bisc Park was a board position there so it seems like we're not in the loop of what's going on over there so I don't know if that's still something that they offer or then it's not been a position or if it was just a David cavello thing but it would be something that if we had a representative biscane Park involved over there and some kind of public comment we would know more about what's going on than just having a report from him so I wish he was still here to have been able to answer that question um um I I'm speak I'm here I wanted to just uh speak of the Capital Improvements that you're going to be voting on today again I just want to speak about the pickle ball courts um I um I I want to come back to the question of was there public input on this were there workshops on this it just seems like this was a budgetary maneuver to get a pickle ball court uh how many of our residents are actually going to be using this pickleball court um um who's managing the court um because I see crowds of people like courts all over town uh are we going to now have to pay for a staff person to manage court and keep names and checks and time so that people don't get into fights because it seems like it's going to be a very um heavily used thing if we do decide to use it uh what are the hours what about the noise is there going to be a noise ordinance um are the residents around the park even aware of this of the pop pop pop pop pop pop that that pickle ball does I mean it's loud and I think where I know where it's being proposed it's maybe 100 feet from somebody's bedroom um so um I would drive me crazy to hear that that all day on a Saturday when I'm trying to relax and enjoy my home in my my privacy so again I I just um not sure where you know how this all came about except for the fact that it keeps popping up under Capital Improvements and I don't know if the um the residents are aware of it plus also we do have a little issue in the fact that our code does not allow chain link fences facing rideways so you wouldn't even be allowed to be putting a fence around it uh according to our own um building code so that would require a variance of some sort or um so hopefully um this is being thought through and um um that's all I had to say tonight thank you good evening Ezra deut 885 Northeast 13th Street um I'm doing this unprepared tonight so let's see how I can do um first off pickle ball courts yeah um I started a new job last August I used to come to these all 2023 that was never talked about and all of a sudden this year I all of a sudden it was on there uh I find that as a single use thing I mean build a tennis court and then you can use it for both tennis and pickle ball I don't know where pickle ball came up I don't want it absolutely no um the app Village app I love it oh my God it was talked about afterward or it was talked about in the last week week or last month's meeting maybe 50 downloads or something I'm definitely one of them it's amazing I'm not on next door that is not part of my life holy don't need that the um the notifications that come through probably done by The Village manager perfect they get to straight to the point I don't have to read public comment it's amazing the app um every month I come here I hear nitpicking about what's on the agenda or anything that's managerial don't put that in public speak I mean I love our Administration I think that everybody's doing a great fantastic job to bully or berate or to manage micromanage them in a public setting don't do that listen and then do that off time um lastly oh lastly I wish that he would have stayed too Mr Walsh um everything's talked about traffic so much is talked about traffic so much is talked about roads I'm talking about public transit I'm talking about pedestrians and talking about biking I would love private dollars since they're doing all this expansion and we're their neighbor how can we get an upgrade to that bridge I want two lanes I use that all the time I'm on my bike we need to be a good neighbor in a countywide setting getting people from West flowing East on bikes East flowing West and if we can keep them awake from this interchange that'd be great and if we can put public pressure on them to be a good neighbor to donate however many I mean hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars it might be to make that wider and make that beautiful back there put lighting that's what I want we all we always talk about traffic we always talk about cars let's talk about building infrastructure that puts more bikes to flow back and forth that's where I'm coming from appreciate your time hi good evening this is good enough can you hear me okay you want to speak on my behalf thank you for having me first of all um I really appreciate having this opportunity I am a uh home by um we're just bought a home at 1100001 Northeast 9 Avenue um this week so I'm not a current resident yes we live in Miami Shores but we are moving to biscan park we're so happy um to be joining this community and thank you for having the ability to be out to outsport our concerns my main concern um on moving into the area was to be able to do pull the permits and do all the renovation constructions and whatever necessary to our home but my as a mother and he's joining me right now sorry um is to be able to build a a fence or a gate in front of the property so we can park in and lock the cars and have a security and I know through a contractor that um this area is very uh well protected by police and uh you guys are the doing so great in keeping us safe myi insurance is not the same I we had had our cars been um broken uh five times within two two a year and a half or two so um both of our cars so kids get in and and and just uh steal our stuff and and bro break through window so we want to prevent that for that that history in Miami Shores and come to bisc park and I had the the peace of mind that the contractor said that it's a great neighborhood um but yet you guys are not able to pull permits for garage and things like that so I hope you guys can think about it and on behalf of this little boy my concern is not the T or being broken to to our cars but him running away and while I'm putting groceries and things like that and preventing any any any accidents that you know I don't want to have anyone myself being responsible for it but also um don't want to have the city involved uh to any emergencies or any incidents that made have happened so any considerations I will be happy to hear thank you so much so what was your name my name is Anna Anna thank you yes thank you yeah have any other comment here in the Log Cabin done okay um Mr manage do we have anything on Zoom uh we have David David you're on mute how's that sorry about that can you hear me now yes okay good evening everybody David Raymond 11520 Northeast 9th Avenue um I was looking at the um Public Works report for the drains and first of all God bless you thank you for doing the drain inventory um I would like to perhaps off offline have a discussion with the public works manager regarding the inventory because I see for example the drains in front of our house there's just one listed one here one across the street whereas there are actually four drains here two of them are well drains and I don't see any well drained listed so anyway don't want to get into all that back and forth there but perhaps if it's possible to meet with the with the public works manager to talk about the drains and the cleaning schedules and um I'm very grateful for that finally being in place so thank you all and um welcome welcome to the uh official commission meeting um to our new commissioner to Ryan and um I just want to say also if you are going to vote on a mayor tonight Jonathan you're doing a wonderful job and um I would fully support your not that I get a vote but thank you for all you do so anyway thank you that's it that is it for online having concluded public comment uh do we have any commission reply I do have one thing Gage um about how long ago did you say that boor with Miami D big Miami country I just had I just had coffee with David last week when I moved here 2016 yeah 10 okay well I'm going to ask him next time stop down and see him when I'm down in Brickle every now and then yeah if you we have a public comment yeah we have a we have a public comment section here so if anyone wants to speak at at our open Forum here now is the time but I can speak loud perfect um my name is mappi Mendoza uh my address is 103 10733 Northeast 9th Avenue uh I am a retired nurse I a psychologist and I have lived in Beast park for 19 years now and um I have heard many um owners from the areas they always speak about doing things fixing things but there's one thing I've never hear and that is speaking about our police officers our Police Department our Police Department is one of the best police um units that I have ever lived in and I've lived in Bay Harbor I lived in many areas where you know you think that you may be well protected well I had a fall last Monday as you you can all see I have five tissues in my forehead um the 911 call came so fast I know most of the officers by their faces like I know I he might not know me but I've seen him Patrol at all times and I think that let's give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God uh we have to recognize these police officers in the years that I lived here I have left and don't fear honey I have left my pocketbook my phones everything in my car and I've gone inside to sleep and in the morning they're still there so I have never had any incidents and as you well know right across the street from me is is the tennis court and there's all kinds of uh people walking walking by all kinds that you and I don't won't even know who they are but as far as I'm talking about our security because I think that our security is very important and I think that I don't even know who the mayor is I have no idea who the board is except for now I'm looking at the names I have never had the opportunity no one has ever knocked on my door to say hey we have meetings in so and so days uh the only time I've seen pictures is when they ask me can we we're running we need your vote and that's the only time and I think that we are all a mixed Community this isn't about I'm an American or I'm Chinese or I'm Russian or I'm wherever I am we supposed to be a village a village to me is Union nobody knows who anybody is except the neighbors that you have across the street from you other than that you have no idea who lives on 111 who lives on 112 that is time so the only time I get to hear they're going to do anything it's today and I don't even know who the mayor is but well oh the lawyer so you're the attorney right I apologize we do need to cut off um public comment everybody gives three minutes yeah public comment is limited three minutes but we would encourage you to come back and and share your thoughts when we have these meetings once once a month I'm sorry I'm used to it I'm a psychologist when I you know give my seminars I get to the point so in other words I'm going to walk out but I would like to know who everyone is God bless you for all you that you're all trying to do and I it's sad that I don't see that many okay the right meeting meet you too M men what's your address again please 10733 Northeast 9th Avenue Northeast 9th Avenue okay thank you trying to picture a tennis court down there yeah oh for Miami Country Day School yeah okay and now I understand thank you Miss pendo we appreciate it come more often Mappy we're here every month okay so what's um having included our public comment um was there any additional reply to a public comment at this time I have one thing I want to thank you maty for coming we love when people come to our meetings it's it's it's wonderful absolutely absolutely and we and Weist listen yep and we listen Ezra um the uh pickle ball we're so far from any of that being decided on just FYI but just to clarify what we had discussed was uh a tennis court that would also surf as two pickle ball courts so it was Dual Purpose just to make sure you're aware of that little detail but again we're really far from that that's it thank you any others I had one thing one thing I wanted to say is I completely agree with Gage uh pickle ball should be more Community involvement should go out and reach our residents especially the ones who are going to be living around there and involve them in decisions thankfully we are far away from that hopefully we will engage in those residents and get more Comm involvement let me just this whole pickle ball thing has gotten to a point where it's now it's even comical so the idea was just to get a price to find out what it was going to cost and then we would engage gauge we would engage with residents and we would have conversations and we would have input we haven't even gotten to the what's the cost part yet so yeah it's there but it a't it yeah we can move it around the point is that not approv huh money's not approved right exactly but but the point is that we're not anywhere near uh uh we we just trying to get a price of what was because it may not even be feasible to put a pickleball court so absolutely I please well cheap right mean we put pen C now all right thank you perfect thank you thank you know for the city it's a lot more complicated than just getting a price like that because it's you know we have to get a study and we have to test the soil and we got to see if the atmosphere is right it's it's it's a little more complicated but anyway the point is listen guys everybody needs to relax on the pickle ball thing it's not it's not anywhere near uh it's just in a very preliminary States but have no other reply to the comments at this time we'll go ahead Jonathan Danielle didn't it's her first meeting she didn't understand when she sure oh yes sorry uh long time listener first time caller uh Danielle wolf I'm at 120 Northeast 15th um thank you guys so much I'm sorry the timer is not going it be very fast I am interested in joining parks and Parkways advisory committee so I'm your girl excited to be here but I do actually have another comment about the app super handy really like it would be curious if there's any Community engagement plans QR codes any way to really get it out there because if you're not I only heard about it through the newsletter so I'm curious how many people are signed up for the newsletter um so I think it would be great in the little park where the Flyers are maybe QR codes any information there but can talk about that maybe on the committee so thank you so much very excited to continue to come and learn more about our little village here thank you for volunteering Danielle say as far as the app goes I know um the manager at least part of part of the report that we're about to get to um okay so uh moving into our reports uh we'll start with our manager U Mr manager would you like to provide any specific comment on the report that you provided and before you get there um uh to the point that you you made commissioner on um 12 what was 12f I noticed that his report adopted that uh that y absolutely yep up and rolling on that which is great um so Mr manager without further Ado just two quick things to mention um first of all the manager report is in the new format that was requested uh last meeting um so the first section of it is the essentially the the capital Improvement plan the CIP along with monthly updates right now we just have the two Fields one for May one for June to show what that's going to look like um once we get past um June it's going to be we'll have one month in advance showing on that CIP so it's GNA turn into a pretty lengthy pretty wide document I should say um the second thing to mention is on the police report if you look at that um let me back up as as part of the manager evaluation the two things that were brought up were Communications and Reporting um May and June Jun are my months for tackling reporting so we're starting to see some of those changes now um if you look at the police report um you will see that I've broken down I've simplified the reporting to show each individual type of call for service or traffic citation or what have you um on a monthly basis so you'll see the numbers for April in the current report um and then the the table goes out to December as we go through each month moving forward um we're going to continue to have those monthly numbers so that will give us cont text um calls 997 calls for service for example which is what we're looking at for April maybe High maybe low we don't know um but as we get that context we'll be able to see um the other thing that I'm considering doing with this report is moving away from more reporting on citations and violations and instead focusing on contacts I think having a warning issued or a stop and conversation is just as value just as valuable as having a citation issued so we're going to be playing around with that other than those two um nothing else has has changed um we do have Finance in the meeting tonight if you do have questions about the financial report and I also have director Penna here for public works if you have questions on those reports okay thank you Mr manager uh did you want to um provide any uh additional update for the website app there was a couple of comments brought up about that if you could yeah absolutely um we are the app we finally finally finished configuring the public facing side of the application um we're honing our notification strategy um this past week for example we trained two other people um who are not able to go in and do those notifications including the police department themselves as well as somebody else at Village Hall um once everything is fully up and running the the plan is to do a marketing campaign of some sort um ideas that we're currently toying with our QR codes on our vehicles QR codes at all of our office locations we currently have one up at Village Hall um we may or may not look at doing something like door hangers or a mailing it just depends on what that cost would be um but for everybody who is watching listening here spread the word about the application it's available in the Google um and Apple App Stores it's free yep free is good any questions on the manager's report I have a couple I have a bunch but I'm going to skip through some of these really quickly um uh first of all Chris I love the new uh reporting structure so thank you for that I didn't understand that the CIP was first and your report followed so that's great um and the time factor that you included in makes it really easy if there are some lines in there that I can't read however they're really super super faint and I can't read them I don't know if you noticed that but if you look if you run down through the CIP section there's a bunch of stuff I couldn't read um and I understand that you're putting things in the month that you're reporting it and a lot of that activity will really be the month prior I would prefer it in a spreadsheet at least for our use here and and here's why to your point about it's going to get really wide as the months go on and we're not going to we don't want to lose that history um if it's on a spreadsheet you can lock the left side of the spreadsheet so the rest of it slides back and forth so that way you can get to where you need to be and maneuver around it really easily that's the benefit of having it in Excel rather than as a as a PDF which will get really cumbersome because that will become multiple Pages it'll be like the CIP that is impossible to read so for things like that keeping it as an Excel uh I think is the best um there's also a couple of things on there that are a waiting CIP approval tonight so that's really good um some specific questions on your report it says the generator you're waiting for the commission to approve money I thought we approved the money for that last meeting no or or is there something else we have to do for you the CIP needs to be approved to move forward with generator spending was approving the CIP okay it says it says we have to approve the the money I thought okay it didn't say approve the CIP that's what got me confused um uh the be house is that the same case with the be house that says you're going to come to us and ask us for money for legal fees so we can move forward that thing's been in the works for years like literally 30 years um is that also something that needs CIP approval no okay good so I hope we can we can Fast Track that um I'm just curious why do you need a fence around the septic Mount that's the first I heard about that when I read your report today because the cones that are on the septic mound look pretty nasty why do have to be I didn't know anything had to be there because for the longest time there was nothing there it was just a hill we need to ensure that nobody drives up the septic mound so we need some sort of demarcation on the yard to prevent that from happening cool um and then the Ila update we're going to hopefully get that next meeting I was really expecting to see it here on tonight's agenda we'll skip ahead very quickly was part of M it's it's it's I'll wait then until you bring it up okay um and and that's it thanks I have some things in the other departments but that's all for the manager's report any other questions for the manager report at this time are we going to go by department or are we asking just about manager report well we have since we have the manager report and we're on the top we might as well start there I I did have one question for our Public Works director I I have questions for other department okay so I'll just focus on the report okay um CH we should have spoken about this before we never had the time so just couple questions real quick um the code complies visitation site triangle Focus area begun in April I'm guessing that's the 107th and 9th that is later on I can't hear you Veronica sorry um in the Excel where he has a status there is a note regarding the vegetation side triangle Focus area I was wondering if this is being done across the village or is this is specific to the corner of 107th and 9th no this is Village Wide um several of the complaints that we've received Village Wide whether it's on six the griffing or or whatever are about the site triangle so we're focusing on that Village Wide love that awesome then phone issues I know you've had some issues with a vendor here and there so I had had a couple people tell me they code Cod uh code department and it nobody answers I don't know if this is related to that I just want to make everybody aware of it yep absolutely our current situation with our phones is that they may or may not work on any given day there doesn't seem to be any Rhyme or Reason to it we are unfortunately locked into a contract with this particular vendor um so we're exploring other ways to ensure connectivity so for example one of the things that we're doing is if a desk phone does not ring it can forward automatically to a department head cell phone for example so we're trying to find other ways to keep those lines up communication open even when our existing phone system is down is it something you have sort of anticipated a deadline for this to be solved that we can let people know if for the next couple weeks it's going to be on and off I don't know it's going to be on and off for the next several months unfortunately so probably coming to villageo be the best adjusted in case something's needed or email or or we have this really cool app that you can use I like that I like that um installing solar in all public buildings waiting for Generate electrical plants I wasn't sure when you meant installing solar in all public buildings what specific are we talking about like solar across the builds I don't remember that yeah that was oh that was included on the Strategic plan I believe um as one of the focus areas um so that can be a combination of things that can be something as simple as the the solar lights Illuminating the biscan park signs in the median um conversations that we've had in the past with this commission are using solar to power an entire building and we're not at that point in technology yet B but it's there and and I remember discussing but I I now I understand what it means um and lastly um I had also about the Ila you'll talk about that but then the $6,000 camera that we are going to buy or we bought can you remind