good evening everyone like to call this order this means order by the starting off with the salute to the [Music] flag flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for [Music] all roll call please mayor deato here councilman Catalano here councilman Del repa here councilman Graziano here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman Shubert here councilman yazzy here and also we have our mici clerk Ranna Smith business administrator Michael sire and burough Attorney Fred samuro this meeting is called to pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in the Harold news on January 12 2024 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in a municipal building a copy of this notice is available to the public it is on file in the office of municipal clerk as per state fire code I am required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance which you enter through and a secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exits exit through the door down the stairs and out the building if there any questions please raise your hand right seeing none we do have one non-agenda item tonight um we are hiring a part-time animal shelter person Angeline Martinez um and we do have one presentation tonight which we will start with [Music] [Music] tonight we are recognizing Al for his vehic service the social resue in years of service as the team lead has put in [Music] years and for anybody that dedicates volunteer for 20 years at anything in real Community person we really appreciate your time and your time away for your family I'm going to [Music] do my C is [Music] our these guys work closely when they have issues going on down to notify leer not only [Music] want to recognize as [Music] moud of those who time who are committed to the of our community on of the 2024 by Mayor John recn and thank you for your permission continue safet for our in the thank you [Applause] later know I not leaving the Years Years [Music] trous thank you app [Music] to [Music] that horiz thank you very much congratulations than [Music] close okay right next to our agenda uh we're going to open up early public comment do I have a motion second all in favor I anyone wishing to come up please come up good night Al good night thank you seeing no one a motion to close second all in favor I I okay reported committees um for the chai uh bur first aid Squad the numbers for junee they had 157 calls year to date is 868 um the county paid they took 26 calls driver recovered 118 calls miss3 calls uh to Butler were 48 and calls to bloomindale 62 calls to kinon 38 and they had nine Mutual Aid calls and they recovered 9 9 1% of the calls about 50 people um attended their um psychic night they had on 6 on June 28th on a Friday um their next event in September they're going to be holding an em our uh the nems class to try to get some new members the class will be on Monday and Wednesday nights from 7: to 10:00 p.m. starting September 18th and it's going to cost $100 $100 and uh they could uh go on the chor page if they need any more information uh for the senior center as as every uh Wednesday which is you know tomorrow they have their walking Club 9:00 a.m. and uh as always uh all their information is on the Bloomingdale uh website page where you would go onto the Bloomingdale page and hit the directory and way on the bottom it says Senior Center where you could see uh where uh Brianna posts the uh monthly schedule um and you could always stop by the uh Senior Center between 9 And1 to pick up the monthly calendar where you could um they have um morning nutrition uh breakfast and lunch and there's a they they do ask for a donation of a dollar 25 and there's just the uh calendar is online and if uh if anyone is a 65 years or older in town and would like to uh register for the Easy Pass to senior citizen discount that's um recommended and also they have um other special events uh coming up for uh BBC there's a meeting this evening as well um they have their um their summer workouts have already begun um uniform fittings are almost 100% done um they did get new jerseys um for the team they're they're really beautiful um there are other events coming up on for fundraising of course their calendar raffle that the kids are going to as soon as their first practice start they they get them um they also have their tag day is scheduled for Labor Day weekend and uh they do have something else scheduled in October there there's a um that pass as June they're September they have um Wes uh Wendy's August 21st is a uh Dash dine to donate uh the retr fro has a dime to donate uh also which is August 14th and August 25th uh the Flyers are going they'll post the Flyers to the website um people could still go online and and register and all that but um for the most part practice will start um August uh it always starts the that first Monday um in August um [Music] oh and the pep rally September 5th and pink G days uh October 26th um next is for the library um they have uh their big uh Bloomingdale Foundation the literacy Foundation a there's a paint and the next big fundraiser is November 3rd um it's a Paint and Sip um which will be um the location they didn't post it yet um they also have um their True Crimes for their book clubs the um they have a bunch of murder book crimes coming up Stephen King started July 1st the adults um they also have the their crafts at the senior center July 17 they're doing a picture frame August 21st um they're doing clay crafting and uh there's a to be determined date for diamonds art um as always the U Bloomingdale library has a huge resources of uh calendar dates for family story times Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays 10:00 a.m. baby story time uh ages birth to 24 months on Mondays um there's so much so many resources online um also there's a lot of the last meeting they were saying how certain books they're they go really fast but if you register in this library and possibly register like your another Library um you might be able to through hoopla and um the other um online uh apps you could probably get the book on loan through their um um system that they have and of course any any uh people that need to get their citizenship the uh there's a pronunciator um free online