e e e e e e e for there our battery full we sure about that it's full now it's full at the beginning of every meeting we'll see how long it lasts good 20 minutes okay good art John Perez up there I guess for have everything here that's GNA be here Adam mayor do we have everyone that you need to go ahead and get started perfect yes that's on the record all right so I'm showing 603 so why don't we go ahead and get started we have everyone here Madam clerk are you prepared for us sure ready ready okay all right so I'd like to call to order our regular commission meeting for Tuesday April 2nd 2024 Madam clerk could you please call the role for us mayor gr here vice mayor Kennedy here commissioner Amsler here commissioner Holland here commissioner Gonzalez yes here you have Quorum Mr Mayor wonderful thank you madam CL can we go ahead and move on to the Pledge of Allegiance please Madame mayor would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance thank mam mayor we'll go ahead and we'll uh before we move on to our diss deletions withdrawals to our agenda this evening um for those here and for those listening uh we have uh our County mayor here uh mayor lean Cava she's been kind enough to join us this evening and spend some time with our residents outside of the Log Cabin um with our residents some with some wonderful vendors that live here that were generous enough to donate their time um to special event and uh we are fortunate enough for her to spend some time with us this evening before we get started so um we have her set for our presentations um and of course we recognize that uh her time is is valuable and that she's um kind enough to grant us some of hers so having said that let's um go ahead let's take a look at our additions deletions withdrawal so we can get to our presentations and and have the mayor spend a few minutes with us do we have any additions deletions withdrawals to the agenda this evening I have a couple of things U does Chris have something I believe so Mr manager do you have something yeah we're going to uh remove item 12a okay ordinance sorry resol resolution 20246 withdrawing right okay Mr Mayor yes I'd like to request that we add a board appointment to the Arts and Cultural board I have the applications I can distribute so that would be a walk on that would be decided whether or not by consensus whether or not the commission would agree to hear it today we be adding that to consent or to discussion where where would you anticipate adding that consent if okay um well I put it up to the board then whether or not we want to add that to this evenings is that the applicant that we received today Pima yes sir yeah I had time to speak with her so I'm fine with it being on consent I'm okay as well okay commissioner Gonzalez yeah I'm fine with that as well okay so we'll go ahead and we'll add that to our consent agenda okay um any other additions deletions withdrawals yeah I have a couple of things um I think it might be a good idea uh to move the variants up on the agenda this evening we have a resident here at his second attempt for a variance hearing with us so I ask Brad If This Were possible and he said it is we could have the mayor's presentation have the variance immediately after that so that Resident could do his business and leave and then we could move forward with public comment and continue on with the rest of the meeting because the variance has its own opportunity for comment okay so do we have consensus for that item to move that I think that's fine if we want to get that Tak care of okay and then there's something missing from the agenda from the last meeting I had an item about the manager reports and I have an example of a report that I wanted to show it's been I think on the past two agendas it was not picked up for this agenda um and I would like to have that put back on under new business and then I'm sorry under old business and then the old business I'm a little confused about it because the order of the old business seems to be scrambled it's not following the pattern of these items when they were on the previous agendas so I'm not sure what happened but things are moved around in different order and I think they should be put back in the order that they belong in and that would be the manager reports the unsafe intersection CIP meeting procedures The Log Cabin audio tree roots and Sops that's the order they were on on the last agenda and I think they should be maintained in that order so just to make sure uh I have it correctly here the first would be the manager reports second would be unsafe intersections third would be CIP where' it go after that meeting procedures Log Cabin audio tree roots Sops someone might want to double check that but that's the order when I look back on previous agendas that's the order they were in sop is actually older uh than that but I don't have a problem keeping it at the end okay so then the the procedure that I have it for just again to confirm is would be manager report unsafe intersection CIP meeting procedure uh um Log Cabin audio tree roots sop all right yep okay and then and moving the variance up after the mayor's presentation I have that okay thank you we go to presentations um and then we'll go to variance request immediately after that okay uh any other additions deletions withdrawals or changes at this time Mr Mayor will you be adding the proclamation for um autism awareness month after the present or after the presentation AC okay that's the proclamation for Autism Awareness Month okay okay motion to approve the amended agenda have a second okay all in favor hi hi I commissioner art art Gonzalez John Perez yeah yeah it's my nephew's my nephew's computer guys and I'm sorry that I can't be there please excuse me with Mar c I didn't want to get everybody sick I have a horrible flu and fever and coughing every five seconds so someone who sits next to you Art thank you exactly you're welcome sounds like you spared us yeah okay great okay so having completed section four move into our presentations um Madame mayor you are first on our our list um if you wouldn't if you'd like to step up to our podium good evening everyone good evening I am so delighted to be here I'm like grinning from ear to ear I want to thank uh mayor growth and um is it vice mayor Kennedy uh for for the invitation and I am familiar that this is a little pocket a little ha Oasis in Miami D County but I really hadn't had an opportunity to experience it firsthand and join for Fellowship in the the garden here and with the local vendors and so many artists such a creative place and so many active citizens and coming up to me with warm greetings but also very very good questions about things that we could do better uh for the on the County's part to support the residents here so I'm I'm extremely grateful to be with you and this very Charming uh house this is truly unique and I I I gather from the people who are here they truly appreciate being part of this very special community and I'm wondering myself what you have for Real Estate uh available um yeah really okay uh so it's it's very evident The Pride that you have and the Investments that you're making to make sure that there's a great quality of life here and that it's safe and that neighbors are friendly and know each other and that children can be out and about I'm sure somewhat supervised but still with a lot of freedom so it's just a very very delightful place to be um I'm here because as County mayor I know that there are a lot of things we do in the county that have a big impact on your quality of life so I want to be very focused on that I could tell you many things about the great things we're doing in the county my three and a half years as mayor the challenges the triumphs the frustrations the laughter but I will not go into that I'm going to stay very focused on things that I think are of immediate concern uh to you and even I've heard here today traffic Transit um water and sewer issues um sea level rise issues um uh and and leading it all for us is my intergovernmental Affairs liaison for biscane Park and other cities in the area and that is Melanie Burke Simon so Melanie if you could just stand be recognized so I made a real big commitment when I came in as mayor to strengthen relationships with all of our municipalities we have 34 cities in Miami day County we have almost three million people overall in the county and of course you've got as 3,000 what percentage of three million is that um going the wrong group oneth of one is the one ask the arithmetic guy but let me just say all equally important and all equally special to me and so Melanie does a great job in the intergovernmental role and she's here on a regular basis and available to all of you and to your attorney and your Clerk and your manager for anything that you might need and she tries to keep you up to date with things that we're doing that might affect you and also Channel any of your concerns directly to us so you can get good respons and that's true for the residents as well as for the electeds and and appointed officials here uh I brought with me today a few key people that know much more about the issues than I do so I'll be able to stay till about 6:30 that's about 15 minutes from now and after that they can stay and answer questions we have Christine Wartman from our water and sewer department Christine if you could stand So Christine can tell you not only about um our freshwater system but our septic to sewer program uh how we we serve you with our freshwater system and sewage as well uh and also challenges that happen when there's flooding for example and there's risks to overtopping our sewage system so that's certainly an area she could address we have Miguel soraa who is our uh assistant director in the department of transportation and public works so there were a number of questions about circulators and mobility and interconnectivity and what's happening with the bright line the Northeast Corridor and and Miguel can answer those we have Robert colone from our office of resilience and so he can talk with you about Environmental Protection and things that we're doing you are in an adaptation action area which is so designated by the county as a place of particular interest and where we want to work very proactively with residents around adaptation to sea level R extreme weather storms and and all the heat all of the challenges that we have and so Robert can address that and um mayor growth if I could i' just turn it back to you for a dialogue with you and and as you choose Thank you thank you very much certainly thank you very much Madame mayor thank you to miss Burke as well for for helping put this together and facilitate she's been very helpful to us so um we appreciate her efforts we very much appreciate your efforts and your time and coming out here to join us um we put a lot of of planning into the event and we were very happy to see the turnout of of the people that came here to meet and voice um concerns and and voice points of points of issues that we wanted to raise and bring to your attention and your your office's attention is things that uh we would love some help with um you've already you've already highlighted a few of them uh the two of which that we kind of group into these larger categories of resiliency um ground water um flooding storms um and of course the all important septic to sewer which is the white is as I think I've coined it in the past um but then of course infrastructure and traffic and Safe Streets and and um INF Paving the roads and infrastructure on with that respect too so these are all areas that are of of um I think top of mind for us and and I think that this commission has heard a lot about and are doing um what we can to address them um so we appreciate your attention to that we appreciate you bringing uh to the attention of your departments the the folks that can help us with uh with those items um so outside of those issues and outside of meeting with uh with your departments um we very much appreciate your help uh we'd like you to know that we are we are supportive of your efforts and if there's anything that we can as a community can do uh to assist the county we are here for that purpose um and look forward to maintaining that open dialogue with you absolutely um and and keeping open this relationship with with your office in the county uh to help us kind of achieve some of the things and the larger ticket items that that we would like to achieve here in biscan park absolutely so those are some of the larger items that um that we've identified that we've had discussions about in the past several months would you like me to speak a little bit further about if you if you if you could yes great um so let me start with our water issues water is life we've enjoyed um celebrating the importance of water this these last few weeks and I am the water Warrior if you did not know and that's because there's only one water it's all connected and it's it's precious uh we don't have a water shortage at this time other places do but we do have challenges of clean water all of our drinking water comes from the Everglades the aquifer we need to support Everglades restoration that's the purification process brings the water down uh to us uh and it's clean our our County water is some of the best in the world quality-wise but it is all naturally um filtered through through the Everglades and a third of Floridians rely on it so our water and sewer department um is very concerned about the risks to septic systems which unfortunately uh are now Antiquated really as the Seas rise and there's the risk of saltwater intrusion into our wells if you have a well I personally have a septic at my home in paletto Bay and wellwater so I'm very familiar and have to test those things periodically but we have um at least 9,000 septic uh systems that are immediately vulnerable to um polluting our waterways and of course that puts our Bay at risk because the pollution goes out into the canals and into the uh water stream and kills the seagrass and compromises the fish and the the animals so very critical that's our blue heart the bay 64 billion doll economic engine for the county and also our e you know our overall economy and health so we are working aggressively on the conversion uh there is there are certain challenges about paying for it it's expensive of course uh we have to bring laterals which are the the connections that go down the streets so from the mains on the manger thoroughfares which we cover and then laterals and we have to uh find funding which we've applied for many grants and receive grant funding we also are hopeful to have a bond program that would help contribute to paying for that and then individual homeowners are obligated to pay for the connection to their home but we've also come up with different ways to help people finance that because it might be too expensive for them to pay outrights so we could get more detail about that uh from our representative from water and sewer but just to know it's called connect to protect that's the name of our program and you are here I think in some vulnerable areas and certainly have homes that are part of our priority for for conversion um uh uh and just as time goes by there'll be more homes that will be vulnerable so overall we have about 120,000 septic properties uh and we're bit by bit looking at the ones that are most most at risk of of failure um I want to mention as well that you are part of the Little River adaptation action area and uh that started in 2022 it's a community planning effort how many of you here have been involved or participated any meetings about the adaptation action area Okay so is that something our office of resilience could could uh talk a little bit about uh that oh sorry if you don't mind let me just do sort of an overview just because I can't stay so long but you but you'll be able to come if if you have the time to explain more about that that would be great um and we do have a biscane Bay water quality improvement grant program with State funding and to dat 39 properties in this area have connected to the County's Wastewater infrastructure through that Grant so I neglected to say that before so we are continuously looking for funds from the federal government and from the state to assist and uh biscane Park is part of our next adaptation action area so I guess that's why you haven't participated yet uh and it's coming along the biscane canal and I know at least one uh family told us that they are concerned about subsidence issues uh that the land is collapsing a along the Canal bank so that's something else that I would like our team to address what can be done about that so we're looking to invest 90 million to install these laterals for up to 9,000 properties not just here but countywide over the next um five years so stay tuned and and the details for your area also I will say some places have started special taxing districts to pay for septic to sewer ois is one area near not far from here the businesses got together and created that special taxing district um in their case it was businesses and it assisted those businesses to expand I don't think that's what you want to do here you want to stay nice and residential but uh just pointing it out that that is one other way to more quickly uh move forward because these things are expensive I do want to mention about traffic uh several mentioned uh that even though the bright Line train or it might be a tri- rail train it's on that Northeast track is coming right nearby and there will be several local stations and our uh Department of Transportation Public Works uh assistant director can tell you more about those stops um which we just were approved uh for the Biden Administration for $260 million to move forward on that Corridor so that is actually the next Corridor that will probably move forward and local Comm local businesses are paying the cost of the stations so it's not actually going to be a public taxpayer burden but once as was said to me well how do you get to those stations right you have to have um local uh Mobility options certainly bicycles and then you have to be safe and we have a a vision zero program to reduce um and improve bicycle and pedestrian safety you uh there are circulators and the and the transportation department has added additional local area Services again you could hear about that from transportation and Public Works you've identified some dangerous intersections so I do want to underscore that and then after that probably I've ex um what is it come to the end of my useful knowledge here but there I know we're working on a few things with you an interlocal agreement that would give jurisdiction to your community to make decisions about traffic calming and somebody mentioned about uh single uh Lane um one directional traffic for example around the community center that that would be advantageous so those are kinds of things that once you have that interlocal you can play a larger role in prioritizing uh improvements we also and I guess our county attorney's office is in the final stages of reviewing the agreement so hopefully soon that can move forward then there's an intersection at Northeast 107 Street and Northeast 9th Avenue and um there was a study there uh and we're working with you for Ada pedestrian connectors so um it's being done the work is being done and and so we'll be updating you as it goes along and then there's another intersection that we're studying um that's Northeast 6th Avenue in Griffin it's a state jurisdictional item so Florida Department of Transportation but we support you in moving that forward and also at 121st Street and Northeast 6th Avenue also um a study uh is being conducted data is being collected and then there'll be a recommendation how to improve safety at that intersection and shared with the state so that we can work together to improve safety at that intersection so um you know I will say that that's quite a number of projects and we're dedicated to seeing through all of them and anything else that you want to bring to our attention Madam mayor thank you so much for the update um I will say too that the uh our county commissioner's office has come out or the County Traffic Engineers have come out dot has been out very recently and identified some of the areas that you've just highlighted um in areas that they can assist us with that are both under County jurisdiction and state jurisdiction so there's been a lot of movement there and I know that um the people here are very appreciative of the efforts um again from from your office and from the county and and from everyone involved that can can can lend a hand very good and we're very much looking forward to getting the interlocal uh in place so we can have a better influence over yes yes and I live in paletto Bay and there was an interlocal there and it was very beneficial it really allowed things to move forward more expeditiously so um if if I could would you like us to invite up some of the others that have come from departments to go into more depth and you could choose resilience water and sewer and transportation in whichever order you you prefer certainly I think we could spend a few minutes with with uh each of them to maybe provide a few additional details um to cover what you've provided to us but um Madame mayor um I just like on behalf of everyone here in biscane park on behalf of the commission thank you so much for the time thank you for being here um and addressing some of our concerns and uh we very much look forward to keeping an open dialogue and and remaining a part of the County's plans and working together and I hope you'll invite me back for more music and good food and Vibes we have plenty of those here yes thank you so much thank you so much mayor's staff that's going to be speaking if we could just ask you to move up to the podium we are recording and we also have a few folks watching on Zoom okay e what's that 10 10 bucks 10 bucks per person10 charging that was my very exciting moment so course I will excuse me so at the risk of uh putting off the variants for a few more minutes um we'd like to maybe give just a few minutes to each of the the department heads to maybe expand on the uh the items that the mayor brought to our attention so Mr colog was it if you want to step up first we'd be happy to hear from you hi everyone Thanks for for having me in the county here today so like the mayor said you are all in an adaptation action area so this is an area that's been designated as we found it to be especially vulnerable because of the elevation uh the adjacency to the canal and a variety of different issues like the septic issue that we already talked about today um so we're looking over the next few months to really engage with all of the residents on a lot of different issues that relate to flooding to really help build a sort of community-led effort to how you guys are going to adapt because we already see these problems happening today but you know the community itself needs to be the one building the solutions there's no one right way and all these other issues that you're talking about traffic coming trees heat changes with Transportation all of these things affect the flow of water and really need to be planned together you know historically things were planned in this municipality this County but like the mayor said there's one water so right now we're trying to really plan around the Watershed which here is the biscan canal um wherever that water flow it connects you to everybody that that water has been to before your neighbors people upstream and downstream of you to biscane Bay um so we're really going to be looking at all those different issues and we're going to be focusing on engaging residents whether they renter own uh students both lower and higher education businesses environmental groups and of course um looking into how health is affected by all these different factors coming together um so this is just now kicking off for this region we're starting with our consultant and over the next few weeks you know we're going to start launching some some events directly in your community some online and some in person so happy to answer any questions you might have about that is when we start seeing those public events is that something that that we'll be receiving as part of yeah of course so our Municipal coordinator and I will be reaching out to you and Mak can that work as best as possible excellent if if I may um happy to meet you you and I share a conversation once about this and I think there was a presentation Shar with my Miami shes it was really helpful as to what the steps are are uh they're being considered and then um I think there's so much information there that would be great to share with the rest of the community uh and also that was my next question in terms of schedule I know we spoke some point in January to see when this would happen so we can make sure we have as many folks here as possible absolutely and when you speak to the Miami Shores you're describing the sep to sewer conversation great thing we can all coordinate together with wasy over here to make that yeah and I believe it's director Roy Roy I believe yeah yeah and um it was just so it was perfect to it's very complex um subject for sure all of us will find it that way pretty sure and it was very detailed so I think it was it would be wonderful to have it come from you guys presenting it sounds great absolutely thank you any other question no thank you so much for the information we'll be on the lookout for those Public Notices so we can involve our community to provide you with the information about uh about our community to help your study and I know that this is part of our larger vulnerability study as well that we're currently working on we had our first public meeting for which we were able to identify some of the areas here that are are subject to local flooding so I'm sure or I hope that that will be helpful absolutely we're going to be synthesizing everything you guys get from your Municipal vulnerability assessment with our County scale vulnerability assessment as well so this is all kind of happening at right time then for sure great awesome thank you all thank you so much so much so I don't want to mess up any names here but from the county public works with Mr Soria so good afternoon to everybody uh my name is Miguel s I'll repeat that I think that's like the third or fourth time that's been said so it's my pleasure to be here uh with me is Miss sisa and Miss Martinez these professionals are the chief of the traffic engineering Division and one of our Engineers that is assigned to the area uh had a great conversation with commissioner Amsler uh wonderful conversation I know she she was uh she expressed concerns on the Ila and some of the issues that might you know come from that agreement um because the city of the village obviously have some responsibility and I offered to her and and with all the respect our team will be available to be able to assist answer any questions with regards to U what what is what can and can't be done through the Ila um and obviously we we we'll be there to support the village uh with regards to some of the intersections that were addressed our team is looking into to it there's certain data that we've already collected and based on that data we'll be able to assess you know what can and can't be done and we can provide some recommendations as to what would be the best uh path forward uh we've worked with the public works director Juan uh he's excellent we'll be able to you know I'm sure we'll be able to you know get together and and and uh resolve some of the issues that are there some some have already like for example that that intersection with respect to the crosswalk we understand that you know that's a needed uh location for crossing um and we agree with the Crossing in itself there are certain elements that need to be addressed as well some of because you need to receive you know the from an ada perspective provide adequate um adequate resources for the uh dis you know the ramps connecting to sidewalks and so on but we'll work through that as well so I mean obviously