as we're waiting for that to get started everyone's checked in up here right I just want make sure we don't miss anybody yes all right everyone uh let's go ahead and get let get started um good evening this is the planning and design review board meeting for the village of biscane Park uh for Monday February 26 2012 now 6:33 do the roll call Edward Lea here Scarlet Hammond here David grun here uh Gage Harting I'm here as well as um rafhael Denisha and Linda from the building department want to welcome Denisha she'll be now working with us as our building coordinator correct right okay um so we'll go ahead and we'll get started we're going to go to on the with the residents that are on the agenda that are here uh we'll go in order of the agenda and hopefully we got everyone and I'm not going to miss anybody uh first will be 5A 665 Northeast 12th Street shingles and flat re roof Mario Montero Deo um good evening my name is Rocky with Amador Roofing um just I did notice that on the agenda you guys have it listed as a shingle and flat re roof that um application was changed to a metal and flat re roof um Shing um and flat okay um is this we looked at this before and we we take cabled it or denied it because of the letter correct correct correct you did so now you're going to go to metal yep now we're going to metal okay so did you submit the paperwork we have a overhang and color Yes scroll to the bottom and I have copies of the of the overhang if you guys need it with the measurements here also um for um in case you need it for an exhibit so gray you want to do charcoal gray yes I have a color here if you guys want to see it because I see black is listed too but yeah that was a it was a matte black and a charcoal gray that we had submitted earlier but this we have the gray here because gray is one of the preapproved colors one of the pre-approved colors this is overhang okay so there's a form that you have to submit that uh denotes all of the overhangs and the what is your H pitch on the pitch on up roof is a 312 32 yes okay you know that form that we're talking about that talks about yeah do you mind if I bring this in yor that's the one and you'll just have to make sure you upload it upload you're providing a 22 inch overhang looks like 24 on another on the Gable pretty much all the way around exactly and the fascia is six inches on The Gables okay so there is actually a form um that is um if you come here really yeah it looks just like this where you know murf might have it there um that basically you have to write in here the mean overhang that you have the and the required U the fascia so and then you have to sign it ATT testing that the roof has the um so there's a but you have to upload it you can't just hand it to us has to be has to be uploaded to the portal Murphy might have a copy of it there but uh it should be available online right okay could be that it we're looking at a drop Dropbox that was created probably on Friday so it was uploaded today there's a chance that would you have it there it's it's here but it's blank okay sure that the form you think you uploaded today either just just have photos there's no there's no form there so I'd make a motion to approve he does and let me look at it real quick it is there is1 motion to approve okay that was Ed and David on say I motion carries 4 Z need you're good thank you all right thank you that's the gray by the way just confirm it's not the black yeah yeah just making sure because the what we have here they're black and gray are circled so we just want to confirm we're approving gray now thank you thank you have a good day all right next will be 5B 971 Northeast on 11th Street U main entrance gate rafhael marchie CL charts colors but it's just want to make sure only moving the uh black is not a pre is okay so I believe this was a um previously approved gate that was three feet high we have the original in Here original approval I just have the new application here yeah so we approved a 3ot wide aluminum gate in the front what was built was a no the thing is after basically we Reid the we did the driveway and when we redid the drive wish we enlarge it can you speak closer to the microphone ra thank you so we redid the driveway and when we redid the driveway we enlarg it but I was done basically we had that one approv and that was installed and after we did the drive wish we enlarged driveway so by 4T okay I think the issue wasn't the width of the opening right it was the height well it's you're allowed five hold on I'm just trying six feet wide you're allowed to have wide six five wide that's okay five foot wide six foot high you're allowed to have a pedestrian gate and you're at four feet wide eight feet high 8 yes will it be possible to do a variant for this I mean you have every right to ask for variance but the the question is is how do you how what is your hardship the thing is because right now what the code allows you the code generously allows you to have a six- foot gate and you go for eight would I would be you have every right to ask for it but I would be curious to know like what would no so basically the the the concrete slap right now is is 4 feet wide so the only way for me to put the column is right after each of them so it's like the width is fine the problem is is that I mean no the is eight eight not four eight sorry well the the the issue is is the height of of it it's both it's it's two four foot pan fouret panels yes so it's a massive eight foot wide 8 foot tall pedestrian game yeah and the issue is that the concrete slab that I have there the 8 foot [Music] long okay but I mean that's a slab on the ground I mean it could be the gate smaller than the slabs but um but it but our code is very clear on what um you're allowed to have for a pedestrian gate um and 8 feet by 8 feet is is is too big what is this technically after the fact per application well the well for it's we approved a three-foot gate yeah and what was built was an 8 foot gate um so no we we we did say code enforcement did do you have an approval of us approving the eight foot gate so no no no I don't because I I did I did the I did the first one the three by six I think it was and then after later on like I like maybe like a year after I did the drive wish and when we redid the drive wish we basically added another panel because the open the concrete slab was so wide um but you didn't come in for approval for that or changing the gate to no no we did to eight no yeah so right now I took I took them down so now I would like to see if there's any chance that like we well you do like you you know every cent every resident has a right to ask for variance to the code yes there's