no I'm I'm I think you got his yeah mine's it was 10 a month when I first got the electrical and they tripled it because they said they needed to make more money well I got two Tes on so I don't get gas I'm I just plug in my my house is about 2000t is you know right that all brings but my ready all right you going to call it James um like to call the uh Code Compliance Board hearing to uh to adjourn today is Wednesday May the 15th it is now 6 o'clock um would you like to call the role please why is it playing back give me a moment something's with the I didn't realize that was Miss speaking that was you speaking oh mercy yes this is e e e e e e e e e stay seated please raise your right hand do you swear affirm that the testimony you about to give would be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth he he was on his phone he didn't good jar this is in reference to a in the property owner was in violation of chapter 5.6 off street parking driveway and we're asking the board to resend an order of enforcement dated April 17th 2024 this is in reference to a request for time submitted by represent by representative of the attorney do we have that doc do we have that any documentation or anything here before us yes hold on one moment what was the number that was 5.1 addition the documentation the we'll be handing it out shortly e so is this case on our on our agenda for today I see it's an addition but have have we heard this case before yes so we have documentation the uh or the uh findings the order of enforcement yes with us yes do I have a motion to add this yeah no I don't have anything yet I have well if this is all we have can we just put this on the yeah can we just table this to the next meeting all right well if we don't have the paperwork on it I don't see how we can discuss it and address it I think we need more than just the attorney's letter would you like to make a motion yeah I'll make a motion that we table it till the next meeting in June second all right all in favor I I okay if um there's no objection I'd like to go ahead and uh have the gentleman with the young child be heard that way you can get her home homework bed number and do we know the number yes that's in new business that's 8.8 that's 12035 Northeast Fifth Avenue case number cn24 d129 that's Richard fennon Costa and Ricardo Juan Costa they were found in violation of 11.6.3 chain link and wire fence prohibited in certain areas we're asking for order of enforcement in this particular case the property owner installed a chain link fence which is prohibited on the northwest corner of the property was there permitting or is there permitting there was no permit at the time since then the property owner has uh applied for a fence permit but they require the paper work to be submitted from the building department he's also uh requesting a extension for that case to make additional uh amends to that fence so Luciano the um the chain link fence was the fence was installed without a permit that is correct okay and now it's uh been a permit that's been applied for they did apply but there're still missing some required paperwork so do you know if it's on for the next pnz which is what was this month May the 20th no okay oh that's already passed um so hopefully by um submitting the documentation by May the 24th for June 3rd hearing oh it passed the okay got you all right um I mean issues with regard to whether a chain link is even allowed in bisc park which I thought that it wasn't that would be addressed by the pnz department yes okay one more thing hang on just one are there any more questions of the board R Alo all right sir if you'd introduce yourself and your relationship to the property no it has to be on record okay I'm Richard fernon Costa I'm the uh owner of the property um I was I received mixed information as to whether uh Chain Lake was permitted or not um now I know that it is not um but the location of the fence is okay for for zoning um I'm sorry for the building the building department uh plan is to replace the chain link with another fence of material that is allowed and the only thing I'm waiting for right now is deciding on the material sending in the uh product approval and then signing the uh the building the building permit after that I'm moving straightforward I already have plans to remove the chain link um I understand I'm in violation if I can you know contest a a fine based on how I'm permitting it then that'd be great being being new in the village you need to understand that most everything that is done here needs permitting yes so before you move forward on other projects Please be aware 100% And welcome thank you thank you any questions questions of the property owner no anybody like to make a motion session well I mean put putting putting up a fence without a permit you're going to have double double fees for the permit okay um for any any non-permitted work that doubles the the the fees that the city will charge for the permit um so but violation has occurred so um my recommendation would be to assess a $250 fine for the is that the charge for it yeah and um and I hope that he has a permit by the next meeting no well I mean you're you're you're saying you found he's not in compliance on case number uh right c-24 d129 in compliance and um assessed a fund of $250 do you have a date by which you want him to have a permit pulled um uh let's find out where are you on your permitting process do you have your documentation do you think you you'll be able to submit it by um May the 24th I think so absolutely okay so that would be for the pnz and then we'd allow takes a week after that so for our June meeting June meeting okay no well you give them a date by which to have a permit pulled okay so the permit pulled for the it would have a hearing on June the 3 June the 3 with the next pnz but you have to apply beforehand you can't just show up on June the 3D there's a date to apply understood it would be for May the 24th May the 24th you have to have your application finalized okay he said he could do that so can I make the motion go ahead make a motion um that uh uh occurrence has I mean that there is a violation of the code assess a f of 20 $150 give you until uh June the 12th to have uh a permit pulled or uh the fence removed if not a $250 day uh per day fine will acre there's also a $250 um administrative cost for this hearing so it's the fine right now is 250 plus an administrative cost of 250 you're to come into compliance either by removing the fence or having a permit pulled by June the 12th if not commencing June the 13th a daily F of $250 will commence got it all right thank you sir thank you beautiful place you have app I'll second to motion all in favor I by by okay our next case new business 8.2 1105 Northeast 117 Street case number Cen 23-44 n in reference to this property the property information is protected the property owner was found in violation of chapter 5.6 off street parking a driveway does not meet the design standards in reference to this case the property owner was non-compliant no permits were applied for at this time we do have pictures of the current property which we'll submit to the board e we have that picture so uh this is a picture dated today that the driveway is there's uh driveway is still not in compliance with the Cod um prior to the day has has there been any correspondence to the Village uh from the uh property owner I've met with the property owner to discussed what needs to be done in order to bring the property up into compliance as for written compliance no I've spoken with him on several occasions recently or um throughout the past throughout the past um and just for the record when was the um uh when did the ordinance go into effect and about when and when were the courtesy notices I mean the notices sent out to all the residents in the uh throughout the village that was sent out in 2022 right I think it went into effect yeah but January 1 2023 it went into effect January 2023 yeah and we set out notification starting I believe in November of 2022 all right any questions board Mike Judy mul okay uh yes sir if you would introduce yourself relationship to the property I'm Stephan o'ri uh I'm the uh owner of the property I received the citation uh October the 23rd of 23 uh when this happened uh I made several phone calls because I had heard so much about this compliance to the new driveway as you all know there's been a lot going on I'm not disputing it you know if that's code then I have to to comply but uh I know that finan uh I know that hardships don't count but they do even in Criminal Court uh I lost my mother and I subsequently had heart surgery and a leg surgery because I almost lost my left leg additionally I live off disability and I had made a lot of phone calls uh to the park and I and I to Mr luchano several times also and I was told not by Mr luchano but others that the attorney was still looking at the driveway situation in relationship to the ribbon style which has been there since 1955 and uh I was I was told to hold on just hold off because it hasn't been decided and that was as of November or December this past so I held on and then I was told that it was uh accepted you'd be grandfathered in and salano said well you know it's got some cracks in it this and that I said well I'm GNA have to I'm GNA have to take care of it I'm going to fix it I you know it's got a few cracks in it there were heavy trucks there at one time they put cracks in it and I you know I don't know if I need a uh a permit to you know I can't do it I can't physically do it but uh I need to get it the cracks fixed and maybe some more White Rock which was originally