this is a regular meeting agenda of the goverment body of the burough of Bloomingdale Tuesday J uh June 25th 20124 at 7 p.m. all them being toured by the salute of the flag I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands under God indivisible with and justice for all roll call please mayor deato here councilman Catalano here councilman Del Ripa here councilman Graziano here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman Schubert here councilman Yi here we also have a municipal clerk Brianna Smith business administrator Michael S and burrow attorney consult this meeting is called to pursuant of the provisions of the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised at the Harold news on January 12th 2024 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in the municipal building a copy of this notice is available to the public and on file in the office of municipal clerk as per state fire code on required to acknowledge there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance would you enter through and the secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs in out the building any questions please raise your hand uh seeing none uh we do not have any non-agenda items um tonight we do have two pres presentations um those people could not be here tonight or family we are dedicated two spots in lar after Thomas J mccab who is a chief warrant officer class to you United States Army Korean Korea and Vietnam the second one will be to Ernest Jones private US Army worldw one so we thank those gentlemen for their service and liia will be named after both of those gentlemen okay keev a motion open up early public comment move second all in favor I I anyone wishing to speak please come on up I want water but I agenda or not something well if everybody's okay up here I'm sure we have some questions about the water so one will we just nip that um in the butt now and talk about it um and answer any questions they were able to answer but before you come up I just you can come up first here come on up I just want to let everybody know um this was kind of a surprise to us when this happened like when we we notified yesterday about 7:00 about 7:00 last night and then the ball started rolling on how to handle what we needed to do what happened over in Butler and it was advertised on news2 regarding cloudy water um by the deep it was cloudy water coming um into the system which is called tibility is that turbidity turbidity okay which means the water will come out semi cloudy all right that means water was turned somewhere within the tank from what we talked we had a conference call with with the butler administrator today and he explained all this to us the cloudiness as far as they can tell you probably won't see now just for me I went over to the senior center to get it out of here this is what I pulled off the hose off the senior center so it's clear okay their levels are permitted to go to 05 I'm not sure what that 0.5 means they're at 78 so they're above the allowed amount before they really have to notify the D for crary when the tank start their tank started dropping they made a phone call to D to get it on record in case they had major problems the de takes over they're the ones who came back with the recommendations to boil water if Butler did not call them in a tank started um recovering without that that this would have never happened what they did is they treated the tank water before it went into the system to get all the levels where they need so far all the test they've done since then have passed all right but we can't take the um restriction of boiling water off until the d calls them and gives them notification that yes you passed you can lift the boiling band they're the ones who said this that's the way it was explain to us today so we're waiting for that they've done several tests since this all happened and not failed any of it so they sent all information to the DP and they have to wait for a response from them um and they disinfect the water and I'm sure that's with chlorine to get the the parts up because chlorine is in the water we know that um the way they started knowing every everybody was through Nexel which if you're a customer you should receive a either a text message or I believe an email stating what was going on that's the other thing that was explain T us today I've never heard of next to today we use R right that's what we use to get the word out um their Texas only allow 138 characters and then you probably had a reverse we did a reverse line one and we did another one today saying the band was still in effect which came out I'm was saying probably around 4 o'clockish today um Captain Mueller did it um and if anybody that is important next you don't if you're not getting it you can go go on to and register and put all your information in there it's pretty much is it's really simple to follow to get you online with that the only thing it won't alert through next out they alert Verizon AT&T and Optimum cell phones if it's an off-brand provider it will not do it that's why you have to go in and register yourself and see what provider you had next door recognizes those three I have an optimal phone and my came through okay so um with that as for advertising through the town the way we got the word out we put it on the burrow Facebook page and it went to the I saw it on the Bloomdale Community page our Police Department put it out um today we put it on the signs out front um which it's on our website as of today I think I saw it there last night can I speak to that just just let me go through then I'll Facebook and Instagram okay I'm just I'm Facebook Instagram I posted everything the website in multiple spots reverse 911 um and the blinking sign in the center of town and I believe Mike put it on this one it's on afternoon that was done today so that everything was done around 4 o'clock this afternoon as an update yeah and now what you saw on the websites was this which came directly from Butler right because they're our provider they're the ones who are handling the situation um I'm not sure ask do we know if we did any tests throughout our system here did our did testing every day every day and we're passing well I can't speak say yesterday I didn't not talk to the inspector that did test okay but when somebody came yesterday I did it test up in our in our okay they did um and the way this all started going back um and we saw we were stopping all the watering of the um bonds all right we stopped that the reason we stopped that was when our tank started dropping we were using um about 30,000 gallons of water a night just burrow properties and then everybody else starts watering so we have to make sure our T tank started to drop and that's kind of how Butler started their side of it CU we shouldn't be dropping if they're not dropping everything as of today is up to 80% for better in our Tex so we're fine so we want we're going to hopefully tomorrow the D will know if I B we can lift the boiling band tomorrow we want to go to OD even days for watering to get us everybody back to wonder Lawns and you know and I know there's people woring their lawns I know that I've seen people when I drive to work in the morning I know people are doing flowers nobody's going to stop and give them a ticket we just want people to be conscious of what they're using an alert came out today from the uh forest fire service that there's a major alert for all the parks in like norn green it's on high fire alert because the weather we're having everything is dry so that just came out probably an hour ago I saw I think it's on our our page I posted it yeah okay so there's and then from what we talked to through the administrator of Butler today the state is probably they were notified that the state is probably going to go on a Statewide ban on water because it's the problem is about the state with all the heat that we have in 90 degrees it's all across the country did that happen yet no but it might be coming it might not we're supposed to get rain some this weekend I don't know how much um hopefully we can just deal with it and and go from there um Mike if I'm missing anything just please feel free to to jump in I think can I add one thing you can and then we'll yeah I'm GNA add something that was explained to me and when it was explained to me not with the not with the um boil advisory but