being recorded je I got a price for the JCP $840 for parts that's not bad what is JCP J back total $2,700 this is one we got to fix so they can use we it but has yeah but anyway can't use it if it's not working okay um July no sorry August all right first week or second week of August uh we are going to go be going to Becket for a safety class on the chip okay so we can take those um certificates and apply them to uh Maya oh great awesome um this Frid since we have a holiday this Thursday we have to give the guys Friday off a four week 4 Day weekend but you will have to use their time to take your day off so if you 4 weekend with vacation s time personal time or whatever they and they want to do that okay well raise off all week anyway okay yeah yeah okay um got um talk to Ken Bond about Schoolhouse Hill Road and for an estimate for design was 70 70 to 80,000 Little House Road yes yes that's the designed to redo the whole Road over again widen it more more drainage better drainage and so on and so forth and I asked him a rough estimate he goes it could be up to or over 500,00 do the road do the road yes and I'm also going to put a stipulation in stating that when it's all done and over they want to paved also that way we don't have to worry about any more wash outs coming down that Hill how often is that road used never right now can't get through it yeah I know on the other on the other side they use it coming down just down to the bridge yeah yeah comes down that way and does his um fi Carl property right to the bottom is that yeah that's on the bottom side of the bridge yep and up the hill y any half million dollars need to access that road or is it like a second the only thing is it would be an exit if you lost the bridge yeah if we lost a bridge coming on tonight know that work yeah so so no one lives on that road no no I'm just trying to look it up you know where it is right yeah I just wanted to see it in the map so I understood a little bit better how long is that think two miles over not even two miles what's that that road um Schoolhouse yeah it's just about it's just a half a mile yeah it's all down it's all down hill I I walked that many times going to the skary I know that road but I just yeah I thought you were going to say you walked at many times going to the school at the bottom wait Schoolhouse Road connects to NY Brook yeah yeah so Schoolhouse is at the end of Huntington or it's Russell Stage Road going toward night yeah you know that little house on the sharp corner that's right there oh okay okay yeah well I can't see spending that kind of money on it there yeah it doesn't seem like a priority I think I think uh we should look at some Alternatives yeah are we collecting chapter 90 money on that road of course yes yeah I mean you're you're only looking at probably you're getting $3,200 a mile that's a half a mile and no one's complaining about it I mean you one or two people that's about it so far well he goes down there his kids wanted to go down there he's got a camper down there I believe yeah there was one down the bottom so they can't get their cars down there because the road's not done and he pays his taxes he feels a little slighted you know yeah yeah yeah so but I mean we took care of that other half maybe with a greater in a York rake yeah put some what I like to do is to have get permission from Carl now you've been down coming down the hill from the other side right that pine trees on the right yeah likely get them all removed that way he top them drop them you know that way so that the sun can actually get in there and dry everything A lot's no you know I he wouldn't I'm sure he wouldn't say anything but you can you can ask him or or the next time he has somebody come do his loging for you know I mean it's a nice looking Pine is it on his property yes yeah yeah I would definitely agree that it's not a priority but I would like to help them to get access yeah so if we were to do something from n world going up to the bridge that down thank you yeah yeah I was just looking on here seems like it go here mile yeah actually where they parked their cars on Russell Road in the D that's that's the road yeah but as you get down what 100 feet Dave that big ledge rock and stuff oh yeah you that's dangerous all yeah just go over fast you do that let me know how it works out I have take your I take your IV down there I get out of there um I talked to the town of Becket um Town Administrator about the meeting we had with Mima um she suggested that um you could do a couple things you set up a small account M and just say you put $10,000 in it leave it there and just leave it there if you don't use it that year keep it just keep it in there so you have some money there instead of a credit card correct and so Joan and I S had of a little bit of a conversation about that um and I was actually so one of we had meeting with Mima um some emergency management um talking about putting together a new Emergency Management plan which is due two years two years yeah and then talking about the um water department the break and the response and what we can do to make it better time um but one of the suggestions that came out of that was the um getting some sort of a credit card which we've talked about over