##VIDEO ID:CoSfPNqOwic## for e for for for you guys are we ready we are yes ready yeah yeah [Music] good okay good evening everyone I'd like to call to order the village of biscane Park Code Compliance board meeting for Wednesday August 7th the time is 6: PM would the clerk please call the role Janie Anderson D blinton here Rula bantos Judy hammerberg here Michael lot here B Doren Grant Luciano nibs present ra Al gutterz present Vanessa Cherry present good evening again this is a meeting of the village of bis Park Cod comp compliance board the board is authorized pursuant to chapter 14 of the village Land Development code to ensure compliance with The Village's code of ordinances the members of the board are citizens and residents of the village of biscane Park we volunteer our time and we are not paid for our service the purpose of each hearing is to give any alleged violators the opportunity to contest the decision of the code compliance officer which resulted in the issuance of a notice of violation and to determine whether a violation of The Village's code occurred or is occurring we are not authorized to dismiss violations based on hardships ignorance or the fact that others might be guilty of the same violation these hearings are conducted in a quasi judicial manner our responsibility is to act much like a judge in a court and that is to hear cases presented by the religious Code Compliance officers and to hear contradictory arguments presented by the alleged violators we are not authorized to change the code The Village commission is solely author to enact or revise codes conversely neither the commission nor the village manager have the authority to overrule the findings of the board pursuant to chapter 162 of the Florida Statutes orders of the board can only be appealed to the Circuit Court of Miami dat County we have the authority to assess and order the payment of civil penalties to issue orders having the force of law to command whatever steps are necessary to bring a violation into compliance and to assess administrative costs in order to make a finding upholding The Code Compliance officer's decision we must find that there is substantial competent evidence that the name violator was responsible for a violation of the relative section of the code as charged all documentary evidence presented by the parties must be submitted for placement in the hearing file no documentary evidence will be considered unless the alleged violator or code compliance officer submits a copy for the hearing file each party shall have the right to call and examine witnesses to introduce exhibits to cross-examine opposing Witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues even though that matter was not covered in the direct examination to impeach any Witnesses regardless of which party first call them to testify and to reut the evidence against them if you intend to address the board and you have not signed in please do so anyone wishing to address the board I need you please to stand raise your right hand so that you may be sworn in you are reminded that the board is Acqua you to disort and false false testimony could be penalized please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you about to give would be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth do we have any itions or deletions to the agenda n we do want to add discussion item Sor a discussion item towards the end we want to add that discussion item at the end the um instruction fences sure I would like to add a short um discussion item after we conducted all the business and the issue of temporary construction fences has come up and we should least have a brief discussion on that that's he everybody that's my only and there are no other additions or deletions that's correct we're ready oh I apologize one thing the minutes remember we always want to move the minutes to the end we're ready for your first case Dorian Grant Village of biscane Park Code Compliance first case is um in Old business and it's item number 7.1 for 65 675 Northeast 115th Street case number c-23 d276 Matthew Matthew KH um this is a progress report on a driveway give us some good news well okay uh bringing up to speed two weeks ago we met with planning zoning the ideas we had for the driveway would pass without a problem it looks me compliance all the easements everything be fine exception of that uh um the dra is infrastructure they've already installed in the front yard is inadequate for any purpose at all so the and speing speaking three weeks ago with the city manager and again with Planning and Zoning they couldn't tell us what to do but they all agree that they should probably we should probably replenish the gravel driveway just to give us a surface to park on in the meantime um Public Works and the city manager and and whatever entities are involved are going to try and figure out what they need to do to make the Surface we on safe and um good for driving on and for going forward two to three years from now they're going to take out everything we put in redo the whole um drainage system and allow us to put the driveway we initially needed and planned on putting in considering that the the planning and design review board has recommended that the plans they have are good they can just replenish their driveway we are now asking this board to dismiss this case because they don't need a permit to replenish their driveway absolutely make a motion to dismiss this I'll second it now with that being said should do I I should still get a permit to replenish a driveway you don't need one but I'll pull up I'll pull up the records anyway to make sure we're trying to some comp I must commend you for your perseverance and your patience through all of this both of you thank you so much we want we hopefully they get the street repaired in front of our house we got more potholes showing up so was an experience we need to take a vote thank you I I thank you all time Z thank you Michael was that you the second yes Michael second the second item is 7.2 and it's for the property located at 940 Northeast 119th Street for case number c-2 3513 Alexandra and Al Alward this um violation is for a driveway and we're here for a progress report they here they are not present so progress report is the property owner here no they do have driveway permit I have to report however there are comments in the driveway from in the permit from the building official that uh says that the job value they put in the application is too low and they have to work on that however I was hoping that they would be here to explain to you why they haven't [Music] um done what the um building official asked them and it's been a month so they've they they pulled the permit they do right but has it gone before p and um uh planning and design I believe it has been before PL planning and design however it's in the review process with building but it's on hold because the value of the job that they put on on paper is too low oh for the job that's being done that's correct well before the job is done the permit has to be issued it has to go through U planning review and building review before they issue the permit so it's in building review right now I believe the permit is based on the value that's a concern what I'm seeing on a lot of our cases is that to their credit folks will start the process right then when there's a hiccup it it stalls all ands for months at a time so are they in compliance are they not in compliance and that's something I think we need to start dealing with is It's Just Happening too frequently that's correct exactly I know this has already been um tabled twice know they're in the process they haven't showed up tonight and also I'm in agreement I mean see I I would last it was tabled till this right but we have and thank you thank you staff for including all of the orders that are pertinent big help yeah it looks like we had yeah it was from April they were um it was we have an order of enforcement tabling it to July and then that gave um two months and then July until August and you know I think we should make some type of motion I agree at least have some action taken yeah so in in all right so it's already so the next step is just with Building Department once they give a adequate evaluation then the permit would move to being issued okay so it's it's it's just a small detail big detail correct okay all right I think we need to give them a deadline for handing in the for paperwork if not then a daily find exactly we' issued no finds we've really worked with them exactly that's what I was asking so I could go I'd like to go ahead and make a motion I can I uh like to make a motion that um I don't want toas it make a motion that the uh we don't need that they don't need to go back for oh you're right you're right sorry uh it's just a matter of time in the days of seventh one um well to come into I'd like to make make a motion on case number c-23 d513 uh to uh have a permit pulled by September the permit is pulled is in process permit it's already in process to provide the proper documentation [Music] so they've sort you they've gotten partway there I think I understand what you mean you you need the permit to be issued because it's issu all right thank you for have the permit issued by September the 6th if not commence a daily fine of $250 per daying September the S I'll second all in favor I I opposed motion passes 5 Z 981 compliance next case is 7.3 981 Northeast 113th Street c-22 d87 Renee Alvarez this violation was for offence a damaged fence and the owner is here to give a progress report hi says we revisit what my house what the chance okay um so it appears as [Music] of the last photograph which was 731 there are still pie parts of the fence up right which are correct and we have given this case got a continuance in January we issued a a deadline in February the gentleman had a I believe your father unfortunately passed had a neighbor come and we extended it again until June we're now in August and there's still pieces of the fence up comments from anyone the pictures I have the last ones are July 31st the pictures July 31st last week yes that's correct is it still the same today yes it is um is right just a second any other questions well it looks like looks like it's different than February right looks like there's a lot more on February and it's just looks like the post is that correct uh these