with the water restrictions and it really I understood it so John mentioned the tanks so what happens between our our tanks between the hours of about 3 4:00 in the morning and about 9:00 in the morning on really hot days that's when you go out and you know we go back to the old school get out water early and you take a shower because you're getting ready for work and everybody's watering their lawns early because you want to get everything done before the heat of the day what what happens with our tank is everybody between those hours of 3:00 in the morning and 9:00 in the in the morning they're all using all that water and it drops our tank and then it's hard during the heat of the day on hot days for those tanks to recover so quickly and what becomes the major issue is if we have the biggest thing is is if we have a fire in town your house is on fire and our tanks are low that becomes a problem and that's the last thing that we want is for any Resident and our fire department to be struggling getting water in an emergency so it kind of does that does that kind of click with you on the sense to me right it made sense to me that's exactly my point you let me know go ahead just your name and just put your name and address just Martini 97 Rand Avenue um right here in Bloomington so my point I have a couple of points but let's speak to that one first we switched over we switched back because I grew up in Bloomdale we used to have Butler water when I was young it was awful until we switched and got better water and now we're back with water that in my opinion is not as good as our other water I think most residents would agree I there might be some savings I'm a Believer and you get what you pay for I drank 70 to 100 ounces of water a day I want my water to be good I'm paying for it I don't want to drink bottled water I don't want that other I don't want to drink out plastic bottle okay so that's one thing so I question the whole move to begin with but that's that's one issue my second issue can I explain something about that and we go to the second one um when we decided it's going back to to Mayor Dunley that's when this all started and then they put the pump station up here so before we even moved to Butler water we were getting the same complaints that we're getting with Butler water swap water this we weren't even on Butler water it was Pake Valley correct Pake Valley had the same issues that Butler had for maintaining our system when Pake Valley and our tanks were dropping Butler went over and turned their pumps on to help out the sake Valley keep our system going so that's been that was going on for years all right because Butler um provides correct me if I'm wrong Mike mck andin they've always provided Mac andin Ro that area with water and excuse me uh High Crest Lake right High Crest Lake and West Milton they're on the butler water system but we go right through there to get up there so they provided that side of town not where you live but that side of town always has been on Butler water and we paid the freight for that so when PE come back and they say Butler water is no good Pake Valley we were onake Valley and they were saying the Border was no I know that I know the people were saying that I was laughing so that's another one of my issues though we did a tour a while ago of Butler Butler system is not like it was when we were kids right they have a completely new system and actually they're going to upgrade the system they have now to make it even better and more capacity capacity is not Butler's problem they have PL of reservoirs FL there's no capacity which to my to miss Hudson point and to my point it's an infrastructure problem which was the the conversation that I had with Keith in the butler water department this morning because we know the reservoirs are full we've had a ridiculous amount of rain and yet we're being put on water restrictions and there not a lot of towns right now that are he Wayne is recently and Denville correct and Denville and we just recently did it just because of the tank problems once there which is an infrastructure problem to your point if the the reservoir is full but if we don't have the tank capacity and we're already you know our Town's going to be expanding we know what the plans are moving forward that's an issue I don't want to live on water restrictions for my I pay a lot of money to live in this town taxes I love this town you pay them too I pay a lot of money for my water I don't want to be on water restrictions every year so is there a plan for the infrastructure moving forward to increase it clearly it's needed if our reservoirs are full and we can't keep up what happens when we have a drought so so that's my other big concern I can answer that okay okay you know about the development that's someday coming right we've been deing it for eight years within that plan is another water tank okay so that's important which we want a million gallons of water over there so that would absolutely help our problem so then you have to work off of two tanks really three and four because Butler has a tank and have a supply tank all right so that is being worked on okay all right and once that ever gets settled and things happen over there then we'll have a better infrastructure to what you're you're talking about so it's not falling unde ears we know um we've had several conversations before all this on what we can handle the capacity to make sure B can can handle more people coming on which they can't because capacity is not a problem it's getting the water there that's the problem so we know if we put a tank on that side of the hill all right on that side of town and we have one here and then Butler has theirs we'll be in pretty good shape um and there's a plan to add another tank yes yes that's important so that's good to know and then my third issue with the water which is really maybe the most concerning for me is the whole communication so I'm going to tell you how I found out after I drank I was already up to 70 ounces yesterday of drinking water my daughter who does move and go a house in Jefferson texted me and said hey Mom you're under a boil water advisory I said I am now I apparently am not signed up for alerts but my mom who is 82 and was a resident of Bloomingdale but moved to Wu still gets all the Bloomingdale alerts but she had not gotten one in fact she called me today and said I got an alert this afternoon so she hadn't gotten one till now my my people on Facebook the kenon page posted that it was duude to hins and I get Facebook is a people just say whatever other people were saying oh no you don't have to boil it if you live in Bloomingdale it's only but I want to I'm not a huge Facebook fan but I did go on this morning and say hey it really is Bloomingdale please boil your water and people are like oh my gosh I didn't know and then we have people a lot of people in this town who are older who live alone who my neighbor included I just stopped to talk to Mary tinel she lives by herself no one really checks on her but the neighbors I said Mary do you know we're under a water boy no they're homebound no one's checking on them unless their neighbors are they're drinking the water so if there really is a problem they're already elderly a lot of them have health issues do we have a plan for them that's disheartening to me because I know in this town there are a lot of those people and I don't think we're addressing them it's great that we have all these little alerts and things and it's nice to have neighbors who check on people but you know that there are home people were not being checked on and they're still drinking the water and let's hope that it really is okay but what about a day when it comes where it's not okay and I those were my three big concerns I think well that's something we I don't disagree with with what you said there at all um course we use social media the world uses it to get the world they don't have it and I know Mary Tiel her husband was a fireman can I can I add to this as well just because I feel like you know I do a lot a lot of this the communications and and Bri and I really handle a lot of this um I'm to the point where you make an excellent point nobody could argue that I'm not sure how else we can get out information and I'll tell you how we have done it social media is one our website um and our reverse 911 or our three big ones