good evening ladies and gentlemen we'll call this meeting to order the meeting of the school committee June 13 2024 and we will all I will ask you all rise for the pledge of allegiance congatulations to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all next up is Introduction of members Ted novio milville Carrie got at Blackstone Joseph spagner Director of Finance and operations or I go out of line that's that's okay Maya G student council president Matt calano milville Tara scobby Blackstone Tara Larin milville Adan Keith Blackstone Jill pill gallerani assistant superintendent director of student services Jason DeFalco super inent and you all know me and eron vano will be here in a few minutes uh and next on the agenda we are going to have a uh student rep report Maya so I have updates from the high school so on Monday Senor rell's Spanish three classes went down to the elementary school and taught some Spanish lessons to first graders and kindergarteners some topics that were covered were colors numbers days of the week months and days of the year I was was actually lucky enough to be a part of that and they were actually really excited to learn about Spanish like I was kind of surprised and they were actually taking it in and trying to pronounce things and next up we had our Middle School sports day this was organized by izy godette and a lot of athletes and captains went down to the middle school and talked about what sports were going to be available to them and the experience of being on a high school sports team and they also got to do a bunch of activities and try out a lot of these different sports some that they may not have heard of the merging band began practice ing on Tuesday June 11th they had their first practice and then our BMR track team went States and Jackson Dunton got ninth in Javelin and was ranked second in the panathlon Usman té got fourth in Javelin and then our BMR Junior book awards will be held tomorrow morning in the auditorium and we have lots of upcoming end of the year events at BMR we have our schoolwide Bingo which will be tomorrow afternoon we have our annual karaoke bash which I know Miss FIS is very excited about and we have our first ever BMR decathalon that will be held on Monday and we will be prepping for that tomorrow with our advisories any questions to followup well thank you very much thank have a lovely evening you guys happy summer happy summer next consent to agender a uh Warren and meeting minutes for May 9th 2024 I'll take a motion to approve the warrants motion made motion by Tera second by Carrie any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I'll also take a motion to approve the minutes for May 9th 2024 mov motion made by Tara second second by carry any other discussion all those favor in favor sign if by saying I hi you guys have it next up is public forum anyone here to address the school committee seeing none we'll move on school committee agenda student recognition Mr superintendent yes we are very excited do you want to come forward natal with your with your family I know you're so embarrassed it's okay don't be embarrassed are your parents are going to leave your hand and they're not going to come with you for us as well so we are very happy that you're here so Natalia we heard uh I know we heard an update from our student high school student rep about the high school athletes at the state track me but we also heard some really great news about the middle school athletes um and if we heard this correctly was your coach yeah come please come forward like I thought you were back there but I didn't see you and we'll let your coach speak about the the specifics but we heard some really exciting news about your performance at the track Mee as it relates to Javelin coach you want to share a little bit about sure I mean for stars I know Natalia's like oh what is he what is he going to say I mean talk about an extremely hot Day on June 1st I mean average temp was in the high 70s and the 80s and the whole time natal is like I just want to throw why are the guys going first I just want to throw can I please throw the javelin can you go talk to the officials I'm like well I can't talk to the officials you will will definitely throw but I mean it was extremely competitive I mean there were roughly 80 different schools in the division that competed and out of those 80 schools there was around 40 to 50 girls that competed in the turbo jab and to kick things off I mean we're looking at our division 3 state champion in the javelin throwing a 95 which is incredible granted I know natal's like but I didn't get Triple digits because at DBC she threw in the triple digits just like but I'm like 95 is good yeah but I still don't on the 200 Coach and so that typee of energy I mean she just crushed it amazing and then on top of that she came in third overall on the 200 meter dash on top of that because and at that point she's just like I just I just want to run I just you know I just need to take it I just want to take care of business why is this running fast can you get can you get them out there can you you know make them H up like I'm doing the best I can she say well yeah you you have sway I'm like no I I don't have a lot of sway but I mean overall I mean this entire season watching the I go from coming out being very strong in the track but especially in the jab she's also one of our leaders on our team as well I mean everything from leading stretches to helping our sixth graders to helping our seventh graders and also keeping that like level head so I mean again we talk about Role Models you know as a BMR athlete I mean this is one of our best BMR athletes that's heading up into the high school level so can't sing my accolades enough I mean Natalya this was your season so congratulations Natalia that really is f uh what we have for you is a certificate of recognition and I'll read it it's the following award is given to Natalia maras congratulations on earning first place in the javelin at the 12th Massachusetts Middle School track and field championships and on behalf of your peers your teachers your Administration and the school committee we are very proud to have that achievement and your achievements in our district so thank you very [Applause] much we're going to make you pose for a picture with your parents anduse that fancy back use the backdrop a group picture that's okay go coach get coach one more awesome perfect congratulations great job congratulations can't wait to see a BMR now it does the meeting doesn't get any better than that so we can can Jour now right uh next uh Mr super oh one more thing I I gu just I should retired teachers out of this yeah so retiree recognition Mr T min Mr superintendent yes so we have um two um retirees this year we have one from Unit C uh jise Andre and we have one from Unit A Moren Rose I'm sure uh most of you are at least familiar with the name uh Moren has taught PR algebra and grade seven at the middle school for 28 years which is uh quite remarkable as as far as dedication and Longevity um and uh we are we are very happy for Moren but we are sad to see her go um she wasn't able to be here this evening but she did choose a book and uh if any of your children children have had Mrs Rose you will not be surprised that she picked a book about pie um Pi Day was sort of her thing um and it was something she definitely loved it was something she celebrated I may have gotten a fuzzy kitty electronic Kitty card happy P day every year since I've been here from U Mrs Rose and her students um they did a lot of activities on that day and uh including eating pie and um she was something I know that she was very proud of it was uh it was something that the kids really enjoyed and something that she really enjoyed so she picked a book all about pie that will be in the Middle School library for uh many many years to come so kids who are interested in learning more about 3.14 uh will be able to do that so we wish both of our retirees um much happiness and much health and uh in their next stage of the journey so thank you for thank you and thank you to the service and dedication that those retirees have put in over the years moving on to the school year 2025 calendar revision yes so we um as many eyes that there were on this calendar uh somehow I don't know if it was wishful thinking I'm not sure how we did it but we collectively the collective we myself included miss a day so the calendar that was in front of you prior was 179 days as many times as we counted counted and recounted and had a bunch of people doing it we somehow collectively missed the day I think it was because we wanted the school year to end on a Friday um and the 180th Day next year will actually be on a Monday however um you might recall that a year ago um we had a similar situation we had one actually we ended on a Friday but we had one snow day and uh By the time Good Friday rolled around we had sent out a message to the community and talked to the STA and everybody just collectively agreed let's you know come in and work and go to school on Good Friday and not have to you know deal with coming back on a Monday um so if we get to that point you'll notice in the calendar this year Good Friday is on April 18th that's the Friday before uh vacation if we get to a point where we don't have any snow days aon's calling it we're going to have snow days no I'm calling it that you're not going to get that day it's attach to a vacation that it it it could be an option uh otherwise we will be back on a Monday uh for for next school year for our so I'm just sharing that as an option uh something we can attempt to do should we need to do that uh if we end up with a snow day it doesn't matter anyways we'll be similar calendar to this year all right uh any other questions on that so I'll take a motion to approve the revised uh 2425 uh calender school year so moved motion made by Tara second back in by Aaron any other discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I you guys have it msba update is that okay ter to you give a quick update um so just a couple of quick pieces on uh our project with the mass School building authority um a few things um we the school building committee specifically the subcommittee that's working on the owner's project manager request for services have submitted everything to MSB uh for them to review and approve and um we are hoping to hear from them tomorrow they said they would need two weeks uh tomorrow will be the end of that twoe window so if I'm going to um be communicating with them tomorrow morning whether we hear from them or not to see where we stand so we can keep this process moving um because we need to get the uh requests for services in the central register so we can actually start the process of collecting uh the package from our potential opms and start the process of interviews so um that is moving along they have everything they need we're just waiting to hear back from the mass School building authority um and again uh we are trying to get this done and in place and have a candidate or a firm I should say in front of um the mass School building authority for their September 9th um panel review for owners project managers for uh construction projects projects so uh we are still pushing that deadline and um we'll know more in the next couple of days but they have everything they need hopefully it uh it kind of sails through and we can we can get it in the central register um the other thing uh just a big thank you to Jesse to Tim um and to our school building committee and our school committee members that have reviewed the um very short video the latest video that we're going to be sending out to our school community and to our Two Towns really highlighting kind of where we've been where we are where we're going and looking at that msba process just to help it make sense to people because it's kind of a complicated and lengthy process so uh to our families and friends tuning in and listening be on the lookout for that I hope tomorrow very beginning of next week at the latest so we're moving moving right along very good any questions on okay I think this one's going to go to Carrie it is go selling of pre-worn athletic jerseys throughout this past school year we've heard several times for those of us who've been working with Athletics that there are closets and closets full of old BMR uniforms so we've been