I don't if it's allergies or what good evening everyone we'll get started tonight's city council meeting I ask that we all rise for the pledge to the flag pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty justice for all Mr Miller please call the RO Mr Callahan present Mr kmy Smith Miss quch present Miss lard present Miss Leon Miss Wilhelm and Mr colom present thank you Mr Miller councilwoman Wilhelm will not be joining us this evening councilwoman KY Smith may just be running there's councilwoman KY Smith thank you thank you and then uh before we continue mayor Reynolds may be uh a little late as he was tending to some world heritage business this evening moving on to the approval of the minutes minutes from the May 21st 2024 meeting any comments on the minutes from the council meeting the minutes are approved then moving on to public comment as is custom we'll start with anything not being voted on this evening we continue to have our fem minute time limit this evening we have four people signed up so we'll go through them and then I will open it up to the entire room our first Speaker signed up is Miss Angela Mitchell I ask everyone to give your name for the record if you don't mind for our city clerk good evening everyone it's a great honor to be here one more time and my name is Angela Mitchell and I reside at 4:30 Cherokee Street and here I want to talk to at first I want to thank you for helping me with the different issues that we were having in Indian Hill and one of the things that is a pet peeve of Minds is the trash um I want to know if we can do something with the recycling because we pick up the the trash is being picked up every other week and it's so much recycling it's on the sidewalks I do have pictures and I was wondering if we can get some grant money to buy the bigger larger size um recycling bins for those people that don't have it on our block maybe starting a pilot project or something like that um because it it's getting horrendous all over over again and then um garbage pickup um I wanted to know if we cannot do the single hauler can we do something with that as well as by proper siiz garbage cans for those individuals that do not have lids on their cans and their garbage is spilling over I walk through the neighborhood all the time I live in the neighborhood and I'm just kind of concerned because when I come out my door on a hot day I'm smelling garbage and this was not happening before I've been living at the res um my place of residence since 2012 and just over since it changed to the single hauler it's just been quite much so I'm trying to I hope that we can do something about that um if any money that we can start in our neighborhood and go do one block at a time um the other thing that I'm concerned about housing court we have here more landlords here in the city of Bethlehem since I moved back here since 2010 and we don't have a housing court or a mediation court so I was wondering if we can do something something besides only having a magistrate where you file file the complaint because it's a process um and trying to get something done and it's not fear to the people if they complain about an issue in their apartments that they turned around the landlord has the right to not renew their um lease the next year so a lot of more people are being evicted due to a market rate and so I'm concerned about it because then where does the combiners go if there's no place that they can afford to live in Bethlehem some places one-bedroom apartments are going 1600 1700 18800 and it's a lot and there's more homeless people than ever than before in the city of Bethlehem and the other concern that I um concerned with is enforcing the law we have a code of ordinance here in the city of Bethlehem and it's not being enforc okay so I'm concerned about having a housing court or mediation court so we the tenants can make our complaint and the other concern that I'm concerned about is the kiosk the parking meters all over the place even even even at Northampton Community College they put a kiosk there but being a individual that has handicapped you only have to put a a nickel in there to get a whole hour okay so the minimum for a person to put in is a dollar okay so I'm concerned about that what can be done to help the disabled people here thank you for all me allowing me to share thank you Miss Mitchell our next speaker this evening is Mary Joe MC Mary J mol 449 Grand View Boulevard two concerns tonight first I tried to use the my Bethlehem website to report an issue along both sides of Glendale Avenue from Grand View Boulevard to popler Lane the sidewalk along the north side of this section of Glendale has a sidewalk completely blocked by overgrowth tree tree near popl Lane the homeowner also never shovels this portion of her sidewalk when it snows the home across Glendale also has a section overgrown the weeds are high and with the state predicting a bad summer for tick I would like the city to send someone to inspect this area informing residents to maintain this area would allow for the road to be two lanes as designed the corner owner of Grandville Boulevard in Glendale is also a school bus stop I tried using utilizing the my Bethlehem app but could not remember my password your website said repeatedly that they sent an email to reset my password I never received it I would rather utilize the website than trying to get through to someone by phone my second concern is regarding this booklet I appreciate the benefit official usage of my tax dollars but I received my copy on May 10th spring arrived on March 19th summer begins June 20th May 10th is more than halfway through spring tax information may have been outdated for some residents yard was pickup was this morning for my area most residents had their spring yard cleanups completed long before this there was also an article regarding benefits of to growing an urban Forest Urban an urban Forest the article States trees are extremely beneficial to our world placing strees trees only along streets will provide some relief to our alen climate planting Groves of trees will do much more Treeline streets are nice but they can become Hazard to visibility and safety of drivers and pedestrians the street sweeping scheduled states that streets under 12T wide do not get swept the streets surrounding my neighborhood range from baskam at 12 feet Ritter at 15 Florence at 60 and Grand View Boulevard at 70 feet all technically meeting meet the sweeping Dimensions why are they not included in the city schedule the city is aware of the flooding issue along Grand View Boulevard and Ritter street sweeping might help alleviate the problem any insight from the city would be welcome while I understand signage is expensive Take a Hint from White Hall they have temporary signs stapled to pickets and posted along streets announcing when stripping will occur thank you thank you Miss mol next speaker Ry Kura hi I'm Mary catola 813 laer Street Bethlehem Southside the ghetto yes I owe my ghetto home I love it I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but one thing I I I've been coming here to these City Council meetings before some of you were even born uh I don't want to say exactly I go away my age but however thing is you know with all all the times I I check upon where all the money's going what we get from the grants that go to the city what we get from Arts Quest nonprofit organization what we get from wi Creek and other nonprofit organizations and profit organizations like the parking authority where is this money going why do we have all these homeless people why can't we go ahead and put them in houses that's heated what's going on here what's wrong with the picture too many homeless people you give them tents that are unheated you let them walk the streets so they get killed and die from different no come on that's not Humane at all let's do something for these people so anyway Arts Quest nonprofit organization well I've been barred from Arts quest for like over seven years I was probably the cleanest comic they ever had I tried hard to not do anything you know like that was risque but however I did well held the crowd there at the mle cinema nobody walked out nobody booed me but the guy running the whole thing I won't give his name wound up saying I will never perform Arts Quest again now this happened in the comedy section how comes I'm B barred from even been playing a guitar at Martin guitar checking a guitar out when people start gathering around to hear me play guitar but anyway it is what it is I'm going to be signed with the William Mars agency this time next year and I'll be on different TV shows Arts Quest will be paying top dollar if they want me I don't care if they want me at all at this point my two books are coming out my one book Malibu which is an action-packed book about superheroes surfing and bikers and all this stuff but they the superheroes don't kill people they turn them over to the authorities and the rightand man or woman and no gender I'm not talking a sexual type thing angels are nonsexual surf Angel who's a messenger from God is everywhere because God is everywhere and she's in the spirit of God or he's in the spirit of God that's what my one book's about the other one is my life was was built on Miracles tells about all the Miracles that happened in my life going through a head-on collision bounced off the other vehicle landed on the asphalt Highway with no broken bones going through the glass window with cuts all over my face look close there's no scars never had surgery and another miracle is well miracle I probably the only one that was thrown out of art Arts quest for for saying I'm saying made a comment that they said I was racist but the miracle is I perform Mexican restaurants all over the tri-state area and this Saturday you could see me at the Mexico Lindo 720 Main Street come on out have some fun my brother's coming all the way in from Texas to see me I have other people coming in from from Edison New Jersey to be there my party is going to be a hoot too I got that thing going on at the 540 club now really it's closed sorry I can't invite you but the thing is you can come to see me at other places um what else was I going to say um why I'm at it I got 56 seconds to go um okay uh yeah with my life was built on Miracles with that book coming out tells of all the Miracles that happened in my life and here I am 100% disabled American Veteran with ridicul of the lower extremities 28 bulging disc in the lower Lumbard region two tormin two Tor Patilla problems two torent cervical uh disc all documented over 15 years ago and here I am walking without a cane or a walker not wearing any braces and I don't even take any kind of medication not even aspirin I mean aspirin I'm sorry um um anyway the thing is it is what it is two torn rotator C look at that T meniscuses no pain no pain medication thank you Mr K supplements natural supplements think of it for you and your family thank you Mr car God bless you next speaker is Valerie [Music] Nunan hello uh so first off um I I think we were all shocked at the last meeting to be informed that only five or six of the 19 water fountains in Bethlehem were functioning um and I'd just like to note I can't think of a higher priority for my tax doers than fixing this um actually just a few minutes before this meeting um my friend quinc we were out there you know you may have seen us we give out soup snacks water things like that um ahead of meetings and also weekly and now in town um but uh we talked to this gentleman who was probably on house um and you know it's been hot out here it's really hard on homeless people and uh he said he had passed out from the heat the other day um and he said when I made a comment to him about the water fountain saying oh that's something that's been discussed at the council meetings he said well I did find one that worked the other day but it tasted like concrete I I wish I had been able to remember exactly where he said that was but this is a serious issue honestly like you know last time Miss gmy Smith correctly noted that this is a climate issue we are having hotter summer every year um and in in addition like how are we supposed to ever have a walkable City if people can't stop to get a drink of water I don't see how that could ever happen um so that's a huge issue um I'd also like to note that at the last meeting there was a commenter who suggested that the city council ban muscle shirts at meetings and this information about the water fountains was brought to light by a commenter wearing a muscle shirt just a few minutes later and I know which comment I found to be more valuable personally um aside from that today um I know we have all been disgusted and seconded by the information about the student resource officer who was abusing students and uh creating child sexual abuse material um I I know we were all sickened by that um I I have longer thoughts that honestly I'm not going to share today but I'm just going to say my position on this is that I you know I'm not a huge fan of student resource officers in general I grew up in the school shooting generation I know like what the system is how it has changed over the years and uh I grew up with student resource officers in my schools and I grew up with shooting threats and bomb threats in all of my schools in my middle school my high school my University um and that's just what it's like to grow up going to school in America now um but what what shocked me was to hear that at the press conference about the abuse allegations that um an officer was allowed to be alone with a student and despite what happened it seemed that officials bulked at committing to a rule against that having an officer alone with a student that is a real Common Sense rule not being alone with a child is a basic precaution taken in nearly every every professional child care position um you know I was held to a higher standard than that as a camp counselor as a day camp counselor so I just don't understand why that rule wouldn't be implemented at the very least um yeah so th those are the thoughts I have to speak on today thank you for your time thank you that exhausts the first list I just want to clarify Mr faor did you want a comment on something we're voting on tonight or something we're