and over again um so that we could do purchases like the water instead of the situation we got ourselves into um she's when Town o Chester had a problem three years ago had a breakdown on group 20 had um they went went through Polar Polar Springs M and they got and I believe they also use an invoice okay and they got their within I think what you say three two or three hours something like that okay yeah so and he said he was going to send us okay yeah but so you're saying put $10,000 in an account does she mean like we could use it for anywhere or is it spend spending somewhere specific it all depends on how you want to do it okay I mean you classifi it as an emergency fund for emergencies only well cuz just looking at the warrant and I mean poor Nicole over at the library I mean we're reimbursing her you know I feel like it's about $900 that she looks like she's putting on her own money she's putting having to purchase and then get reimbursed that just feels like we shouldn't be a I just got a check for about 2500 for spending my own money yeah that that just feels ridiculous we need to I mean and we can continue that conversation with Christina when she gets back before it was due so back yeah but I don't want to have people come into when start working for the town and just expect them to start using using their money on yeah yeah or you just you know draw out of draw out of your one of the accounts you have already so yeah it doesn't matter anything what you ever want to use you could do it that way also so Dave yes if oh if Becket does the 10,000 and has it in an account how does that help us on an emergency basis when we need to have and make a purchase right away I you have you have the money right there and you can go buy something with an invoice and come back so do you still have to get invoice though correct so you couldn't go out so yeah so that's still not a credit card situation yeah it's not an instant you know emergency resolution something to Sol well you won't have to go in front of the town meeting for money I mean the town could get a Purchase Card they call a purchase card and but it would have to be you know the rules around managing that has to be close and monitor because they can get you know things can happen it's important that whoever has ownership is responsible and accountable for the balance so you get a purchase cards for emergency purposes I mean I think that what's what's what's the um what's the limit going to be on it I mean we can't tell we want you know $10,000 yeah that I mean I think that much we would then be calling Mima for you know assistance yeah yeah you would but the thing is that you won't you won't get reimbursed a Mima right you know but it's just like the issues we had a few years ago with um Chester Road we had all that water come down through and me the area around us did make the Mima platform MoneyWise so when FEMA came in and looked at it we didn't make the FEMA part so we never got any money out of the deal until um Kathy and Chester had got upset and because we're out here and they're out there and um sheal she talked to Natalie Blaze about it something like that probably more than 10 grand right what's that what what happened with the water in that situation I mean that's not something you would charge that would probably always something you invoice right right that's a little different yeah I think we're talking about urgent now you know like the water was an urgent nap we just needed to go out and get and and we did that you know but I think they're looking that I think the town is looking for something more and more of a bigger of an emergency okay you know the 10,000 is not going to cover it right but you're gonna have to understand if we have a a major weather issue here and we're out of power for three weeks four weeks M and we don't have this and know and the bridges are blown out and this is blown out roads are closed we can't get through um now where we going to get the fun and to fix everything that's another issue also I mean I have a certain amount of money you know but that only goes so far and if it doesn't if it is undercover thema we won't get reimbursed I think something that major with the state of emergency be able to the weather go state of emergency or time or whatever but I think there's two different situations one is we need some funding for an emergency yes and the second is we just need to be able to have a funding source where someone like Nicole at the library can purchase what she needs without having to spend out of her own bucket yeah you can do that I mean you it's all it's up to you how you want to put it into the thing you know I mean the weather's getting less evasive than it ever was we have more wind and a little rain but we're on the top everything goes down so we're up here we're okay well two years AG we had we had a foot of rain com from town yeah you know and we washed out some 9,000 yeah the only trouble was being on top is if it washes down we got to go get it and bring it back yeah or we can't get anybody up here to get anything done well that's that happened before is this something that maybe we should have finance committee look Finance I think everybody should look at it along with the New Town