's Council agenda four agenda item four the four fourth agenda item is to review proposed general fund adjustments from a police dced Grant I will call on a representative from the administration to discuss this request yes so similar uh this is a little bit of a housekeeping where we were notified that there were still $674 left in the Pennsylvania dced Grant therefore we're going to need the revenue and the expense line items to be adjusted for the amount um and this grant was something that we applied for um where we received funding for um cameras for various intersections that are used by the streets department as well as the police department in various parts of the city thank you does anyone else from Administration have any comments do any council members have any comments or questions I didn't have a question um sorry if this is like super simple but so there's 600 $74 left and that could just be it's not one of those grants where you have to spend it on this ex ICT thing it can roll into General so it has to be spend on the the camera equipment and that's something that we we plan on doing is we're going to you know use money that we have in other accounts to utilize to to use up that $674 and we already had it approved by the uh Pennsylvania DC okay cool all right thank you any other committee members have any questions comments comments I will accept the motion in a second to recommend approval of the administration's request and to place appropriate legislation on tonight's Council agenda so mov second the clerk will please call the roll on the motion miss quch I miss Leon I and Miss kmy Smith I it passes 30 the appropriate legislation will be placed on tonight's Council agenda agenda item five the fifth agenda item is to review proposed budget adjustments resulting from the storm water fund year end adjustments I will call on a representative from ad Administration to discuss this request um this is similar to the first memo it's um yearend house cleaning um we ended up the year um 1231 in storm water with 5.6 million so we're allocating those um excess funds of 444,000 to the Future Capital needs account okay is there anyone else Administration with any comments do any committee members have comments or questions I will accept a motion in a second to recomend recommend approval of the administration's request and to place appropriate legislation on tonight's Council agenda so second the clerk will please call the rooll Miss qu hi Miss Leon hi and Miss GRC Smith I passes 30 appropriate legislation will be placed on tonight's Council agenda the sixth agenda item is to review proposed adjustments from the non-utility capital Improvement fund yearend adjustments I will call on a representative from Administration to discuss this request I'll take that one um this again is the yearend reconciliation of our cash balances with our bond monies and our um last Revenue funds that are still available as of 12 31 2023 it reflects the spend that took place between September or October 1st and December 31 thank you is there anyone else from Administration that would like to make any comments okay any committee members have any comments or questions yes just a quick question it's a pretty big sum so was there something that just didn't take place or are there things that got pushed forward or we tend to reconcile based on a 930 balance so we can actually tie to something instead of some random guess and so then we look at the 9:30 and this is just the activity from the 9:30 to the 12:31 any other committee members have any questions I will accept the motion and a second to recommend approval of the administration's request and to place appropriate legislation on tonight's Council agenda so moved second the clerk will please call the RO on the motion miss quch I miss Leon I and Miss crcy Smith I it passes 30 the appropriate legislation will be placed on tonight's Council agenda the seventh agenda item is to review proposed rates for the 2024 Recreation season I will call on a representative from the administration to discuss this request um I'll take that thank you um the m received a memo from Mr alol with the subject a ratee review for recreation and as described in the memo provided to Cal so the last review was done in 2020 reviews are typic we don't do them um every single year but uh um historically every four to five years is when we make the adjustment so some from time to time we fall little further and further behind we take the opportunity to kind of reconcile and uh review all expenses that are associated with that particular whether it be Health Bureau fees whether it be in this case Recreation fees um other permits as well you'll see from time to time and uh at that time Mr Al also provided a review of all the comparable rates Allentown East Handover Nazareth and Palmer were provided provided for some and Barrel so you had a chance to see um where we were both in the last increases in 6 11 15 and 20 and also where all the other existing stand now what really one of the things that prompted this review too was the growth of um summer labor and we know what happened post 2020 if I take you back and in 2020 pools were closed and coming out of that in 20121 it was we were reopening we did making attempts to open the pools and at that time the rate not that long ago was $9 and it was a big step to crack that $10 an hour marker and that was the last Administration that made that change the results of that if you do recall we opened three but were unable to open five pools and that was due to labor shorts all pools were ready ready to roll but because of the shortage of Labor we only got the three open so in this Administration and mayor rold first year uh we took a look at all the comparable rates the adjustment was made at that time to $12 an hour and we were successful in opening all five pools and that was a very good thing