e e um I'm thinking realistically let's say June 5th as a deadline to get the per other words you come in as soon as you possibly can sir to fill out the application but that application is going to have to go in front of the planning and zoning board right for various approvals and making sure it's all structurally meets our code and under your circumstances I'd like to build in a little more time June 5th be realistic okay because he could make potentially the April 29th uh PNC meeting yep okay so any more comments if not I'll make a motion yeah are you talking about and Sir by the way if for some reason yeah Planning and Zoning doesn't agree with what you first come forward with if there's a lot of back and forth please let staff know and then they can ex they can come back to us and extend that deadline we we need to give you a compliance date we need to have a sense of urgency but if you run into any issues through the permitting process please keep them posted and they and you can come back and ask for an extension are you saying the driveway has to conform to one of the seven that are listed on that it has formed to the ordinance yes sir on on the flyer the pictures of the seven drive or well there there's also a verbal a written set of instructions as to what it has to do so yes it does have to conform to the ordinance you should have had that in your packet right and and planning and zoning is the ones who will tell you whether what you're putting in Planning and Zoning um what do they call planning and design board now you have to go in front of them for them to approve your location and your driveway you want to find your contractor or whether you're doing it yourself however you're doing it you've got to there will be plans you'll need to submit they'll explain as you go this excuse me staff will explain as you go through the online permitting process now sometimes there's a hiccup when you go in front of Planning and Zoning they have other constraints that perhaps you missed in the ordinance if you need an extension you can come back to sta and then come to us okay and we can talk about an extension but right now we've got to give you a compliance deadline to get it started okay to begin to start the whole process you mean yeah correct right okay not to complete the entire project no no okay right okay if there's no other discussion I'll make a motion in case cn23 d341 a violation did occur assess a 200 50 fine $250 admin fine give a deadline of June 5th 2024 for the property owner to come in compliance by pulling his permits or else a 250 daily fine I'll second that all in favor I I motion passed to three thank you sir 250 fine for for the the fine for the violation sir IS 250 there is an administrative fee of 2 if you comply by June 5th or ask for an extension and are granted that there'll be no daily fine at that point but if you don't comply and don't come in for the extension there would be a 250 daily fine oh okay okay thank all right okay please go in and see staff you know make an appointment and they will work it through with you the next item is in Section 8 and it's item number 8.6 for the address 1075 Northeast 119th Street the case number is cn23 d510 na Natalie Alicia aadar right they were found to be in violation of chapter 5.6 of Street parking for a driveway as of today they are non-compliant no permits in the system hi everyone my name is Carlos bordogna yes have their discussion first with you would got it notice of violation was given in December with a compliance date of January 16th had there been any communication with with staff during that period of Time Communication I haven't had any communication with the property owner none none any questions concerns from the board what if you would identify yourselves in your relationship to the property all right my name is Carlos pagna um I I own the property nextor uh 10 uh 1065 Northeast 1119 street so we're neighbors and uh I'm building a brand new home ground up next door um for as for the communications um she sent the her attorney sent an email to to the city on December 20th 2023 the email is pretty extensive but uh aside from that the reason why I'm here is we are doing we're building a home next door um and for because of the uh of the of the temporary fense we rarely have parking so I am using a lot of her parking next door on the grass and on the side of the house um so wanted to see if we can extend uh the uh you know the time lapse for her to U give you guys a a a driveway plan until I'm a little more moving forward to the house so I don't ruin you know the new drivewear or because I'm G to ruin the the grass I already know that and I'm planning on helping her with the plans for the driveway and with the driveway itself once I do mine as well um so that's why I'm here so you you've gotta understand really the driveway ordinance started with the compliance date two years ago okay we're way behind behind in compliance here so I understand but she got her in the St I finish we can't wait add in for item until you finish you wait for you is a very major project next door yeah I'm familiar with that yeah and what's going on again it's a very major project if your plan is to wait until you've completed that to do her driveway that's not going to work oh no not completed but at least on the shell we have big trucks coming in every day so I'm talking about six months you know just to push it for about six months uh because I me I'm only speaking for me obviously person I can speak for right um considering this is two years into the making alog together the original deadlines for the driveways are two years old another six months there there's going to be fines of $250 a day do you want that to no for six months I think the the best way to to approach it is is a driveway athetics uh we want the neighborhood to look good and and proper for the cars to park you know on a driveway because today you you got to spend 10 grand to make a driveway somewhere there so it's the the driveway ordinance was passed several years ago and we've always had a driveway ordinance we upgraded it and we still have a driveway ordinance that a lot of these driveways were not in compliance with they were just let go for a long time and finally the city decided it was time to enforce the ordinances truthfully the point isn't Aesthetics or not Aesthetics the point is it is one of The Village's ordinances and again there's always been a driveway ordinance it was slightly tweaked and two year and