so let's go ahead and get started today is Tuesday June 4th 2024 we are here for a regular commission meeting so let's call the meeting to order and Madame clerk if you would uh do our roll call please mayor gr here vice mayor Kennedy here commissioner Amsler commissioner Gonzalez commissioner Huntington here Mr Mayor you have a quum fantastic thank you very much let's do our Pledge of Allegiance please all right so let's go ahead and move on to auditions deletions and withdrawals to the agenda do we have anything to change at this time I have a couple of things Jonathan okay um let's pull 9A off of consent please we need to discuss a two little things in there um I I'm very certain that tonight is the night that we need to appoint a new vice mayor and it's not on the agenda so we need to add that um uh Vero you and I have similar topics so if you like uh I'll combine them and let you lead that and then I'll come in and play cleanup after you're done sounds good we'll save some time that way and then um I have two items at the end 13 D is in dog and E is in Edward the last one should be a really quick discussion so let's flop them just in case we're running out of time at the end and we can squeeze something out at the end they're both mine okay all right got combining well combining so to speak BNC 13 BNC we'll swap DN e um taking nine we're taking 9A off consent and then the uh the appointment of the vice mayor um where do we that goes I'm sorry in the presentation the presentation it should be at the last presentation all right so we'll just go ahead and do that there and I have a question about how that's going to work because it should be um commissioner Ola who's no longer here Ryan filled her seat so is he the vice mayor let's make it a permanent thing art saddle the man think it would right is it the seat is it the seat or the alphabet I was told it was the alphabet I'm reading it right now uh Charter section 2-18 says that the order in which each commission will serve as vice mayor shall be based upon alphabetical order utilizing the commissioner's last name the event of commissioner is either appointed or elected fill a vacancy on the commission that commissioner shall assume the position of his or her predecessor who see he or she is filling for the purposes of serving as vice mayor and that to me sounds like it goes he fills the seat so it goes to him if it would have gone to the Ola yeah commissioner Ola then it would go to commissioner H okay then that's I read that as well all right perfect sharpen your pen you're gonna be signing lots of checks you got a promotion right in no additional pay just got promotion so can we it's under presentation how can we uh we just go by I right I would just ask for a consensus Point consist to appoint commissioner Huntington to the vice mayorship I'm in yes yes come on Ryan say yes yes there you go got for you're done okay great right with that having been concluded do we have any other additions deletions or withdrawals before we move on yes sir can we please REM move 11a and move 11g up to its place 11a we're withdrawing and 11 G move it up to the top of resolutions correct okay okay really quickly let me just go back we're moving consent off 9A off consent we've removed 11a and replaced it with 11 G uh we're combined finding 13B and c and we're swapping 13B and E so that's what I have so far are there any other additions deletions withdrawals or changes at this time hearing none motion to approve second all right all in favor I all right so the amended agenda we will move forward so under our presentations for this for this evening we have uh two presentations from our honorable state representative AI Joseph and our honorable state senator Chevron Jones um sure so why don't why don't we we'll we'll come back to the presentations when our our two presenters are here to join us um and why don't we go ahead and get started with public comments so we'll start with our public comments here in the the log cabin and it's just a reminder to everyone providing comments this evening uh to please provide name and address and public comment uh is three minutes [Music] not is it y it's working okay Janie Anderson 11905 Northeast 11th Place on tonight's agenda I see two requests for waving of competitive bid and one brought back for increasing the manager purchasing Authority those two concepts are critical to solid fiscal oversight of our taxes and I would really urge this commission to think long and hard and carefully particularly on the increasing the purchasing Authority I mean we have a manager who's only been here less than a year and this is your only chance to really oversee well I'm sorry not your only but your best chance to oversee expenditures and I think needs to kind of stay that way landlord permits yes tasse strikes again considering that before adding in the bnbs we a village of less than one square mile have approximately 20% of our living units are rental I would urge you not to repeal this ordinance but to do whatever you need to do amend it make it work but you don't want to lose every bit of your ability to have any sort of Regulation sure you get push back in the landlords I get it they don't like spending the extra money and they like even less being accountable for inspections the inspections are minimum housing standards that should not be an issue for anyone but again with that big a percentage we need those regulations what little they may be in place um revisit the variants that some of you on this commission gave you have a duty and a responsibility if you remember the public uh the comments that were made that night it was all about the safety of the petitioner's family and especially on his backup for his application it was the safety the safety for a family who you knew that night didn't live there and you know now that property is being flipped they're not going to live there and as far as those who came out supposedly in support if you listen to what they were saying they were primarily in support of their own desire for a front yard fence but most of them didn't even live within eyesight to know whether or not cut through traffic was a problem variances should only be given under the most extenuating of circumstances and they certainly shouldn't be given under false pretenses just one more 13 deed building department sop it's scary when you think about the things that Mac listed as to whether or not we're doing those because if we're not think of the potential problems and the biggest biggest issue to me would be why are we not permitting to the plan that leaves an incredible amount of time open-ended to redo plans that were never approved thank you have any others here in the Vlog cabin hi good evening uh Gage heart talking sorry I'm late traffic was really bad tonight um I didn't really get a chance to look before I got here but um really I just was um Wanted I'm sorry 1029 Northeast 1114 Street um the um I'm cons I do have some concerns about the competitive bid waving of competitive bidding um and um the um I think that's something that uh previous managers and everything have been able to work with um so I hope that you guys are all looking at it um and the um the variant I do I would want to speak to that that I hope that um you know we are um following the code and and um and looking at the the requirements for a variance and hopefully listening to your planning board uh when it comes to rec recommendations because um we all know that um by now that um the wool was pulled over our eyes on the previous variants and um and uh hopefully we won't have that happen again and um um I did hear Janie just mentioned something about the um the uh looking at the building permits and I think that's a good idea the Sops uh just um you know make sure that um everything that is being built is to um to um to permits and to the plans so thank you for your time I may interrupt public comment for just one moment we do have Senator Jones on Zoom if you want to switch to him or continue with public comment it's up to you well right words out of my mouth we have any other comments in the cabin okay see none uh switch over to zoom Miss Gren sheill Gren 12 12010 Northeast 11th Court I'm the president of the biscane park Foundation but I'm speaking now as an individual and not on behalf of the foundation I do need to ask though how can I speak to the commission on behalf of the foundation may I be allowed additional minutes to speak in that capacity at some point during tonight's meeting just advise later after my comment um our new Village manager Chris Truitt recently Unleashed a series of hostile and aggressive emails to me at my personal email address in which he demanded sir information about the foundation's rec center revamp project and the task completed are underway we ended up on a phone call during which he interrogated me as if I was a suspect in a police station he spoke over me and would not let me speak he accused me of removing equipment from government property I guess referring to books that the foundation has been replacing he stated he had some kind of deadline to report this information to the commission I asked me if he's accusing me of a crime and if I needed to get a lawyer and his reply was something like yeah getting a lawyer that's your choice that's your right okay at that point I didn't want to continue the conversation but he was still talking over me so just disconnected the call and he emailed me right after saying it was unfortunate that I hung up on him okay obviously trying to cast me in a bad light in these public emails and he subsequently emailed me several more times making the same demands and ordering me to stop all projects in the rec center I am very confused by this open hostility towards me I've never even met the man I'm a volunteer I've spent countless hours and personal funds of my own on a multitude of biscane Park projects and events throughout the years with nothing to personally gain from any of this commissioner Gonzalez and commissioner Kennedy you both might recall the many times I have appeared before the commission and met with individual Commissioners to discuss this project when it was being conceived and planned and mayor growth you are actually a foundation board member with me at that time is this how the commission has directed The Village manager to behave towards residents I'm shaking was this interrogation done at the request of the commission does the commission want volunteers to participate in boards and committees because this is a huge turnup I absolutely just want to give up and resign why am I giving my free time my mental space and my energy to be treated like that I will not resign because I committed to the foundation and to the biscane park residents to execute keep this project a project that residents overwhelmingly want and support and the only legitimate complaint I've heard is that we're doing it too slowly which I do acknowledge that complaint and I'm doing my best in the time that I have available that is time uh thank you Jill so um we normally have a section for uh for our reports where we normally have sorry board reports uh we don't always have board reports to present during that section but uh if you'd like to present a report for uh for the board at that time then then I can uh we can announce it that thank you as long as the board is authorized her to speak on their behalf sure okay okay so we can um at that point uh I yeah we can call we can call you up for the foundation board report thank you that is that is it online Okay so we've concluded our public comment uh do we have any specific reply to comments before we uh provide uh the time for the senator to uh update us okay um hearing none so I know we just lost David um okay so then maybe maybe now would be a good time to turn things over to the Senator Senator Jones can you hear us I can hear you mayor wonderful well uh David certa just stepped outside but um we have you here for a presentation to uh to the commission so uh we'll uh we'll yield the floor to you and let you provide us with that with whatever update you like thank you so much mayor and uh good good evening mayor and Commissioners it's definitely good to be uh be with you all virtually um I was supposed to be there in person but I'm here at nor in North Miami uh for their High School graduation that starts at 7even so I'm sorry I can't be there in person um but I just wanted to just spend a few minutes just to one thank you all uh for the support that you all provided for us at this past legislative SE uh this past legislative session uh and I know session ended in March and as we are going around to our uh to the different city uh commission meetings to just give brief updates of what happened uh in Tallahassee I I do want to just pause to say thank you all for the support that you provide mayor that's to you uh and also to David who represents you all well uh in Tallahassee uh during this legislative session uh we we passed a 117 billion dollar uh budget uh there were some restraints that was uh uh considerable constraints notably that was due to the reduction in the federal Co relief funds that we uh had received a year after a year after year um the distribution of the funds that that I'm sure you all have uh will see uh once the governor sign sign in a few uh a few weeks uh there there were a considerable amount of dollars that were given for infrastructure uh congratulations to you all well not too early but let's wait to see what the governor does uh but the $400,000 that uh you all requested um to come in uh for the storm drain uh the storm drain um project uh and that's really I have to give it up for David because he he really worked hard along with aai in my office U to make sure that this was U made possible uh and so so David thank you uh thank you for that I just want to share two big pieces of um legislation uh so that everyone can uh so everyone can understand that these services will uh will be available uh as you all know the one of the biggest things that we um that we should be dealing with I don't think we dealt with enough in the legis lure uh this year and it's one of the number one things that as we're going around to the district when we talk to constituents they're talking about their property insurance and I think there's um quite a few people who have you probably have heard stories for uh from uh when it comes to property insurance uh the the uh the state in the budget this year uh there were dollars that was put into the budget to be able to allow uh families up to $10,000 to go towards uh for their roof and or for Replacements of Windows and things like that that might be that might become asked from from your insurance company uh once the governor signs it uh it will be a process to uh to receive those funds it's not a loan uh it is dollars that's coming from uh uh from the state uh that you would have to that individual individuals will have to apply for once those dollars become available after the governor signs it and once it go through R making um we're going to do some talk sessions across the district so homeowners can know how they can have have access um to those dollars and we will make sure that we come come to you all to share that uh with you the last thing I'll I'll share is that as we are on this long recess break right now um um because we gonna go back into Tallahassee until like November the 13th or 14th uh for organizational session uh we are using this this time to not just meet with Mayors and city managers um and I have 13 of them that I have to meet with uh but we're also meeting with like homeowners uh associations and groups because we want to get ideas for legislation in this recess time so when it's time for us to go into Tallahassee for committee weeks uh in uh in January uh we already have our bills filed uh to where those who have these ideas we can work on them together even even with the city I'll end with this and that is that my we are uh my hope is as you all put together your legislative agenda uh for next year that um and I'm sure David will David uh will do it and that is just we want to be a partner with you all in putting together your legislative agenda uh I've learned my lesson now that I've been in the Senate now for two years and how I can get the Buy in from my colleagues in a uh in a more substantial way and that would be for for us to sit down and us to be clear on what we want that agenda to be for um um for for the city so uh I'm looking forward to working with you all and I'll open it up for any questions and once again thank you all for having me this evening Senator thank you very much for the update um I do have one question for you on on the the availability of the money that you mentioned for Home Improvements um is there any indic is there any indication at this point what the parameters would be for to how with for who would qualify for for those those funds that's a that's a very good question so once the governor signs the budget those dollars will then get released to go to an agency the agency will do the room making and then the room making will be distributed to to the legislators and also to the public uh here's what I will do once once that information does come um I will make sure that David receives it and which will have the criteria and the qualifications for it uh and I wanted to have you all to have it ahead of time so we we're monitoring it uh so our district can be top top of line and be individuals first to know when to when and how to apply for those dollar great thank you Senator we would appreciate that um I don't have any other questions anyone have any other questions on the update okay uh Senator well thank you so much for the time thanks for being here we appreciate the update and um we hope to hear from you soon to you soon thank you thank you Senator I appreciate you for being here um taking over David if I can I just so our wonderful representative has just uh gotten here and so I just wanted to say hello to everybody mayor council wonderful residents of uh bisc Park I've been with you a long time and it's like family here so um and that's a good thing because it takes a team to to really do good things up in Tallahassee and I think we've got that um I do want to just real quick give some really wonderful kudos to Chris to your new manager um this is a very difficult process as all you know I've met with many of you talk about how we work up there and and and the difficulties that we sometimes experience but uh when Tallahassee starts when session starts it doesn't stop for anybody so when we need information we need it and Chris has been really wonderful in getting me all of the information data May you've been absolutely wonderful in our conversations that we've had when we've needed information so thank you all for for a wonderful team and I think if we continue this um there's going to be some good things happening I also think there's going to be some good things happening because uh we have a new coming upcoming speaker that's from South Florida um Danny Perez who I think is going to be a good I think it's a good thing for anybody in in Dade County so um you know we we'll see how that goes when we start requesting our uh our projects for next year but more importantly it's who we have representing our communities here uh and you heard from Senator Jones uh who's our our Senator and he's been doing a wonderful job and Kai who his assistant there has been phenomenal uh but we also have an absolutely incredible representative who I've known for some time now and you know I guess when you keep getting elected that means you're doing a good job so um she has been absolutely amazing for this community she she has gotten a lot of the projects that we've gotten in the past uh and then not only do we have to get through the legislature but we got to get through the governor and somehow some way she gets them through the governor and uh it it works out really well for us most of the time so uh and you know we can't have 100% all the time but but as long as we keep you know flowing so right now before I get into some of the things that I have I would like to introduce an incredible friend and an incredible representative of our community representative DD Joseph I'm Italian we ah good evening everyone even good evening I'm a little call and response person good evening everyone all right so I am representative Dy Joseph lots of new faces um so we need to like get together so that's a separate note Senator Jones covered a lot of the major pieces so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to supplement with some of the bills that I filed some of them made it through and some of them didn't make it through which is par for the course for Tallahasse right okay so uh I also have the distinction of sa serving as minority leader protim in the Florida legislature uh so we get to maneuver things a little bit differently one of the things that we were consistently fighting for is legislation that would reduce our property insurance rates I don't know how many people your property insurance rates went up anybody went down no just just check it I was like maybe there's an oddball um but we have proposed a number of things we're still trying to work with folks across the aisle to see if we can get some of that relief for actual citizens um for those who may not have been caught up on some of the prior sessions and special sessions we had on property insurance unfortunately um my colleagues made the decision to give billions of dollars to insurance companies um as opposed to any of the money to um the citizens there was a little pot um to help with roofs um so that I think is already used up um we've been allocating additional funds for that so if you need assistance with your roof and that's the reason that your insurance is having a problem um there is some money that we were able to Advocate to keep that in there um but right now most of the if there are any savings um they are being directed elsewhere and we already know that they've announced a much more active hurricane season than um what we're used to um so we are always working together when I say we um usually your village manager and our offices to make sure when those things arise if there is additional information emergency disaster stuff um we're working closely at the state level to make sure that you have the resources you need on the ground here um so know that I'm a resource for that now in terms of the bills that I filed that didn't make it through but I think are pretty awesome and you should know about them include um one to expand Medicaid um which is impacting a lot of people in Florida I don't know if you know this but Florida leads the nation and now uninsured children who have been disenrolled um for various policies this legislation would help cover those children as well as other adults that would otherwise be covered the problem that we're facing with this particular group of people is people who fall in the Gap so they make too much to qualify for state coverage right so once a family of two once you get past like I think $122,000 you no longer qualify um and then too little to qualify for the affordable the federal Affordable Care Act once you get to like $36,000 you unless you get to that you don't qualify so those people in that Gap are the people that are suffering the most so this legislation would help help cover those people or help them and they are working so it's not like they're sitting around twiddling their thumbs these are people who are actually working trying to make ends meat and it's just there's no coverage and many states many Republican and Democratic states have already expanded medicaid unfortunately Florida is not one of them but we're going to continue advocating for it um another piece that I'll just highlight is that I filed legislation to have Florida start monitoring our drinking water for posos better known as forever chemicals um because we know that it's spreading and the testing that we have conducted has indicated that it's problematic but there is no um State version of any regulation around that right now so we're advocating for that another thing I will highlight um some bills that did make it through um is Emer access to emergency insulin um for those who need it um sometimes you don't have a chance to get to the doctor in time to get your refill so this allows for that emergency refill and that inet time we also have um so years ago I I passed an exception to Florida's two-way consent recording law so in order to record somebody on the phone you have to get their consent otherwise it's illegal right there are a few exceptions one of the exceptions I made previously was for um survivors of any kind of violence where there is a court order saying that the person should not be contacting you right so I worked with a republican colleague and this time she EX expanded on that and created an exception for parents and children who are being harassed um and uh AB I want to say the child is actually being abused um with sexing or any of that kind of child pornography stuff so in those instances you can also record so that's another exception to that bill um in South Florida we have a lot of people who speak additional languages and in they're when they're interacting with the court system whether it's in Spanish or Haitian Creole they need just additional support to understand what's going on um we passed I teamed up with another Republican colleague um to pass legislation so that um translation services are available to non-indigent people um as they're going through our court system uh I think those are the ones I'm going to highlight I actually put another one in there which was to um how many believe that the 13th Amendment abolish slavery in the United States who who who believe that thought that okay so that's what it was supposed to do but there's an exception and the exception that allows for slavery in these United States is where there is the punishment clause which means if you're convicted you can technically be enslaved and we looked at the numbers and some people are making zero to a couple cents on the dollar so I filed legislation to have them look at at the federal level eliminating the exception so that slavery is completely abolished who new um so those are some of the things that I've been working on so much more um I have like a gazillion pages of notes that I'm not going to bore you with um and I will take any additional questions that you may have at this time thank you very much Madam representative that was informative you're welcome I do have one question for you please um one of the items that you'd mentioned was um not a whole lot of it but money for for roofs for for Florida residents um is this is this the same under the same pram that the senator mentioned or is this a separate it's a separate program now we have a couple of different programs run by a couple different agencies that help with various home things I will try to pre- temper your expectations as we've been helping homeowners through this process there are some people who are still waiting for assistance from even hurricane Ida um so navigating through the system is a challenge but between Senator Jones myself and of obviously Mr certa we can help any of the constituents who are having problems we've been able to successfully get some some are still languishing um but there there are lots of ways depending on what you have going on there are programs to assist I believe there also some to assist um with if you're having difficulty with um payment of your not just your mortgage your um property insurance things that impact your ability to stay in your home there are some programs with that I will tell you from my personal interactions with helping constituents through those it is a challenge to say it um as diplomatically as I can yeah any other questions it's good to know thank you I I have a quick one if I may it's pride month and we have lgbtq neighbors to worry about and Florida is becoming a less than welcoming place to our lgbtq um some would say outwardly hostile Max sorry I can't hear you oh I'm sorry it's Pride and I'm asking her about lgbtq issues because Florida is not the most welcoming state to those residents yeah um and I particularly worried about the kids yeah what's being done to offset some of the vitriol coming from the state so I don't know if the senator mentioned the the second bill that they passed the stop woke act to did he talk about that I didn't hear okay well um so the the the governor and many of my colleagues across the aisle have been extremely actively outwardly hostile towards the LGBT Q Plus Community um and that took a number of forms this last legislative session um there was the stop woke act before and for those who are not familiar with the stop woke act um the first original version was to supposedly address uh first they started off with lgbtq oh we don't want to hear anything about gay etc etc um and then it quickly expanded to anything related to diversity so Roberto CL books about MLK all of that just got swept into it um the stop woke act to expanded that um and they say don't say gay 2.0 so that's that actually happened this last legislative session now to answer your question about some of the things that we're doing to counter it so lots of us are working in different ways with community stakeholders so whether that's providing support for people um the the way the work the Law act works is it punishes the professor the teacher that talks about any of the stuff right so they're the ones on the hook we also try