if you guys have any specific questions happy to you know hopefully answer them know to the best of my ability of not I'll point to one of my guys over there and have them you know come up with an answer so can any questions any concerns I was actually the young lady um that uh lady was there she actually offered um an intersection 119th and 6 half with all the accidents that's going to be a location that we'll be looking into uh one of the things that the county does have is a what we call service request through 311 uh if you call through that uh that information service uh any any specific locations that the village sees as an issue residents have the opportunity to also call and and establish a service request and our area Engineers will ident will uh do a field review and initiate um uh an engineering study uh and and try to provide some type of recommendation or solution specific at certain locations there might be some High crash locations that we're not aware of uh and obviously the best source of information is the residents in the area that see it every day so for us that service request is is is one of our better tools that we use to identify locations and and Miss Martinez dianis is the air engineer responsible and she has a team with her as well that goes to specific locations and they resolve those those items um so go ahead so any question questions no just I was going to mention I know the team that you mentioned that is here with us this evening they they have been previously out to the village with the county commissioner um they spent some time here with it was very generous of them to be here um and we had brought them to some of those some of the areas um that we've already talked about this evening and I know that they're already working on some solutions for us so they've they're already uh well experienced with the uh with bis game Park so far and and I we appreciate the efforts and with regards to our team this is the traffic operations team traffic engineering division uh we also with respect to storm water also uh any specific issues that have to do with storm water is under my section my purview as well uh so that if there are and and through the 311 uh informational uh service you can also identify any storm water specific issues that we might be able to to hopefully tackle specific locations and and address them um through the you know through the our engineering team so any other questions from anybody so sir thank you very much oh my pleasure my pleasure great group I love the building you know it's beautiful we still have one for sale thank you so much thank you very much and so I think we all had um Miss Worman yes so I want to say good evening and thank you for inviting us here you know I grew up in Miami my entire life in my 40s now and I have yet to be in this neighborhood and I wish I would have known more I was actually in California for a while moved back to Miami and actually wish I would have seen this area before I committed to Kendall so no offense to yeah no offense to um but so I'm here to talk a little bit of our about our connect to proect program I just recently took over as the program manager for the connector connector protect program for Miami Data Water and Sewer um I encourage you all to reach out to me if you have any more specific questions but I'm go into a little bit of general information about the program so as the mayor mentioned there's 120,000 septic tanks in Miami date County so we what the way we wanted to tackle this effort is that we did a study based on our ground water and the proximity to the majority of septic tanks what we found is that there's 9,000 septic tanks in mday County that are vulnerable um and and in in dire need of of replacement or connection to the sewer system um because it impacts our Waters so that would be proximity to our water bodies and the the low-lying level of of the homes is mostly what we looked at and the groundwater levels and based on that we identified 9,000 septic tanks who are vulnerable now and by the year 2040 13,000 that will be vulnerable by the year 2040 so that's our main focus right now is those areas that are vulnerable and that are also have existing sewer systems in in the area and are just missing the lateral connection the lateral connection is that from the the pipe that would be in front of your home to your to your actual property and so um we're moving forward with those areas one of the areas that the mayor spoke about was the Little River adaptation action area and so I really want to encourage everyone to be a part of that effort the adaptation action area here at in um biscan park because that is what's going to bring funding to your area for this effort so we have limited F limitations on what we can use our funds for as mamade water and sewer and so we have been actively seeking grants and funding to address these areas but what really helps is a planning effort like the adapt adap adaptation action area plans um and that really brings you know a lot of interest in the area and allows us to go out for Grant makes our grant applications much stronger and we're actively doing that inhouse daily not only for the public connections and for the private connections so it's it's a difficult subject it's it's very peace meal because of the funding um issues and because there could be funding for the public side and then we need to look for public uh funding for the private side um so I again just want to encourage you to be part of that that planning effort and if you have questions on your property in particular you know please reach out to us we have a website on the Miami day County website the Miami day water Sewer website we have a connection to an email address you can also come talk to me after and I can give you my personal contact information and I can provide you some additional information on your property itself there are some areas of biscan Park that are not served by Miami Miami dat Water and Sewer they're served by the city of North Miami and so that you know to provide you with that clarification you know feel free to reach out to me do we have any questions just one curious question the federal infrastructure Bill does that assist in any way potentially with the septic to a sewer conversion or is that not the kind of scope they had in mind it yes we so we do apply I think you're speaking about the worda the F yes so we have a rece we're looking to receive 190 million from from WTA and so you know that takes some time you know this takes some time I do also want to mention that once we do get funding we do need to go out and Survey the properties there's design there's permitting construction so from the the time that we even start to to receive the funding and go out to start the project that's a good 3 to 5 years before we get homes connected say so it is a lengthy process but you know with time we we will get it done M wman thank you thank you very much thank you thank you thank that's the last group that uh mayor Cav had for us so I think we're wrapping up now with the the 5A um so as just a final matter to to just like to say thank you to the department heads that were here to provide us with some additional information I'm sure there's some folks here that may want to speak to you afterwards for a little while if you wouldn't mind sticking around um like to say thank you to everyone for coming um this was a fantastic turnout in a great way to engage with the county um I wanted to say I don't know if Nicole is still here but thank you to the to the art board for putting together the music all the vendors that were here um and I want to say thank you to vice mayor Kennedy for coordinating a lot of this it was a huge effort and um it was a great turnout thank you very much it was fun I think we should do this every month look at this maybe last time we had a cabin full of people look how happy they are to see government in action and watch how fast they run for the door when we start working our way down the agenda thanks again everyone um thank you to all the village staff police department and everyone here that was a part of this um it was it was a great turn out a fantastic event so thank you again so I'm sorry Jonathan we need to thank public works as well they and the and the Police Department Public Works stepped up and helped an awful lot today and the police department did as well so we appreciate it yes thank you all very much for all the efforts from from everyone here that was involved um everyone served an important role in it okay so with the fun part over let's continue on with our presentations we have a proclamation um for autism awareness month and that's the final item within our presentation section for this evening before we move into our our variants um so I will go ahead and I will read our Proclamation onto the record the proclamation is for Autism Awareness Month here in biscan park whereas autism spectrum disorder is the result of a neurological disorder that can affect anyone regardless of race ethnicity gender or socio economic background and whereas autism spectrum disorder affects one in 68 children in the United States and whereas males are almost five times more likely to be affected by autism spectrum disorder than females and whereas autism spectrum disorder is estimated to be the fastest growing developmental disability in the United States by the Centers for Disease Control and autism and developmental disabilities monitoring and where is symptoms and characteristics of autism spectrum disorder present themselves in a variety of combinations and can result in sign ific lifelong impacts in an individual's ability to learn develop healthy interactive behaviors and understand verbal and non-verbal Communications and whereas early diagnosis and intervention as well as ongoing support from family doctors therapists and Educators can positively impact persons with autism spectrum disorder to achieve better outcomes and whereas persons with autism spectrum disorder should have access to appropriate Services throughout their lifetime so that they may achieve their greatest potential and Lead happy and productive lives within their communities now therefore I Jonathan growth mayor the Village of biscane Park Florida joined by the entire commission do hereby Proclaim that the month of April 2024 is Autism Awareness Month in biscane park and urge all citizens to join me in the special observance having completed the presentation section of our agenda we will go ahead and move on in our amended agenda to item 10A that we have moved up which is our variance request and I will ask that our village attorney uh take over for us if you wouldn't mind just uh for the record this is um applicants Max lber and and Abby L lber excuse me at 11328 Northeast 7th Avenue biscane Park Florida requesting an Avance to allow construction of a swimming pool with a setback of well it's saying a setback of five feet instead of the required 10 feet which is not accurate but the application that the um updated application is accurate as far as a setback it's a side set back into the if I remember correctly into the 30 foot setback I'm sorry it's so just to read it correctly it's allow for a 30 foot side front setback which is actual 24 feet in into the setback for a new pool and six feet from the property um and I believe Madam clerk you have some additions to the record before we begin [Music] that's m is your mic on Madam the additions will be the notice of public hearing of the variants to the applicant and the letters to the residents within 500 feet and Mr Mayor we would ask that that may be become part of the of the physical record purposes of this variance heing request okay so um just to explain the process this is a quasi judicial hearing the hearing will be conducted by The Village commission which will hear testimony from the applicant and then the public the clerk will swear in any Witnesses before they speak before this commission each person who speaks should State their name and whether they've been sworn in the M the material on the commission's agenda package along with the um New documents that just been added this evening will be considered as part of the record after the applicant has testified and presented their evidence if they have any to present the uh hearing will be open to members of the public to speak in support of or against the application for the variance The Village commission may set reasonable time limits for members of the public to speak members of the public may choose to be sworn in if they choose so if a member of the public chooses not to be sworn in the village commission may consider that as a factor in evaluating the speaker's comments this time I would ask the commission if they if they wish to establish time limits for public speakers uh I think uh with the commission's approval I think what we can do is just set the same limitations um for public comment that we did at the last Varian hearing if there support for that that's just by consensus yes okay sounds good after the members of the public speak the applicant again will be able to make additional statements if they so choose we are now going to move to the Quasi judicial disclosures if any commissioner has had any exp party contacts that are not part of the present record those contacts should be verbally disclosed at this time so I will ask each con commissioner if you can announce any disclosures that you may have at this time we have any disclosures from the commission at this time I spoke with Chris and someone else that was there uh I don't know who was was a phone call and that's commissioner Gonzalez yes okay others yeah I had a couple of conversations I communicated with Max before he even started the variance process so it really doesn't count to be disclosed but I'll tell you anyway that I helped him understand how the variance process would work I spoke with Gage Hartung the chair of the planning board because I had some questions about the difference between rear and side front setbacks that led to the confusion that required us to Ren notice this meeting and call it back so I had a conversation with Gage about that and then I emailed Max again and told after I confirmed with the village that he in fact was on tonight's agenda because I wanted to make sure there weren't any hiccups so I let him know he was on the agenda okay others I rode my bike by the property a couple times and uh that would be a site visit so that's disclosure sorry if the radio is too loud um other than I think the disclosure that we made previously um I'll just repeat mine um I spoke to Gage Harang briefly um I spoke to the attorney and I I spoke to the manager just kind of generally about um uh about the variant request oh I'm sorry I spoke with the attorney today about the fact that items backup items were missing from this agenda and asked if they should be put back on the attorney's not generally disclosure you have to make but thank you for mentioning I appreciate reaching privilege I appreciate um no intent to away privilege there are no other disclosures this time I'll I'll continue um Commissioners please be advis that your decision at the conclusion of this hearing must be based upon competent substantial evidence related to The Village's code of ordinances and not generalized opposition that is not fact-based um all persons who will be Witnesses matter you will shortly be asked to raise your hand so that the clerk May swear you in if there are members of the public who wish to be heard you will be provided time before the close of the hearing to speak you may choose to be sworn in and cross-examined but you do not have to be sworn in as we stated earlier if you a member of the public who wishes to speak on this matter and wish to be sworn in in a moment I'll ask you to raise your right hand at this point will the applicant and any Witnesses please raise their right hands to be sworn in as well as any member of the public and Madam clerk if you may administer the oath do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give on the above on the next next item is the truth the whole truth or nothing but the truth and your answer is the applicant will please go to the podium you state your name and your address for the record and present whatever testimony or evidence you would like to offer in support of your application for a variance sure yours Max lorber 11328 Northeast 7th Avenue uh just to add to what's already in the portfolio the home is an older home 1927 we did an addition in 2019 we had to move and enlarge our septic tank we put that in where we probably should be putting this pool and quite honestly there's no other place we can move the septic tank so we do have another uh lot we have a weird property our front door is on a side so we kind of have two side backyards uh we purposely uh worked with the pool company to try to abide by the guidelines and we couldn't with upkeeping the foundation of the home and not going any smaller on the pool which we've already minimized quite substantially so uh just letting this group know that we've taken a lot of initiative to try to make this work as minimally invasive as possible and that the variance is really only one direction we are abide abiding by our neighbor we're only asking for a variance towards uh the median here the the green median you have anything else you'd like to offer at this point not at this point but if there are any questions happy to does any of the commissioner U members of the commission excuse me have any questions from Mr lber yeah any questions from the commission no okay okay is there anyone um anyone else present who would like to speak in support of the application this is for the general public um if so please um identify Yourself by raising your hand and then come to the poting see none does not appear there's anyone that wants to speak on behalf or against um the commission before before you begin your discussion and move to a vote please allow me to remind you that the record must contain competent substantial evidence which has been presented to you during the course of this hearing competent substantial evidence is such evidence as will establish a substantial basis of fact from which your findings can be reasonably inferred it is such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind would accept as adequate to support the conclusion competent sub substantial evidence excuse me includes expert testimony fact-based comments of neighbors and lay persons does not include conjecture speculation or generalized statements in support or opposed to the matter it's now time for the commission to discuss the matter um before you and at the inclusion of your discussion a motion should be brought and seconded to either approve or deny the application okay so at this time we'll move to commission discussion uh are there any points or any matters of discussion with respect to the variant that anyone would like to bring forward at this time I read your answers to all four variance questions and I'm satisfied that you made all the requirements I have no further questions I also am satisfied with points same okay I'm good uh Jonathan thank you thank you commissioner yes so we can move to a vote at any time make a motion to approve the variance request do we have a second to approve I'll second okay do we have to do is call rooll um okay so Madam cler would you please call the rooll for the vote who second the motion I'm sorry I did mayor mayor Gro yes vice mayor Kennedy yes commissioner Amsler yes commissioner Holland commissioner Gonzales yeah we lost you on that art yes yeah yeah the item passes 5 Z very good wonderful thank you for your patience you're clear was appreciate it thank you thank you thanks for patience attending okay so that concludes is there anything else we need to address for 10 um Mr attorney no sir okay fantastic so that uh concludes our 10A so uh the next item for our amended agenda is going to be our general public comment for today's meeting um so at this time we will call folks up here in the cabin in the log cabin for public comment um as a reminder um please provide your name and address and public comment will be limited to three minutes uh per speaker thank you hello yeah you hear me um good evening first I want to say thanks to everyone was involved in um making this whole event happen tonight uh it was really wonderful so I really appreciate it um uh uh this weekend I received a notice of public hearing that I'm sure many of you received as well about uh Miami Country Day School wanting to expand and I just wanted to the hearing is going to be or the the meeting is going to be on a weekday at 9:30 a.m downtown I you know I know for me that precludes me from attending I'm sure it precludes many people as well I was curious if will have any representation as a village at the meeting uh I did want to state that um you know I have a lot of concerns about an expansion of the school uh I think the traffic related to the school does uh negatively impact Us and other surrounding communities both in terms of when we're trying to get out and go anywhere on Sixth Avenue um that backups can be quite severe but also of people cutting through our neighborhood and other neighborhoods going to and from the school so you know I understand that there's a school you know it's located there um if nothing else I would really like to see uh you know them the school make efforts to improve uh not only the traffic situation better manage it because I feel like it's really quite unmanaged right now um but also encourage uh you know more people to encourage some type of uh shared writing or something because anything that'll cut down on the number of cars that are coming so I just wanted to make that statement and hopefully we'll have some type of representation at the meeting to uh to speak for us good evening my name is Juni Leon I am 9 years old and this is my mom Anna we live at 655 Northeast 115th Street 4 years ago my little sister Zoe received a fairy door and fairy windows for her third birthday we turned a big Oak Tree in the median in front of our house into a fairy house putting door the doors and windows on its trunk shortly after a fairy moved in we helped keep her yard tidy gave her decorations and she would leave us gifts to say thank you the fairy house became part of our neighborhood our neighbors some of whom are here tonight contribute to the fairy magic people would stop and visit the fairy house as they walked on our street to and from the park if we were outside we received many compliments on thanks for making something unique and special for our neighborhood Zoe and I took good care of the fairy house and visited her talked to her and helped her decorate for the holidays shortly after Valentine's Day we came home from school and the fairy house was gone my husband reached out to the village and they informed him that they removed the house and all of its items they explained that the medians are only for Village related items if the concern was that the decorations had gotten out of hand we wish that the village could have issued a code violation informing us to tone it down because we do admit the last holiday was a little over the top at the least we wish the fa had received an eviction notice so that we could have helped her move her belongings we asked that you create a procedure for residents to propose and create Village related items on medians we would like to ask the village to allow us to keep and maintain the fair's house we know that it brings joy to our family and many other families in the neighborhood we promise to take good care of the fairy's house and ensure that she follows The Village's ordinances this is our village and we have made our community better with the fairy house thank you for your time thank you very much back to follow have to move the mic up go figure I've never had to move the mic up Janie Anderson 11905 Northeast 11th Place um in the public works report I see the manager is advocating that you amend the ordinance so any trash and garbage placed in the me in the uh swell must be picked up solely by The Village's contractor I think that is a spectacular idea and chances are that will start to cut back on these massive piles that go out there and stay there for days and even weeks while people sh up around um if you're going to change the ordinance though I strongly urge you to put something in there that requires those piles to stay behind the front facing of the house so you're going to find them all in the front yard the other thing though he's advocating and perhaps I don't understand exactly where he's going with this is moving excess bulk pickup to Thursdays and Fridays if we do that you are about guaranteed to have trash and garbage outside seven days a week because already people are putting stuff out on Friday even on the east side of the park for a Tuesday pickup so you know even if you move that to Thursday and Friday it's still going to be out there all week so I'd ask you to kind of explore that a little further uh I want to thank the Code Compliance staff for what a terrific report such detail even down to mapping very well done David certis report the lobbyist I came away with two things feeling number one once again the agenda has shown the excuse me the legislature has shown their disdain for small cities especially in South Florida with their Draconian rules and clearly they're in bed with the short-term rental industry Veronica thank you so much for bringing up the route issue the bulging routs on our streets main cars are not the only danger for pedestrians and as I believe I said last month I hope you will all totally support Mac's ideas for greater noticing of meetings I mean it's just too often that notices don't come up till day before or they're in correct or cancellations don't get noticed at all and as far as public comment to me that should simply be a given I don't care what you call the meeting whether it's a a workshop or whatever you know the more resident engagement the better and the less misunderstanding thanks good evening Ezra de 885 Northeast 113 Street tonight during the public comment I'd like just I'd like to just say thank you to the commission for the work that has been done over the past few years thank you to the Police Department Public Works the rest of the admin that help run the village I feel that the services around the village are getting better and better every day and the people in this Village um don't always recognize that I'd also like to personally thank commissioner Amsler for Contin continually advocating for physical changes to our built infrastructure specifically down on 107th tonight my public comment has to do with infr infrastructure I'm not sure of any other way to share this idea so here it is I'm hearing about a grand plan growing that includes lighting traffic pedestrians septic to sewer buried power Etc I can't help but stew over the idea that our moment of something Grand and impactful I suggest that we really look into the built spaces majorly majorly modifying majorly modifying how humans interact with traffic in the village I'm talking about streets like 111 113th 15th 17th 19th 2123 8th Avenue and 10th Avenue these streets with medians present us with a Monumental opportunity to remove the median split the difference create sidewalks move the trees to the from the center to the sides and conform our streets to traffic that shares the roads anticipated slowdowns it separates pedestrians and preserves tree cover if planned appropriately this could hit almost every major agenda item and give the future G Park a major boost again I'm not sure how to kick off this idea but I wanted to make sure that this Vision was shared thanks thank you hello my name is Sila vran I live on 117 in Northeast 9th Avenue and this this is actually the first time I think I'm ever in this building we have lived at that location since 1998 and I can't believe I've never been here so my apologies to uh all of you guys working so hard to uh really make biscan Park what it is and I think it has become an amazing place over the 20 years that I have lived here my kids grew up here and I