a four point um um four points that you have to meet every Point all four of them and uh you know one of them is proving that there is a hardship or a diff that something that is preventing you from using your property by by having an a 8 foot gate instead of a six foot gate so so again the the code is being very generous and allowing you to have a six- foot gate what is your hardship to have that additional two feet high and three feet wide or three feet wide yes um but that's your choice to to go through the the the expense and the the process of doing it and you might actually you know we we're not we don't vote for it the commission votes for it we make a recommendation U but um again it would be a um you would have to prove your case that there is a there's a need to Happ okay so if if I cannot go eight foot high can I go at least eight foot with so I can have the the double the double gate on that one if it's not within those Dimensions you're you're gonna it's going to be most likely denied I would imagine because that's what we do is we vote on what the code says um and um if you want to go larger then you have to go to a variance Point okay okay I yeah we need we have to make a motion to deny based on OT by 8 foot yeah and then that would allow you if you want or you could see if you have a three foot gate still see if you could figure a way to make that work because if you put that in we already approved that um so I would second that David all in favor say I iose motion carries sorry and uh you're welcome to you know there's an applica an variance application on the website I believe and they will work with you in the village to um to write it up thank you sir think we' little finding kids next everyone everyone else yeah if you guys are okay we let the the guy with the little tiny kids go go next thanks all right I believe that's uh 6K 11638 nor and thank you everybody for doing that six 11638 Northeast 7th Avenue carport installations now we find out they aren't his kids and he was doing that to skip the line thank you guys I have no choice I'm on Daddy duty tonight hello sir how are you tonight how's it going Gage this also an after the fact yeah this is after the fact I didn't know we needed a permit for a cardboard I do now really you've been through a lot with on yeah I never had a cardboard and you didn't never had a cardboard before okay okay so setback so we have a carport that is what are the dimensions on this I'm sorry let me scroll through this entire thing it says 9.8 foot high 9 foot long by 15 so the the width and the length is 20 by 20 Max but the setback has got to be 5 feet from the property line so where does the post of this sit on it's in with it's in within my prop property line no but it's got to be five carports are allowed in the front but they their maximum size is 20 x 20 okay and they have to be no closer than five feet to the front property line the post okay so where do these post land on your on your survey it's I mean there's a little like diagram here but it's not telling me where they are oh I have a um let say five six feet hedge of clusia so and it's within that so maybe 10 feet I would think I'd have to measure though I don't I don't want to speak out of yeah pict right so so normally when we get the site plans you did measure and you do a little drawing here yeah I I submitted but I mean I didn't um put the exact dimensions on the yeah I know the setback is what we're looking at okay I'd have to come back with that or yeah yeah and then just put a little little square where it is and then how many the other thing too is um we need to see your lot coverage you now have a pool right yeah and um so you have a 50% maximum lot coverage on the lot the pool is a it's a preab yeah but it's still it's not a concrete pool it it doesn't matter anything that is a development that's on your property is considered lot coverage so pool walkways you know house the garage so that's the other thing that would be um well I just just a calculation on the lot coverage uh do we want to table this for next meeting for further information yeah yeah so you so I mean the the the the there's only two post going into the ground and they're about two feet by one feet so it's not taking that much space so like for the lck coverage area I don't think it's it it would include the parking surface below that that's an improvement right so it's just anything that's not Landscaping so your driveway is part of that calculation your parking spot part of that calculation pool your house your garage walkways anything that's not saw or Landscaping the whole spot or under the carport is considered parking it's parking spot right so it's it it was a parking spot before that no no I'm saying so that's just that's part of the tally right a parking space yeah I get it but I mean for the actual footings of the carport they're two only it's only a two it's one of those modern ones yeah yeah but you're asking about the lock coverage calculation % yeah so the parking lot is already included I've already calculated that and I already I had a lot more left I don't think the two feet exra just have to part of the part of the application be might be well it just has to be there that hey yeah what I'm doing I'm redoing an existing part of but I thought I had I had submitted that in all the forms that I did on it's not here that we have maybe did but you so they just showed us a picture of it yeah and typically telephone poles delineate the front property line so you're you appear to be right at the telephone poles with those post we'll we'll give you the opportunity to to measure it and come back with us to with the proper information but just from appearances it appears it's not five feet from the property the front property line okay so then I would have to go for variance if if you can yeah or or I mean the the fact of the matter is is if you lift the orientation actually technically put the poles on the other side if they would be more than 5et from this property line but then do we consider the roof line part of the setback part one thing it's the carp it's all part of the carport right so the code is the carport it doesn't say the column of the cboard it's so it's the actual cardboard so it's a shape so the 9.8 by 9 foot by 15 feet has to be within no closer than 15 5T to the front in any case I don't think it makes a difference to him because if he has to move the post that's where his foundation are at that point he's moving the whole thing you it's not like it's going to save him trouble by just flipping it around well it's it's not that easy to move that thing you know I mean what's it's installed it's but I