are there a concrete fence what I your name and your my name is Renee Alvarez and I'm the owner of the property right it's a Concrete fence so taking it out was uh uh expensive right in the sense it was uh 4 and2 tons just to take out what I've T what I've what I was the fence went all the way around the property so all that's left are the posts I already bought the Jack that's going to pull them out and so I just need to pull out the post and finish that up uh my house flooded during the last flood inside inside the house so kind of the late things the good news is is that the insurance company is paying for removing all the posts was I'll be using that money to do that you know to help with that mitigation did start in May of last year so there's been quite a time we kind of dragged it out a bit now you're saying when is your plan to have the rest of you post out insurance claim check gets here this week and then I'll be able to pay for um getting the post out and paying for the dumpster to take them all I think we need to set a deadline what do you think you think of the next like 30 days 60 days like what's your thought I'm hoping to get it out in in 14 days yeah the best laid plans don't necessarily EXA you know like I was supposed to do it last week but it rained the whole weekend so I couldn't do it then so you know Miami and uh so if you want within 30 days for sure uh 14 days most likely as long as it's gone on I'd kind of like to see the 14 days unless you think your insurance company is not going to come through for you no say the check is in transit the mail not in the mail but it says that it's uh being funded at the moment yeah when's When's the next meeting yeah yeah okay she's inage in your hands right until it's in my bank account nothing's for sure are there outstanding fines on this case none none no there there is an order of I mean a right order of enforcement with the extension June 30 but between between between but between that time that's when he removed four and a half tons worth of fence because February 15th was not right no no I was that June 30th and now it's August 7th and we're giving him another 30 days so is actually quite a bit beyond find they so what they've had are orders of um continuance and extension they haven't had an actual order they haven't a final order which is the order where you um give them a deadline or money will accumulate I'd like to make a motion to uh extend the time to come into compliance till uh I do before like that day or like our next yeah September yeah September the 7th I can do that September the 18th is the next hearing to come into compliance the 7th oh sth yeah by the 7th and that way it'll be before the meeting the meeting okay by having the rest of the fence removed by 97 or $50 daily fine you want to well we yeah well there was already one there or affirm the 250 per day fine from the $250 daily fine but you'll be fine with that yeah right the order from February there is the violation fine and there is the admin fine it would still be outstanding even though we've extended the daily right the 500 is still needs to be paid so how much 500 okay still $500 in fines for the violation and for the administrative costs all right I'll do you know I got a like I said i' right now don't have the funds but I will have the funds yeah you can get with the village on that you're just making you aware right now you have until this September the 7th correct move it all if not it'll start at 250 accumulate day fine thereafter okay it's your motion Micha yes second all in favor I iOS motion pass 4 Z good luck thank you man right by guys have a good day next item is 7.4 this is 1105 Northeast 117th Street the case number is c-23 449 property information protected this is a violation for a driveway and we're here for a progress report this uh order of enforcement hasn't had any fees issued yet you guys heard this may I wasn't hear them um August 7 compliance date has he pulled the permit there is no permit however I would like to ask the board to consider a sample that I put in another case there's a sample that was of a ribbon driveway um which I've included in another case not this one but looking at this picture they are very similar driveways we have quite a few residents that have these uh ribbon driveways that are considered conforming driveways I'm sorry no go ahead I oh put my she shook her head so I was wondering if the board would consider allowing the resident to comply um with this method of adding gravel all the way into the really no this is an existing nonconforming so it's grandfathered in that's right this gentleman and the other gentleman you're referring to they do not have approaches they are going to be branded new therefore they have to adhere to the code as it is today they cannot do this driveway I'm sorry well in part they need to go before p and Z because they can have the ribbon what's missing on this is just the approach giving she was just using that as an example I was going to agree with you this is not in compliance with the code right now with the addition of the approach concrete border with the gravel then it comes into compliance but that would go for p& D pnz and um yeah but the example you're showing is not is not up to code uh the example is up to code this was approved by p& existing this this is an existing approach it the this particular example I'm giving their driveway looked exactly like his driveway they did this and we violated them because we thought it was non-conforming Gage the chairperson for the for p& looked at it and that's why I included the email he says as the ribbon driveway is a conforming driveway until it's damaged at 50% they can keep it the way it is now right now there's a part of the driveway that's non-conforming which is the approach so if they can include the approach to a ribbon driveway they will be in compliance not that's read said Gage says the approach is existing but nonconforming this gentleman doesn't have an approach the other gentleman you're referring to not have an approach The Village doesn't give permits for non-conform you have to conform to the code that was made very clear in all the debates on the driveway D Doren was that other example did they have an approach or no in this example they do have an approach now but before before before they didn't so they had a ribbon driveway that looked exactly like this basically the idea was to keep the concrete um the the pavement free of um the gravel gravel so they're was according to what we voted on in the commission there was to be a concrete border at the edge to contain the gravel from steing out onto the street and and the I I agree I don't understand how anybody could consider that compliant with what was passed well we issued we thought just as you're saying there's no border we issued a violation for this and the pnz chair said this was okay he's okay with this this property doesn't have to have the Border just like someone could have an entire gravel driveway as long as it's maintained they don't have to have the border right now either they're legal non-conforming but you cannot go in tomorrow to the village and get a permit for a full on sorry gravel driveway Without Borders you can't do it they're not going to give nonconforming permits well yes the gentleman have gravel absolutely can you have it without orders no uh M speak I did it I yes sir if you're done relation U my my information is protected okay go ahead sir okay I came here for the first time on uh May 15 and I was given till today just to pull a permit now what I had done was uh I had pulled all the information on permit I went online uh I get you know I I got with Village of bestc park where you fill it out for the permits and stuff I don't know what it's called but I've been in contact with uh planning and zoning and another lady for quite some time and i' like to read something to you real quick if you don't mind it's like a one paragraph okay did you bring a copy of that that you can leave because if you're my my printer broke and that's why I asked I asked somebody if we had a if there was a printer here before we started I came in early and there's no printer here but I can get I can if you want to photograph it caning your eyes are way we do have to have that okay thank you sir all right uh driveway uh hello as per your request please see attached in regards to your concerns about the ribbon driveway below you will see a response from the village attorney it does not appear that the code defines a driveway therefore we have to use the words plain meaning Webster's Dictionary defines a driveway as a private road giving access from a public way to a building on AB buding grounds based on this definition I was suggest that a ribbon driveway is considered a parking surface under the code and it would would be grandfathered in as an existing nonconforming use with apologies I'm going to interrupt you because we have that letter already all right well do you have the second part I was just going to get to we have all of it is the approach and see here's the situation he was incorrect ribbon driveways are considered con I'm not yeah but I'm not I'm also talking about they can't it says here your attorney Village will not be able to issue a code violation for failure to comply with we pass that sir I'm sorry excuse me we P that this attorney just gave me this there was more behind that last month this is this is all I had to go on ma'am was more behind that last month and having the planning and design review board chair was here ribbon driveways are not nonconforming they are conforming they are a proper there is no reason it says here though you can't install an approach because it's illegal not true that's what it says sir it's your attorney go ahead we had this debate last month we found that his initial information was not correct you very definitely can install an approach because the approach will be conforming and the ribbon driveways are conforming so what do I do ma'am you need to install the approach sir okay inst Sol the approach of of what can I go with like rock with a border okay rock with a border with a order that's just a suggestion you'd have to go no I I understand but you got to understand that I this I got this from youring I didn't know that there was another meeting or we pass okay I wasn't where you got the first version okay that's the way it