just have one thing that really I would like to address and it's the fact that um if there is a code issue or anything that's going on that maybe somebody forgets to leave the garbage out the can or whatever just like the family with the Treehouse I think it's so important that we work together and that the residents are not left feeling that you you know the court enforcement is against us and is trying to get an extra $50 out of some fee that is pinned to the wall versus a conversation and say like listen you know we passed by here twice and you need to be on the ball with putting things away or something like that cuz not always the you know all the circumstances are known at one point I was in a wheelchair I had an accident I couldn't remove the garbage can and I have a note on the door after 20 years of being a resident here and I just wish there would have been communication so we can work together and it doesn't feel like you know you guys are out to get us which I know it isn't but it's just not a good feeling and another thing I noticed um we are one of the residents that started to renovate our house a while back and I see that it has really caught on and I'm actually happy to see that however I just wanted to bring to the attention that I really hope that there's a com commission or a group that protects the trees cuz some of these houses are rather large and some of them have no trees left on them and so I don't know if there is an audience or if there's a percentage of how much Greenery should be protected even though I'm all for you know going with the times and renovating some of these homes but biscane park is unique just like the mayor even said it's this gem in the middle of concrete and places that have no heart and no style and no more life in it and that's one of the places why we stayed here for 20 some years because it's the greenery it's those trees that have been here longer than we have and I just hope that there is some kind of a group I would love to join in order to uh really protect those big trees or any Greenery for that matter and that is time thank you thank you I know there may be a desire to applaud um but I can assure you there's no need to for for deorum but thank you any others here good evening Ryan Huntington 744 uh Northeast 119 Street first I want to thank the commission and the Arts board for a wonderful event that's one of the most successful events I've seen in a long time here in biscane park it was wonderful I hope we can continue to have more wonderful events like that in the future I want to Echo what a lot of residents have said here tonight preserving our green spaces uh Traffic Safety all these things are touched on our CIP budget which you guys are going to talk about tonight hopefully you guys will finally agree on it we can get moving forward and fund the projects that the village residents want things like Traffic Safety preserving our green spaces improving our roads items that are on the discussion tonight touch on those same issues in our CIP these are the funds that we're going to be able to do these projects so hopefully we can start the ball tonight get it moved and get these projects done thank you think we've concluded with our public comment here in the Log Cabin we'll go ahead and move to zoom not seeing any hands on Zoom so all why don't we go ahead and just move into our commission reply do we have any commission rep to any of the comments at this time mons ago uh I do have one I was going to say for our part of the report but I know I think um she just left reasoning the Miami dat uh the country day I I was at the last meeting by Zoom um they just pushed it at that time so they didn't really give a lot of information I I as I sit here right now I don't remember if they were opening the floor to provide substantive comment to it I think to provide substantive comment or voice an opinion I think because I I know the manager you were on it we were on it together I think we had to be there in person if they were going to allow any come in at all that was my understanding as well yeah so I you can you can appear by Zoom um but really you're just you're just kind of observing um so at the the meeting downtown that she was referencing correct the one that they had back in it was I think at the beginning in March or end of February because they moved it they originally moved it to March 21st but I think they moved it again so they keep kind of pushing it back I think we started February 24th and then March and now we're yeah yeah so um they I don't I just don't recall if they I I believe you had to be in person to actually did I wanted to be there unfortunately I couldn't make it and I know it was the if you wanted to participate it had to be in person I don't know what came out of it so I think I'm in the same way I'm hoping to see a presentation as to what are the next steps and how this would impact us so we can share with this well I remember the end of that one we looked over the application very thoroughly and couldn't find any information about who who was presenting it or what attorney they were having represent them because I would have called them the attorney and said we want to talk about it the same way we talked about the development that was up here 125 but there was no information in the application on on who proposed it or who to get in touch with um so I think the only real solution would be to actually have to go so um I had made the attempt the first time I will try again if I'm not otherwise tied up to be able to go um but I will so since we're talking about that what is our official position on that I mean do we have we don't we've never discussed one here so what is it that you want to say to them if you represent us and should we have a conversation about what our position is on that so I think and certainly open to the opinions on this I know we've talked about these type of impacts before similar very similar and that the increas in density and the increase amount of people in traffic are going to adversely affect us in our our local streets so I outside of outwardly objecting saying we don't want you to do this I think the first the first thing I was hoping to be able to do was get in touch with the individuals or or the attorneys representing them to say we'd like to have a conversation we'd like to see what traffic Studies have been performed and how and if they have any effect listed any effect because that's where we left off with the developer that was up here uh on the property that was going up on on 23rd um to see if there had been any studies done if there has if there's any position on on how it would affect us I would propose to at least start there say has this been considered in any way and what what effects do you show on biscan Park so I think that would be the first start um outside of that the only thing look if we go and we say they're showing no effect we do we go and object anyway and say we object to this um if you're showing no effect so well if they're if they're paying for a traffic study it's their vendor their traffic study of course yeah of course pay for yeah so um it seems to me it might be an opportunity for us to try to get some things from them I mean certainly at minimum I would like to see some Outreach from the school to parents and the people who drive there about not passing through local residential communities and sticking to the main arteries and and specifically pointing out that biscane Park is a residential Community with no sidewalks and lots of people walking and we get lots of complaints from them and we would ask our parents and students to not try cut through their Village I mean it seems to me there could be some I'm not sure what kind of real serious impact we could have on this sort of objecting and I'm not sure what that would do anyway but at least it might be an opport it's an opportunity to reach out to them and say throw us a bone here guys and and help us they had a a Miami dat School Board official actually stopped at this intersection right here when there was a lot of traffic and spoke to the deputy chief and said this this act this whole intersection of the traffic here is a huge problem that's a school official um so um have they have plans um U so I don't think maybe we should put it as a discussion topic in the next agenda to talk about it but coming up um they have already had several meetings including at the school um and that's why I wanted to see unfortunately couldn't make it so if it's been moved that's the opportunity go and just ask the questions as to where are the studies where are the numbers and how are they considering the impact on my end it was more this is happening it it is a concern for everybody in the village at least everybody that goes at certain times of of the day where school isn't active it's certainly uh backing up to our streets and affecting traffic so um I think we need to be at the meeting and I think we you know next steps will be to put it in a discussion item with all the information we get in the meantime I think one of the things that we discussed after that first meeting in February was to reach out maybe to the school directly um I in the mean invite us at the time well in the I mean I'm just saying in the meantime maybe reach out to them directly to see what they can provide us what what M they came here last summer they did a presentation for us last summer I think Veronica you and art and I were there for that and they actually have a very detailed disc description of everything in terms of Outreach that's gone to uh villagers as well as of course Miami Shore is being affected and parents but um there is a ve very clear description as that what I don't have and I was hoping to know more about is the results of all the research they did and how are we sort of contemplated within that and when they came to meet with us correct me if I'm wrong Vero that was not about the expansion that was about the parking surface reconfigurations to handle traffic to get it off of 6th Avenue even before the expansion was announced because one of the things we asked them that night if I recall is are there plans to increase your student body and and expanded at that point they said no that was about getting traffic off Sixth Avenue from the from how it exists now remember it was going to be like a serpentine kind of a configuration on the existing lot to have cars Serpentine around their surface rather than stacked up on the street now it's another now it's step farther with an expansion so I agree with Vero and I would like to see this on the agenda for next meeting so we all come prepared to have a discussion we can have our ducks in a row and know what we want to ask them officially yeah do we know the next date for when was it push to don't have the date okay that would be I've while you've been talking I've been trying to find the next heing date and there's nothing available yet well a notice went out Martha mert got the notice so um did anyone else in this room get the notice okay I did not so out there somebody could scan it Linda if you would give it to Chris tomorrow maybe at Village Hall that would be great and he could send it out to all of us so we're aware what the dates are you think you threw it out Anna do you still have it at home would you email it to me okay in the meantime I I Habit to try and get in touch with someone at the school to see if I can get some data for the for the discussion because it would be helpful to have the data or whatever data principal was here he came for that presentation Tim some yeah there's got to be a way to get to to try and procure that for us so we can have back up to it so I'll I'll make an attempt and try and try and get some there for us all right so I don't want um that was really the only reply that I had I just wanted to bring it up so we could address it very quickly I have a couple of really quick things Martha left it was unfortunate because I wanted to address this which we did and I also wanted to thank her for her several years of fabulous service on the arts and culture Advisory Board she left recently um and I wanted to thank her publicly so Martha if you're listening out there um thank you for everything you did on the Arts board um so uh an and Justin your did a fabulous job congratulations on that so we don't have a whole lot of impact on code up here we can't really interact with that department um but I'm sorry I'm I'd just like to say I'm sorry that happened and I would like to have seen like maybe a note tack to the tree saying hey fa girl in there we need to have a talk because code didn't probably know who you were because it was in the medium and they may not have known what property it came from so in their defense of bit who knows what they knew but I would have stuck a note up on the tree saying bar girl give me a call um but I'm sorry that your daughter went through that um but she did a fabulous job and she learned a little civics lesson here tonight so that's good so there's a good outcome there as well um uh SOA left as well and she wanted to talk about trees I'll reach out to her directly uh to ask her to join Parkson Parkways first of all and uh to let her understand how Landscaping is already referenced in our code parks and Parkways is not met in a few months though right no they have not and they need members so she yeah participate in that that she be anybody that wants to participate and if I do know people who want to participate how do they what is their first step tou with Pamela put them in touch with Pamela okay it thank you I have a I made yeah of course go ahead okay so contact The Village clerk yeah so thank you for everybody that came today thank you for the Arts for thank you Mac for um helping us put this together thank you to staff police everybody really and um the engagement is a key part I just want to take this opportunity I have more faces than usual to say please come forward as many meetings as as as you can you learn every day about something else going on that might affect you um is it Anna your name so you've done a great job to have your daughter come here and understand what the process is and being part of it and raising her voice I think it's wonderful um there is a code for you know we need to follow certain rules but I agree 100% with you there is a way on how we carry those rules really have to do with the quality and the service and The Human Side that we put into everything and our village sort of touch and um on that point we have uh there is an item specifically abroad about Sops and it's about processes and how we kind of afford kind of how we face this processes in place and I think they're very important to have and the ma the manager already and the staff are working on many of them so um thank you for bringing forward and in the way you did as well and to everybody else um thank you for some of the shout us yes uh we need more folks on the boards boards are been a little bit dormant lately there's resiliency board park and park weights events um Foundation I mean there are many ways to contribute to the Village so at any time you can contact Pamela staff they'll let you know what positions are open thank you okay art do you have anything Lost Art he's gone yeah I've had the flu too I would I'd be surprised if you made through I'll be I'll be I'll be quick I didn't see the notice that Martha brought up um but I agree the sentiment you're going there's not much we GNA be able to do if they're committed to the expansion this country day um I'm sorry I I my daughter and I discovered a ferry as well in a forest a few years ago in Atlanta and I would be crushed if that tree was there or something happened um and I think at her that Ann's issue and silky's issue y Yan's wife right kind of speaks to the same thing which is a sense of perhaps impersonality make feeling impersonal by the the way things are handled I wish I had an idea on how to solve that I mean in an Ideal World the The Village staff would have the phone numbers and contact information of any Resident who wants to add their name to that so they could be contacted that in the 21st century that might not be un realistic there might be legal I don't know if there's other reasons that that would be unwise you know in terms of privacy but I'd be for it and that might help take away that I I too have felt a bit of an impersonal Vibe when you I left the track and I forgot and I get a notice wait really you couldn't just knock on my door and say hey man get moving but I get it they have a job to do their their incentivized to do they have to they self Jus they self fun based on these types of kind of a conflict there Ryan I hear you let's get that moving it's already Fe or April we've been talking about it since February um and yeah that's it there my response oh oh U the gentleman I I didn't catch your name but lofty good idea sounds incredibly expensive and I've only been here a few months I don't know how much how realistic it is in the short term but I I I think it's a great idea okay well um I think that concludes our reply at this time so why don't we go ahead and move into our report section um which uh we've got a number of them here tonight and we'll go ahead and I know there's a couple well let's just start with our manager Mr manager is there anything outside of the narrative in the report that you provided that um that you'd like to speak to just two things first of all we do have a few extra reports this time around including um the board minute board meeting minutes we're in the process of um including those minutes on the report section on a monthly basis it's a process that we're going to be using moving forward um the second one is the lobbyist report this is something new this is not going to be something that's monthly this was done um after the end of the the current legislative session but before we move on as part of the reports I'd ask the clerk to fill us in on the elections process the timing and what that's going to look like good evening mayor commission and residents of biscane Park uh the special election for a commissioner for uh the village is set for April 9th uh 2024 uh the polls will be open from 700 a.m. to 700 p.m. and the polling place is located at the Burke Center of what your polling place is located on your bber street card which should be the B Center if you are a resident of a voting resid of the village of bisc Park absentee ballots were mailed out on May on March 19th so if you vote absentee you should have received uh your absentee uh ballot by now uh according to Mii day elections a total of 341 absentee ballots have been mailed out and a total of 77 have been returned um to today uh yesterday I was at the elections department on yesterday I was there on yesterday for our logic and accuracy test which is the testing of our touchscreen and voting system um that will be used for vote by mail Precinct balance and our automatic uh independent audit system uh they do like a mini uh tabulation to show me how the machine works and what it should do and what it what the results that we should get I'll tell you everything checked out uh I signed off on it and the results are under loocking key in my office um that will be returned back on the day of of of election because we will go back over the same process again to make sure that everything did it worked from the beginning to the end on Friday April 5th the public will the public can go to Miami day County elections Department from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. um to inspect uh the vote by mail ballot for public inspection if you like on Tuesday April 9th 2024 I cing board will be at the election Department I caming board consists of myself The Village manager and a super um a designed by the supervisor of elections cing will start at 5:00 p.m. uh that's what your atten ballots and uh other U uh ballots that they receive during the day and at 7 p.m. the tabulation of results will start our unofficial result results will be given at 7 p.m. and the certification of our election will be done on Friday April 12th at 1 p.m. at Mi day County El and if you have any more if there are any questions or any need for any of this information you can contact me and really so if I could ask just one additional question if you don't mind Mr Mayor um with the with the current um appointed commissioner can you fill us in on when that term ends and how Okay the election will will happen on April 9th the the official results will come out on April 12th the um commission has to set a date to receive um the certification of those results and at the time that those results are certified by the commission uh the term of uh commissioner Holland will end and the elected commission will begin so do we call a special meeting to do that if you do it if if you want to certify them before may your May meeting yes so we would need to call a special meeting certify the election so the new commissioner could start at the May meeting otherwise if we certified at the May meeting that person would not start until the June meeting well they would start at the main meeting start you get switch seats at the main meeting your call something like that yeah and that's usually that's one of the ways that it is done that the the sitting commit would certify the election because the person coming in can't certify the election so your sitting commission certifies uh your uh goodbye speech or whatever is done by that commissioner and your new uh elected commissioner will then take the DAT you swear them in at the meeting and they can be sworn in at the meeting because in the past we've done it different ways but in the past we've had people sworn in before the meetings and they can be sworn in before the meeting and take the seat at the day as at the time the certification if they're not if they're not if they're not sworn in before the regular meeting they sit let's say for hypothetically speaking they sit for they get sworn in and sit for the May meeting they're not going to get the agenda they're not going to get those things in will there can be an agenda process of May for them their name will not appear on the agenda just to get make sure that they have it in advance because I know they're ready to yeah the preparation is Tak some time so to have that out in advance okay um just to throw a wrinkle on this if I if I may please pursuant to your sure it's the charter to your Charter the commencement of the term um this is 5.02 day um commencement of the term is within 10 days from the date of the election and the date in time that be selected by the city manager based on the availability of the commission you said 10 days from the election or 10 days from now that's that's provision deals with a general election not a special election so we we can interpret that that only applies to the general election at that process because there is no other sorry did you my didn't mean to interrupt you but um did you say 10 days from the election or 10 days from the date on which those results are final 10 days from the election but that's as I said that's for a general that's for the general election okay retire new commission okay um do we want to talk about timing for that now while we're on the topic I'm about to ask everyone to speak under the microphone and I'm not um if we're going to consider uh a special meeting to do it then we would have to decide on that now so that's we might as well address it um the way it's been done uh until now for what I understand it's in the same meeting the next Commission meeting sorry like commissioner just U mention um and then the switched right uh we would just need to accept the results is that what the special committee I'm sorry special meeting would be for yeah to certify the results and just to accept the results and that can not happen on the main meeting as well right before do it then if we'd like uh and then just have this the seat swap right after that's time I was elected at a special meeting a special election the first time I ran um now what I'm going to say may not have been correct but this is what happened I got sworn in over at Village Hall there was other C fluffles going on with other drama in the village but eventually I got sworn in over at Village Hall and my first official commission meeting I was sitting on the day is when they called a meeting to order so I was sworn in outside of the meeting prior and I arrived as a warning commissioner uh to accept and I believe to accept the results of the election yeah I think that's a good idea just to keep it it was really simple and I yeah you actually accepted the results of your own election I believe so I'd have to go back and look at the meeting but I was definitely sworn in before the meeting I went over to Village Hall I got an email from the then attorney saying get to Village Hall and get sworn in today because there was a a deadline to get me sworn in or we were going to be in violation and there was drama going on and I was the one that pointed out we're going to be in violation here if you don't get me sworn in and they called me and said get over here like now and get sworn it drama in bcan park probably then done within the 10 days that's the way that they were interpreting that's what it was it was that 10day period And I had to get sworn in um all right well I'm totally cool if we do it that way if Brad says it can be done that way is after the election get the person sworn in and um and then have them come here and we for a special for a special agenda we're talking about just a certifying swim yeah just yeah just swim in a village hall right so then you don't need a special election s a special meeting to do that and they just take their seat are we confident that that we can have someone be sworn in and then then vote at the May meeting to certify the results I would have to sounds like it happened that way sounds like it happened um it seems a bit peculiar to me but I have not researched well and I and I may not be remembering that part of it completely correctly it was 5 years ago but um but I was definitely sworn in outside of a meeting that's for sure and it was to make that 10day deadline we got sworn in for our positions like that right it was righte meeting yeah it was at a meeting yeah right it was right before our first commission meeting wasn't it it was at your first commission meeting it's our first commission meeting because if you look at the Prov the 10day provision in in your code actually in your Charter excuse me it the last sentence says the date and time shall be selected by the city manager based on availability of the new commission so that provision is anticipating that there is a new commission being SE and so the 10 days would make sense because you're going to have a period where you have no commission does it say the convenience of the commission the new commission or the new commissioner well and that's what I'm saying the provision talks about the availability of the new commission as a whole commission as a body right no so this provision really anticipates that the new commission is being seated the new commissioner will be part of that new commission correct okay not the replacement of an inum commiss in an inum understood what we just described makes sense then so I I think you I mean I don't know you know without researching the issue that the mayor has brought up further I really we do this then can I make a can I make a recommendation then I I think we could set the special agenda meeting let's say we set it for the week after so it's within the 10 days and if in in the meantime you you pull up something or you find something that says that we cannot have this person vote you can advise the manager and the clerk that we can't we can't go forward with the special agenda we have to do it at the regular commission we cancel the special meeting I set it now yeah and then if we find out later we can't do it then we'll do it at the regular one of May um so if we're looking at if we're looking at the special uh the ction being on the 9th that would give us until about the 19th to to have it done um how do we feel about the following Tuesday the 