##VIDEO ID:rTQe1Gof4M0## looking good we're recording yes I will [Laughter] okay okay so I have 601 so why don't we call to order our regular commission meeting for this Tuesday August 13 2024 Madame clerk can you please uh do our roll call Mayor bro here vice mayor Huntington here commissioner Amsler here commissioner Gonzalez commissioner Kennedy here mayor you have a quorum very good do the Pledge of Allegiance all right let's go ahead and move on to our additions deletions and withdrawals do we have any for this evening Li go first I have a couple go ahead I ask the manager to share a letter I hope you all kind of received of a draft letter regarding the Aquatic Center for Miami no and I emailed and specifically asked about that and said it wasn't turned in for the meeting oh okay it was just turned in so we had the copies printed for you um okay don't worry so the it's good that you have a n record right Pamela in this okay wonderful I wanted you guys to read it before it would have been great so that you can provide but if not I would like to add a little bit of space on today's agenda just to get that that under new business sure under new business and then another thing um there was an incident at the rec center with a men sleeping on the areas that usually for toddlers for the reading section and um there was some concerns about that and the attorney and I went back and forth as to what can be done I asked the manager to actually talk about what can be done you know being in a public space I think it's um I got some feedback today okay and I would like to if it's possible and we have time to address it and see what can be done it is timely and I and I I don't want to push it into the next month for the regular agenda so okay looking at that as well into new business it's a discussion regarding the accessibility of the rec center and how to provide safety for the little ones we have have you I'm not I'm not trying to be difficult but one time the manager tried to add something at the last second and we didn't have any backup and he was told don't bring anything without backup do we have backup for this no I mean I can bring it today it's a walkon we do it all the time we add items all the time yeah listen I'm good with it as long as everybody else is good with it but let's just make sure that we're fair with everybody yeah well so yeah I tell you why so this was an item from situation that happened July 20 so you get some background and I got some feedback today for me the feedback wasn't enough to sort of provide an answer to the question so I don't want to wait another month so if you all agree we can discuss it I'm totally fine with it but I'm going to Echo what art said and share my concern that if we're going to have policies about things being added to meetings we need to follow them or we need to dispense with them because we're a little Loosey Goosey about that um and but I'm totally fine with it I always fig look it's being added to the end of the AG end of the agenda uh if we don't get to it we don't get to it then it goes on the next agenda I think Brad might have something to say about public noticing and how we're going to be discuss something that the public wasn't privy to well it's a discussion so there's no legislative action taking then I'm totally fine with wor some legislative action would be in another meeting where the public would be noticed and be able to speak I'm totally fine with adding things on for discussion sounds like we got consensus to D then all right so we have the we'll be 13d and 13e um okay any other um yeah I have a couple of things Jonathan okay um so I received Ana I was traveling and I literally just got back in the village but I received an email that the proclamation meeting was canceled because there are no proclamations for September but there is a proclamation for September it's Hispanic Hispanic Heritage Month we're in August August did you said September did you mean August oh I'm sorry I'm sorry we're in August that's there were a couple I think there were a couple um that I'd sent over and and um the manager reminded me that those were September so they weren't coming on this one that one's that one September so that one will be part of that one next month's um 12a and 12b are two related topics and the last time it came up verl you and I said we would combine them if that's going to happen then it needs to be I guess we need to do it now and if we're going to keep them separate if you want to keep it separate I'm fine then I prefer that you go first on that so if you want to combine them we're fine and then you okay that's fine um then let's do that let's combine 12 A and B and then um I'm very confused about item uh 13 see Jonathan your item when I received the agenda that wasn't on there and then um I literally found out about it when a resident wanted to make a comment to me about I'm like I don't know what you're talking about and I had emailed and said is this going to be on the agenda and was told no um and when I got the agenda it wasn't there when the resident told me about it I went on to the Village website pulled up the agenda it wasn't there and then I looked at the other place where we keep agendas and it was there so I literally read this a half an hour I ran home from the airport dropped my bags off opened it up read it like that I don't I don't like being prepared half asked for an item I know it's just a discussion item but did you turn that in on time and I'm not criticizing anyone did you turn it in on time and it was missed or did you turn it in late so I will ask he turned it in on time but it was at the last minute before we were publishing Chris put the item on the agenda and we the system didn't approve it at that time so when the resident came to me to say hey it's on one it's not on the other I made the correction but it's been on the agenda since you turned it in wasn't on the agenda that was emailed to me fine doing it because I read it and I'll be ready for it when we get there but again it's another since it's not a I mean I was just going to recommend if it's it's not since it's not time sensitive if you if we wanted to move in September I would have no problem doing it it's at the end we may or may not get we may do it anyway my point is this kind of again echoing what art said is about things just kind of coming and going from agendas and this one was I actually had the agenda took it with me so I could work on the agenda at night from my hotel room felt prepared and then bam there was that one so um all right so we had the uh we had moving 12a and 12b we're consolidating those um we had the addition of 13d and 13e were there any others before we move forward with the agenda as amended I do have one and Brad you'll have to let me know which section that fits into the extra helium line I found out last Thursday or Friday that we missed a phone line for one of the Command Staff in the original statement of work so we have to add an additional phone line um I asked our attorney to prepare the reso for that and I don't know is that discussion or does that it would be a walk-on resolution okay if the commission acases to it being placed on it's just so but this is a just a a tweak of an existing resolution no it we it's a new resolution um I don't want to it's not probably appropriate at this time to explain the whole thing okay the nutshell version is it's a an additional statement of work for helium mobile for an additional phone is what it is and um we can explain it when if if all decide that you'll if you all have consensus to hear it as a walk-on item we can explain it to you but it would go at the end of resolution okay well look adding on a discussion about a letter to Miami Shores or some Varian discussions and a thing at the it's one thing but walking on a resolution that involves money I don't know I'm not super comfortable with that I I just want it's not I'll catch up I'll be ready for the discussion I want residents to not feel like something's being thrown at them that has a dollar sign attached to it I mean it it's for one phone you you're op you could you could you could have consensus to hear it on resolution and after you hear it if you decide you need more information or more time or you want the public to have you know advanced notice and input you're going to always defer the item to next meeting and this way it would be on the agenda and I'm not suggesting that you give it consensus to be heard I'm just saying that that's an option I think this is a bigger discussion Mac as far as procedures are concerned um you know with uh bringing things at the last minute and allowing them not allowing them what are we allowing what are we not allowing because again manager brought some stuff before we told them don't bring it because you had no backup so now we're doing it um the attorney and the manager are doing it again and you know it's just a phone and it's not a big deal honestly for me it's really not a big deal but I understand you know that this matter that we need to verify make it here and the same for every every so first I I'm not there's no I have no walk-on items for tonight but but for that with that being said um under Ro you all follow Robert's Rules of Order if if your rules or don't address the issue Robert's Rules of Order does does allow Walkin items for certain things um obviously you couldn't do a walk-on item for a resolution I'm I'm sorry for an ordinance because it requires public certain public notice by Statute things of that nature um um if this was an expenditure where you were we were asking you to to authorize 50 or $100,000 for a purchase I you know I think there's some Merit to what what you're all saying that um that shouldn't be necessarily A walk- on item unless it's an emergency situation and it needs to be heard for some reason um this is a very minimal purchase it tags along with things that you've already approved for helium mobile which is a phone and service apparently without getting into too much a discussion of it there was I guess when you all agreed when it was proposed to go to helium and you ordered the phones on the second statement of work or the third statement of work excuse me you you all were one phone short for a member of the police department so that's what this is for so but that again it it's entirely I'm not suggesting you do it hear it or not hear it it's procedurally you can do it if there's consensus to do it as a walk-on I'm okay with that does have to get done tonight is it time sensitive I would defer to the manager on time sensitive and from the perspective of we're spending $60 a month at our current provider and this is $20 a month so I'm sensitive from the perspective of saving money yes okay so finances and time sensitive are two different things so it's not time sensitive but there is a financial concern I get that um okay I look I'm kind of with art on this because we've heard this before about walking things on and having things on here without backup and blah blah blah and you start doing this and it just gets looser and looser and looser and before you know it and we've been told we can't put things on I think I've been told no so and I make sure I make deadlines and all that stuff so whatever you guys want to do I think adding a discussion item is one thing I think adding something that we spend money whether or not it's $275 over the year or $200,000 we shouldn't be spending money without proper noticing to the residents allow a resident to come and want to speak on on on their behalf on that item I'm fine with discussing this move this to a discuss discussion item we'll discuss it hash everything we at so that way it would move it faster along in September but voting on it tonight without proper noticing to Residents I don't know about that and while residents may not think it's a huge amount of money it's not our money it's theirs right savings it's not savings okay okay but it's okay but it's money and um they might have questions about it like why is this necessary and who's it for I mean look there's legit questions that I'm going to have to have come up with cold on because I haven't seen it either uh look this is this is a pertinent to a resolution that we already passed it's an agreement that we already we already passed it's a service that we already passed and it's the handsets that we already agreed to it's it is a minimal amount of money and I and I hear and I understand there's a concern about money being spent um but I I think I I agree with art that we should have a discussion again about what we're allowing on and when we're allowing them on but for at least the purposes of this tonight um I think we could put it on as a walk on I'm fine okay I think there's a consensus to put it on okay so all right I have very quickly just turning back I have the walk on at 11 will be 11b I have the consolidation of 12a and 12b and then the add-ons for the discussion items for 13 d and e which is the letter uh in the rec center item uh is that everything okay sounds good uh do I have a motion to approve the agenda as amended to approve as amended second okay all in favor hi okay all right so let's head over to public comment uh number six we'll start with uh folks here in the Log Cabin um before you start your public comment please remember uh name and address and public comment is limited to three minutes floor is open hello uh my comment isn't Pleasant so I was hoping somebody else would start first uh back early July Yi cororo 960 Northeast 118 street thank you um back in July early July I left the voicemail with building and code because I had a simple question about building a pergola over a driveway now it's not a carport it's a Pergola and there were different nuances to the project and things change here quite a bit as far as what's considered acceptable or isn't especially with the driveways I didn't get a response so um about two weeks later I decided to walk into the U code desk and the young lady that was there uh Dina is it um yeah Dina Escobar uh nobody can answer the question and I told her look nobody's answering my question I left a voicemail I left emails or an email and uh I just want a simple answer she said well you need you should go to the planning meeting and I said okay so she signed me up and I did not know that there's a $50 charge to get a question answered at a planning and zooting meeting so it's not so much about the $50 it's about the journey to this point and on principle if I'm not getting any call backs or any responses to something you know that could have been done easily over the phone then I have to go to a planning Andor meeting and then ask him why am I getting charged $50 for something that's not even you know I haven't applied for a permit just wanted a simple you know answer I find that a little disturbing obviously lack of response and now I'm getting hit with a $50 fee that I had no idea I was going to get hit with which I had to come all the way over here and sit through the meeting and and then wait till the end to you know ask my dumb question um so I'm here today because I went back after I sent him an email telling him look this must be a mistake I'm being unjustly charged $50 for something as simple as this and I I didn't uh concede to paying $50 or anything silly like that because I would have then continued to try to get it you know done and here I am in front of you guys the commission to ask you to take the $50 fee off please because it was not something that I agreed to nor something that I would have agreed to you know Common Sense just to get a question answered I went over there and I gave them this whole story and they stuck to the script that no if you're going to go to this meeting then you have to pay the $50 and I tried to plead with them to get their head around the situation that it's not about you know could somebody you know understand that this is a mistake no so here I am in front of you guys to ask you to please not charge me $50 for the question that I had about a pergola over the driveway so who do I have to talk to so lift the fee is that the music that's that's our new bumper music I have no idea how to turn it off just a quick question at no point uh prior to this meeting you were told about the $50 at no no because it was a simple the the question wasn't answered and when I decided to go in person thinking maybe they'll answer it for me there they told me you got to be at this meeting so did they send you an invoice at bill or after the fact she signed me up it's not like I went and signed up and said oh wait a second what's going on on here it was like she was trying to be nice I guess to sign me up for the meeting but she left out that big part so you know here I am again you one did you find out when you got to the meeting or I got an email I got an email you went to the meeting you asked your question and then later you got a well I asked I I I started with the question about why am I getting charged $50 when oh you had already received yeah and then and then the gentleman that was there which I guess runs the meeting the shair yeah he told me yeah that doesn't sound right but I can't do anything about it did you get at least the question answered hopefully did yeah I have to go back to building to to see what I want to do is doable because there's you know hurricane NOA and so forth so I can I can give you the background from what we received on building from building on this um had a this is from our Planning and Zoning coordinator he had Planning and Zoning related questions on what would be considered acceptable for a carport um for the curent ordinances passed um it is to be constructed of aluminum or canvas aluminum or canvas and 20 x2 in size um he had said that he was unaware of a $50 fee to speaker discuss this with the planning board um before being placed on the agenda for Monday August 5th um they had sent or open go I should say sent multiple notifications on that there was going to be the $50 upfront fee uh and it looks like we did provide or building did provide the answers to the questions with the um the code what what is acceptable for the for the carport with the aluminum or canvas and 20 X2 size so that's the that's the background that that I have from building in Village Hall on that so no one told you when you're Village Hall but you did receive a bill before you showed up at the meeting to ask your question right at that point I was you know you were informed I had a real good reason to show up to the meeting yeah other than the fact that nobody had responded to my voicemails or emails which I think is very unprofessional yeah we agree with that I think the process the journey as you describe seems to be pretty harsh I I'm just wondering what the right process is to let know so uh Chris when someone comes and has a question at what point what processes do we have in place for employees to let our residents know when a question does go and and if something's going to require a fee Maybe or something maybe there's a form that they F out saying yes I agree to pay a $50 fee to get on the agenda I'm wondering what the process is of because if if if I mean this is unfortunately your case today but it could happen to anybody that doesn't know and comes with a question well nobody responds to you when you're having a question I can I'm sure they're not going to respond to you when you have a problem with a fee okay so that that's what I'm trying to understand oh yeah so that's a bigger issue right so that you know does everybody that have a question have to pay $50 to get the question answer or because it seems like a pretty question I don't think this was a very complex question what what building typically does um if it's a question that can be answered that's where the answer is already s sitting in our Land Development code or ordinances or something along those lines they'll provide that information if it's something beyond that um would something specifically be required or a zoning question we don't have a zoning clerk um anything along those lines um that needs to go in front of the Planning and Zoning Board and they do charge the Planning and Zoning Board does charge that $50 well I don't think the board charges it maybe the village says but the board can't charge anybody but look I have been to those plenty of those meetings and people walk in and has to be put on the agenda to ask a question and I would like to know if they were all charged $50 after they asked their question now related guys you all know later on our friends from cap are here and they have a proposal in front of us and part of that is to provide the zoning review services and guys this is this would solve that exact kind of a thing because we would pick you up and with this guy's in the lobby and that and he'd get an answer right away right that's what that person would do we have a solution in the works separately not going to help you but that is on our agenda tonight to discuss so it's interesting that it just came up again um but I've seen plenty of people at planning and boarding planning board meetings asking questions and I would find it hard to believe they were all charged 50 bucks so I don't know if this he's asking us to wave the fee I don't know that we have the authority to even do that but it doesn't seem like a real resident friendly thing if I can I also want to let you know there's a big problem about people not responding to their voicemails or emails that's I think is the bigger the whole reason I got into this mess so if I can jump in real quick um from the perspective of customer service in Village Hall um I myself as well as many on the staff aren't fans of that $50 fee just to speak with the planning board that seems a little uh I I'm not sure what the word is it's not providing that excellent service they should have the ability to go to the planning board and ask us questions with that said we don't govern the planning board um and I don't know what Authority we have to eliminate or remove or change that fee that's more of a question for the attorney if that's something the commission desires to do we able to do that Brad do you know off hand if you need a minute I mean I think we could probably come well I would I would just be curious to know how many of those fees been charged because to Max point there are a lot of people that come to the board and just you know I paid I paid I two bucks no it wasn't 50 believe it was 25 at that time so it must have gone up but I understand that sometimes there is a question of a Gray Line in terms of what you're trying to build that is not very straightforward on the code and then you need to show either in a picture or right and so it could be very specific and my case case wasn't that but I was suggested why don't you go and ask and I thought of course and I'll put my name in the line and pay my $25 and ask everything related but you knew there was a fee that's what I was going to go to uh regardless I mean the fee is there and I'm hoping Brad can shed some light as to why it's there it was approved as part of the processes we have you should be aware I was told in order to be participant of the next Planning and Zoning meeting I was going to have to pay 20 $ 5 that's reason and because I decided it was fair for me to spend that time and everybody's time and pay $25 for it I did it you there there has to be a process to let you know whether you sign something that that extra question the time for the board to set you in their agendas and all has and that's fine but you should be aware that's what I this is an indication of a bigger problem though the no responses you know just murky uh you know actions doing things in a in a way that's really not demonstrating competence and then the push back that I got I mean I wish I would have gotten that kind of response when I asked a question which was very enthusiastic so you know it's it's uh it's an indication that you have a big problem over there I think to to that point sir there we have um one of the items we're going to be talking about tonight is is hopefully going to make some corrective actions um as as mag mentioned it's it's not going to solve the problem that you're asking us to solve but we do hope that that's going to solve the larger problem um and I I don't want to put Brad on the or attorney on the spot sorry I I can address part of it okay you have H section 17.8 of your code which is planning and Zing feed schedule you talking your microphone BR sorry I thought I was so you have 17.8 of your Land Development code which deals with Planning and Zoning fee schedules and it essentially there's a resolution which I don't have in front of me I can't find in the short notice but there's a resolution that set those fees I don't know if that resolution specifically deals with wavering the ability to wave those fees i' have to look at the find the resolution and and see what it says I can tell you that in which is a little bit different because it talks about application fees but in 17.8.17 fee shall be paid in total the time of the filing an application no fee shall be credited or refunded except when adjustment is warranted or deemed necessary due to departmental error uh a refund of 50% of an original application fee may be refunded upon the withdrawal of an application when the written request for withdrawal is received within 30 days after the date of the application that's not entirely what we're talking about here but this is the provision that I've read which is 178 which provides for the fee for the um plan zoning I think at this point um I see a potential path to a resolution based on what I heard in in that section and I'd like to give our attorney an opportunity to pull up the rest of that resolution um be it I don't know if he's going to have time to do it right now but what I would propose for right now as far as the fee goes that we just put it on ice for a moment let our attorney advise us on what the procedure is um and and most importantly uh we bring it to us right but as time goes by and if I'm not getting respons say that last thing I want to do is see a leane placed on my property because of you know the bureaucracy and and everything that's going on and something that I never agreed to nobody told me this I did not sign up myself for the meeting the young lady signed me up that's kind of the point that I'm I'm I'm hooking on here for what he's what he's saying is it might provide a path to a resolution to help you out so who do I have to follow up with let see you could follow up with with us in the commission you could send me an email if you'd like and i' I'd be in touch with the attorney thank you you so if I can get your uh is it online it's online it's online seems to me there should be a form it's it's a really easy form you want to get on the agenda bringing it over form I agree to pay this fee blank it blank we amended the fee schedule on February 7th 2023 and the $50 fee is on there so it is $50 now barl I don't know if it was 25 when you did it do you have the reso number um I'm it's G to be very hard for me to find no there's no oh well let me look back yeah I might I might I might when was the reso passed you said uh I'm looking at the master fee schedule I'm not looking at the resolution itself when was it you said it was enacted February 7th 2023 it says adopted by The Village on February 7th 2023 uh let me look for a reso number so here we go it's the noticing provision in there that sounds like to me it could provide for some from for some relief here um if noticing wasn't being issued properly then oh we can have a discussion about that are are you planning on are you planning on building the carport after all after all this yep I think that scare you off your you'll get it approved so we have it's it's resolution 20234 um it's silent as to um refunds or or waving of those those fees so if it's silent does that mean the village could do what it wants to or does it mean we have no authority to do think I I would suggest that the commission as a whole has the authority to wave that if that's what they so decide you all so decide okay I'm gonna make a motion that we have Chris wave the fee for yordis for his $50 visit to our planning board I'll second that yes in favor I hi so you're waved um thank you for bringing the issue forward it is always good to hear what's going on at least from from this and hopefully the process becomes easier moving forward Jord don't think it was intentional for various going on but you'll help us be better thank you for that well noticing provision Brad is something we might want to talk about at a later time because that's where I see if there's a failure in noticing then then it sounds like there might be a path to a a refund in that in that instance so let's go ahead and continue