usually goes yeah okay so what do I do I apply for a permit for I talk to them don't talk to you talk talk to a planning and zoning okay I mean we we've really been working with you much as we could you there's been I've only been here once ma'am but there's been nothing assess to you we're giving you time um we need to set a solid okay well for for a permit cor yeah go ahead how long do you think you need I don't know who do I I don't know who to talk to I got a I'm I'm not I'm not an architect that you got to come up with drawings everything and probably you're going to need to find a contractor man I'm I'm I'm on disability unbelievable come this far along let's give him to September 30th to apply for the permit but in this case I do want to set a daily fine if he doesn't apply by them which was not back in May I'm sorry to say it again I I I my suggestion I don't know how my board feels my suggestion is to give you until September 30th to apply for a permit and if not not applied for by then then a $250 you can buy my house I oh and I've been here for 65 years I grew up right here law enforcement that's how I was disabled your mom from this Park I appreciate it like Park chair person could you enter it as a motion you entered it as a suggestion no well I think that was for discussion I you know I I think we got to give him the time but you know he's operating under a letter that you know was telling him that he didn't have a violation you know he's got to go through the process I I think I'd support a motion to get to set the date certain because you know the owner you know thinks that he can apply by that time but he's got to go through the whole process but I don't think that we you know assess the daily fine just because he's operating under one set of conditions he's been here one time you know I think we you know if we got to cross that bridge we cross that bridge at that time but let's give him a chance to just get the the process going Mel well my concern is when you give a deadline with no consequences there is zero incentive for meeting the deadline right and I'd like to point out notice of violation was October of 2023 had an order of enforcement which in May giving until August of 17 so that May June July August that's three months already giving another month that's four months on addition to the original just notice back in uh October of of 2023 to again I was advised by uh by building and Zoning that this was grandfather and just hang on and they were going to get me Le it doesn't need to be grandfathered in I'm just telling you what no but I'm saying is that he's he's moving he's moving you know based upon you know a set of information that turns out you know he's he's a letter behind what if we give him till October Michael would that make it at last month's meeting we discovered that information was not accurate Gage was here explained all the details so it was inaccurately described rib driveways do not get grandfathered because they don't have to be what if we give him till October 30th September the 30th I think that's that's a significant amount of time considering how that's 30 plus exactly uh that that's what 51 days right or more than 51 days that's almost two months I'll second the motion if you had made if that was a motion yeah my motion would be to come into compliance by applying for the permit by September 30th if not a $250 daily fine I second all in favor I opposed I motion passes 41 item is 1107 I'm I'm sorry the item is 7.5 the address 1107 Northeast 117th Street the case number is c-23 d448 B Park 110 LLC in care of their registered agent IL Max LLC this is an in teline for a driveway in your best estimate is this likely going to be a tear down is the property going to get tear down he's here he can hello would you identify yourself sir and your relationship to the property sure Randy England principal of uh B Park 110 LS Randy angland yeah uh Prince principal uh B Park 110 LLC okay so tell us what the plans are Yeah we actually I have a full set of plans if you'd like to review them uh for the single family it will be a tear down uh we just we require additional time to we're preparing a package for sub middle we just require additional time to get the package submitted what kind of time you looking for um 90 days would be great if we can have that because durm is our issue uh because Derm is a little bit more they require a little more red tape uh but yeah days would be ideal is there something on the property that it's got to get removed is there something on the property yes there is an existing single family home now no but that requires durm to get involved absolutely there's a septic tank there and anytime you're removing one and putting one in you need for both both both both stages of the process you have to go through paperwork I would like to add that this violation was issued to a previous owner and he has a new owner held up because they wanted to put the plans together to be able to demolish and correct and it does take time to get these plans in place before they are submitted quite honest I mean we have to be realistic much as we want to enforce our ordinances when you know you've got someone coming in that is either if not a tear down it's going to be massive correct we're hardly going to ask someone to put at this point so so it it would be up to the board to decide since he wasn't the original receiver of this uh violation to dismiss it and I think that was the intention however we were waiting to have the plans in the system or the application in the system before we can ask to get rid of this uh case he has been several times to the Village I'm not sure if they've submitted the plan they did submit a set of plans to come into compliance with the current violation yeah we have not submitted the plans for this exactly because we knew where we were out of compliance and so we wanted to become get into in compliance so we submitted something for the purposes of that reason right and I would like to enter on to the record permit number DWS 24-44 for the driveway permit was submitted for the driveway what so you're going to you were going to put in the driveway and tear the house down well we just wanted to get in compliance right so so I know there's fines attached to it and I know we would like to just be in compliance with the city The Village rather biscan Park so that was the intent of doing the permit in lie of of course submitting uh we would just what we would do at the time is just really just replace the submitt at that point so again the the board this board can consider to dismiss this case and either wait for them to to submit the new uh permits give them some type of condition because this this violation is Not Practical considering that they are planning to build a brand new house yeah that doesn't make sense to make him do that someone to put a lot of time effort and money into something correct so can we I'm sorry I was ask gentlemen um that appro 90 days before you'll be in a place to submit this for to the Village yes I think I feel pretty confident we can because we're we're preparing for the submitt now so within 90 days I think there plenty you might not have to worry about a driveway no probably in the [Music] meantime right we bring it back at November's meeting I'm sorry Iain dismissing this okay because start from because if something is yeah if something isn't done timely then the code officers will be back out there correct toite I agree that makes more sense so on case number c-23 d448 I would move second all in favor I I may I confirm the dismissal uh includes the fineses the fin Miss just dismiss it case and fines and total and Judy all set thank you next items 7.6 the address is 109 01-03 Northeast 10th Avenue case number c-23 D12 for Luis Gutierrez and his wife Maria Sabio this is a progress report for driveway good evening we have Council present Madam chair members of the board um I was here in June asked you for some time you graciously granted it uh my clients have since hired um our Builders crew here is the principal um he has already met with the City Zoning commission zoning commission to discuss options for um to avoid ripping out all of the concrete because prior contractor installed two very large concrete pads um that that extended that crossed the uh city property um from the street so rather than rip everything out which is expensive in and of itself and then reporing um we're trying to see what options are available able what the city will allow um and we have the permit prepared ready to be submitted but until he gets proper feedback from them exactly what is going to be done he could draw up the plans and submit them so we are well on our way and I would like to confirm that the contractor has been in the office and we are in discussion and and I do want to confirm too that the um property owner have paid the two basic FES that's correct did put a good place eff it yes ma'am so we're moving along yep and just need more time correct yes sir we give them two months instead of next month yes yes two more mons you can sir can you make our meeting in with me so he has if I may he has um set to appear on the 19th um with Planning and Zoning so next meeting I already I am in the agenda to speak formally with the uh the commissioner to try to get the best way August 19th correct what about to our meeting I mean in September yeah everything how they paid the previous fines and all yeah if they pull it and come in yeah the village had the village just you can just let us know that's correct we can give you a progress report PA the kind they're certainly well on their way you've got a scheduled date and planning a zoning there's no real reason okay you back in here you guys if you would just put it on September's meeting to update it and if something changes between now and then you could just email me and let me know we need to come in we'll be happy to come in thank you sir I appreciate it thank you have a great motion thank you very much um on case number cn- 23-12 I'd like to make a motion to uh close the case as the fines have been paid and direct The Village to give us an up status update on the next I second all in favor I opposed motion passes 4 5 Z thank you so much you thank you both next item 7.7 the address is 11331 Northeast 11th Place case number c-24 d275 property owners are 11331 Northeast 11 11 Place LLC in care of their