it's we have more pools in any other surrounding municipalities so it does make a little bit tougher to fill them all up uh we did see uh increase in um municipalities municipalities around us and we expect that challenge to exist this year we're just starting the recruiting efforts uh the the budget rate this year for our lifeguards is $13 allent town and Handover offering $18 not Handover um Fountain Hill both opening let me say this right Allen is opening offering $18 an hour as is f Hill whiteall 16 Handover Township 14 FM Township 13 to15 and East 14 to 16 so we're still at the low end of that spectum at 13th uh fact that is up a dollar we we had some early results um that people are looking to come back we think we offer you know a great atmosphere at the pools so we hope to fill them up but if we fall too far behind those uh in addition we have heard that Fountain Hill is attempting to reopen their pool after several years being offline Handover built a new pool they'll open up theirs this year will also create Demand on the The Lifeguard pool of recruits so we in order to stay competitive that was built into our budget uh the move from 9 to 14 is almost a 40% increase so that demand um on labor and the increase in prices on that and then and the number of pools we have our tempel moved up to $261,000 for Life bars cash years and blessons and that's operating very efficiently but at the same time safely you can't open a pool size of more three or four guards you need the full staff so we follow all the guidelines all the safety guidelines that are required by uh the state and um once you put together I think I mentioned during budget season the pools do and Recreation General as Mr ala can speak to operate at a significant loss we do subsidize the pools the fees themselves last year we made um $267,000 total in the pools as I just mentioned the Lifeguard rates alone is 261 so that's before you add any of this supplies the chemicals which is significant the electrical cost to run the pumps of the five pools they are large pumps the heating old Department contracts are involved it it the numbers we ran just with direct cost alone they operated a loss of around $100,000 over the course of a season or 100 or about $10,000 a week in order to do it we do we do feel it's a an important amenity we do aim at our goals to keep all five pools open but U the increase in these rates is to help help um keep up with the rate of expenses and the growth of expenses we've seen across the board even the chemicals and electric also increased significantly and that's out of our hands that's those are vendors that we cannot control okay thank you was there anyone else from Administration that wants to make any comments do committee members have comments or questions I have a little of both okay um so uh looking at the the pool price the the price of the uh rates for the pools they are starting to kind of creep up towards the magic you know $10 line in in the in the regional pool and um I'm just wondering are there already in place any um supports for our lowest income residents such as those who live in the Housing Authority or live in um shelters uh to make sure that they can get to our pools they can afford to um enjoy our pools there is not any subsidies to the again we they run at again the city as is now Subs R to where they are now but there is nothing other programming or grants or other anything that has been made available to lower them beyond what is here on the board they're straight across now the we have a contract with the um the boys club girl club yeah Boys and Girls Club so they're bring a group over we do some recreational programming with the school district uh specifically brockel Middle School will bring groups several times uh during the summer in order to do that but there are not rates that are you know that are right something family could take their kids like that it wouldn't be you know harming their wallet because obviously every the cost of everything has gone up and uh I don't I don't um have any con you know um opposition at all to paying our lifeguards to to try to be competitive there I think it's absolutely necessary um and I and one last thing about the pools is that um which is more of a comment than a question uh I don't think of it as subsidizing the pools because um we don't ask the police force to pay for itself we don't ask the fire department to pay for itself we don't ask you know um Mike to go out and raise the money to put in street lights um so I just want to make that point um we've had that conversation a number of years ago when you were on this side of the desk yes and it still stands they are a part of what um people in our city should expect um in terms of uh Recreation quality of life um amenity uh public good so I uh Pro I just want to put that out there now I had a question about the skating rank it looks like um lessons are being removed from the party room is that just a just as a question of sort of market analysis that people don't really want the L with the party rental I know this is very specific I'm just curious um so last in 2020 um the rate for a party room was $150 and that included a lesson and now it's $100 dollar and adding a non keeping it at a or lowering it to 100 for residents uh and then adding a non-residential rate and there are two EST and it says without a lesson so I was just curious if um it was because there really wasn't a demand for the lesson and you can just let me know you can send me an email I'm just curious about yeah yeah we will get you an answer to that one I don't have the specific answer tonight but we can email you the answer and then I noticed an addition of um the $25 rate for the tennis and pickle ball courts and I'm just wondering what that is $25 an hour $25 and I noticed that um other you know it's certainly in keeping and seems appropriate um compared