with our public comment are we good yes I think we're jie Anderson 1905 Northeast 11th Place agenda item 13c regarding the variance requirements two and three I sorry Janie I have a hard time listening what you saying BR the microphone there you go you uh two and three yeah they seem to be on the subjective side one and certainly four the minimum variance uh quote I think those are pretty much in order I don't see big issues there I would have loved to have seen comments from the planning board members attached to this backup that would have kind of added some context to it now going on to lean library on the first page of the it says create marketing material for lean amnesty campaign my questions would be who's going to design that campaign who would have final authority of approving that campaign also it lists two different totals for the amount of outstanding leans one says we currently have 78,000 in leans on 15 properties the other says the potential is to collect 637 what's the difference and why a concerning is that it also adds that in the backup that we currently wait for a property to be sold to collect why and what do those 15 properties consist of are they primarily code related which would be my guess in which case you might have some that are not extremely large that properties's in compliance the owner just didn't pay the uh the violation fine they can be collected on but the city could collect those the rest of those Lanes if they're code related are likely still a revolving door a moving Target because they have not come into compliance yet and nor frequently when someone does come into compliance they do come back in front of our board they do ask for a fine reduction and while taking in consideration of course The Village's best interests we make every effort to work with the property owner were there extenuating circumstances how long did it take them to comply is lean Library going to go through all that or will it be just very formulaic also the only city mentioned that lean Library also works with is Miami Gardens that's not comparable to us are there other municipalities that would be a little more comparable and in terms of raising the fees would we be raising the fees strictly to cover lean libraryies cost thanks any further here in the Log Cabin before we move on seeing none let's go ahead and turn it over to zoom Mr Anderson yes um this has to do with Le a lean Library my question is is why does the village need it how often are letters sent out by the village to the owner letting them know the amount that they owe what is the full cost to do the lean search with a village does the price we charge right now cover it how can they collect lean money before the property is sold if the village is unable to do it now under cap the flood plan planing reviews I see it's $110 an hour hour which we don't do now and we ought to zoning reviews and inspections $100 an hour which we don't do now and we ought to landscape reviews and inspections $150 an hour we don't do now and we should my question main question is is will this cost be added to the permit cost or is this something the village is going to have to absorb thank you have any other comment on Zoom nothing else on Zoom okay um all right so let's go ahead now we've closed public comment is there any other commission reply at this time no we're going to address these topics when they come up all right um very quickly before we get into reports um Mr manager when did we plan on having our uh friends here at kimley horm step up we originally planned on having a during the village manager report however if know they were going to be set up in presentations and I just jumped over it so I was prepared to apologize but we can do it that way um okay so let's go ahead and get into our reports then and we'll start with code compliance uh and we'll go through these one by one are there any comments or discussion items in Code Compliance report for this month no okay um Finance we're doing quite heavily but are there any questions about the June Finance report no okay had a couple questions about Finance actually sure uh workers comp it seemed like it doubled in each department and tripled in uh police is there a reason why our workers comp insurance is doubling going up so high that's something I'm looking into I don't have an answer for you at this point I will before the next meeting okay if there aren't any further questions in finance uh legal Mr attorney do you have anything for us no sir okay uh no report ask a couple of questions of Brad before we pass do you want to be asked during his time no sure um sometimes I make notes and I look back at them and I think oh what did I mean by that um we are we are we expecting um an ordinance or an ordinance I believe uh regarding the Miami day County irrigation code being uh how we're going to handle that or do we agree that that would just be a letter okay that's a letter good when I understood it was a letter okay remember correctly that's why I was confused do a you authorized him to write a letter ordinance was a resolution or an ordinance was an option I understand I just I wrote both in my notes I highlighted one not that one okay um the the uh when will we see the uh Land Development code changes for construction signs man next agenda will that be next month next agenda good because I'm very it's drafted it should be on what is awesome okay I'm very anxious to get that done as quickly as possible and because uh that's an ordinance correct it is an ordinance that will require two reading so we're two well we're a month out from a meeting if we pass it on first and second on time that would be September October this thing wouldn't even be usable until later in October so I'm just would like to I have an interest in getting that thing done as quickly as possible and in the meantime I'm C Chris I'm hoping that knowing that we're going to pass this thing that there's forward momentum on the banners getting them made because if the Banners are done the day we enact this thing we could start using them right away otherwise there will be another month or six weeks or however long it takes to get banners in place and all of a sudden we're four or five months out from our initial conversation on this and and construction sites look as bad as ever um so I had an email exchange with Brad about pool fences and this was in reference to something that you I'm sure you brought it up Ryan regarding fences and how they have to be secured and I asked Brad uh and we had an email back and forth um if it was possible for us to make our own code regarding pool fences that would be stricter than the Florida building code that would address some of these concerns that we have with pool fences and I got a very long answer from Brad I I promise I read it Brad promise I did uh but if you could kind of just kind of I wonder it's something we might want to consider I'm not asking us to make a decision on it now but if you want to kind of tell us Brad what that looks like to do something like that going to have to give me a minute to pull up Thea long and short of it was yes we can make something that's more uh strict than the Florida building code we have to have some public hearings and go through a certain process and determine that it's necessary and then we can make it happen just like a regular ordinance I guess and here's while he's looking I'll just and I don't want to paraphrase your thoughts on this but we have pools that are open to the street happens all the time I get complaints constantly I know people have reported to code but there are other ways that you can secure a pool that make them legally safe right and that and it would involve baby things and stuff and alarms and things but they can be disarmed after the inspection is passed and then you have a pool that is no longer secured uh by a primary fence and the self-closed gate and all those things like I have on my yard so talking about during the during construction or you're talking about afterwards no afterwards yeah so after it's completed the homeowner the home okay got it yeah yeah so found the email and and caps here so they they might be able to expound on this but the the Florida building code does permit The Village to adopt technical amendments to the to the code um if there's a local need it can be done once every six months under the statute um the procedure is basically the commission would have to determine after following a public hearing which has to be advertised in the newspaper in general circulation at least 10 days before the hearing that there's a need to strengthen the requirements of the Florida building code um the the determination must be based upon a review of local conditions by um which re which review has to demonstrate by evidence or or data that the jurisdiction which is governed by that this jurisdiction has a need to strengthen the code beyond the um beyond what however how it's already written um and that you would do it by a proposed amendment um it has to be more stringent obviously than than the code and it cannot be discriminatory against any materials products or construction techniques um and then um it's already addressed in the code so that that wouldn't be an issue so you you could do it there is a process there's a process to do it guys I'm not suggesting we have that conversation tonight but I think it's worth having a conversation about putting it on an agenda and having Brad explain that maybe to us a little more fully and have a conversation about is it necessary could we come up with something that would help solve the problem here's my initial thought and I wouldn't say I would vote one way or the other right now in terms of Life Safety if something if we don't if we didn't do something and something happened we'd kick ourselves the rest of our lives because the thing that would happen would be a children a child would be dead you know so when it comes to life safety matters especially for kids around pools I don't think in my mind there's no wiggle room at all so if there's a conversation to be had I think we should have it and then decide if we do want to move forward and do something separate from the or make it more strict than the building code and just just aead so and also just you passing it doesn't necessarily put it into into law though it has to be also approved by the Florida building commission and there's also some requirements about entering into a a local agreement or a countywide compliance review board um would be established in case the amendment is challenged so there there's there's various different mechanisms that have it's beyond just passing an ordinance with a new building code correct you cannot by ordinance amend the code you would you would basically am come up with an amendment to the code it would go to the Florida building commission they would have to find make a finding that it's it's necessary first of all that it strengthens their code that it's necessary um and then as I said there's a process that you have to come into place an interlocal agreement anybody appeals the amendment to the code once the commission approves it um and this is once every six months that you then there's a process follow okay again I don't want to take up a lot of our time tonight I think it's worth us having a discussion about when Ryan brought it up I it I was mulling it in my mind and I thought this is something we should talk about maybe it will go nowhere maybe it will go somewhere so if you if a bunch of you agreed to do it I think we should do it okay yeah I mean uh not for this evening's discussion but certainly discussion it for another time definely next month what do you guys think Ryan art barell definitely on board with this guy definely okay with having the conversation okay um can we just have it added onto an agenda Pamela or do I have to submit it as an agenda item sounds like you can just add it because we've been doing that all night he just walk in and hand it to you guys well I I would I would suggest that it get put on an agenda because it's going he's being phys being he's being physici will you add it or would you like me to write something up well I want the backup or whatever you want to submit I'm sorry backup yeah I wouldn't know what you would want okay I'll write it up I got okay and those are my questions for Brad thank you Brad all right so let's go ahead go to park Parks and Rec do we have any anything we want to discuss about Parks and Rec report I have a couple things okay uh Chris can you give an update on the Tot Lot awnings those have been in disrepair for many years it was in the budget I think two or three years ago to have them repaired they're still ripped there's steel cables showing what is the status of that project sorry I'm just trying to find the email um we just had a discussion on this it's in the rec center report I saw it and yeah but it just says it being altered for manufacturing errors and that's what we were told years ago when new ones were put in they were the wrong size they put the old ones back on and I can't believe it takes that long to make new onions recently a steel cable pull came down and was just hanging swinging by the kids slides and you know what Public Works had to come and tie it up to make it safe for the kids and it's still in that same status four or five months later that's you know a child again this is Public Safety a child could be hurt by these things and something that we should have already fixed the latest information I have is from August 1st and that is that they are being altered I will do some digging to find out where we are in that process for you my second question about the uh playground mulch I see was received and spread I was excited to see that I went out and checked it out for myself I think we should do some reevaluation of of what amount of mulch we order is because I can say that it barely covered the ground that was there it didn't build up and fix the the ruts that were created by the swings uh if you try to move a stroller in through the Tot Lot area you you go off of concrete onto a dirt patch where there is no Mulch and I can't believe that is even you know accessible for ADA requirements or anything like like that it's definitely something needs to be addressed the amount of mulch that was put in was not adequate at all I'm going to take that one step further because I have it on my notes when we get to the rec center and that is should we be looking at alternative surface uh materials and how to handle that in a more long-term way mulch is a really environmentally unfriendly kind of product and it has to be replaced all the time and it just looks like crap most of the time honestly and there are I see playgrounds and other walking surfaces that have that spongy rubber stuff and there's things that's and they're permeable uh so I think that's a good conversation for us to have tomorrow night see if there's something we should do there I have a question on the attendees so Golden Gate Summer Camp it only ran June July and that that's the just for the summer camp right and then after um school care that runs the entire rest of the year correct okay um and then when it comes to shore soccer they are pass during the summer I'm guessing that's why we have zeros right okay um are we able and this came up for something else but so maybe this is a question for Brad are we able to gather any sort of registration information on these programs that are not run by the rec center so for example this the soccer Shores soccer it's a third party that we have a contract with providing a survey if we were to ask how many of your registrants are from bisc Park versus Miami Shore is that information that can be Shar or is private shouldn't be private if they if they if they have the information cataloged in some way they should be able to provide there's nothing private about that that's different yeah I will say Beach tennis voluntarily provided us the information um there are three from biscane Park two from Miami Shores and 12 from elsewhere okay but that the reason I'm asking and you know where I'm going with this question Chris so for today for the whole evaluation of the Aquatic Center one thing I wanted to do is just measure a little bit how much of the usage of our facilities happens I posted the question a while ago and the feedback was that because this is our these are programs are not run by us we can't get gather that information so that's why I wanted to run it by Brat so if we can run if if we have access to this information I think it'll it'll be beneficial to have sort of tracking of who's using it just for situations like this specifically I needed it for the letter I don't have it but it would be ideal to know that this is actually residents or is it North Miami coming or is it um Miami Shores I think it gives us more leverage to use information for future yeah Partnerships I mean there's so much that can be me I've never seen the agreement for Shore soccer but my my guess is it would have a public records provision in it because it's required by law um the issue I I don't and I haven't talked to them I chis has but I don't know if the issue is that they can't they don't have they don't have a running tally of where the individuals have come so in other words they may have the applications but they don't put in their database where the individuals come I don't know and they would have to H search applications okay so that it's a question of to me the question would be do they have the information there's nothing confidential under Florida law that I'm aware of exemptions when you're asking for um Children's Program okay well but not where they come from not asking for the names their ages just saying how many come from the village and how many come from elsewhere so not to extend it I my point is if there is a so when I ask a question and the feedback is given us no we cannot it's a very straight direct feedback of a no that for me obviously and I bring it up with the attorney I wanted to double check that that's the case and my understanding when you're given this information I mean it's a public and it it's a Rec Center so I'm assuming it is public so I would say no do not answer unless you have checked properly with the man with the attorney first because then I you know in this case I miss the opportunity to include it um and in the future let's find ways maybe through a registration process that we can gather this information it it should be part I mean we open put our addresses when you sign up for a program I that's the part I don't know right what if they're saying if they're saying that it's protected they have to tell us what they're what they're claiming is the protection so in other words if they're saying we can't tell you what town these participants are coming from because Florida statute so and so says we can't they by law they have to that I I haven't had any conversations with them so I don't know what their respon one of the examples and just to close up as for U this was another sort of in the same lines the idea of Shores soccer giv priority to Shores residents so it's a Shores soccer program that runs in the shores and it has an extension in this part because they don't have a spe in their um field so um they have the possibility to come here it's a share Revenue so it's but it would be wonderful for example to know that majority of the people using it in so that is information if we can access that could be part of the negotiation with um with the vendor so I do have just a clarification on that this is going back to October 23 um the soccer program is not run by another municipality the company's name is Shores soccer um the owner apparently lives there they have no legal association with the village other than just the business name look like they run for where my kids went to soccer and I can tell you that there was a priority given to the shores at the time maybe because they were us if so it's just information I said if we can access it always helps to to come closer to a negotiation the benefit all right so I have two can I ask you two quick questions one's for you and one's for Brad I guess um because I wasn't quite understanding what you're saying are you saying you've requested this from the village and you were told you can't have it yeah yes I see and then you talk to Brad and now we're finding out otherwise okay um I just want a clarification on that yeah I think maybe time could be spent making sure we get clear answers on things before we're giving a yes or no on things um and some of these organizations that function at the rec center are they required Brad to have registration lists like for example drishti does yoga and every time I see her I say I'm going to show up at her yoga class on Saturday and I've never gone once but I keep saying I'm going to do it and I'm just going to show up and hand her the money and do it is are they required to have registration if they're private entities it would depend on what their agreement is with the with the bill okay because I'm I See's trying to get and I not aware of any statute there may be one out there but I'm not aware of any statute that requires a private entity to keep a registration of their customers got it okay it would make sense and and and yeah to ver and to vero's point it mean the information she wanted she wouldn't be able to get anyway if they didn't sign people up by name so you wouldn't be able to get it anyway even if they agreed to turn it over which is kind of a drag but I think it's a good idea for us to kind of know who's using our facility but it is a public facility open to everybody so okay so uh let's end on on a separate note I know this is normally part of the commission but it's listed here on the parks and rec uh Parks and Rec report the National Night Out was really well attended there was a lot of people um and I think think I heard after like the first 15 minutes all the ice cream vouchers were gone so the kids were not too happy when we got there but there was a lot of people um it was very hot but it was very well attended very well organized um so I just like to kind of congratulate and thank everyone that was involved with that um got a lot of people saying the same thing it was there were a lot of people there for it there was a lot I know Isa mentioned that they spent a lot of time planning it yeah it was well done um okay so that's parks and wreck let's go on to police any uh questions or discussion points on the police uh report for this month given a lot of tickets I have a a quick question so I think I misunderstood something and Chris corrected me and I don't why I misunderstood it but um I was of the understanding regarding this when we Chief steel who's now the chief before he was the chief stood here and when I said what could we do now to help and he said start a separate you know add on a separate traffic force and we're talking about that in the budget for fiscal 25 but we approved to find the money and get it done starting in fiscal 24 months have gone by and it's not happened and so I asked Chris what the latest on that was and he said that there was Chris I I don't want to speak for you so Chris what was why can't we why have we not started that and why can we not start it now we still have two months before the end of this FIS schal year that we could and here's my specific concern school if it's not back in session it's back in session any second and and we be our north south routes become a freeway again they are all the time anyway who be kidding but during school season they definitely are so why has that not started and is there anything we can do to get it started I apologize I thought I've answered this in a commission meeting before um maybe it was just private conv you may have it I'm forgetting so so the situation was we originally the commission did not set aside money for this the commission said find money for this at the time there was some money available in the police budget what happened since that time is the officers that Chief Cabrera had lined up to do this decided they didn't want to do this so we had to go out and find additional officers in the meantime um we had the leadership change at the police department um the funds the underspend or the extra money that we had in the police budget we found was related to expenses that needed to be paid that had not been paid so we do not have the extra funds in the police budget we were looking at at that point so we have the staff but not the money that we didn't learn until okay we could through the process so if you said that before the meeting and I miss it I apologize so you're saying we have the officers but we don't have the money correct at this point we can we can get the officers we don't have money that was the budget discussion with the traffic officers but we have money in other departments we got an email recently that we are you congratulated everyone on minding their money really well this year and we had a bunch of excess funds and other departments and you do have the ability to move money from Department to Department with our authorization why not bring that to us and say okay guys I heard you loud and clear you want this to happen the chief the gentleman who is the chief now stood here and said this would make a difference we said great let's do it and you found the officers but you don't have the money why not come to us and say guys you wanted this I don't have the money but I have the money that I could pull from other places we have another two months left in the year it's school time let's get this thing started so why not give us that option CU I would approve that if you show me in the budget unspent money and I think there's money in almost every Department we saw on that email I don't have it here in front of me but I want to say it was like over $100,000 I'm wary about spending money from other departments towards the end of the year and we are coming into the end of the fiscal year we have August and September left um simply because there are some expenses that are annual or even semiannual that come towards the end of the fiscal and we don't know yet what those are going to be if the commission wants to set aside funds for this we can certainly go back to finance and figure out where those funds how much it would be how much it might come to and then bring it to the Commission in September I wish it had been done before Chris because now it's if we approve it in September we'll have it for a month you know and we we had this conversation three four months ago I want to say so in my opinion this should have been done like that felt to me like such an immediate priority that that should have been done we talked about traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic we could not have been more clear about it and months have gone by that we could have already been doing it so if you bring it back to us in September great please do but bring it back in September then we'll roll it out for what three weeks by the time it happens and School season is starting I'm really disappointed because I thought we were all really in very strong agreement about this topic and the police chief stood there and gave us the solution and I I would have thought that that would have been done Chris I just a quick question the the money from the federal government that was due uh to us we have have we received any of that money we have not we're completely at their Mercy okay and do we know when we have no idea we have no idea so it could come tomorrow or it could come next year correct they don't have to do it at a specific timing or nothing there's no timing to this no not that I'm aware of shared funds yeah there is not what shared funds the that's the the forfeiture funds is they're referring to the the federal government both the treasury and the justice department consider them they call them shared funds because they're being shared among departments their proceeds from we still know what the total is we just don't know you you should know what your share is in other words 300 something I think right but um as far as when when it gets distributed that's they can just hold it in definitely is what you're trying to sell they won't hold it indefinitely but there's no there's nothing in the generally there's nothing in the the agreements that says when they have to it followup question for Brad I'm sorry they're holding it they also have reasons they also have reasons to hold it to make sure that if it's as a result of a um depending on how it was obtained so um if it was awarded by a court for a for a administrative forfeiture they may want to hold it until all appeal is exhausted because they don't want to have to claw it back if if if if an appell of Court reverses it um