me what the purpose of the camera like what's the ability of it to what is what does it do and how we use it the License Plate Reader camera camera um the $6,000 we were going to Pilot this um that allows us to take a snapshot of any vehicle driving past it's not it's not a live video where we sit and watch it but rather if there's a a Breakin in a car um up the street we can pull the camera we can see it correct thank you I just let a arrest it and tell me that that was more specific for speeding and that's not the no that's not and that I'm sorry that interrupt that's mobile right that's something you can move around locations is not one set location or is that permanent when you buy that one the product that we were looking at is a single pole mounted camera it's not well it's permanent it's not so it is permanent movable and my last one um I know uh deputy chief was discussing about the program that I kind of suggested to get in touch with the commissioner Regal's team about um Autism Awareness Month and the decals project that she's going on hopefully there's something that we can replicate in the village have you had any sort of an update or where that stand he's working on getting that training um there's a specific training course for officers it's only offered in specific locations at specific times so I's trying to figure out how best to accomplish getting our officers to that training okay awesome I'll talk about that on my time that's it for me thank you uh any other questions for the manager on his report right now I one quick question for Chris uh in regards to the phones are we do we have some kind of communication plan we're working on to bring out to the residents to give alternate means of communicating with the village because it may be app or email or something like that I also have had residents contact me and said they've called code got no response I want pick up the phone I'm sure during those phone out edges maybe we could provide a second means of communication this if this doesn't work do this yeah we can absolutely do that I don't I don't have a question but I I have a comment um I've gotten multiple phone calls in regards to uh the status of the chief um and people are asking me questions and obviously I don't have any answers because I don't have uh I don't know what's going on um I just tell him that he's on administrative leave which is what I've been told um but it's been going on now for a couple of weeks and my concern is you know we've had a history here uh with uh some bad sit situations in the past and the longer that this is prolonged uh the more attention that this is drawing to to the Village so I sent you guys an email uh when I first found out about this I think it's like two weeks ago now or whatever um that you know I'm hoping that for a speedy and judicious uh finale um and I'm hoping that that happens sooner than later I don't know why it's taking so long I'm you know whether this is just purely an administrative issue or if it's a criminal issue I don't know anything cu no one's told me uh but at some point we're we're going to have to know the entire situation right um so but I'm I'm just hoping that everybody's Focus laser focused on getting this resolved okay that's that's all I have to say if I can add on to that since you brought that topic up I also have been in communication with Brad and the and the almost said the chief the manager about communication on that topic because you know there's a way to respond and then you have to also look at it in the context of where you are and here in biscane park we have a very unfortunate history with our Police Department one of our former police Chiefs is in prison in actual prison for things that he did here in the in the in the village while he was employed here lots of other things went down that were just terrible so there are these preconceived notions and when you don't get ahead of a message and you allow people to fill in blanks for themselves they run in all kinds of directions so and that's exactly what has been happening day one it made the news I was out of town I was in Atlanta for the week when it happened and I was getting calls Mac it's on the news what's going on I know what you know from the news and now people are really getting annoyed and they start running off in tangents and coming up with their own guesses about what's really happening so I would have appreciated a better communication on this right from the get-go because no communication is bad communication so I'm also hoping for a speedy resolution but that has nothing to do with us up here it happens when it happens we'll be informed but I'm not pleased about how this was communicated with the residents because it just led to all kinds of problems that didn't need to happen I'm sure you got I don't know if you guys got the phone calls as well I couldn't even take a walk without being stopped I got stopped in public and asked about it for God's sake while we're on the point um if there's anything that um that You' like to provide at least this point um certainly welcome your your addition and I've spoken to many of you I know I given you a whole lot of information get to talk in the microphone I said I know I know i' I've spoken with many of the Commissioners um privately on the issue and unfortunately I haven't been able to give you a lot of information and I I I understand the frustration I understand the resident's frustration um but there is um a Florida statute that that um specifically prohibits um either the village or the individuals that are involved in the in the inquiry or investigation whatever term you want to use um from providing any information about the investigation until the chief has been provided a conclusion of the investigation and if any discipline and I'm not saying there is discipline appropriate but if there is any appropriate discipline based on the findings the chief has made aware of that as well and there is a there's a very good and and again I I understand the history and I understand why the tensions are what they are um but there's a very good reason why that statute exists and the last thing you would want and last thing the chief would want is for an some allegation to be hanging out there which is just that an allegation that becomes completely public before it's been investigated and determined whether there's any basis to it whatsoever and then later on the outcome comes that oh it's not true or it's not accurate it's very hard to unring that Bell with regards to somebody's reputation and so the reality is that that's really what the purpose is so the in and ancillary reasons as well is so that the investigation is not um compromised compromised thank you I couldn't think of the word for a moment uh compromised in any way if there's potential witnesses that need to be spoken to they they're not communicating with each other there's no couching of testimony and and I'm not suggesting that that's the path that we took here but um I will tell you that what we looked into was was very labor intensive that um since the since the day that the chief was put on administrative leave I don't I think the manager and I have spoke almost every day on the issue we've communicated with the individuals in in this in the village that are conducting the inquiry and and going through numerous documents that had to go through um and I can also tell you that I believe I I'm I'm not going to give you a time frame or a date because that's never a good idea but um this should be brought to a resolution shortly all of that's very reasonable Brad and a communicate a little short version of that to be communicated is what I was talking about not compromising anything just simply letting people know that something happened and here's what we can tell you now and you'll know more when you could know more that's all I'm suggesting because to your point allegations that's what I was hearing oh did he do this was it this I know him it wasn't that if you heard that it wasn't that like I know nothing so that's I was like I know nothing I know what you know nothing and now you're making guesses and you don't know either you know just ask all of you on the Das and all the residents that are that have the ANS that they have is just to have faith that I do process is going to work sh and um will reach no nobody has been it's to nobody's Advantage it's not to The Village's Advantage it's not to the chief's Advantage for us to delay this to prolong it any longer than necessary and everybody has been working diligently my observations everybody's been working diligently to bring this to fruition I'm sure you are okay thank you Brad one positive thing I um in case you guys don't know our former manager Mario um is is being installed as the president of the Managers Association oh that's awesome in June or July fantastic so I you know I talk to him all the time so I'm very proud and very happy for him that's fantastic to uh not to co-op where we are right now so my apologies but we do have uh mayor Omar Nickerson here from elportal and uh would be remiss if I didn't give you an opportunity if you wanted to address commission for anything or if there's a specific purpose why you've joined us here this evening and if there's food in that bag I will happily distribute it for you Omar don't don't worry Mac you're getting one you're getting one um I just wanted to say you know uh being a neighbor neighboring City aler to um I just wanted to say that I appreciate all of you you came to my uh state of the Village address you came to my state of the Village address um I have an initiative that I started a while ago called connecting the county northsouth East and West I'll be back to talk more about that but because of that what I've been doing is uh I've gone to all 34 municipalities 35 including Mii day County itself at the County Commission and I do go to their meetings um for kind of best practices to kind of see what everybody else is doing and see where we can connect um so I've done all the South I've done all the West um I'm also on numerous Chambers of Commerce uh expanding from aventur to hiia to to uh to down to kis Kane and and palmeto Bay the the chamber South which is uh Palmetto Bay Cutler Bay uh Florida City Homestead and and uh and Pine Crest and so being that we're neighbors um there is going to be things that I want to you know reach out and do with you all more and I just kind of view miid day County as you know a full County of 34 municipalities not 34 separate municipalities that just kind of you know stay on their own so just want to kind of establish that throughout the county um I've been you know I've been successful in in other regions of the county I just want to make sure that you know my neighbors my brothers and sisters in Miami Shores and biscan park that you know you guys are first and foremost that being said I'm about to go sit down but before I do just want to say this show this this first of all is for all of you guys thank you sir Mother's Day most gift I always say that you know as a mayor I know what not only Commissioners Vice Mayors and Mayors do unfortunately uh like like bisc Park you know Elbert we have a small budget so I have to do this out of my own pocket so I was only able to get one so I would like to recognize the mayor hey you doing my brother everything good and I'm gonna leave it with you but just to show you guys uh full Crystal like I said like I said I gotta buy this out my own pocket so I couldn't buy as many for everybody um it says mayor biscane Park Jonathan e grth Esquire your presence and dedication has been the essential element of biscane Park and his surrounding neighbors thank you for your years of great service to our communities you are appreciated mayor Omar C Nickerson PhD Village of Elbert so thank you for this you guys very kind of you thank you everybody thank you well thank you for joining us Mr Mayor and that's very kind of you we appreciate your efforts um now how do I get back on track after this gez um so uh let's go ahead and uh see if we have any other questions as far as our department reports go um we have our Public Works director here um I I do have uh one quick question for you but um give you an opportunity to come on up and and open the floor for questions with respect to the public works report um I just had the one one question for you about our um the kimle horn report okay on the intersection down at 107 and uh one these ninth it it it almost reads to me that what they're telling us is that um they don't really see a problem um but I know we talked about relocating the sign there at least and relocating some of those things to try and help clear up sight lines just was hoping to get maybe an update from you on where we we stand with that well our discussions with kimley horn regarding the sign after the last meeting was to make sure that the sign wasn't a sight obstruction so they came out they looked at it they measured it and they from what they've gathered it's not in the line of sight we also discussed the other improvements for the crosswalk on 107 so it may be that we may have to move it once they come up with some preliminary idea of how to install a crosswalk there with the the side that they mentioned right correct okay so but at this time it's not really an uh a obstacle to the traffic so if we don't have to move it I'd rather not because it's a very heavy sign to begin with but it's actually identifying the the area to to the residents as biscan Park also we also discussed reducing the radius turn into uh bis Gan Park heading north and they're all going to look at that and come back to us with the proposal for any improvements to that area okay that makes sense so do we have an expectation on maybe when we're going to hear back from them on that from what I understand from them it should be for the next meeting for June can I can I give an update on that I think it's I was doing on my report so um I had the chance to meet some of the guys from the Department of Transportation public works when uh Cava came to our village and they welcome me to their offices sort of to explain the process I said that's was one of my main questions is how do we go about this right that that was a question I had I think when I was running as a candidate and so I went to their offices I met with them they were um amazing sort of explaining the different options that there are in terms of the path the the cross um walk crosswalk right am I saying right yeah yes and so um a good thing regarding that before I went I check with Chris and in terms of what the status was was what we need to do what is our sort of side of it and I understood that there was a sort of a placement of a landing of the Cross path that needed to happen on our side correct so when we met and they kind of look at the corner they said well actually if it's the lighting one the one that you press the button you have to cross it actually falls 100% on their um sort of uh responsibility and so it does on their budget you with them you mean the county the county because they re recognize that there is no way they can connect obviously a lighten sort of a fixture that has two ends to it and we have to take care of one side so they said well if that's what it needs to happen we will make sure that that falls within our sort of purview and they take full sort of leadership in terms of where it needs to be they do the proper design you know everything that would we would have have to do with our budget so I thought that was amazing news I came running and I told Chris that day when I met with them that that was sort of the the situation and I also made sure to tell commissioner Steinberg because at some point this is going to hit her budget so to let her know that this it's amazing news for us at the end of the day we just want to make that corner intersection safe whatever Public Work recommends that needs to be happening with all the measurements that they need to follow and knowing that this could be 100% um budgeted for from the county it's a huge um step for making it happen correct so this it was today or yesterday that I um made sure to follow my two weeks just to touch Bas with the commissioner which according to the department is when she should have already seen a memo at least about r on that side I want to give you great well I I also gave Kim leorn the the uh Personnel that we met out here for them to get in contact regarding that whole area to see if they're going to proceed with it or if they want Kim Le horn to come up with something well thank you again because that that was a um you know the corner was it's always been an issue but I appreciate you getting involved getting the clearance on the sign all of that correct because we don't have any documentation of how it was done back then how the sign was done back then correct ju I have another question before I let you go if you don't mind um regarding the Grant on your report you talk about the grants um the specimens that were all planted are those in terms of they're doing great how do we know and how often do you sort of revise how we're doing with what we got as a grant if anything needs to be you know water has been an issue I've heard in the past about GRS and trees we've received some of them dying what would you say it's the status and how often you go about that from what I've observed out there there's probably a I would say about six or eight trees that were planted in a previous grant that are dead those will have to be removed and either replaced or or left covered uh the ones that we just planted and all of the Landscaping that was planted along 121st we're watering that on a weekly basis I know people don't see the truck out there but he goes by every day and Saturdays he's also out here watering those trees so we're giving it the best chance of survive okay so if they survive through this little drought period that we've had yeah in April May they should be uh seeing them flourish again great um then you said there's a new dock station where where's that at there's a new what a dock station like um no we haven't received it yet okay we did uh replace one that was donated uh years ago on 10th Avenue I believe yeah but it was hit and uh damaged so we just put in the new equipment there and changed over the dedication sign to that okay got it and then thank you for the benches I my medium was one of them so it looks wonderful the other one needed to be replaced so thank you and I don't know if you've noticed but we also restored the bench the wood benches that were out here okay uh it's being restored it's a cheaper alternative but better than what we had getting a splinter yes you have other questions for have a couple of other things I'll make it really quick first of all um thanks for the report um and the drain inventory I was really happy to see that that's the best like sort of inventory and status is like wow that's kind of feels to me like everything we need to know so you can manage this going forward we've not seen that before we've seen little pieces things here and there David Raymond brought up an interesting point I'm sure you heard him say that about the well drains that aren't on there I don't yeah those are augur Wells they're not really drains and in fact THM doesn't like you to use them as drains because they actually go into the Bitcoin acire so they would prefer us to abandon them in the future and cover them up okay so and we're they're ready to go you're ready to go for rainy season yes keep an eye on that's awesome news thank you for that uh I saw that you're suggesting some more electrical outlets out here I've the event that you and I put together for mayor Copo that we set up it was apparent you know that we could have used more electricity and other events as well so I was very happy to see that the need Street uh neat Street trees that you'll be getting you'll have a functioning parks and Parkways board here soon that you'll be able to lean on for that um uh the new containers at the Public Works facility you said you need electricity you need to add electricity for them is that a temporary thing for those containers and was that included in the original cost for that no that would be uh now that we have them placed on site that would be to power them up so we have use of them uh day or night but they the permanent fix to what's going to happen over there no no those are temporary uh they're they're just laying on on soil right well that be a temporary electrical fix just to get them functioning and that'll that'll come down and won't be part of the permanent whatever's happening over there before we demolish the existing garage we will transfer that service to those containers and a temporary poles to power those awesome okay um and then the sign so I was happy to see about the sign it was interesting I had not seen obviously I'm not a road engineer I don't know how that works but it was interesting to see how they do it on Google Maps and they're able to do it so that was kind of cool it didn't look like they went all the way to that line that you're required to stop at you're required to stop at the white line not at the edge where the street meets the street and their line didn't really go there but I'm guessing they know what they're doing um but we get a lot of anecdotal complaints about people pulling out from 9th onto Griffin or 107th whatever it's called there that it is hard to see what's coming from Aldi let's say from biscan Boulevard correct so I it sounds like officially it's okay I'm hoping maybe we can still address it in the future because anecdotally we hear that it's not a a great place to pull out especially if there's a bunch of cars stacked up and the speed at which the cars come over the tracks and go flying down Griffin it's the speed Factor when you add that in it's kind of like okay I know what the rules are here but it still doesn't feel safe right there it sounds like you'll be looking they're goingon to look at all that thank you had uh one more thing it's more of a concern and observation I made the uh on 6th Avenue the light poles we have where we have welcome to bisc park banners that are hanging on the light poles a lot of them are missing and C certain ones that are there are so sun-washed out that you can almost not even tell that they say welcome to bisc park anymore anywh is there do we have reserves of those that we can replace or is it something we can order to have new ones or at least just take the ones down that are so damaged that they're embarrassing to our village yeah they are embarrassing uh it's up to the manager if we could fund those uh to replace them with new ones uh they are in pretty bad shape you know to that point it's interesting when I read the traffic study from 20 is it 2009 or 2014 I always get the year wrong 2008 what is it 2008 2008 one of the recommendations they made in there was to better identify your community because it makes people pay attention to what's going on they they know they're in a different Community now it looks better they slow down so things like our welcome signs was one of the things they recommended and those banners prob fall under the same category so any way we can kind of sort of stake our claim hey you're in bisc park now I think it's a good thing thank you Mr director so we have a couple other reports here I don't know that we have representatives for for these ones other than our clerk um but do we have any other questions with respect to any of the the other reports before we move to the consented G I have a couple of things I'll go really fast um Brad the short-term rental change remind us when that happens I'm keep getting complaints about that as of yesterday the has not signed that bill yet okay it's been enrolled and engrossed so it's going to be sent to him at some point okay but it has not um and um I will sit down code and I have been working on um CH changes to the code policies Anders um but I I'm in the process of uh reviewing reviewing doing your ordinances and seeing what changes have to be made and all that and when he signs it it come becomes a law immediately upon signing or is there like 12 days or something do we have a little minute to get this done or do we need to hop on that we have some time I can't remember exactly okay as long I just want to know that it takes effect July one so we have a little