said you'll take measurements but it's pretty evident from the photo it's probably not step back to 5et that's yeah well um yeah I guess I'm motion the table based he's gonna provide further drawings so if I do this the actual setbacks the setbacks of the um theu or variants you guys have to reject it for me to go the variance yeah so if you want we can reject it now well if you're saying that I'm on the line you're going to reject it this next meeting let's just unless you think that it might be five feet if it's more than five property it's there take your measurements because we can reject and hear the variance at the next right those two things can happen on the same hearing so let's reject it based on real information not not on you know conject rather have the max Dimensions we have to reject it maybe it's five feet right fair enough okay so I have a motion to table please made one seconded David all in favor say hi hi thank you guys have a good for protocol if you measure it you know it's not 5 feet and you want to go for the variance make sure that you it's a separate application so you just work that out with the building department okay so that it's on the agenda next time as a variance request right okay um I just want to make sure 6A is not here Sani nope okay so uh 6B 740 Northeast 120th Street uh new window installation Improvement developers LLC hey good night hello it's the second okay just looking at the um the site map and I'm just you know I know I could probably scroll down through the 164 pages but what part of the house faces the street uh this is a new construction project the master is already approved this is a super permit for the windows only are all the windows do they all match yeah okay they're all the same style yeah all the same style with black frames there Flo in this package I mean there's something on page AG there is the shop drawings the the master the master permit yeah the P like three Master permit have all the elevations and all the the same information this is only the shop Dr like page three and four have an actual of the of the PDF or of the drawings that are numbered the P numbers that are drawing are p1- 101 and P1 -102 Alo there's like some upper story clear story Windows above 740 yeah 6 I mean it looks like they're a lot of Sliders and fixed windows this is the one in the the set yeah yeah yeah down the corner there it looks sliders a lot of Sliders and fix yeah it's just the same as the original plant the master permit that is been already revised and approved so it's just the shop drawings of the of the windows I'll take a motion second David and Scarlet M favor say I I motion carries all good right I have another question I also have for the same project we have the roofing and pool permit is also approve on the master we just need the sub permit no you need to have sub permits for each one of those yeah no I know I already submitted it's application I don't know if for if it's for tonight but I appli for all them last week no it didn't make it to tonight's agenda but I mean it's a flat roof isn't it yeah it's a flat roof it should it should pretty much go right through fast yeah what was the second uh pool the pool and the pool is basically already covered in the master as far as lot coverage and stuff you just have to have pull a pool permits yeah I already did so just um just have them put it on the next agenda and we'll look at it should be fine okay we've already looked at it so that thank you this one we approved thank you sir all right next would be 6C 967 Northeast 117 Street windows and doors pbp2 LC okay now this one where's the site plan that's the I was in scroll there's a site plan in any of this honestly the person that does permit it submitted everything do you want to call quickly I call this is the house on the corner tent right yeah okay so this is the window permit correct correct why why are there windows in the house and there have been windows in the house for months that's a good question I mean this is yeah they install the windows without having this apparently well I mean they ordered the windows without having the permit yes I mean that's a very big risk thing on your on your behal I order the windows without order Windows without permit I take full responsibility on the order not on the installation though so color I think are bronze yeah is there a schedule no there's no schedule just all the on the front it's all what picture window or sliders or casement storefronts yeah but any like single hung horizontal sash kind of Windows you know no they're all like the pivot outdoor pivots on the sides and on the front you have slides they open we can well I think we could ask for that before we submit before we issue the permit they've already done the work what's two more weeks asking for an additional thing but we could prove it I mean I believe that you are doing it for your of course yeah but it's just you know the sub permit should have a schedule and a plan showing each location you know of the window which is what we don't have on here okay so then we can postpone until two weeks and let me just go back with those comments because honestly the the permit Runner submits everything for us I would assume this was on it but yeah it's just no it's just all of the individual details but nothing that just and schedule and a plan tell Okay window one is this one window two is this one window three is okay so if we can postpone motion to Table 6 pending window schedule and so we need a schedule and a site plan site plan with all the windows delineate you know numbered noas as well NOA is for like that's for the building department right we just want to see what kind of Windows you're just show them the the permit before exactly what yeah an example that was a motion by Ed Scarlet right yes fav say I so you know basically they've got a A for picture sure this is actually a more complicated one than it needs to be but you know a for plan and then it just calls out individual numbers for each window got that so then we can look at what type of window that is because I usually a schedule which is here right so they've got the the Mark or the window number and what kind it is like configuration with because all we really care about is the windows facing the street in the package yeah that's part of the plan so my way back up to the top of your package application General notes and it gets right into like all the detail elevations right but these are okay cool sliders but I don't know where those go in the house right and then go here quickly there's just this usually it's one of the first Pages like individual panel size and stuff these are all like stock