##VIDEO ID:yNULKqXisdk## we can start I will uh I will catch up okay welcome everyone to the flown Township committee meeting for August 28th 2024 U if we can have rooll call please Kristen sure Mr Lance he's not here Mrs Lance oh my God close Mrs Lance happy I am too Mr Lan I here Mr Mur Deputy Mayor orot and mayor Morehead will be absent rise IED to the flag United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all okay ladies and Gentlemen please bear with me as you can see uh our mayor and Deputy Mayor are both not here um if I can I apologize if we can just all rise for a moment and just just for a moment of silence for Ted Rodman our Township engineer who had been in for many years so unfortunately has passed thank you okay before we start with public comments uh we have a young gentleman here that uh who has worked his way to do his Eagle Scout project so what I'd like to do is invite him up and let him speak um so we don't have to delay him T her obviously is scho tomorrow uh so in the meantime Mr Ryan dland don donin don sorry please come up and tell us what you did yes aome all right good evening uh my name is Ryan donin and I'm a current life Scout with Troop 140 here in blairtown and I'm here tonight to seek approval for my Eagle Scout project I hope to purchase and install an automated external defibrillator or AED for short for our community in sore Park I wish to build a kiosk where the AED will design that will have space to post information on heart health and on when how and why an a is used an a is used when someone is in sudden cardiac aress according to the Mayo Clinic sudden cardiac aress is the sudden loss of all heart activity due to an irregular heart rhythm breathing stops and the person becomes unconscious due to the blood loss to the brain without immediate treatment sudden Cardiac Arrest can lead to death emergency treatment for for sudden Cardiac Arrest include CPR and shocks to the heart with an AED survival is possible with fast and appropriate Medical Care sudden Cardiac Arrest is not exclusive to older people or people with a known heart condition research shows that the main cause of sudden cardiac arest is ventricular fibrillation which is often caused by cardiovascular abnormali that may be undiagnosed especially in young athletes the loss of regular Rhythm could also be caused by a hard look to the chest like that of a baseball or a soccer ball this is why having an a installed sigmore Park where many of our young athletes play sports multiple times a week and families of all ages come together would benefit the town in fact since 2014 the New Jersey Department of Education requires that an a is available at all sporting events ads are extremely user friendly in fact one of the models that I proposing provides verbal and visual instructions having said that I would like to go one step further with my project and post necessary information the A and organize AED training workshops for the community particularly the coaches and youth program leaders I previously spoke with Mrs San and mrz about this potential project it was recommended to me by Mr to house the a in a box equipped with an alarm and heating and cooling to the a battery is always kept within the operational temperature this box is going to require electricity therefore building a kiosk near the electrical panel close to The Snack Shack would be ideal this location also allows the A and box be under surveillance by the Camas mounted on the north side of the Snack Shack building where which would deter handal I'm sure you can imagine that aeds are not exactly cheap therefore I'll be fundraising for the entire cost of this project I plan to ask for donations from local organizations and businesses in our community as well as large organization organizations such as the American Heart Association I'm also seeking permission to fund raise at seore Park during some of the game days to spread awareness for heart health and ask for donations with my fellow Stouts I would like to set up information fundraising stations at various events like flair fall festival and Jing on man according to to the BSA rules for eagil scout projects any money raised beyond what is needed for the project will be given to the benefactor which is the township I also need to let you know that once this project is completed I am not responsible for the maintenance of the kiosk fox or a thank you for your time and consideration I love living in blound and I'm very excited to make uh do my part to make our community even even safer place I'm formly requesting for your approval to receive with my Eagle Scout project as a beneficiary I'm happy to answer any questions you may have thank very nice we don't need to have a FAL vote and all so the only thing that we do have to have is whether we would authorize the location and I think what I would like to do is to appoint ericz who we've already had discussion with is to work with you as far as the location and everything else um you will learn that uh the uh state does not wave the permit fee or any of the other um things that have to happen that protect um you know that the electrician does the work properly or whatever else but um but other than that I would say would authorize for Eric to work with him on the location oh absolutely have you had a preliminary total cost expenditure um it's around $6,500 6500 very nice oh outstanding job you know I mean every time at least in my experiences over the years I come forward with an eil Scout project has always benefit the community so congratulations to you and um I do we need a motion to approve I I don't think I don't think