there and still is it's just pushing it the ground if that's acceptable I don't know see I don't know who to talk to I don't and I don't I'm not pleading stupidity I'm just stating I don't know I believe the driveway needs to go down to the streets out to the street yeah okay like I said I was told that was I do believe the driveways need to go to the street am I correct on that so well it's it's it's a half a driveway according to what the stipulations are I understand okay that's what I'm here for and again uh I had Rock going all the way there but the house across the street from me has been under construction for the past over two years directly in front of me and I've had trucks break and driveways and crushing The Rock in and now the house to the right of me and the house to the left of me have just been sold to investors and they're going to be tearing them down and there's going to be construction going on for God knows how long and am I gonna really put a driveway to have them bust it up too I don't know if you I guess you'd have to see it to understand it yeah we have we have good pictures of your property right now but I mean to the right to the left there's yes sir um and I I may end up just having to sell I don't I don't know I I don't want to be there for years with all this construction currently you're the property owner yes I am sir okay and you reside here correct yes I do I was just looking we didn't have any documentation is this a homesteaded property yes it is all right um you do have to have an approach you you do have to have the approach going up to your driveway and all the driveway has to be in good shape once again um you would have to go through P andz because the you'd have to go through the um planning and design board board because what you have right now the existing rock that was there is already grassed over I mean it's it's if you hadn't stated that there was existing Rock we wouldn't be able to tell from the pictures um well if you go there you see it but again the the construction next door FR I I understand and that's going to be uh throughout the village but for your property yes sir and then you know you'd have to deal with any of the construction people but for your property what do you propose to rectify this will what do you need that we might be able to assist because right now you're not in compliance I understand sir uh what I would like to know is can I fix or have done the existing cracks done and put rock where it currently is if you stand there and look at it but you can't see apparently from that angle uh or are are you going to insist on you know I don't even know something like this cost but I really can't afford it I have to take a loan out for it well we we can't answer those questions for you you'd have to go before the Planning and Zoning or speak to the code officers with regards to what is required the The Village has um uh a criteria for a driveway gravel is an acceptable one it does have to H gravel is acceptable it does have to have boundaries um what because we understand that you're stating you're on a limited income yes I am and and finances might be tight at least I understand that from what you have stated I'm looking at when do you think is a reasonable time that you might be able to move forward do is three months good for you to okay sir so if we if we table this for three months which should be one sir well this is May so our June hearing July hearing August August hearing yes sir okay so I just call I I don't know I'm just asking I'm just trying to get information we have would have to make a motion I'm here I'm here to comply sir so GI given the situation um it's my understanding that by August um the middle of August you should be able to have uh some plan and and submit the planning and uh submit for a permit and to planning and design uh a remedy for your driveway to bring it into compliance is that correct yes sir now let me ask you one question I'm sorry go ahead I was going to say you can make an appointment to be heard at the planning and design meeting for discussion to discuss what the options would be for you you just have to call the building department about two weeks in advance of the next meeting and let them know okay I'll do that and I'll I'll get right on this but I wanted to ask you a question uh uh my neighbors that sold stated that because they were selling they weren't made to come into compliance because they were going to it's going to be all demolished there's three homes on my block right we wouldn't we would this board wouldn't know that oh okay only we're only hearing the cases come before us if they were cited or not we wouldn't know it or what the remedy is okay I understand so then I would ask Planning and Zoning not about the other properties no no about my property if I were to decide to sell with my wife because we didn't want to put up a construction for the next n ,000 years even though we've been here since 1960 right so all right I think I understand all right okay thank you very much for your time wait a minute we have to make we're not done yet okay I'm sorry anybody like to make a motion can I add something there you mentioned that uh it was grandfather uh that's what I was told yes it was the ribbon driveways were grandfathered in the way they are as long as they're in good shape that's what I was told well they need to they need to wor it be worth it be worth it to you know bring that to the zoning you want me to do it of course you have to you have to find out if it's it's if it's TR or not how much you guys paying hour I'll find because if his grandfather you know you know that's what I thought that's why I'm that's okay grandfather I'll I'll I'll help you with that your approach to your approach from the dve from the road to your your existing driveway is not in compliance yes sir now whether your existing driveway is in compliance because of the cracks I can't tell all I know is that right now you don't have a pro a driveway that's in um that's per code and Sir isn't there a rule that if you do over x amount of percentage on your on whatever that you have to bring the whole thing up to code I I got to talk to building and planner or whatever I got it done I'll do it okay would somebody like to make a motion all right if not I will um I'd like to uh give given the property owners um current status and uh having worked with the village since December that I'd like to uh find that the property is not in compliance on case number c-23 d44 9 and to give him until August meeting which when is our meeting in August here I think um August 7th 7th okay to August the 7th um do apply for a permit all right I'll second well apply for a permit uh and to bring this back before the board if at that time uh yeah if at that time you have a permit then they'll take you off the agenda if you don't have a permit then you'll be up for violation I understand thank you ma'am Miss ham um all in favor I I thank you so much left our next case under old business 7.1 739 Northeast 111 Street case number c-23 d417 property owner Brett Anthony Frey property owner was found to be in violation of chapter 5.6 off street parking and was non-compliant there is a driveway that does not meet the design standards set forth in section 5.6.7 we're asking the board to issue an intent to lean on this property an Affidavit of non-compliance was filed there was no permit applications submitted by the property owner as he been in contact with you yes I have spoken with the property owner about two weeks ago in reference to the driveway and at that time what was you know what was said what was the discussion what was moving forward if anything well the property owner told me that he was seeing some hardships with the property and so the property owner is here to further explain those hardships questions right s if you would uh introduce yourself and your relationship to the property yeah my name is Brett fry I'm the owner okay uh what do you have to say with regards to the driveway not meeting the design standards yeah well first I'm basically not even clear what the design standards are except you know I get feedback from my neighbors you know who end up creating full-blown driveways of you know double car width and stuff like that I guess it was it could have been their choice it could have been your code standards or whatever I don't know you know I'm just realizing you know they paid $10,000 or something like this and it's like you know you know I mean the driveway that I have in place has been there for like 75 years it's like but there's no approach still it's grass on the approach thank you I did I didn't know what the exact standards of compliance were okay for one thing so there's got to be there's got to be like a some sort of bridge between the street and my driveway yeah yes and you can discuss that with the design board because they can tell you what would be acceptable or not good but but the way it sits now it's not in compliance the case was heard on March the 20th I believe there was a citation issued notice of violation was issued uh back in October um the 18th of 2023 yeah and it wasn't until two weeks ago or so that we've had any Communications from you sir correct what's happened in between I mean from October as well as the notices that were given out from the village uh to all residents with the enacting of this uh ordinance well further a lack of understanding and then I you know then I just jump to the biggest thing it's like okay you know it's like I got a full you know P driveway there and you know I'm at a minimum $5,000 just because I guess right it looks good I have no idea what your well