to allocate additional Mental Health Services particularly in schools for students who are having challenges like this um and I'll just tell you I honestly don't understand how my colleagues address certain things because actually I do for for some people it's a game it's about culture wars and politics and all that stuff and what I see is people when I go to those hearings and the people who come up across the political Spectrum so both Democrats and Republicans actual people understand that kids just want to be protected and they just want to feel safe and nobody's forcing anything there was one book that got banned literally because the last name of the author was gay not because there was anything lgbtq about it and it's absurd because what these mechanisms and it's not unique to Florida let me just put that in context this is a nationwide assault on our education and it's it's an attack on critical thinking skills it's an attack on diversity it's an attack on anything that challenges the traditional narrative and doesn't allow for room for other people and it's all based on supposed discomfort of one group versus another group and I would argue that in order for our kids to be competitive in the global market or any Market that they should be able to be exposed to everything and challenge it right like if if your idea your concept is so powerful it should survive in the marketplace of ideas right um but what we see is a type of aggressive affirmative action to um discount any kind of diversity kind of in Reverse um so that people are just not the the the the approach is to use color blindness as a weapon as opposed to um anything else so that's the answer to your question we're working with lots of groups if you want some groups that are actively working on those kinds of issues I'm happy to put you in touch with them we have save Dade we have equality Florida and several others um who I'm in regular communication with any other questions you look like you out some yes I just have um just follow up on the emergency insulin how does that tackle down to the residents so how when once this is passed what are the next steps what sort of agencies leading this so it shouldn't require any agencies what I can do is I can put together a little snippet do you guys have like a a newsletter that goes out or something yep the manager does okay so what I'll do is I'll put together a little snippet from me along with the contact for my office and the contact for anybody who needs information about it and then you can just kind of copy and paste it into your newsletter how's that sound sounds great anything else I can do for you I I have another question may Mr Cera as well I don't want to sound greedy with this um which has got released Now's the Time uh we did get some money in terms of of very needed money for some of the projects we need to work but that was under the threshold we were expecting I was wondering it's different than what happened last year and correct me if I have anything wrong when it comes to the $400,000 that were just uh share I believe it was double that we originally requested correct we'd asked for 800 so and we did get the full amount the previous year and I was wondering what sort of happened in the middle for us to this year kind of full short okay so he wants to take that and I'll fill in any like behind the the scenes gaps no no no go ahead go ahead I let me I like tag team so go ahead tell her your your perspective I'll inside scoop appreciate it so so you know there's so many things that you hear uh in the process and you've got folks battling as as we know each time so uh the House and Senate don't always think the same and uh what happens is maybe one side might uh offend the other whether it's in a budget issue whether it's related to aable housing Health anything you know many of the bigger issues and when one side sort of gets a little upper hand maybe the other side says okay well then if you're looking for that much there we're going to have to cut some over here and so things like that happen and and like you said sometimes it's not always about the the legitimacy of the project because there's hundreds and hundreds of projects that are being requested across the state thousands and so the fact that you know we're even able to come out with 425,000 says a lot about our representative our Senator It also says a lot about you know the the the community and the district um and uh and and once again it's layers because now that we've fought the Battle there we now have to make sure we fight the battle uh with the final say with the governor because he's also got to um has his philosophy and thought process of shaving and someone's got to be shaved on on that side and we hope it isn't us but sometimes it is US sometimes it isn't um so with this particular year last year was a little bit better financially they got along a little bit better and this year we just got caught in the mix it wasn't only our project you'll notice that a lot of projects in that Arena got cut to half um but once again many of the projects got cut to zero yeah know and I figure it had to I mean that was sort of going to be the feedback I can imagine there is a lot that goes into play when this negotiations happen um this is a project for us for yes and thank you for what we've got already it's very helpful this is a long-term project so probably next year you'll have the same chance to go to fight for it and hopefully I think it was about a five year um down the line we've only accomplished one so far so um whatever we've got thank you very much for your efforts both of you um I was just wondering behind the scene obviously it's a big impact for a small City small village like us so yeah so I will just add that sometimes the approach taken with budget and Appropriations in Tallahassee doesn't always fully account for what your tax base is so bisc park is different than a lot of the other cities and municipalities that I represent that have a access to different kinds of funds their expectation is that there's a match a local match to whatever's requested and sometimes that matches a challenge right so that's one element in addition to it and this was kind of in the subtext of what Mr certa um articulated is okay inside you ready for it so sometimes people can just be really Petty in Tallahassee and is the is the most straightforward way I can say it like with each other it's like a bunch of little middle school boys um but it really sometimes comes down to that and there are holdovers and negotiations and we're able to kind of nudge through that process as best as we can because I don't really engage in that um and I you know consistently Advocate and they already know when they see me coming so um there's a lot of that and and that part is beyond our control um and even with the governor so one of the things that you'll notice with this this next budget is that he wanted an across theboard cut of an extraordinary amount that I'm not even going to mention now so it it already started off um as a challenge on top of that we happen to live in and this is just the reality a predominantly Democratic represented place um unfortunately our governor sometimes takes that into account in making his allocations um it should not be that way it should be based on need right um but that's not necessarily the reality in Tallahassee notwithstanding lucky for y'all um you have some um Champions who are familiar with the process and know how to work across the aisle and are able to finagle things in very creative ways sometimes um but we're able to get it done in a way that sometimes even some Republicans can't so and I'm appreciative of that thank you so much you're welcome I think that's it am I free to go you're leaning over I think no I think that's it I was just going to say thank you madam representative we appreciate the information not to upset the order of the agenda here but uh we had you third on the reports well we had you third on the reports but you're up there now so I I'll make it quick because we pretty much finished the basics of what you heard are the realities of this session and now we move forward towards an election in November and then a whole new ball game starts right after that so and a new plan a new strategy a new way to finagle but um I you know over the period of time I've sent you you've seen some of the you know when it comes to municipalities and counties uh for some reason the the state likes to file a lot of bills to uh to try to get at mandate do whatever they got to do to try to impact you know the ability for counties and municipalities to operate and you have a league the Florida League of cities you have the Florida Association of counties and they uh they all fight hard uh to to try to limit um during this process there are so many bills as you saw when I my last report there's like 30 pages of bills that were filed uh we try to work very closely with the Florida league and with the counties to to address a lot of the issues so we sort of tag team on those things and some things get through some don't you'll be surprised a lot of stuff does get watered down which benefits us uh if if we were stuck with the original versions of a lot of what they wanted to do would be it would be tough and and it's just I guess it's just the way it is but um the governor has been getting the bills uh and he's been you know um pretty much approving uh many of them and and I will send you a list of those that uh that are now approved and then obviously legal legal will take a look at them in the full and apply any uh thing that has to be applied to change any of the you know positions that the city is in right now as far as you know legal positions and how they handle permitting or the vacancy the rentals you know all of that I know you spoke about that earlier but that's something none of that really a lot of that wasn't changed they're still restricting our ability to do things but they also made gave us a couple of uh of good points you know with in the the vacation rentals where we you know can charge or we can get rid of one if they have fines or if they haven't paid fines or if they violated you know regulations more than three times so there were certain things that were done a lot on the advertisement size but the state still basically handles you know that process um but I will go ahead and and get you a report that that outlines all that so you can take a closer look we won't have time to do that tonight but it is a tough process as you know and hopefully next year uh mayor maybe one of you can get up there and take take a look at it but we have a wonderful individual here we have a great Senator and she means it when she says I want to talk to you let's meet um so you know there's a lot that can be done and um there's a lot of folks that she works hand inand with on the other side too so and and we've seen that already and that's that's that's how we're able to to to to make uh the the biscan park a priority so thank you for always giving me the confidence of being able to represent all of you and I hope uh I hope you're happy with what we're doing iiss if I didn't say one last thing so I work with a lot of lobbyists working with lots of clients in Tallahassee and he's one of the most persistent ones especially in crunch time because there's the initial time and then there's crunch time so I just want you to know that he's definitely earning his keep so carry on thank you very much you know who I'm voting for I asked David a question of course uh good evening yes how are you there was a there was a bill that dealt with the expedite of permits of building permits was that was that I can't remember the number off the top of my head let me see here I think I know it passed both houses um the last time I looked it was not residential building permits believe that was it okay so yeah that basically was signed by the governor and what it it requires the local government just some highlights anytime you get that kind of legislation it's usually either the speed up the permitting process so like 30 business days residential permits under 7500 Square F feet 60 business days for residential Associated permits for 700 7,500 square feet 12 business days for using a master building permit consistent so there's there's a bunch of those little changes that uh that occur um you you have to uh approve deny permit application after receipt of a completed and sufficient application with following time frame so it has to be a completed application so there there are some changes that um that went in with that and and I'll send you the bill actually so you could see the actual um details uh of it but um specifies time frame of 10 business days for a local building official to issue a permit providing that they take care of all the deficiency so it usually speeds up the process for a municipality which is not always great because there's a lot that you all have to do and and there's a lot more detail than than than you see here so I'll I'll make sure I'll get effect when you uh well July 1 when um I I will tell the commission that that will affect um how your planning and design review board process takes place because that process is will the review process will not fit within the time frames of of that new law current review process or The Village's current review process will not fit within those time zon yeah and and I'll send you there there's one other one too possibly and I'll I'll send that to you as well yeah thank you and we are waiting on our you know on our $425,000 so we'll we'll see how that goes when everybody else finds out thank you David thank you so much for the time Madame representative thank you again for being here thanks David okay so let's uh let's get back into our report section um we'll start with code compliance if there's um there's any comment or question or anything we want to address with the Code Compliance report at this time yeah I yeah I have a couple of things if you don't mind okay is Dorene here she came in yeah she was in I guess she left okay um well I wanted to compliment her Chris share this with her please the report format is great I'm loving the code report the way it's all put together with the map and it's nicely organized it's very easy to digest um I have a concern with uh construction hours we're still having issues I get so many complaints about construction hours I I kind of dread the weekends because I know my phone's going to start ringing um so I'm wondering what can I mean I know code's not in the village on the weekends and after hours in the evenings but I'm wondering what we can do Chris to help I mean Brad can communities put signs like on construction sites or require them to put signs up that list the construction hours so even the workers are seeing it with some information to tell residents if there's construction outside of these hours call this number are there things we can do to be more proactive about it I mean it's not our property you could require such signage as a condition of uh of the permitting process but it would have we'd have to implement I'm I mean I'm open to ideas anybody else has ideas because it's it's happening a lot it's they come early in the morning before cod's in the village they're working sometimes at 7:00 in the morning uh and on weekends they're coming in into and working on holidays outside of the holiday hours it's do you guys get the calls or is it just me no you do people coming up to me Neighbors coming up and saying hey what times are there I'm like well you know they you know you can report it you can do these things some people didn't know some of the people I spoke with didn't even know about like the reporting process okay so report it because we need to know and that's it and so during work hours it's easy to report because you can call the Village and and and and I tell them to use the app and I tell them all the things to do but it's outside the regular construction hours yeah I think a lot of them a lot of the folks that are working on especially off hours have no idea what what our code is yeah I think that's the case too I saw it next door where I used to have my house here and um they were doing work on weekend and the police came by we file a complaint somebody came by and told them and they were like we didn't know they didn't know so that so the awareness piece is something that we should look at how we're exactly I asked Brad about it and he said it's the onus is on them they're they're required to follow our code and know our code I mean and contractors should know that community unities have code about such things but are they going to search it out so if we could take steps I think anything we could do and maybe requiring them to put a signup that like of a certain size and certain language you know notice construction hours allowed only during these hours uh anyone who wants to file a complaint about this or noise excessive noise here's how you do it so it could be as simple as handing out a flyer to whoever is when the permit's being approved with that information so that the contractor doesn't have to search it out themselves and now it's the onus is on them and also on the property owner because remember the the the code violation doesn't go to the the owner property owner um as far as an enforcement um I I understand the limitations of of codes hours however code um dorine and I have discussed this we've discussed this with the police the the police officers cannot issue the Civil citations for code violations but they can certainly document them and be a witness code and they can be a witness and the property owner it's only going to take a property owner one time to be cited for them to make sure well sometimes it takes more than one that that may that may be so that may not be so but I've been at Code Compliance meetings where the police have been there as Witnesses and where fines were levied um it's great to let the contractor know whomever is picking up the permit but the bottom line is to Art's point the workers don't know so they have a crew coming in they sub it out to some company and they don't know so the Maybe the owner knows and the main contractor developer knows but the workers don't so I kind of like the idea of putting a sign up and put it up in three languages and say these are the hours in this community and no work outside these hours and I mean that's legal Brad we could do that we would have them to do it we have to make modifications to our code yeah with regards to the permitting but what do you guys think about something like that could we also utilize the app to put a push notification out to Residents to refresh them with the code process and what our hours are because a lot of times when I get these uh complaints from residents and I refresh them what the hours are they don't even know they don't know what the hours are for business days for weekends or holidays they don't know what the requirements are for the construction so they don't know that it's it some of these violations are I mean 6 a.m people are showing up to work and they and or you know they're way past the hours aren even close could we put a push notification out to our residents so that way they know what times that we you know require so that way when more informed and we report more often because that's the main thing we need the other things reported so they can be tracked and violation can be can be given maybe something like uh some messaging through the app is a reminder residents you know these are these are the the hours of construction is allowed but I I aside from that I do like the idea of posting something at the site so I like what you're saying too but the problem is when that goes out everyone sees it and then a week later do they remember but the sign is there and the people who live all around it are like that place is a pain in my ass and the sign's right there in front of them and they know what to do so it can be all of the above yeah I think it's that's one of those things that I would ask the manager to figure out which one of those combination of things need to happen within the budget that you have it could be the flyer printed app for every permit that it gets uh push through it could be a sign it could be messaging to the community every once often I think it's more a question to you as a manager Chris as to how would you fix the issue that people don't know that they still being violated maybe have a plan for a next meeting or so the point about the sign is we that doesn't cost us anything Brad's saying we can require them to put it up we can be specific about what it has to be and it's a requirement when they put the construction fence up the sign goes up so I think what we do is um like Chris and the Chief Building official and and myself mull it over and and try to come up with some if that works with the manager to try to come up with some uh possible solutions and um we can see if it requires an ordinance um Amendment then we can prepare that for um if there's something less intrusive than that that still will accomplish what you're all looking for we'll present that I think that would be helpful I I do like the idea of having something at the site too if if possible I think it would be helpful sure as a as the code representative more Janie Anderson 11905 Northeast 11th Place kind of of a little of both your emphasis tonight seems to be on when it when something is permitted when there's a contractor involved there are a lot of us in the village that are do-it-yourselfers and not because not everything requires a permit but some of those things are loud and noisy and still need to conform to the hours so it's really critical that you look at avenues be it the app be it emails whatever next door to make sure all of us as individuals know that because it's not just contractors that have the potential to abuse the hours we can but too we don't know any better yeah certainly I think that's part of the messaging is is get something out to the residents to the app so got a couple of things we can we can jump on so I have a couple more real quick things sure so um uh the other complaint that I hear so much is and I'm hoping I'm not the only one uh welcome to the club so um uh construction parking on the medians our construction vehicles all over the median so I talked to Brad about this and my understanding always was that we cannot enforce parking on the medians unless there's a sign on that median saying no parking but Brad is saying in the case of construction vehicles because it is in our construction code there do not have to be signs there they are they're beholden to No Parking On The medians if they're if they are uh the contractor or an employee of the contractor subcontractors all of them them it's in our code already so that can be enforced and again they don't know it see that's the other and that's the other thing that could be that sign could also say and no parking on medians and public property may could just be part of the part of the signage yeah well I I think that that's a different issue so what we were talking about previously with the with the construction noise you're requiring the property owner to post a signage on the construction site itself it's a it's a separate issue when you're now requiring the property owner to post on on another a different piece of property that's not dis no I didn't mean on the median post on that same sign or another sign saying construction workers no parking on the median you saying put it at the yeah put it at the construction site because the workers see it there they go to work their work site is the construction site so when they show up for work there's a sign there that says no parking on the medians you will be F by the village of biscane Park if the no again to the property owner oh that's to the property your boss will be fed by the village of escap exactly if the notice is meant to just inform about code about certain code restrictions then it seems like that might fall into I mean sounds like something You' be able to look into when you got of convene so we we I as far as what we're talking about now I have because this was I was asked to look into this with regards to the placing the signs on on the median which would be a problem um the signs on the construction site itself is a different animal and and we'll have a discussion about that I do want to touch base with the Chief Building official because I just want to make sure there's nothing in contradiction with the Florida building code in doing that which I don't believe there is but I'm not an expert in the Florida building um the as far as the um the median goes I mean the village could certainly put signage up in those areas because they're public areas that are owned by the Village if if they chose to do so um and but I I misunderstood what what what um commissioner Kennedy was talking about if if we cannot require I haven't found it anywhere and from based on my research you we cannot require a property owner put any type of signage temporary Improvement like a fence or anything of that nature on on another property whether it be public property or a neighboring property anything of that nature he's saying that because I had initially asked him I'm sorry Jonathan if if we could require that they put construction fenes up to put one up on the median to protect the median he said no we can't require them to put a fence on our property see so if if the understanding from what I'm hearing is that there doesn't need to be a signed to restrict them from parking on the medium they can enforce now if if construction what there's construction going on construction vehicles are parking on the median it's a it's a code violation and the property owner get cited for their contractors parking on the meeting so then I think the idea at this point is then if we're posting if we're requiring a posting on the construction site to inform the workers or the contractors that these are the codes that you're required to adhere to um that we can include something about the media on there I think that's all it is more informative yeah okay but again that's something we will come back to you yeah definitely okay Loop that all in one conversation okay thanks done that uh and I I have a question if it's a followup to that so if you are parked on the median press and the owner calls um you know someone the owner of another property but like a neighbor driving by sees a truck right parked in the middle of the street or parked in the middle of the of the median they call code is that something because sort of a time sensitive um how does it work because you know it could be like it's parked right there call you you make the code complaint and then if the code officer arrives no one's there the there's no citations to be done is that how it would work because I'm telling you a case of um a neighbor call me about this truck being sort of an over here by 8th Avenue where we have a small media in the middle so no two cars are able to go through and it was blocking the drive right so it was blocking the way and Essence took over 30 minutes you know they Co code and obviously nobody got there on time so the question is what do I do this keep happening but it's at 15 20 30 minutes intervals but they keep doing it and to the point where contractors were being um rude you know even making gestures of like I don't care like I'm here of course because they don't have to deal with it at the end of the day it's the owner of the property so what is the right way to sort of grab those time sensitive code issues like this um in a in a way that can sort of hit a nerve on the contract or kind of catch them so we can you know they can feel that that's actually being enforced so there's a couple different issues here one is contractors parking on the median while they're working on a house and that falls under code another issue is the Lawn Company working on the median that's not part of construction that's not permitted and that's where we've had some confusion in the past between the police department and administration trying to figure out was what can be cited and how that can be done um regardless of third situation you mentioned with the vehicle blocking road that is an immediate call to police and they will respond police versus code and in the in the case of the landscape or even the construction even if they're there for 30 minutes unless you catch them then there is no violation to be noted so that the point is if you keep seeing it as an owner talk to your neighbor being the owner of the project and address with them the fact that their Construction Company they've hired continues to violate a code that you cannot enforce basically they're their 30 minutes 40 minutes whatever it is but it might be blocking the way or so the first approach would always be approach your neighbor let them know that this is happening and unless it's C caught in time nothing can be done unfortunately the neighbor often isn't LLC you know it's not Mary Smith you know it's some company developer who's you know working on the project that's the tricky part so we can't consider uh landscaping companies to be construction somehow because it's not permitted but aren't they permited to work in the village does that help us enforce in any way so to finish the the answer to your question um we'll be working I'm there is confusion like I said between the police department and the administration on perking issues overall okay um with our acting Chief currently that's one of the items on the agenda because this is this seems to be a