16th I'm out of town but I'll zoom in okay can I do I can do that by Zoom can we do that by do that by just have an inperson Quorum yes we need a quorum and he's out of town oh I can be in yes okay um need a quum present and we don't have art on so the 16 oh you are okay okay so you can't miss two of you can't be missing or we won't have a quorum you need you need a quorum present in the chamber cor me three right what time is it six o'clock Rick o' I can be here that was what date I'm sorry April Tuesday April 16th at six o'clock and the one topic on the agenda will be find the election and then I think saring the the new commissioner swearing the new commissioner so I'll have an answer as to the certification by end of the day tomorrow excellent well if the new commissioner is not available that person doesn't have to be here that night to get sworn in about certifying the election that person can get sworn in after that before the main meeting sounds that sounds good all right Adam cler all right excellent so that was um originally part of the manager's report um Mr manager was there anything else in the report that you wanted to highlight no sir um I have some questions about his report that was EXC it's a couple of I'll make them really quick uh Chris I read your report about great waste and it was also repeated in the public works report uh Janie Anderson brought it up about the um the possibility of moving the oh there is one I'm putting over there the possibility of moving the bulk pickup days from Monday Tuesday to Thursday Friday in the uh in the contract with great waste is that one of the provisions Chris that you're allowed to change unilaterally or is that something you need to bring to the commission I didn't have time to pull the contract up before the meeting today but there are some things that you're allowed to change on your own and some things that we have to approve do you know what that is if you were to change that no at this point this is not an agenda item this was an informational item stating that this is essentially going to be coming before the commission and those are all questions that we'll have answered I understand but it's in your report that's why I'm asking about it so is that something that you're allowed to do unilateral do you know if it is or if it's not I can't answer that question at this point that's what I'm asking okay we'll have a conversation about that because I have very strong opinions about not moving that um you're you spoke about pickle ball and the engineering uh and the engineering uh the engineering part of it uh you're going to bring that back to us as well but it's in your report so I want to ask you about it that money we don't have that money in the CIP if I understand for this fiscal year any longer do we I see pickle ball mve to fiscal 25 in its entirety the 990,000 so there's nothing in this fiscal year for us to do the engineering study this year am I Mis misunderstanding that the current budget enumerated $90,000 initially for pickleball then it was changed to pickle ball and other recreational activities those are the funds that would be used to fund the engineering but on the CIP that says they're in fiscal 25 doesn't it the CIP hasn't been adopted yet so as of right now I'm operating under what the current budget States okay uh regarding the election what are the plans in this final week I'm not sure if this is for Pamela or for Chris but what are the plans this final week to let to remind people about an election I hold elections to be rather sacred and I think we should be you know actively engaging residents in that and special elections are easily forgotten about so what are we doing this next week to remind people that next Tuesday is an election day we are on we're putting the information out on uh goov and on the website it's going to be pushed out again on goov we're pushing it out again and next door as well all all social media apps that we are have I'd love to see another email blast I still get more traction from people yeah but we're getting a lot of push back on email black yeah still get I get more positive response from emails than anything else I get more people saying thanks for the in tonight I was bombarded with people saying I got your emails thank you thank you thank you thank you I get please remove me from your email I get them most of them don't live in the v most of them don't live in the village any longer the ones that say please remove me are people who don't who don't live in the village um okay this is this is an operational decision that we'll that we'll work on um so thank you for your for your opinion it was a question I asked Chris I was really just asking a question and I got the answer thanks so one more question about the election I voted on the Republican primary day and this question popped in my mind do we pay for that because I know we pay for so we don't pay for the primaries no the primary is a county got it driven a feder well National driven but the primary here is is is the county okay thanks I just was curious when I got there I thought um I don't remember this ever being discussed before budget for primary elections thanks there's some I have some questions about some of the other things when you get to the other departments okay um yes I just wanted to say first off thank you thank you it looks wonderful I know that a lot of work went to making sure that the agenda look looks the way it does it's a lot of um straight to the point um topics about this month on the on the manager's report but I really appreciate hearing and knowing what the Departments undoing so thank you Juan so much for bringing that forward and for the rest of the Departments as well um I I know there is a lot of sop will will get there when we talk about this uh topic but that making it a lot easier to understand and what's going on behind the scenes and I appreciate um the work that that was put into that thank you okay any other questions with respect to the manager report before we move on to the next ones no hearing none okay um so our next is our Public Works report um we have our director here um is there are there any is there anything that you'd like to address specifically we have a we have a no a head shaking no okay so um I'll go ahead and I'll just open to the commission is if there's anything within the Public Works report that we'd like to address with um uh with Juan here at C I have one quick thing thank you for the report it's nice and thorough um regarding the trees and you're working on trees for next year and I see that but that was in the report for this month um uh will those locations come to us remind me because I recall in the past that we approved the commission approved locations of trees is that something that we approve maybe it was because they were the grant they were through I'm not certain I don't know the good evening mayor vice mayor Commissioners uh I don't know if that came to you before that was a grant that I was finishing up from the prior Administration uh those locations were given to me uh from the grant uh coordinator and uh we usually just go out and find locations that are viable within the rways we don't usually bring it to the commission that's something that Public Works does and the reason I ask is this is a topic that we've talked about talking about but never have really talked about it and that is that swes are also public property and we can plant trees and swes and we have some what you might call tree deserts throughout the the village where there are no trees along the streets correct shading our streets that I I would appreciate having that conversation um and being involved in that because you know in all the medians lots of trees lots of trees Lots trees and then we have you go look down some streets and there are no trees out on the street and it's very bare correct so I'd love to to have a conversation about how they could be included as well uh perhaps we could uh refer that to the parks and Roads boards and they were the ones who were involved in it before and it's not an active board now we need to get people on that okay conversation for another day thanks one to that point I think and thanks for all your help tonight by the way you guys were great I think we will have a parks and Parkways board soon based on some of the interest we've heard tonight right let's hopefully yes let's hope one thank you is there anything else uh for the public works uh with respect to the public works report oh I didn't it didn't occur to me until I read it last night but didn't really put two and two together but I think Janie's Got a good point which is that you're talking about moving just the clam shell loader dates to Thursday Friday that and that clim is only for the big piles that are in excess of the two cubic yards right that's correct okay well this allows you for weekends to have a clean City I know there's a lot of we there's a lot of Weekend Warriors that go out there on weekends and put their plows out there but if you start with on Friday with a clean City people that are having their events at their houses don't have to see the ugliness across the street I was wondering the logic of that thank thank you for explaining that but I no now I I understand where Jan's coming from if it was all piles I would say she's right but since we're talking about mainly just the hand piles excessive piles and and to be honest great waste has occasionally gotten that wrong what is not and I think we've all seen that um I I didn't see what the pros of that were until you clarified so thank you well the other situation that comes up John is that yes if if that if that rule was followed about the size of the pile but follow them around the village and watch what they're picking up with the claw that's where that's where it gets tricky because they pick up piles that are less than two cubic yards they pick up trash cans they pick up all kinds of can we see the black dirt exactly prove it exactly all of it yeah I agree yeah clam shell I don't like but it has to be done okay so let's um let's go to our Code Compliance report are there any specific questions with respect to the Code Compliance report at this time I just want to say it looks amazing again I gotta give kudos to the report and um thank you for just pushing so much information forward I was wondering if this Chris at any point I know there was this switch of systems that we were Carry On from before and one of the challenges discussing it with Dorene was that how do we report what was still pending vers so what's still happening and I see graphs so I'm guessing this comes from goab as well right open go sorry um how do you merge that sort of in in this report for the next several months these reports are going to reflect 90% of the reports are going to reflect what's in the current old system um we are just starting to use our new system um so we're going to be dealing with that issue getting that data uh figuring out how to represent the data from both systems probably Midsummer like June is July wonderful had to be decided and then a very silly question but what does derel Vehicles mean I was really wondering what that is those are the abandoned broken down flat tires no engine got it all right thank you okay um so moving on to ad lobbyist report do we have any well we don't ever alled to here but um was there any specific concern or point to be made with respect to that report well this is my concern that I have brought up in the past by the time we get this we don't get it very regularly by the time we get it it's all done so I feel like we're not in the loop at all in terms of what's being done up there and what opinions we have on things we read things like short-term rental ordinance changes already passed through the house and the Senate and it's waiting for the Governor signature so by the time we get these reports things are basically a done deal or so far along that we couldn't have any kind of much of any kind of impact and I think it's the timing of these things we need to work on so we can uh be engaged and I'd like to see this I'd like to see Dave once or twice a year to have him come in and discuss what's coming up what's being worked on while it's still active otherwise all we get is bad news maybe it's time for a visit from uh David so I I had a um with him once just to understand where we were and this was I think either at the end of December I want to say December or the beginning of January and I know the discussion was coming up next for the first time ever in the commission we put some money aside to be able to travel to Tallahasse I don't know if you guys remember we had about $2,000 so at what point my question was is it is it beneficial for us to be engaged aging how that was another question I have you know I know um there had been a lot of pushing Chris on your end to push um uh all the drainage money that we actually didn't get from residents but from the commission we we have our role of representation how we do that um I also so nothing happens so we're in April I also think we need to have that conversation as to maybe discuss with uh David as to how and often and what sort of presentations are being uh led by him so to let us know how to contribute I'm still wondering if we could have done more and that's an awful feeling um being too late because we didn't for I'll just use short-term rental as an example there are changes being made they're significant and we as a community never voiced our opinion on that and it impacts us very directly very and we never had a discussion we never sent a a message to him saying Dave this is our opinion this is what we once shared on behalf of bisc Park who else agrees with us what other communities how can we work with them if an issue is important enough or just you know send a message on something it's a simpler item but just to get a report after the fact I'm completely in agreement with you we need to know at the beginning so we can decide is this important enough to engage in is this kind of a loss cause you know where are we GNA we going to focus the timing right I mean and then um and how and we I mean the whole idea of going to Tallahasse was maybe one of us representing issues maybe it was in Tallahasse maybe it was here at a certain uh you know someone's office just shaking a hand and explaining I mean it was what we saw today is um mayor Cava really understanding and looking into the issues that affect us from residents straightforward so I think having that oneone it's what you know we're still pending to get there I know the timing for the whole trip thing was was difficult because the way that he phrased it to me was like they're in session now you basically have to like basically have to go he told me on the phone time like you got to saddle up you got to go like next week and I said Dave one I I we don't have time to talk to the commission about it we can't allocate the money and to him like I don't think my work schedule will permit me to drive six hours tell aie next week we should know that months in advance we can have a conversation and plan who's going to go and what are they going to say so if I may because I I've done this for some organizations and I've been to the tasse and spoke in front of committees and so the the issue that the problem that you have is the time to go up there and speak to legislators is either right before it goes to its first committee or while it's at a or when it's being heard at a committee because that's when you can go before the committee you can be up in tasse you can speak to um various different um Representatives or state senators wherever the bill is at the time you can talk to them make appointments and talk to them privately and then you can provide testimony at the committee meetings themselves but the problem with that is the scheduling is is very tight and um I can tell you like I used to be on the legislative committee for the Florida police police Chiefs Association and they used to bring me up there as a subject matter expert to testify in front of the Committees and I I would get a call on a Monday and say hey we're flying you up tomorrow morning because the committee meeting is at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and um so that that's kind of the hard thing to manage when it comes to being able to at least give testimony if if you intended to have somebody to represent the village and give testimony at one of the committee meetings either in the house or the Senate and I think I'm I'm okay with that being a complex situation I think he explained that um but at the time when I suggested that budget into um be considered the $2,000 came from the recommendation from David saying yes it is necessary to do that yes it would definitely help so the questions is how how and when and I think that's Chris uh maybe what we would need clarification from him just as a learning experience you know we have that in the budget for the first time we didn't use it this time but how and when can we um considering all the challenges maybe it's a different way maybe it's you know just inviting them over to the I don't know way communicate saying my experience some of the most impactful ways of trying to influence is to either be meeting with the representatives or the state senators face to face discuss whatever your issues are yes and then at the committee meetings you've got the entire committee either Representatives sorry or state senators who are about to are going to consider it discuss the issue and vote on it yeah and you're able to address them as a whole um in in a in a session in a committee session maybe what we can do um Chris if if we can get in touch with David it might be a good time to have David come here and join us for a presentation and just provide us an update because I don't it's been a while I think since David's been here either in person or on Zoom not just an update we got it you know but seizures seizures in in a future outlook not right with him before and then we did no followup was done not you guys right just what's coming up what's coming up in what's basically give us a calendar what when do we need when will we get information when will we know topics when will we know intent when can we get involved and in what way and then we decide we and we might decide some things like I said some things are a lost cause let's not throw money and time at that let's focus on this one instead Chris if if we could uh after this evening's meeting if we could reach out to David and ask that he'd be available maybe next May um to uh to just kind of voice some of the matters here that we pointed out that he might come and if he's here great if he's on Zoom he's got to be on Zoom fine but just some some way that we can help forecast and maybe be a little more informed on deadlines yeah absolutely I took notes on on what the commission's concerns are um I'll forward these to him and then ask for his attendance in May very good thank you um okay so let's try and get through the rest of these reports here police report um there any specific points points um I Know Chief isn't with us and you do have someone here but um uh the the chief isn't here to to talk about it um but is there any anything that we want to talk about or point out with respect to the police report at this time well where where are we on the new uh traffic policing that we discussed and approved at the last meeting that was just you said we would approve that to run from April through the end of September so when does that start IDE that Chris information from sorry you get any information from the chief on that from the deputy chief yeah we are able to um they're looking at Staffing right now who is available and who would want to do that um so we're shooting for Mid April to get that going the conversation we are going to have is where that money is going to come from in the meantime um we don't have those funds available in the budget um the CIP hasn't yet been approved and we can't use the forfeiture money for that program as well so we can absorb the cost short time short term I should say for a couple of weeks maybe a month um but then we're going to have to have that conversation in May as to where this funding is going to come but if we approve CIP tonight and it's in there then you would have the money available immediately you're not going to approve CIP until May oh that's right discussion item and I'll bring a resolution based on your direction from for me okay could we R Chris if you came up with the money elsewhere could we retroactively reimburse wherever you took it from from the money that we would approve in the CIP that's the only way this will work let's get there um okay um so let's go to parks and wreck do we um have anything other than um all I would say about the parks and wreck is that uh I know that the spring Easter Easter egg or the spring egg hunt event was well attended and was well well done and uh after speaking Isa I think it was 7 8,000 eggs that went in about 30 seconds uh well they spread them out right in front they spread them out um but there were children running around it was quite feral but it was it was it was great um we had a lot of fun and uh I know one of the uh one of the officers corpal Rogers I think partook in the sack race with me and and I think he beat me um so it was a lot of fun so um like thank you for the parks and wck and everyone for coming in and contributing to that because it was it was well done I could add just one thing to that report sorry Mr Mayor sure um we did have the only incidents that we had at the park this year were four cases of a lost or missing child um and those are resolved within the matter of within a matter of minutes that's good okay um say really quickly the Earth hour thing was a lot of fun very well attended I thought um as the only commissioner there I was asked to speak which was cute and ironic because I knew all four musicians by full name and was able to introduce them uh you know professionally and um I think it's it's a cool thing so if you guys can make it consider coming out next time it's actic music for an hour right out here no lights a lot of kids running around having fun it was a good time yeah excellent um okay so if there's nothing else for parks and wreck um on to finance is there any um pointers or anything we'd like to point out for the finance report at this time hear none just just a general question and I think I asked this to manag uh TR it um what is the typical I know that he said that he's this is something they're working on but I mean what is the commission's expectation in terms of coming and explaining and me having a Q&A session with the finance directors we can ask questions or that residents can ask questions about the finances because look I have a I have an MBA in finance granted it was a few years ago and I'm in the pharmacy space now so I'm not really living and breathing it every day but I had some questions and it might just be because I don't have a good understanding of it now if I'm having questions so like most people have no chance so maybe some sort of public session some Forum to allow presidents to ask questions about the financial what is our expectation what is the commission's expectation of that should be yearly biannually quarterly me personally I think quarterly I agree with you well we get we get the quarterly what's it called Chris the um throwing a blank here the oh my goodness when we get the quarterly report where it's all been verified there's a word it's not verified the audited financial statements yes exactly the audited one and and in years past if I recall Paul would be here for that the meeting when the verif when the the audited financials were on the agenda so we could discuss them with him and he presented it and and we had a chance to ask him questions it would be quarterly we haven't seen it that way quarterly and I think to your point there is a difference between the report we get as Commissioners and a discussion we had on during bud season was also the understand like a presentation per se of what what is expected for Department versus all the numbers that you just read and I think now that we have a specific fund for CIP that is going to clearly stay where the projects are then something he does a presentation as to every dollar how much goes per Department I mean there is sort of an intro but I think it will be very beneficial to have more your point quarterly and it mundane terms if you will that is not just a report that's 50 Page Long numbers you [Music] know maybe it would be a good time uh Chris to to reach out to Paul to say it would be nice to to get an update from him yeah but I I think it should just be kind of a it should be on the we shouldn't have to ask to have Paul come in it should be on he should be here at those meetings when we're looking at the numbers unless it's contracted differently which I don't expect it used to be that's something that along with reaching out to David to maybe get an update from him from the commission could we talk to Paul about um maybe answering some questions with respect to that if we can get him here absolutely what is the what is the decision on frequency quarterly quarterly with the audited financials because if they're not audited I mean audited means they're all closed out and everything's been sliced and diced and that's one we should look at that there's anything different from the the way that it's contracted then certainly we'd want to know but um I think that would be the expectation and if you can include even if it's five slides just to explain the overall so we can kind of share with residents instead of the full 50 page I'm just exaggerating I don't know how many pages thank you okay um okay so the last one that we have listed I know there are two others though that I wanted to bring up but the last one we have listed here as board meeting minutes uh do we have any specific concerns or points to bring up with respect to the board meeting minutes no hearing none okay so there are two other um reports that that we don't have listed that we do traditionally sorry may I ask regarding boards Brad you and I talked about this it seems to me that we used to see board minutes on consent agendas that we would accept we didn't verify them because we can't we're not in the business of verifying board reports what are we supposed to be doing because and Brad and I had this conversation today because that used to be standard that on commission meeting agendas they would be on there on consent and we would I actually remember pulling some off because there were things that I had questions about on board reports so um and when I was talking to um Valerie before I spoke with the vice mayor earlier um she had indicated that she remembered seeing them on agendas um it it's not a process I'm familiar with with other jurisdictions that I've represented there's no reason why you couldn't not a approve them because you can't approve minutes that we're not part you weren't a part of weren't part of how can you verify them how can you make changes to them we accept but as far as accepting them or reviewing them it's not a legal requirement the boards themselves are required by your code of ordinances and and by the sunshine law to keep minutes secretary is supposed to keep the minutes um they're supposed to be approved uh subsequent in the subsequent meet next subsequent meeting and then Madame Clerk's responsibility is to maintain those minutes and they're a public record for anyone that wants to see them um if it's the commission's desire to have them on an agenda for your some type of a review um there's nothing there's nothing that would prevent that from happening but I'm not aware and I and I went through the charter just to make in the code just to make sure if there was any requirement that was kind of just like a one-off where the commission was required to approve or somehow adopt board minutes I couldn't find anything in your Charter it's curious because we did it for we did it for a long time you know I mean before I was a commissioner I remember them being on the agenda it may very well have been