one this is a workshop meeting agenda of the government body of the burrow Bloomingdale Tuesday April 2nd 2024 at 7 p.m. um at 702 I call the meeting to order by by a salute to the flag IED alce to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call please here here here here here here okay we also have a municipal clerk Brianna Smith business administrator Michael sandar and B attorney dwn this meeting is called to pursuit to the provisions of the opening public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in the in the Harold News and on January 12 2024 copies were provided to the local new news media and posted continuously in a municipal building a copy of this notice is available to the public and on file in the office of the municipal clerk as per state fire code I'm required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance which you enter through a secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs and out the building any questions please raise your hand see uh we do not have any non-agenda items tonight uh we will be going into an executive session for two matters one of negotiation and one of attorney client privilege okay have a motion to open up early public comment second all in favor I I okay anyone wishing to speak please come up seeing no one a motion to close second all in favor I okay report of committees I just want to say that um I went to the senior meeting and um they are um interested in possibly um having a location at the senior center for uh the during our U garage sale um the townwide garage sale June 1st um it's a possibility um also um they're also looking into we did bring it up to uh Mike um regarding their wanting to do a fa a Facebook page and um they also have their April um calendar is up um Brianna puts that up online for us and they have a lot of uh their April uh Senior Center um events the Char aerobics ing all all that you could find online their um and their trips and they just want everyone to know it's important to when you book your uh trips um if you are part of the golden age of or a senior in town that you should um pay um immediately because that'll hold your spot there's been um um issues where um it's been overflowing like they they have so many people that want to go um the Senior Resource Group will be in uh there's going to be a breakfast on May 16th um at the senior center um it was posted also online regarding um an educational healthare um and that's at the uh the senior center um also um Dr Nikia he is doing a on April 30th they're having a take charge of your health uh program um at this uh um it's a Bloomingdale super tender schools is hosting it which is the breakfast providing information um to Town residents um on all thing all great things taking place and future plans for schools so if uh anybody would like to attend that um it's on April 30th uh next is the uh treor uh I don't have any um new numbers from them uh but they did mention that they have a death and dying instructional um them that they do every like year every month and in April um that's when they have it once I get the information from G I'll post it um and they also have um they have a lot of donations I think I mentioned it before that if you have a um if you need any kind of medical equipment um that CH bar is a a good source to to get them um to facilitate any of your um seniors or if you had an accident um we had also I know that the something that I wanted to mention um is that the uh um Police Department is having they already have their junior Police Academy information up the dates are June 24th to June 28th um and we $75 and it's uh it's incoming sixth graders and seventh graders and class size is limited so if anybody's interested in in signing up for that um I would do that um for the library they have um this month their big event is their Julie pianos which is actually um May 4th but um again their Library um it's a huge resource for um story times if you have little ones at home um it's pretty much every day um they have Mondays uh Baby Story Time 10:30 to most Tuesdays it's 10:30 a.m. story time uh Wednesday night in the evenings it's book club um and Thursdays is also Story Time 10:30 a.m. um they also have story times most Saturdays 10:30 a.m. and just definitely encourage to go online and check that out um it's a great resource and uh there's um Mr Lopez that he works at the with the uh uh with the library he has he's a it's a huge resource to get um if you have if you need to be become a US citizen there they're really um a great resource for that um there's um books and um and you have a lot of uh people down there in the library that could help you get resources to become uh a citizen um also then I did attend the BB YC meeting um because normally it's on the same day as this meeting but I was able to go and um Monday uh May 5th is their first practice I mean August 5th is their first practice um with out pad so they're their signups are coming up getting closer they have a big banquet they have their big beef steak coming up April 13th at the Knights of Columbus which is a big fundraiser for them and um they're looking to a lot of um equipment for practice and I did speak to Mike about the the field and getting how that is all set up and and what um Mike said that it's basically July is when the whole um setup for the uh for the field will will come will happen and um they have coaches