right now it's you've already been find found in violation copy that so I mean I guess that's what we're here we just want to hear what you have to say um no I'd be H I'd be happy to do something about it you know it depends on right now it looks like your fines are $4,000 and we're here to um direct The Village whether to um uh request uh an intent to lean or if there's anything we need to know what to do um anyone have any questions I what to say about that well did did did we we discussed this uh a couple of meetings ago right yes it's already been I'm sorry Judy he had until May the um 1 to come into compliance uh and um if not it was started assessing a fine that's why from May the 1 I mean May April the 30th if not on May the 1st it started a $250 a day fine um and now we're up to the 15 um prior to that the notice of violation had been issued out in October 13th of 2023 and the case was heard back on March the 20th and when we did that meeting in March the 20th that was Mr Fry was notified of that yes yes here right no he did not come you know that we had a a hearing on this a couple months ago right on March 20th I'm gonna say no I mean you you probably did but I'm just gonna say well I think uh all right well get I'm I'm not trying to be here in opposition to anything I just want you know well sir I mean I've heard what you had to say and um what I like to do is make a motion if if no one else would like to make a motion that on case number c-23 d417 uh to affirm the mo uh the villagers recommendation to follow lean and to direct them to move forward with the lean of $4,000 unless paid by unless paid by what's today May 15 um May the 31st that's uh two weeks from now do you understand what he just said I just listen yeah okay basically giving you two weeks to um pay the fine if not I mean the then they'll follow move forward with filing a lean and the applicable uh filing fees that go with um filing for a lean you I have a second I'll second it and all in favor I I and and the fines will continue until you pull a permits so you need to get to the planning and design board to talk to them about what remediation you can do once you pull the permit notify code and the fines will stop once the driveway comes into compliance you can come back to us and we can discuss whether there'd be a reduction in the fine thank you um where what where is that office that I would go to building right behind you that one over there yes sir and any particular date or is it the sign they're 9 to5 Monday through Thursday and 9 to 12 okay 9 to one on Fridays 9 to 12 and I'd be I'd be um and explains like what it will take to get that to code is that correct at the same because I'm like I'm in a yes sir you'll need to deal with the village right now we're only hearing the mo the the lean that's before us all I wanted was a yes or no yes somebody within there you can speak to code or the um the officer some they'll direct you with whom with what is needed or provided or you can ask to speak to someone specifically maybe set an appointment right now there's um we've directed The Village to follow lean if it's not not paid by May um a by May the 30th May 31st I'm sorry and Dale who seconded Michael Michael all in favor I I okay Dale no and Michael Michael right next case please thank you no sir you have another case uh you have a couple more cases no no oh this was the only one yes I'm sorry sir our next case under old business 7.2 740 Northeast 121st Street case number c-23 d389 Elaine B a the property owner was found in violation of chapter 5.6 off street parking a driveway does not meet the design standards said for it in section 5.6.7 property owner was non-compliant we're asking the board to issue an intent to lean an Affidavit of non-compliance was made and elen for $500 still Remains the property owner did apply for a permit DWS 24-24 which is currently being reviewed by the building the design and review board under civil review so um any questions I I thought the last time that we dealt with this that it was in the process of just getting done and I see a I went to the pz I got approved I went I just got the first review this morning on the email just give us one second sir because I think we have it here we might be able to set it with and then come right back to I was goingon to say that I I'm looking in the in the packet and I see a permanent application dated March 21st 2024 and um the application was March the 19th I mean March that's what I said yeah 20 she said the day before our hearing the order oh oh I see the 19th yeah okay and then and then I thought we extended it because he had just gone through the process and was like it was in the process of getting done so it's I'm correcting that right I'm I'm correcting that right well um from what I remember I believe it was that the violation had occurred and gave him till it looks like till April the 30th um to come into compliance I don't know if we knew about the permit application or something right period to to come into compliance I do see where he um submitted the permit prior to that um and we can ask the homeowner but I thought that you know when we heard it was like it was the wheels are already moving so when I came here initially I told you guys I was ready to submit I did and then I missed one uh hearing for the pz so I went to the next one uh I believe it was like the beginning of this month and I got approved they got kicked in to uh review here I got an email saying you're approved and now today I just got the first uh email saying that I got some comment from I believe public works for some detail question do y'all have any information on that with regards to has it been approved and just waiting for the permit to be picked up or no it's not approved yet I haven't responded to that uh perment has to be paid for and picked up I haven't even looked I just saw the email actually you know if pnz approved it well what we're seeing here on the pnz is last comment says provide proposed Drive way crosssection and then they need to refer to the standard driveway detail packet the gravel driveway requires a 4 in deep border it needs to be 16 in wide parallel to the road and 8 in wide along the three remaining edges that was from this was May 15th at 3:58 PM that's today today that's the comment from Public Works the pz had no comment I got approved otherwise they wouldn't have send it to review to what I what I see is is is basically it was that he was found in violation in the administrative pig that's five that's the total of $500 it wasn't that he was having the daily fine or anything right he was the I don't have the he I don't have the notes from the hearing before us yeah either I didn't even I didn't I didn't know that we you guys gave me some kind of deadline for the next yeah I don't remember that there was a fine I remember that there was a deadline and we were like okay well we hope we don't see you again and and you left or was something along those lines but would somebody like to table table this to the next hearing because I'm just reading the notice of enfor forcement and it states that it was a found in not in compliance with the code which he wasn't and an administrative fine which he may then want to um contest or do a fine reduction yeah I I'd like to make a motion to table this to the June meeting I have the permit by June am I good to start work should I wait you once you get a permit that's aside from this this is basically to file a lean on your property for non-payment of the yeah for non-payment of the um non-payment of the fine and the administrative fee that's what is here it's not that we were ruling that case was already ruled on it's so that we can get the documentation to see why it was I'm looking at this once you get the permit you're okay to go ahead and do what you need to do and then what you would probably want to do is you would want to file a motion to be heard to for ruction reduction of the $500 fine that was okay I never heard of a $500 fine no one's ever mentioned that to me you would you should have gotten the notice of uh the Affidavit of posting along with the um the order of enforcement the order of enforcement the order of enforcement that was signed on March the 20th I'll look when I get home yeah yeah and then just come back I mean other and just say you know everything is is done you been going along and and and and make that motion no but you you can't you can't go for yeah you can't go for a fine reduction until the driveway is complete and you've passed all your your uh inspections fa enough good look it sounds like it's the wheels are moving slowly but they're moving just like justice all right good night night Sir so well wait a minute do we have a motion oh did I made a motion and who second it I'll second it what was the motion please motion Michael to table till June all in favor I by thank you a next case under old business 7.12 11947 noreast 12 court case number c-23 d332 Marcel C Paris Augustine D Paris Kenny Jeffrey Paris property owner was found in violation of 16.1 15.2 landlord permit required and was renting the unit on a long-term basis without a permit we're asking for the board to issue an intent to lean the property owner was non-compliant no landlord permits were applied for and then Affidavit of non-compliance was completed so there's still no landlord permit there's none and the way that we found out about this was what there there was a renter that will will Misha Hall that that's correct and what happened she got evicted and she she was renting the property and they were making repairs to the property and was not giving her any notice as to when they're going to