Administrator Jo you have something yeah we've had a town credit card and it doesn't work because they need to be paid in 30 days and because we only pay bills every two weeks it's always a problem but there's got to be something else that we can work out with they' have to find a credit credit card and Sarah doesn't like the idea of their credit card floating the invoices work fine we get the invoices we pay them on the water that would just happen that was no problem I mother been next door but really it's not yeah but it it already depends on what no I understand what we it is I don't know I don't Adam saying from fire that it's not working great with um Amazon so I don't know the bills didn't go in I think he misunderstood how this is going to get paid because I have all the bills now and it's just and yeah we'll yes Christina has now made contact with all the other Town Administrator she that so she could go out with the question I have faith that she'll figure it out all right um what else you got for us um I talked I parked T of Washington today um because I wanted I wanted be able to use a roller to have so we can start in in a week or so do some um grading and stuff and material and uh he asked very nicely because he's got a big project coming up if it was possible that he could borrow one of our trucks for two or three weeks it's a long time without one of our guys driving it correct not for that I didn't buy that truck for them to use the tax didn't pay for that I I mean I don't know that's putting miles on it that's I don't know yeah what truck the dou yeah the tand yeah you mean the Mac they're both Macs one's a t I know one's 10 wheeler and one's a six-wheeler I realized that what I said the Mac because you have those old army trucks those are also 10 wheelers have we done this before doubt no we have not we have not with insurances and stuff but I've I've also well they have insurance too they would have to sign responsibility if we do yeah um like my first thought is I'm not a big fan okay um but I would have to learn more about you know procedure and sort of what would be in place and what we get out of that deal y That's all that I have did you did you get to go up and look at the Subic system up there up remember I spoke to you about mowing where the sub tank is over here does well Le oh oh Le no I have not I was over here though wasn't I Jeff yes you were I got a question for you sure what is the law if you were out mowing are you supposed to have signs up under ocean oh under OA yeah o well when you were mowing two weeks ago I know all about it I almost hit you yeah I couldn't hit yet and how fast were you going about 35 yes in the 30 m hour Zone I understand the motorcycle is 35 is nothing you want to go 100 but I just wanted to make sure you were clear on it that's all but thank you all right um over hear me talking about yeah yes yes that has to be done twice a year mode at least never done it wait this right here no way back all back is that has to be does dou do that why do we have the same conversation we had it Sarah what what's Sarah's name she's on the building committee her and her husband uh no Sarah someone went up and they brush last year yeah last year somebody did it yeah should be done they live on herck road um Ryan Ryan Sarah Sarah thank you yeah sorry um yeah no more reach out to him and ask him to do it well has it even been a year I don't think it's been he did it at the end of last Seas it still needs to be it needs to be done at least tcea six months do we just watch it's probably six there's trees that are encroaching on that and they got to be cut back Y is it Ryan bangle is that his last right um it's not my memory I was in my phone do you want me to ask him to just price for a maintenance of it okay yeah yes at least once spring Once In Summer I'd do it three times to be honest with you I would too keep it I would do it right now if you can yes probably October November time just depend the weather yeah because that's that's how that Lee Field Works got brush your stuff all it ain't going to work for a while good okay got it all right what else you got anything last time you guys had your system pumped here oh that's a good question um I don't know none of us I think uh I I I think it's at least eight years oh God system we got it done guys um is that that's something that we'll add to our list to have Christina Well she we should all do all the town buildings you've had the highway have done haven't you I've had it done I think couple times uh once uh three years ago yeah well we just did the old building what about the library um I just got a pump we just had that you just okay so it's just here that needs to get done okay yeah have got in touch with coper he's the one that has the coer school I know you that's not say that Zoom never said it I never heard it okay next up uh Finance line items changed no no nothing we'll do a a separate meeting because plan is for second okay action items approved payroll warrant 25 motion to approve payroll warrant number 25 is there second any discussion all in favor I um motion to approve pineer Valley planning invoice number 35 for the housing rehab it is for don't here you sign that it's for here no yeah it's for the amount of $1,275 it's just the newest is there a second second any discussion all in favor I I all right so then we had we've been talking about the Springfield Water and Sewer the cemetery gate we don't have Nicole Sanford here she couldn't make it and we don't have Peter here um I think there's a couple more to sign youj you saw the one that was in your pile your employee rate change form did you sign that yeah signed thank you and then this one too I know there did I get a rap or did I no sorry um so the I told Peter that we would go over the email that he sent let me just pull it up yeah I was reading it um I forwarded the email to Adam who to get his input on removing the gates so the let see if I can find the most recent one so Nicole Sanford from Springfield Water sent some questions and Peter responded with some answers so hopefully we'll get everyone together at our next meeting and we can actually um settle some things we'll get it on the agenda until we we'll get it on the agenda in two weeks and they want to write a um I'm not seeing she wrote it in the beginning of one of her emails hold on uh okay so Springfield Water wants to formulate a new authorization letter for Cemetery commission's access to Warfield and caer Cemetery so that it can be posted on the commission's property so these are the questions that were asked and then answer from Peter so they were asking about maintenance to the two cemeteries and Peter responded with what the cemetery needs to do they were asking about a maintenance schedule he said that that's not possible it depends on WE and you know it's all voluntary they're asking what type of equipment and he responded with that ATVs with off-road trailers Etc um and then the questions are regarding 19 gate 19a and gate 20 and the question is um whether the town is considering opening or removing these Gates and so Springfield Water says that if we're considering open and removing we should consult the conservation the fire department um and anyone else that's pertinent so I sent it to the fire chief also dick as well I didn't realize it was up to us to remove those Gates so they're on ours I also don't know that it's actually should be our Manpower that goes into removing them if put the thing of it is is we were told that we would get keys for those Gates I don't know if the fire department got a key cily did not and it's two gates and town roads and Peter makes pretty good arguments yeah he does and it it's he's absolutely right those Gates should be either kept unlocked and they can remain or we they're unlocked we might as well just remove them so I mean what I Here's my thought let's send this to Fire and conation does say fire department has a key in here TJ oh they it does yep right on the bottom here let's see what they what their suggestions are I would ask ad okay because if he has a key then the cemetery should have a key because that's the only way that we can access because we have to use an ATV on the other side of beachill road to get to standard Cemetery you're lucky you can with that we we're lucky we can do that okay well let's see what um so when we talk about that Jo um we'll ask for fire and conservation input for that one for that meeting as well ask them to join us is that ask them for they can either join us or they can send us input ahead of time if they think we should be removing those Gates um I would like to be able fire sorry Fire and Fire and cons conservation thank you um and then the rest of the questions and answers are pretty much about the gates so um but he sent his responses to um Springfield Water so they can hopefully we'll have heard back from Nicole by then that would be kind of exciting to remove some gates we'll have a little party um next up we've got the Community Development block grant monitoring clearance letter that's just an FYI letter okay is it in the packet or is it it's not for sign anything okay um I don't think I have anything else before executive session you have anything no all right um so we yes Mary sorry if you're going to have Mr dle work for the town it would be really nice if he had a a DBA certificate he does not have a business certificate okay with the town and anybody who does business with the town should have a business certificate business certificate anybody who does business in town is supposed to have a business certificate okay I will let him know and he comes and registers for that with the town cler cler yep all right um okay so motion to go into executive session uh in accordance with GLC 3A section 21 A2 to discuss strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with Union Personnel um second second any discussion I I I Caris says yes yeah go Joan are you staying for this one you don't have to I just when you sometimes when you leave I tell you sorry I'll just have to remind but I don't write that I always try no you don't it's super all I did last time was just write it was I mean Union negotiation with the moderator Hopson and okay well I'll stay if you want me to but I don't write anything down no you're you're welcome to but you don't have toate okay question so and I was talking to Joe about this earlier there's no the sprinkling system in still doesn't work the sprinkler system I know that's