if it's as condition of a criminal plea I mean there's a lot of different conditions of how that money gets um gets forfeited following up to my earlier conversation with Chris about the traffic thing if he brings it to us in September and we were and he found the money and he has to find the money and we have to approve it can that be done is that a resolution or does that require an ordinance to do that anyway which money are we talking about if he found money from if we move money from Department to department is that an ordinance or is that a resolution I believe it's by resol solution I believe but can we confirm that because I don't want to waste Chris's time for him to come bring that to us and find out that by the time going to do all this for one month I'll confirm in one month the new year starts right in one month how many people can how many traffic issues can they solve so if I can for just one second here if you look back at the police department stats um going back to April there were 145 citations issued due to Staffing and the changes in leadership that dropped down to 5 4 and 24 for May and June if you look back at now our stats for July the number of citations issued was 175 now citations are not our goal our goal is contacts um but that's almost tripling over the last month so while we don't have those dedicated officers to traffic the police department has ramped up their traffic efforts considerably um just looking at the number of speed contacts or speed citations written it was it was 20 28 back in April and we've we've more than doubled that in July are you saying we don't need this I'm saying that we have found additional ways to ramp up traffic enforcement without those two officers the commission has said they want the additional officers and so that's something that we still need to do I just want to point out that we haven't been just sitting back and not doing anything because we didn't have the available funds it wasn't the commission that wanted it so the chief the new Chief is exactly brought that to our attention and said that could big impact but I think also to what your your point is when he was up here talking that was under a previous administration right and I think that uh perhaps and and I don't know because you know he had broke his leg and he's not here to talk to but uh I don't know if he's changed maybe perhaps maybe he's reconsidered I don't know um because I I do see a tremendous difference in enforcement I see it every day uh people getting stopped and people being tied I'm having a hard time hearing you because you're not facing me you're not talking to microphone um I Heard Jo was struggling yeah okay so but he did ask for them in his budget right right right right so yeah but again you know that was under a previous administration I don't know if if if things changed I don't know in the current budget he just gave us he asked for those two officers so clearly he's still he's still asking for them well I don't know if he feels now that maybe that you know we are pushing for it I I don't know I haven't I haven't had we'll find out if budget hearing tomorrow but he did ask for the in the budget Chris the uh Staffing for these two additional officers if we try to push to get this on board before the end of the fiscal would that be additional hours to current officers or we it would because what I would not like to do is say we move this forward and we get it done in the fiscal and then through our budget cuts we don't uh budget for those two additional officers which hopefully we do I'm fully support of it I don't want to give officers something just to take it away a month later there has to be some commitment there is is that am I am am I tracking right that that if we yeah that was that was part of the discussion that I thought I remembered having with the commission we need to have that commitment because we're not going to be bringing in outside sources or outside officers are either going to be increasing part-time office part-time hours for existing part-timers or uh bumping some of our reserves up to that part-time level um to handle these extra positions um you know and I will say again with the with looking strictly at the citations um we're back to a little more than we in April and it was back in April that it was decided that we needed additional enforcement so that's why those positions are still needed um my point with doing that was just showing that again we're not sitting back we are still taking action we're trying to improve but we're not saying we don't need those positions anymore because there is always additional hours we're back to the status quo is what we are all I'm saying is and we'll move on I'm expressing my frustration that we are all in unanimous agreement about something related to Traffic in this Village while we work on other things there was one thing that we could check off the list that the chief supported he didn't support it he asked us for it and we said yes go find the money and it hasn't happened April May June July four months it'll be five months you know it's like we need to get things done faster than that especially when they're things of you know matters of Public Safety is this very frustrating to to agree on something and we have the money to do it and the wherewithal and we don't for 15 different reasons and Chris I will say that the numbers look good that I see that we had a dip the numbers are better but numbers on a spreadsheet are not residents feelings and the res absolutely in mass and said that they want to see more done about traffic and we've we've pushed an Ila we've pushed new officers but nothing's actually hit the hit the roads yet yep and until we see those things sitting the roads I don't think the residents are going to be happy with what they're what they're getting we we the five of us who run this place he runs it but you know what I mean we've accomplished exactly zero in traffic since that night when they came in here and barnstormed us and said we demand you do something and we had serious conversations about it and we've gotten nothing done we we've moved forward on things but we can't claim to have made a lick of difference Mr Mayor if I may please just answer the commissioner Kennedy's question sure I stand corrected if if you're going to move funds from one Department to another that has to be done by by a budget amendment y I was I was incorrect okay um look we already we already had the discussion with the chief uh during budget amendment to move funds from one to resolution or an ordinance that's Brad that's so that's so if you're moving the manager has the authority to move into money from one sub object to another within a single department but if you're taking budgetary funds from one Department moving them to another it's by Amendment that's by by amended or Amendment to the the ordinance it's anend so it is an ordinance it's an ordinance so readings all that stuff yes my question so the point being we can't get it done this FAL Year anyway so let's not bother we've already talked to the chief during the last uh the last budget Workshop the first one another reason to be frustrated we have four we had four positions where he said he was going to work with the money we gave him to bring those traffic officers in um I hope that he will I don't know what his medical condition is currently but um I don't know if we'll be re revisiting that tomorrow night but um it was part of the discussion of what we agreed on do we have any other questions about the police report for this uh this evening oh yeah sorry I had one more thing Chris the officers who uh two different side of the road incidents we had CPR and a fire with an ambulance are those officers going to be uh uh recognized in any way I would anticipate that they are um the chief has instituted a new new um Commendation program um where we can take officers or we can recognize that performance that goes above and beyond okay so there's no further questions about police let's go ahead we there's no public works this evening uh so we'll go to the Village clerk Madam clerk do you have anything for us this evening only that um qualifying started today okay so qualifying for the November 5th election runs from today until the 24th okay all they're online they are on the website what else do you want me to do what else when you say proactive Outreach what else no only because I get people coming in Village Hall on a regular asking questions about the election I'm sorry it's not the same as um the community reaching out to Residents and saying there's an election here's a deadline to register to vote and here's a link so you can register to vote here's how you change your party affiliation here's how early voting will work here's one election day is in Village Hall we electing three Commissioners and here's the process and it's reaching out and informing our residents and hugging them into the process I have taken a giant step back kind of not being the guy to do that all the time but you know people people don't know what's going on there's an election and they don't know they don't know people they're coming up and asking me so what's going on what's going on here I'm like yeah we're electing Commissioners um and Pam I have a request I don't know if I'm allow to make a request of you but I'm just I don't have a request I have a request to the universe and Chris can decide if you're allowed to do it or not I would appreciate submission deadlines for all the commission meetings for the rest of the year and next year when we set our calendar if it could be a calendar of dates and here's the deadline to get things in so I don't always have to ask I'm bugging the crap out of you guys what's the deadline to get things onto the agenda I don't want to miss a deadline so since if we know what they're going to be let's just let's if you could send them out to me that or all of us that would be great yeah yeah the commission changed the deadline so this is I think this is our second month in the new system um and I send them out monthly until we get everything scheduled so you'll have to give me a little bit of leeway on that because we're still trying to figure out what that process looks like September October November December there's four months left so if I could just have four deadlines for submission that would be right now some of these uh some of the election deadlines Pamela are are under notice of Elections on the website so like the the standard one is there but they do have them set out so maybe just grabbing those making them because I had to click through like four things to get to it so making it more readily available couldn't hurt and available is very different than here zening sure yes that's exactly what our app is for okay are there any other questions uh on the cler's report all right and I moved off my agenda y on to our manager report so Mr manager um floor is yours before I get to my report I will invite Alejandro from kimley horn um he has a presentation for us just kind of a status update um preliminary report on the vulnerability assessment this is not the official final that's still coming um but I'll turn the floor over thank you just give me one second to bring up the presentation so uh thank you for having me here today uh my again my name is Alejandra tal and this is my partner justel gutierre with kimly horn Associates and we're here to present to you uh the village of this game Park vulnerabil assessment this is a project that we've been working on uh over the past 10 months uh in coordination with Village staff as well as some of the Commissioners that have attended the public Outreach meetings uh and we'll go ahead and get right into the uh the summary of the vulnerability assessment what we've done till now some of the results and what to expect so a little bit on the introduction here this is a project that has been collaboratively funded with the uh Florida Department of Environmental Protection resilient uh Florida grant program um this project is the first step in future grant funding uh opening up opportunities for future grant funding of resiliency projects within the village uh in this you'll see some of the focus areas uh that we've developed in coordination with Village staff as well as the steering committee uh consisting of the mayor um and we'll get into some of the more details further along in the slides with that I'm going to turn it over to gelle which is going to talk a little bit about about the project objectives and the steps and the tasks that we've uh done so far okay so can you hear me okay yes thank you perfect so the goal of this project is to conduct a vulnerability assessment that identifies flood risks Associated to different flood scenarios related to rainfall induced flooding storm surge and sea level rise within the village of biscan Park we did this by analyzing and collecting available data and identifying the flood depth in each of these scenarios in current and in future conditions then evaluating the severity of flooding within each scenario and then going ahead and assigning a risk level to critical assets that are owned or maintained by the village and then finally identifying the focus areas that we see are consistently vulnerable in these scenarios we did this through a series of tasks which are summarized here the first was collecting data and reviewing it and analyzing any potential ual data gaps and rectifying them the second was the exposure analysis where we mapped out each flood scenario and um identified which critical assets are impacted then we did a public Outreach meeting where we got public input on where they're seeing flooding and which critical asset we should consider as well as presenting them the overall objectives of this VA then we went on to the sensitivity analysis task which is um assigning a risk level to each critical as asset and then we did another public Outreach meeting to present our findings from from both of these tasks then we identified Focus areas which Alejandra will go into and then finally we're working on wrapping up the final VA report which summarizes our findings in through all of these tasks now for the data oh there we go now for the data collection phase there's three categories of data so the first is topographic data we downloaded elevation information for the whole village and then we downloaded data that's relevant to each flood scenario so we collected rainfall values for the 100y year and 500y year 24-hour rainfall event um as well as sea level rise projections and storm surge data we then made an inventory of critical assets that are owned or maintained by the village and these are defined these categories are defined by FD so the first is transportation assets this includes major roads or Bridges critical infrastructure such as disaster debris management sites Village owned buildings such as community centers or law enforcement facilities and then um emergency facilities so going into the public arach meetings uh we had two public Outreach meetings where we uh not only uh disseminated the information uh based on the VA at that point but also uh collecting input from the public as to uh where they're seeing some of the flooding and what what essentially would they like uh to move forward as far as uh the direction of the project uh the feedback you know we we we got some input from from a lot of residents um c a health facilitate uh Gathering input using the uh the bis game Park app uh where essentially we're able to map that and put it on an overlay of some of the results that we got as part of the uh the exposure analysis uh this is a map showing all the flooding complaints that we were able to receive as part of the first and second public Outreach meeting uh you'll see that some of these hotpots line up with with some topographic low areas throughout the the village and I'll show that on the following slide and essentially what you'll see here is is is just some a basic topographic MC map of the village itself uh a lot of these complaints line up with low areas in the village uh if this is the first time that you see a topographic map the way that you read this is uh the blue colors are generally the lowest uh within the village as you start going up you ramp up from green to Red to White the whites are essentially the high points um and some topographic features here that we we identified are those ridges on the east and west side of the village that either generate runoff or contain runoff um that is coming from Upstream and then we move into the exposure analysis so once we collect all the data you know the topographic information and we vetted that information um looked for any gaps in in in the topographic maps uh collected all the critical assets um we go ahead and started running the exposure analysis this is essentially where we started modeling the different scenarios in this case we ran 15 different scenarios ranging from uh rainfall sea level rise storm surge and a combination of those uh the planning scenarios that we're looking at for sea level rise are for 2040 and 2070 uh these all align with the uh South Florida climate compact um and once we do that we'll go ahead and generate as part of the final deliverable what you'll see is that we'll generate maps showing the critical assets overlaid each uh flood plane so for example in this case we're showing the 100-year uh storm surge event and if I move forward you will see some of the other storm events that we've we've modeled so in this case we have the 100y year 24-hour event and just for to give uh uh a bit of clarity on what this looks like uh the 100-year event is typically about a 15inch precipitation um and what you'll see the darker areas are the areas where it would pull the most so the lighter areas are less ponding the dark blue uh are more inundation as a result of that that s and this is the 500e storm event uh going back one one thing to also note the 100e storm event the likelihood of a 100-year storm event affecting uh the village uh is about a 1% chance in any given year while the 500 uh year is a 2% chance in any given year so it it does seem like there is a lot of ponding and a lot of that is as a result of the low topographic rates throughout the village uh but the likelihood of these uh of these scenarios happening out happening are very low throughout the year uh we are seeing some storm in intensification as we had a Thousand-Year storm in for Lauderdale not too long ago I know in June you guys had a what is close to a 25e storm event uh so it's not it it's not out of the cards yet sorry just to understand so when you say 500 a thousand so these are very specific sort of rainfalls that happen once in a blue moon not necessarily one every 500 years but you are you saying that is the accumulation of all these years I'm not understanding it's essentially a statistical analysis that uh based on the precipitation depth over years that they tell you the it's usually run by uh Noah and they give you a certain statistical analysis on the gauge data and what they're saying basically that in a given year uh there's a potential that you'll have a 100e storm a 1% chance and in that 1% chance there's this much precipitation which for the 100 year is about 15 in so it's the category's name is a 100 Year 500 year that's what it is and it's just the amount of rainfall that it falls within 24 hours it's a it's based on a statistical analysis of gauge data over you know whatever of the history that knowah his neighbor so this is the so very this this picture specifically is very extreme it's a 0.2% you said opportunity to ever happening here in the next what do we have a time frame no there there is no time frame so it could be it could happen but it's very minimal very unlikely very unlikely it does happen like I said we had a Thousand-Year storm in for you've seen the pictures from the for devastating yes water uh so it's not and to be able to design improvements to be able to minimize the impacts for 500 just not feasy but it's something that you should be aware of um to be able to either fortify or uh put in place resiliency projects that that will help uh alleviate some of the stressors basically basically and something to also consider is that this does look pretty drastic but we do not take into account any of the existing storm water facilities that U that the village has so anything related to exfiltration trenches or drainage Wells or pipes that convey water to the canal those aren account INF this study this study is a very high level high scale study where we look at you know these different scenarios and the impacts based on the topography uh within the village itself so it's a very high level analysis okay so once we fin with the exposure analysis we go ahead and and get into the sensitivity analysis this is where we look at each critical asset and determine uh their critical elevations and the uh amount of ponding for each one of them so we assign based on a scale of low medium or high how much each of these assets are being impacted by the different design storms now again these are the these are 15 different design storms uh ranging from the the rainfall events starting at the left the rainfall events the sea level r events the storm surge events and then we get into some of the compounding events which we're looking at what rainfall what rainfall looks like you know in 24 or 27 is there a specific reason why this asset names are just this ones no this is just for the slide if I were to put all the assets we wouldn't be able to but the final report the final VA will have uh beyond the transportation it would have all the different categories so this is just an example of what the final vulnerability assment and then we go ahead and put this the tables essentially transpose them onto Maps where we have all of the critical assets label and again we have them uh based on a scale with each of the critical assets for the different design storms or scenarios this is for the 100y year 24-hour storm event and then this is the 500e 24 uh after the sensitivity analys we go into the identification of focus areas uh this is essentially where we start looking at areas within the village that would benefit from implementation projects essentially areas that we we need to focus on because there's repeated flooding uh as a result of of the modeling that we've done and here we have a snippet of of one of our previous projects with the city of North Miami Beach in this case it's fairly easy to identify those Focus areas or those hotpots based on the flooding uh they're fairly uh obvious where they're occurring uh for what we did with uh the bis G Park in coordination with the steering committee we uh we looked at what critical assets were most impacted uh based on that we identified Focus area we made five different Focus areas number one being the highest priority being that there were the most amount of uh critical assets within that Focus area that were being impacted and then we also took a look at um a lot of the flooding complaints and how those flooding complaints uh lined up with the results in our exposure and sensitivity analysis uh we did also look at the projects that have been completed the drainage Improvement projects that have been completed to date and are in the works and have also been nestled within the uh Focus areas that that we developed after that we go ahead and develop the final vulnerability assessment this basically takes into account everything that we've talked to thus far including the Outreach meetings and uh we put it into a final package uh to be delivered to fdp before the end of the month um and for final acceptance that I'll just leave any questions that you guys may have that um I I have a couple um so what what I'm trying to understand what part of the data that you collect in percentage how important it is to hear from our residents and did you get the amount of data minimum required to do so I think we got more than what we were expecting to be honest uh thanks to the mayor and Mac for facil facilitating the discussions at the public Outreach meetings uh as well as Chris who went above and beyond to gather the information and send app uh requests to people to be able to get uh those flooding complaints Ma so we did get a lot of information uh with respect to the public uh and a lot of input um you know we also do have a steering committee that we have met with multiple times throughout the duration of the project to kind of give us some direction as to um how we should be aligning those Focus areas and what areas we need to to look more intensely at I asked that question I think at the second study and you said from the first one we were like statistically well ahead of what you needed at that point you were kind of impressed definitely yeah we've gotten more feedback than we have on other vulnerability assessments with larger communities and so um what is the next step of of us having this data how does it how do we use this as next to create a solution well where we need to submit the big question you're not going to have the answer for specifically how to fix it but I'm wondering with this what's next yeah so this is a planning document you know we've identified those Focus areas that uh um either chis or public works department are going to use to be able to develop those implementation projects those implementation projects could take you know many forms they could be uh Standalone drainage Improvement projects you guys could be fortifying a lot of your critical assets you could take a lot of forms but what the benefit of this vulnerability assessment is is that it's not only a tool um in the sense that we're identifying those Focus areas but also giving you the opportunity to ask for future grant funding of those implementation projects so part of it we already started with the all the drainage work that we've done and I know this year we didn't get all the funding we were hoping for so you said those are not being considered for the study none of the current existing drainages for the exposure analysis for the modeling purposes no but we did as part of the identification of focus areas when we met with the steering committee uh we did look at okay where are those and actually we have a figure over here thank you any other questions just very quickly when it goes to final submission on the 30th I think yeah before the final Vil ass is going to be submitted before the end of the month and then it takes them about a month to review and provide com so September September is the final uh final acceptance okay that's what I was hoping to know when we would get the feedback or or the approval uh so we could have it ready to deploy when it comes to uh applying for certain grants and fing and everything um I mean it looks it looks very good I know you all did a lot of work in putting this together for us and um I know the residents really came out and and added a lot to it so I'm glad to hear that you had a lot of really good feedback and it looks like it came out uh as planned so thank you awesome anybody else I don't think so thank you thank you guys very much okay Chris so that was a first part of your report was there uh anything else you wanted to bring to our attention as part of your report this month just a couple of quick things um the vacuum truck topic has come up a few times so what we learned is um at one point we did have standby contracts or V trucks and we haven't still haven't been able to find those contracts I'm working with those particular vendors to get those contracts what we do know what I have been able to find out is just having a standby truck and the mayor has also worked on this just having that contract a standby is between 10 and $20,000 um that's not taking into account the actual expenses for when they actually deploy so what we're looking for right now is um essentially providers V truck providers that can be called out um that we don't have to have that standby contract for you said they that ones that can be called out where we don't need a contract in place correct correct um as strictly as on on as needed basis okay on the two other topics that were requested or more more information was requested was the be house that hearing is going in front of the county unsafe structures board in September um as soon as we have that date and information we forward that on to the uh commission um I know there's been some talk about um officials from biscan park being at that meeting I'll be there myself to represent um The Village's interest but um anybody from the village is welcome to attend that um and then the last question that I had was on the Ila you know local agreement we had sent that up to the county two different addresses in the county many weeks ago several weeks ago um we they