kind of teasing with the idea of grabbing a couple of athletes National honor students whatever going in this summer cleaning out all of the closets and trying to pick out some of the higher quality ones that have been stored in there and then and perhaps at homecoming setting up a booth and trying to sell some of the old jerseys to alumni students we all know like retro vintage is all huge right now and then do it as a fundraiser and put it back into the Athletics budget so I think we just need approval of the committee to be able to sell those jerseys how far those jerseys go back how deep is that club I don't know if they've ever been cleaned out really yeah Keith duam thinks that they are like Originals be very valuable jerseys in there so some people alumni that are listening they can come back and get their uh basketball jerseys from decades ago 84 Varsity right any there any any questions on this any um just to piggyback off of that though um putting the money back into Athletics budget but we've already funded Athletics would it be something we could put towards our field funding that we've started with the banners in the I I don't know is that something that would go more towards the district versus like a one-time Revenue to Athletics my my thought on that is well so we um gosh I'm not I I didn't know this was coming so I'm um um when we talked about it was policy about fundraising and we were selling the banners up on the track or and in the gym um we create did we create a fund for that yet we we said it was earmarked for that through the policy when we went over that that was the sticking point in that was pretty much that the um the funds that are raised had to go to the district and the district would then disperse that through you know as needed so um if I recall that correctly I think I think so I believe so but we did but I know we talked about like a fund our Fields using possibly using that for Fields correct yeah that's what the committee wanted to do with that correct it would have to go the funds would have to go back to the district and the committee would figure out where they would allocate them so it wouldn't directly go straight to Athletics um just because it's I believe it's just money that is collected by the district has to be vot back to the district yeah yep that sounds right I just I know those closets need to be cleaned out and organized and I thought if we could get any fundraising out of it it might be a worthwhile project yeah definely I think that's a great idea but do we have to earmark it right now or is it we could do what we did with the banners if the committee was interested in that and we could keep track of what we've sold and how much we've raised and then the committee could decide they want to put toward fields or if there's something because when this project the backing up to msba like when this project does come to I think in good faith having money to put towards things that might not be reimbursable or reimbursable at the full percent is just you know it shows the efforts on our parts and um I thought the banners were the start of that so I might have just wanted it to be well I think the conversation was had at that timee yeah okay but would there have to be like some sort of like we' have to establish sear counter F or entprise fund I don't that that's the part I don't understand so or know about so I do remember the policy being pretty clear though the revenues would be there would be a name for where that Revenue came from yes mhm E I mean we could you know the funds would still be at the discretion of the school committee yes to expend yep so you you're looking for permission to to clean out that closet with some students and then sell some of the looking to doing it homecoming which is October I don't I don't know if we have a date to usually typically yeah or even just during like fall games set up a table during a football game or I don't know this could become bigger like an if we want alumni like there could be a Facebook page you know to get it out to outside the walls going to come back and want their numbers how many current students are going to want 1980s basketball shorts but hour back if it's even compliant with the like I know my son wears my husband's BMR baseball hat from the 90s so y whatever we find in there could be we can just let the teams wear them yeah right a vintage day yeah grow back game so do we need a motion yeah a motion to allow the selling of the pre-worn Athletics jerseys will without ear marking the money or you said it to go back into Athletics so that's the only reason I I was just thinking because it was coming from Athletics would go back to it but I don't atics it is yeah Athletics is a very broad General category so a motion to approve with the funds being at the discretion of the school committee I would just say motion I'll make a motion to allow the selling of pre-worn athletic jerseys from previous years motion by Erin second second by Tara any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I the eyes have it um next on the agenda is review and approve uh before I go to that can we get an update like and when you have those to that closet may get I think Revis to an [Laughter] auction um review and approv policy uh d uh and in that is to wave the first reading of purchasing uh Regional School District purchasing Authority and procurement uh requirements matth you want to review you want me to review yeah so there are three um policies in your um packets this evening that uh Matt Tara and um Tara s and Ain and I have worked on as a policy subcommittee um they are super straightforward um the first is policy DJI and I should take a step back and say that they just kind of the quick headline on these is that these are fiscal policies that have just been uh really kind of quarter turned by the U Mass Association of school committees to Fit regional specifically Regional School Districts so you you might even you'll notice in one of them like that's literally like the only thing that it says Regional School Districts so it's a very small change um but file DJI um would be replacing file D I'm sorry dj1 my apologies uh would be would be replacing uh file um DJ and that's underneath Regional School District purchasing um and if you look at the um draft you will see the um change that the school committee will designate the district's uh Chief purchasing offer is crossed out to Director of Finance and operations uh the uh chief purchasing officer again is cross out a district finance and operations a director finance and operations will develop and administer the purchasing program for schools in keeping with legal requirements Etc so that's really just the small adjustment there is that um Joe uh in his position as Director of Finance and operations will be acting as the school committee's uh Chief purchasing officer and when Joe receives his mcppo uh his procurement um credentials which he's well along the way um the school committee can take action and vote Joe as that person at that time um but I would suggest not to not to kind of Muddy the waters but that we wait on that until Joe gets his mcppo um certification with that so that's the only change there and that would replace again file DJ the second is dja A1 and so you'll see that file dja a and DJ A1 um again again you know the the adjustment here is that uh this is you'll see it change from purchasing authority to Regional School District purchasing Authority so that um change is you know very [Applause] minor and the procurement requirement changes are a little bit different and we did make an adjustment to this so this is file DJ E1 that's the new file um and you'll uh see the red line copy um this all falls in direct alignment with the uh updated legislation around procurement um but the you'll notice the blue at the bottom the school committee wanted uh the subcommittee rather wanted to make a slight change to um this policy and we added language that states to ensure competitive pricing the district will still solicit estimates for supplies and services um at $50,000 over $50,000 EXC excuse me um so you'll notice if you go to the top of the procurement requirements is paragraph three um it used to be 50,000 but the state changed it to 100,000 so we'll get estimates um for anything that is $50,000 or more still we're still going to we're doing that now yeah so we had talked about leaving that practice in place and then writing it into the policy so that it's SED that Matt did I miss anything or no on that was pretty straight does that wrap that up that was a short one so do we have to take two votes one to wave the first reading and then one to approve the policy already allows uh for a waving of the first reading so we don't need to take action on that the committee just needs to approve the three policies um the waving of the first reading was WR into the policy on policy review there is a policy for policy okay um so I can I I'll just take a motion on all three on all three okay so I'll take a motion on the revisions of purchasing Regional School District purchasing Authority and procurement requirements so motion motion made by Matt uh second second by Tara any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I guys have it uh we're going to pass over Unit A MOA until the next meeting superintendent okay and next on the agenda is H item H superintendent middle of the Year evaluation feedback yes Aon um Jason uh had this in his hands just a few hours ago so um we are a little behind but we're we're wrapping up the Umi for Jason which which he presented to us on April 11th um with his evidence um so honestly I'm just going to give a summary here which um 100% of us answered and on target for all of your goals um with one um on the district goal District of one where all are welcome and belong health and wellness um goal uh onek your marking as offt Target um and you have a copy of this for your comments and we will be moving into your end of year shortly so if you want to um have a meeting but um sorry that this was delayed oh no no wor um but basically the feedback shows that you're on target for great thank you any other comments on that I just want to thank everyone for getting into me organizing it it's a lot too I'd like to thank Erin for her persistence and getting everyone yes complete that they're deadlines I'm speaking of my own personal experience I'm going to I I um I have to another commitment to go to tonight I'm going to ask that the board uh consider the committee consider taking out of order and the superintendent report and go to the business office reorganization if there's no issue with that okay um so the report of the superintendent Mr the superintendent if you don't mind going to that oh sure yeah then I'll hand the meeting over to ter perfect so thank you good evening again everyone um and I'm gonna I'm going to just kind of tee this up and then hand it over to Joe um but now that uh Joe has been with us for a few months and he got a really good handle on all things FY 24 and fy2 and has spent a lot of time looking at the structure of the business office uh both the positions in district and the um uh accounting firm that we use outside our kind of our third party or assistant Treasurer um Joe has a recommendation uh which I very much support and a change that uh we would like to make um so in your packet there are few handouts there are um two pages uh one is titled um the business operations organizational chart and then the other is a memo that uh Joe sent to me on June 6th outlining the cost impact analysis for uh moving away from the contractual accounting services and um the in District accounts receivable position to having one uh District full-time District accountant and so before Joe gets into the weeds of that I just want to share um I think this is the right move for a variety of reasons but one of the pieces that I just want to put at the Forefront of the conversation is uh we went without a finance director for almost two years and you know we had some you know interms here and there um having a bench in District with a full-time accountant that's actually working in the system 12 months every day all day uh for essentially a budget neutral um cost I think would help significantly not just the day-to-day operations of the business office uh and with our finances but it would actually build a bench that