clinics starting um April 26th and soon um the the signs will be up in town and I did mention to them that they should put their um registration forms on the TV um that we're using the media uh um resource that we're using it's called Roy T info TV screens I told them that they should definitely use that um and and yeah Mike said that the the uh BBC takes care of the painting of the lines and so if anybody anybody wants to volunteer or help out um you know this is their this is the beginning of their uh busy time for uh BB YC and that's it okay anybody else uh uh yes public events um April 13th 10: a.m. is a trout fishing contest at boat Pond 8: a.m on April 13th is the paper shredding that is in the back Senior Center parking lot we have little league opening day on April 20th um also the bload Del fire department Ladies Auxiliary they're having a fishing chips dime to donate that is Tuesday April 30th from 4: to 7 um safety I'm going to just tack on to what Evie said about the um junior Police Academy um everyone's always asking where they can find um and sign up you can go to the Bloomingdale Police Department website that's Bloomingdale and it is under the programs tab um also oh Public Safety um parking is now back on April 1st on the streets um and of course I'm always going to talk about Rave our mobile n uh reverse 911 system you can find that on the blooming Del um page bloomindale um go to the bottom right hand side also recycle coach as I always mention um the app for reminding you about garbage and recycling every single week and that's it I'll do Recreation quick and just uh obviously we Easter egg hunt and it was a great success big thanks to everyone in the town that helped organize and participate in that from within the uh fire department bringing up a truck and the Easter Bunny to the police everybody said um Recreation will meet next Monday night uh the EDC meets tomorrow night and then this evening you'll see on our agenda uh a motion to authorize them to apply for a grant um with the hopes to create a pollinator and wildlife habitat you in town um so more to come on that after tomorrow night's meeting the approval just Easter egg CT we put out 8,000 egg it felt like it there was a lot and those kids gobbled them up in there no time one left on the field and um our Easter Bunny did a great job um with the kids and a lot of pictures you'll see all over Facebook or police are out there the fire department stuff but it was a really nice day for the kids and they told me 8,000 eggs and it was all over the place um but it was U well well ran Aon and Kim busher and there yeah came up there and helped Aaron out did she really organized the kids in groups so kudos to them nice job um talk about the community garden um the community garden is totally fooked this year we have a couple new members which is fantastic um over the winter time the DPW was kind enough which I think I mentioned already but I'll mention again the DPW was kind enough to put up a gutter so that now we have a rain barrel system um because we can't turn our sprinklers on too early so um the rain barrel system is a nice um go between for everyone I'm sure it's full oh it's full all right um it really is like a nice uh goet and you know it's great that we um have such an incredibly Earth conscious group of people because um makes a difference in the garden um we do we are going to be replacing we did get the $750 Grant from dig in so we're going to be replacing some of the plots um and I'm going to say we're going to be replacing about three this year and we're shooting for like three every year going forward because you can't use pressure treated wood you have to use regular wood and eventually it rots um and I want to that's it for the garden um okay El right um or street street and Wallace has started yeah I went down through Orchard and Wallace today I see the SE fits are in place where go some are already installed so um it was what was here okay so that uh project is underway so hopefully within a month or so that project will will be completed which is a great thing and um we walked Bailey and Catherine for other grant that we got to do these uh curb and and Paving so we're going to do as much as we can with the the um grant money that we received um to get those projects done um that they have to be out awarded by November so that's a good thing all right one no thanks okay okay um item number eight um resolution 2020 4.1 the consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda any questions roll call please yes yes yes yes yes item number nine pending items uh second final reading and public hearing ordinance number 4- 2024 amending chapter 26411 Recreation fees and Rec events uh public notice statement please do you have a motion to read by all favor prrams the code of the do we have a motion to open up public hearing second all in favor anyone wishing to come up see no one a motion to close second okay all in favor uh this is just simply we're just um with direct doing a lot of programs I guess we're grouping them together into this Rec Fe category right okay do have a motion for adoption second any questions roll call yes hson yes yes yes catalo yes second final reading public hearing ordinance number 52024 amend of chapter 2-8 Municipal fees for junior Police Academy public noce statement please yes Mr Mayor this was posted in the municipal building in new copies made