not voting on tonight well I just then I'll go around the room then you don't need to explain I just wanted to clarify just but I am going to start over here this is for anything not being voted on this evening so did anyone want to make comment on anything we're not voting on this evening Mr Rodriguez and then I'll work my way over yeah Eddie Rodriguez 13th Avenue Bethlehem when I mention these things I don't want it to go against anybody you know because their comments are just as valuable as mine and I don't want to compare but when I hear something that's mentioned here I go about City and go specifically to those areas and see what I see so when Mr cologne mentioned to me about uh a handball court I went to 13th Avenue you just got pictures which were sent over to the city clerk and 13th Avenue is not suitable neither is yasco Park I'll go one step at a time uh 13th Avenue has a lot of grass has concrete on on the handball courts with glass uh that's stabilized on the walls fencing is worn out broken and so on there's a used tree banch there that needs to be cut down and uh it's it's a dangerous site really yasco Park uh was not suitable either because they have two big eyes that were drawn onto the hambo court actually by an individual and two individuals as a matter of fact but the city of betham had something to do with that which they allowed that to happen I don't know how that happened but they were involved because I sent you also a picture of that plaque that they have there on the right hand side corner if you would look at it you'll see what I'm talking about because I took a close picture of it dirt bikes throughout the city not just motorcycle dirt bikes we've been seeing a lot of dirt bikes all over this city particularly on lyen street and sepco Boulevard and I would see I would like to see what the police officers were doing uh stopping individuals on stepco Boulevard that should also also do that throughout the city there are illegal bikes like I've been mentioning since I've come been coming to the meetings and uh these things should be stopped immediately because uh for several reasons they're running through stop signs they don't care they just run through they don't care who's Crossing that street whether it be pedestrian or anyone else that's slower especially a senior citizen they're running through traffic and against traffic I've seen that on Third Avenue the guy looked on a green dirt bike mask with all green his clothing was green also went against his uh stop sign looked left and right and ran right through right through he didn't care he just ran it at super speed and uh I I I've seen another incident where a dirt bike uh inividual almost ran down a a a lady pedestrian I almost went to that lady because I I'm I'm sure she was scared out of her boots running through red lights they don't care and they just go I want the police officers to really really make stops immediately because this is going on too much and it's I don't think enough is being done not just what happened on stepco uh when I went down with respect to the lady that's been talking about the Cherokee Street I went down and I made comments the last meeting with reference to this I saw large empty containers I went through one end to the other except for the far end but I went there slowly I also talk with residents I saw large containers and I saw recycling containers but not what with all due respect has been spoken about the containers the recycling container ERS are standard size issued by the resing center Green and that's the normal size I don't think you can get anything bigger upon request that can be uh picked up and so on so forth that's been issued every year for the past few years some trees on Union Boulevard West Union Boulevard needs to be cut down or taken down they're roted they huge have a lot of large holes Mike lots of large holes there are also uh ppnl uh posts that need to be replaced double parking in the city has increased speeding down Lynden Street and stepco boulard has increased thank you Mr Rodriguez and one more comment if I may 10 seconds give you 10 seconds yasco Park water fountain is working I went there myself and I tested it was cold water I don't know about the rest thank you Mr Rodriguez continuing on to the left Mr your favor hello I just uh or Harry Faber um I just want to preface and say that I support and encourage and appreciate anyone and everyone who comes up here who speaks who takes the time who sacrifices that opportunity cost to be here and participate in local democracy whether I agree with you disagree with you you hate me love me I appreciate you and I encourage you to keep on coming but I do want to point out a little hypocrisy um a couple people uh like to complain about the Coalition and us coming here and complaining about US taxpayer dollars being used on bombs being dropped on Refugee encampments like Rafa and then they complain about us wasting our time we can't do anything but those same people come up here and spend five minutes playing a song or come up here and complain about people people giving out food to those who are hungry who might have missed dinner to make it to these meetings or complain about the attire of the people who are up here and I just want to say really look in the mirror that that is that itself is a waste of time and that benefits nobody in the city those complaints now onto my next thing I want to talk about um the enforcement of law uh and I think we need to point out how fines disproportionately affect poor people whether it be speeding tickets parking tickets fines are a tax on the poor they disproportionately and it's so simple they disproportionately affect people with lower income if somebody like me makes around $20 an hour gets a $200 ticket yeah I'm screwed that right there is 10 hours of my life gone but let's say somebody makes ,000 an hour that's nothing and that is a problem our legal system disproportionately affects poor people I mean look at Donald Trump I'm not going to say I don't think Donald Trump belongs in jail or anything but we live in a system where it is case by case and they charged him with some stuff about you know we all know what happened and he got charged with 34 felonies but Trump is a billionaire so therefore he got to walk out of court and talk and give press and go on plans and do this and that that's because he has a significant amount of money and he therefore is exempt from most rules that us normal citizens are bound to abide by I just want to point that out and speaking on the heat the climate what's going on over in Gaza over in Palestine when will we take it personally it's not happening here I mean climate change is but when is it the point where you will take it personally it is not happening here but neither did the Holocaust happen here and guess what we took it personally I mean yeah Japan bombed us and we can go into that but we acknowledged that in the Holocaust that it was horrible it was a genocide and we needed to step up and we needed to do something when are we going to say enough is enough I don't know if you guys seen since the last meeting but a week ago a little over a week ago uh there was a Rafa massacre in which Israel dropped 2,000 pound bombs on a refugee encampment and if you've seen the videos which I've seen and I'm sure a couple of my comrades here have also seen I don't think you'd be making the same decisions you guys are making and being complacent I I really think you would be doing something or saying something or passing a resolution or trying to divest and I get it it's hard I don't know I don't have the time to really look into Bethlehem City's finan I would love the time to figure out how we can divest personally from Israel and do our part to protect our sister city over in Palestine but when are we going to take it personally it might not be happening here bombs aren't dropping here but they are dropping on people what is empathy empathy is putting yourself in the place of other people and guess what that was horrible that was horrible what happened last week there were burning people coming out of these camps on fire screaming babies decapitating I mean like when we talk about babies being decapitated and from Hamas and this and that those claims are often unsubstantiated completely entirely fabricated there are videos live videos of burning corpses of people screaming and dying and suffering and they're posted and shown every day every day and it's crazy when are we gonna say enough is enough really like when when when is enough enough like do do the bombs have to drop here because I say that's too that's too that's too late it's already too late I want to see more I want to do more I didn't have a lot of time uh to prepare this week I worked a lot but please please let's do something something I appreciate that the police do not arrest us when we demonstrate here in front of the council or in front of and that's better than nothing that's honestly better than probably what happens in Allentown or Easton and I'll give you some credit but Jesus Christ enough is enough I want more it's not enough we're not doing enough we need to do more come on everyone we need to do more thank you thank you Mr favor was there anyone else to the left who hasn't spoke yet who wanted to address Council anyone in the center who hasn't spoke yet yes in the very center hi Hiba abbar good evening it seems that much of the council and some of our constituents have had the chance to make their acquaintance so allow me to make mine my name is Hiba Akbar I majored in biobehavioral health I have worked in various clinics all across the Lehigh Valley and consider my by day and consider myself an active member of the community by night I must say after my first meeting last two weeks ago I am genuinely impressed with the sheer welcomeness of the council and the open manner in which it ho it hosts its public meetings not to mention the diversity of backgrounds you each bring to the table you may have noticed that Hiba is an Arab name yes I am Muslim yes I am deeply wounded by what is going on in Palestine it's definitely important to me but truth be told I'm not here to talk about Palestine today I'm here to talk about my country the one I was born in America more specifically the city I was raised in the city of Bethlehem I am interested to learn more about what I can do to actually help the council address real issues that plague our city issues like the fact that the majority of those in my age group find the reality of leaving their institution or college only to find that they have no idea what to do with their lives not having access to Affordable Health Care or the fact that educated members of our senior community feel neglected in their civil issues the rising tensions of making ends meet for fathers doing everything they can to provide for their family mothers now having to juggle careers on top of raising their children and well if you have a teenage daughter that is an entirely different story the point is I understand these issues are deeply nuanced and systemic as the former ccil president of Penn State University I had the privilege of representing 20,000 students across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and while you could argue that student politics differ I know from experience that council is not an enemy but a cherished friend in our constituent's Battle For Justice I'd like to remind the audience that we are stronger together but my education in medicine and the Sciences leads me to something I do feel I can make a difference in Rising Mental Health issues after a devastating Global pandemic are still on the rise a community health assessment assisted by Dr bber the mayor's wife actually reported that 41.8% of Bethlehem residents report their mental health as not good in the past 30 days this is higher than the United States's average and has significantly increased from 2019 people are depressed they are not happy with their lives they work nine to five jobs they're not passionate about some are unemployed or work multiple jobs to stay afloat having little to no time to exercise their Hobbies or spend time with their loved ones even doctors that treat the patients with these issues are struggling in me medical training to even remember why they exist all I ask for is support to be pointed in the right direction information where's the rest of the research I've read the community health assessments case studies I've talk to nurses Physicians patients where are the statistics specifically for healthcare workers where are grants necessary to conduct clinical research who are the people in charge of Health policy and what are they doing because I want to know because how am I supposed to heal people in healthcare if our healers need healing themselves I want to end with one of my favorite mottos I came across on the poster of my favorite AP Spanish class in Liberty High School when you speak in someone's second language you are speaking to their brain when you speak in someone's first language you are speaking to their heart sure I speak Spanish the language of over 55% of most households in Bethlehem by the way but I'm referencing the Nuance of bringing expertise only to find the majority of the population doesn't really understand research I wish to under uncover the nuances of what plagues our cities' health particularly in their minds and break it down in a way that resonates with our community I hope to have your support and your guidance and honestly I'm very flattered that everyone's talking about Palestine but I would much more flattered if some someone were to actually ask me what it's like to be a Muslim in America thank you thank you is there anyone else in the wide Center I am in front Terry kyber gra View Boulevard Bethlehem I wasn't going to say anything tonight because I really didn't have anything to say but as I was listening on the way over to the gentleman talking about the dirt bikes running around I stood out on my deck and Florence Avenue runs along the side of my house what do I do who do I call I'm really concerned because these bikes are running stop signs the one rides around all the time with a girl on back no helmets no lights and they cut right across Florence s and they go right