so Thursday is out all right uh meeting is open and we are being reported Joanne do I have a um a um agenda I have the warrant um for tonight I just didn't give you one I don't have one either all right um that's all right the important on all right so looking at meeting minutes from the 20th copy those just pass it there's not much on it okay these These are executive session I have all the executive sessions so here you guys can look at those and then we're going to take them it is why it will be no it's coming so I make a motion to approve the executive session minutes of May 20 2024 is written discussion all in favor I I you approving those for release or just um just approving really matters we can approve release oh I'm sorry I didn't take I don't have the regular meeting minutes so we can um oh it's just're good any audience participation fantastic being none Department report Dave you want to come on down no it's okay you're too busy you got nothing are good yeah we're good now okay um all right so we're gonna take a look let should we just skip right to we don't have Christopher let me see if you got back to me no word yet and we're waiting on is date we're waiting on Dat so most of that stuff is in signat so okay okay so then go this uh the DTA service someone messing with me just leads me what are you looking for DTA scope of service um that would be from pbpc right okay so that's this one the invoice number 34 um there's a letter attached to it this one here yeah look at the letter that's attached and it'll tell you the LT is on there I did that a long time ago so sorry been ugly okay so this is the invoices for March and April um for us to review from Pioneer Valley planning for the housing rehab program so the total amount due here is $2,267 for services rendered for fy20 um blanford Community assist program um so I would make a motion to approve this invoice from Pion Valley planning for housing rehab program for the amount of 22267 any discussion all in favor I I don't think you need me to sign them is that for um any particular houses um this was for uh um was talking about the people that would Drew there's no signature line there I don't see signature line coordinated with the contractor and homeowners um of the other ongoing project to determine Hotel accommodation dates for their Leed abatement work that requires relocation um and then it has a ADL self- evaluation and transition plan and then Administration services so it doesn't it says doesn't really give me households Jennifer it's just telling me that 10 people qualified several decided not to um take part um the emergency septic project and it's talking about the bid work that was done two projects had bid walkthroughs with bids returned and bid comparison forms sent for contractor selection okay so did you say which one they closed out no okay not unless that's another okay all right no there's no sign all right we've got the Chester blenford um shared services is that a different one that's a different s of folders going on oh that sorry here's another pioner Val okay so this is another pyer Valley planning this is for the same idea but it's for $596 74 um this is for the septic replacement system in an estimated 12 homes that's not correct there was only one that was funds were received to complete housing rehab and septic system replacement and an estimated 12 homes in BL I think they're talking about all of them together and then again they say the 10 people 10 households backed out so this is just repeating the same thing um but so the housing rehab work for this one is two projects yet to bid had walkthroughs and the project on Russell stage had construction continue with lead abatement relocation work set to be completed later in the spring so this is um for May the ADL self- evaluation Transit plan um funds received to review all Town owned public buildings Etc this is part of that and then the administration work so motion to approve the invoice number 33 from Pioneer Valley planning in the amount of $596 74 for the community Assistance Program second any discussion all in favor all right right so this one does sign just on that one yes the contract renewal that was sent to me um I I printed it to give it to you tonight and then I looked at it before I did and it it's dated last year oh yeah he sent it to us with in green highlighted he said um if we could update just those things he said I'll send you next year last year's and if we just update the numbers sorry Joanne I would 100% do that if I have access to Microsoft I can't open any word docs yeah yeah I get that I'm just wondering why Eric didn't take care of that mine's all PD up too um would you mind do you want me to do that to to check with um novas and see if they can update my upgrade I never gotten anything I don't think if they can upgrade me so that I can like actually I sent a help desk into them okay oh I'll I'll check it them who do you need a license I have a license for the emails but I can't open and do anything any the do even if I do it in like my other word account and try to it doesn't yeah it's expensive which is why you don't have not very many yeah like a tax collector she doesn't have it because she doesn't really do really need so we just have a license for the TA and for the people have it not obiously go in and open