heav B thank you gotta keep it short you have a copy of the minutes pretty hey hello are you [Music] okay oh a 7 that on4 yes um was oh it's it's on okay 5c saying yeah I success oh this is the one that they um they called me as they um they said they weren't going to be able to get on but are they here okay you guys ready yeah y all right uh Edward's running a little bit late are we we are we the run is the meeting running we're all good right so um all right uh good evening everyone let's go ahead and get started um this is the village of biscane Park planning and design review board for meeting for Monday March 4th 2024 is now 6:32 do the roll called Scarlett Hammond here David grun Gage Hartung I'm here uh Edward Le is running late he just texted me so he'll be here soon and Denisha from the building department is here Administrative Office okay um from the village let's put it that okay from the village all right so we'll go with the residents that are here first uh get it out of the way the first will be 5A 528 Northeast under 21st Street driveway saani is the name right there if you want to speak you need to go up to the microphone uh but uh let me just take a look at it and we'll see if we have any questions for you amazing okay all right so it looks like on the last drawing you brought the cars further into your property like the way we requested it mhm so now they're seven feet in from the street Y which would give you um so you probably roughly about 18 feet for the the length of the car yeah um 20 I this don't see I don't see how how wide this sale is but if it's a 20 it's not is a 18 and one is 18 of white one is 18 and the other one is nine yeah it's not so much the width it's the length of the car that that we want to make sure the car is actually on your property they are in the property yeah I see I see the difference between the one drawing that you submitted last time and the new drawing there's two new proposals that I brought actually that I attached to the permits one was like eight feet from my from the wall of my house and the other one is 9 ft and and the only reason between the two of them the rest is long enough for fit everything on my property Lin okay yeah we're looking at the one that's on the Dropbox is for the 9 foot one yes which would give you a lot yeah would give you um 15 feet roughly prop the cars to be on the property yeah actually 17 point something if I don't I think it's in there is 17 point something because is 27 MH in total and uh it's seven oh I see 24 plus 3 three is yes 27 yeah plus uh from the property line from the asphalt to my property line is 7.40 so if you take that in consideration it's a lot okay thank you Edward leas join the meeting um just to let us know so we're looking at 5A Ed um I got a motion from David she they revised there the parking is now on the property for the code second Scarlet second all in favor say hi I motion carries for zero okay you're good thank you thank you thanks for working with us on next will be 5B 11105 Northeast on 19 Street gravel driveway William per draza hello sir you can go up there if You' like um just let us take a look at it did this change or something because I thought we approved this one you were here before and you you have it's a duplex or it's a like four units or something like that right didn't we appr Pro it that date that we were here you guys had put it on hold because I was just trying to calculate that um to make sure that my lock up looks correct and I think we all felt comfortable that I was probably gonna the requirement Sor he was gonna verify okay and I that information over and so the lot calculations then that are they're still not filed out might be yeah I mean I same packet we had before right I just wanted to make sure because I didn't want to extend the corre the wrong information so I wanted to know if somebody could help me calculate correctly because I know that I have way more than uh more grass than than U driveway because I guess that was the question that the way the layout of my um my survey do you have anything filled out at all or is that just the same that's I have it filled out this uh but I needed to finalize the calculation and I didn't want to do it wrong okay so I wanted to know if somebody could just kind of Ed can you just take a look at what he has can you just they have he has thank you Edward he has one box that of grass that's 49 by 75 who came in yeah so I mean your front yard though it's going to be this Dimension right not this Dimension so it's going to be this by by this right because up to your property line so it would be like 50 plus yeah right 25 ft 30 yeah it's 30 yeah 13's 25 yeah so 132 by 30 for the front yard want and then portion of your driveway that's in your front yards a little right calculate what bu right that's square footage number here I I can I can there try to get you some feasable you say you were gonna figure it out Dave is that your yeah okay know what is it's a 132 by 132 by 25 isn't that the one and then 75 by 22 so he's going to cover 1,040 ft out of 3960 so that equals so that's a 26% the RightWay no front coverage just inside the proper line oh inside the property yeah inside the property line he's covering 2 what was the driveway calculation you came 1,040 is the total impervious and 3960 is the total yeah enough boes shapes then basically it's all impervious fortunately I then what about the RightWay 2 you're fine right so that's for your drive weight and then your Swale portion David can you work out the by you work out the S 132 this area is32 so the total the total Dimension size for it is 4 sale you're taking both sides I guess uh I was just doing that that long one so I can add if you want I can add the 75 by 30 yeah because that's part of the front right away is the two fronts so that total number is 6300 right the portion of the circular driveway and the strips so the main part is 42.5 and then those two strips are in this sale there's 7625 that into 6300 is 12.1 we have 12.1 on this whale and what was the other one 26 26% on the right in the actual problem David and Scarlet I was yeah thank you very much for doing that no problem thanks David have a motion have a second all in favor say I I okay motion carries just H that's uh yeah great you need to upload that to the website upload it okay perfect all right thank you sir all right next will be 5c 11443 Northeast 6th Avenue change of color Pablo Marcos I think that's we talked with murf about that last week they're changing it to dark brown dark brown brown brown second David Ed all in favor to say I I okay motion carries thank you thanks M all right next would be 5D 11 638 Northeast 7th Avenue carport installation Owen as a reminder please speak into the mic hi hello this a second taking a second to download to the carport is 5.4 feet from the front property Lin yeah I got lucky I measured it it was 5.4 from the front and 5.55 from the side I I've printed it out I don't know if you guys have it so yeah same and the size of it was I think you had it in the last time definitely less than the 20 by 20 yeah yeah it's 9.8 or 9 feet long by 15.85 watt yeah I mean that's what the code says 5 ft from the front 5 feet from the side mot motion to approve second thank you for going back thank you yeah thank you lucky okay all in favor say I I okay motion carries thank you you're here for uh demolition right 1065 no we have't good all right next will be old bus or new business 6B new pool construction uh impr uh 740 Northeast on 20th Street uh Improvement Development LLC lot coverage we're still at 39 Point 4% I mean the pool's like tucked back up in there in the in the in the corner in the middle of the house yes so 20 ft from the rear 51 from the side 65 68 lot coverage is good full equipment is going to be S feet from the rear okay it's like it's going to be the same thing that was in the site plan approval yeah yeah motion to approve second okay David Scarlet all in favor to say I I okay motion carries you're approved thank you sir that's it next one oh is there another one oh there's next one I'm sorry let me sign this one what is that next is going to be 60 740 Northeast on 20th Street New roofing system