if you have any questions just go up there but good evening um ingri balson and Edward rajas 515 Northeast 115 Street um the building permit we did some changes and we downloaded in the application because initially was for chain leing but we are going to propose a metal fence um I don't know if we can go to the center and show you the location which is according with the what you guys suggested last time we were in the discussion it's according to the code so we are just proposing a five feet height leading the setbacks that the code allows are the gate Heights five feet high too five feet height five feet setback oh so you're gonna be five so that's within our code uh you're doing the bump out in the front what is the dimension on that 15 15 ft that you us engro to the in the front you have a 30 foot front so yeah so you can go 15 out no closer than 15 you're within that yes five feet um it's horizontal slats there's no gaps it looks like no it's they said they changed it to chain link from yeah it's gonna be opposite metal picket oh okay applications for chain link but do we have a a um a diagram of the metal picket yes it's a it's a blow it's uploaded but I have a picture here too match that gate that's the last picture it's a what does it match this gate that's the last picture oh okay yeah we just haven't received it see okay we have so so going out from the the towards Sixth Avenue the you're keeping the existing chain link fence that's on the back property line currently belongs to the property next door okay so it's not yours okay yeah but so everything the new fence that you're doing along six and coming across this will all be the same material same height okay and the color it it'll be black okay and then and it's going to be anyways covered by landscape say eventually it's not going to be even visible from there right away and then on on the Griffin side it's going to be the five feet set back from the property line from the property line you're lining it up with the front corner of the house exactly okay I think we're good on that motion to approve y second okay David Scarlet all in favor to say I I Mo carries you're good thank thank you I have a question for a discussion that is not related to this can I show you the picture sure yeah okay it would be 30 inches it' be like a driveway 30 inches to the property we don't want it have concrete right up to the to the property line yes yes thank you are waiting all that time um yeah next will be 6B 620 Northeast 120 116 street U metal roof for Alexander ruin okay it's a 312 right right did you submit that the form that we have that that you signify the overhangs and the the fascia I don't see it in the packet here Me Maybe I missed it personally I did not my ref is supposed to be here he did not he told me he wasn't able to attend at the last minute so if there's anything missing I can have him resubmit but I didn't even get any of the plans so I don't have many of the answers for you yeah so there's a form that basically go around the edges depending on what your pitch is then dictates how much of an overhang there's supposed to be and then what the fascia is um so it's a pretty easy standard form but it's missing from the packet and so we can motion to table it I assume but um but we can't without that as a part of the packet then we can't also because looking on street view I don't I don't know that you comply with the criteria for metal roof because it does here on the side of the house your roof has no overhang correct um this is the correct Maybe outdated photo or just the residence yes yeah so you see on the side of the house here well there's a small we require a certain minimum overhang but it's documented in that form that we're requesting so we need to see that to make sure that you have the minimum overhang on all sides it's just one yeah it's a one page and then it'll have the requirement that's needed for the overhang yeah it's like a a visual graph really cool dude on coord but it uh and then I think they even have printed out copies of it in the village office okay but yeah as soon as that's uploaded then we is that the only thing that's missing just somewhere okay everything else looks good though just that form is missing yeah but I mean the color's gray I mean it's a 312 so that's in that gray area that that we have in the code right now so it's it's um it's just a matter of of having the correct paper work all together for us to to to move forward and vote on it looking again I don't know that you have the overhang on the side on the I'm not sure what side you're facing the home to the right hand side yeah yeah you know if the roof extends past the the facade at all or is it sort of flush with the facade on that I think it extends a little bit over like just enough of the I haven't moved in yet so just enough of the bevel of the tile it looks like right yeah I don't know 12 in 12 inches okay oh just double check that with the roofer because if it doesn't comply then it may not be eligible for metal roof and you might have to okay so if it does hang over 12 Ines then it would be okay okay and then once they resubmit would we be able to get onto the next meeting to get this approved all right have until next Monday yeah they have until next Monday okay Monday one week prior to the next got it motion to table 60 second Ed David all in favor say I I motion carry thank you thank you sir sorry for next be 6C 630 Northeast under 21st Street asalt driveway it will come back to that uh next will be 6D 941 nor East 119 street is that gentleman here okay um addition okay yes um I'm kabitz okay do you have new drawings for us went ahead and reduce the second floor roof yeah KY is this on Kyle may you on behalf of uh I am gobitz and so we're now looking out a 27 11 and 38 inch um down to the shingle thickness yeah there you go um so they are they did add that we have the original yeah I think about 10 pages in 11 pages in is the the previous approved no I just want to see what can you tell us what the page number is from Two and what you're going to Z in this okay so yeah so a about halfway through yeah yeah it's so yeah the front half is the new so they're kind of adding about halfway Second Story from the yeah and then they're changing the front pait you're still maintaining the same setbacks yeah that's correct well not on yeah that's correct I mean as far as the does yes I think adding that porch on the side reduces the mass yeah I like it I