the reverse time one is huge I mention it as I'm sure some of the people that are sitting here every single council meeting I mention it that people need to sign up we have put it in water bills um we've I've done videos about it I'm and and that's great but maybe for someone like an elderly person maybe there needs to be an Outreach where someone actually goes and say they're not going to do it it's good reason and I don't we have to figure away because we'll use her for ex an example I'm assuming she's in her 90s now she's almost she's 87 87 years old and I know there's no way and I guess when she gets a water bill she probably just gets it pays it and throws the rest away I don't even think she can pay her bills anymore her nephew her nephew whoever does it but there's a lot of people like that within our town that have the same issu so I have a question I have to figure out or we have to figure out how do you really address that does the Board of Health have something Ty a list I don't know we you know what let me hit up um let me hit up the Board of Health I mean I'm liaison I'll hit up the Board of Health and also we one more thing uh regarding the U with the mailers in uh on Monday's uh um meeting with the seniors uh they're also they are also having issues with dispersing the information um there are some Savvy seniors that do know Facebook but um Pat mentioned maybe asking um Mike or whatever and the next tax bill or something to put in like a little newsletter with like okay the senior center offers like the cooling station because with the high heat like they like nobody attended and then you guys opened it up in here with the cooling station and then you know there's there's so much to do they have the nutrition center they they get food um P County they there's they get vouchers for um for extra food to go to the um the country Market the uh the market every Tuesday you know and what like there's so much information plus the trips plus if they're lonely they could sit and play cards they could there's a book club so she wants if there's a a somehow we could do that that's something that she she would like right I mean that could work for for that what's long dated you can plan for I think here the need is more this was an emergency right emergency this is something you have to get out like if we found out when we found out about it we need to get something out ASAP how do we reach those people that are not going to pick up their phones for reverse 911 or they're not even probably not even signed up Forbe just a beginning is to add to the message please check on your please let your elderly neighbor some people don't we're all busy people I I I was so upset with myself I didn't think about it till today I knew last night I didn't think about Mary till today I was like oh crap I don't think Mary knows and actually I said to her because she's always you if you ever drive on my street you know she's always sitting on the porch she's basically hometown I said Mary I stopped I said I'm going to the meeting I said do you first I told her about the water I said I'm going to the meeting I said do you want me to say anything and she said yeah you know those cops they drive by all the time nobody ever stops and just says hey how are you they could so I'm just I love our cops I'm not saying that to put our policemen down I love our police force but just that interaction we have so many of these people in our community and somebody to check on them besides when she falls that's that they're picking her up but hey let me stop the patrol car Mary how you doing today that would just make their day and then you have that relationship and then maybe you will think oh I have to stop and tell John or Mary or whoever these older people are I don't disagree with any of this I was just I was very upset with the way it was rolled out and I know that wasn't all in this Council not saying that the misinformation on social media was ridiculous everybody was just some people were posting things from 2015 seen an article about the water other people like in typical there was one person that posted I don't even live in a state I know right so I know and I'm not that's I'm not that person on social media I don't believe everything I read but I but I was very disheartened but with all of it that was out there and that still like my mom said she got the call this afternoon she is on the alert I'm for some reason I'm not but um she said I just got that alert so if my mom was still living in her house house on no's Road she would have just found out today of course I would have told her but do you know what my point Y I do ab those are my points so I'm glad to hear that infrastructure is being addressed I'm glad to hear that it looks like this is going to be resolved and I would hope that the council moving forward would consider how you will better communicate especially to our Elder just let you know about the infrastructure we've done so much improvements to the regular roads I can name Hamilton Boston Street we just did um uh red twig Orchard and replaced all the water lines so that's helping uh we did a section on Elizabeth Street the between Elizabeth and waren that was a 2-in line that wasn't right that's now that's up to and everything has to create a loop so when you open up something everything circulates and flushes and everything gets out of the water system when be fles hydrants and things like that so the infrastructure improvements that we've made we've done well our our fire system when we and I can just tell you from that side of it years ago it was go to a lake or not have any water because everything was just so old it would break but since we've done repairs over several years our our fire system is good um our tank hols because I know when we have a a bad fire going on our water department has to go out make adjustments so all the water goes to the tank and it comes to where we are and that's part of the that's part of the process appreciate okay so it's it's on our radar all of it it just takes time and money okay so and if you have additional ideas of how we can get brainstorm I'll think about it that send me an email anytime and I will respond to you and we can talk about it get things we don't know and you know we find that everything is a learning experience for us and I feel like this was especially with the seniors excellent idea and uh I'll hit up the I'll hit up the Board of Health and see what they have to say and I'll keep you up to date too appreciate that all right awesome Emil she's easy to F I am well listen I all right I'm terrible with names so he knows I'm going to him and then he can go to you CU thank you I apprciate you're welcome anyone else I know 86 van um I called Channel 7 myself Channel 12 myself today after Mike told me that um Earl had contacted them and they said yeah they Conta conted us I said well did you put anything up well is it still going on I said yes did you put anything up they said well I'll talk to my supervisor my manager so that to me that so 12 did not put anything out there I'm just tell they contacted them that's what we were told I didn't see it I watch chanel 12 in the morning before I go to work or whatever I you know and that's it's funny because I when he told me about that I went home today and it's always a loop you can watch and watch it I watched it three times to make sure I didn't miss it I know Lyon had a water break um they're on water what restrictions whole boken has something going on there were sink holes but nothing about that and it's just that's very frustrating to me and you can't tell them to put it up there because they have to pick and choose I guess you know when they but it is what it is and I personally also when I got the call yesterday I went around to Neighbors in my my area and out of six houses I went to five nothing about it and they weren't elderly all of them so it's the 911 is fine Bandy if people are signing up for it and a lot of people haven't signed up for it because but if they're Butler if they're Butler if they Butler customers I I didn't get it because I I'm just telling what we were told today those three providers if you're on if you are a customer and your cell phone is with them it's automatic I had the rise in Mobile I didn't get it and I'm not sure you know I I give John a lot of credit every single new family in this town