do the pairs and she was complaining about other issues within the apartment and then and then once that occurred they they talked to the village and then that's when you said wait a second there's not a renters permit here so what are you talking about and that's how it got unraveled basically okay so can I speak one second sir um yeah that was actually heard on our meeting of March the 20th 2024 and at that time that's going to be uh that's fine of 250 and a daily fine of 28 cost and they given until April the 10th to um pull the permit I mean file for the landlord was was Mr Paris or W Augustine at that hearing I don't think so right I wouldn't we wouldn't know but I mean order of enforcement we just here to see um with to the lean so with regards to the lean sir what's going on first you will introduce yourself relationship to the property my name is Kenny Paris all right we're gonna go ahead and start from the top when he said that it was R what was your relationship to the I'm the owner of the property your K Kenny Paris it says Marcel C Paris go to the end says Kenny Paris at the end I only see one the notice a and then Augustine um De Paris and Kenny okay I see it Kenny Jeffrey thank you right um so uh roof and permit was pulled you guys are trying to violate me on that it was pulled the only reason why we we ended up renting the property to her property of vacant for two and a half years we rented the property to her she made complaints because she was being evicted she was in she ended up being evicted but in the process we paid for a permit a landlord permit I then came down because I was I was getting two violations one for the roof which you guys passed inspection on and one for the the landlord um tenant uh what you call it the permit was paid for I don't know if you guys whatever but anyway nonetheless I came down there to speak to I believe this young lady right here and I I ran it to you because you was asking me about my nephew about playing basketball they they advised me that all those things were thrown out because some way in the system that the permit for the roofing um I don't know what happened why they was giving me a violation on it when it was already completed you guys passed the inspection and the Tenant was evicted out the property with the permit was paid for now how they say it wasn't paid for I don't know the permit was paid for I'm not sure it was inspection That was supposed to be provided with the permit but it was paid for and it was an application filled out for maybe I can I can clarify something this is not with regards to your roof for qu it it's the landlord permit right but I'm going I'm giving you a whole story B so do you have do you have a receipt or any documentation of where you paid let me call my sister right she had my sister doing well we're we're not rehearing it tonight because you already have you've already been an order enforcement is already in existence what it is is with regards because there's been a fine acing since the order of enforcement went into effect so the case was heard now what some of the options is to pay the fine and fall or what's the fine right now you're up to 24,000 that's impossible because I I I I literally can't sir I hear you let me speak I let you speak let me yes sir I came down to B K Park and spoke to them and they said the lady who was there she said I told her there's no tenant in the property she said the lady who's here she she she know she has notice of that she'll take care of that that was because I came down for two you guys violated me for two issues Roofing and that particularly now I never got a VI all I saw was a notice on the door saying that we're in violation of pulling a permit with a tenant tenant was evicted tenant was already gone so we paid for the permit that's what we need do you have the permit hold on hold on all once again I you can call your sister but you may want to do it and request a hearing because her bringing it here tonight's not going to have any I'm not asking her to bring it here you I want her to send me the actual payment of of the of the permit a perit was paid for that's just my that's my thing yes sir I'm just trying to tell you with tonight what we can and can't do we can't rehear your case what we can do is and I and by the way I never got a VI a a a statement saying that you guys are charging me 250 per on violation per day I never got that all I saw was the thing on the door and I took it and I came to biscan park to talk to somebody about it there would have you can and see the Cod and and on top of that every I spoke to the lady that uh I guess who calls about every violation and I told her I said from now on don't just leave it on the door s mail it to my address she my address is on fire and I never got a uh a a notification about me being fined 250 or whatever the case may be a month that would be in your records you can go to the village and find out that right all that information because they do have to post it as well as mail it to the address on record and one was not mailed well I I there's a US Postal Service certified mail dat uh looks like was sent to what address to 1945 noreast 12th Court no it was supposed to go to 2309 Southwest 27 avue it can only go to the address that is listed on the um property appraisers as an address for the owner so if your address is not listed for the property appraiser we can't send it to that address you have to change it with property appraiser all right if we can deal with the lean okay all that other stuff sir I would strongly recommend you go down there right now we're here whether to recommend that the uh Village move forward with following a lean or something else would anybody like to make a motion given the um residents so let me ask you a question so a permit was paid for I just want to get clarity I'm just want to I'm asking for clarity now if a permit was paid for and the Tenant was evicted and the property is empty how is that a violation your the V what you were found not in compliance for was not having a permit right or um a landlord tenant permit okay now there was no documentation or evidence the uh villages from what I remember and only going by what I have here which is not your file it's only the order of enforcement it was found that you were in violation of not having a landlord tenant permit assessed a fine of 250 an administrative fine of uh cost of 250 and to come into compliance by April the 10th that wasn't done commencing April the 11th a daily fine of 250 would have commenced so up till and from that was for this one I also have a issue with the I'm seeing the fine starting on February the 11th of 2024 and this order of enforcement is from commencing April the 11 right so that shouldn't be that what I'd like to do is uh make a make a uh Motion in case number c-23 d332 to table this until August 17th hearing at which time August 7th August 7th hearing at which time uh the property owner can bring in its documentation um well let me sync this yes the yeah just to table it until August 7th hearing are the fines going to continue on a daily basis until then able well if the permit has the daily fine would continue what what the resident would do is either provide the documentation um showing that he has with the village at which time the village would bring it back between now and then he could deal with the village and with regards to whether whether a permit was pulled pay to stop it by pulling a permit mhm um and then if there was no permit that was pulled can always ask for a fine reduction before it goes to a lean this gives you sir um till Aug till a August s are we not hearing in July don't we have a hearing in July 17 that's what I thought all right I'm going to as there's no second till July 17th they hear you initially said August yeah well I met July and I thought you met AUST all right right July 17th well but what about the the issue with regard to like the fin he's got now started on back in February and it should really start on August um April 11th we can they can they can recalculate that clarify it I'm just seeing an issue so they could bring that before us but right now we're not doing anything the daily fine would would continue to run unless um Mr Paris provides the uh documentation to the Code Enforcement Officers if you have it then they'll be able to adjust accordingly or bring it back before us going asking us um to dismiss if it was in in effect all along I don't know it's not before us I'm G it's giving you I will on she once she finds it I'll go ahead and provide it I'll come down to the um giving you a month to give that to come into compliance if you don't have it if it was never um paid for then you may want to um wasid okay you may want to speak to the village with regards to that or requesting a fine reduction no problem so my motion would be to table this until the July 17th hearing second all in favor I I you should get that proof of payment and you should get that other documentation and then you know that's what I'm I'm I'm going to bring the proof of payment like as far as how the how that goes I don't know but I'm G provide that you should also get with the village and if you you know ask abolutely trust me I'm on top of that no nobody wants to pay 24 or however amount of money that's a lot a lot of money yeah so I I'll deal with that as soon as possible okay right thank you guys have a good night Sir you have a good one too our next case under new business 8.3 11402 Northeast 8qt case number c-24 [Music] d114 Adam G felon was 8.3 8.3 this property was in violation of section 9 9-17 criteria to determine abandoned vehicle was a white four-door S500 