Improvement Development LLC okay is it just a flat roof modified vitamin roof yes well the section B roof plan also says metal has an arrow that says metal metal where where do you where where do you have where do you see that oh I I oh yeah I clicked in yeah looking at a different house yeah I was just making sure you were paying attention testing you sorry I was going to show you the pictures how it is now yeah all right motion to approve all fav say I carries roof thank you good see huh there's no mess all flat yeah that's 60 all right uh next will be 6f uh 1065 Northeast on 19th Street uh demolition existing structure and septic tank abandon um 748 is there a um construction fence yet permit we've we've already got that yeah we just got through final inspection of the uh construction fence last week the demo permit motion to approve second okay David Ed all guy thank you good night thank you good luck okay uh next we're going to go on to discussion 7A 590 Northeast on 19th Street non-conforming driveway Joseph Alvarez and danela Olivia are you guys on the agenda earlier or something okay we're all discussion yeah I think hi good evening good evening Mr chairperson good evening members of the board um we're here about 590 Northeast 119 Street um to conform with the current driveway guidelines we are considering restoring the property back to the way it was when we purchased the property by filling in the gravel in the front part of the home my wife is passing around the picture yeah so we we moved in um we bought the house in 2009 and you'll see I think it's on page two um the sale was uh filled with gravel was filled with gravel um so we wanted to maintain that um like supplement with gravel we're looking at restore it yeah to restore it to the original um the type of gravel we're looking at is on the second to last page like it's on the front of the last page actually this a white yeah out like gray that rvel yeah okay all right so um these photos are are of other houses other correct yes oh that's right so and we yeah we kind of went around we wanted to do some research because we really we received this um this notice yeah and we didn't know exactly what it meant like what was not right about what we had so we wanted to we took a look at some of the other gravel driveways in the neighborhood just to compare and see if that's kind of what you guys are looking for yeah so so the reason you probably got at the citation is because it's your your your gravel is all overgrown so it's it's beyond the 50% rule of deteriorated whereas you know so like the other properties that you're showing they're they're considered non-conforming but stay because they're being wellmaintained yeah so yours got triggered because it was um it was overgrown so so you you what you're asking for you want to put in maintain the gravel you're allowed to um you're on a corner lot so you have plenty of space right to stay within the 40% rule yeah because you have a 40% rule so um if the question is whether or not you can reintroduce the gravel back you you are but the thing is is now you're going to have to be triggered into doing the borders that is um required by the current code so you have to you have to outline the gravel with borders okay uh on all four sides along the street and in around the perimeter okay um so so you're allowed you would be allowed to do it we'd have you know obviously we'd have to vote on it as a board uh but I think you're within the the guidelines but um but what's missing would be the borders I mean it's a lot of overgrowth too there's a lot of gravel there we could get rid of that overgrowth we could have the landscapers come by and you'll see that there's more gravel there than than than the pictures will betray but you just have to you know take a survey write on there exactly what you're looking for how how much you're going to re recapture the the gravel um C do calculations there's there's forms that you have to fill out that would um that would say okay it's it's you know 5,000 square feet which David just worked out for a previous resident um you know and we want to maintain ,000 square feet of that in gravel and here's where we want to do it here's the borders that are required by code which are are are in the the packet okay um and uh you would bring it back you know you would resubmit it they'd bring it to the next meeting or whenever planning and Bo yeah they would you would upload it through the portal okay and then it would um it would come back us to us to to consider I mean is there any comment on that I believe that in the when you first walk into the village office on the wall on the right hand side Bes sides having the sheet that you can fill out that does the calculations they also right now have the sheet that has the different types of borders that are like acceptable okay and if if you want to basically Circle or highlight which one of those it is that you're going to be putting around the edge of the gravel and upload that to the packet as well so it's easy for us okay so now we were just discussing the um the gravel part of of the Swale but by code you are required to have a certain amount of parking spaces on your property okay so it looks like you have some kind of brick here is that existing yes yes all right so as long as that is is you're meeting the requirement of um the code and it's in good condition um looks a little little um shaky as far as pressure washer make yeah the layout um you're you're allowed to to keep the the parking on the right away okay uh but you have to make sure you have you have to have the required parking space so so make sure on that survey that you write on there existing parking space to remain and that could count as a parking space that counts as your parking space yeah okay so that's the thing we're going to look for is we're going to make sure that you're not just parking all your cars on the sale that you actually have the required parking spaces on your property very well but the third so we have two in the tandem parking on the brick we have two and then the third one would be on the sale actually we would have more more than we'd probably have a space for like two or three more cars but our main parking is the brick T but that's you just have the the one house right yes there's no there's not another I think this is coming up because their neighbors have asked me about the same thing right since they have a single family residence the code says two resident parking and one guest yeah a lot of people have two resident parking spaces on their property but that third guest is usually where that's the issue we don't even have VIs guess the question is we're we're saying you've got your two resident parking spaces on your property that guest space could be in sale provided parking yeah I mean the guest spot could technically be the person parking behind the other two parking spots and the the approach I think that's what we've kind of always I think our board is already has already kind of set that that that precedent yeah yeah so if you can fit the two spaces that are resident spaces on your property on that brick driveway yes that guest space could be on the behind them in that whale parking yeah okay perfect perfect any other questions I mean the only other thing it's as a reminder please speak into the mic yes so yeah so I don't know like we were talking to some contractors but if you know it's been it's been hard to find contractors actually so I don't know if you guys also have like in the in the other building like a list of approved ones or ones that like not aware of any but um as of now I'm not aware of any of we try to explain to them the regulations they're yeah yeah and when they talk back to us they yeah they don't know what we do we're not talking the same L the best thing would be is to go get that piece of paper that he's he's referring to and have that with you when you talk to him so that they they realize there there's borders and everything involved um yeah we don't really get into recommending contractors um I would you know maybe check out next door or one of the the the apps and see if somebody can make a recommendation better yet drive around because