the desire of of a commission to have that done and again there's no reason why you can't do that if you want to do it but it would just be acceptance I guess acceptance is okay review you just shouldn't be approving them because you can't so I'll give my opinion on it I liked them being on the agenda because it gave me the reason to look through them and residents would ask me questions about them sometimes as well I'd like having them on the agenda so if we're if the village is receiving them and can drop them on consent under one heading like you know board meeting minutes you know acceptance of meeting minutes I like them on there because I do read through them and I don't want to have to ask for board me board meeting minutes all the you can continue to do them the way they're presented now and just have them on reports and you can discuss them as a I mean it's up it's really a how procedurally you want to do it I think consent I would think that consent is is approving something I I don't know if these would fall under consent because we're not necessar well if you're accepting them not that there's a legal requirement to accept them but if you're going to formally accept them I guess you'd have to do that by resolution that's how they if I recall I mean we could look back at any agenda a year ago when they were on there they were on consent yeah well well so but now that he's bringing this information to us I mean bring it put them here just so they're there and they're on the backup that's fine I don't know if they if they can no and and that's one of the the reasons why I take the liberty of moving them from conscent because you're not approving Amendment and like the attorney I've never worked in a jurisdiction where they were even on the agenda they were posted somewhere on a calendar or in somewhere on a website or whatever and you could go and read them so I knew that they should not be approved by you guys I got a phone call or two and was told that it was one of your practices and maybe we just leave them on the report section so they're at least there in the back of there Mee are there foreview are there I'm just happy to see them yeah we're just we're just basic we're just not approving one less resolution too and I I think to be honest with you I I read him as well I mean there is information that says who voted on what and I caught myself saying oh I actually didn't vote on this it happens so I think for everybody's to be able to read them and just to double check that at least on things you vote yeah the commission may talk about the boards okay we have to vote on accepting hours or approving hours it's like all the no no this is just we're just talking about board you accepting or or approving minutes from another board which the issue is you you weren't part of it you can't review the minutes to make any changes to it because you weren't there I don't care where they are on the agenda I just like them on the agenda maybe we just get going forward keep them on the reports there please okay great um so very quickly um to wrap up the the report section um Brad I know there was one item uh that would been part of your report speak if you wanted to just very very briefly if I may for um and you you've all talked about it a little bit the vice mayor had brought it up when you were talking about your lobbyist report there are two bills um that are been engrossed and enrolled that are waiting to be sent to the to the um governor for his approval which from what I've heard um when they go they will be signed into law and one of them is the vacation rental um if in fact the governor does sign it I'm not going to go through the entire bill but just just to summarize it very very quickly it deals with vacation rental registration processes and it basically the legislature is preempting the processes you can still register vacation rentals but the process as to how it's um registered and what information you can require it's all now going to be preempted to the state and they have laid out a a scheme as to how you can do registrations um there is specific find um the permits permitting and fining and suspensions of registrations are now also preempted to the state where they have set maximum fines they've set um time limits and the and requirements of what it's necessary for suspensions of those licenses and so if the governor um passes this this bill or signs this bill into law which I suspect he will um there it will take a rewrite of of your vacation Al ordinance just so you're all aware and it takes effect July 1st of this year so we'll have to move fairly quickly and nothing allows us to be grandfathered in because we weren't at the earlier dat yes there is a grandfather clause but your your legation does not qualify it was not enacted I think it was 2016 or 2018 if what about enforcement that's already taken place here with the law with our code as it exists now the enforcement process that's already in place can go forward um but it's because this deals with new registrations so so anything that's in the process any we don't have to go back and reverse no code fines or or um suspensions revocations okay so anything that's in the process as of the date that it becomes law is allowed to stand and as from that date I would suggest that anything that in the in the lack better term in the process in the hopper even after July 1st if it was already initiated before would would still be able to move forward initiated but um but moving forward from July 1 on you would have to follow the statutory scheme and then the other bill that just very quickly there's a building reg um regulations bill which also was engrossed which has not been sent to the governor yet it's um House Bill 267 if anybody wants to review it um but what it essentially does does in a nutshell um is it creates um certain time frames mandatory time frames in which um permits have to be approved for either single family multi multiple family businesses which really wouldn't doesn't apply to the Village obviously and essentially if these time frames are not met by The Village the permitting fee gets decreased exponentially by the amount of days that you're delayed um which will also if if signed into law is going to have to change your process because your present process as I understand it when it goes to planning and design um for their approval would put you outside the time frames that are set in the statute or complying with the with the approval process unless and now I but I will say there is a provision in here if the applicant can sense to the extension of the time frame then those are waved but I'm not so sure why what if the applicant has not met the requirements has not submitted the proper documents well there is Provisions there I I'm just kind of giving a summary but overview yes I mean once it's once it's enacted I I'll provide you with a more detailed summary of it line by line in the in bullet form but essentially to answer your question is there is a process um if I remember correctly I'm trying to find it quickly um I think the village has we have to provide written notice within five days of the sufficiency of the application and within 10 days after that notice that the application is complete or that there's additional um information that's needed so you're on a before they would even be in front of the planning board correct so you have a very short time frame and just to give you an example for a single family residence that is under 7500 square feet um it has to be approved within 30 days so that's not going to give time for well it would be shouldn't say it's not going to give time they meet twice a month but it'll be very close so this is something we'll have to we'll have to look at have to look at the existing ordinance and and the planning and design U boards um function and ordinance and processes and see what we have to um modify who would bring that as a I can't hear you Veronica so who who brings that recommendation Force to us my my plan is prospectively is to sit down with the manager and go over these changes um or these proposed changes I should say and and an anticipation of the governor um signing these into law having a plan that we can present to you all because um at least well I would say at least for the short-term rental for sure because that's a July 1st effective date for this um building regulation it doesn't take effect until January 1:25 so at least the legislature gave municipality some time because it's pretty drastic changes um so it'll give us some time to sit down but as far as the short-term rental um it would have to be close I mean because two readings we'd have to have it at least in in June and and July at the latest yeah okay so if we don't do that and there's a a period of time that we don't have it done then we would have no ordinance at all yes yeah well You' have an ordinance but there would be certain Provisions in it you would not be oh so the rest of the ordinance could stand it doesn't rep it doesn't repeal your ordinance it just requires that your ordinance that your ordinance meet the requirements and the and the and the um can't think of the word right now the requirements is the best way again the elements excuse me the elements of the statute so you can't you can be you can't go outside the scope you can basic require less information but not more basically have to track it so yes so we would have to track it but there are parts of your ordinance that will be able to remain but like the suspension language is going to have to be changed um the information that can be asked um for the a lot of it will remain but some of it will have to be eliminated for the application it so those are the things that we'd have to go through so it's an overhaul it's not as drastic as as the perming would be but I I do I'm going to sit down with the manager we'll come up with a plan and come up with some using your the example you gave for suspensions if if there was a a period of time that we had not made that change then we would not be allowed to follow our old suspension policy and we would have no suspension policy until the new one was adopted yes so for instance for suspensions if there's more than one violation on five separate days during a 60-day period the code enforcement board or special magistrate um must recommend suspension to the local governing board the number of days of suspension if it's put in place is and they specifically have the time the length of the suspension which are much less than what you have in your Cod okay so I think that's that's kind of me a little bit I don't want there to be a period of time that if you know we get delayed here that we don't have any teeth that those teeth are removed Al together and we have we have we in essence have nothing until in that regard we pass the new one I'll put together I'll try to put together a draft I mean it's this language is not going to change so I can work off of the proposed legislation and if the Governor decides to veto it then I'll throw it in the garbage but I I don't suspect that either would be nice um okay thank you Brad is there anything else sorry no sir okay um I know uh generally too we we we like to have commission reports um so I'd like to just very quickly ask if there's anything we haven't already covered so far if there from any of the Commissioners that like to bring to the attention super quick so I missed a couple of events because I was was working in Miami open the last two weekends so I didn't get to come to some of these fun things that you were at on um but um I do want to say officially thank you because I was the liaison I guess with the Arts board for tonight and that was a fabulous event that we put on for residents and did you see all the happy faces out there like that's what people love the most about this Village is our ability to do something like that and bring them together so that was awesome so I want to say thank you to the board and Brad will I get in trouble if I Nam the people who donated things to us tonight no no okay so I want to thank uh uh these are all unless they want to be kept no they don't they don't these are all these are all biscane Park residents that's the best part uh Zack Stern is the owner of Zack the Baker and he donated the food that you saw out there in addition to some food that the arts and culture Advisory Board put together um I didn't get any of Zach's food but I heard it was delicious starving right now um Elizabeth Castillo within the crew she's a wine vendor who lives here in the village she provided the wine um Annie and um I'm going to mispronounce his wife's name Nelis um Y is that pretty good uh from uh sweet Havana Cafe down in Winwood they provided the coffee bar which was awesome he was even decorating the foam it's like a real deal out there um uh aposto Jazz uh Trio was out there entertaining us that's Nicole Payne the chair of the Arts board and then a last minut in Edition today was Oscar Fuentes who is the biscane poet who came and recited a poem that he wrote for bisc Park and these are all people who live in the village and gave their their time and their product uh to make this event so special tonight so look getting people to come is the easy part putting all that fabulous stuff together is is there was a big ask for a lot of people and I just want to say thank you officially to those people they did a great job uh I also Chris can you tell I sorry Chris I should have asked told you I was gonna ask this question how many people do we have on the app so far how many residents are on the app do you know I've couldn't tell you at this moment because it was like 50ish last time I asked you I think I'd have to look into that and I wasn't prepared to okay yeah um okay um because I'm getting really good response to the apps I had someone out here bending my ear tonight to how they appreciating the app um uh the vulnerability meeting so I attended that and Jonathan and art were both there and I have to say that was a bit of a disappointment we had five or six residents here if you eliminate staff and elected official people running for office who came um it was a very small turnout another one is being held um and it's the gentleman who I'm sorry I forget his name the gentleman who ran the uh meeting 100 sounded like he they really put a lot of weight into what they hear back from residents and they really need a volume of good data from us um and they did not get it that night so we have a second chance to make this happen I asked Chris when that's going to be scheduled he hasn't picked a date yet but he'll let us know when that does um and I would just ask all of you guys up here my fellow Commissioners please help promote these things for the village because I can tell you when you do people show up when you ask them to and they're grateful that you reach out to them I hear it constantly people who I didn't know tonight came up and thanked me for the email last night I texted hundreds of people saying I copied and paste a text every you guys got it and I I sent that to everybody in my phone and I have several hundred residents in my phone and they're so grateful for that it took me a couple of hours sat there ate my dinner and texted but I would love you guys to help pick you know carry some of the weight of that because they're asking Mack why is it only you why are we not hearing this from the other people why did they not reach out to me and tell me this um we can all do better in that regard and it works if it didn't work I wouldn't say guys let's all chip in but it works and people are grateful and we're a small community and it's so easy to do it's just so easy to do but that vulnerability study in my opinion was a bust five six people here come on in a village of 1100 homes 3,300 residents so we need to do better at the next one we need when we get when Chris gets that scheduled we need as a village and as a commission to do better and get people out this is the a very important topic we're spending a lot of money on it and we need uh we need people to show up for these things um I have some other things that I'm going to let them go in the interest of time uh so I know um just to pick up on your last thread there uh vice mayor um I know that uh the vulnerability said they'll be collecting Digital Data by email too so yes and I think that I think June was end of June was the date that they were targeting it was sort of a wishy-washy dat yeah because I think they were Jun or July second like the second week in July around that time was like the a date right so I know that's kind of the target um but I know Alejandro is kind of finalizing that date on on when they can can make it happen but yeah in the interim um we got to get that that email address for him where they're going to collect data too because that's definitely a second part of that we need to share that yeah exactly really get it out there and let people know however we can get it out that's it's resident data right so through that look we also know where the flooding is in this Village we know it's not a big ask to reach out to the people in those areas and say hey those we're trying to collect information to help you you have an area right here we need to hear from you please engage in this and help us get good information maybe by email it will be a dots on a map um can I can I ask on that so um so com coms are have been doing so much better and that's another thing I'm forgot to mention the app is doing and a great great service Chris so I'm very happy to see that I'm wondering specific for this event that we only saw so little people what would you change for the next meeting Having learned that very people showed up that's something that we're working on I don't have an answer for you at this point we'll be working with their marketing folks to figure out how to make that happen okay all right but Ronica I asked the gentleman who was here what do you ask communities to do to get more input and he said they do have some information they can share from Chris but I can tell you that I I may not have these dates exactly right but I think an email went out on May 6th and then residents didn't hear about it again until May 26 I'm sorry March March 6 to March there was a 20-day period that there was no communication about it at all I had it on next door myself um but there were you know you have to engage with people frequently especially in the weeks leading up to something most of these people who turned out tonight turned out in the last couple of days when I reached out to them no and and I'm aware of that I know communication can be better I just want to know from the manager's perspective being the one that actions on all of this what the plans are so my point on this is um whatever we did you know clearly there's maybe something better to be done so hopefully we have more information and we can action it for the next meeting so when is the next meeting it hasn't been finalized yet okay yeah we have a steering committee meeting next week um and we'll be finalizing the the date of the next public OT meeting thank you so just one other thing to that I very briefly want to provide an update on the interlocal agreement there's not much of an update other so but the county that was out that came out and provide us the information um they did give us a little more guidance on one CIT and and manager you can certainly supplement here on this CIT funds are not affected so that we had some confirmation on that um I'm sorry it funds that we receive from the county if we if we implement the interlocal agreement they are not affected we will not lose CIT that was one of the good things that we heard from them the other good thing that we heard from them is that um they provided us with kind of a definitive response that there are certain measures that we will be able to control without need for a specific traffic data study yeah so now there's data that they still need um but the way that it would normally work and again um manager can can correct me if I've missed state or anything thing but the way that it would normally work is that um there are municipal standards or dot standards on how to use I'm just going to use speed bumps as just an example because it's an easy one there are municipal standards and Dot standards on on the sizes on where they can be placed how far in from intersections things like that they are in do mun and Municipal standards they've been adopted we're allowed to just take those and use them as our own so again just using it as example stop speed bumps if we we wanted to put a speed bump in in a certain location this would dictate how we would do it now we do also need some sort of measure of data as to the reason for which we're putting it where we're putting it um and that can be resident information it can be a it can be a wealth of information it doesn't have to be one so resident information I believe this has been implemented on the app a request for traffic caling measures so we can start sourcing resident data there resident data we are allowed to use to support where we place these traffic measures um when they were out here when the was out here um there was a notice that they were that some of the the traffic counts up some of the um you know the black ropes that they put out and they count cars um and get volume and and everything they said they have some of that data and they said they'll just give it to us an email we can use that we can use resident data we can use the police data we can kind of source all of these kind of internal things to use as a reason that we are putting certain measures in certain places now of course the traffic data is going to be the gold standard and we still need to do that because we still there are still certain things that we can't do without the traffic data so we still want to do that we still want to move forward with that that's still an important part of this but they did say there are things that we can do without it there's a process and and that is in in place in our draft um we sent it to the county um Brad sent his his version to the county they came back with one item we had to remove I don't remember what it was exactly guys I can't hear you I'm sorry it was I can't forgot what it was called but it's like the uh the what it was the specific measure yeah it's when you you make your road snake basically so one of the measures that you can use the imployment for traffic calming they said that that wouldn't be applicable or that it would fall under traffic uh higher restrictions such that it wouldn't be part of traffic caling I think you would need you would need actual traffic engineering studies done and it was wasn't some we were trying to be all inclusive just in case so they they they asked us to remove it we removed it it probably was not something that the probably wouldn't have used it anyway but we we struck it to to make you know to kind of appease is probably the wrong word but to do as they asked um and having spoken with um some of that team that was here this was the same team that is on the email thread and received the draft they said they told me that they they were satisfied with it but it was out to their legal department now for approval for legal sufficiency so it's with the right people it an amendment was made based on the feedback that we got and we got some positive updates from them when they were out here uh indiv Village to answer some of the questions so it's getting there it's it's it's in the right hands um and it sounds like the draft is is in good shape so that I didn't put it on as another item because there wasn't a whole lot to discuss other than just give the update that the counties got it and it sounds like um they're satisfied with the draft so we'll get something back from them about any other further changes that need to be made my understanding can can I ask a question on that I I had um a dow last time regarding the uh specs requirement for any of this uh tra traffic measures that we put in place so if we have very thin roads very narrow roads around the village we go ahead and Implement uh Based on data that we need a speed bomb then we go ahead and put it who comes and checks that is within the standards and it's a village The Village's responsibility so it would be so it's not the county to say well this is too Nar now you could have you have to still go through me even if the decision was that the village wanted to put it there yes as as as the mayor indicated as long as the installation complies with do guidelines so they take into fact the types of roadways the width of the roadway that all those things are taken into effect if they were to come out and inspect it for some reason but there's no reason that they would do that from the representations we received from them and in the email thread they're they're not involved the only thing the county asks is is they do asked to be informed of what you install so the agreement does say that you not for the purposes of their approval but you have to notify them on you know on this roadway we put this traffic coming device in these intervals in compliance with theot standard and I thank you because that clear my doubt and then the other thing came out actually in a conversation today with the um some of the folks from the county um maintenance is a concern so a lot of that was are you sure you want to take on this right because at the end of the day we're going to have to pay it from our budget not only to put it on but to keep maintenance of it uh and so a question maybe to Chris is there a way we can get some sort of a sense as what are the costs for any of this in the future to consider maybe I'm going maybe way too ahead of a game here but um that's part of the the the conversation that we have to have at some point is once we have in place what the IL Ila allows us to do um well this is where you taken on right these are the cost for these measures but as well these are the average costs for maintaining them long that's that's information we can get it's it's it's going to depend specifically on the type of traffic cing device so using the example of a speed bump there are rubber speed bumps we can cut the road and drop an asphalt we can do concrete we can do speed tables versus speed bumps um those types of Maintenance costs would be known prior to the commission deciding to spend the money on that particular so correct me if I'm wrong director but that's that's kind of the process once we decide what to do and where to do it then we take a look at the how what and what the long-term costs are going to be I'm sure I mean it makes sense I mean that's what so we can have that conversation each time something comes up do does everything come to us for approval on this or once we approve like speed bumps do you and Juan decide that on your own or does everything have to come to us the agreement says they the agreement puts the whole operational um process in the manage on the manager so I guess you all could put whatever limitations you want on that but the the agreement the way the county draft um the County's template was that the village manager would be the decision maker but we could when we look at it we could address that because it won't come so the draft would come once it's been approved by the county would come back it would come to us resolution if there were a line item we wanted to put in there subject to commission approval you know whatever that may be we we could add that okay right right so the I think those kind of more substantive I don't even know it would be substantive Chang but the changes or or drafts um excuse me edits would come to us when when we after we get the the counties okay correct okay well I if we make any edits so if the county sends it back as is and says it it passes their legal review if we make any edits to it we're going to have to put it we're going to have to give it back to their legal to make sure that they have no issues with it but yes we can we can certainly make changes to it then is that something so well so I that maybe what we do is share the draft do we want to share the draft with the commission now so we can do a red line of