reached out to us last week asking us where the proposal was we let them know that we did send it we gave them the two addresses that we sent it to and then we scanned an emailed it to them so they have it um so between the two that we've mailed and the scanned and emailed version we're hoping to get this buttoned up absolutely there is what they did come back with one comment um asking us about the raised crosswalks and it indicated that if the the village is interested in potentially um implementing raised um crosswalks we have to come up with a um a design plan for it and attach it to the Ila before it'll be approved if we're not if it's something that we're not looking to use then we would have to remove it from the um from the agreement so if if you remember when we did the Ila we had we tried we we listed all the possible different traffic caling devices or measures that we could use um there were a couple of them that we put in originally that they had indic that we kind of Overkill we just didn't want to leave anything out and they wanted design studies they wanted an actual design plan for it um so we decided to remove them because they were things that really weren't practical for the village anyway like traffic circles and things of that nature the roads aren't big enough to do it so we had presented them with a draft which they had accepted um you all had approved the draft that they had informally accepted and now um after the manager emailed them the um the approved Ila with regards to the one of the device devices or or mechanisms that we picked was a raised crosswalk and they indicated that if if we're interested in using the raised crosswalk we'll have to add a spec designed for it which I believe I can pull off the dot manual and add it um if we don't then we need to remove that from the Ila okay I'm sorry I just want to make repeat what I heard um first of all a comment about something you said earlier we do have streets that have absolutely have room for roundabouts there are roundabouts in North Miami and some of our Avenues where our roads are as wide when we saw the Ila uh this is the first I think I'm understanding this um there were four things left in there that we could do with in the Ila the raay sidewalks I thought those were the only things that we were allowed to keep in there I didn't know the other things were even options if I had heard then that roundabouts were an option for us to keep in there I would have voted to try to keep them in there because we we absolutely do have in 10th certainly Ken Ninth Avenue can support them so it can e and I know this to be true because the same streets in North Miami have roundabouts we certainly add roundabouts back in we'll have to doesn't mean we're obligating ourselves to doing them it just means that it's on the menu we have to come up with spec designs so that was my other question you said you could find spec designs for the raised walkways could you do that for both and look and see okay I I had very similar I can't hear you Barrow so I had a very s question in terms of um I don't remember us taking some stuff out but that might no it was presented to us with these are the four things we're keeping in correct that at what point the draft got suggested this things as this is so I'm trying to understand what how did the process go from the draft to selecting which things are end you all did that during discussions okay that's why I don't remember us having that discussion of removing stuff but that's did we have that discussion and we talked about what to keep and what to take out I don't recall doing that had a it was presented to us with these are the four that are that you can do we we used we used a draft that was provided to us by the county I think it was Miami Gardens I I don't remember what the jurisdiction was and it had various different U mechanisms that we could use some of them were taken out at the direction of the county because the onus on the village to to implement them would have been something that you would never have been able to financially do um others were left in and during disu from my memory I'd have to go back but my memory is during discussions some of them were directed to be removed because we didn't have the information that was required that the county was going to require to put it in I don't I don't recall that could be could be I but the but if you're G to find um so the the the little hiccup right now you're saying Brad is that you need a spec designed for the raise and that could be as easy as something you just pluck offline and use one of the things we had so if we could do that and keep and we're not obligating ourselves the roundabouts if we could do it because if I'm and I hate to go back and ask something I asked three months ago if we say here's our list of things that we will do ourselves if we can let's just say a raise sidewalk it doesn't mean we can't also ask the county to do it because we could still ask them to do it if it's outside of our our you know Financial ability can ask they might their response is probably going to be you have an Ila yeah said you're going to do it it doesn't mean you can't ask okay so what do you guys think about putting roundabouts back in well just so I'm just looking at the email that we got so we had in there rais crosswalk among other things but we had in their raised crosswalks and and Street murals is what it was yeah and so they said um if you're adding raised crosswalks and need to be added to the agreement which we did and the design standards should be added the only way I'm unless if I can't get them out of the dot manual I have no other way of getting them except from an engineer where did we see design standards for something else that was on there because I remember they're being had we took them out of the dot manual okay and then um with regards to Street murals it says if that's something that if um let's see if we want Street murals that's something that needs to be evaluated and discussed depending on what these city is intending to install so I I don't know you all familiar with with the street murals and what Pro what I remember that essentially what it is is you you paint uh either a color spectrum or a landscape or something on the roadway at an intersection and what the what the logic behind it is is that that will slow people down as they're driving over I don't understand the science behind it but that's the theory behind it um so if we want to add that back if we want to keep that in then it's saying that needs to be evaluated and discussed we'd have to go back and discuss that with the county I just Google and they want and they want to and they want to description of what we intend to install which at this point we don't know what we intend to install so so we don't hold this up any further with regards to the street murals I would suggest we don't push that because and we can always come back if we if if you do a study and somebody suggests Street murals we can always go back to the county and say hey look we're considering doing Street murals now we'd like to amend the Ila and go through the process because otherwise it's going to bog it down even further I just Googled f. design standards raised intersections and I don't know not raised inter Ross walks we had on it's on the same one yeah we had the design standard for a raised intersection that was incorporated into the agreement this is is on here too raise cross so we can cut and paste it and put it in and send it back to them I'll send you the link right now where I just saw so as far as raised crosswalks and the traffic circles go if we can pull the specs for it and include them from a source that we're already using I think that it makes sense if they're telling us and we want to do Street murals and they need a design for it or they need an intention of what what we're doing and where it doesn't seem like we're prepared to do that at this we have to remove it okay but at least we'll Salvage the other two we can do that we'll pull it up and uh and add those in if I can on a positive note um Public Works painted the slow signs AC around the park so we're we're we're moving the needle all right okay um I have a quick question about the vacuum trucks I I I know that I shared that information with you uh Chris that I had spoke I spoke to Mario about the the VAC trucks and um he gave me the resolution which is resolution 22 I'm sorry city as far as the vacum situation concerned that is one of the things that I'm looking at um like I said the challenge is there's a difference between having a contracted standby vehicle so that vehicle is dedicated to come anytime there's a storm if we choose to call it that's the expensive part that's the 1010 to1 15,000 a year so I'm looking for those contracts to piggyback on that don't have that standby fee in there yeah because I remember uh and and I you probably remember M um I don't know we those vacuum trucks were used quite quite frequently um after we uh agreed to this uh to this don't know if it was quite they were used I saw them yeah yeah they absolutely worked and they helped yeah and there were several of them at one point in in the village so several occasions there were several in the village at a time yeah yeah so you know I think it's really important that we really focus our attention on this as far as uh you know trying to figure out the best way to move forward with this obviously we don't want to spend $5 $20,000 um but I think it's critical that uh that we have this service in our Village um you especially there's there's a few little areas in this Village that really get banged really bad and we need to and and we don't and we don't have an area to vacuum the the the water uh utilizing our current pump situation because there's nowhere to pump it to um so we need to have some kind of something an answer at least try something so this is critical and I and so I'm I'm asking you to really focus on trying to find a way to get this vacuum truck situation figured out and I have a abolutely the just just a reply the other thing we're looking at and rad correct me if I'm wrong um if we're on a piggyback whether or not FEMA would reimburse is questionable is that did I hear that from you sometimes they will not re reimburse for a piggy back contract yes so that's the other thing that we're we're trying to we're trying to make sure we don't do anything that would prohibit us from collecting FEMA dollars if it's possible but yeah I hear you loud and clear and we'll focus on this oh yes please mind the money but when water's up in someone's home we got a deal so Chris I have a question for I want to make sure I understood what you said um 10 to $15,000 annually that's just a Beyond call like they really are ours if we need them is that fee applied to a service or is that just money you pay just to have them on call and then you still pay when they come or is that applied to the bills as they roll in no that's just to have them on call okay but that's not what our contracts were with those other companies that we had before okay um and you're certain that that is a just a I'm not questioning you I just want to make sure we're really certain are you really certain that they don't apply to bills as they roll in that it really is a standalone fee or do you think so because if you think so maybe we should look into that and see if it really applies to the bills I haven't presented a solution to the commission yet because I'm not certain of anything I've done a few I've done a little bit of research and I haven't done a research on everything that I possibly need to research to be able to have an answer to that question okay so based on the information that I have so far that is the answer well that's why I asked Chris not to be argumentative but you just said two different things in two different sentence you you emphatically emphatically stated it's not applied to bills as they roll in and then in the next breath when I questioned you again you said I'm not certain it's the if you're not certain just say so and say you know what I don't know and that's a good question and I'll find out and we'll you'll have you'll see it on the next report that's all we want that's why I just said I'm still in the process of researching I don't have before that Chris you said no it does not apply it's just a flat fee based on the information I have so far no does not apply you're dancing your way out of a thing Chris you know exactly what I'm saying here just give us the information when you're clear on it okay my other question about the VAC trucks is um are those did those contracts have have an expiration date on them are they done ones that we had in that resolution those contracts we'd have to find the contracts to see so without the okay and Chris did you ask the vendors for how embarrassing to have to ask a vendor for a copy of the contract because we can't find it did we ask the vendor for the contracts and they don't have them or they haven't produced them yet I don't have the information on that I'm still working on that for you did did you request it from them though you don't know if you requested it I requested from a couple I haven't received anything I don't have that full information for you so I can't make a definitive statement I I hear you loud and clear okay um it's pretty embarrassing that we can't find a copy of our own contract I just don't understand Christ I have a filing cabinet at home at least I know it's in that filing cabin if it's not organized I dig through one by one and find it if those contracts if if and when we get those Contra art did you ask Mario if who knows where the contracts are or if he has a copy of them on his computer sometimes he may have saved PDFs of everything oh but but we have in the resolution are the names of the three companies that we contracted with and I'm sure you know I don't know if if they'll provide a cont I'm sure well he's saying he's contacted some of them and hasn't heard back I spoke to one of them shenoa construction they did not have a copy they don't have a copy of the contract either they didn't have a copy life don't know why but he said that it's not it's it's he said the last time we came out was think early 2022 that's just if memory serves and I said do you have a copy of it he said no I said so can we get back into a contract with you and he said it's going to be very expensive to do that I think his recommendation was you probably shouldn't probably should or should not should not because it was going to be very expensive to us to do it alone which is why I think it was piggybacked off of yeah yeah but it was a piggyback contract right but if that piggyback contract has not expired or sometimes very often those contracts have automatic renewal in them unless you cancel it we could be right now sitting with a contract for vac trucks that we don't even aren't even aware of that we could call them today and say get here and pump our water it was his impression that it had expired but again he didn't have a copy people's feelings and Impressions and da da da have a copy I look I agree with you I can't believe that he that the vendor doesn't you know have it somewhere too but um again it was it was his I understand that the vendor might not want to produce it if it doesn't work in their favor now like know we would now charge them a whole lot more we want them to sign their own direct contract I can understand they wouldn't want to produce the contract very enthusiastically and that was the of of the three vendors Shannon DOA which the one you called was the third ranked crossest crossest uh proposer so I don't even know if we used them to honest he said he had a work order yeah for early 2022 so we so the so probably better off trying to contact the number one ranked one and then the number two and who are they art Wonder are the names of these so the first ranked was National water main cleaning is this a copy of the resolution you're looking at can we all get a copy of that please oh you can just Google it if you want it's a resolution this game Park you Google bisc Park resolution 2021 d11 maybe they'll get five phone calls tomorrow there's EnV enviral Waste Services Group that's that's the one I remember that's the one water main and then Shannon do is the last third r i don't even know it wasn't very clear on that other than there was a there was an order he didn't say even very definitively that it was that actually if we're piggyback piggybacking on another City's would that City have the contract and then we contract with the city so the reason the purpose the way a piggyback Works sorry I now the way a piggyback works is it's it's a procurement process so generally if you're going to procure a service you'd have to go out for for bids and put out an RFP and and all those things especially because of the price of this what this contract would be so what your code allows you to do as an exemp as an alternative to putting out the bids if if there was if another government agency it doesn't even necessarily have to be in the State of Florida has um competitively bided the service or the product whatever it might be and under your code if that process is substantially similar to The Village's procurement process then you can quote unquote piggyback on the on the contract so what you were doing then is you're using their procurement process to enter into an agreement with that vendor you but not under the same terms necessary well you have to well generally yes you have to use primarily the same terms you can tweak them a little bit but but generally they're the same terms be a good starting place to get a copy of the contract it was bal Harbor it was bal Harbor B Harbor yeah wouldn't hurt to get a copy of the bal Harbor at least it's the starting point seems we should chase this information but I think we're all agree age that V trucks are something that are important agreed and that the solution is out there it's like right outside of our grasp and we just need to lean into it a little bit close yeah um okay I have a couple sure agreed um Chris you would share it in nxl it would really be helpful if you could every month with the agenda absolutely right but that's what you said last time I'm sorry I have to jump in but she asked last time and then I said I would like it on Excel as well and you said yes that a month ago and then this time we didn't get it on Excel which is why ver is asking again the last two times I sent it out as a separate attachment in an email to the commission because we can't do an Excel spreadsheet on granicus that functionality does not exist this time around because of the time frame between the last or the with all everything going on with the budget in the last meeting and the quick turnaround I simply missed that step I am so sorry but we'll make sure we do that moving forward for you okay so the reason I'm asking it's just it's I see your hiding columns right so you have July August so if I can spread that up I can understand when it says no update what what where is it coming from there is a lot of no update and I'm sure that has an initial portion of it somewhere maybe in July or I'm sorry not July because this is what we see June or before uh so that would be helpful one thing I didn't see here was the um potential crosswalk that we were in discussions with the county for 107th and 9th and I don't know where that's that stood at the last portion was that they were here they were taking I'm having a hard time understanding you sorry I was asking about the crosswalk of 107th and uh 9th um if you remember we had the county come and agree to uh sort of sponsor that cross I have that on my report and I can share good news with you please I had a zoom with Mickey Steinberg last week and she got $150,000 approved for that project yes okay that is fantastic so I didn't see it here that's again you know why I was asking but I I am very happy to hear that very happy um and then the other part was related to the flooding so we heard from the vulnerability study um you you suggested something about feedback to prepr provid it and pulling the information together was it something sort of all that that was graphed during the storm given to be included in the data collection that was presented today or was that any of the additional work that code was doing on trying to get some pre uh preliminary information for the county did that help in any way the process of the vulnerability study the June storm was prior to the cutof date for feedback the cutoff date for feedback was I believe it was the second week of July if I remember correctly um so all that information was provided to kimley Horn for their vulnerability assessment so it was everything was used yes okay all right that's it okay uh any other questions on the manager's report before we move on I have a couple of things okay um last month I I ask every month the app I'm very enthusiastic about the app because I hear enthusiasm from residents about the app how many registered users do we have now we had 76 last month we up to 99 99 excellent so the need we are moving it up any plans to promote that to get it to pick up faster that was the discussion that we had during the last budget meeting um I'm not able to create a marketing plan for that so by all means I'm looking for your feedback as to what you would like done or we should hire out a consultant to help us with that marketing so you would welcome ideas that's what I just said yes I I'll provide some to you um in your report there's a section there about you're investigating the possibility of paid parking at the rec center is that something that we discussed before I because I don't recall ever hearing that and it kind of jumped up and pinched me in the nose did we ever discuss that guys did any of you discuss it that again paid converting some of some or all of the parking at the rec center to paid parking it's in Chris's report I had not seen it on the report before actually a resident brought it to my attention and I went there to look for it and I was like what is that so is that something you are I mean you put it in your report so clearly you think it has some kind of legs is that something you're planning to come present to us is that part the master plan the of the over there no oh we had talked about in you know fixing all the parking over there and during that entire conversation there was never a conversation and all of that Master Plan about any of it being paid parking it was all free parking um so is that something you're thinking about bringing to us Chris I have no information on that I have no idea if it has legs or not that's a option for additional Revenue if at some point that's something we decide to do I need to have the information to be able to present that to the commission okay well I'm asking because it's on your report Chris so I'm just assuming and I'm saying I have no information on it at this point okay um did I I'm I the rec center was funded a number of years ago we have some people here who were very involved then it State money was used for that facility and it was my understanding from a previous manager that it it rather restricted our usage of the building and doing certain things to it and I wonder if that might be one of the restrictions is that you can't put paid parking I don't know just thinking out loud here um at any rate if you bring that to us that'll be an interesting conversation I would the idea of charging residents or even Outsiders to park at our rec center facility doesn't seem doesn't feel like a bisc park Huggy kind of a thing to me so I I might be a hard sell on that one um your your emergency uh EOC worked very nicely the first time out I think some of the communications could be fine tuned a little bit there was something on there about sandbags and it didn't say what day they were going to be available but uh it worked and I was happy to see that on there and I get all the updates through the app and the emails and I'm being I'm getting it from all directions so that's a very good thing CU like you guys have all heard me say for years we need an all of the above uh communication plan um we talked about back trucks okay [Music] um Miami Dade County working in the village without our notice I know you sent an email to us Chris and art I'm glad you are the one who caught that sign on Griffin just like you know coming soon a construction project near you uh cuz residents along that street had not been notified even residents who had complained and may have been the impetus to the whole thing weren't even notified it was going on and um and commissioner Steinberg's office I don't think was even aware of it themselves so um yeah so it sounds like the county needs a communication plan too within themselves and with other Juris municipalities as well but this is not the first second I think it's like the third time that I'm aware of that the county has come into our municipality and done work on their Road as is their responsibility you know but it' be nice if they informed us what was going on so I'm glad that you're uh I I talked to the commissioner about it and she's going to look into how that all kind of fell apart but she also indicated to me that she didn't think it was going to happen right away and now we find out it's going to happen right away yeah and the funny part is that they took the signs down they took all the signs down like okay well and I I Community to Chris and I said hey so the project is not happening now because they took all the signs down and he's like oh let me find out and he couldn't get answer from them and then finally I guess they're they're starting right they are going to start we had a representative stopped by the Village Hall the other day I don't remember which day and said yeah they're they're starting just like that so I haven't looked at it closely Chris are they uh is it all the work in the street or also in the swes is it impacting anyone's private property driveways or anything or is this no information on that you really don't even know and it is just a retaining it's just a French drain right yeah that's all it can be I have no information on that that's all those are my only questions for Chris okay any other questions on the manager's report before we move on no hearing none okay um uh anything on boards before we go to commission report I was to I'm sorry go ahead I have one thing on boards great Chris uh our last parks and Parkways meeting uh it seemed like a miscommunication happened between the board members and City Hall what can you explain what happened and how can we prevent that from happening again because these boards are vitally important to getting Village business done that's a great question so we had multiple people who thought multiple different people were the chair um trying to figure out who is running the organization or run that running that particular board has been a significant challenge um the chair or the person who identified as the chair said that there isn't a quorum so we announced there wasn't a quorum um then somebody else who wasn't the chair said why is there not a quorum Bally the chair said there was a quorum or it wasn't going to be a quorum so there's there's confusion on the board itself as to who's running things so one of the things that I actually just chatting with the clerk about today is that board needs to meet I think 22nd is their next day and they need to pick their leader um so that we have that one person who's able to make the decision um we need somebody that's gonna be responsible for the agendas and the minutes and everything else so that we can get that posted board so I was it's on my report to give tonight you can continue if you like but I have an actual liaison report to give about that board but I am going to say Chris that the person that told you that the meeting they would not make Quorum number one was never the chair of that board number two no individual member of any board would know about a quorum unless they were a quorum not being being met unless they were violating sunshine and talking to other members of the board outside of the meeting and further I saw a communication from uh John Holland former commissioner Holland who is now on that board who is the secetary of that board he sent a report in and it said who the chair was did you guys not get that so you do know who the chair of the board is like the manager said one person sent us information M uh U Mr Holland sent us information and then another member of the board sent us information and all three were conflicting each other we tried to get to the bottom of it before but we just got different answers from all different people and one of them was about the Quorum I don't know how any board member would know