right now because they're they're now finally you know enforcing the the uh the driveway ordinance you might actually see people working and maybe go over and approach them and ask them if you know for a you know a referral or something sounds good thank you thank you thank you much good luck all right next will be 7B uh 941 Northeast under 19 Street revision to permit I'm gitz evening yeah so uh we're I'm just here to discuss uh revision to a already approved project um for some aesthetic changes uh make sure that the board signs off before we submit a formal building permit so this is a plan that we've already looked at and we've already approved uh you have this is what it looked like kind of previous of the latest revisions that the Project's actually in construction oh I remember that the roof that you had and we we had to bring it down a little bit yeah we brought it down and brought the parit down and now we've kind of extended um you know instead of having just a wall there we've extended the the second floor to essentially span the entire width of the house you had like a Terrace that you could see from the front you had yeah we dress like correct so now we look it's more of a uh you know two look look of a two-story house instead of having a an open Terrace visible from the front elevations on sheet a 3.1 aren't in color but that'll give you a good idea and then there's the rendering on the front that's in color copy uh I don't have a copy of the plan set but this is I can pass around this is the rendering from the approved design the north elevation get space in the back right that's correct when was this approv because six months ago something long enough for us to be out of the ground at this point window number nine that's on like the back third of the go on 3.0 mhm like so is that like clear glass because that's far enough back that it will be looking over like nextor I mean we can specify a tinted glass if that's same with I guess I mean it doesn't have a bubble but it's the proposed west elevation changing at all from was no the proposed west elevation that that was approved I mean sort of right because now that's the what the existing double height side yeah that was the existing double height side we've just kind of extended that going from west to the east side we do we have a copy of the or something yeah just because I I'm just this little tiny thing on with nothing over here now it goes all the way across yeah we had a live deck um origal entire second story on that one side yeah roofed over the deck basically yeah more the the the reason for the change is we're adding a an elevator to the property the owner decided he's going to live in the property and and has a need for an elevator in the future um so that elevator now goes into an enclosed space and then we put a covering over the deck on the uh east side of the property and then it's it says new top of roof 29 feet yeah so that's so well we have a 28 foot roof height maximum in the park so it makes me wonder what did we approve originally that it now says 29 ft and when did we approve it and when did it because we would have caught that it's higher than what what is require what's required I can take a look back on my end over here on what was previously approved but if we need to reduce the roof height by a foot that shouldn't be an issue again what is the old what we approved and what is the new that they're asking for that's what I'm just want to make sure that we compare the two you guys came for window permit a couple weeks ago is that window permit premised on this revision going through you had you already have your window permit from a few weeks back for us right uh I I'm not aware of you know we have all our building permits but I wasn't involved in a meeting a couple weeks ago so I'm not sure um you know where that ended up or what what is the scope of that permit because me I'm just like this is a little tiny addition off to the left and now it's an entire twostory Mammoth thing behind the house um yeah I to be frank like I I know your discussion on him tonight I think you should come back as a discussion item with the original plans because it's really hard for us to evaluate the changes from a rendering right be good to have the original approved plans uh I mean let me find them I'd love to kind of at least have a direction we're discussing it it's not actually we're not actually no I know I'm just saying not much to discuss if I don't know what the original appr plans like right it's difficult to discuss Vision that did the original tie in to the existing roof was it the same as what the west elevation is now where like the roof went almost all the way down to its original height and then it goes vertical there or was there a different flat time because of that de process putting on the west elevation you're talking about yeah because that's well that's the one that is showing as not bubble but it basically is like a twostory house built behind a one story house yeah that was that was that's been the condition the entire time okay I wasn't sure that there there's no tie in between the two yeah because to me that's the the thing that you look at if you're like going to make it the same full width then it stops being kind of a bedroom Tower and it's more like you're building a TW house behind a on yeah I mean that that's been approved for well the twostory the little bedroom tower that he's talking about was correct all right I have the previously approved set here in front of me um my phone on VI I didn't see it it looks like we did Revis the roof height to 28 on this so we'll have to we'll have to fix that um I mean I mean if you look at the Dropbox there should be a set from around June 28th of 22 23 you look at drop the Dropbox -3.1 I don't know if this is is this this the way this is drawn is this not the scales I can also email that to you guys Sor pass it you guys take your time we skipped half the agenda so my wife doesn't need me home till like nine o'clock the west elevation really it's not other than the height of the roof is not any different yeah and that that may an error on on my part of just starting from the wrong file but we can definitely get that to 28 it's not a problem I think my biggest resolution is all right if it's going to then SP the entire width of it the fact that from either end if you're walking dogs driving by in a car or whatever it basically looks like it built story without U even if it's not structural people have some some aesthetic greater tie in between the down pitch to The then vertical wall on it makes it look like the second and I understand that I guess the the windows that it's in the back there on the west elevation that that wasof but number nine which is the the one and the back on theast elevation I guess this is cor no I'm looking at an addition that we hold on that shows it at the addition was at 19 feet high or 18 feet high there's been um several approvals and revisions this has the little biscane park stamp on it like that's what they that's what was approved by the building the you know by the building usually they put the stamp on it to mean that that's that's H yeah new top of roof 18 feet 11 and a half inches is this that one of the original submissions also what's in the packet has a lot of like for page 59 I'm looking at page 59 of 94 and then all the ones afterwards and it keeps talking about everything that's on the ground floor not being in scope was that because it was being done just as that back part as a as an addition versus yeah theide touching anything in that front house part at all I we only what's depicted in the plans that will we wa to next I why you to work yeah like 14 2023 and and it has been approved by the village because usually when you get a setb it it'll have like a stamp on it that says the village there's like a a l a village um stamp that's that is on it that says that this is see how that has that stamp on it so where is that drawing at okay so this was 28 fet 24 carpit wall went down to 17 so it's the same height as this I mean comments on the board I mean personally I it's just you know went from like David said it's a little twostory bedroom in the back