Warden signes I can oh for your son got it Joanne you are we open all right meeting's open are we being recorded I'm recording thank you all right um so I have a request to um move to new business real quick for water department so I would make a motion to move to all in favor all right come on down move or L it what do you got all right so I gave it to do you have that mic what's it the bill oh the bill no I know you're going getting that tonight uh I I got in the room so basically what it is is I'll run over and grab it and show you real quick is uh uh TJ came down we've been trying to get some trees taken down on the Town Road going into the plant um we got the SK project starting in the next month so they're going to start bringing a lot of equipment truck stuff like that um TJ came in and looked at it you know just the same you know agreement with me that they do need to be trimmed up there's a lot of dead one grer fall in and just cleaned all the way down um you got one company came out a price quote they'll be there two to three days they'll do the entire Road 4500 okay so um did you talk to the tree Warden I I tried to get a hold of the tree Warden since October okay I've been told numerous times they're going to get somebody down there and I tried to get a hold of them now for last month and I've called them up numerous messages so I've gotten no response so that's when I came and approached and I talked to TJ I talked to Mike yeah the L know you're got to hit tonight yeah so I don't know what to do I got a quote to do it if he had just women so probably have yeah yeah so they got insurance they yeah they got the binder and everything was sent up 45 and they'll do the entire road all the way down how long is that roughly about a mile that's 1 that's what I'm saying 4500 bucks for the whole but the question is the question I'm assuming you're coming to us is with money you want the money to come out of the tree he's got a B work his Town Road but I mean how how long do I wait how long no I'm not I'm not disagree with you but I don't know that if we can make that decision tonight I feel like I need to like see the quot and like talk attorney R made a very good point uh did you factor prevailing wage yet it is prevailing wage it is prevailing wage you've got the wage sheets yeah they sent me everything over um we we've used it before and she sends she sends everything over she sends all the prilling wages over yet guy she uses the equipment she uses everything okay um let's put it on the agenda for action item for next week and then we can make the decision um let's just reach out to Mark LMA and let him know that the discussion is going to be head at next Monday's meeting ask to be there yeah as him to be there to use some of his budget for this project so I should put it on the agenda yeah okay yeah okay sounds good to me good thank you thanks y um we have no previous meeting minutes I like that audience participation Aubrey come on down want to have a seat one of these seats yeah welcome hi hi so you're here to talk to us about a Civics project yeah okay okay so I was talking to my teacher today and we have a Civics Action Project we're doing okay um I have some pros and consist right here if you guys want some um it's it's it's showing like our of what we listed out okay um today we did talk to Mr Smitty pelli he came to our school and we had a meeting with him to talk about the the exit y um on Blandford so he was even saying that it was a good idea because you know we already have an exit there and it's not like we have to put more money into building a whole new one like roads and stuff we just have to take down the emergency part and make it an actual toll booth like part to where you know people can go in and out okay and so what we're trying to do is we're trying to make it an exit because if you miss Westfield exit it's 30 miles to Lee so and also the good part is for us like teenagers that are turning 14 and 15 and older um with no job to bring a better for blord economic part it would give us more money more job opportunities and just more business is up here yeah absolutely nice so what would you like from the select board what would you like from us um try to like see if we could possibly make the exit an actual exit again so you're looking a vote so you're looking for us to um bring it to vote again yeah okay um because the last time sorry the last time that we did have a vote it was during Co time so people were really isolated and not wanting to go in and actually vote so I feel like now since it's not Co we would have have you know more votes because people aren't going to be isolating 6 feet and all that and you know people could actually come in talk to each other figure out you know hey how about you feel like about this oh I feel this way you know share our opinions and actually vote on it I like that that's a good point TJ is up do you want to run for his seat I'm on um how would we go ahead about um trying to get another vote the last time we had a vote I think it was on the the ballot right Mary it was a non-binding non-binding question on the ballot okay um how are we too late to do that for a November election oh no yeah we can't do November we can't do November that's right it would have to be we I remember talking about this last time it has to be a local do it on the on the local ballot yeah okay and you yeah unless you held two elections which you're not going to do okay so we would have to wait until when would be the next time we could put on a ballot would be next year next year next May is that right is that unless you're going to have a special we're within the where it has to be within 35 35 days but if you want to hold a special election which is a whole thing unto itself I don't know you want to do