formatic mercedesbenz with an expired license tag stored on the right side of the property facing Northeast 8 Court the property owner was non-compliant and we're asked for an order of enforcement in regards to this case have um is the vehicle still there yes yes we do have pictures we about to submit and has the uh property owner been in communication with the village in regards to the property owner I met with a potential buyer for the property and Mr Moren can I was in contact with him and up to today we were in correspondence you said up to today you are in cor corres was was in correspondence with him and what what's what's the nature of those Communications uh we have some emails we also need to submit but that that's with a potential new new buyer or is it the new property owner are you the new buyer yes but that car is mine so that's basally what it is right sir if you would um state your name in the relationship to the property my name is Bri janon yeah you need to speak into the mic my name is mirand Canon and I'm the I'm the person that's going to buy the property So currently you have no relationship to the property but you are the I have a contract on the property pardon we have a I have a contract on the property okay contract on the proper and when are you closing 60 days right and uh this has nothing to do with this going on with the car vehicle I'll have it tow out tomorrow I honestly I just haven't been paying attention to it that's what are you recording this B fa I do see that it was um yeah a notice of violation was March the 20th March the 1st I mean I just didn't pay attention to it that's compliance by March the 15 nothing to do with it so you're not living at the property are you living next door are yeah so any questions of the property owner he says he can have it removed by tomorrow oh not the property owner the owner I will have the car to tomorrow I'll actually have it to tonight if you want I mean like right right now what are we consider there's a fine well no you're G that's what we're here to determine was he in violation yes he was notified on on March the 1st at the compliance date of March the 15 now May the 15th months later and uh there I hear a motion um I make a motion that a violation has occurred and that we um impose a $250 fine and $250 administrative fee and give him two weeks to get the or a week to get the what do you think two weeks two weeks to get the car off the property or a $250 a day fine will be imposed so two weeks would be May the 29th so to have the vehicle removed by May the 29th if not commencing May the 30th $250 day F thereafter is that what's your yes I'll second all those in favor I all those I that's it that's it for that one think you there's another case that has nothing to do with actually you're talking about what what's the other case our next case is 8.4 under new business 11402 Northeast 8 court case number c-24 d153 Adam G felon property owner was found in violation of of 11.9.51 clarity standard um sir did you bring do you have a contract here to present um to enter into evidence because if you do we can if you're taking care of this issue because the property owner is not here right but I I am to I do I don't have the contract on me I didn't know I I didn't know I need is the village aware that there's a contract um I mean I understand this is this is uh well it's a sales contract when was it [Music] entered eight months ago so what's going was the 60-day thing you in a more because we have 10 months to close which is 60 days let 10 months to close regardless I was just wondering the property owner is not here so technically served well I can answer that question for you anyways it's it's a pool I've drained the pool multiple times within that eight months and then my solution is I'm going to drain it again but this time after I drain it take the pictures I'm put two by fours on top and plywood on top of it because there's no electricity no one's using the pool yeah but you have a health a health issue before you a sa the property owner has a has a health issue whether right now it's still under the other one that's who we're looking at Adam uh um at this time we'd like to enter some photos into evidence right but what I'm trying to say is I I can come up with a solution right now right if if that's acceptable for you guys I mean 2 by4 close off the pool now why do I get in it yeah your solution can be fine but I mean or in in whatever agreement you have with the current property owner right now we're hearing with regards to the the uh uh Clarity of the pool the fact that it's stagnant and uh breeding it would be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects there but we had that's not before now later so much this health ISS anybody like to make a motion or any questions I understand you said you can take care of it right away by tomorrow but I mean his solution that that wouldn't be for us to determine whether a good solution or not right now it's just before us whether this is in compliance it's not it hasn't been in compliance and and if he's had a contract for 10 months on it why has nothing been done till now what do you mean nothing been done I don't understand that question what there nothing been done to the house or to the sales no no to the pool asking why does it why is it continued to be in a you know like I told you I've drained it multiple times all right and every time it rains we we've drained it it's not like it's been full all all the time we do have U um Pool services that can there's no there's no electricity to the property I I hear you sir just that you have a pool if a child or an animal got there and into the water I mean you're GNA have a pretty sick Critter a pretty sick person oh there's fence all over the place but what the idea is to eliminate the pool I have a motion no other question um a violation has occurred I'll make a motion that a fine of $250 be assessed with an administrative fee of $250 and that until the property comes into compliance there' be a daily fine of $250 requesting the fine I mean the um property come into clients regards to the training of the pool I need a date I wouldn't give them more than a week because I think it's a health issue and it's been going on since March okay date date the 24th of May that's good for me so what $250 fine $250 Administration uh fee and 250 a day starting on the 25th 24th of May comply by May comply by comply by May 24th not a 250 dollar daily fun they okay and that was on case number c-24 d153 yes I'll second all those in favor hi hi our next case 8.5 I think you're done I'm done Y no he's not well well you're done we just have more for the property oh yes sir correct our next case 11402 Northeast 8 court- c-24 d154 Adam G Fen this is for the property owner was phone in violation of 8.4.2 a lot maintenance and cleanup this is regards to the swimming pool located to the rear of the property containing stagnant water and is nonconforming to the Village code property owner was found non-compliant in this um is that just s just one second um I was reading over this and I have a little problem with the notice of violation in that it's the exact same wording uh the description and the corrective action is the exact same as what was given on the previous case which was um the m-153 uh in that while this may be a maintenance issue and cleanup it's giving the exact same description so I would I would request that um this this case be dismissed I'll make a motion to dismiss I'll second and that it's a a duplicate thank you all those in favor all those in favor I hi our next case 8.6 11402 Northeast 8 court case number c-24 173 Adam G Fen the property owner was found in violation of 11.68 fence maintenance the fence on the left side of the property has deteriorated and is not in compliance per code the property owner was is non-compliant and we're asking for an order of enforcement on this case okay I don't understand that you just want me to paint it is that it one second sir this one is for the driveway not me and the notice of violation was this time we'd like to submit some photos that was taken today of the property e this is regard to a uh dilapidate fence and we just received another picture dated today May 15 and uh so have you been by the property today and regards to the non-existence of fence talking about the fence that separates me and the neighbor well it that uh your fence that uh should be around the backyard or the pool for the property right now it's an open area going back to the property right but we fence okay but that was taken out between the neighbor and me we just he actually decided let eliminate that that's what that is right but sure the pool is exposed also right now you have a dilapidated fence and right now um Luciano I see the first picture that we have back in April of the chain link and this picture of today is showing it's been removed grass is over the fence oh I don't have that okay yeah so sir right now you have a chain link fence that's dilapidated can I there's that property owner was uh given a notice of violation on March the 28th no the the problem is is that is that there's no fence around the pool so the pool creates a problem your fence is dilapidated whether you replace it remove it we're not we're not telling you what to do right now it's a dilapidated fence it's not in the property had yeah fence is dilapidated is in need of repair repair or replacement and um it's not up to code and that is 8.6 what was um notice of violation that was issued and uh corrective action was to OB turn obtain a permit did do you have any plans for that for for the fence are you just going to leave it down well