across Grand View they run the stop sign I almost ran over a go-kart U about a year or so ago they were doing that back and forth across there 3 seconds more and I I'd have gone right over but how do we what do we do like I don't know do I do we call the police I know you can't do anything but how do we stop this how do we I'm concerned somebody's gonna hit one of them one of these days and yeah the motorcycle guy is probably not going to be like maybe in too good of a shape but what about the person who hits them how they're going to feel for the rest of their lives seeing you know this kid in front of them down um but I it's just started up I it used to be the kid that lived catty corner to me but they moved but I'm pretty sure he's the one that's back on the blue bike with the the ski hat with only his mouth or his eyes opened or uncovered now there's a blue and white one too but like I said they're either by them themselves or they have a girl on the back with them no helmets and 9 10 o'clock at night they go flying by with no light on so it is a dangerous situation I don't know what to do I'm concerned con ered because I see this happening while I'm sitting out there in the evenings and I mean I'd like to be able to do something but I don't know what to do so thank you is there anyone else in the wide Center who wanted to make comment who has not made comment yet I turn to the right all right that exhausts our first public comment period we will move on to public comment for anything that's on the agenda tonight ordinance a resolution we have one person signed up Mr favor can you the microphone please I just wanted to ask if you could spend a little more time than normal going over it because this week was an extremely busy week for me and I just wanted to uh understand what was being deliberated on and that's all understood thank you Mr Pap so again I'll go around the room was there anyone to the left who want to make comment on anything that we're voting on this evening anyone in the wide Center who want to make comment anything we're voting on Mr analex Sten anic 737 Ridge DET terms good better and best might best be called comparative terms denoting quality with the term best called the [Music] superlative it is reasonable that these terms be used in determining the best candidates who are appointed by the mayor and then voted on by Council to serve as volunteers on various boards and commissions of the city of Bethlehem this evening Council will be voting on an appointment to the historic Architectural Review Board should not these qual these qualitative terms apply do not the citizens of Bethlehem deserve the best the names Rodman young and Mara Fritz are not known to me on a personal basis the name Marsha Fritz is well known to me as well as many here in this room only because of her past service to the city the continued overlooking of Mrs fit's appointments to a historic position is a great concern to me should not cons also reflect this concern should not the citizen of Bethlehem be served by its best people and consequently should not appointments reflect this awareness the question for me becomes why is Miss Fritz not being appointed and should not Cil be asking the same question should not the Press also be asking the same questions if it wishes to report to its readers accurately council's action tonight will give a clear message to those who elected them to overseed the community's welfare and the action taken tonight on this appointment will reflect just that I would need quite a few fingers to count the number of Council meetings I've attended over the years and this isn't assign to that my basic comment and what to me has been the fundamental principle of a republic form of government is the original town counil the people behind me people were elected interacted that cease to exist and the people behind me are begging to go back to that although they haven't experienced that because they feel isolated and excluded and that's dangerous because it smacks in the face of good government and democracy and having seen that deterioration makes me very sad thank you Mr analex pardon is there anyone else in the wide Center who would to make comment on anything we're voting on tonight anyone to the right who want to make comment on anything we're voting on tonight thank you everyone we're going to continue on Old business any old business for members of council any new business for members of council Mr Callahan I have uh two two quick things hopefully um I don't know if Mr Evans or Miss cins wants to take this so there was a um uh a neighborhood meeting scheduled for uh the First Presbyterian issue um that night is two weeks from tonight and that is a night that we have a city council meeting I was asked by uh several of the uh residents to show up and I and I said yeah sure no problem but then I checked the schedule and we have a city council meeting that night I think it's a very very important issue uh to the residents that are out there who've been lining you know it's a big article in the paper um I think it's an important issue that I think I I would I know I want to be there I'm sure there's other people on Council that would like to be there uh so the only options I can think is either that meeting gets moved or we move city council to the following day the N well no I don't want to do it the 19th that's June that's juneth so let's stay so either move the neighborhood meeting or move city council to the 20th which is Thursday because I plan on being at the neighborhood meeting whenever it is so I don't want to I can't be at both places so if you just run it by the mayor and let us know uh we do have time to um publicly announce if we have to move e either meeting but I I want to be at and I was asked by some neighborhood um members to um if I could show up at the meeting and I told him that I would so I wasn't personally involved in the scheduling but my understanding is the church that is hosting the meeting provided a few dates and like ads between the organizers of the meeting itself who invited me and members of the city Administration to speak and present on opening doors between child care and vacations and other meetings we looked at a lot of dates and that was that was the one that was available so um you know that the group had invited this City to present and so that was you know we wanted to to honor that and so that's the date that we ended up going with thank you uh is so I I I don't ever recall moving a city council meeting so I I don't know what I don't know if there's anybody that has the will or want to be at this meeting I do if if we don't if we don't want to move it which I totally understand I mean I'm just i' I'd like to be at both meetings but I obviously can't and if it comes down to a choice choice but between the neighborhood meeting which I think is a huge issue uh obviously it's it's um a big issue in the city it's a big issue in the neighborhood uh I'd like to be there instead of here and if I have a Cho we if I have to make a choice I will be there and I would let you know ahead of time Mr uh president but uh I would I I I don't know if it's the will of council to move it to Thursday I I wouldn't like to do it on a Wednesday night but um I don't know what the will I whatever everybody else decides is fine with me so and I think we do have time to advertise I think we would have to advertise it right there may I reply Mr C just so I I would say I am not in favor of CH the date of a city council meeting uh it's talking about the just so I'm understanding correctly this is related to the First Presbyterian Church project and there's going to be a presentation or a community meeting that the night of the next council meeting am I understanding that correctly right well from I think also the neighbors are are eared the impression and I don't know if this is correct or not that it's uh it's about the opening doors policy too I think that's part of the presentation the the neighbors asked for a meeting with the city on the first pres and the opening door right yeah so so I would say um I would say in terms of changing a whole the whole city council schedule because of something going on the in the community not something I would commit to on the spot I also understand we're on a tight crunch I also understand Mr Miller has to look at the availability of town hall I also recognize there's certain we we advertise in the beginning of the year our meetings for the entire year so we'd have to um choose a date I guess tonight and then advertise for that and I don't even know I I'm not going to speak confidently about what those timelines are because I'm not sure and I'll defer to uh attorney Stewart in a second but two other things I'll just say to wrap it up Mr Callahan in terms of my perspective one as long as we have a quorum we can conduct Council business now obviously I can't predict what's going to be on the next Council agenda um it might be routine um items like we have tonight might be something a little more extraordin I don't know if it is something that's extraordinary that's not time sensitive we could always look at putting it on a different agenda with the recognition that people who might want to speak on it aren't at that next council meeting you know what I mean rather than have uh a split Council and then also as it relates to any presentation that's going to be had I know First Presbyterian has had other in terms of their project or what they're proposing I know they've had other community meetings I don't know I would assume they're going to have other ones in the future and as that relates to um City Administration I would say that we as a council could look at engaging City administration at any time in the future to hear whatever it is if we're not there I mean the the information the information obviously we wouldn't be able to if you're not there you're not going to hear what the uh back and forth is questions comments feedback during the presentation but in terms of what is being presented whether it's the opening doors um policy or as it relates to First Presbyterian or anything like that I I think that information there's potential just get it at another date but I do understand you know where we coming from with that conflict like I said on the spot I I would say I'm not in favor of um moving of moving the date I think I think there I totally understand I totally understand I really do I just I just thought if if I didn't know if anybody else wanted to be there and so I I will formally let you know now that I I I won't be president at the next meeting I will be at the uh at the uh opening doors presentation understood and I'll turn to miss Collins again because I think she had something else to add as it related to that I just wanted to add we're not presenting our First Presbyterian plan it's it's their own plan and any information about that project would have to do you mind come to the microphone please I just wanted to clarify in terms of the information being provided we're not presenting on first Presbyterians plan that is their plan they hold their own Community meetings they have hold held their own meetings I don't I think some of that information is on the website I'm not sure but we were asked to talk about the city's affordable you know housing comprehensive housing plan opening doors and then answer questions from the neighbors but the information that we would be presenting is is quite honestly the same as we've presented at northton Community College and in many other venues that's available on the website that is available by video but I think listening to even some suggestions from Council to go and see residents in their own neighborhood Who maybe didn't get out to those other meetings that's really the purpose of this meeting in our view is to is to share the city's information which you know many of you already have from coming to other other meetings but we understand that you know the interest of that group is specifically related to First pres but we it's that is still first Presbyterians project and we're not presenting on that or you know providing any additional information that you couldn't get from somewhere else thank you the I'm sorry go ahead well you still have the floor councilman calan I was gonna go on I I thought we were done what everybody was done it's related to this so can iue okay so um I I also have concerns because I think that it's important and I'm actually surprised and and I guess I question why um Administration would schedule a meeting the same night as a council meeting because I think it's important that council members have the opportunity to attend meetings such as this especially when it is a community meeting and it is a topic that is very important to the community members um and while I know we have the opening doors um report and there have been meetings regarding it or presentations um I think that what the community members are looking for is more meat to like we have this you know the consultant recommends this but what is the city going to do what are they going to specifically um put into action and I I really I feel strongly that I know it's really difficult scheduling but I feel strongly that the administration needs to Res it so council members can be present because I know it is it is um you know very difficult to resched a council meeting and while I I understand all the parameters of this meeting first of all I don't think it should have been scheduled the night of a council meeting I feel strongly regarding that and secondly I feel it should be rescheduled so we have the opportunity to be present because I met with many individuals in the community asking me questions and if I can't be at that meeting to hear you know right from the horse's mouth you know no pun intendent or um but what the administration is saying then I'm at a disadvantage when I have to respond to my constituents I think there are a couple more of us who have comments on this topic understood I'll start with councilwoman L and mo down to councilwoman Le so um you know one I'm glad to see that there are so many more uh so many conversations happening in the community about this project and the that particular First Press project and the larger plan I think that's great um I