that deadline to come into compliance two years ago now you're asking for another 6 months I'm not comfortable gadar I'm the homeowner for 1075 Northeast 119 street so my question is what's another six months if we are going to be in compliance and Mr Carlos is doing the construction next door and is using my property to Park their cars for his employees or whatever or trucks going up and down on my my property I mean I understand what you're saying that you there's always been an ordinance for our property to look good um one of the reasons we as homeowners live in biscane Park is because it's small it's beautiful it's a little Oasis but what's what's the rush may I it's 2 years old this is not a rush um deadline was two years ago I understand that but I also got the first um letter in in December granted that's five months ago okay okay Natalie Carlos cannot park on your property parking on the grass is a violation so just because he hasn't received a violation so far doesn't mean he's compliant he cannot do that it's it's against do what you're where is he supposed to park that's that's not for me to answer whether he has to park elsewhere and bring his employees in whatever he has to do but he cannot park on the grass of our properties that's a violation of another one of our codes you're asking us to not only give you six months but to be indulgent on another code violation can't do that this is daily big trucks it's not parking into the mic please it's got for the recording into the microphone yeah we have we have big concrete trucks and you know and you have to fit them on your property that you're working on they can't be on grass or SW or SES or medians of other properties you have a mandatory temporary defense we have no space in front like you can fit two small cars in the front but that's it again that we need to deal with not your situation sir if that ever comes in front of us that's a different story okay we need to deal with this property owner situation I'm not comfortable with six months no I'm comfortable with 60 days good with that and what what what is it that you would like in 60 days in 60 days you would need to have applied for the permit and plans obain the permit through our planning and zoning department and then you would have the length of time that that permit is granted for to then get your your driveway in but at least to get that permitting process started and finalized so that you can go forward okay what's what's the what's the time frame for the permit we know that it's at six months permits are valid for six months so the driver has to be installed within uh six months once it's issued there you go you need to have it in hand first and what's the cost for the permit you'd have to ask uh the building department with the building department we are code we don't have those so what's 60 days from now accordance to your calendar that would be June 19th roughly that works thank you all right um I'd like to make a motion that a uh yeah that uh violation has occurred on Cen 23- 510 and that we are going to give the homeowner until June 19th um there'll be a 250 to June 19th is that what I not said my brain um there'll be a $250 fine for the violation a $250 Administration fine and if there is no permit by that date it'll be $250 a day I'll second the motion all in favor I I I motion passes 30 so your deadline is June 19th to come into compliance by obtaining your permit okay so no dollar amount of 250 has to be paid you have a 250 violation fine 250 administrative fee right now yes yes the daily fine will only kick in if you're not in compliance by June 19th that means so I have to pay $500 to you guys yes next item is the new business Section 8 it's 8.2 address is 845 Northeast 117th Street the case number is CN 23-44 Joseph Bret Jun pet Jr found to be in violation of chapter 5.6 of the street off street parking driveway violation Joseph is requesting a continuance of 60 to 90 days um non-compliant and there are no permits in the system I just requested 60 days of that house Joe us okay courtesy notice was issued April of 2022 so we are two years this month notice of violation last October that's two years kind of rather lengthy for it to languish around staff what communication if any have you had with the property owner after the courtesy notice okay this is very recent this doesn't know that I'm my interest is two years ago the courtesy notice was given that's kind of a long time Mr frett to have worked out a timeline a repair a requirement instead here we sit two years later okay to talk now anything yeah I've had please if you would your name and your relationship J pett Jr I'm the owner of the property and I have multiple correspondents so I don't know if it's not just recent correspondence I have correspondence in December of 2022 I have correspondence in December two separate correspondents in December 2023 I met with the code person in 2023 and I had correspondence in March of this year which I couldn't find and then several pieces of Correspondence and phone calls since I got the last notice of violation but I did have prior emails but I'm sure you can appreciate courtesy notice dates back two years and we're only now I to the issue at the time I wanted to get my trees because I had two things on the courtesy notice I had the driveway violation and I had the my roof needed to be cleaned and I explained that I was going to have the tree trimming done first and then after the tree trim trimming was done I was going to clean the roof so the roof cleaning violation went away uh and it wasn't a violation sorry it was a courtesy notice uh I originally had hired the nextd door neighbors uh Landscaping person to do the all I had to do was replace the chattah huchi in my driveway so I originally hired him when he was unable to do it after several months the tree person then said that he would be able to do the driveway for me he took between four and five months to do my trees and I wasn't happy at all with the job that he did with the trees so I told him I did not want to use him for the driveway uh violation I then had a recommendation from a client of mine who has a landscaping Service uh I talked to that person this was in uh September October of last year uh he was supposed to lay the chattah huchi in December we had very bad rain during that time period he said he would be back in uh January he never came back in January so in Fe February I went back to the Edwin who was my next door neighbor's landscaper who also