uh good evening everyone this is um a regular meeting agenda of the governing body of the burough Bloomingdale Tuesday January 16 2024 at 7 p.m. we call the meeting to order by the i al to the flag of the United States of America it stands Nation indivisible andice for all okay just for the record um with the inclement weather um Bri Smith will be on the phone tonight um doing the clerk work from there I told her to we pretty much told her to stay home cuz the roads in West mother are bad so um we'll be able to do everything right here if you have any questions for her shoot them over to my software mic and we can ask pretty but she's on the phone and everybody should be able to hear her pretty clearly okay so we will on uh roll call Mayor deato here councilman Catalano here councilman Del Ripa here councilman Grano here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman Schubert here here okay we also have anal clerk Brianna Smith by telephone business administrator Michael sandmar and B Attorney Fred samur this meeting is called to purum to the provisions of the open public meetings law add a quick notice of this meeting was advertised in the Herold news on January 12th 20124 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in the municipal building a copy of this notice is available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk as per state fire code I am required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance which you enter through and a secondary exit to the left to where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs and out the building any questions please raise your hand seeing none um we do not have any non-agenda items tonight can I have a motion open up early public comment second Hudson Del but all favor I okay reporter committees wait open hold on a second oh um okay a motion to close or only public comments second all in favor I okay now reported committees e um for the uh Library um the new uh director um is has you know started her uh newent there at the library Alexandri de Cesar um there are um the designer Bingo um is scheduled to happen March 22nd and Julian pianos on May 4th um while meeting I I asked I told her that she should definitely um use our Public public events calendar and and include um all these uh events because uh Pat used to do that with like the Holiday Stroll and and stuff so she's she's going to do that um and with the Trib bar their count this year for December um the total um um Tri B 2023 were 18 1,83 calls um for December their total was 170 uh Tri covered uh 85 um 63 were covered they missed 22 um 75 calls uh for the paid uh squads um also the mutual Aid numbers were Riverdale 2 um Pon Lakes 2 one H one and uh West Milford board um total calls for December for Butler 56 Bloomingdale 51 kinon 57 um I don't have anything to report from dbo um but with the uh seniors they have a lot of uh programs lined up um Mike does put the uh or they the schedule is online um this week they have um their chair aerobics um their balance classes um and uh this um Wednesday the 17th is bance class and and then on January 18th is their Library Valentine craft that they do at the at the senior center um definitely encourage anybody to go online and take a look at that okay good anybody else on this um yes just uh one thing on the public event calendars for 2024 we did add Monday March 11th that's Ramadan present lighting that will be 6:30 pm. at the at here at Burrow Hall um Nadia will be handling that for us and um that is actually our first event for the year and just with with that event we are guests there we do not sponsor that event that is sponsored by that gr just one thing on my side so thank you to the police and all who attended and the economic development commission been thr the p with police over at Bellar parlor on Sunday from 11 to one a good turnout I think the business owners are very appreciative and it was a fun time there was a good group there a lot of people right if the mayor was there um it was a good turnout by the police as usual so um thank everybody who helped to pull that together and then attended oh I have one more thing um no I just want to say thank you to our uh our police and our DPW uh today the roads were just it was kind of one battle after another between the snow and and the freezing rain and um so thank you to our DPW as always for handling our roads they do a great job actually we got a nice complimentary um service request service request from person on leech Road in glenw Lake really thanking them for what they do and keeping all the roads open so that was nice to see that we got good so people are recognizing uh just with uh with Recreation uh I'll touch base that basketball is going and running smoothly right now uh schi was initially cancelled I think with some of the weather we've had hopefully that will be off and running well um and then looking forward to the spring a little bit and uh some fun stuff coming back it looks like they are going to try and reorganize and get the Bonnet contests going again PR be Dr on this year um other than that I think that's also Rec is looking for counselors for summer program we are looking for counselors for summer program and uh are organizing a class uh with Ruckers uh to get coaches trained up as well too the people that are going to be involved um and that they should open up to all organizations for the Rucker safety class because you must have that to be told you to any organization that is correct that's do yep okay Mike I'm nothing um just a couple things that that um and Mike was involved in the covert on on B uh Chestnut and vanam has been cleared um the collapse there there is and you