that quorum's I wouldn't know if we're not if we weren't going to make Quorum tonight I wouldn't know until I got here and I was the only one here would you guys know I was or one not was not coming yeah you would no if if if I could I could send out an email to all of you saying no meeting tonight because we don't have Quorum if you called me and said Mack are you coming to the meeting and I said pamer we're not going to make Quorum for the commission meeting tonight cancel it you wouldn't that that's not how it happened commissioner well how did it happen then the person sent to us saying that um because of and I think it started with Lisa before she left trying to find out who was coming and who wasn't and she told that person I have not gotten answers from everybody as to who's showing up and who's not so that person said we don't have a quorum we're not going to meet and like I said then two other persons chimed in and we just got conflicting information from three members of the board hello some of us cannot attend tonight's meeting parks and Parkways we need to reschedule and make a list of all the dates and times meeting locations for the entire year so we can put the dates in our agendas and that was coming from the person that we had on our documentation as the board chair so again this has been a very challenging situation with this particular board um that's so I we're working on figuring out who is in charge who's going to be handling the agendas and minutes um and now that we have the full roster um we can send that information out to them on number one how to get access to the cabin um for the board chair that's one of the other reasons that we need that that chairperson um and number two now that we have all the members listed um now we can track when they let us know who is not coming whether or not we're going to have that quarum so this was identif ified as a challenge and we're we're working on it the challenge I'm hearing from the board is that lots of Outreach to the village and no responses so I'm hearing that from them and and hearing this from you but Danielle wolf is the chair of that board and she has yet to ever hear from anybody at the Village about anything she was only the temporary chair according according to their information again I'm not going to I'm not going to stand up here and defend what we have or hadn't done this thing has been a mess and we're trying to fix it so that we can have a fully functioning parks and Parkways board and that's what we're in the process of doing well they have a meeting on uh is it Thursday night no I found out today that was bumped until the 22nd okay she asked me how she could get access to the log cabinet I told her I would ask you that's the information that's going to be going out to the full board that's what the clerk was actually proofing today so that we can send that out they're going to be given a temporary code access a log cabin until they pick their chair and then that chair is going to be the one that is responsible for access to the cabin as well as the the logs and locking up and all the other stuff that we have to do in regards to meetings Okay so that one's been moved the 22nd then correct okay um uh vice mayor did you have any other questions on the boards that's it okay uh any other board questions before we go to commission I do um I was told that someone applied to be on the planning board and that is application was in before the deadline did he not make it I did not receive it okay he I was well and Gage also told me that he confirmed with Gage that he submitted his application before the deadline for this meeting they expected him to be on this agenda tonight to be voted in Gage sent an email I replied to it I reach out to Gage um earlier today as part of the liaison process or however we want to label it um I can work with him to make make sure that if it wasn't in on time that it'll get in on time and they can get them appointed uh any other questions on boards okay uh so let's go ahead and go to our commission uh and open the floor to any commission reports that would like to uh to be heard I can start okay um just very quickly a couple things I know we talked briefly about that uh electric vehicle charging company with the the boards and the advertising everything um I spoke with the representative from there he said that they didn't have any panels in their Network that are close enough to do any meaningful comparisons because uh recall that they need to have a certain certain amount of traffic in order to to want to set it up for us because they pay for everything um so he said what they're going to do is they're going to conduct a vehicle traffic study which actually kind of opened up an interesting opportunity I think to maybe collect some additional traffic data at their their expense so uh the last we exchange emails earlier this month is that they were he was going to look at it and see what the collection looks like and then and let us know so we might be able to use some of that could be very good so it could be they just want to see what kind of traffic we have to determine if we're where they right where they want to put it because you know for example you know over at the rec center there's not as many cars driving through maybe as like out out this way so they're just kind of looking at where it might fit um so it could be a dual purpose which would be nice um sure so I hate throw a wrench in this maybe just don't then no I'm just I'll walk out no no go ahead go ahead if you want me to please um so if you're going to enter into some type of an agreement um there is some value so this this has to be procured it's it's not it's it's not an agreement to my understanding what they from my understanding what they're doing is they're looking at how they can collect traffic information around the village to determine whether there's enough that justifies putting in one of their stations I'm just saying goes yeah if it goes to that point go point where you all decide that you want to move forward withv stations with and because there are are other companies that are out there that do a similar thing yeah I think there were like at least four that I looked at so that's something that have to go out to in an RFP and you have to take proposals and go through the procurement process this one even if it's at no cost to us okay that's fine I mean right now we're just looking at information it's it's no determination well that information might help us put out a better RFP if they say look the the only place in your village that really makes sense to do this is that open median over there on Sixth Avenue then you could put that in the RFP right goes out to everybody else app to Apples so it could still be it could be good to collect it from both sources there or for both purposes um another point that I want to just bring up very briefly here and open it to the commission is I was contacted by um Melanie Burke over at mayor kava's office um just end of last week so it's a little it's kind of last minute but they're putting on um what do they call it uh a municipal Roundtable discussion on flood preparedness and response it's this Friday I was going to go to it but I'm going to be traveling for a conference and they don't have any Zoom options unfortunately so it's iners only what time on Friday it's Friday 11:30 a.m. to 1: p.m. Miami Dade main library Auditorium I just she just sent me an email yesterday saying that they can't accommodate Zoom options so it's only in person we i' open up to the commission if someone wanted to go um and just let you all know unfortunately I can't make it nor can I uh I'll respond to her and I'll let her know that you're G to make it if that works Mr Mayor I'm also on the email so I yes oh great okay that's right yes yes you send it to me to take your calendar got it okay all right great so if you wouldn't mind get the information to commissioner G thank you very much um just very and last one I'll make it quick um uh League of cities last week uh we were unfortunately informed that Aventura commissioner Michael Stern passed two weeks ago yeah um I think I think everyone up here knew him uh he was did you he yeah to he um he always he went around to every um County in Miami dat and asked for proclamations dealing with colal cancer because he was diagnosed I think he was stage four stage four stage four for for quite a while um he was he was helpful he was a nice guy for aventur has a big curriculum yeah I really respect yeah her uh one of his colleagues on uh the commission aventur gave it kind of an in Memorial speech about him um so it was very sad to hear and I immediately I knew that you had worked with him quite a bit and and he was a nice guy so I just I wanted to let everyone know that I'm very unfortunate so sorry to end on a somber note but that's all I have for my report anyone else okay um for the special commission you all held um at Co so I didn't come um and I know few things I'm sorry barl I can't hear you yeah down here um thank you I missed the 720 the July 29 um commission meeting the special commission meeting uh because I had a CO and um I couldn't participate but I know cuz I saw the video I haven't finished it um you guys discussed that Lea on on the boards and you voted me to have the foundation um I'm not going to be doing that I'm actually not in support to have leas on um just for what I've spoken uh to the members at least of the foundation um I haven't spoken to all of them it seems to me they're very clear um on on where they stand and how they communicate with us at any time I mean I'm happy to join at any meeting at my discretion and it would be not just the foundation board but any of the of the boards so my wish is uh that maybe you want to discuss if you want to do that with the foundation but um I wouldn't be the one doing that um request uh for code police and noise ordinance so I did mention about the noise ordinance that I've been working on um with Brad to bring us an item I didn't make it unfortunately for this uh agenda so it'll be for the next agenda agenda and I did ask police and coaches to share some data in terms of how many requests do we currently have they are related to noise and specifically because I I don't know if you get those emails about people wondering at what time is it related to tools is related to construction that there is all these questions about when and who I contact and all that um so I wanted to hear from code and police to provide feedback prior to the me so I want to make sure Chris you got that email Yep they're working on the questions um the letter will'll discuss next on on the agenda and the other item as well so that's it okay thank you other commission reports right yeah I have a or do you have something I have a couple of things um we need to schedule Chris's uh evaluation the date the format uh how this is going to work because that happens in SE member correct y we talked about this once before there's a window there and Brad you remember you're looking it up again seem to remember we moved it to October 1st align with the the F fiscal did we put a hard date on that don't think we did but no there was a discussion on that I need to get it on my count my point is I work like months out on a calendar a travel calendar and we need to get that scheduled uh so last time correct me if I'm wrong did we well did let me ask you guys did we do it at a commission meeting or we did it a separate meeting was saluation is a separate meeting yeah so we need to get that on a calendar so I can plan around it we have a commission I don't think it's something we should do at a commission meeting I think it merits its own time and we have a commission meeting on the 1 and I'm out of the country October 4th to the 20th and that's in October anyway I Brad's looking but I thought it had to be done in September we have we have in September we have let's make let's let Brad verify that there's like a date I forget how it's worded oddly the the honor before it just says honor before October 1st of each year yeah that's why we always do it in September so we need to get that on a calendar first I guess the first question is well Jonathan you can lead the conversation but we to decide if we're going to do it in conjunction with another meeting because we have a lot of meetings in September with budget hearings and stuff um and uh if we'll add it on to another meeting same night different time or if we'll pick another date all together we have so we have this what I was mentioning on in September we have what we the 3D the 10th and the 26th I I see is that right third okay 10th yep the 10th is not gonna happen why don't we just do it on the third the millage hearing shouldn't be too long right that's the day after Labor Day weekend I get back late the night before and I'm gone just for my own in my own interest I'm gone on a work trip from the 21st of August until September 2nd it's two three work trips that all run back to back to back all right when you out one the 27th okay I'm out the 11th through the 25th 11th to the 25th [Music] window how about the fifth or the 6th what about I'm good with those on the 26th the budget hearing the second budget hearing we're just approving the budget right I mean it should be done by then I mean I hope you're gonna miss budget hearing you not can't zoom in no [Music] um what were the days you mentioned Max sorry uh September 5th and sixth is a Friday we probably don't want to do that but September 5th is a Thursday and verl I'm sorry you're gone the 10th to the 25th 11th through the 25 11th to the 25th we have a meeting on the 10th I could do I could do the fifth I could do Monday the 9th as well if that's better for anyone the fifth I could do the ninth I could do I'm wrapping around your your schedules the fifth the 9th 11th five and nine or September 30th which is the last day last day we could possibly do it so the 5ifth the 9th of the 30th are all days that I'm good with 59 or 30 I'm good with 59 or 30 I yeah I vote better on either the fifth of or the ninth the nth you have a planning there a planning how about fifth design Thursday the 5th let me just double check yes I can do that what down on this end September 5 well that's the other thing we need to discuss so it's it going to be hold one second so it's Thursday September 5th at six o'clock six o'clock that correct sounds correct okay and then we have to discuss the format I thought the format last time worked uh the form that we use which is something we had used with Mario twice before if everyone was okay with that form I'm okay with that again the one thing that we did not include in it were uh how he's achieving the goals that we had set we had that with Mario before if you'll recall and we pulled it out because it was too early to give that to him in his six-month evaluation but after the six-month evaluation Chris did provide to us these are the goals uh these are my goals through the end of this year so we do have that we just use that same the same format in add as a l those goal yeah yeah you know add as a line item that one that's fine last time I had done the cleanup of the form uh would you guys like me to do that again but I we don't have a meeting again until after that because we have a meeting on the thir that's a millage we don't have a regular meeting of any kind so Pamela how can we do that if I were to update this send it to you and you will put it out give it out to everybody okay but it doesn't give them an opportunity to give any feedback on it well the third is is a regular scheduled meeting no it's not the third is a millage millage it's it's an item it's millage and budget hearing so could we foreseeably add uh you could separate meeting you could adjourn and then do a special meeting have you noticed that meeting already which one the September 3rd millage and budget hearing what if we did a quick meeting at 6 o' and then this I can't put them together no no no what if we schedule a meeting for reg a special meeting for six o'clock with the sole purpose of that and then schedule the budget thing for 6:15 no you already scheduled it by resolution okay okay but then we'll just adjourn the meeting and do it that night what what you would do is you'll do for if talking about September 3D you'll have special meeting at whatever time or soon thereafter be heard okay on that date so just we'll have two meetings got scheduled and noticed on that dat and if we approve if we approve it before and if there's no comments or no no reason to have it we can just cancel it never mind put it no no no no the that you can't can the form the purpose of us putting this on the third is for us to approve the form that it'll be a very quick meeting it'll be quick all right that's fine do is just schedule it for say 7 o'clock or as soon thereafter can be heard that's fine and we'll just now that is assuming of course that we basically approve it with minor uh changes or none at all because then we are going to be using that form we'll each need to use that form two nights later should we call a special meeting in August for the sole purpose of doing that and and make it happen make it a 15minute special meeting because God forbid I mean I then we'll really be under the gun to use this form and get it done what would be the meeting for sorry to approve the the the format the form itself I'm going to update it and send it to Pamela she's going to send it to you guys but then we need to approve it if anyone has any you know we can't just do that through Pamela I I've got about three days of availability between now yeah you went through August already and for for these meetings and your availability was oh wait a minute a minute how about tomorrow we have a budget Workshop tomorrow how about at the end of that we adjourn and call the meeting to order I'll I'll do it tomorrow morning first thing oh you can't notice a meeting that fast even a special meeting no at least 48 hours and it's not an emergency so you yeah yeah yeah I get it I get it do we have any other meetings in August I don't think so no really how's that possible you had them well I guess September 3rd it is and we hope that it's minimal and we all can look what I'll do is I'll already use it and have mine done anyway and if we make changes then I'll just tweak my line item yeah that makes sense okay so Madam clerk can we keep it as September 3rd please thank you very much time are you gonna pick uh can we do as soon just as after the budget hearing concludes or after the mill pick a time and as soon they're then pick 7 o'clock or 6:30 or 6:30 and you know if we're done if we're ready to go then then great and if not we'll go as soon as we're done okay um let me look at my list here uh I wanted to know who's going to represent us at the unsafe structure hearing but we'll meet before or will we meet before that my concern was that Brad told us or Pamela did at the last meeting that if more than one of us is going to attend that it has to be noticed that more than one commissioner will be there even if one of us is speaking on behalf of the commission and the rest are speaking as Citizens we have to notice that when's when is that hearing well we haven't gotten a date yet but I thought I saw Chris that there was a date of September 6th floating around that it was possible for September 6 September 16th I may have just overlooked it let me pull up the report thought it was it was it was happening in September I don't believe have a date yet Pedro's here Pedro didn't you tell us that possible date of September 16th it's not confirmed yet you haven't heard anything else since so the 16th was a possible date got it okay well the point is is that we have a meeting on September 10th so that night we could discuss that and and figure out what if if something's going to happen and um we should know by then yeah we should know by then certainly we should know by then um okay I told you about I'm zoomed with commissioner Steinberg it was about the drains on Griffin and Vero don't hold me to that $150,000 amount but I'm very certain that's what she said she didn't know what the project was for she said I just approved something for you guys $150,000 I send her an email oh you did okay okay yeah well I mean in her defense we were talking about something else and she just said hey speaking of biscane Park I something got approved for you and I said For What and she said I I'm not sure I said is it I said is it I think I called it vero's crosswalk down on yeah no that's she said yes that's what it is because that with public works when I met with them said the budget could be up over the 100,000s and that's why we were crossing fingers said this would come from the county it's a done deal can I can I get clarification on third because I have to notice it directly for what the item is this is just to look at the form correct yeah yeah just to approve the form that we'll use form okay yeah thank you and then the my last report is something unpleasant and I'm I'm not asking I might ask for a response you guys look it's become clear to everyone that Chris and I don't have the best relationship and it's really it's been going on for months now I told you I would try to make things better with him and I tried and it's not getting better it's very clear to everybody in this room but recently something really kind of obnoxious happened and I just want to make you guys aware of it because it really was just so strange and silly he sent an email out to staff and to me saying commissioner Kennedy seems to think he's allowed to call you by your first name and demand things from you I've set him straight I'm a 63y old grown ass man Chris you can talk when I'm done I'm a 63y old grown ass man I'll call anybody if Joe Biden walked in the door he might get a Hey Joe from me and a high five and God bless I called someone by their first name and an email we all do it up here we do it with him with Pamela with Brad with the staff that comes in here it was just so bizarre and noxious and he sent it to the staff and I resent the hell out of it and then he told them that I'm demanding things from them to be clear if any of you have caught wind of this because residents of this Village have caught wind of it to be clear I have never demanded a single thing from a staff member we're not allowed to do that however we are in good faith allowed to ask them questions and the question that set him off was a question that I sent to the chief with him on CC because he said please always keep me on CC and I always do a question to the chief hey chief in preparations for the budget hearings I'm wondering if you might need additional life-saving equipment for our officers in the field do they have what they need to save human lives in the course of their day that's what set him off and when I said are you making this demand of all the Commissioners and setting this expectation for everyone that they cannot address people by their first name and that we're not allowed to ask questions which is allowed in the charter by the way it's a charter provision that we're allowed to ask questions in good faith and this was in preparation for a budget hearing that's in pretty good faith asking the chief if he simply has enough not saying ask for it not saying I'll do it for you simply saying do you have what you need and I said why are you making this demand of me and he said this was his reasoning because of my open hostility towards staff and I said okay give me an example of my open hostility to staff and you might be surprised the one single thing he came up with the night of his six-month evaluation when we sat here you weren't here Ryan staff poured staff filled up Village Hall to sing his Praises at his evaluation which I thought was a little odd but whatever they can they're allowed to come and speak at public comment too that's their prerogative and this room was lined with police officers in uniform you remember that and at the next meeting a resident got up and spoke now that bugged me the optic on that was awkward for me it's like H here's our evaluation of the CEO of this organization and the police are filling this room in uniform and I'm not certain that they necessarily always appreciate that that might be viewed by other people civilians as intimidating didn't personally intimidate me when they came in I know them you know but it intimidated some residents who mentioned it to me one of whom attended the meeting that night and spoke at public comment about it do you remember it was David Raymond and then during the commission reply I said I share that sentiment that I didn't and it was on my report I was going to mention it anyway I had no idea David was going to say it that night and I simply said I didn't think that was a great look Jonathan and and especially because they were all standing up and they were standing in front of the doors if you'll recall so here's a room like lined with people in uniform and I simply said Jonathan if that happens again might we offer them a seat ask them to have a seat remember yeah that's all I said Chris viewed that as open hostility yeah open hostility towards our police and for that reason set off this chain of noxious toxic emails guys it's it's not good it's not good so have any of you been instructed to not call employees by their first names no no have any of you ever asked a question of an employee hey preparing for something you need an answer to a question yeah did you get your answers you got your answers did you keep Chris on CC like we're supposed to No Art you just emailed them directly yeah but you didn't break the charter you asked him a question we're allowed to ask him questions in good faith right he wants us to put it in an email and CC it he sent that to us as a policy fine I do it every time I don't never send an employee an email without Chris on CC it's not a good environment it's not good and if it were any of you that were being singled out and treated differently I would have as much of an issue as I do being the one singled out and treated differently if it was you verl I'd be saying you don't treat her or him or him or him differently than the rest it's not how we roll here it's not cool at all and it's also very clear to anyone who attends these meetings and watches from home that I'm the one who holds him to task more and is critical of him sometimes praise him when he does something well tell him when I like Something challenge him hold him to details I did it earlier this evening when he gave one answer and gave another we're getting a lot of that I just want straight stuff for for it to come to this and this is going to come up in his evaluation trust me it'll come up again but I just wanted you guys to know that I wanted to hear from you if you had been told to do the same thing I have no plans to stop calling people by their first name I call our mayor Jonathan openly during meetings we all do that's biscane park that's biscane Park where we can sit up here in casual clothing and run this Village on a firstname basis with each other and the residents and the staff of this Village as well I don't appreciate what's going on around here and if you guys want to make comment to that you're free to but I'm not asking you to necessarily chime in and I'm not asking for any action it's just part of my report tonight but if you have opinion I'm I'm happy to hear it I'd like to reply if the commission doesn't mind okay commissioner Kennedy is absolutely correct we do not have a great working relationship um I took uh specifically commissioner Gonzalez I took your advice when you had said you got to find a way to work this out so everything I'm going to say is from my perspective uh my I guess you could say interpretation of what I'm seeing um I tried bearing the hatchet I tried doing the reset I tried doing the boundaries what I've experienced with commissioner Kennedy is that in my opinion my interpretation is he's not interested in having that reset and having that professional relationship it's a relationship of you will do what I say when I say and get it done which you're all my bosses that's that's one way to do it however where we're having the challenges is in the daily operation of the Village um one of the one of the stats that I looked at just the other day was since we instituted this uh the new goov app system to kind of track contacts and so nothing gets missed nothing falls through the CL cracks um since March there have been well over 400 contacts um from commissioner Kennedy those are emails those are texts um many of them trying to ass I'm assuming trying to direct Village operations things like Communications plans and communication items and things like that so understanding that's where we're coming from that's when I put on those strict