bit of time okay very good um uh code I was really very happy to see that pool safety is being taken so Ser seriously by The Code Department I get complaints about that on a pretty regular basis and there have been a bunch of examples recently of pools that are open to the street and that's a real safety hazard my God a kid wanders in there we have all we need is one horrible tragic situation and we'd be looking at ourselves saying why the hell did we let that happen so I was really glad to see that so kudos to the code Department um congratulations to Raphael he's a new certified code officer so that's really exciting I can't I was hoping I would see him here tonight um and uh that's it for code the police art kind of beat me to the punch a question in the in the police report Chris there was something in there with four April dates that were referencing some kind of a traffic um enforcement that's not our new traffic thing you're waiting for CIP approval for that right that is not the new traffic thing those are the four dates during April that they had additional traffic enforcement as we have been doing for many months now so that was just that what we had done before okay uh um the rec center is it possible to get the books back the books were all taken away it seems to be like a big mystery what happened why the books were all gone I got a bunch of complaints from people in the I don't want to get involved in all the whatever's going on but the books were all taken away to start a new Fresh library and all the books at the rec center were were taken out where are they I get conflicting answers about where they are I don't have that information for you we're working on it okay were you not aware of that art yeah as part of the renovation as part of the renovation I guess they decided to start a fresh new library and only get brand new books and they were asking people to donate books I bought a couple of books for them I was happy to donate books but we had hundreds of books in there that people used and they're all gone so um would like to hear that the books were back did you know about this no no verify that was done that was not done by biscan Park right I would you want to fill in the blanks Chris because I'd rather you say than me there's some communication issues between um the foundation and operations um they have some great ideas for things they want to accomplish we need to have more communication better communication to avoid situations like this so the end result is an updated Library the short-term issue that we're experiencing is uh the books being removed while new ones are brought in so that was done without permission that was done without consultation and working on that process to get everything back oh so you think it's a possibility you can get them back that's not what I said I said we're working on the process to see if we can okay that's why I kind of worded it a different way Chris it's okay I think we're in agreement there on that one buddy okay um the finance report I wish the uh they came with some kind of an explanation some kind of copy to sort of telling us where we stand it's a lot to pour through and I do go through it and look for things but I would appreciate something that said Hey in this month in this un audited financials um there red flags on a couple of things be aware of these everything looks good over here if there was something a story that was told to go along with them if it's there I didn't see it but I did look through there um Pamela congratulations on the election that was a nice fluid election it was Tiny I know but it was a nice warmup for the big one that you have coming up but it was a really nice day over at biscane Park Rec Center uh and that's all I have can I ask a question on Co um the trash can bulk trash 32 it's a big number I was just wondering what is that is that just trash cans being placed outside now being picked up in time is that what it is yeah it's two different things it can be trash cans out at the curb or it can be trash cans visible where they shouldn't be visible okay all right I just had a conversation about that so that remind me that is an automatic $25 the way code is written there is no option for a warning it is an automatic violation and fine have you seen that list Veronica of the administrative citations the the the the specific violations that get an automatic fine okay not the TR was also yeah I just want to make sure you're aware there's a separate list and if you don't haven't seen it you can get it on I think it's online okay Chris I have one quick question the uh bising Park police detective that was struck by a fleeing suspect was he injured in any way is he okay did was there any update on that he was not injured um thankfully he was able to to get into the vehicle before the the suspect rammed the car um no injuries whatsoever um the damage to the vehicle actually comparatively wasn't that bad um so we're we're okay we're going through the insurance process and the I forget what the official term is reparations from the restitution thank you um from the criminal to get that paid for little different he wasn't injur okay so if we have no other um questions about the reports at this time I know we don't have a commission a section for commission reports in here but I did want to provide a brief up update on the Ila um and I'll I'll wait for commissioner Kennedy before I give that but very quickly um that's something that uh Mr Mayor here from elport tell and I had discussed um um and shared some information on and how we can best implement the the interlocal agreements here in The Villages um so but anyway I I'll come back to that very quickly uh an additional update is is we recently just uh Friday uh we had a meeting at commissioner Steinberg's office um there was District Four meeting I didn't see you in attendance but um uh several Community leaders got together from District Four with commissioner Steinberg um several of the things that were discussed unfortunately didn't really uh impact us they talked a lot about condos um and marine enforcement noise enforcement on the water things that don't really affect us well not they were talking more about noise problems problems with people partying on boats uh and creating issues for residents that way things like that um they talked about they did talk we talked a little bit about sep sewer but not not in a way that unfortunately is helpful to us they talked more about updates to existing sewer systems um to help with pollution in the bay uh there was a little bit of talk about the short-term rental um issues going to the governor um some of the uh the Mayors from around District Forest somehow believe that we can still beat it doesn't seem to be the case but there was some optimism um so I guess we'll wait to see what happens the short-term rental law that's going into effect um there was some talk that we can what there there was some optimism from uh at at a meeting that was held at commissioner Steinberg's office on Friday uh for district four municipalities um specifically uh Miami Shores has the optimistic feeling that it's it's it may not go into law don't really know why um other than just people have been opposing it but I based on what we've heard that doesn't really seem to be the case but I guess we'll wait and see um but um so um vice mayor keny we were waiting here uh to give a brief update on the Ila um so I think we had provided this update that the draft was in the hands of the county the county did come back to us with one change that we we very promptly made uh and sent sent same day sent back to them um and then we didn't really hear much for a while Brad and I talked um a little while ago about getting in touch with them getting an update so we sent an update request haven't heard I did put a call in to uh to do to ask what's going on and whether whether we have an update or is there anything they're waiting on from us um I have not had a returned phone call just yet uh but we keep pinging um I did talk to commissioner Steinberg when we were at the office on Friday and her staff her uh legislative Chief legislative person I guess um and she said just keep in touch um just keep asking wait for their approval we should have it uh she was happy that we were doing it that we are close um I shared some of our information with alportel and hopes that they can have some success uh in hopes that we uh we have that same success so unfortunately that's really the update we've we've asked we've called we've sent emails and we're waiting for a substantive update Mr Mayor if I may I'll I'll try to call the the county attorney's office tomorrow okay see if I can find out if it's been assigned to an County attorney to review yeah that'd be great I can reach out if it has been I can talk to directly to them stat perfect so that's really that's what I have on on that for now uh okay so unless there's any additional reports we'd like to receive at this time we'll go ahead and move on to our consent agenda I just have a a quick update just to tell you so um regarding 109 and sorry 107 and N that was done then the other was um obviously about the presentation we received today with Tre day um that was a concern from many residents uh and I'm glad to see an answer on that I think one of the things that I mentioned um at the time to Mr Walsh was the idea and again collaborating and keeping us informed so that we can make everybody aware uh so hopefully we continue to make that happen uh the county approved this on May on April sorry over May um and I was on my way there and I wasn't going to make it it took me an hour and 15 minutes to get there from here was ridiculous and almost arriving to it um knowing that I wasn't going to make it as s an email to commissioner Stan with my thought of Hing to the fet I've learned that the process is not that the processes actually you go through the Planning and Zoning sort of Department first so that is a learning curve for me but I think um if I have to say unfortunately we kind of like lost the momentum of having an opportunity to say something of this before and I think this is a learning chance for us to be aware and with the ears open of what happens around us it really impacts us uh in ways that we don't even know I mean you heard it today um Mr Walsh speaking about even 111th and what it means to them right across the street and there's sort of this disconnect that happened all the time so I think we we have to kind of stay um on it somehow and there's just so much happening in North Miami on the side and um I had the chance to talk to commissioner s obviously they approved it and I know it was a um you know everybody approved it and passed it um but the idea of not being ready with the Ila and having you know see and still the impacts of increased traffic around us uh when we could have said something before felt almost like we arrive too late um but she's aware you know she again kind of uh explained what the processes in the future just to go through the planning department we could have said something and maybe present the case as to why this is an issue you know maybe the issue is not that they don't do it but the issue is that we work together with the Ila and that sort of traffic improvements and what's happening on the count so did everything sort of make sense uh sort of what you were suggesting you know do we put signs here I mean this sort of feels like it's a bigger thing that just an isolated Sixth Avenue um uh event so I just want to give you guys a heads up um U Al you know commissioner s explaining the process introdu me to the right people but again I think we sort of dropped the ball on this um and then the last one was uh just had explained on so commissioner Regalado had a resolution put out um during the Autism Awareness Month last uh last month uh it's basically a decal program and is to alert police officers and firefighters that someone living without might um that is a training require and that's what I was asking this you know where we at with that hopefully we can actually do you hear me yeah that's better thank you part of the program and actually get those decals to be here where residents that require a sort of that being placed outside of their homes or their cars um and do that so in case of an emergency police officers can recognize that they have to tr you know have a special sort of ways to go about that and that's what the training is for so hopefully that gets you know we get an update from Deputy schi soon and we see that implemented in the village cuz I've received a couple months actually talked about this and uh in the past even before I came to the commission about having issues uh with kids and how do you go about that being a difficulty so I thought it was a great program and hopefully we can out you know the village with the already neighboring uh cities there doing this and that's can I respond real quickly to what Veronica said and we all remember what happened in North Miami with a a tragic police incident and an autistic person right outside of the village here just a couple years ago um to your point about uh being looped in you you're so right I mean my goodness and just imagine what's going on around us right now that we aren't even aware of back to what gate said um how can we find out from Miami Country Day School if there is a board position that we could appoint or a village resident to so we would have uh we would have a voice there and an ear we have an ear and a mouth over there how can we find that out I know you said you talked to David Coello he's not the authority at Miami Country Day School Chris how can we find that out to see if that such a board position exists that Gage is telling maybe I'm assuming Gage is right about that how can we find that out I can reach out to the CEO to find out that would be great thank you because if that's the case um then maybe we would want to appoint someone to that position and to your Point Veronica let's you know let's if that would help an awful lot right that's one organization there's lots of other cities and you know whatever but yeah okay that would be helpful okay can I make a motion to approve consent but when I do it may I say thank you to Janie Ashlin uh John Holland who's now we can't get rid of them and Danielle wolf for offering to help us out with these board positions so I'll make a motion to approve consent we have a motion do we have a second second okay all in favor I I okay and I will Echo those sentiments thank you to all those that have volunteered and we're looking forward to your contributions okay so that concludes section nine and we have nothing in section 10 so let's move on to section 11 uh 11a is our resolution number 20242 certifying results of the special election Mr attorney a resolution of the village Commission of the Village biscane Park Florida accepting and adopting the certification of the results of the special election of the village of biscane Park Miami dat County Florida held April 9th or April 9 2024 designating the person newly elected to office and length of term providing for an effective date thank you do I have a motion motion to accept the results of the election in a second okay he second himself I don't think that's right he actually can okay he can I'm decent got confirmation um okay any discussion on this other than um congratulations again to the new newly appointed commissioner Ash Landslide say thank thank you and thank you to all the residents it's TR humbled we are here congrats hey fantastic um so having concluded discussion on this item um we have a vote in favor vote on it yeah we have to vote on it yes yes R yes mayor Gro yes vice mayor Kennedy absolutely commissioner Amsler yes commissioner Gonzalez commissioner Huntington yes you have five Z your I don't pray wonderful okay now you're stuck okay having concluded 11a let's go on to 11b resolution number 20243 adopting the capital Improvement plan Mr attorney yes a resolution of the village Commission of the village of biscane bark adopting the capital Improvement plan for f fcal year 2023 through fiscal year 2031 subject to annual review and revision appropriating the portion of the capital Improvement plan for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 authorizing The Village manager to do all things necessary carry out the plan and providing for an effective date thank you Mr attorney do we have a motion on uh item 11b thank you do we have a second okay any discussion on 11b okay generally speaking this will be part of the budget prep conversation correct yes so your your this does not um it doesn't circumvent your procurement code so anything that manager threshold still apply for any um procurement of goods or services or work yes so the any changes are approved by via resolution correct okay there any other discussion points on this resolution Chris uh as we go through this living document is there any plan in place for updating it when asse grant funding comes available is just going to be per item or is it going to be monthly quarterly what is the plan for updating the living document or things like that with the I've already had conversations with the grant writers regarding the CIP on they're looking out for those opportunities as funds become available um if it is in the CIP we can move forward with the Grant application um however if the amount is $10,000 or more I do have to come before the commission even if it's fully funded by Grant I still have to come before the commission to get approval to spend the funds and and the grant if I may Mr Mayor the the grants will generally require commission approval as well Grant agreements and most of those grants will also require as as the manager said that the village follows okay great um any other discussion items on the resolution well having had the pickle ball question answered earlier that was my only question for an update but I think we passed that um okay so um Madam clerk can we get a uh a vote for this one please mayor Gro yes VI kenned yes commissioner Amsler yes commissioner Gonzalez yes pass Hallelujah now we we can start getting some stuff done good to hear I know all right well we're making good progress so let's keep it going so discussion of old business is next however in the amended agenda we wanted to take up 13A uh so let's go ahead and move into the discussion of our new business item 13A The Village health insurance benefit um and Mr manager um if this being your item would you mind introducing it for us yeah I'll give a brief in ction and then we do have um Morin from uh EBS our benefits advisor broker um in the zoom meeting so essentially what's happening is our plan is up we need to renew our insurance plan for June um what we've learned through EBS is that costs have gone up significantly um and it sounds like it's Market wide it's not just specific to biscane park so we have several different options which um Marine can touch on uh essentially we can um decrease the benefits increase the cost to employees or we can do what my suggestion is and that is um shift the discussion for the insurance plan the benefits to the budget discussion which is really where it should belong um because at that point we can take a look at total cost we can take a look at total compensation if we decrease benefits now that is essentially a de facto um pay cut for our employees is they will have to to spend additional funds either for the insurance premium for family spouse whatnot um or uh spend additional funds due to decreased or rather an increased um co-pay or a deductible payment so my recommendation before I turn it over to Marine for a brief explanation is um let's do a stop Gap let's we have a contingency available we have additional funds available in our budget let's fund these changes just to get us to October um we will have to ask our benefits uh broker our advisers to go out and re rebid this put out a new request for proposal um for this contract for the new contract to take effect October one that way there will be no impact to our employees immediately and that shifts this conversation to budget time which is where it belongs on an annual basis so Marine that was kind of a brief introduction do you have anything to you add sure um do you all have the um the new presentation or should I just kind of give you an overview of the numbers do you want me to do that Chris yeah if you can give an overview sure um so we bid out the plan every year as you know um we got a pretty high uh rate increase we got a 24% increase from Blue Cross Blue Shield um we looked at Abid we looked at uh nhp which is United healthc Care um company um we unfortunately we we don't have a lot of options Etna no longer bids on small group human no longer bids on Commercial Business at all Signa does not uh bid on um Commercial Business for small group so um really we're renewing with Blue Cross it's just a matter of what we're renewing with um we have three options one is to renew with the 24% increase and again we're only looking at if we're going to renew uh from June to um September member 30th um it's going to be about a 16 well we'll we'll look I'm going to look at it just through the 12th month uh period and then we can adjust what that cost increase would be so I'm just going to assume that we're doing a 12-month contract and then if you decide not to do that we'll we'll do the numbers in a different way but um when we're looking at the um the renewal and not making any benefit design changes and um keeping the contribution the same you're looking at a $43,000 increase to the employer and that means the employee will also get impacted by that but of course we pay 100% uh of the single coverage so the employee single won't see any impact but the e+ spouse e+ children and family will also get that uh 24% increase and then the next option we have would be to absorb that increase and keep the plan the same that would increase the employer portion $50,000 or 26.7 eight% and then the third option would be to change plan designs uh we currently have a $2,500 deductible we would then go to a $3500 deductible the cost impact to the Village would be $14,000 OR7 61% and we actually had that plan design before we switched over last year we got a really great rate increase last year I know if you probably don't recall but we got I think like three or 4% increase so we rejoiced we went ahead and moved changed the deductible uh from 3500 to 2500 and now here we're back to getting this very high rate increase um so then the question is option one option two or option three changing plan designs $144,000 absorbing the increase $50,000 or keeping everything exactly the same same contribution strategy now it's being about $46,000 so the the financial impact if we keep things as they are and shift this conversation to October so renew from June to October or June to September rather would be approximately $116,000 that would would be no changes to uh benefits or to the no additional charges to employees 16 did you say 1616 this the option three because I see 16 at the end but it says benefit change maintain no that's it's actually he's he's changing it from the he's making an adjustment because we would not renew in 12 months we would only renew in October 2024 so we're it would only be 16,00 because it's June July August September okay option three is for an entire 12 months okay because that's not clear on here so I'm looking at the email I'm sorry Veronica were you done I kind of jumped in there to your point okay so I just want to understand that the recommendation or your you're um feeling comfortable Chris with option two then the no benefit change the village absor the cost and it's only until October cor Okay so is that a r Marine would that be considered a renewal for the June through September yeah so what's going to happen is we're going to do a short plan year we're going to ask Blue Cross and Blue Shield to bring up another renewal so we're going to have to start all over again have an open enrollment um we have to bid the plan back out again and basically like within a month we're back doing this again and so we would have to have open enrollment and be prepared to do open enrollment for the month of um like very early of September for an effective date of October one but yes we would have to go we're going to get another renewal okay and what is the effective