he does his very best to visit them personally and give them one of our um welcome packets in the welcome packet is all the information about reverse 911 and everything else um we literally I I honestly don't know how else to get people to sign up because I mentioned as you know every council meeting I talk about it nobody watches our Council meetings I we've I I've put it out on social media we we've put it on the water bills you know not quite sure how else to get the word out and I saw the numbers just for for yourself and you can talk to your neighbors give me I'll go talk to if you want to get on B next nixel nixel all right you just go I didate ww it comes up and it just ask you for your information it there's five lines your email address and put you right in their system but there's a lot of people who are um not that um English is not their special language and a lot of my neighbors are in that situation and when I explain it to them they look shocked mhm I said don't drink the water boil it and I I don't know if they are going to do it or not but it's just it's I I was very concerned especially when I went to six houses and five people who knew nothing about it um oh when was the last time the water was tested before yesterday it's tested every they tested daily daily their their treatment plan tested da so that other the day before that it was fine it dropped overnight it dropped overnight um their side of it and ours dropped and we stopped watering that's why we stopped watering we had nothing to do with this we just noce our tank was going down and I'll be honest with Walter te and deler was using about 30,000 gallons a night so that's about fourt of of tank all right and it was going pretty much every day in the middle of the night and I ordered my lawn in the middle of the night and I'm sure other people do as do I and then right yeah so everybody's a lot of people ask breakfast cu but everybody spent their money on sters but that's all right um so we're very conscious of it now Butler's up to 80 80% full we're full and hopefully we get the the notification to um not have to boil and we can go back to we're going to go to odd and even days just to test it to make sure we're I wasn't the only place I saw about the water restriction was on Facebook and to me Facebook is not a municipal but it's on a municipal Facebook P it wasn't originally yes it was yeah it was posted it myself and I know it was on the police it was it the police put on on Facebook it wasn't on our Municipal the police took it from my post the police I did it myself I looked on I looked on our website and nothing on there I think we took it like teetered like it was on the main page and then it it was like a page like show you the logo Like Water emergency but I'm saying when you were supposed to have the restrictions I didn't see that well it's the burrow page one is recently because it keeps getting reposted one was 23 hours ago because it tells you on Facebook when it was posted one day ago was the boiled water advisory because it tells you on our thing so it was there yeah but it was the date for the um the Restriction we found this out two or three days ago and that was only on Facebook you're right it and that's not the way it should be done well now it's on our our other other page now I mean that I mean we should have gotten calls about that also got the call about the cooling station the senior center there was no call about the restrictions okay call about the at the water quality we we also I don't recall about the water restrictions going out on the reverse 911 we we also play a very um strict balancing act when it comes to the reverse 911s because when we do it too much then the police chief starts getting calls that people want to get taken off and so we've really tried very hard and that this was when Chief forell was here and we got a call from him saying I'm getting a lot of calls from people who want to come off of it because you're doing too many so we really are trying very hard to balance this and and our Police Department because we really want that to be the most important information out there um you know I again not sure about the restrictions it was definitely on social media I guess it was it never made to the reverse 911 but we we are trying this very difficult balance with this as well with the chief I would say this this um exercise we just went through is a total learning experience because we've never had the mandatory boil water thing for no matter who was supplying us um there's some things that we can fix as we were brought up that's you know we will work on to fix um but we did the best we could in a short period of time and Mike and I communicated regularly about this um like I said we had a conference call with Butler today Mike's been in communication with um their bu administrator since it started I know Frank has been in communication with their their water guy on a regular basis I was with Frank last night and he was talking to him um about the tank and you know explaining everything to Frank last night so it's nothing's going unnoticed or not trying to fix it in a quick in a quick Manner and just that be honest with if the DP would have got back to us quickly after we would have been up at running and everything would be normal but we have to wait for those the website said on Butler I said that another 72 hours yes yeah that's the new one came out came new advisory as well said the same thing yeah and it's it affects Butler it's affecting Kon it's affect on W M is affecting us so it's the the towns that they Supply um hopefully tomorrow we'll be back to normal I just text the B administrator but got back to me there State the art facility is uh test automatically 24/7 uh any values approaching being out of range Trier alarm that dials all the plant operators and all of that data is automatically stored and available to the D so it's all automatic there got be some automatic way to let customers know because it's to me it's very very serious that I can't drink my water when I am not aware of it and I am and then I get illnesses and then you know that's that's serious we don't disagree with you well you know when an emergency happens and you try to get everything in place and work there's going to be a time lapse it's just normal I mean it's no different if a police call the phone comes up you guys got schol chanel 12 and say what the hell's going on here why why isn't this up there yeah I think B should be doing that but we can do that I can call that because it's just I mean because when they told me that and I told Mike I gave him an email telling them specifically what they told me and I said this is ridiculous because it's not long enough we're not big enough town I mean I don't care we only have 7,000 people we've got three towns that have 7,000 people and nobody gives a about us sorry strike that for the well maybe if all the mayors of all four of the towns that are involved like call at the same time or something like that maybe they'll get the message well okay nobody watches channelon hi everybody General field 17 Cedar Street I just want to say thank you for taking on Mission Impossible with the water I have a suggestion maybe that once you get the O clear sign maybe have the fire horns go off to notify the public so this way people who don't have computers or don't have access to a computer it would be a way to alert everybody the water is not a bad idea but how do you alert the people that don't get the alert that if the firew goes off everything's be all clear it's the same dilemma that we're having cuz well I mean if you put out an email and do like you've done with the water MH and have the captain doing the messages on the 911 reverse then this way everybody's got a heads up this will be the signal for everybody that the water's clear and you can move forward it's something that's a quick easy resolution I think I think just for once it's clear we can use the big sign board down on Main Street yeah um people driving can see it we'll use both sign boards on our Properties by the firehouse and the one out front to get it out and then we got to figure out we still have the problem with the seniors that don't come out they're not going to see any of that well so we take a shot at it it's a suggestion okay thank you okay thanks yeah to that point the email you get for your electric bill