should that G I just want to see something yeah yeah so the original approval was for 28 feet to it just um correct yes all right motion a second I think it was David and Ed all in favor to say I I hi okay motion carries you're good no you guys sign it it please thank you sir we just we just approved this yeah I think take a win take a win and go with it you guys are clear on these wrong all right next will be 6E 10005 Northeast 118 Street anybody here for that nope okay we'll come back um 6 f114 Z Northeast Northeast 8th Court thank you sir that here okay um that's KY deardo deardo sorry okay just give us a second is there the plan for reason okay the flat roof just one second and it's a flat roof it's in the back motion to approve assuming we have an approval for the addition separately so yeah well built with a permit is the is the question you please stand by the microphone so you can speak into the mic I have a motion if as long as we're confirming that there's a permit for the addition and this is a that would be for addition okay so second in that case I mean feeling they'll notice when they go to close the on the roof maybe hopefully nothing surprises I would hope that it actually wouldn't have gotten to US unless there was some kind of like and nothing would surprise me but just asking you have a second I have a motion uh David and Ed all in favor say I I okay motion carries thank you sorry for making you wait all right next will be 6G um um 11701 Northeast 9th Avenue anybody here for that nope okay so next would be 61800 Northeast 11th Avenue new construction Omar Amala was this a vote or new a discussion or no I'm just running through to see if you know oh but as new construction is this a an agenda M or it's it's a preliminary review I I don't know I mean we we'll review it when we come back um there's a lot of people here for a discussion I have four discussion items oh in in the open go thing yeah I don't know so now that you have zoning approval you can go to and do your MEPS okay so once you get them then guess you can upload them to the to to the open goov so the right now the the I think the Portal's been locked so they can't add any more documents he's saying is that once now that it's approved you're going to have to unlock it to allow them to upload the new maps for the new changes yeah you just have to I would make a call and just say hey we need to we want we're ready to upload unlock it good thank you all right thank you all right I got so far I got four discussion items I think they're all everybody here's are you discussion or are you on agenda you're the walk-on okay Northeast 120th Street and is this for roof roof permit change okay I'm adding one more walk on 7e 665 Northeast 12th Street um this is for roof color but hold on that's not that's not a discussion though that's an actual agenda item is it a tile or a metal or is it one of the approved pre-approved colors like okay would that should that be be a 5A rision to would actually be 5A now yeah okay um so since it's not on the agenda we'll do it last um we'll come back to it and but let's do the agenda items that are here um and one two three four right okay got four I got five different agenda items left so make sure I'm not missing anybody that's on the agenda already so um discussion 7A 717 Northeast no one's here for 6h we confirm that MLL dala sorry what's your names no one's here okay 7A 717 Northeast on 11th Street driveway Mich cordos okay s can you please just go up to the microphone for me please thank you so we have no backup here right no I I again this is I was at I I came to the to the city simple question what can I do before I present to you guys you mind if we all go up to the table it probably be the EAS way probably the easiest thing simple again um this is what it looks like dated driveway uh two things safety my mom actually uh tripped and broke her uh her El her her wrist sorry and i' just like to get it dealt with um this is what the driveway looks like uh we like to put papers again what type of papers um as far as a pallet whatnot again I just want to make this as easy as possible just to get it through um with regard to the paper material so as far as paper material goes I mean we don't really have a limitation on the type or style of papers it's a Pap mean how many shapes and sizes can it really be exactly um color as long as the color is harmonious with it and it's not like bright pink or turquoise or something I don't think we would have an issue with no problem at all you would have to you would you know you decide where you want to place it yep you have to Dimension it give us a dimension and it needs to come all the way out to the street okay okay the asphalt needs to come out so that's part two of my question so I know every you know the old the uh old this game Park Homes have this so this needs to entirely come out yeah so the so the driveway and the approach need to be of the same material okay so you would you would have the new uh papers that come all the way out to the street so 111 yeah and then and then you know you would technically you have to bring this into 40% of the sale okay so right now you looks like you're like 80% yeah so but you know would you really want to have a nice New nut paer driveway and then have some old asphalt on each side exactly so really you would want to bring this into compliant and redo it all at the same time but you could convert that to papers in have some parking it just couldn't exceed 40% you have to reduce the footprint of what you have today but you could keep some of that Swale parking in so like if I again I I'll I'll cut that off and and and and and then could I leave this asphalt it's not got it do you really want to do that to me that it's all part of the parking surface right the code calls for the parking surface to be same of the same Interior right so that might not be your driveway or your approach but it's a parking surface qu ask that it's a consistent material okay so could all be asphalt too so this would need to be in just papers or I can just do sod here yes yeah okay awesome um as far as the width the width is on me or yeah so you have a you have a 40% rule of your front yard yeah so if you want to make it you have what a 75t lot so you want to make it 20 ft wide you can as long as you stay within 40% of your your front so right now if you just stayed at 11.4 you're fine so as a minimum though because it's a single family home provide two