okay good evening everyone I hear you right this is a work workshop meeting agenda of the governor body of the BAU BL Dale Tuesday February 6 2024 at 700 p.m. I call the meeting T by the s to the Flagg to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation indivisible andice all roll call please mayor deato here councilman Catalano here councilman Dela here councilman Graziano is excused councilwoman Hudson here councilwoman shuber here councilman Yi here okay we also have our municipal clerk Brian Smith business administrator Michael sandmire and our burough attorney B Sol this meeting is called to pursuant of the provisions of the open public meetings law add a quick notice of this meeting was advertised in The Herald news on January 12 2024 copies were provided to the local news media and posted continuously in a municipal building a copy of this notice is available to the public and is on file of the office of the municipal clerk as per state fire code I am required to acknowledge that there are two emergency exits in this council chambers the main entrance which you enter through and a secondary exit to the left of where I am seated if there is an emergency walk orderly to the exit exit through the door down the stairs and out the building there's any questions please raise your hand see none we do not have any non-agenda items tonight we do have um three presentations which which we will do now so I'm going to SL down and it's an hon for us to do this we overlays certain where they up they resided the three gentlemen we are recognizing and I believe what that's about so without further Ado we're going to recognize appreciation present private robt with great pride ination R will be honorly private Robert United States Army of his Brave service sacrifice defense of our vation in our in our presented the sixth day of February myself street it's take that also s our second recipient is Sergeant United States Marine cor I'll it once again stes in defense of our great Na and our freedom the of February by myself Mayor John govern for us to recognize one of this one here is kind of a and I told story earlier about H Jer went on thef trip going back years ago used to go down to Mar my brother people said Jerry Was You me let's just say that- uned stesy cud Serge Geral United States Army VI great service and sacrifice defense of our great nation anded the day of February 202 will stre now waiting for the to [Applause] yes I'm not sure what intersection I know there one up there might theot it all depends already be one at the top it might be at the top of where the might be right there that street once we figure it out I will let you know where right thank you yeah ahead no you must stay for the rest of the meeting and there will be a report thank you all for coming night coming out tonight appreciate it okay um number seven New Jersey D Green Acres Program Jake law Grant application Bo Pond Park and playground and this is a public hearing this is part of the um Grant Pro um application that we have to hold a public hearing on what we want to do and what we're allowed to do at BO Pon so I'm going to turn this over to Mike he's going to present the concept plan and then if we have any questions we can we can discuss it yes so mov need a second to open second okay all in favor I I okay so just a little brief history on this one we applied with the county open space uh and we received two uh Grants open space grants the last couple years from the county uh in total of about $450,000 uh and then we came across this Jake law it's a Green Acres Grant uh from the New Jersey d uh we're applying for the full amount which is 750,000 and you can use the open space Grant we got from the county uh as a pay uh uh what's the word looking for matching matching thank you very much as a matching Grant uh so we have 450 we can use that we're looking to get the 750 the total project right now and this is for an inclusive uh Park and it's up there on the screen there are some mandates we have to have in order to go for the Jake law inclusive Park one is and it's not shown on there it has to be fenced in uh so the park will be fenced in if we get this grant uh has to be a solid surface uh so we're showing that that solid surface on that what you see there there will be grass uh that's what's driving the price up and obviously we get this grant it's all paid pretty much about 100% uh by grants uh so we're hoping to do our best to get that as part of our grant process along with this discussion uh this open Forum here we had to also send out uh and we had on our website the last couple of days about a week or so we did a survey um with with things that they had us ask and we got about 60 responses back uh everybody's in favor uh up the park a lot of people were asking about a fence uh so they can didn't have to worry about their kids uh walking off and there's only one entrance or exit out and there wor about around the water and stuff a lot of people were asking for water park features uh we're going to pass on that at this point uh just due to liability uh issues with the water park um so we will not be doing that there are probably about 10 out of 60 that people asked about