or your water bill is that sent by Butler or is that a service that they have the smart Butler yeah yeah exactly cuz they have that information for more people right we're thinking about different ways to communicate to different people because they all respond differently but that's another suggestion that's a butler suggestion right there yeah have pass them right they have that information I'm pretty sure Smart Hub is a service because it works for other municipalities or companies or something like that as well so I'm probably the only person that still has the answering machine at home old phone right and the reverse 911 that home number is signed up and it getss the messages so maybe some of these seniors have their old school they have the ENT get those I'm just trying to think of other people besides M got Mrs Davis on capitaline it's we have we got to come up with a plan come up with a list of knock on the doors okay old school 60s anyone else wish to come up okay okay I have a motion to close Ric on second all in favor I I okay reporting committees um mayor I uh I'll start with this with the senior center with their um meeting that they had um again she they I they had a question about the Gazebo and and I asked Mike and um the the shed and they're excited um about the the Gazebo build and Mike said that it'll be sometime in July um and they um uh they're already they have planned on September 28th the Coronet uh players they're going to hopefully be playing in the gazebo at 2 o'cl but I'm sure I know Mike mentioned um like a a proper opening for as well um they also have um the um on their calendar there's an ice cream social coming up on um um July 19th um on that day they're the they're not going to have um the nutrition center open because there's going to be a transport to um towa and uh and she encourages people to um Pat encourages people to go to the P County Senior uh website they're offering um also transportation to the totoa farmers market where they get a $50 voucher and but once you get that voucher and you're there it's actually uh going to be worth $100 so um to to attend the the farmers market um I and like always the senior center has many um wonderful events um throughout every month they have a ton of stuff on the calendar uh they have um chair aerobics they have movie Nights line dancing um there's a book club where um that um meets on uh Tuesdays um there's they're walking they walk every Wednesday they meet at the senior center at nine and they they walk um and sometimes she did say that the police department is nice enough to to um you know sometimes follow not follow them but they're they're close by um also um there's balancing classes as well and um they have the um the gold um they have lots of trips um planned um June 19th they're going to go see Joe Eiza at uh casab Bianca June 20 um June 27th there's the paper mil Mill Playhouse uh they're going to go see beautiful uh and the turtle black zoo in September um there's just many uh events on there and that all this is located at our boale um web website um under the senior center and uh the turtleback zoo um it's it's a $90 um it includes Transportation entrance to the turtle B Zoo and a three course lunch at mcl's boat house um which is pretty nice and they like people to pay um up front because um this way they're guaranteed a spot um and they have senior centers have they they're having a New Year's party on December 31st in Staten at the Staten at Gracie's um so and they also have a bus for that um then for the um CH Baro um first first first state um for May their calls they had 70 calls um those were May's numbers year today 711 um the county took 62 calls they covered 97 calls missed only 11.89% Butler had 72 calls Bloomingdale they sered 53 calls Kinnelon 39 um and they're they're having a big um fundraiser on Friday and I know that they're still selling tickets um for a spiritual medium um at 51 Mor avin Butler it's Friday the 28th at 5:30 um the doors open at 5:30 um it's 6:00 to 7:30 tickets are $35 and you could call Patty and she has the number and also uh they have this on their website plus you could also link to it through the Bloomingdale uh website um then we also have the um Library um a huge um their next big event is uh the paint in sip which is November uh 3rd but they will be attending the C they're they're they're going to have a table at Celebration day they're going to be at the Holiday Stroll um they're also um also have a wonderful uh their Bloomingdale a foundation for literacy website has so many uh classes um which include um in June they have a crocheting uh class and and a ton of information there and then lastly um is for which I have here that's saved for BBC they are in they're still practicing um they have a couple of fundraisers coming up uh that August 21st is a Wendy's Dy to donate retro frojo the place that um on on by the Danny's Pizzeria that's the new um go yogurt place August 14th they are going to have a fundraiser there so if you shop for there they give uh um percentage to BBY uh C and also uh retro frojo is going to uh do it also on September 25th um they also have um there pep rallies coming up and uh practices um 7even 729 um you could still register on their website on 729 is the day that they um give out uniforms and uh they have a lot of other uh fundraisers um coming up and um then our big event uh which I know that um DA has a lot of other things to say about it is for fireworks on uh June this Saturday very important it's there's a lot of vendors um food vendors are going to be there um and uh it starts at 6:00 p.m. the vendors are going to set up a little earlier and that's it okay well I had a conversation with Mike just you know the same as everyone's concerned the first day this happened and then again with this Water emergency that we're getting called them up and said hey did Butler know what they're doing did they sign up for something they couldn't handle and he explained to me look it was a water pump that was feeding into our water towers that went down and that's what's caused this and they have now fixed it uh or do they get a new one right they're working on it their levels are back to where they were prior to but it was a pump issue that it's been fixed I think it's everything else we talked about was fantastic but knowing that the pump issue caused the start of this thing and then whatever settlement at the bottom of the tank that's what I'm thinking is causing all this other stuff um but that's on their end well once once we get past this meaning if the water pump is working it's not like it's going to happen again so at least it gives me a piece of mind that they did know what they were signing for and then the inside in the in the in the pump station that's out here it's I've in it there's two huge pumps and they alternate so you don't burn them out right so if one goes down the other one's supposed to kick in but they sometimes they have to run together when everybody's using water so it keeps everything where it's supposed to be so if the One Drops Out and needs to come on and fill our tank the other one struggles all right it's just designed that way uh future we know that they are doing other upgrades to handle our upgrades up on their on their side on their infrastructure so simultaneously we're trying to build our in infrastructure so we have no problems and by them improving their side of it we'll be fine it's just going to take time yeah you know so that is definitely on the radar all the other stuff that as you know that we talk about it's matter of negotiations that I'm not allowed to talk to so that's it that's all rep I have a question when it comes to um like John what with the B of help with restaurants and making coffee like I'm sure we boil water forly like is there an issue like do all the restaurants in town the I can answer that the restaurants contacted Butler to see what was going on quite a few of them are coffee shops bagel shop I know the bagel shop definitely did and had a conversation with them and they talked them through what they have to do so everybody is okay all right John one more thing this this letter tells me that for Valley has no idea that we're not customers anymore they think we still to say that letter has to do with us being customers it has to do with potential disruption to us as commuters and residents that Levy