parking spaces on your property sure so you can have in tandem Stacks but a car driveway might least OT wide so nothing do less than that so most likely I would just make it wider make it wider or just keep it aot wide as long as it's deep enough for two parking spaces right got it as far as these walkways to the rear of the home that's not an issue with I can just demo this all out and put saw in here right sure perfect okay uh last question um as far as permeating and drawings do I need to get an architect to do this or can I sketch this up no you could literally take this this this survey and write on it or make a you know copy of it got it and write exactly what you're looking for maybe highlight the area put and dimension it and then you can submit it with your application as long it's clear enough a very new or very clear survey you should be able to just um Mak it you have the other sheet that has the percent of like what the total percent of the front yard is and it's actually required it's on the application you have to provide a lot coverage uh calculations on the on my point is if it's done completely that it makes it easy us okay and then along with a a picture of the the paper that you're proposing sure so I don't need to bring you guys a paper show it just photo of it okay awesome thank you and I just have to go through the same process again right yeah just fill it all out uploaded open J they'll put it on the um the agenda okay and then U you know if it's pretty I mean it's pretty straightforward proc y pretty thank you guysone docents might consider it 92 910 noreaster 19 Street there stay here we'll just talk to everybody at the table I actually printed it for everybody so I'm a discussion item I think but I actually have a permit application open this is the metal roof insert that I did I was missing last time so my permit got I got tabled or denied I don't know um I have a shingle uh roof right now I'm sorry for my yard I just had a graen field put in um and I wanted to put a metal roof on and by by doing the quick assessment using this amazing metal roof insert I quickly discovered that I suppose I'm not able to do that because I don't meet the requirements so on the first sheet you'll see the numbers don't right like my overhang I suppose is not long enough or or extends long enough and the fascia is not as well so I wanted to I guess get confirmation from you guys that I'm correct and like I shouldn't even waste any time resubmitting this formally and and move on to the next step which would be what I also wanted to ask so my first question is am I correct in assuming that the first page of that would cause a denial of meeting okay so um don't me asking sure you know where where's this part of the roof this Ro this part is like 9 in it seems like what and then the rest of them are like four and a half could be that's I don't know but they're all under right or no well the ones that are four and a half are but I guess the or four so so here's the deal this follows in that grayer yes so you're stating that it's 2 and a half to 12 okay so so our code says that anything below two you're not allowed it metal roof well I'm just saying I have seen many homes I've been here for eight years I've seen many sh wood you know wood homes with shingles that got metal roofs recently and I'm like why and I and I think the middle insert paper's great by the way but this is this you're you're going you want to do a metal roof yeah okay not a my my re roof request was to do metal yeah but there's what you're coming is if you couldn't do metal let's say doesn't me what where this is going your roof support a concrete F correct so that and then the cost for me to tell you guys that but besides like just to re-roof shingle is going to cost me 10 to go out and hire a structural engineer which is what the code requests or are are requires is going to be 35% of my budget just to if you guys tell me like the metal insert paper is like hey if you can if if you can go in your attic and measure the distance between your trusses and how big I'll do that and I'll come back in and I'll say look don't make me waste this much money just to have an engineer come in here and say that your house isn't going to support clay or or whatever the other material is that you guys are going to that the code requires I would love to get a metal roof that's my first question but yes where was your original application for a single roof and we we T we denied it because didn't have last got Ted didn't have didn't have so he's coming back but now that he has the concern asking because he's not sure he meets and you're about to him the the golden ticket okay so the golden ticket exactly so um so be by the fact that you're two and a half inches both is two and a half roof with a pitch of less than two less than two and a half inches per foot are prohibited from metal roofs but there's a gap between two and a half and three that um somebody challenged and they actually were able to prove it right that um you're not required to have the overhangs so you actually are a candidate for metal group on your house you're not lawyer said your coach is missing that half degree of pitch and we couldn't deny it so you have wrote two and a half by some Grand fortune that if you were to come back with sounds like somebody knows what they're doing besides me so that's great I was just saying the best job ever of playing like oh wow that's a lucky coincidence yeah so our code said three inches and above had to have overhangs it doesn't say two and a half has to have an overhang qu two so what do I need to do what do I you need to put an application for a metal roof you need to tell us to fill out this little form I I already have it open right res upload that form basically but isn't that isn't that in there like technically couldn't we move from a discussion to 5D or the thing is he the reason why I wanted to come in here was to hear what you guys had to say because he had concerns over the whole structural engineer requirement well yes that was the next step so but so if okay if you were to go to single to single you would have to get a engineer blah blah blah but if you're going from single to metal you have to meet the metal roof requirements okay but our metal roof requirements between two and a half and three do not require over okay so passing because of so so can I ask really quick um or can I suggest because I think it's great would it have been possible