registered agents Maris estan this is a violation for a driveway we're asking for an order of enforcement this case was continued from July 17th and they have applied for a permit I believe yes a permit was applied for that's dw- 24-40 it just hasn't been any progress on the permit yes I looked at it there hasn't been any process uh any progress they appli and they were continued from July so we are now asking for an order of enforcement to be put in place for an order of enforcement to be put in place and they did they did start the application but that's what it's kind of in limbo they applied but there has been no progress in the application process they haven't submitted the required paper paperwork they figured out how okay we need a motion all right I might to make a motion in case number c-24 d275 uh that they're in violation a violation has occurred F A Fine of $250 administrative cost of $250 and to come into compliance by September the 24th you want to use the apply by dates you want to use the second row the apply by dates to apply oh they've already applied for the per oh thank you to come into compliance by obtaining a permit by September the 23rd September the uh 13th they have they already have okay they have gotta hearings the 12th the 30th you're right so compliance by the 13th of September right not a $250 per day fund therea I'll second all in favor I I oppos motion passes 5 Z next case number 7.8 the address is 11345 Northeast 9th Court case number c-23 d341 William lumry is here tonight uh progress report on a driveway and this is another case that I hang myself to ask if they could do what their neighbors did but it's up to the board if you put well first of all kind of a reminder um the compliance date was now two months later from something that started May of 2022 for now years later so so as you've heard you can put in a gravel approach you can put in a gravel approach as long as that gravel approach has the borders it has to conform to current code because you do not have an approach do you need a permit for that yes you do another a different permit from a different permit from what I already have it's all done now I have the notice of uh commencement it's all so Mr lry has been in the office and we had him sit with our resident volunteer Miss Linda Dylan she went through the process of the application with him on paper all he has to do now is bring that application to his contractor and we did call the contractor and speak to his wife is to upload it to the system so we have a number and the process can go on he had a lot of difficulties because he has no access to a computer and we we helped him in the office with the resident volunteer thank you all and so what is the status of it now it's he has all the paperwork the contractor just have have to upload it there there there's things we can do and things we can do on their behalf so it's really much on the contractor's end that's correct the contractor has to upload it now valuation whatever so we really need to set a deadline I I believe for that considering how long this is going on we need to set a deadline for final documentation okay so what do we have now we we have the permit is that what we're saying started the process okay is not there right yeah it is it's it's all done this is the last this is the this is the last one but you've got to have your contractor submit your plans he's got it everything it just needs to be submitted your contractor has submitted everything except the notice of commencement which I got signed today it's not what we're hearing from staff now yeah they're saying that the city doesn't have the documents yet your contractor has to upload the documents to the Village portal has to be done online sir he's going to have have to upload them in the proper format right Remember When Miss Linda spoke with your contractor's wife she explained to him that all this paperwork has to be uploaded through the village portal so the building uh clerk can see all the information from there and then she'll be able to move with your permit well he told me uh just the other day that he has completed everything except for the notice of commencement this is all sir he may have completed it Village doesn't have it he has to upload he has to upload it okay yes sir sir all right okay well I'll see him tomorrow so to give him this and also Mr lary there are there the fines have not been paid yet you still owe $500 if that um permit is um uploaded you still have to pay the $500 because there's already an order of original $500 fines those are still owed and we need to set some sort of incentive to getting these things uploaded right the compliance date was July well um I mean I've called them several times when do you plan to talk to your contractor sir tomorrow to give him this yeah so tomorrow tomorrow or what's to borrow Thursday Thursday or Friday Thursday or Friday okay this is completed I um no one has any other questions we need to ask for an extension on the compliance date so the 250 Daily doesn't the he still owes the 500 AD right the extension would ask for is on the daily fine not into the daili yet unless the documents don't get loaded loaded I was going to suggest yeah September 13th to have all the documents proper properly loaded to the Village if not sir then you will enter into a daily fine of $250 if my board agrees okay that's my motion just to get to get the permit issue get the permit is not here that's why but that's at least everything here he's technically compli benef there they will decide what else they might need he's done could at that point okay so like like what because I mean obviously I remember from the last meeting he doesn't have a computer he doesn't have any of that stuff he's working with a contractor once the contractor gets that in there's two meetings between now and September 13th so will it will it automatically somebody be in contact with the contractor to make sure that once that's correct once the application is in the system it's prompted um um to the build building Clerk's um itinerary and she's able to see who has submitted an um an application what's needed if there's anything missing she communicates with the contractor and in your conversations I don't know if it was Vanessa or you but the with the contractor did uh that person had an aptitude for the computers and everything or was there some difficulty there too the contractor we didn't speak to directly we spoke with his wife and she said she would relay the message that all the paperwork is now done and all he has to do is upload it okay once he uploads the information we'll have it in the system and we can communicate with him the building department will communicate with him directly I think the important thing is is that it gets uploaded with the correct because then if it's The Village's delay yeah they can always come back and say ask for more time an extension but the main thing is to give move to have it uploaded at least the process started all right so I would like to make a motion well could I ask you a question on the um notice of commencement it says the expiration date is one year from the date of recording unless different a different date is specified this board wouldn't be able to give you that answer that's from the building department um you just have to go by this order that they are giving you now here so is it a year after the commencement the driveway um it's six months six months six months six month permit six months after the commencement date six months after the issuance of the permit permit's issued oh permit's issued correct not the commencement not the okay soone else has any questions okay in Cen 23 d341 I'd like to give the property owner until September 13th to have all his doc doents properly loaded to the Village regarding his um approach to his driveway if not in compliance then a $250 daily fine after as of September 14th I'll second September all in favor I motion passes 5 Z okay Mr lry get with the contractor okay thank you okay item number 7.9 this is for the property located at 11402 Northeast 8th Court Cas number c-24 d114 for Adam J fum this violation was or vehicle that was left on the property abandoned fines have been paid to this particular case is in compliance um I jump to 7.11 7.11 was a violation for defense for the same address same owners this case is also in compliance fines were paid this evening 79 and 711 are compliance I in compliance and fines are paid we need [Music] to we need to sorry I did I say 7.1 7.12 is is in compliance 7.11 is not I'm so sorry what about 710 710 is in compliance seven point because I had the C toad when I found out about yeah I didn't even look at this one yes 7.9 is in compliance 7.10 is in compliance and 7.12 is in compliance now we still have an violation open and he can confirm that for the fence yeah I didn't the chain link yeah just I didn't know about so what happened is the property was rented would you wait for the board oh sorry a second you would identify yourself in your relationship to the property sh my name is bran here and I'm actually the um representing them I'm actually the brother of the wife of Adam felen brother-in-law I'm the brother-in-law I was the bro I was the developer that was going to develop the property and it's my sister that owns the property my sister and Adam Adam felin so what happened was it was my company that was going to develop the property and then what happened is another gentleman that's there now came in and he's decided we decided for him to take over the property at which point what he had decided to do is rent the property from them for a certain amount of time get all the permits get everything organized and develop the property which he's supposed to still be doing um the fact that my sister and brother-in-law weren't living at the property and didn't know is how everything kind of got out of whack but as soon as they found out about the car they had a tow and now they're away getting their kids at college and they wanted to make sure that they didn't show up so they asked me to come in just to step in and make sure and find out what we need to do what has to be done and and we'll make sure we take care of it so then on 9 10 and 12 we effectively need to close the case that's correct that's where I wanted to get to deal with the ones that we de with those first and then we'll talk the last yeah