p uh program for language learning and to get your citizenship they the library will help you with all those resources um and lastly we have I just want to say um you know the the fireworks was a success it was little early because of the fact that but we beat the rain and you know Dawn does awesome telling everybody where to go what to do and um that was fun but uh and in the next events um are the um in September we have the the candle light well your event the fire yes if the first a squad they're at 868 responses this time of year is that the norm they over they under or I don't know if you would even know that I will because of the um you know um when Gail passed away she was a very big resource when it uh when we came to the numbers but I could get that information as far as uh like a spreadsheet because normally I when I ask they just give me June's numbers and I always remind them to give me them so I'm sure they have some kind of spreadsheet to find last year how they're doing just curious that's all it definitely looks like it's more okay all right nothing at this time man uh yeah just a couple things I just wanted to back on one thing about the seniors um from Eevee is we got a question through uh social media asking about ages for the senior center great question so um Pat YY had emailed me back and uh they are not particular with ages so she said and this person was specifically asking about the walking Club but in general she said they have people from their 50s all the way up to their 90s and she said everyone is welcome at the senior center so good information um as eeve said uh we do have the 911 candl Light walk um that is 7:00 at sloom Park on September 11th uh John and John if you guys can talk about Celebration Day and the 5K because I know that that's um the registration is already started for that correct um so I do want to talk about uh really quickly uh our heat wve that we have going on um the burrow is open for anyone that needs a cooling center at any time you just need to stop down at the police station um if typically right now this is the council chambers is where everyone's going to be going but if we have court or something else going on then the police department will be assisting uh Mike S with helping people uh with somewhere to go for a cooling center I also really stress everyone please check on your neighbors um I'm a good example of losing air conditioning today at my office and when somebody lose their air conditioning in this kind of heat it it really could be detrimental especially to the very young and the Very Old um so please check on your neighbors uh a couple other things um if you have not done so I'm going to say as I do every single meeting please sign up for Rave our reverse 911 um there is also recycle coach uh that is an app on your phone that reminds you uh Recycling and garbage pickup um another thing that I think we mentioned at the last meeting was on our website on the homepage there's a button called service requests um you can click on the service request button and you can there's a little drop- down box that asks you what type of service request it's appliance pickup o requests um Police Department Street of the week Property Maintenance any there's a number of things there so you can just fill out the form um hit the send button and the staff here gets it and they pass it on to the appropriate people people um trying to think if there's anything else uh Board of Health there's really not much well there's a lot going on but um nothing to really discuss celebration day since you mentioned it so it's coming up on the 21st of September so we are always um willing to take on any new vendors or anyone that's willing to be part of it so you can have them reach out to myself otherwise we have at least 70 I think vendors and food vendors signed up at this point we have a band Book they'll be playing for about three hours obviously have the 5K that's going to kick us off with the the ceremony um that will occur at the field and we should be fining up finalizing the planning on that in September so kind of knowing where everyone's going to be and and we'll share that plan with the right folks um as we get closer to it other thing to mention the um Economic Development commission is working on a burough wide scavenger hunt which is kind of an interesting idea you know some other surrounding towns have done the in the past still in the planning stages they're hoping to try to get something together by October so like later October more so uh but still again planning that out and trying to see uh how that's going to work so more details to come on that okay and just a tie on that the 5K I can say registration is open we have um quite a few people already signed up there is a group coming from West Milford who started signed up for the uh angels of Carol um who is uh Fire Department abua fire department auxiliary member who recently passed away from pancreatic cancer so um like I said on um the first date Squad as well as the auxiliary the auxillary I believe was over 25 years yeah so um it's an amazing event we've raised over $16,000 since we started back in 2013 which is an amazing thing and it's still going strong so we'll keep doing it as long as it does but we do help people out and we do make a generous donation to the larda foundation and we get a big thank you from them and they're doing outstanding work um and Carol was diagnosed how long ago she was actually diagnosed before uh the pandemic actually started so she had um pancreatic cancer diagnosed for a number of years she went and did some um she did not originally start off with chemo they started her off on some other types of treatment um and then chemo was down the line which I think that is amazing because normally is it's bad and John what can you tell everybody what the website is for your 5K it's uh firefighter Bob Costco 5K RunWalk and if you're going to sign up it's back slash um run sign up um if you type in firefighter Bob C in the internet it just pops up and you click on it and go right to the sign up page or if you want can't make and want to make a donation or anybody you know wants to make donation or sponsor you can do everything pretty through through the website or email