details right but there's nothing that says okay here's a FL point for the house and where this stuff which is again all Anor capacity what they're talking about that real quick anybody here for dof no right 1016 Northeast on 14th Street no hello see you later thank you Alexander paoi nope LaMore NOP Okay so next will be I believe they're here 11095 griffing Boulevard two manual rollingway Gates purpose Holdings hello sir hey how's it going um so yeah so basically I submitted an application to install two manual rolling Gates um I do want to apologize for having installed them without the necessary per um but yeah but I think there's two parts of this I think we're going to deal with the variance requests later on yes yeah so now you the motion to so these are two manual rolling driveway gates um how high are they they doesn't stand six feet six feet y they're currently not there anymore I mean I took them off to to comply so our code States no fencing in the front yard and gate is a part of a fence and so um done without a permit and so they're here so motion I second David faor I I I you want to discuss this Vari now or later let's let's just clear up and then we can I mean it's got it come back to them just give us a second sir we'll come back I don't sign it if it's denied I usually don't all right so if you sign it sometimes all right um Shino nobody here for Shino no okay so 11 next will be 6j 11610 noreast 6th Avenue tile to to R roof bernardet uh dorus um sure you're replacing a tile roof with a tile roof and it's looks like it's a gray s tile yes new roof yes and it's the entire roof it looks like the antire wolf okay any questions approve Ed David all favor to say I I motion carries that was good appreciate you bringing the sample you're good sample in we love that makes it so much easier you're good thank you all right uh next will be 6K 11638 Northeast 7th Avenue carport instulation we did that okay I just we just approved that is that here and the next will be six 6 L 11701 Northeast 9th Avenue partial demolition the chaps design yes hi good night sorry this is my first time working with the city so um trying to figure out how handle this permit um I submit the demolition permit and then I receive a an email that I need to come to to this meeting okay that is all so this is the house that we worked with you on we have the master permit approved Okay so and I mean it's just a formality really yeah I mean you have to come through the board but it's not like you had to personally be here just it had to be an agenda item that came through here oh okay okay it says partial demolition so there's an existing house you're keeping some of it yes yeah they're keeping a lot of the main structure if you remember correctly that's the one they're doing the back with the little house and yeah I remember the design I didn't realize integrating the existing house yeah the temporary fence yeah is there is there a construction fence yes a temporary um so perit is submitted on Saturday it'll be on the next yeah oh so for that permit I need to come you don't need to come it has to again be on here okay and as long as it has the little highlighted area that you're putting up and everything and it says that it's like chain Ling yeah chain Ling fence a temporary chain Ling fence six uh five feet height with a green mesh yeah and that's it so yeah you don't need to come here but it has to we have to vote to okay so that'll happen at the next I have a question for the for the other two permits because I receive an email that I need to submit a permit for the trash and for the temporary toilet yeah that that wouldn't come here that would something you deal with the building department for pay a fee for the you know oh okay perfect so I I I submit the application and and that's it yeah that doesn't have to wait for us oh okay and I have another question for all this of permit that I need to submit for for this project I need to come for roofing Plumbing um sorry uh Roofing pool tras again you're not obligated to come here but it's always a good idea if you're available in case there's a question and you know if you're here you can answer it and gets approved if you're not maybe it gets tabled and you wait two more weeks okay perfect okay perfect so as long as I mean you have pretty your drawings are really good so I mean you don't have to be here but it's but if we had a question about a lot coverage of the pool the setback of the pool um we would um it would be a question actually get the demolition per really quick well that P is that pull into the side set I mean I'm just it just caught my attention well look at the uh impervious versus perious I don't know if The Hardscape is maybe but not the pool the water huh water linecap is but maybe not the pool maybe the water on the on the on the side plan is is um show the the pool yeah I'm just saying I mean I was just saying that you probably don't need to come because normally your your drawings are really well done well but I'm looking at your impervious versus pervious and you're showing the dotted line that shows the the setbacks of the of the space okay and it looks like the pool is sticking into the side setback there a couple feet it's just a walkway which then it'll be okay right I don't is that the deck or is that the waterline yeah so that would be something that we would go whoop hold on what is this you know so maybe I I I need to check the the setback of the pool when I submit the permit for the pool for the pool okay perfect anyways in the meantime motion to approve contingent to submitting a fence permit as well okay so I I want you to start demo if you don't have a proper fence in place yeah I start I start the permit but I have not be able to submit the the actual plans for demolition because it's fine you'll get approved tonight it just means that before you start demo put your fence up oh okay perfect perfect right so that was uh Ed and second say I I thank you so much have a great name thank you all right so we did have a um I think this is um Lam more right came in yeah okay we are going to go back to Lam more because he's on the agenda 6G 11011 Northeast 9th Fork uh re roof three which just a flat roof new flat roof yeah and it's just on this is the on the new addition right yes just remember to speak until the mic so that was flat roof you you you said yes I'm just you weren't on the microphone just want make show yes it's on the new edition though because this says re roof we and the new little fo we have on the front and then uh the flat roof it used to be entry open entry we close it okay and then we need to redo the flat roof but is the new foyer front