date when when does the policy lapse the the effective date if we do a short plan year will be October if we do a full plan year it goes June 1 all the way until May 31st 2024 that's our our renewal is June 1 so we're going to go through open enrollment and you're June through September that's correct y so um you would in order to do the the renewal of June one you would have to pass that Renewal by resolution be at the tonight commission meeting the next commission meeting is after June 1 be retroactive that's why I'm bringing I'm sorry how would we do that would we do that after special a special meeting special meeting um we we have the um the enrollment meeting has to be we really don't have time to um push this off because we have to have employees do open enrollment and give them an opportunity to make changes so our open enrollment meeting is on Thursday this Thursday two days from now this Thursday it's a it's a June one effective date okay I may I ask a couple of questions please so first of all maren hi it's Matt Kennedy we've meet once a year and you have to re-explain Insurance to me so that's fine so my first question is I remember the first year I was a commissioner this happened and we're always backed into a corner and like scrambling to make a decision really fast before everyone's health insurance expires and I said why don't we have this expire at the end of the fisal year and have it all nice and neat and I was told that was not possible or was not advisable because of how things would then we would start a new fiscal year and uh the rates might increase partway through the year do you remember that conversation Paul wink yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna we we had that conversation last year and it wasn't advisable because we got such a low rate increase and we decided to hang on to that rate increase for 12 months we didn't want to risk getting hit with the a large rate increase three months later so the only reason why we didn't make that change last year was because we were rejoicing in a fabulous uh low rate and we were able to bring down the benefit design or or reduce the deductible so we wanted to lock that in for 12 months so that's the only reason why we didn't do it and the other problem we have is you guys skip a date um which is and you you do the other two weeks and there isn't a date I me because we had this all wrapped up at the beginning of April but there's a date that's that's that's missed so then we have to wait until this one so we can't do the two meetings to give you an opportunity to to look at this another time so it's just for some reason you don't have a a scheduled meeting in the last Tuesday of April okay thank you for that explanation that leads me to my second question which is if we were to do basically a short-term uh policy that expires at the end of September we are assuming some amount of risk that we might end up getting worse quotes by then because you can't anticipate yeah so this is we're not guaranteed what we're saying is we do a short term now we align this with our budget cycle and we hope that Moren finds us a plan that's equal or better than the one we have and we there's no guarantee to this that's my one of my Hang-Ups on this is because I look at the third option I'm looking at the options Chris I'm looking at the option that you emailed to us right at 6:00 right when the meeting started guys I don't know if you saw your email but he sent us a new version of this so I was skimming it trying to understand that I was listening to you Moren the explanations here are a little difficult to to follow the third option is renewing and making no changes and that's only a 7.61% increase no there it's it's option three is renewing with Blue Cross changing the deductible from 2500 to 3500 in order to get the rates down so we're making that's the look can I just want to explain there was the incorrect we we Chris and I did at least three versions of this back and forth back and forth you all got the wrong version which was version two you should have got version three and we sent at six o'clock version three which is option one option two option three which is why I rambled through this because I assumed you might not have the correct version so option three is a $144,000 increase with a $3,500 deductible okay that's a 7.61% increase that is option three if you don't have that maybe someone can send that over to you no I'm looking at it it's it's in the email that Chris sent us when I was looking at the version that I prepared that I was studying for this meeting that's why I was confused yeah that's out the door that's incorrect so now I'm looking at the correct one and here's what it says it says option three the following is the financial impact of renewing with Florida blue and making no changes to the benefits and maintaining the current contribution strategy that sound like that makes it sound like nothing's changing but you're again the memo the Memo's incorrect the ver that was a completely incorrect version and both of them was sent I didn't know that that was sent incorrectly those those were incorrect both of them are old the new versions were emailed at six o'clock the memo I just opened up the one that was sent at six o'clock and that's what I'm looking at aren't I if it says that then it's there should be three versions on the correct memo there the other ones only had two versions correct that's incorrect right option three is plan design change okay but the version that we got to prepare for this meeting had two options correct that that is correct and they are that is incorrect that's out that those are those are that was a completely incorrect I understand I understand but now you're telling me that the the version that was just emailed to us has three options on it and that's the correct one well I just read from it and that's what I just read to you and you said that's incorrect it says financial impact of option three I'm reading it yeah the following is the financial impact of renewing with Florida blue and making no changes to the benefits and maintaining the current contribution strategy you just said that's incorrect but I'm reading it on the version that we just got email I'm G to look at it right now I'm just give me five seconds my God we do this is so painful when we do this uh you reading which page from the last yeah option three is to make a plan design changes I've described that is not in that is is incorrect it's to make a plan design change is option three that's how you're getting a down to a $14,000 increase yeah so in other words what we're reading is not correct on this option three that is right the numbers are correct and the percentage are correct but what the impact is to the employee and the village is incorrect the impact to the village is $14,000 I don't know what's going on here you're I'm working on getting the uh the actual email up here in Zoom okay but I'm just making that correction right now on page six there is a change to the benefits that's how we're getting to $114,000 increase it says benefit change it says option three benefit change maintain contribution strategy correct to the benefits I'm going to say this again on the the third option in order to get to $4,000 increase that is a benefit change we're going to a $3500 deductible for for option three that's how we get to $14,000 are you guys seeing what I'm seeing I feel like I'm nuts here I have it email that Chris just sent to us at 6 you're saying you're saying but I think what Morin please correct me if I'm wrong but I think what we're saying is that it it does read that um vice mayor you're right because I'm reading it too but I think what she's saying is just that's just not the it's basically a typo what they mean is that it's it's not a a continuation exact same Benefit Plan it's what's a big typo because it changes to benefits and there are changes to benefits well what she's saying I think again Meen please please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here the the change to the benefit of option three is simply increasing the deductible so it's increasing the responsibility of the insured correct that it's it's exactly the employee will pay a $3,500 deductible versus 2500 um if you look at the calculation sheet the numbers you'll see can can you refer to the calculation sheet are you talking about page six of that that PDF um we're GNA go to page if if if we're focusing on making a plan design change and a $14,000 increase you're going to look at option three and it says benefit change and maintain the contribution strategy and it's $114,000 that is the correct verbage that should be in the memo I have it I have it on the last F okay so it's correct on the on the spreadsheet it's incorrect on the memo that is correct okay I see it reading the memo and that's what I'm trying to figure out looks like page page back so back to it okay so back to it we now let me get back to the original document here so maybe we just want to focus on the calc because it's really the numbers we want to look at and um I think it's probably better to look at the the the calculation sheet that you can actually look at the numbers so if you look down here at the yellow that's going to show your employer impact and then the blue and the pink is going to show your payroll deduction differences and this is if we if we renew now for a full year correct all full year and the only change to the employees is it goes up from a $2,500 annual deductible to a $3500 annual deductible and this will cost the village an additional 14,000 and change none of that is passed on to the employee because we don't we don't charge them and they don't pay a CO they don't pay a premium for their insurance here in the village for single people okay that's correct just the um the E plus spy we have um let's see e children one family so three employees will get a 7 point uh 8% increase and how and how much would that be dollar-wise to them um if you look at the blue you see the blue and the pink so we're going to go from uh three I'm trying to I'm getting a little closer here so we're going to go from 318 to 342 for E plus spouse 2 65 to 285 for each children and then 620 to 667 for family and the number of people in each of those categories is off in the green section under current employee y right here current employee so in other words we have 17 employees that don't pay anything now for their insurance and they will continue to pay nothing we have zero people that are e+ whatever the next one is we have then we have a total of three that would see any kind of an increase and their increase would any be anywhere between about 20 bucks to about 40 bucks per pay period depending on how many people are in their family that is correct okay do you think morine that you're going to do any better than this if we if we sort of Punt and come back and try this again we have to do this like that guys to get it done again for October do you think you're going to do much better than this no then why are we even considering doing something short term and I don't ask that to be a jerk I'm asking like really then what maren why would we consider doing a short-term plan if you don't think you're going to do any better than this and we can be done with this for another year I'm assuming it is I interrup one second sorry um there are additional options commissioner Huntington do you w to yeah I will touch on that I've did a little of research on this uh what a lot of other municipalities are doing is they're entering to help trusts with other municipalities the Florida Lega cities actually hosts one themselves where they have throughout the entire State of Florida different municipalities that enter into it they become a bigger entity they uh negotiate better rates because you're not just talking about 22 employees now you're talking about potentially thousands of employees there's also been municipalities who have started their own Health Trust very successfully adding benefits to their employees they continue on if they retire their their cost don't go up for retirees uh personally my personal family we've our personal Health Trust we've added fertility treatments uh lasic things like that there are other options that aren't included in this that we should really be looking at Health trusts are something that it's Statewide where where municipalities are going towards and it's really helped a lot of uh municipalities regulate their costs and the the employees regulate their co-pays and things like that and add benefit you're saying that's something we might be able to pull off by to get it done for October one put a shortterm plan in place it's something we could look into for we had talked about that before and then it never happened art do you remember why yeah we had talked about it before and looked into it and it wasn't feasible Morin do you remember why we have looked at Florida League annually and each year they decline to quote because it's not cost effective um there may be other trusts that I don't know about which we discussed um Chris and I talked about it and he obviously is very concerned about the cost of of the health insurance and the small group Market which is completely understandable if there's something else out there for you all you should you should consider it um but Florida league is not one of the options for you they cannot they will not bring on a quote they won't quote no they have we've looked we've asked them every year and they won't it's just not it's just not cost effective for them to bring you in because the bottom line is we only have 20 people who even use our health insurance here 17 of them are single users and they pay nothing I pay for my health insurance at work and every year it goes up by Leaps and Bounds and my benefits get worse so it's kind of the fact of life so I pay for it I'm used to paying for it um I think most people do so right we have 20 people on this 17 of them pay nothing they will continue to pay nothing thing will have a very small rate increase that the village absorbs for a year it's $114,000 for a year instead of $166,000 for four months because 16,000 on four months comes to like 50 Grand a year right if my math is right so that's correct this is a little hit this is a $14,000 hit that we get to stretch across an entire year and Ryan to your point in that year that sounds like maybe that would give us time to really do some investigation and go out there and see what we can do rather than oh my God we got to go we have budget season to get this is the reality budget season to get through we have to set millage rate we have to do the solid waste thing we have all these extra special meetings staff is bombarded with all of this stuff we just pulled the trigger on a CIP that Chris is all excited to get going on and now we're going to throw this on them I feel this is just my opinion this seems like a really nice reasonable easy thing to do to take a $144,000 hit and spread it across a year and give ourselves a year to figure something out yeah I think that the with the timeline uh it's concerning that we don't know what what to expect from it could be worse exactly and then so I I I like the idea of you know doing it and then having more time to explore the options I I you know it's just too too scary to get to October first we've been through the June to October stretch it's rough so I I do want to clarify just to make sure we're on the same page Marine this is the the increase from 2500 to 3500 deductible correct correct so that's essentially I $90 a month roughly for employees that's going to be that pay cut they'll have to come up with an additional $90 what works out to be about $90 a month to cover that extra deductible well it's not exactly it's not that there's it's not that there's no cost it's just that it's not going to come out of employees differently I just want to make sure I don't think that's a fair characterization Chris it's it's $90 on average per month potential Meine do you know how many of our employees max out on their on their deductible if they don't their DED talk DED they're not using any of it um I think Chris is referring to the payroll deduction I was talking about the increase annual deductible they deductible set of employees talking about the d00 yeah instead of employees having to be responsible for 2500 they now have to be responsible for $3500 which is a $1,000 difference which is you know roughly 90 month if you work it out that way if they use it CHR it's not you're making it sound like it's $90 is going to be taken out of their paycheck it's not it's if they use their insurance and they get to that limit so it's the deductible changes it's not a charge to them it's deductible that they have to meet and the deductible isn't applying for every service but it's it's for the major stuff I mean it it will come into play but it's not um doctor's office visits and prescription you're not G have the deductible yeah yeah exactly Mar can I ask you a question aside from the obvious of having the benefit of a full year calendar year to investigate the additional trust options aside from the obvious of having 12 months to do that versus however more we have until October five months um is there any expectation from you or or any estimate that you could provide that you you feel that this is that's an actual viable option that could be that could be found in the next 12 months and in in further in addition to that um if you were say find something in December you know is this something that can change mid plan or would we have to wait until the renewal period to to enroll as long as you give plenty of notice 30-day notice it should be fine you like if something comes around and you find some I wouldn't recommend it but it's something you absolutely could terminate doing early termination it's not like car insurance if I find a plan that's better I can call Geico and tell them I'm canceling I'm going to the other one well you're you're really signing a 12 month contract um so you can do it though yeah as long as you give 30-day notice you can do it absolutely so then it sounds like that one we have all the you know we're holding all the cards it's like we're getting a really good rate there's minimal impact to the employees no impact for most of them at least in terms of of their payroll indu deduction we have a minute to start exploring you can start tomorrow Ryan go and um uh and if we find something better we have a conversation about it and with Morin's you know advice we kind of figure it out then I don't know that feels a lot more doable to me guys than us taking a $16,000 hit in a couple of months as opposed to 14,000 for a year I have a question in terms of where would the money come from um Chris you said you had um some funds that could cover it is this from the administratium bud budget yeah that's what I was just pulling up now we have a $22,000 contingency that we haven't touched and the latest financials show approximately $100,000 in Savings in the admin budget so we have roughly $122,000 that we could put okay that's wonderful to hear so the contingency what d in essence yes so that is good news because that would take the hit if we do the $14,000 option I just did some quick math maren back me up on this we have people in the audience who are better at math than I am um if we do the $14,000 across four months we're still going to have to come up with some extra money here for June July August and September to get us through the fiscal year that would come to like $ 4700 let's say that we have to come up with as opposed to coming up with1 16,000 extra dollars in that same period of time because then effective October one with our new budget we will budget for it for the rest of the year and we won't have to dip into our into our contingency because it will be part of the budget is that correct Moren yes so it's for so now in essence this $14,000 hit is only a $4,700 hit to this current fiscal year and then guys we plan for it for October one and we're golden y yeah I think it's a no-brainer too is that a motion that I hear I make a motion that we accept option number three and uh make it effective June 1 for a full year and that we assign commissioner Huntington to go find us a better plan that part I pulled that last part that last part was a joke BR do you want me to say the whole thing again I make a motion we accept option three because you have to pass this by resolution can we do a verbal resolution that can I make it a motion to pass a resolution and just make it verbal now and then you guys tie it up on the back end somebody have to make a motion to add it to it was never added I make a motion that we add this item to the agenda as a resolution have a second favor I yes okay now I'd like to make a mo motion that we pass this as a resolution using option number three with an effective date of June 1st for our new insurance plan for our employees we have a second on the motion okay all in favor I all so um Brad if I could just get some clarification on you for process you'll bring that resolution you'll write the resolution I'll draft it um I'll draft it tomorrow okay the next day so have it Madam clerk so she can get it for execution okay um the only thing I do need is I don't have those options okay want me to forward it to you have up right here forward it to you right now I apologize for all the confusion with the option one and two and then the option one two three poize for all that thank you Meen for your help thanks Mar my pleasure thanks Meen thank you have a great night two okay so that concludes item 13A so let's go ahead and get back into item 12 which is discussion of old business um as amended which is 12 a through e um so let's go ahead and get started with item 12a commissioner Amsler this is your item thank you feels like it was six months ago sort of was it was be close January 24th okay so um but uh I think we spoke about this I feel like I I said spoken about this before for some reason but so you guys are all aware what Sops stand for and this is sort of a Back to Basics proposals of making sure that we have a way to ensure that the institutional knowledge gets transferred that whenever we have new staff um they are trained properly to what we consider as good service and our standards so I'm not going to go into more detail I know that um Chris you've been working on the back end making sure that this sort of sets in place and I appreciate your support on making this happen um so that we can have sort of a good point moving forward to also see how we're doing because the measurement was uh the missing portion of that as well um you have a way to train people you have a way to know um what needs to improve so uh if you can give us an update as to where we stand and then I'll ask our attorney to sort of speak about how we memorialize did I say right memorialized um the document so in a way it's uh it's sort of has a valid um Through Time validity right and and a weight that um uh we can recurrently every every year go and revise so leave it up to you Chris absolutely so the the if I'm understanding the question correctly you're wondering how we what our progress is on creating the Sops and where you stand with every I mean the the SOP right now this item specifically talked about two things and two recommendations that I made audit which departments currently have Sops in place and advice if there are any needs to update them and the second was to build Sops for the remaining departments and that was either an option for us to do so or to hire a consultant understanding that we would need to understand costs so with that in mind since we've speaking about for six months I would want to know where we stand absolutely um we've done the audit there are two departments that have Sops one is police and one is code that's the extent of our current Sops so we are in the process of building it's a two-step process the first step is actually building the procedures um we just had our department had meeting today for example on purchasing procedures um figuring out what those procedures are once we all agree on what those procedures are then we can codify them we can create the SOP so our attorney is currently working with code on their Sops um we're going to get those things in line the the code Sops in line first um we just started the process for getting