some type of water park splash pad yeah uh there are a lot of stem projects I mean stem activities with this there are musical instruments for kids uh stations to go at um obviously the swings and the all-inclusive meaning anybody and everybody uh from ages 2 to 12 this is built for um you have to add shade so that's would also raise are cost up originally the cost was about 500,000 uh but we had to have 25% of the park had to be covered in shade whether that's with canopies like you see here or trees we didn't have the trees uh so we had to do the canopies so the total projects that we have budgeted right now is about 1.2 million uh again we're going for the 750,000 with the Jake law Grant and then along with our 450,000 from the open space that we already have with the county uh we should he Sometime Late April if we got this grant that we're going for uh with the D and if we get that we will be breaking ground this year um and putting this in place uh if we don't get it then we have to go back and just look at where we're at but then we might have to go back to phas again and and then we have another phase that we can get another another uh open space we can apply for with the county uh we're talking to them now maybe get a third phase uh to help offset this cost if we have to actually we're going through that that application fee for that anyway right the uh yes yep open space for the camp yeah uh I don't know if we want to open it up anybody has any questions or concerns about the playground on Bo Park this a we're obviously taking the old one completely down uh which is all made with with pressure treated lumber uh that's going away the Gazebo this this pcture is really not detail accurate uh the Gazebo is staying in the middle it's not moving like is shown there uh and it's the same the 2 and5 area which is on the bottom left down here and the swings are the same exact place where those areas are now and then the older kids are across uh closer to the Sanel Lane uh which is the north side of that picture you see there and everything has to be Ada accessible right yes that's part of this too 100% that's what the in all inclusive is uh Ada y for it anybody and everybody from ages 2 to 12 have a question the fencing um like since we have the thinking of like when we have the little one high like the pond area how what's the like would there be a fence away from the pond like where the kids the fence will be right around where that little black one foot high wall is now that keeps all the mulch in that'll be a chain Ling fence about 4 foot high around the entire area so kids can't get out anywhere they want they have to be in and out of a single spot basically it's going to cover the padded area the fencing right yep the fencing will cover that see that dark and the light green the fencing will cover that dark green up to the walking path side three foot fence or four fo four foot yep four foot any other questions any questions from the public I want to come up and ask this has been a long time coming the the we figured the park that's there is over 25 years 25 years old and the way this started is we were going up here to see if we can start replacing things to make it a little bit safer but it would all the wood would have to be replaced it's pressure treated it's outlived its life I believe um for that and if we get all this grant money it'll be a beautiful Park and hopefully we we get everything we're looking for and we will have a brand new park by the end of the year we did get a couple of letters recommendation one from the superintendent and one from the president of PTA uh which is awesome that goes into our our package also that going to tomorrow morning uh with the last couple of things we have to do uh it'll be sent out and then we'll waiting again to hear and this is all going down to our new Grant company all going through to them yep it's about an 85 page I just got it tonight I have to go back to it tonight uh document that they put together I just got to confirm and check and get and we'll send it through them to DP tomorrow morning it's quite a process it's actually a learning thing for us because it's time we went for Grant it's never been this detailed and now that we have a completely detailed report pictures things you have the way you have to advertise there's always little things that we didn't know about so I think um we're in I think we're in a good place and hopefully we'll know by April so it sounds like a positive that we brought these guys off Inc work oh yeah this would have this would have been a nightmare to do some probably wouldn't have did it as detailed in for what we really needed to do soyar and if you leave something out and miss something get thrown to the bottom of the pack any other questions from the council okay have a motion to close public hearing second all in favor I I okay um Can a motion open up early public second all in favor okay you gonna come up first L because um yeah yeah let Kim go first come on Kim Kim has some um um presentation to make to us normally we would do this after end of the meeting but I'm just going to bring her up so she can do this and not wait till we're done so yeah you got to