up like personally it should be ta that's ridiculous I didn't see it all right well ta doesn't have it keeps hitting me with can't open so oh so yeah then that's definitely a bigger question for nobody that's silly that's GNA just impede work okay back all right so I'm looking for the Chester Fire situation I'm not I don't know if I'm seen that one my crazy joint please it's been an ugly week I said to her before I came in here I can't wait to find out what I messed up with so which one is this now the Chester blanford shared services I have no idea we might have done that last week okay no if it's not in front of you lastek was a carrying the week before I'm just GNA write a note okay it was just like a one page that we were signing after our um uh it's what Ira had given to us to go into um I believe we signed it last week I remember looking at it it was like we aren't putting any money into it the whole thing was like $500 through Pioneer Valley we are going to do like work um in lie of um paying and it was just to continue to move forward with research I feel like we signed it but we're going to I'll put a check into it sign yeah blanket here all right no worries and so then the current Shi thing we're going to have to do next week y well if is it is the contract exactly the same as the previous year he just updated some numbers go get it me just go get it because you can you can approve it and then everybody can sign it l later oh that's true yeah you don't have to have yeah that way you just get it done and then you can sign anytime okay so here here we go proposed amendment believe today so it's the same contract as last year however the time of performance he changed it to the dates July 1st 2024 to June 30th 20252 um the compensation was updated from 33,000 to 34,800 and from 2750 month to 2,900 per month everything else is the same and I think that that's what we had um built into our budget so I would um make a motion to approve the contract uh Amendment between the town of blenford and Eric as updated any discussion no all in favor then you could sign iture all right um then we have the pbpc housing rehab those are what we just did yeah we did so it's the DT thing might be something different all right um then we have to appoint Chuck Benson to the rec committee for the term July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2027 is there a second any discussion all in favor I I and then Finance commit to approve year end line and transfers so I have some transfers here um I suspect this won't be the last of it and what happens obviously is and I called the county group today and went through the whole thing so okay what happens is that once you deplete your account your department you've got to look at other departments and say can we pull money over so and and we'll be doing this till the end of the year until what July 9th I think it is the last day um so you want me just read through them sure okay so the first one is to move money from assistant treasure collector over to treasure collector which is two separate accounts um basically because there was a change in the Treasure role we need to get the money out of one account into the other um veterans benefits We There was $10,000 sitting in under veterans benefits that historically has not been used so we went ahead and said let's move it from there over to the new town hall maintenance and repairs okay from a he system bills challenges you're going to see a lot of that on here for Town Hall The Reserve account after these moves from the reserve account to town hall utilities Reserve account to external it support for the rest of the year and the Oldtown Hall expenses were now down to about $1,000 in the reserve account so okay um Highway repair New Roads um there was a you know we need to get fuel for the rest of the year that's around $5,600 estimated okay um to Move It from Highway repair and New Roads there's money sitting there into highway vehicle fuel okay do you have any challenges at that day yeah I do what yeah I got like two more bills coming in right now okay how much oh probably about $9,000 okay you got like $16,000 in this I still I'm still waiting for commend some repair some if if we have to we'll move from another you know we got to pay the bill so wherever they come in we'll find the money in other areas to pay it okay um Town Council um there was money sitting in there and we've moved we're moving some of that for this $4,000 into to town as Le the challenge is where do you take the money you know um but we looked at what is happening as of today what where the money is and that's what we done okay any questions or no okay need to sign it is chair this is a signat copy oh I got one here that I signed you so um you want me to sign this copy that I have we'll have you sign this one J so motion to approve the um year in line transfer request as reviewed second second yeah any discussion all in favor I I so Finance you guys can vote and sign you guys need to make a vote and then yeah okay so I moveed to sign and approve all of the listed transfers to and from as just detailed um and anybody have any questions no second second in favor V all in favor yes all right um so I think is there one more signature that is needed on that says department head yeah it said Department there multiple