so well congratulations and uh move forward anything you did from the township oh you know what it's on Township property sometimes we need to discuss this yes let's just do it sure once this is built and and the Machine is there what kind of liability was that open up for the town in terms of you know somebody some kid coming along and grabbing it and sapping some other kid I think once it's um completed we can put it on our insurance I can ask Randy May about that but we do have a certain amount of deductible which is not going to be price that but we can actually I'm actually in the process of doing renewing our insurance policy so I'm sure we and add it on I'll be more than willing to um talk to Randy if we would like we can make a motion a second contingent on those things yeah instead of holding it off for another month um also if I may Ryan may I give your email to the local sports organizations because I do know that a lot of them will probably donate also towards your um project yeah okay the motion I Mo that um we authoriz uh Eric to work with u u Ryan U as far as the location and as far as um any of the assistance that you might need far as information for permit and access to electrical box um aiming of camera any of those things but because it's on Township property I do think we need to that that's my motion is that we authorized that that to happen I'll say okay just all in favor all in favor I right question from the as president at the this i' like to make the first donation of $100 to don't make me blush so welcome aboard um do you have a what's your time frame my time frame um I'm looking to start as soon as I can which is right after this um what can be done by next spring just cuz it's a lot of money very good thank you congratulations your man okay at this time I'd like to open up to our public comments for 5 minutes anybody wish to speak address good evening Tara MZ I live in noon Township and I'm here tonight as the I80 611 DWG Coalition person and also Nolton and Hardwick Lea on I wanted to just give you a quick update on 611 uh respectful update and I last time I was here I gave an update and said there were some actions going on and that I probably will you be back with a a request for resolution um at the conclusion of the update um I will be I am here also to ask if next month a related resolution can be on the agenda so I'll explain that in less than five minutes um so the great news is all things are moving forward for 611 to be open with two lanes and one spot with one lane with a light at each end that might be as much as a half mile unfortunately we can think of like Old Mine Road um but at least we're get it looks like pend Do's going to have that done if all goes well um for Mid October so construction is going on right now what they're doing is they're uh putting barrier down um an high impact fence on that barrier they're not touching the slope long story short it just they could not get the permit to do it they never were going to get that permit to do it because of the regulations um uh that are there and unfortunately we found that out uh 18 months later so the good news is um they're going to make it safe enough for some kind of travel um and while we buy time for what's going to come next and that's that's what I'm here to say so what's coming next is it's all fine and official uh funded is 611 is going to be having their retaining wall rehab and replacement on the books for starting starting is preliminary engineering uh 2025 simultaneous they're going to be looking at Rock FL mitigation so similar to Jersey this is just a mirror now we have NJ do with Rock full mitigation on the Jersey side which we say is unreasonable and Overkill as presented that's why everybody's opposed to it and we're looking for a full environmental impact statement on 611 um there's reason for reasonable Rock full mitigation The Rock came down and landed in the middle of the road um so it once that happens it's time to look at that in addition NJ DFT as I've explained um wants to replace the entire retaining wall all 49 panels when only four are critical and seven are poor wait let's do quick math that means what 38 37 are good and fair condition so once again we're left with why are you going to booger us up and do all this damage by bumping it out a little bit on what appears to be a uncoordinated somewhat potentially Overkill projects just like this one so the great news is this because Pennsylvania's retaining wall is going to be moving into preliminary Engineering in the in in January they are already right on the edge of committing to doing a full environmental impact statement just like Jersey should have so I'll just say it in somewhat slang Pennsylvania is acting right and we're grateful um so we are the resolutions that have been have been being passed and I'm coming in next month with if that's okay with you for one for you um pass is Nolton and Harwood Township started this off by asking for consultation with the agencies that oversee the Environmental Studies for all five projects now and the agency that oversees um and these are federal presidential agencies that oversees all the resource studies for all five projects um they've asked for that they're asking for Federal Highway to immediately determine if the Delaware Water Gap is eligible to be a national natural Landmark like why we all know it and love it you know it's geologically Unique um and a National Historic Landmark those are two two different designations just like the Appalachian Trail is a designation and the wild see Rivers a designation the reason they're asking for that now because