recurrent recurrent yes exactly um there were questions about whether or not ordinances need to be posted and whether we can site under the village or whether we have to site under count or what all that looks like so that's definitely something that we're working on the the challenge that we run into is our Cod Department is not an emergency response Department um so we can't we don't have a prog programmatic way to to prioritize calls or cases for them um and that's that is something that we can definitely look at moving forward as well but one of the things that I want to have a good conversation with our attorney on is what what options do we have for citing those Vehicles construction or otherwise that are on the medians so we're going to be working at that because that is like I said a recurring issue and I think to to that point just to give you another example that got to me was the barking dogs right I have two hours of a barking dog it's constant and it's happening and eventually I do call code by the time they arrived dog was not to be found but this is a recurrent time you know 3 P.M 4 pm every other day and so to that point I think making a clear division as to where that's already elated to the police department or is it within the code maybe an emergency sort of a protocol to be found but it is it's good to know that that needs to be seen because it has been I think a very blurry because the feedback is oh code is not there they are not answering my phone right so I think it's not that's not true I mean they're doing what they need to do but there are certain things that are time sensitive that might not being you know that residents don't feel they're being acted on so something to think yeah until we get clarity the best advice I can give is if it is an ongoing situation s such as noise such as somebody parked where they shouldn't be um such as a I don't know a neighbor complaint about something or another if it's a time-sensitive issue that should go to the police the police can decide um to write the report in some circumstances they can forward that report to code to have the owner cited um but if it's ongoing reach out to the police and then they will figure out how to make it all uh what action to take Chris that brings up another question for me uh this same same kind of thing happened to me a resident called me and said hey I I boed a code complaint through the app and they didn't get back to me to close the case till the day after construction worker had completely Brock blocked the road with a dumpster they had left in the road obviously that should have been forwarded up to police but they took a picture and submitted on the app is there any way that we can be tracking that with code and say hey that's not a code issue that's a time sensitive it needs to be forwarded to police and we can be identifying those things and forwarding them or is that something we need Clarity on how can we track those things and forward them to the more appropriate agency to handle it the the app and the workflows are new to us um we didn't start really actively using it until probably Midway through April um we can work on building those processes in where if something comes in anytime an anytime an incident is submitted on the Epico that department had on the challenge that we have in a small V Village like this is the department head may be out in the field doing something so we're not going to have that immediate immediate response um the best thing to do again is let the presidents know if it's something ongoing at the time reach out to the police and then the police can determine where to go from there um but as we look at building out this system and finding the best way to use this system that's definitely something that we can look at trying to have some sort of triage for issues I have a quick followup to that and then I have one more quick things Jon Jonathan under code so we're talking about Chris calling the police that's the other source of confusion who you call you're a resident something one of these things is happening who do you call is it a n is it 911 is there a phone number people say I called I can't there's no local police number what we need to whatever the answer is we need to make sure people know what it is because no no one knows what to do I can't call the police there's a police number on the website that they call no one answers then they get really upset so what do we do well it it shouldn't be 911 because that is not an emergency you do not want to bog down not only do you not want to bog down the emergency system it's uh it's it's a criminal offense to bog it down for for non-emergency something you know is non-emergency call um there should be a non-emergency number through police that can be reached and that is handled it's just not handled is in the same priority as a 911 call understand no one knows what that number is there should be I mean it 3054 police in the the whole County 305 I know you know I'm talking about average resident out there who's seeing something happen no one knows no one knows who to call so I hear that all the time so yes so the answer would be the non-emergency number that commissioner Amsler just uh provided I think we need to make that more visible because people never know who people never know who to call I call the Village Hall I call a lot of people have I guess there used to be a police number a direct police number to the village that people have and they call it I don't know where that number came from they say I found it online and they're calling numbers and no one's answering so we need to make all of that visible as well I think apparently not I don't know okay my last thing is regarding the Cod report would you like an answer to the question residents need to call Miami day County dispatch which is 3054 police that number is on the web website um it's going to be on the new police uh police department sign that we have up there um it's on the contacts excuse me contacts on the app I hear what everybody is saying about the challenges reaching the police department the bottom line is our Police Department is dispatched by Miami day County anytime our officers go out for a call for service for safety reasons we need to know where they're going and who they're dealing with for those reasons we can't call Village Hall and say send me an officer because has to be within the dispatch system the downside to that is we have zero control over what happens at Miami D County dispatch if they're having a big 911 day um our calls may go on hold for for much longer than we need to or that we would like to I should say um there's there's unfortunately nothing we can do to get around that we we have to go through Miami day County dispatch so we'll certainly look at more places to put that number like I said it is on the website it is in the app um and for everybody listening tonight it's 3054 police just a piggyback on what the manager saying he's absolutely correct um the call takers at least in most um 911 call centers the 911 call centers are also handling the non-emergency calls so obviously they are going to prioritize 911 calls as opposed to the non-emergency number so there is going and manager is absolutely right on a very busy day of emergency calls for service unfortunately and it's not this is not just Miami D County happens in all the big municip big counties that are run rower County I've heard the same complaints Palm Beach County same complaints that people stay on hold on these non-emergency numbers because there dispat well whatever we can do to make the number more visible Chris just a quick question uh about uh when like Googled biscan Park police phone number it gives you a number 305 89 37490 do you have any idea what number that is no Google has some funky information on it it's had funky information on we're get we're working I dialed it and it just rang and rang that's probably what people are doing yep that's that's why we put the we've had some issues with lots of Google information oh because this one it's 893 doesn't S maybe it's like he looks like it's just an old number that I think it's an old number yeah okay okay one other quick thing code so uh on the code report trash trash cans and bulk trash are one item and that confuses me a little bit because trash cans are administrative citation they're not treated as a violation but I see on this report for example trash can/ bulk trash courtesy no courtesy notice civil citation 43 of them uh 43 total records 15 resolved but it was my understanding that trash cans out or an administrative citation they wouldn't be a courtesy notice or or um a civil citation or notice of violation I thought bulk trash was handled that way but trash cans out when where and when they're not supposed to be is an administrator citation that's just an immediate put a ticket on it we have a that so your question is whether or not we should be issuing administrative citations or you're asking for this to be split out I want to make sure I understand well I think if there were split out it' be easier to understand because right now I'm looking at 43 and I don't know if it's 43 bulk piles or 43 trash cans or 43 combined I don't know what it is but trash cans are trash cans out on the wrong day in time is an administrative impation and that's what that would be not courtesy notices definitely don't get a courtesy notice with a administrative citation right but you it's an administrative citation it's an immediate ticket it's not a that's not what that is I know they're separate because I've definitely been hit for the bulk one before which I think I ended up paying not not too long ago maybe we can just separate those out if uh if they're able not always that's a request that we can make for code that's it thank you cool um okay so I lost my agenda that takes I think that takes care of code compliances unless there's any other questions before we move into Finance hearing none okay oh you're up so we have a few things to cover briefly today in our report if uh I guess I'll start with the financials uh I did not put a cover on this uh month's financials which I typically do and Ma Mac and I were talking about it uh I reviewed the financials uh when they came out the 29th and they were absolutely unremarkable I did not find one thing I wanted to talk about uh with one exception the uh there's one little Nuance we have a newer commissioner and uh just for your sake the others have have asked me this question at least three times each uh that why is the police budget o over budget and I was going to ask I know I know it's not over budget because there's a revenue line that covers the off duty and it and it's over $210,000 in current revenue and the overage in the account is 185 and so you can see it's it's a pass through it's a pass through and there's really no way to fix that in accounting rules without creating the police department under its own funds so it's Revenue matches but because our the way our operating fund works is there's no Revenue in you know with each department so it's just one of the little minor Nuance of our of our budget the rest of it all tracking very nicely uh there and like I said there's nothing of of Merit to talk about all the lines are well well well with under one or two perc so that and this is a time of year when you're you really it's too early to to to forecast too much about the end of the year and how we're going to look but as a as your entity goes you're you're actually very traceable you're you're not you don't have a lot of unusual expenses uh that that disrupt your your ability to operate so with that if you'll accept that when I do get something really terrible to announce to you I'll be sure to put it in a cover memo uh it won't happen but uh but in all seriousness uh congratulations to your manager he's picked up the coding exceptionally well that's a big problem historically here is the identification of funds and expenses used to get lost and with turnover it's hard to uh to know that uh well and guys have done a great job and that's why when we do our budget we say what is that why is that that amount it shouldn't be that amount because things were coded wrong so now remember that happen it will still happen but we're trying to get ahead of it for your budget cycle I like your reports if you just put nothing everything's unremarkable in this case we like being unremarkable and I did not bury the lead uh if the clerk could put the uh this the PowerPoint slide up on the screen if that's possible could you put the PowerPoint up S working on that now oh I'm sorry it's it's your job I interrupted him it's fine with me uh but the uh information came out from the property appraiser that our ADV vorm value uh did go up again a little over 133% uh it was 18 a little over 18% last year that's a still a pretty steep climb which is wonderful uh it is a little bit of a lessoning and there you can see on on there if you want to see uh I think it's what's that 413 million 413 correct there's no way I can read that number from here but I I did remember it so uh you can see the curve or the the slope of our of our property value is pretty smooth uh just graphically thinking about it and that's a good sign and that's what we expected if you could go to the second slide so this is a little less smooth but the either one just leave it on that one that one's fine uh this is your history uh or the history I have of your village and we came in right at the beginning of 2016 or and you had a hurricane you were recovering from right in 2017 and you dip down to $400,000 or so in your fund balance that is not enough money to operate in October November and December which is exactly when that happened you were very close to having a zero balance in in your entire municipality uh at that time it was a really great time to be your Finance director uh we had a loan we got fixed we did a lot of historical things that got you and you got yourselves on on a good path in a hurricane recovery so that correct curve going up and up is ideal that you're that's your fund balance that's your money in the bank for emergencies and such like that and projects which is what you've heard me talk about the last couple years is that's what we're trying to get you to is control on one side so you can go crazy on the other side and catch up with all that deferred maintenance and that's you know generally how I like to look at it because if you're throwing money at the problems you're doing your jobs right so that's that's my job is to help you identify that amount of money and your manager to help you prioritize it so uh I wanted to end my report with nothing but good news as always and uh and just let you know our budget cycle will kick off uh we're we're going to start it actually tonight with the solid waste in a minute here uh and that starts the the non- adorm assessment part but that gets adopted along about the same time as your budget final adoption it's up to the your your schedule when you want to do that but you need need you need to set that rate uh this month if possible which you're doing and there's no you'll hear in a minute that there's no increase there either so that's good news it's on that point very quickly Paul are you going to be uh sticking around with us too when we get to 11 yes you moved it up we moved it up yes so I appreciate that the expectation that but I wouldn't have to go far right okay before you jump off the podium can you just um clarify for all of us in layman's terms um this means we can dig in and use 3.3 million on the dog park correct absolutely you can have whatever you want I you just have to pay for it um no so you're you're looking at it if you were to keep your ass what this means is if you to keep your your millage rate exactly the same you would have an increase of about $400,000 uh that's not what you typically do you typically the last few years have been rolling back a little bit going back to the previous year assessment level in terms of Revenue and then you go up a little bit that's your typical pattern uh in the last three or four years if I'm accurate there uh but that's your your call if you if you had to do something you could without increasing the actual millage rate which if you're not familiar with how the roll back works is it's it's really the value and how much money you get that's your rate and if you go up you have to treat it that way uh and so you're in that position where that's good news another $400,000 uh just think of what that would have been like in 2016 2017 that's a lot of money in terms of your history but you're a different animal now you you have great Investments you're using your CIT funds just the the whole maturity of this Village is the best it's ever been I can see that in the math news Paul We're not gonna mess it up either great thank Paul thank you very much for the presentation did I answer that question thoroughly absolutely thank you sir um so go ahead and um ask the commission at this time if they have questions for Paul no looks like you're off the hugy Paul thanks so much we appreciate the information look forward to asking questions about the resolution sure thanks a lot Paul um okay so our next report would be Parks and Rec um there any questions we have the director here I'm sorry Public Works sorry parks and wreck and police department come before you apologies um do we have any questions uh for the parks and uh Recreation report at this time I have one quick question Chris um well first I'll tell you guys so uh some residents who are one pickle ball here were asking about that Miami Shores uh change the fee structure over there and non-residents pay a whole lot more and up so uh I thought oh I wonder if they would extend their resident rate to us because we're their you know neighbors next door so uh I I suggested that to Chris he shared that with Issa Issa called the Public Works manager over there who he knows and they had a conversation about if that would be possible Chris do you know where that went he was Issa last night email I saw that Issa included me on was he was waiting for a response they kind of had to run it through Administration or the commission I'm not sure yeah we still don't have a we still don't have a response they've done that for other municipalities um for the uh low low price of $50,000 so we're still working on seeing if there's a way around that they uh yeah because they they there is a precedent there they do it with the pool or the what but they don't have a pool what is that a splash kitty it's an aquatic center they extend Bay yeah somebody over there yeah so anyway we're my sure sorry y yeah I think they I think they extended that rate to to biscan park residen no we asked one time and they said no no they didn't actually I have updates on the exact same thing so I was going to put on my report but if if I can now if you want to if we before you go on so if we could hopefully we'll get an answer from them that our residents can get a reduced rate at the pickle ball courts there that would be really nice so are you asking are you asking did you ask formally or is it there's been a didn't ask for anything I just saided to Chris who shared it with Isa that I wonder if they it's a much lower rate for their residents if they would allow our residents to go in at their resident rate because we're their neighbors in the tri Village area okay just extend their rate to us has that done formally done already yeah that's that's the discussions he says having the initial responses it the the sharing Arrangement um we have to pay them for the use of their services or the use of their facilities and it's about $50,000 okay so yeah so I I spoke to um our attorney what was a couple months ago about this um and I I got the I requested for public records the deal that they currently have with bal Harbor so B Harbor pays $60,000 now pickle ball no they pick $60,000 to use the Aquatic Center okay and so what it does is it gives them the opportunity to go to a resident rate and so my trying to figure it out reading through the contract was sort of what it included to get to the ability of going to the Aquatic Center without an additional rate and I was trying to see what they meant for us sort of to put it as an discussion item during budget season so that's something they'll come down the road one thing I did speak to the different Commissioners you know um there's a new commissioner that um sort of was appointed recently as well I met with a couple of them about this and what they did suggest is to reach out directly to the manager about keeping the same rate for The Aquatic Center um at that time you know in a very informal setting the feedback was that shouldn't be an issue to get that the same rate for what just for The Aquatic Center so I just us paying the $60,000 to Har P us paying just residents what residents pay the I know this is a a big ask considering that bal Harbor has has already a contract in place and that sort of sets precedent but we are right next door and I know for a fact and actually verify this um they're not a capacity so my point was if we were to reach out to them I'm not asking for us to sign a contract when our residents live next door and most have pools already I'm saying that for those that don't if there is not a capacity we are allowed to go at a resident rate so this just put it in context just for um the Aquatic Center okay well and maybe a budget time to your point we could sort of take the two topics and morph them together into one and maybe work something out with them something there is an opportunity to explore again I think the question is about uh cost benefit because not everybody wants to use a pool over there they have their own Etc they have memberships on other clubs but the point here came from a lot of moms request in this and so this took a month a few months and that's why I didn't put in the agenda because it wasn't really digested yet but since I see riching out for the shores I just want to be careful that we're doing that and the concept of one thing is they have all the summer camps and there summer camps I'm not sure that they actually increase our rate what happens and I have my kid enroll on it is just that they increase the rates overall so I think the percentage of increase increments is the same um so basically we we're paying sort of if we pay 20% more before we're paying 20% now more it's just that the Baseline of the registration has increased so for our pockets all of us are suffering that so I think it's it's a great thing that would have I I hardly see that they would agree to it but if we can sort of Park this until budget season maybe there's something to do um and uh sort of kill two birs with one Stu yeah if I could just to that point um having a commissioner reach out to a commissioner um is a lot more than having a manager reach out to a manager because we're all in the same position we can only deal with the commission approves um so if you can assist with that and reach out to the other Commissioners there that would help in the effort so I already did I already did the feedback I received was it's just a matter of the manager contacting our manager and requesting it to be addressed in a way with the staff to allow this to happen if it's as simple as that you can pick up the phone call tomorrow AB um I don't think it's going to be that simple and I was doubting telling you this because I don't want to make it so simple to the point that you they say no so I just wanted to have sort of more information before maybe even a letter as a commissioner s requesting that it be considered signed by all of us um that could be presented during a commission meeting over there since I have already spoken met with three of the five Commissioners um we're I'm closer to making that in a in a way that it's not just a call and someone saying oh we cannot do that because then we're hit a wall umut so I think if we that's why I didn't bring it up before I was just I thought having the contract that we kind of looked into and maybe put in a number that made sense according to our villagers because I don't want to say we're 3,000 people using the book is it might be actually a lot less um then we can maybe negotiate something but something for the budget season I think absolutely thank you okay uh anything else for parks and rec before we move on all right um Police Department report do we have any questions or issues uh to bring up with respect to the police report I do well that's um I have a couple questions for the police report let me get um so one thing I noted I noticed sorry on the traffic portion of the report is that our numbers have decreased by 50% that from previous month and I was wondering and if this had to do with less patrolling or actually people listening and slowing down so if you can address because I saw the numbers for the prior months were really high and I know there was you know operatives are happening all the time and we have additional hours that we sort of Staff specific designed for traffic measures so can you explain sort of that relationship yeah last month there were four special traffic enforcement details um I'm sorry the the previous month there were before last month we only had two so that's the difference I would love to be able to say it's because we don't catch Speeders because they're all slowing down I was being very optimistic yeah to know that that was happening so fast but I figured I had to do with that okay and then I had another one it says on the report that there's going to be a reapplying for the accreditation um I wanted to understand what that means what did does it mean to reapply for the accreditation is there a cost to entry to apply for accreditation and sort of where does it leave all the work done so far we have approved in several commissions increase in the police budget for purchases it had to do with specific accreditation issues so how is that relate to reapplying where we add and I and I kind of jump to that to add to the question in my head I am wondering if you were to figure relative uh figuratively find a bar that is from zero to 100% done how far did we get to previous year and what's left if we do reapply sure um reapply is a bit of a misnomer um we are already we have been in the process of accreditation um since last year um major Navaro was running that effort um things stopped when we had that change um Chief steel has picked that back up so it's less of a reapply and more of a more of a pause um the funds we've allocated are the only funds that we're going to need um there is still work going on behind the scenes a lot of prepping for accreditation is getting our um Sops into a system called Power DMS um making sure that all of the Sops that we need um have been written in our ower DMS so that's that's what he's currently doing the second component of that is once we have everything in power DMS we need to make sure all of our staff members um are trained either review or are trained on those Sops um training um as you saw in my in my report training um has had some issues um so he's already working on those training plans so that we can start getting that in so once the Sops are in then we can complete the training and then the final step of accreditation is having them come out to do the audit on us so we are still um I've have almost daily conversations with Chief seal on this we are still where we need to be um he's promising for sure by the end of the year um he's actually promising a lot earlier than that but I want to push us to the end of the year just because we don't know what's G to happen we credit yep absolutely okay so that bar is almost to be completely full you're saying with every sort of task that needed to be Tak correct okay thank you that's it he do we have any other questions uh for 8 Police Department report I have a couple of things um Chris I sent an email and I didn't expect to get a response I sent it right before the meeting I was in here catching up uh on the police report there are short-term vacation rental calls what are those calls it's not clear are they people complaining about short-term vacation rentals or is it calls from those rentals for some reason there's a bunch of them it's both so if a resident calls to compl about the noise that's included an STV or calls for service if there is a um domestic or Breakin or burglary or something at an stvr those are also so they're separated out from the other if any one of us had the same call if it's from a short-term Runner you're saying those are separated out in that column as well correct one of the questions the commission had several meetings ago was how much time are we spending on stvs and this is representation of that that's what I was asking for so that's great to see um and then when we're talking to people and sharing the police information this is another thing that they would want to use that you know 3054 police number for [Music] um um what's the status of the traffic detail that we approved a couple of meetings ago that is currently on hold we have some other important issues that we're working through at the police department at the moment and then the other thing I'm just going to say as a comment is it's awkward to me to see a police report two months in a row that doesn't make any mention of what else is happening in our Police Department it's the official report of that department doesn't mention that uh the chief was put on administrative leave and that some other things happen it seems to me that should be in a police report because this is the official report from the