departments departments okay um we have a warrant uh warrant number 24 you guys want to take a look at it so I would make a motion so we can discuss motion to approve um warrant number 24 is there a second we have any other copies of the warrant so this one is the water warrant oh this is okay this is the one from last week that we had moved along this was warrant 23 so that's going to have to be a separate this is electric so expensive the slim wait till a while it's going to get worse it's going down in August they said in the news tonight going down in August yeah it doesn't go down in the summer no they said this year exp going to AC but I mean that was at six o' or 5:00 news who knows all over by that you know the news favor it's right there's so we just have to change these so we have to like you have to take this out okay and type this in okay what he's got here we'll have to type that in and then take these numbers out and type them into here okay there's Shar this is all right um and then we have the um warrant from last week we had or the week prior we had pulled because of the monies from water that we needed to explain for the greens sight train land um so we have that one in front of us now sign um so motion to approve um the revised number 23 how much that um that was remember thank you um so remember that we had thought it was just going to be one ,000 instead of 45 yeah exactly actually 14,000 it's the nine no it's 14 Al together that was so then so this is um they had taken those out so instead of the 23 this one was for the 14 and then we'll get another one that we have those back in so it'll just we'll get another one for 9,000 yeah remember he explained it that they had done the they he accidentally tagged everything blue so they did both jobs water money right that's hard all right um okay so we have the fire contract she just handed it to me here is how we doing on time okay we doing fine we're doing good um here it is it's through Pioneer Valley planning I think we already did this but we'll do it again just in case um and it is in the amount the DTA Grant is $5,000 the cash match from pvpc is 250 and the municipal in match from blanford is 250 and it is for Chester BL shared fire department study is there a second that was a motion second um and you just got all in favor no I want to be with chest in the fire department that's all well spend money just keep spending money it's not it's AG 250 bucks is 250 Buck we're not paying $250 you just said it were it's a municipal in kind match well whatever I still don't like that I don't want to spend my money investor thank you no money it will be if we get combined okay trust me we'll agree to disagree oh fair enough okay I'm G put this one in here before I forget Joan yells at me goes there all right I think we are ready to move on okay so we are going to review our warrant for the town meeting tonight I never y all right so we'll go through article by article um yeah but now we V with Mark and then he'll just let us know if there's any changes or anything that on Dave has make sure doesn't FL so the first one uh accept the town reports um is simple majority fine article two is um transfer from available funds we rais appropri rais appropriate oh sorry raise and appropriate or transfer from so they'll take out transfer okay Dave the Motions to okay so it's the money for Gateway Regional and that's the simple majority and um Finance you'll recommend when he ask yes um article three is the raise an appropriate so take out transfer from Avil um for vocational um simple majority and you guys will recommend that one Article 4 is raise and appropriate again um the transportation for voke um and simple majority you guys will be fine with that what was it uh v um travel okay yeah um five is Raising appropriate that's the budget the okay so so take yeah um so the budget for that's a simple majority Finance recommends and I assume as we have in the past you want to do it by General government safety that would be fantastic um see some look at all the good things that come out of Co is that we did it with Co or did we do it even different well Co we we also did the the consent agendas we were out 10 minutes fantastic yay Co um article see if the town will vote to authorize Town treasure so uh borrow money and that simple majority yeah because that's not that's just the uhing anticipation and finance will recommend is that's something that's asked every year yeah yeah article seven transfer um from free cash to stabilization is that simple majority to yes okay um eight transer free cash to BR stabilization simple majority um nine the same but for for library and 10 the same but for education and um Finance is in agreement with all those oh article 11 mine says 21 um transfer from free cash to 50,000 uh for the town building condition assessment 50,000 not or some sum okay in the motion some other sum okay let somebody moves change right exactly hopefully not hopefully not um and finan recommends no uh article 12 the transfer from so this is a water department budget I have a question on that one finance committee so the warrant article 764 636 the water department budget is 773 487 right and that's when when we spoke to the water department was 773 so is the number in the warrant correct I would say the number in the warrant is a