to do what I said with regards to like what's happening with the metal roof for shingle like is that something that would have been possible like so so could you because I know a lot of other homes in the in the village have shingles yeah and every time that you want to re roof I mean is there not a way you to go process of an engineer so you can't do the same metal insert but for like a like hey my home what do you mean metal insert so the metal insert paper I really like because it was a one sheet thing that can tell the homeowner anybody like hey go and measure this and this a one page explanation that says that R are related that says your home couldn't support a clay essentially is that not a thing that we could I guess at that point though we'd have to like you know the zoning code is 100 pages long we' have to create inserts for every part of the zoning code for this because it's was like a chronic problem that people would come with application and didn't have the overhangs so we couldn't approve or deny that get tabled every time that was to try to prevent people getting there I was I was really grateful for the sheet because then it quickly told me what well then I'm finding out now there's a loophole but uh very good so I'll I'll resubmit this fast as you can I will and then hopefully then I could be on the next make sure packet too that you upload the color of the RO that's all there everything was there it's got to be one of the pre-approved colors that's on everything was there okay so all you need to do is upload that that document right there I feel like you're gonna tell me something bad no it's just not that it's just your concerns when you came and you're speaking to Dena about it is was the fact that you need a structure engineer because you were going back to shingle I read this I read this and and and that they explained it differently so what they explained is not on here okay okay but but this is but this is an application for metal roof not for single yeah and that's what I went in talked to Dena about was like I I was going The Next Step because I was assuming that I was going to get denied based on this then I was like okay you're not because there's a loophole not because it's defended so just take the loophole it's fine so Dina might have been looking at that saying yeah you don't qualify hear shingle to shingle though so well because I was looking at this saying I was I I thought I was gonna have to come in to talk to you guys about the shingle or clay that's it so okay all right okay metal Ro all right yeah yeah well we answer your question yes yes you did thank you all right all right we have a 11501 Northeast 11th Place driveway s ball I we stay out here yeah come on back come on over please stay here it's my husband I brought neigh know him yep okay finally got got a survey survey finally and it was so little it was so little when he emailed it to me that I went to a FedEx and had a big copy made okay because it looked too little and then um okay and then now he's gonna talk but but when we so here's the survey and then when we talked last remember we talked about the borders and the cylinders and they had to be a certain yeah well just needed to be consistent through the whole process and you're like oh we not sure if you had enough and I was like it felt like I remembered you having some along your side side kind of a picture of yeah once you get past the front property line correct me I'm wrong but once you get past the front property line then the needing to be continuous if it's in your backyard it doesn't say that oh it does it's a forever it's a any any parking service driveway service so it could be the driveway can be in the backyard and it so has to meet the same requirements gotcha okay so what so here here's what he oh oh here's copies sorry he he just drew so yeah not more more of the C we're no we understand it thank you that's that's the papers and the way they laid out okay and they're like six inch in diameter the cylinders I have and 12 in long okay so just tell me where on the plan where do you want to put this driveway are we still talking about yes that's okay that same that's the only actually there's an existing driveway here yeah and you have the the borders on each side it's kind exactly yeah exactly that's that's the that's the the dimensions of the uh of the existing Drive is 22 feet wide and like 30 feet back okay it's a duplex yeah so were saying we had to put four enough of four spaces right I figured that that you get four cars and that yeah I mean remember they can be back they can be behind each other yeah yeah right you're not having to go four across four yeah we could yeah we got separate tanks up front you know it's a duplex there's a SE tank okay on each side 30 might be a little short though do you want to come 30 from the from the street uh from the yeah from the from the edge of the road back to here that yeah you need about 18 but it's 22 feet wide so you could have two cars side by side before yeah it's two and two oh you're saying 30 Oh I thought it was yeah but I mean isn't it doesn't it come all the way back here uh yeah it makes a it makes a turn okay there's a tree kind of does with one of these things and I just want to be clear you're looking to replace gravel inside of the existing exactly things that you have that's right so so and how far back does it here's the back corner of your house right here so how far back does it go that because this is now 29 feet plus 24 feet so if it goes back to here you're at basically almost you know 30 um 45 feet 55 feet so does it oh yeah does it have to go back that okay that's what we that's what we want to know yeah we just want to know gra back so I can draw right yes so was getting it you're talking about putting somewhere around here is your property there right the streets here so on your past that line you would need to have one to sorry for the scale four space so right you would need you know minimum roughly 16 feet wide which you have 22 Yeah and then you need somewhere in the range of 32 to 36 feet right for two spots two cars to fit back and back right but that would be from your property L which is the only thing I don't see because this looks like you're saying 30 feet from the road okay I don't that's yeah property line the property line like at the edge of the sale yeah yeah so once you get past that okay so that that soil is three 36 feet back well actually from the road measure