the idea was to tear down the entire building and put up a chain Ling fence for you know the ones for construction oh you you're G to raise the building and build something else there tear it down but there's a chain link fence there if you want I can fix that chain Ling fence I mean that I didn't get I didn't understand that I thought he wanted me to paint the front of the house the anyway right before us before us now is is give me a week for the Ching things I will fix it right that's all I need so um questions we have we have I mean even the pro uh the new pending owner is stating that the defense is dilapidated wait wait a perm would have to pull for that yes sir then I can't do it in a week no well repay I mean if you that's that's a problem there well if he does the thing with the pool drain it out and put that stuff over it while he's going through that permitting process that's it's not that's before us that's not before us this right here has to do with the fence the fence is either needs to be removed or um restored perit p and can I another question if I cover the pool and I wait wait wait I I there is no law that says I have to have a fence correct if I don't have a pool correct but you have a pool right but if I eliminate the pool if I cover up the pool if you cover up the pool you still have a pool oh really even if pool's not functioning even if I it's still a pool there he would have to deal with the village we're not dealing with the pool right now just the fence the fence could I uh any questions further questions right now with regards to the fence it the pictures as of today it hasn't been the issue hasn't been rectified is there a motion anybody like to make a motion if not I'll make a motion on in case number c-24 d173 that the property property is not in compliance assess a fine of $250 administrative costs of $250 and to have a uh defense either come into compliance or permit F by June the 12th whever you come into compliance that's um if not after June the 12th a daily fine of uh $250 June the 12th would give you how many um one code hearing one PE planning and design hearing that would have to be in what by May the 24th we're at May the 15th that's a week all right no it's a little soon all right um You have to give me a little bit at least I will amend my motion to or restate it f of 250 administrative cost of 250 uh coming to compliance by June the June the 20th if not daily fine of $250 per day thinking June the 20th there that gives you two that gives you two planning and and design more than enough time that's fine to June 12 if you want the fair the fair day the power of persuasion good positive thoughts you know you got to go to the plent andon I know do all in favor I by next case my next case 8.7 11402 Northeast 8 court case number c-24 d17 Adam G felon the property owner was in found in violation of section 4 54.2 private swimming pools the swimming pool to the rear of the property is not surrounded by a safety barrier and the property own was non-compliant we're asking the board to issue an order of enforcement on this case but is not the same as defense I I I'd make a motion consistent with Judy's motion that gave him to the next week the 24th to with the very first uh pool violation that motion yeah but but I mean again if somebody or something Falls in there but I I see this a little bit different Mike Michael um in that the first one was because of uh water in there and it was stagnant breeding insects and mosquitoes and all that other stuff this one has to do with another safety issue by not having a barrier around it and that as it is right now there is no fence around the property there is no barrier fence around the pool so anyone a neighbor's child anyone can can enter that property at multiple places so I mean somewhat immediate action is needed I don't think even a week is too long as this has been going on since March 20 first and I would think that the village should have something that can be done on a situation like this to bring it to our attention before it goes on this long either call for a special hearing to act on these but um we are where we are right now thank goodness no one that's been injured um I mean one of the Le causes of death to children in the state are children falling into a Neighbor's Pool the walk into the property there are fences on both properties okay there's there's no barricade around the pool Florida state law requires barricades around I get that I understand right but the only reason we tore down what was in the middle was because we had the two fences on the side plus the fences in the front but I'm not arguing that what I am saying is I can drain the pole and I can cover that pole I can eliminate the pole and that's what by eliminating eliminating that's fine can you do it in two days I can have it done by Saturday by Monday bring the pool tomorrow and then you got take the pictures on Friday right then Saturday give me Saturday and Saturday and Monday to put the uh the coverage raining the pool would be best things well I can do that tomorrow that's what I'm going to do tomorrow but it takes two days to drain that pool right the pump will't be there I'm telling you I've done this multiple times it takes two days to drain that PO when it's even half make a motion if not I'll make a motion in case number c-24 d174 that uh the property is not in compliance accessive fine of $250 administrative cost of $250 and get the property owner until May the 20th to bring the pool safety issue into compliance if not commencing the 21st $250 a second those in favor I once you do that you need to notify code so that they can go out and inspect it on Monday soon as you get it done otherwise you're gonna have to show up on Friday and then Saturday I guess Friday afternoon or Saturday we can do it you can do it in many ways first I'd try to get in touch with them but is it it documentation also all of it uh all right any are there any other I think that's it good all this just goes to the current property owner which that's fine which which ultimately will remain on the property oh that's okay all right if other than the fence other than that everything else will be done by Monday the car will be moov by tomorrow everything else will be done by Monday other than the chaining fence or the whatever fence that they approve and you would need to deal with them because if your plans are to demolish the property there's a whole set of guidelines I know I know that good luck thank you thank you sir and um look forward to seeing what you're going to do yeah our next case 7.11 11905 Northeast 12 court case number c-23 d340 Nicole Jean jaquest and Jean R jaquest is Smith Jean jackquest a property owner was found to be in violation of chapter 5.6 off street parking a driveway does not meet the design standards set forth in section 5.6.7 the property owner was non-compliant there were no permits found or pulled for this property an Affidavit of non-compliance was done the property owner is requesting an extension on the order of enforcement those pictures that are attached is that the the front of the house where those pictures are I think they are Additionally the propy right I got yes ma'am if you could state your name and your relationship to the property hello my name is Kimberly Jean Jax and this is my father Nicole Jean Jax owner of the property um I'm GNA speak on his behalf because he doesn't speak English very well what was your first name Kimberly Kimberly okay go ahead all right so he had did the permit application the first time and then I got an email from The Village by Vanessa Cherry saying that he did it with Miami Dade instead of the village of biscan Park so he had to do it another time so we have the permit on hand right now he paid for the permit already and we have the receipt with us so you're requesting uh uh us to hold off on on the issue of of moving forward with thean the request at this time yes once you get everything done you can always ask for a fine reduction yes it has to be after the property is comes into compliance okay so at this point you you've applied for your permit and then you'll go or putting in for the permit right yeah putting in if I can interject the property owner paid the $500 so they are in compliance on that level there there's no permit in the system it's not in the system yet because he did it wrong the first time so we have it on hand but he just has to submit it to the Village what do you mean on hand like it's done yeah right everything's done and then we have the has has it been approved by the planning and and design board um I think so has it been heard at PN pnz no he has not oh so without going to P andz they're not going to get the violation is you said it was 500 been paid that's correct just submitted the paperwork so you guys can review it all right um so if they put in their permit today they wouldn't be they're not in time to make the next P and D um meeting they it would uh if everything's set it would be for the June 3 all right June 3D yes that is corrected so it and when they put in for their permit they would also um provide you with all the documentation that would go they would have to submit I guess a package right and then that gets put on the schedule for the planning design and review board um yes I I would like to make a motion given that they have brought a a what appears to be a a completed permit to submit um I would hope within the next day or two uh and testimony by the property owner's daughter and payment of the fine pardon and the payment of the fine that they are working with the village and I'd like to uh postpone this until the hearing of uh June