good evening everyone this is a workshop meeting agenda of the government body of the barau of Bloomingdale Tuesday March 5th 2024 at 7 p.m. I'll call the meeting to order start with the salute to the flag and please after that we're going to have a moment of silence for lesie Grant alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you R call please mayor deato here councilman Catalano here councilman Del Ripa here councilman Graziano here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman Shubert here councilman Yi here we also have a municipal clerk Brianna Smith business administrator Michael S sand and bur attorney da Sullivan this meeting is called to pursue into the provisions of the open public meetings law adequate of this meeting was advertised in the Herold news on January 12th 2024 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in a municipal building a copy of this noce is available in the public uh to the public and is on file of the office of an admissable clerk as per state fire code I'm required to acknowledge there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance which you enter through and the secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exits exit through the door down the stairs and out the building there any questions please raise your hand seeing none we do not have any non-agenda items tonight so have a mo open up early public comment all in favor I anyone wishing to speak please come up 86 I just want to out about the purchase of the utility vehicle and why is it necessary at this point and what is the cost in total for it cost in totals I think is 880,000 in change um that's including the chassis and the body that's coming from two separate vendors um when they priced this truck out to get the to get everything from what one vendor was like $4,000 more expensive so we took the the little less way out um the truck is replacing I believe is completely rotted out it's over y it's over 10 years old um and the determination by myself the superintendent in system was that it needs to be replaced I have photos here Rich yeah you see all the tool boxes are totally rusted out uh inside uh and the water is just just flows in there when they're driving from the wheels into the wheel well so you can't keep Tools in these boxes anymore so it's time to go and this is all part of our replacement vehicle replacement this we had money left over in the water budget we appropriated last year for this year's initial payment for this uh and then it's built into the water budget for the next is it a 5 year or I think it's 5 year long so we're not we're not bonding for this as we've been doing every other veh nope this is not double truck again right no this is a utility body single two doors that's it driver ey passenger side okay anyone else wish to come up see no one on motion to close so move second all in favor I I okay report of committees um mayor uh for the the butler Bloomingdale youth club BB YC their next meeting is March 26 general meeting um so their next big uh event is their beef steak which is Saturday April 13th at the Nights of Columbus at 6 o'clock um $75 per person and um if anybody's interested they're still um available on their website and also they're um looking for you know sponsors if anybody is interested in being a sponsor for the the season they could contact Natalie um then for the senior centers their next event is uh March 11th St Patty's party um at the senior center and uh there's also lots of events and um um Bri she posts all the events on their the senior page through the butler uh through the Bloomingdale website um they were inquiring about starting their own little Facebook page um but I think Mike is gonna have a meeting with Dawn about that so um there's also um a lot of chps uh plannned and they they sent me the chair arobics um all the different events on the calendar at the senior center um March well today they had a uh an event about the risks of marijuana for seniors I don't know if anybody tended that that was today um that's all on their uh their calendars and um just a reminder also with the seniors they have their nutrition calendar every year um every month and it changes that um that the uh P County division of nutrition um does for them also um very sad news about uh Leslie graft she's the one that gives me the uh Tri barel first aid call um numbers every month um for the month of February uh year to date calls were 259 calls um um they covered um total calls in February were 135 uh Tri burrow first a squad took 90 they covered 69 and they missed 21 calls County and mutual Aid calls were 45 Butler the way broke broke down Butler 56 Bloomingdale 39 K 35 calls Mutual 85 L for well smithf one um it's very sad sad loss for for us um next with the library um they have a lot of events scheduled for the year um this month is a designer handbag Bingo that's uh Friday the 22nd and uh tickets are available for that and that's at the fire house and duing Pian is May um Alexandra she's uh doing great and putting um things up on the schedule their Queen tea um event is Thursday May 18th again all this is um located on their uh website and and they're still running that um cake pan they have a lot of things you could uh check out um one of them being a sord of cake pans and uh they're having a cake contest which I think you said may you were gonna yes yeah taste I'm taste it or pick them out so that's uh that's with the library and um of course they also have um lots of um events for children and the and for adults Club March 13th is the um book club uh book and this month it's remarkably bright