from your house out that's just easier way to do it well you got about 30 feet from the front of your house to your property line so I don't know where you might know better you're saying it's here right now this area that yeah that that's that's where does it go beyond the corner of the house right now this oh it makes it makes kind of a curve but goes past yeah it goes all the way to the back they use that like 18t per yeah but 36 ft yeah so 30 just past the corner of the house you'd be at enough depth for two cars to park and oh okay yeah we can figure that out we can yeah so you you you okay CU cuz if you measure from the front corner your house out 30 ft that's where your property line is Oh okay so then just work back from there 36 feet or 6 feet past the corner of your house okay for the minute for if you wanted to go a little more you know you have a little more play in your your in your driveway okay well the utilities use that to get to the back to work on their poles and stuff like that so that they drive in and out of this thing all the time and there's no damage to the road or or anything it's got a s it got a concrete border that that's what we want to yeah make sure of that's that's existing that's a two feet so this is an interesting L because um if they were if they were ever going to connect across tracks this was your property and and and that was I don't know if you how CU you're 115th right yes 11th place and there used to be the railroad used to actually go the people from the railroad actually so if this street could have come come all the way across across the railroad tracks this is their util this is the easan right here that's right so all this is like neor it's like a rock you know what I mean no but dra well but it's it's pretty you don't have I mean you could continue having them access but we're just saying you need to have that developed piece of property here to park your prop your cars on right yeah okay develop what do you mean that they need to do besides like is it a just a simple gravel refresh or they need to clearly Define an end line on the back edge of it or cuz my understanding is they already have this sort of Border yeah the only thing have is an an yeah we want pull one of those in because they drive back and forth run you already have them though so they're not driving over yeah but there there are utility companies that still drive in here yes comes back there because um they've got there's a pole back there so they still a couple it's not as bad as it used now that they've got some of doesn't drive back there anymore um AT&T and Comcast you have the shed here so they have to go between the shed and that the house right that's what they I mean the end of it could still have a conrete thing it's just the cars the trucks would drive over it yeah it's just it couldn't have these core rocks that they want to use right yeah yeah that's right just have to be a concrete border at at the same level as grael can we do it with light pavers or something like that that yeah a p rep that you can drive over vehic from okay boy know and then and then you have the the the the part in the front which needs to be brought into compliance because you need to be at 40% of of the um the the the part that goes along the street this way wa oh so okay so what are you saying about the what you so if you were to take the total area 133 133 by I guess 25 right so now is at about 65 70t something like that no that's the load here so so if that's 16 8 minus you know um 177 basically yeah so 133 by 17 is the total air of your sale and you can't have this parking can't exceed 40% of that okay s were you cited on that is there any is there any code cited citations or anything okay no no we haven't gotten got like grass on this end you know and grass on this end you know so the SS kind of like scrunched in the middle yeah it's just that when you go for the application for the permit we're gonna say okay you need to bring this into compliance so that's why we're saying you need to chop off was figure not notice this part here that oh yeah can you because that's what we have a question about he's saying we have to take out some of the sale some of the asphalt I mean asphalt well it's in the sale right well you're gonna have can I see your pencil yes I mean you're gonna have you're gonna have you're gonna have gravel now out to the street how wherever you end up stopping it you know because this is like six feed something like that so this all has to be gravel right that's all going to be gravel okay so this needs to be brought into compliance with he yeah which can be more than 94 square feet which don't know what this this is this is like 11 feet okay 10 say 10 or whatever for easy figureing that then it couldn't be more than 82 feet which it's at oh8 that's about what it is I mean I mean we have to dig out fill out a piece of paper that says taking that part out so should yeah right because this will be part of your driveway anyway so that wouldn't count right this would just be the it do this is right well so you would have Tobe take bit on roughly that's the dimensions right there you understand that honey because I don't understand I just so when I do the pre I just want to know what to say yeah but the 36 would be can hear gages oh yeah I'm sorry 22 I'm sorry 36 yeah 2 the side side is that an eras that is eraser Batman would be proud oh yeah here I have a PC no no I got it corrected it's so it's it's 36 to there yeah I'll get up the old advocus and but it needs to go all the way out to the street oh okay y so you mean this is gonna we're this area here is part of that Max 40% so even though we just did the calculation on that little rectangle that's asphalt now we said hey it's right around 40 but now you're adding all of this right which is the approach to your driveway so that that's part of the total area so more than likely you're going to have to probably cut off some some bit of that so that this area here not more than 40% okay so so this is the edge of the house right and that's the little Gizmo that goes on yeah I can I can take this what you're drawing and okay so you get everything you're saying about the yeah the asphalt coming out and the gravel being here and the asphalt here right you get all okay okay so good so so just well yeah actually this these cylinders go straight back like that okay I'm just no just you know just I thought they kind of curved with the property for