the purchasing Sops in line and we're going to continue taking those little chunks as we go so for example for administration um we're going to have um we're currently working on the purchasing Sops next up is the communication slash social media SLU information Sops and we're going to continue to attack those little pieces as we can um director Penna uh heads up Public Works is going to be coming soon and we're going to go through that same process analyze our current procedures make any changes that we need to make um once we all come to agreement then we're going to create those Sops I appreciate that and then um I think you put this on your status I if I'm not mistaken I remember seeing sop so I guess as the month goes by you give us an update as to what has been sort of updated or kind of uh brought forward for the attorney to work on his part of legalizing this somehow yeah there's Mr attorney there isn't anything for you to do with Sops is there necessarily um to the extent um the extent that they need legal review if there's an issue or question there's a concern of liability something that I I can certainly review the Sops um what we dealt with with code was um was their actual policies their policies and procedure um which were up we updated them and um brought them up to current law and also we working on uh updating the forms that code enforcement uses Code Compliance excuse me uses um when they're they're out and about on a daily basis um law enforcement agencies generally have policies as well as standard operating procedures as well as Sops um and from a law enforcement perspective best practices are usually there are annual reviews of your policies and your anded operating procedures the review do them for best practices and ensure that there's no updates that are needed based on new laws being enacted and things of that nature and just best practices in law enforcement yeah because there's constantly um whether it be technology issues I know there's a consideration for use of body cameras if if we were go to body warn cameras within the department there would have to be a policy and a procedure on a standard operating procedure how they'd be used similar to a license plate reader how that's going to be used who's going to have access to the information things of that nature they all you know as you're building your technology your policies and procedures have to track that yeah and then same as any other procedure so yes I guess long-winded answer but for the procedures themselves I don't really need to have any legal review unless a department has a question that needs legal review or or legal answer um policies um generally review got it perfect so police and code being the first two departments you said Public Works and do we would have one for building knowing that we Outsource most of it we yeah it's it's a little muddy they have their own um Sops um because the because Dina is technically ours it's it's a little bit muddy okay okay we'll get there um but that was it I just um again thank you for making it a priority and throughout this months uh slowly making and thanks to dine as well because she was kind of putting me up to date on what she has and sort of what the process yeah thank you brother any other points on on commissioner am amsler's item Chris it seems like uh majority of our departments could use Sops and you're going to work on them do you have a timeline or a platform or plan in place on what you're going to do can do each department by month the two months quarterly what's your timeline to get through all the Departments my goal is to have them all done by the end of the calendar um however with that said we have nothing in place at this point that's just a guess um we we may be able to get through them quicker we may get stuck on some things we're going to drag out in the next calendar but the goal is December 31st quick question is there um any benefit Chris to you getting copies of these documents from other municipalities they're all public record or is everything so specific to a municipality and whatever software you're using and the kind of staff and da is there anything to gain from grabbing someone else's code policies manual and using it as a framework as a appropriate we can reach out for ideas however um for example the way we do purchasing is dictated by our ordinances and the procedure for doing that using um goov as the app that's that's unique to us okay thank you commissioner Amer and thank you man Mr manager um so having concluded 12a let's move on to 12b which is a root damages on Village streets where's your hands again okay catch you up um rude damage let me just pick it up okay so it's just obvious uh I think this has been back and forth in the conversation we've heard residents speak about this um to me directly but also here at the commission meetings asking sort of what are we doing about these roots uh damaging the cars um tripping with when I'm running or the strollers or all of the stuff we already know they're everywhere and so the recommendation was either imp Implement um so here's the thing on of liability so going back to if I trip and fall who sort of pays the bill and that that was sort of the back of my concern mainly I know we all want to see the streets fixed and we all want to see them uh in great shape again but we know the the CIP which just passed it it kind of hits a different reality um I wanted to understand we have I think we have something Reserve I'm not sure I know we just looked at it but I was almost sure we had a conversation about at least some reserves to patch or fix some of them and correct me if I'm wrong but the idea here is to hear from the attorney as well as what needs to happen in order to minimize this sort of liability um discuss the effectiveness of our insurance currently and develop a plan of action so that will go into the CIP from Talking without giving anybody a road map of how to sue through the village so I just want to be careful on how I put an sop for that what I say yes I I don't need to do CL of's lawyers job for them um but um to the extent that there are either sidewalk or or road or or some other um damages that the the village is aware of um my S my suggestion would be if they cannot be um somehow cordoned off and obviously if it's in the middle of a road there's no way to coordin them off then they they should be they should be marked in some in some manner so that people are made aware of them um and what we what we I would suggest is while we're doing that process is that not only we document that how we're identifying and demarking those those areas um that we take photographs or images of them so that there's evidence of it that um until they can be be repaired that there is periodically we we check and document that whatever Mark demarcations we're using are still there so in other words it's just a simple example if you have a some Poole or something of that effect and you put a cone over it we need to make sure the cone stays there obviously you know somebody hits it somebody takes it it needs to be replaced so that would be the process and you would document that and continue to document that until ultimately the the def is yeah um so that that's you know short of fixing everything in One Sweep which I understand is not not a reasonable want or path then we we should be to the extent that we're aware of of these conditions you should be Dem Market either somehow as I said somehow coordinating them off so that individuals can have can access them yeah or identify them for individuals so they they're aware of their existence can I ask Juan real quick uh I know some of these uh are marked I've seen like yellow paint is that us identifying that there's what's the do you know what the reason for the yellow paint is on these some of these roots I have no idea okay because been there for a while they're spray painted yeah right so some yeah for for do you know what the reason probably prior to my time yeah yeah do you know the reason it was because we had it's the ones Veronica on around the raised sidewalks those are the ones I yeah the aav is yeah that's that's a big one that's that's marked yellow but I'm just curious as to why was it marked yellow back in the day it was like we're going to Mark these things so people don't trip over the rec center what I remember asking I think it was Mario it was a long time ago okay so is that something that we can do we should do we should go back and revisit that any anytime we Mark anything out there we have to stay away from yellow or orange cuz those are gas line and Communications cables markings so if we paint anything out there it's going to have to be painted in white to indicate the area so is that something that we can do is identify all of these root uh speed bumps like commissioner Kenny likes to call them uh and and and then you know log them and you know so that we know where they're all where they all are and I I don't know if that's going to help in any way but sounds like a good Public Works sop yeah we need to we need to inventory them obviously yeah and from depending on the grade of sity attend to those first but what I need in order to attend to those is funding right and I don't know if there's any funding for that repair this year $30,000 is what we have set aside in the CIP okay 30 30 for what line item Road repairs and upgrades I'm sorry Road repairs and upgrades under the roads not yeah so then the other question is some of these obviously these are just is giant Roots protruding uh and and you know I I don't know I'm not a tree specialist but the issue you know then you're going to you're going to have to cut that route to repair that road and then then how is that going to affect the tree harbist involved in that conversation because what I was told years ago when I I'm sorry when I was on Parks and Parkways and we discussed this I that's when I learned about this is you don't cut the roots out you slice the roots and re and and decrease the diameter of them and this this is what I was told at a meeting so not by an authority actually was an authority but um yeah so I have some concerns about this I understand why you want this address Veronica I do but to Arts point a second ago he's kind of being factious but they are natural speed bumps and they do slow people down my big fear is the ones on 9th Avenue right adjacent to the park if we were to if one were to correct them tomorrow that would be a Speedway and we would have people speeding past the parked cars next to our rec center where kids are running around in between cars I crawl through there I would anyway but because of the speed bumps the tree roots I don't have a choice and they cross the entire Street and I agree with you there's a benefit to them there yeah but I I think of the separation for me was more about the liability of having no I understand I understand so to your point um yeah the serve a purpose I'm in eth Avenue too so but if right now I don't know what insurance coverage is in respect to this and this would be a question Chris for you but um what sort of changes do we need to make to ensure that there is no liability coming our way while we eventually will have a plan to fix them and if it's something like Brad said I'm sorry in the painting of stuff that could kind of like cover our butts in the meantime then to play the other side of my own argument you're going to have Bic bicyclist in the community like Ezra here who I'm sure there are streets that you avoid completely because you can't bicycle on those streets because of the roots you just go over them awesome they aren't even a speed bump to him on his bike ask Brad I wouldn't advise using Roots as a as a natural speed bump what I'm saying is especially in that one spot no not I know but the issue though without giving a road map to somebody that's listening out there is once you're on notice of these things you do have some obligations yeah well I think like Juan mentioned the uh the bigger problem here is we need to assess our roads I think as more of a system than just one individual spot and next year in our CIP we're going to have $200,000 to spend and we don't really have a plan in place as to how we're going to spend those funds I think now is a good time to start talking about planning and studying and cataloging all the different spots we have because the Brad mentioned the one ones we know about but there's probably other ones we don't know about that are out there in the village it could need addressing even more urgently than these and could that $30,000 be used to fund a study for our roads so that way when we enter 2025 fiscal we have a plan and we're not trying to make that plan up already time is already ticket in 2025 Now's the Time we can start thinking about that and making that plan so when the funds are available for us we can hit the ground running and so I think there's up two again two things that can be done in parallel my main concern here and the most urgent I see is that we're not being being protected as a village to get something you know um hopefully and we knock on wood uh nobody has an accident on this and but we there's ways for us to go about this uh whether it's signage one whether is paint uh whether is the app letting everybody know through a newsletter that that we have certain spot that we recognize and to be careful I think which is there is a communication on our side to make sure that that we are letting every body know that this are spot to be careful around um because that sort of would fall into the prevention aspect it would help yes so and then there is a part to your point of what do we do about this which is what we need to talk about through your point there is no no plant so I think the whole inventory you just said that the idea of an inventory about how our streets are it's would be for me step number one and then you will be the best person to say what goes first correct and then suggest that and cost it out Etc but in the meantime Chris the question was how do we move as the next step on our side to sort of put those notifications in places so that people know we are working on it one no I think I think the the the immediate fix the immediate thing we can do is marking those whether it's the rough road bump ahead whatever those signs are or paint on those specific areas um in in chatting with our insurance carrier um as long as we're taking some action to mitigate those risks that action can be doing the study understanding taking the inventory and then start the planning process as long as we're doing something along those lines that then we covered um roads are going to fall apart municipalities it's just the way it is yeah and ra rather than paint the whole city graffiti wide I would say we have enough cones to put a cone at each location and that way the cone ising people of a problem there whatever the solution I think working together in terms of it being communicated so everybody knows what sort of signit what uh is the first great step and then the second I would say if there is a plan as you're you're suggesting you know that we in do the inventory on this and then we tackle as we need to sort of understand time frames as well um as we're going to get in budget season I'm sure that's going to be the perfect opportunity to talk about so um budget season's coming up in the next month or so right up months July I think will be our first Workshop one is that something that you see feasible to have a list at first sort of scope and understanding of where we stand with that sure we'll get it done thank you very much and just something else to keep in mind on that topic Barrow um uh the rec center plan is going to address some of these things because some of those sidewalks according to the plan that we've looked at up to this point and now we're going to go back and look at it again involve moving some of those sidewalks yes yeah so that would automatically take care of some of them yep and we could put up signs that say slow tree roots at play I don't [Laughter] know thank you thank you commission Mr director thank you very much look forward to seeing seeing an update on the inventory um okay so uh having completed our 12b let's go ahead and move on to 12 SE of old business updated meeting procedures um vice mayor Kennedy okay so uh I'm assuming you guys all read my item it's been on the agenda for the past four months or whatever it is so here we go Barrow you and I are getting to play catchup tonight it's like we're cleaning up all the old business um so the topic is uh meeting procedures we have procedures how Mee meetings are run and it dictates things about noticing and all kinds of good stuff in there and I want to talk about two specific things one is the noticing of meetings and the other is public comment so these things are all included in our meeting procedures um we have uh I think we can tighten these up and this is something that it's not a it wouldn't require resolution correct Brad this is just a procedural thing we could agree to them and they could be changed oh it would require a res it would be a resolution okay so regarding the notice of meetings if you jump down to the second page the first page is kind of setting the stage for the topic um there's a section in our code about in our policies about the noticing of meetings what you read and read are the changes that I would like us to discuss and if you guys agree with me we could make all or some of those changes so if you read it it says notice the the way it exists now it says the vote the noticing of each meeting that's that does not technically include special meetings workshops and other public meetings that we hold um so it really is only noticing about our regular commission meetings but we do hold other kinds of meetings and there's no noticing requirements in there for them and the amount of time prior to the meetings that things are noticed this is a complaint I get from residents now recently things have been better but our policies to your earlier topic Vero the Sops our policies are what we dictate because I'm always not thinking thinking just what's happening here today we have these folks in charge we're feeling really good about who we have we're up here and we're really working hard fast forward three years we don't know right so that's why you want to have policies that survive everybody um and there have been examples where policies were used in kind of Nefarious ways in the past and this would tighten up some of that as well so what I'm suggesting is that instead of Po noticing four days prior we notice seven days prior and that further we dictate that it's sent out to the current Village email list posted on all social media Platforms in addition to the push notifications on the new Village app but even more importantly when we're discussing something that's budget related I think it's really important that we're reaching out to the community as much as we can because they find out about things after the fact so I think those um those workshops and meetings related to The Village budget the millage and any changes to the Village code of ordinances those are the really big items that we do I think they require extra notice I think they should be Ren noticed 4 days before so and then emergency meetings will be noticed as required by applicable laws uh The Village's Charter and code of ordinances and these procedures so this section right here is just simply saying CL further clarify this paragraph to mean more than a regular meeting which is this commission meeting right now it's our regular meeting but it's expanded to include any special meetings with the exception of emergency meetings as defined elsewhere in this existing policy because emergencies are has to happen now but it would include regular meetings special meetings workshops and any other public meetings and that they're published in all the different ways that are dictated seven days prior and then anything that's budget or ordinance related um code of ordinance related would be posted sent out all the same ways four days prior as well now clearly this would then impact our deadlines to getting things into uh the village to be included so there would be an impact that all the dates would back up as well but this is an effort to engage our residents in the meetings make sure they're aware of the meetings the topics that are in the meetings especially the items that are really important to them anything related to their money anything related to our code of ordinances the rules they have to live by here so why don't we stop there and discuss that one and then I can go on and discuss the other part of this there were two parts I just have one question for you vice mayor on this um I'm Sorry Brad I Brad Jonathan I should say that I ran this past Brad and he kind of cleaned up some of this for me the language of the okay got it um so just uh I guess the only question the only question I can think of right now um so it just talking about where it's where it's being posted where it's being published I guess um it's we have Village Hall email social media and then through the app is it your intention that these things all be done separately because it's my understanding that through the app these things are all done simultaneously because if it if it's one step versus six separate steps oh I don't care how it happens okay if if the if the push notification you mean sends it to next door sends it to Facebook sends it to Instagram whatever as long as it happens as long as it's there right so that's awesome if one click can make it all happen so that's my understanding my understanding is that when when there's a posting through the app it does go to all those mediums so I think if if it doesn't I'm sorry no sir each each is separate so we currently post on next door um depending on the situation we post and learn on the website which is an additional um we have the push notifications in the app which is a third thing and then the email list to the app is a fourth thing so they unfortunately don't happen all at once we have to go into each of those areas to do that notification but is it I'm sorry I don't mean to hang this discussion up on on process but I'm just trying to understand the ease of of being able to achieve it all at once if possible if you're let's say you're going to a post through the app um and you're do you have like a like a check box or whatever that you can say where this is going to or is it just this is only through the app and then you have to separately go to these separate channels the second second okay I'm just curious but you could certainly use the same copy if there's an attachment use the same attachment kind like a copy paste under the separate channels to some degree because the app I think is kind of different from what I see on my end different channels so I'm sure the the message for any email will be different than the social post but I think to your point of I I don't think that's what you're saying there is no way to click one button that sprads around you have to go platform by platform correct and my recommendation if we're talking about for example posting agendas the agenda is posted on granicus on our website um I it I don't think I have the ability to post a full agenda in the app notifications for example the notification would say agenda posted here's the link so it would be a link not like like an attached correct that's fine when I send it to people at I'm like yeah I'm not I didn't say anywhere in here that we should be including the full agenda it's a notice and the notice can include the link okay yeah yeah I mean look if it's something that's that that that says that that makes sense that these things can be published through these these mediums by way of link and yeah it works the the only request that I would have as the commission looks at doing this is let's keep consistent business days versus calendar days um I believe everything else is calendar days I think this proposal says business days I don't care which it is but let's just keep it consistent if I can just address that because I was just noticing that I was looking a former resolution that you all passed back in November of 2023 so that section B that we're talking about regarding notice originally it said for business days and um you all um you all voted to remove business and make it four