that road has nothing to do with us using the water now anytime you have a construction project going on in your area even when Public Service does something be doing in Riverdale they will notify us because traffic and all that stuff will be disrupted so that's that's just a standard we're going to be doing something be aware be aware of it just happens to be yeah to take down yeah they all do that I can just tell you that's that's common practice got you uh yes as eie stated we have the 4th of July fireworks Saturday this Saturday June 29th weather permitting 6:00 p.m. we have rides we have food um and the fireworks typically start somewhere in the vicinity of 9 9:15 um also public events um just to keep in mind Wednesday September 11th we have the 911 candle light ceremony and walk that's at 7 p.m. at Sloan Park and also September 21st Bloom indell Celebration Day and the Bob kotka 5K John can you touch upon how everyone can sign up when it gets to you over there um Board of Health uh we will be welcoming a new member Bri Jeffrey Tannis Jeffy Tannis I'm very sorry Jeffrey Tannis um as I always tell everyone please sign up for Rave it is on the homepage of the bureau uh of Bloomingdale website Bloomingdale it is at the homepage bottom right hand side also bottom right hand side is recycle coach please sign up uh that is an app that you put on your phone and it sends you uh notifications on uh what day your trash and recycling get picked up it's actually quite awesome uh let's talk a little bit about um our social media um I really encourage everyone I very much appreciate and I don't want this to come across wrong I very much appreciate all the Bloomingdale uh Facebook pages that we have but it is not the official Bloomingdale burough Facebook page please like that over the last number of days I've had people on other Pages not receiving information because they're on every other page so um you know it is our Facebook page because it has the burrow of Bloomingdale logo um in the corner so um again uh I welcome any ideas on how we can get more information out to the residents um you know Bri really works really hard on our website um and uh you know I'm I really try on on social media so um but I welcome suggestions because uh clearly you know we have a little bit of work to do but um if anyone has any ideas and public please email me D Hudson blumel um uh what else the Board of Health has really nothing to report um oh I also uh did want to congratulate the Walter T Bergen graduates and the Butler High School graduates from Bloomingdale congratulations um I'm sure they'll do great things I attended both those graduations they were really nice Burg school was really hot I can only imagine but um the kids that spoke they spoke really well they gave their their speeches it was really nice to see young people stand up and do some public speaking up there um it was really nice and it's nice to see kids that you were infants you knew them and they graduated so it's we're getting older um so I just have one more thing John as you had mentioned earlier uh the New Jersey forest fire service did put out uh stage one fire restrictions for Division A and C coverage areas we are in division a that is all of pay County um and what is a state AG one fire restrictions it fires directly on the ground are prohibited unless in a prepared Fire Ring Firs on Mineral soil which is not endangering the forest may be permitted at the discretion of the forest fire Warden issuing the permit and a prepared Fire Ring must be constructed of steel stone brick or concrete with a gravel or masonry base these restrictions are in place until further notice just with that and that's just norin green is in Bloomingdale and we do get a lot of people hiking in doing stuff up there sometimes they staying overnight um so they just need to be aware of their surroundings because that could be a huge problem something starts we had a fire the other day in the back end of Glen Wild Lake that was going up the side of the mountain um so but it's everything's dry so we just got to be careful we still having the fireworks yes well yes what you just said well right now they're call right now they're calling for rain on Saturday okay so if everything gets wet we'll be okay there the fire department will be there all right our Fire official will approve everything that they're doing so we have our Ed covered um rain day is Sunday rain day to Sunday but I think Sunday supposed to rain more than Saturday the last time I looked yeah I actually looked right before we came here and was no rain for Saturday already kind of pushed out to later later did which has been happening a lot so fingers crossed and guess what look to social media because that's where we're going to be posting they LIF this band um with watering we will put the sprinkles on the burger SCH will be beforehand so everything is wet so we are very aware of what's going on there so we're good yeah had a conversation with the chief last night the fire department and we are covered all right so we should be okay couple things on the economic development commission CR so one thank you um mayor deato Mike for coming to the ribbon cutting for 3D pets and dive really cool tour they gave us for the 3D printing facilities they have and also it was really cute because they had a lot of dogs there um dogs that need prosthetic legs and things like that so it was a very interesting business we welcome them to Blooming down um also for Celebration Day on September 21st as da said um still accepting vendors I think we have over 70 at this point um including food as well as other organizations um can always make room for more so we're still accepting people they just have to reach out um to our to myself really um at J Grano Bloomingdale and that's all okay anybody I'll just do real quick um summer R Camp kicked off this week uh I know as well as uh Safety Town that was today and which was U pretty exciting my daughter from back raving about it and then I think the junior BL Academy as well also kicked off so program that was yesterday that kicked off yesterday they graduate from pretty exciting um so summer is in full swing the the re summer camp I front um and then U let need report just the last meeting from the environmental commission okay good um yeah I was thinking about talking about the video but I'd really like to get some more firm fixes in um so I'll wait until the next time when I have more news Okay million uh mid July should be coming in from the vendor and being installed the salt shed the walls are up I'm waiting about I think we're about 20 days out from them curing before we can start the uh wood structure on top of the roof finish that off uh in the consent agenda you notice there's a resignation of a DPW uh labor or driver I should say uh we are going to have to post and replace that one um we're already down one cuz we didn't replace when we put a high rent freeze a couple months ago and that last got it left so this one weely cannot do without uh so we will be uh posting and starting interviews and then also the animal shelter is looking for a part-time helper uh them again months ago we never filled a a seat there uh there's one part-time worker there and this is their Peak seat season and they're short-handed with volunteers coming in uh so she's looking for us to if we can put another part-time about 10 to 20 hours a week uh to work the shelter with the other parttime that's there okay so looking to do some interviews and maybe on the next meeting we'll have somebody that we can put on for a hire minimum wage okay nothing to report thank you nothing this evening mayor okay just for me don't touched upon it the Bob kostka 5K registration is open um one thing we've been doing this for 11 years in Bob's name and the the money that we ra we raised over $120,000 to donate to the leart foundation but that's not the only thing we do we have families that have needs that have similar issues we just got notified of a family and I don't want to mention anybody because that's kind of private um the person has um pancreatic cancer and before he was able to start his treatments he had a stroke and he's got little kids so we are helping that family also so we do other things besides busard to help other people out local or not local or people we know or people we don't know um so it's a great or it's a great um um