everyone this is a regular meeting agenda of the government body of the burough of Bloomingdale Tuesday March 19th 20124 at 7 p.m. call me to salute to the plag I algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for One Nation God indivisible andice all roll call please mayor Deo here councilman Catalano here councilman Dela here councilman Graziano here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman Shubert here councilman yasi here okay we also have our municipal clerk Brianna Smith business administrator Michael SAR and bur attorney Dawn solivan this meeting is called to pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in the Harold news on January 12th 2024 copies were provided to the local media and posted continuously in the municipal building copy of this notice is available to the public it is UN file in the office of the municipal clerk as per state fire code I'm required to acknowledge that there are two exits in his council chambers the main entrance would you enter through and a secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs and out the building if there's any questions please raise your hand see none we do not have any non-agenda items we do have one public hearing which Bay County open State open space Municipal Grant application for the laser field playground rehabilitation do have a motion open up public comments all in favor I I okay anyone wishing to speak please come up the 86 van uh how much is it anticipated to cost for their Rehabilitation I'm going to 260,000 how much Grant we for the last one we got we did the second we'll find out we get just just for a notice with that playground down here that playground was installed I believe around 1998 all right and we have gone down and looked at it and it's starting to deteriorate but if there's money's available through a grant we will go through the process and hopefully be able to replace it down there is that with the um that has nothing to do with the B Pond no or it's all always separate it's a separate and would that incur any cost for as far as like the town at all it's just how does it well first we have to first we have to see if we get it and then we try to whatever we get for the grant um like Mike said it's about 250 to replace it because beting the uh playground people down there but we do have to once it's awarded if we get it we do have to put the money up front complete it and get reimbursed and then when you go for a playground Grant you got to bring it up to today's standard it's not like a pick and choose and you can't do this you don't want to do that you have to you have to fulfill the requirements C the grant okay just like the one we did at Bogue when we went for the Green Acres Grant um there's certain requirements they have like it's got to be fenced in it's got to have the rubber bottom um kids don't get hurt and it's fenced in um for protection the kids don't disappear um so there's certain standards you have to follow once you are awarded these type of grads okay okay anyone else see no one a motion to close move second I got to come up pertaining to this subject right yes okay okay um your name and address please for the record Out Crown K to map Avenue M uh is that going to affect the basketball court are they going to Biden it no the basketball court would not be touched okay so that's going to stay the same exact same space yeah same space um there is um walkway around it that will be fixed because you know there is areas where water's laying so we need to bring it up to grave so the water runs away from the playground so it's just a playground area okay okay you're welcome sureal the was 26 then have figure your chap 20 section Eng correct 30,000 20,000 at the of the day okay anyone else motion to close so Mo second all in favor I okay have a motion of early public comment we just did that no we did not the public hearing this is different okay we'll try second I just need a second okay all in favor I okay anyone wishing to speak please come up seeing no one a motion to close second all in favor I okay report of committee um mayor I have um for the Bloomdale Library they have um their classes um at the senior center um for craft I know they they just finished a nice bunny craft that I saw them uh post on Facebook um March 25th um is and you could register online it's ages 5 to 11 from 6:00 to 700 p.m. on March 25th on March uh 22nd is their uh pocket Bingo that's sold out and then they have their Queen's tea that is um still has a to be determined dat and May fourth is their duing piano doing pianos at um The Glen Garden Center uh Glen Wild uh clubhouse and November 30 their painted SI they also um again their uh their website is um available and um online um for tri Barrow um uh February calls were 135 um I don't have any of their new numbers but for they had 135 calls um which I already mentioned in the previous meeting um also for the senior center um also they're online um they have lots of activities um at the senior center uh this week they have um they they also have book clubs and the um yoga chair yoga and um their lunches again um everything is is online to sign up and uh she did mention uh Pat once um I did repost this there's a survey that um um nja a wants to collect opinions and insight from older adult in New Jersey um it's a a um a survey that she um has put out there and I uh posted it for her and it will help help them um and I I did reach out to um Mike about the um the work that they're going to be doing at the senior center uh the Gazebo which I believe is definitely going to happen this summer um and uh the floor issue will probably be addressed next year um they also have um I just wanted to mention a uh there's a grieving um uh um oh and I'm sorry with the U my last committee they um the BBY uh youth club they have a um their raffle is coming up for the sorry April 13th is their kns of Columbus uh beef steak and it's $42 per person and those tickets tickets for the beef steak are $75 per person and they're looking for sponsors so um I also share that information on online and they have their their website to sign up okay anyone else down here um I'll just go through the calendar uh first I actually would like to um say thank you to Nadia for organizing the Ramadan Cresent lighting she did a lovely job we really had a lot of people um the ceremony itself was lovely and then she um was able to get a lot of donations for food so we went to the senior center and had food and dessert and really was a lovely thing and I really want to thank uh nauy again for that um this month we have on the 27th of March we have Unity through Community uh also don't forget that burough offices and no DPW pickup for Friday the 29th on the 30th we have the Easter egg hunt that's at 12:00 pm. uh we also I'm looking at the calendar we have the pay County Outreach Services on the 21st of March that's from 5: to 7: here at Town Hall and you can sign in on um the Bay County website uh and you go to the Bay County Clerk it's on the left hand side and you