and then a second on case number cn- 24 d114 that was item 7.9 and on case number c-24 d153 item 7.10 and on case number c-24 d174 that was agenda item 72 I'd like to move to close uh second all in favor I passes or zero 5 Z 5 zorry so again that's it everything's done right which one 12 think I've got the or 10 11 got it got it hold on a sec for 11 the fine has been paid but the the chain link fence yeah just let me know what I need to do I'll make sure it gets done and if you can give me a little bit of like whatever time needs to be done I I'll make sure they get back from dropping the kids at college and all that by Friday so you know by I'll make sure that by the next meeting I'll let them know what needs to be done and handle it myself if need be getting permits or at least start the process of what whatever whatever needs to be done I just wanted to make sure that they stay you said the fines paid the fines were paid now depending on if they want to build a fence you would need permits if you just want to remove that part which looks like it's already I like to do that because we're going to develop the property so instead of building something to take down like the I appreciate an know you said earlier so maybe they were paid this afternoon yeah so if you can remove that chain link fence that's down yes we can ask the board to close the case at the next meeting if you can give me a follow up absolutely that would be my motion the owner has said going to yeah once that's close the um I'll second that if that's a motion in favor hi hi so so I have to have that removed by I mean I'm GNA probably get it done by this week buts two weeks two weeks I'll make sure by okay so thank you yeah just so it needs to be I'm not even 100% sure I'm going to drive by and look it now it's it's down or it just needs to be removed the whole thing just the chaining F needs to just be gone from the property August 21st so yes okay have good thank you very much thank you guys we'll give you a picture of the the violation give him the picture thank you welcome sir next item 7.13 address 11443 Northeast 6th Avenue this is c-22 d80 for Pablo Marcos um there was an extension on the comply by date already on this um case was property maintenance for a dirty roof Mr Murphy their previous contractor has dropped out of this case and they just had a change of contractor done so there's been delays in um compliance for this particular case the permit was finally issued on June 25th and they are asking for another extension in order to to clean the roof or they replacing so what we had issued a violation for the dirty roof a long time ago if you can see this violation was issued in 2022 for a dirty roof however Mr Murphy the contractor the roofing contractor came in and said he's replacing the roof so we held on to this violation and gave them time to be able to go through the application process for the permit and then they fell out the contractor and the property owner they now have a new contractor who went through the permitting process and the permit was finally issued on June 25 for the new roof for a new roof I'm sorry for a new roof for for to replace the roof that's correct this is another situation we find ourselves to a rock and a hard place I mean property owner we issued an order in February I'm sorry January where the February compliance they didn't even apply until May so already kind of don't take deadlines too seriously from the beginning and then now what are you going to do if they've had to get a new contractor that's not exactly uncommon in South Florida we got to work with him but well um I have a question Janie is is that there's already a daily F acre and and so until they requested an extension that's well I can tell you we had a case similar to this may have been one of the ones when you were out where someone almost similar situation came in for an extension well after the fact and rather than Grant the extension we said keep going on your project when it's final when it's signed off on come back with the prime reduction request may may I'm still where where did we Grant an extension because I'm looking all I see is the order of enforcement we did so we haven't granted no there's no extension we were asking for an extension on the comply by date so that they don't have fines running a crewing at 250 a day but they didn't comply by the date way back then they didn't comply by the date of the order clean the roof or or replace it and that order of enforcement was issued January 17 20 they didn't 24 they didn't apply for the permit for three months after the order that's why I I I would rather the light bulb went up I would rather let it go and they can after it's all finalized ask for um fine reduction because right now nothing tells us that the roof is going to um is going to be pulled for the roof the reason I think that's so critical is consistency is critical for us and this is again a very similar case to when we had a few months back we didn't Grant the extension told them about how to go through a fine reduction um if you mind I'll make on c-22 d80 uh to the Deni the extension of comply by dat I'll second all in favor I opposed motion passes 5 Z next item is 7.14 this is uh for the address 11505 Northeast 11th place for case number c-24 d213 this is fora to LLC in care of their registered agent Cabrera RTO this is an intent um for a walkway that was installed without permits now they have paid the 250250 a total of $500 for fines um on the order of enforcement however F daily fines have accured on on daily have uh from July 18th when they were supposed to comply they haven't complied they haven't applied for permits so as of today they have $5,000 in day in in fines that have aced daily and continue to acre um from today and no no permit as of today we checked we want to give them one last chance um no the finds the finds are C you're asking me that was my opinion general in general I would say that I mean I would like to give them an opportunity to pay the lean prior to filing it and the in usually works to alert them to do that right exactly um nobody okay I agree on case number c-24 d213 uh direct The Village to proceed with the intent to lean $5,000 plus the applicable filing fees I'll second all in favor I I opposed motion passes 5 Z next item is 7.15 the address is 11623 Northeast 11th Place this is for case number c-22 d120 for Charles franois and his wife Uris we asking for an intent to lean on a driveway violation which our research shows that they had applied for a perit but they haven't scheduled to go before planning and design board uh we've been in communication with Mr franois and as of today there has been no has have they been scheduled do you know they've been scheduled this correctly that from January where it was first communicated that the documents were not properly uploaded that's correct didn't hear from the property owner August that's correct he said he was out of town and there was he had sent his daughter to the meet to the PN meeting just a whole bunch of miscommunication um but time has elapsed it's this violation was issued in 2022 yeah well I'm just looking that there was an order of enforcement and to comply by April the 2nd right and I didn't see a a a figure in here but my calculations is that there's the fine of 250 the admin fee of 250 um plus I I calculated the uh number of days were 128 days which comes out to 32,000 plus um the $500 32,500 what I came up with at this point I would support an inent to yes that motion yes it I was waiting for the village it looks like there you're right okay um that's been in case number c-22 d120 I'd like to make motion to have the village move with an intent lean of a total of 32,500 as of August the 7th 224 plus uh filing fees second all in favor I motion pass the next case is item 7.16 address 11704 noreast 11th Place case number c-22 d121 Al Duna um we are asking for a comply by uh date uh extension on this this uh particular case for a driveway because their driveway is just pending a final inspection to say like they they pment in time and the work has been done and they are awaiting a final inspection the only thing is that the comply by date was January 17 to so there was the 250 that could have run daily to now and we need to erase that when we say comply by dates we mean permit and everything in necessarily okay so we have to have it on the record okay yes there's no really if he's got a daily acre that should go away correct should have stopped the day of the permit because we gave them the permit has been in issued has been in I think the fine should be stopping the day the permit is issu ex that right absolutely so then what we would ask for without me looking at the amount would be if there were any fines that ured between when the time the order was issued and the time they did okay it was a few days later correct so date was Fe no I'm wrong comply by date was February 20 their permit shows us being issued on January 29th they complied so can we consider that that violation complied really could be with other than the original and there was no original it looks like yep there was no violation fine nor admin F so this really should be dismissed and any outstanding fines be removed and that would be my motion second all in favor I iOS motion passes 4 zero thank you thank you motion passes 5 Z comp um there's a request to call a case in your business they have an emergency and they have to leave it's 8.5 um it's for the address 11619 Northeast 6th Avenue case number c-24 d128 for Marty hang on Marty and vogard did I pronounce it right yes very well thank you sorry guys I also think this resident came in after the everyone was sworn in so if he's going to talk he needs to be sworn in oh we're in the gentl please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that a testimony you about to get would be the truth the hold to and nothing but the truth yes we were going to ask for an order of enforcement in this case defense violation however they are in compliance as of today I'm sorry oh because I the color of the that was all done with permit something that was all same as it was before oh yeah was was the same exact as we had before no it's darker yeah well it's it's just because it's fresh it's not full of mold and Milo exactly yes so it's fresh my attention I was driving nice job thank you we did it ourselves yeah very cool it's my