Department for the month and if you looked at this from the outside looking at biscane Park you would have no idea that something was going on in biscane Park Police Department so I think it's odd that that's not in there um well I hope when we get past this other stuff Chris we can get that traffic detail up and running again because I thought that was well we heard from then deputy chief steel now Chief steel we heard from him that that was the solution that they thought would make the biggest impact I asked him directly what would make the biggest impact and he said that and that's why we approved it so I'm hoping we can get that rocking and rolling here soon um okay so do we have any other questions about the police report at this time no right hearing none um so let's go ahead go to Public Works Mr director um do we have any questions for the director on on his report for the month I do are you going to come up and okay um so the biggest thing that jumped out of me is 115th Street is sinking in the ground so that kind of was startling to see I knew that there were issues there but it didn't it sounds like it might be kind of serious so what's going on there and and is that some I mean is that something that we're going to go back to the contractor who did the work on that street about good evening mayor vice mayor Commissioners um that is something that started ever since I arrived and uh I believe the project is now two or three years old was that done when you got here that was long done when you got here long done okay uh so we would have to go back to the contract documents to see what T warranty period was on that work uh I am in the process of getting a sewer company out here the same company we use for cleaning the drains to go ahead and TV the line to see if there's anything internally that has failed and that is why we're having a lot of collapse or just sloppy workmanship when it was backfilled so you're going to find out and then figure out who who is responsible for this who's going to be responsible for correct that was a big project that was that that particular drain project was am I correct that it was like the entire block or yes yeah that that was one of the really really big ones yes um yeah so that was distressing to see that the street is collapsing I I have to drive there and look at it myself I haven't seen it yet yeah I mean it's not impassible it's still safe to drive on you're not worried about filling in the depressions to make sure it's safe but it is the length of the trench so um the Irma FEMA audit is still on there as well is this still them us just producing more documents so we don't have because they were they officially asked us for some money back at one point $67,000 I believe they're requesting back uh we're they're still requesting that yes we're still in the process of uh gathering information regarding what took place during that time so we're still trying to show them things that would justify us not having to pay that back correct awesome pictures of what was allowed as far as the hangers and the actually truck receipts for for the disposal of it um just real quick on that we do have and Paul correct me if I'm wrong we do have those funds budgeted so if IMA comes back and says our proof is not valid or not good enough it's not going to be a huge financial hit if we are able to make that proof then we have $667,000 to play with it's in it's in as a line item okay okay uh and now recently there's been a a bunch of um well complaints uh people regarding bulk pickup and the size of piles and some confusing some language that they find to be confusing I understand that I know I've told people the language didn't change I showed them the language it's very clear that it didn't change uh certainly not recently anyway uh but uh they're questioning why uh why some piles are being picked up why they aren't that 4 foot length they're confused about because the language says four foot bundles I don't know that anyone bundles anything bundle to me means tie it up or something and turn into a bundle I never bundle any of my stuff I do get it to four feet and just pile it up they never seem to have a problem taking my stuff they manually pick it up um but some people are complaining about that I'm going to guess you probably heard about this from some people yes we have discussed that with great waste there is no regulation requiring you to cut it to 4 feet or bundling in our ordinance from what the research I've done if we are to require them to do that we need to change our ordinance and update it uh it's in the trash uh the brochure it's in that brochure yeah exactly yeah so are we obligated to that then yeah well if it's in our contract absolutely we're we're obligated to them yeah so it is it's not in the contract there is nothing something they wrote on that brochure but there's nowhere I could find a a link to that yeah I couldn't find the contract I was looking for it today and I asked someone to send it to me I hope I'll get it this week probably but um I thought there was language in there about the size of it I remember because remember we went through that thing like you know crazy I are you're certain you went through the contract and you don't see it in there I haven't found it yet okay I'm GNA when I get a I requested it from pamel and Chris so when I get a copy of that I'll take a look as well um and then I do remember art maybe you'll remember this as well in the contract we had quarterly pickups we had four like extra pickups for the village that were in that contract I'm remembering that correctly right yes that's the other reason I wanted to see the contract yeah so how are we using them Chris or one whoever unfortunately the residents are not aware of that language that came up recently with a gentleman that was requesting the pickup and it was exorbitant the amount that they wanted to charge the code says that their to four cubic yard pickups four times a year and that they have to schedule it through the manager's office obviously no one's aware of that so they're only aware of the two cubic yards that they're allowed to on a weekly basis uh that has not been played in we what I've tried to do with great waste is on the piles that they are going out there to to size to to ask them to start crediting the four cubic yard on a collections big collections m and jot them down as to the date and time so that we could space them out four times a year so you're saying each resident gets to request their own four times a year four cubic yard pickup collections yes okay I thought it was a village-wide thing I think it maybe it was with Waste Pro or yeah was it Waste Pro before yeah yeah I think it was a Village Wide thing that we scheduled and everybody put it out the same time I remember now it's each individual like I can request four times a year they could be it could be four consecutive weeks but I only get to do it four times a year that's correct I think we need to communicate that to Residents because that's a really important thing especially heading into storm season we want them to get stuff out of their yard and clean up all right because it looks like The Village at some point did a free pickup prior to hurricane season with other companies or even with our own people back then and that's what they're banking on when they do this work and then they're finding out the the bad way that they have to pay for the pot so we need to figure out a way to communicate that to Residents to let them know they have these extra these for extra opportunities that they're bigger piles so people can start taking advantage of that okay well I'll let you guys figure out how to do that but um that's important and that would solve a lot of these problems because I know I will do a big yard weekend and I don't put it all out I put out exactly as much as I know I'm allowed to do and I roll around on it to smash it down and make it back to I do no for really I do and uh and that I'll keep more in the backyard and you know over consecutive weeks I'll get rid of it um but we need to let people know about these bigger pickups so however you guys want to work that out with residents that'd be great um and then also let people know we need to confirm this bundling thing in the size because it is in the flyer I looked at the flyer again today I knew it was in there because I helped get that thing written actually proofed it but I haven't found it in new in the in the contract okay that's all I have thank you well I do have one quick question for you the the update on the vehicles that were donated to us the um I'm sorry I can't hear you the the update on the vehicle that were donated to us um is there any update on the speed trailer specifically on the what none of those speed trailers are worth repairing Unfortunately they gave us everything they had but there's a lot of uh uh Scavenging that happened to the speed trailer before they got to us so it's better for us to sell off all that equipment and out of the proceeds there may be for a new Speed trailer understood thank you very much thank you you okay uh so uh let's move on to our clerk update Adam clerk do you have anything to add do we have any questions on the clerk's report I do actually does someone else have something no um so I I heard from a couple of new board members that they're confused they don't you want to address that um um I'm aware of the confusion and we are uh the deputy Clerk and I have sat down to set up a system so that people will be less confused when they're appointed to the board one of them told me he got did receive something from the village but it's it was speaking to a different board that he wasn't appointed to so you're aware of that okay aware that okay uh he just texted me today that and then um um I'm confused about how a board with new members it meets for the first time because they call their own meeting so how do we jump start the process and get the first meeting called so they can get there and make Quorum and get to work well when when they are appointed they're given the time and the date that the board is going to meet we don't ask them to have a meeting just to jump start we work them into already on the calendar until what's on the calendar and then they can discuss when they and they can go from there if if it works for you correct okay no if yeah got thank you okay thank you madam Clerk um so ADH uh Mr manager um your report absolutely um in addition to what I have on paper there have been a couple developments um just over the past seven days so last week uh the chief and I attended a conference in Austin on the conference was for the essentially a blockchain Association um some of the speakers included Lynn Martin from the New York Stock Exchange uh Ron widen senator from Oregon and chairman of the committee on finance we had Tom em Hester Pur Brian Nelson summer meringer um so these are all federal legislators and Commissioners um talking about the role of blockchain and um crypto and governance are I was asked to speak um because biscane Park is the first municipality in the nation to partner with a uh crypto focused blockchain focused Communications system helium um so they asked me to speak um sat up panel with the boys and girls club um I forget Which chapter it is in Texas they had some great conversations um we had a the moderator was uh somebody Who develops cryptocurrency wallets um had some great conversations about how nonprofits and government organizations are um embracing some of the new technology that's coming out to make things better um and less expensive so like I said we had some great connections um we did uh we flew out um on my dime um there are opportunities to have that reimbursed and that's something that I'll be bringing up um but the everything happened very quickly we wanted we wanted to make sure that we took advantage of the situation to not only make those connections and get more information but also put out the positive image of biscane Park um especially understanding that we are the first in the nation to do anything like this that's a huge feather in our cap um the other thing that I wanted to update is the next steps with the police department so we have of course appointed acting chief steel or we've appointed deputy chief steel as acting Chief um we're in the process I was hoping to today get the advertisement posted for the Chief's position um most likely it'll be tomorrow um we're moving forward with that I anticipate that posting for about three weeks um and then at that point we'll figure out what we're going to do well we'll know before then but we'll be doing the interviews and make the selection on who are next chief is going to be um there's also a few things that we're doing in the meantime um one of the items on the agenda genda tonight is the uh access control system so that was a direct result of some of the issues that we found at the police department um so we're working to take those actions as quickly as possible and that's all I have I'm happy to answer any questions I have a question Chris um earlier today uh Mrs Gren was uh on the zoom obviously very upset about some certain interactions with you um so I'd like to uh understand from your perspective uh what's what's what's going on yeah absolutely um I have a I've logged the emails and I can I'll forward them out to the commission um it's extremely surprising so in my initial communication with her and this is word for word I said Miss Gren it's my understanding the foundation removed all the books in the library as part of an effort to refresh it it's also my understanding that's now essentially bare can you please fill me in on your plans um specifically when will it be refreshed SL replenished and what is being done with the existing books so that was a question that had been asked by the commission um her response um she launched into quite a long email um it appears from the email which again I'll forward to all of you that she seems to be taking this extremely personally um as the village saying you're not doing your job um or something along those lines that were not appreciative of the efforts that she's putting in um so I had a couple more email conversations saying you know yeah let's go ahead we definitely need to meet um but we still need be answers to the questions so we need to know where those books are we need to know um who is deciding which new books to bring in because this is a municipality we can't just unilaterally decide this one person says I like this and I don't like this to trying to find out what those criteria are um it's it's been very interesting she actually I was chatting with director Thornell today she had stopped into the re Center and was extremely apologetic saying that she had had made the mistakes um and uh you know she she felt bad about it so we're getting very conflicting information um the bottom line is and what I had told her um was moving forward any projects before you start they have to be run through the village management office just so we know what's going on um the foundation had stepped in on a Saturday afternoon when nobody was there but part- timr and pulled all the books we had no Advanced knowledge that any of this was going to happen we didn't know what the plans were um I couldn't answer to what those plans were because we hadn't had those conversations so I've tried many times and we had the phone conversation I've tried many other emails asking her for that same information please fill us in let us know what's going on um and she has taken the the extremely defensive posture um stating that she feels that she's being interrogated and that we should have the or that she thinks the the the police are going to come and arrest her um it's it's just been a very interesting interaction um so the bottom line is we need more clarification on number one who's deciding which books are going which books and materials are going back into the library and number two what happened to everything that was already in there um we we can't just have well I appreciate the efforts that she's put in we can't have just one person deciding to do all of this and then just unilaterally moving in and doing it um so I'm hoping to have more conversations with her but she she said that she was thinking she was being interrogated and want to get wanted to get a lawyer and I said that's okay if you want to get a lawyer that's great just give me the attorney's information so that we know who to contact so we can get answers to the questions that the commission still has thank you if I if I can respond to that I heard slightly different versions from her and from you right now because you're reading emails and she said the email started after a conversation that she felt got aggressive and that she what I heard her say was it was phone conversations first that she felt inappropriate and then emails followed up with that is that the order that things no that's incorrect there were one two three four five six seven eight emails back and forth before the phone conversation trying to set up that conversation well clearly she's upset and felt sort of you know dumped on so I think um so I can say that um I spoke to the foundation I did not speak to to Jill um I spoke to the foundation at the spring Market um and uh it sound I had asked the same question I said I we talked about I think the last meeting said some books went missing I just I'm like I I don't know what happened just maybe you guys can tell me uh what was going on and it was it was framed to me in a way without try to put words in anyone's mouth that look we were taking out some of the old books some of them were very old they needed to be updated that's all it was so it sounds to me like again I don't want to make any presumptions but it sounds to me what was happening was the project was moving forward as as it was seemed to be fit um replacing some of the books I know there was a call for a donation for books I know they received some donated books I I donated a couple of books some book thought it was a great idea I I think the intentions are here in the right place I certainly do not want to invalidate any of the feelings that that Jill has she seems very upset and I I want to resolve those issues um I'd be happy to talk to her um and I would appreciate if you would share with us the email exchange so we can kind of yeah absolutely understand it firsthand um but I'd like to see this Amic be Amic amicably resolved um to to the extent that it can be this gets back to another point that I've brought up before board reports on our agendas because I can't get to every board meeting I try to get to some meetings for every board uh but I can't get to every meeting to personally observe what's going on but having reports from these boards so we have some insight on what they're working on allows us to sort of get ahead of things as well sure all caught me off guard as well when I got a call one day and said the entire library is gone I'm like what the whole Library it wasn't some books it was all the books so um but if we had board reports from the boards and I've asked them we've asked them in the past I'm not sure since you guys were here I think maybe prior art in our last group uh and they were pretty steady for a while giving us reports and it was great because you got to see what they were discussing at meetings and and we were able to you know shck ideas with them and collaborate with them um I'd like to see us get back to that yeah get ahead of some of these things are we not getting any reports as that what is h like what's happening with it we used to have the the first two agendas that I was here I was not aware that they went on the agenda okay um they were not on I was not aware they needed to be they needed to be put right after I found out I we reach out to them and we've stated to the boards after their meetings to provide them provide when I have them they're on okay all right that would help I think that um that would be helpful certainly because then you know we could see something in a foundation report that says this is what we're doing that way everyone knows because I think I I don't want to speak for everyone but I think I think we can all agree that we appreciate the efforts of our boards and we certainly understand and appreciate that they are volunteers that they do some great work for us and it would be nice to be able to work a little bit more harmonious with and we want them to be happy and happy to help us and look we have two boards that save us a lot of money we would have to have magistrates if we didn't have uh planning board and Code Compliance we'd be paying actual hard money for that out of our budget so they're saving us a lot of money and doing a good job and the other ones you know Elevate our experience here in the village so we want them to be happy and happy to do the work I agree I agree I also I also want to say with that said um there there is this question as to what's going on that we need to answer so to your point of we need answers yeah we need to know what's going on uh so how does that move forward from this that's my question so what's the next step and I believe Jill's on the line waiting to talk about she yeah she still is she still there you gave her space I I yeah I wrote in here when we get to the board reports there's a couple other that weren't listed that I'd like to address board reports being among them with the understanding that she would provide something to us from the perspective of the foundation um which which I still of course I'm sure we all welcome so yes I agree I I think board reports I don't know how we can go about that but Madam clerk if that's something that we can start doing again that would be very helpful um if we can coordinate that with the boards if that's something that they can help us facilitate I I'm I'm certain that we would be appreciative of it but I think what she's saying and correct me if I'm wrong you are requesting you're just not getting it well I haven't actually requested month to month but once as a matter of fact it was Miss Anderson who said to me you know put Let the reports go on the agenda and once that happened I reached out to our biggest issue has been our boards are changing correct they're new members and they wouldn't know necessarily yeah so I think as a pro I mean as a procedure thing it would be great to have an alert to them that reminds them that we need BR together like a things you need to know as a you know on as a board yes and then putting the things that we need y there sort of processes that need to be ironed but definitely I think a reminder to I mean they all have their jobs and stuff like anybody else but as it will be helpful just so they know when the deadline is for the agenda and all that stuff if we if we have any struggle with that um not placing blame on any one board or or us as a board um I would be open to Reviving The idea of liaison say that again open to the idea of Reviving The Idea very happy to have that conversation again it look where we need to embrace these people and and help them along there I think it's got to be something so let's start there if if we don't find that to be effective then liaison can be we can explore that okay before we jump into the next stuff I could just State one thing that is extremely important um as the the chief executive of the village we I I do need to know before work is being done um not because it's not authorized um the commission approved stuff like this um there are just many aspects of projects at the village that most people don't really think about because it's not in their wheelhouse um which is stuff that I as as the manager do have to think about so again not not that they have to ask permission or anything else but we need to be notified before stuff is done to Village property Village equipment so that we can ask those questions as long as we're uh talking about the rec center we're on the rec center uh topic on before we move on I want to ask about uh in the April me update you put a line item for you would be talking to the foundation talking to the rec manager and coming forward with what improvements we might need to see at the rec center I didn't see that update in the May meeting it's not on this update as well are we working towards that was that part of this conversation with the foundation to see what they're doing and what what could when could we see those lists of of improvements and updates we need uh things like the shades over the playgrounds have been torn for over over over a year now uh the mulch is in desperate need of of REM mulching and what's going on with the foundation and and their work in the interior yeah absolutely that's going to be part of the July report we've had some communication challenges um I will say that the mulch is going to be ordered within the next couple of weeks um so we're get some of that work done um we need to have what I what I expect us to have at the end of the conversation um especially with the foundation is a list of those projects that we need to accomplish from Issa from the director thel's perspective um approximate costs of those and then which of those projects the foundation wants to tackle or take on or support I have h two quick questions for you Chris on two of the line items in the report here uh the first is the uh the slab setting settling slab settling at Village Hall I seem to recall and I could be mistaken but I seem to recall an email saying that um that it was settling faster than than anyone had anticipated um but it's saying here that it's not urgent it can wait is is that no longer the case I just you know from a safety perspective from a foundation perspective I'm just curious we director pen if you want to speak to it the the bottom line is we wouldn't have expected that to settle this quickly um the manner in which it's settling it seems to have stabilized and it's not affecting the rest of the structure um so it's not we don't have walls cracking or ceilings cracking or anything like that so it is definitely it's it's happening quicker than it should but we have time to deal with it correct on a 10-year-old building 11y old building you expect to see that kind of sinkage obviously it goes back to workmanship done at the time it has look it looks like it has stopped at this point we did have three companies come in here and give us proposals on how to raise it back up and stabilize it but they are quite expensive so we're waiting to see which approach we take is this something that can we might be outside the time frame but this isn't if this is a workmanship issue it wouldn't it be something that we could address with folks that did the work 10 to 15 years later I don't think so okay that's what I figured outside the time frame um okay well I I appreciate the update um one other one that I wanted to um mention the fencing at Village Hall for the for the septic Mount um there was a few there were a few residents that had reached out um and proposed kind of an interesting workaround something that doesn't look quite as um I don't knowly um some proposals about uh planting something in that area to kind of keep people off of that area of course I understand that there's you know there still have to be access to the septic underneath it but sounded like a really interesting workaround there were a few folks that actually volunteered to say that they would they would volunteer their time and they have the knowledge um to do something like that is it something that we could explore because I like that workaround a whole lot better than fencing yeah absolutely it's definitely something we can explore um that's unfortunately lower down on my priority list I haven't done anything with fencing or planting um but yeah absolutely yeah I mean I think I think it's a fantastic idea it's such a such a great way to avoid an eyesore I agree and it's on my list but I want to ask add one thing to it I'm I'm still confused why we need it are cars driving up over it I mean I know you don't want cars to drive on it but do we have an issue with people driving up over the mound we don't because we have cones there but there were the cones are a recent addition for years there were no cones there that that I can't speak speak to the cones have been there since I've been here in my experience we need to have some sort of demarcation between the septic mound um the biggest my biggest fear is if we remove those cones late at night when it's dark you can't see that there's a mound there and if somebody were to take out a section that mound would be an extremely expensive repair so spending you know a few dozen few thousand a few dozen thousand dollars um now is going to save a lot of money in the future well that kind it to me no offense sounds like a a solution in search of a problem and if you were if I was hearing that people were driving up over it and damaging it and it was drinking the septic tank or something I don't know but I just long as I've lived here it's just been there and there's been no problem commissioner um when Chris was I had the day that you called me and said you've been acting manager for five minutes and already everything's breaking loose was the weekend that we had an issue with the septic and the first thing that the guys at Public Works told me was when you call the people please remind them not to drive over the mound not tell the septic people not to right I would assume septic people would know not to drive over a septic mound I would think that that was the first thing that the guys told me to remind them so you know and it seems like I don't