can actually schedule an appointment here in Bloomingdale they do things like bri help me out um passport passports ID cards not so if you need evening hours for passport notary but you can schedule yeah you can schedule an appointment right on the pay County website um I know you guys are going to get bored of me reminding everybody that you can sign up for our mobile 91 reverse 911 that's Rave it's on the website at the bottom right hand side along with recycle coach um and that's a wonderful app you can put on your phone it reminds you when Recycling and garbage pickup is for the burrow but it's very specific to your street that's all I got and the 29th is actually Good Friday and the 30th is the Easter acon did you mention right I'm sorry the 30th is the Easter acon I mentioned and I mentioned the 29th yeah we didn't say it was good for did okay all right I knew we you said the barrel was closed we are and no DPW pickup okay which there are there will be reminders on um the burough website and on our social media so people remember not to put their garbage or anything else have two things uh first trior Little League the evaluations is coming Saturday the baseball is over at Richard Butler school and softball is at Stony Brook Elementary School around in Kim along all different times so it depends on the age group so you got to check the schedule for that so nice to see baseball starting up and other clinics all throughout the month of March but close to the season that's a a nice thing the other thing for the economic development commission just want to say thank you we had in the chambers last night a digital marketing um Outreach it was really a presentation that was given to all local businesses and it was pretty well attended Mista Bret she is a local business owner as well she has a marketing company called Focus 23 she um at no cost provided the training for everybody and it was a nice event so I want to thank the EDC for coming out that is an April April 20th what are you looking for April 20th yes um I have that on April 20th all right this that Hammer Turn Pike will be closed uh no they're coming from Butler this year I believe they're coming from Butler Park to Anderson field they're swapping years back and forth still have to close down a different section this section just a small section over here compared to down one hold downtown is closed okay all right anybody on this S no just for the environmental commission newey got 195 points so next be in July better so I'll compliment them on that and thenation we discussed tce now 30th so that's all I have today I just want to say the recreation has a lot of new programs um we're voting on a um fee ordinance tonight because they've added a bunch of programs which I think is great so that is up and running pretty strong Mike just three projects that are starting soon demo Week start ail my bad my mic was off so salt shed start demo next week Pavilion will start middle of April and in Orchard Street which is uh some drainage they got to do there we'll start I believe that's at late next week or early first week of April we're going to start the drainage and then go into the sidewalk curbs and painting should be done by July I think that's early July they should be done with Orchard with Orchard okay nothing this evening mayor okay just one thing for me to VFW beef stake is Thursday night um I hear it's going to be well attended about 188 tickets were sold to that so and I know there're also uh still looking for donations to help with their Renovations from their the flooding of the building um so that should be uh a nice night on Thursday and it starts at 6 o' okay number nine resolution number 2024 3.8 consent agenda have a motion to approve the consent agenda second any questions roll call please patalano yes Del R yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Yi yes okay new business adoption of resolution number 2024 3.18 amending temporary budget Appropriations have a motion second any questions roll call please yes Riano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Yai yes calano yes okay Item B adoption of resolution 202 2024 3.19 uh payment of the bills do I have a motion please so second any questions roll calliano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Yai yes Catalano yes J R yes item C introduction of ordinance number 4 d224 amenda chapter 2- 64.1 Recreation fees and for recreation events have a motion to read by title second all in favor in ordinance of of the bur of Bloomingdale and the county of pic state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 Administration section 2- 64.1 fees for recreation programs of the code of the burough of Bloomingdale uh Second and final reading and adoption will be on April 2nd okay item D introduction of ordinance number 52024 amenda chapter 2-8 Municipal fees for junior Police Academy do I have a motion second all in favor I I an ordinance of the burough of Bloomingdale in the county of pic state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 Administration article 8 policies and procedures section 2-8 fees charged for municipal Services of the code of the burough of Bloomingdale second final reading and adoption will also be on April 2nd okay have a motion open up late public comment second all in favor I anyone wishing to speak please come up I have a question so from 25 to 75 is that's what it 50 to 75 50 to 75 one up 25 one up $25 do you have um do they sign up through the rec center or just directly through the police that's all them y it's on their website that's a lot other towns around us are higher and with all the bus trips they do they're it's not even breaking even so they got to go into their PV funds to balance it out or they hit the drug Alliance for some money as well so do they have to have like a certain amount otherwise they don't have the they don't have it like is there it sells out every year it does yep I mean they Supply a lot to the kids between shirts my L it I love I love it for the course that they give in how many weeks is it six weeks is it no it's one it's one one full week but it's full day you know it starts for the most part at like 8 o' in the morning and then it goes I believe until whatever it is 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon but they're full days um and it's pretty much the entire department plays every single almost every single um Poli officer you know in our department at one point or another has something to do with that Academy and they do field trips and then they and the field triop yeah it's whatever they can show the kids and educate them and wonderful program yeah it's really good have a closing ceremony food and stuff so okay have a motion to close late public comment some or anybody else have anything no okay all in favor I I okay we do have one matter in executive session there'll be no action taken afterwards uh our next meeting is April 2nd 20124 Workshop meeting and then April 16th you have a motion and go to Executive all in favor I thank you all