handled my father at the time and my sister uh I was keeping the village informed in terms of what was going on while I can appreciate the difficulties in South Florida right of getting folks to get things done this has just been in this fux case of limbo again for two years at some point as property owners we've all got the responsibility to get the right people in place to be able to follow right the ordinances of the communities we've lived in we live in if if there's a problem with one you've got to get someone you just can't keep cycling through I understand but it's not as though I was sitting around doing nothing I had to be quite Frank I had my father in hospice and my father passed away last June that was my primary concern until that happened uh I had my done within two months of my father passing and I've been working on this since then I've been a resident here for over 30 years this is only the second time I've been in front and the first time I was in front I was incorrectly brought in front of the board and that we're not dealing with that I understand but I'm saying I've been here 30 years it's over 30 years it's hardly as if you know I haven't been attentive in terms of taking care of my house realistically when were you would you want to apply for your permit well the thing is I've already talked to Mr nibs previously I had been told by my landscape originally that I would not need a permit because I already have a border on the east side of my driveway and the north side of my driveway I did send photos to Mr nibs uh if I and I told him when he asked me why I hadn't pulled a permit I I I can show you my photos so I don't have a board on the west side I I have a border on the east side and I have a border on the North side it's just not showing up in the photo well I believe the code requires there to be borders on all sides including the street I've already said that and I had a border on the west side my neighbor removed what I had for a border on the west side so am I correct borders require a permit yes what is require permits well because it's B Concrete Mr nibs will tell you that I the last two weeks that we've been talking I said that I would you know come in I had a difficult time even reaching the Landscaping person to see what amount of time he would need but I did say I would come in and talk to him about the permit if I'm required to pull a permit then I'll I'll pull going to be required to pull a permit right and you're gonna have to go in front of the Planning and Zoning right design board yeah I'm trying to keep things as environmentally friendly as possible that's the whole reason I have chattah huchi you know so I don't want a lot of concrete in my driveway and like I said that's a good thing yeah any other any other comments questions I'll entertain a motion I'll go ahead I'd like to make a motion in case Cen 23-44 a viol has occurred assess a $250 fine a $250 administrative fee give the property owner until June 5th to pull any necessary permits if compliance not is not met by June 5th and a tunic $50 daily fine I'll second that all in favor I motion passes three okay thank you very much the next item is in Section 8 and it's 8.9 89 89 and it's for the address 1105 Northeast 118th Street case number c-23 d501 this is for Louis sza found to be in violation of chapter 5.6 of street parking for a driveway in this case uh we are asking that the board um closes this case the driveway has not yet reached uh the 50% deterioration requirement per code is the property owner here did he come oh yeah he you are comfortable that it has not has it has not I reinspected the property we re I have to say I'd agree we're good sir um we reinspected and reviewed um the file the driveway is still good if he can replenish it with some gravel we don't even have to make a motion to close the case all in favor I thank you so much thank you thank you it was Janie and rodo next case is under Section 7 and it's 7.6 address is 119 21-23 Northeast 12th Avenue case number c-23 d339 for alet alette Roma and Jin Pierre they were found to be in violation of chapter 5.6 of the street street off street parking for a driveway as of today they are non- compliant and no permits in the system hi my name is arlet I'm the owner of the property oh sorry U we just need to go over the timeline and a few things and okay problem again we have a courtesy notice given in April of 2022 so we're dealing with two years and another and a notice of violation given eight months ago so that there's been a lot of languishing in between has there been communication with the code staff yes she's been in the office uh several times and we've explained the process several times um as of today we didn't have an application for a permit in the system sorry as of today there was no application for a permit in the system questions and comments from the board if you would ma'am introduce yourself again and your relationship to the property my name is arlet rain I'm the owner of the property um I don't live in the property it's a rental property so I didn't receive any notification or nothing for the property that I need to do the driveway the the other day my nephew told me that he received something then when I asked him that's when he said about the driveway so I came in to find out about the driveway would pull the mic up and speak directly into it okay yes yes so that's when I found out about the driveway so I came here I was trying to apply for the permit but it's a little bit confused for me because I'm not confused to me because I don't know how to do it but anyway not the only one no that's okay that's it's asking me for uh you know the tracing of the driveway and all of those things and I don't have a contractor yet so I'm looking for that that's important you've got to do that I don't have that yes yes ma'am because the details have to be as part of the permitting process and when you go in front of pnz which anything outside that's go in front of Planning and Zoning they're going to look at your application versus the ordinance and make sure everything fits okay so that's critical you really want to find a contractor okay who then should have an easier time filling out the permit okay question do you you guys have a booklet like in the city of myamar they have those they sent to your house and you look and you find somebody because I don't the city cannot recomend recommend anyone no they sent a booklet like at your house for the problem is if we recommend somebody