to massive structure all the way across the um back that there there's no really tie in between the two there's like also now you have I don't know if they exceed the 30 foot rule right on the sides at the second story that they wouldn't be able to have just a Contin a second story Sor say that again the 30 foot Max without a articulation on the side of the right we now now the sides are just flat5 you're talking about the the maximum um side so once yeah I mean my my back would be the I'm not exactly sure to how begin on the other side but on the proposed North elevation that window that's outl only change 24 yeah that's not so deep in it and then if there's much so did did we actually get a permit application for these windows for for for the new proposed Edition no this house right here that's the this is faing 19 high this is 28 so yeah so if you yeah yeah we're fine I mean I think that that window may have already been approved as well but if it needs to be removed we have no problem that's my other I own the house next yeah but you might sell one or the other but it wasn't a if that's a brand new ball that's at 10 then that's not what is that yeah this is looks like your next door 939 yeah that that window that window number nine your next door your next door house is which address yeah but what is your your existing house what's the address 951 and this is 940 3949 because Ed can you just show him that really quick because we have that approved drawing in the box there that shows a two-story addition all the way across the rear of the house but only at 18 feet high so yeah these drawings got approved in March of 2023 March of 2023 these are stamped March 2023 yeah and then I think we revised that uh I got a my first revision from March of uh March 31st of 2023 yeah but I guess the question is if we saw a project that had a height of 19 foot 10 inches now you guys have added 10 feet of height to that well there was an intermediate set that to my understanding would have had to go through the board I mean it was a revision everything's been filed with the city and uh you know we have approved permit so you have an per approved permit for the the twostory apart um the bedroom on the on the left hand side correct correct correct but at 28 feet to the top of roof yeah we got to do that again yeah no I I I remember it and what you showed me is is I what the way I remember it correctly but Ed's showing us a drawing that was stamped by the village that was the old unless it's there's been a revision since then Ed there has I don't know this is in the packet that was sent to us so it's the only stamped drawings in this pack there there may be a separate there there was a lot of uh different things submitted in different ways I would say kind of needs to be table clarification from the buildingart what are or they're still proving whatever the that we can look that oh so let's just do this since we have an idea of what you were approved the last time which is just that Second Story on the left with a patio correct went across the rear let's just assume that that is the the the the most current approved drawings and now you're requesting a new revision 29 feet high which we we you know that's an issue yeah that's no problem and the mass of the structure is going all the way across um really looking like another house behind a house in my opinion um there's not a lot of tying in between the to going from 15 feet to 28 feet behind know it's we can there's something you can do to the structure to make it less imposing uh break up the roof line do something CL in the open porch see the open porch the yeah the I mean if we did expose that patio again we'd have you know the the right third of the building would um you know not appear So High um well it's not so much that it's just the I think that the issue is the the massiveness of the house behind compared to the house in front yeah okay well that's nice um so um any other comment anybody else on the board I mean we're not voting on this this is a discussion item I guess we improve the ones on the other side in the backing that the new one on the other side they're all all all the windows [Music] are this one's further back yeah that's that's actually on yeah which it was that's why it was approv I thought it was against yeah to me it's the so what what could be done maybe it means that you can race the interior ceiling height in the back half of the first part of the house what you could do to overframe it you and mess with the roof line so that it's not just a drop down into Valley right in front of the vertical well like I said a lot of what this what what we're kind of tasked with is okay what happens if you all that no for sure look like kind way we can also open up the patio on that same East Elevation instead of having uh you know if we keep the roof we don't need that that entire wall what changed I mean so at some point you had two story structure right on one side the Terrace and all that even at one point you had the Terrace roofed right but in these drawings like got approved at some point you had a 19t roof right so the second floor worked physically worked right with a 19t route why do we need 10 more feet if it worked with 19 feet yeah well the latest at some point in in in the history of these revisions that you guys have been submitting to the city right right you submitted a version that that had the two-story right and even had the porch roofed over right this version has a roof over the second floor that's like oh but yeah yeah but I'm saying at some point you had it and it worked it must have worked right at 19 feet to the top of the roof right so what what like adding 10 more feet to a second floor that already worked what do you what do you have like a 20 foot boled ceiling on the second floor second floor how high second FL how high is the ceiling in the second floor yeah 10 six the first floor it's but if it was 106 why did he text if it was 10 six when the when it was 19 foot to the roof you had zero that point oh it wasn't then what was it then it would have been zero if it's 106 now the first floor or the second floor the second floor ceiling ceiling with a roof top of roof that's 29 correct okay when the when the top of roof was 19 what was the ceiling then zero at some point you had a twostory top of roof at 19 ft it's in your drawings yeah I mean I'd have to look back we you get what I'm asking right understand you added 10 feet of roof height to a second floor that you're telling me only has a 10- foot ceiling so that now so if I take away the 10 foot of height that you added then you'd have zero se you had no ceiling in well we got 12 foot on the first floor now 13 foot ceilings on the first floor because I think we're having a hard time stomaching this massive volume of height so I guess what I'm getting at is if you had a project that worked with a second story at 19 I I think consider something other than 28 and you come back with something that's closer to 19 I think the there's no no ST foot make lower but what I'm saying to you is you're you're telling me that you have a 10- foot ceiling on the second floor space office whatever you want to call it and your roof line the top of roof is at 29 F feet in these drawings what I'm asking you at some point the top of the roof was 19 feet 10 feet less but you still had a second floor right sir it respectfully it's right here on your drawings right which were approved and permitted so what I'm saying is it sounds like you added a lot of ceiling height that maybe you don't need you still have a usable SE floor second floor it's 10t I can't have lower than 10 let's go 10t so now what I did was instead of walking up steps yeah I put yeah I get I don't we don't care about the stair the elevator all that's great interior doesn't concern us but it's 10 feet higher than the previous approval yeah so I have the set that you're referring to that in that set we had kept 8 foot ceilings in the first floor now they're 14 foot ceiling and we had okay so we're getting to the gist of things here right you used to have an 8ot ceiling now you got a 14 used to have a I don't know what on the second floor and now it's 10 right so you're