to our our um neighboring cities two hour plan two hours hours okay that was all my questions and comments thank you any other community members um I had more comments um than questions but also wouldn't that be a thing if we asked mik to subsidize every pothole and every light M it was just to um Echo what uh councilwoman PCH had had said I know we had spoken about this and uh I appreciate you guys looking into it um but if there is ever a magic software that allows us to have a sliding scale um I would definitely be in support of it if you need a line item from Council cool we're here for that I'm here for that at least um and I I can like just thank you for going to those conferences and finding out what other municipalities are doing to make these things accessible and affordable uh for our community so I just wanted to you know say thank you for that and and I agree with with Mr about her comments about making this as as affordable and accessible as possible yes yeah that that's always been the goal I 100% agree with the fact that they are a necessity as far as an a an amenity to our citizens that um that we want to invest in I'll tell you that um the Administration has been very uh committed to keeping all five open to keeping all five kept up the Stark construction went really well it's a $400,000 investment into Stark we knew that was um well attended the yasco also ended up over $100,000 in improvements to keep that pool up to standard as well as the very large investment we made just a short time ago into Memorial pole and it's they've all reaped their benefits they the we've seen an increase in Revenue across the board and we've seen capacity issues which you never had before at Memorial specifically but across the board at at um all I think pretty equally across all pools including Westside and uh and Clear View besides the St now PS thank you um I just had a couple I guess questions or comments um I agree with both committee members as far as trying to I know it's really expensive to keep pools going be you know private pools or especially community pools and especially um trying to attract the uh lifeguards that was one question I had do you think do we have any ideas is it going to be difficult this year to attract lifeguards or we feeling like we're going to be okay it's ear early the it's it's posted the emails went out to all the guards from last year with positive results so far it's early to tell I'm not sure the magic number that we shoot gather but the earlier responses have been as um successful as last year there's always a respon rate some move on some graduate from college and go on to other things but most of them are college age students some are high school um upper grades of high school but everything seems to be pointing in the right direction so we're comp confident at this point although it's early in February that you some kids just being kids there's a delay even when you send the email out you don't hear from them right away as you would like to but eventually then they'll they'll they came around last year so we are definitely optimistic that we'll get all five open and when we closed all five this past year they were set to go last year we knew two years ago we knew we had some issues with with Stark on the backside in the Construction contract right now at least when we closed them up button them up everything's in in good shape to get them open on time so that's the goal okay great um and going back to helping um children families that may have difficulty pain I wondered if maybe we could look into is there if there any grants possibly because there's so there's so many grants out there I wonder if there's some kind of Grants also maybe looking in the future can we raise um the norm residential rate to try to offset for those people in our community that you know the residents that we can somehow um help to subsidize them just thinking of some options um the other question I had is the pickle ball courts are they they basically wherever the tennis courts are that they can be used for pickle ball is that how that works or do we have designated courts just for pickle ball yeah yeah all the tennis courts that exist have been painted so they're hybrid kind of like field hockey and soccer and football all painted on the same surface so the ones at Westside are hybrid the ones at Clear View are and the ones on IL Mills okay great so yeah and my only other question was about ilix Mill I was curious because it looks like for the the for the ilix mail Pavilion it's um in 2020 it was a $100 difference between residents and non residents and now we're looking at a $50 difference with I was wondering what the rationale was is it that there's not many non-residents that use it if I look at the ilix Mill under the facility daily rates 2020 versus proposed 2024 yeah I was just wondering what the rationale was I was just curious you get an email because I know when you do look through it there was a conscious effort to review and create more spread between resident as you spoke earlier and you'll see that if you look through go back and look through because um it happens everywhere else so yeah we definitely want to do every evant we can to our our residents so we can get a response to ilix question I don't know that right now all right sure yeah I mean maybe not many non- residents don't use it and that's why I'm not sure but I was just curious so okay okay any other comments from council member committee members okay um I will accept a motion and second to recommend approval of the administration's request and to place appropriate legislation on tonight's Council agenda so second the CER will please call the roll on the motion Miss quch i m Leon I and Miss grmy Smith hi the motion passes 30 the the appropriate legislation will be placed on tonight's Council agenda and last but not least Agenda night item