and that person doesn't do right by you then you're going to come back to the city and say no okay that's folks in the neighborhood who who have put their driveways and if you look down 119th Street there are several new driveways you might want to ask folks who they've used they might be able to suggest believe me you won't have a hard time finding new driveways there are several of them in that area yeah I've seen them but I don't see anybody out and I don't of knocking people house you go down 11 place there are several new ones we do have a booklet and I we do have a booklet in the office if you need to see it okay I thought I was I was told that you guys couldn't do that and it's on the website too I'm sorry it's what it's on the website it's on the website okay have to look thank you okay I stand corrected okay thank you any other comments question I'll make a motion on C 23- 339 that a violation has occurred that there will be a $250 fine for the violation a $250 administrative fee and that we give the homeowner until [Music] June on one we did Fifth and one we did 19th June 19th and after June 19th if you have not pulled your permit there'll be $250 a day fines so you want to make sure you get between now and June get your people work in order so it's the same thing for everybody no way I get my mail to my house or by email because I'm not I don't receive mail there I don't leave there okay if you she did provide us with an extra she did provide us with an extra address I did inform her when she came to the office that by law we are required to um provide service to the address that is in the property appraises now if she wants us to send it to the address where she lives she can change that with the property appraisers and we'll be happy to be sending okay so where do I go to the property appraisers where is that property appraisers office is downtown okay yeah I'll do that but I don't think it's fair because I don't receive notification and then all of a sudden I have to pay $500 so the the violation was posted at the property and the courtesy notice was also Pro posted at the property okay and again we're limited by law who we can notify and the only person we can notify is what's on the property appraisers has a family member I believe that lives on one side of the proper it looks like your I don't know if that's your signature hand delivered yeah oh because I came there she came to the office came to the office and we had a extensive conversation but if you do need it the mail to go to somewhere different the city can do that but only if you let them know let them know what's more a more convenient mailing but your other department they sent me email I received email but not with this Driveway business or whatever it is but they sent me email the other department where I pay for the for the inspections and stuff I received that via email well but sometimes what happens is the the um internet stuff that we do on the computers gets upgraded and sometimes once things are upgraded things get lost in space so now you know each other you can work together with her all right thank you thank you ma'am next item is in Section 8 and it's item number 8.3 the address is 940 North East 119th Street for PA number c-23 d513 for Alexandria and Al Alward they were found to be in violation of chapter 5.6 of street parking for a driveway as of today we have had the yes they did apply for a permit and I would like to enter onto the record permit number D ws-24 d22 they asking for a 90-day continuance in order to process I'm sorry to go through the process yes they have and 90 90 days they're asking for 90 days so they can go through the process of the permitting process and all that's critical to me you've applied I'm I'm with that right and and the the permit actually gives you six months okay but once you've applied for the permit it's off our hands say bring it back at the July meeting July 17th okay um and I'll make a motion that in case cen2 I'm sorry any more comments from the board any you're good in the CA in case cn23 d513 that we table this case until July the July 17th meeting where a you folks please would come back with an update and hopefully your permits and everything will be good to go thank you I need a second a second oh okay favor we're good thank you thank you very much the next item is under Section 7 and it's 7.4 this is for the address 11450 Northeast 10th Avenue case number CN -22 D105 Alejandro Bowers and Auda McCullum um this is for an intent to lean they were found to be in violation of 5.6 driveway there has been no progress on this case no permits they ask sorry about that they are asking for an extension on the comply by date which happen to be March 20th they've had a bereavement in the family and several hardships but I I would say to extend U I'm willing to say give them a table till the June meeting I'll second that all in favor okay so in the case of Cen 22105 we will table this until the June 5th meeting Jenny Judy right yeah we have to do a vote or do we already voted next item is under Section N9 and it's a fine reduction request for the address 1153 Northeast 119th Street the case number Isen 21-4 Rissa garone Garnet um this violation was for a fence um fence is told without permit however there was um during the process of her being issued with the violation she changed her mind and wanted to install something else so she ended up installing plant installing Planters am I right planter and she did get permits for that the permits were final but she has been stuck with this uh order of enforcement for I think three years now there's a $700 amount outstanding she's asking uh for to reduce this amount to $100 and we recommend that same amount as staff the only thing and I know I've said this before when you've been in front of us I've got to emphasize the fact that the fence was never installed really is not your defense the the whole Reas reason for the citation was work with those posts was begun without permits that's where the problem lies now that being said thinking again only for me I am perfectly fine with the $100 okay just to clarify something it was not a fence it was a railing and and requested the reduction because during all the time I was submitting permits with on your side we're good we're I'm sorry I'm I'll make a motion but give me a second to find so when do I have to make the payment I have make the order now the motion you need to do it formally all right on um on uh caseen 21-24 Lissa Garen Garnett