actually they do but not until they get back to this tree and then it kind of does one of these a bit so we have a huge tree so it could be it could be like yeah like that yeah it's the same dimensions yeah you're right okay right so so to get you to your permit see how Ed Ed did the shading there right so you would just put you would put these borders you draw them on the sides right put You' put uh what did we say p p here oh right you put you put you put that all the way out to the street and then you would put remove and then you would just and then you would put existing to [Music] remain and then you could L submit that and we could we could we could look at it I mean there's also the calculation sheet that that um David had referenced earlier that you'd have to fill out right but pretty much this is what we would need on your survey for you to go for application for the application for the permit okay and then and then we should um when this drawing just take that and draw it over there on draw over there oh okay you can do it all smaller Sid too you're going to have to scan it and upload it to those right ex yeah because I can't well we started to pull it so we'd have a reference number because the last but um we need stuff okay we need this and okay okay so that do you get all of that okay any questions or you have early in the morning see you guys out yes we walk yeah yes yes okay people drive by and say hi to the dog going the airport yeah we have to do that because I fly out okay so okay so we're good right thank you guys thank you okay that's that's much better now I get it okay good thanks okay good job all right 7 729 Northeast on7 Street gentleman over here behind it have questions get out of your way here we go thank you I'm w c a registered architect and I do a lot of work in the area so what this is a particular build we know the building okay so you guys know the very so request here is that this building is z zon not foring to dup so what happened based on a property appraiser this has two units and it even has two me okay so the client loves the architecture of it and what we're trying to do is we're trying to keep it as a two gave you brief just want to bring it up this where again he wanted to keep the structure and design the structure in front of to keep this as a des the answer would be well so I mean finish your presentation so the it was because it's so far pushed back so he has all this land 1926 it's not historic it's not Des historic but we're trying to preserve it and then what this is just a massing study so basically the massing study will be basically to have this kind of uh structure here pool in the middle and maintain this one so you get some kind of transparency but it would be main house guest house but the trick is this CLI trying to do is trying to keep this a one uh one unit and do two on the proper even though it's not conforming but since we are so that's the Reas question the client can I keep this as one unit and two and maintain that proper but one owner right one not trying to guest okay so right now you have a non-conforming duplex in a single family Zone if you if you if you change the use of it more than 50% you have to bring it in so that means it have to become a single family residence okay so so if you were to add another structure whatever you would uh you would end up having to bring it into a compliance of a single family structure you can't have two homes on a property okay you can only have one structure even though I think there's two unit two living units but one one building yeah one structure no to no guess no so but this is what I was alluding to you before okay if if if you were to make it a single family and you connected the two buildings together with a a Breezeway or a wall or something creative you could create a one large home with bedrooms back here bedrooms in the front this could be a studio something but by doing this you're gonna have to come in compliance to the single family part aspect even but connecting the new home to the existing home doesn't still doesn't give them what they want which is having so they don't need to connect then because they can have an accessory structure but then you can't rinse it out you can't have you can't live in it he's saying that it's an accessory structure that there's going to be people bedrooms and people living in Yeah but whether you connect it or not you couldn't I mean you built a home and you made a physical connection it's still got to be one resident so you couldn't rent it out any more more than any home but you can't have a a an accessory structure that's that's a place of a boat can I so if you build a new house this has to become a it cannot live in be it can be a understood Studio or office or so you're just saying it could be an accessory structure but not with four bedrooms or whatever they're currently if they want to maintain those as bedrooms that they have physically connection has become one structure what if we okay so I'm gathering all information so what I'm believing to do is to design a to keep this guest house in a way to but not have it as a house not have it as any habitable space maybe as a parlor pool table second floor would be like Lounge correct cool house thank you a cabana twostory Cabana not rented where I'm going to lose my two my duplex zoning keep it as a single family do a structure here that's what assess structure but be a single family structure that doesn't have bedrooms it could be a game room a gym a pool all those things you Studio Workshop okay I like that this property's come up before yeah it's a beautiful property it's great it has it's uniqueness but it's hard so he purchased it with to be creative and he's a really creative guy he's a single guy by the way and he um might but uh but what's it I want to be creative so the idea was to do a design like this transparency who in the middle and then you can see the structure in the back that was the idea and that's really the approach okay I'll come back but but I got the information but it's just you know it would have to come into the compliance of the single family Zone that it's yeah he's going to lose his defense for regardless unless it keeps it pretty much the same yeah okay yeah unless it kept the structure where it is upgraded it slightly so that it's habitable but didn't put in more than 50% of the value of it correct beautiful I really appreciate it guys thank you much are you you have a color a