wanted to clarify is the meeting who is hosting the meeting the neighborhood group requested it Miss Collins again I'm gonna ask just please microphone stay up here for a few minutes I appreciate it yeah yeah sure the neighborhood group requested it and we worked with them to decide what location it would be at and then you we worked with the church that is hosting it to to find a DAT that worked for everybody so it's a First Presbyterian hosted meeting City it's at the Wesleyan Church so the neighborhood group requested it the location of the meeting is the Wesleyan Church so we worked with the church to to find a date that worked for the I think they're called concerned citizens or something like that concerned citizens okay um that's I was trying to figure out like wait is this a city meeting that got scheduled for the same night as a city council meeting or did an outside group schedule something on the same night as a city council meeting um I've been you know as you know I've been interested in this topic and trying to attend where I can so um yeah I mean it's kind of a pickle because it's not not a city it's not a city meeting to ask but I mean we did I I will say I mean we did work on the scheduling on our end and we we you know selected a date that worked that was within the you know the time they asked for a meeting within a couple you know couple weeks or you know a month and it's it's been a while now that we've been trying to schedule it so I think rather than looking out into you know August or or later I think you know unfortunately this is this is the day that that worked and it is it at the same time as city council or is it like uh believe it does start at 7 I think all right councilwoman Leo yeah it's 7 o'clock thank you so um I guess uh I I've gone to quite a few of the housing meetings and um so I feel like I'd have most of that information with the exception of the the first press component were their dates offered that were not Tuesdays at 7 o'clock like did they have an array like array of dates to pick from that the the church that's hosting at Wesleyan they provided dates they have other programming I think you know they have regular scheduled meetings on Mondays for some organizations they have other um regularly scheduled meetings there were some non- Tuesday dates but just between not that coincided with everybody else's schedule yeah yeah I mean we okay um is there the ability to like I'm not saying provide a zoom link and everybody can zoom in but is there the ability to record because I think Council Presence at any community meeting is a is a good thing we obviously need quum so if one or two of us are going to go then the rest of us need to stay um so has there been consideration given to like recording of that specific meeting that maybe Council can review later and I know it's not your I would have to double check but I would think that that's a possibility like I would just just on my part president cologne I'm out of town on the 19th through like the 25th so rescheduling wouldn't be something that I would be in favor of because I wouldn't be here either way so I don't really have a um a dog in that fight but it would just I think recording the meeting would be good for everybody who cannot go that day if half of council does want to go we still need to maintain quum at least recording the meeting would give us the opportunity to to it later to double check with the group that they're comfortable with that and the church that they're comfortable with that but but if so I would think that that's a possibility yeah I I don't know if this works but what's the I I know during covid we had um Meetings online and we could attend online we we had online meetings and we voted so if I'm if if any of us want to go uh and I guess this is a question for the solicitor if we if let's say one or two people wanted to be here and then 451 to be at the uh could we attend the meeting uh online or um through simultaneous yeah I mean I know we I I know at some point I wasn't in Council to time that we stopped doing that after after the covid crisis to to answer your question I'm I'm sorry yeah um the rules that permitted all of council to participate uh virtually were repealed at kind of the end of The Declaration of the end of the pandemic uh and where it stands now is that you have to have an in-person Quorum um and if you have an in-person Quorum other members can participate electronically um you can there there's a caveat to that rule where say you have an in-person Quorum and then someone has to leave then somebody on participating virtually can be part of the Quorum um but essentially you need bodies in the room for to start yeah yeah yeah okay Attorney Stuart can I also just ask you in order to participate virtually aren't there certain criteria including um participating virtually because of poor health or caring for someone in your household being out of town on business there there are very specific reasons to permit um participation virtually and this situation wouldn't fall into those parameters so that that is also an aspect of it that would preclude that possibility in this instance I I would just say to miss Collins and then um sorry for interjecting Mr call I'll get turn the floor back over to you in a second but miss Collins just keep us informed I me just from my perspective if if members of council choose to attend as is everyone's right like we talked about if there's anything um of grand substance or atypical on the next Council agenda that that council members want to talk to me about between now and then let me know like I said I I don't know all that would be on the next agenda other than might be um nothing out of the ordinary potentially where we're not going to have anything and then um if there's potential to have the meeting recorded let us know I mean I know that's not the cities um doing but as you collaborate with uh those that are coordinating this so but again reate I'm not in favor of rescheduling a council meeting but I understand Council MERS are going to miss thank you um with anybody else have any comments before I go to my second item on this just one whoever's directly in contact with the neighborhood group who is organizing it if you could ask because obviously there's plenty of us interested in the content if they can and will record just so you know we're sure that the question gets there from anybody be appreciated uh I would just say again I I if it can be rescheduled if at all possible I think that would be um The best scenario thank you Council I will recognize mayor Reynolds uh has joined us and then was there anything re briefed on what we're talking about mayor Rose Mr Evans just kind of caught me up a little bit on the conversation so if I miss um but obviously about having to do with the June 18th meeting um I can just tell you uh that uh you know the meeting is the majority of the meeting is going to be similar to uh what we have presented already as far as what the origin of opening doors was about different things going on with population Le have Valley uh Mr tul is going to talk about some of what we're working on now as far as the priorities um and then as we have said before you know obviously a lot of people there are and then we're going to talk and I'm going to talk kind about like how zoning Works how zoning doesn't work like what is included in zoning like kind of get a little bit into the kind of the weeds there which I've talked to some of the people in that group about um but I can tell you and I think Miss Collins had some comments in the paper is like the gist of our message is going to be is you have two groups of people those involved with the church and those in the neighborhood that are obviously in a high degree of conflict as far as what is is going on there and what we are going to say and what I'm going to say as far as the questions about that is concerned um is the idea that like we very much believe that the conversation between those two groups need to continue going into the future um as far as nobody wants to spend a lot of money in court we've seen these things happen before so we very much are encouraging both uh sides as far as the church and then also a lot of the neighbors to continue the conversations and then the one thing we are going to talk about a little bit if the question comes up and people want to talk about the plan but one of the things that we are going to try to do is kind of redirect the conversation towards like the bigger conversation is about the zoning of the church and because the plan is obviously an idea and it's a concept and they're talking about this now but the real conversation I think as as far as that particular property is concerned is like what the future of the zoning looks like behind that church is you have the uh whatever the like a retirement residential complex is that Kirkland is as far as like those other zoning districts that surround it it is it is our opinion that we've just and it's not we think probably the best thing for them to do is both sides to continue to have this conversation about zoning as far as some type of District if you know anything about institutional zoning which is what the church is it's a rarity for churches and that church you have a lot of different options of institutional which is two cemeteries back of the golf course so there's a real long-term zoning conversation that they have time to do because based on what happened with you know what we had seen in the newspaper last week that they weren't talking about doing anything for like a year or so so just as like and obviously we can report we can do all of those different things that Mr Evans told me about but I'm just telling you that's the gist and obviously people ask questions and things like that but that's going to be our message as it relates to that like we are not the church it's not our project it is their project obviously they've talked about different concepts they've gone through a process that they thought was the best process to go through but just kind of a preview of what that conversation is going to be it's going to be those type of kind of that kind of presentation I'll probably start the the the meeting after some introductions by uh you know the group I don't know if it's somebody from the church or somebody from um you know the the group will kind of start that and then that's where we're going to kind of start with is the idea that like obviously there's a lot of conflict going on and that needs to be lowered I think for those groups to come together and have a real conversation which I think they have time to do if there's nothing that's going to happen in the near future so that's just kind of a preview of what that conversation is going to look like I I don't think that um I I don't want to speak for them because it's obviously very it's a large group I don't know how large but from what I'm hearing it's over 350 but from what I'm being told their main concern is the rezoning um platform that's in the opening doors um policy of changing and I'm not saying this is what you're doing I'm not accusing anybody this but uh they do not want single family neighborhoods rezoned to multif family neighborhoods and that's that's the one of the big issues I keep hearing yeah and it's obviously Mr call it's a conversation that we have consistently we have consistently with people in that neighborhood in those different groups and that's kind of what I was going to say like the non-ir Press zoning part of the conversation uh is going to include how our zoning C code works the idea that in residential neighborhoods we have a lot more control with setbacks with height and things like that we obviously are very sensitive about that the research that it calls to do for in there and you know not to get too into it but I think that this is part of what the conversation has been two weeks so I think it's helpful to have this conversation so if you ever looked at the zoning code there's certain things that are allowed and not allowed in the individual districts so in the four or five different residential ones so for example like in like RS or r r which is like where Natalie and I live which ab buts this you know rural residential area on Center Street and surrounds the neighborhood like currently they're not allowed you're not allowed to if you had an open parcel of land to even put like a half a double on so any conversation as you would see in any of these housing strategies starts with this idea of how you necessarily look at land usage but as we know and as is mentioned many times throughout that any conversation about development is like nobody wants somebody taking down buildings and putting up new new buildings like I think we've been pretty clear about that I think it mentions infill like 15 different times within opening doors but that conversation would require some research to see about whether or not there was even any open land available and this is all things that I've shared with different people it's been a bit of frustrating for us that even though this conversation has happened many times in many different places it hasn't necessarily gotten across everybody but that's okay we're accessible we keep having that conversation so if you have a neighborhood that has 500 parcels and you have uh buildings or homes on 497 of them like it takes a lot of conversation to even investigate the idea of Zoning for those three Parcels that don't have anything on them because the amount of time and care I mean that's why you have things like the zoning hearing board the zoning part of the opening doors which we have said we will continually said and this is part of the reason we're going out there and I'm going to have this conversation kind of go through what it looks like that you go from single family homes do you have like doubles you have triples you have apartment buildings all these different types of things that we are not in favor of that that opening doors doesn't say says a lot about investigating for scale and form and things like that is being able to look at this with the right amount of like what's the priority and at the previous opening doors conversations we've talked about how miss heler and miss Collins and Mulo are working on our