avilable to the that motion may it be byle motion to read by title all favor I an ordinance of the bur of Bloomingdale County ofic state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 Administration article 8 policies and procedures section 2-8 fees charged for municipal Services of the code of the have a motion open up public he second all in favor anyone wishing to come up see no one a motion to close move second all in favor I motion for adoption roll yes yes yes catalo yes Dela yes new business adoption of resolution number 20224 4.6 amending temporary budget Appropriations do I have a motion so move second questions roll call sh I'm sorry I just I didn't under this is for the temporary this is our temporary budget until we put a budget in place we do this every month until the budget is in place yes Jai yes Catalano yes Dela yes hon yes okay Item B adoption resolution number 202 24 4.7 authorized agreement between the burough Bloomdale and a Bloomdale PBA Police Department do I have a motion second any questions um roll call Chazzy yes Catalano yes Dela yes Hudson yes hbert yes um just before we go any further just want to thank um John Grano Richa the negotiating committee and really Mike who really led the way on this and it's been months going back and forth and he was the Catalyst to get this done so thank you and the committee for um working with our Police Department I also like to thank our our officers that we we worked with um um it was an interesting negotiation but um we all got to where we wanted to be and just thank both sides item C introduction of ordinance number 6- 2024 amend the chapter 2-8 Municipal fees for police duty rates have a motion to read by title second all in favor I in ordinance of the B of Bloomingdale County faic state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 Administration article 8 policies and procedures section 2-8 fees charge for municipal Services of the code of the B of pingale second final reading and adoption will be on April 16th okay item D introduction of ordinance number 7-22 for Amendment chapter 31a storm water control requirements this is a d regulation do have a motion to read by title all in favor I in ordinance of the B of Bloomingdale County state of New Jersey amending chapter 31a storm water control requirements of the code of the bur of Bloomingdale second final reading will also be on April 16 Item B introduction of ordinance number 8- 2024 Amendment chapter 23 shade tree trees a motion to read by title second all favor I an ordinance of the code of the B of pingale County faake state of New Jersey amending chapter 23 shade trees of the code of the B second final reading will be on April 16 that does okay item F introduction of ordinance number 92024 salary Ordinance do I have a motion to read by title second all in favor I an ordinance establishing a minimum and maximum range of salary and compensation for categories and titles of officers non-contractual employees and contractual employees of the code sorry of the Bing second final reading will be April okay have a motion to late public comment all in favor I I okay anyone wishing to come up we couldn't get two two meetings in a row Huntly 86 ban um a couple of items that we discussed at the senior um executive committee advisory committee is that for cleanup date can the senior center be included in the areas where people go to cleanup I'm I'm sorry they emailed me about that and I said as long as we have the Personnel that show up that day absolutely the river is another story and I'll discuss yeah on the rivers side we have our environmental commission meeting and I'll discuss it with them to see whether we can get a CL of adults it's much tougher section of the river get okay normally normally for the for the rivers we just put the fire department there because they experience of being close to that water in the way the water has been we do not want any regular residents I will say going close to the water that experience they will put life jackets on and do what they have to do so yes that is a tough section of the river because of access not necessarily the river but the the grounds around it grounds around it no problem they okay I justess want here and the second thing is for the ravus clinic um a number of concerns are being made having it at the senior center because a lot of clean up afterwards and there's a lot of Dand during up from the dogs and the cats and all that that that kitchen being there they don't feel it's too healthy I know kelan and Butler both have it in their gpw buildings that maybe we can move it there or we can move it to one of the fire departments or something just something that's um I think that that could be looked at um how do we do we adverti that yet uh the clinic is over yeah this be for next this should be for next year I think that's more than reasonable yeah we can move Aida fire it used to be at B Street all right going back then so we we answer yes thank you plus there's no doggy bags over there all right okay anyone else have a motion to close late public comment all favor hi okay um we do have like I said two uh matters uh one to negotiate one uh attorney uh client privilege in an executive session there will be no action taken afterwards um our next meeting is April 16th at 7 7 p.m. have a motion to go executive session so move second all in favor I thank you all for coming out on this