roof Edition wasn't that a pitch yes little pitch so is the pitch you're Roofing it the same as the rest of the house yes no as a it's as a flat roof because little pitch on top just a little for like a three by 10 on the front it's like a little curve yeah but I'm just saying if it's a flat roof and it's it's in the front then you know a flat M roof material would be appropriate yes if it's a pitched roof on the front it needs to match the rest of the house no it's a flat roof flat roof shows it's an existing porch that you enclos yes so it's if you look at page slope roof it's not quite flat but yeah if you look at page 49 there's actually a color picture of it um and it's a flat roof that kind of slopes back towards the house where the tile roof is at so it is a flat roof yes there's a color picture site picture oh because you actually elevated it before it was lower yes you've actually raised yes to give it a little ship Street yes you guys are good you can't put you wouldn't put tile on no should do second Scarlet David Scarlet Pap say I motion carries all right we also had a um a walk in here good thank you thank you sir um one it's six I'm gonna make it 6B and it's just I guess it's it has to be on the agenda for next time but it's just a change of color Murphy you wanted to change a metal roof that you've already gotten approved to a bronze color is thator have picture of the house yeah I don't I don't really care what the other house is I I just want to know what color you want to your is it bronze is it bronze that's brown that's a brown roof Brown say brown say brown yeah brown brown it's a brown Mur just say brown so that's gonna be 7B I I mean we have to make it a discussion I 11443 Northeast 6th Avenue it's Medina he had a a previous color and now he wants to change it to Brown let see there's gonna be an issue he wants to move forward dark brown yeah yeah but but he's technically have to come back to on the agenda for in two weeks but you want to move forward knowing that we have we said okay yeah so you're not on the agenda so we can't vote on the color change but we're telling you that in two weeks time if you're on the agenda and it's brown it'll get approved dark brown yes dark brown brown yes but oh actually it's one week we our next meeting is actually next Monday that March 4th Expediting things for you so you actually have a week so but but you have to get an application in tomorrow for them to get it on next agenda next week okay so you'll have your agenda item for next week for a dark brown change of color and we'll approve it based on what our feed everybody seems very much okay with that all right you good with that mer sure okay approving brown brown R all right so next on the agenda will be variance um 8A 11095 North uh Griffin Boulevard two manual driving rolling Gates purpose holding LLC hi um good evening sir good evening again uh so I don't know if you guys got a chance to see the site plan or the survey that I attached just to like put the whole thing in reference as to where the gates would be um so for a while we've been having like a lot of mostly vehicle traffic I guess they cut through the lot and cutting through there basically means they're cutting through through like a third of the property um there is a little bit of pedestrian traffic a little bit of we've we've caught some wild dogs there or like neighbors dogs but the thing I'm most concerned about is definitely the cars especially having kids um that's my biggest concern we have a big sign outside that says no through traffic that seems to not be working so a big pot in the middle of the driveway yeah I haven't tried that yet that plant in it landmines not yet that and that sign WR but that sign's not even that's from Robert and Barbara the owners before you guys yeah and they were unsuccessful with the sign as well you don't mind me asking if you they used to have people walk through all the time too they my little brother lives directly across the street from they were good friends with him and they talk about people going through all the time yeah people walk by but I think the most dangerous thing here that some eventually something's going to happen is the cars I mean the people but the cars are definitely a little scary all right so we have two gates that were installed it looks like they've been taken down they're not there right now but he's asking for verance to put them back up it's it's a request for a six foot rolling gate in the front U right now our Code 11 11.6.1 location B no walls or fences may be located in the yard except provided in subsection to C which C deals with pointer Lots which even with the c uh would not U would not affect this this application so so right now you are looking for a relief of variance for um letter B of our code um now in in accordance to that you have to prove your point of um the four points of the variance you've submitted a letter and we all have to so what basically what happens is we vote as a recommendation The Village commission makes the final decision so you have to make your case to the Village commission uh whether we we vote to to um recommend or Rec or vote not to recommend you still have a right to go to the Village commission to make your case and um get them to um to um to agree to it yeah they still are bound by the same four points that we are bound by and it's up to you to make that point of um of um of that so all right so Point number one that there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property which are such that the strict application of the of the provision of this chapter would deprive the applicant of reasonable use of their lens so that's the question whether you have Gates or not on the front is that going to deprive you of the reasonable use of your property I believe it does I mean I think I think when you take away like a third of somebody's land on their property um and by take away I mean basically 137 homes in the proper Village we all have open front yards yeah so so what is the reasonable that you're special that everyone else is not gonna that I have basically we all can't use onethird of our property because we have a front yard Yeah so basically my my driveway connects to public roads um and vehicles basically just speed through through the front of my lawn yeah that's that's trespassing also who says that he has to have a driveway on gripping Boulevard why don't you remove that portion of it and only inter and exit on2 because I think that that that would take away value from the property significant I think it adds value to have two two entrances your your special circumstance is this connecting driveway which is causing