friend and I we did it Diego helped me and I did it myself yeah I do Interiors so if anybody wants me to do their interior I'll be happy to help um and if there are no questions I'd like to make a motion on case number c-24 d128 the property come into compliance and close the case second thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for moving me forward i' believeing by 10 year old alone if not thank you thank you next case in Old business on you is case number c-23 d339 for the property located at 119 21-23 Northeast 12th Avenue for aled Roma and Jean M Pierre we are here for a progress report on a driveway hi I'm I'm arlet owner the arlet ROM Remain the owner of the property no bring us up to date on where you are excuse me bring us up to date on where the driveway okay I was told uh to submit the document on the 29th I submitted the document on the 25th and I was told to come here on the 5th Monday when I called about the meeting and they told me that since I didn't come so I have to come today since they didn't receive it I have to come today to beg for another date which is the 19th and which is not fair because I submitted the document on the 25th the contractor submitted it on the 25th and now I have to come here again to ask for another date to come back on the 19th which I don't understand so miss arlet there's a difference between this board and the planning and design review board and those dates and these dates don't always go together the reason we asked you to come here is for so for you to ask so that you can ask for more time and so that the fines don't run on your on your violation the PN D calendar is different from ours okay so so what happens there I'm all confused I am because I submitted it everything on the 25th and I was told to come back on the 29th for the meeting but this meeting was scheduled way before the 25th for a progress report remember you met with the chairperson here in the last meeting right they told me to come back on the the fifth the order for the code board was for you to bring a progress report oh okay whatever happens in pnd you have to come back and report to this board okay so what do I do now please because I don't know we really tried to work with you I'm sorry to remind you again but your original notification as to the problem was in April of 2022 okay we really have been working with you but yes there are two different meetings that are involved one you're appearing to get the structure of what you're going to get done get your permits approved this is because a violation did occur okay I have a question of the Village um is she on the agenda p and Z for August 19th I mean if the documents were submitted the documents they are looking for have not yet been submitted from what I'm hearing so I don't believe they've added her on the agenda are you sure about that because I was told to you subm sub the plan contractors submitted the plan did the 25th do we have that in the system give us a second we'll just make sure I I was getting conflicting information just to throw something else out there there's still $375 correct she paid some and there still I will pay that that's okay I will pay 375 yeah 375 is not a big deal whoever going to get it will get it one second M as of um as of August 1st the new plans were submitted by the contractor so August 1 August 1st so at this point uh new plans were submitted on they were submitted first not July 25 they could he could she could actually get on the August and Z correct yes she can now that she has all the paperwork she probably can get on to the next meeting but we can't get we can't tell her that we don't make that agenda she'll have to communicate with that board the clerk for that board okay so so for us okay we've got a status report you you submitted your documents I mean your contractor submitted the documents we have a progress report you need to get with pnz about or the Village um to see if you're on the next pnz hearing they have a hearing coming up in in a week and a half on the 19th August the 19th it's still time I think they can put you on that agenda but you have to communicate with Den August the 9th she has till the 12th to final everything can I uh by Friday the 9th um you need to talk to the building department to be sure that they add you to the 19th so Friday is the deadline to get onto the 19th okay and one more thing miss miss arlet when you go to the PN board they don't know anything about what's happen happening here so when you complain about the violation over there which I believe happened they will be just as ignorant as I am about what happens at PN this is a different okay section yeah okay just to clarify this one more time on the 25th on my phone I received an email saying that okay it was received on the 26th I received another email saying that how come you didn't send anything so I clarify with whoever sent me the email and it was there it was submitted on the 25th Rafael can you confirm that once again they have your documents the date for us you you you've provided it all we want to know is a progress report you submitted your documents you just need to get you need to go before the P andz Board to see if your documents meet or approved so that you can start with your driveway okay so so why I couldn't come on Monday to the do to the to the thing why that's what I'm saying we're not the board you need to ask but okay but when I called why I couldn't come on Monday to dispute it remember you told me told me to come on Monday the 5th to come and dispute it I can't I mean I couldn't come because they told me I don't live here I don't to come here back and forth back and forth back and forth this is so unfair and the village will be able to help you more than we can right now we just we needed a progress report to show that you were taken you had taken initiative to get the ball rolling to get it done which you did and which you did we're acknowledging that okay um we well probably still want a progress report next month okay but the village if you've gone through it and achieved the uh got the permit permit that should be every every Community down [Music] in this state pretty much if you are doing any building or anything you need to go in and get permits you need to be a part of the process um because this started with you being out of compliance you're now in two boards the board that does the building and the board that assesses fines so this is the board that assesses finds we're trying to keep you out of hot water so in order to keep you out of hot water you need to come if everything all your application all your papers Etc are in by August 12th you should be able to be on the August 19th meeting that's correct we'll hopefully get you a whole lot further along okay so who do I contact contact Denise so to clarify yes contact Denisha the email she sent you on the 25th was just to tell you that you've been tabled okay it wasn't to say that your plans have been submitted I have a comment in there that says you submitted your plans MH on the first because I verified it okay so get in touch with Denisha so you can get on to the next Bo meeting okay what is the nisha's extension do you know 2313 okay thank you you're welcome but we would like this to come back in September September okay make I'm G to make the motion that in n23 d339 table this until September Co meeting in second all in favor I I was it Janie and Dale J and Judy Judy jie and Judy J and J two JS next item is 7.18 the address is 12035 Northeast 5th Avenue case number CN 24129 Ricard finan CA and Ricardo Juan Costa um we are bringing this violation for an intent to lean on the fines that were issued on the order of enforcement the violations are in compliance however the fines of $500 have not been paid okay nobody objects I'd like to make a motion on c-24 d129 uh direct The Village to move to lean $500 plus the applicable filing fees second all in favor I oos motion passes 5 Z new business 8.1 the address 844 Northeast 121st Street case number c-24 d389 for Darlene matire uh this violation for a driveway is now in compliance yeah that was my comment looks good yeah I was going to say um on case number c-24 d389 I make a motion to close uh property's in compliance and to close the case call second all in favor I I motion passes 5 the next case is 8.2 930 Northeast 121st Street case number cn24 d524 quro developers LLC in care of their registered agent alen Pearl this was an administ this was a request for an administrative hearing for a citation $25 old as of today this violation has been paid and in compliance on case number c-24 d524 I'll move to close the case by citation has been second all in favor I so putting the the garbage can behind the chain link fence is compliant that's a very good question thank you I mean that's are we considering that that picture that we got that shows the cans behind the chain link fence makes a compliant say that again the ordinance reads that it has to be shielded from view right right the pictures we have don't show them shielded from view um do we have a compliance picture for that case chain link fence Raphael but they I point out that it was just for uh to contest the admin for the administrative citation that's correct that's all I'm complying that's correct that's this thing the village needs to recite they Rec oh we recite these but Dany no no no look at what we have it it's request for administrative hearing for citation is she talking about the previous case for the fence The Village if the village thinks this right they need to go out and Rec again you're right it's paid it's why it's in compliance right because that's also though just brings up something that people don't realize it's not of the house shielded from you talking about 82 for the ch Rael what's the question no M's right the point is the payment anything else is a later issue you say the case is in compliance I'm asking which all right all right with administrative citations just like they explained that violation once they pay we close it we can go back and we can issue them for a second offense next item is 8.3 and it's for the address 981 Northeast 113th Street case number c-24 d466 Renee was here earlier but he left because he knows that this case is in compliance however when you look in did we put in another compliance picture now when you look at that compliance picture and the original picture for the