you know God forbid wherever in a situation like that again we actually have a full-time accountant on staff every day in the weeds of all of our accounts that knows what's going on um we definitely you know did well and made it through those couple of years and two budget Cycles um but I think when we look at the overall health of the operation um and where it's a fiscally essentially a neutral move it makes a lot of sense but Joe I'm going to turn it over to you to talk about the logistics sure thank you uh just to add to what the superintendent did uh mention too one of the one of the other positives I see in this it's going to provide oversight on me um right now you know you don't want me reconciling cash posting journal entries and approving payments um we need somebody else that and and Ron who is the third party CPA does do the reconciliations now we want to maintain that make sure that separation of Duties is there my journal entries and my activity has to go through somebody too just to have a second set of eyes on it um and I think it's going to provide that that internal controls that we need to strengthen it's also going to start to take some of the responsibilities and the district's done a great job over the past two years keeping things running but as things everybody's branched out and taking on little jobs beyond their job description really uh to keep things running we need to bring all that back in and put uh the the responsibility on the department or the person or the individual that should have that responsibility uh as far as the budget goes it it will be a budget neutral move the the the the cost that we're spending for the the CPA firm um right now plus that part-time position we're talking about for accounts receivable should compensate the new individual under the under the same amount of money um so I don't see a downside to this uh I I do see all positive and I think it's a a good step and like like the superintendent said if God forbid something happens to me you're not going to be in that same position again you'll have somebody that can at least maintain keep things organized and keep things moving and that cost analysis is on that second page it's the memo um yes from June 6th that shows uh the replacement you know that basically the cost so essentially we're spending $81,000 $66.99 now for a part-time account receivable uh staff member and for our accountings um firm so what we would recommend is moving a top salary a salary of 85,000 and again that's the top salary um but we wouldn't go beyond that um and so we'd have about a $5,300 a little more than that overage if we had someone at the $85,000 salary and the salary range I projected for this is between 75 and 85 so it all depends on experience and you know the individuals that apply does anybody have any questions on that so Mr superintendent you're looking for a um a motion to approve the reorganization um in in the um in the business business office yes would that does that are we looking for Mo does that include yep yeah and you have a job description got a separate there's a job description as well where is that the table here it was it was separately with this there you go so we have the the reason this was uh not in the packet was because we have this service already but it's outside of the system so the finance subcommittee when we met on Tuesday thought Monday or Tuesday this week thought it would be a good idea to bring uh the job description forward for approval as well um because while we have the service we don't have the full-time position in the district we have the contractual service outside the district so that's in front of you as so essentially this brings an in house accountant yes more or less to um which is it is the qualifications and account accounting or is it what are the if you look on the um yeah I yeah my apologies it's two two-sided on the back side it runs through all the qualifications what um I'm sorry when is the contract for that third party up June 30th June 30th okay and we did we spoke with both of we didn't want to have this public discussion without speaking with both of the individuals and both of them were fine I mean they understood completely and makes sense particular when you look at the the resources we're spending and versus the service we get we get far more service and bringing a full-time accountant on board instead of a you know Y and this was a 12-month position in house eight hours a day yes whole time opposed to like a consultant like 12 months non-union 12 months year round full time I assume we're still going to be able to use this par somewhere else yes okay yeah the par will go back into um her position fulltime so she's kept completely whole there's no issues with the Union there's no issues with her or uh you know salary or anything along those lines um and then um we just wouldn't renew our contract with the CPA um we also didn't want to make any changes to the business office until we had a new full-time director and um if you're kind of wondering why we waited to do this the second part of it was I didn't as we were down a person I certainly didn't want to remove the finance person we did have there and Ron was incredibly helpful and supportive during all of that time uh that we were without a finance director and we did we had a very nice discussion with Ron yesterday and he going to use his services for anything no he's still available to us he offered his services for anything we there might might be some crossover that has to take place but initially but not not not not ongoing no with the new position be listed as like the assistant Treasurer the way Ron is always listed as that it would fill that role but we would post the position as the district accountant but they would fill the role of the assistant treasurer for the school committee which is an existing position that is yes yes yep okay which just have we have a subcontract we sub it up that was why it was like do we bring the job description or it was it was like a shade of gray there but we certainly couldn't hurt right any other questions on so I I guess i' I'd entertain a motion to approve the business uh office reorganization which includes the updated job description so moved motion made by Tara second is that you car second by Carri uh any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I any oppose the eyes have it uh Mr superintendent this time I'm going to hand the meeting over to Tara the vice chairman and um I will see you on July 8th if not before okay and I'd like to thank Ron for his keeping us on track absolutely as Erin knows there turbulent times and you know that I mean Matt helped us through as well but but in the absence of Matt and then in the absence of the hey was doing at all yes he was than thank you thanks check everything back to that perfect okay to keep moving um so um the next item is to uh review our school year 2425 student handbooks and our principles are here this evening to talk about those um I don't know if you all want to come down together I know you're going to present separately but it's you and in your packet you had the cover page that outlined as as we normally do what the changes are to the handbooks uh or the recommended changes to the uh to the handbooks and then the pages in which you can find the changes and then you actually had the red line handbooks themselves so there was a lot of uh a lot of paper with that but we wanted to make sure you had and hopefully everybody got their handbooks on Friday of last week we tried to get those out early so you had a chance to review everything before for Christina do you want to e us off here um just a little light reading for the weekend so actually ours wasn't too bad um we just did basically the bulk of our changes was reflecting what noville elementary will be now pre k to 3 so we did a lot of removals um you'll see throughout of grade four and five information we updated um some of the um like it might have been like three four so we made it just say three um so we kind of did all that to reflect what mville will look like again the cover page will be updated um we'll update all the the committee members their roles any District people in their roles um update the calendar all those typical updates um school hours we're going to adjust those because our hours are going to change next year so we're about 10 minutes so we'll adjust that um and then we're just going to remove any of like the absent call-in number the email for the JFK AFM complex we're going to update it so it just has mville only um and then that was really the bulk of the the programs we did change health so because um so two things the health uh office so I spoke with Karen young I shared her kind of what we had and asked what needed to be updated to reflect pre- 3 so I did up we did update those um about the physical examinations because that was outdated um the vision and hearing screenings and then the height and weight um screenings that are done as well so those were all reflected in what was in there so I that was shared with her to to update um and then we updated our report card this year so I was up here a couple months ago for that so we're updating the the rubric changes um on that as well um disciplinary measures we had that we're removing the bullets and replacing it kind of with the more um friendly language So it's talking about Minor offenses and major offenses um there was a couple pages that was kind of on the harsh I'm trying to figure this was the exact page there was one that was like refand and so we kind of took out took out some of the language to make it more reflect more pre 3 um while they could potentially be infractions of that nature we the team that I had worked with to do this um we kind of adjusted it a little bit to be a little more cute friend um and then bus rules we just um have to spelling a spelling error and um that was really big just we had couple spelling and punctuation errors um and then we are adjusting because last year we added the no parents picking up prior to 15 minutes before the end of the school day they just have to go in the parent pickup line we did um just again just adjust that time to 255 to reflect the 15 minutes um and then one thing that we have we wanted to make sure because our policy currently is they have to be fever free for 24 hours to return to school um we just put that it was fever free 24 hours instead of just fever free so we gave that more specific guidelines um and then um SP with with the early childhoods um we sometimes have accidents um and not only bathroom in accidents but spilled milk falling in the mud um so a lot of things where we need additional clothing so we kind of reflected that you know there's if your child may need additional clothing please make sure you pack that so we do have some students that do um need additional clothing for bathroom um so that we did ask for that in that we just updated that um we removed the instrumental music policy because there's no band in the Prada 3 um hoodie we updated hoodies just to say hoods worn on heads so it doesn't sound like they can't wear a hoodie to school that they can't wear their hood on their head when they're in school um and then just updated the um administrator determination of if something is violating the dress code um there's been instances where like a child has worn like a crop shirt where I've said just go put another shirt underneath it or change a shirt um or put a tank top underneath it so um and that's really been the bulk like the bulk of it was really just removing we did Mr eberg did I think I going to miss that one U Mr Eisenberg did update Health just to read it because it said health for fifth grade he just updated the wording um for pre 3 because we're going to be adding PE comp like Health components as part of the PE class so the last um chunk of the time either we said about 15 to 20 minutes of the PE class he Mr Eisenberg does a lot of games focused on health um so and the health systems so he we he does it anyway we just put that in the h book so any questions that's it I did have a couple um sure probably more General um the headlights page 40 there's the bullets three and four um they're not numbered but the third and fourth bullets they almost like conflict like it says students will be allowed to return to school after being treated and then it says the presence of