really pushing the ceiling height which is pushing up the roof height which is giving us an uncomfortable feeling right so there's there's many aspects of the code right one says 28 foot height is the max but then there are other aspects about this house being contextual that additions being ammonia harmonious with the existing that you're adding to so other factors come in so while you may be at 28 and say hey that's the top Max there may be other problems that the board takes with the massing not necessarily just the height actually that that that suppose that's an option you could do a new house you could do a new house from scratch and we we would review it in a different way right that's not what you're asking for you're asking for an addition that got approved that 19 ft with a small side now you want to carry it across entire width of the house and add 10 feet you're understandably getting a little bit of we we took a baby step and added the 10 feet first and I think that that's actually a single story house which is what single story why which is why I was getting thrown off but yeah that had 14 foot ceilings on the on the new rear part of the house but yes and then we so we went from this then we did an entire Second Story brought it up to 28 feet and then now you're correct there was a second story in the very beginning the drawings right here show 19 foot six and change I don't think that plan has a second story but that they got that's that's original permit we have a re revised permit plan here there's a second story window this is clearly a two-story volume they adding to a one story volume but we actually approved plans so so at some point you had a single story 19 foot which also wouldn't meet codes maximum 18 foot for single story so that wouldn't work and then just I guess these big clear story windows that are up in the sky that you can't what this was originally you know what you got you've gone through these like incremental give an inch as for a mile kind of you know that's iion so we got that now I said to myself I'm getting old enough the young I need an elevator yeah but the but it's not just the elevator that's driving this right because you have the elevator in the middle of the house so that that enclosure if you wanted to extend the roof eight feet six feet you'd probably capture the elevator it's not just that now you're in continuing to the terorist because now you want to cover terrorists don't want I but that's what we're getting at it's your roof line that's that we're talking about here that's our concern that you have this massive 29 foot high come take a looks see you can't see it from the street basically it's like it fits in I have the next house 951 I did same thing let me just can I just ask for a quick question none of this proposed Second Story is being built currently the well the left side approved correct correct okay none of this other stuff is built correct we're we're not we're not even CL page on that okay I leave open if we leave open the Terrace that will help it gets you much you at that point you're almost back to what we approved before and you're just saying hey guys I added an elevator I'm gonna I want to grow old in this home can you give me six more feet of roof to capture the elevator I'm sure we'd all be like hey no problem sounds great different than what you're showing then okay so let's leave the roof open on the Terrace so so I'll have open you know you don't have to decide here right we're giving your feedback you talk to the engineer you decide what's important to you you come back if you want the whole roof you put it to a vote open and I have a hope you know I go out there because I'll spend my you know the rest of my life so that's I mean we can also try something different architecturally with the roof just if you guys are working on the design with him you know just understand like our concern is when we have these large masses with no articulation right you basically just have two long you know gable roof structures that go so if there's anything you can do to work on the height maybe work on the massing to break it up that's no problem that's what we would like you don't have to decide here you're not getting voted on here so just talk about it with your team I know I know how it works I'm just saying I need your feeling if I don't stop the roof before the everything I can't speak for anyone else what I can say is it sounds to me like it would be then very close to what we already approved and therefore I I would kind of guess less push back from I mean the the front the front the ptico Portico around the front door is actually probably the least objection yeah like the decorative thing you want to do with the arch you know hey that's your Aesthetics that's so that be toally we can also play with some different roof lines across the whole thing too I mean we you know we could do shorter on the sides I don't want I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings it's not what I'm here we no one's feelings are hurt we understand we're just trying to do our job you you know makes open my day you know and I think the house would look beautiful the way it's designed now I mean it took a lot of time a lot of money to design this the way it is and we approved it in the end so you have approved plan that it's your you're making the decision to make changes to it um oh that's very nice I'm sure on the inside what we we're concerned about the exterior and how your neighbors feel about it and how the community feels about it so no one's taking issue with the elevator with the stairs whatever you want to do inside what finishes you want to use just saying I did I yes put so much money into the SN that's all they but but as far as Ling it they all every single every NE well I would I would like for the the for you know you hear our feedback you come back I mean you don't have to change all these drawings I would just I would just say maybe just change the elevations you know have your AR your thing just change the what because that's what we're looking for is the the massing so a 3.0 and a 3.1 just just make the changes there plus also you know we can when you come back please bring an actual set of the approved drawings because there I mean that's the next thing is I'm going to instruct the the the I'm going to request that the the building department clean up these this this thing because it seems like there's so many revisions that we're not really sure what exactly was approved um because Ed is showing a drawing that's been stamped approved that is the the one story addition that was first proposed at the very beginning so that has a stamp of approval on it but yet you're showing me the the correct one that we remember is approved so I I think that the village needs to just pause and just make sure that we're we've we've got the right drawings approved so since they did the approve did you upload the latest designs that you so we so I have I guess a general question about the process so I mean there's no way to get voted on until you submit a permit is that correct but you've already been voted on this is a revision no I understand so like in this case like we're doing this as a discussion tonight but if I wanted to submit I would let's just assume that this was approved uh we would then need to come back to be officially voted on well it wouldn't be approved tonight I mean we were giving you feedback for but the only way to get to the table of being officially approved is to submit a permit well no you just have to you would have to submit the revision which it seems like you did yeah they put it on for some reason as a discussion item instead of as a revision to a permit which would be under old business well the the reason that that I did that is because my understanding is well what makes sense to me is that we only submit a revision to the permit when I have a full set which would include substantial revisions to structural as well as me and it's pretty tough as designers the process you can you can submit something less and it's recommended right for us because we're only looking at right the architectural design Merit we're not looking at structural mechanical