days which makes which which by default makes it calendar days correct which would make it calendar days once you remove it so you you would shorten the time in which the um the agenda would be published understood so change take out the word business and just have it say do we leave it say days or do we make it say calendar days just for just to it's clear and in the future some commission where there are what seven people up here eight people up here and none of them are us and they're looking at that and not understanding what it is I always like things to be clear you could put calendar days but it it is understood that if it's not a business day going it's a calendar it's a calendar you can that's if that's the desire ofion okay so you're suggesting we go from four which is where we currently have now to the seven yeah calendar seven calendar calendar days and then um just one other thing and just so there's it we clear um Madam clerk has brought up a point that he's correct um when we talk about ordinances the notice the required notice for an ordinance um is is 10 days so that so we're talking about this is this is specifically talking about the P the publishing or the noticing of the agenda for the meeting that the ordinance change might or the or the new ordinance might be oh I'm lost hold on so there's still the ordinance is still going to have to be published in accordance with Florida law which is 10 days prior you mean you mean where it's published in the Daily Business reviewer yeah that's separate from the whatever newsp whatever it is now yeah yeah forget that doesn't exist anymore yeah you have you have by law to do a 10 prior that's what you're saying the advertisement let's use the term advertisement for a moment so the ad newspaper advertisement would come out prior to the agenda itself being being noticed which it does now anyway it should those for those ordinance meetings Pamela you get that out 10 days prior and that now it's the herald I guess and yeah no okay yeah okay yeah we're still hoping that and and I'm going to check again this week we're still hoping that the county comes up with their electronic we oh right right right there was that option which allowed to use they just don't have one yet okay so do we have uh consensus on this part of it I move on to the next one I have a I have a um something here so I want to make sure because this puts you guys sort of a different schedule so for me is I understand this is what we would like to see to be honest with you four days is not enough to have an agenda this is a experience and that why we're revising it um definitely you know you need more time but when it comes to um making sure how it's going to be communicated across all the platforms it has to be also the understanding that the time that that takes and the knowledge of managing the platforms and who's going to do it so I don't know if you guys have had the chance to really understand what is being requested as a point to being able to deliver it and so that by next month we're not getting it four days again because you know it's impossible due to the workload so Chris what's your take on well ver I'm sorry you're that's four days to us this is not to us okay as an example but even when it comes to you know this is basically mandated the way you're going to be communicating from now on not so not only on the I squeezed that Spanish but that's what I'm saying so it's it's the platforms are also going to have to be you know used the way it's it's being described and I just I I understand what the point is here which is everybody should know and we have had some issues with this but is it doable that's my question or is it going to put you against the wall in a month because now it looks great on paper but we're still not going to be able to meet it the process that I we just put in place um includes a schedule based on t- minus days so if the agenda has to go out on the 10th of the month um we have our department head meeting on the 6th of the month yeah we finalize things on the 7th and send it out to the commission on the 8th Mak any changes we need on the 9th and then on the 10th is when it goes public so whatever date you choose will just back up our procedure the required number of days to make it happen and so that's on the amount of days now in terms of the Platforms in which you will communicate you have the proper understanding of what that means who's managing it how it's going to happen in order to do it because I think the app is definitely helping um but it's the app uh the Instagram the Facebook we have a website and whatever else we might have that I don't know about so I just want to be fair to ask that question when you're saying putting it on the platform are you saying putting the agenda on the platform no the notice notice there's a meeting like the next door I'm sorry the app notifications that went out when did they go out yesterday they were they popped up on the app that we're having a meeting tonight I guess it's the Monday the Monday one that we get which I like because it kind of shows me what's happening for the week a notice and if you can include the link all the better Well it can't have because the agenda what they're asking for isend the agenda to be done that's why I I you I think you need to not only understanding within the calendar but also in terms of who does what to see if this can come through again I see OB GRE is then we all not modified through whatever platform we use you know we all do different not everybody is on next not everybody's on Facebook or in um but if we have all of them here is saying you're going to use them all in every month in certain amounts of days so I just want to understand that you are okay with that you have the stuff to do that and then we can move forward if we voted yet which ones are you doing now you're doing the app you're doing the app you're doing next door um what other social media platforms are we on Instagram Facebook next door the website the app yeah correct we keep our our main our main channels are website alerts calendar agendas all on the website and then we have next door um the app push notifications and the app email notifications so the commission can set whatever deadline the commission wants to set and we'll make the process work whatever the deadline is a deadline is an arbitrary thing you could say it has to be done two months before it still has to get done eventually yeah every then everything gets backed up to it and the next meeting is the same way so they're all everything is still as evenly I'm sorry I'm not speaking to the microphone and my next item is Log Cabin microphones um everything is spaced out in the same increments it's just the first time is pushed back a little bit but it's always the same spacing between them it's a month till the next one and a month till the next one and a month till the next one so they have to get done anyway sounds to me like you're already if I was understanding what you just said in Reading in conjunction with the edits that are being proposed here it sounds like you're already satisfied I mean not maybe not the days but the channels channels it's being satisfied so this is basically just changing pushing the calendar back it's just moving it back two days correct give us the date that this information needs to be published back it up back up our days or processing and make it happen um as long as we're if we're approving this as it's been Ed to remove the business part of the days business days to calendar days okay okay okay pick up whatever's in red okay okay okay let me go on to the next one public comment I'm sorry can I interrupt for just one second in reading some of the the red code here [Music] um it says let me back it up here and posted on all social media platforms for which The Village has has an official account um I would suggest changing that to all appropriate social media platforms Instagram for example um doesn't really lend itself well to official notifications um that's more of the the nice to no warm fuzzy stuff versus something like next door we can do that just my suggestion I'd be fine the word all put in the word appropriate okay Instagram can't you put in image of the of a of a flyer or when considering posting on social media you have to also consider the use of that type of social media Instagram is more for sharing quick little things um it's not really somebody wouldn't necessarily go to Instagram looking for a full agenda which would be available on something more like a next door and that there is not a link Associated I think use links in Instagram anyway you can't click on links or Instagram posts I think Point yeah okay so all appropriate okay all appropriate social media platforms let me add that to my notes R okay so the next part of it is let me save my changes okay the next part of of it is public comment so there are laws uh there's Sunshine laws about the public having the right to attend a meeting uh and we always want to encourage and allow for people to come in and comment on anything specifically our policies say that we allow for public comment at meetings and it does not it specifically precludes does not include workshops and this came up recently there were some people all fired up because they thought they wouldn't be able to speak at a workshop and this came up I was attending the meetings back when this happened when there were prior elected officials that were not allowing public comment at some of the workshops if they would have workshops and say no no no we don't allow for comment at the workshops unless we want to I think we need to say that all of our meetings are public they're welcome we encourage them to come and participate and we need to change that specifically say all meetings and workshops of the commission are open to the public public comment will be allowed at all commission workshops non voting meetings following the same guidelines as those used for commission voting meetings so I'll stop right there before I go on to the next part it is simply dictating right now we only allow public comment at this meeting and other meetings not the workshops not so I just want to make sure that I know we would never do this I'm confident this group wouldn't do it but I don't want people in the future to say like they were in the past you can't comment at the workshop we don't want to hear your opinion I don't think that it has to do with not hearing an opinion I think the the point of the workshop and happens in other Villages and it happens in other cities is that they don't open for comment because a workshop is different than a meeting otherwise you just would say meetings um the purpose of the differentiation is that is that there is a different concept as to that it's usually and we had that we actually did not post it for open common when we did our strategic plan and we were in the public um sorry in the rec center um the reason for that is that it it's just a different Dynamic there's nothing to be voted on it's just a simple conversation for us to have well there are things you could vote on but you specifically cannot vote correct and not voted Workshop so there the things are discussed that could be voted on but a workshop is this is a conversation I just personally believe that let me finish my point let me finish my point so I I see that this is not about quiting anybody because at the end of the day everybody has a chance to come to the meetings and votee on anything that is a voting item it's just a different format that is out there used by many again cities municipalities and we gave the example of Aventura because they are doing it um just in a different way and that they discuss prior and they present sort of the ideas when it comes to the meeting they have to listen to what everybody has to say anyhow um so I I'm not very into the All or Nothing is either we let you or we don't and I think this that was a resource because there are times with that might be dependent like it was in the case of the Strategic plan um so for me it's it there isn't about quieting and this should not actually make people angry um I think it's just another resource that has been utilized um for having a different format sort of uh prior for the voting on the meetings so I I don't see anything wrong about this I know you the way you made it sound when you said other the group this is not me trying to quiet anybody I just see it as an element that exists I understand what you're saying um just to have a different sort of format that's all I hear what you're saying and I don't think you would ever do it Vero but I've sat in biscane park workshops where it happened and where people wanted to say something and they were discussing a topic like I don't I can't remember I can specifically remember one at the rec center um but I think we benefit from hearing from residents and the reality is we're a village of 3,300 residents and we get crowds to this size and we limit to how much they can talk anyway and we benefit from them there are people that come to these meetings that know a whole lot more about what we discuss than some of us do me I'll freely admit that and I benefit from their knowledge and having them at meetings is is just helps me do better work and I think we should be a community that at every opportunity Embraces our residents and wants to pull them in and wants to hear from them and the reality is not that many of them show up and we limit them to 3 minutes anyway so it's not like they get to join join us and sit around the table with us and and join in the conversation and now it's not a workshop of 5 it's a workshop of 30 they get to they get to say something and then they sit down and they watch us do the workshop I just feel strongly that we should be hugging people into the process all the time and the reality is it's not that much um I'm good with it as long as we do it just like a regular commission meeting where we're allowed folks to speak up in initially uh in the beginning of the meetings and not during the actual workshops that's written into the next section then that's I'm perfectly fine with that that's written into the next section and listen the reality is some of the workshops are intended for Community input yeah so you know I mean so you're G to do some yes and some no you know I have no problem with it as long as we it's in the next section okay Ryan you wanted to say something yeah I agree that uh we should never silence our residents and I know it's not about silencing but uh we have sometimes a a lack of participation in the village with residents and I would hate for a resident to show up because they're passionate about whatever the item is on the workshop and get here and find out they can't talk about it and that would probably put a bad taste in their mouth they would not come back again we should always be encouraging residents we're blessed we do have some involved residents we should always be encouraged to have that's a very good point and they don't know the distinction between it when do you mean this is a workshop and not a meeting you're here having a meeting I want to say something okay like we have agreement on that okay with that and and I think to Arts point I think the order in this and you have it on the next point right yeah public com good okay yeah it's the same language as used for the other meeting so the first section three says public comment will be L at all commission works it just specifies that the next section 13 is where it defines public comment good and Welfare any person Desiring to address the commission shall first secure the permission da da da da da we just change the language to say any person to address the commission at any regular commission meeting special meeting or Workshop it just clarifies that they're all lumped in together under the same rules that we run here for public comment okay that's all it is and then the last thing is a definition of a workshop because now we're using the word workshop and it's not defined anywhere in here meeting and special meeting regular meeting and special meeting are so I asked Brad and he came up with he either wrote or came up found this definition of a workshop is a public meeting of the commission during which information regarding Village business may be elicited and issues may be discussed in an informal setting however no formal vote on any discussion item may take place during the work shop the purpose for the workshop must be clearly identified in the agenda and only the listed agenda items may be discussed Brad provided that for me and that will be added to the definition section or where is it sits there uh in Section 1 a that's where you told me to put it Brad read the paragraph above it it says I think we should add a definition for Workshop non- voting meeting in section 1A as a final paragraph after the paragraph detailing quasi judicial matters so one a uh SEC right so section 1A speaks of regular meetings special meetings quasi judicial matters so we would it at the end right after uh quasi judicial matters what is appropriate here to make the resolution come back to us did you have a comment about something Jonathan I just have two questions Brad um the uh by adding this language do that necessarily extend this requirement to any and all hearings incl including closed hearings uh wherein we may not be allowed to take public comment oh no so any closed door session um that's permissible by the Sunshine Law and there's only SE there's only certain delineated ones that it would ever happen they're not well they they will and I think we we we'll have one shortly for instance um we're engaged in um collective bargaining negotiations with various um various unions and if there is something that the manager feels that he needs um some guidance from the commission with regards to um those negotiations and parameters and things of that nature we're entitled under the Sunshine Law to have a closed door meeting with uh would just be the manager myself mam Clerk and and the commission the public is not not allowed in that meeting so that we can discuss that's statuto statutory um it is also um shade it's called a shade session there's also shade sessions if if we're involved in litigation and we want to talk about settlements um settlement negotiations we can we meet privately not open to the public um where we can discuss those and you can give your legal counsel um guidance on on parameters of settling um litigation um I will just so the public is aware those sessions are recorded and um after the after afterwards they they they come public so it's it's not something that's forever held secret but it's there there's just some Integrity issues with regards to that information coming out yeah I understand I just want to make sure that it wouldn't it wouldn't impinge on any statutory duties or requirements that were required to follow um the workshop definition uh just very quickly does it in any way I know you drafted it so I know you're intimately familiar with it but in your in your position and opinion does it limit or fundamentally change or alter in any way how we currently conduct Workshop session I mean other than adding the public comment portion to it of course no not that I can see um it is a fairly I mean I word Smith it a little bit but it's a fairly consistent definition of of what a public what a workshop meeting is good enough for me other jurisdiction okay so what's the step now Jonathan to bring this to have it come back to us as a resolution is it kind of a consensus we all think this is good this way and Brad will work on it bring it back that's right consensus is to okay to make these changes to your uh commission meeting procedures um and I will come forth with a resolution with with these attached and um I guess what we should do moving forward um is that once if it's um approved by the commission um we should have a clean copy that's created and so that just we know exactly what the previous changes were and what the present changes we don't have those confusions was business in there was it not in there yeah that so no vote necessary we're done we got cons I think think we've heard now you're just giving me direction yeah so you do that by consent awesome and then the vote will be I think done understood and we have a second chance to discuss it and discuss any changes Brad thank you very much you were really helpful when I worked on this it seems so long ago I can't remember that's my pleasure thanks Brad thank you vice mayor so so having consensus on that item let's go ahead to the the next item The Log Cabin audio please exactly or thank you very much intentional you line that was intentional yeah okay so guys we got issues in this room it's bad and it's bad enough in this room when you're pay when you're here attending the meeting I I can't hear you guys I'm in a meeting with you and I sit over here on this end so I can see you and try to follow better all you have to do is turn your head and I can't hear you no one can hear you people in the room can't hear you people live streaming can't hear you I get text messages I can't hear you and they don't know what we're talking about and then I refer back to the videos I watch I don't watch every meeting in its entirety but I will refer back to nearly every meeting and workshop that we have that's recorded to go back and listen to make sure I understood something I have my notes that I keep but I do my you know I do my my homework to prepare for the next meeting um and I go back and listen and I can't hear what's going on so I'll listen to things I'm like I you know Vero said something that sounded really good and we all agreed with it and I don't know what she said you know and it's wrong and my notes are ambiguous so it's like it's bad so we need to fix it so I don't need to go on anymore about the problem we got a problem and we need to fix it um so I'm all ears about what you think we should do this is a disaster by the way how much time do we waste in the given meeting I can't hear you and talk into the microphone can someone change the batteries it's off turn it back on who knows how to do it where are the batteries it's absurd I mean it's like we're running that kindergartens are run better than that thing so we got a problem over there and we got a problem up here what's the solution I have sat on Plenty of panels in my career where I had a lavalier mic right here and you kind of can't get away from it because no matter where you go that thing is picking up what you're saying and they worked really well they battery operated things you have to be careful if you go in the bathroom because your mic's on unless you turn your mic off so uh I am not presenting a hard and fast uh recommendation here I think Chris has some suggestions and I hope you guys came with some suggestions as well but the problem has to be fixed it's absurd and we're not we're not properly recording things we're not keeping record properly I think we probably could walk our find ourselves in some legal you know predicaments because of what's not happening well in this room and it's not just us it's other board meetings as well Code Compliance and pnz use planning board use the same mics so thoughts comments suggestions oh I think uh first of all the mics have to be you have to have the capabilities at least the ones up here to turn them on and turn them off can't have something that's on at all times they click on and yeah okay well I'm just saying yeah the big issue with the these mics is not the mics themselves it's the people utilizing the mics and that's a problem I can't fix that you're not going to fix I can't fix I can fix a mic but I can't fix a person that doesn't know how to speak into a mic or turn them on and turn them off which you and I have seen that quite often right so I don't think these are so much of an issue for me I I I I talk into the mic I turn it on I turn it off the big issue is that particular mic that's an issue and that and I think that that should be an easy fix uh it it may require a cable to be connected so that we don't have to use batteries I don't know um but for me these mics work fine I I I I I think it's a people problem it's not a mic problem right but we have to solve the problem how are we going to solve the people problem well you're gonna have to well so so what are you gonna have you're