eight is to review proposed chain change method to determine Actuarial value of assets for the fire and police Pension funds I will call on a representative from the administration to discuss this request thank you this request is to change the valuation and the calculations that are used by our actuary in order to calculate our MMO or minimum Municipal obligation that's basically what we call our pension payment this is for two funds it's we have three pension MMOs one is police one is fire one is pmrs pmrs has operated independently and through the state so we do not have any information to that yet we're attempting to gather information but separate group so that's not calculated by the same actuary uh last fall we did indicate we knew we had an oncoming concern with the change in the MMO because the MMO is adjusted every two the valuation is adjusted every two years and when the actuary goes to work they include a a large number of calculations includes number of participants in the plan the age of the participants in the plan of course all the rules that are provided in the plan who gets paid what and is overtime included or not on each and individual person in it and they'll come to a calculation um at that end that will then determine how much the city needs to put in among the larger variables is how did the pension fund itself do so if in the last two years the people in the plan they put their contributions depending on which plan they're in and when they entered the pension plan before after 2012 there's a number of different plans involved in each SP police and fire how much they put in depending how the funds themselves and then the difference because it's a defined benefit plan City needs to make up the difference and the danger is when there is a large change in the market our assumed rate of return is 7% if it moves along the market in the two-year period at 7% each year or 14 in zero something adds up to the 7% each year we should be okay we'll see very little change in the MMO assuming the number of participants are the same and there's no changes to our plan and that changes to a plan we're required in ordinance we have to come to the city council talk about the numbers and how any change the pinion plan would impact an M an MMO because any kind of changes can make significant change to the MMO um 19 and 20 did pretty well with the market we actually saw slight decreases in the MMO 21 did nicely 22 was a disaster with a small recovery at the end but at the end of that two-year period we knew that was going to be an issue even we and that's what we talked about last year 23 is reconciled additions are made in early 2024 we get our first estimate the only reason this is an estimate is because we'll do the final calculations based on salaries and participant numbers in the plan in September so this is as close as I can get right now to determining what our MMO will be for next budget year for 2025 and we have two options uh the one that we've been in uh for the past couple years is a market valuation which takes a picture at the end of it's actually 1123 it's the end of 22's results but it's called a 1123 valuation and uh they'll give us number or we can use the second and the only other option to Value the Assets in the fund and that's um called the smoothing method and what that does is is just what's in the title it Smooths out the gains or the losses over fiveyear period so it's 20% Looking Backward each the last five years in order to determine the value going forward that we'll need to meet and we do that by increasing or decreasing our MMO there's a chart on the back of the first page of the memo that will show you if we stay with what we do now our actual 2024 MMO is in the First Column that's what's in this year's Budget moving into next year's it would go from 8.6 to 10.9 or $2.3 million increase in our MMOs and and these two alone knowing there's still another pension out there and salaries of medical everything we know goes into our budget it's going to be a big nut to crack the option that was presented by actuary and recommended by our actuary Conrad seagull was to take a look at and move into the smoothing method for the next two years if we move into the smoothing method there is no charge there's no K it's not you're not kicking it down the road uh you can move it in and out each year through a resolution of decision of the Administration to bring a proposal and to be voted on and approved by city council to move to one or to the other there are two choices we did it in the past after the housing crisis caused the the decrease in the fund and uh at the end of the LA the 2010 decade or 2000 decade 8 n 10 era the administration uh proposed and the council approved to move it into smoothing and it remained there for several years and when I was on on city council we voted uh to move it out so there's no real change there's no um penalty or other issue with doing each year each and every other year we can take a look and look at A and B and and decide which one we want to go into but we're playing long ball it's uh the end game is way way out it's not something where we need to um make any specific number or push any kind of number any kind of cash from our cash account to balance anything because this is going to go on into perpetuity their pension payments that will continue to be made to make everyone whole that's in the pension program until the pension programs end or are changed so um The Proposal Administration is to move to the smoothing method if we if that decision is going to be made it needs to be made in February because those calculations will need to be prepared the application and then submitted we make a uh we make a decision that moves into the state by the end of March we have to certify I guess is the word certifi act fing is required by the state that has a due date by March and that's