we've learned how to FasTrack some of this we want to FastTrack the 611 stuff we were fine letting pend that I New Jersey goes slow because it gave us like exploded kind of so anyway to land the plane as I've said before um we need to get these things done now so things can go fast with um these next projects that are coming up so with your permission I'll be back next month with a resolution and a presentation that goes with that thank it sounds great thank you very much for all your efforts I would be really happy if you email at first cuz I want to definitely take most look at it yeah yeah I always always always always Among Us yes of course y thank you very much welcome any questions it's great to see 6 even for one you hear can't no you couldn't hear that hear it on 94 that's why I'm exploding um thank you yeah you're welcome we're in a good place I'm sorry you said a presentation also so put you yes okay yes I'll remind you I know you good evening I'm hanus I live at 21 Walnut Valley Road in Walnut Valley down 94 and I am here as a member of the Warren County transportation advisory Council you may recall that at the last meeting I asked whether or not there were any sequestered copies of this particular publication from the county concerning public transportation uh availability and my understanding was that there were none at the time here is the first deliverable in English and in Spanish and if you will Point me toward who is responsible for putting these in the r CHR will put them in our R make them available to the more to come fantastic thank you very nice thank you sir go ahead just a couple of things um I wanted to ask if after you approve the minutes tonight if you could just let us know the two executive session meeting minutes what they refer to after you after you do the approval um that's number one number two if you could when you do the consent agenda just let us know what uh number six refers to that has to do with the salary and wages appointees and employees of the township um and then the third thing I want to ask this one I'm going to leave off but the third thing I'd like to ask is Douglas and Water Street um have huge potholes if you could please ask uh Eric to take a look at them and they are massive Pooles on that street on Douglas and on water okay address one of them please the executive session minutes cannot be released to the public until the matter has been resolved okay that's been since the day of time all right um and one of them will not be even approved tonight because we don't have a okay all right okay thank you that's it thank you what no Charlie wasn't here that's right this that's right any other public comments okay that closes the portion of the public comment uh for the department head reports um the three of us will uh report on our our varas of responsibility as far as the minutes uh for the June executive session and public session meeting uh we will have to foro that until next month because we do not have a form for that unfortunately I wasn't here in June so unfortunately two womers here we can't approve that July meeting uh July 24th executive session and public session meeting CL I have a motion for approval so move second any discussion all in favor very accurately thank you so very much all all in favor I I so move um I'm sorry Comm Mur we do need to approve the department head reports okay oh I'm sorry that's okay going back to department head reports again I apologize me um you know I have a motion to approve the department head reports as presented I so move second all in favor all so move uh ordinance introduction uh 24 20 2412 ordinance then chapter 19 code of council clan of Land Development this was for the Fe schedule uh this the second uh all in favor hi I we need a motion in a second and in all okay sorry motion motion motion that the ordinance be introduc develop I'll second faor well any discussion no all in FA fa Ive the consent agenda um number one cancellation of tax refund uh due to total disability veteran status um number two cancellation tax due another disability veteran status Bo 601 2032 U number three cancellation of refund of tax and student total disability veteran status number four resolation to cancel me of property for Block 1506 uh 4 number five 202 2481 resolution cancel Le property taxes for Block 501 2601 and number six 20242 fixing the salaries and wages of officials appoes employees in the T of flown County War state of New Jersey 2024 and number seven approving VES and claims um before we have discussion can I have a motion to approve so I think well we got have a motion to have to discuss it right we can discuss them individually okay yeah anybody have any obviously any know mberg has issues with number six or would like to have explanation um so for the um what I I would move that we bundle all of them besides number six and um approve them together and just pull number six is that okay I agree yeah I agree okay so I move that we um it's on agenda 1 through S with an exclusion of number six thank you three y okay we have all in favor all in favor this one needs a rot call okay yes Mrs Lance Mr Lan yes Mr M yes if you are not moving forward on number six we really can't take questions because that's not being adopted um ladies and gentlemen so we talked about um couple different opportunities either to discuss in executive session which we can do uh the that the option is either to discuss an executive session or to table until next month do you have opinion I would say since since robod and wolf are on here we should table it until next year next month um I personally had no opinion uh I was