head LIC that will not prevent a child from returning to school however they found it just seems like they they conflict to me because isn't the rule like they don't actually have to there's like a whole except for if it's and Karen can answer that better I feel like if it's eggs or larva I think that they H that they there's some part of that and Karen has a because I've had to call her and say hey what's the poliy on this so yeah you want I can get clarity on yeah if you want just clean up now I'm itching three and four on page 40 okay do that yeah no problem and then Chromebooks um K through three they don't get a Chromebook right they just use them they have all they all have one in the class they don't take them home three takes them home okay um but K through two do not take them home okay CU I was going to say I think some of the wording is a little over like it's it's everything that's in the other grades it makes sense to keep it we kept it the same language I think we actually used it off of the middle school one last year the year before perfect thank you Al so we did change um October 19th to read Columbus Day and Indigenous people's day so just make sure that that's noted I noticed that in all three of your okay so just it is noted on the uh the school calendar have a pen you know I'll send I'll send email to all of us it's easy just actually I can put it right on here ter can move to good did anyone have anything else first good yeah um we spent a lot of time on the handbo because you know we're merging two schools so um I I want to put out there and because as week reporting I want parents to know that again we are maintaining an elementary environment for four and fifth grade but we also not taking away that sixth and seventh grade you know um that level of environment for them so I have a lot of people on this committee looking through the handbook um there's a lot of redundancies in the handbook if you will so we delete a lot of things that already mentioned so um you know the the the general stuff is updated calendar I I'm page seven we did say did leave culture to graduate that time we didn't finish our merching we now finish so we're going to add it back in um it was really actually it was a really great process that we did together um merging the portra of graduate Jason even made us a a bracelets haret so uh it was just a a very um productive process uh update school time um the committee wanted to add backpack well they they knew they already had backpack but some girls they want to carry the purse and as you know we have a lot of issues at the middle school with the issues that people know they don't want kids to carry purses around the school there's no need to um so we added that and we delete um the regular School attendance is defined as three excuse absence that didn't even make sense almost like you encourag them to be absent so committee want to take that out um and then delete after third day of absent blah blah blah blah blah um homework will be available and also delete um student will be allowed the number of days absent plus one day to make up they felt like they're putting a restriction on that the teachers want to give work with student if they need more time they want to make sure they have more time so they wanted to take that out um we added the tear system um I share that with the Middle School folks that what we do uh this year really on using that tear system at the complex um so like you you can see tar one this is what we do tear two tear three so we added that to um the handbook is that per quarter per semester for the whole year two un excuse absences these absen per quarter okay um and then delete after five excuse absence the principal that's just so it's kind of repeat information uh on page 10 we deleting um in order to participate after school it say that they cannot be dismissed earlier than 11:00 a.m. or giving any unless the dismissal is them to excuse we changed it to when a student is absent from school they may not attend uh any school function unless it is an excuse absent and then in order to be eligible to participate blah blah blah blah blah I call Keith cuz I want to align that with the high school um so we got that language from the high school handbook on page 11 we delete kind of um you know plagiarism um so we added that cheating included not limit to we did add AI because it's just out of control with that so we want to Bullet them so it's clear to students and parents um so we delete that but we're adding it in bullets page 11 um we just change choice of teacher section because these in the old language was you know student kind of May request choice we're not doing that I can tell you I spend at least two months with the teachers placing students so there's no need we work very hard making sure you know the student combination is you know will be productive will be effective for them for learning so there's no need to request to change we only have three teams um and then uh page 11 change request schedule change um change to schedule change will be considered only if all the following criteria met um we really want the guidance Department involved with that instead a student just go to the main office I want to change you know classes uh if I go go too fast you can stop me uh page 11 change it to extra help from teacher uh we laugh about this one because in the L language you say just make an appointment with teachers but you can't they don't drive so we have to make sure the parents you know they have transportation so we Chang that um it is their responsibility request teachers are here so if they want extra help they need to make arrangement can I jump on that Jenny and I think in the Moa uh there is language that states that the uh extra help session um can also be triggered by the principal by the teacher so we tried to get and parent it's all inclusive so I tried to make sure that anybody that that needs to um identify that extra help is necessary they have an opportunity to do that good uh the ni field thinks is really separating six and 7 three grading policy progress report hon a row citizens of the month um again we added citizens of the month select Bas on P and then um we added the homework adding you know the minutes of homework um on page 12 we changed National this one I'm keep reading it um I need to look into that I'm not sure Jason maybe can jump in National Junior um Honor Society when we were working on it I was told by the commune that way six so it's the end of grade seven they get inducted in and then that's in that correct so we will change that and so that and there's actually no change to whatever so I'll highlight that so I'll make sure I change that um page 12 and 13 student ambassador uh grade four five six and actually uh that was our mistake it should be seven as well um what happened is if they are student ambassadors once they become student councils they have to give up their seats because we want to give other students opportunities to be student leaders so um we're going to explain all that once you know for when they apply um promotion for promotion and retention with grade four and five is very different than grade six and 7even so we added that language to it is more like a collaboration with family and then page 13 we added gr six and seven because uh um that paragraph should be just phases seven um and just language Blackstone School District administration and teaching staff page 14 and 15 personal um electronic device um we are removing that because we provide student with Chromebooks there's no reason for them to bring in their own um page 15 and 16 um I will explain this um Safa asking or a table of different um infractions cuz right the old handbook right now is just bunch of paragraphs they want something in table so we you know we're going to put that and and condense them it's a lot of redundancy um and then um discipline consequence and you will see like first event second event and third in the handbook chart um section to be deleted is discipline actions because it's will be in in the table um page 20 and 21 um our coaches really want to add the miia policy at the link to the um um handbo dress Co um we're having a lot of problem with Pajamas so they want to at the pajamas uh no pajamas allow unless the spirit they um and then adding clo assess no F or offensive image and uh we also call Keith on that as well the hood and bandannas um page 25 student council we add a grade six and seven because it's not offered to four and five and we mov the nomination election process you know we mov that because 8th grade is no longer in the middle school we want to move student expectation to page eight after general information it just the order would make sense page 38 loner Chromebooks um student I expect to bring their Chromebooks and if we have lonely Chrome books uh we do have a lot of issues at the middle school that they ran out of lonely Chrome books uh so if we don't have it they can't have one obviously um we delete the consequences because it's already in the technology use policy any question I just a couple um I know you on page dat you do have like the hours as far as um turn off cell phones by and remain in C but is is there a way to actually put the school hours somewhere in here just like the full start and then I know the other schools both had it in there so just to have it pop somewhere and then I guess the backpack thing I've always like wondered why they can't have them I know they get to use them back in the high school right because they have to actually they don't get lockers in the high school um you answered it kind of with saying you know the issues that happen in this building but I don't know I just feel like carrying a backpack is see I kind of had a question about the purses yeah for the girls yeah they sometimes need them yeah the Privacy yeah not that they can't they just can't carry it around if there's a need to take that purse to to the bathroom it's not a problem okay I I think we're trying to avoid the committee feel that we try to avoid a lot of problems they have this year just to I came from a middle school I taught a middle school and then we never allow kids to carry backpack and also is like the district I came from was like weapons and stuff you know but I I think it's the things that what's going on right now they don't want them to carry there are not weapons in the building no no no no they're probably their cell let me clarify my my past wanted to make sure to our faming in at home that they're not anyone misre you know have it out in the open we're looking for Vaping products I'm sure and we're looking for cell phones I don't think it's anything we need to step around so you feel more comfortable talking about it which I'm fully in support of so if that's what we're trying to you know mitigate the use of that's fine I agree that you know if we need you know purses and whatnot for privacy reasons and yeah that should be L taking it to the bathroom taking a picture just yeah we try to avoid all that yeah um I did have I think one more the pajamas kind of see you're the it's going to be the only one because the other two handbooks don't say no pajamas but I don't I don't yeah I don't let them wear pajamas but I don't think it was in your hand I don't think I don't know if it is pajamas in some well that's the other thing because it's like it's typically pajama bottoms right that the kids are we have kids com in with top two here so maybe it needs to I mean I think it's a lot of flannel pants to like it should say something like pajamas including okay flannel wear flannel pants or are you seeing other onesies I don't know what what's the they're wearing those night caps that they used to with the are they carrying around like the pajamas are not as much of an issue pre- 3 I would say it's it's more to it's older like four um I don't know cuz I'm not here so I don't know about Middle School I have a lot of issues with to your pajama to your pajamas do you have the dress code thing in here where it says that you choose you determine what follows dress code so I guess to me the pajamas would be determined by you we going have the language yeah that last line you know what I mean just to back you up like you can to subject to Administration adist decision yeah yours has like that right you have that it's probably something that's going to have to be part