know seems I'm glad it's I'm glad it's low on your list Chris Jonathan I have a couple more things when you're done go that was the last one if I could just touch on this one I I see the need for it for protection of the mound because if if any car were to pass over SE think it would fall in and you have the potential from the church parking lot they have no imped between their parking and so if someone if it they had in a big event and people are trying to get creative with parking they could easily venture over in our area plus we're talking about putting a auxiliary parking lot in the coming years over there so we're and we're already parking our staff cars over there again if parking becomes an issue the potential is there My Hope was that we would when we talk about whatever solution we're going to do that was one of the pro pro sites during the CIP for putting a dog park I would hate to see us spend funds on protection just for five years six years down the line for us to tear it back up to place the dog park if that's what we choose to do so I would hope this is part of a grander plan and we're not just spending money now to tear the money up tear it up and spend more money later that mount has to be accessible right accept yeah accessible for pump out but if we decide to put a dog park or something like there I think couldn't go on the mound though I think it could to director pen if I may the fence that we were uh planning on installing out there is a ranch style fence like you see at most Miami day County Parks it wasn't around the mound it was actually between our property and the church property with an access gate to allow for maintenance uh the whole purpose is to keep the church from going on there without knowing on an event that they may be overflowing in parking so it's the actually to separate the two properties and keep it closed during the weekend especially when there's nobody here to say stop well maybe when this parking over here is addressed as well which really that's on my list I really needs to get addressed because now we're officially it's a parking lot over there on the grass and it's we're violating our own code uh if I can just jump in real quick to commissioner Huntington um the next step in the process any project like this goes on the CIP um so we'll have a rough idea of what the cost would be and then it's up to the commission to decide yes no this year 10 years from now whatever the case may be so you you'll have that control commission Kenedy uh yeah um vulnerability study is happening in it's five weeks from last night and I'm not hearing a lot of chatter about it so I'm hoping we get that thing promoted more it also concerns me it's the Monday after a holiday week Fourth of July um and last time we had a very very extremely low turnout and that company is counting on some resident input I have no idea how many people have been emailing responses and I'm going to guess that's also probably very low but we do have this event and we need to get people there so I'm hoping to see some chatter about that and we should all do our part in getting people to show for that as well the be house Chris it says on your report that you're put an additional cap person on that project I'm confused about that what is that for I thought this was already at Miami Dade County and we were waiting for an approval like we were on in line to tear it down that was my impression as well um it sounds like we had to the one step that we had to take before we go to the county is the um notice posting the notice of violation that gives them 30 days to respond um after 30 days then we go to the county so that was a that was a piece that we had not had yet sorry so we have to post it so what does that how does that involve cap they're the building official they're the ones that need to post the notice of violation for an unsafe structure oh I see I well I thought Dorene did that last time I thought she made it declared an unsafe structure know that was buil Pedro okay um so okay so it's not an additional cap person you just need cap to post a notice of violation how quickly can they do that no cap did bring in an additional staff person to work this specifically for for us um that was already was that it was last week yeah it's been it's already been posted oh awesome so we're we've taken that step and then so what are the next steps then um once the 30 days is up then we go in front of um Miami da awesome so I will say that that is going to be an expense to the village for I'm still working on the legal aspect of it legal fees aspect of it um but there will be an expense to the Village to raise to bulldoze it over there were some legal expenses as well and when we approved this a couple years ago Valerie put together costs for us on sort of what it would look like so there is a paper trail on that somewhere I'll get it from Valerie yeah it was legal fees it was filing fees it was all kinds of stuff she provided that part of it and then of course we have to pay for the Demolition and we've got to convert the property to you know whatever we have to do so I know yes we knew that money would have to be spent on that and I wholeheartedly support that um sandbag vendor in years past we if there was a hurricane and knockwood you know we haven't had one for a couple of years people went to the volleyball field and we let them fill up bags there and it was a pretty casual thing and then we replenished it do we need a sandbag vendor or can we just keep doing it that way um well first of all when um the third name storm hits I'm sending people to your email and phone box because it is named Chris so um when Hurricane Chris comes it's going to be your problem um now we one of on the list this year Chris is the third name storm I haven't seen the list that's funny yeah so if it's G to happen it's going to be the third name storm would right now please um one of the one of the solutions that we were looking at is a vendor called emergency sandbag response um they looked extremely promising um we had a demo phenomenal technology they come out with a dump truck full of sand they have an adapter on the back that fills the bags right then and there so we can bump it around the Village um we were all set to move forward with that um the attorney uncovered some language in the the contract that specifies a minimum of one truck or $27,000 so for us to use that service we have to commit to $27,000 per use if you use them or commit regardless if there's not a storm no commit to their use so if I may absolutely the way the contract's worded they have a minimum cost for deployment so oh so if we call them if we call them and say we need you they're they're going to bring at least one truck as the manager just described but we pay $27,000 for that truck whether you use $27,000 worth of sand or not if it requires a second truck same thing well the volleyball things seem to work in the past I thought the newer technology was some empty kind of tubes you put down and when the water hit them they expanded and turned into a thing that blocked blocked water it didn't use sand anymore so to to to finish my explanation um we I'm working with emergency sandbag response they offered to negotiate and going to see what that works out to be um if it's something reasonable for the village Absolutely I'll be coming forward with that um in the July meeting if not the plan is yes either at public works or parks and wreck to bring in sand bring in bags and have residents as well as staff do that bagging um the additional technology you're talking about is definitely stuff that's out there um that is traditionally used [Music] um the flooding issues that that I've the flooding issues that we traditionally have here are just a few inches stuff like that can be most cost effectively managed by sandbags um the solutions you're talking about I actually saw used a lot back home in Wisconsin along the Wisconsin River on their major barriers when water hits they expand and so on it's t typically a lot more expensive um and they handle they're typically designed to handle a lot more water than we do I think they work one time and then you it's no it's of no use the second time right that I don't know I think it's a one time use I looked into buying one one time I have a ton of sandbags at my house cuz I got them one year I'll tell you what they're no fun to drag around when they're wet when you put them out dry it's no big deal and put them away wet um okay I was really happy to see uh body uh police body cams on there I know it's not something actively being worked on we had talked about it a couple of years ago and we were told it was it wasn't I remember Nick was here at the time and it wasn't just the cost of them it was all the storage and the legal things and storing all that you have to keep it for such a period of time at any rate I'm not asking any questions I was just happy to see it on there that it's something we could possibly be discussing in the future um and then I brought up the parking lot over here I think that'll all be part of one conversation okay that's it okay uh are there any other questions on the manager report uh I have one more uh Chris I sent you an email approximately about a week ago I forwarded an email from the Florida Lega cities this kind of a question to you but an update to the commission as well I reached out to the Florida Li of cities about their Public Health Trust and the rep that I talked to was very informative she uh said that they would be delighted to quote she said that they have not quoted in the past for our our health insurance because uh they don't deal with Brokers they do directly to the municipality which is something that it seemed like our broker didn't inform us of last month and I was sad to see that she didn't inform us of that so I forwarded to Chris and Chris I just want to know if there's any update from the Florida Li of cities as far as our health insurance yeah we've been working with them I'm we the process of getting them um the roster of employees the number of employees that we have um as well as the number and types that are currently using insurance so individual employee versus employee with family and so on so as as that information comes back and that's information I'll definitely bring to the commission um I hope is we'll be able to save some money both on the villages side and the employee side maybe increased benefits we'll keep you posted thank you Chris that's awesome okay uh if there's no other questions on the manager's report we'll go ahead and um open it up to the attorney do we have any updates from you Mr attorney I think I think your mic your mic is off I will forward an email with a sum a more in- depth summary than I'm going to give you tonight but Commissioners there's two cases that I want you to be aware of that have come out fairly recently from the courts one is a Supreme Court case came out back in March of this year called uh Link versus freed um the reason why I'm letting you know about this it's it deals with um public figures using their personal Facebook accounts or other social media accounts to conduct both personal and government business and what the effect of that is and what the courts have decided without getting into all the facts is that this was a situation where a a in this case it was a it was a city manager who was using his personal Facebook account for both his personal um activities as well as including some um some of his City's activities as well he was promoting certain events through it putting information out to his personal Facebook account there was a a resident who started posting on his Facebook account things that the manager found um inappropriate and then blocked him and removed removed his um his posts and what the court found is that these items were that that basically what the manager did by using it is he made it a public Facebook account or public social media account and that he was not able to there were First Amendment implications and blocking and and deleting certain certain criteria so just want to caution you all being very careful in in doing that and if I'm not suggesting any of you are but just so you're aware of the case and again I'll in you know the facts and and all the implic is that new Brad because number of years ago Valerie told us that and she basically said don't block anyone on social media like next door I'm not on Facebook but uh next door for example don't block anyone uh don't mute them don't delete any of their posts don't delete your own post because it's record if it's a village thing it's record and it was just like if you put it up there just keep it there and let it ride there's some limitations on it you can have certain policies in place as long as you put them put the public on notice um but there are First Amendment implications when you start deleting or limiting comment or blocking them blocking them correct if it's if it's truly a public site yeah um give me a moment I'm not gonna um the other the other case was out of the 50ca here in in Florida and it just the nutshell version is there was a citizen who was recording a police officer's phone conversations with with that um police officer without that police officer's knowledge and the ultimately what happened is that police officer we had a conversation with with the representative about the wir statute she correctly stated under Florida law in order for a phone conversation in the general sense to be recorded you need all the parties consent otherwise it's a violation of state law um in this case there was no consent from the from the deputy that who was being recorded from the citiz and U they ultimately charged the individual within with violating the wiretap statute for recording the conversations um he was convicted the appell court overturned it and found that under the public auditor um concept of under the First Amendment which is basically the Public's right to audit government and government officials and carrying out their official duties that this was basically an exception to the to the wiretap statute so this deals specifically with a police officer I tried to see if there are any cases dealing with other public officials there there really not many out there but I just to put you all on notice that that is you can take the same logic that the court used when it comes to a police officer and apply it to to public any public official conducting business in public conducting business business if you were having a personal conversation they couldn't report report completely different if you and I are having a personal conversation about what your vacation my vacation whatever you can't record my conversation without my consent but there's now precedent where you don't necessarily have to consent to that phone conversation being recorded by a third party if you're discussing Village business I just wanted you all to be aware of that as I said I I'll give you more in-depth detail of the cases and the summary of The Facts so you read them at your leisure okay thanks Brad um any questions uh for uh the attorney on his report no okay so let's go ahead the the two remaining reports that I have or categories is board reports and commission report um we still have Jo on Jo we'll go ahead if uh if you're still with us um to open it up to you for a report from the foundation yes I am still with you um thank you Jill Gren 2010 Northeast 11th Court I'm the president of the foundation and now I'm speaking on behalf of the foundation just to move things along quickly we all know what I said before and what Mr Truitt said a few minutes ago my issue with him is the attitude tone demeanor that he presented me with um not the concept of needing to inform people about what's going on that's not the issue I was treated like a criminal and you will see when you look at those emails and if only you could have heard the phone conversation which what this was a series of emails at the point that I was like okay I think this guy doesn't know how he's coming across in the emails because I asked him in the emails to please not approach me the way he was approaching me because I want this to be productive I figured he's okay you know what he's not good at email I said call me he called me and it it was worse I just you all know you guys know me okay most of you I am a nice person I collaborate with people I'm not looking to force anything in the rec center this has been a long project I went around and got all permissions I informed everybody what was going on since 2021 I have now put together the whole all the minutes of all the commission meetings where I spoke where the commissioner spoke back I it it's ridiculous to act like oh nobody knows what's going on in there the issue that he's specifically bringing up okay I did apologize to Issa because I didn't Loop him in that something was happening and it wasn't even pre-planned it was something that I don't have a lot of time I suddenly had time to do a big thing we did it Issa called me and said I didn't know that this was happening I was like you know what you're I told him right away you're right I that was I'm so sorry now that was like three months ago now I have Mr Truitt emailing me in this super aggressive like in my face way and like yeah I went to the rec center after and spoke to Issa to find out what what I thought we talked about this and he's like he had no idea why I was crying I just thought wow I I thought I was doing something that people wanted I was getting tons of pressure from some residents that nothing is getting done so I felt that pressure like I got to get something done I was just trying to like execute a task there's T I don't know has have any of you been to the rec center and looked at the books have you seen the books before and have you seen the books now it's like offensive after all the work that I've done they people are acting like oh I'm she's getting rid of the entire Library you want to know what the library contain a VHS tape of Doogie Hower MD season 2 a 1987 textbook of how to manage your Architecture Firm okay if anyone on the commission or the manager or anyone can name one book one book that's missing I will replace that book with my own personal money the books everything in there is like brand spanking new okay tons of children's books hard cover brand new bookshelves bookshelves that are displaying the books so nicely there is a ton of non-children's books in there they're go look at them they're amazing everyone's talking about this just from what from the air it's insulting I'm so I'm going off my script now um so I just commissioner I just want you to please clarify how like what do you want from the foundation then I serve at your will the the will of the commission and the will of the people if the people of bisc park or the commission don't want this project anymore that's I'm not gonna just tell me I just don't want to waste time anymore if you don't want me as the president of you don't want me on the board remove me you know please discuss that and decide what to do now if I'm to stay I want to stay I promise to do this project we collected funds this is exactly why I asked the commission about this from the beginning I didn't want to raise funds for something that then wouldn't be allowed to proceed we were given the green light we collected funds we put on events I now we're doing the thing I worked with Issa every step of the way on everything except this one thing which I already acknowledged that I did the wrong thing and I apologized to him and it's like it's now it's like what do you want from me I want to just move on with the project or you just or you tell me to stop I'm not going to take orders from Mr Truitt I'm not going to personally interact with him that's out of the question I will not be in a hostile environment doing this work I this is volunteer work I will not subject myself to that so think of a different way that I can inform or how you want me to do it um whatever you want just let me know what it is so I mean yeah J I don't want to I don't want to cut you off um we appreciate the update well I I appreciate the update I'm sure the rest of the commission appreciates the update um I remember being on the foundation when we we talked about updating the rec center so I know it's been a long time working um and it's been a long process uh list I I would be happy um to have a conversation with you about what what the status of the project is you know I know we talked a little bit about getting some board updates on you know a more regular basis you know and that's not that's not on the boards we're not saying that this is the boards failing it's it's you know we just need to all communicate better um so I think I think getting some more frequent updates from the boards would be helpful um and give some more insight um I know I mentioned it to commissioner Kennedy I think it's a I still think it's a good idea to you know have Liaisons to help have a presence and say what can we do or you know is there anything that we can do to help um but I think that that's a good start um I'd like to give some time uh to to let this I think breathe for a moment I know that uh we're going to be seeing the emails we can take a look at it we're aware of the situation now um again I I am very happy to speak with you about it because I'd like to see uh I'd like to see it resolved um I don't think any of us uh want to see you stop doing what you're doing and I I think that we appreciate the efforts of you and the foundation so I don't want you to stop with the updates to the rec center it sounds like residents don't want you to stop with the updates to the rec center if they've been asking for it um it's the pressure from the residents like what you're taking too long and I know and that's part of the problem because now everyone has forgotten like what was already presented and that it's not because I'm lazy or because I'm flaky or anything it's I'm I don't I've been super super busy with like work and personal life and it's hard so it's you know it is what it is right but I do my best of course uh I just want to reassure you that we appreciate your efforts we appreciate the efforts of the foundation um I'm I'm looking forward to us uh hopefully being able to just move past this and let you continue to do to you and the foundation to do the work that you're doing um again I'm I'd like to talk to you about it um and I I'd like to give the commission time to kind of understand the interaction I appreciate that I forgot to say one thing just I he Mr Truitt emailed me back in January asking me very nicely casually what's going on with the foundation and the projects I emailed back him and Issa with the list of everything we were working on and I said I'm H what do you think what's the feedback do you want to meet no reply fine brand new busy I didn't even think about it and a few other times I've sent maybe four or five emails regarding other routine stuff that we were doing saying anytime you want to meet I'm here let me know when I've been I've been super open I assume he's super busy and doesn't really care about the foundation because we're just like this little thing you guys are dealing with huge issues I didn't think anyone was really caring and I figured everyone is trusting everything that I've said that I'm doing that I'm doing I didn't understand that this was going to get to be such a huge issue now I I see I'm willing to do whatever you I'm not fighting against any sort of rules or regulation I just want to be treated respectfully that's all I'm asking for I say a couple of things real quickly Jonathan sure first of all whenever a a board uh struggles or fails and I'm not saying you're failing Jill I take that as our failure they're our boards and we're supposed to be here helping them get better work done for the village so I see this as a failure on the commission quite frankly um and then I want to say something and I and I don't want this to turn into a big Kur fluffle but Chris this isn't the first time I've heard a resident say that you were rude I've heard the word rude Curt antagonistic I'm not certain maybe sometimes that you appreciate how people hear you you you and I have had these moments together as well and you'll say the same thing back to me and I'm going to say yeah you too so I think you have some work to do on your interpersonal skills quite frankly because it's not the Jill is not the first person to say these kinds of things about the way you interact with them we heard it from a board chair this week sorry I have to call a point of order I would like not to go into the details so what I'm sorry Veronica I was I'm addressing point I was okay I'm not sure exactly how that works but I I was addressing a resident here and responding to her so and I'm and I'm basically done I'm just saying that it's not the first time understand all I'm saying is this is definitely an issue that's going to be seen like we said already emails are going to be shared we're going to look into it we it's 8:30 we haven't started with the agenda I think um Jil everything you've heard appreciative of all the work you do we'll look into it and we'll move forward and move forward in the best way we can um I just want to be acknowledging not to point fingers at anybody right now that's not the point uh the point is it's been brought up we'll think about it we'll talk about it when it's time well it could be now was all I'm saying and I wanted to get my point out so I don't why we have to think about it when I just want to respond to a resident who had that kind of an interaction with a staff member all right so yill um we appreciate the update we'll uh we'll do everything that we've said we've done here I think board reports are going to help us with our boards um but I look forward to to chatting with you as well thank you so thank you for your time um so uh we'll go ahead and and move to any other board reports that we have at this time seeing none um let's go ahead and get to our commission reports um very quickly um just a couple of things uh I'm gonna go fast because good point by commissioner Amsler that we need to make some progress um just want to make a a point that the spring Market was done very well uh I got there a little late but it seemed as if everyone very much enjoyed the time and it was well put together so I just like to thank everyone involved with that um I wanted to talk a little bit more in depth about this but I'm not going to I'm just going to bring it up I had a Comm a discussion with um Omar Nickerson down in elportal and he presented an interesting idea to me on facilitating um better resident um communication um and participation uh basically through appointing younger younger kids high school kids college age kids uh basically brand ambassadors for municipalities and it's a way to kind of uh spur some Community engagement uh I'm not going to spend any more time on it now but I just wanted to bring it up that we're going to take a look at that uh very quickly um I also exchanged some emails with the uh uh with Mr Walsh from Miami Country Day we're going to be getting together to talk a little bit more about the traffic issues that Country Day is is working to solve um and we're he was not aware of a prior community board I know we brought that up um but we're going to explore that option as well um that's all I have for now I'm just going to put the rest aside so is there anybody else that wants to provide any commission reports at this time no I just had the issue on the pool that came up today the Aquatic Center um as a Next Step as as I suggesting and I wanted to close on that point was to put it during budget season I'll bring in sort of a scenario that I have in mind and I've been working on and then hopefully we can you know have that conversation but that's something that's been happening behind the scenes and I wanted to share excellent thank you there have updates from commissioners no okay all right so we've completed our report section we've moved the consent down to uh the consent resolution down to our normal resolution so let's go ahead and move into our ordinances and our first ordinance this evening is ordinance number 20243 adopting a municipal seal uh Brad is this something that you can introduce for us yes an ordinance of Village Commission of the village of biscane Park Florida amending chapter 2 Administration article one in general of the code of ordinances of the village of bis park by creating a new section 2.1 titled Municipal seal providing for the adoption of a municipal seal restricting the use of the municipal seal and penalizing the unauthorized use thereof providing for use of the municipal seal by Third parties when authorized by The Village providing for inclusion in the code and scrier errors providing for conflicts providing for severability and providing for an effective date great thank you Brad do I have a motion on the ordinance have a second second okay um do we have any public comment on this ordinance none um okay um up for discussion um very quickly um Brad I think that we talked about it before and as I understand it since the cease and desist letter was sent there was no no further use of the seal to our knowledge not not to our knowledge I we had sent by certified mail return receipt I have the receipt that it was accepted um a cease and assist from uh the real one realtor the vendor and um I haven't heard from anybody that they received any additional mailing since then okay I I do remember receiving that one I remember commissioner kenned mentioned it when you saw it on your driveway