boundaries we need to keep work work um we need to find a way to work together but again from my experience that that's just not what he's interested in doing um I'm at a loss I'm not sure how to handle this and and I want to go back a little bit with the emails that he mentioned he started with the email to to um the chief saying Mark starting to ponder over budget topics I'd like to learn more about life saving you know and blah blah blah my reply to him was uh please direct all budget questions to me and me alone my staff is not authorized to discuss budgets directly with the commission that's the manager's responsibility the manager has a larger perspective so that's my way of saying I don't want to put one of the things I've experienced with commissioner Kennedy is he picks out certain things that you say and then we'll use that against you at a later point in time and I want to make sure my staff is isn't in that same position um they don't get flustered and make a comment and then have that be said as as as rule um so then I went on to say also in professional Communications we need to use official titles not first names as a show of respect you've no doubt heard me referring to people as Chief and director during meetings and in those professional Communications the reason that I said that is we're trying to I'm trying to rebuild the team and try to repair some of the damage that has been done over the years by specifically Commission Kennedy um the staff does feel attacked the staff that has been sitting in on those meetings on these commission meetings feels attacked on the staff that receive his emails questioning him the staff that receives the emails on the co- complaints that he sends they they feel attacked whether it's intentional or not I can't say um but my job as a manager is to Mario had a great way of saying it be that Shield between the commission and the staff if there's stuff that needs to be done lay it on the manager and then the manager rolls it out to the staff if the staff has concerns that comes to the manager to try to figure out what our concerns what we have to handle and what we have to elevate to the commission so that's that's the role that I've taken on that's the reason we're in this position so I am absolutely 100% open to any suggestions any of you may have um as to how I can work with commissioner Kennedy um but we do have to have that level of respect built in at least for the positions that we hold okay um I'm going to step in Jan I have to just say one quick thing Chris when you say you tried to hit reset with me when you and I sat in this room when I called a meeting and said let's bury the hatchet let's have our talk I came in here and said okay new day off we go let's let's both do better at this I got a Blank Stare from you and silence and I said to you after I said my peace and I'm going to try to do better and blah blah blah all the things that we're Bo should be saying you have anything you need to say you want to say back to me you said I have nothing to say that was a response I got from him at the Barry of the hatchet meeting and then a few what else did I say during that meeting one second and then a few minutes later he said oh wait I do have one thing I need to say this is a quote I need to be more patient with you that was his response to make Mac I need to be more patient with you what a condescending passive aggressive after I had to explain what passive aggressive meant to him he like I I don't do anything passive I'm like when he said it I'm like Chris that was passive aggressive there's an example of passive aggressive I had to explain to him what passive AG aggressive meant and his big Olive Branch to me was Ma I need to be more patient with you how else you think he is more patient with me this is our biscane Park okay I'm I I want to step in for a second everybody's said their peace all right look I just I think that I don't know what the protocol is I don't I don't know what to tell both of you um I understand you've got your differences and unfortunately they're not working out too well and I I'm sorry to hear that I am um because we all have a lot of work to do and I I do feel that both of you are very hard workers um but the at Arts recommendation at one point was hey let's try to work together um if I would still encourage that I don't know that it's going to go anywhere and that's if that's the way it is that's unfortunately the way that it is but we work show up for work for my RO job or this job I show up to get the job done regardless of that's what I was gonna say right I that's what I continue to do we've all worked with people that we find difficult um I think at this point there's nothing else we can say is say the work still got to get done um and I can't tell you both how to act um but I can tell you to please please just be respectful with each other both of you no both of you I'm not saying one or the other and my issue that I really wanted to bring to your attention was the fact that he said to staff he's making demands of you I don't make demands of anybody I ask questions and if I ask pointed questions or big open-ended questions but I get along with everybody great just them I understand but um to send that email to staff and then say you know he thinks he can call you all by first name like give me a break so that's what I'm trying to say I just I want us to be respectful I want us to respect the village I want us to respect the process respect the process and and respect the positions that's all I think I can say at this point um there's an evaluation coming up and I I know uh that this is going to come up again um and if it's appropriate we'll act um but that's all I can really say I think at this point is is Gentlemen please be respectful with with each other um and I just want us to move on um that's really it uh we've got a lot more to do tonight I understand you both kind of made your positions youve made very clear where you stand and I appreciate you bring bringing it both up because you know what I don't like saying these types of things in public forums it's harder for me to say those type of things so look it takes a lot for for you both to say these things here uh so I appreciate you both bringing it up and and giving us your perspective so let's please be respectful as best we can we'll go towards our evaluation and I'd like us to move on tonight okay thank you both if we have no other commission items I'd like us to move on to the ordinance is there any other commission items we like to bring up um vice mayor commissioner did oh okay all right so let's please get um get started with our ordinances at 10A our first ordinance this evening is uh ordinance number 20245 uh Mr attorney can you please introduce read the item onto the record for us yes U an ordinance of the village Commission of the village ofis came Park Florida amending chapter 2 Administration article 8 got my room in numerals for a second uh purchasing and procurement section 2-41 exemptions from competitive bidding of the code of ordinances of the village of biscane park by authorizing the city manager to enter into agreements for the maintenance and repair of existing Village equipment without obtaining competitive quotes providing that the cost of such maintenance Andor repairs are under a specified threshold providing for inclusion in the code and scrier errors providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for an effective date thank you Mr attorney do I have a motion on the ordinance motion to approve and do we have a second second okay um so let's go ahead and open up to public comment on the ordinance if there's any public comment to be had here none on Zoom seeing none okay uh so let's go ahead and open to discussion on the ordinance is there any discussion items on the ordinance NOP I will note is um it's very quickly I ended up moving the the the proposed language to a different section of the code because I thought it fit better okay the exemption section as opposed to the threshold section I know we had talked about it about putting it in the thresholds but since it's an exemption it just seems fit better in this section of the code okay great thanks Brad um so if there's no other discussion items on the ordinance um Madam clerk Could you um call vote for us please may gr yes vice mayor Huntington yes commissioner Amsler yes commissioner Gonzalez commissioner Kennedy yes the item passes on first reading 5 Z thank you madam clerk okay so that concludes item 10 a let's go ahead and move on to our second ordinance 10B ordinance 2024 d06 uh Brad could you please read on to the record for us an ordinance of the village Commission of the village of biscane par Park Florida amending the biscane park Land Development code chapter 16 permits and certificates section 16 uh5 landlord permits to comply with section 83 425 Florida Statutes providing for inclusion in the code and scrier errors providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for repealer and providing for an effective date okay thank you uh do I have a motion on the ordinance any motion on uh ordinance 20246 to move to discussion okay motion to move it to discuss okay we have a we have a motion second um I'll go ahead and open it to public comment there's any public comment here in the Log Cabin uh same public comment rules apply uh vice mayor Janie Anderson 11905 Northeast 11th Place All Things Considered with what you have to work with I think this does a good job I do have couple of questions in section 16.15 fees it says a registration fee may be charged I don't understand the may I mean we charge for occupational licenses this is a business like any other business why would it be may maybe I don't maybe I'm missing the legal meaning behind it but it just seems like it would be will charge a fee or shall thank you okay on to 16.1 15.6 failure to submit a registration the owner may be cited again why would it be may they violated an ordinance it should be shall then it says may be brought in front of the code enforcement actually it's Code Compliance but again another May that seems to need to be converted over to a sh now you violate an ordinance you get cited and you come in front of the code board thank you thank you and seeing no other comment here or on Zoom uh we will go ahead and open up to discussion uh and I'll ask for discussion on this item at this time well actually um Brad maybe to address the point that was just made uh was there can you explain the discretionary language there in those two Provisions please for us so from in 15 in 161 15.6 the reason why it says may and not shall is because the the code enforcement officers have inherent discretion they don't a code enforcement officer doesn't you cannot legislate that they issue a citation for a violation of the code I understand that they have the authority to do so but you can't legislate them to do so because they have inherent discretion in their job and and so essentially what you what the May does is it gives a code enforcement officer the ability to evaluate the potential violation determine whether or not there's just cause for the violation and determine whether or not based on their investigation whether or not a a citation should be issued which would then if if it's not if the matter is not corrected Andor um the whatever the fine might be is not paid then it would go before the board so that that's why it says may as opposed to shall can I just ask on that point very quickly Brad what if the language were to read if the officer within their discretion determines that a violation has occurred uh then the citation shall be issued I mean it act does it act the same way in my in my interpretation it does so what you're doing is you're legislating away discretion it's it's no different than saying that police officer has to make an arrest if they if they observe something got it it's which is why which is why I put May in which case to do throughout our code that's all over our code we'd have to do it everywhere it it is it's in other position in any parts of your code but that that's the reason why I put it if you direct me to put sha I I will certainly put Sha but that was that was my logic we've had this discussion before and we've G been given that same explanation and I think we need to be consistent and that again I I'll take obviously you're going to take whatever Direction you're asking me why I put May I'm just giving you the explanation as to why I put May um as far as the fee once you establish again we can put the same thing but once you establish by or by excuse me by resolution a fee then the fee is imposed so right now there there is no fee so in a situation like this evening where a fee was levied it doesn't give us the discretion to wave the fee would that be an example of a scenario where we wouldn't want that kind of language I don't I think you inherently have the authority to wave a fee okay so if you want if you want the 16 well either one of them if you want them the state shall just get so direct me in the final D or the second reading it'll say uh sh okay I think it should be shell in the last instance but may in the issuance of a citation it should be may but that a fee shall be charged because if look we want to we our intent here is to charge to make them register and charge them for it right then that's that's when we use the word shell then there's no wiggle room there because if it that was kind of the way I was thinking about it it's kind of the same way I was thinking about it the first one seems more of a requirement the second one seems like there's more of a discretionary and the fee is an administrative cost so we'd have to figure out what the administrative cost and the manager and I have talked about that and I think we're able to justify a whatever the cost is going to be okay I'll take whatever direction from the commission is as to how you want read well so at least on those well let me ask this first then are there any other discussion items on the ordinance before we discuss solidifying those changes I have a couple of things so I had I had the one about shell and I'm and I'm glad you asked Janie about the issuance of a citation but we've heard that before and I understand why it has to be that way um it references uh that the fee will be set by resolution is that not something we're considering tonight will that come at a separate time it'll come at a separate time okay you have a resol you basically do a resolution to SK to set fees um you just referenced it earlier exactly it's already in there somewhere or we would have to add it to that we're goingon to have to change we'll have to amend it because I think it's going to say a permit we just have to change it to a registration I think in speaking with the manager I think the fee will remain the same because we can we can justify that fee for the administrative cost for doing the registration program so we'll amend that got it um okay so in C oh I didn't write what number it was let me look here I'm sorry I didn't uh where it talks about where we struck all the language about the village having entry gaining entry to the building no one of the struck through sections yeah it was a c it was it was a letter C I just wrote C didn't give me one moment I'm looking here it was a letter C well my I can make my point without adding it Brad I don't know if we can do this and if we would want to this to do this but when I read it I thought maybe could we add language that says that the village has the right to request entry by the tenants for voluntary inspection you had told us last meeting that they can do that they could go knock on the door and say hey we want to do a safety inspection should make sure you're all good in here and that your landlord's taking good care of the property do we want to add language that it says that we can ask them to voluntarily allow us to come in and inspect I've never seen something like that in a in is it worthwhile is it worth anything I don't know that it is I mean what you're the statement is correct I did say that at a previous meeting and yes I mean a government agent whether wherever they work can always go to a property owner and ask permission to enter their property or enter the home so as long you have consent barring is if you don't have a court order or if you're an officer probable cause you have to have consent so you can always ask I don't see a point in in putting it in an ordinance value in it I've never seen it that way but okay moving along 1615 16.1 15.5 a is an apple uh 5 a this is where the property owner turns over all the information the name the D okay it says uh the language it says oh my God where is it shall provide to the Village the following information so it doesn't say how they're going to provide that information it's very passive and it also makes it sound like you know they could scrw it on a napkin and say here you go here's all the information are we going to have I maybe this is a question more for Chris are you anticipating having some kind of a form that they fill out that captures all the information to make sure that it's all complete and and everything that you need so it's not a back and forth it just it's just very vague and passive language they're going to give us this information is it something would we would we put that in here that they will complete a form by the village that provides it what I think what I would do is add it's a point well taken um and I don't want to step on the manager's toes but I the way I anticipated this is however you did the permitting process you would still cont use the same process but it would be a registration so what I would do what I would propose to add at the end of information where it says um provide to the Village the following information I would put a comma and say in a format approved by the manager or by the just I wouldn't even say that in a format approved by the village which the which the manager has the authority to do so if he says you can write on the back of an napkin then they're fine or if he says fill out this form then it's fine so I would just add that language to that section that's my desire we can talk about it after I'm done I'll run down unless you Brett or Jonathan want to get consensus now does anyone else have an opinion on that on the on on adding that language of Brad suggestion yeah I think that's fine wrot that that's fine I'm sorry it's fine yeah okay my next question is and I don't know who this is a question for maybe it's Brett what happens when that rental property is sold so we have the contact information and now the property has sold and we don't have contact information anymore how's that happen how's that work well if it's sold and and it's still a rental property then the new property owner would be under have the obligation to comply with it with you are we going to inform them of this or we just assume they're going to know it because it's in our code I mean how how does that work on a procedural level to make sure look we want the information in case we need need it right so that property sell I you know I sell my house today and and uh someone buys it and rents it out how does the village know and how are we going to know to collect this information that we deem to be important I think I'm screaming and commissioner ams's here sorry um so I mean that's more of a process than than something that should be included in the in the ordinance I mean the answer your first question is yes um your resident and property owners are unconstructive notice of all your ordinances and have to follow all your ordinances obviously if if a property is sold and that new property owner doesn't um complete a registration then they should be getting a a knock on the door from or being reached out by somebody from Coden to say hey this is our ordinance you're not in compliance with it um I I as far as I process and how to notify people who purchase I I would have to Def refer to to the the manager as far as the process on that you know to notify these individuals Maybe here's the the question I should ask Chris Chris how do we know now that a property is rented or don't we Linda is saying we do we don't I think what happens is you stumble on advertisements and and things like that similar to so it's kind of like the short-term rental thing where we see them advertise somewhere and say hey you're not in compliance with this part of our code similar to the way the issue came up that we okay okay um 16512 uh is a paragraph about emergency contact information it just kind of seems odd sitting down there by itself separate from all the other it seems just to be like uh the same thing repeated in a different way I don't it sort of seems odd down there because up above many paragraphs it says you have to provide all this information then 16512 says emergency contact information 247 blah blah I don't know maybe those two things could be combined somehow just to you want me to move it further up or does is it even necessary I guess is my question here it's just isn't it the same information just labeled emergency contact that to give the name address phone number of a per I mean this it's more specific here it says of a natural person 18 years of age or older who can be contacted 24 hours a day 7 days a week I mean it's very like detailed here and it's not elsewhere so maybe just some of these maybe this could just be combined with the other one if it's going to be that specific I mean for the other emergency contact are we not are we going to accept a 16y old person it's the same persons but we can no it's the same person so I'll I'll combine the paragraph okay very good I'll combine that paragraph and paragraph um obviously there's a consensus to do it uh 165 um I'll let you guys decide if we have consensus on any or all of those things and then I'm just going to say this uh look I didn't support this thing when it came to us because I see the reason why we should be uh checking these places out and I but I do understand that the that the state passed the new law uh when was it passed PR it took effect October one of last year so we're like nine months behind or something so here's my opinion I'm going to talk out of both sides of my mouth I think we should still be doing them and just say to the state or someone like take us on you know because I think we stand we need to stand our ground sometimes and say we're going to do the right thing until some a judge tells us otherwise now out of the other side of my mouth so I don't support this out of the other side of my mouth this went into effect 10 months ago and we've been collecting these fees haven't we I think to be good people we should go back and return all the fees to everybody who paid them since October last year because they paid if we are saying the state told us we can't do this anymore and we can't charge for this I think we need to refund that money and tell them to uh put fill out the registration as it's required by the new ordinance and tell them we took that money from you and one we shouldn't have and we apologize we're not following state law here's your money what ours is ours retroactive back to the date of enforcement of the of the actual law it no it'll take effect upon final passage or after second read um okay um to that second Point uh Mack I I think we could talk about it I don't think it's part of our ordinance so I'm I'm yeah I'm sorry you would have taken the money for the registration process as well and in in the discussions I've had with the manager the permit fee and the registration fee are going going to be the same didn't we come up we it's $25 yep we it was based on the hours hours and that you know to keep just so in order to charge a fee so that it's not a penalty or reg or a regulatory fee it has to have some basis in the administrative costs so when we talked about it U the manager to maintain the website or not the website the database I'm sorry um to do the registration process that the administrative cost would be just about equal they're the same but that's really surprising because right now it's a piece of paper and enter the data into a spreadsheet and forget about it which is what which is what you were doing they were doing an inspection they were sending someone there to knock on the door and here to do the inspection I need to come in and walk and do the inspection I I don't think $25 was covering an in I was assuming that these this sounds like a whole lot less work and that they were paying a whole lot more so well I mean you you all going to determine the fee by resolution so if it's something that you feel should be less than $25 that's certainly within your purview okay so let's revisit that then weest go ahead touch on commissioner Kennedy's Point uh which is a question I had about the code this report this month we issued 20 notice of violations for a landlord permit not having a landlord permit are we going to address now that we're we there should have been a moratorium on that so I don't understand how we uh not issued of violations this month but are we going to address those active code cases and are we going to dismiss them there's active going through our code board how are we going to address that those we did um after the the commission decided at the last was at the special meeting I believe um we decided that we were going to do moratorium the stats that you see are from previous the month of July so everything up until that point we have not issued any additional notices of violation since the moratorium was put into effect and did we find anybody in the P since last October have we find anybody for this or done any taken any further action other than notice of violation have the code code board chairs maybe she can tell us just to put everybody's mind at ease we did happen to have a landlord permit violation at this past meeting and we did dismiss the case Janie while you're up there have you since last October have you guys find anyone for not having that I I'm not holding you to to top your head you can't have to go back and look at my notes Linda is saying no okay well look if we did I think we need to look at that Ryan so why don't we take a look at it when we set the fee by resolution and find out if there's any difference between the two and then we can it sounds like there there haven't been any but I think we can find out so as far as this ordinance there was three updates um I'll go back over them very quickly talking about changing the um the first well I think we already approved one fees to actually there three 1656 will remain May correct right 16 a I'm going to add um afterward Information Form format um approved by the village if I can stop you there on um just to add to that on 165.1 there is wording already that says the registration shall be in writing end on a form provided by The Village oh where's that barl where was it 16151 that's on land or permits 16151 16151 the event that the landlords or emergency contacts person contact information changes the property owner shall provide the village with the new cont oh wait sorry I'm reading from the wrong spot the inwriting and on a form provided by The Village it's one two three or four lines up from bottom of that paragraph first paragraph on page two oh there it is it's under there it is okay should that language be altered to allow the village to accept these this information via the app or via online because it says in writing it seems like you have to go in person to do this seems something could be handled online in a method so what I'll do is I'll change the word form to uh what I was going to do below I'll just do over there and just say in a format provided by The Village how's that and then if it's a paper form for now it's a paper form if ultimately you're able to do it by website you can we don't have to change an ordinance okay that's fine the village does not contact you with a form you have to fill it's not then it's not for you to do no it does not mean that I'm sorry say that again I was wondering if if it means when we say um write an and on a form provided by The Village if because the village is not provided then they're real that's not what the intent is um that's the original language that was in the ordinance I'll I'll I'll clean it up so that it's something she makes that the registration shall be provided to the village in the format approved by the village that way it could be an app it could be a form it could be the back of an napkin okay whatever format it is I but I will clean so I'm Gonna Leave the commissioner am's point I'm going to leave 1615a 5A by its alone I'm not going to add any language and I will clean I will clean that up in 16151 there you go 16 15 four no one in one you're going to keep it in one going to keep it in one want and clean it