email me that's on the website my personal email is there so it's a great event I'll be running yeah you usually sign up first so okay um anybody down here uh just to kind of continue on uh concerts or bands because they were mentioned in uh Bloomdale celebration day but uh tomorrow in Sloan Park we have the Bloomdale concert van at 700 p.m from the rec department we'll be playing that was a postpone concert I believe res scheduled uh so they'll be there if you want some entertainment for the evening hopefully the weather is cooler than it has been for everybody um and then uh an update from the planning board we had a special meeting last week where Beth mcmanis presented the Redevelopment plan uh and went over it section by section in detail with us for questioning we have our formal meeting uh next week next meeting August the 24th yeah so for us is the 20th public can actually come and ask questions to us yeah so and I think the intention is to come up with a uh some recommendations based upon the discussions and we'll get all those back to you guys you have questions about what they are I've been working hand inand with them on it so okay mik just two things uh as you can see the new the new trailer the police trailer is in uh we're working with Butler Electric to get us some power to it and once that's done we'll move the Lockers in and move the traffic department in um today I had another resignation from the DPW gave us two we notice so we finished up our interviews from last time we talked for the gentleman that left uh tomorrow so what we'll end up doing is picking up either two full-timers I might look at going three part-timers to try them out uh for the next four or five months here then make a decision see who works out who doesn't work out okay financially is better for us that okay any else that's it m great U mayor just on under new business letter B um authorizing a change order we're going to remove that and uh the final reading for the bond ordinance 16- 2024 amending a bond ordinance because they tie together so once that information is all set it'll likely be on the next meeting so we're removing it from the agenda tonight so pending Ence B pending Item B which is indexed as vond ordinance number 16- 2024 and then under new business B this resolution isn't numbered yet as it's just a draft uh we're not ready for the council to take action on that CH order okay okay all right very good um just forther so the public knows um normally we will be putting the video of our meetings up online and we haven't done it in a while and the reason being is the audio is not being captured so the video you can look at you're not going to hear anything so we're trying to resolve that and then we will go back to our normal putting it up online so so if anybody questions anybody it's because we're having a used audio problem BR can speak to us yeah if I could add to that I think what I'm going to be doing in the short term is um since the recording that Bri makes on her PC seems to be clear I'll be probably taking her sound and integrating it with my video and then putting it on but I require writing it to a CD point so it's a little more manual process than it's used to so um since I don't have a quick solution anymore we probably just going to go to that we've tried replacing the cord we figured maybe that was just it from and that's not working it's still just as garbled um so we're trying to resolve that so it's just taking us some time the good point is when I have the time I can go back and fix the ones since yeah you know the PC has recording in from 2012 and not be on so okay all right okay um resolution number 20124 7.1 consent agenda do I have a motion to accept the consent agenda second any questions roll call please Catalano yes Dela yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes yeah see yes okay okay pending items second final reading of public hearing Bond ordinance number 15-22 for various Capital Improvements public notice statement please yes Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in The Herald news and copies were made available to the public so that a motion may be made that it be read by title okay can I have a motion to read by title all in favor Bond ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Acquisitions and improvements by and in the burrow of Bloomingdale County of faic state of New Jersey appropriating 426 560 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 45,00 382 bonds or notes of the burrow to finance part of the cost thereof okay c a motion open up public hearing so Mo second all in favor I anyone wishing to come up seeing no one a motion to close second all in favor I any questions motion for adoption so move second roll call delip yes Riano no Hudson yes Shubert yes Yi yes Catalano yes okay item 11 new business adoption of resolution number 2024 7.11 um payment of the bills do I have a motion second any questions roll call Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes yai yes Catalano yes Del Ripa yes okay [Music] thanks okay that would be number 12 12 we do have one non-agenda item it's hiring a part-time animal shelter person which would be resolution number 2024 7.12 do I have a motion second do roll call yeah roll call please Hudson yes Shubert yes Yi yes Catalano yes Dela yes Graziano yes okay okay have a motion open up late public comment second all in favor all right anyone wishing to come up you good seeing no one motion to close some second all in favor I okay we do have a matter of attorney client privilege in executive session no action will be taken afterwards um our next meeting is oh oh two Excuse me yes I'm reading up the paper two we change that okay yeah it'll be two matters of attorney client privilege um our next meeting is August 20th 2024 regular meeting we will be having a presentation for the Redevelopment plan so if any of the public would like to ask questions they are more than welcome to come and address us and the our planner um okay do I have a motion to adjourn no a motion to go in executive excuse me so move he's going to be here about 7:35 so he want to take a 5 minute yeah we'll take a f minute break and then we'll re reconvene but yes we'll go into executive session all right thank you