the 7th um for the uh property owner to come back and provide us with an update by that time we'll be looking to see that uh you've gone before the Planning and Zoning uh planning and Design and what what the status is at that time so to hold off on this and to once we complete it like we submitted um I think they're are they closed tomorrow no they're open tomorrow oh yeah tomorrow they're open from nine o'clock so he will submit it tomorrow to them and then from there we'll see what you have to get a a p& d appointment which what is it the 24th that they got to let them know by 24 well they they would they would submit the permit okay and then at that time they would put them on the as long as all you have all your documentation in your packet they would put you on the schedule for the planning and design committee that would be on June the thir all right so we have to have a meeting with them you submit your permit and the packet that goes with it so it can be um reviewed by the planning and design at that time they'll tell you if your packet what you've submitted meets the criteria uh for the driveway okay um you may want to go by tomorrow and discuss it with the uh with the village okay but the important thing is to get that packet in tomorrow because right now you have a daily fine ACC crewing even though you paid the violation it's the daily fine that's acre and if you submit the packet by tomorrow um would that that that that uh stops the daily fine correct that would be correct yes permit is applied for by tomorrow if they turn it in tomorrow okay if you go first thing in the morning then you shouldn't have an additional daily fine once you have everything done um and your permit pulled and you've completed the driveway then you can always come back to ask for a fine reduction so right now I would um I'm not sure if you could come in the morning because I have school and he has work so once he gets off of work we'll go over there and see um they're here I think until five on Thursday but they're only here yeah um when when you when you get it to them is up to you we're only suggesting tomorrow that will stop the daily until until that permit is is um until your packet is um submitted you you have a daily fine acre is it okay if I go and bring it because he doesn't get off work till 6:30 is it fine if I do it yeah okay doesn't matter who but the sooner the better because you get a $250 a day fine acre every day I if if I can interject for a moment they can apply online submit the documents online to the billing department and then they you can communicate via online as to what the process is next or what they need of you those documents thank you you know the website right um I think so I think she sent it to my email yeah and you can yeah you can upload documents there I'll still give it because they already filled everything out so I'll go to down tomorrow and give it to them okay all right well good luck they'll make them put it online everything's online the motion is to table this until the uh June 7 meeting second all those in favor I oh excuse me um he's asking does the 500 he already paid goes towards it like the 250 every day the 500 was for the administrative C uh administrative fee from the um hearing the previous hearing and the um fine fine of 250 the daily fine runs until it's done that's what you'll come back to uh uh ask for a fine reduction okay and what does the reduction do there there's a process for that you'd be asking to reduce the fine of not coming into compliance you you'd come before us you'd ask for a fine reduction submit your packet you would um come before us asking to reduce the fine and state your reasons why okay so keep all your documentation your correspondence with the village doing all of that and then we take everything into consideration the whole thing is is just to get the um driveways installed right yes all right thank you thank you good luck okay thank you good night have a good night our next case 7.6 11 113 Northeast 10th Avenue case number cn- 22-14 Nadia davine and EIT roses and property owner was found in violation of chapter 5.6 off street parking uh driveway did not meet the design standards at Ford in section 5.6 7 the property owner was non-compliant we're asking to amend the order of enforcement or correction amend the order of intent to lean the property owner did apply for the permit before the compliance date the property owner applied for a dws-2 24-10 there was a technical issue that prevented the department from being able to spot that permit but the property owner is still owing $500 for the January 17th order of enforcement so at this point she has a permit for the driveway that's correct and the village is ask for us to amend the order of enforcement no uh uh amend the order of intent to lean to what to what yes exactly because there's I only have up in front action needed amend the order of enforcement there's a $112,000 fine that needs to be removed the fine can't be removed and that that's the whole thing because it's I think that's where he's getting I'm just looking for the documentation um here it is right here that she had filed for the permit and all before the commencement date so there would be no acral that needs okay adds up to 12,000 something um all right because the only information I had before me was the $500 that was so yeah assess um the assessment the fine of 250 and the administrative cost for that hearing for that night and then I um would ask that your um I would ask that the order of enforcment here it is right here oh here it isly by February the 28th and the permit was pulled what date February February the 13th so you were in compliance the only issue was was the um fine and the administrative cost $500 is the driveway done no sir um it's expensive do you state your name and your relationship to the property yes so I'm Nadia derine and I'm the owner of the property and to answer the question no I have haven't completed the driveway as of yet but I have quotes and everything to do it um it's just pretty pricey so I was just kind of um waiting until I get some more funds to do it the permit I think gives you six months right but yeah the permit's been pulled the only issue so I think you're referring to the $500 right you're um I think there was I was supposed to to come on the 17th of January yes January the 17th was the date of the hearing and um that's when the uh you found in violation of the ordinance and the fine was assessed of $250 and administrative cost for that hearing of 250 okay so just to be clear I got the fine because I missed a meeting I'm penalize you got the fine because you were not in compliance with the code with the ordinance for driveway ordinance which um notice a courtesy notice had been given out on December the 6th of 2022 with a um coming to upgrade the driveway for the new Village ordinance um by January the 23rd of 2023 and then I believe a notice of violation came in June the 12th notice of violation of 2023 and uh advising you that that you were in violation and to bring the driveway to code and it wasn't until January the 17th of 2024 that we actually heard the case so from the notice of violation until January that was a good six months um that's I'm looking at even though there was notices and courtesy notices giving out before that but going from the notice of violation it was uh six months before we actually heard the casee and then um gave a compliance date of February the 28th we're asking just to remove the daily fines right yes yeah and then whether we move forward so I would like to make a motion to remove the D to amend the uh intent to lean do $500 removing the uh daily fine portion of 12,000 a total of $500 so Luciano I just want to have you double check I know you that you guys said earlier I had the permit completed by February I want to say 177 I feel like I heard I I might be wrong February what 19th can you double check to make to ensure that it wasn't done in January before the hearing well it shows that the application date is February the 13th 2024 okay and and so that's the reason why I have the $500 fine because it wasn't completed by the January 17 meeting you're saying well it wasn't yeah I mean it came before the board and nothing had been done that it and yes so we found that there was no that there was a violation okay and then assess the fine and administrative cost Okay so I put in a motion to amend the intent to lean to $500 they have a second second Dale and Michael um Allen favor all in favor I I Dy uh now I'd like to make a motion to well I have a question first do I want the fine reduce or eliminate yes well you think you can pay this within the next month the $500 well I was going to ask because I know that we always have an option to request um a fine reduction like the other homeowners and is is that on the can I re always an option but um there there that's always an option okay but it's doesn't mean that we won't make a ruling to move to have the a lean put in place it I mean I'm of the uh that's what I was asking would you would a month be enough for you to pay it or do whatever you need to do okay um I would uh like to make a motion to direct The Village to uh move with fing a lean for $500 by by uh June the 7th can I get an extension well this gives you until June the 7th to pay 500 to pay 500 or um well can't really file for a mean reduction until it's done to a fine reduction until the driveway is complete okay yeah so pay $10,000 to get $500 deleted or try to get it reduced $110,000 for the driveway to get the 500 well the the if the driveway is not complete there's going to be more fines it's going to keep growing