the need for you know hardship but then it's increasing the value of the property at the same time no it's it's it's retaining the original value that the driveway presented okay so your your answer just to read it the layout of my property with a driveway connecting two bug roads presents a special circumstance that necessites installation of rolling gates for safety purposes the heavy traffic particularly during rush hours when vehicles are backed up from the intersection post is a significant rest for my dogs my children mind my vehicles potential accidents proper damage and do this traffic pattern make an imperative so you know one of the solutions is removing that part of the driveway that goes out to gri Boulevard so just saying that there is there is a solution to it or you know having a pot in the middle of the driveway stopping people from driving um so um so that would be number one um do you have any any other questions on the the board and then I move on no I would make the same point that the driveway there's nothing stopping the homeowner from altering the driveway to not be connected between two public roads right it's not a it's not a condition of your property that you can't mitigate or change right like people who come for variances when they want a pool on a corner lot that has very small backyard there are conditions of their property they cannot alter right to change their hardship this is a condition that could be altered by the homeowner it's a very big front yard and a very big driveway you could still have a circular driveway a nice one entering and exiting on 11 18th or whatever the other street is sorry 111 um yes 111 111 so it's it's it's not an inherent innate feature of your property it's just a design condition that could be modified right and do we have there police reports of the police stopping I think I think I have a lot of images uh I think the even informed the police I mean have they I mean do you have like reports from the police department of of these people cutting through your property they've caught people I mean no I mean by the time you you make any report they're just they're just gone so they're just through Rob and Barbara used to try and have cops sit like they invited them into their driveway people and fleeks were like no believe me I'm sympathized for you but I'm just wondering what the special circumstances I don't think it's a solution necessarily not overcome that you cannot overcome and the reason that you're giving Is people driving through your property so the main thing would be a solution to stopping people from driving to your property and um and um as far as the safety goes I I mean everybody in the village doesn't have V except for a handful of people that all have different circumstances the reason why they have of gates which we could we could talk about each one um you know but the majority 95% of 99% of the village have no Gates The Village has has made it clear they do not want gates in the front yard that's why our code is written the way it is so um and then as far as security goes you know we do live in one of the nicest neighborhoods in village in the county um so security wise you know fencing in the front yard is not you know again a special circumstances that your neighbor or you um you know that you are better than your neighbor basically so um all right so part two at the variance is necessary to preserve preservation enjoyment of substantial property right commissioner so giving you a Vari is necessary for you to have substantial property rights to use your property you have an entire backyard with a pool right you have a backyard already you know yeah substantial property by by giving you this SP it preserves your right to be able to enjoy your property that that your neighbors would not allow yet no so so so so basically I think there's like an inherent right an inherent property right that we all have to secure our homes I don't think eliminating one of the entrances to my home is a is a viable solution locking your front door I mean that we all do of course but it's in imminent danger that there's cars driving through your property right so but again to go back to you have a right to have a driveway right to your property we're not trying to say Hey you know just close your entire driveway and don't have one you have you have ample space to do again a nice circular driveway that would preserve the value of your home probably frankly increase it by not having an entrance on Griffin to be frank but again you wouldn't be denied the reasonable use see your property like you have room to do another design of a driveway without having to cut through right so I don't know points one and two I think it's just there there Alternatives basically you know not a cost right cost is not a factor right so we're looking at variances and when the Commissioners do they're not going to take any interest in whether it costs you a bit more to change your drive dri way or you know variance is a very high threshold and cost is not a hardship but also there was you know there was no issue of paying the cost of of making the gates without a permit I mean so you did you didn't pay for that without an issue I thought Safety First yeah I just that was my first reaction like when I see cars flying through my driveway and pedestrians walking by the first thing that came to my mind is let me protect first and then deal with with the consequences yeah all right um as a homeowner it is essential for me to preserve and enjoy my property rights including right to ensure the safety and security of my family and belongings the insulation of rolling Gates would provide a necessary barrier to protect my property and enhance our ability to enjoy our home without fear of harm and intrusion right so any points any more from the board on point number two um okay number three that the granting of the variants will not be detrimental to the public welfare or interest to other property in the territory in which the property is in situated well I think you know that could be something that I you know I don't see how the gate would be detrimental to your neighbors it public welfare or interest property the only thing that I would you know that would concern me is if your gates are closed and when you pull up to your gate your car sticks out in the gripping thus causing more traffic backup while you're getting out to go open your gate so that would be a concern of whether or not the granting of the variant would be detrimental to the public welfare so if you look at the subb they're you can fit a pick truck they're like 17 feet deep from the property line not not the street so there