features and um for their art class March 25th their class is um sponsored by at the senior center March 25th ages 5 through 11 uh 6 to 7.m they're doing a um a project for um for painting it's basically an art class for ages 5 to 11 which you could register at the library website that's else here we go uh first and foremost my condolences to the grath family um for their tremendous loss of Leslie um was quite a shock today um Nadia asked me to remind everybody that we have the Ramadan Crescent lighting at Town Hall that is 6:30 uh next Monday the 11th um there is a ceremony followed by refreshments and food thereafter um public events we also have March 30th we have the Easter egg hunt at 12 o'clock at Walter T Bergen and following into April April 13th trout trout fishing contest at 10 a.m. at bog pond uh a couple other things I want to thank the DPW for helping out uh the garden with the rain barrel um It's a Wonderful uh way for the garden to use rainwater to water the garden until our sprinklers can get turned on um so I appreciate that the DPW took care of that for us um again I'm always going to remind everybody about our Rave mobile safety that's the reverse 911 system you can sign up on website uh at the very bottom right hand side we also have recycle coach um that is an app that reminds you when uh your garbage and recycling go out um also a change uh this year which was put out in the recycling flyer that went out um April 13th is the shredding day that the town holds every year this year um they're starting it at 8:00 a.m. um so we'll have FL Li's reminding that as well um I think that is it I just um also wanted to um just take a moment because today was emotional Les you know you know I was on trior with her and um worked with her as a medic and it was just a shock but I always I feel like I try very hard to say thank you to people and you know our DPW our fire department whatever it is how much I appreciate people but this week and the last couple weeks especially there's two people I have to really say thank you to and because I think today reminds you of how important people are in your life and it's Bri and Mike you guys the last couple weeks I really like bre I love that you answer my text messages and you take me down a notch when I sometimes I need to be and uh Mike you as well um you know uh sometimes I have knee-jerk reactions and I always take a step back and sometimes I have to call Bri and be like hi bri take me a step down and you know and it's wonderful but they're always answering my questions and um sometimes when things get crazy and couple weeks have just been honestly excuse my language some stupid crap and it's nice to know that you have a couple people that you can just call and um talk through things and um you know whether that's personal or burough business it doesn't matter but it's also just saying thank you and appreciating people that are in your life and of course I appreciate everyone up here on the deis and um but Bri and Mike especially that the last couple weeks I'm leaning on them and it's appreciated Mike thank you so all right enough tear for today thank you just to piggyback a little bit of before what you're talking about lesie and that we were all shocked and I Mike gave you the call today um for for what went on there she's a dedicated member of the Trib first a squad Bill former councilman dedicates tons of hours on the committee he's involved in so we just got to keep bill and his family in our in in our prayers and you know if they need anything they can reach out to us um so Mike and I and a few people were up there today did not go into the house we just you know spoke to um the chief and uh lieutenant and just keep them in your prayers Bill's it's a really good family and it's it's a shot so that's a tremendous tremendous loss to the first aid Squad yes I mean their family my husband husband uh graduated with Kim um and spent his whole life with uh going through school with Leslie's daughter um so of course to their family uh it is just a tremendous loss but you know how many years on Tri BR 30 plus 30 plus um you know that's you know she dedicated a tremendous amount of her life um and you know I was thinking about them today because every time saw Leslie at a dinner she was always with Bill and I always thought to myself wow like I wish Mike and I could be like as like what a great couple they were I'm going to fil like you said you can't Mike would totally agree with me though they were like you I I felt like boy how cool like we can strive to be like them you know they were just such a lovely couple together and it I I'm sure she'll be missed she will be missed and I I can't even imagine how Bill feels John um two items to note one is March 18th at 7 o'clock ABC is hosting a digital marketing free clinic for anyone that's really interested really targeted for small businesses in town we've been getting sign ups all throughout the month so we should have a pretty decent crab it's right here in the council chambers March 18th at 7 p.m. it's also being provided Ed by a local business owner um Alissa veret she has her own Consulting Agency for marketing and she's doing this Pro Bona for the town and for everybody so special thank you to her um also we have uh the date set for the unity through Community it's April 11 7 PM I believe over at the Walter T March 27 March 27th I believe March 27th yeah they could into the April so it's March 27th is the uh the walty B between six and 8 it is okay good thank you for updating it's a Wednesday they be Thursday but that's the day before Good Friday when they're off so