all right this is a regular meeting of the governing body of the burough of Bloomingdale Tuesday May 21st 2024 at 7 pm I call this meeting to order and I ask that we all rise to salute the flag I algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call please council president Graziano here councilman Catalano here councilman Dela here councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman Shubert here councilman yai here we also have with us our municipal clerk Brianna Smith business administrator Michael S and bur attorney suan Esquire public notice statement this meeting is called pursuant to the pro provisions of the open public meeting law adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in The Herald news on January 12th 2024 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in the municipal building copy of this notice is available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk per state fire code I required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance which you enter through and a secondary the left of where I am seated there is an emergency walk orderly to the exits exit through the door down the stairs and out the building if there are any questions please raise your hand now not seeing any we do have one non-agenda item so it is for resolution number 2024 5.26 for core sampling on Orchard Street uh with key Tech so let's move on early public comment can I have a motion to open up move second all in favor seeing no one motion to close move second all in favor I reports of committees I just want to start with uh that today I went to the senior center where they presented um Crystal what's her last name what's Crystal's last name s s with the um they presented her with the plaque because she is U moving on from the uh call center uh from the senior center and um I believe she going to Bo somewhere in BO yeah yeah and everyone loved her there and uh Mike gave her a a pack and uh they had LUN is very nice um the um first aid Squad is um Tri barel they are they're doing a spiritual medium night um uh that's June 28th it's a Friday um doors open at 5:30 uh tickets the program starts from 6:00 to 7:30 um tickets are $35 uh you in advance or call Patty and um they did post it but the number is 973 94116 and uh um I I already said April's numbers um uh for um for Bloomingdale there were 34 um kinel along 43 Butler 63 total of 141 calls um also uh the for they're still registering for the BBC and um for football and their website is available and um I know some people went to the uh vetnam um Memorial I was away uh but it's now open to the public in uh Wayne Uh at the uh Public Safety Academy from what uh um from what I heard it was a really beautiful ceremony I don't know if anybody went um also the library they had their Julie piano that was a big success their next event is the queen tea which is um May 30th um their pain is not until nov that's um first I just wanted to thank everyone that came out for Town and uh River cleanup day it was a great event we got a lot done um Town looks a lot cleaner uh don't forget the Memorial Day parade is May 27th that's m uh it's starting in Bloomingdale 9:00 a.m. lineup is 8:30 uh also the townwide garage sales June 1st um and I believe Bri you can still sign up correct yes by emailing the clerk's office at Bloomingdale um and then I believe free what date are we going to start the maps uh the Tuesday after Memorial okay um and then there will be the Google link to all the maps and a printed list as well uh John I'll let you talk about SLO Park Festival on June 8th uh then we also have June 29th is a what we call the Fourth of July fireworks that's 6 PM Walter T we have some nice food vendors um couple rides and the fireworks um as always um the website don't forget to sign up for uh Rave the reverse 911 and the recycle coach you can find them on the main page bottom right hand side and I think that's it thank you oh burrow uh burrow uh no DPW pickup and the burrow is closed also on the 27th which is memorial T anybody down that way just com sum Camp signs are still open also science micc they had a raffle as well something away Orchard Street is completed still waiting to finish the Assa shed and theion site work is done but we'll wait for the full structures to show up also um I just want to say how um when I did go to the event today um Richard and everyone was working in Sunny's gard and the the footings were up for the Gazebo that looks beautiful um what's the when is that going to be finished Mike we're waiting to hear back from the gentleman we bought the shed from Amish Mike when he's going to deliver but what what Rich did say is I don't know if you could tell the guys the U the stumps that are left half if they could get rid of them that they'll die and fester and like them pull them out with yep I'll ask I'll ask nothing nothing this okay have a couple things uh first also Town cleanup day I thought it was fantastic um thank you to Don when who did a lot of work on that and getting that together well I also have to than my because he was awfully helpful with a lot of updated uh emails and things so that was Mike was a great help in getting people there yeah I agree and and very helpful during the event as well along with the DPW uh PD environmental commission but then also the volunteers most importantly I think we had Tri burough fire department B&B United Girl Scouts Cub Scouts and the Russo residence that came I just wanted to pitch in the clean up I don't think I'm missing any but the that was the one but they're worth saying twice they brought a lot of people with two different locations but yeah thank you I thought it was a great success um for SLO Park Festival as Don said June 8th from 3 to 9 o'clock it's uh gonna have two different bands going on one in the we'll say late afternoon and the one one in the early evening it's going to close off the streets between reev and ly so plan accordingly but it'll be nice because it won't just be in the park it'll also be in the street and involved some of the businesses uh in front there as well um so I look forward to that on June 8th um we also have for the EDC of ribbon cutting ceremony on June 14th um apologize I don't have the time in front of me right now so I can get that to you guys I think I sent it to you to you all in an email but it's for dive in 3D pets so this is where Loren used to be and then Brothers Auto One technically still is I believe they're in the back there um but it still welcome those two new businesses to the area very very interesting business and they're going to have some demonstrations even at the SLO Park Festival so they're planning to be a part of that too 4M 4 pm thank you Don I only set it