state your name and address Soph Street hi everybody thank you for having me um I just wanted to it's very fitting that I came to speak to you today as we were doing that Beau presentation um we have been working with the BFW in Butler most of you know howly um Linda has been working with the benett has been working with the commander through bbco we wanted to help do a fundraiser we all know we all love D and the damage is tremendous um I think far exceeding what what they were prepared for so I just wanted to give you for anyone who doesn't have an update of what what we what we currently know um BF supports Riverdale speaking as speak to them does everybody know what exactly happened here that they were flooded from right and I believe they had pumping issues yeah so for weeks so the the current update I can give you is that you know many of the areas impacted by the FL are still off limits to members they use emergency funding um to repair the pipes and replace to prevent additional damage some of the damag furniture has been removed but most of it is all damaged and has to be taken out uh the insurance company had a third inspection on Friday and still processing the claim an independent claim adjuster has been assigned to assist and contractors being contacted for bids for demolition repair outside and so I mean for bbco what we're doing is we're going to do a tast British D to donate so obviously ioun many invations so I just want to PL the SE that you know if there's anything that additional committees can do always like W's nights and things like that anyone else can jump on board and do anything to support you know trying a lot am restore and be able to service our again the firemen actually will be doing a yeah I'm not sure of the date yet I I think they do have a date already scheduled it's during the week but as soon as we get that then we'll pass it on as well but I I believe Bri um put out on social media correct three four the D toate dining to donate y so yeah I'm for youim I I actually I spoke to Mayor Martinez because it's the in Butler and he I asked him because I saw that there was three different um like gundies for it he has not been approached or involved I did see that one wased do they need physical help like guys gutting it going in with tools and they need that they will we told them we can we can promote that and ask for help as soon as they get the they're not allowed to demo anything theim ad has full assment and it just seems the obviously did you have you created like a letter of uh like as far as and congratulations to you on your award that you got from the um BB CEO work that you guys have done and it's great but do you guys have a um like a CO3 like if you do you have like a letter because I I may have a contact as far as Furniture um that but if like it'd be good if I could present them an actual letter from whoever yeah it's to be there's anything outside of council or organizations we reached out to the Girl Scouts we've been trying to reach out to we can to see if you anyone else would to get involved in any way on board they I'll mention it to the uh Glendale United methodists Allan has been mentioning it a lot the at the sessions on Sunday so at the service so we'll see whether there's anything they can do as well again I Cana don't want to be to support if they need physical labor please reach out I would love to go over and help out I got plenty of tools and I like taking stuff apart putting it back together it's a little shaky I'm sure they'll need but if anyone has any ideas or thinks of anything afterwards thank you very much for your thank you thank you for coming appreciate okay 86m DM MH um I thought Kim was going to talk about the municipal Alliance I'm just curious what that is for that's a LGE am 6,000 excuse me $6,000 that the grant itself we're applying for I'm sorry I thought it was $6 million 6,000 it's the uh Alliance we're applying for a gr for 6 million that's a good thing well I was concerned how are we going to pay for this other six never mind thank you you're welcome okay anyone else wish to come up seeing no one a motion to close second all in favor I okay um reported committees Evie um okay excuse me I just want to say uh thank you to the tri BAU uh for State squad for their uh invitation to the 85th Anniversary installation uh dinner that they had and um they um they had a a few Milestone Awards to Matt Marette up for starting with Leslie graph 35 years Steven Wimer 30 years G scandone five years Matt Mar letter five years and um as far as the calls um this for the month of um January uh their dispatchers they actually broke it down for um Anish kachin uh took 214 calls Debbie DEA took 184 calls atin mayor took 158 calls and the breakdown for the towns those numbers for were for one for the year or for that was the year that's going to be for the year right yeah top three call like as far as the ditch Masters that received the calls for okay the year the January okay stats and total call the total calls in January were 133 Char Barrow FAS uh I don't know FAS first Squad first Squad um 65 Morris County 68 um CH B cover 55 of them um calls per town were uh Butler 49 Bloomingdale 39 kinan 41 and