okay a 602 lman meeting is called orderers we have no examination previous meeting the table action yes I'm here to ask uh the select board for uh some support in getting problem fixed I think uh we were here a couple meetings ago and mentioned that there's an asbest pipe that's uh exposed and had a contest I haven't seen it but but um superintendent assures me that it was exposed partially in Fault of the highway department we've been asking them to to get it fixed yeah and and really all that entails is you know covering it with with something that doesn't have rocks in it so you don't because you don't want to break that it's his best best yeah it's an old cement pipe it's not uncommon we have lots of them in but but uh it shouldn't be exposed right where abouts on is it near the highway you know it's it's something that both departments are aware of okay so personally I hav like I said I haven't seen it but um it's on oldchester road and it's you know it's somewhere where our PES are so now is there any plastic pipe in that Ro plastic pipe yeah you know PCP pipe not that I know of I I didn't know there what did they put in in the last section they just put in that part they fixed by Stevie hars yeah did they put duckle oh no that's duck okay yeah so there probably isn't any plastic in town no that that's a orang down well yeah because it goes to the highway department and top well that yeah yeah it's either six or eight so okay but it's it's uh is that something I should repl down the line no no no not not unless it rakes there's not nothing wrong with this best as Pike and using it you don't you don't put it in on a new installation but having it be there and as long as it's not crumbling yeah yeah that's fine well the reason why I on below that you know it it might be part of the the plan we've got going with the infrastructure updates with with wri and Pierce so it may be coming within a couple years anyway okay but but just for now we need to cover up shut them you're trying to throw a curve at me that was a oh I'm going might too so yeah I think Dave is heard this before and and I don't I don't know so so basically I'm just asking you for we'll do something I'll talk with all right very good and that's me okay have thank you us know don't even have you guys on here Cher Department transfers on the second page that's it's not on it's not on our warrant oh how come you got two pages I got one because I'm special okay I have one the department transfer I got the transfers but I don't it was a good one okay do you have vocational education and Town Administrator fund I can't remember how much is in reserve though in which one well I'm just saying if they're taking this out of Reserve this is 14 account name transfer from oh oh oh got it okay got so you don't have a copy I got one he doesn't need it I mean our team came in for this purpose really to do the transfers are you guys ready for well you don't trust us to be able to do it I assume I'm assume you approve them if you type them up no no they we didn't have a meeting before they're looking at us like Laurel and Hardy are we we know we're to three St making so I can fill in if you want okay okay so what do you want to do what you there were two things that you got bills on where there wasn't enough money left yeah in the account one of them was for um the Hilltown Community Ambulance which was quite High um and I think Cara had already agreed on hey remember when they came in and said we're going up tremendously you didn't say how much they were going up I thought it was 44,000 sticks in my head I just that number just is right here for some but this one is 14,000 and the one account that I could find that would be money that would still be there you know after all the bills were in it's vocational TCH soer y okay Hilltown Community but right the finance team has to agree with that as well have to sign on it y good I'll make a motion to approve okay the transfer from vocational education for 14,1 18746 to Hilltown Community Ambulance all favor hi might as well do the second one got to vote on it I don't want I want to vote on them both same time you want to vote on them both the same time what's the difference no I I think you have to vote on separately don't ask me okay go ahead all right uh I move that we approve the transfer from location to Hilltown Community Ambulance second second all in favor all all right besides he needs the practice be your turn next time oops I'll be huh no car's not here okay she's out all right so I so move to transfer from the account account administrator the sum of $1,332 96 to town hall miscellaneous expense Y and in that case it was the town administrative money that's not being spent because we don't have a town wellth right all in favor I I I I I not yet make a motion to accept the transfer from Town Administrator to town hall expense second I I we're all set okay we got to sign this yeah lovely julan can actually pay the bills none of these are on the agenda because we just did this this morning you got to sign on the finance committee on this one you didn't sign select me line oh Jesus a long day Joan thank you oh you got that one that m gave us right Michel drop off yeah I for next week yes Jackie has it already Okay okay what oh theair the fence up a veteran part I call it Veterans Park I don't know what everybody else in town calls it yes ma'am the appropriate nomenclature is Veterans Park at Town common kiss my town common it's still Veteran Park always remember you're being recorded yeah is that work already done no something coming up from next physical year yeah it's all it's that rod iron fence is all rotted and it needs to it could be danger for kids ever got near it so we really should do something about it when you're I don't remember what the full is but yeah $78,000 something like that that's it anything else no other transfer no other transfers today oh easy day I like it hopefully that's it we can do appointments Our Town Highway man is not here no he said he didn't have much so he's going to skip okay so we cable him right about that you have a hard time being nice I watched you my whole life oh J you're in trouble no I don't have a filter I'm sorry oh okay all right very very Rusty any audience participation nope action items a appoint Christine Ferrara to energy management for the term of July 1 2024 through July June 30th 2025 second all favor all raise hand we already it she doesn't start till July 8 yeah so shouldn't it be July 8 July yeah July 8 make