up so that it's it yeah it'll be the form that the registration process will be in a format approved approved by the village okay and then I'm going to leave 16155 alone I'm not going to put anything after the word information it's already said it already said in one oh I understand what you're saying okay okay and then the last thing that I was asked to do is combine 16 15 12 and 16 55 change that one shell one may to a shell yes I had that yep we got that okay uh so is that everything is there anything else that we want to uh to bring to his attention on on this ordinance before we agree on that no hearing none back for a second do we have consensus on those items yes okay great okay motion as amended oh okay motion to approve as amended do we have a second right uh all in favor I do we need a roll on that Madam Craig on the ordinance itself okay okay M Gro yes vice mayor Huntington yes commissioner Amsler yes commissioner Gonzalez commissioner Kennedy no the item passes 41 good yeah okay all right so that concludes the ordinances let's move on to our our resolutions uh in 11 our first is 11a resolution 2024 D21 um Chris this is yours you want to introduce it for us I'm Sorry Brad if you could read I just want to hear myself talk no uh resolution of the village Commission of the village of biscan parkk Florida waving the competitive bidding procedures Pur pursuant to section 2-39 of The Village's code of ordinances and improving in an agreement with lean Library Inc for lean searches processing and collecting Services authorizing Village manager um to execute set agreement and do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution and providing for an effective date okay thanks BR um um Chris do you want to provide any introduction to us before we move uh for move into discussion yeah absolutely this is this was before the commission couple meetings ago um my my understanding was this had already at some point been before the commission um that turned out not to be the case so I created the background information uh or the backup rather and included that this time around um some of the questions um that have been asked I included in my new backup item to answer those questions um there is one piece of information that was corrected on um and that is the charge for lean services but we can talk about that when we get to uh discussion um we do have uh Alan Cohen here tonight to answer questions and discuss this in depth um on behalf of lean Library that's what he's here for never know well before we get to you uh Chris thanks for the introduction um can do we have a motion in a second to move this uh into discussion motion to move into discussion in a second second okay can I ask a question before we start of Chris because it would help I think frame this whole frame this whole thing could you Chris could you explain what the process is now internally why you why we're doing lean searches who's doing them how it's costing us money tell us explain the the current process to us I'll leave it up to the expert uh presently a request will come into the office via email or however um more than likely Linda has been on the front line of doing them and that's because um well since Lisa left it was Linda and Lisa um I interject every now and then and mo mostly on the fouling part of it um depending on the search it takes us sometimes an hour or two an hour to two hours for one um lean search and that's because we got to go back a County records uh check all of our systems uh code um a lot of times [Music] um where a lot of the issues come in we spend a lot of time spinning wheels on lean searches and that's because a lot like the for example the last one um I think they proberbly had like seven leans on it but four of them were older than 20 years old that we can't collect and can't move forward because after 20 years you can't do anything with them you can't even report it you know so what I'm saying is is that we spend a lot of time um if we get three or four a day and sometimes we do we're spending a whole day doing lean searches someone's doing a lean search on a property for whatever reason a realtor I guess anyone could do a lean search on any property but and they contact The Village to find out what the property is obligated to through the village they do the same thing with the county with the state with with whoever they want to correct so they're just contacting you and basically saying this property uh tell us what's open for this property whether it's fines our own leans on the property correct okay so these are not none of these are anything that we're instigating we're not starting no this is all outside people coming to the Village saying we need to know what to be Holden to this property from the village right okay Alan um commissioner I I think that was is this on yes there you go um I think that was a great question and and in essence you're performing one of many public services by researching and providing the information in short lean and and first of all by the way Alan con Sage Consulting uh and uh I've been working with lean library for the past year or so um uh lean uh library has autom the process and put it online um the way that's done is if uh a jurisdiction engages with the company uh there is first data transfer all the leans that exist um and then often times there are multiple databases because there are different lean sources within a jurisdiction yours might be a little simpler uh it might just be code violations uh but uh there are other sources uh that generate Municipal leans um lean Library will clean up that database talk to staff if there are questions like the clerk pointed out if leans are too old um the staff would be notified of that the database is cleaned up once the database is cleaned up um stat lean Library asks for um well the the ask is for a once a week update on any new leans that the jurisdiction might issue if the jurisdiction wants to do it less or more frequently that's up to the jurisdiction um then when as you pointed out an interested party wants to search the lean they go to the lean library site they click on the jurisdiction um involved and uh they can immediately get results online once all this information is loaded up and they also have the ability to pay the lean uh at that point uh if it's a large one or an old one there is also an opportunity for them to ask for mitigation lean library is not empowered to negotiate mitigation a mitigation request would then refer would be referred back to an identified point of contact staff person uh to engage with the individual and what that mitigation might be the jurisdiction could decide we want to do a particular program if someone asks we give them a particular percentage off otherwise we don't want to do anything or you could do it on a case-by Case basis uh there is a $50 charge per lean search and what uh the manager was referring to earlier that is on top of your lean search charge that currently exists in your schedule of fees not a part of it so you're charging 75 the person would pay 125 okay so you still get your full 75 so it cost you nothing for The Upfront work to do the data exchange and for lean library to clean up the database and get it set up the leaned searches cost you no money either that those fees are paid for by the individual's requesting information the only potential money out of your pocket is if lean Library does settlement work for you and then there is a small percentage and no it's I think it's is that what you read okay all right then that was updated since I last saw the not necessarily what was it before so all right so it's uh 10% of whatever is collected and one of the uh other advantages for lean Library if you have property that continually have outstanding leans um you don't have to go to the trouble of bringing in a collection agency or whatnot lean library has a built-in incentive to collect those leans because of that 10% and so they'll more proactively do it they're not a collection agency and they're not going to use collection agency tactics are we using a collection agency now Chris Linda it's Linda okay that one would scare me and I would would pay I'll give you my credit card now we we do not use a collection agency and that is why in order for us to collect any outstanding leans our only time that we do collect fing somebody paying early is at the sale of the home at the sale of the home the sale yes that's a motivated individual well isn't that I mean we have a very short list it's not like we have some and you know what I asked for a report we have 15 properties right now that have leans on them some of them have a whole bunch of leans and some of them going on for decades so it's not like we have a million of them on the list um so I want to do a lean search on my property um you're saying I go on to I pay I go on to a website and I pay a fee and I click on stuff and I download it right there and then correct so basically it's a self-served thing self- serve immediate response basically it's a database where I'm clicking on okay so how does that data get in there and be kept current so that data is provided first by the jurisdiction initially we the day we signed we kind of hand it over to you say there it is as of today here's all the information that we have lean library then massages that data so to speak cleans it up gets it into the format for the website and talks to staff if there are any potential issues identified with the data and and then staff would send an email once a week or once every other week or whatever saying here are here's new lean information that we have for you there still is col our money too excuse me you collect our $75 yes we collect $75 and we turn that over to you got it okay cool that's the important so you collect the $125 you keep 50 and give 75 to the Village so we're hold on it but so that's one side of the equation that how the money works but in terms of Staff time we're looking at you know St saving staff time there still is Staff involvement in this because that we've got to be updating providing you updated data and we've got to tip it to your point it's minimal that's what you just finished saying 15 properties right now lean searches are done on no no no no no these are leans that we have on properties lean search is searching for fines and all kind Stu not just leans right well if if it doesn't have a lean there's nothing to look for yeah there is fines outstanding fines haven't gotten Le they haven't gone to lean yet well so commissioner and and you offer me the opportunity to clarify a couple of points here first of all all we're talking about are municipal leans right oh it's only these only Municipal leans so private like mechanic leans and whatnot are not part of this database these are only the leans generated by each Juris ition and and that's why people call the jurisdiction to make sure that they haven't missed a lean generated by that jurisdiction but to his but to the point if if someone calls on a property has no leans they still have to do a search they still have to go and and put time I'm so confused so you're saying the lean search is only to find out if the village has placed a lean on the property correct we only have 15 of them let me let me say this but they still call call and say like I can go I can call tomorrow I know how I have no leans on my property but I can still call and ask hey I want to I want to find out if there's a lean on my property they still have to go and do a lean S Check whatever they have to check take the time that they need to take and this costs no money to us so I this is to me is a my point is is it's only 15 property you keep saying 15 but understand this I thought it was fines too no we have things that we have been reluct to file because we want to make sure that they're legally sound so you have 15 there that we know are good there may be some other things coming down the pipe but they they but no lean has been placed on them yet so they wouldn't show up on a lean search if I can jump in the number of leans or the number of properties we have is irrelevant anytime somebody is buying anytime somebody is selling a home or buying a home you have to perform the lean search on it whether there's a lean on it or not you still have to perform that search and that's what's that's what we're spending one to two hours per request doing with only 15 properties that we have leans on chances are that lean search is going to come back negative there's not going to be anything on the search to report however we still have to do that that search I thought it didn't just it didn't just show that we the village place to lean on the proper I thought it also showed outstanding fines from Code Compliance I thought other things showed up so commissioner if I may it will only show that if and when that's been converted to a lean okay so it really is only searching for The Village to have a lean I thought it was broader than that so then here's my question I'm not being flipped I really want to understand this why is it taking one to two hours per property to do a lean search If all we're looking for is to see if the village has a lean I asked for we at the beginning you said it was taking one to two hours per lean search and if all you're doing is seeing if they're on this list well she's not at a microphone I'm asking can someone who's on a mic answer the question you can but we're not just making looking at what's on that list if it comes through we have to do our due diligence and check our records you know to see back to what I said before there are some things that we have to do the search we whether we know about that list or not we still have to do the search what so what does that search entail that's what I want to understand Linda can help you more with that she does it more we conduct between 100 and 200 lean searches per year and spend an average of 104 staff hours which is approximately $2,600 okay right it says 104 I thought it was 104 hours annually for all 100 to 200 leans well if it's let's just say it's 100 that's one hour per lean if it's 200 it's only 30 minutes so the numbers aren't aligning here because if it's if it's 104 hours annually we're spending on a 100 to 200 that's a very broad number because 200 would take twice as long as a 100 so we're seeing a number saying 104 hours for 100 to 200 that's as little as minutes a lean so I'm not understanding what's happening I thought it was taking so long because they were searching for all kinds of things but if truly all they're searching for is to see if there's a lean place on the property that's not what we're searching for when we get the request to do a lean search we start with one computer system and we look to see if there are any code violations that have not been paid you are looking for code violations okay then we look at building to see if there are any building permits that are still open and have not been closed uh they may be expired but they're not closed because there was no final inspection done then we look at the garbage collection to see if they have had any special pickups that have not been paid for we have a huge list of those that go back you know sometimes 15 years um then we look to see uh from the day County property appraiser if they're uh who all has owned that property if there are any leans that have already been filed by The Village okay um I okay so that I then we look at all the other permits that they supposed to have or used have to have so that I completely understand but that's not what I thought I just heard a minute ago when I was told all they're looking for to see is if the village has placed a lean on the property right but when someone right but then he's not going to be for that's my point that's the function his firm their firm will do but when but when the lean SE com to the Village we're doing a whole lot more than that so why are we doing a whole lot more than that if all we have to do is to see if the village has a lean on it why is Linda going through five different computer programs looking for all these things are okay then then but then what then how are we going to capture all that stuff if his firm's not doing the same thing is my point well won't she'll still have to do part so she's still gonna have to do part of the work so that's why I'm saying this is all being presented to us as if this is an easier faster cheaper solution and we get to keep the money but it's not really doing everything Linda does it's only doing one specific thing which is look to see if it's on this list of 15 propert am I not understanding this you're right you're right but commissioner when we get to the point of like for example mitigating and and going in talking to people and trying to get those collected we got a lot of money out there I mean I looked at a well we didn't get to that part yeah right now we're just talking about the lean search part of the equation there two there's two parts to this deal barl am I not understanding something no so I I follow what you're saying so I I was going to ask this there's two different things as I saw it one is the opportunity to save staff um time because that would release Linda Pamela for other duties right so you have the opportunity of save so I'm trying to understand the objectives the opportunity to save time and the second would be the potential to earn money that we haven't collected so in my question to you in this case is there is an outstanding $637,000 um that's listed as a resource impact on the document I'm not sure that's right so so let me let me JP in that real quick just to make sure we're on the same page we currently have $78,000 in leans on 15 properties that's outstanding that's total value of leans if you look at 90% of that which is what we would keep they have the 10% 90% of that is a 637 so I just want to make sure we're on the same page those are two different numbers so you're saying the potential of of of us being able to gather through the services that they provide is how much 637 th000 okay so that's what I said after they kept their fee okay that would be our net but I I would tell you to level set expectations commissioner that that's that's where I'm going okay so I just it's highly unlikely that you're going to get anywhere near that number you might have one property out of the 15 that has 300,000 of the 700,000 on it because it's been accumulating every day for years so for me the way I was seeing it there's the two objectives the time Linda pamel still have to invest time searching for other parts of the puzle that's one you're able to solve one piece well no and and that other piece there there are two different things and I want to actually ask your attorney about one of them in moment but typically in in most jurisdictions and it might not be the case here you have t established time frames after which um an outstanding encumbrance a fine or something else automatically then get becomes a lean I'm not sure if that is the case here or not and which is one of the reasons why your staff might be looking for these other things and the question of have for the attorney because if I just have an outstanding fine and I don't have a lean Mr attorney I don't believe an outstanding fine is going to have any impact on the sale of a property will not it's not attached to the property okay to the lean while a lean does and so the village loses the opportunity to have leverage when it counts the most during the the transfer of a property to collect on something that it it was intent on collecting so I would encourage you to consider looking at and and commissioner Gonzalez I believe gets gets what I'm saying I'm not saying you don't no I don't so I was G again I was gonna ask again so I so in this portion of the puzzle going through a code it's just a feed then it's not a lean so so why are we putting this into the equation you understand what I'm saying so right it's not making an Apples to Apples yeah there's the two factors again time and the money in terms of the time we're saying there is a possibility to save staff time when someone comes oh there is an opportunity to search on lens the code of fees anything that has been imposed on these properties are not I mean there's time that you're still going to have to invest in order to get right so you you can run away from that you have to invest the time to do that portion of the work what portion of the lean searches actually represent if we have 15 I guess that's the I I just passed it down to you it's right there in front of you those there they are so to her point if you're doing that portion of it why are we doing all the other stuff that Linda does if someone's selling a property and we can't we can't go after them to pay before they sell anyway art right sounds me it's a breakdown in policies and procedures because if there's a unpa fine that's from five six years ago that should have already been should already been a lean been a lean if they have an uh open permit that they never closed that should have create or open permit fees that should have been that should be created into a lean converted to a lean that sounds like it should be a policy change or procedure change with us because we're missing and if they have an unpaid fine there's it's not tied to the sale of the property the pro the new the the owner doesn't have any any uh recourse to to pay unless it's a lean right so right by the way pleased to make your acquaintance I I I've been here before and I haven't met you since you come on board but commissioner if I I just might one I I just want to say you're not only missing an opportunity to to collect a legitimate fine but in my mind as a a former public official you're missing the opportunity to leverage this situation to try and get the results that you really want which is compliance with your code or or whatever laws or regulations that you have so the reason this is guys this listen it's very simple the reason this is taking as long as it's taking is because the process is not correct the correct process is like when we were trying to sell a house down and I don't even forget where it was there was a lean against the property for a dog CER that was not paid that we had to pay in order to to be able to sell the property so the point here is that to your point uh we should have a process in place that after a certain amount of time any fines that are unpaid become leans against the property and then that takes away the entire burden because at the end of the day Linda can go and look at all this stuff and the and the owner say screw it I ain't going to Payway doesn't pay it new owner doesn't have to pay it okay it could stay there for the rest of its life just like it has been and nobody's going to pay it so unless it becomes a lean it'll it'll never you know it's not enforcable so that's the thing that we need to fix guys I agree with that a th% and I just want to add again there's a list of 15 properties that have leans and those are the only things that could stop a sale from happening I I don't understand why when a lean search is coming into the village and I and I want to understand this when a if a lean SE request came into the Village today why is Linda spending all that time researching all this stuff that doesn't matter anyway because she takes the opportunity when that comes up I think and and correct me if I'm wrong at that time right if if you know it's like a a bell goes off oh let me while I'm here looking for this lean thing let me see what else is pending the only lean thing to look for is that list is my point so what are we doing that information he takes that opportunity to look at all the fines and all that other Glenda com what yeah if you would mind you may want to stay closer yeah you might want to sit right there we're just trying to save you some time here L come on I like sharing most of the time when we do the lean surge because a property is being sold there's a little note at the bottom of our lean search that says any outstanding fines need to be paid before closing most of the time they send the village a check for whatever is still open we're talking about minimal amounts you know $400 $500 roughly okay when they get to be larger amounts we should have been filing leans on them and we just haven't done it let me tell you what does it say at the bottom again it's it it basically says any unpaid fines or open permits must be closed uh final inspections must be done and any amounts due to the Village must be paid before before closing Brad is that legal forceable it's not enforceable you can't in other words you if you're asking if the city can intervene in a closing because there's unpaid fines then is it prent a have that language on a village do no but you can certainly you can say we're requiring it they just don't have if they say we're not paying we're not doing unless there's a lean on the property there's nothing you can do about it that's a little squirly in my opinion if if it's not allowed I mean to put something on a legal document coming from your city that says You must pay this before you can sell your property and that's not true that's not good look the enforcement of that before closing not withstanding we know that it's not it still provides an opportunity to the Village to decide to to check to check the property to see what's outstanding on it and to convert it go ahead thank you I I just wanted to respond to um a good point that commissioner Gonzalez made um if if if you are going to work to establish a schedule and again I would encourage you to do so um you could also take the steps then of you you have different lean sources so to speak you could create a database for each and you can even consolidate it and then if someone calls the lean search would be that much easier okay uh and you could do that I don't know uh I have some familiarity with you um and it's up to you whether or not you think you have the organizational capacity to do that over time and if you do that makes us less attractive nonetheless it's something you know it still saves the staff time in doing it we would do all the database work for you put it all together and that cost you nothing and then it does save that time later on um so I just wanted to I thought respond to that and and thank thank you understood thanks Alan y um and uh Mr manager could you just uh refresh my recollection please we're asking for waving competitive bidding because this is the only company that does this Soul Source sorry Soul Source yes so so mayor just and let me clarify on that there um there are other companies that do online lean search there are no other online lean search companies that also offer online settlement and and the other services that we provide so so in fact we we are I'm sorry was I not no no no go ahead so in fact we are truly a soulle source by online s not soulle source for the lean search you're sole source for the package of services correct yes oh that's a little different so the settlement options here I think what I've heard please just make sure I'm correct here uh you company doesn't negotiate them if the individual who's been notified that they have an outstanding lean they select the option to mediate mitigate whatever it may be or they just pay it that or they pay it or they the option to mediate if they mediate it comes back to us because that's our procedure it comes back to the code so Mr Mayor if I may yeah pleas the original agreement that was provided by by this vendor had a provision in it which allowed them to negotiate settlements of of leans we we took we removed that language from the original agreement because under your code the only authority to mitigate leans is with the board so the so basically the way the process works is a property owner would ask for the lean for Mitigation Of The Lean the the code officer would do an evaluation submit that evaluation for the mitigation to the board and the board would make the determination as to whether or not the lean should be mitigated and and I'm actually surprised that Clause was in there um it was in the origin we've had this agreement for a while so it was in there in in an older version of the agreement and the manager and I had an older version because the newer one we're we're well aware that we don't have that Authority so I just want to make sure I I I understood what we just learned you're not the only you're not the sole source for lean searches there's lots of places we can go to do lean searches correct okay but you also offer this collection option you're also not the only collection company that we collect money for us either where but it's the two Services combined you're the only company doing that correct and and we can also depending on how you want to handle certain things we can also issue either proof of payment or a release