uh they did a mutual Aid to rale um and it looks like uh Pompton Lakes FAS covered our Squad and had five calls during the installation dinner that that night um so I don't know they they gave these nice books and the little coaster I don't know if I know one day you have the Bloomingdale Museum might be nice to add it to the because it was cute um next is the uh special events for uh the senior center um they're always doing something they have uh February 15th is paper mail Playhouse uh after midnight and um uh February 20th the sheriff's program uh is doing a traffic staff etiquette at the uh Senior Center and March 11th is their St Patty's Day party and of course all this stuff all these uh items uh fre very nicely puts them up on online uh and they also have their uh the actual the schedule with all of the classes and and and yoga chair yoga that they have on on site um for BB uh y bbco BBC uh they have a um they have a um their B stake is in April 27th I think April 13th third annual beef steak and Tricky Tray will be held April 13th um they don't have uh the date for uh registration um for um anything as of yet but um I'll I'll make sure that they they keep me posted and maybe we can add that to the to our page as well and uh lastly for the library um there's a retirement party for Pat that's uh coming up and um they have a couple of dates for next year the uh designer handbag Bingo is Friday March 22nd at fireman's Hall that's a very a big event for them and um those tickets sell fast and also on the Dueling Piano since May 4th and um EXP see um a lot of a lot more volume and calls and like there's they were pretty successful and getting a lot of they're very happy with the um all the diff all the new members that have signed up with all the new new residents and new kids good anybody else um I just have a couple things I'm just going to remind everybody uh to sign up for Rave mobile safety that's our reverse 911 that's on the front page of the bough website bottom right hand side also recycle coach recycle coach is great it's an app that you put on your phone it reminds you when there is Recycling and garbage pickup um as far as public events our first public event of year is March 11th that's Ramadan CH Ramadan Cresent lighting that's at 6:30 burough Hall the second one is March 30th the Easter egg hunt um 12:00 p.m. at Walter T Bergen uh the Board of Health had a couple things I sent from their meeting last night I sent over to Mike and um I've been working with Karen for sustainable um New Jersey on uh she asked me for some information about the garden that is definitely one of the items that um sustainable is looking for and then believe it or not our garage sale soent her information on that as well to move along the um the sustainable certification that was kind of great that's it okay um f in for John a little bit we just did a grand opening for the Jujitsu place on Sunday which they had a great turnout they probably had 50 people there um it actually looks like he outgrown the space he already rented with the membership down there which is next to Danny's Pizza I believe March 2nd there's going to be another grand open for uh um yogurt ice cream um yeah right that's what it is yeah I don't know the name of it but um that's I think that grand opening is March second John sent me a 10 of date to put that aside at I think it's 10 o'clock in the morning um right now um so that's pretty much all he had um going on anybody else uh I just kind of extend on what Don was saying with Sustainable New Jersey we are getting close to the 150 points we need' gotten a lot of help from our environmental commission who has a meeting tomorrow night at 7:30 in the senior center uh got a wonderful resource map generated out of that team there uh for Bloomingdale that helped for some of the points that we were required to have um we now have bur employees bar bike Brie Amy Jasmine involved and then Karen Patrick and Jeff environmental commission uh along with Don and myself as well as part of that green team moving forward uh once we hit that initial 150 points we'll be able to apply for Grants and I think it's a really great progress to see that coming out of the the environmental commission so so if anyone wants to get involved they can come tomorrow evening and and uh come to the meeting at 7:30 in the Senor Center Senor Center and then for wre uh the next meeting that we have will be February 12th at 7 p.m. and also re is advertising for summer help they are they're advertising for summer help right now uh so if you know any youth that wants to get involved please do so and I'll have more to come after the meeting on Monday next week yes and there's um I saw today pickle ball lessons again there sign ups for that softball the sign ups for that is actually being advertised and there was something else there was a um yoga I think right I think there's a yoga class coming up for young kids okay I saw a preschool program yeah yoga one iasb soft pickle basketball softball pickle ball men's softball Pine siiz [Music] Picasso so men's softball Pine siiz Picasso pickle ball yoga yogur for yogur for the young kids right there's there's grades in it I think uh yep there's