um she's offered $100 on the fine reduction I make a motion that we accept that fa is there a pay by date a pay by date uh off thank you yes uh pay by date should be a month I would say May 1 May 1 or the fine reverts back to what it was thank you again for that reminder thank you it's Janie it's Judy and Janie next item is in new business section 8 and it's item number 8.1 for the address 844 Northeast 121st Street case number is c-23 sorry I'm sorry jine I'm so sorry 8.1 thank you we usually don't take things out of order like this but we're trying to take care of the people as they came in because we were late 844 121st 121st the case number c-23 d398 is for Darlene matire we are requesting an order of enforcement they were found to be in violation of chapter 5.6 of street parking for Ave driveway as of today there is no permit in the system do we have a per I'm so sorry they did apply for the permit I apologize they did apply for the permit and they are asking for 60 days in order to complete the process 90 days 90 well the the permit actually gives you six months get permit you've got once you receive the permit applying for the permit is one thing but once you receive the permit they give you six months so we usually will give 60 days for you to finish the permitting days if you've just applied for the permit because there is the potential of back and forth with PNC you might have to adjust some things or it could fly through but there could always be the potential so I'm comfortable with 60 days to pull the permit then you have six months there to finish the project okay so you're really good to go but the permit is the critical item that shows you really youve come into compliance yes okay that would took notice so I I'll make the motion on Cen 23- actually 398 23 398 he's he's pulled the permit already there is a permit yes i' would like to enter onto the record before she does the motion permit number w d ws-24 d23 they they do they have pulled a permit so uh in light of the fact that the permit has been pulled um I think we should table this till June 19th uh June no June 5th meeting June 5th meeting yeah okay I would table this till June 5th and we'll know the status for his permit then as to whether or not we need to go any further all right sir you're good to go we have a second was Judy I'm sorry I'll second all in favor I motion passes three Z so no fee do correct just to make that clear so you good you have until June 5th to go through the process we'll bring it back for status all right have a great update have a great day and and again that permit once you've got it finalized you've got the permit it gives you six months to complete the project all right thank you all right thank you next item is 7.8 in section s old business it's for the address 12010 North East 11th Place case number c-23 d420 um this property now belongs to Breo fine LLC in care of their registered agent Miami accounting and tax services LLC actually we have two of the same situation so you want to just do them together sure 77 and 78 7.7 and 7.8 right same issue yes one 7.87 for the record is c-23 d408 and that case was for exterior paint and sightly paint discoloration of the exterior wall again this property was this uh case was continued from another hearing um because it has been bought and the new owners are here I mean obviously you're going to be tearing down the property you're going to build a new structure no one's expecting you to paint anything or put a driveway in at this point my only concern is I always want to see a sense of urgency we've got to set a deadline by which they come back in front of us with the the permits pulled and ready to go or a detailing as to why you're in the process because I'll give you a short version long story what happens all too often think the house on 121st Street yeah yeah yeah someone starts a project they go in front of PNC the first time have things they need to adjust that's it years later we're still going back and back and forth that's my reasoning why obviously we're going to work with you of course but there's got to be deadlines I understand comments from the board no go so if you would your name and your relationship to the property okay hi good afternoon my name is Gerardo valda and I represent the new owners ER for this property um the plan for this property is to turn it down and build a new home uh now we are already working we already did survey um we did all the process like the soil test Etc to build a two stories property in in that location and we're working with the Architects Etc and we did other homes with my my team in the neighborhood so we are very familiar with the steps and that we have to work with um the house is the project will be similar to one of the existing projects that we're working right now with the Architects and Etc um we love the neighborhood so we're trying to make it look good I would say we should table it till July 17th okay that gives you sir three months to come back with permits please permits okay for I'll second plans and everything yeah okay table till July 17th meeting if you could come back then yes I will really need to see permits and see some we need to vote it do we need to vote it we had a we had a motion in a second all in favor motion carries three Z for the record this applies to both cases yes 77 and 78 okay thank you so much the next case is in section eight of the I'm sorry section eight of the agenda and it's item number 8.5 the address is 10006 Northeast 118 Street the case number is CN 23498 for syvia link there's a request for a 90-day continuance on this case to facilitate the sale of the property the property is under contract this was a violation of chapter 5.6 of street parking by driveway I would certainly entertain a motion to prone I'm sorry to table to July 17th a second all in favor in CN 23458 is table till July 17 thank you Sophia Jud I'm sorry I didn't know she got the motion she did Janie it was Janie and Judy right 3.0 we did a vote right next item is under Section seven old business it's for item number 7.2 7.2 7.2 and the address is 8 981 Northeast 113th Street it's for case number c-22 d87 for Renee Alvarez this they were found to be in violation of chapter 8.4.3 a fences um they needed to remove or repair a damaged fence is an order of enforcement on this case and we are here what intent [Music] toine so there's there's been no as of today it is still not in compliance as of today it's not in compliance again we're at almost a