picture you have something to show us okay here I mean it's just changing the color hold it up from there all right so so next is going to be 5A it was and it's basically 665 Northeast under 20th Street it's an existing roof permit that's already been approved correct yes and we're just doing a change of color was the color in the original the manufacturer was changed and it's not the same shade for right so this is actually the closest color that was approved it's I want to show you what you guys so this is the the special special condition house that you guys approved a few years ago that was just built this is the house we're talking about okay that right there is this color which is the shade of gray but we're talking about this house that's correct I I'm just I'm going for Harmon harmoniousness because this is this color right here this color I don't want to show you okay is the closest thing that matches this and it in my opinion looks like this house that which was just approved what are the two samples so not bring that but just I understand what are are these both options if this was the old option that no longer this was the closest one that of the original approval okay but what you really want that one correct all right motion to approve but but what are the colors I mean the manufacturers have colors right so what's the color of that bronze which we would call Brown what is the color of that M black that's what they call it it's that's but remember my house is special because you guys remember my house it is very close to the other house like they're extremely close so but would you not want to go with that because you know go very go very basic right brown white gray silver whatever the pi I'm missing right Browns we consider bronze Browns Black is Black right Black's not an option so it's very similar in color but that one's a we can all kind of stand behind and say it's brown by the manufacturer's you know definition what's the part that they look at when they're closing on the color they don't yeah well like because to me I like this seems fairly ridiculous of the difference between here and here if you have bad enough eyesight or stand far enough away I can't help the difference okay to me I look at it and I'm like the amount of houses that I see one in the park the amount of houses that I see that are this like but that's why I asked what the manufacturer color is because I don't want to get into my subjective what I think how much brown or green what does the manufacturer call it does it call it a gray does it call it a brown does it call it a black and it says black so it's that simple so manufacturer calls it I don't want to be guessing what I think looks good doesn't spit my eyes and it kind of looks as it is we've tried to like work with homeowners by saying bronze is a kind of brown and let's live with that right even though it's the code doesn't say bronze it says brown but we're already kind of trying to work that's already going to push it push the limits a little bit do do I like black I have no problem personally I like black not what the say you guys don't have to yell at I'm just telling you that you're you're defending it by saying you so a vague or small difference I don't agree disagree what I was asking was okay cool if they got a manfacturers invoice it said something other than that black if it said dark dark dark gray and then they said hey guys are colors dark dark dark gray we got a special mixed color and the conversations that they had between the manufacturer and them is what whatever that conversation was then I would be like oh okay cool why you match your your neighbor so close to it's super close so you want to be just like that I don't understand no I don't I just I just want them actually but it's like Guest House you know kind of thing I just have an issue with the fact that's called BL same again and not because I don't like the black I'm perfectly fine with it as an individual as a board member who has a code that's very prescriptive that says these are the colors okay I'll find one that says dark dark gray I mean exactly come with one that's gray just has the word gray in it that you're comfortable with okay then we're square but just a question though are you at all concerned about like air conditioning Bills going up because of the black roof versus well this house has shingle on it already so the reflectivity would be better it's shaded also so the colors change with shade and Lighting it no because of the so these were dark dark gray they would be yes dark gray or dark Browns BR bronze okay probably a dark blondes um this this guy's name's Oliver go ask what his color is and where he got it from did they end up putting the fence along the the side they yes does it provide you any privacy on your side with that window right there sorry which one it covers my windows yeah there's there's the they put a fence on yeah my windows are blocked now okay so next time you come in you might be on the gend it supposed to be on we got an email from the village so what is the what do we'll find the the dark dark bre from like second one can you guys pre-approve it if it's a dark dark right or can we send you a color chip picture with the color chart that says it for you to approve Gage as a chairman we we often say you know approved pending submitting the proper color selection to the chair so so motion to approve pending proper color selection to the chair second okay so you'll send it in you'll send it to me if you thanks I mean the alternative is we just approve that right now you this one yeah like I just don't or you could sleep what's wrong with that color huh it's a nice color no no no it is a nice color that's why I have it here these are the two colors that I but I'm saying basically what we did is approving just give the color so if you give the color tomorrow you can approve it so sleep on it tonight I sleep on it I'm saying don't don't force yourself into picking one that maybe you're on right so tomorrow the next day the next day you just need to give it to him now whatever process but it won't have to wait for another board he independently can approve if it says great if yes it says a color or white all right do we have the minutes minutes all right so I have the minutes from do we have a copy for everybody no it's in the it's in the oh there's the original minutes and then correct we have the minut the minutes from the March 4th 2024 meeting we need to