Gateway and fourth project they're working on um our choice neighborhoods project they're working on the adus which there are some zoning questions about that Miss Eller and missou will be able to answer but as far as like broadscale zoning changes that's just not something and I will continue to say it I will continue say it to them and one thing I found to be completely honest is when I get some of these people in the phone they're like oh that makes complete sense and other people are like I don't believe that that's what you guys want to do and I'm like okay all we can necessarily do is provide the information explain how zoning Works how it doesn't work obviously I think you know the level of sophistication in our zoning code what we necessarily stand up for or against um I think you guys have that Cur of amendment next week that grew out of the fact that we have limitations as far as you know lengths and Heights and things like that our zoning districts so that is something that we take very very seriously and I'm going to start the meeting by saying this is like what we hope with the takeaways after the meeting and one of the things that Miss hel and I are going to talk about is how serious we take zoning and the fact that we take zoning so seriously is why we have avoided some of the things that go on in other townships that have a very simplified zoning code of three or four or five districts is why they end up getting warehouses in these different places and things like that so like that's going to be that conversation and like I said we're going to we're going to go and we're going to talk about that but that is not something that is currently on the table or that we are working on or researching or doing anything which takes years and we will have that conversation what has got conflated though is obviously the situation that a lot of people in our neighborhood are very uh concerned about which is the first press situation and that's why we're going to provide information on the opening doors piece on the zoning piece and then we're going to answer questions about the process that they might go through as far as the city side but it but you know there's there's there's a clear delineation there but the one thing that we have been working on extensively and can answer a lot of questions on and then the other thing that we're not going to answer a lot of questions on because it's not our project other than as the mayor I'm saying that I think the two groups have time to get together to talk about the future of what that parcel looks like because zoning is permanent as we know so when you change the zoning you are changing what all of the options are to be able to put on there based on what the zoning code allows right so I think the zoning code should be coming first before they're necessarily talking about the plan from our point of view which is just something that we are going to try to relay as far as what our opinion is and that's something that Miss Collins had shared in the newspaper last week yeah and and I'm sure it's something we can all discuss later on at that meeting I I think there from my from what I'm understanding their main concern is that there's something in that opening doors policy that would permit um someone buying a a big home like over in uh the Mana neighborhood and turning it in from turning it from a single family home into a multif family home and that's their concern and there and I think it would be a misf founded and wrong concern because that's both not the way zoning works as you probably know as well I as the mayor Miss heler Miss Collins Mr spurk we don't vote on the changing of zoning we we we don't that's something city council decides there is nothing probably in city government that moves slower or with more transparency than any individual conversations about zoning I think we've all gone through the public hearings and things like that so I would hope now that we have shared this information so much that people like yourself when people bring that up you could raise your hand and you say no no Mr Reynolds talked about this at the last meeting he explained about how zoning works I know that what you may think or what you may have heard or you may have seen is the way things work but that's not actually it works and this is actually and that's why I really appreciate these conversations because it creates a group of people then that can be carriers of what the truth is to be able to get to these people to be able to get to people that may not understand how zoning Works to be able to point out like no no that's not how it works this is how it actually works I think I think I think what their their thought Pro process is again I'm not saying it is your process is that your Administration is pushing it and they think there's enough votes on Council eventually to do what's in that plan and I think think you know it's it's your Administration and you're you're going to do what you want to do and and I think you always try to do what's best for the city I honestly think that uh but I think if you see the number of signs out there and it's not just there it's an edge burrow you know they're all over and there's a lot of different signs popping up which I'm sure you're aware of um you know and and I'm just telling you their main concern is they want that part of the zoning taken out of the opening doors and I think everything would go away at that point I don't know if that's possible or not but yeah and what I what I would say is and like I said it is our neighborhood and I say that's like the it is literally the neighborhood that Natalie and Leo and I live in so when we're walking around and we're talking to people and we're having conversations about what is true and what is not true like it is certainly something that we are very aware and very comfortable with like this is the way democracy works I never would have wanted this job if I wasn't going to be able to answer questions and be transparent and be accessible and I would have never asked the people behind me to stand with us if that wasn't the way that we we look at doing this we cannot be any clearer what I can ask though is now that this is a situation that's talked about again and we know the way zoning works and doesn't work and it's nothing we can snap our fingers on it's nothing that you know city council can even decide we're going to do this tomorrow or whatever it might be and I can't be any clearer and if you look back at as well that we've talked about over my time in my 17 years here like zoning zoning text amendments are things that I take very very seriously but I would hope that once this information is shared and what is truthful that process there and if you went through it is a menu of different options as far as for people to take on it is continues to be amazing to me that a group of people will take one small like line or two lines in a 100 page document and ignore everything else that provides the context and the perspective that it helps to explain what the priorities are that are in there but like I said I I used to teach I understand sometimes you need to talk about things over and over again but I will say there's a real there's a real value in the people that understand this being able to turn around the next time you have phone calls or emails and be like no no go back and listen to me and Mr R's conversation the last city council meeting um because you know it's it's as clear and as transparent as it can be yeah I I I think if those lines those one or two lines you're referring to were taken out I think they're I think they'd be at ease but it's something we can discuss later I don't I don't want to get in there Ju Just to to move the conversation along just to reiterate to anyone follow along that meeting is Tuesday June the two weeks from today yeah the 18 that would be the 18th at 7 pm over at Wesley method not first press at the church and I had that mixed up earlier thank you we're we're 141 and 142 polling is understood Mr Callan we're still on new business to floor I just said one of the things so um I I know several people brought up the uh the the loud dirt bikes I don't know Mr Mike so I I'm not trying to put you on a spot and if you don't know the answer it's no problem I can wait um but do we have like a no chase policy like with um you know the biker I'm talking like the dirt bike situations where these you know these kids R on these dirt bikes flying through the the streets well any police chase gets to be dangerous so each one is evaluated individually for whether it's worth chasing somebody for what the violation is or not all right that's I so if I mean we we see them all the time everybody does it's not just over in your neighborhood you know they're they're they're on Main Street everywhere yeah and it's it's really something that I wanted to bring up later on down the road but you know I mean we had some really extensively long meetings and and this is one of the issues I wanted to address with the mayor but um if you're dining on Main Street which there's a lot of businesses down there uh and there's a lot of people the just not the bike it's not just the dirt bikes it's the street bikes too that are coming through there and you know they're at to they're just for no reason I mean revving the engine as loud as they can and it kind it's kind of like a canyon there it's just bouncing off all the and it's Extremely Loud and it's it's inappropriate you know and sometimes there's a lot of times there's cars coming up there windows down right and the it their stereo system whatever they got in there is as loud as it could be so I don't know if we can have like I don't know if there such thing as quiet zones you know I know in some cities they have those but I know there's legal technicalities as far as like you know the police department has to have um what do you call it a decel meter it has to be calculated you know if it goes to court and all so I I just think there's got to be a little solution not a complicated one to help the the downtown businesses who who I've heard from on this I've I've witnessed it myself just as you know the neighbor it's just not in your neighborhoods it's all over it's all it's all over it's a very hard thing to do and I I'm not sure we really want the police department chasing these kids on dirt bikes because now there's there's a possibility of accidents and people getting injured I mean I I totally get I don't know what the solution is but there there's got to be a way of especially in our downtown area and our dining areas where uh Main Street businesses are need you know the summer money and and to survive for the year and there's got to be a way to I don't know police it control it uh moderate it something I don't know I don't I don't know if is H information so these writers are wearing Mass a lot bikes don't have plates but many reside in the city so if residents know where the actors reside at and pass that information to the police department we've leads to follow up with and if they want to R remain anonymous they can do that through our tip line uh just me at the moment but they can always call 865 7,000 as well down to the service center and pass that information along to us does uh Administration have any ideas and and how we could help the situation as far as like the dirt bikes the off-road dirt bikes and the allow you know the L I mean the Revan of of engines I mean it's do we still have I know we had the community pleasing uh with mayor uh donz are we still doing that where the police are on their feet yeah I mean I would defer to the deputy I mean this is a conversation that's come up before as far as you know using our bicycle cops and things like that to to be able to get down there um but it is obviously the Enforcement issue is is a challenging one but it's something that I think Chief cotc got some ideas about I would probably just defer to her for next meeting or whatever when she's back so she can you know I'm not blaming anybody I'm just I don't think I'm just trying to look I'm trying to come up with a solution for everybody not not only the neighbors but the businesses and the people that are going downtown to you know have a quiet quiet dinner on Main Street or AB Broad and you know it's just I mean there's there's if you sit down there long enough they it's like a loop you know they do the loop and they just they want everybody to notice them yeah and dirt bikes can be a problem in a lot of neighborhoods not just downtown right um so it's coming up with an overall policy um as far as you know where you see them I mean you sometimes you see them in the greenway sometimes you see them in different areas um so it really is a Citywide FOC focus on whatever that policy would be um but like I said I think I think Chief cot has some different potential ideas there um that I would probably defer to her and our Traffic Unit um police officers to be able to uh bring to the table I appreciate it thank you any other new business from members of council councilwoman KY Smith thanks I just had um I did speak to or through email um Chief Reich and U Mr Al call and deputy chief Mike so but I've had some some the same person actually contacted me that they're concerned about fire hydrant and they're not painted yellow so I just wanted to get clear so are we not painting areas around the fire hydrant yelling yellow at all anymore like a no parking area okay and since when and and is it a cost issue or a a Manpower issue can you explain why thank you mrle all that but I think one of the main factors was that like in winter time you can't you know snow events you can't see the yellow gets covered so they move to signage okay where was critical to enforce um we put up a sign no part from here over so we putting signs in where near where every fire hydrant is because they're telling me they're not that's the method of delineation that has been chosen in the past it doesn't exist everywhere it's supposed to right now okay does not is it some is it again cost prohibitive or is it something that we could look into it is obviously takes a lot of resources to do but it's combination factors that have uh put us in the situation that we're on and then there's also the competing interest of of of