that's what I say that's a whole issue onto itself otherwise you're waiting until your next annual election so we've already passed the deadline to get it on the next ballot is what you're saying ballot for June for June for June no you could yeah we haven't no you can do it for June yeah you can do it for June uh the question I mean the the other question is whether this is something you'd want to bring is you know a a question for town meeting also I know it's a narrower audience but whether you want to put a s like a a an informational article because there's nothing that town meeting would actually be authorizing but uh you would certainly inquire a town meeting uh depending on how you want to approach it okay it's similar to what you you would have done on the ballot so at town meeting you're meaning vote on it at town meeting you could have a vote at town meeting it just would be informational it's not it's not a binding even on town meeting because we're not we're not appropriating funds and and we can't the town can't uh authorize on its own the the the exit from the the turn so it would just be an overall like consensus cons it could be it could be an article to request that the that the select board send a letter of support there number of things that could be done a resolution basically yeah yeah basically a resolution yeah okay so even if we vote Yes on it it doesn't mean it's going to happen it would just mean that we would be support because the turnpike is the the turnpike is outside the jurisdiction of the town so you have to that's why I know uh Mr P tell you when he was when he was uh in in in his position he had some Authority there but the town would Mak me a request and so it could be posed like a resolution on on town meeting similar to the non-binding question on the ballot obviously the ballot you you generally draw more people at an election than for better Force we get town meeting but it's something it it's something that could be considered yeah if if you go on the computer and go back to the mid to late 50s and look up the contract you'll find that and you can do this because I did it and and if I can do it TJ can do it well might be smar me but anyway uh you'll find that there was designated property at the rest area for an exit and they didn't put it in because financially it wasn't considered you know profitable yeah at that time and today Mr P tell was like talking about like different parts of like blanford and Otis that other people were saying that' be good for an exit like the blanford like that department and then um they're also talking about some radent Otis yeah maybe there were three options yeah yeah it was it was the turnpike it was the turnpike and then the Otis Road and then the department but I to Bea and one in blord right yeah so I was just looking for that email that I told you I sent I and it just for me it got stuck in my out box and I looked at it last night I was like oh no poor Aubrey um I had gotten an email from um Adam Dolby and it was forwarded from and I'm trying to someone um I believe you said it was from Pittsfield yeah I think it was a representative I can't be sure exactly pelli wasn't pelli um but it was a request I can't find it right now it was a it was the same topic it was a request to see if BL would put it back on on the ballot I'm fine with putting it back on the ballot it's it's definitely a hot button um topic I think that some people are going to say are we seriously voting about this you know voting this again because we've talked about it um Dave um I do believe they are in the plans of replacing that bridge down on by Route 20 okay so that would be definitely a big plus yeah yeah for the future yeah I mean if we want to look at drawing something up for the um for the ballot I think if the more people that we can get to vote on it makes sense would the Civics project include drafting up a ballot question there you go you guys want to draft up the ballot question for us I don't know okay so we'll talk to your teacher time so you can tell your teacher um that we talked about either putting it on a ballot or putting it to vote at special town or at an annual town meeting but we would get more people to actually vote on it in an election on a ballot um so if you guys want to look at drafting the wording so there's that legal part of like you know how we have to word it and you could find lots of ballot questions on a Google search yeah cuz um Mr P was talking about also at our local level we could like restrict like bigger semi trucks from coming through because I know a lot of people are like oh it's going to cause lot of noises because these semi trucks going to be coming in we can like on our local level we can restrict like bigger semi trucks from coming in we can just only allow access to like smaller cars and not such big trucks yeah can't stop them from a delivery yeah well as long as it's not stopping from a delivery like if there's like big like semi trunks like coming through because the GPS is all messed up like like we have a we can like make it to our local level to like make it not to restriction I remember talking about that Jo Harington is in the in Zoom asking if you can speak on that sure I hopefully we can hear him John car yeah can you guys hear me yes all right uh so when we had the senator there for a visit he is for the exit putting in but the other part of the importance of possibly getting that exit is during the first time we were doing this they were willing to Fork a lot of money towards the new firehouse and apparatus yeah we can use that to help uh bring them back to the table and maybe get money towards a new firehouse and updating some of our fire equipment yeah that's a good point um if we have a more direct contact UM with 90 then or 90 