BL to move forward with it uh I just didn't see any issues with it but uh issues questions so uh we did have some questions about it but um almost all the questions that I had were addressed already uh through different emails that we have been going back and forth unfortunately the finance commit did not to meet this month um so that's that would be that probably would have got rid of the last couple of questions but um I'm prepared to vote on it if you'd like to vote on it I didn't want to vote on it without discussion for the Public's edification do you think it would be and this is amongst the the three of us better suited to have a discussion to where we can explain maybe where the increases are versus maybe last year in 2023 um I think it's it's somewhat unfair that the public doesn't get to see this to where we're going so I I Eric want weigh in well if we're talking about if we're talking about salaries I mean that's that's not to be done outside of executive session right so um you're not allowed to mention any names mentioned by position um and there are so many um different categories and uh styen type positions that add up together to make part of someone's total compensation it would be okay to discuss them individually by the position but that's it so is that correct that's correct my personal opinion again I hate to I hate to uh to move things down the road but the fact that this is a very substantial um issue that I think it's better to have the five members of the committee up here so that we can all weigh in at the same time so number one the public knows where we all stand on it um that's my opinion so I think I think it's best to table it maybe now uh hearing that we have two members option I agree I'm sure it's okay either way yeah I know the employees will be disappointed but um any decis know it's only 30 days but it would all be retro we approve it so it's not like anything would be uh but I think it's important to have all all five members weigh in on this and let the public know where we all stand agre yeah motion favor I'll make that motion I'll have to second it because there's nobody else question one question does it start January 1st no it'll be retroactive to January 1st January corre 24 this year 24th correct okay yes I I agree with you thanks you need a roll call on there Christ no all favor hi all right all right move to agenda with apologies to the staff that we're looking for Action I will be make sure to tell them all okay unfinished business Jones Farm um as of uh last Monday I think August I think it was 19th uh the uh ASB bestus renewal has been completed so the entire property now is environmentally safe um I did speak with our individual down in South Carolina or I'm sorry Georgia and you know he's still planning to come but worst case scenario if nobody comes we have total availability for an dnw even we pick at in slow process uh it's environmentally safe and all that's been removed and I think we did it it was like $4,600 so it was a very good price and uh they actually started on the Sunday and completed it on the Monday so that's for Jones Farm do business uh Partridge Drive and quail Port bids apparently the bids were apparently too high yes so uh we are going to send that out to Reid I do need a motion a second okay I move that we send that out for a second time I'll second that all in favor hi hi okay the environmental service proposal contract to lead inspector Christen you want to talk on that sure um so actually I um for many of you uh that may be aware there is now a new lead inspection um law that took place um this year and we did get some residents not sorry let back up landlords need to do a lead inspection if their house is um older than 1978 um so we did pass out the ordinance to let the landlords know that some of them did get back to me some of them didn't there is an environmental service that is being used around most of the township I did reach out to them I Got High um High recommendations it's called Blue Environmental Services there's no fee to the township there's a fee to the landlords um to do the light inspection they'll also file the paperwork with DCA that needs to be um handled and provide them with the necessary documents to be um up to date on the new law that passed so I would like the committee to please um approve this proposal again no no cost to the township and they are um working with freeling heisen Nolton uh Philipsburg harmy White Township I can go on EXC and they do the the dusting also required to have it they do the DUS they certified me they a great company I'm sorry they certified me as a oh that's it so but they are they're they're the standard they the I they're on the list for the state it's just easier to have somebody to say go to these people they'll do a good job so if the committee is okay with that I will take a motion sorry second I can second you can second there's nobody fa thank you correspondence um actually I'm sorry we need to go over the facility use applications if you don't mind I'll talk on that too yeah it's not on um it's not it's on mine it's it's under and then it's indented in for North War midet football oh yeah s it's okay um so in front of you you'll see uh application for facility uses one's for actually two is for North for Ninja football um they are requesting to have a car wash also um use the parking lot at the Walnut Valley Field for um the yard sale they're going to have some of their members set up tables at the parking lot and sell um their stuff plus they going to have a car wash so it's a fundraiser so that's one number two the Blair count Ambulance Corp