violation the original violation is in compliance I have asked our inspectors to issue another violation for a second offense correct this is a different violation and I hate to have to put it in here as a compliance picture but I would like to put it on the record that we will issue another Property Maintenance violation for this trash this we should just close this case is in compliance because that trash was taken away okay and my my motion if nobody has any other comments my motion in cen2 24- 466 is to close the case Property Owners come into compliance second all in favor I I pass is 5 Z next case is 8.4 for1 1320 Northeast 11th Place it's for case number c-24 d274 jnb management associate LLC in care of their registered agent Marie Lis J we asking for an order of enforcement for a driveway there is no permit in the system and it's non compliant I'm so glad to see a property representative here because honestly the first thing I was going to ask is when was the last time we talked to a property owner because is when you look at that property it looks abandoned there are times that the uh construction PR has been ripped there's a garden growing out of the roof at least there was so it's nice to see there is someone here and if you would sir identify yourself and your position with the uh regard the to the home absolutely my name is Jason bipol I am recently came on board as one of the new owners on on the property um it's been the same company I just have been been attached to the LLC recently so um the project has been halted for various reasons um and it's been taking a lot longer than extrus yes as as much of a pain as it is on your eyes it's even bigger pain on us we gotta look at it yeah so it's been for financial reasons and um we're getting the ball rolling again and we're back on the way we had another round of inspections after the insulation I think we're going to be closing up the walls now so we're working on the project and we're pulling the funds from wherever we can um as far as a driveway that is definitely in the scope of work we have not pulled a permit because there is tremendous amount of work that needs to be done before we start putting down deposits on that so I would hope we could get a little bit more lenience since seeing as the permits are newly newly renewed and we are currently working on the project questions go ahead are there are there any outstanding violations on this property and if so are there any outstanding CRI outstanding violations do we have any citations on this property so we have two violations and then one plumbing permit two violations plus the plumbing issue yes the the one for the driveway and construction fence during during fence maintenance on the second one did you say I thought you said that there was no driveway permit is no driveway per there is a driveway violation but not a permit and you just told us that that the driveway was with was within the scope I didn't see that saying we have not gotten to start on that yet because ongoing for a while so I'm trying to see what outstanding violations are there are there fines outstanding so that perhaps now that we're seeing there is a representative you folks can work with him to bring all these other issues into the picture too while we're dealing with this are there any permits pulled for anything because obviously you've got more plans than put in a driveway right are you anticipating and I realized if you can't give me all the answers tonight are you anticipating a major Renault orating a tear down very big Renault so sorry Ren yes Rena Rena complete remodel but not a major tear down no that makes me happier were you on that project since the beginning but not necessarily on the paperwork correct correct so we only have one violation for the driveway and we issued a courtesy notice for the fence so that will be escalated if there's no compliance the fence as in the white part of the fence or yes okay so how would we Rectify that um if you get with the inspector he'll be able to tell you or we can print you a copy of the cesy notice so you know what it was about there is only one open permit for plumbing but that looks like a major project and I'm wondering what else is going on inside yeah we should have had all the permits pull I I'll check with the contractor and find out exactly what's going on like I said I'm not that's a problem not the head of the project so I just standing in cuz Joyce who's on the paperwork had to be out of town for medical emergency and and you had indicated that there was a bunch of uh inspections recently done yeah I think we had some inspections recently the inspector came in what kind of inspection probably for the insulation it's not possible when they are not in the system unless there's something in bsna do we have old permits in bsna out check um I see that looks like a big project I'll have to go into an old system do you know how long AG the the city of V the Villager airport had actually lost the paperwork at I mean sorry biscane Park okay the paperwork was lost in the system and from what I understand we had to get the resubmit and there was some back and forth that was that got lost in in know stuff okay um okay with regards to this because I know there are other issues but if we can focus in on this now and I just don't see how we can it would it would would not be prudent to move Force with the driveway given the scope of of what's being done and the fact that there's a construction vence but coming up uh with with a total plan to to bring forth the village I mean I would like to see something U submit plans which would include a a parking space I mean parking uh uh driveway within I guess 90 days I mean that's what I was going to say I mean this now has been going on so long and it goes back to my original speech earlier we're not incentivizing people to do anything I like that 90 days report back to us on prog come back to us on progress with plans that include a driveway a permanent parking sa one phrase well you have to have each property right so even just to have plans for it absolutely but plans for the property because if there's no permits there's no plans well show you that I've sat in the office and went over the plans and had the plans approved by officials in uh biscane Park I was in the office getting them approved with my architect and the fact that we don't have anything or any permits open now it's news to me the the this was at least three months ago but but planning and design are the ones who approv the plans not the building official okay right you want to give the deadline November 8 when is our meeting want to give him a deadline to come back to our November meeting with our November meeting is November the 6 so yes so show up with some plans and a plan of action will include your driveway component yes okay November 6 only I'd like to um you have a lot to do but with regards to what's before us today I'd like to make a motion in case number c-24 d274 uh to enter I mean to uh give the property owner until November the 5th to apply uh apply for a permit that gives you enough time to get your should give you enough time to get your renderings not uh $250 per day F thereafter Fair I'll second may I make a friendly suggestion all applicable perits we don't well guess what I'm only have the drivers in front of us driveway never mind you're right thank you that's what's before us it would be FR of the property owner to everything because why would you put a driveway to have major construction stuff going over it get yeah I wasn't aware there was no permit in the system so I'll I'll be on top of that all in favor I hi thank you thank you good luck there was no after Thea permit applied for has there been any um communication with the resident about this the resident came in once to the village and upon that point he was instructed to get permits and we never heard from him once that initial meeting took place okay okay to speak notice was February 15 looks like the permit was p no I'm sorry instruction was done on the 29th sorry ref there still no permit no I didn't plan on getting a permit um I went and spoke okay yep so hello my name is Sean dolk I own the property at 118 20 your mic or make sure it's close enough to you okay is that better yes okay so my name is Shan dolk I own the property at 11820 and 11822 Northeast 12th Court uh so this is a duplex and so part of the part of my problem not your problem but my problem is that um all the correspondents uh because the folio is under 11820 which is where my tenants live all the correspondents were going there and so I actually received a text from my tenants that said uh there's a note on the door that you need to fix or maintain the fence by the end of the month and this was back in February and so of course me Janie you know me well I I definitely wanted to be in compliance and so I I try my best to beautify the neighborhood and so I did I made the I made the deadline and I have some photos uh and so it was very much a shock to me when I got a citation for uh not getting a permit for the fence that I just maintained and so uh I came down and talked to uh to uh oh shoot I'm Dr to blank on your name now sorry uh Luciano sorry Luciano and rapael both at that time uh and so the discussion was well I didn't actually build a new fence I I maintained the fence that was there there new pickets uh the posts are the same I didn't pour you know there was one post that was that was rotten so I had to pour a new uh put it set set a new post post for that one but all the other posts are the same and so I have kind of a intermediate photo here that I'd love to share with y'all uh it aligns with with the other fence magically because that's it worked and so uh at that time you know my argument was it's not a new fence it's literally maintaining the fence that was there and so what was kind of explained to me is that yeah but it went over $100 to maintain and so therefore it doesn't comply sorry Judy it's it's also over 50% if it's over 50% it's it's a new fence okay they're all new pickets but I I guess my but the confusion is that it wasn't pickets are more than 50 % of the of the fence so you do need to get a permit okay I guess I feel like we're to come into comp but unfortunately miss little piece on the cesy notice said oh I didn't get a courtesy notice that's my point and so my tenant told me they received a note that