I would yes 90 then maybe um help with the fire department yeah and if you can follow us off we make um yeah so that I would say those would be our next step if you want to work on drafting that and then um the town clerk email would be the one um that would town because town clerk does the ballots for us okay um and then we would I think we would approve that we approve it has to come to you yeah and then you set if you're going to do it on a special election you would set the date but if you're do it on annual election you then send it to the town okay so you can email it to us do you know our email you can um just administrator at Town of blanford tocom okay I can give it to my teacher and have him because he told I told him about this so I could I told him that I would try to get his email in but I didn't have the time to write it down but I could write down um you guys' email and then give it to him and we out more perfect good job good job that's awesome thank you all right what about do that I think we that we had talked about that a lot of people had wanted to do that but I don't think we were able to won't build yeah I know that would be nice right like a special swipe card yeah I'll take it um you don't kind of kind of we we accept him um all right Department reports we've got oh did I have any other audience participation I'm sorry Jennifer on DJ had come to me onen Road Okay so there was two things on Hayden Road oh yes one of them we can't until you give me a number a house number I can't do anything with because just about every single house on that okay so we need we need number okay so with that but the other one is number six and Adam and I are going to go up there tomorrow afternoon oh good okay thank you so we've got that under control the doors it wasn't the do as I told yesterday I think it was yeah it's the windows all the windows that's the one where the kids were in and out of yeah yes that was a high priority okay thank you okay and I think we're going to post a sign anyways that you know and we're be sending a registered letter to the owner I believe is in okay thank you thank you all right one Kevin talked about last week yeah yeah yeah both of them any other audience no okay um Dave Quan down no I'm all set you're all set yeah love it Mike what do you got for us all right um first uh the uh shared fire Services yep we're going to be doing a meeting tentatively set for March 26th uh one week from today y 5:00 pm at the Chester Fire Department okay uh we have a committee members that will be attending unfortunately only one select board member can can attend unless we post and I've uh given the same message to the water board that you only can bring one person otherwise we're going to it's going to have to be a posted meeting okay but uh can make some some progress there and move forward on that okay uh Lanford has uh pvpc is has uh contacted me and said that blanford needs to uh appoint someone to the Hilltown Community Ambulance Association a representative okay so this is a good place to announce it and see if anyone who's interested okay and we had Tom before um but he's not doing it anymore I'm assuming that's who I yes I assume so um okay so maybe we should put something out there see if anyone's interested anyone maybe P would be interested Mary do you want to put something that we're looking for um a representative we can um Mike if you want to send something to Wendy um she runs our website yes um she can put something on there too contact Mike what yeah for yes yeah um I'm going to be meeting tomorrow I don't know if any of you are available uh I'm meeting with uh Maya for our annual risk management review to go over various things they'd like us to fix okay what time are you doing that 10 o'clock I know that's that's be practical for you TJ you round at 10 I can be okay honestly we did not do well with rewards this year okay uh for auto we got 0% uh general liability 0% out of four law enforcement 0 out of 7% but of course we don't really have Direct Control of that okay uh properties Z out of 4% public officials 75% out of 7 POS the discount on our on that particular policy uh School Board Z out of 7% workers comp we got full discounts that percent uh participating in various workshops uh doing classes uh just very the Maya rewards program uh there's various things I'm going to try and do a little better this year yeah I say maybe we need to make sure that people are more aware of those things and try to push them a little bit more yeah um because it is money out there is there something that select Bo is supposed to be doing or more uh you may want to if there's something that I think that you would like to participate in I I'll make sure to let you know about it okay uh but you know sometimes it's they're held in the afternoons and I don't know particular you can make it okay uh some of them are line some of them aren't okay um there is a training calendar and I I'll give you a copy of it of what's UPC coming so anyway that's happening tomorrow if anybody have TJ said he'll go okay uh there's a uh joint water board meeting to resolve that uh the scheduling and budget uh tentatively scheduled for Thursday I wanted to get it done as quickly as possible uh Ira can not attend in person so uh he said he he could zoom in but uh if if more people bow out I'm going to have to reschedule okay that's Thursday at 4 and you've got blord water and Chester yep so it's posted for the blanford water meeting uh we haven't posted it yet okay and it won't be we weren't going to have a a formal meeting was again just one commissioner oh just one okay yeah okay and so just one commissioner and and Gordon as the superintendent yeah okay um and one one select board meeting member if you want to be there too okay uh finally