parking needs on street parking all those factors is why we're where we are with this okay because well this particular person is concerned because she feels several or or it's often that people are parking that area and she's afraid of an accessibility issue if there God forbid is it a fire an emergency and the fire folks cannot get to the hydrant so um I mean she's even willing to pay for the sign and put it up herself and I said no that should not be necessary the chief we spoke about it today and the chief will provide response and directions of what right I me yeah and I just wanted to look further because I know you know we she can certainly call the on- emergency number she seems to be part there but um again I know her and other people have repeatedly asked me this issue and they're going to ask again that's why I wanted to just get really clear on where a policy is do you foresee us looking at trying to get the signs up in areas in the in the future or is it really just a cost like a budgetary issue we can we can we can revisit that yeah okay all right thank you and I would just add to that Miss kmy Smith because it was something that they had shared with me today is one of the other things like look at the other the other side of it just just from like the Enforcement issue and this is one of those things that obviously you're balancing out all the different interests is that when you put up the oftentimes it's not even the sign it's as Mr alcol kind of like alluded to it's somebody that is parking and maybe they're like a foot past or they're two feet past and we know that I think it's supposed to be 15 feet is what it is but nobody obviously is going around with like a tape measure being like you're 13 feet you're 14 feet so it's one of those things that if it becomes and if if it is then that's what it is it's just a it's a classic example that if you start to enforce that everywhere you're going to end up with like a significant amount of tickets probably with people that are like I was six inches in or I was 12 inches in or I was two feet in like we do give out a lot of tickets if it looks like you're blocking it or if you're down there and you're like three or four feet away it just becomes like a lot of things and I just want to put this out there before the conversation goes on too far is it does become a potential and it's not a reason not to do it but just so we know and it kind of goes back to my conversation with Mr Callahan is like that is a Enforcement issue when and I remember when I was in Council I would get the emails like well I got this parking ticket and I think I was probably six inches into the no parking Zone closer to we try to use some type of I don't use it but they try to use some type of Common Sense there so it's just something to think about as far as like enforcement is concerned but obviously the ones that are like the safety hazards and things like that and we can absolutely look to see if at that particular in intersection there is a there is a there's the no parking sign or not yeah thank you I think because um like I said this person is saying that it is very frequent and I understand it is you know if it's somebody's blatantly parking there and it's up for interpretation but you know overall we have to think about the safety too God for bid if there is a fire that you know the fire trucks can't get in so thank you appreciate it thank you councilwoman any other new business for members of council councilwoman L um so I was going to address Mr Rodriguez but I think he left uh just that it was mentioned that West Union Boulevard has a lot of trees that uh need work and I live on West Union and I know that in the last week several of those were uh taken care of and the city Forester has been out talking to people about what can be done so um yeah if anybody sees him or he watches online then um that is underway um I also wanted to thank Public Works I know I had reached out about the Spring Street neighborhood uh like around 6th in Spring and just all the work happening and it was like challenging to navigate um it appears to be almost done and the road is like it is awesome uh it is very smooth so um that looks like it came together quite well um and then um M Akbar uh I you know really appreciated you speaking and uh your your concern for local Health policy and initiatives so I was hoping that um you know somebody you can talk to me after the meeting or if somebody can connect her with the health Bureau maybe uh because you were talking about who oversees our health policy um to be able to see what you can do as an Engaged resident thanks any other new business councilwoman Leo along that line I just wanted to bring up especially because we have so many people coming in that are interested in getting engaged in the city north side and Southside tomorrow are two um programs that are run through the city and Community Action um that you can get involved with and we talk about water we talk about housing accessibility and affordability we've entertained conversations regarding uh Miss Angela's idea for what we can do as as a city or within our our court system to allow for some kind of Housing Court thing so if there is a desire to get involved in the city to learn more about policy a really good start that is it's so like low barrier kind of thing you don't have to know zoning or anything like that to get involved in North Side alive and Southside tomorrow and it's a place where your voice can be heard and you can see real tangible change rather quickly so just put that out there for our thousands of viewers online that want to get involved in the city limiting it to thousands of viewers any other new business for members of council uh just briefly um I know it came up and chief Mike so I'm not going to ask you to reaffirm my comment but I would just remind everyone it was asked what to do when you witness W reckless driving reckless driving in your neighborhoods uh there's tens of thousands of residents with phones that far outnumber the number of police officers on duty at any given time I'll speak from personal experience we've had in my neighborhood off Pennsylvania Avenue um someone who was driving I'll just say recklessly on a motorcycle with a toddler on the back seat this was a couple summers ago my wife and I called the department couple uh Patrol Vehicles came by and were able to um stop the person at the time is that always the case gonna say no it's just not practical in terms of enforcement but I think it starts with awareness I I have said before and I always remind everyone if it's the old see something say something don't hesitate to call the non-emergency number don't hesitate to call 911 if you don't if it is something urgent and you don't know the non-emergency number because then uh patrol officer will be dispatched out to the neighborhood and that's where you have to at least start the process there and then where it goes from there you kind of at the mercy of where the driver went and things like that but information is always key as Chief Mike Will alluded to as it relates to enforcement and it starts with just communicating to the department especially if it's something that's chronic in terms of one particular vehicle or Fender or something like that I know there's conversation for other policies as was discussed as it relates to noise and things like that but reckless driving is a law on the books going through stop signs is a law on the books things that um put others in danger are laws that while we're looking at other policies we could try to communicate out when we see them and that's what I would always suggest for anybody to do I had one quick question just following up on something else that came up during public comment as it relates to the my Bethlehem app I don't know who could speak to it if there are issues where it's malfunctioning or not do we do we service that ourselves internally or does that go through like a uh I don't know much about how these applications work does that go through a third party if it were if the system was down malfunctioning whatever it would be what what would be the remedy there if someone's trying to submit something and there was um not just potentially like a user error but a true malfunction of the system it's a a subscription it's a third party that c click fix is who we have been contracted with since 2019 runs the app so you don't have many calls in that's not working it seems to work pretty well you do get a large number most is by phone by far to the service center by phone and the second email and then the app is right about there with emails so would just a call to the Ser someone was experiencing some kind of potential malfunction would a call to the service center be I mean that would at least initi whatever the problem what was brought up was a password ER and email ER from sounded like to me that could be worked through in that form versus the software itself yeah coun uh yeah sorry just a very brief followup on that because I I meant to address it um I had the same exact issue happen with that app um that like I the email did not come through to spam to like I work in it I did the troubleshooting that I could do with the app um and ended up texting mayor Reynolds about a tree branch that was hanging from a uh wire because I was like I can't do this right now but um it might be worth noting to whoever is in contact with that vendor that there does seem to be some issue getting the password reset emails through okay any other new business before we move on it's it's on the same topic so do they also do the are they also responsible for the uh the city website or no no that's KSA India that's different all right I a couple meetings ago some a few people had mentioned that they couldn't find the um opening doors policy it was hard to F can we have them move that to more prominent it's on the front page sure you had a chance to read it but it's on there I appreciate that thank you any other new business members Council we're going to continue on Communications 6A Mr Miller May 28th 2024 memorandum with proposed resolution from director of public uh correction director of water and sewer resources Edward boscola Mr boscola recommends a contract with penon Associates Incorporated at Bethlehem which will conduct a geophysics study of section of East Market Street between North new and Center streets to explore sinkholes that have occurred over the years cost is $10,000 the estimated completion date is August 31st 2024 there are no renewals this contractor provide the lowest of two bids received and resolution 10A is on the agenda 6B May 29th 2024 memorandum and proposed resolution from DC business manager Tiffany Wismer Miss Wismer recommends a contract with forward planning of Philadelphia to conduct a market study and strategy for the stepco Penbrook neighborhood to evaluate the demand for affordable market rate rental and for sale housing cost is $25,000 and the work is to be completed by December 31st 2025 there are no renewals resolution 10B is on the agenda tonight 6C May 29th 2024 memorandum with an intergovernmental cooperation agreement and a proposed resolution from city solicitor John spurk Jr Mr spurk recommends entering into an intermunicipal water service agreement between Lehigh County Authority city of Allentown Bethlehem Authority and the City of Bethlehem the agreement would permit design and construction of interconnects between the Water Systems in the event of emergencies arising ring from either water system and the resolution is on the agenda this evening 6D May 28 2024 memorandum from city solicitor johnf spark Jr with an attached use permit agreement and resolution permit is Arts Quest and the event is the 2024 Independence Day celebration event dates are noon until 11:00 p.m. on July 4 2024 duration is noon until 11:30 p.m. on July 4th 2024 specified premises is First Street from PK Street to the Eastern Terminus and Founders way between first and second streets and resolution 10d is on the agenda 6E May 28th 2024 memorandum from city solicitor John espark Jr with an attached use permit agreement and resolution permit is Arts Quest and the event is the 2024 one Earth Reggae Fest the event date is July 6 2024 from 2 p.m. until midnight duration of the permit is from 10:00 a.m. and on July 6th through 2 a.m. on July 7th specified premises is First Street from po Street to the Eastern Terminus and Founders way between first and second streets and resolution 10 e is on the agenda tonight 6f May 29th 20124 memorandum from city solicitor John mbark Jr with an attached use permit agreement and resolution peras Arts quest in the event is 2024 saber Latin Festival event times are 6m until midnight on June 28th and 300 p.m. until midnight on June 29th duration is noon on June uh on June 28th until 1:00 am. on June 29th and 1 p.m on June 29th until 1:00 a.m on June 30th specified premises is First Street from Founders way to the Eastern Terminus and resolution 10f is on tonight's agenda 6G May 29th 2024 memorandum from city solicitor John mburg Jr with an attached use permit agreement and a resolution permit Arts Quest and the event is the 2024 Copa day America watch party the event times are 2 2: to 11:00 p.m. on June 23rd 2024 duration is noon until 11: p.m. on June 23rd specified premises is what first street from Founders way to the Eastern Terminus resolution 10g is on the agenda communication 6h May 29th 2024 memorandum from city solicitor Johnsburg Jr with an attached use permit agreement and resolution permittee is Christmas City Spirits LLC and the sub permittee is the Redevelopment authority of the city of Bethlehem the event is the pride party paloa event times are 2: to 7:00 p.m. on June 23rd 2024 duration is noon to 8:00 p.m. on June 23rd specified premises are locations adjacent to the Sun and Courtyard as specified in an attached exhibit resolution 10h is on the agenda 6i May 23rd 2024 memorandum with an attached resolution from Edward boscola director of water and sewer resources recommending a transfer of funds within the water capital budget $420,000 would be transferred from account number 007a hyen 77100 future Capital needs to account number 007a 7702 distribution system extensions and account number 007a 7 7005 replace rehab