of like first a discussions what you say first I think you might have to have a um oh God an assembly about expect about not wearing them I hav I haven't been around here in the morning in a year now but it was an abundance of attire for this building and I get the part I think I said somewhere about being neat like I get that dress but you know like most kids are wearing leggings or yoga pants and boys wear sweatpants so it's I me how much different is flannel pajama Bots but I think it's that whole like neatness factor and I think you called it out somewhere administra dressed appropriately reflecting your educational process so I don't know maybe that does kind of explain why no PJs but yeah we actually have kids coming with faux pajamas and slippers yeah I'm like maybe that's what needs no slippers proper foot including slippers including pamas although then you've got like those Uggs slippers there slippers I I would have loved if someone else told my kid they could not wear them to school they weren consider slippers anymore sorry it's stress C you cannot very grave okay thank you thank you I just wanted to read the Waring that I neglected to put on here I just noticed it so for K the health says for K3 health during the course of the school year K3 students will be taught the following Health topics the three parts of the health physical mental and social health um physical fitness muscle strength strength and aerobic capacity and the importance of and value of regular physical activity nutrition and the importance of sleep so those were the health topics so I just want to make sure you guys add that and I can email to you and then send you thank you anyone else can I jump the health thing the with the new health standards the health um our health educators are working with our lead coach and they're actually working Al with other school systems in the black Zone Valley and we'll be putting together um a comprehensive kind of scope and sequence of topics at the various grade levels that will come before the committee so before anything is implemented or things are done just I want to make sure the committee knows that that they're working on that now and that information will come before the school committee so just a forecasting of the topics that you have in your handbook might ultimately change moving forward but they wouldn't before there's a public conversation about that and what the topics would be and the curriculum and the resources and the materials and the school committee might remember that you all had approved a policy where the uh school will send out the resources and topics to families so they can see the materials before anything may be taught I know there was some question pick around the the new health framework so I just want to make sure everybody knows that we're very much aware of that and we have a plan for Rolling that out and you will be hearing more from our health Educators in the fall thank you right High School um I did not put every little change where it said 89 if that was something that you were looking for I apologize um but like the the date and everything will be updated just like they they all said so that will all be reflective of who is here um on page 12 it's not a NE a scheduled change it's actually meaning it's a um uh related to schedule their schedule their class schedule change and when we're going to allow that to happen so it's 10 days after in the first period in the first semester into SE in September and then when we have the second semester they've got a I think it's February 4th or 3rd is the next schedule change so that is what we mean when it says schedule it's not like the calendar um again changing uh a date um no changes to the language just moving device to Chromebook because that's what the device is um that we have um for uh attendance policies we're um we're tightening up the attendance policies just language um in that uh open ended medical notes are not going to be accepted we've had some people um we've had some doctors or uh Physicians say you know they're being treated and then we have to keep going back and going back for excused absences so we're just asking that there is actually a date so that that could coincide for a checkup and then if we needed to continue that we would have an updated um medical note because you know having something in September that may be very different when we get to April or May um so that's the the piece with that um our administrative 50s are uh for credit and that's based on attendance um we've moved that to reflect the um more of the um what the Department of Education says is chronically absent which is 18 days um we move that to four days in part because what we're adding for restorative so restorative in the past is if you're missing attendance and you're over the attendance you can stay after school or in the morning um with Keith for restorative to restore your grade you're if you're getting administrated 50 you could have an 85 in the class but you've um blown the attendance policy you make up those days then um you get those back we have found a bit of um I don't want to say abuse but well if I'm late or if I'm not coming in I only have to stay an hour after school to make up that day so to make that more of a deterrent and wanting the kids and we're and you know attendance is a Hot Topic in the nation right now um we're also adding and you'll see a little bit later we're sing we're adding a Saturday restore to that so that's the change for as far as the attendance is concerned we'll be going over all of that and then seniors for the last quarter is changed from 3 to two um lots of bus passes and that is a as the end of the year and we're not getting buses because I don't have you know I don't somebody needs me at their house we're getting bus passes because I want to go hang out with my boyfriend or girlfriend um which is all fine but you know we're going to just remind you that you're going to need to ride your assigned bus uh unless you know other special circumstances require um another piece we looked at moving is for uh is to participate in extracurricular activities it was that you only had to pass Five courses I mean at four courses we're moving that to five so four is the standard for MIAA for any extracurricular activities or msaa for participation in like and or cheer um we are moving that to five the reason that it's 5 is because somebody may be enrolled in a study period And so that doesn't hold um credit or weight so that's why we went to that um I will just um throw it out there that um coaches Etc have the ability to um raise that bar and in fact um the football coach has done that and said that his students will need to pass all subjects to be eligible so that is the opportunity but for our our sake um it's five class classes um dances we're we're very flexible we want dances to happen but for a lot of times you need to have counts and for chaperon and a lot of things so we're just asking that the um tickets are sold a week before and then we have a hard deadline um that also makes it easier to cancel dances if we need to um the change for middle schools uh students will not be permitted that is for the prom they are U Welcome to our homecoming dance we are not permitting eighth graders to attend the prom um times for our school start is is changing there we've mention we've that's reflected at the beginning of the day it's also reflected in our in-house um internal suspension or our internal suspension or um for restorative as well um we've added that Saturday restorative piece um it reads that I just want to highlight the language for you because that is different um I can find it what page did it say sorry it's from 8 until 11: in the morning um on Saturday that will come already out of the stien um that we have for restorative it will be in our um LMC uh students in need of making up Onex excused absences can do so by serving restorative on Saturday students must come prepared to work no cell phones no head down um on the desk will be allowed bright and chipper and happy to be there um last piece is just cell phone uh usage um we're just again titing that up um and there's some compound errors there uh apologize for that is um you know they can listen to it we only allow one Chrome um one earbud um there's specific designated times where you can have it um on every paper is kind of my catch phrase of be present 53 minutes at a time um this will be new because our eighth graders will get to have a little bit more flexibility um we have found great uh success with this um in that we have a very clear the teacher has a warning if the second time we see the cell phone it goes on the desk if you do not comply then Keith and I will gladly visit and escort your phone to the main office um and and uh contact parents if we continue to have issues as if you come to the in the office Linda has several friends uh cell phone friends on the on her on her desk that um they just need to stay there until you can show that you can be responsible and use it the right way um so that's Tiding it up and then again just language expulsion to exclusion just I'm we have all this language too that's all been in your packets you have Jill was just mentioning there's um we made that you might remember we made this change in this during the school year already but the language around the uh bullying and anti-bullying and suspension that's that's all the legal notices yeah we we updated but just so you had a hard copy in your packet that as well there just all the statutory components we had to change after our um shared Focus monitor yeah our TF them so you've already seen it but we include it anyways so you have it so I do have a couple please um on page 11 MH the testing I don't know if you just want to add grade8 because they do mcast as well thanks for grabbing that yep we thought we did that that's perfect so on page hold on easy little thing and then I'm ready okay and on page 15 you have National Honor Society but now with eth do you need a national junor you're h a society blurb thank you m JHS and then 29 and 30 there are references to co oh I I that was deleted deleted that that was deleted afterwards it should have been deleted last time I I think they were using a two years yes because we deleted that right not doesn't exist I'm not really sure why that is was still there but yep Cod that's our deleted perfect and then 30 page 36 the hoodies common I know the other schools both put just the hoods like you can wear a hoodie you just can't have your hood on I don't know if you want to have that too okay so just the page 36 uh can wear a hoodie I think it was hooded sweatshirt a hooded sweatshirt inappropriate in hoodies but I think it's the hood hoodie but not your hood sure I'll make sure that it's the same language um as the other schools yeah yeah easy enough they all wear hoodies yes yeah with their PJs that is not in my no they can wear PJs the I I would have a Revolt if I didn't allow FL yeah pants from my children but it's [Laughter] not yeah I have a couple too go go ladies that was four the calendar just to reflect the new one that yes I I wrote I already wrote that and S that to to Linda every all of that stuff will be updated all the all the people personnel and everything will be up and then page 33 the times they're marked tardy just to reflect the new start time the old one on there old times for tardy um so on 38 with the Middle School um are we still calling the eighth grade middle school Jason or is okay they're they're in the high school so I just say grade eight I think it should spec specify eighth grade on number five it should say eth grade students will not be permitted will no will be permitted to attend the high school dances with the exception of prom okay because then at the bottom it says at the junior senior prom the underclassman you have to be minimum it says um minimum specify grade nine it says must be at least a nth grade student yeah well it says they you each couple must be a current student at BMR so I'm like well they're so they're at BMR but they're so I didn't know if we were still distinguishing the eighth graders as middle school students or no they're part of us bmhs yeah k I like that thank you so not middle we're just going to call it the grade eight yep so and anywhere else in here that we might have used the word Middle School sure should