civil drawings any of that stuff right so for example start at the beginning you're a new new homeowner who's going to do a brand new home on their lot right you could come before this board with the architectural aspect only the elevations right all that and don't start any of your other stuff until you get approved by us because you don't want to risk that you spend money on MEP so the same on the revision side right at this point you have a permit you have you don't want to you don't need to update the full set of drawings to get this boards approval need to update the stuff that we're concerned about right submit it and make sure you're on the agenda not as a discussion item but as a voting but that like submitt Pro and then we can take this offline um but that submittal process it's like I put a building permit application to it and a a revision an application for a revision yeah and you'd submit cheet these a seret yeah now at some point after this board approves it the next step the building department is goingon to say hey where are your structural sheets that correspond to this where are your MP sheets right so it seems like it's kind of like a little too overlapped from what I've experienced in other cities but I mean to your benefit right because you don't need to submit the full set of drawings just to have the zoning board right what you're doing right but I have to call it like a building permit revision that's not complete yeah I mean because you have a existing permit yes right yeah I don't know about they I'm speaking myself only yeah I mean again it would then not be just one giant box sitting behind a second box that all am I the boss you are right now so please do that because you know it's already already you know this is going on already always good to to know exactly Your Design before you start right yeah get you in trouble so cost money cost time so you know measure twice cut once kind of thing but I would I would recommend just coming back with their three point if you want to just have them draw up you know 3.0 3.1 with with instead of going through all these rigoll of all these drawings I think that's what we're looking for is that we can look at that so I mean I'm going to clean up my I'm going to revise the whole architectural set submit that as a revision a partial revision or whatever and then once you guys approve I'll finish all the structur on MEP way to do it yeah just scares me when I submit a building permit with things that I know isn't enough yeah again if you're updating things that are going to change the character of the house you you just get it checked here for no for sure before you waste time on the other drawing 100% thank you very much good luck you no renovations are tough you guys can take again I think you got the gist of it that there's more ways to SK a cat than one right so one solution is what he telling you tonight but you guys talk about it roof lines you know all kinds of right yeah no you can have it sir thank you thank you good evening all right good luck thank you sir all right next will be uh 7 c1807 Northeast 11th Place construction second preliminary review the gentlemen are here right you have plans for us to see phobic this is um 11 yeah that's what I just called didn't I afterno yeah which what are you 6 okay stop let us finish these gentlemen and we'll be right to you this is the same one that you guys were talking about okay but that's the same property though yeah ER super super quick I don't know if you want to go to the table here but just what we did is remember last time GMO came here with a with a duplex plan erh they've decided to change everything now right now it's one single family home and it's going to be an addition to the existing structure there so first I just want to like clarify the first time that you came here was on not a preliminary it was a you came discussion yeah discussion it's still a discussion it's this thing is titled set construction second preliminary review we don't have a set amount of plans yet that we can actually have the first review I just want to strike that second preliminary yeah he didn't ask for that clarify this is a a new a new plan on that same law can we meet over here at the table and okay so here we are the idea is this is the this is the site plan the way it should look n with a on story house okay let's say this is 119 this is 119 this is 11th plane today the existing structure if you have a a little pen that I can the existing structure for this surve is this is a survey so the how the structure is this here right okay this there that's a house the existing house so they want to come up front here they add to the front yeah and and this is the the this box here is the 3030 right that as as they will be using the existing structure this is got grandfather there it's 10 feet more or less difference and the thing is that they worked the the the architect worked around bringing the structure to the front in order to avoid um trees on the back so there's one tree that it's already marked as small enough that can be permitted to tear down but the big trees around are all perimetral here and here here is big one right so so the idea is just this is 30 30 so you'll bring the new one this is 30 this is 30 but we will keep this that it's I think 20 23 or 24 there and the rest here is 10 and it will be a TW story that we do not have yet the elevations and the drawings just to have a first idea of will it go will this go through this line for the second floor is that then starting at the line it be starting at yeah this should be starting here so this line here yeah you're right so where this is over it starts on this exactly this will start offset to the which is what they have right because this is that yeah column here column the the line goes no I was just making sure I didn't want you guys to accidentally mess with this in a way that you see you see this right you see this is this L here basically correct this is the RO the roof of the ex so if if uh I I think everything so your 30 foot front you're maintaining the existing structure but anything new is going to be at the 30 ft maximum 30 or minimum 30t you see here this this is the second floor okay this is the the the roof of the existing structure this thing here y car garage will be from this side twocc car garage okay that it's here twocc car garage and a cavana powder for I don't know pool in the future here with all trees no the thing is that no no no no the trees are are are are separate that's why they say okay let's move to the front that we don't have the 30 ft no no I'm just saying I I have an oak tree it just dumped all leaves all yeah yeah but but but the idea the idea is to preserve to preserve as as many trees as possible and basically there are a couple of of small this is the front the front of yeah this is a front that's basically and there's a couple of small Oak oh yeah that are already marked diameter that is small enough to to be Perman F down so I mean I think you're you're you're staying you know you're keeping it a single family you're not you're not doing the the the duplex or the anymore the 30 set backs the setbacks now as far as the architectural style of it I mean that's you'll come back to us we need to come back yeah yeah if this is the as a side plan and and you're in the general direction you're you're in the right you're going the right way we are in the right way yeah so if yes we start working on all the renders and everything to come with a with a more structured do you know do you know what the what this length is because on the second floor you have this as one solid long wall which would be 10 ft next to here and the one if is it okay if I write yeah the because this is not supposed uh one yeah this de 30 you can tell if this is 30 yeah then 30 is probably from here to here so you can't exceed more than what D get more than 30 feet without any sort of 5 foot on the second on it's on uni code so you can see but but but so that you may need to have a somewhere this so this second floor needs to be offset it but not the whole thing 30 feet of it can be on the 10 foot line and then beyond 30t has to be set in minimum okay how much