Distribution Systems to replace a 100y old waterm in Freemansburg and extend a water main and East Allen Township for new residential development 10 eyes on tonight's agenda 6j May 21st 2024 memorandum with a proposed ordinance from Public Works director Michael alol recommending an addition of funds to the non-utility capital budget the adjustment reflects 377,000 $157 receiv received from UGI to reimburse the city for Road overlay costs for work performed in 2022 spending in account number 69999 hyen 6658 will increase from $752,500 two to $1,130 359 and non-utility capital revenue account number 006a hyen 35001 UGI Paving reimbursement will increase from $852,500 two to 1,233 59 the adjustment will amend the total non-utility capital budget from 23 m7745 27 to 24,1 52,589 and new ordinance 9B is on the agenda this evening 6K a May 29th 2024 memorandum and attached proposed ordinance from assistant city solicitor Matthew desler the ordinance would amend article 347 of the city's codified ordinances to add to its schedule of fees a fee charge by POF Law Associates for providing a guaranteed payoff amount as to any delinquent accounts the fee would be charged to the person requesting the payoff amount such as an individual seeking to purchase property and inquiring if there are associated fee delinquencies and new ordinance 9A is on the agenda last communications 6L May 29th 2024 memorandum from director of community and economic development Laura Collins requesting that public hearings be set for June 18 2024 the first is on funding recommendations to Council of 1,414 1854 in Community Development block grant funds and $391,900 in home investment partnership program allocations for 2024 second is to consider proposed substantial Amendment reallocations of the cdbg slome funding to several new projects I'll accept a motion and then a second schedule a public hearing for June 18 2024 to consider the 2024 program year cdbg and home allocations and the proposed substantial amendment reallocations of cdb and home funds to several of the new projects so moved second motion by councilwoman quch second by councilwoman Leon any discussion we'll call the rooll Miss Leon hi Mr Callahan hi Miss gmy Smith hi quch I miss lard hi Mr colom I pass to 60 so that public hearing scheduled for June 18 2024 moving on to reports I have nothing to report this evening Mr Mayor uh thank you I uh my first administrative order is I hereby reappoint Rodman young 72 East Market Street Beth PA 188 to the board of historical Architectural Review this appointment is effective through March 2029 administrative order 2024 25 Rodman young to the board of historical and Architectural Review resolution is sponsored by Miss Leon and Mr cologne any discussion on the appointment actually I had a general question about the appointments and I was wondering if like we have term limits for authorities boards and commissions can people only serve for so long in one capacity to allow for new people to cycle in and out or is it somebody can serve on a an ABC for like 30 years so I will turn to Mayor Reynolds in one moment but from my experience not that I'm I know there's term limits to the appointment you serve for a set term to then be reappointed by the mayor at the time and reconfirmed by Council but um not that I'm aware of with any of the different authorities boards and commissions mayor Reynolds your input I don't believe so and just to kind of get to that I think at one of those previous meetings I had talked about what our kind of appointment reappointment like kind of record was and I think it was about 5050 as far as like reappointing people or new appointments so I think it was a combination of that so it was it was just a general question I know it's hard to get people to come out for ABCs in in general but was just curious as to to that and as you said this was a reappointment too yeah and I I would say that you know and we a lot of different qualities or characteristics go into how we decide to make appointments or not and I can tell you that it doesn't come down to it's how much uh do people want to be a part of it what Specialties are they bringing to it do we have you know sometimes different factors you think about and some of these are Geographic balance or professional balance as far far as different backgrounds um with things like that when new people want to be able to um be a part of it um you know we try to find the right spot for them uh sometimes you know there's not as many that are as interesting as people think they are uh but some of them also have particular rules and like harb is one of them as far as like how many different people you appoint here and there and things like that um I can tell you though that generally what happens with these particular appointments and whether or not somebody is reappointed or not is that they fit into one of the different categories whether or not it's the Water Authority with Mr basolo or um you know Miss heler who works a lot with the har in the HTC and the questions often are are they coming to meetings are they engaged are they you know Pleasant with the public are they you know all of these different things and I will tell you that oftentimes you know and and this I just happen to say this about Mr Young is you know Mr Young was you know someone that you know made negative comments about you know our conversation about the Wallner Street Garage didn't stop us from reappointing him to the board um because it's a dedicated person that wants to be a part of it um so like there's a lot of factors that go into this um but it's never personal as far as like reappointing people or not it comes down to is there somebody out there that has a level of expertise that they can bring to the table can they attend the meetings can they go above and beyond um and you know sometimes those people are on for a couple terms sometimes those people are on for one term um and some people are you know kind of there but not exactly there and then you talk to the professionals that are involved and you say we need more from our board members to be able to lead so that's just kind of a background in what the process is that goes into it um just a a procedural question too like if people have um questions about why someone is or is not appointed um if they were considered at all um is that a matter of record like I would imagine that there are many cases where people wouldn't want their personal reasons for not being appointed or reappointed shared with the general public and as volunteers you know I don't I don't know how that works so um if people have a question about why someone is or is not appointed or reappointed when they are considered do they just go to that person do they go to the administration or do they just say Well there must have been a reason um yeah I would say that we are going to be very very hesitant about telling other people other than that particular individual what the rationale was as far as and you know the first thing that happens and I've made these phone calls before to people is like thank you like we really even back when I was in city council sometimes when we voted for somebody else to to kind of take a position I might call them and say thank you for your service thank you for your 10 years thank you for your 12 years thank you for your 13 15 years thank you for your four or five years um but it is it is not something though that they all are volunteers and we thank all of our volunteers so it's a situation that if you said you know you know mayor why didn't you you know reappoint this person I'm going to give you the same answer I just kind of gave is that there's often internal conversations about what skills people necessarily bring to the table oftentimes your board members need to be good at things that maybe the staff members aren't good at and things like that um so it it is a there's a there's a number of factors there but we are never going to say publicly that you know somebody didn't deserve to be reappointed we will Pro if we are deciding not to reappoint somebody when it all possible we will call them and have conversations what often happens though too you've probably seen this before is like you fill people to fill the vacancy of somebody or reappointment because sometimes it's just the unfortunate reality people just stop showing up the meetings or they move or there's life change in their in their family or health situation going on so it's not as easy as saying like hey can we have a conversation um but if like a citizen is wondering why I would ask the person who we've probably had a conversation with because in general they're all volunteers we thank them for their service and we're not going to probably go too much into what we believe were the skills that they do or do not take to the board and like the seriousness that it has as far as millions of dollars or whatever it is got it thank you any other discussion Mr call I I I would just say on that I mean uh generally some of these boards uh are are common sense and things that you know you can learn on the Fly I think some of them are a little bit more intricate a little bit more complicated like planning I there's a lot of stuff that goes into Planning and Zoning I don't know what other I'm trying to think off the top of my head what other board's pretty complicated like that but I I mean uh when Dr Van w got uh appointed to the what was the zoning I I thought that was a good new new person to get on there because she obviously has a lot of experience in in in Planning and Zoning uh but I think generally you know um those types of boards we want to try to keep at least a few people on there that can keep the machine running you know that that are experiencing those in those areas because you know they're very complicated yeah just to add to that I think in some areas that is absolutely true one of the things that we've tried to do is and we've been deliberate about this is wait to find the right person that can bring something to that so of course and some of them like for example like you know the Water Authority board or the batham authority board works very close with our like water and sewer staff the Planning Commission Works close with our planning bureau there's other ones though like the like the parking authority where it's not as much interaction with us so when we like we appointed Mr sabinsky who's an engineer who's very into um you know smart urban planning and things like that as far as parking policy so we are trying to think Mr Callahan and I agree with you that some of them require more kind of expertise in different areas than others but we also think that there's a lot of opportunity sometimes to bring people on to lift boards to be able to get a kind of new role that we see that they could kind of fill interacting with their particular staff members that maybe haven't hasn't always happened um so we're trying to I agree with you I guess what I'm saying is like we're trying to lift all of them to that level of like sophistication to to match kind of smart policy rather than which and look I appointed I think I voted for just about every single appointment that ever came to me as the mayor but I think traditionally there have been times where it's just good person wants to volunteer let's put them on a board which in some areas as you said it's it's not a problem but I I and we personally think like if possible you wait a little bit longer to find the right person that will bring that board what they need at that right that particular time right any other discussion from members of council Mr Miller call the role please miss Leon hi Mr Callahan hi gry Smith hi M quch hi M lard hi and Mr col I pass 60 thank you uh just a couple quick updates uh last week um we uh unveiled the new mural along the greenway which once again was another successful uh partnership um between our artistic Community Southside Arts District the city the school district so I know that was something that a couple of us were there for so thank you we also raised the pride flag last week thank you for everybody um that was able to attend that um this Saturday we are raising the Portuguese flag uh Saturday at 10 am. and then on Sunday uh the juneth flag ceremony is at 3: p.m. um and then just my last two um updates are uh on Friday we are our chief Reich and I am going to over to the graduation of the fire academy in the uh morning where I believe we will have seven firefighters graduating um seven firefighters graduating that then will start work next week um so that will be that will be extremely helpful as far as like uh you know getting those numbers back um I think whatever number we have that is budgeted like 106 due to a combination of retirements in these seven people in the C in the academy and a couple you know people that are working through kind of termination arbitrations like we were down to like 85 or 86 that actually were like on on the line showing up to work so getting seven back on there is good um but we obviously are trying to get as many back to the academy as quickly as possible um and then also uh in the afternoon then I will be with Chief cot over at our Police Academy graduation uh where I believe we have four uh new police officers that are graduating um and then they're showing up to work after that as well um so that'll be that'll be on Friday you'll see that and then I think next week um I forget if it's Tuesday or Wednesday we're swearing in those firefighters um um to to join right here right here in City Hall and that completes my report Mr clone thank you mayor Reynolds we don't have any ordinances for final passage tonight we move on to new ordinance 9A Mr Miller Bill 17 2024 ordinance of the city of Bethlehem counties of Lehigh and Northampton Commonwealth of Pennsylvania amending article 347 of the codified ordinances of the city of Bethlehem titled Municipal claims for delinquent accounts schedule of attorneys fee to be added bill number 17 2024 sponsored by Miss Leon and Mr cologne any discussion we'll call the rooll Miss Leon hi Mr Callahan hi M grmy Smith hi quch hi m l hi and Mr colum I pass 60 9B Bill 18 2024 ordinance of the city of Bethlehem counties of Lehi and Northampton Commonwealth of Pennsylvania amending the 2024 budget for non