up I don't know what time it is all right 4M and then um also uh just want to to give condolences to the Bendel family um Kevin Bendell passed away he was fighting cancer a really private battle with it um they just had the memorial service earlier today and I know uh Drew is a member of the fire department and and we also have Lisa she was part of the EDC for a number of years very active contributor um I know they're making donations in his memory to the fire department in L of flowers and just uh our condolences to to the bendal family okay so next item resolution number 2024 5.15 consent agenda any questions second I have a motion second roll call please calano yes Dela yes Riano yes but abstain from resolution number 20124 5.8 Hudson yes Shubert yes but obain from 4 five 17 yeah yes pending items item a second final reading in public hearing for ordinance number 11-202 24 amending chapter 7 traffic public notice statement please this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in theal news and copies were made available to the public so that a motion may be made that it be read by title can I have a motion to read by title second all in favor an ordinance of the Bro of lingdale in the county of fa state of New Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic section 7-1 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets and section 7-17 of the code of the bough of Bloomingdale a motion open public hearing second all in favor hi seeing no one motion to close move second all in favor I motion for adoption second second just quick reminder this is one side of the traffic or on Wallace AB where you can't park on the east side and then also making it four tons through all of the burrow roads not the county roads those are the two updates here roll call please Dela yes Graziano yes Hudson yes schert yes gassi yes Catalano yes B adoption of resolution number 2024 5.23 accepting bid from public land sale this was 3338 W Glade Road so I know we talked about this in the last meeting but there's any questions on this motion for adoption second Graziano yes Hudson yes chuber yes yai yes Catalano yes Del Ripa yes okay item 10 new business sub letter A adoption of resolution number 2024 5.24 Municipal obligations to have a motion second yes with the exception of p24 d457 Huber yes gassie yes Catalano yes delara yes Graziano yes okay Item B adoption of resolution number 2024 5.25 authorizing the issuance of a not to exceed $696,000 180 Bond anticipation note so this has to do with the fire trucks that we approved guess it was late last year we come we have so that's what this is all about so motion for adoption someone second tubert yes pii yes Catalano yes Del R yes Rano yes Hudson yes item C introduction of bond ordinance number 12- 2024 reconstruction of Catherine Street and Bailey Avenue I have a motion second we do can you just could we talk about what's what are they going to do exactly that's and then that's when you abstained right last so is it this one just by title that we're going to go up for a bond for this project this one we received $416,000 from the do to work on the curbs and the P this is one I I asked for a poll on to we're going to do the sidewalk tonight do a sidewalk assessment we are not going to do a sidewalk assessment we're not going to touch the sidewalks uh so it's going to be curves Road and they're out there right now surveying the storm drains there's any issue with storm drains and stuff like that and that'll be part of this is that the one that has the bridge that like at the end there's like a this is Bailey Road and is the next one up that looks little they're touch that too right that looks like a ditch just Paving bridge if there's like a c you're talking at the end like near Star Lake Road that's not included this that's something else we'd have to look at down the road they don't they don't do the Cs with this years ago we got that cleaned up right we did but we've had some issues with it recently too we did a little bandaid fix on it and at some point we're going to have to that again with with the CT up on and plates or C up on Reeves we have some some drainage stuff fix best way to think about this they're going seven in down so they Mill pave and do curves so I think everything in the top seven in so the entrances to all the storm grains are not down the storm just that top layer middle pavek you motion with Hudson and second I'm G to read by title Bond ordinance providing for the Reconstruction of Catherine Street and Bailey Avenue by and in the burough of Bloomingdale in County faade state of New Jersey appropriating 85,000 therefore inclusive of a state of New Jersey Department of Transportation Grant in the amount of 46,00 30 and authorizing the issuance of 85,000 bonds or notes of the burrow to finance the cost thereof second and final reading and adoption for this ordinance will be on June 11th thank you so our non agenda item this was motion second that's what I was asking if we had to do that okay so all in favor well I'm just GNA say yes for the C Street I abstained from d and I'm imagining you saying the opp OPP so I don't voice y or I'm I don't think we need to capture that necessarily but do we need to do a roll call on no CU it's introdu so then I record that correctly John your vote is up stain your vote isain yeah yeah just go yeah because you can't really break it up it's a bond for both okay so just remember on the 11th you guys won't be able you shouldn't vote on that Mike when is that work going to start it has to be awarded by November like the first week of November so it won't start till spring of next year has to be approved first Tom's got to wait for all the information back the survey work then he develops the plans and he goes out the bid and then we have to approve have to award it by to a contractor by November 12 or 13th by that in order to get the do you don't approve by then you lose the ,000 off at least it's just P going to be we're not all right so not agenda item so resolution number 224 5.26 core sampling Orchard Street Key Tech um like just we do it on every job you have to do it for the do again that was another do Grant so you have to do a core sample of the ash to make sure it's stable so do a little sample and this is part of the project I have a motion second yes Catalano yes Del yes Graziano yes hson yes yes late public comment have a motion to open second all in favor seeing no one motion to close all in favor okay we have no executive session our next meeting will be June 5th oh actually June 5th 2024 uh saring ceremony for a new officer so hope everyone can be there for that and our next Workshop meeting is June 11th motion to attorney second all in favor thank you