it July 8 thank youv to change it's just indicating the fiscal year yeah that's all we I forgot Board of Health Jennifer we'll finish this one all right finish this one okay I'm running them up okay AO Christine ferar to the American Disabilities Act for the term of July 8th correct to 2024 through June 30th 2025 second second I I okay that done I don't see approve warrant number 25 refund we need an explanation more 25 um there last week you guys refused to pay for the water on the warrant so they had we had to cross it out and they that's a special warrant that they have to do because it it was paid by another account okay so so we just okay yeah okay motion to okay War number 25 refund second iay I don't have payroll yet so we can just table that yep table the next one yeah okay Jennifer you gonna do Janet and they're all set we got I just my intention was to find out are you planning on being on finance again maybe but I was going to discuss it with my Members First okay okay so then we just have to there's no rush we just have to get everybody together I just didn't know if like July 1 because it could end easier than I am it could look by like July 4th if we're not careful okay now I lost my know you know that's not fair I know I was just doing an update we had a um a complaint on 106 Main Street so just to inform you that we sent registered letter out and of course once again I'll have to contact Leal on that 106 is that what you said no I'm kind right she's loud enough we can hear her she's not shy you can hear uh and then um what was the complaint on that J if you don't mind just the backyard with the pool and the water and and everything building up insects and the 106 Main Street picture 106 Main where abouts is that in reference to the junkyard house was just which one on Main Street yeah well there's a bunch of them that's for sure the one that's that the menites abandoned well they cleaned it up now looks good now pretty nice Jesus Roger herrick's old house okay now you guys don't is that 106 no 106 I don't know that's 89 I think well I'm 100 I'm 100 the post is 9 oh it's got to be here the White House just in the backyard that's Nicholls old house oh there you go just took me a second I'm going yeah that's the one that had the tree in it for a while and now no so the girl's gone cuz she was here all winter because it was always shovel and from my understanding rented it out or somebody else was living she wasn't okay but now it there's nobody there there's nobody there and the pole as well is it covered no no it's not and the fence is coming down it's down okay so we got to pump that out yeah well we shouldn't have some Pump It Up Fire Department Pump It Up town I'm talking we the town why why should we why should we get a liability thing somehow cuz that's what's going to end up you could you sleep if some little kid got drowned in there and knew about it I couldn't so if I have the guy spend an hour to pump it out with their big pump from the fire station I'd feel yeah I I would ask Adam yeah I would ask Adam if they can pump it out they got a big pump special made that you know the stuff doesn't hurt if there's empty the tanker and then pump the water in the tanker it's all fluorinated the thing is because they do pay their taxes you can't just go on somebody's property without their permission I'll give you permission because I don't I I understand that's why I say that I jump the gun and call legal and say hey can we jump in and do this but chances are he's going to say we're not going to be able without the notification so we need to send her a letter I've already sent you one letter but I can certainly you got 10 days to respond y if if she doesn't respond should we have the lawyer send her a letter well then we go then that's when I usually contact the attorney and say hey so that's how I yeah I think you're hand correctly if they don't respond to us then that's I usually call the low down what the situation is and then he guides me and if they give you any static give them dress name okay I've had lawyers that didn't like me at all so that's I I like that Mark's a great guy good what our next step should be yeah no no that's the right way to handle Jennifer yeah absolutely you know what that used to be years ago was a boarding house a boarding it was I'm serious my mother worked there when she was a kid her aunt owned it that's how she met my father who lived on Russell Road at the time and she used to when she went to school in Lee she used to take the trolley to Lee once the pool's empty that's still a liability yeah it's a problem it is because you're still going to get water every time it the mosquitoes which is a disease and it's going to collect the frogs I understand there's a million frog all right do we have a contact for nicholl's daughter we don't so it's just got to go through mail Mary um it's not good there is a way to contact her yes and Mary Martin has her information okay I'll contact Mary when she gets back yep where's Mary oh yeah they're on a world tour with their camper well you have Mary's cell phone number don't you Mary yes I do yeah yeah I have Jims too okay I I'll dire going I'll you do you want me to Jimmy's number and he can get you Mary's number yes if some get me Mary's number I I will do that that would be great we can Mo you know oh um I'm meeting with Maya the first week of um July which I can't believe when I looked at the calendar that do you know that's next week regarding the safety analys and um to make sure that we're all on the right track they're going to revie the first part of it and then um we'll get that to you um and then I finished I think I told you today about those grants so we do have those two grants we won't know anything till September October okay for the transer station how much grants for 15 and 1500 and uh hopefully 6,000 oh it could be up to 6,000 but they're confident because we've never applied before and we're getting involved with them so they're saying that you know our chances are pretty good what do it swap Shack thank you or swap whatever Shack I know over at the D and let it r at the transfer station it's not a dunk it's probably one of the nicest places in blord I'm offended by that my yard's clean and nice all the time I don't think you got little flowers growing up in your lot those are those are what Debbie what are they Clover be for the be oh I just thought you no putting it on it's too hot yes you got de Buffalo huh I know it's over it wow give me that I want to hit I