going to give them a mic that's live all the time that's all the time live they're still going to have to click a button uh Mac they're going to still have to click a button if they can't click this button makes you think they're going to click that button but you can't get away from here as soon as I lean back like this now but why are you leaning back lean forward and speaking the mic but I'm just saying it's it's a all anyway I I'm listening to you okay I'm just saying I just think I just I just don't think that this is an issue for me this is not an issue it's a it's a person issue it's a people issue and and I I you know I can't I can't fix people that's an issue to me this is this to me is not an issue but if I'm open to suggestion I don't I I think I agree this mic's work I it's just getting used to it and remember that we all have to speak uh close to the mic um not just us but the boards as well when they meet I mean there's there's that um I actually love the idea that this can move up and down so easily instead of having that uh you know people need to grab it with their hand you're using a hand maybe you didn't need so it it's um I think if we could have something like that at the podium where people we run a wire and put one of those things so maybe the they issue yeah I think the minimum is the podium is not mobile we move at meeting sometimes at me sorry at meeting sometimes we move the podium to answer your question yes it I would assume it's doable um the connection for a wireless mic should be the same as the connection for another mic is an XLR cable um running wires would be the challenge um we could do something like we have over here now where it's that rubber mat um but then the podium would not be movable would be mobile yeah and can we have a mobile one should we need it because the truth is people when come they speak they speak from there very few times I've seen the mic needed passed on yeah so we could have a option b mic that is turned off on the side Wireless and then we can pass it up needed but as soon as your Public Works director would like to chime in if you could please you like it lean in and speak clearly we could wire a hard wire to this area that'll hang during meetings on a regular mic you connect it that way this mic will always be a portable mic and when we're not in use we could disconnect it oh clever see see that's why you're here can we get one exactly in this corner however I would stay away from lavalier mics they're very expensive and very sensitive okay so run a w drop a wire and then if there was extra wire up there if there was a reason to have the podium somewhere else we could possibly even sort of run the wire throw it over another rafter and drop it down there okay well at least that solves that problem why don't we start with that yeah yeah what do we do about us before you jump into that let me just put a huge asterisk on that okay on that's just making sure that we do have the available connections so that's certainly something that we can explore but I not going to guarantee that that's something we can do we may have to do some changes to our amp so two things on that point then I guess one would be determining whether we have the ability to do it without an an increased and significant changing cost to to outfitting the whole system and I guess to uh to the director's point is how much those lapel mics or or individual mics would cost so it's like a two sorry it's it's just it's like a two got a price at least yeah well that's what I'm thinking it's a two- factor it's a two-factor analysis here that we don't have the information for the cost for those mics and to the capabilities to implement them um to the to the lapel mic Point I've already had conversations with a few different meeting technology vendors and on our current set set up a lapel mic is not advisable because of the feedback um every surface in here is a hard surface and for the lapel mic to be loud enough to pick up voice it has to be turned up high enough that's it's going to pick up feedback um it's a difference between sitting this close to the microphone and being able to sit this far back so it has to be turned way up so we can certainly get a price on that um the price for the cable and everything else and the additional microphone should be fairly insignificant minim Miss sorry Chris is it worth asking our vendors if there's a mic they suggest and we could actually get a tri one as a trial basis to try it at a couple meetings a loner mic if you will just to try it out and I'm sure if we like it we go with it we will purchase more of them um you mean for up here or over there or both you know if they're a vendor willing to sell microphones maybe they have one they suggest that they would loan to us as a loan item where we could try at a meeting try it out say yeah this works and we go forward with the purchase of more it so I'll have to consult with our attorney on that um if we end up replacing all the microphones up here it could well it will exceed um the $2,500 that that uh under which we can do basically no additional bids no additional quotes um I would anticipate if we do look at changing multiple microphones out we're going to be approaching 8 to $10,000 so if you if you were going to do that you would have to put it out put it out to bid for companies to come in and give you a trial and you would have to be able to you I mean you would the benefit of that is you would be able to use different mics from different companies or different providers and then you you could ultimately make a choice through that you'd have to have some kind of a committee to evaluate it and do it through that process um and then ultimately we would have to come back to the commission for approv one and then I ask you this every time BR when you put an RFP out you're not obligated to hire any of them you can say we cancel the project you can you can do you can do an RFP or um and um or an RFB request for bids and then withdraw it and say we're not moving forward not going to do it so we and then the RFP or B or Q there's a bunch of different ones um uh it could be written in there that you have to come give us a setup and let us try it before we buy it yes so you would you would put out and as one of the conditions is that there is going to be a whatever three meeting two meeting trial run um and it's going to be approval by the by the village of of the product before any purchase so you you could you could do it as you could do it two ways you could do it that way where you put an RFP out and you you see the products you make it a condition of the bid that they're able to let us do a a t& of the products trial and error of the products for a period of time whatever that period of time is and then you you will um select a vendor as result of the t& process um you can put out an RFP just for a trial for where where vendors will come to you and and lend you or give you their their product and then you evaluate it and then you do a um you ask them to put another bid in I mean there's different ways to do it let me ask you so just in in terms of that so that is if we exceed the $2,500 and there was a need for a bid so if if it's under if it's under the I'm drawing a blank under the $2500 does not require any quote if it's between $ 2500 and $110,000 manager see tap in the table um the manager does have the authority to purchase without coming before the commission however he needs to get three quotes anything over $10,000 has to come to the commission for for approval and he needs to do um bids need to do re bids so I I I um I think I for me again this is an issue isn't the issue is just that microphone over there I don't think that that should be more than $2500 anyhow um right you mean that yeah I wouldn't hope so yeah please um and that I think would fix the issue yeah so is that whole bid thing I I think you and I are in agreement here is that whole bid thing more fuss than it's worth in the end is it for the gain and worry about that for now I think that's where we should start I think we should start with that I I would be interested in knowing whether our current system could even be adapted to take different wireless microphone systems because that to me that's a threshold issue if we're talking about replacing the entire system I think it's a much larger conversation yeah we can microphones are completely interchangeable if we have an existing Wireless setup we can change it out for a wireless a different Wireless the same thing with wired um the question I have is sometime we have we have we actually have multiple Wireless um all within the same receiver that plug into the box I just have to make sure that we have in plugs to be able to keep that it sounds like keep that existing Wireless and add an additional wired so that's what I just have to check out maybe we just start with that then maybe we do that we do by motion by consensus sounds like we already have it to have replaced and make it wired make it more accessible and and better better and then um Chris if you you could look into our current infrastructure audio systems to see how that might look is is it the intention of the commission that if we are able to immediately obtain a wired microphone to go ahead and do that Pro provided it's under Podium Podium yeah than in need help yes yes okay maybe we should look into to see if there's a system that anytime someone's not speaking directly under their microphone you get shocked yeah that go smack in the back of the head well I I took commissioner Gonzalez's heed and I'm leaning in and making sure everybody can hear me Brad it's often you I don't hear on the I I I know that that's why I call you sometimes and say what well I lean back I do lean back so I'm gonna make a conscious effort to make sure I'm leaning forward it's bad for my posture but I'll do it okay well it sounds like we've got you guys for hearing me out on that so we'll solve that product great okay thank you vice mayor um okay so we are on to our last item which is well last time old business which is the manager post evaluation plan uh and Mr manager this is your item so if you want to introduce it to us and give us whatever information you'd like absolutely um after the manager evaluation I took the feedback and went uh and created the manager evaluation feedback and plan basically the two main areas that were identified as is needing enhancement where Communications and Reporting so what I did was create this plan to address those two areas um the first part of the plan is just kind of the summary of the things that we had discussed during um during the manager evaluation and then the next sections are actually a rough timeline for when things are going to be improve when things are going to be improved and what that's going to look like so for example taking a look at communications uh my communications Focus was during March and April of 2024 um it talks a little bit about using um next doors a strategy the app and email strategy the different distribution lists and so on um I didn't I'm not I did not wait for this to come to the commission prior to starting to take action so as you can see we've already started using the application and better utilizing next door for communications um reporting is the next topic and that's going to be in May and June those are two month I'm going to focus on reporting and getting these things um squared away to the to the satisfaction of the commission everything from the manager report to the Department's reports and so on once that's done in June um then starting in July we're going to work on more of a change management framework um because there are many additional changes that we need to make um change management includes things like involving or informing the community when we're making website changes or we're making changes to the communications plan and whatnot so this is basically just a rough timeline of what I'm going to be working on each individual area that was identified as a focus area during my performance review completing everything by the end of my first year which is August 14th um with that I'll open up to any questions that you may have should we just make that the end of the fiscal year since it's just a month later and give you a month to get stuff done and that way we're always talking f schal years and that and we do your evaluations in September yeah y i I have to double check I I want to say that it's due in October the eval I'm looking give me a moment it's up to it's up to the commission to make it just seems so tight Chris we're in May May June July August it's like it's three and a half months to try to get all this stuff done if we give you an extra I always like things just sort of hitting on the the same date end of the fiscal everything kind of stops and we start fresh subject to what we're going to hear from from Brad go ahead Brad dig through the contract on the spot and find it while Brad's looking can I mention a couple go talk about a couple things real of course um okay so um regarding the app so I love the app I have a little bit of a challenge with the app myself Chris I think it might be a setting on my phone I can't um I can't uh do a what I can't do um on my phone a request yeah I can't do a request do you have the same problem oh okay because I can fill it all out but the submit button is halfway off the bottom of the screen and I can't slide up to get to it and I tried it on Dan's phone too and the same thing happened want to lean back on my extensive it experience I'm not even kidding I worked for a software company that had apps and the the solution was go ahead and delete it and reinstall it like okay I'll do that I absolutely the phone and turn it back on and it should be fine okay so sorry if I can interrupt just one second I was able to did you I've got it yeah so did I October one it's no it's says so um the manager has to place on the agenda within 30 days I'm sorry after his probation which is then and then it's prior to October one of each year an item addressing his valuation so it has to be at least September September so okay so I think we should just make it the end of the fiscal year and just make everything nice and clean and neat so we're not measuring you against some arbitrary date that none of us are going to remember anybody have a problem with that gives you an extra month Chris okay so I love the app Chris um but we only have 47 registered users on the app guys 47 people now that doesn't count people who have downloaded the app and can see it but aren't registered and registering is what enables you to engage with it in an outgoing way so there there are more people who have the app but I asked Chris and he can't see that number because that would just be the people who downloaded it from the Google store or wherever they got at the app Apple Store so um unless they've registered we wouldn't be able to count them we have 47 registered users so it's not a big number um there have been posts on the app to sign up for the app well that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me because if you don't have the app then you're not seeing the post to sign up for the app there are email Emil blast I've seen a couple of those couple years ago we didn't we coordinated an effort to get people to sign up for the email list before we had the app and uh we were very successful with putting median or you were a commissioner then weren't you yeah you were you and I were up here and we did median signs and door hangers and it was not expensive and it was a quick roll out I actually hung most of the door hangers myself we got a I got I told Mario at the time I will find volunteers to do it and I did there was like seven or eight residents and we went out and in 3 days we swept the village and there was a door hanger on every door and there were about 25 or 30 median signs Chris you could probably find a an an invoice that would show you how many strategically placed with a QR code say again I know because Mario ordered a zillion of them but they're they're no good anymore because it says email list so there's boxes of them sitting over there so it was really simple you guys all got one on your door you may remember it but it was sign up for our email list and we doubled our enrollment from that effort so I think this needs to be we need to do some grassroot stuff to get people to do this and the and the best way to do that is hang something on their door and put signs all over the place with a QR code that they scan and boom it tell it takes them to the App Store and they're in so I would I would like to see that happen because we've invested time and money in this app Chris is really hanging his hat on this app the app is working I find it to be a bit much when you go in here and start a request and and you want to start looking for stuff to make a request it's just an enormous like I was trying to report an electrical box on the side of a street that was hanging open with stuff hanging out of it and it was like oh my God I was just scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and still couldn't find the appropriate place to put it I couldn't submit it anyway so um um there's a lot of time and money invested in this thing and we've got to make it work but 47 people isn't cutting it yeah so I hope we do something about that um Chris the website and the other I'm sorry regarding the app I don't think we ever need to think about decreasing emails and increasing app engagement those two thing it shouldn't be one or the other and there have been some Communications that went out that suggested didn't suggest they said email The Village Clerk and have your name removed from our email list there were messages that went out and said sign up for our app and email the village Clerk and has to be removed from our email list I was like why are we trying to diminish the size decrease the size of the email list we should be trying to increase engagement every possible way we can not one for the other um the website we paid someone to do this website so now we're talking about have paying someone to do a website for us Chris have you talked to the people who did the website are we do they have any obligation to help us out with that to make it better a better version of what it is cuz I don't think it's all that terrible I know my way around it I use it all the time or is it an engagement with the app thing that you're having a problem with very dramatic ahead okay I'll answer now um legal is currently working with our vendor catalysts um our contract with them their original contract with them included an annual refresh um so once we were able to get the terms squared away which may or may not have to come before the commission um that cost of redoing or revamping or refreshing is included in the contract yeah absolutely so just so so we understand the contract is still in place I mean it's has remaining term left and Chris correct me if I'm wrong I believe Catalyst which is the new name of the vendor they I I guess they bought out the original vendor and what they want us to do is enter into a new contract with an extended term with the new with the new company with Catalyst my my if we do that since it's now a new term we would have to go through our procurement process again and put it out for for bid and and do follow our code in procuring the services for this this vendor so what we've asked them to do is we asked them look we still have an agreement with you you just bought out the company you've you've taken over the obligations of the original company's contract so just allow just take right an assignment all it is is essentially a CH agree changing the name we're allowing the assignment to take place um because all they really want is the name Catalyst on the agreement as a opposed to whatever the original I don't whatever the original company was I change by interlineation and that's what we've been trying to get them to do and they keep on saying well we're extending your term we go okay but you have to understand we have rules that we have to follow what's the current term when's the current ter and if I remember I think there's two more years on that term correct I believe there's two that would be two more updates or whatever reviews or whatever they call it so that's what we're going that's what we're going through with them right now there's some of the issues are is I have to go through I have to go through Chris I can't talk to the company directly because there some attorney ethical issues they're represented by Council and I can't as the mayor would know I can't reach out and talk to them directly unless I get consent from their Council to talk to them um there's been some I've had issues with that before so I'm very careful with not not doing that um and the last communication we had from them is they were trying to get a communication from their Council allowing me to speak to them and just explain this process but Chris has very clearly explained it to him in emails um Chris and I have talked about it and that's kind of where we're kind of at the stalemate with that so you personally can't reach out to their attorneys no I I can talk to their attorneys I they're a represented entity so I can't corporate Representatives unless their unless their Council gives me permission to do so but Chris is allowed to talk to them yes and so he's been very effective of Rel you know Chris and I would talk and communicate what the issue is and I would send Chris an email and he would basically P copy paste it or paraphrase it and send it off okay as I see in here about hiring a consultant to work on it and okay good I'm glad you guys are chasing that down because it was my understanding that we paid money and an extended contract to make sure all of this would be included and Chris there was also a communication add-on that we approved when we got this website do you recall this art that was a communication integration into the website that would facilitate a lot of the things that we're talking about are we aware of that that communication component is the email list that we were using previously all those emails have been ported over to the new app so that's all it is is that just the email manipul email list okay I could have sworn that it included some kind of integration with social media and there was more to it than that because we had them in here talking to us I'm going to find that meeting and go back there may have been more available but that is what we what the what biscamp park ended up purchasing I just remember there was a a communication tool add-on that's what I I'm going to go find that and look at that again can you get a can you send a copy to me of that uh contract with the website company that we approved we can track that down and do that for you tomorrow that'd be great thanks because I want to look for that because that was one of the very specific things that I remember we were very interested in you're going to send it Brad yes I have it because I I was using it as a working copy so okay good think I believe I have a clean copy I'll forward it to you and forward to the man so so all the post evaluation stuff it sounds like you heard very clearly what we want and you're working on it already and we just gave you a little more time to get it done um I'll just wrap it up to say I love the app I would like more people on the app than 47 we have 3,300 residents and 4 seven of them are registered users and it seems to be the most effective way to get people to engage and stuff so we need to hop on that figure out what's going on with the website and um and share as much as we can with residents Chris since now very quickly just I'm interested because it seemed like there was there was more interaction with the app too based how many 47 you said registered yeah registered so we have this app in these Market Market places we're we're not privy to downloads or is that the contractor what's the contractor again goov yov has that information they they they're not unwilling to they're yeah I'm sorry didn't mean to interrupt sir um I'm in C I'm in talks with them to try to find that information the the limits that they have is for example Google can say you have between 10 and 200 downloads um the challenge is um they specifically have multiple applications out there for multiple municipalities so we trying