they figure they lose people so they chose Wednesday 27th okay to talk about Friday events Saturday right so we have a slum Park Festival right so we started full swing planning for that so the dates for that one is Saturday we're going to do one in June and June 8 from 300 p.m. to 600 p.m. or I'm sorry to 9:00 p.m. so it's a 6 hour event rather than the traditional 3 hours so rather than doing it in June and September just combining it into one keeping it the same amount of hours looking to have two bands so that way there's entertainment going throughout um and uh looking to perhaps close off the street too right there in front of the the strip mall so that way we can have vendors out in the street make it a little bit more involved right downtown and it should be pretty special day so more to come right again that's June 8th from 3: to 9:00 p.m. and I will um change the uh public events calendar after tomorrow I'll get that done and that'll be updated on the website for H Sund yes thank you anybody down here just note our our next meetings for the environmental commission will be tomorrow at 7:30 uh we have our next meeting for the recreation on March 11th 7 both the senior center uh Recreation does have uh summer camp registration open that you can reach out and register for right now and then of course uh the next meeting for the planning board is uh currently scheduled for March 27th we continue to hear applications Mike I had three things but two of them John just talked about so that's fine the other one is the we have a resignation of Al aone he's laborer in the DPW that we received today uh it'll be on the next meeting uh he took a job he he's offered a poli police position in another town so good to him moving on with his life so we Advertiser position and start interviewing for a labor to replace so great nothing thank you nothing this evening there okay um I pretty much said what I need to say about Lesley um hope you one thing that's happening tomorrow is Dr Susan's birthday at the library tomorrow I'll be at 4:00 so I'll be down there with our Police Department reading to the children tomorrow that's a that's a fun event um for that so that's that's tomorrow at 4 o'clock and I think if kids want to go there to have to pre-register I believe to get into there because there's so many kids that want to come in which is which is a great thing okay all right let's move on item eight resolution 2024 for 3.1 to consent agenda do I have a motion so Mo second any comments or questions roll call please Catalano yes Del rip yes Graziano yes Hudson yes shuber yes Yi yes okay new business um item a purchase of a water utility vehicle which we just talked about um we're going to move these both at the same time um because you can't do one without the other um adoption of resolution number 22434 and 20243 do5 purchase of a of a water utility truck do I have a motion some move second okay any questions John what do we do with the uh with the one that's all rusted can we just use that for plowing and like not use this one so it last a little B longer nor we put them out the auction right the last one we took apart was just totally rusted the frame and everything so it was useless if you're able to put making a flatbed would you be able to put um Salter on it yes and that'll prevent the other trucks from that will last longer right yes yeah just just wondering you know how do we make these last longer when the engine is good but it body that's the problem we have right shot and question be try to that back on be able to put the equip on it prob not so you're unable to retrofit the back try for a flat Bo yeah I'm just talk take utility body take that like if I miss I think sourcing utility bodies for aging trucks is also more challenging so like the WID of the frame rails the style of the frame rail whether it's channel gets much more challenging so when you've got to replace a utility body it is generally speaking advantageous to do it with the cabin chassis I'm happy to hear that you guys are going to be reusing the cabin chassis the skill operation so that we can extend and serice life okay good okay roll call please yes grao yes Hudson yes Shubert yes D yes calano yes hey Item B adoption of resolution 20246 h2m Capital Improvement report for the lead service line inventory do I have a motion okay before we go to you want explain this a little bit Mike to do every year this came up out last year we had to do our asset management plan last year um we approve 30 not to receive 30 or $32,000 by that so that plan was done and that's a working document these two this Capital Improvement report now is just details to the state the implementation of that Asset Management plan and then the updated LS Serv is the lead service lines that'll be ongoing for 10 years we have 10 years to get every single house in and blumell certified that there's not LED inine com a 10e process and they're involved with it they do all the mapping as Frank and his team goout through these houses an update they do all the implementation to the plans so this is mandatory mandatory okay okay if there's no questions roll call ciano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes yai yes catalana yes yes okay item 10 late public comment have a motion open up late public all favor okay any wish to come up you good okay see another one uh motion to close second all in favor I okay um we do have one matter of contract negotiations it will be um no business conducted afterwards for this this is just a general information so um can have a motion to go to the executive session so second all in favor I okay