correct so so that's going to change the overall that's the old the old water department receipts that's just water Revenue right not B Revenue that's that's what's course so which number would it be which one do you do total expenditures or water revenue or you looking at well we're we're we're approving the budget the overall budget so you've got uh water revenue is a certain certain dollar amount and then what the other other funding sources are what transfer from right what right so there's 30 and oh we're doing those separately yeah so we're we're just approving that number as the budget and the the those those are separate separate for separate projects yeah so what is the correct number then for article 12 773 487 does that change the overall number D no that actually makes the budget work Enterprise yeah that's the Enterprise goodness the number higher orow slightly higher it's a little bit higher and but it's based on on uh receipts so it's not it's not from the taxation okay and then Article 13 is uh transferring retained earnings from water um to water stabilization majority Finance recommends article 14 uh transfer from water retain earnings uh to water department Capital um simple majority was there any excep on that line I know that there was we talked about it um the other two weeks ago with water 14 I think Dave you said you would change that amount I thought that there was just some question that had been raised by the water department itself no that was regarding water that they put in here this is so from retain earnings and the problem was the original numbers of water department gave us they didn't have that much retain earnings left ah okay so I talked to them and they agreed to change that that leing like $3,000 in retain earnings okay so so is article 14 correct then yes 20 25 yeah okay okay um Article 15 uh transfer from broadband um to Municipal Light plant uh simple majority Finance recommends article 16 vote from broadband retain earnings to Municipal Light plant stabilization uh simple majority Finance recommends y 17 uh from broadband retain earnings to pay toward the principal and interest uh simple majority Finance recommends 18 uh from broadband routine earnings uh to Town's general fund to reimburse the town for approved by the vote taken okay from last year they're paying it back and that's simple majority okay um and then 19 to authorize the town clerk to make yada yada okay we got to go back if you could for a moment to Article 15 okay again there's a difference between the numbers that we were given at one point and the numbers that are now on budget okay so the warrant AR is 395 the budget for Broadband revenue is 457 m so I'm budget is based upon the warrant is based on the budget so you change the number in the warrant okay and again this that's receipts so okay so what's What's the total number 457 even 7440 okay and everything else matched up just um I think the only one that may get some questions on was the 50,000 for the building assessments um I was hoping to hear from Christopher I know that he would off to that but I don't know wait he sent uh out of time not available tonight text if you want me to answer questions the only difference between this and the set he originally submitted was he was going to take $50,000 out of stabilization M and put $25,000 back Finance committer we talked about it decided we wouldn't put anything in there but we just get, fre cash so it's leaves you more money in stabilization would the other way but it's still Lees with $236,000 in Pre cash after all these and the 50,000 is looking for all Town building assessment correct it's not just town hall is that the plan it says building just says building it Flor okay but it also doesn't say which building yeah I I I have a feeling it's all because for that kind of money I would think when Christopher had spoken about this before he said like this building might be like 25 26 so we must be talking about build I'll just double check okay and that's just an assessment so that we can add anything to our capital projects that need to be added correct and then undertake anyal any lesser work that we're able to pay for is that the idea there I think I mean M my thought would be it's an assessment so so we have an idea no sorry an assessment so we have an idea of what we need to put onto our Capital plan if there's any big items like the RO right or if there's something small that we can budget for you know in the next couple years right okay right I just want to make sure before we have questions out way yep okay I think it looks good I don't the only thing that we didn't address in this is the uh buildings committee I'm sure there's some going to ask a question about that there's nothing related to it on the budget nothing related to it on the budget no hopefully no one will ask well so if they ask the answer is there's nothing in the warrant so to it right not be discussed this meeting unless someone has an update about that the commit still meeting okay um but since you brought that up we should discuss that most recent bill um so I know there's there's some question about the most recent Bill bring it up in the month like $110,000 yeah it's not been paid then I never saw is that included in this no Joan an extra bill for 5,000 I was ask the bill wish I do you