I do remember receiving the same one I haven't gotten any others since did you get any other since then I didn't receive it a resident gave it to me okay okay um I haven't seen any other use I don't know if anyone else has okay um so is there any other discussion uh on the ordinance have a couple of quick things uh the this is going to sound silly but I have to ask these questions uh it's cropped off in the picture does that matter Brad it says this image is d da D and it's cropped so I I tried as best I could to find a find a version of it that I was I was doing an internet search I could I couldn't find it I know Madam clerk on the uh on the Village website it'll copy and paste I you looking for tried to do I I tried to do that off the Village website was not able to do that that um so I found it off of a Google search we can replace it with we've got to do a second reading we can replace it with a cleaner version if we send you one I have one I use it that would be perfect I had trouble find um okay uh I have that um and if we were to change the seal we would have to codify that one it doesn't a seal wouldn't just automatically be codified if we were to replace it each one is its own image and has to be codified if you had another seal um service marks are a little bit different so we'll just stick with seals if you have another seal we would have to amend the ordinance if you're changing the seal we'd have to amend it if you had a second seal which we'd have to amend the ordinance uh did generally there's not more than one seal but I I've seen certain agencies in in F it talks about uh the commissioner the manager can authorize the use of it and it has to be it has to advance the interest of the village and or the general public and is not contrary to anything in this thing um should there be language in there or are you going to tell me this language says that basically that it cannot be used for commercial p p purposes and I think of this because of this instance that brought it to our attention should is there a reason to say something like notwithstanding even if you have permission of the commissioner or the manager it cannot be used for commercial or B business usage except in the event of the village using it well it I I guess if the if the Comm Mission were to approve the use of the seal for business purposes then it would be permitted but it's my understanding it's the will of of this commission at least not to use l the seal I I don't want I just want it to be protected that someone could and I'm always thinking about other commissions other managers you know doing silly things I I don't know that you can the problem is you could legislate it for future commissions and then they can change the ordinance so I don't know excuse me that there's um really a purpose to add that it's it's can't be used for any purpose except for official purposes endorsing or a business using the seal would not be an official purpose would be an a violation the stat covers it anyway right okay so okay and then G where it says all Authority Section to the capital assets this whole thing is subject to the commission's ultimate control and discretion so that kind of covers everything too right that timately we control this ordinance we control anything that happens with it any unofficial use of the seal would have to be approved by you all by us okay that's it is there any other discussion items for the ordinance none okay Madam cler would you call the RO please mayor gr yes vice mayor Huntington yes commissioner Kennedy yes commissioner Amsler yes commissioner Gonzalez the item passes 5 on first reading okay great thank you madam clerk uh so that's it for our ordinances let's go ahead and get started with our resolutions um since we removed we removed the consent uh which is resolution 20248 um I think we can start with that one Paul do you need you have uh time sensitive with us right now no okay um so I I don't know um commissioner Kenny you moved to to have this one taken off so um well let's do this first um okay so resolution uh 20248 Mr attorney can you read this on the record for us they're all a mouthful tonight too um so res resolution number 20 24-8 amending commission meeting rules and procedures a resolution of the village Commission of the Village abys Park Florida amending Section 1 a and 1B regular meetings notice um section three meeting open to the public and section 13 public comment um SLG good and Welfare of the commission meetings and agenda procedures adopted by the commission via resolution number 2023-the defining a workshop meeting modifying meeting notice requirements and ensuring that the public has an opportunity to provide public comments authorizing The Village manager to do all things necessary in furtherance of this resolution providing for an effective date okay great uh and do we have a motion on the resolution motion to approve the resolution we have a second second let's go ahead and go to discussion um so commissioner Kennedy yeah there were a couple of things first of all Brad the conference thing I see it up in the paragraph a couple of paragraphs above so I'm not even going to bother with that it is clearly defined up there I was looking at a a version of this that wasn't up to date when I it wasn't attached to the agenda I went found a the up toate copy so disregard all of that um but there was something that I thought we approved last time we're talking about how meetings are noticed and it's down in uh the section B noticing um there was language that I had written in my suggested uh resolution that I thought we approved that was not picked up and it was uh how we send this out uh there was language in addition to push notifications one a ailable on the current Village app so the language regarding noticing via the app is not on here so it says email blast it says other ways to do it but the app is not on here and we have this app to send out notices and it's not included on the list this is uh right after sent via email to residents on The Village's current current email list posted on appropriate social media platforms was a village da and push notifications when available on the current Village app that was the language I had written in my thing and I thought it all got scooped up together and Brad wasn't certain he did not include it so I mean we that's what we have the app for it's not specified on here to push it out through the app so I I can tell you and the commissioner or and I had a conversation earlier today because I I watched the previous meeting it was mentioned about pushing this information out on the app um but in in in listening to the meeting I don't think that at least in my interpretation that wasn't the direction of the commission to add that you discussed and then moved on to it to the public um comment section so if that's something that you want to add you can amend you can amend it now and you can approve it as amended and I'll add it in for the final I think that's probably fine since we're deploying the app maybe and push notification through the the current APP if available because if we don't use the app in a year then just if available I think that's probably fine and the Lang the exact language was it was after uh for which The Village has an official account in addition to push notifications one available on the current Village app so it's like it's one available yeah yeah in addition two in addition to push notifications when available on the current Village app sorry notifications on the current Village app so if that changes too it kind of lumps it all which paragraph is that B B is in boy on page one at the bottom of that one so that sentence will read um I'm not going to read the whole thing but sent via email the residents on the village current email list um and posted on all appropriate social media platforms to which the village has an account comma um in addition to push notifications on the the current Village when available on the current APP if we didn't have an app we're out you okay or if it doesn't have the ability to push hi okay any others on the uh any other comment or amendment to it okay any uh any other comment on on the language okay um all right so with the resolution as amended um somebody needs to move it as amended okay do we have a motion to approve the amend motion to approve as amended okay do we have a second second all in favor I I yes okay well you're up again um okay so our our amended resolution section now that we've completed uh what was 9A is now our new 11a which was 11g um which is former 11g which is resolution 2024-25 uh bride could you read this on the record for us res resolution 2024-25 Solid Waste non-ad valorum assessment a re a resolution of the village Commission of the Village biscane Park Florida relating to the collection and disposal of solid waste within the village for the fiscal year 2024 2025 establishing the estimated assessment rate for Solid Waste Service against assessed property located within the village of biscane park for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 through September 30 at 2025 directing the preparation of an assessment role providing for public hearing and notice thereof providing for severability and providing for an effective dat thank you Brad do we have a motion on the resolution second motion to approve we have a second second okay right let's go ahead and uh move to discussion um Paul before we get started with the discussion is there anything that you'd like to uh to update us on with this item and I believe self-explanatory it's there's no increase proposed uh the contractor did not request an increase either which is really good news historically for us uh and also we did budget correctly uh with any potential escalators cost livings uh one of a small side effect that happens is there is an administrative charge in our solid ways that flows from the general fund uh into the solid ways and as you adopt a budget you change that number and we adopting this budget without that change because we don't know it yet we won't we can update it when we do final uh but even throughout the year if you have a labor change it actually does r like change to the manager salary or change to Public Works uh benefits it it rip it does trickle into the solid waste so there's always a little bit of a true up if you will throughout the year and it's nominal typically but that is a reality of fund transfers that uh that addition isn't reflective of of an increase to the contractor no it's internal okay okay um anything else no sir okay um so I'll go ahead and open this up for a discussion from the commission at this time and if I man just so that that you're focused on part of the discussion you also need to come up with a um a date in September for the public hearing whether we're going to do it during the during the scheduled commission meeting I think all it's got to be done before September 15th for my purposes yes it can't be certified on the role if it's after September 15 in Prior years didn't we piggyback it with the uh the millage the final approval of the millage we did that is a common solution that we've used yes sir yeah we set up two meetings and they were all contained all the elements and we just kind of did them one after the other that was last year yeah that would be later in July you can't do that before July 15 so we just need to date for the public hearing which will also then 30 days prior will be the notice by public might have I'm a little foggy on exactly the millage the pre- millage where you have to set your millage I trying to I don't remember it right off top of my head but I know it we usually do it in Late July believe that's when we did it last year right so it should coincide um whatever schedule fits those parameters so you can put it in on any one of them but we have to decide today correct we yes okay um okay before we get to the dates then uh we need the date because we need to know when to publish by correct okay well before we get to the dates or let's let's see if we have any discussion on the item and any questions for Paul while he's here with us the date is always the hardest part I swear that's good news so this is a number that we're using just for budgeting purposes is this one of the instances where we can come down but we can't go up or this one we could change exactly accurate you can lower it okay um so this is our high number and hopefully we'll be able to go in there and mess with it and bring it down if possible uh that would take some some pain somewhere else but technically you could um that's all I have Paul for the purposes of the of the um property appraiser they do they need this by June 15th so that they can include it in the tax bill the the way the non avalor works is on a different schedule than then the property praisers rrim process so the the June 15th One lets us establish the actual role that will that will be tied to the assessment and we have to have that done so they don't need the rate just the role they don't need the rate they need to confirm the role but for us they're they're identical thank you um okay then we need to look at uh look at dates for this for September yes okay any recommendations anyone I'm out of town I mean I could oh I couldn't zoom in actually I'll be out of town in in a different time zone the week of July 21st we're looking at July dates right yeah so the very end of July is excellent ties with our budget workshops we can do a lot of stuff uh productively the week of July from the let's say the 20 the 21st to the 20 I'm not back until Sunday the 28th so from the 29th on I could do it 29th it has to be after which date again I'm sorry July 15th be after the 15th okay for September 15th definitely so can it can we aim for the first week of September so we have commission meeting uh what day in September Pamela you want to this you can that was the idea of uh piggybacking it to the millage oh resolution they don't have to be with each other remember you set the ceiling of your millage and last year you set it at the max you they're separate calendars but they can end on the same day right September is since Monday's Labor Day we're not the only restrictions in the clerk will have that date I hope is the school board and D County you can't have these types of hearings on the on their hearing dates yeah got it so that for me the first two weeks of September might be complicated that's why I was trying to see if that's where our meeting would fall would be September 3rd so anytime before then uh ma you said not the week of the 20 I was looking at July I thought we had to do the first one in July I misunderstood so August it's it's fine with August fits nicely yeah August is for me I will be gone the the 9th to the 14th wait and we have a meeting on the 6th do it on the sixth after the meeting or do it before the meeting I would say traditionally we we would do it right before the meeting it be the first thing do that like time certain that works can we August 6 August 6 Y and do it at 5:30 anathan when do you do your Proclamation 545 45 I mean this really is like a 15 20 minute thing it should be 20 seconds yeah okay why don't we do why don't we do 530 545 and six I use the word should I think 5:30 works you say 5:30 5:30 545 and 6 three in a row that's fine this will be 5:45 no this would be 5 530 5:30 okay 5:30 on the 6 and then I'll I'll add the uh I'll calculate the 30 days back so all right so that is AUST August that was the hard part you said always is this one of those that we need a certain amount and press to vote no it doesn't just three all right okay um we have that set so is there any other any other action we need to take on the resolution other than voting okay all right so uh let's get a uh a motion to approve the resolution as amended I'll make a motion to approve as amended we have a second I'll second okay all in favor hi hi okay so that takes care of what was 11g we removed what was 11a so that puts us on to 11b our interlocal agreement Paul thank you much appreciated thanks very much Paul appreciate you being here um okay so uh resolution uh 11b resolution 20242 uh Brad could you please read this under the record for us resolution number 202 24-20 approving interlocal agreement with Miami Dade County um traffic calming measures a resolution of the village Commission of the Village biscane Park Florida authorizing The Village manager to execute an interlocal I'm sorry intergovernmental agreement with Miami date County to perform traffic engineering functions authorizing the Village manner manager to do all things necessary and furtherance of this resolution and providing for an effective date okay uh do I have a motion on the resolution motion to approve okay do I have a second second okay so let's go ahead and move it to discussion um I don't want to step out of line Brad but um we received an email uh from the county that just basically said that the the interlocal as drafted was legally sufficient they approved it um it came back to us uh of course for approval from the commission but um we do need to add which we are inventorying I believe right now we need to add our existing traffic calming measures which there's a few speed bumps um because it needs to be attached to the interlocal agreement before we execute it so is my understanding that that's being inventoried right now to make sure that we have everything added that is we have two or three two speed bumps I know three I can I can I know of three off the top of my head then it is just three okay so it's being trade with locations really what we just do is we're describing the location the nature I um but are they that was my question I Chris and I emailed about this the speed bumps are they speed bumps that would have to be recorded in this because they're not installed speed bumps like if you read if you look in the Ila of what a speed bump is and I studied all those things that's what we have is not those so do these have to be inv counted in the inventory these are like speed temporary speed humps they're just sitting there so and not to of course let you um speak one um but Brad and I talked a lot about this and and we went kind of back and forth on do these need to be in there do they not to be in there the biggest question is why did they go in in the first place um and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of data as to why they exist and under what terms they went in um I think we came to a conclusion that listing them is kind of mutually to our benefit because if they're listed um we I mean we may maintain control over them but if they're listed and they need to updated these things have been around a while um so it's probably in our benefit to look at them and make sure that they are updated and sufficient and comply with the ter the um the parameters that we have but they don't meet the guide sorry they don't meet the guidelines that are set in the Ila for a speed hump so that means they're probably due to be reviewed um because they're not approved right so that's that's the problem is where do they come from and why are they there so they're pilot study yeah the pilot study which and I think the chief just and put them there the manager decided where to put them yeah so I I think I think you can I ask you a question so on that on that sense is it being requested that whatever you add as existing meets the code that is there that's not what they ask no they just ask that we list whatever measures already here now the purpose of the interlocal is that we control these anyway so it's not like if we list them the Count's going to come in the next day and say none of these are right that's the whole point of the interlocal I I don't think that this that opens us up to them doing that well except it does say in there that everything we do has to meet right moving forward from a liability perspective that we discussed to make sure that these these things don't meet any criteria they're just there yes so it benefits us to add them and make sure they're updated to comply with the standards so we don't have any issues with liability I don't want to go ahead sorry I know you've been no I I think look the the the whatever it is that's installed whether you want to call it a speed bump a speed hump a temporary whatever it is it is a traffic cing device right and they have specifically asked us in their Communications with us and clearly delineated in the Ila that um we are to to identify any any traffic caling devices that have been previously installed by The Village yeah so I I don't see the harm in in in listing them I think we probably the last thing we want is not to list them and somebody from the county comes by and says well wait a minute had none installed and there's three of them in the village so why didn't you tell us about so I think we're better off not violating the agreement before we even sign the agreement um potentially I should say um with regards to the applicability this agreement provides for the specifications deal with traffic coming devices being installed by The Village moving forward which now you have dominion control of um it would not apply at least the way I interpret it retroactively so we would not have to main we' not have to modify these other three devices to meet the specifications that the county is now that we're agreeing to as far as the Ila now with that being said we we've talked about and I know um the director in the in the process of we've talked about looking at our roads and the the tree damage potholes whatever it might be part of the inspection I would suggest would also be these devices to make sure they're still safe on the roads whether they need it if they need some work if they need some modifications they need replacement then yes they the Ila will now dictate what we can put there what it what the specifications are but if they're if they're in good shape they can maintain and stay the way they are they're just being listed so that the county knows they're there now now is there um and I got to raise the the questions because they were not that there was no process so there's no data behind how this happened and we have them um is there any liability behind how they've been installed so far um that we should take as an opportunity now that you're going to be reviewing their condition to suggest maybe replacing them by code as the it's needed or by the element necessary within the widths of each street because I'm I'm guessing there is specification not necessarily meeting what the county requires so in that sense you know what I'm saying like I don't know if I do I hate to publicly talk about liability because as I always say I don't want to give somebody a road map to sue the Village um I I can drive over them on my way home and see what damage they do to my car if you all like but all joking is um I think that I think you're going to do that assessment anyway of those particular devices and determine whether or not they should remain I think you're also talking about doing some type of study to determine where the placement of new devices would be and I would suggest that part of that study would be to look at those devices and see if there's any purpose to still keep them there they still have a function that they were intended for um so I I think yeah to circle around to your to your question I think we're doing the process in the process and doing the right thing yeah similar to what we discussed with other Road issues got it thank you okay um do we have any other discussion or questions about the item um I mean I don't know that this matters but none of this is readable that is included in the document at the bottom like uh so this is is but if you go to some of the examples of how what you need to follow this isn't readable I I don't you can even resolution of the image yeah so I don't know if this is actually word by word coded in a way that you can follow and find the exact code that it referenced to and which element to download it from the internet which I'm sure there is a digital library of all this but you can um see it if I'm not mistaken that one came from the county it did come from the county um which pages are not legible well if you the images the words are very small and very so go to page 11 you and you can read um you don't even know what it says like on the bottom yeah the bottom left would be hard to read and then if you go to page 10 to all the examples all like notice so I'm just I'm just making note of that whatever it is I don't know if there is a digital you know file that goes with it graphic Engineers yeah and I'm sure Juan you could express this better than I when they look at these diagrams they'll know specifically what the specifications are for these specific devices these are all um listed in uh either the County's Department Department of Public Works engineering division or in the um Department of Transportation manuals with regards to these devices so we've identify the devices and if there's any question as to what the specs are they're going to look at the applicable code and regulations with regards to um putting them in and correct me if I'm if I'm wrong on that okay okay okay um some questions sure yeah go ahead uh first of all yes so I'm me to say that first um but I have questions about some stuff because first of all I just want everyone who's listening to this to understand this is not a Panacea to all of our traffic problems by any stretch of the imagination this is very limited focused kind of thing it's very specific things and some of them I don't think we could afford to do anyway so when I read this it really sounds like uh I mean I'm looking for ways to reduce traffic volume and slow people down and make them come to complete stops and and some of the some of that is not this won't control any of that some of that but nothing here is going to solve all of our problems um it's unfortunate to read some of the limitations of this uh and I should start by I should right now say we have an out so it's really we have a no fault out we can just say we're out you know so it makes it easy to say yes right because we can get out but you know we can't do anything on 6th or 121st or 11th for most of 11th Place uh 12th Avenue Griffin because of that 250 foot margin well from the edge of the village that's that that covers 11th place so 11th Place which is one of our most serious streets where we have a speed pump right now I think we have two don't we um that's not included in this neither is anything on 121st which is another problem Street and 250 fet in from these borders so that's kind of a drag when I read that um but we have to do a traffic study first so here's kind of where I get stuck on this I'm going to say yes to this so let's get out of the way but here's where I get stuck we have to do a traffic study anyway so Brad if we do this are we still allowed to use our traffic study to go through the normal steps with the county to get them to do other things that are not included in the Ila there's nothing that I read in this agreement that would prevent us from asking the county so something is not included on here like closing streets for example you know we wanted to do that and they it was justified somehow can we still go to the county and say do that if they said yes they they would do that for us well they didn't say they would do it for us but I'm saying if we went through this step reason why so for instance closing streets is not considered we couldn't do that under this Ila even if we wanted to that's not so things that we cannot do with this do we still have the ability to go to the county show them justification and ask them to do those things in addition to what we're doing ourselves yeah I don't see anything in this agreement and there's been no mention in our discussions and Mr Mayor you correct me or Mr manager if I'm wrong um that there this somehow is a substitute for any other it's an exclusive it doesn't prude all these other things that we could still hopefully get from them if we needed it don't believe this is an exclusive remedy this is just giving us the authority on these limited bases not have to go through the County's processes in order to install these spe these specific traffic Comm device but if we ran out of money and we could and we wanted to do more of these things these four things that we are allowed to do we could not go to the county and say hey we ran out of money and we'd like some more of these and we can show justification and ask the county to do it we're taking on all of this I think we can ask the county may say you have an Ila and you you should do those on your own but then again we can always terminate the agreement and then go through the process if so we could terminate the agreement and then it's all back on them I mean we have to go through a lot of steps to make it happen um that was my big thing I just want to make sure that we still have the ability to go after other things because we can't put stop signs in here with this and we can't do the bigger stuff and we I have no idea what a roundabout costs but it sounds like it's something that I can only imagine it's outside of our budget but I mean speed bumps are one thing but some of these other things um and I'm not even sure your roads are wide enough to have around it well we have some avenues that are actually um okay um but we still have to do a traffic study I mean we can't do anything without a traffic study so whether we didn't have this or did have this we can't do anything with the county or on our own until a traffic study is done and that traffic study has to be specific to the areas