year from the the notice of violation we're at almost a year we we granted a continuance in January um and we're not dealing with a project that requires a major capital investment it's just Sweat Equity comments from the board or if you would identify yourself and your relationship to the property I'm Steve Taylor I'm the uh neighbor here on behalf of Renee his father passed away this morning I would like I always I'd like to give one more opportunity I'd like to give the property owner until let's make a realistic date bear with me let's say May 8th to come into compliance remove that fence and pay all outstanding fund or the village files the intent to I want to hear I I'll yeah I'll give you so I got called on this today and Renee forwarded me an email um that he'd be in communication with Luciano his proposal what he saying is to give him until June 30 he wants to do this in sections because there is cost in V it's a cement fence um so that's his that's his request he's asking to do it over 3 months because of the cost of it because the concrete is so heavy it is a concrete fence got I'm sorry Mr Taylor yeah you got the notice of violation in May of last year I yes I understand disposal is heavy but we're talking May of last year the notice of violation he had all that time to do it peace meal we're coming on a year I don't have a problem with the end of May but going all the way into June there's just too many things that languish and just speaking again only for me I have a problem with anything further out than the end of May just to clarify that's to get the permit and complete the work by end of May he he has to take it all compliance okay and there is a is there a demo per on the fence does he need a permit for that cuz he's removed part of the fence already I see that's why I asked them well initially the whole fence got damaged while they were doing repair work for the city so the company took out part of the fence for him and they didn't take out that other part to the reare only the part that they damaged so basically what the gentleman is saying U Mr I met Mr marene aare yesterday he did come into the office and basically stated that is it was a stroke or a seizure that he his father had that's why he couldn't be here today so he did iterate that he wanted to do it in uh Parts by months and he sent an email um it's a partial fence I I'm like I'm not completely sure but I don't think needs a permit for that he just has to remove them would seem not but I'd rather ask and get the right information than inure I'll check with the building department if they can give him up to is it May 30 you said I I will attest just as his neighbor that over the years Renee did a did do a good job of keeping the cement fence in order uh when the cement would drop he would replace it with u wood planks to make it look similar and seemly and yeah it wasn't when they did the um the flooding uh project over there it was all the machines and knocked those down so I don't think his intent was to to remove it that kind of hastened it so he has he has I understand it's been since May I I know Renee well um but he hasn't kept it in good order this was be this was something that the city had done so just you know to take that into account if maybe we can give him to his timeline here it's one more month at the end of June all right so you're saying he's confident by June 30th that he can have it all gone with the information I have in front of me yes like a good yes then my motion I'm sorry anything else Mr Taylor no all right my motion would then be in case get right Cen 22- 87 in Cen 22- 87 that we give the property owner until June 30th to come into compliance by completely removing that fence if not the villages to filing intent to lean or the amount outstanding at that point and any applicable filing fees i' second that all in favor I motion passes three thank you very much and just to confirm when I talked to he does not need a permit he just remove um I'll have Luciano get in touch with him we'll ask the building department just to make sure okay so we don't know okay well thank you very much the building department to be absolutely certain you don't need one more piece of problem right right thanks everyone and thank you for coming in and letting us know what's going on we of course of course he he's done it for us for years okay sir which case are you here for think I'm not okay all right next case in section 7 7.5 is the item number and the address is 11460 Northeast 10th Avenue the case number is c-22 d106 this is for Carlos Palazo and lordes Rosario they are requesting for an extension on the comply by date of March 21st 2024 per order of enforcement dated January 17th 2024 the respondent is that you a caros yes okay he was deployed to Peru by the federal government I guess is here now well well I do work for the US Navy please just a second let the board have a discussion first is there any more background or anything you want to share that that's it yeah it's a it's a driveway violation violation of chapter 5.6 um what I'm having a problem with again is a courtesy notice that was written December 6th of 2022 we're at a year and a half almost the notice of violation was June of 23 we're almost a year on that um the the order of enforcement is from back in January so I understand there are reasons your business anything can keep you out of the country just out of the area but not only has this gone on for almost a year and a half there are two owners on that property as Property Owners whatever goes on in terms of our business we still have a responsibility to follow the rules and keep our properties up as the ordinance is required a year and a half Serv awfully long time can I talk now with two other board members um anything I brought my passport just in case someone needs to review it I left the country October 12th I was here for just a two weeks after February 15 I came and paid the fine the 500 bucks I left two days later and I just returned to the country yesterday I brought a letter to the Cod enforcement of whoever to who was addressed to to dorine Grant this morning this is my original showing my uh confirmation of the flights a copy of the notice to appear I'm sorry confirmation of what sir of the notice to appear and I came in this morning to to pull a permit the first thing they told me is I don't I don't need a permit then then they said I need a permit I brought all the paperwork but they tell me I have to apply online so so here so here