grades and then karate and the three 3v3 basketball I think they have the egg hunt the hiring um and the spam aot I don't know if that's through W or not but that's on the I believe there's still 20 spots available for spam aot include your bus ride $90 a person a bus ride show and then they have time that you can go get yourself dinner somewhere or whatever you want to doct yeah you've got a layover City okay last last last time I checked there were 20 20 seats I think said that yesterday yeah and while we're at it the February 26 while we're going through all of this February 26 is the um veterans um supporting the veterans at the for the BFW for the fish and ships fiship and that's 4 to 7:30 are they doing that there or are they doing it um according to this it's on Union it's at the union AB address okay okay that's good a lot of stuff going on wck is really producing a lot of um things for kids to do which is great okay anybody else Mike I'm good there I was just I just want to point out we had our first gross fund meeting a couple weeks go um we knocked off a few things a fair amount of things from last year that already been accomplished um and I wanted to point out the next meeting is the 15th here council chambers um 7:30 is what I have so um that of course is open to the public if anybody wants to come in um you know provide their input on what you think for the rose fund next year so okay very good anything not just okay um the Chestnut Street cobt cleanout is complete so we that's flowing nicely now all the way down to the the main river um we haven't had as much rain but we've had rain and it's it's it's it's moving pretty well um there's a couple other things that's going on we were contacted by the county the county is with our input we want to put um a crosswalk electronic sign it will be by we we want it by Dollar General and by the church there so what happens is if you're go to cross you push the button to light star flashing and people know that you're uh there's somebody going in the crosswalk we did have two incidents in that spot and Mike working with the county they sent their engineers and surveyors up to see what can be done and how they can do it uh there so hopefully um Main Street is scheduled to be paved sometime this year and they're doing work down by the by the IGA and and Reeves with new curbing um so that's all part of that project hopefully they'll get that done this year and install that electronic crosswalk sign which is uh I think that's really needed um for that so and the work they're doing is from the Riverdale bridge to the the I believe the Glen Wild split that will be repaved hopefully by the end of this year so more to come on that okay all right resolution number 2024 2.1 to consent agenda can I have a motion please so second any questions roll call yes Del yes Hudson yes yes yeah yes okay pening items 2024 professional service contracts I'm going to move all three of these um at once um these are our normal Services we didn't do it in the beginning of the year because we didn't have the contracts in place but now we do so resolution number 20242 do12 to resolution 20 24214 so I have a motion second any questions roll call R yes Hudson yes jber yes Yi yes calano yes Item B second final reading and public hearing ordinance number two 2024 Amendment chapter 92 zoning the ah3 bedrooms this is basically just bringing our ordinance up to the standard for the three-bedroom count for fair share public not a statement please yes Mr Mayor this ordinance was posted in the municipal building published in The Herald news and copies were made available to the public so that a motion may be made that it be read by title okay do I have a motion to read by title some second all in favor I okay an ordinance of the burough of Bloomingdale in the county of pic state of New Jersey amending chapter 92 zoning of the code of the bur of Bloomingdale have a motion open up public hearing so move second all in favor all anyone wishing to speak please come up see no want a motion to close second all in favor I motion for adoption second okay any questions before we roll call roll call please hson yes Shubert yesi yes calano yes Dela yes okay new business adoption of resolution number 2024 2.15 amended shared service agreement with the with pter legs uh for burrow mechanic services do I have a motion move second any questions what's this amount how much this is we we sent over an agreement with them for five years a month and a half ago whatever about a month ago uh they had a new ba come in they never sent their final agreement back we agreed on our side but they didn't and their governor body would like to do one year at the new price we raised it uh higher than 2% the first year yeah U so they want the ba to go out and see if you can Farm it out cheaper uh whether it's in-house which they don't think they can do they need a facility Personnel or is it an outside party though look see and he'll let me know at the end of the year I say give me like three Monon warning U to let me know if you're coming back or not so we can do what we got to do on R where we at how much 107 yeah they're not going so be okay any other questions roll call