where we want to do something right so if the traffic study would say uh 10th Avenue is a problem put some speed bump and the traffic study would say and speed bumps are the solution is that what a traffic study does it doesn't just say 10th Avenue is a problem it says and the solution would be a could be a speed bump they provide alternatives to Solutions right I mean I know it wouldn't be a specific thing but they would say and here are the solutions so the traffic study doesn't just say data speeding cars it says solutions to that correct in that location correct so we have to have a traffic study regardless so it's not like we can go start dropping speed humps all over the village tomorrow correct I'm GNA jump in on this conversation if I could um yes and no we still have to do some sort of data Gathering to determine why a particular device is being installed in a particular location having the Ila means we don't have to do what is normally required of a traffic study we don't have to bring in the engineers we don't have to bring in the traffic counts we don't have to bring in all that stuff we can do as long as we can articulate why we chose that measure in that location we can go ahead and install something so if there's a huge speeding issue on Tenth based on the observation of the police department we can use that data to say this is a location in which we need a speed bump because of the data observed by the police department then I misunder understanding what I'm reading because it says I'm sorry section three installation any such traffic coming devices may be installed on local Municipal streets only after an appropriate traffic engineering study has been performed and signed and sealed by a Florida licensed professional engineer and received and written approval about so it says you need a traffic study that's a change Brad from what we had discussed no we said this at the last meeting when we first discussed it that was clear to me back then the full traffic study right didn't Define what a traffic study is but this is the language they required so I thought in our conversations because it wasn't defined um we could have an engineer recommend the solution based on the police department's data that's not correct if if a Florida licensed professional engineer um signs performs if that's if that's sufficient for the engineer come up with the conclusions and is willing to sign and seal it um requirement is approval then then yes okay can can can the clarification be done with the county as to what entails the traffic engineering study I'd like to know that that seemed that was the big thing to me that is one thing was that was brought to us with when Mario was here was the difference between the data collection and the cost of it being around $118,000 and different and he came make mentioning the difference and the difference was with the traffic study which is Village Wide sort of delivering a report like the one we have from I don't know 2008 so or 2014 so I think the question is what sort of how big is this tra traffic engineer stand is it as far as just the data meaning data collection study that we were once in the m of approving and kind of discussing or is it the big document that explores the entire Village brings all the recommendations to the different areas we highlight and that seemed to be a second phase um and that's how as far as we got and that was and you understood Vero that that was the bigger ticket item correct yes that's what I understood too that's why and we talked about this Jonathan I asked you and you I think you said it at the at the last conversation we had in this room about that and that's why I went straight to this because it and it doesn't make it sound like it's specific to a location it says they may be installed on local Municipal streets after an appropriate traffic engineering study has been performed it makes it sound like the whole thing has to be done so I I would like to understand that me look we have an out if we said yes today and found out tomorrow that this doesn't make sense for us we could cancel it so I understand that but I still would like to know what that means so my assumption is that it has to be appropriate so it depends on what what it is you're trying to accomplish um and but if it is no I'm sorry to interrupt it just on the on the same note if it is just three speed bombs right that we have and we want to go ahead and do a traffic study as it says here but for us we interpret the study as bring in an engineer that is able to collect the data and show that there is in fact a speeding um over the speeding limit a need for it and signs of it would that be enough or are we saying that that a traffic study a study is village-wide and I guess it makes sense both ways right it gets to your point if you just want to do those three speed bmps you just do that or three streets say look our major I was going to defer to the director as to what a traffic engineering study is but you always want to do a Citywide traffic study when you do three streets yeah you may solve that issue but you're throwing it somewhere else yes we we are doing a traffic full with a safer streets for Grant we're doing that but with the Ila our ultimate goal is to implement traffic cming measures faster because but you still need a traffic study to start but if you research the ilas they are using smaller just three streets to give give them traffic comy measures while we ultimately work towards that larger goal and in my research that you have been able to do just a individual locations you using in in the Ila uh uh wording says you can adopt whatever um processes you adop your municipality adopts to justify where you put it police identifying 10th Avenue as a problem as well bringing in in that brings in the engineer to study just that location I I you're correct and I think he's correct too I'm sorry because I was in that meeting with the uh Kim Le horn I guess it was and they explained that to his point if you do it peace meal you're you're moving a problem around and if you need to solve the problem for the municipality you need to know what's going on so your Solutions all come together for an ultimate solution as opposed to well my Street's fine yes Jonathan sorry about what happens on your block now you know so but we did get to if you guys remember as far as the um really highlighting about 11 points I think it were around the village that really came from our wish list it wasn't anybody coming and saying these are the very much it was of residents feedback all of us you mean the locations remember we had like specific corners and location I thought they came from the other study and then the police department looked at that and they may have tweaked a little bit but I thought most of that came from the study at anyway back to my original point was we have to have a traffic study before we do anything we can say yes to this and cancel it tomorrow so we're kind of safe here but we can't do anything until we have a traffic engineering study I'd like to know what that language means in there because I don't think we know I mean I know we don't clearly we don't know but I do remember Mario telling us data collection veril was one thing and a traffic engineer because remember I kept saying traffic study and he every time he would correct me he's like mac it's a traffic engineering study it's different than data collection yeah so to that point I think ult I think there's no stopping us getting that that study the the the Village Wide one we're doing that that that has no effect on this because we're doing that regardless to to the vice mayor's Point um in our conversations with the county they comport with what what you stated that there are still ways to do certain things without a village-wide study so it still does enable us to do that but even more importantly this also removes kind of some impediments to putting these things in when we have the Village Wide study too we can act a little faster we can move a little more quick that I understand I understand yeah but the study may also say you need uh other things that are not on this list that we'll use and we that to go to the county that's why I wanted to make sure we could still go to the county but roundabouts are on our list so they call them I mean they say traffic circle that's a roundabout I call it a roundabout but we if we say we can't afford a roundabout now roundabouts are off the list for us if when we have this if if the traffic study says the solution for that intersection is roundabout that's your best solution it's on us to do it now because it's in the Ila that's why I'd like to know even can we even go to the county and say well look the traffic study says we need a roundabout there we can't afford it will you put it in for us and we have the justification for it if the traffic study comes back and says we need roundabouts at every corner we could then get rid of the I we just cancel it cancel the Ila and I think it's going to sa every corner but some hopefully when we get to the point where we're having safer streets for all Grant come back and tell us that we need roundabouts we're going to be able to apply for saf streets for all implementation funds to pay for those that's true forgot about that I think it's it's linked to that then you can go ahead and ask the money that you need and as we get that saf receips for all Grant or um study comes back to us the Ila will help us if it says hey you need 10 speed bumps with the smaller stuff with the smaller stuff we can just go right ahead we have our study now we can go ahead and start implementing those so um knowing that we have to add uh the items that are being inventoried right now um I would uh I would move to well we have this on a motion I then I guess we can just go to a VOE list we have any other items we want to discuss about it but knowing that it will be updated to add the uh the current homing measures that we have we have not gotten a motion we haven't got a motion on yeah we we we had a motion before we got into discussion but it's going to have to be amended anyway because we're amending it to include those items that are being inventoried so in that case um I'll ask for a motion to approve the amended resolution with the with those measures going to be listed after they've been inv I'm I have a quick question first I have a liability question section seven do we I'm assuming we have insurance that covers all of that do we or is this something we're going to have to get that separate because we're assuming all the liability for any of these things injuries da da da da da so is our does our existing insurance insurance policy cover all of that Chris we currently have a liability policy so yes and it would cover this for short correct okay okay so do we have a a motion to approve the AG the amended resolution motion to approve Ryan do it this is your baby motion to approve as amended I'll second it all in favor I hi okay I can I say something Jonathan and Ryan you both simultaneously found this so thank you both for doing the leg work and and it's interesting that you kind of like funny we at the same time it was at the same time it was great so thank you guys for finding this this is where this goes it's great that the the residents pushed us pushed us to get it there so he that was the resident that pushed us to get he was definitely he was he was definitely among them moving it Forward great Mr Mayor could I ask that we move item 11e up the electronic access control that's of critical importance okay yeah certainly um are we comfortable moving anyone have any opposition to moving 11 e up no okay so then sorry commissioner okay um okay so let's go ahead and address um 11e which is resolution 20242 three um Brad can you please read on to the record Forest resolution number 2024-25 atni systems agreement access control a resolution of the village commission the village of biscane Park Florida approving an agreement with at& systems for the installation of an access control system software license and cloud storage and an amount not to exceed $ 33,5 15170 authorizing The Village manager to execute set agreement and to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for an effective date thank you Brad do we have a motion on this resolution motion to approve and a second second okay um Mr manager do you want to give us any update on this before we move to discussion just a just a brief recap of what this is um Access Control being able to audit access is a huge issue when it comes to accreditation as well as just general Public's or safety of uh um public information at Village Hall so what this proposal did or what I asked for was actually two separate proposals one to provide electronic access only at the police department um there is perhaps an opportunity for Grant or uh de funding for that um this includes electronic access at every door meaning the user has to present their magnetic ID card to provide access it logs that this also includes biometric information at the two evidence room doors so not just providing access but we can say for certain which staff member is accessing that evidence door the second part of that is access at Village Hall um that's not required for accreditation however um the police department and Village Hall are connected and the police frequently use the Village Hall that's the only available break room for example so this proposal ask for those two separated out but the total of 33,000 is to do all of V Village Hall which then sets us up to be able to do that accreditation um and and modernizer systems this is required in the accreditation is it Chief do you w to respond it's having a secured Network um security is required the the access itself isn't but with the some of the factors uh that occurred this is a solution that I uh addressed with the public corruption side of uh the state attorney's office as a resolution that would help us mitigate some of the issues that we had gone so it kind of helps with both the accreditation and answering some of our accountability issues with FDLE and and the state attorney's office and it generally tightens the place up for you for you guys correct you know who's coming and going so the cards don't say who it is but there's cameras in there too so you each the cards the cards are actually going to double as Village Hall or Village employee identification cards the card number that's read specifies exactly who that is so using this for example we can have a Reserve officer access the police department department but none of the evidence rooms offices or supply room but you don't know it's that person you know it's a person holding that card in their hand but then the Biometrics for the other places that correct tells you who it is and this also gives us the ability to when we have Staffing changes immediately turn off that access do you have cameras I know there are cameras on the entryway are they inside the inside Village Hall we do have cameras yes so then you know who's coming and going away and then the evidence room are there any other areas over there you should be locking up I mean are there records room a records room or anything that this should be on as well uh we have a U server room that also stores all the firearms and critical stuff we're in the process I discussed with the manager today to move over uh some of the critical records in there also to have it a little bit more secured so that would be in one of these secured areas that you're already getting in this agreement or this is something you come back for no that's included in this in this okay so all of that stuff is under lock is under correct yes sir so very quickly Mr manager um This was um part of the Capital Improvements that we had approved already correct correct this line item sorry it's this line item exactly correct sorry you were going to say no the the original dollar amount we put in the capital Improvement plan was 35,000 that was my initial guess after um some additional conversations I paired that down to 28,000 and now it came in at 33,000 so dollar amount is about the same but it is enumerated this uh the move to this system is kind of a critical point in updating the police department's procedures based on yes sir uh this is going to answer a lot of the accountability on on certain aspects in the records and the evidence um without this right now it's going to be kind of hard to to mitigate any changes with it this is going to be especially the evidence uh with the Benny Lee issue this is going to be a major factor in that understood here just a quick question I know that that we budgeted for this but because this well at least half of it is police related is this something that we can refund the city from the monies that we're collecting from the feds or whatever that's a great question I don't have an answer to at this point I don't know if you know at the top of your head can we when we get the dag orders in the seized funds can we reimburse for this expense yeah your mic R that's regardless if we have the information now or answered now or not that's definitely something we're looking into to to see if we can find a way to do that regarding the evidence I thought that was already secured after the after the issue with evidence or is this a better version of that this is a better accountability version um what they had implemented um is just putting a couple more locks on it um it wasn't really a system to track and and to um record what was going on so this is going to hold accountability we can uh pull Audits and everything like that right now it's a a paper document that anybody could just write something on do you have any other costs that are going to come in with this electrical it looked like there might be electrical stuff you have extra money in this item so you have enough to cover anything else you might need it's it's all covered yeah so if there was funding for this that would come from other sources beyond our budget is it something that is it recommended to move forward now or wait and find out I don't know if these things can be retroactive in terms of funding this generally speaking the the information that we have is well the external funding source is uh from the task force so when the financial crimes task Forks seizes assets funds whatever uh a portion of that comes to the Village of bcan Park those funds are generally being able to be used on new purchases um we can't use them for operating expenses we've had that lengthy conversation already um do you did you have you so answer the first question you you can't use the funds to reimburse so you would use them for the initial purchase um and just looking at the the guide to Equitable sharing it says that treasury funds may be used to pay the cost associated with the construction expansion or Improvement of law enforcement facilities regardless of the size or scope of the project and they give examples examples include new HVAC equipment Paving projects security fencing paint and carpeting or construction um materials related to Construction products so treasury funds May um however Justice funds may not be used to pay the cost associate but you cannot reimburse so if we found out we could use it we could hope we could wait when's that money coming we're not certain at some point before the end of the year is our best guess does it say anything on there Brad about uh fixing concrete slabs under the police station well the pro it it it well that would be don't look don't look don't arguably that would be an improvement yeah um however I will tell you that if you're adding and this goes as well as to this um access control system if any part of of The Bu and I understand it's one building but if any part of the Village Hall side is receiving the Improvement you would have to prate the the cost so in other words you can't use these shared funds for the village hallside even if it's an access control pad if you're doing you only half the foundation I mean so it would you would have to get approval from the treasury to do that because generally what happens is they split the cost and the village would have to pay that share that is not law enforcement related it makes sense well maybe the question is this is something that needs could wait for us to sort of try to get funding for or do we need to rush and sort of if we had the system in place we we would not have had as big of a Benny Lee issue so what the chief alluded to is is part of the ramifications of what happened with Ben Lee we have to show that we are taking Extraordinary Measures to prevent something like that from happening again um and that essentially it helps ensure that our systems are up to date and current and keeps us out of potential legal trouble so to answer your question this is something that needs to be done now and we really can't wait I didn't know we were saying Benny Lee out loud and naming things after the man so I'm kind of surprised to hear that surprised Brad didn't chop everyone's knees off no okay um okay there's a there's a blank in here number four term there's a blank number of days has to be filled in on this the initial installation of services shall be completed by the contractor within blank days we have to fill that in the manager can you can do that give me that number yeah that depends on when this actually passes I also need the Federal ID number for the contractor because I was a unable to find them in uh sunbiz okay um okay do we have any other discussion items or points to to make on this one no we need we have a motion already I don't think it's being amended other than those two items so um and you'd be approving this agreement in substantially the same thing okay great um so all in favor of approving the the resolution hi hi hi okay very good so um before we move forward we have we have eight items remaining on the agenda uh by my count it's uh just after 9:30 I'd just like to ask at this point is there anything that's specific specifically time sensitive that we need to to address right now otherwise we'll just kind of go in order any of the resolutions particularly time sensitive with respect to a contract date um the uh the this the assignment do we need to get to the assignment or can that wait I'm just curious yeah there's nothing time sensitive from that perspective um from an operational perspective 11d the assignment will enable us to start work on the website um okay does anyone have any objection to taking 11d before we go to 11c okay all right so let's go to 11d which is our resolution 20242 um Brad can you please read this under the record for us yes resolution number 20 24-22 approving an assignment of a contract renewal for gov office Catalyst a resolution of the village Commission of the village of biscane Park Florida approving an assignment of the agreement between the village and go office LLC to Catalyst Public Works and citizen engagement LLC and authorizing The Village manager to execute an order form providing for a three-year renewal of set agreement in the amount not to exceed $1,789 for for said renewal term providing for authorization providing for an effective date thank you Brad do I have a motion on the resolution motion to approve do I have a second second okay um thank you Mr manager is there anything you'd like to address before we move to discussion yeah this is this is not a this is not a new contract we're not signing a new agreement this is an extension of the existing agreement um what happened is the company that we contracted to do this was gov office and they've either merged with or been bought out by Catalyst I'm not certain what that situation is so this is just a signing into the new company keeping the existing terms okay thank you Mr manager um do we have any discussion points for the uh resolution item I have a couple of things um Chris are you happy with this company because I was under the impression you weren't completely happy with them regardless or was it that just simply related to this transition and they wouldn't respond to you because of the transition and you were trying to get them to apply contract terms that they didn't want to honor that is correct we've had several conversations with them um their their initial request was to create a new agreement um and we pushed to honor the existing agreement okay so you're happy with them other than that so this the work they do you're happy the software that we uses does an adequate job okay um um and and it's there's no pay this is the same amount we paid last time correct yeah there's no there's no additional funding is was already agreed to in the original agreement okay so what did we find out about the there there's some hours built in here there's design refresh you get 30 hours of design refresh but I thought we didn't use our time on the on the exist I don't know when this expired if it did expire I thought there were hours we didn't use because that wasn't included in something and you were trying to get them to honor it that's that's what we're doing now with the renewal um that I think we're actually late on taking place um that includes the refresh of the site okay so because you're just renewing and not getting a new contract with them those design hour Can you capture any of the design hours you lost that we didn't use in the last contract year this is it's my understanding this is the first renewal of cataly weren't I thought there were design hours in the old contract that we didn't for the initial not I'm not aware of anything that we didn't use but that the answer is is no the what the agreement covers is a refresh at renewal which is what we're doing now more hours for you uh so what's up with the communication package I went back and listened to the initial the the meeting where we approved this and we approved Mario for extra money to get the communications package and I emailed you the stuff that I heard in that meeting meeting is that included in here or no the existing Communications package based on the research that I've done is that email component um and that was the clunky component that we could not import into individuals had to sign up for so that is now replaced by by um the uh the app and the new apps notification and email system so the app can do emails for you correct need this to do emails because I listened to what Mario said and it's he said it was Text Blast newsletter email blast and a lot more components in communication so are there anything else in there that makes your life easier nothing else that I found okay [Music] um okay so this is in the current budget we're just rolling it over this is just assigning a to new company any other discussion items for this one so um I have a question so the 30 so it's 30 hours of the refresh up to 300 pages of content transfer does it mean that I in two months if you have changes or within those 30 hours because once I design the the page sort of stays or the the the entire map of the website stays that way or you can go and say I need content refresh as well so they take care of that for you so the initial the way this is going to work is the initial 30 hours that are available they're going to take a look at what we currently have um we as staff have done a lot of changes um trying to freshen up the site ourselves add additional information they're going to be looking at this from the big picture does the navigation work do we need to change how that looks um as far as once our 30 hours are up they're up if that only takes them 10 hours then yeah we have an additional 20 that we can use to do so many other things so they'll come back with a suggestion as how the design will look because they're going to look into the different areas you have and look at the user sort of interface and they're going to say oh we recommend that this side is this page is actually before and later and they make the suggestion my question is after they're done because that will take 30 hours that are they with this budget able to come and change say in the future there's some information you want to add and are you responsible for making those changes or they touch back into the content and make the changes themselves anything over the 30 hours we would either have to create an agreement with them to provide that additional work at an extra cost I would assume um or we would make the the changes so it's pretty much the sign in making sure the all the content you provide fits right in place to their design and that's pretty much it correct they're they're going to rebuild the framework that needs to be rebuilt and then we fill in the drywall and this is on an annual basis 30 hours or is that for the renewal that's each renewal we get 30 hours okay this is a three-year renewal so it's it's really it's not a lot that's what I'm saying so it's when you start working with them um 30 hours will go by pretty quickly um and then once you define the design you're going to have the same website for the next three years without adding cost of course this is if you stay within the budget right it's the we get that 30 years so the the initial contract term was one year with the option to do two additional one year each time we do that additional one year we get that 30 hours so we get 30 hours this year we get 30 hours next year okay that that sounds much better okay because I'm like otherwise you're gonna be stuck with the same website for three years I'm sorry unless more I'm sorry interrup say that again I don't I didn't understand that we get 30 hours a year each time we renew and it's an annual renewal we get 30 hours of design it's a three-year renewal it's this actually