wouldn't be on the contrary the installation of the Rolling Gates would contribute to the public welfare by improving safety conditions in our neighborhood uh by preventing vehicles from cutting through our property and dangering pedestrians and other motorists we would be fostering a safer environment of all residents and visitors furthermore the gates would not be injured to other properties rather they would help reduce the parential forac it's on so there's no stop sign when you exit and onto 111th there's no stop sign there so people just eat an imaginary stop sign if you would what do you mean like a stop sign in the middle of the block no no so when they cut through my property and they come out to the other Street I think where your family member lives um there's no stop sign there so it's basically you're creating a hazardous condition by flowing traffic in One Direction with no no signage also I've seen people leave there and go right like drive through the median go back to gri or back to Griffin I don't know much time that's saving them um any comment on um granting I don't think it would be to the public all right number four that the variant proposed is a minimum variance which makes possible the reasonable use of the property um so my question on this one would be if the reasoning is the cars and you are asking for this variance why not just ask for a three foot by G that closes and stop cars from coming through why does it have to be 6 high minimum the minimum variance which Mak possible reasonable use so why does it why does it have to be six feet high if you we were to go down the you could you you you do have a good point there uh six feet high would just be the in my mind the highest permissible um but I guess a three-foot gate could do the raran CR is the minimum necessary to ensure the reable use of my property considering the a forementioned special circumstances without the ability to install ring Gates my family and I would be exposed to unnecessary risk and inconvenience which significantly diminish our quality of life and peace of mind do not note that the no through traffic private roadway sign plac on property entrance on griffing B has been successful is that for your property or is that the the entire G it's well it's the sign's literally at the entrance of the drive it's in the if you go actually in the put in by the village or by the no yeah Rob Rob and barber the prev owner put a sign up in yeah that's actually not allowed by he said the thing that was best at slowing cars down was all of the birds and that's why you would beat them every afternoon but yeah that sign it's actually legal to I imagine but yeah it's been there since my little brother started construction four years ago whatever I don't know how much longer because they live people before you live there for a long time right yeah I think since 2002 maybe 2000 VAR so any other questions on the board for the number four do you live there sir uh not yet yeah I'm just curious because I I did a you know check and you know because it's an LLC you wonder if this is just a an entire process for you to sell the house when you when you get the windows installed which you're doing your windows without a permit op they have permits though yeah that was a big problem with the I don't recommend these guys they they they wav some papers at me I asked them you have approved permits they waved I guess they were drawings or something and I let them start by accident and then I found out through I think officer ni to order Windows without a permit God forbid we have said no then you would have really yeah I'm sorry about that the same thing um so you your plan is to actually move into the property sure all right so um so again we make a recommendation um it is actually um we're asking for to manual rolling gates for the section code um we have to um individually meet our vote um I I personally unfortunately think that you're lacking on Section sections one two and four the Durance request I don't see the um um where you convinced that those those are um reasons so I will be voting no on the VAR request we let we'll get down the David I so based off the fact that I've seen it a bunch of times firsthand and I do think that it's a unique property and that I don't think that happens anywhere else on on griffing or in B Park and I vote Yes the Four Points four point it me Four Points okay so if I'm cting yes that I'm saying yes and I guess it meets all four points the way that I interpret it maybe not exactly the way that it was it was written but the way that I would interpret the protection of the family with little kids from outside people walking in outside cars driving through at speed and the risk to neighbors Beyond and stuff so right I think that um I'm a little torn because I think that you know you do have good points and it's not totally a frivolous just I just want this kind of ask but um but also you know there are other options that you know we brought up that that could kind of solve your issue as well so I think my vote is no I would just let me say that I don't actually don't mind gates in front of homes personally uh in fact I think homes on Griffin and homes on North East 6th Avenue should be treated differently than homes throughout the village personally because of the traffic flow but I do have concerns with is the utilization of a variance process which I think should be a very high threshold it should be reserved for cases of actual need where there is no alternative and I just think here there are plenty of solutions that wouldn't require variance to solve this particular problem so I would be against okay I'm just the recommendation yeah this this yeah we don't decide we're just now we we are giving our recommendation that the board with a vote to 31 said we don't feel that this is a candidate for this variance so you have the right to go into the religious commission um you know and and state your cases okay yeah and you know one thing I always tell people that come for variances and for whatever reason they don't get the support of the board is listen to our feedback so that you can prepare yourself better for the when it really matters which is with the Commissioners right so you've heard what our thoughts are you know use that as ammunition so that when you go to the because they're goingon to ask you the same thing make the same comments make the same points be prepared to address them with them and maybe convince them okay understood all right thank you okay so next we're back up to the top of the agenda we have the minutes from our our biggest meeting which was um February 12th 2024 location this is what they were