would like to do the same thing minus the car wash here at the municipal building at the grass in the grass area and then the residents would park in the parking lot that's two number three the Blair Town enhancement committee is doing their October Fest again this year um they are not doing the beer garden all all of this information that I already told you has the pass to R sorry got to go um all the information has been given to Randy may he approved everything I spoke with the chief um there's no need to have any of the police on duty like they've did in the past because they're not having to be regard the only thing that they are requesting are quarters um so they're asking for two portons one hand sanitizing wash and one um handicapped Porton we paid for the portons at the um skate par so I'm assuming you're asking for us to pay for them also for the be for this okay so that is what I'm going to need approval for if we're um approving to pay rep and what ends up happening is that because we have existing contract and existing pons in there from the one company that we have it with no other company will come in and do that yeah no so this is going to be ATD par on October 19 19 they're still doing the bed races so that's good and they're still having the Fall Festival with the vendors the live music and the food trucks they're just not having the beer but since there's the food trucks you have to have have the extra bath have the hand santiz yep and they'll be using the parking uh behind the sonoko weather permitting because if it rains and fors there's not be a parking in the field in the field um so if it's okay with all of you I'll take a motion in a second to approve all of the facility uses you can do it all one lum sum but because we have to pay for money um we need to do the P John separately okay is that that's okay okay so I see that the dates are set up for the individual ones and the one that's 914 or 921 I confirmed 921 when she sent it in they were not sure when the um to so the point is that U North waren Football is asking for the location at 921 and S cor is looking for the same location on going to be and okay so Motion in a second to approve the facility use form I would definely make that motion that we approve I'll second all favor I and John we need to do a a I move that we accept the cost for the additional border Johns and sanitation station for the Fall Festival sorry discussion all in favor roll uh Mrs Lance yes Mr lman yes Mr M yes very okay correspondents um we have several from David Deal or zoning officer Lo Township no of violation and Jackson Township um moving on turn out here um Committee Member Lance um couple things happened in this past month um one very uh fun thing that we had as we had the senior luncheon on August the 18th um thank you so much um line for all the hard work you did and Joanne as well thank you Eric for stepping in and also thank you to Walter for stepping in to uh assist that time and especially thank you Kristen for allowing us a host here um we tried to be as neat and clean as we could I thought it was an absolutely wonderful event I think it was a fantastic turnout and I hope that to see that more I really do I think that when you think about the purpose of a municipal building and what it could be used for it was very nice we had U I think over 60 people um we had some entertainment we had a comedian zoologists and uh we had a really nice lunch in it worked out to be very nice uh was lovely because it was close to town it was in town U we didn't have to have anybody drive for and as a Township it's something entertaining and gets people out of their homes um something fun to do and nobody had to drive a long way we didn't have to pay for buses or Transportation so worked out to be very nice and I hope we do it again um so that was a nice thing you did all the desserts so thank you too thank you thank you it was my pleasure um the next thing we have is we have uh two events coming up um one is October 17th um and it's going to be the October Fest at the silver Birches out in Pennsylvania it's a bus drive and so that one is a bus drive um so there is a a um not a rider um we have to sign a waiver have to sign a waiver in order to go on the bus for that um but the sign up is September 19th 12th September 12th a Thursday September 12th so the sign up is September go off to do that it's 10 bucks and sign the waiver and we can um have a lot of fun cuz it looks great whoever did the fly thank you it's gorgeous um we also have the date for the upcoming Christmas party so put it all on your calendars that is December the 12th yes December the 12th okay so that is as far as that goes uh I do have the monthly numbers for the angal squat which is uh a highlight of the month um thank you for all you do we really appreciate it Bob do you want to come up and and give up I'll do the yes yeah I usually send out an email to everybody come up this is from our July uh calls uh the calls toal calls are you can you hear me without speaker okay the squad received uh 110 calls this month to services including emergencies trauma injuries lift assist standby at the scene of a fire call Sports standbys search and rescue on the appalation trail in addition there are many other hours that required training and other services to the community and and all this is at no cost to any of our residents know how to poet cost is whatever your insurance covers is okay with us it helps us to uh buy more materials put gas in in the equipment Bandits whatever we need uh it comes out of what we get from insurance companies and I also want to thank the township for