saw that on the emergency on the uh one of the resolutions which we are pulling that off tonight because there's still more work that needs to be done down there um so but that worked really well with the last rain that we had that we didn't have flooding down on on that section of vanam and in those backyards it drained a lot quicker so that was really causing problems down there so that has been resolved but the'll be more to come as two phases of this project one to keep a covert open and the other one we have to make a decision on how to rebuild the rest of that cover to The Crossing on vanan whether we put block on both sides but we have to work with the homeowner on that to get permission because that is not as an easement there right now so we have to kind of work that out toh take care of that section of vanam which which help that it really helped a lot removing that debris with all the flooding that on in town Sloan Park once again great job for that that project that we did there we didn't have any water on Main Street with this last rain um which was terrific and the river was flowing I mean really moving um but as You' seen in the news and News 12 if you watched it there was a lot of other towns around us that got hit pretty hard P the lake being being one so we feel feel for those people but um luckily our our Park our Park project for flooding project I'll call it work is still working really well yeah um they long story short we were trying to figure out all the CTS on vanam from TY to Chestnut have numbers on them which were previously were owned by what we thought the county when we contacted the county they said no Bloomingdale took them over years ago I mean way I mean years like the late 7s early 80s um but more research we found that whatever that deal was was never completed so now the Count's got them back okay so they're going to figure out um what they have to do to get underneath each cover to clean them up they're all full set and there's one section where there's two pipes one is clogged and the other one they just put a pipe above it whoever did that many many years ago so if you go down by Tice that you'll see that fills up quicker because it has to get to the second pipe we get the first pipe fixed that'll also drain a lot quicker so Mike's working with um the county and the county Engineers to come up with a plan to clean them all out so and they're going to send up their Engineers to inspect so that's that's done um I received a phone call or an email I will say over the weekend Garden Glade Road one Glade Road where the for what they told me there was trees laying on the electric that were going to come down so what I did this was Saturday at 5:00 so I just got my truck I went up and looked it wind up being it and and actually I text um Butler Electric and they gave me the whole rundown it's not electric they thought it was Verizon I wouldn't look it was absolutely um it was cable but it was close to the ground Crossing Glade Ro to get the back um so today cable came out with the help of actually Tony Marciano who made a contact with cable and they sent their construction team up here and they cut the tree out of the way legally we are not allowed to touch anything that touches the utility all right it's their responsibility we do it we take all responsibility so those wires come down and we cut it wrong or somebody gets hurt it's our fault we be responsible for pay to put it all back up so that's that works there and actually Jeff Ricker gave me an education on Saturday when I text him on how it kind of works um and plus we don't have a bucket truck anymore to do it if you cut it wrong you can get hurt cuz that wire will come back and slingshot whoever's up there off of the off of the ladder if you don't have the proper BP so it's done it's taken care of it's all cleared it's um good to go and thank you Tony for uh getting somebody to do it today so that's all I have can I add one thing to Butler Electric um I spoke actually with Jeff rer over the last number of days and I didn't realize that the only way that they know that there is a power outage I mean is basically by phone calls there is no other system so just as a reminder to the residents that they do need to call if there is a power outage um once you know one person calls you don't need to remind your neighbors for 5,000 other calls but um they do need that phone call to know whether there's a power addage or not so you cannot make the Assumption that's being taken care of yeah and once they do get it they post all over that they are have crews are on way so people will see their day respond really quick we are really fortunate to have bu Electric in this area Okay item number eight resolution number 2024 1.100 consent agenda do I have a motion so move second P yeah yeah just just a reminder the the bottom one 2024 1.15 is being removed um from the agenda that will be on next month's agenda okay any questions about anything else roll call please Catalano yes Del rip yes Graziano yes Hudson yes hbert yes Yi yes okay item number nine pending item second final reading public hearing ordinance number 1- 2024 amending chapter 21 Municipal Towing this is very simple we're just um adjusting our fees for for towing um that's no cost for us the person who gets tow pays it but we have to have a fee ordinance adjusted as per our chief public not statement please yes Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in The Herald news and copies were made available to the public so that a motion may be made that it be read by title okay can I have a motion to read by title so move second all favor I an ordinance of the burough of Bloomingdale in the county