probably just beov Middle School eighth grade versus yeah I guess that that also cleans up the no eighth graders trying to take their seventh grade friend to a high school dance yeah correct no it's very CL clear in here where no middle it says I just read the whole thing but right it says no middle school student well it says Middle School is permitted so by changing that to eighth grade students are permitted then we won't have a you don't have any oh yeah you'd have all the seventh grad yeah [Laughter] nope a little uncomfortable there's 40 coming tomorrow so what we having a party here no thanks I apologize for those errors I appreciate the 16 sets of us um and I did not see it I it really didn't catch my attention until Jenny mentioned on hers where she said she checked with Keith um for the attendance on the half day is that so Jenny changed hers from it cannot be dismissed earlier than 11 but changed to half day that is what it already says in here is that what that's what keep I think it says 10:30 say he tell he didn't change the time in ours no it is it is3 something it's 10:48 to 10:31 now okay good it is but I think no I thinked I think that's a little different that's the half day that's just telling what time the half day is but I think what Erin's saying is that they can still go to an event if they're in school until at least 10:30 J saying the kids can't go to something if they leave if they absent no well I I thought that's what she said but am I misunderstanding it because it it's changed to when a student is absent from school they may not attend a school function unless it's an excused absence in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activity offered by the school the student must be in school for half of the school day correct yeah so what was changed was like if bmr's and I'm thinking a prom they all leave early right they leave right at that minute so did yours change to at the half day or is it a time no it's a it's it's just the half day and they'll and they asked what it was I think that's that's just the generic okay so it's actually moved up they're starting earlier they can make an earlier they'll know to the minute what yeah this is the the part they highlight can you get a 2:00 oh yeah they'll highlight leave so we and these are these are changes we have been talking about we've solicited feedback on the Saturday uh the Saturday um restoratives um on the students they are aware that that is do we have to offer buing for that H do we have to offer busing for that it's a if it's a consequence I do not believe so I didn't at my other District so okay we don't bust them if they're coming in early for it or for we don't have a late we don't have a late bus we do we just the kids don't use them so we don't run them but we have the money in the budget for them they're not cool anymore we did have all right that was all my thank you not on the list here but um all right any further discussion is there motion to accept the handbooks as discussed with rision discuss so moved than you carry second second Sarah um all in favor any opposed exensions I have it thank you thank you than you so I just want to point out that we approved NES middle school and BMR oh thank you for clarifying no I'm just saying so does it kind of like take away the complex the like yeah with our re with our restructuring our reconfiguration good point Move Along Jason with your okay yes great you are um so I just have one other item on my report I just want to give a couple of updates um U I'm actually going to ask Jill to do the director Athletics and Student Life search um and Carrie and Tara s certainly jump in on that too you've been very involved in that process before they do that I'll just do quickly where we are with our vacancies um we are in very good shape um we currently have uh an offer out to a candidate for our LPN position so we're waiting for her to get back to us uh we have a um candidate that we are working with for our grade one position and a candidate that we are working with for our kindergarten position um we have uh over 30 applications for our history position at uh the high school and Jill has already started interviewing candidates um we have nine applicants uh currently for our grade seven Ela position and we have almost 20 applicants for our guidance position at the high school uh everything else is filled did you fill the engineering yep okay I'm sorry I wasn't sure if I missed that yeah so we we everything is is full um and jail is still working on Paras but um think we have three of those currently but the rest of the classroom teacher positions um we either have a significant number of applicants and interviews have started or we have finalists so we're we are in very good shape uh for this time Jill do you or and Carrie and Tara want to jump in and give an update on the director of Athletics and student life so we started our second round um of interviews and we actually just had them this week um we interviewed some really strong candidates during this round and the committee we had so many wonderful candidates this round that we actually moved three forward um so in our first round it was myself we had our um Human Resources Director Jenny was there Jill was there as principes and then Carrie and Tara joined us for our first round so we identified three to move on and part of our second round they'll actually be meeting with our assistant principal some students and some community members and to be able to get some feedback and then the finals this they'll be moving forward and hopefully making a decision very soon and that'll all be done by the middle of next week we set a Target date for all of our vacancies to be filled by Friday of the 14th so we're we're very close the ones that we have the applications for are they just were recent resignations so the the ones that were part of um you know the notification that we gave and I think it was March those are those are filled MH car and T I know if you had I mean you were both again spent a lot of time just all of them were pretty strong this time and yeah three very strong candidates so we're looking forward to seeing a finalist from this come forward and be able to get someone in that position and I will say actually each of them thought our model and the requirement of this position the extra part of it the student life actually intrigued all of them yes they all they all specifically said that y mhm yeah so it's good it's great uh if there is nothing else on that that concludes my report ask a question about I don't know if this is the right time but any updates on the summer programming or is that coming we did at the last um the May 8 no the May 99th meeting we went through all the updates um on our web page is there all the programming that's available uh the only thing we're not running this Summer that we ran last summer uh was We were put on a weit list uh was the acceleration um Grant but everything else we are running that we ran last uh Summer and the other thing that we're we added uh because um of the change in our seventh grade science teacher we felt that the kids really missed out um this year because of that transition so we're offering um we we started it as a seventh grade only um science camp like an exploratory science camp um we didn't get a ton of Interest that's being taught by one of our high school teachers so we are going to open that up um to other grade levels uh but it's going to be like a field trip based lab based um science program for the summer um and then at the July 8th meeting we can give a full update if people are you know folks if the committee is interested in hearing like how many students and that's actually what I I I knew that the that some of the programs have been expanded and um the the acceleration Grant wasn't there but I was wondering do we know like participation numbers yet or is that have have kids started signing up yes um but we're still they're still signing up we haven't closed the um the window for that so I know Mr Rosendale is doing a stellar job at sending out Communications trying to grab the middle school students into it we're doing the enrichment camps again which I know um the kids are looking forward to the athletic enrichment the music and uh band enrichment um and then we have our credit recovery art enrichment we have our credit recovery we have the steam program um our captains are going to be running the clinics again I think they're in the process of setting those schedules up um so um we definitely can get numbers at the July 8th meeting any update um on the cclc program with the extended hours is it capturing as many kids or yeah so the enrollment um is full and yeah and um we have I didn't have it on this agenda because we're waiting on the amount but we wrote uh an additional Grant um and for the for the 21st century program we were awarded we applied for 60,000 uh they haven't told us our award amount yet but we were awarded something in this next round so we're waiting to hear what that is so that we'll be on the July 8th agenda as well and that's this summer for the the additional Grant effective um July 1 of 24 we can start using the resources which is great so thank you absolutely yeah summer is a great uh and we're also going to be doing the um summer uh breakfast and lunch program as well um so not just to the kids in the program but we'll be able to if there uh any 18 and under um folks in the community that want to come down to the complex for lunch certainly can do that and we'll be uh feeding our kids all summer long as well you don't have to be enrolled in a summer program to to eat but so good for parents if they're working in their kids are home and they want to jump on their bikes and run down they can have lunch every day at no cost [Music] okay um uh that concludes my report and we're good now we moving on to oh business office so Joe right um obviously the personnel file is you have that in there just to be placed on file um in your packet is the for C for fy2 24 there's only a few changes on that forecast I'd like to point out on I know the question came up at our last meeting about the Athletics budget that it was you know going to be severely overdrawn in my research I found that $887,000 of the Athletics budget was budgeted in the um athletic user fee fund but all the expenses were being posted to the general fund so I've gone through and moved those uh 87,000 expenses into the athletic user fee funds where they belong and you'll notice that under extracurricular that it's back in line with the budget budget amount that we had uh posted into the general fund the other change that I made um under tuition's second to last segment the school choice sending and the charter school sending budgets I had them in the in the report backwards I had to reverse them back to where they belong so the budget's lined up to the expenditures uh it's still projecting to be over budget by the amount you can see over at the far right um but I did line them up properly and towards the end on the third page you'll see that we are projected to meet the um school committee's expectations in our general fund at year end I'd be happy to try to answer any questions off of this report if you have any anyone see anything they want to ask about one other piece of information that you do have is a uh I prepared a schedule of our state aid and it's comparing the budgeted amounts for FY 25 in the original cherry sheet to the third revision of the cherry sheet that we just recently received um it's this page right here it does show that our chapter 78 is going up by just under $128,000 as well as our Charter School tuition reimbursements increasing just under $30,000 but on the flip side our our choice receiving school choice receiving tuition is going down by just under $134,000 so the net effect to our budget for that is 23382 additional in funding on the other side our estimated charges charges the school choice sending tuition and the charter school sending tuitions are both increasing to combined over $42,000 so the net impact at this point in time to FY 25 is a hit to our budget of $1,968 not a big number but it' be nice if maybe there's a fourth rendition of the cherry sheet that kind of absorbs that for us but again it it is I've heard the phrase It's a shell game they give you here they take away in another place so I just wanted to make sure