was a it was actually a six-year contract so if you look at the original agreement with um go office um I'm just looking at the terms um the first there was a there was a first year then there was a year two and three yep so it was a three-year agreement and then after which now we're renewing for three more 2021 and then there there's a provision which allows the uh Village to renew for threeyear right period at a annual rate this is not $5,000 for 15789 for one year it's 15789 for three years three years right that the one year so the on the fourth year the got it you're paying 5263 and you're gonna be paying that for three years got it but Chris said it was for one year so this is for three years this is a three year yeah ioke is it 30 hours for this threeyear renewal or 30 hours annually looking back at it that's what I was asking this is per per year so you have um but is it 30 hours per year so I'm think the answer might be changing now is it 30 hours per year or 30 hours for this three-year renewal I think it's a three-year renewal 30 hours per renewal they honor the original terms three hours across three years not a year oh so that's different y that's different than than what I just said looking back into this so in the original contract did you get 30 hours a year or did you get how many hours a year did you get we got just the original contract included just the original design and there was how many hours that information I don't have I don't know how long that process took I thought it included hours as well we should have the first contract that it's on here it's an attachment it's on here it's an attachment so but doesn't it doesn't specify the amount of hours we signed for it does I'm pulling it up right now it's in here um because then that's that's what would happen I think that it could be an opportunity to renegotiate the fact that three years 30 hours will I mean you'll consume that on the first assign for sure so the the issue and that that was the issue that Chris and I came up with and we're talking about when this whole assignment issue came up yeah so what what this company did what Catalyst did is they said hey um we've bought we we've merged or whatever we've bought this other company we want you to sign up brand new six-year agreement yeah and here's the agreement in order to do that under your village procurement code we would have to put it back out to bid yeah and um and and at this point the website needs to work yes and we weren't able to get the work done because they weren't going to do it um unless we signed a new contract or we get someone else or we got somebody else so the position that when Chris when the manager and I spoke about this based on the agreement we said wait a minute we still have term left on on the agreement with Catal I'm sorry with with gov office they've mean all they've done by the assignment when they took the company they took on all the responsibilities of all existing contracts so let's just give them an assignment and let's move forward with the contract so we have a vendor in place as opposed to having that downtime for the bidding process so with that being said as a stop Gap if that's what you all chose to do you could have it for the one year and just not renew yeah terminate if you wanted to put it out um I just think that first off my question is whether on the sign when it was done it took 30 hours just for one year because if they're extend in 30 hours for three years then we are sort of uh going to use that very quickly and then we're going to pay on an annual basis whatever is left for no hours or no work to be done but just um from a point of from a point of a design contract um from a point of a design contract this is a design refresh these are hours allocated for for a very specific type of service so the a design refresh isn't building a whole brand new website it's taking some you know color Petes it's taking some Design Elements it's refreshing those things yeah but if you look at the bottom over here they talk about a lot of the responsive design they they look into um literally redesigning what currently exists they have to look at and it could be a completely different website I mean from the perspective of let's there was so many hands going into since that happened too that they might come back and say no I mean you know your traffic comes from here to here so we need to switch the entire design to say a b andc and quickly I mean that that is very useful information might be that it's a quick refresh I don't think think it's going to happen whatever that needs to happen needs to happen what I'm saying is if we contract it for 30 hours in the past for one year that's when I'm not clear now I'm looking through the cont and we're looking to contract for 30 hours for three years why are we doing that why not just 30 hours a year extend another year do what you need to do and if we feel we're happy with the work we'll renew another year after otherwise you know all of it is going to be done the first year and then we're tied to a vendor for another two so I think from from the perspective what you're talking about we're talking about changing the material terms of the agreement so we wouldn't be talking about signing we'd be talking about renegotiating the terms to say you know one year instead of three with all this included if that's what we had in the past so not clear if in the past we got the same value that we were getting now that's right I understand sorry first time it was also three years so initial and it was it was three years initial design I'm reading it right now I but they don't have any I thought there were additional design hours in here it was the add it was the initial design and then I'm looking at lots of like fixing things and but yeah they don't have a specific amount of hours what will happen if it's if you do consum do suggest that and they look 25 hours on the first year then you only have five again I think it's very little you have one hour remote training after the graduation per year I mean that's also like very very little someone needs to be trained and you got only one hour the rest you're charging you for um I don't know I'm just G yeah saying I think it's a very it's cons it's it's it's asking to sort of commit with them for three years with not so much and again if you don't have a benchmark of what we did last year then how do you know it's going to be gone in three weeks well verl can I read something to you because you bring up a good point I I'm seeing something that sort of sounds like what you're saying I'm looking at the original agreement page two and at number eight says in the event that neither party gives 60 days notice neither party gives 60 days notice prior to the end of the initial or any subsequent term this agreement will automatically renew for an additional contract term so if it's automatically renewing why are we signing a new one it says they agree to provide one renewal one renewal that would be this renewal with the same level of services and the same contract terms of three years as this agreement including a repeat of services at the the same or comparable level sorry um exactly you see that I see and so with that in mind then why not just sign for one year well it's that's not what this says this says if we don't if we don't renew it it automatically renews for three years at this same level of service and this is the level of service from what I understand was like creating a website well you have to look at exhibit a so there's project deliverables which is hosting maintenance support and security it's on page six page six of the of the attachment got it so license of goov content management system software unlimited bandwidth and hosting up to unlimited gigabytes of file uploads uh toll unlimited toll-free technical support there so you're getting more than just a website build you want me to turn this no talks about slider one with the resolution it said reso it's the attachment says reso it was 30 days we have to from March 2021 well I think it's a 30-day it's a 30-day termination right so 30-day we provide notice at any time that we terminate and 30 days later the contract terminated right um let me just find it so I mean like if you look under content I'm looking at exhibit a what would be included in the original agreement that would be picked up in this and it says content professionals will analyze the entire site n navigation menu and then organize and label up to 200 pages I mean it's the initial thing is going to get it sounds like it's all getting picked up again so we could use all of that am m not understanding this yeah no I think it I think it it is up to 300 page I mean it's a lot I just don't know that 30 hours was within the three that's what I'm saying 30 hours could mean it could be them sitting around talking about what to do that's what I'm saying before they do any of it that's what and and this I don't know Brad This sounds too good to be true when I look at this what's the deal here reading okay so you have it's actually 60 days first is is either party May terminate the agreement at the end of the contract term by providing the other party with 60 days written notice prior to the contract renewal but if you don't then this automatically kicks in it right it right see it's from my perspective it's Auto already automatically renewed but we're just we we're approving the assignment to the new that's all we service provider but the assignment also includes other things like these 30 design hours and blah blah blah where this renewal if it's this renewal just assigned to a new name a company name then all of this stuff comes along for the ride it says they'll propose a navigation restructure mockup the client d da D I mean it's like homepage setup it's it's all of it like from scratch again it says it picks it up as it references that in number eight so it specifies it specifies a exhibit a right about the original agreement through looking through exhibit a original agreement or the assignment it's from scratch building of a website in the event that neither gives 60 days notice it automatically renews one time for three years including a repeat of services described in exhibit a go to exhibit a and exhibit a starts describing building a brand new website from scratch rad can I just ask you I don't want to go too far backwards here but when the company when the company was acquired I mean they they they step into the shoes they acquire all outstanding contracts if the agreement if the agreement automatically renewed at the end of the term and this company comes in and buys it don't they just buy the existing agreement agreed so is this can we go back to them and say you bought this is what it is you bought it you don't get a chance to renegotiate no matter no matter what I guess the question is do we even need the assignment exactly well this was dated March 2nd 2021 that's over three years ago that 60-day period it's already we're already renewed we're in it already just tell them to get to work you're right we already are and that was the conversation but they wanted an assignment so their assignment specifies different things that aren't in the original this not really this is not really an assignment the exhibit which is marked on the exhibit a is is not really that's a that's the renewal that's not really the assignment so the assignment is the resolution right but in the agreement that we're looking at it specifies other things that are not in this original this contract that we're looking at 2021 um I guess my point is that and just give me a moment okay exhibit a should be the resolution 2021 D9 gov office agreement not the exhibit a that's on that's attached to the to the to the agenda tonight's agenda so right so what what I would suggest is what we'll do and you you can approve it that way on the resolution we're going to provide the business with the resolution agreeing to the assignment and exhibit a is what is titled on the agenda as appr the agreement that we entered into with goov and we're continuing that for the three-year period That's automatically renewed we have an additional order for right because this deals with something completely different this this was when they were asking us to do a new agreement yeah I I get that so we can we can give it a shot and go back to them and say look you agreed and and it was it was renewed and you step into their shoes and then see how they react I guess okay so what you're saying is the on tonight's agenda there is an assignment of a new name to this company and the exhibit a is the order form from this new company but exhibit a that should be removed and exhibit a should be replaced with the contract that we signed in 2019 that says this is a three-year renewal and the exhibit a this is gets confusing the exhibit a in that one specifies all that stuff that Chris gives you a whole lot more ability to get more done correct that that's what they're doing so we're we're right essentially again we're striking the order form from Catalyst saying we're not adopting that we're just extending the goov contract that we entered that's already automatically renewed and you've you''ve you've purchased because if you read the tonight's resolution it says there was a resolution in 2021 we wave competitive bidding uh it was a three-year then it was a three-year term for an optional threeyear renewal at this rate goov has rebranded itself we're happy with them so we're going to renew it and exhibit a take out their order form this thing they Dro gave us and just replace it with the 2019 contract that's our exhibit a approve it done deal we're honor you're honoring and we're already in that we've already renewed think the argument is that I'm trying not to speak too much from a legal perspective but I think the argument is that it's already renewed it's already renewed kind of already in it saying you don't have a choice yeah you got to take this we're just saying it's your it's a new name the the only question I would have is that what what we got as a renewal um is it getting you the services that you are looking for that you've been discussing with them I'm guessing it does but I because we already used them for this they did our website from scratch so in essence you could based on the agreement since it's being renewed do the exact same now they take your existing website that you did for us and redo it and there is no cap on ours or at least not presented to us from the previous contract what I'm seeing is in exhibit a project deliverables in the original agreement digging deeper into this there actually is no refresh um it is just the just providing the standard services maintenance of web servers daily backups um tech support when needed list some of the elements that we use in the website The Flyin and whatnot um it doesn't actually include where where are you looking at so I am in back out exhibit to the original agreement the goo yeah I'm in the original agreement so on 19 yeah so if you click into 20219 the second link on the agenda item this one got it and then jump down to exhibit a for that no is PDF page six page six y be a and that's all the basic stuff there but Chris run to jump to page eight because it's still part of appendix a jump to or exhibit a whatever it's called jump to page eight and it says process of Premium level responsive website design package this project will be a two draft three Re revision process whereby the design team will create up to two drafts da da da da da client reviews three more rounds of revisions before final approval logo custom fund treatment custom font treatment custom color social media icons save icon Advanced footer secondary na a choice of one homepage column that's the thing you have image slider so many other services in here that include like a premium level responsive web just like all that and you don't have a cap an hour so um to Jonathan's point I think they're against the gun with the switch of company they're trying to be more effective and telling you they're going to do this just on a certain amount of hours and here you had unlimited tech support I think it um from a not even asking I think you have the the the yeah to kind of I don't mean to interrupt um but in the interest of time it's 9:58 so I think I'd like to go with Brad's recommendation that what we do is we approve the resolution as amended we remove that order Forum from the new company uh we have we go back with the resolution to say that this is the original agreement we already it would already renewed um we don't need to enter any additional agreements this is renewed for 3 years and through assign they've stepped into the shoes they have to take the contract and if they push back they push back but I think that that's I think that that's where we should start um and that's that's what I would propose yeah well that's what this says this this tonight's resolution says they've rebranded we're satisfied and we're renewing yeah so I think the language in the original contract says don't renew it just ignore it and it happens right it's already already happened so can we can we get it uh do we need this at all they wanted something that would indicate that we agreed to the assignment well then could that just be a letter that someone signs and says we agree to the signing it by resolution that we AG we agree to the assignment you're bound by the original contract so then I would reaffirm that we go forward and put and move the resolution forward just scrap this resolution Al together and and do a verbal resolution now to to accept their new name do do as we've outlined here so what I what I would do is on the you go to the resolution you look at um the name's going to be wrong isn't it yeah that's why I think they they want legal doc it says because the name says authorizing The Village manager to execute an order form that they have that thing called an order form the name of this resolution doesn't work I'll have to I I'll have to I'll have to redraft Jonathan can I make a motion to extend the meeting 15 minutes so we can finish this I don't know that we're going to have time to wrap up any other items other than this one so yeah sure a second well I'm gonna I'll have to redraft it okay so the idea is then that Brad is going to redraft this based on the discussion that we've had here this evening with the understanding that we're going to scrap that order form from Catalyst because at least sounds like we've come to an agreement that we believe that the the assignment is already the renewal is already taken place and they're Bound by the agreement just accept the rebranding of that company that's it yeah can we just consensus on that you can okay um that have to be a resolution can that just be a letter to them saying we accept the rebranding of your company Brad what do you think or do they want something from the commission um I I'd have to defer to the manager I didn't have conversations with the company something wanted from they wanted from us I'll have to get clarification on that because if they will accept just something from you Chris saying you accept it we're saying we accept it so you could just sign a letter to them saying we accept the rebranding of your company and it the our contract has already renewed and let's get to work that that's the direction you're giving the manager to be able to accept the assignment and we can we can reach out to the vendor and make see if that's acceptable if that's acceptable we'll move forward that one say you don't need us all right very good okay so I think that concludes that item I think we have consensus on it and we have a direction um so I will go ahead and uh at this time request uh placement of the items we did not get to to the next meeting agenda you guys consider just talking about this re rehearing of this variance this could be quick all I'm asking you to do is agree to rehear it and so they can schedule it with us I don't know that that's going to be a quick hearing a quick discussion item I've had some some legal implication discussions with the attorney about what that even looks like I did too and we are we able to tackle it my question about be if the owner moves forward with anything of building a gate or selling the property would this get more confusing if we drag this out another month versus talking about it now exactly well it's an aole issue but but the other point is that it attaches the the variance attaches to the property doesn't touch the owner exactly so it will continue um so unless we were to just un unless is there currently a gate there now did he so they haven't even applied for a permit permit and had an active permit and built a gate say before we rehear the variant would we then we took away the variant have to tell him to remove the gate more cost and things like that to his so there there is a potential stopple argument depending on timing so I if um if he had and if you remember he already had the gate up he had a gate up and then took it back down when he realized had a permit put it up right no I understand I understand he took it down when he realized he hadn't hadn't sought the permits um and then he was coming then when he sought the permits he realized he need a variance and that's how we ended up before you all asking for the variance um the stopple issue can come in several different ways if he were to put the gate back up based on the variance um that was granted he would have a an aole argument the question would become in that circumstance whether or not the whatever you want to call it misinformation misrepresentation whatever it is whether it was material to the extent that it would have um it would have over returned or changed the decision of of of this body um the other way the EST stoppable argument could come up is let's say for instance he sells the property before you rehear the variance and that property owner buys the property with the understanding that they have the variance and then they can put that fence up and now you have a subsequent hearing you say no we're let's just take the worst scenario you're going to resend that variance that new property owner would also have an aole argument saying look I DET I relied to my detriment when I purchased this home that this variance existed and I was allowed to do this because you all entered an order saying I could um and now they could go to court and ask a judge to prevent prevent us from go going forward and um resending the variance I think all the more reason for us to agree to get that hearing scheduled as soon as possible so we have the opportunity to make those two happen hopefully get ahead of it because based on what he stood here and told us the evidence that he provided that evidence led us to make a decision one way I didn't vote for it but or others Ryan wasn't here I think we need to rehear this case I we didn't get the right information we got some information we got false information what is what is the noticing what does the noticing procedure look like for something like that the noticing procedure would be the same as the noticing procedure for um for the original variants but it would also have to be one of the other Commissioners that would ultimately have to ask for the rehearing because uh well it' be just like a like a consensus thing right just like we normally do it would well the commissioner Kennedy voted no so he can't so I can bring the item up one of them bring which is why you're bringing it up for discussion so he can't move for the rehearing because he he vot he voted no what he can't he doesn't want to rehear his no vote he hasn't applied for uh for a permit no I I I that I I was told no today so the case like based on the safety I mean regardless of whether it is for him it's on the property itself so whether that is a rental property now to be sold as an Airbnb or whatever it is safety is still concerns in terms of cutting through traffic so that was the whole point of the discussion so I understand that for what is being said a lot of it might be all made up and this person like ma but at the end of the day if if it was you know safety concerns in terms of traffic coming through and there were arguments about this from other people in the room I think this the concern Still Remains for whoever leaves in let's let's rehear it and and hear it again and and look at the evidence again and look at the testimony he gave he stood here and said my children first he indicated that they live in the house yeah and then I said well welcome to biscane park how long have you lived here well I haven't moved in yet so that was number one didn't live in the house let me finish let me finish it was it was my children my children can't play in the backyard because our pool is the entire backyard they have to play in the front yard it's my children was the safety issue so that was the issue it wasn't there's a general safety problem on this property it was about my my kids and they don't live there they never live there they don't live there it wasn't just on his kids he mentioned about cutting through traffic on his property and it wasn't just his children he mentioned about his children definitely mentioned mentioned seeing in the front y so I think it's it's it's more than that I I my question was regarding the rehearing who would come to the rehearing well my question was going to be normally when someone applies for a varians they ask to come before us how that's why I'm asking how does the noticing that's why you would provide notice to to him that there's going to be a re-hearing and that he would heed to attend um if he doesn't attend I'm I'm not sure where that leaves you but um we would have the hearing anyway regardless what's that we would have the hearing regardless of whether he came or not well you would have the hearing but you need some evidence of of the fraud misrepresentation to overturn it and make a determination that that whatever that misrepresentation was somehow material to the determination as to granting the variant we have his initial testimony it's on it's so let me let me just put in my two cents because I think I'm the one that argued that started the argument of of allowing the the the gate on on on Griffin and not on the other side simply because you know because our code said that uh you can have gate period um but the the the the push for me was the safety of the kids um having said that there are no kids there's he's not living there um so that that's that's the first problem for me the second problem that I have is that prior to them moving there there was I'm um I don't even know who it was that lived there but there they lived there for quite some time and then they had a sign it was a small sign like this that said you know do not cut through um griffing and and to my knowledge from what I've understand and what I've been told is that they never asked to install a gate so this to me was more of a safety issue for him and for his small children that can't play in the backyard there that was the push for me was to Simply that the fact that that is not the currently the case then that's a problem for me because I could have very easily voted against that variance had he not pushed the safety of the children card on on me well one of you has to make a motion oh I'll make a motion to re what re rehear the the variance you guys may excuse me want to consider the cost of this the add along is going to cost you about $1,700 then there's the cost of sending out the letters to all the neighbors within 500 feet of that that's just learned lesson learned well I don't think it was a lesson learned well it wasn't for me because we no because we have to go by what the person in front of us is telling us and hope that they're not beesting us I mean at the end of the day he changed his story stand well listen I'm not a detective hold on if I can we we have to stop talking about the facts and and you're getting into a v a discussion made a motion we got a we got a motion a motion I'll second it okay all in favor I vote can I vote on it or no you can vote you just can't make the motion have consensus all right okay so that concludes that item so the remaining items uh I'll ask so when will it get scheduled how do we determine that when would you like to rehear the baring soon as possible like first what's the noticing period again I have to call the her to you out it's within 10 has to be 10 days before the meeting believe so have to look an uncertain timeline because you need to get in touch with the advertis oh can you can can we circulate dates for like a special agenda or even place it on on July item a regular commission meeting it what happens if it doesn't show up if the Brad will find out well well uh you're gonna have to base your decision based on the information that you have so you're pretty much where you were at the last meeting okay so then U Madam clerk would you be able to get in touch with the heral and provide some some dates for us to to choose from okay can she coordinate that with us via email or that's good we can do that send an emailing or okay she's not polling you she's she when you're available here's the dates are you available on these dates to me obviously nobody will reply all and it'll be replies will be singular but yes you can do that Pamela I'm gone July uh 21st of the 20 and I would like to be here in person for this if possible 21st to the 28th I'm out of time okay thank you madam quick um all right so that concludes that item so request to place the other items we didn't get to for the next meeting and a motion to adjourn a second all in favor by