uh this came in today this is the uh eversource 5year vegetation planning uh plan management plan yeah uh I don't know if you want to review it uh I know in other places where I've worked uh the select board have made requests in sensitive areas to do hand cutting instead of using chemicals okay I don't know if we have areas like that that that you have concerns about so maybe we should run it by conservation I think that's a good idea certainly any any place where might impact the water I think we we should be considered about might be involved in conservation a copy of that it does say in there that all chemicals that are being used um if you read it um are safe they're safe chemicals all the water areas and okay and it gives you all the websites we got it as well okay so conservation has seen it they also yes they also got received one so maybe just reach out to conservation see if they have any recommendations do that Dave have you seen it do you need to see it yeah I haven't seen it at all okay so maybe get um copy fact anybody want it'll be available in my office for anyone who wants to review it okay okay um do you have anything on the um water depart or the library um contracts the contract I've been working to get uh trying to get a hold of the state I found the correct uh correct agency and the correct person and I called her and emailed her today mhm and she hasn't responded back to me okay if I don't get something soon I'm just going to have to draft a contract but I don't know if if uh Mass development has a specific contract they want us to use okay and I haven't gotten that answer from them okay um do you know Mark if it would be a specific contract for we're talking for work to be done at the library through a grant it's through the grant they gave us a grant I mean you you so you'd have to you'd have to comply with the with the chapter I assum with these these the renovations to the building itself noo can't we use a proor didn't you do a proor contract well I was going to say depending on what it is if if it's either a public works project or a public buildings project is the the patio part of the building no it's totally separate it's a so yeah you could use a chapter one chapter 30 section 30m contract form um if you email me we have we have plenty of plenty of documents I just want to make sure that I'm compliant with the grant too the grant probably just specifies you have to comply with state law with respect to procurement so you have to follow the the chapter 3 procurement process on RFP well under chapter 36 39m you do an invitation for bids well and you you include the the contract documents as part of the the invitation for bid I think you were weren't you involved in the uh I may have been I mean we we Stu it happened last fall okay and I can send that to you yeah I I'm just off my head I don't I don't recall a specific project that one's but if you use if you use our package you're you're in good shape okay so yeah so it sounds like it would be already put together yeah yeah just if you if you forward it back to me I'll verify we were in the middle of it when Christ left I know I was sending him a lot of stuff so it's very possible he had he had my package and that if that's the cas then we in my opinion we'd be legit I'll follow up with you tomorrow sure that' be perfect okay thank you um is that it for you all right um so we have um warrant the warrant 18 is that the one we signed last week Joan um no no this is payroll supp to be payroll still not done it's still not done so we're going to table that oh I see that you wrote table there thank you motion to table uh the approval 48 for next meeting second any discussion all in favor I I um all right special town meeting Warren Dave do you wanna come on down all right do we want to go through all of the articles or that's all right so um the first one we're looking at transferring sums um sorry funds from um free cash thank you for the mini escavator and that's simple majority and is do we know finances recommending that they did they did okay okay um article two transfer transfer from available funds uh to broadband interest for service of debt and that's simple majority this was due to an error in budgeting uh at last year's annual town meeting and that's free cash as well correct it would have to be free cash at this point uh if you want to short explanation uh there was a second borrowing That was supposed to be added to the 53,000 instead it was substituted for the 53,000 so uh we've got like 17,000 in there when we needed about 70 okay okay um article three to this is to apply um accept and expend the public library construction program Grant funds um and it says to transfer the appropriate sum of 150,000 from the library building stabilization um which I think is about what we have in there no $124,000 you have to transfer $120,000 from stabilization from the library State and 30,000 from food cash okay but we're going to put $25,000 in in there at our next meeting anyway so right at what next meeting oh so so the problem is that from my understanding talk with Mar and the library stuff is that they need the commitment for $150,000 now rather than at annual time meeting okay so you can take it free cash now okay and then and it may not even get to $150,000 my understand so take 120 from the library building right and then the remainder from so the way the article is written right now it's all coming from the stabilization so we're gonna have to have a motion that's going to differ from this because you're telling are you saying that there's actually not enough in the uh special stabilization fund correct corre there's 124 there we have to put it down to 124 instead of 150 12 yeah I would I mean it's a sh because we the original article had um available funds