is five five okay and it says on yeah yeah code it has that part that was the only thing that I looked at here because the other thing that they would say because you don't have any windows or anything like that Illustrated is the part that is right on this line the good thing is this is far enough forward but it also that that that rule you can break it up how you see fit doesn't need to be 30 in a row you have an [Music] entrance Second Story side which is that is the interior side may be allowed to be placed on the the the set bag for 30 feet okay then after then afterwards after 30 feet has to be set back five feet five feet okay right okay um well it's interior that's that's not you so so probably probably or or you do here on the on the showers have the max of 30 ft and then the rest has to be set back five on the second store yeah only and only on this one and no windows for the no window yeah you can't you can't open Windows because you do have a set there and then you know just keep it walls and wall playe shall be designed such a manner to provide movement articulation I mean that's kind of the previous gentlemen is that's what that that they did a very straight exactly I remember yeah perfect okay and then good to go and then also diminish the the 2/3 rear so this the the Second Story 2/3 rear yeah here should be designed in a way uh to diminish visibility into your neighbor okay so your neighbor over here here over here yeah so this has to be designed in a ways to [Music] diminish massive picture window only okay [Music] okay perect so if you I think you're on the right direction so you'll come back for discussion again of course and that'll be considered the first review okay perect so now you've decided you're G to stay with a single family you're your your thing so come back the next meeting will be our first review first review yeah so you can you can bring back a set like this Elation with everything okay don't you don't have to go through your MEPS or all that yet you know work yeah thank you sir oh did I skip them okay I'm sorry so thank you sir for waiting um so we have 6h uh 11412 Northeast 8th Avenue new windows and doors B Parts 114 good evening second let us pull it up the one that's right over here isn't it the new one that's right the and the other one on eth going north am I mistake are the windows already done on the house or there the house right here yeah so now we're just getting the permit for the those windows um yes just asking it seems like this is the second time this has happened in in the second meeting in a row where new construction the windows already are in and they're coming for the the permit that other that other house that you turned their variants down they painted since then oh okay interesting I mean I'm glad that the windows look like they're in order so we're not going to be denying them and creating something crazy um sched 25 right 25 for me is I I I don't download the PDF so looking at um the plumbing Riser it looks like two pages page got it opening number the front is L and L1 a and A1 and B and B1 B is a projection a project projection fixed glassed fix one single hung is number c must be on the side maybe and they're white with beer glass okay motion to approve second David Ed say I I motion approve you're doing the house too right you're for six um high right yes 11780 Northeast 8th Avenue yes same thing new windows and doors garage okay I'll let you guys look that up you know you have a front elevation for this one I can pull it up just a rear and a left right oh sorry yeah you want to call out things that I'll just read schedule has the front so front oh but it's not tagged let me see maybe side though looking for the front elevation that has the window okay here we go ready David yeah giving me problem so it looks like M and M1 projected out window a e and M1 e is projected out window and M one yeah and then you know after that it's basically the door the thank you so motion to approve David Ed say I if you can just make sure those that documents that when he just looked at are uploaded because it's not in part of the packet actually that elevation yeah yeah because if you look we have we have a 4.0 but no other drawing reward any other the roof driveway pool fencing always good not to do things without a per I think so I think I was just going through the list and I think for those two houses the final fencing which I know you're still ways off for those and the driveway the driveway are the only two perits left that you need to do so just recommend doing those first before okay yeah you guys having any saying to get your permit before you you guys having any any interest I see on Sunday I like I don't see the other one first in between my all I was going to come bother you at some point to once you're done with all you know how I asked you about if you dug the hole for the pool I'm trying to find some big pieces of rock for my backyard so I just keep I have a truck so I just keep waiting for guys dig pools and then I show up I'm like hey if you're not going to use the fil as small and as big I need to replace little roofing tile that are outlining things so oh really yeah well I figure lots of times people end up needing to use it for fill before they put landscape in and stuff like that so I just wander around bothering people yes okay thanks for waiting appreciate that y you know I just was at um Friday night I went down to by where so was at you know I went to andas yeah yeah and a couple blocks up they tore down at one of the houses that faces biscane and there's a huge empty hole big pile of like Keystone and coral Stone and all that you might want to the the amount of places that I or the amount of guys that I've asked and it's legitimate there was like oh yeah like I need to wait to see how much fill I need because I don't want you to take all of my stuff and then can't then I got got to pay to bring stuff in and I'm like yeah no problem but all right um so we just voted on those two things all right so I have meeting minutes from February 26 2024 um comment I have would just be on um on the variance instead of using the word denied 31 I just want to um put like recommend not to approve re1 we're not technically denying it we're just saying that we don't we're not giving our recommendation to aou so that would be my um change that I I every else think is the minutes are good and that guy I they still have all or when you revise it bring it back anything else one that Varian Gates yeah they did the windows after the fact they approved those but then like they remember they had those big orange garage doors and stuff like that all of a sudden white but they still have all of as long as it's within one of the color yeah yeah it's it's white it doesn't have an issue but it's like man the amount of okay um so whenever you guys are ready I'll take a motion motion to approve pending the change from not David Ed on carries okay all right next will be 6A 665 Northeast 117 Street windows and door replacement and tows LLC there's a schedule Ty TR single hung single hung3 single hung single hung fix 23 is Scarlet I carries next would be 6D 9910 Northeast on9 Street re roof Trevor James lard metal again I say re motion deny it I mean there's no information not even a color is there the motion to deny pending color and facia and overhang measurements a complete packet actually be ni thank you all right that was David and Ed right yep I understand what that is there's there like there's no information for metal roof reform all right 6C one05 Northeast 118 Street impact windows and doors everything else casement or wait hold 9 10 11 n is casement 10 is single 11 is single 12 is single one is we have four single hungs one Cas motion to deny inconsistent front number nine why would they do that why would they have number 10 as a single hung and then number nine I mean I know it's egress but it's just odd two different style Windows like that in one fact if one like if the single hung or excuse me the casement was like number one right and then maybe 9 10 11 12 were single hung live with that but it is odd that the two side by side in a bedroom one space cl to the Y but it looks like