I am so you are in staff would somebody confirm is Mr colazo in the permitting process no I I I went this morning and I brought all the here's my file uh he did come to the office morning I brought everything right I went to the building department picked up all the forms filled them all out and I was told that it has to go online and make go online I don't know why they haven't there at this point I'm not at all comfortable with a formal extension what I would like to see the property owner do do is go forward apply for the permit then sir after the fact you can come back and ask for a fine reduction I I didn't come to ask for anything I just I came to tell you what I just did I mind paying I already paid the 500 bucks and I will pay anything else that I have to pay okay you're asking for an extension I'm not asking for anything I'm just telling you that I went to the building department I tried to apply for the permit okay somebody explain to me what we're looking at then before Mr Carlos came into the office today we had communicated with him and he did ask for more time because he was in Peru at the time I have it written on the file that the man is deployed by the US Navy and we needed to give him some time however he came in today and was trying to apply for a permit did all he was I think filling out the paperwork when building told him he needs to go back and do it online and maybe he just needed maybe one more day or two days it's up to the board to give him a little but there was also I mean if if I can put on the record the first thing I was told is that I I don't need a permit so then they say well you may need a permit I need that clarified what do I need to apply for okay if someone can tell me that I'll be more than glad to apply for a permit apply for a permit for a driveway imagine no permit okay per my driveway is a chahi driveway so but it needs borders it doesn't have borders the current codes require concrete borders to retain that on all sides okay so it's all detailed in yeah I was given the booklet and I have it yeah it's in your pack okay so that's what I need to apply for yes to to to build the the retaining what call it the curbs would someone like to make a motion I would just like to mention that he has paid the $500 but I'm I'm while I appreciate that I'm always concerned that folks realize the paying of those two fines doesn't mean things end you still have to take this to its proper conclusion and well since he started to try to pull the permit can we give him until next month's meeting to have a permit before we enforce any more fines have started back in May March that we've already started because the compliance date was actually February 20th so the fines are already on there daily fines yes so I would my motion then would be we can stop the daily fines we're not going to make them go away already been there since February you can stop the daily fines bring this case you know when he's finally pulled the permit everything's good to go there you can come back in front of us and request a fine reduction again I would stop the daily fines the day he turned in the permit perit let me rephrase that we open tomorrow if you do it tonight I cannot turn it in if you if you can do it tonight your fines will stop tonight if you let me finish your reg tonight right I'm sorry I have to register tonight right if you I'm saying if you do put in the application by tonight then the fine stop today if you put it in by tomorrow the F stop tomorrow right now sir you have daily fines that have started as of February 2 1 that are $250 a day fines February 1st the the fines have started the fines will the daily fines the daily fines will stop when you turn in your permit application after your permit is pulled the project is done and final you can come back in front of us for a fine reduction request okay but we're we're not going to make those current fines go away the daily fines you'll deal with those after your project is done that's fine and again the fines will stop as soon as a permit is pulled you said as soon as I turn the application in yes sir as soon as as soon as no as soon as the permit and pulled she said something different right got to be the boss right there those are the bosses not me not to be not just fill out the application people do that and then don't go bother to pay for their permits you have to fill out the application pay the permit is granted pay for the permit once your project is completed and final you are then free to come back in front of us with a fine reduction request for the accumulated daily fines okay okay let me make my motion in CN 22106 if the property own the property owner is already initiated the permitting process once he has paid for and the permit has been granted the daily fines that have been accumulating since February 21 will stop once the permit is final and I'm sorry once the project is finaled the property owner is free to come back to ask for a fine reduction I'll second all in favor I I motion passes 30 thank you thank you sir next item is in Section 8 and it's 88.4 case number 1, Northeast 119th Street case number is Cen 23508 for Patricia m Costa and Daniel T desmar we are requesting to have this case closed compliance was achieved before the hearing bravel driveway has been replenished okay unless anybody's got any questions motion to close the case second 2 three- 508 we have a motion and second all in favor I motion passes 30 next item under Section 8 is 8.7 the address is 1102 Northeast 118th Street with case number Cen 23499 this property belongs to 1102 Northeast 118th Street LLC in care of their registered agent iscan urban homes LLC this is another request to close the case property is under construction there's a permit number onto the record PB d2331 this violation was for a driveway motion I'll make a motion on Cen 23- 499 that we um close case motion carries 30 next item in Section 8 this is item number 8.8 for the address 1103 Northeast 117th Street it's for case number c-23 d447 property belongs to Lee Elaine Wilkins and wife Francis there's a reest for 90-day continuance to facilitate the sale of this property the property is under contract the violation was or a driveway 8.8 do we have a motion so contract I'm sorry is there a contract on the property it's 8.8 um there is a contract on the prop property for sale contract a to July 17 I'm okay with that I'm okay with that yeah so in cn23 d447 I'd like to make a motion that we table until July 17th a second on