fundraising event that the fire department does with the Katka family in Bob's name he would be very happy what we're doing um but it's you know just it's a terrible terrible disease and and um we're going to keep going as long as we can the registration is open it's uh firefighter Bob cka 5K run walk Run/Walk run sign up if anybody wants to sign up um so it's it's a great event that kicks off Celebration Day um with that um other than that we touched on pretty much everything else that's going on the car show too um car show there's a car show July 20th um which is also next door and also the fire department is going to host a wet Down August 17th that the public is in can come and see It'll be at fireman s to celebrate in the fire department World a new truck that came in one of our new trucks that we ordered and they would just like to show the public and thank the public for for supporting it so that's on August 17 it's a fun day food trucks food and whatever there's going to be a band plane um so that's a that's it's a nice day all right I just want to thank deian and Linda for their suggestions and I have other calls today from other people superintendent schools it takes a village and we're all learning I this is all new to us so it's uh just thanks thanks for the people that came out and help with for suggestions and I mean we forgot about the animals down at the animal control center we forgot the kids at summer camp so we brought water to both of those places so I appreciate the uh the input and that's funny you say the school cool cuz they have a big Outreach too through the PTA and all that stuff so we maybe just them maybe we need to form a kind of an emergency committee and when these things happen bring our committee in sort of like search and rescue on all them people and they can help get the word out um go knock on the door doesn't h a knock on somebody's door to say hey just be careful how are you so we're got to come up with a plan for that that's kind of a yep priority such a priority yeah to that point Deana and Dave thank you for coming out Linda you come so we always have me here don't feel bad if you want to get up and leave none of us will get offended because sometimes you come me your first time should I stay until the end you don't have to I like okay how much more stuff you got e no it's lind's birthday today since s happy birthday she's actually here on her birthday okay all right um item number nine resolution 2024 6.10 consent agenda do I have a motion on the consent agenda to accept it second any questions roll call Catalano yes delar Ripa yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Schubert yes Yi yes okay item 10 pending item second final reading and public hearing ordinance number 13224 chapter 2-8 Municipal fees overnight parment permits public not statement please yes Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in The Herald news and copies were made available to the public so that a motion may be made that it be read by title do I have a motion to read by title so move second all in favor an ordinance of the burough of fluming Dale County of P state of New Jersey amending chapter 2 Administration article 8 policies and procedures section 2-8 fees charge for municipal Services of the code of the bur of Bloomingdale okay have a motion over a public hearing move second all in favor I anyone wishing to speak please come up see none motion to close some move second all in favor I okay this is just simple before we go for adoption this is just a simple um we're just cleaning it up for our auditor um just to make sure our overnight parking permits are consistent all the way through um what we're doing is if somebody signs up in January halfway through they pay half price versus the full price we just making it easier on the residents that come in late but they can't be like you know you start in March and it's March 15th it has to be one or the other okay so okay if there's no questions on that motion for adoption second roll call please Del Ripa yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Yi yes Catalano I'm this is just a personal opinion when it comes to the overnight paring permits in our town I I firmly believe this is one of those situations where we either have street parking well we don't charge a certain number of residents for the ability to have it during the winter not others that just don't stand behind uh so I'm going tostain from this V on the overnight part so you're no vote no vote okay just say no okay that's fine so you're no no okay um number 11 new business adoption of resolution number 2024 6.20 payment of the bills do have a motion to pay the bills Mo second any questions roll call please Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes yai yes Catalano yes delara yes okay Item B adoption of resolution number 20124 6.21 boing the contract sale real estate between um tiand realy LLC and a burrow of Bloomingdale and responsive to Glade Road um just before we I'll just answer why that happened and it fell through when the proposed buyer went up there and did some investigation of the property and with the pond you have to be approximately 150 ft away from the pond before you'll get authorization to build so by doing that there's there's not enough room to put a house up there all right and the plan as everybody knows if we sold that property the deal was we were going to pave that that road there so now for now that is on hold uh we did receive emails from people up there that don't want houses build up there and I saw a thing about apartments so I spoke to that person there's no Apartments going on Glade Road there was never a plan for that we were trying to come up and away because they keep on asking us to pave that road and the way we've been maintaining it we've been getting millings from when we when we PVE a road or repay a road they dig it up and they drop the millings up there and our DP DPW spreads it out for emergency vehicles in then so they can get in and out easily so right now that is that that deal is not going to happen so we have to come up with another plan um so um more to come on that all right so I just need a a motion to void that contract second roll call please hson yes Shubert yes Yi yes Catalano yes Dela yes Graziano yes okay item C adoption of resolution 2024 6.22 renewal of shared service agreement with the Board of Ed regarding the um resource officer yes the are resource officer for the schools do I have a motion to second okay roll call please shebert yes gazi yes Catalano yes Del Ripa yes Graziano yes hson yes okay adopt resolution number 20246 23 renewal shared service agreement with the board of ed for snow removal as you all know we we took over their no removal to save them money and save us money um we were doing our salting anyway so we're going to continue that that shared service agreement we just have to renew it do I have a motion please second May with that that agreement be changed just a tiny bit we had a z uh share service with that this year uh we're going to have to change that to a $1 because I was told we can't do a z do share service today from the school board we're just going to make a okay and so the council knows the shareff service the one you just approved prior to the school is playing the full boat so it's the same money being transferred back and forth with no change what we're doing currently but with our auditor we can't take money from this sow and pay somebody with it with person any questions on that okay I a motion already yep please excuse me could you cut the for them as well that is the same service that we do that's up yeah but is that is that we get money for that one yes you're getting money for this one too but you're just not seeing it on the bo last year we split the cost of the resource officer I remember that yeah we have 15 grand for this right so our order says you can't do it that way because you can't move money around to do all that so this is just a clean slate they'll pay the whole Freight and we'll do their snow so it's okay okay $11 roll call please gassie yes Catalano yes delara yes Graziano yes Hudson yes tubert yes okay item a adopt our resolution number 2024 6.24 reappointment of our school law enforcement officer Jim troli um to renew his employment so move second okay just before we do roll call there I got to tell you he does a great job with