to figure out how to get that information um there's also the question of downloads versus we don't know when somebody deletes the app um but still just finding all the downloads would be very helpful and we're trying to get that information an extra data metric would certainly be helpful because I would be interested hearing 47 yeah it's certainly low so I would I would it would be nice to know even if there's a range to know I mean maybe it'll end up being 40 to something and then we know we've got 40 but um yeah if if we could get that information would be certainly helpful and Grassroots effort to sorry Grassroots effort to add more users would certainly be helpful that'd be great I yeah everyone Chris who's downloaded is getting the notifications yeah yes and no what's that mean the 47 people have registered as Citizens they're the ones that can actually go through and and create service requests and things like that there are two ways to receive notifications one is to submit your email address in which case those in those notifications go via email the second way is to just download the app and choose which distribution lists which app notification lists you want to be on so for example a resident could say I only want to get Public Safety emergency notifications or I want to get Public Safety and parks and wreck notifications so the yes anybody who downloads the app can get those notifications but they do have the ability to choose which notifications they get so therefore if somebody isn't signed up for Public Safety they're not going to get the avoid the Area notification for example okay so I download the app now I immediately created an account so I don't know what it looks like when I don't have an account um I I I now I'm a registered user if I'm not a registered user and I just downloaded the app does it prompt me to go there and say hey to receive notifications you need to go on here and make your choices or do they have to know to go look for that and actively say hey I would like notifications to come the notifications are automatic it's assumed when you download the app that you are going to get all notifications and then you can go in and deselect the notifications you do not oh so you don't opt in you opt out under this uh this one under the notifications on the side menu board there they're all they're all listed I I didn't select any of these so I'm just getting them all you're getting them all I'm just getting them all okay well that's I think that's the best default actually okay um so I think the um this things usually take time for people to grasp and not everybody has the uh smartphone that can take an app and understand how to download and how to create an account and all of that so I think we're not going to get 3,000 people enrolled and I think um I would like to say and I think you and I spoke about this with the vendor what a goal and relatively knowing that they've done this with other cities what the success story is and they can tell you that so if they work with a city of elport for example and there's uh 2500 residents and they normally get to 10% and they consider a success then that's what we got and that's a question to be asked before but that's sort of the me the metric that we need to understand because it's not going to be everybody the same thing that not everybody's using Instagram not everybody's using next door and so on so I think here it's more have a benchmark so that when it comes to measurement time and this is also in your performance review that because we're given so much emphasis and we're talking about putting money behind awareness of the app existing that we are kind of consistent on what we expect to get back that would be my my first point and then the other is on your um performance um sort of feedback that you came back with next door strategy one post per day to me looks like an Overkill if I'm I'm being honest I think it's um a lot of communication just to share about the nice to know things I think we have to give the priority to the website that is a host of everything at the end of the day excuse me so that everybody can come and know that whenever there is a question as to the details of how we work the website has all the information um and the next door can be use as a compliment uh maybe to the main notification so we just approved today um um and and and that's basically it again I don't think every platform needs to be used for everything just because they're not meant for it um the format is not meant for it and you're not going to have time to be building formats to fit in the the platforms so I think that as long as we still keep the website our main thing so whether it's with a vendor to understand what the flow should be and what the user experience is going to kind to look like you know if it's not too confusing and all of that because we have people from all ages and that's why I'm saying we need to understand that not everybody's going to arrive to the app and see that um but and then the rest would Cascade from that so I appreciate that you're trying I think just to spread as much as possible because that was the feedback we had um now that we passed more on today how we want that to happen in terms of dates you have it all out there I just think um just grabbing some benchmarks right huge to measure if it's working or not so this questions don't end up like you know I don't know can I respond to one thing there because I agree with you that the website's kind of the center of the universe it's the center of the of the wheel right all the spokes come out from that here's the difference a website doesn't reach out to people and tell them something's going on they have to know that something's going on to go find out about it and the Outreach notifications on the app next door is still our biggest volume of people look at that next door 1700 members in biscane park are on next door um but there's Outreach to Residents through the other uh methods a website you're just waiting for people to come to you that's the difference so the website as the center of the center of the wheel absolutely but I think all these other out Outreach methods are very critically important the next door should be used a whole lot especially for now because it's our biggest group we have I think we have about we'll be a fewer people on the email list now than we do on next door and then we have we don't really quite know what's on the app we being honest and I have no idea about Instagram and Facebook but um so I think those Outreach methods are critically critically important here's and just so you all understand how next door works if I'm saying something you already know just ignore me but when I post something on next door well Ryan you can't reply anymore but your wife sure will give me hell so Danny will reply and she'll say something back and she'll she'll she'll correct me and uh then a dialogue takes place and as that dialogue is taking place the post stays up at the top and is very visible to people when Chris posts from the village his are closed and the second it hits it starts dropping down the list and watch it and within an hour he's 50 items down the list and no one's seeing it now so the village The Village posts are not as V they don't stay as visible because no one can comment on them to keep them pushed up to the top but when we all post they can be commented on and stay up to the top so we all can have a role in this as well to help keep topics alive for example there was a whole lot of chatter on next door about the Miami Country Day School things that were going on and the guy was coming in here tonight to present it to us good night good night and um uh no one knew about it on next door so I put it on next door and said hey if you want to know about this from the horse's mouth there he is so at any rate that's that so um I see 10 o'clock there's no other comment on this this point really quickly want to add Chris it definitely from post review you heard what the commission said I see the change I think consistency plays a key factor in this I want like hopefully we see consistency because I think when when things stop stop being consistent people disengage they stop listen uh the Grassroots movement for the app definitely I saw it during movie night in the park you guys were out there the staff was out there trying to push it we have a lot more events coming up hopefully we continue that momentum as we go through the summer to try to raise that 47 I second that um so Mr manager thank you for the update on the plan it looks it looks good um yeah seems to be working well and I'm happy to see it continue to to uh increase and get better with our our resident interaction so um all right so there's nothing else on that one on 12E let's go ahead and move on that's our last item for new business we've knocked them all out other than the um the amended new item which is the potential Amendment to the Charter section 2.01 if I got that um one correct um so I guess that would be request for replacement on the next agenda yeah okay supp I mean we're supposed to do it at our at our the next meeting if we don't do it tonight and we decide well do we want to take five minutes or we want to move to the next agenda item knock this out in 10 minutes it's it going be a conversation and if we decide to do it if we decide to do it we can do it in three seconds I mean trly do we have a a motion to go for another five minutes motion to extend the meeting for 10 minutes I'll say second okay second okay well we have consensus okay so um Charter item number 2.01 um to introduce yeah sure so this came up when I was elected the first time I was elected during a special election and um and at our first meeting we elected the commissioned elected a mayor and that's when Janny oalen became the mayor our Law Firm at the time interpreted section 2.01 where it says at the first meeting of each newly elected commission that that would be anytime a new Commissioners introduced to the group because we never elect a commission is a body of five and we never elect five so there is no way for us to uh have a newly elected commission that is all of us it's always a portion of the group it's all it's typically every two years we elect three people and that's when we do it but then we have special elections where this time we elected one person when I was elected it was two it was me and Jenny and uh Jenny was elected to be the mayor at our first meeting our attorney at the time told us we needed to do this and that's why we did it it caused a huge kurur fluffle and the May and the mayor at the time resigned as a result of it so there are two ways you can read that same section and interpret it one way would be the way our Law Firm back then did who I thought was a great Law Firm that's their area of specialty as municipal government one of their areas and then I have complete faith in Brad and his firm and they're saying it differently now Brad when I first mentioned it to him did say Max Wright put it on the agenda and then later after more consideration I guess you guys decided yeah you did you sent me an email saying yeah it has to yeah you did so that's why I was surprised when I got the email saying it's not going to be on the agenda because Brad said not to do it because initially you said yep and then you I guess after more conversations you change your mind so at anyway two law firms looked at this and gave two different opinions that led to two different scenarios my concern is that if we do it one way with one time that Commissioners are elected and we do it different the next time it gives the appearance of Beyond impropriety it looks like things are being manipulated like oh when Mack and jinny got elected they elected a new mayor and they made jinny mayor and Dan helped them and Tracy quit and Dot do do D dot because that's exactly what happened and now this time oh Ryan gets elected and they don't elect a new mayor they just let it ride because they're all happy with what's going on I don't like that appearance and I'm going to say it again I said at the beginning of the meeting I was prepared for this to be on the agenda tonight because I thought it was going to be on the agenda and I was going to take great pleasure of beating Veronica to the punch this time and nominating you because I think you're doing a great job so it's not about you Jonathan it's about what our Charter says and we have procedures that we need to follow and we need to follow them consistently Lee and if that had not caused such a kurur fluffle before I might be okay like uh okay but it was a major blow up in this Village when that happened the mayor didn't show up at a meeting a meeting couldn't be called to order then she resigned and we couldn't have a meet it was a show in this Village you guys weren't involved in it then you probably aren't even know where it happened but it happened big ugly splashy way so I don't want us to look like we're manipulating anything here would prefer that we follow it the way we followed it last which is a very reasonable thing follows the words that are on that piece of paper and that I would then immediately if you guys agreed make a motion to to elect Jonathan to be our mayor through the end of this term that ends in November at the election I didn't take it that way so don't worry I I appreciate that well I also started before the meeting I said Brad this is nothing against you and your firm and he's like don't worry about it yeah yeah of course it's not that's not the point so um just from a legal perspective then I the benefit of of what you your impression would be with respect to 2.01 and then what the process would be to amend if necessary so the the applicable provision is is the last sentence of of Charter section 2.01 which says the commission shall elect one of its members to the position of Mayor at the first meeting of each newly elected commission so the operating terms are new what is what is a newly elected commission um in our interpretation when I say our this was something I discussed with my colleagues and my firm similar to what your previous um firm did is when we went through what a newly elected commission is we were looking at that is is when a commission is seated to new terms so and I understand that it's not you're never going to have all five members of the commission because your your terms are staggered for that obvious reason that you can't have no Commissioners so but but EV but at the end of a eneral election you will have somewhere between two or three Commissioners that will depending on the Staggering of the terms where you'll be seating them for full terms and this is not any any disrespect to commissioner hunt it's always three it's not two or three it's always three ter three terms excuse me The Originals the original I'm I'm thinking back to the original selection where they were staggered originally we're still staggered we elect three no I know but that's how they got St it doesn't matter that's how we got Stagg that's how they ultimately got staggered so um essentially what commissioner Huntington and and no disrespect meant is he's here the only place that you're the only place that your code or your Charter uses the word intrum is if the governor is appointing Phill of vacancy which is clearly not what happened here but essentially if you look at the definition of an intrum is a it's some it's some somebody coming in for a part of a term which is what commissioner is doing seat is up for reelection in November as is several other seats so the way we interpret that is this is not what what's not what the charter intended is a place replacement of a seat by special election to part to fill the remainder of a term because in in our opinion that interpretation could lead to um some very taxing results and let's say for instance you had three Commissioners just as a scenario who all at staggered times during their terms decided to resign so now you would have potentially three separate separate um special elections to fill those seats and after over within a year would be potential and you would actually be selecting a mayor every every time can I now can I articulate the flip side of that well yeah just let okay in that seat and I think our interpretation and there's nothing case law there's nothing else for us to look at other than the language um is that's not what the Comm that's not what the charter intend okay okay the flip side of that is you have three people uh resign in the same year and you have three elections and you elect the mayor three times uh I go back to the will of the people the people the people fill these seats these aren't our seats they're their seats to fill they pick who's going to be in there and if people are quitting and new people are coming in maybe those people are quitting for a reason and maybe the mayor's the problem and the mayor needs to go so maybe people are quitting and it's like this is this this is I can't deal with this and I'm out that's what happened okay so they're quitting like forget I'm not doing this and they start quitting we can't get rid of a mayor there is no mechanism Jonathan to get rid of you in the mayoral seat right now we can't remove you from your seat this commission has no ability to say this isn't working out Jonathan you got to slide down one chair and let's put ver ver in that seat for a while um but if there's an election it gives us that opportunity to to correct a problem that might exist I'm just looking at all the different ways this could play out and I keep falling back to I just hate the look that we do it one way one time with these people and we do it another way another time and if and there's and it's ambiguous it's not clear it doesn't say after a general election it doesn't and our and our Charter doesn't uh make any distinction between the results of a general election and a special election it's an election and there's an outcome and there's a there's a person no well to maybe to head off this this whole discussion and not intend to do so but any change that we make to the Charter has to done be done by referendum by referendum you would pass an ordinance and then it would be subject to a referendum does it take effect when you pass the ordinance or does it take effect when you pass the it does not take effect until a referend so then if and I don't think it takes effect right away either does it Brad I don't think it takes effect immediately after the election there's a there's a period where there's a period that you have to wait yeah you make an effective I don't know that this merits changing the charter if we were going to go to the trouble of a an ordinance to then put something on it's a referendum it should be something bigger than this unless there were like a whole bunch of things that we needed to fix conversation we can't have in time for the next election if there was some real substantive like real serious issues I'd say uh let's get them fixed in a referendum and and and to to the vice mayor's point you you can make that you can make either argument intelligently as to what a newly elected commission says if it said a newly elected commissioner then it would be a no-brain and then so there's your newly elect elected commissioner commissioner Huntington you you you you appoint a new mayor but it says what is in newly elected commission is it when one member is seated for a partial term or is it when one or more members are newly seated to complete a full term and it sounds like kind of what sorry I apologize I think we're talking about two different things then I think one we're talking about amending that language to make it more clear when it would trigger an appointment of a new mayor and two your second point we're talking about potentially including a a change to that um that would affect a commission and how they would potent a commission would potentially remove a mayor I think they're two different things so if the intention now is to clear up that language to say let's be very clear on when that happens um we need to decide what language we want to do do we want it when any commissioner is elected or do we want to do it when any general election happens I'm not I'm personally not interested in changing the charter for this reason I'm just interested in us maintaining some continuity and doing what feels to be the right thing right now and here's how I read it when it says a newly elected commission a commission is a body of five and when that body changes one's gone another one's in it's a new commission that's a new body of five it's a unit a commission is a unit made of these five individual things that are together when you replace something in there now it's a new commission and that commission should have the opportunity to make that change and that's what was determined before and here's the other thing What If This Were A Nut Show going on in here and there was a special election and the residents look they rolled out and elected him with 79% of the vote and let's say he was our knight in shining armor coming in here to try to fix everything then he someone needs to be able to say make him the mayor the residents just said make that man the mayor for God's sake there was a referendum like real it didn't happen that's not what's happening but the commission is a body of five and it just changed with the addition of Ryan to the mix so now it's a different commission that's how the attorneys and I don't want to speak for those attorneys but that's how it was interpreted before and that's what led to us doing it before so we just need look we could talk about this all night we just need to decide what we're going to do do we want to have an election tonight and elect the mayor or do we want to follow it the way that Brad says it reads just have to decide that and move forward I agree I I don't think we're going to resolve we're not going to and I don't and I have no interest in changing the charter for this just one thing it's what the pleasure it's how this commission by consensus um chooses to interpret that so I I I I am I think very clear on the fact that I you are sitting on my left not on my right like it says on your on my left uh and you are the village attorney giv us a recommendation that I take very seriously and I would feel comfortable how you're reading it and I'm okay with staying it the way he recommends it I don't think that we need to appoint anyone tonight I understand that it could go both ways because I understand what you're saying um in terms of the past we can change it but I think the fact that there's different people here there's different uh firms that actually are um sort of proposing how to move forward uh I take your advice and I am okay with living it as is what are we going to do next time when when their firm is no longer the attorney and now the attorney gives us the other opinion again we're going to be flim flamming all over the place yeah I get it I think there's there's there's ambiguity in the charter I think we should as a larger item later in a later date clear that up and make this clear for other Commissions in the future uh give me a quick history lesson the two Commissioners who resigned was them the mayor at the time no no that's I was wondering that's why we did that no she resigned because she wasn't elected to be the mayor but going forward I I do understand continuity but I respect what the the village attorney is think that's his opinion and I think no we have now but I think in the future we should clear this up so there's no the we can be the most clear in our Charter that's what we should do and that's not the only place in the charter should we should look at that and clear that up so this isn't a question for future okay then it fails because at best it's going to be two2 so it's not going to happen um Jonathan what was your opinion you don't want to give it because it fails anyway is a fail unnecessary then that's unnecessary I can obain okay guys I brought that up because we went through this before and I didn't want to not have this conversation and have anyone say they didn't even talk about it they just pushed something through I don't no no I agree that it needs to be looked at we do need to look at it I I agree I agree okay oh you want motion to adjourn second second all in favor nothing on the next agenda because we're caught up don't add anything