it's nice that he passed the grants on to us cuz I didn't know anything about any grants for us so we're going to do our own grants we'd have decided no but it'd be nice if we knew as you know people ask me I go I don't know you live a store she doesn't allow coffee and learn thing she doesn't allow me in there well I hey what did you do that's not it's actually one of the things that I put on list for me and Christina to kind of look at is get all of them let see them all people ask me about stuff being a select board member I don't know what's going on half the time I go it's embarrassing to me what's in play yeah right yeah well I don't have ride around with him I don't care if it's recording she's listening she keeps a lot of secret she don't tell us a lot that's going on Jeff did you feel that way when Christopher was here yeah okay I was just wondering if it was different now no I I I asked Christopher for all the department heads phone numbers case I you asked well I understand that now I didn't realize you were really in charge which no I'm just saying I I asked for him and I asked for him it was like I asked for the Union contract I never got that five six months yes I would like all the I mean sometime I'd like to call them and ask them and I I I got a white flag I use when I go over to see Jen and I can I come in please I know it's not true just teing you we we let dab in but you have to stay out you think that's the first place believe me the list is long and distinct never never I only got asked to leave one place one time with my whole entire life that was home no no I was smart at 17 I thought I knew everything and I left by my own what Awakening that was well just go back on the ground we had no idea in speaking with the lady um and going over the grants that we had options and grants available to US every year for a Board of Health and transfer station um this just came up to us by a fluke of something else so we've decided that we're going to continuously work with the group and we will do our own grants yeah uh so you're even your new administrator because I think you guys have a lot of turnover and and I'm glad you're hopeful for your new administrator but I I think it's something that should be passed on through the Board of Health well I I was just going to say uh I think like uh the Departments like the C cemetery and you know Highway and that I I know David's always looking for Grants I don't know if Adam is or not he probably is but I think the uh new administrator should be aware that if they find a grant that would be behal to to check with the Department to see if they're interested right it should be passed on and I don't think it ever was opportunity that's all I can tell you there is yeah and and it's just a matter of setting you know what are these four and who should it go to for them to decide do they want to go after that yeah right yeah I ever dream there was some of them should come in front of us all I think all of them should come in front of us so we know where we're going or what you know you guys can handle it from there but we should know what you're looking at yeah I agree with that absolutely I agree with that but there's like so many I understand and you would I'm not saying you got to bring everyone you got in the thing you sign you get to sign yeah I get to sign up we get three seconds to look I'm going to put CH mark on your side that's a good idea okay thank you I spoke to Christine and said that I could help her with a lot of the underbelly stuff but I know nothing about grants and she said well that's good because I know nothing about the underbelly and I she did mostly right so that's a good thing for usely she's I got my fingers and toes crossed well I got some others got something else K well thank you for appreciate it and I'll text you Jimmy and you can text him and tell him you want to talk to Mary okay all right perfect my brother might have her phone number Tracy because he used to mow that and I know when don't make it any more complim I'm just thinking well they don't know if they got it okay she's got it back up okay she's got it already oh okay I'll shut her I'm sorry Mary sent it to you she did yeah that's what she said hey she's fast she's like B you didn't even see her I thought I thought she was eating an ice [Laughter] cream is there anything else yeah we got to do uh SEL board summer hours oh no we generally go to every other week but every third week can I make a suggestion that you don't start have a meeting on July 1 and then go every two weeks from then because we're probably going to need it then well says July and that be July 1 is the is that that the first one is that the first meeting on July 1 yes that's a Monday say July's first yeah I'm just saying don't skip the first one in July cuz probably it's year end we're going first and then we'll start every other week and that gets Christina to that next week to kind of get up the speed and then yeah yeah and something special comes up and then we'll have to deal with it exctly you have a motion motion to go to summer hours after July first yep huh that's good I just put my glasses away You're a Slave make a motion theel board go to summer hours starting after July 1 through August 31st there you go thanks 2024 thank you I second it favor vote noted that he voted for what's her name oh Carol yes ma'am you're you're going to meet July 1 first and then you won't meet again till July 15th correct okay what's the last the last day is August so we got a whole year on that it should have been yeah it's just August 24th would be the 31st whatever that comes up without having a calendar See Southwick has only every every two to three weeks is all the select meetings they have I think they go way longer than these though yeah I didn't say that but they don't that get old doesn't it oh really they go longer they us last like 9:00 10 we used to be here at 9 o' with every weeks but they're still available July 8 I guess we're all there uh anything else anybody got any new business Willow Journey the meeting at 6:31 all in favor right I love that you don't remember but P Jensen us to hit Rob Nicholls with this you didn't hit him hard enough n the one who owned the house yeah and he had he had the red one too that's a on Main Street I know cuz I was there cleaning out his books and I work through a library what a mess my when Connie lived there that house was beautiful red house red house yeah oh it's all mahogany Woodwork in there I mean the house it was just