what there's like an so we can tell Conrad seagull who or who prepares these numbers which way we're going thank you is there anyone else in administration that would like to make any more comments okay do any committee members have any questions or comments um just a couple of questions um so I started using Google so forgive me if this is a stupid question um are there collars that limit the smoothing in in our case um I know that in some pensions there that when you go when you do a smoothing it's sort of like a 10% on either side is there a band that you're keeping with having a collar no nothing I'm aware of I could check but nothing that is brought to our attention by our act um and so I saw that um on the second page you sort of uh you say that you know where the funding percentage would go to if we used the smoothing um which doesn't which um doesn't you know um for the fire it will get us actually above where we were um in 2021 um if I'm reading this right so it was 91.3 January 2021 and if we use this smothing methodology it'll be 92.1 so that gets us actually in a better position um the with the police pension it it takes us um slightly below where we were in January 2021 but still um you know in better shape than we are right now I guess my question is um you know are there Target percentages um in terms of funding percentages for these pensions what is there a Best practice that we we aim for um no not necessarily we always going to put a little grin on her face a higher gets because is going to give us a a more manageable MMO you know that to get close to that 100% is a good thing otherwise you're always there's pressure on that MMO to get it towards that again it's not not like has to be set reached 100% any given year it's long ball so there's uh more time to do that but from the lower end there will be an area where it could be looked at the state as a distress and we've talked a little bit about distress pensions what that where that width is when the state comes in and opens up more tools but that's also in near act 47 right not we don't want there just to be able to yeah have not um been in that area either but we want to stay out the MMO kind of forces you suff to go there because as three R comes down that MMO is going to climb to make sure it's keeps keeps you up in the range that you need to be keep it sustainable coun um I just uh when I was looking into this and it it just seemed like this was what happens after the 2008 Market collapse and in other communities did something similar so um I know it's it's quite a big number but that was the reassurance that I needed it seems to be a very Standard Process uh when you're adjusting for these these economic downturns in uh in our community so good okay um I may be being redundant but I guess I'm just wondering how are we going to reconcile and how often to make sure that um the smoothing is going to be worth it rather than go with the market value and I mean did you say we're going to do this for two years is that what I heard or do we have a time frame or no as far as how long we're going to go with this method they only do it every other year because of the amount of work that's taken to do it so it's a biannual um EV so be like two two years years 21 23 so you look back at all our years it's so we have valuation books that they complete every other year okay and will then the Auditors will look to see if it's worth it to continuing this method or not yeah I did mention the memo that 23 in the end was a a good year not not as high as some of the years we saw like the end of 1920 but it was strong enough it shouldn't be a problem um but you know the smoothing will be nice going forward although it will also not give us like a nice break and it's not going to be the roller coaster up and down it's going to be a smoother smoother ride so what it goes up and down makes it easier for budgeting and planning when know it's going to kind move along and we have that but to have a 2.3 million is a big swing for budget our size and with those other uncontrollables that contractual raises and increases in medical now there's no increases in in the debt next year but there's enough things that go up something like this at the 2.3 would be tough you know to to match with the when we talk about revenues just don't grow at that same rate so the smoothing will give us a um a better opportunity to budget accordingly okay and it sounds like it well it's not going to aely affect the pensions as long as you know it's actually going to be safer to go with the smoothing method unless the market does really well then we could end up losing some money that we could have gained otherwise but that's the risk we take yeah yeah the market hopefully will still do well in our fund itself will do well we can still invest however we want to just matter how they're evaluated by the the actuary we can still do what we want to do within the pension fund and the pension board still has full flexibility to do it's in this decision is independent of where that money being invested but it's just the idea of you know how much does it take to keep the pension funded at the appropriate level uh going forward so she did mention I think I did mention the memo too as well is that all her clients are are doing the same thing they're all moving the smoothies most already were and now she doesn't know of anyone that's not in it based on what happened in 22 okay right thank you I'll accept the motion and a second to recommend approval of the administration's request to place appropriate legislation on tonight's Council so moved second the clerk will please call the role on the motion miss quch I miss Leon I and Miss gmy Smith I it passes 30 the appropriate legislation will be placed on tonight's Council agenda this meeting is adjourned was P than I thought should all meetings go so long buy that baby coming