the kids he is very active with at all grades and you'll see stuff on Facebook that he partakes in everything that goes up there um the date of graduation he was really helpful the kids were up there sweating he was handing water out Jump Around helping people sitting um people up in a tent area and a hard time getting up he's just does a great job um representing us and the school they love him yep every student every parent knows yeah he may be the most popular officer yeah so can I have roll call please Catalano yes Del Ripa yes Graziano yes hedson yes Shubert yes yeah see yes okay item F adoption of resolution number 20 24 6.25 authorizing a contract with mobile mini lease of mobile office for Police Department do I have a motion sobody second okay you want to explain that you want me to yeah we just have a 30-year-old trailer out there that we're utilizing right now that has a lot of leaks and holes in it and stuff and it's time to replace uh so we're going to lease a unit for two years uh and with an option to lease it out again after obviously uh and we hope we get approval here tonight so I can go ahead and sign this contract and get this Z with in the next two weeks just just so you know the the one that we're getting is 12 by 60 which is almost twice the size of that one um between width and L all right um the plan is when we talked to the chief is once that's here he will move all the right now the lockers are in one room and some are in there we'll be able to take the lockers that are in the building and put everything everybody into that trailer so that everybody will have their own we do have one spot in the trailer which now we do for our for Alex our female officer so she has her own dressing room this will also have that he'll be able to take the locker room they have now and make that their evidence room um he gave kind of gave us a tour of the evidence Locker they have now they are splitting at the seams it's a closet um it's a closet yeah and and file cabinets and stuff like that work so this will will help out we're also probably going to replace a shed we're going to take the shed down to get this unit in so we'll be purchasing some type of a shed from yeah if you go out to the brown shed that's out there where they keep their sign board and all that that's outside what me if anybody's familiar with the shed that's down the the firehouse on you na there's a 10 by 20 I think it is shed down there with a garage door we'll purchase something like that it's about $8,000 and replace everything over there and will fit all their needs in there um so but that is when they took us in there it's in very bad shape they had water coming in it was going all over the computers it's it's just shot it's just totally totally beat so I we got 30 years out of it I have a question um is there any um long-term I mean this sounds like a a shortterm solution it's abanded but um are they going to are you going to look for a better I know it's been in the I've heard the conversation before and you know they they really need more room and and uh and I and I've had a conversation that you know they need more people with especially as the town gets bigger did you have that conversation um just with the chief and you know that's something that is like what I'm saying is is there any room in the future to accomodate police St more we've had conversations with the chief and that's been a conversation that's been had for a long time to build a true police station um but everything takes millions of dollars to do that because if you bring it up to today's standard it's got to have a jail facility it has to have all these state requirements that are in there um with that we do pass the accreditation every year or when it comes du with what we have today um if we outgrow it we'll have to make a decision then but as of today there's no plans definite plans um to build a new police station we on that note though we do need to sit down with the subcommittee and the chief and the fire chief and and other department heads and then put some type of five or 10 year plan together where we think we want to be and how do we get there so and safety wise 100% you know uh for our dispatchers and any type of um you know as traffic patterns increase and people you know Route 23 and all kinds of you know uh th Fair like um just just in the past couple of I mean obviously the good weather and everyone's out but that you know Union is and I noticed the police department put out the speeding um signs for like Union AV Rees like and there's just so many more people and I just you know traffic stops I've see them pull over lots of people and if they need room in that police station to process you know their shoulder to shoulder these guys are big and I don't know do they do they have a workout like area no they all get um part of their contract because they get a gym pass and they get x amount to put to a gym if they don't use it in a gym they don't get the money so they all go to a gym which I think is most of them go up to one and Butler Kenan over there um but they do work out I mean if you look at them you you know they work yeah we increased that in the last contract yeah yeah so they're well taken care of when it comes to their physical ability and what they have to do to maintain being an officer um they do run together they do group things together to make sure they all stay in shape do they have air conditioning and then you yeah a you bought okay y we're going to buy not bought yeah we're going Le not and the money for this is uh we did the presentation last week or last month I whatever it was with the budget we were going to self fund a couple of things uh for the police uh and the DPW we're going to use that money to lease this and the ordinance you're introducing tonight is going to have those two items the alha test and the gas boy in the capital Improvement so looking at the bond which we have to do okay Bond money for lease okay any other questions yeah the amount in the contract that's over the two years right that's for the exactly right y thanks okay okay roll call please gipa yes Graziano yes Hudson yes Shubert yes Yi yes Catalano yes okay okay item G introduction of bond ordance number 15224 various Capital Improvements have a motion to read by title move second all favor I Bond ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Acquisitions and improvements by and in the burrow of Bloomingdale County faic state of New Jersey appropriating 42656 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 45382 bonds or notes of the burrow to finance part of the cost thereof uh Second and final reading will be on July 16th okay item H introduction of bond ordinance number 16224 amending Bond Ordinance 18-202 do I have a motion to read by title so move second all favor I I okay Bond ordinance amending and supplementing Section 3 A2 of bond ordinance number 18-202 here to4 finally adopted on September 7th 2021 by and in the burough of Bloomingdale County pic state of New Jersey to increase the appropriation to 784 th000 to increase the authorization of bonds or notes to $746,000 and to increase the down payment to $3 $7,700 therein second and final reading and adoption will also be on July 16th okay okay can have a motion open up late public comment all in favor anyone wishing to come [Music] up um are we going to give water out to people if we don't get this um taken care of in the next couple of days that would be a discussion that um we'd have to make a decision we do have water like Mike said we we brought it to the kids for the um summer camp and where else did you bring for the U Down the animal shelter and help out down there told me I know they they have a lot of there the senior center yeah yeah they're they're taking care of um if people need water we'll come up with a plan to help out um I don't know how many cases we have down the firehouse which normally restore stuff um yeah so you will have to come up with a plan I want to see what happens tomorrow thank anyone else you good okay motion to close lay public comment some second all favor I okay we do not have anything for executive session tonight um our next meeting is July 16th 2024 at 7 o'cl it's our regular meeting and then August 20 20th is our regular meeting also we do have one meeting in July and one in August C motion to adjourn second all in favor thank you everyone