approve the corrected minutes of 226 I think it was just for me to sign it correct yeah also change deny to not we had already approved it in pending it's just a signature right I like 6 e to an Unholy Trinity or we had approved except for the minutes old turn into Captain Planet and put all of our power rings together who was the actual person you probably me thing is I seem to leave and then this 7c never came back all right take a motion just one correction for 6 it's either David or Edward our names are I liked it that way I can make a motion proba David which one which one is it seven seven which one no 6 e is says Edward grin made a motion we should have that be our fifth board member it's like Edward Gro now he's absent again n do well all right with that one Amendment motion motion to approve pending the one amendment to 6 e David Ed all in favor say I I motion carries okay okay 4B is I'm just going to sign that the signature would be from the last meeting right which would be the March 4th right okay all right back to the agenda um 6C 630 Northeast under 21st Street asphalt driveways Bic I approve this here we have 5% impervious and 8. 49% impervious oh it's actually 12.5% for the soil RightWay usage does any know what he's doing he leaving removing of just changing theing all that thats the green color I think it's a replacement but is it aspht for asphalt is the rest of it staying as driveway per driveway I think they're changing the type of driveway but the question is removing that long arm oft that goes back the house it doesn't look like so why don't we motion to table pending clarification on remaining asphalt driveway past the front of the house okay David and then Ed and then also so you want me really you really think it's 8.4 so the motion the motion was the table and then clarification on the asphalt driveway behind the front of the house whether it's remaining as is or being removed basically the problem is is that it can't then transition from what it's going to be to suddenly the old asphalt driveway that goes and and no gauge I don't think the math is right but yeah I don't think that 8.49 is correct personally the calculations the Swale the SW I fixed the SW math the SW ma 5% yeah that's actually 12.5% yeah so have them look at the calculations okay that was David Ed favor to say iing that okay next would be 6 e105 Northeast 18 Street gate replacement Aram vquez vquez motion to approve David edes next will be 6G 111701 Northeast 9th Avenue chain link fence the chaps Design One LLC I'm sorry you're saying I think so I mean do it does say six feet it says five no I mean I'm saying the code temporary chru I mean we have no issue with the fence per se just we have to make it with the the mesh and all that kind of stuff also underlined on the page before the four to five feet section versus the five to six yeah she have a temporary construction F have a height of six feet minimum height Den pending necessary six feet height and is it going to delay any type of thing oh there so okay David motion second it's it wasn't just height but also they need to they need to put in there somewhere that there's green mesh also just a question it doesn't look like that red is completely and it it does need to go back because there's probably a house next to it on 117 Street and yeah good good point Scarlet return yeah the fence needs to the the code says the fence needs to go around the entire perimeter of the the construction site we're just that's fine but yeah must connect to existing fence so it needs to return turn back say I I cares all right um 61800 Northeast 11th Avenue new construction Omar so this one we've seen I guess maybe we told the guy last time we're good to go just put on the agenda and they didn't want to come which one is this you you we've seen it a times oh the the St the two-story one that we we worked with them a couple times or taking down the little wood house don't know yeah they're taking down that little tiny house with the metal roof on it and we worked with them they came back many times hopefully there's no changes no surprise changes at the very end that's why that's why they don't come they don't want to face us when they try to sneak something through in the yeah in the 397 pages I mean it looks like a bunch of [Music] calculations only 397 AG 370 has um site plan or that's the old there's a there's actually a tree survey here which is great they're showing a tree survey which there's not a lot of trees on that H that lot Alexander Palm live o oh they added an entire tree survey at the bottom Pages cool otion yeah the most recent actual drawings refer to 23 24 which or that was the feel like that was probably the first time that we looked at it second sorry okay add David on I I I listening to you talk to yourself until you got to the I self-edited Okay so we've done our discussion 7 a 7B 7 c 7 D um think we've covered everything um I'll sign all these things in a minute um pre I think we should all be prepared for The Rush of U variance applications for Gates on griffing Boulevard um that was something else and I guess they're going to come back with an application for a gate for one side and not the other then we're going to say hey you're too close to the uh too close to the the property line for your height you're going to have to move the whole thing back I mean the the attorney said as clear as possible that you have to meet all four of the points and it just just it's a pop it's like I don't want to look bad or tell somebody no and it's just I mean that's exactly what I would I if I was going for a variance I would want to meet each commissioner one-on-one beforehand and like bring my children and strollers and just be like watch their children and bring food and it kills me because it's like a developer that literally doesn't even live in the park is now coming in and changing our code um so if they want to change the gates that's another thing change the change the code but just arbitrarily it's really sad anyway our next meeting will be in two weeks April 1 um April Fool's Day that is correct right that is our next meeting okay I just want to make sure that because I know there were some some um questions so should do a okay all in favor say I I okay we're adjourned at 9:15 these are all the approved ones right that I'm signing I don't I don't like to sign anything that's not approved just because it's can be confusing there might be a you know you turn off the take