utilities bill number 18 2024 is sponsored by m Miss Leon and Mr col any discussion councilwoman KY Smith thanks I just wanted to say that I spoke to um Linny regarding this because basically she just explained that and uh correct me if I'm wrong Mr Evans basically it's just a transfer of unused funds from 20123 to allocated for new projects because projects some projects came below budget correct yes correct thank you thank you councilwoman any other discussion we'll call the rooll Miss Leon I Mr Callahan I M grmy Smith I miss quch I miss lard I and Mr col I passes 60 moving on to resolutions 10A be it resolved by the Council of the city of Bethlehem the mayor and controller Andor such other City officials is deemed appropriate by the city solicitor or hereby authorized to execute all documents and agreements with penon Associates Incorporated to perform a g geophysical exploration of a portion of East Market Street resolution sponsored by Miss Leon and Mr cologne discussion councilwoman L uh is this related to the church and the street and the S CO's and all that okay um and this is is this obviously it's sparked by the the situation that happened there is this part of an insurance investigation or is this part of like just our due diligence how is this coming about uh this is um it's it's really part of our due diligence this is this is focusing on the public right of way sidewalks in the street on uh Market between Center and new obviously it's related to uh the very sink holes and remain breaks and the event that happened at the church the church is kind of taking care of their property and the city's looking at public right away and I I understand the church as father the claim against the city and that that all gets handled by insurance and and legal actors so but this is part this is part of our due diligence to make sure that the right away is is in good shape and if there's any if we find anything then obviously we're going to you know make necessary repairs thank you any other discussion councilwoman um I just wanted to ask so will we not know until the study's done where we're at as far as the sinko and the street and the church and everything I mean is this study going to give us good definitive answers or not total definitive answers it will give us an idea of of the condition of the subsurface of the public right of way including the sidewalks sidewalks in the street the church I think they did their own structural analysis and perhaps geot technical evaluation of their property okay so there's a delineation between what they're responsible for and then what we are responsible for on the public right away thank you any other discussion thank you Mr B Mr Miller please call the RO M Leon hi Mr Callahan hi M gry Smith I miss quch I miss l i and Mr colum I pass 60 Resolution 10B be resolved by the Council of the city of Bethlehem that the mayor and controller Andor such other City officials deemed appropriate by the city solicitor are hereby authorized to execute all documents and agreements with forward planning to conduct a market study and strategy for the stepco Penbrook neighborhood to evaluate demand for affordable market rate rental and for sale housing the resolution is sponsored by Miss Leon and Mr colone any discussion on the resolution I'll Sor with Mr I just wanted to know um are these funds coming from the choice neighborhood Grant or is this part of our match combination It's a combination so some from the Grant and some of it it represents uh part of the city's match for the the gr it's a requirement as part of the choice neighborhoods grant that this study is completed thank you Mr Callan could we have them also look at um I don't know if this is part uh know the study or not but at some City properties that we currently own it's not part of it um it's got to be part of what's in the choice neighborhoods area which is the marvine Penbrook area all right so I don't know if this qualifies uh as marvine Penbrook but I drive by you know you know what I do for living right drive around all day um Bayard Park over there and I don't ever want to take park space away from anybody but Bayard Park over there there's a huge area that's never ever used it's in back of the um Farmers Market on stepco yeah the only there's a playground to the far right it's it's an odd shaped uh Park the the majority of the park is never used it's just grass the the only area that is used is where the the playground area and it's a big area but there's a huge area to the left Bayard Park that that's in the Pembrook um area over there I'm not I don't know how it's probably about an acre or so mrle you think you know we're in affordable housing crisis I don't ever want to take away park space that's being used but it's if you look over there it's never used you know that that one particular area so and I think that the how land is utilized is included in here talking with Miss Collins like the choice neighborhood like like catch all area includes like that area up there so I think that's already like included I believe it's like everything that is west or east of of uh stepco Boulevard and then like a little bit of the other side that surrounds like Lincoln so I think like that is the catch area I thought the question was can we look at like all city property in other areas it was originally but I didn't but when you brought up that area yeah that's the area but I believe that that is included in that particular kind of mandated study that we have to do thank you yep Council Smith oh just two questions do you have any idea on what it what percentage is the city has to pay or what percentage is the grant you know is like 5050 or 6040 do you have any idea what we're pay what the city is paying for this so's there's the two accounts on there so the larger Miss Collins again if you mind come with I'm sorry just to capture the answer I appreciate it so for the market study specifically the $20,000 is City match the $5,000 is from the grant for the entire Grant overall um we received $500,000 from HUD and then the city of bethlehem's committed match from the beginning has been I believe 75,000 and the Bethlehem Housing Authority is 75,000 and we've split that among various projects so we're taking most of the market study for example I think the Housing Authority is taking um some specific uh studies that they have to do on their physical property so that's you know part of their matches is that specific project for example okay and my other question is with the opening doors of consultant so that was a comprehensive study of entire city and there was a lot of data um so I'm wondering did that not um was not any of that data like relevant to this that are we not repeating the same kind of study yeah it's extremely relevant so if we hadn't done the opening doors plan like to do the type of study that we need to do for HUD that's required it would probably be twice as much as what you're looking at now so the study so just so I'm clear so the study we have to do for this we do not have any of that data through opening doors at all I'm saying we do have we do have data that supports it and because we have data the cost is about half of what it would be otherwise so we're gonna we're looking at further data that does not exist through this study correct so we are you we're utilizing data from the opening doors plan and work that was already done and then we're building upon that to meet the requirements of Hud for the specific Market study that's required by Hud for this grant okay so yes we are using some of the data and need some additional analysis and work specific to this neighborhood okay because I'm just bottom line trying to be fiscally conservative like do we need if we already pay for consultant and have the data do we need to pay for another study to get further data that's my question so I'm saying that we would have paid twice as much and we are saving we're saving half the cost because we already did the work and this was a conversation that we had as well is like we have all of this data does it necessarily meet what the federal requirements are for the utilization of the $500,000 now and the potentially $ 30 to $50 million implementation and the answer was no that gets us halfway there but the good news that they told us was that we didn't need to spend twice as much as we're spending now because we spent the money already which also helped us get the $500,000 in the first place so the bottom line is we need to do this to get further data we don't have all the data that we need correct correct and we need to do this because the federal government told us city of Bethlehem you need to do this and you can't get all of this money Mone if you don't do this study thank you any other comments members of council we'll call the RO Miss Leon Callahan I miss gron Smith I miss quch I miss lard I Mr cologne I pass 60 Resolution 10c be it resolved by the Council of the city of Bethlehem mayor and controller Andor such other City officials is deemed appropriate by the city solicitor are hereby authorized to execute an intergovernmental cooperation agreement between Lehi County Authority city of Allentown Bethlehem Authority in the city of Bethlehem resolution sponsored by Miss Leon and Mr cologne discussion on TC we'll call the RO Miss Leon hi Mr Callahan hi M grmy Smith I miss quch I miss layard I Mr colum I pass 6 my thing uh I would like to put forward a motion to uh consider the appr approve use permit agreements 10 D through 10h as one item second so we have a motion on the floor from councilwoman L seconded by councilman Callahan to consider all the agendas use permanent agreements which are agenda items 10d through 10h as a group any discussion on the motion we'll call the rooll on the motion M Leon hi Mr Callahan hi M KY Smith I m quac I miss lard hi and Mr colum I pass 60 Mr Miller please read agenda items 10d through 10h resolutions 10d through 10h are sponsored are all sponsored by Miss Leon and Mr cologne resolution 10d be it resolved by the Council of the city of Beth that the mayor and controller and or such other City officials is deemed appropriate by the city solicitor are hereby authorized to execute a use permit agreement with Arts quest for the 2024 Independence Day celebration resolution 10e be it resolved by the Council of the city of Bethlehem that the mayor and controller and or such other City officials is deemed appropriate by the city solicitor are hereby authorized to execute a use permit agreement with Arts quest for the 2024 one Earth Reggae Fest resolution 10f be it resolved by the Council of the city of Bethlehem the mayor and controller Andor such other City officials deemed appropriate by the city solicitor are hereby authorized to execute a use permit agreement with Arts quest for the 2024 saber lat Latin Festival resolution 10g be it resolved by the Council of the city of Bethlehem that the mayor and controller Andor such other City officials is deemed appropriate by the city solicitor are hereby authorized to execute a use permit agreement with Arts quest for the 2024 Copa day America watch party in resolution 10h be it resolved by the Council of the city of Bethlehem mayor and controller Andor such other City officials deemed appropriate by the city solicitor are hereby authorized to execute a use permit agreement Christmas City Spirits LLC for the pride party paloa thank you Mr Miller any discussion on the group of use permit agreements I'm just and this might be simple but on um H it says uh the purpose for the um June 23rd at Christmas City Spirits is the Vintage Market but then on the sixh um what we're voting on um or no I'm sorry 10 we're voting on it says Pride party paloa I just want to make sure there's no problems with the semantics of two different titles legally because it looks like it's the same event but it has two different titles that was last so 6h has Pride party PLA and 10 has Vintage Market so I think 10 this needs to be changed if I'm correct let me just consult the here Mike don't take on our agenda it's correct but on the 10h user permit agreement the resolution is not I think that didn't get changed okay and thank you Council know if that'll make a difference legally I just want to make sure it's all we're covered I'll defer to Mr spurk who office passes these through do you see any hiccups with the purpose I have no idea if Vintage Market is another name for the other thing or not it's a it's a carryover from a different use permit agreement it's a separate event I think it was a typo internally didn't delete okay cool we need a motion so if you want to make a motion to can I a motion to amend the Vintage Market to Pride party paloa on 10 so the motion on the floor is to amend second line four from Vintage Market to Pride Party by councilwoman ksey Smith seconded by councilwoman lard any discussion I'll just again thank councilwoman for catching that thank you I I just don't want anything to uh interfere with this great event Mr Miller call the rooll on the motion Miss Leon hi Mr Callahan I Crimson Smith i m quac i m lard I and Mr colum I motion pass to 60 so resolution 10h is now amended any other discussion on the group of use permit agreements we'll call the RO on the group M Leon hi Mr Callahan hi M gry Smith hi quac i l i and Mr col I pass 60 Resolution 10 I be resolved by the Council of the city of Bethlehem that $420,000 within the water capital budget be transferred from the future Capital needs account to the distribution system extensions and replacement rehab distribution system accounts to fund a water main replacement Freemansburg and extended water main in East Allen Township resolution is sponsored by Miss Leon and Mr cologne discussion call the rooll Miss Leon i m Callahan hi crimon Smith I quch I miss lard I and Mr colom I passes 60 and our last resolution 10j certificate of appropriateness under the provisions of the act of the Pennsylvania legislature Bethlehem resolution is hereby granted for 312 East Third Street to install a channel letter sign with the business logo and name resolution is sponsored by Miss Leon and Mr colog discussion we'll call the rooll Miss Leon hi Callahan hi Miss grmy Smith hi Miss quch hi Miss l i and Mr colog I pass the 60 that concludes our agenda this evening get home safe everyone o'