you're up to date on that too yeah the Chapter 70 increase looks great and then you can see where I mean they they have one bucket of money clearly that they're just kind of moving things around in any questions on that no um want me to move down the list to the Middle School lighting project update um I'm in contact with our broker with power management company and I did uh find out that our credits can all be applied at one time if we need to and that could be the decision if the school committee would like to do that we could uh we can what I found right now is we have a dual billing situation uh where in other words all our credits from our solar panel Generations all the credits being generated they're all showing up on the National Grid bill but now that we have a brokerage firm that we we're using uh curage and uh another um uh Hudson power I believe for our usage of electricity they're not on a combined bill so we have the credits for our supply line through National Grid but we're also paying the usage fees to these other companies I have a meeting with them next week to confirm all this um but we're going to try to do a single billing setup it should be set up where everything is coming onto the National Grid bill so now those credits can be applied to everything and we won't have two separate buckets that we're working with we're also going to be be looking at they have questions on how our credits are being allocated so they want to fill me in on that next week just to make sure we're allocating the credits properly to each location and the nice part about this too is we can do a schedule Z I believe it's called a few times a year so if we see that there's a a deficit happening in one uh building or one school we can move some credits around to cover those so the goal is to hopefully see that that those solar credits are absorbing a majority of the cost cost of our electric use so that's where we're at at this point in time and I believe that we're still scheduled to start the um the lighting project here at the middle school at the at the end of the school year that was an update the committee had asked for at the last to come to bring uh check on here I think I asked for it Dan but it was to revisit the lighting project that's it then there was a surplus request I guess was next yes there's a in your packet there's just uh a request from our from Julie Wolford um we have uh the tech team has done a great job of basically taking our broken I mean like to the point where you can't repair them Chromebooks and essentially hollowing them out taking all the pieces so that we can repair the ones on our own they just want to get rid of the shells like the basically like the framing of the Chromebook everything that we can use with pulled out of them so they're looking for Surplus in about 80 um shells and 100 broken frames where are they disposing we would have a company like an E-Waste company so it's is it a cost there is a cost to it yeah I don't know I'm not sure up hand what what that the amount is but I can find that out for you is there a motion to approve the reest EST for a surplus of Chromebook shells and broken frames is a second T thank you all in favor guys have it I can send the amount in the weekly update I'm just yeah I'm just Carri it no it's a great and great [Music] question all right thank you Joe uh facilities report we have a copy in here are you taking that station or yeah Joe is also going got it thank you I'll just read through what Scott has here um as you know at the high school the um the front steps were replaced the old concrete patch was jackhammered out the new concrete was poured on the evening of May 24th and the stairs were back in use on Tuesday the morning of May 27th I believe Scott also mentioned that they're going to come back and do a skim coat on top of that um over the next probably next week um here at the middle school there was a power surge that caused one of the the generators to start up and run the update he has is that FM generator was on site June 3rd to replace the control panel the generator ran for 1 hour for to test to confirm that there were no other issues so that seems to be repaired uh also a back bow for vendor that is installed on the main water line went through the biannual inspection and passed the test however there was a steady drip coming from the device Joe Roy Plumbing is ordering a rebuild kit and will be rebuilding devices as soon as the kit comes in the rebuild kit was the least expensive option as a full replacement as opposed to spending $9,000 um so with any luck that'll hold that'll take place and won't be an issue a storm drain bro located on the driveway by the cafeteria Windows has developed a sink hole around it uh this has been an ongoing issue caused by Road and salt eating away at the concrete around the the catch Basin uh our Brian uh Paving will be coming out to give us a quote to repair that uh the elementary schools air compressor one air compressor of the air compressor heads was making a loud noise uh am amm compressor came out and shut one of the two compressor units down theyve ordered the necessary pots make their repairs so the update on that is they've completed the repairs to the air compressor on May 1st and has been running without any issues uh milville continue to run the water to stimulate building to simulate building usage for the normal school day the week of June 3rd through through the 6th was a we he was asked to run 10 additional sinks in preparation for water samples to be done Friday June 7th 2024 um grade he's got down here for grade reconfiguration he spoke with the movers and everything is still on schedule to start the classroom building moves on June 18th starting with materials being moved from the um FW which is Middle School right to BMR uh followed by uh the elementary schools into the middle school this phase of the move should be completed by June 25th and that's all he has on his report thank you um a question on the move are teachers like they're helping with that they've already started packing or will be packing their rooms and yes so boxes were delivered in May Okay so so we got a super early jump on it yeah and we have a schedule in place um it's going to be triggered by the eighth grade teachers here so they're the first ones that get moved because then everything's like a domino from there then the internal moves happen here and then the elementary moves up here and then Christina moves grade um two over with grade three okay in AFM so it it's all like a domino that starts with the eighth grade um are we just like we did last year when we had the emergency move what time are we allowing the teachers I know you said box have Ben since May but it still clearly taking time of their day but to come in and set up their classrooms are we doing any compensation for a day or what yeah when we did the Moa with the uh teachers we spent the time focused on um school start and end time you know um the um stiens that we needed to modify as a result of like you know the eighth grade not having a team leader but having an advisor like some of that language we didn't talk about um the classroom setup we didn't get into that with them uh it doesn't mean that we you know that we may not but we just didn't and the rooms uh our rooms are packed if you've seen any of the classrooms um but they have to get unpacked yeah and and they have to be ready for the first day of school yeah so I mean last year would we'd give them a day did we do a day they had I believe that was uh $200 was the amount we gave them y shocking it hasn't been asked for I don't know I we gave them um the principles did a really nice job like so for instance Jenny went with with the fourth graders to the Blackstone Historical Museum and the fourth grade teachers stayed back and packed okay so we did things like that they gave up PLC time or like some of their Comet planning time um or you know Jenny would cover recess so they could be so we've done a bunch of those yeah sorts of things and actually I was visiting um our elementary schools this morning and almost not every but almost every room is is fully packed um but the boxes I know like when they move like e8th grade no so everyone has their own boxes they're not waiting on them them someone to empty to get boxes okay yeah yeah they all have those were delivered um in May okay will teachers have access to their rooms as soon as like their stuff is moved or do they need to wait until so we asked uh in the timeline we sent out I think it was the end of April or mid April we sent out a timeline to the teachers after we um contract Ed with the moving company and got that all squared away first um I believe it was the 2 August uh second Friday in August we asked them to wait till then because the rooms also have to their stuff goes in and we have to strip it like we have to strip the floors we have to clean the rooms we had to put the boxes back so it just takes the custodian's time to turn the actual rooms over I think it was the second Friday in in August and then then they can come in as much as they want um we also did say if they wanted early or access just reach out to the principal or the admin assistant and if the room's done they can come in so we're not being used we have a lot going on at the complex for example so people the staff seem pretty like pretty good with that but we're certainly happy to accommodate if the room's flipped and ready then they can come in and set up unless you're hearing something I'm not hearing because sometimes that happens too not yet yeah all right anyone else anything else on facility Upstate we've got use facility use of facility request there's two uh there's one from the Blackstone youth basketball skills uh they want to run a skills Clinic July 15th 17th 22nd 24th 29th and 31st and then just today um we heard from the express football and cheer um looking for uh on July 22nd for use of space at the high school um from 5 to 730 and we would just charge them because most of the kids are ours they're from BMR so we would just charge them for the custodian and not for the space um so we have we do have two I added the second one at your uh seat this we just got it this morning I didn't want to make them wait because of they would need to plan if we yeah I know that's great we can fit it in anyone would anyone like to make a motion to approve please make the motion to approve both of them motion by Tara is there a second second har all in favor hi hi hi uh school committee Forum have anything I have something all right so I was just thinking this is so much paper is there any way we could get with the times and move to PDF maybe everyone labtop of their own or something it's just a lot of paper it just it's just a thought I was just thinking and you know when you open up a PDF sometimes there's a search and you can you know instead of I mean it's a lot of paper yeah whatever youing Dan on that just just a thought I just putting the thought out there whatever you prefer so long ago we went from all of this to paying a company and I don't I don't know who else would remember it but and everything was online and then we started doing it ourselves um and then I mean another issue is the request of items on the table so bringing your own computer opens you up to having it requested as um so it would have to be a a school Chromebook so the Chromebooks brought out I mean this is this is once a year yeah but and I think it also I mean it was also long ago where where we went we were doing it ourselves and Bridget at the time had to scan the entire packet in and sometimes things weren't the right direction and it was fine but some people complained about it and I mean I think it just got easier to go back to the folders but there is history of it I mean there are companies that sell their service and take our money to do it for us but probably same cost as the paper just a thought I have two quick questions when will Tel going to be releasing the bus route times with the change of school times I know there are parents who are trying to figure out before and after school care based on what time their child will be getting on or off the bus and I know like we don't set those times do we have any idea when tellstone will be it's usually right before school starts they're working on it because it all is an all new Roots but I can follow up with them