you're gonna get six months to do the driveway okay I mean you're G to have to do the driveway that's yes the ordinance you think you um okay can I have till July please July what let's do the 15 I would make a motion uh to direct The Village proceed with following the line uh a lean if $500 is not paid by July 15th second it all in favor hi' and I am allowed to pay like 250 and then not PID until July or August and I won't be penalized no you July 15th to pay the the second installment by July 15th okay the full 250 needs to be paid okay okay 500 I mean well I was going by yeah thank you all right you're welcome good luck our next case 7.3 767 Northeast 114 Street case number c-23 d284 76 Northeast 114 Street LLC care of resident agent right Angel LLC the property owner was found in violation of chapter 5.6 off street parking where a driveway does not meet the design standard set forth in section 5.6.7 in reference to this case a permit was applied for and an Affidavit of non-compliance the property owner applied for permit DWS - 24-29 on May 13 and the 250 plus daily uh still occurs like to submit the daily calculation into evidence doesn't the find stop when they apply have a permit yes it stopped on the 13th so we'd back out um $500 oh you you have it right here right so nothing else has been paid so we looking at currently uh 3,500 we just take a couple minutes board members be right stepped away for a second noted so is this a rental property Luciano one moment let me check home steed no it's not a rental property it's not rental but it's not homesteaded so Michael um while you out just to recap um the uh permit was applied for on May the 13th so we have an amended um total rule so the um if you don't have any questions I'd like to go ahead and make a motion on case number c-23 d284 Das yeah 284 that a uh the affirm the outstanding fine of $3,500 and to direct The Village to proceed with the lean a second that uh giving I'm sorry giving the uh property owner is permit has been pulled given the property owner until two weeks from now from May the 30th toay the fine if not proceed with filing the lean do I need to restate that okay direct The Village to proceed with the fine if not paid by May the 30th to to go ahead with the lean yes the lean and until I know my brain's going crazy okay and I'll second that all those in favor I our next case 7.4 826 Northeast 121st Street case number Cen -23 d394 Jan roots and wife Denise care of resident agent Laura war war Vine BR Salter Esquire property owner was found in violation of section 11.6.1 maintenance of graffi on the back walls and garage wall and door at this time the property owner is in compliance is in compliance that is correct the property owner is in compliance and they just haven't paid the uh fine they have paid the fine i' like to submit uh receipts to the board that what's going on with that property that's been so um at this point uh basically there's nothing for us to do but would would we just well the P the it's move yeah well I'll make a motion that the um fine has been paid in full and to uh close the case a second all those in favor I isn't that the property they were trying to get yep yeah declared unsafe yeah it's been a battle for 20 years right our next case 7.5 one9 01-03 Northeast 10th Avenue case number Cen -23 D12 LS Gutierrez and wife Maria and Maria Sabio property owners were found in violation of chapter 16.4 double fee permit a driveway was installed without first obtaining permits property owner was non compliant Affidavit of non-compliance was issued and the property owner is asking for a continuance there was a permit DWS d23 D2 is the motion for continuance filed by the attorney Aon Cohen can you say there's a permit applied for yes the permit applied for was DWS d232 that permit was rejected twice on the plan and design review board so at this point we just um he's asking that um we postpone uh our uh recommendations on the incen so the next I'd like to make I'd like to make a motion to table this till the next meeting in June I'll second all in favor I I our next case 7.71 501 Northeast 10th Avenue case number c-22 d018 Emmanuel Ortiz the property owner was found in violation of chapter 5.6 off street parking where the driver does not meet the design standards set forward in section 5.6.7 property owner did apply for a permit dws-2 24-2 and you have receipt showing that the property owner is in compliance and paid the $500 and is in compliance the driver is not done correct um I'd like to make a motion to uh write Village to move forward with following the lean he paid paid oh he paid he paid so I was going to make a motion to dismiss as moot to close to close the case paid the $500 no it's figure out I mess no I seconded that all in favor I I I did to close okay our next case 7.8 11615 Griffin Boulevard case number C- 24-6 maximia Holdings LLC the property owner was found in violation of section 10-1 offensive noise prohibited where unnecessary and excessive noise this was a first offense of $1,000 on a short-term vacation rental we have the property owner was in compliance and paid in full he he paid the fines at this time we will submit receipts to the board make a motion to close all right um on Cen 24-6 as the f is been paid I'll make a motion to close the case I'll second all in favor I same with the our next case 7.9 11615 Griffin Boulevard case number c-26 d64 maximia Holdings LLC a property owner was found in violation of section 10-1 offensive noise prohibited where anex unnecessary and excessive noise first of fense $200 fine short-term vacation rental as of today the propery order is in compliance we' now like to submit uh receipts to the board now on Cen 24-h what's the number 64 6 2464 cn-4 d64 I would make a motion that we close the case I'll second all in favor I Luciano you said that's the last one one more thought you said that was the last one no last property but he has one more case on the property oh oh on the property I see our next case 7.10 11615 Griffin Boulevard case number C- 24-65 maximia Holdings LLC priona was found in violation of section 10-1 offensive noise prohibited a necessary and excessive noise first offense $5,000 fine short-term vacation rental that the only issue I have with this is it's not a first offense it's a third offense and the other one should have said second offense they're all saying First Defense so somebody should correct that let the record reflect that in case number c-24 d64 and 64 unnecessary and excessive noise second offense $2,000 fine and in case number cn- 24-65 necessary and excessive noise third offense $5,000 fine and reference the case and that's been paid too yes the property owner has paid and at this time we would submit receipts to the board in the case of uh cen2 24-65 I'll make a motion to close as moot second all in favor [Music] I any uh isn't for the cases no there's one more our next case one exited my eyes are going cra six7 5 Northeast 115 Street case number c-23 d276 Matthew kise property owner was found in violation of chapter 5.6 off street parking where the driveway does not meet the design standards set forward in section 5.6 there were no permits and the property owner is asking for a continuance it has has been in touch with you guys it's time I would submit a letter from the property owner responding with us for several months e right I think it's G Jonathan's last name is gr I believe that spelling is incorrect on the document but it's it's not to the mayor to to decide before and after it has to go to pnz it has to go to building and the village clerk but where's a picture of the driveway I don't see driveway I only see Swale where do you in the front that's what they're talking about it's that is not for me at this point time um what they're asking for is uh written a letter asking for to continuance and this the resident has been in contact with code and and is working with them aside from this letter Rafel the resident has been in contact with regards to how to resolve the issue other than speaking with the mayor okay if they're stating that they could um come to the next hearing okay I would like to make a motion to continue uh to hear this case until the June 17th hearing given the given the property owner and opportunity us second all in favor hi how many more we got Luciano is that it that is it is it no more cases and our next hearing is June the 7th um oh we just said June 17th on that so change it to June 7th no it's July 17th June 7 June 7th yeah June okay junee 5th is the meeting all right yeah July I'm not going to be here we have the minutes to go over okay has everyone had an opportunity to read the minutes or um April yeah I wasn't present the only thing I have question of is it says made a motion to table the case to the June 12th meeting and I don't think there's a meeting on June 12th is there 7.4 well the question I would have Judy is that what was said because that I don't know should reflect whether it was a correct date or not that's what I don't know okay Michael you weren't here either no no um I'd like to make a motion to the table minutes until the next hearing given that um there only two board members that were at the last one I would feel uncomfortable approving minutes that I haven't you want my notes yeah I have no notes or anything it wasn't present a second all in favor I you need look over um nothing else but substance I mean the substance of the minutes were fine other than that question about June the 12th I didn't have an issue with if there's if there's nothing else I'd like to make a motion to adjourn second all in favor I I apologize everybody and I apologize Linda DUS where's