I need to fix or maintain the fence so they apparently got a notice but I didn't and so when I came in that day and spoke to Luciano and Rafael I said I'm not getting anything so you know please use my email use my phone number use my address for everything since I'm the owner and I still don't get anything and so what's on the folio yeah right you want to make sure your address is there okay yeah and I guess that was where I sign it's my problem because I you know with the tenant I don't always get the mail you know it's like until it reaches a critical mass they don't tell me anything and so you know maybe it's in a bin by the door I don't know where that mail would go um but I don't receive anything and so then you know it's my problem I'm I'm not placing blame on you for for sure this is going to require being in front of PMC G to require survey okay survey I have my survey I I have everything but honestly when I spoke to uh to these gentlemen basically they said well if you want to go before the board that's your decision but you could also do a after the fact permit but I really wanted to speak to you because I I feel like this is if we're going for the intent which the intent was to fix the fence and be in compliance then I more than met that requirement um and so I didn't know what what we're really going for here if the if the if we're going for compliance and beautification then check check and we we move on but if it's just to you know I guess yeah everything needs a permit and anything that's Beyond 50% needs a permit okay and it's definitely Beyond 50% yeah I guess my thought was the delineation we're basically just putting a new pickets on the same fence on the same structure so it's not really a new fence in that regard I guess there's there's a lot of way to skin a cat and this is just you started it with the first one that sort of flipped up replace that one and then another one and repl right and and that's what I thought you know I could easily go through and put a screw on some of the ones that were peeling up but then really is that compliance because that doesn't make it look any better that doesn't that doesn't meet the goal here which the goal should have been you know to to make it look nice and so so yeah I I get it like I said I just wanted to speak with you all you know get some some more uh information about it I think some other information I'm not sure you can give with the others but I think you have to have some type of stain or something I don't tell you that okay someone like to make and just a reminder for the future everything including painting requires a permit in this town right it's better no and document who tells you no how you for us and and seem to have tried and attempted to yeah without a their understanding what I was originally going to suggest but uh I'd like to find that a violation has occurred and get the property owner until what's two weeks oh it has to go before pnz so um he could do the paperwork by next Friday no it's too soon also because he even though Sean you're here you have to get the order of enforcement legally that has to come to you first so yeah we have to go past that August 30th well to apply to apply perit you do have your survey yes yeah over violation has occurred and give the property owner until August the 30th uh to fromit hold if not uh dou 250 per day Fe therea second F second no no no fine at this point do I get a second yeah I get all in favor I you understand Sean you just need to apply by August 30th you'll go in front of pnz at I believe I believe that would be September 9th and you've got your survey and everything you should be in decent shape but I would also suggest take a run over to Village Hall talk to the building clerk make sure you've got all the paperwork I mean you sort of got caught up and tried to do the right thing you know it's not like you got up one morning and decided I'm just going to put a new fence in without a permit you know you tried to do the right thing exactly well and then that two we deadline was definely I'm sorry no I was just saying I had a lot more but given your testimony and fact that you come here and and Village saying you've been cooperative and okay thank you all have a nice evening J said I for I was I was going to say the landlord ordinance is going to be on August uh um meeting and it's going to be revised so I would say let's table this till September okay that my my other concern on this is this is a homestead property this is but that's not something we can deal with yet it's wrong she's claiming Homestead but City's got to deal with that you can only you can only claim half instead yeah that's we don't that yeah that's the county at this point we really have to to close this case and remove the yeah close the case remove the fines until we see The Village's next step and get advice from the attorneys to how to handle it exactly so that would be my Mo I'm sorry if nobody else has any comments my motion would be in cn24 d397 that we close the case because at this point there are moratorium on our current ordinance and remove the fines I'll second all in favor I okay dismiss the case you're right not close it dismiss the case and remove all finds second all in favor motion pass SP thank you so much I'm sorry who was my second thank you did um y Michael and I let you know what's theor for commission what what what's the reason for theator what the state got away and said that basically rental right like not having the license and everything do that anymore I'm I'm sorry you guys we didn't do the minutes we didn't do the minutes yeah now I think I'm in compliance for this year but gonna have to register but he he has a little vested interest in and you're not getting a refund either again it's the State of Florida removing it Michael and don't ask for a refund either definitely not okay did everybody have chance to read any corrections I may I just have one question because I may have not I may have wrote it wrote something down um incorrectly but on 8.6 did we assess an administrative fee I mean it's not in it's not in here and I had it down but I normally I'm not yeah it looks like there's only a daily not a violation fine or U an admin I know there were a couple on last hearing that assess administrative I I didn't know let me wa what was it 8.6 I can tell you what I what my notes say that was July 17 yeah I have only 250 daily okay I have 250 per day oh we see Mike has 2 Michael has 250 admin yeah I have you're right you're right I can't read my own handwriting okay no they're right I can't read my own handwriting I did have 250 written down twice yes there one 86 should be 250 admin plus the daily so I didn't have any other questions or all right okay I just have one nice I just have one and it's on 8 um 88 the property owner was not the one that appeared it was his brother brother's name is Rocky Cohen so we're going to motion to approve the minutes with those two ch right right right oh alrighty okay okay we know how that happened I'd like to make a motion to approve uh July 17th um minutes uh given the uh Corrections for 8.6 and 88 second all in favor I any opposed motion passed is 5 Z Michael okay now we have a couple of discussion well one discussion right Doren do you want to lead us on that for you have enough enough toing for everybody we we've used them in situations where you have an open hole you have a caved in roof you you have multiple safety issues you've had situations where there's the potential for illegal dumping I totally respect Ag and I get his point the normal process you want to put a construction fence you better be doing construction but the the ordinance requires you to put it up for construction it doesn't say you can't for other reasons and I unless somebody can think of a better way when you have an open door you have uh a backyard full of bricks and things and an attractive nuisance and again a caved in roof garage whatever if anybody think of a better way to keep a property safe but we haven't been able to come up with one so my concern now is PNC going to refuse to Grant his permits we need to be able to continue to order those fences because it's our only recourse again unless somebody's got another idea well I was wondering to Gage off solution no right I think Gage was trying to make the point that if it's a maintenance issue get it maintained well I can tell you that one property we had last month I did off if you guys remember the pressure wash I can guarantee you the last time that house was touched oh yeah the pressure washing would only make it worse and it be a bigger BL it would been no point to that the fense would be the only thing that could more or less I it and they're going to need a fence anyway I mean it's not like they're not doing tear down they are so we're just saying F speed up the process a little bit and again but my concern is they start denying those permits now what just gave it to me oh exactly exactly design review will be a little flexible and understand again if the ordinance said oh no you can't put a fence up for anything except these two things but it doesn't it just you have to for those you wrote that email already to gauge right yeah okay so you outlined the stuff that we have been doing and did you get a response from him from that so you just bringing us up to date like this is going on behind the scenes and this is what I'm I'm responding to but he was here last month wasn't he only for a portion oh okay yeah Dorene did a Beau dorine did did a beautiful job outlining I agree well um and I was ask that question is there a time Li for the construction have certifi that's the main problem put up am time before taken yes because those properties yes they demolition well actually I don't know if they have received demolition permit for after the fact they started tearing down the property and then they told they had to put up fence they put up fence they put up fence after property yes we ISS they a lot and that may whatever but that would maybe another Cod coordinates a sec are like a part and then they would be responsible to maintain it if anybody does a legal dumping that's the property of right good point yep yep yep Memorial Highway oh for sure oh yeah that's true thank you dorine you did a beautiful job in detailing everything thank you motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I pass 5 Z thank you everybody