to see if we can have any timing updates for you with the next school committee and then my other thing was I don't know if we want to put on an upcoming agenda to maybe go over athletic user fees and our rental fees if we want to maybe look to see what other districts are at and if we're even comparable to some of the others I did speak with Scott about that this week actually and we'll do a little bit of research on what we're renting for in comparison to what's around perfect do you want that on the July 8th meeting we can but if that's already a heavy agenda I just looking at all of this stuff I it's actually not yet close the books out so we have we have room if there's room great but we'll just kind of keep it in the wings to talk about it soon everybody would like to do that to piggyback on the bus thing have we have word from Boys and Girls Club as far as the extended times on their end I know that was concerned among a lot of parents yes Jenny should have updated her um so after the um like the open house here and parents were asking the question I then that Friday met with Bruce and Sarah okay and had that discussion and brought the information back to Jenny and she had put it in um one of her newsletters to like her Friday newsletters to families um so yeah so they are very much running their before program their after program and um Jill worked with tellstone to have the boys and girls club as a stop as as we have it now yep good so parents won't shouldn't feel an impact on their like their routine all of those services are still in place does that get to what you were I remember there was some question I was one just a finalization of that definitely yeah I don't have the times off the top of my head but yeah those um services are still running actually they were excited about trying to recruit more middle school kids now that they'll be with the fourth and fifth graders so there is an opportunity there yeah anyone else I do have we heard from the state are they doing free lunch again next year like that's a like as it stands now I think it stands until they decide not to right is that's how I it to be just in the handbooks it would had some of the um if your account's overdrawn all that language was stilling there so it made me wonder um if we had any expectation on it ending so good as far as you know it's still free yes uh we will change I think I don't know that it matters in the handbook because if it ever comes back gotta better to have it there I guess all right are we doing executive session uh I just have a very quick one we can actually once we shut off we can just stay right here it'll take about 30 seconds all right so I make a motion let me see if I get this right to adjourn to go to Executive session to adjourn from there not returning to open session does that make sense and we'll take roll call to enter executive session Ted yes Terry yes Aon yes Matt Tara yes Tara yes Jason [Laughter] Jill all right um joined --------- [Music] o somewhere high and dreams in the love high high Somewhere over the rainow [Music] blue true some wish with the behind where trouble mil like lemon drops I above the [Music] G you find me oh somewhere [Music] [Music] to why [Music] why wake up behind TR lemon drop high above the G you find me did you see her mom than you dare to why oh why I [Music] good morning and Welcome to our Kindergarten Celebration for the class of 2036 [Applause] so we are very excited today to share some of the work that our students have been doing and if we could ask parents Al or everyone here to silence their cell phones so they don't go off while the students are performing and saying their parts um and we look forward to a wonderful day with you and I will come back on at the end to give you the logistics for [Music] dismissal just one singing one small sing Strong [Music] by together sing and the world will be just one small voice singing S one small sing Sweet and by together sing and all the world will be with just one small singing a with just Small Voice singing and strong one by [Music] one together [Applause] [Music] sing all the world be sing [Music] [Applause] I did I did forget one thing if I'm going to let guys if you want to go ahead and wave to your parents now so that we can get that out of the way because I know you're all super excited all right now we'll proceed Welcome to our Kindergarten Celebration thank you for [Music] coming um please stand up to salute the flag of United States of America we have learned to sing many songs this year this song is about our [Music] [Applause] country Califoria Tok vience Forest [Music] to this man was [Music] and saw SK I saw that golden valy [Music] land this is my from California to is [Music] Forest this [Music] [Applause] now we have a problem our kindergarten day there's so many things I want to do PR my name inama shoe put things away and pin on paint and count and sing a song so won't you come and share with me our wonderful School memories we have one to do m h this year my mom already made me say it um this is a song about what we do when we're in school what do we're at school what do we do when we at scho what do we do when we at school all day long we read books when we're at school we read books when we're at school we read books when we're at school all day [Music] long SCH what do we do when we at school all day we learn letters when we're at school we learn letters when we're at school we learn letters when we're at school all day long what do do when we're at [Music] school at all we learn numers when we're at school we learn numers when we're at school we learn numers when we're at school all day long what do at do do when we're at schol all day we snack when we're at school we snack when we at school we at school all [Music] at we meet projects when we're at school we meet projects when we're at school we meet project when we're at school all day long what we're at school what do we we're at school do we do when we're at school all day we math we at school we and math when we at school we and math when we at school all day long what do we do when we at scho do we do when we're at school what do we do when we're at school all day long we sing songs when we're at school we sing songs when we're at school we sing songs when we're at school all day long what do we do we at schol do we do when we at school what do we do when we're at school all day long we eat Lun one we SCH we eat Lun one we good we eat lunch when we're at school all day long do we do we at scho do we do when we at scho we make friends where we're at school we big friends when we're at school we big friends when we're at school [Applause] all what do we do when we're at school all day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in music class we learned to sing many [Music] songs holy sunsh you make me happy you never know dear how much I love you don't take my [Music] away my only make [Music] Happ you never know dear how much I love you please don't take [Music] [Applause] my we learned about Community workers in school this song is about what we want to be when we grow [Applause] [Music] up you want to what do you want to when you grow up what do you want to I'll be a police officer when I grow up that that's what I want to be I'll be a police officer and I grow up just you wa and [Music] see do [Music] you do you I'll be a soldier when I grow up that's what I want will be I'll be Soldier when I grow up just you wait and [Music] [Music] see I be a b when I grow up that's what I want to be I'll be a b when I grow up just you wait and [Music] see when I grow up that's I'll be a soldier when I grow up just to wait and see what do what do you up what do you want to be I'll be a teacher when I grow up that's what I want to be I'll be a teach I grow up just to wait and see [Applause] [Music] yeah what you to I'll be a teacher when I grow up that's what I want to be I'll be a teacher when I grow up just to wait and [Music] see I'll be a doctor when I grow up that's what I want to be I'll be a doctor when I grow up just to L and [Applause] [Music] see what do you want to what do you what do you want to I'll be a soldier when I grow up that's what I want to be I'll be a soldier I just you wait and [Music] see what do you want [Music] to what do [Music] you what you want to be I'll be a doctor when I grow up CH that's what I want to be I'll be a I grow up just to wait and [Music] see what do you want to what do you want [Music] do I'll be fin when I grow up that's what I want to be I'll be a fir when I grow up just to wait and see what do you want to be when you grow up what do you want to be what do you want to be when you grow up what do you want to be I'll be a lifeguard when I grow up that's what I want to be I'll be a lifeguard when I grow up just wait and see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right so now we are going sorry now we're going to do the um certificates the teachers will pause with the children to if you want to take a picture we're going to do one for each home room um and we um you can p take a quick picture and we'll just kind of go back and forth they do not actually have their real certificate for kindergarten finish in kindergarten this is a fake one the real ones in their bucket when you leave so um so let just Poe with this one and then we'll move on all right so first up we're going to have the student from Miss Watson's class so Michaela aord [Applause] for Mrs Rosen be jav elad [Applause] from Mrs burgess's class is going to be Dron [Applause] Abney from this Boston class is jamaly Adam [Applause] [Music] all right for Mrs Rosen bom we have Anna [Music] [Applause] Brunell for Mrs burgess's class we have Calvin bar [Applause] cin next up we have Jay [Applause] Anderson Kenley Chapman Austin [Applause] [Music] Mia Cole [Applause] Jacob [Music] [Applause] ASU Kai C [Applause] Leila [Applause] Kini Haven cabal [Applause] [Music] Riley de [Applause] fatana Haven EES [Applause] Mia [Applause] cabal Madison Darnell [Applause] Marielle [Applause] Forester me Cooper [Applause] Julian [Applause] [Applause] dubrio Maxim inam [Applause] again mom aumn where [Applause] is hey [Applause] Delgado Charles [Applause] fennessy Ashton Karen [Applause] Amelia Den [Applause] War Nolan gabrielson [Applause] [Music] Jameson [Applause] longw Frederick dutile [Applause] Eliana [Applause] Gutierrez James M Maro [Applause] [Music] James [Applause] Lipson sincere Hall [Applause] Conor Notre Antonio [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Dean Joseph lamberty [Applause] [Music] Ella [Applause] Paro Jameson manella [Applause] woo Colt [Applause] LX kayen powers [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Wyatt [Applause] brandom Grace alera [Applause] Richard nuron [Applause] quiet [Applause] warm I missed Mrs Berger sorry Bella rosi [Applause] [Music] Meadow [Applause] Robinson Jason Samson [Applause] [Music] Nora [Applause] partlo Landon Trent [Applause] [Music] Christian steel [Applause] Haagen Riley Jacobs [Applause] Autumn Ryan [Applause] good job aam Liliana [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Vella Taylor TBO [Applause] [Music] Logan [Applause] Sherlock Zia wasira [Applause] Kyle turov [Music] Rosalie [Applause] Swanson Riley [Applause] White Woo W Sophia [Applause] [Music] white Molly Wharton [Applause] [Music] Sabrina [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] white Stella Woodman [Applause] [Music] Elanor word [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right so that is our class of 2036 for BMR [Applause] hope everyone enjoyed the show there's two more songs and then we'll process out have a great [Applause] [Music] day goodbye goodbye goodbye yes good [Applause] [Applause] now kindergarten over we feel great please enjoy the one some with us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi you say [Music] hi I see trees [Music] of I myself [Music] wonder [Music] iess what a wonderful [Music] the colors of the rainbow so in [Music] faces I [Music] I I more I myself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] birs flying high you know how I feel in the sky you know how I feel bre you it's a new day it's a new day it's a new life for me and I'm [Music] feel feeling good see you know how I feel you I feel BL [Applause] [Applause] dragon fly out in the sun you know what to know butterfli sorry about that [Music] like Dad stop [Music]