favor I motion carries 3 Z next item is 8.9 under Section 8 on the agenda the address is 1105 Northeast 118th Street it's for I'm sorry which which one 8.9 under Section 8 we did oh this one is done I apologize I was say9 we did I apologize for that we can move on to section seven and it's item number 7.3 it's for the address 1 one13 Northeast 10th Avenue it's per case number Cen 22-14 property owners are Nadia davine and Edith Roes they were found to be in violation of chapter 5.6 of street parking for a driveway we asking for an intent to lean there has been no permit and it's still non-compliant they made any contact with you guys we did reach out to D to derin um via email but she has not responded Miss Miss derin then I'll make a motion that in case C 22-14 violation has occurred that we assess a $250 fine there's an order intally uh then I will all the in place or all the fines are in place then I will um make a motion on Cen 22-14 that we place lean and add to that lean the administrative costs of of imposing that lean filing fees to lean post they don't do the lean so it's an intent to lean and it's not okay then you make it just showing the difference because first the process is first they have to get the letter finish with the motion so we can record it and then you can explain okay for discussion you're right we can do it for discussion make your motion again I was going to make the motion on Cen 22-14 that we um that we place the lean but I'll second for discussion see the first process though is they issue an intent letter go straight to lean okay so that's the only reason because semantically that is okay so send the letter intent toan oh second all in favor I pass is 30 no at this still trying we have gone through all the items that were brought to the board on the agenda tonight uh we're moving on to 10 discussions chair personent Jenny Anderson will will not attend the meeting May 15 it's muddy for me would you mind repeating what you said I apologize it's okay I mean I'll own it I have hearing issues that's okay we have gone through all the items in the agenda that we brought before the board tonight we moving on to 10 which is discussions chairperson Janie Anderson will not attend the May 15 2024 code Board hearing so everybody knows from now thank you um um let's see oh there were a couple little things okay I was gonna ask on um when you put these papers together for me I love the papers but when it comes to driveway stuff I've already got enough driveway ordinances that I keep throwing out you don't have to put the ordinance in it for me just the pictures and the um I I'll just keep one of these that has a driveway ordinance rather than you having to make it up for every single pack does that make sense noted just it's probably easier though if they just do everything no just right I understand what she means we can do the vi the Cod the violation sheet itself without the attachment yeah but we have to back up a minute folks we didn't do minutes okay did everybody have a chance to read the minutes from April yes okay respond to very minor under new business a .1 on the second line it's $250 plus and an you can take the and out it could just be $250 plus an administrative fee and there's one I missed that in the second line um 8.1 second line after the word plus you really don't need that and oh yes you just say plus an administrative and right then I had a question on a motion in a second bear with me I should have dog geared that page pick that one up um in 9.2 Judy you you will hopefully remember in 9.2 it shows Dale making a motion and Michael seconding it I had it that it was you do you remember remember 9.2 I brought my minutes hang on full them out March was it March meeting no yeah was you march Dale Judy oh I I wrote Dale Judy Michael it was D it was Dale Michael we went back and listen to the I think we probably said it at the same time probably did okay that's not a biggie um does anybody else have anything I have one thing to ask you guys and I don't know how we could we you folks could do this but um it seems like there's a lot of confusion for folks as to when there are shortterm term rental problems what is the procedure now I'm guessing that legally it would look like targeting were you to just generate back sheet of how to report issues with short-term rental is there any way Is it feasible to generate a general fact sheet particularly with how folks report well for example noise violations what the process is because you hear from people all the time you know I think everybody kind of knows what to do if it's a really heavy duty code violation but when it comes to short-term rentals and those various problems that tend to occur in the middle of the night they have no clue and again I'm conscious of the fact that to single them out would look exactly like you're singling them out in targe but if there were something general it could be last gemail you know absolutely something because you know folks are having issues and they don't know what to do at midnight when those isues going on okay we'll be happy to uh put something out the app that um the village is using now to blast information we can use that um the process right now is for people to call the police yes because we don't work after hours so the police they truly don't realize that right don't realize the importance because often times if you report it once the owner gets wi the owner will fix it they can't fix what they don't know but what I've heard is a lot of the neighbors don't want to report it because they're afraid if they report it then they're the owners are going to know who did the reporting but if reporting goes to police and not to code it can be anonymous so I would recommend you put that in your message that see that's thank you code is a problem thanks to the legislature that you have to give your name and address anything goes through police can be anonymous and that perhaps if that's able to be shared with folks okay anything else anybody have we're good I'd like to apologize I'd like to apologize again for my lateness today really you got here that's what's good we're so happy you came because we were feeling so bad for all these people who took time out of there I don't know I didn't have their face out when I walked in motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I'll second it all right okay thank you motion meeting adjourned at 802 I didn't hear the minutes approved were the minutes approved we did oh with the thank you