have a contract that these bills are being generated from um we do have a contract with them um so we who's managing the contract was it the TA no really so we'll have to look at the contract and see what the sequence of events are and what you're supposed to get paid so the bill is for $1,654 um and it is saying phase [Music] a review and Confirmation concept so it looks like that's already been paid up to date that was a 72,500 phase B is the schematic design totaling 105,000 000 the amount build to date is the 63,000 previously build is 52345 this invoice is the 10,000 so I don't know how much we've already paid of that I I would had planned on contacting County and saying in fact I talked to them a little bit today but they didn't have it at their fingertips what's left you know what have they paid and what have they paid for you know what documents do they have total contract and we need a copy I I need to see 177 we added more to that than that yeah so they're saying 60% of the work for phase B is completed we've never even seen we don't have anything okay so what's the next step for that one we're gonna we need to yeah with big deals like this you got to have a leader that say you control contract take control of payments sure that they're coming in and giving you what you need right um You you gota make sure that they delivering on their deliverable right and that you know read the contract to say if you don't you know there's it's both sides right if you're not coming through on your end with what you need sometimes those contracts will kick in and say Hey you met the date you owe us this money so I think if you guys want me to take a look at it I'd be happy to take a look at it you love if you would okay was in charge of all that understood so it kind of got dropped we had meetings we told them what we wanted voted on it and they were supposed to bring us drawing so we could present them with a rough cost today for this meeting tonight I've never seen anything Sol does the contract have a scope of services at L it should have I'm sure we looked at it we're probably just forgetting um I would have to look at it again I'm sure yeah I'm sure it has a scope but just seeing if they if they've hit their marks yeah and have we hit our marks right right I'm worried about that okay so I know but also but if we don't hit our marks we can also be penalized and these contracts right a municipal contract you you don't pay until you get your deliver okay and so it's Municipal contracts are usually along with the street yeah luckily well I would say don't pay anything I agree Jeff question the building committee did the building sub committee actually ask for specifics yes I didn't say that I'm not the TA no ta so um that's Joanne will you put on the next agenda that we're going to touch debates again about that um the bill for um West whatever it is [Music] I his time is probably not so he already yeah go ahead you can't make interviews on Thursday one candid can't make it on Thursday anyway vacation I couldn't do Thursday either I realized so we were thinking next Monday so would that work what are you going to do with all the other business that you have on Monday um get through a weekend and if you do 5:30 and 5:00 whatever time I don't think I can get 5:30 and 7 yeah you want time an hour an interview and then time to discuss between um Brian says anytime next week I'll have to call Christin Christina back she okay um Monday would be great if you guys are okay with that at 5:30 and yeah 5:30 and 7 I guess past 7:30 I'll bring a good cup of coffee for you please and we'll just get through whatever business we can and table the rest did it before I think and you need an executive session that day as well yes not not just for that minding an exec s negotiation um so will you make sure there's an executive session for Union negotiations please I'm just to June 10th we're talking so we want 5:30 for interviews plus our regular 530 for one seven for another and then plus regular yeah well I don't have to do that do I oh do we go in okay no you can just put interviews and we'll just move the agenda around time matter is what I'm asking the time that we meet with the individual people does that matter can I do an agenda at 5:30 and say interviews 5:30 yeah you don't have to you list them that that you don't want you don't want to put their times yeah wouldn't it be I mean I'm just going to throw it out there wouldn't it be more give it more Justice to do it on Tuesday do business on Monday do the interviews on Tuesday and so you can focus because it's such an important yeah thing that's that's what I originally said day so that's my thought I agree with you 100% why don't we put it to a vote calendars yeah we can do it Tuesday that's fine I'd rather do it Tuesday night at 5 oh 5 you can't I I mean that's P I might be able to do five if I 5:30 yeah if it's just those two 5:30 is fine and they are who pleas Christina Ferrera fera and Brian Mor like you know yes all right so back to me please your executive session is when Monday so it's that's for colletive bargaining actual yeah actual negotiation or on the 11 no just okay so I need to talk real quick about um uh Nicole sford I had a conversation with Nicole Sanford um TJ and I TJ um boarded me an email from Peter Sparks who works for the