tuber yes gassie yes Catalano yes R yes Hudson yes okay Item B adoption of resolution number 2024 2.16 purchase of rock salt through the B Co-op do have a motion so Mo second and this is pretty self-explanatory I have roll call please na yes Catalano still got a spot to put it right yes we do yes your garage Dela yes Hudson yes JT yes okay item C introduction of ordinance number 3 2024 amended chapter 4 General licensing block part um yeah when you guys read this item K there is going to be a change um we looked at this and basically the change is going to be I'll give you for instance somebody wants to have a block party on rafkin road or ra roads a mile long or whatever it is and the block party is only down but between forest and Glen that's the change so it'll be um 85% people who live within that intersection with those intersection all right so will be 85% of the whole street only be 85% of a designated area up pretty okay okay I have a motion to read by title all in favor I in ordinance of the B of Bloomingdale in the county of cic state of New Jersey amending chapter 4 General licensing of the code of the bur of fale and second final reading and adoption will be scheduled for February 20th okay good can have a motion up late public comment so move second all in favor okay anyone wishing to speak come on up Huntley six band uh just two items uh Frank Riley they're having a celebration of life I just wanted to make sure everyone is aware of that uh the other thing is the ice skating Brink was that used uh at Stone Park the last uh event mm no how much I think we spent like $50,000 for 10,000 that's sign was told 10,000 are we are we going to use it again or we only use it the plan well we used it the past couple years but be put on the old tennis court now we have a brand new tennis court we have to find a place to put it I've have been asked by other Burrows to actually rent it so I'm up for that that would be is it new condition to be rented yeah yeah it's just like the day we bought it it's in storage it's it's safe where it is it's indoors where it is so it's not sitting out in the weather um but that has matter of discussion at the Rose fund yeah we talked about the rose fund uh we just got to find a place to put it um I don't think we should put it back on the tennis court because it's brand new um for there so yes but other than this past year when the tennis courts were being taken out it has been sitting there and the DPW put it in they put plastic down over top of it and then they we were using it but now we have to find a kind of like I want to find like permanent home for it so we can actually use it so that's yes speaking of tennis court they turn lights off at 8:00 in the winter uh winter changes from yeah what if someone's planed at 8:00 they can walk from right at 8:00 yeah the reason the reason the lights were changed is because the people that live in part of glenw Lake in red twig with no leaves on the trees the lights are overbearing in their homes so since we put the lights in every year at 8:00 we we just tone it down and um so it doesn't bother just forn just for wi when spring comes and leaves we back they back they go back to 10:30 and I think the scheduling of the uh um tennis courts it's on the schedule that they don't can't go past in the winter time right they can't sign up past 8 o' it's limited you're right it is limited to8 but I'm just curious that I mean if someone's playing tennis at 8:00 most in the light school off well I'm assuming when they're signing up those that time should be blocked out that it's over yeah yeah but I mean we just finished up more can't see yeah yeah but there is a street light in the CAC right yeah I look so we can look and maybe extend it a little bit longer on that side of it but personally know that's playing at 8:00 and all sudden lights are gone we can't find the tenis BS now so I'm glad they're playing that's good I mean Christmas day there was people playing pickup ball so it was it it's nice okay I have a question now I forgot about your turns up um I know we had pits for the winter fest um we didn't use the ice skating R can it stay in SLO park or is that like it'll destroy the grass because what happens is when we did in SLO Park originally for the hunter Sloan Park was under construction and it was dirt so we had to put we put plywood on down and then put the ice sker ring on top of it but if we put plywood down for the winter now the grass that we spent a lot of money on will'll never survive the winter and be dead so we can't put it there we're working on location yeah they kind of have an idea but it's yeah we have to we have to figure it out that a bit lights are an issue you won't be people skate at night I think it should be up all year round I mean the whole idea of synthetic ice so you can do it in July doesn't make a difference so it should be up all not just for okay all right okay anyone else see you no one the motion to close L public conf some move second all in favor I I okay we do have a late um executive session there will be um no action taken afterwards we have three matters of negotiations um that so can I have a motion to go into executive session all favor thank