sorts to get any type of U comment on it now we can you can put it on as a discussion item for the next agenda and I think Chris you have it if Chris and and Pamela let's do that let's let's do that get some eyes on it so if there are any big change we want to make we want to make sure that when it goes to the county it goes once right yeah but I would also thought it was already coming back to us at the main meeting I'm sorry I thought it was out to them for approval now and it was going to come back to us at the May meeting anyway well it we're assuming we get it back from them in time to make it the agenda yes we're just we're waiting for the County's the County's legal review so I I we have no control over how long that would take um the other thing as well is the excuse me the the agreement has to be passed by resolution and you could put in the resolution restrictions if if you that's something you want to do put them in the resolution as opposed to the the agree the Ila yes because the agreement with the the Ila is just an agreement between the county and and the village how we manage it internally is our business in a resolution yes Bor so you you could do that if you and then you could change it a lot easier as well I'd still like to say it as a discussion item so we could so let's put it on we I'll make a point to put it on with the draft for May and you know we'll just wait from the county whenever we hear from them and then we can expect to make some changes I'll I'll send it over to the manager and the clerk so they excellent thank you okay um all right so uh anything else from the commission reports this time before we uh move on to item nine no hearing none okay okay great so let's go ahead and move on to our content agenda do we have a motion and a second to approve the consent agenda with the addition of the uh the board application motion to approve we have a second second okay all in favor I I okay so consent passes so we will get down we've already finished our variance request we have no ordinances our resolutions resolution 12a has been uh withdrawn so that will bring us to resolution item 12b which is resolution 20247 the adopting of the donation policy um based on the uh the changes that were requested and made in the red line that we have um uh from the attorney is this an item that you'd like to would you like to introduce the item um I had I had had some conversations with with um several members of of the commission um they had made recommendations um well some of the recommendations were made at the previous meeting where it was reviewed as discussion item um then I've had some private conversations I've Incorporated all the changes um that were were asked of me to make um by the various members of the commission so the the version that you have you will see the underlying strike throughs is all the changes I don't know if there's any specific questions I don't think you want me to go over it line by line but I will if you you want to hear me speak for that long no I don't think so I'm offended okay and I think as part of the um agreement you have the previous one and the yeah the original so that you you could all look at it took a few versions to get the underly and strike through so everybody could open them perfectly done okay there are some I should I should actually one thing there is um a couple of questions that you all have to answer before you approve sorry I just realized that um with regards to thresholds so um one of the issues not on that version but is one of the issues is the threshold the total amount that you want to give the manager discretion um the and speaking with the manager when we were drafting this um we came up with $100,000 but that's obviously within your discretion as to whatever threshold you're comfortable with so and just so that's clear and that's in section 4B of of of the policy um anything over right now the way the policy reads anything over $100,000 would have to come back come to the commission for an approval the manager couldn't even um conditionally accept yeah anything less than that he has the authority and then follows the reporting requirements um that are laid out um the other threshold that you would all have to would ask some guidance on is subsection 8 which is the donor Rec recognition I think it was the vice mayor that brought it up at a previous meeting that based on the amount of the donation you might want to um thank the donor in various different ways a letter as OPP poos Proclamation whatever it might be so there are two separate sections and section A donations under a certain amount in value the ma recognize a donation by a letter of appreciation to the donor confirming the day the amount and the purpose of the donation or donation above whatever that amount is in value the commission shall recognize the donor by proclamation regularly scheduled Village commission Village commission meeting so I would need those thresholds analyze braad when you and I spoke about this um I asked you regarding 4B the manager threshold what other municipalities do in this regard so what I did is just kind of um part of it was a Google search part of it I just picked to so you know how what my methodology I went into munic code and just picked several different jurisdictions throughout the some of them were larger jurisdictions some of them were more closer related to The Village um and quite frankly it was anything from no thresholds whatsoever where there was no threshold amount I saw some for 5,000 seeing 25,000 and I've seen I think the most I I think the most I saw um for a smaller jurisdiction was 75,000 um but they were kind of all over the place I I I probably looked at about 20 different jurisdictions was anyone as high as 100,000 I I don't remember if I saw I think there was but I think it was if I remember correctly um and I unfortunately I meant to bring it and I left it on my desk but it's um I think it was a county it was a county up in the middle part of the state that had like 150,000 or 125 was not a local so are we going to discuss that yeah so uh very quickly maybe on that point to get a little bit of guidance um Chris when we brought the item to us the this was I think it was in reaction so to speak to the donation of the vehicles from the mikasuki tribe correct what was the approximate value of the donation that was ex of the acceptance of those Vehicles was there approximate value or was any idea of how much was being accepted it's approximately based on what we would anticipate something getting an auction uh somewhere between 60 and 75,000 okay okay um is that some of the stuff that was listed here um for sale no was that different stuff what what's your question sorry I'm getting a little bu headed here the other item where we're selling off stuff the auctions exhibit a in the surplus auction resolution some of that goes yeah that was that stuff okay so this the $100,000 was just based Loosely on that there's we can seted at 5,000 we can set it at half a million it's whatever the the commission is comfortable with I have no specific input input on that okay I think historically um and I don't know if you have you know historical data on donations for the village anybody but this was a big one the mikasuki one I think it's the biggest I've heard at least um and it was in the real of $75,000 okay I think at least the data that we have might suggest that it might might be a little below that threshold that we have listed at 100 um I'm just trying to think I'm always it's one thing to look at the situation that we live in right now and I'm always trying to sort of project ahead in the future different people involved different Commissioners different manager like how could something kind of go weird on us and I can't sort of figure out what it would be here but it just seems like a lot of money especially after Brad said other ones have like $5,000 $10,000 so but I also don't want to slow Chris I don't want to slow Chris down from accepting donations it was a random sampling yeah I methodology in the I understand I understand because of the access that I get to those policies and and just I you know just to reiterate the policy does have a review process for the commission so that the manager does have to bring it back the next commission meeting you all not necessarily to formally accept it but you have the ability to say no or yes if the manager i' reject it can I ask Chris um I think the next donation that we that we're looking towards is the palm Palm Beach donation correct you have a general understanding of how much that what the value of that donation is going to be not at this point um I'm going to guess that it's probably going to be between 75 and 100 just based on what we've seen so far um but there's there are so variables and that that's that's just a guess you got to figure those vehicles are 20 25,000 $3,000 even got a lot of miles on them with the equipment and Chris when you find out about this how fast do they expect an answer from you do they say we need to know this week we need to know in the next 30 days typically what are they asking you for when they when when the offer is made generally speaking they want to take action within a week or two because exactly they want them like we had with the mikasuki we were going to take a couple of them and they said no take them all as long as you get them out of here by the end of the week generally they're replacing Fleet when it comes to that so they don't have the space look given that we have a review process I'd say just keep it I was kind of thinking the same thing I just don't want Chris to not be able to accept something that's of enormous value to us it's not to the people giving it away but it is to us it seems like a high number but we any of us any one of us can put it on an agenda okay but what happens if and I should I should know I read this enough times what happens if Chris accepts it they say Chris come get it by the end of the week he goes and gets it one he notifies us we put it on an agenda and we discuss it and say you know what we're not comfortable with that but he's already accepted it then what well he's going to have to return it I mean it obviously that could present a problem if they don't want it back I I get that you can if you could declare it Surplus and dispose of it similar to really similar to what you're doing with the mkuki vehicles okay I'm fine keeping it 100 that same I have with just the other thresh yeah the other two thresholds and 8 A and B um so for the first one 8A for donations under a certain number in value the manager will recognize donations by a letter of appreciation to a donor confirming the date amount purpose of the donation um donation under an amount you have any idea what the IRS regulations are for charitable donations no TX background just a matter of procedure I don't think we had the resolution no my gosh you're right just realize that we go back and do that then please like me to do that yeah if you wouldn't mind we're all excited about talking about it d yeah to read the resolution and then Motion in second to move to discuss res resolution number 20247 resolution of the village Commission of the village of biscan Park adopting a donation and sponsorship policy providing for separability providing for conflict and providing for an effective date motion to approve we have a second second okay so let's move to the other amounts so you got to start no we I'm joking motion to adopt the discussion that we had prior to I mean under a certain amount of money so Brad for example tonight we had this event would those be con those are donations the vendors donated their their goods those are donations right yes yeah so they would at a certain threshold they these folks if we had this policy in place now well first Chris would have to have accepted them but um uh um they would qualify for a letter or a proclamation so and and I'm just thinking off the top of my head I I can because I think I know where you're going you can come up with a threshold amount for a letter and Andor a proclamation and I can actually put another phrase in there that gives however based on the donation the commission can always decide regardless of threshold to provide a proclamation if that's I think that's where you were going yes exactly especially when it involves residents doing something you know I could add that so in addition to that what what about if we just put it at 10 and 10 for under 10 it'll be a letter for over 10 we'll get a proclamation 10 under 10 what under so for so sorry for8 a for donations under $10,000 in value there'll be a letter of appreciation data Mount and purpose um that kind of qualifies for certain minor things that residents may be giving so they're getting some sort of some recognition some action from the village and 10,000 seems to be a rather large I mean if you we want to play with that a little bit that's fine but I'm just thinking above 10,000 um you know you get a proclamation and something a little I was thinking much lower I was thinking a thousand bucks under a thousand they get a letter and over a thousand to get a proclamation we're not getting that many of these and the ones that he's getting are like so substantially over they're going to qualify anyway you know it's fine I don't really have any opposition to that if manager if there's anything that you might weigh in on or provide I mean I think that's fine number I have no opinion okay that's fine I we can put it a thousand below and above a thousand and I'll I'll add I'll add an extra line in there that gives the the commission the authority issue a proclamation regardless the value okay appr then may I amend my motion we can move on here sure I amend my motion to uh adopt the donation policy adding the amount of $100,000 in in 4B or keeping that amount that's already there and for 8 A and B inserting the amount of $1,000 as the threshold and an instruction to the attorney to add a separate Clause that the village commission may choose to issue a proclamation to anyone regardless of the size of the donation okay do we have a second on the amended motion second okay um all in favor of the amended motion I I okay I'll set with that one um all right let's go ahead and move on that takes care of 12b let's go ahead and move on to 12 C uh resolution 20241 Mr attorney would you read the resolution for yes a resolution of the village Commission of the village of biscane Park Florida approving a project agreement with re Chism Architects Inc for architectural and Engineering Services related to the design of an electrical panel and the selection of an emergency generator to be installed at Village Hall police station in an amount not to exceed $31,500 authorizing the mayor to execute set agreement authorizing the manager to do all things necessary to effectuate the resolution providing for an effective dat okay thank you do I have a motion in a second to move to discussion Mo okay second motion to approve second okay so let's go ahead and move to discussion on it sorry oh vice mayor and commission um okay so um Mr manager is there any um any introduction or anything that you'd like to provide or any context that you'd like to provide this resolution for us I will uh turn the microphone over to director Penna he has graciously agreed to take point on this Mr Mayor vice mayor uh basically uh Chisum is one of the approved engineering firms that you all have on the services agreement and we need plans and drawings for the generators that are going to be installed in the police department and at the recreation center uh this is their fee for developing those uh plans and specifications along with the bidding instructions for for the plans okay thank you very much are there any question just I'm sorry if I can double check this is for just Village Hall or is this for both this is for both this says just Village Hall police station and the resolution when you said that that cut my ear it was in the agreement uh I know uh Mr Weiss uh redid their agreement but if you go down to the portion of the agreement that they submitted let me pull I saw this says Village Hall and police station everywhere that I proposal said Village Hall and state that's correct they already have a proposal for the uh oh Parks is in work from the electrical panel project okay sorry that's part of the electrical panel work that they're doing for the rec center that's already under a separate agreement this is because we added uh Village Hall and this is just for here that's correct we didn't have them included in the generator correct okay thank you sir this agreement is just for Village Hall and police I'm sorry I couldn't hear you I said this agreement that the commission's proving is just for the village hall and police department that's correct okay thank you okay so um moving to discussion on the other is there any discussion points or any questions that we want to ask of the director the manager the attorney for this this is design only there's no installation or purchase of anything in this this is simply the design engineering and design and where does this money come from in the budget Chris CIP well Capital fund I should say is this amount included in the what's in the CIP now for the generators or this is above and beyond that this is this is included in the total we estimated roughly $100,000 per generator this is included in that total so 30ish th000 for design and engineering and 70,000 for equipment and installation okay and one that's the going rate for this kind of work that's pretty much the going rate for this kind of work in your experience yes okay we're in the wrong field next um all right are there any other questions before we um vote on the uh the open motion actually I do it's we all received an email from Alex burnhard regarding um solar powered generators and that's not what this is this is these are gas are these gas or propane these are natural gas natural gas or LP no these are the option will be in the specs but it'll be either gas or diesel gas or diesel um so I mean is that something we should be considering I mean I know it's kind of not the right time to be considering that but is it something I got it and I was like I I don't know that's not my area of expertise certainly but Chris is that something we should might be doing at this point in the development of that technology our energy needs are going to far outweigh what a storage solution for solar energy can provide um with the funds that we can afford to spend on this um the we can certainly take a look at adding solar later on the future um but as for right now I we'd have to increase by factor of 10 15 um while we'd have to set aside to get a storage solution for a solar system so it's the battery storage that's the issue there wouldn't be enough storage in the batteries to run this building for the length of time that we might need it to if there were a hurricane correct but we could add solar later so the solar could be if we wanted to we could add solar later to this existing system uh so we could use the solar power instead of the gas in theory yes a supplement should I was going to say should that be included in part as part of the design the ability to retrofit solar or is that going to increase cost that would increase the cost significantly um installing gas power generators is relatively quick easy simple the engineering isn't a big deal um when we start looking at we would have to start looking at the load yeah the phases the loads the AC versus DC it's it significant I just asked because he sent that email and I thought was really interesting and you know it always feels right when you say so good call don't know but the purpose that we need it for here it's not like running my house and if I run out and I'm without electricity for a couple of days at the end of the storm you know I would survive but you you need to really function over there so this needs to be sort of more hardwired correct those are the first step to making sure that we have it for emergency procedures for storms so um um I'd like to make a motion to approve resolution 20 2411 we have the the P we already have the open Motion in the second so I guess we'll just go ahead and vote all in favor I okay great fantastic so that moves us past 12C so that move us past our resolutions and get us into our discussions of old business that has been amended uh and if I have this down written here correctly our first discussion of old business is um vice mayor your your item on the uh the reporting forms do I have that correct yeah I'm going to do a real quick introduction then I have something I want to show you guys and pamel I'm gonna want to share my screen here in a second not quite yet but um so this is about uh Chris's reporting to us and I want to have a conversation about it because we're getting reports from Chris that are I'm sorry we're getting reports from Chris that have a lot better information in them than we were getting before uh and I appreciate that um but there's a missing element to these reports and it's the element of time so here's my challenge when I get a report and it's a Word document and all the information's there it's a standalone document for that one let's say it's a week let's say we get it every week it's a standalone document a snapshot of that one period of time but there's no continuity to the report rep in so in other words what's on the report is what's on the report that that Chris puts on the report but we don't know what's not on the report an item that was something that had been on a report before and it wasn't picked up and it's not mentioned here because something may not have happened to it and I'm not suggesting for any nefarious Reasons I'm just saying that that's what happened so you get these reports it's like well here's what happened and um great but how does that compare to where we stood on that particular project the week before the week before the week before so you don't get to see it moving across time it's much the never mind I'm not going to say that um but um so we get a snapshot but we aren't getting continuity that's my issue with the reports the way they are what I'm going to show you that I would like to see a report the format that I would prefer to see reports is the exact same information from the manager his department heads or whomever helps put these things together it's the exact same information to Simply put in a different format so we can see how we're progressing on that item and we see every item every time all the time so nothing gets sort of dropped off I could probably run through a list of things right now and say Jonathan where do we stand on the bee house do you know you may not know you may you may not Veronica where do we stand on some other item the things sort of they drop off and we forget about them and then eventually somebody will say whatever happened to blank you know what's going on with that and then we kind of dredge it up and this is what happens in organizations when you aren't keeping your eye on all of it all the time and it's a really simple thing to do um and Chris G on this on this agenda for example Chris has a report that has a ton of information about a lot of different projects is that every project I don't know because I'd have to go back through commission agendas and I'd have to go back through other reports that he gave us and say well where's this item that's not on this report and again I'm not suggesting for any nefarious reasons other than he's showing us what worked on um and things get that's all things get forgotten about so my challenge with the reports the way they are is the element of time is missing you know are you are you have you worked with project Management Solutions in the past meaning what um I things that track items of time frames yeah or I'm I'm just curious if that would be a good uh application yes but I'm talking about something even simpler than that a spreadsheet and I'm going to show you here in a second because it's so simple and I'm not I don't want us to purchase something I don't we don't need an app for this we don't need more software I mean if we wanted to there's all kinds of fancy things you could get let me just show you John what what I'm going to show you um and here's the other reason why I think this is important is um uh we have new elected officials coming and going every couple of years and sometimes more often yep couple months and we have staff members coming and going and these things you know live over time so I want to show uh I I want to show you an example of what I'm talking about it's something very very simple so Pamela if I may do I have sharing ability okay so what I'm going to show you is something a form a different format it's just a spreadsheet spreadsheet format that shows the that includes the exact same information that Chris is presently providing to us in a Word document in a different format it's F though the share button was there for a second now it's gone oh now it's back there we go okay so me pull the right one up here it we okay there we go so guys it's really it's very simple actually it is just a spreadsheet that Chris could organize however he wants or if we wanted to ask him to certain ways that would show all the projects that are going on and a really simple way for him to report back to us over time you'll see at the bottom that I have some tabs at the bottom and this is just an example I'm not suggesting this is exactly how it should be done it's just how it's done you'll see I have tabs across the bottom bottom and I wrote CIP those would be our CIP projects we're going to talk about tonight legislative items is the screen changing yep other projects and then things that are closed and completed this is just an example again let's look at CIP I lifted the copy from the CIP that we're looking at from the spreadsheet that we're looking at and dropped the list of projects here in column A exactly the way they're organized in the CIP every week you'll see then there's a column for each week let's say it's he's going to do a weekly report if it were bi-weekly or monthly whatever it was but it's really this simple he clicks on here for emergency generator for the week of March 4th he clicks on here and he types in his notes Here the same information he's doing now in a Word document he just types it in here and it shows up on a spreadsheet so the following week when he works on this when something else happens with this project he can give us updated notes on that project the week later there's more updates maybe some weeks there's nothing to report and he could say no report this week or leave it blank but the point is is that over time you can see these this list doesn't change the projects are all there so you see them all the time and you can scroll across and see the progress over time you can also on a certain week you can read his notes here for the week of April 1st and you could scroll back and see what he reported on that same item in weeks prior so it's all right there in front of you it's like it's like the reports he's giving us now in word all of them dropped onto one document just in columns for the week so the report we got today would be this column right here just dropped into different cells so we can track over time if he chose to let's say uh the emergency generator was completed the project was completed he could move it off of this tab because it's a closed item and he could put it on a separate tab for example so this is where you can move things that are done and they're kind of you get them out of the way so they're not on this um on this report the beauty of this is that you can track progress over time you can see what's happening across time you can look back and see what happened without having to refer to a different report a different report a different report it's all on one thing it's really it's just a spreadsheet and uh you can also see when something's not getting worked on I'll jump down to the bottom and I'll say dog park you know weeks and weeks are going by nothing's going on with the dog park we know nothing's going on with the dog park but we're not forgetting that the dog park