asking for the variance and they does not meet one voted yes three Ved oh you do TP just here or if you do TPO roofing systems or just you do TPO roof d a plat TP and it's just avantage did anybody have any and it's disadvantages as well no yeah yeah unless you get little nails popping up in your decking or Birds I've heard of birds pecking at it and putting little penetrations yeah I know I'm aware I got a motion please I'm sorry motion second David say I I all right next will be um 6A 528 Northeast under 21st Street um driveway Maria zani Mullen doesn't help that their own drawing shows the car isking taking forever down yeah it also looks like they have an existing fence in front what is this oh it doesn't look like that's it doesn't look like it's the providing Park the dep I would say probably and it has a third 30 is there a 30 foot set back not 25 foot n yeah and it definitely does have a Frank yard fence this is post is that a new Pence it doesn't appear to be and also I think that that's a don't remember if the I know at one point they were asking us about the bamboo covering foot tenses since the weather not that was compliance going to beic I don't I don't know if that ever passed or what happened but but but our case in point it looks like the most of the driveway is not on the property well they have like a carport overhang thing that has like a little trailer thing in it that is a concrete pad that's parallel to the house but they don't have a driveway that goes to it yeah I feel like at minimum there should be a driveway that goes all the way to that definitely it's it's less than 14t on so they need to move it so that those cars are they need to bring it into the property Mar second you do come on in hang out you guys need this we're good you're welcome to chill out so I'm favor say I to denial I I the reason being is that that they need to provide parking on their property of at least 14 ft yeah no right right now they have just under four typical parking spot is at least 18 but is car can and when it the fact that they have a covered car port that's to the west side of the the house structure it's not even on the drawing would we request yeah it's not would we request that the driveway extend to that because having a gap in driveway between the driveway and a carport also would be super good well I mean we'd only request it if they were trying to claim that that it's part of the parking service now they say cover that they just happen to have a little RV yeah yeah exactly all right okay I mean I'm fine with that so we denied it okay um all right next would be 6 e no I'm sorry 6D 1014 Northeast 116 street impact windows and doors Richard and Lane Dun Up this here is the one that's next door to S 1014 yeah they look like they're all horizontal sliders with fixs on page number three show all the elevation black frame clear glass good I should have approved carries like yeah said the next would be 6 E6 noreast 14 Street Place wood was like a lot ofy the only part that the one thing that's interesting is is they're making that a wood gate and the other side says wood and chain link gate don't the two need to match what is the wooden it's there's a little small thumbnail sketch on the third page area to work yeah it's just on the right hand side of the on the corner of the house to the property L yeah but we're just wondering what the other side looks like it says wood and chain link so like think our little rule is that the two sides have to match does anybody can do a Google I don't think you're to see it because there's a lot of landscaping front of it yeah you can't you can't see it what the the left side is so I can't see it I can't second okay David David I'm sorry say hi hi actually replacing something that's already yeah and in the Google Street View you do see the existing wood fence that they're replacing you don't see the other side we approve that okay next would be 6f 104 one40 Northeast 121st Street so basically they applied because they know that you live on the street they're like this is a airbn I don't know I just see cars every weekend that's a different car and actually remarkably it's actually been fairly quiet you don't really it's I got a big backyard so I think they stay out in the back you know the res the rental stay out in the back they never ask me come is this a revision to a approved plan it looks like a revision for the fence yeah oh because I made a little CL is 6f a existing permit yeah it's confusing because it it has the it's like two different things so so this guy I I I just realized so I don't know if I'm supposed to do a recusal thing on this or not he used to be an intern for me like 10 years ago and he saw me on the website and he was like hey I'm just changing like the gate I'm putting in on one side and changing a gate on the other because he has a dog and a little kid so the only thing he was doing is those two front end pieces do you have any fin no I have you don't need to recuse yourself they're not because yeah knowing people in the village if that was a cause for recusal we'd all be half the yeah half the time not being so he was just like wait why are you on are you is on another dve gr and I was like no he's like oh I'm I'm supposed to be coming before because he wanted to close in his backyard his dog um I mean it's clouded like it's a change I don't know if that was an architectural this has not been in front of us before has it this a brand new permit no it's strange because on one of them it's got he they like flipped it they did the three things and well I'm going to go by the one dated 213 is the last one so the last drawing dated 213 is the one we're voting on which is the last one there's nothing wrong with it no I'm fine with it and there's no pool in the back or anything it doesn't look second David all right next would be six I 11122 Northeast a 9th Avenue replacing adding Gates Yang Shino sho that correct that's the corre double six fo High L six High link is in the rear motion approve second David Scarlet all right next will be that's everything except for the the 7A we aren't doing because they didn't come no I'm sorry 7A was on I'm sorry should have pulled was moved to the next meeting 7 is not being considered and 7B which is what the would have been 7A is the the brown roof that will have to be on the next agenda all right um any further business no and I assume the next one's G to be a fairly short agenda because there's only a week in between yes our next meeting would be March 4th um which is a week for now everybody good with that pleas we're all shaking our heads yes yes all right so 7:46 do I have a motion to adjourn to adjourn DAV