cemetery Commission he was having some difficulties getting to what's the name of the cemetery Warfield Warfield off Julius this before um so I had a conversation with Nicole Sanford from um Springfield Water who is just before I forget wonderful to work with and I talked to her about um Christopher was talking her on like a monthly basis so when we have a TA we need to make sure that remember to have them touch B with her on a monthly basis because just to make sure we're all onine um Nicole s yeah she was fantastic anyway so she sent me the letter that um we had agreed to September 28 2020 um access to Warfield and cizer family cemeteries um and so it said basically that they had granted permission to the members of the cemetery commission from blanford to enter commission property for the purpose of accessing assessing um blanford's Warfield field and czer family cemeteries for maintenance and repair of the headstones which was happening at that time y access to the cemeteries will be from commission gate 21 on beachill road um access Chang that well there's no record of that hold on let me finish yeah so through gate 21 beachill Road um access to the commission property shall be coordinated with Joanne Smith so she's the commission Lance Steward um and they required a 48 hour advance notice for the dates um that we were going to be on site and additionally please provide the names of the sary commissioner members that would be on site um her information and then a vehicle placard is attached to this letter noting that um the blord members are authorized to put that on when they're on the property um so that Mass state police and commission staff are aware this process have been granted um so we had agreed to that and signed that back in 2020 back in 2020 the letter that we got was not that letter all right it was explained to the Springfield Water at the time that we cannot access the cemetery through gate 21 because the rideway is not maintained okay you can go in about a quarter mile then it's just Woods you can see where the road goes but you can't it's not passable Gate 20 is on blanford property about A4 mile of it is on blanford property when Peter got stopped he was on flord property but on the other side of the gate going in from Fus Hall Road to the cemeteries is maybe a little more than a quarter of a mile going in from gate 21 it's a mile plus okay and it's not accessible Peter maintained that right away which belongs to blord he has maintained that so that he can get in with his ATV to actually put a truck on that road he's going to have to take a chainsaw and cut some trees which don't cuz this is the only letter that well this is it and the letter that I got was from uh Joanne from uh yeah bordon Brook okay so if you have that bring it for next week so I will put it on the agenda to talk about um so the other question Nicole asked was so she said at the time that this was granted that um there was some work and repair to be done to the headstones which is the reason why he needed to get to the cemetery she said that they like moow and weed whack at the ceter so she was asking what maintenance needed to be done for the cemeteries yeah and and that's what uh Peter does he does the Mowing and the weed whacking at Warfield Cemetery there size of cemetery is some of the monuments they got trees growing in them and stuff like that so we just make sure that the stones are okay okay so it sounds like we should probably ask n Nicole to join us on Zoom um next week and ask Peter to be here as well so if you want to ask Peter to be here sure and then um I'll let Nicole know um and we can just touch Bas and clear that up um the other question she had was she said there's a camera that's been posted cameras all over the has that has Cemetery commission name on it is there do we have a camera not that I okay so she did so if you don't mind checking that out she said there was a camera there that had lford Cemetery listed on at gate 21 G 21 gate 21 all I'll check that out tomorrow okay all right um okay so we will touch she said going forward if you were planning on doing if we are planning on doing more maintenance and we needed to do I wrote notes on my in my car while I was driving and I left it there the intergovernmental agreement yeah um because of Any like damage that might be done to roads or whatnot then we can move forward with that um we can go that route but let's talk next week and see yeah because remember they have approached us about doing work on some of the rways on Springfield Water that we own and they didn't you drop off some material for them no they dropped off material for us okay and we have a onmental agreement with them two or three those are going up there because we're doing um maintenance on the J hall side yeah has any of that been done do you know of the the work their work yeah yes I believe so TR one one of the correspondents that we got was that somebody came in with heavy equipment and moved the stuff that was supposed to be for the road and I don't I was totally lost at that but that gate is on bling proper yeah okay okay so we'll plan on that for then next yeah absolutely I think that was all I had all right then we will um adjourn at 646 not to read are you going to go to the picnic on the 9th add my calendar Memorial Day picnic we to change it