is on our list and that's what happens we forget things are even on our list so this is all I'm suggesting is there's a better way to do reports this is so simple it doesn't require any extra work for Chris or anyone that's providing the information they're just putting it in here instead of on a Word document and this word document could be shared with us it could live on the website residents could see it and people would know all the projects that are going on the progress that's being made over time because Chris's reports are on record they're on the agenda tonight for example right everybody can see his report and read what's going on with the projects that he included on his report so everything's public this document can be made public and everyone has access to it and you know as often as you know if we want Chris to R do it it's you know weekly or bi-weekly or Chris decides that it should be done at a certain point but it's just a nice way to not lose track of any project and track the progress over time this is how I would prefer to see reports because it just it gives us full visibility on it and makes it really comprehensive and so easy to digest so I put this together as an example for you guys and I wanted to have a discussion uh with you guys about this I know Chris in a report recently you told us you're working on different ways to report and I'm putting this up there as something that I think is really easy breezy and gives us full visibility uh so I have a quick question just this first frequency goes look I mean the format I mean I don't I really don't care what the format is I mean I to start seeing it in a narrative or not in the narrative in the updates that we're getting is good to to your you can see that it tracks right but that's what I mean to the point that we're we're starting to track a little bit more so we're seeing some progress but then also that we're that we're making sure we hit all the projects and right good all good things my only question I guess for you um um Chris is I couldn't tell you right now if there's a uniform frequency procedure for how how often you're doing it yeah are you doing it bi-weekly are you doing it every third week I I mean is there a general frequency at which you would see doing something like this because it's basically taking your narrative and just dropping into a cell instead of on a word once most of this is the is the CIP stuff once the CIP is approved that becomes a monthly update um as for you know other projects Clos completed those sorts of things they're going to happen on an ad hoc basis um we can can you scroll down for me please and I didn't mean this to be comprehensive CH I literally copied it pasted it on there took out some extraneous stuff right if you can scroll back up to the top um generally speaking reporting is done on a monthly basis most of these projects are not going to have monthly updates um simply because of the lifespan of a project and uh when we're looking at project management um you have a range of dates so kickoff would be May through June and then we have you know requirements Gathering and so on after of that um it's it's completely up to you if you guys want this on a I if you want this on a monthly basis we can certainly do that um it's just going to be a lot of uh no updates at this point and as long as you're fine with that that's fine because the weekly basis I don't I don't see that there would be much value in reporting out weekly on for the amount of work that it would take to do it because like I said things typically don't change that that frequently I wasn't suggesting we I just did I just dropped every week on here because it's a measure you can put in easily but if it whatever it is it is we're getting it now monthly I feel like we're getting it more often than monthly though Chris because sometimes I feel like I get report I get the reports certainly at the meetings but I'm getting other ones as well but whatever it is if it's monthly that's fine it's the format is what I'm suggesting not the time period so no so for me I am I'm I'm the same boat in terms of a format for me that's for the manager to decide based on the workload based on whatever is simplified for you in terms of system um the purpose of it I agree is for us to have a better track of all the multiple projects happening um what about if we do that together with a quarterly review that we have with Finance coming up um so in one way instead of having because there are multiple projects to your point that they're not carried month to month and that sort of require a higher View and update um maybe what we could do is on a quarterly basis yet if sort of this are the 10 items that we've never talked in the last three months because they're not specific specific to the month of voting or discussion but that here are the updates on where they're at um on the format I so much I I actually use this for myself I have exactly the same thing too um but I would not want to impose a manager as this being the format that I would want to use uh this is I think a tool for me to kind of keep track on where I stand but I wouldn't impose this on him I rather you find that but I do agree that maybe in a quarterly basis we can however the format you decides better uh together with a finance perspective uh also share the overview of all the projects we have going on I just changed it I put months up there instead of weeks just so you can all see what that would look like and um and and to Chris's point about sometimes there's nothing to report that's completely valid information as well you know on a spreadsheet zero is a valid number you know in a sales report zero is as important a number as everything else on there so um I'm not this is not a way to say Phil make something happen every month it's still going to follow the natural progression we're just not going to forget things no one's going to forget things and Chris gets you know a job in a bigger city and leaves for some big money and we have another manager come in what a valuable thing this is it's not just where do we stand on it and here's the history of it we have new Commissioners come in residents want to see what's going on how progress is taking place it's the element of time being added to it is what's important so my only my only again I I the format to me doesn't care I I don't really it doesn't matter we're getting updates and if it's if it's in this way fine that works my only question um for Chris is because some of these things were getting longer narratives um I'm not a big Excel guy um it expands on its own I'm a lawyer um which is the joke um but yeah if we get like a longer narrative into into a cell do do we lose no no it's all there it expands to accommodate whatever you type in there so in that case then um I guess for the manager uh look you're doing this already in word format so if the idea is just porting it over into an Excel spreadsheet because the Commissioners are are using that format where do the Excel sheet in the cloud so that so that was something that we've talked about in the past I know is putting something like a like a live Google doc like a live live spreadsheet or document up on the website that's available and then it gets updated there and it lives there read only right yes except for him yeah except for Chris so or whomever he allows access to put his allow his department heads access to it to input information for him for their departments but certainly not us that's certainly something that wasn't like a direction you should do this way is would it work that way would it be helpful um your point format doesn't matter right now just see how it works sheet at some point though if once everyone gets addicted to this you might want to look at I was in this Bo a few years ago running at in your microphone program you can't do it in a spreadsheet once you get Beyond a certain point of complexity you're going to want to look at sorry I I introduce that at some point it's called sleep for us I think it's a great idea yeah once we see what this can do and the amount of visibility it gives people we'll want something better so so we can yeah exactly it's not meant to be something super fancy just to be easy and it's free what I would say to manager um sounds like there's at least three Commissioners already that that are kind of into the Excel to me I don't it doesn't matter um if if you're comfortable with it if if it's no hindrance or um doesn't impede your work or your ability to update then let's give it a shot let's try it out I just want to be clear so are we saying this report we got today it's not it's going to be replaced by this new formatting yeah cuz same information Veronica that for example if we're at the the April meeting it would just be dropped in this column right here yeah that same in the exact same information will be dropped here so when you're reading it you can go back and see what was going on in the previous months and you can track it over time I I do like that already so for me it's easy to say I think it's a question for you Chris how this impacts your day to-day is it adding workload and any way that it's you know impossible to to bear or just to different difficult to commit to I need to do some thinking on this um that's a yeah I just need to do some thinking on this to decide what the best way is this doesn't reflect everything that's included in the manager's report this is simply the this is essentially just the CIP stuff so again I put that let me do some thinking on that and I can get back to on what that what that might look like this was not meant to be an example of everything that would be included on the report today Chris you would put whatever is going on you would include in the report I just as an example copied the CIP stuff because clearly that's something we want to be looking at but you would have every look if we have legislative things we start working on we decide to let's see what example I put up here um a soale ordinance you know and we it's some it's that's ours but Chris would could update us on what's going on here it's it's at planning and zoning got it back it's to Brad this month it's whatever's going you know things were moved over to finance so we can see the progress outside of the meetings on things that we're working on as well but my lists here are just for examples they're not meant to be a comprehensive list of everything that we have going on I simply for this tab copied the CIP and dropped it in place listed some legislative things I know we're working on sort of some other things that don't fall under either of those categories that would be like uh the the demolition of the be house the uh Landscaping uh ordinance enforcement that we're still waiting that's a perfect example where do we stand on that that we're waiting for an update on that we have I have no idea where we stand on that right now so that's something Chris is working on with the building uh vendor so so then maybe we can uh do this Mr manager if you could take a look at a format that's similar to this just using the Excel format um and you know within the same frequency that you're already doing so it's not saying okay do do more than what you're already doing because starting to get more comprehensive updates um if you can look into and and consider using a format similar to this so we can kind of track the updates um I think it would be worthwhile it sounds like there's some people already that use Excel so might be helpful uh for their review it's just nice visibility but if it's going to live somewhere we need to make sure no one has access to get in there and do it but I don't think it needs to be if it just sits somewhere on the website so people can look at it that's all we don't want we just need to have eyes to be able to be on it that certainly something I can look into um reporting is I'm slight to to do reporting in May and June of this year um taking a comprehensive look at reporting in general from the Departments out to the commission and so on um so I will definitely include this as we look at what the big reporting picture is going to be once we get to it in May June that's acceptable yeah certainly I think that works just just would you like me to email this to you Chris sure you know how to you know how to use Excel don't you yes of course you do so I'll email it to you if you want but again it's just really about adding the element of time so you see progress over it very good all right great so we have some direction on that one so that will bring us to our next item I have the next item as 13A which is the unsafe intersection 107 and9 um think that's our next one um commissioner AMW this is your item would you like to introduce it for discussion for us yes thank you so um this was sort of an extension of our conversation during Ila I actually brought this item prior to the Ila conversation took place and I've moved it at that time I think it was in the last agenda to go right after which has never covered it so I wanted to bring it back for two reasons well some of them are pointed already in the PowerPoint but Al on the I'm sorry PDF um but also we talked about Ila about what are the what is sort of going to be our process to Define safety within the village that we control we never got to okay there's what is the process for those that we cannot control um So currently the the county state they hold procedures in place as to what needs to happen in order to measure what's safe or not and we heard some of them today um and when I wanted to bring up within the whole Ila conversation like while that happens how do do we address and what is the process for us to address Griffin 6 107 right um in a way uh so because in this particular intersection I mean it's it's a dangerous intersection um we can do so much only maybe on Ninth but we don't have the capacity to do anything on one or seven as as as far as I understand it so I would like to bring that on top of this uh um two recommendations that I'm making so the the everybody's aware of the corner I'm speaking about yeah I don't know if you all go through the same sort of pains but um I see tons of I'll leave around the corner so I see it a lot I do experience from Neighbors that I've heard and as well from my kids that go to school I me Sun Sun Country Day or St Rose of Lima um um myores Elementary these are old parents that kind of shared the different con concerns they're walking kids um a lot of them take this the the bridge that we have right there to connect with Country Day and then they walk to the several um schools they also bike as you saw where's my video I just remember I included a video okay did you guys see my video it was a lot of editing I'm very proud of my editing I really hope you all saw it but I did take the time to actually send a corner and film and did a little video about what's going going on and there is um a perfect scenario of this kid trying to run for his life as he's on his bike coming from school and that's a very typical cor um situation that happens in the corner and this is just one corner and I picked it up because um we've been talking about traffic for so long and I've heard Ryan I've heard you talk you know about how long is this taken it's taking forever you know it is frustrating when you when you're on the other side you're like okay what's what needs to happen um so I've kind of took that approach of like let's see one corner at a time so this is ringing a bell a lot of people are talking about this corner so what can we do we're working on Ila great we'll get some solutions done but then what happens in terms of processes and things that we cannot control like this um thank you Pamela thank you isn't that wonderful yeah this is so see this kid he made it thank God so it's it's really um that that intersection in particular is a lot of what Spike the conversations about can I put a speed bom what how come you have one and you're a median and I don't get to choose where I put one and this sort of all led to way there is this sort of agreement in place so we can attap t so we're in the right direction there's a lot happening there's momentum um two things I was uh bringing us recommendation uh one had to do specifically on that corner we have a sign that says well welcome to the village and um I was wondering if we were able to check if that is in line with our triangle of visibility or are we breaking our own rule here have we been able to sort that out yeah one GRE depen commissioner that intersection we need to have an engineering firm come out and check the triangle of visibility to see when the sign was originally installed if it was in installed with outside of the triangle visibility it can't it might be it may not be however just to go back to the Ila that everybody keeps pushing around here as uh the manager knows I already received from the director that was here this afternoon an email her email is until you don't do your part we can't do ours so the crosswalk that they want we have to hire an engineer to go out there figure fure out how it's going to be implemented put it on plans have them review it before we can do it once we do it then they'll come in and do whatever improvements they're promising to do on 107 so it's a lengthy process and it's not the Ila will take care of everything of course and so let me ask you I'm not suggesting the Ila will take care of everything but it's our we're in that direction to sort of address this issues ourselves which is a big uh step forward so um on the triangle of visibility that's part of our code currently so we have code enforcement going around the village addressing issues of triangle of visibilities all the time not necessarily through an engineering so I'm wondering why would this be the exception well because code enforcement does not have an an engineer on staff and unless an engineer goes out there and certifies that this is out of the triangle of visibility the day that something happens there they're going to go back to that liability yeah so what I'm saying I don't know if I'm saying it correctly but right now and correct me if I'm wrong we do have an ordinance in place that our Villages myself everybody needs as residents we have to follow that talks about what the triangle of visibility States or a driveway exactly and so what when you are in a corner specifically what sort of you know visibility you need to have and I was wondering if in this particular Corner could not any of our code enforcement just go and measure how it needs to be to address that the sign is no checked it actually is with compliance with our ordinance again you don't want to rely on their lame knowledge of the triangle visibility to certify that this is in the right location you need an engineer to go out there and put his seal on it so we're not doing that with every corner right no but every corner is not a sign that I see what you're saying okay I understand what you're saying so my question Still Remains I would like to know if that sign particular is within in compliance with the triang triangle visibility or no or do we have to move it right we're going to have to forward it to our Engineers to check that out that seems like a bit Overkill to me I discussed this with Mario when he was here and we went out and looked at it and he said this sign needs to be moved it was that simple we and and Public Works can move that sign that's an inside job we can do it ourselves is not a big deal we have to decide where to put it and he left not long after that and then it didn't happen so had a you can see my emails there so same I I I I mean I can you know say it it's it's it's blocking the side clearly I mean it's right in the middle as you turn combined with the vegetation that sometime tends to go up and I appreciate you all take took care of that um it is a dangerous turn so we need to check that and I would like to know next steps as to how we address if it is where it needs to be or if we could move it where we would put it because that's the other question I really don't have an answer to to S want to kind of look at this one by one here um let's first let's look at the signage issue I I mean I know the intersection well I'm right there we cross an aut bikes all the time and it's scary so I agree with you it's it's it's a very strange intersection but it sounds like we can just move it you know we don't we don't need an engineered I mean with respect to the process if we want to know is it within the visibility let's just move it who cares you know we don't need to have to have somebody check if it's a problem because we know it's a busy intersection let's just move it I just I I love the fact that it welcomes everybody yeah it's but where else we could maybe that's something we can think well the day that I went there with Mario we looked at other options and they're right there so you could move it on 9th Avenue uh North on 9th Avenue like halfway into through the first length of that first property so when someone turns they're still seeing the welcome sign or you could place it on the west side of the same street in front of that guy's Hedges that's public property there it could go on either side of 9th Avenue just a certain distance away from the intersection north of the intersection so it's still facing the incoming traffic and we move it and the landscaping and you it's the backside of those signs that are not very attractive and yeah so all right so that takes care of that seems like an easy kind of me like one second director did you have anything to add to that point removal we can remove it tomorrow moving into another location again I would rather have an engineer say yes it can be here you don't want it too close to the road you don't want it too far from the road because whenever an accident occurs that's when everybody starts coming who put it there why was it placed there yeah but we placed it where it is now without an engineering study we we dropped them in yeah but the question is whether it was done correctly we we shouldn't have and we're lucky yeah I understand what you're saying and I think it's worth considering to do it right to your point um if we could have cost Associated time frames I I I think this kind of Next Step Falls on ukis as to what need to happen to understand where could be placed what are the estimated costs of doing something like that um and that's just to cover um Point number one director pen I can take a look at it and get you that information thank you then number two Incorporated a crosswalk so this is the part that I was thinking on 107th we have to have a safer spot to connect That Sidewalk we currently have people carrying from from the village to all the way to Aldi literally I've done it so we walk that side and then we can connect to the Village I think just like we have it at the church there is a little Landing space and then you have the crosswalk we don't have sidewalks for per se not to and I I don't I apologize I don't want to interrupt your point but you're on the point that we actually when when the county was here this was a discussion we had we took them to this intersection um and we said how do we put a crosswalk in here and they said you need sidewalks you need a landing on the north side of 107 otherwise you cannot do it and and so that that would be I think a good solution because we only have them 113th at the church which is this lending space it's not even a sidewalk it's literally a concrete space there's one of those I think on the south side to there's a little kind of like there is a sidewalk but there's something that goes from the road in onto that sidewalk there's a little a little space there and um Chris if if you could just remind me because I think you were speaking to them for longer over at the intersection I was what was the ultimate recommendation that they made with respect to getting something there they did make a recommendation yeah let me uh let me pull this up here if I remember correctly and I I don't want to misstate but I think they were talking about basically putting in like a small Landing like kind of near where that sign is putting in a small sidewalk landing area that would qualify to be the other side of that crosswalk it would be something like that and then actually not too far up 107 uh just as you track that Road West before it turns Northwest um you know there's that flashing sign there so what we would have to do is uh install sidewalk here in front of is it 10725 um where the arrow is we'd have to install a sidewalk there it doesn't have to go up much farther than this first lot lot and a half from what the engineers were saying um but in order to do anything across 107th we need to do that sidewalk first so that that's what I am suggesting to again I'm asking for us to have the information as to what would be the cost associated with it and what would be the process and maybe the extension of time that we that that will go into this um sort of a solution but it is critical and like this I I recognize that everybody else is going to come with different Corners yeah right we all have different Corners that the same thing happen so um we'll talk about all of them through the Ila and when that goes in effect but I think also the surrounding they're not specifically ours like this I would like to start seeing the sort of solutions come up what now that we have the County's eyes on us and they kind of hurt it from residents firsthand how do we fix it yeah and they I know they made a recommendation and this was one of the intersections that they kind of pledged to to help us with yeah um and I I don't know if it was beyond that Chris Beyond just the installation I I know unequivocally that they said you cannot do the crosswalk without out of the side I I love that I'm I'm all for that at least it's a step in the right direction so we know if we wanted to get a crosswalk you need that do it so and one of the side conversations the attorney the attorney and I just had we're not 100% sure if there is RightWay there what that would look like if this is private property what those effects might be so that's all that we're going to be have to also that we're going to have to factor into the decision so it's private property you would have to take that piece of property that section of the property in domain yeah which is a process it's a process yes sure so that's what I wanted to bring up with this I'm hoping um Chris you can help me lay down the next steps of each one of the two points um as to what it would look to have a solution for both absolutely when do you think we can see something come as a draft may may wonderful awesome thank you thank you so much okay yes thank you great have some followup from the county and from director and from the manager on on those two points and and hopefully we'll get some more yes thank you for that I'm I'm very excited to hear they had to say about that you know you can see how wide the right the the Swale is there if you go on the county map it shows you how wide it's a wide it's a very wide sale on that street that's why those Hedges are so far back yes they are there is there's a lot of space there I'm looking at it right now okay great um okay thank you commissioner so uh let's uh let's go on to our next item in the amended uh old business I had CIP next um I'm sorry I just want a little clarification on something are are we asking that that sign be moved in the time for the time being just to get it out of the way if we think it's in the way I what I was asking the cesis to come back with that proposal as to if it has to be moved which I believe I think we all kind of I mean has to be and we want it moved are two different things and we all pass through that intersection and know that it's a problem so we could say let's just move that sign and get it out of the way and solve the problem yeah the problem is then solved and then we figure out what's the solution for the new sign location because we don't want to not welcome people to our village so we want that sign down let's just say let's take the sign down I think so I think I I would be very happy to say let's take the sign down put it over at Public Works