of pic and state of New Jersey to amend chapter 21 Municipal Towing section 21-17 Towing rates complaints appeals of the code of the burough of Bloomingdale okay ca motion open up public hearing some Mo second all in favor those you Del thank you okay anyone wishing to speak please come forward see no one a motion to close secondi all in favor motion for adoption second roll call please Del yeso yes Hudson yes Hubert yes G yes Catalano yes okay all right uh the next four items basically we did not um add these vendors in our reorg we're just going to do it tonight and this will be adoption of resolution number 2024 1.15 through um 2024 1.08 10 108 hson any questions what's a grant researcher okay um Mike sent out information to all of us we are hiring Millennium strategies which is a grant writing firm there's a lot of money out there there that if it's written correctly we could um benefit from do you want to allow yeah so there's two different ones on there from Millennium so the yearly fee is I want I think it's 4,800 or 4,400 I can't recall 48 thank you Bri and that'll get you to their portal which allows you to see all the grants that are out there uh and it also assigns you a team that you can talk to and they can talk about specific grants with you uh and then work work your way through that and decide okay that's a good one that the town wants to go after and then at that point we would say yes Millennium we want to try and write a grant for that Grant they then charge you $150 an hour or they give you not to exceed number at the rate of 150 bucks an hour and that's what the second one is we know we want to go after the bog Pond money for the playground more money for the uh all-inclusive Jake law so for that they gave us the quote not to exceed whatever it is 10 hours there's a not to exceed number on there so that's what the second one is four so we're going hire them for the year and we're hiring them to do that specific one grand for us which could net us 500 Grand so so it cost us 3500 for that so if we receive one it's more than pay we've talked about doing this for years and we've tried writing grants ourselves with without success so it's time that we went out and have professionals do it for us and Mike did the research and actually looked at two different companies um actually one we spoke to done at the Le leag and then we did some more research up here and Millennium is um the number one yeah they're the most known okay out there um with really good results so hopefully uh this will fall in our favor and we'll be able to continue looking for other grants too to do the projects and and right we're looking at first respond or stuff for sure yes looking at fire department stuff uh police department stuff that they can start reaching out for so and we do want to add and finish right now we have a half a million dollars just under half a million through open space yep and the it's coming in at right about 650 7 probably about 800 Grand would be the project complet and we are applying again open space to add more money to that to that playground so we can complete it all one shot but if we get this we could definitely get it done and we can assign that third one to somewhere else in town for so that's where we are with that any other questions okay roll call please Grano yes Hudson yes Hubert yes gy yes Catalano yes Dela yes okay okay new business adoption of resolution number 2024 1.19 paying the bills do I have a motion please second hson any questions roll call Hudson yes Hubert yes gy yes Catalano yes R yes Grano yes okay have a motion to up public comment so mooved Hudson Catal Hudson Catal okay all in favor I okay anyone wishing to come up mayor the uh member of the public tonight is uh Nick wall of our office he's an associate who started in October he uh clerked in the Superior Court over in Sussex County uh for judge MCG govern and uh he's been with our office and Nick I swear there's some nights you can't get a seat here but you we picked a good night to comea sorry if you overpaid for your seat but but anyway I just in Bleach I just wanted to introduce to you wanted to meet everybody so Nick welcome we're glad you made the drive yeah okay okay um see noan do I have a motion to close lay public comments second all in favor before you close out everybody received the report today too just take a look at your emails from Jasmine uh financial report that's something she's going to look to do going forward here uh keep in mind that's working on the temporary budget numbers we don't have a budget approved yet so that's why it's a $3 million what we're working on for right now so yeah I'm really excited about that I think it's a great transparency that's added to us here on the council and I think that over the year it's really going to help us to understand where we are as we're making that came from Heather she does that we've always wanted to do it she does it so now people we able to do it so J's on board and yeah we're the way we're going to go and if you see anything that just you know sticks out that you have any questions on just uh send an email back to Jasmine or Heather or Mike and Mike and they'll be able to answer you know yeah what it's about or whatever your question is I already did and she's so responsive it's awesome yeah J's good yep I don't know if everybody met Heather but you should if you didn't you when she's in you should try to stop here and talk to Meer your deal okay um just so everybody knows our next meeting will be February 6 uh 2020 will be a workshop meeting and then February 20th will be the second meeting of February uh do I have a motion to adjourn some move second all in favor I good