that's their can you you can get e out of CAS they can open up wide enough but or a single h can't you get ESS out of single no no yeah but I'm saying they could go either direction on because they're all they could just all be single H yeah okay did we deny it sorry we vote hold on just um looking really I okay I had a motion I a second all in favor say I I okay so motion deny approved okay next be 6G 1140 Northeast 121st Street uh exterior paint approval second favor say I I carries next will be 6j 11927 North E6 Avenue shingle re roof Nancy Davis what did you say that it was so actually they're yeah so the the the permit there's two different the 6j and 6K are the same address in the Dropbox 6j is actually 6K on the agenda and 6K is actually 6 J on the agenda so uh JK no that's fine it's just it's just on the permit it's um the one I just read which was the shingle roof is actually 6K in the Dropbox so six the backup for six J is actually 6K in the Dropbox so just um look at the other look at that one so we have all B range Roofing what does it mean when they say engineering for up what do you mean in the the quote that says price includes permit taxes dump fees and Engineering for up it sounds like up I don't know I just didn't know it okay so whatever re Roofing though just make sure that do it get sucked away but yeah no letter from engineer okay so so 10.4.3 F of our um our code stipulates what needs to be done if you want to do an asalt shingle roof if they want to re-roof an asphalt shingle they have to provide all that information so based on the fact that they don't have that I'll take a motion uh K or J and and do we deny both because yeah I was just going to say I feel like we should deny both what is the sub permit rtw connections what is that it's hurricane it's hurricane yeah which is ironic because they're actually like reinforcing the roof gra oh so so that's not it's not actually two different it's the same permit so 6j and 6K are the I'm sorry I thought they were two separate permits permit jk just kidding second um Ed and and uh David all in favor say I I these are denied both of them oh for shingle roofs um 10.4.3 f of our code stipulates you have to do all these things in order to get a to be able to apply for a single roof so um and you have to you know OB we have to approve it but um there's a there's a whole thing that has to be um an can't tell if it's a three tab because you can't can't you have to have a dimensional um file to single if you to get that far all right so that was denied all right um think we covered everything our next meeting is going to be March 18th everybody go with that yeah question s of tangental to one of the old business items that we saw tonight you know this cport set back from the property line right um are we really confident and relying and homeowners just getting an actx to fact permit because they put it in without a permit start with um just going out there with their own tape measure and deciding that it's 5.5 ft set back from a property line that they don't even know unless they had a surveyor come out locate their property line but if they know where it is or none so do we not require not for this applicant because he got it approved and good for him but in cases like this in the future that you get it survey bring a survey drawing by a licensed surveyor that shows the setback now you put it in we're not relying on design drawing relying on someone verifying this thing that got saw without a permit accept well isn't this guy going to have yeah that's another thing that let them take up right but but would those guys also then be like wait a second show me how this is or that you think that they're just and even probably have your letter have an engineer write a letter or have someone write an David take the risk so that we don't have any responsibility I mean it is going to be up to the building official to make sure that it's built correctly I mean that candle Leever designed I mean they're gonna have to prove that it can withstand the the wind load yeah no so they have other hurdles they have a lot of hurtles per I'm talking about this kind of scenario in the future because I I have zero confidence in someone's well let me ask you this I mean do we want to go back and ask just request for a um the survey I mean I don't you made a good point and we should have thought of that when we were kind of moving through to to get it approved thinking oh oh great it matches matches but technically that those Dimensions need to be on a survey and they need to be marked and they need to be verified like like a build like a building official would verify the 30 foot setback of a new construction that's up to the building department whether the building department requires which my experience they do not things change but when people do additions that there's a an ADI survey at the end ver nobody ask my addition um so that's a different maybe protocol that the department should be requiring but but how do but how is that how is that done with like let's just say somebody's doing a new build and they're putting the foundation down and there and doesn't somebody go out and confirm that there's a 30 foot and 10 foot isn't that how that house got busted and sat like semi built for all I don't know in other jurisdictions the answer would be yes right in City of Miami there's a inspection called setback that you would have to follow usually you're just going to hand them survey or document set back right but I don't I don't know what the protocol here is in the village for hav't done a new construction ground up that they are a bit more even on addition somebody's got to come out and make sure that the setbacks are being what I'm telling you is my experience with this gentleman I I I'm not interested in this whole Double Jeopardy thing we got approved and good for him just say going forward you have a case like this again that we don't just rely on personal we have the right to ask that right no we should have actually asked for a um um for a survey he should have he should have those those Dimensions documented on a survey and we can still request that I mean it's just it's it's a matter of transpiring what he's he wrote on that picture onto a survey you know yeah again personally with him I'm not interested in iy got an approval that sudden after the meeting at the end we change our minds but that's more for future right if this happens again we collectively say at the beginning especially because he was here last week and he left saying okay I'll measure it he say you don't measure it bring a survey you have that document yeah um in we should have requested a surve I mean that's just typically what we do is we ask for surveys when we are looking at things like that so um very good point um on that that the the addition the one that we that came in as a discussion item um I mean what did you look at the actual plans and what they're asking to do it seems like a lot of money to put a big two-story addition on for a staircase the gentleman that yeah the one that yes used I mean I'm just asking as a professional like it just seems like a lot of money to build for a staircase pie on the back of at that house yeah I mean on the staircas is the and then the but no but but it's a big like it's a big like Terra staircase that goes up to a an office basically and it's like wow you're really spending a lot of money on something I mean it's not for us to say what they can do they can do what they want but it just seems like you're spending a lot of money on a Staircase to Nowhere really and and those elevators are those ones that they're air lifted they're blowing you up to the Second Story which I've been I've done a couple and my clients are always afraid to get on them yeah because they just they're like they fall to the ground they could you know anyway that's their choice to do what they want we're not questioning that but the the the Aesthetics on the outside is interesting but I don't know just thought that was interesting all right so our next meeting is March 18th any further business I got a motion to adjourn second please on paper hi adjourned at 818 okay I was saying to Scarlet I was kind of