and solve the problem or tomorrow there's going to be an accident we're going to look at each other and go why didn't we take that sign down I agree let's take the sign down so how do we go about Brad asking for that to happen right now if we wanted to make that happen you you can give direction to the manager okay then I'm going to make a motion that we direct the manager to have that sign removed at the earliest possible time in the next week or two and store it at Public Works and come back to us at the main meeting with the plan for where the sign could go let's solve the problem you don't even need a motion consensus you give direction and he's heard you yeah he said by may he would bring it up but I think to your point is sign down now we can do it before just we can certainly look at doing that I can't at this point guarantee it's going to be done in the next week or two um there could be things that we're not aware of but we can start taking that action sign down okay let's take the sign down tractor what equipment something done we have a so then consensus to um to then direct the manager to to temporarily remove the sign and store it at public works until we're ready to move it and come back to us with a plan about where it could go that's going to be in I think that sounds like a great idea let's make that happen please okay sound like we have consensus on that so um sounds good okay all right so the next item again I have in the amended the amended agenda for old business next I had up I had was CIP um is that right think so yeah okay great all right so let's go ahead and take a look at the capital Improvement plan um Mr manager um would you like to reintroduce the item for us and bring us up to speed please absolutely so the the capital Improvement plan lists out the projects we want to accomplish uh spreads it out into different fiscal years so the consultant and I spend quite a bit of time on taking a look at the funds that we have available um the responses from the commission as well as the responses from the community on what projects need to be done um we took a look at budget constraints we took a look at the opportunity for um Appropriations as well as grants and laid out what we feel is the most reasonable plan to accomplish as many projects as we can as quickly as possible the biggest difference um no that's the wrong way of saying it one new thing that we're introducing in this is separating out design and uh construction or engineering or what have you um the way this this process typically works is we hire out a design firm to come in and take a look at the project we want to accomplish they're going to tell us roughly what we can expect to spend they they're going to tell us what the time frames are going to look like and they're going to tell us um what needs to happen we can then use that design engineer report to go forward and get Appropriations if we can or get grant funding if we can things along those lines so a lot of these projects you'll see split up where we have some design and engineering done this fiscal the construction being done in the next fiscal or two um generally speaking what we have now is zero left over so we looked at every project that we could possibly do is here maximizing um the funds that we have available to us this year and then bump additional projects out to the to the subsequent schal years I do want to mention again that this is assuming grant funding for some of these things um if you look at the actual spreadsheet um that has been sent out and not the PDF it shows those potential grants in blue um those are completely those are not guaranteed those are guesses and assumptions as for what might be out there for us so the next steps in this process the next step I should say is to uh Mr attorney instruct you to create the resolution solution to adopt the CIP is that correct so if if the CIP has been presented to you by the manager is acceptable then um I can draft a resolution approving the CIP we could have it on for the May agenda you can approve it and upon your approval you have this CP so I will say um all of you have spent a considerable amount of time and energy on this and every step leading up to this um the CIP does not address everything you want to accomplish by any means um but it is a step in the right direction the CIP is also a living document once this is passed once the resolution is passed we can come back and revisit the CIP to change the order of projects add new ones remove projects uh as funding becomes available or dries up we can make those changes um but this does give me the ability to apply for Appropriations the ability to apply for Grants a lot of those require a an adopted Capital Improvement plan for us to make that happen so my request or my suggestion is if this doesn't meet specifically what you're expecting but gets close I would ask that you approve it we can like I said always go back and revisit and change things um but you've been working on this a very long time this is a this is a good compromise I think between What the residents are asking for what we can afford and what you all have mentioned um so let's just get this thing going so I can get some of these grants it's a working document and many of these things you have to bring back to us anyway correct anything we still have to follow the the procurement process so anything over $10,000 has to come back to the commission anything under 10,000 well anything between 2500 and 10,000 the manager can just do provided we have quotes anything under 2500 the manager can just do can I ask you a couple of questions about some things on here um we approved the the uh the engineering and design for the generator at the Village Hall police station where is that on here that is that is included in the $100,000 that we spread over the five years but I'm not seeing that here in that line item for fiscal 24 it is the leases for the generators but I don't see the design right that has not been separated out yet that's something that's very new from the time that we actually started this process so when we take a look at that um that would actually change that line so we would have the 35,100 I think it is coming out of this fiscal and then we would have the remaining 78 79,000 is what would actually be financed I understand that but when I look at the item I see emergency generator Le Lease Only 20 grand that's at that's at the one at the rec center and then the one down here under where is the at the police station not same thing yeah it's the same thing it's $20,000 so it's I see the word lease on here here twice it's for leasing the equipment but I don't see the engineering and design for the one we just approved over here there's not even that much money because that was like $31,000 right that's what I got confused on earlier I only see $20,000 and $20,000 for leasing of equipment but I don't anything for design I if I if I may that so that creates a $10,000 increase over what we currently have per generator right because we have to pay 31,000 up front for the that one over there is already done this is for the this is just for the engineering and design for this one for this one so rather than a straight line we have yeah and I don't see I don't see that money anywhere I see at leaste for the generator and I understand that it could all be of one number but it's not a big enough number it's only 20 grand and we just approved 31 I think if you take a look at what we're spending in fiscal 24 25 26 27 28 and 29 see that you'll see that same expenditure every year when you total that up that is roughly the $135,000 estimated cost that does not what what this will do now that we actually have the engineering approved you'll see in fiscal 24 um the budgeted amount or the the uh total column T um is going to show 31,500 and then the remainder is going to be adjusted over the next five six fiscal years that's what I needed to see that's what I was confused about because it just says lease which says to to me the equipment and I don't see design building here and these amounts in future years were also for lease so I thought it was $220,000 a year was the lease for that generator is that not the case $20,000 a year is the approximately cost for financing the design the construction and the equipment including engineer okay so I maybe it's the name then that confused me okay so it's a lease of the equipment but that total that we see spread across six years is is for the total project correct got it okay my other question is regards to um pickle ball so pickle ball was moved to the $90,000 was moved to fiscal 25 but you're bringing something to us next meeting for um engineering so you can put it out for RFP for next year and that's going to happen this year correct correct where is that money that was not on the original CIP that has been a new development since this was created and put out to the commission so if that just really quick if I may I think this might be a good time to mention this we have a discussion item that we're not going to get to tonight but we hopefully will'll get to I might be able to speak to it from that Podium um and I know that this is ambitious but if we do decide to utilize debt in certain situations like for the purchases of buildings or generators what we see here would be a more realistic representation of how they would be amortised I'm just wanted to put that out there that this is one of those items that rather than pay a market lease rate which might be in the teens I mean I don't know what that rate is as a municipality I guarantee we could do a heck of a lot better but who financing this whole thing in which case we would be able to bake in the design and Engineering cost of 31,000 to the overall project and StraightLine it which would essentially free now is that going to happen in time for him to get quote and all that stuff of course so we're going to be in the red for a while but um if we do decide to go in that direction just keep in mind that this is something that could then be adjusted later on the books so that it does match what we so this just to remind just to remind everyone this CIP has been in the works for quite a while this this version that you're seeing has been in place for a couple months there have been developments since this went out um I have not gone back and updated this specific CIP because we are in the process of getting everything approved as it sits and and just to reiterate what the manager saying you're not approving it tonight so you would have a res resolution the resolution would have the CIP the actual spreadsheet attached as an exhibit and you will be approving that version of of the CIP so we have approve but we have to approve the version tonight that would be attached to the next one well they going to prove it you're going to no so when when I'm going to draft the resolution I'm going to reach out to Chris and say Chris give me the updated CIP that I can attach as an exhibit to your resolution so the resolution that you will pass in May will be the updated CIP um that's at least the best version the most updated version that we have which can also then change because it's kind of if if you all decide to change it you change it by resolution so it it would it could be still be changed yes it's a fluid document asking about those two specific things because they're being talked about um here's my other comment I would like to see more money in traffic mitigation strategies we're going to have this Ila and we're going to want to get some things done and I have no idea what $ 31,44 buys us um but I know they're going to I I suspect once we get this Ila in place there are going to be some things that we want to do and I don't know what that's going to buy us is that an ambitious amount of money is that a robust amount of money for us to spend by September 30th because remember we approved this in May that gives us May June July August SE gives us five months to spend that money I don't know if we'll spend $31,000 or if we should try to get more in there to get more done and I don't and then there's nothing in it in that line for uh fiscal 25 yeah because we haven't gotten there yet but um so so that one kind of concerns me and I don't again I don't know how concerned I should be because I don't know what we get for $ 31,44 but it doesn't sound that question can't be answered at this point because we need to get as part of the Ila we need to get the data that's going to drive where we put these solutions that data is going to drive what types of solutions that we have it could be $31,000 it could be $300,000 we have absolutely no way of knowing so my recommendation is this is $31,000 is a solid amount for a bunch of smaller um not elements strategies elements yeah whatever you call it um and again if if we end up needing more that's when I come back to the commission to say we're looking at closer to 300,000 how do you want to adjust future fiscals you could come to us and say okay removal of compromised trees down on line 42 we're not going to spend all that I'm going to move 15,000 up into that item is that something Chris you would have to come back to us for or could you just do that any changes to the CIP has to come back to the commission even okay so it's not like other departmental budget where you could move something around okay so any anything you Chang in here you bring to us okay so okay look I'm the one who wanted money in traffic mitigation last time so I'm just happy to see a number there I don't know what 31 Grand gets us okay those are my questions I'm good I had the same sort of a um kind of in between the same lines of traffic and to see if we we had enough I understand the purpose of this it's just to get it started it's an estimate at the end of the day anything that changes you need to come uh we need to see it we need to discuss it prior to appr proven so um it's a very straightforward document for the traffic coming for the Ila elements I would imagine that based on your procurement code thresholds it'll have to go out for an RFP yes so it's going to take some time yeah okay we getting that point then um I don't if we need a motion but do we have consensus then to approve this as I have one question before we move forward um there was a back and for and I don't know if you guys talked about it right as I Ste to the restroom but it it was about um there was some funding done between the police department there was some emails back and forth with the sheath as to are we balancing all the off off work hours off off duty hours of the police department none of that is included in here that's within the police department budget right that's all operational budget so in any way if that would be because we had discussions as to well we're going to fix whatever needs to fix in terms of traffic and right now traffic is a big issue go ahead we gave the order hire the additional staff we that budget does not come out of this CIP year percenting tonight in anyway it could how we already approved that so my my question is as we've been spending since have we surpassed in any way our budgets within the police department that would kind of force us to put our hands on the can of the CIP I I did have a similar question because when I saw the financials I did see that we were over on that police line by 120k through six months and that's going to be a quarter of a million well that that that was like if because we approved that based on okay we have money for pickable we all discuss well that could wait a little bit while we take care of this we had some budgets left over from Police Department um it all came up okay the main priority is safety we're going to kind of redistribute those make this the priority but I did notice on this financial plus the conversations within the department that there's um we've been spending money on Off Duty Officers which is what we agree to do I'm just wondering if at when we April still within our budget we still have many months do we foresee any need to take money from the cips stands to cover the funding for the police so there's a there's a couple different things going on the first is um the off-duty work so that is our officers work working out at Miami Beach doing whatever off duty stuff that's a pass through Miami Beach gives us $100,000 we give $100,000 to our officers however the way accounting works is we C we can't show that we're earning money within the police budget so that $100,000 is going to show as an expense you have to turn the page and look over at the revenues to see that that money's coming in so one of the things I'm working on is trying to find a better way to represent that um overtime is another one in conversations with the chief and deputy chief um one of the reasons that overtime is over what we've budgeted is because of the officer that we had that's attached to the task force we have to show that we're paying all of his overtime we can't show money coming into that line yeah or being reimbursed by the feds for that for that money so I'm still working out how to get that represented in a way that makes sense to everybody um but to answer your question question we don't have a ton of extra room in the police budget to fund the two traffic positions for the remainder of the fiscal so we are going to have to move money from somewhere else whether that's uh code Administration Parks and Rec Public Works CIP that that's a conversation that we're going to have to have what we can do is fund that for the next couple of weeks or even month while we decide where that's going to come from and what that's going to look like if I may add quickly to that to to kind of not to sound like a broken record but if we capitalize the building it's a building guys I mean if you come on anyone else on an accountant in the room C if you're paying cash for a building okay even if you say it's a piece of crap building and it's only going to last 10 years that's 12,000 a years opposed to 120 in year one that frees up six figures that frees fre $100,000 and I if you're not capitalize on anything you're taking from your operating expense budget to buy fixed assets which is to me again silly so even if we just do if that's my one mark for this three months is that I got that one thing done to get forget about the you want to do you want to pay 14% or whatever for the general is fine put put the building on a debt note please and free up that $100,000 for what people have been screaming about traffic enforcement come on that's a no to me that's a no-brainer which is good because I I I don't have much of a brain left at this point it makes sense to me so I hope it makes sense to to you guys makes sense we get to talk about it and then to the greater point it's a living document once that changes of other things to move around and cover engineering costs cover police cover and maybe commissioner on your two minutes before you give your seat you can talk about it on a formal point I'm just I would love to hear about what that would look like well we have a discussion item to talk to do a feasibility study which to me just means looking at the budget looking what we should be able to afford what our debt options are what our rates would be how we want to put we want to put protection in place to make sure that the next commission doesn't come in and just start spending money on 10 pickle ball courts or skating rank or whatever the hell you know what I mean so put some Protections in place but start with the obvious ones like you know to Max example just start with a spreadsheet and then we'll get to project management software let's just capitalize this building then we'll look at other things and free up some money yeah so on that to to commission Holland's Point really quickly first of all um do we have consensus to approve the CIP as it's been presented to us so it will go to resolution I will bring back yes yes yes good good we've got five five minutes oh really this is your this is your last regular commission meeting you have five minutes in you to do this Bond can we do it in five minutes or we and we do in five minutes we gonna be five minutes into a conversation that I think this is this is to just start the conversation around um Chris can you confirm this or Brad I emailed Brad in the and the processes instruct the vill finance director of course I worded this improperly and kind of violated some some some of our our Charter by saying that it should work with me because I have the the finance background or what have you but just to get the feasibility study done that's the first step right regardless of how they choose to do it well that is the first step um there is a provision in your Charter and how how the village can incur debt also depending on the debt there's going to be processes so right if it's something as simple as going out for a bank loan you're probably going to my my reading is that that'll have to go out for an RFP yes so you'll have to actually do a proposal um whether the proposal can be done inhouse so in other words the terms of the RFP can be done in-house by the finance director if they have the expertise to do it that that's fine if not then you would obviously have to get a a municipal financial advisor be retained in order to do it and put out the RFP so there are processes can the simple question is can you can you incur debt the answer is yes um and yes there needs to be a feasibility study which is done by the manager according to the the charter and um he can do that it's not necessarily something that that requires um extensive acccounting or financial it's true as as I see it um but there is an analysis that has to be done and presented to the commission before we can get to that point and that's what this is okay so let me just see if I can make this as simple as I possibly can without a an accounting background the question is the threshold question is asking that a feasibility feasibility study be done to present to us to review to determine what we can do not that we're doing it we're just looking at the numbers to say this is what we can do and this is what it would look like and that's not a that's not a resource impact on us because this is for us the manager to do it's a a feasible feasibility study with regards to a specific debt that you're trying to incur it has to be a specific debt we can't just say generally go out whatever correct so it's for a specific debt we have to have a project in mind specifically also I I will tell you because I did a little bit of research uh today in anticipation of this conversation um some Municipal best practices are also to have a debt policy a Municipal debt policy in place before you start in carring debt so which you do as far as I know you the village does not have a debt policy and that's kind of goes to what commissioner Holland is saying with regards to well you all may be on the same page as a commission is to the debt you want to incur and how much and and what how much of a risk do you want to put out put the village in you're the people that take these seats after you may have totally different views now can they change a policy yes they can change a policy but um at least there's some guidelines in place should we start by adopting a debt policy so was going to ask procedurally what comes first debt policy or feasibility study well you can do the feasibility study without a debt policy I'm just saying best practices is to have a debt policy before you do it can you give us some from other municipalities that we could look at so we could understand what these look like I could yes I'm going to need somebody in field of expertise for in Public Finance to do that I mean just find just find an example of the it's a document I'm assuming right so if North Miami Beach has one it's a it's a written policy I we we have attorneys I mean our firm does Public Finance I'm sure I can reach out to some resources to get okay some ideas of best practice why don't we start with that and just seeing some if you send them to us Brett are you allowed to send them to us and not ask us for opinions on just send them to us so we can see what they look like I can blank happy all of you with a okay I'd like to this I think that to be a good starting point so we have an understanding of what that looks like of course warning don't reply all so yes you can yeah yeah yeah okay based on commissioner H's representation that it's just smart practices let's just look at it let's take a look let's see what it let's see what it would look like hey Jonathan since we ended that item and we have like a minute left could we try to get 14a done it's really kind of urgent something happened and it'll take two I mean I can make this super fast The Village seal uh I I'm fine with it if everybody wants to take an extra minute or two okay I'll do it super fast The Village seal we have a village seal and it's never been codified okay so meaning we haven't adopted it as ours uh a local realtor used it along with our logo on a piece of direct mail you guys saw it on the backup uh a resident showed it to me and said are they allowed to use our village seal like this and I talked to Brad and he said not if it's codified and then we found out it's not codified so there's nothing so the other thing is when the person gave it to me I honestly thought my first thought was oh Chris did a piece of direct mail regarding the vulnerability study and Jonathan's pictures on it his hair looks so dark I swear to God I did I thought it was you and then I looked at I'm like whoa so we need to codifier Village seal and we can uh ask Brad to send a ceent assist to that Realtor in the meantime and he suggested that part of it yes so the process is much cleaner if you if you have codified by ordinance your Municipal seal because then there is a specific statute that actually makes it a crime for somebody to use it without authorization a standard practice for municipalities around yes there there are several municipalities that have done that by ordinance some of them you've seen them do it too um that reason some of our other clients are doing it now as a matter of fact that I haven't had it in the past um I we but at this point there's still is a process if if if somebody is holding out as if their whatever their services is providing is endorsed by The Village which is what our position would be there is process in which you can for somebody to ceent assist um would take Court it would take a court action obviously if if they were refused but if you all give me direction I can certainly draft an ordinance adopting the seal as um as the official seal of the municipality and and if you also give me direction gentleman or um it's a real estate firm I think it's a it's like a wealth management or something um I can send I can find out who their corporate um registered agent is and officer of the company send them at the apparently they've sent it twice now the same resident told me she received it three months apart the same piece of direct mail so I I can do we can do both I think we need to I think we should get Brad direction to write an ordinance bring back to us and send a cease and toist so that company stops in the meantime um I'm I'm comfortable with that that's the direction do we have consensus the commit yes y we do okay thank you for hearing that case guys let you all know one thing just procedurally yeah I'm G to be out of town from Thursday till Monday this Thursday till Monday so if and I understand the elections so Valerie's on standby so you'll have Valerie back for a couple of days okay um if you got and I'll send you all an email reminding you but if um there's anything you need I will be have access to my phone but Valerie will also be here and be in the seat if if need be great thanks Brad okay um okay so the remaining items will be placed on the next agenda uh one final thing before we go John this is your last regular commission meeting thank you thank you helping out appreciate it got up to speed very quickly thanks very much John snuck an item in last minute like boom under the wire got it a big one too yeah exactly thank you yep all right motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second