which could have been the stabilization fund as well this one put the stabilization fund so with the moderators approval we're going to have to have a a a a motion to transfer 20 6,000 W 120 from library yeah 120 120 from library stabilization and then 30 from free cash now the there has been a change in law and Mar Mary was aware of this as well there was the re the recent amendments uh to uh uh chapter 40 section 5B that interestingly now state that a transfer from a special stabilization fund is now simple majority vote that was that was a very recent change okay so um if we're taking from because we're not taking from General stabilization we're taking from a special stabilization and we're taking from free cash which is also a simple majority vote so this just becomes simple majority vote motion to uh transfer 120 from the special Library stabilization Library building stabilization account and an additional 30 from free cash okay and the finance committee is aware of that okay yes will those numbers suffice that works okay thank you so we'll change them two okay okay so article four um so we're paying off some bills $780 worth and that's um a 910th vote yeah last year's bill yeah unfortunately bill is a prior fiscal year okay so hopefully we'll get unanimous and we won't have to worry about it have to worry about it all right um Article Five is to amend the zoning bylaws and that's a two3 vote Yes okay is um zoning here to or will be here to answer any questions hopefully we'll need a report and recommendation from our friends at the planning board they aware they're aware of that plan will be there planning will be here okay um article six amend Finance decline to uh to give a recommendation on that they said it's not a financial uh issue and they weren't aware of what the applications yeah okay yeah yeah that makes sense um article six amend zoning bylaws ginormous yeah that's battery energy storage systems that'll put you to sleep battery in your motorcycle all right 2third of a vote and no Finance recommendation I'm assuming no uh article seven to amend zoning bylaws Central major oh no that's number eight sorry two3 vote and that's that's just to uh bring the schedule of uses into line with the amend Amendment to the and fortunately we're going to have to pass on that because they did not have time to uh public hearing they didn't have a published hearing on article 7 no have to go the table discontin between the written law and the table all right um and then article eight uh transfer money uh article eight is also schedule uses I have an old one no do I have I don't think I have the right one mine yeah I don't have nine I only have eight I have nine I have nine I have nine okay the ones that are floating around here eight so the eight is the Eight Is Right nine is wrong I don't know right eight was the one that needs article eight which I don't even have is the one that needs to be uh can I have it back oh no that's the same one I've got I don't I don't have a mar so article seven was the article seven is a schedule use schedu uses article eight the one with nine is the one that was properly posted though okay so article eight what's eight is um amend zoning um bylaws schedule of uses by barring ground mounted okay so that one's going to have to be is that the one that's so which one's being T so the article eight eight will be table so seven will go forward eight will be T So seven did have a public he and eight did not yes and eight was when I added link to reconcile the reconcile the table of uses I guess said they didn't have time to okay have a hearing yeah okay and then article nine is to see if the town will vote to transfer um the sum uh from a treasure salary to treasur collector Professional Services to pay for contracted servic and that's and there's no fiscal impact on this and finan uh Finance improved us recommended this okay okay um do you have any questions have to make sure that you don't have it this version is the one that was I assume what was posted was the make sure that's not the one is I know the big the big question is what was actually posted Mary do you know what do you know what which which version of the warrant was actually posted it's what that yeah we could that's would it be appropriate to ask or for somebody to stand up and make a resolution about Au it's not on the warrant not you can't yeah you can't add to the warrant I think sending her with homework yeah and we ALS and we also don't have we don't have a resolution yeah she's passionate I love that there's someone that age that's like D I thought it was that was very impressive I wish I could get my own kids local government they've been coming to enough meeting I know right they should know that's probably why they're not that's probably why they're avoiding it they hear me complain um I'm just looking to see what's posted online yeah curiosity um that's a touch screen do that every single time watch finger prob PO with the nine okay the only issue here was for some reason this one got copied for this meeting I should just look what print that's what's online too and Mike thanks for putting that in the calendar online all right okay nothing else I guess we can um adjourn until or adjourn and then we'll go to are you going to adjourn after town no need to come back a Jour just a Jour I don't need to come back crazy I don't I don't think you do all right we will adjourn at 6:36 then I know especially on days when it's like extended day and I'm like we have a mock m tomorrow sounds like do you see what's going on inth did we talk sat they had more incidents last week they had they found stuff on the bathroom walls and then they charged the six kids what oh yeah the joy that this brings me is not ready well kids for oh I did hear about that yeah