helping this Happ this also uh we we uh probably used our vehicles for about 2250 miles and if you want to figure your volunteer hours to the community I came out to about 640 volunteer hours to the community for the month of July that's it Fant nice job thank you for that's all I have okay all right uh just a quick update on Walmart Valley Field uh I spoke with Dennis Keenan uh the for the septic work that they're doing down there the survey field work is all finished um now they're going to move on to the test pits just to dig out and see what the what's going to be required in terms of engineering uh so that's going to be scheduled uh hopefully next week he's going to get back may with dat so I'll keep hey um obviously the deputy mayor the mayor are not here U first thing I want to address is uh this volberg in reference to the executive session June I can't speak up because I wasn't here July it was a discussion took place regarding contract renewal for the Bown Elementary uh resource officer um and that was it the attorney was going to take concerns to the school so that was for the executive session did you ever get one for the high school too are we doing that also there's been no one hired we can't find anybody okay well that brings me to okay as far as the police we're currently hired for position for the high school a class three resource officer to date we have had no applicants there's nobody out there interested um some of the other schools in talking to the chief the other school districts uh they're offering a lot more money but it isn't even I think a matter of finances anymore it's just I think that the I don't know if it's the current culture but uh it just seems that there's nobody out there interested um the chief went out and offered not only class three but also class two part-time full-time everything across the board to try and get somebody to to respond and to dat we have no money um but he's going to still keep trying the other good news is on September 2nd uh cor Herer will be traveling to Arizona to pick up our dog uh we do have you know um yeah we're going to have another police talk he will spend 5 days out there for orientation with the animal before he can come back with it he's actually going to drive back um he did that personally so that on his own tradition so that he can spend more time with it just to to acclimate himself to the big the biggest step back was the dog's name and the dog's name was herle so you right away that the department said now we really don't want to name an herle so we suggested that we allow the elementary school students to name the dog and that way it gives them more Buy in to the program and the dog so the students today is their first day back they were were actually voting on the dog and we'll know tomorrow what the new dog's going to be and we talked to the Handler and they said it's fine you can change his name so we'll find out what his name's going to be it was between two names right they gave himo they did was not one was not one but cash was one and I forget the other but we'll find out tomorrow but I think it was great to let the students weigh in and let them Buy in because obviously it's a big part um and obviously the chief and Department love to thank the anous the anonymous donor that actually paid for all this and uh as well as the last one um and they also want to thank diers in hacker town for donating all the dog food all the time we have this dog and animal mansion and M Township for donating all the U you know prev of that care for it and the last thing for the police department is we have our new patrol car coming in Friday so that's a good you know it takes up to two years to get these cars um as far as Jones Farm I've already updated on that we're now environmentally friendly so hopefully we can get a little bit more done in uh and taking that the last thing is I reached out for the Frankford Township Municipal Court to get our finances and where we are today um because basically whatever revenue and and we're not supposed to be a revenue generating you know police force but anything that the court does take in uh kind of takes away our annual cost for the court um traditionally in the two and a half years that I've been here it's been a win-win both for the court and for us so um I will have those numbers for you next month and we can see where we stand on the Frankford court and how much money we brought in other than that that's all I have um um one last thing this sign know everybody sees that the electrical sign is up now um lot of comments I'm sure Christian has had a lot of comments what I would recommend to to the the public is if you have a suggestion or something you like dislike I know krist's not going to like this but please email CL C it down and uh give us your feedback um what what do you like maybe You' seen something in another municipality that's worked better or maybe something that uh you don't like whatever sorry Christen but we really like to hear from the public on that because now that it's out and functional I'm sure a lot of will have something to weigh in um but as far as that that's all I have um and again the mayor unfortunately uh will not be here tonight Deputy Mayor sick anything else Christen motion to adour no K has something school is open slow down yeah absolutely first day of school it it was interesting to see all the crossing guards and there I was traveling to so I got to see a lot of people but U thank you everyone thank you for those indulging me I'm sorry this is my first time doing this but uh I appreciate your patience uh motion to adjourn thank you everyone