depending on what your policies are I'm seeing less of the the gain here guys I'm being honest because now I I learned a whole lot so now I understand it's only about the lean search search to see if there's one if that's one of those 15 properties that have a lean Linda is doing all this other work in the hopes of collecting some of that other stuff that's lingering about and it sounds like she is we're doing it in a way that I think is a little bit disingenuous if I'm being generous here guys by putting language on the bottom of an invoice that says you have to pay this before you can close and you don't that's a little awkward to me um so really it sounded like this was going to take over all of this there's still if we're going to have Linda if we want all of that to still happen Linda is still going to have to do that so unless we change the process and and I I don't disagree with you I think that the way things are being done now nothing is going to change other than she still she's still going to have to go through the entire process looking for fines and looking for all that stuff still going to have to do it unless we here change the process of fines to leans at a certain point this is going to continue and spent is not going to I think that's the big gain here for me tonight is the fact that it has revealed that that I think that that's what if we're going to make a some kind of a correction in this whole scheme of lean stuff that that should be our first step is to tighten that up and get that to flip over more automatically and faster um having said that this is a no this is a no painful this is a non-painful thing either for us because really doing is searching that lean list that's fine but I'm saying it doesn't cost us anything to do well it does if they collect money which I really to his point earlier I don't think there's look at the list that I got from the village I just passed down Pamela you're going to want to keep that and put it on record now that I've passed it down the days um amount was like 7 73 but look but look at the properties and see what they are and how long they like the bee house is one of them for to the tune of what $50,000 no more than that yeah so there's prop there are a couple of prop there's only 15 properties there's a couple of properties with huge fines and they have no intent of paying that we don't we don't have to use them either to to do the collection we don't it's a service that they provide but it doesn't necessarily mean that we have to use them to do that then then what are we using them for because it's literally a list of properties that we we do we have a lean on that property pull up the database we do we don't and here's my other concern if we don't update if we don't update Reg ly and frequently enough and one slips between the cracks and they don't have the information and they say free and clear and it's not they have a there's a there's a a did you read section three the warranty it basically says I'm paraphrasing here Brad correct or Allan correct me um the warranty basically says we don't guarantee any of this information to be true and valid and here's another and here's another issue if they go straight to the website right instead of going through through Linda now Linda is not going to be checking for all of these fines and all this other stuff because it's going straight to you oh good point and you're just going to be looking for lean you're good there's no there's a lean or there's no lean but then Linda's not going to get alerted you won't have her right so that's that's another listen bottom line we got to change this thing to get fines over to to lean now it's knowing the team I could tell you that it might be possible for us to also list your fines but clearly they're not leans and would have to be differentiated on the site and those change very regularly things are being fined and and we have fines that accumulate I don't want to say the wrong they they accumulate daily fines sometimes yeah please sometimes they'll find a property like okay $200 for not having your trash can put away and $10 a day until it comes in compliance and then we going to keep up with that here's a little piece of the laborious puzzle right now if there is a code fine that hasn't been paid for a significant amount of time code staff puts together the package of backup information that's time has to notice the property owner that's time and money then it comes back to us to to decide whether or not it's time to file the first intent to lean we've talked about it in our meetings if the commission would go with it's not paid after X number of months do not only save the time Village Hall staff the administrative staff is working you save code staff time too and it's just more efficient to come back Time After Time After Time in front of us wait for us to peruse and parse through things and decide whether or not yes please go follow the intent to lean decide X number of months and it's done aoat that would say I thought we had that Poli well hold on if I may Mr Mayor please there there's a there you can't just impose the lean without the subsequent hearing so it's called a Massy hearing so what the courts have said is that before you impose a lean you're making the whatever the body is in this case it's the board um that case was dealing with a special magistrate but it's still same thing go board so before the bo board imposes the lean gives the authorization to file the lean you have to give the property owner due process which is notice and an opportunity to be heard because they have them on their agenda don't you so you can't right it's what I'm saying it's going a Massie hearing Massie is the um Supreme Court case that reached this decision so what what would happen is yes you can set Janie is saying you can set a time frame and say okay if the if the fines are not paid Whatever by X number of days then then we we're going to go forward with a Massie hearing where you're going to provide notice to the property owner of of the intent to to of the intent to lean and and you give them an opportunity to be heard they can show up and try to convince the the board not to impose the lean for whatever reason might be Equity issues whatever it might be and then once they have the opportunity to be heard then you can have the order from the from the board um directing the city imposing the lean excuse me and and and directing the city to file the lean also also ignore the order though or or the request to appear I that's right as long as process is just giving somebody notice and an opportunity to be heard exactly heard it's okay our change cannot be after 20 days we put a lean on your property it's after 20 days we we we call a hearing for an intent to lean which is which really you could do but you know there's a do that process you're in the process of drafting a policy yeah I know dorine's working on that's something I can go into a policy as opposed to into your or yeah that's easy and um I I would imagine if I look if I had my dog collar you know was went on for 20 years and I and I did a lean search and I was like oh my God that was I didn't even know and I got an and I got and I got got an intent to lean thing in the mail I would show up and like throw myself on the mercy of Janie Anderson and say what do I have to pay to whom oh my God I had no idea you know what I mean I would think that that intent to lean might even be a greater uh impetus for people to show up and settle this thing I just want to read something out of the agreement that I'm I'm going to guess you guys read it sounds so black and white number three warranty service provider lean Library does not warrant in any form the results or achievements of the services provided or the results ing work product and deliverables service provider warrants that the services will be performed by qualified Personnel in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with the generally accepted industry standards and practices and they also subcontract so they tell us elsewhere that they subcontract the work they can and probably do subcontract the work so this paragraph right here scares the hell out of me it's saying you know we'll do this for you but we're not guaranteeing nothing I have another question Alan so another thing uh that just came to my mind is if a property you're you're beholden to the information provided from the city to you correct right and and that's the the the Genesis right warranty right so if somebody goes to your website and the city hasn't informed you that they have a lean and they go and take a look at your website and that and that particular property has no lean then they're under the assumption the property has no lean correct right yes and that's and and that's back to the city that hasn't provided you the information for right so that's that's another issue that it falls on us really it falls on us and what H what do they get if I went on there and did a lean search right now do I get something saying this property is hereby certified to not have any you would get a report that shows all the different possible areas where you could be leaned and whether or not there's an existing lean uh for the property for that is that something they would give to the closing agent to enable the closing to happen um the typically like a title company would would be one of the customers that would use it uh they would use that to give a title on the property and and a lending institution might be another uh whe and and a lending institution also might seek this type of information whether or not there's a property transfer or not it could be a refinancing or or or something else so people on this being accurate and they're using this to close and what happens Brad if uh I use this document the title company does and we close on the property and I sell my house to Jonathan and then it turns out there was a lean on the property that didn't come up what happens he now owns a house that had a lean on it what happens that be title insurance if I'm using the they're out right if I'm if I'm using the company to do the search I have an I'm entering into an agreement with the with lean library to do to for them to do the search I I don't title company is let's say it's a whoever it is whether it's Title Company say a title company whoever it is they're they're entering into an agreement I don't I if on their website I don't know what their agreement says I don't know what the disclaimer say is your agreement with the client that goes on and and pays for your service does it have the same warranties thing saying we don't guarantee anything I'm going to profess uh I I can't answer that question I I I don't have the information in front of me sir um we can we can get that for you okay so guys I think this is a we're going to we could talk around this all night one question um related to other municipalities so there are lean libraries we just discussed that do the sort of service not maybe to the extent that you offer which makes you very unique but Li lean libraries do they exist in municipalities of our size I don't know if you've had any opportunity to compare to aort is maybe Shores using a lean Library any of the municipalities over our sizes that take advantage of a service like this I haven't pulled the managers of municipalities our size did you talk to anyone at Miami Gardens to see how happy they are with the it is Miami Gardens yeah no okay so we don't know if they're and you only have one client is that correct I thought there were more but I read something online um can you check the zoom to see if uh m al is on commissioner Kennedy if I may just to go finish your thought about the liability with Title Company going to the company um regardless of what their agreement says the agreement that you have proposed here has an indemnification agreement where lean Library will indemnify the village for their own negligent acts so if they somehow are negligent L provide a title company with a statement saying there's no lean on this property and it turns out to be a huge lean on the property if if right they will indemnify us if if that their negligence not our negligence but for their negligence if that if if if if that party comes after The Village but we also can't collect on it at that point because the property has changed hands and they had a clear title to close no that that prevent you from collecting in the future yeah no okay well look we don't know I'm sorry to interrupt Alan Mac is on now he is on now okay he would be able to answer the commissioner's question about the the language uh Mac uh is the founder one of the founders of lean Library um I know he's at a conference right now but he zoomed in um to serve as a resource Mac did is he accessed CH that is way too many Macs for one meeting Lord I'm too many Macs for one meeting okay this Mac is is the Mac with no cheese yes Mac no okay so Mac the uh the commissioner was asking about uh he was pointing out the warranty language in the agreement between lean library and the jurisdiction he was um and and he was wondering if there was similar warranty language uh for the clients that are are interfacing with the online tool yes absolutely yes so I'll say I mean first of all you know thank you for the opportunity to come in and then clarify a few things with you um Commissioners so uh I'll say in my experience even as I used to do the lean searches for the city of North Miami it is something a very um standard so the CD even himself you know they don't even provide any guarantee to the client meaning the ttle companies that the informations are accurate for the simple reason because sometimes some of those information they are sitting enough um in a cabinet and then the city may not have access to those information but it's something very standard and even myi Gardens one of our client and Hala Gardens so that's uh that's what they currently use and they currently have uh the Commissioners also wanted to know if if um other than Miami Gardens is anyone else signed up yet yes uh um halia Guardians look like gu to be able to finish this item um can I move to extend for 10 minutes I'll second that all in favor okay um M thank you um were there any other questions for him while we have him so you'll actually make contact with these lean holders to try to collect These funds because currently it seems like the only process we have for collections is Linda makes a phone call to try to collect the funds hey you have a lean that's what we actively do right now you guys will actively be going out and trying to collect funds because that's how you stay in business correct corre uh we uh um the the company would um Reach Out by by phone by email uh by mail door hangers there are a variety of different methods that they use to to get the party's attention uh but at I want to make clear none of the tactics that are um you know none of the aggressive tactics that are used by collections agencies um it's uh but it's it's active and continuous communication attempts to me I see there's a benefit in that that we have an outside agency even if it's you know even if they don't have aggressive tactics there still an outside agency making contact with these uh homeowners property owners and trying to continually collect the leans it sends a different message than just Village Halls calling you again for that's true uh when it comes to mitigation uh you know that's probably a good question for Genie as well what does the village currently do to reach out to code uh violators who have a lean on their property to instruct them that hey you have an option for mitigation is this a benefit to our residents that you're going to be making contact you have that option to hey mitigate if you want to I know you mentioned it a lot of times at your meeting but is anybody from the village continuing to call them and say hey you want to settle this you can have the ability for mitigation while she goes up there it's also important to remember that if it's code related they have to come into compliance before they can settle so so lean Library can't just simply contact them and go you know what I've been maning to pay that bill oh but that's what I was going to say as far as M mitigation cannot happen until there's compliance of course it can't happen until but the once in compliance and that person gets contacted hey you have a lean is there somebody from the the city calling them hey would you like to settle your lean and by the way you have the option for mitigation you can go to the code board is there that's a question for staff I'm honestly not sure that's definitely a question for I know I I know your your meetings you guys make mention hey when you come into compliance come back and see us and we can mitigate this this because what I have at this point I know the code officers are at times either posting affidavits of non-compliance or affidavits of compliance but are they you know depending on what happened but are they doing that regularly that's definitely a question for staff that I don't know I think it it's it's really flipped around the other way the only reason th and look we're talking about those 15 properties only right the only reason they come into the only reason they come into compliance is because they want to pay the lean and and settle this thing so they're coming into compliance because they want to pay the lean and they won't the city won't collect the money you say we can't collect this money from you until you come into compliance come into compliance and come back and we'll talk and then sometimes they negotiate the the amount of the lean down yeah yeah they always negotiate something so the point is is that it's the lean that's getting people to come in compliance people aren't coming into compliance for no good reason I just see it as a benefit that you're making it available to every lean uh property owner hey you have this option for mitigation click this button right here we'll send the message over to Village of bestc Park someone will contact you how to get on the look at those properties and I'm a little skeptical when I look at that list of properties I have a question for you we have to legislate not just for the 15 properties but for the future properties as well Alan you you mentioned something briefly about potentially being able to search for not just the leans but the violations said that that might hearing about the processes that might be an option I I we have um worked with other jurisdictions to do special coding and and add features and if you want to list outstanding fines um I'm not sure um I I don't want to represent that we could also collect them um and and to commissioner Kennedy's Point earlier they're very different than a lean yeah I understand so um this is new ground and so I don't want to make representations that are untrue uh but I believe that we could um post that information in addition to the lean information what I'm think what I'm hearing provided to us right and what I'm hearing from now from now is is one point being the collection of what we have outstanding but the other is being a resource saver for for our people here in the village and that's an important point to make that's very something very important that I I don't know we're emphas emphasizing enough so if we could expand to save even more time and resources that would be very helpful um I I don't look I I think we need to move it to resolution here we've only got about five minutes left so I would be in there's no motion I know oh okay I know yeah to to move to discussion it was a while ago um but I would be interested I would personally be interested in hearing if that's a service that the the this could you could provide to us because if maybe we're not collecting to the point there's only so many leans if we're not collecting $600,000 then maybe if we're adding more time that we're saving for for our our staff then it would I see Mac is still on Zoom uh yes he he can answer the question I can't okay Mac do you understand the question or you want me to repeat it yeah please repeat it again okay so the in in addition to doing a lean search Village sta F currently also does a search for any other outstanding fines that have not been as of yet converted to leans and what they're asking is whether or not we could include a listing of outstanding fines on uh the site in addition to the leans absolutely 100% and that's what the client obtain when they conduct a lean search it's true like the semantic says it's lean but it's it's not only lean they are seeking they're seeking any kind of debt or violation anything that's outstanding so that's even if the the process is called a lean search so they will be obtaining anything code um violation related anything as um from building that's a permit issue like that's open or closed or even a sewer or even water for instance so everything would be included as part of that report not simply things that says leans right so I I misrepresented that earlier Mac I apologize no that's that's all good as part of this proposal that's all part of this then do you hear that question yes that's correct that's correct everything is added as part of it it's not included in this no so Mac I guess that's what they were saying is that the language of the agreement that we have before us doesn't actually specify those things um so and I think it's something that we would need to have in there and some clarity on look if if we're adding all of those things and that's part of this I think it's more attractive um so I would be interested in seeing that but let me let me just ask one one by the way I'm only here because of you Allan 10:05 I would have been gone a long time ago but because you're here Allan I'm here five minutes ago all right I'm grateful commissioner but here's the thing so but having said that the you would only add the fines to properties that currently have leans not all fines for all properties right no like all no he Mac this would be for all properties not just properties with leans that's correct yes it's for all properties but that then okay then now an enormous burden just got handed over to the Village of having to transfer all that data on a very regular look how many leans do we place on properties a year not many but how many fines do we Levy against properties every year hundred hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and all of that would have to be updated on their when they're settled they got to take them off exactly so so that's an enormous burden on well that's them not us but it's enormous letting them know that it's no longer there no they because they're collecting they no they're not they wouldn't no not necessarily no no so the way commissioner the way we do that is um if if someone wants to come in here and settle we asset your staff still do it through the site oh I see I got you they collect all the money and then give us our port okay okay so that we keep track of all the hug would be the same that there would be an additional cost to the person not not the cost of the fine so if it's a $25 fine now it's a $100 fine um no so Mac um yes no because paying the fine we're not charging a so if somebody's coming in and paying the fine 25 bucks um and it's a $25 fine um are are we we're not putting a charge on top of that but are we taking a percentage of that if they're coming to Village Hall to pay it money somehow no no we're not taking any percentage so how are you making money on all those transactions and that would be the we're not making money on all the transactions we're only making money on the online transactions that's correct we're providing a service that people can utilize 247 365 nights weekends but if some but you just said a minute ago if someone were to if I have a $25 trash can out after the deadline fine and I call the Village Linda how do I pay this oh go onto their site and pay it there no Linda would go onto the site and process the transaction so you guys are going to do all I don't understand how that benefits us it's just another way for l no because that's how you maintain the Integrity of the database oh it's just about maintaining the Integrity of the database once we get it all set up cuz you would have that question that's that just sounds like a giant cluster waiting to happen with us transferring data getting things updated on there right I don't then then she's doing that instead of looking for the stuff herself I don't see the I it seems to me like we are not ready for this or in need of this this is my opinion I think we need to address how leans go to how fines go to leans I think clearly we've agreed tonight it sounds like on consensus that we need to address how that process rolls out that we should have more of these things becoming leans and fewer of them sitting around being fines forever and ever amen um I I like I like it I just don't think we're ready for it yeah I don't think that's my personal opinion I think that once we go through this process of transforming fines and getting that process into the lean then then perhaps we can revisit this but I I just don't think we're ready for this at that well I had a question about that if you guys are keeping a database of our fines is it a two-way street will you will come to the village and say hey a fine has been sitting on this house property for five years it's time to convert it to a lean or whatever the time if you establish a time frame yes we we can so so there's some accounting there where they'll come back to us and say hey you guys are missing our system if we have our own process in place if we say if we say 20 days we start the process that's just a they're are yeah they're doing it yeah well one process we're talking about building crash everything all right well look we no and listen I appreciate the extra time yeah I understand where we are and to be continued I think to be continued at a minimum because there's a few other things we' want to clear up first uh I'm sorry uh we need a vote me too we need to vote you need to vote I think we should I I think we should just vote this down now and and get some internal stuff here fixed and if we get more leans and we need a we have a greater need for this then I think we could revisit it maybe the service would make sense to us then but now I but I understand the whole process a whole lot better matter do you need to call or roll or can we just consensus okay all right I we have two NOS I think no for the time being it's a no for Okay no Okay um all right so about you Jonathan was that yes or no I said no you said no okay I um all right thank you all very much Alan thanks for the time M if you're still on thanks for the thanks for your time I see the chief thanone say get well um thanks for being patient uh all right so um Chief's up there get well chief he was but I think he's left uh Chief if you are hearing this or listening to it later uh we send our well wishes to you thanks for sticking around um all right 11b 12 and 13 we have to request to move on to our next agenda can I ask you two quick questions Jonathan procedural stuff yeah Barrow added two things on will they automatically roll over to the next meeting yeah okay believe so yeah and um ver and I have both had our police items on the list and it was very timely when we put them on there and it's it's still extremely important um May I make a request that our next meeting we put them at the top of the agenda before other stuff so we get to them because these conversations need to take place um look I I would I was going to say before we got to that one that I would very much appreciated the chief being on with us so he might be able to address some of the concerns if he's there at the beginning and we can start with that great why don't we just keep it on here and at the beginning of that if he's we'll move it up if we can okay fair enough move it up because I'd like to get it out of the way but I did want the chief to be with us um so very quickly uh it's 11b 12 ABC 13 ABC and then the add-on items of um commissioner Amor's 13 d and e would have been 13 d& uh the letter and the rec center safety item I think that's everything um so I'll go ahead and request it may we keep these things that we were given tonight or we have to leave them here we can keep them okay the the letter Pharaoh's letter a resolution the helium resolution commissioner Kennedy please don't forget to send me your item that you wanted to put on I'm sorry an item you wanted to put on the next agenda you said you send it to me um yeah that was the um pool ordinance uh the pool ordinance pool ordinance okay okay um so those will be moved on to the next meeting agenda and uh at this time I'll request a motion to adjourn and second second and all in favor I okay yeah okay thanks everybody